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Oral Communication in Context Final Examination

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 Any form of cheating means a failing grade in this examination.
 Read and follow the directions carefully.
 Do not write or put markings in the test questionnaire.
 Write your answers neatly in your answer sheet. NO ERASURES.


If the statement is TRUE, write T. If it is FALSE, write F.

1. The process for writing is not chronological or linear; rather, it is recursive.

2. That means as a speaker, you do not have the opportunity to repeat a writing procedure indefinitely, or
produce multiple drafts first before you can settle on the right one.
3. Conducting an audience analysis is the first step in the speech writing process.
4. Audience analysis entails looking into the profile of the target audience.
5. In the speech writing process, an outline is not needed in the preparation of the speech.
6. An outline is a hierarchical list that shows the relationship of your ideas.
7. Narrowing a topic is the stage where you collect ideas, information, sources, and references relevant or
related to your specific topic.
8. Data gathering means making your main idea more specific and focused.
9. Proofreading is a structure that will help you organize the ideas related to your topic.
10. The introduction provides explanations, examples, or any details that can help you deliver your purpose and
explain the main idea of your speech.
11. The conclusion is the foundation of your speech.
12. The body of the speech restates the main idea of your speech.
13. Editing/Revising your written speech involves correcting errors in mechanics, such as grammar,
punctuation, capitalization, unity, coherence, and others.
14. The humorous speeches of comedians and performers are the best examples of entertainment speeches.
15. A memorized speech requires you to commit the speech to memory so that you do not bring your notes
when delivering it.
16. Unlike memorized or manuscript speeches which are delivered word-for-word, an extemporaneous speech
is delivered with the help of short notes and a clear outline.
17. An entertainment speech aims to share goodwill, joy, and pleasure to the audience.
18. Impromptu speeches are delivered with little or no time for preparation.
19. A spatial pattern can be used if you want to present the history, evolution, or development of your topic in a
sequential order, from past to present or beginning to end.
Oral Communication - Page 2

20. A topical/categorical pattern can be used if you want to show the causal relationship of events or

B. Choose the letter that best represents your answer. Write in CAPITAL LETTER.

21. The following are structures that will help you organize the ideas related to your topic except:
a) biographical
b) categorical/topical
c) causal
d) demography

22. A part of speech that provides explanations, examples, or any details that can help you deliver your purpose
and explain the main idea of your speech.
a) Introduction
b) Body of the speech
c) Conclusion
d) None of the above

23. The following are some strategies to highlight your main idea except:
a) present real-life or practical examples
b) show statistics
c) present comparisons
d) demography

24. The following are some strategies.

a) Start with a familiar or strong quote and then explain what it means.
b) Use facts or statistics and highlight their importance to your subject.
c) Tell a personal story to illustrate your point.
d) Use positive examples, encouraging words, or memorable lines from songs or stories familiar to your

25. The following are power principles for speech editing according to Andrew Dlugan (2013), an award-
winning public speaker, except:
a) edit for purpose
b) edit for facts
c) edit for clarity
d) edit for concision

26. This type of speech seeks to provide the audience with favorable or acceptable ideas that can influence their
own ideas and decisions.
a) entertainment speech
b) persuasive speech
c) informative
d) argumentative speech

For numbers 27-30, choose your answer below:

27. This speech focuses on tangible objects like gadgets, products, structures, or people.
28. This speech focuses on a process or sequence of events.
29. This speech focuses on an event that happened, is happening, or might happen in the future.
30. This focuses on beliefs, knowledge, theories, principles or ideas.
a) speech about concepts
b) speech about events
Oral Communication - Page 3

c) speech about processes

d) Speech about objects or people

For numbers 31-35, choose your answer below:

31. This can be used if you want to present the history, evolution, or development of your topic in a sequential
order, from past to present or beginning to end.
32. This pattern is used when you want to talk about the physical structure of an object or the way things fit
together in a certain space.
33. This can be used if you want to inform your audience about the main features, descriptions, or categories of
your topic.
34. This can be used if you want to show the causal relationship of events or phenomena.
35. This can be used if you want to compare objects, events, or concepts underscoring their similarities and
a) topical/categorical pattern
b) chronological pattern
c) cause-effect pattern
d) spatial pattern
e) comparison-contrast pattern


Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of your choice in CAPITAL FORM.

SET A 43. The art or job of deciding how

performers/dancers will move in a performance.
36. It is also called choral speaking that operates 44. A type of speech choir where the members just
like a musical choir minus the music. simply speak or read a literary piece.
37. A type of speech choir that is also called 45. The clothes that are worn by a performer (such
theatrical. as an actor) who is trying to look like a different
38. A speech choir element that successfully person or thing.
combines the light, medium, and dark voices in
the choir. SET B
39. It refers to the variations of the voice on the A. choreography
musical scale and is generally referred to as the B. power
inflection. C. speech choir
40. It is the rate of speed at which a reading D. dynamic speech choir
progresses. E. conventional speech choir
41. The ability to successfully organize and position F. voice quality
the choir on stage or risers for the performance G. tempo
effect. H. staging
42. It is the ability to use volume, force, or loudness I. pitch
as emphasis in appropriate places to better J. costume
express feeling and meaning.


Complete the following statements below by filing in the missing word(s). Write the letter only.
Oral Communication - Page 4

(46) The ________ theater is a (47) ______ activity in which a presenter reads in front of an (48)
_______ (49) Similar to the _______, the presenter reads the script with expressions, (50) _____, and
voice modulation.

A. reader’s D. audience
B. school E. theater
C. classroom F. emotions


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