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Task 1 - Previous Knowledge

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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Academic and Research Vice-Rector

Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubric – Task 1 – Initial activity

1. General Description of the Course

Faculty or Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación

Academic Unit
Academic Level Profesional

Academic Field Formación disciplinar

Course Name Methods Of Teaching English as a Foreign

Course Code 551005
Course Type Metodológico Retak Ye ☒ N ☐
e s o
Number of 3

2. Description of the Activity

Type of Individua Number

☒ Collaborative ☐ 2
Activity: l of Weeks
Evaluation Initial
☒ Intermediate ☐ Final ☐
Moment: Unit 1
Total Score of the
Environment to Submit the Activity:
Monitoring and Evaluation Environment
Starting Date of the
Deadline of the Activity:
September 8th , 2020
August 26th, 2020
Competences to Develop:
To be able to identify basic characteristics concerning main approaches,
methods and trends in teaching foreign languages where it is required to
implement different methods.

To identify similarities and differences between current trends and methods

to teach English as a foreign language in order to choose the best one
according to the focus, ability and purpose.

To adopt a critical attitude about processes related to teaching and learning

foreign languages when it is necessary to propose new trends or methods.
Topics to Develop:
*Grammar Translation Method/Direct method
* The Audio-Lingual Method
* The Silent way
* Suggestopedia
Steps, Phase or Stage of the Learning Strategy to Develop
Task 1: Answer the proposed questions
Task 2: Give meaningful feedback
Activities to Develop
Each student must answer the questions below, in the Collaborative

1. What is the difference between method and approach?

2. Have you had bad experiences in your English learning process?

3. Do you consider that a teacher can use more than one English
teaching method? Why?

4. What do you know about English teaching methodologies?

what’s your favorite one?

5. What do you think should be the role of the teacher in teaching in

the classroom?

6. Do the materials used in the English classes play an important role

in the teaching process? Write some reasons.

7. Do you think motivation is related to the English learning

methodology applied by the teacher in the classroom?

8. What are your expectations about this course?


Give meaningful feedback to mates’ tasks

Cada alumno debe responder las preguntas a continuación, en el
foro colaborativo:

1. ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre método y enfoque?

La diferencia que hay ente el método y el enfoque es que el

método es un conjunto de técnicas para dirigir el aprendizaje del
estudiante hacia determinados objetivos, siendo estos planificados
y sistematizados, en cambio el enfoque es la manera de concebir
como se enseña, el cual contiene criterios, objetivos y propósitos

2. ¿Ha tenido malas experiencias en su proceso de

aprendizaje de inglés?

No he tenido malas experiencias, pero a veces me siento mal por

no saber lo suficiente.

3. ¿Consideras que un profesor puede utilizar más de un

método de enseñanza de inglés? ¿Por qué?

Considero que sí, ya que el docente selecciona su método

dependiendo del tipo de enseñanza que quiere dar a sus
estudiantes y la naturaleza de ellos, también de la preferencia de
él, ya teniendo esto claro el docente selecciona los métodos que va
a emplear para alcanzar los objetivos. Por lo tanto, considero que
el docente puede utilizar más de un método, puede buscar el mejor
que estimule el aprendizaje en los estudiantes para que puedan
aprender y entender con facilidad.

4. ¿Qué sabe sobre las metodologías de enseñanza del

¿cuál es tu favorito?

Las metodologías son las maneras que el docente escoge para

explicar y enseñar el material a los estudiantes para que ellos
puedan adquirir su aprendizaje. Mi favorito es el método directo o
natural, es aquel aprendizaje que se hace a través de la
comunicación oral directa.

5. ¿Cuál crees que debería ser el papel del profesor en la

enseñanza en el aula?

El papel del profesor debería ser el de creador del ambiente de

aprendizaje, el cual facilite las herramientas necesarias para que
los alumnos adquieran su aprendizaje, del mismo modo que ayude
a los estudiantes a desarrollar sus habilidades y aplicar los
métodos necesarios para alcanzar estos objetivos.

6. ¿Los materiales utilizados en las clases de inglés juegan

un papel importante en el proceso de enseñanza? Escribe
algunas razones.

Si, los materiales utilizados en la clase cumplen un papel muy

importante al momento de enseñar, ya que estos permiten a los
estudiantes comprender mejor, aprender lo que se les está
explicando y estimular sus habilidades, ayudando así al estudiante
a obtener un aprendizaje significativo.

7. ¿Crees que la motivación está relacionada con la

metodología de aprendizaje del inglés que aplica el profesor
en el aula?

Creo que sí, ya que la selección de una buena metodología, que

sea activa y didáctica permite al estudiante sentirse diferente y
motivado aprender el idioma, y salirse de su zona de confort, ya
que casi siempre las clases de inglés son solo de gramática y los
docentes no seleccionan actividades didácticas, esto suele aburrir a
los estudiantes y por ende no aprenden.

8. ¿Cuáles son sus expectativas sobre este curso?

Mis expectativas sobre este curso son aprender los métodos

necesarios para poder enseñar esta lengua tan interesante e
importante en nuestras vidas y de una forma fácil, para que los
estudiantes se sientan a gusto y puedan adquirir su aprendizaje,
además de esto enriquecer mis conocimientos.

