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Smart Formulating Journal NR 3 Englisch

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Issue 03 | April 2007

Raw Materials for Resins
New AEROSIL® Dispersions for Dear Reader

The coatings sector is one of Degussa‘s key markets.

More Scratch Resistant Coatings We currently generate more than 10 percent of our
worldwide sales revenues in this innovative and
dynamic market segment, and the percentage is
In two-component PUR or high-solids clearcoat systems, the scratch resistance of a coating can be increased by using increasing. This ties in well with our own aims. Indeed,
fumed structurally modified hydrophobic AEROSIL® such as, for example, AEROSIL® R 9200. Dispersing AEROSIL® with a we want to ratchet things up a bit higher and grow at
special pearl mill will not only improve significantly scratch resistance, but also enhance optical properties. an above-average rate. This is why one of the four key
growth areas we‘ve defined is Coatings and Adhesive Ingredients.

liquid coating systems. In addition to providing a We are taking concrete steps to achieve this growth. We are, for example, investing
certain structural viscosity and an anti-settling ac- the bulk of inter-BU research funds in the projects of our Coatings Industry Team. The
tion for pigments, the use of fumed silica has been team‘s work is supported by a long established network of researchers and technical
repeatedly demonstrated to positively influence the service staff from our Coating and Bonding expertise field. The Industry Team does
mechanical properties of coating films after curing. more than identify current and future market trends: starting with the building blocks
Besides known mechanical properties, scratch resis- of Degussa‘s product range, we use coating raw materials from our business units to
tance often plays a central role in modern coating develop packages optimally tailored to our customers’ requirements. In this way we
systems. For this application, a new generation of address customer needs in keeping with our “solutions to customer” philosophy, and
fumed silica has been developed to significantly im- back up Degussa’s claim of “creating essentials.”
prove scratch resistance for UV-curing, high-solids
and conventional solvent-containing two-compo- The third issue of our Smart Formulating Journal once again gives you an overview
nent PUR systems. Thanks to the combination of of the breadth of our product range for the coatings market. At the same time, we
a chemical and mechanical post-treatment, these also want to keep you abreast of the latest development trends and innovations. We
so-called structurally modified AEROSIL® prod- welcome your comments, and look forward to what we hope will be a continuing and
ucts have only a customized low rheologic activ- intensive dialog.
ity. Hence, amounts of over 10 wt %, as against the
Our customers will soon be able to effectively uti- solids in the system, can be incorporated without Yours truly,
lize these performance advantages worldwide as producing an undesired high structural viscosity.
Degussa launches another innovation: “VP Disp. Here, the higher filler content of AEROSIL® ensures
CO 1030“ – a 30 % dispersion of AEROSIL® R 9200 a clear-cut increase in mechanical stability against
in 1-methoxy-2-propyl acetate (MPA). scratches. AEROSIL® R 7200 and AEROSIL® R 9200
increase scratch resistance in UV-curing clearcoat Dr. Manfred Spindler,
AEROSIL® in the Coatings Industry systems, whereas AEROSIL® R 9200 delivers opti- Member of the Managing Board of Degussa GmbH
Fumed silicas (AEROSIL®) are known in the coat- mum performance in two-component PUR or high-
ings industry particularly for rheology control in solids clearcoat systems.
Continued on page 2


Silicone and Epoxy: Combined in SILIKOPON®

Coatings face a particular challenge when they need to both offer excellent protection and look good in exterior use. The
surface of the coating must also resist the effects of weather exposure and stand up not only to rain, snow and ice, but
What an anti-corrosion coating must offer:
also to the high energy UV component in sunlight. Other requirements must also be met for an organic coating to be able
■ good exterior resistance properties
to protect its substrate effectively against corrosion.
■ corrosion protection and high gloss
■ UV resistance
Can coatings for outdoor use meet these requirements? mands. The silicone-epoxy hybrid high-solids binder
■ low solvent emissions
With SILIKOPON® EF from the Tego product range system is one of the most eco-friendly coatings raw
we are able to offer a binder which satisfies these de- materials currently available.
Continued on page 3

Additives Coloring Crosslinkers Resins Raw Materials for Resins

New AEROSIL® Dispersions for 1 New Readily Dispersible Pigment 6 How to Improve Poor Drying 2 SILIKOPON® 1 Expanded Methacrylate 5
More Scratch Resistant Coatings Preparations in Granulate Form for of High Solids 2K PUR Coatings Alcohol-Resistant Plastic Coatings 2 Capacities in the USA
TEGO® Dispers 685 5 Coating and Printing Ink Applications New Developments for 4 with DEGALAN® Degussa Sets Up Integrated 8
Advantages of SIPERNAT® 820 A 9 Aluminum Components Open Tego ADDID® 2000 in Offset Inks 5 Production Network for Methacrylate
in Emulsion Paints and Matted Windows for the Imagination SIVO® Sol Technology 8 Specialty Methacrylate Monomer 8
Decorative Alkyd Paints Dynasylan SIVO 121 8 for Improved Mechanical Strength
Degussa Presents Liquid Synthetic 8
Resins for the first Time Ever

