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Mathematical Challenge: Home Contacts Guidelines Books Problems Solutions

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Solutions to Senior Division Second Set

home contacts guidelines books problems solutions

The Scottish Mathematical Council


Senior Division: Problems II

S1. Goliath and David play a game in which there are no ties. Each player is equally likely to win each
game. The first player to win 4 games becomes the champion, and no further games are played.
Goliath wins the first two games. What is the probability that David becomes the champion?

Since the first player to win 4 games becomes the champion, Goliath and David play at most 7
games. (The maximum number of games comes when the two players have each won 3 games and
then one player becomes the champion on the next (7th) game.) We are told that Goliath wins the
first two games.
For David to become the champion, the two players must thus play 6 or 7 games, because David
wins 4 games and loses at least 2 games. We note that David cannot lose 4 games, otherwise
Goliath would become the champion.
If David wins and the two players play a total of 6 games, then the sequence of wins must be
GGDDDD. (Here D stands for a win by David and G stands for a win by Goliath.)
If David wins and the two players play a total of 7 games, then David wins 4 of the last 5 games
and must win the last (7th) game since he is the champion.
Therefore, the sequence of wins must be GGGDDDD or GGDGDDD or GGDDGDD or
GGDDDGD. (In other words, Goliath can win the 3rd, 4th, 5th, or 6th game.)
The probability of the sequence GGDDDD occurring after Goliath has won the first 2 games is

This is because the probability of a specific outcome in any specific game is 12 , because each player
is equally likely to win each game, and there are 4 games with undetermined outcome.
Similarly, the probability of each of the sequences GGGDDDD, GGDGDDD, GGDDGDD, and
GGDDDGD occurring is
1 5
Therefore, the probability that Goliath wins the first two games and then David becomes the
champion is
1 1 3
+ 4 × = .
16 32 16
Solutions to Senior Division Second Set

S2. Let n be a three-digit number and let m be the number obtained by reversing the order of the digits
in n. Suppose that m does not equal n and that n + m and n − m are both divisible by 7. Find all
such pairs n and m.

Since (n + m) + (n − m) = 2n and (n + m) − (n − m) = 2m, 7 divides both 2n and 2m;
hence 7 divides both n and m. Let n = 100a + 10b + c; then m = 100c + 10b + a.

We can assume, by interchanging n and m if necessary, that a > c (noting that a ≠ c). Since
100 = 7 × 14 + 2 and 10 = 7 + 3, we have
n = (14 × 7 + 2) a + (7 + 3) b + c
= 7 × (14a + b) + (2a + 3b + c) ,
and, since n is divisible by 7, so is 2a + 3b + c. Similarly, 2c + 3b + a is also divisible by 7.
Subtracting these,
(2a + 3b + c) − (2c + 3b + a) = a − c,
so we deduce that a − c is divisible by 7. Since a and c are integers between 0 and 9 and, by
arrangement, a > c , a − c = 7. There are only three possibilities:

either a = 8 and c = 1; or a = 9 and c = 2; or a = 7 and c = 0.

Since 2a + 3b + c is divisible by 7, the first case gives 3b + 17 is divisible by 7 and hence

3b + 3 = 3 (b + 1) is as well, giving b = 6. In the second case, 3b + 20 is divisible by 7 and
hence 3b − 1 is as well, giving b = 5. In the third case, b must be divisible by 7, so b = 0 or
b = 7.
Thus the only possible pairs of numbers are {861, 168} , {952, 259}, {700, 007} or {770, 077} .
Solutions to Senior Division Second Set
S3. ABCD is a square. Points P and Q lie within the D C
square such that AP, PQ and QC are all the same
length and AP is parallel to QC .
Determine the minimum possible size of ∠DAP.

Let AP, QC and PQ have length 2a units and let O D C
be the point where PQ and AC cross.

Then ∠APO = ∠CQO (alternate angles).

And ∠PAO = ∠QCO (alternate angles). P a 2a
So triangles APO and CQO are congruent (AAS).
Hence PO = OQ = a. O a
2a Q
By symmetry, O is also the midpoint of the
square. Hence ∠DAO = 45°.

Let AO = 1 unit.
Then using the cosine rule in triangle APO
a2 = (2a)2 + 1 2 − 2 × 2a × 1 × cos ∠PAO.
3a2 + 1
cos ∠PAO =
4(3a +
a) .
To minimise ∠DAP, we need to maximise ∠PAO i.e. minimise cos ∠PAO.
Differentiating with respect to a and setting the derivative equal to 0:
4( )a
3− 2 = 0

a =
The second derivative is positive, so this is a local minimum.
cos ∠PAO = .
So the maximum size of ∠PAO is 30° (and ∠POA is a right angle).
Hence the minimum size of ∠DAP is 45° − 30° = 15°.
Solutions to Senior Division Second Set
S4. Determine all values of x for which
log10 x
( x) = 100.

Let y = x . Then x = y2 and
ylog10 y = y2 log10 y
= 100.
Taking square roots of both sides:
ylog10 y = 10.
Let z = log10 y. Then y = 10z and
z 2
(10z) = 10z = 10
z2 = 1
z = ±1
When z = 1, y = 10 and x = 100.
1 1
When z = −1, y = and x = .
10 100
So the only values of x are 100 and .
(Check by substitution that these values are solutions.)

Solution 2: Using rules for manipulating logarithms

log10 x
( x) = 100

log10 (( x) log10 x
) = log10 100
(log10 x) (log10 x) = 2
(log10 x) (log10 x )
= 2
(log10 x) (12 log10 x) = 2
( log10 x)2 = 4
log10 x = ±2
x = 10±2
Therefore, x = 100 or x = .
Solutions to Senior Division Second Set
S5. In a quadrilateral PQRS, the sides PQ and SR are parallel, and the diagonal QS bisects angle PQR.
Let X be the point of intersection of the diagonals PR and QS.
Prove that = .

In a triangle ABC the lengths of all three sides are positive integers. The point M lies on the side BC
so that AM is the internal bisector of the angle BAC . Also, BM = 2 and MC = 3.
What are the possible lengths of the sides of the triangle ABC?

∠PQS = ∠QSR (alternate angles) P Q
∠QPR = ∠PRS (alternate angles) X
and so triangles PQX and RSX are similar. S R

So A
Also ∠SQR = ∠PQS = ∠QSR, so triangle RQS is
isosceles and RS = RQ. M
Thus C B
= .
Let BE be parallel to AC and meet AM produced at E.
Then the diagram is similar to the one above slightly rotated and hence
CM CA 3 3
= = ⇒ CA = AB.
MB AB 2 2
Since the sides are all integers, AB = 2k, CA = 3k and BC = 5 for k = 1,2,3, …
But the sides must form a physical triangle.
When k = 1 the triangle vanishes. But k = 2 is OK.
As k increases, AC is the longest side, so we require
AC < AB + BC
3k < 2k + 5
k < 5
So the possible triangles have k = 2, 3 or 4.
i.e. sides AB = 4, CA = 6 and BC = 5
or AB = 6, CA = 9 and BC = 5
or AB = 8, CA = 12 and BC = 5

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