Dar retroalimentación significativa a las tareas de los compañeros

nts for the Knowledge Environment
Developm Collaborative Learning Environment
ent of the Evaluation and Monitoring Environment
Final PDF document sent by Evaluation environment.
This document contains:
-Front page
-Questions and answers
Documento final en PDF enviado por el Entorno de
to be
Este documento contiene:
-Página inicial
-Preguntas y respuestas


There is not collaborative task

3. General Guidelines for the Collaborative Work

Planning of Collaborative learning is a strategy that allows

Activities for students to work together in order to achieve a
the common goal. Accordingly, the collaborative work
Development of proposed for the course is based on a structured
Collaborative and planned process that includes individual and
Work group activities, as well as interaction and
socialization in the virtual classroom.
1. Explore the syllabus of the course.
2. Make several readings of the activity guide and
the evaluation rubric for each of the units of
individual and collaborative work.
3. All the activities that are carried out for the
development of the activity should be reflected
within the course through the different media and
especially in the forum of each activity, since the
interaction; if they work by Skype or other means
they should evidence it in the forum with
4. Be in constant communication with the
colleagues and tutor during the development of
5. In case of any concern, ask the tutor or the
colleagues with time, using the various
communication channels arranged in the course.
6. Enter the contributions with time for the Timely
feedback from peers and tutor.
7. Establish a schedule of activities within each
forum and a table of roles and functions for meet
during the development of each activity.
Roles to Be Different roles are proposed within the
Performed by collaborative environment, which allow an
the Student in appropriate space for academic growth and
the effective interaction that promotes learning and
Collaborative interpersonal relationships. Every student will take
Group up one of these roles for the development of the
course assignments and can only be changed if
decided by the group members.
Facilitator: Makes sure that every voice is heard
and focuses work around the learning task.
Provides leadership and direction for the group
and suggests solutions to team problems.
Recorder: Keeps a public record of the team's
ideas and progress. Checks to be sure that ideas
are clear and accurate.
Time keeper: Encourages the group to stay on
task. Announces when time is halfway through and
when time is nearly up.
Planner: States an action for the completion of
the task at hand according to the instructions and
course agenda.
Task monitor: Looks for supplies or requests help
from the teacher when group members agree that
they do not have the resources to solve the
Compiler: Puts together the final product and
includes the work done only by those who
participated on time. Informs the student in
charge of alerts about people who did not
participate and will not be included in the final
Reviser/Editor: Makes sure the written work
follows all the criteria established in the activity
Roles and
Evaluator: Evaluates the final document to
Duties for the
ensure it follows the evaluation criteria of the
Submission of
rubric and informs the student in charge of alerts
Products by
about any changes that need to be made before
delivering the product.
Deliveries: Student in charge of informing about
the dates set for presenting each task and
delivering the final product according to the course
agenda. Also informs other students that the final
product has been sent.
Alerts: Informs group participants about any
news in the work being done and reports the
delivery of the final product to the course tutor.
All references considered for this activity have to
be cited using APA Style
Plagiarism Students must be aware of the risks and penalties
Policy in case of plagiarism.

Under the Academic Code of Conduct, the actions

that infringe the academic order, among others,
are the following: paragraph e) "Plagiarism is to
present as your own work all or part of a written
report, task or document of invention carried out
by another person. It also implies the use of
citations or lack of references, or it includes
citations where there is no match between these
and the reference" and paragraph f) " To
reproduce, or copy for profit, educational
resources or results of research products, which
have rights reserved for the University ". (Acuerdo
029 - 13 De Diciembre de 2013, Artículo 99)

The academic penalties that the student will face


a) In case of academic fraud demonstrated in the

academic work or evaluation, the score obtained
will be zero (0.0) without any disciplinary
measures being derived.
b) In case of proven plagiarism in academic work
of any nature, the score obtained will be zero
(0.0), without any disciplinary measures being

To learn how to properly cite all your tasks, see

the following:
BibMe. (n.d.). APA Citation Guide. Retrieved from

4. Evaluation Rubric
Evaluation Rubric
Task 1 – Initial activity
Activity Collaborative
Individual Activity ☒ ☐
Type: Activity
Evaluation Intermediate
Initial ☒ ☐ Final ☐
Moment Unit
Evaluated Performance Levels of the Individual Activity
Items High Score Average Score Low Score
The student The student answered
answered all of the all of the questions, but The student did
his/her reflection was not answer the
questions and showed
superficial or the questions and did
a deep reflection and student only answered not reflect on 10
Task 1
understanding of the two out of four course concepts points
course concepts questions
(up to 0
(up to 10 points) (up to 5 points)
The student
participated in the
No feedback was
forum on time and gave Poor feedback was
given to
meaningful feedback given to partners. 5
Task 2 classmates.
about his/her partners’ points
(up to 0
(up to 5 points) (up to 3 points)
The student handed in a
The student handed The student did
final product, on the
in a final product, but not hand in a
Final correct link on the 5
evaluative setting on the wrong space final product
product points
(up to 0
(up to 5 points) (up to 3 points)
The student makes
The students uses a some errors in The student
Grammatic wide range of structures grammar and cannot use
al range with full flexibility and punctuation but they sentence forms 5
and accuracy rarely reduce at all points
accuracy Communication.
(up to 0
(up to 5 points) (up to 3 points)
Final Score 25

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