Continued from page 1

Alcohol-Resistant Plastic New AEROSIL® Dispersions for

More Scratch Resistant Coatings
Coatings with DEGALAN® Dispersion of AEROSIL® R 9200 dispersion; nonetheless, greater
Structurally modified AEROSIL® particle finenesses are achieved;
has a distinctly higher tapped den- any abrasion that occurs is less
Plastics are found in the packag- to combine with sity, namely, ca. 200g/l, than con- significant because of the short
ing industry, in civil engineering aluminum pig- ventional AEROSIL® (ca. 50�g/l, dispersion time.
and construction, in electrical en- ments, its resis- normal non-compacted product). ■ the dispersion additionally con-
gineering, consumer electronics, tance to conven- On the one hand, the elevated tains an additive tailor-made for
and automotive manufacturing. tional household density permits rapid low-dust in- AEROSIL® R 9200, which opti-
To ensure that plastic materials cleaners, and its corporation of the powder – e.g. in mizes the leveling of the coat-
will have particular useful prop- ability to with- a dissolver. On the other hand, the ing material; all of the additives
erties for processing and end-use, stand mechanical structural modification impedes used are non silicone-based.
they are subjected to many mod- stresses. In the the actual dispersing process, i.e.
ifications during their manufac- high-end market the disintegration of the “looser” Performance Example with Evaluation
ture. These include the addition segments of these agglomerates to the particles – ag- of Scratch Resistance
of additives comprising fibers and appliances, there gregates – actually present after To demonstrate the effective-
fillers, selective copolymerization, is a (clear) trend the dispersion process. To prevent ness of the dispersion, we used
and the physical mixing of poly- towards UV-cur- any adverse effect on the coating’s 15 % VP Disp. CO 1030 (ca. 5 %
mers, to name a few. able and poly- optical properties, such as gloss, AEROSIL®) as against total for-
The properties of the surface of a urethane-based haze or brilliance of color, when mulation to distinctly improve
coating always represent a tense coatings. The the scratch resistance of AERO-
trade-off of various factors, such primary reason SIL® is improved, these aggregates
as quality of the coating, the price that the require- must be smaller than 1 µm. Both
that customers pay, environmen- Plastic coatings for the entertainment electronics ments on coating in-house research and customer
tal compatibility, and the cost of materials have experiences have shown that this Wet scratching
the energy required to apply the the sake of appearance, and the changed is that manufacturers dispersion quality is not achieved 90

coating. use of recycled plastic materials are placing higher performance with conventional stirrers. Only

Residual gloss %
also requires subsequent coating requirements on coating resis- special pearl mills can meet these 80

In many applications it is stan- of the surface. tance. Thermoplastic coatings can high standards after several hours
dard practice to coat plastic sur- A line of products for the plastic achieve these resistance require- of dispersion.
faces. Not only does the coating coating industry is being devel- ments only to a limited extent.
give the plastic part a decorative oped to meet the continuously VP Disp. CO 1030
appearance, it also improves cer- growing requirements within the Products that can be used in The experimental product VP 50
tain surface properties of the sub- value chain. primer formulations are being Disp. CO 1030 is a 30 % AERO- without with VP Disp.
strate: resistance to solvents and One central field of application is developed for this sector. These SIL® R 9200 dispersion in 1-me-
chemicals, waterproofness, and the painting of toys. Besides the polymers must feature special thoxy-2-propyl acetate (MPA). It
weathering resistance, especially desired quality characteristics, a adhesion to the plastic substrate is dispersed with a special pearl
against UV radiation. cost-effective product solution is as well as resistance to the paint
Although plastic parts can be the decisive criterion for this mass coating that will cover them. 5 µm

colored, the possibilities of obtain- market.

