Literature Jan Adrian Talosig
Literature Jan Adrian Talosig
Literature Jan Adrian Talosig
In the poem “Letter to Pedro” there are values that are showed but
some are being ignored. In the first stanza the writer tells us that they
have buried the cat that have died. On the act that they did show respect
and love for the animal and with this values there would be harmony
living to all of us. And the values I saw are the concern of the people to
the farmers to make their living easier. But the farmers forgot to become
thrifty. They spend their money on useless things rather than spending it
on the things that will be more helpful to them. We should be thrifty so
that if we need something important we can buy it. And also the values
that being forgotten in the poem is the Love to God. The people are being
lazy and they forgot the main purpose of taking a mass and that is to
pray to God. We should communicate to God so that our living will be
In the story, it tells about our hardship in life. In life there are
lot of trials and challenges that God wants us to face. God gave us
these trials in our life not because He hates us but it’s because God
love us all. Trials are indeed difficult to conquer but once you have
surpassed all those things, it makes us stronger and much more
capable than we are before. In life, once we face trials we shouldn’t
be sad about it. We shouldn’t let ourselves think of it as a bad luck
instead we should think that there is someone testing us if we are
smart enough to surpass the challenge. Some think that once we
face a hardship it is already the end of our life but actually it is
not, because it is just a part of it. We have different ways on how
to deal with trials. Some would take it negatively but others would
take it as a gift. We should be thankful on what the Lord is giving
us. He gave us this life, therefore we should be thankful that we are
alive and moving in this world that God has created. Hardship is
not permanent but the knowledge to surpass the hardship is
permanent. We don’t lose something on hardship but we gain
something on it.
In this letter I’d like to tell to all the woman in the world that you
are all beautiful and equal to all men. Some of the girls are abused
by boys because boys are stronger than girls. When we are talking
about brute force it is indeed boys are stronger than girls but for
me there are also times that girls are more capable than boys.
That’s why for all the girls in the world, don't let other people
belittle you. And to all the boys we shouldn't think that we are
much higher than girls because God made us all to be equal. Gender