Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Faired shapes like airfoil are not amenable to representation by classical geometry
Convenient for intersection curves
Solution to Problems:
Lagrange Interpolation:
The fitting of curve through points is known as Lagrange interpolation
Hermite Interpolation:
The definition of cubic curve through fitting two points and two slope conditions is known as
hermite interpolation
Bezier Curves:
Control points provide easier control over the shape of polynomial than the tangent
Curves can be considered as a combination of blending functions representing the
influence each control point has on the curve
Control polygon has more intersection with planes than interpolating curves
Control polygon changes direction more frequently than interpolating curves
As a result, Bezier curve will not show any unexpected behavior
It can smooth put even rapidly varying point sets
The curve lies within convex hull of defining control points
o Blending functions sum to one
Curves show variation diminishing property in the intermediate part
Convex Hull:
The minimal convex region enclosing the control points is known as convex hull
Local Modification:
Movement of one control point only affects the shape of the curve in the vicinity of the
Degree of Continuity:
Characterized by C0…..Cn
Nth derivative of its parametric form is continuous
A polygon with discontinuous slopes and higher derivatives is C0 continuous
In C1 continuity ,direction and magnitude of the tangent vector of a curve in parametric
space is continuous
In C2 continuity, the first and second derivatives in parametric spaces are continuous
Parametric continuity does not necessarily imply geometric continuity
If we define B-spline polynomial of order k for a set of k knot points, the blending
functions are identical to those for a Bezier curve
With the decrease of order, local influence of each track point becomes more prominent
Repeating points increase the influence of track points
o Pulls the curve towards the point and then makes it pass through the point
Curves tangential to the line between first and last pair of points
o Degree of polynomials denoted by number of track points within certain limits
o Blending function non-zero over entire interval
o Degree specified independent of number of track points
o Blending function non-zero for limited interval
Each blending curve corresponds to particular point
Moving the point will modify the curve only for that range of parameter
for which blending function is non-zero
Rational Curve:
The class of curves that is capable of exactly representing conic and more general quadratic
functions as well as various types of polynomials, is known as rational curve.
Cublic spline, Bezier and B-spline curves are used for representing free-form
curves and data
Engineering design involve both free-form and analytic geometry
Allow representation of both analytic and free-form curves in single unified form
Reduced database complexity
Reduced number of procedures required for display and manipulation of geometric
Functions in which one polynomial curve is divided by another is known as rational polynomial
Surface Patch:
Isoparametric Curve:
Fixing the value of one of the parametric variables results in a curve on the patch defined in
terms of the other variable. This is known as isoparametric curve.
Coons Patch:
𝒇(𝒕) = 𝟏 − 𝒕
𝒈(𝒕) = 𝒕
Application of simply blending functions to the curve will give incorrect results at the
corners of the patch
o That is why function of corner points pij is introduced
Bicubic Patch:
Important for surface descriptions defined in terms of point and tangent vector
Bezier Surfaces:
𝒑(𝒖, 𝒗) = ∑ ∑
B-Spline Surface:
Using closed boundary along with periodic blending function, the influence of control
points can be reduced
o Local modification becomes possible
𝒎 𝒏
Boundary Model:
The model in which solid is defined from combination of geometric information about faces,
edges and vertices with topological data on how these are connected, is known as boundary
Major problem is which way to ensure that the models defined by the system will
always be topologically valid, even during interactive modification
Done in 2 ways-
o Appropriate choice of data structure
o Ensuring that models conform to a set of mathematical rules controlling the
Also known as graph-based model
o Face, edge and vertex data is stored into nodes in a graph with pointers or
branches between the nodes to indicate connectivity
o Graphs are known as directed graphs
Direction of the link between nodes is important
Features of Topological Consistency for a Convex Body without Holes:
Euler’s Rule:
V= Number of vertices
E= Number of Edges
F= Number of faces
Euler-Poincare Formula:
For bodies with holes, protrusions from faces and re-entrant faces
H= Number of interior edge loops or holes in faces
Euler Operators:
Half-space is the intersection of simpler primitives.
These are surfaces that divide coordinate spaces into solid and space
Problems of CGS:
Simplest technique
Applicable to shapes within part families which are geometrically and topologically
similar, but not dimensionally similar
Cell Decomposition:
Here, the model is described by the assembly of a number of small elemental shapes that are
joined together without intersecting
Similar to CSG
Only joining operation is conducted in stead of set-operation theory
Not used widely
Basis of Finite Element Analysis