ing the desired color or adjusting Other applications are the coating the scratch resistance of a two-
the required surface properties of household appliances, mobile component high-solids clearcoat.
are limited. telephones, and television hous- A Crockmeter (dry method) and
Technical contact:
On the same token, the extrusion ings. For these consumer goods, an Elcometer 1720 with a slurry
of plastic materials produces flow special attention is devoted to the of quartz and water (wet method)
lines that must be coated over for adhesion of the coating, its ability were used for evaluation. These
test systems provide the best pos-
TEM cross section of an embedded clear- sible simulation of scratching in
coat. The homogeneous distribution of a car wash. The gloss and haze
the AEROSIL® R 9200 aggregates is clearly
visible. of the surfaces were measured
before and after scratching. The
CROSSLINKERS mill that can be scaled to produc- percentage of residual gloss can
tion volumes. Suitable additives be determined from the results.
permit the high filler content of
How to Improve Poor Drying of High Solids 2K PUR Coatings AEROSIL® but simultaneously
maintain the viscosity at a low Test formulation weight %
Driven by stricter regulations on level (ca. 500 mPa sec at 0.1�l/
the emission of VOC, raw ma- sec). However, the dispersion is Desmophen A 870, BA* 50.0
terial producers are requested to sedimentation-stable even when MPA 5.0
develop high-solid resins that en- stored for months at 40�°C. The
able coating formulators to match use of the dispersion VP Disp. CO Butyl acetate 4.0
the lower VOC levels imposed by 1030 provides the customer with Xylene 4.0
regulators, e.g. European legisla- the following advantages:
tion. Directive 1999/13/EC, also ■ more scratchproof, brilliant coat- Solvesso 100 4.0
known as the “VOC-Guideline,” ings Butyl glycol acetate 3.0
defines stringent limits for emis- ■ easier incorporation of the dis-
sions to the coatings industry in persion, e.g. with a dissolver VP Disp. CO 1030 16.0
the European Union. ■ optimum particle morphology
Vestanat HT 2500 L** 19.0
IPDI-based polyisocyanates are is already set in the dispersion
The approach of raw material able to improve the drying per- Technical contact: and stabilized by suitable addi- *
Bayer Material Science AG
producers is to lower the viscosity formance significantly without a tives **
Degussa GmbH or Desmodur N 3390
by reducing the molecular weight severe increase in VOC content. NAFTA: ■ in contrast to a binder-con- (Bayer Material Science AG)
of the organic binder. The result- We will gladly share our data taining dispersion, the con-
ing coatings show slower physical with you by web conference or centration can be raised and
Technical contact:
drying behavior, which leads to a you can order the full presenta- the dispersion time reduced
longer dirt pickup time. tion by contacting: during the preparation of the

2 smart formulating journal


Continued from page 1

High-temperature coatings are often used outdoors
Silicone and Epoxy: Application parameters
– industrial coatings and vehicle exhausts, for in-
stance, must be resistant to corrosion and solvents.
Combined in SILIKOPON® Pot life (25 °C) 4.5 h
The formulation of such coatings necessitates a com-
Touch dry 4h bination of heat resistance, good adhesion and good
Drying time
The best of both worlds: SILIKOPON® EF (25 °C)
resistance properties. Heat resistant coatings based
“Silicone and epoxy“ is the secret behind the prod- Through dry 8h on SILIKOPON® EW provide reliable, durable pro-
uct’s success. SILIKOPON® EF binder combines the tection against corrosion and solvents.
best properties of both worlds to deliver durable Adhesion Cross-hatch 5B
exterior coatings.
Hardness Pencil hardness F
Pendulum hardness
(König) DIN 53 157
Gloss 60° Angle 82 %

Minimum 6h
(25 °C)
Maximum 48 h

Properties of a coating based on guide formulation

cessive atmospheric humidity nor low temperatures

impair their curing.

Coatings based on SILIKOPON® EF are suitable for

all kinds of applications on industrial items.

The choice of suitable solvents for thinning silicone-

epoxy-hybrid coatings systems does not pose a prob-
lem. It is only necessary to ensure that the water
content is suitably low. Small amounts of butanol or Application for heat stable protective coating systems (motor cycle or car muffler systems)
butyl acetate are ideal. Because of the low viscosity
of the curing agent (aminopropyltriethoxysilane), no
2-pack silicone-epoxy-hybrid systems, the best of both worlds further addition of solvent is usually required. With SILIKOPON® E types, Degussa offers various
silicone-epoxy combination resins
The siloxane-epoxy polymer, cross-linked by amino-
propyltriethoxysilane (AMEO), enables the positive
Characteristics of coatings based on SILIKOPONE® EF Product Non volatile Characteristics
properties of organic and inorganic polymers to be
combined in a new class of anti-corrosion coatings. ■ excellent gloss retention and color fastness
■ very good corrosion protection in 2-pack SILIKOPON® EF 99.5 % for the manufacture of high-solids
The siloxane-epoxy polymer, cross-linked by amino- coatings formulations coatings, very good gloss retention and
very good resistance to chemicals colorfastness, very good resistance to
propyltriethoxysilane (AMEO), enables the positive ■
corrosion and weathering
properties of organic and inorganic polymers to be ■ high-solid (~ 90 %) and thus low VOC content
combined in a new class of anti-corrosion coatings. ■ tolerant to humidity during drying SILIKOPON® EW 50 % solventborne, for stoving enamels,
■ low drying temperatures (under 0 °C) possible outstanding adhesion and solvent
Coatings based on silicone-epoxy hybrid systems ■ isocyanate-free resistance
(SILIKOPON® EF) are highly resistant to many ■ satisfy most common environmental, health
chemicals and exhibit excellent color fastness and and safety regulations
gloss retention after weathering. Such coatings are SILIKOPON® EW combines the heat resistance of
not only weather resistant but also dirt-repellent, silicone resins with the strong chemical resistance
and are highly effective against graffiti. Neither ex- of epoxy resins.

SILIKOPON® EF combines outstanding weather-

Guiding formulation based on SILIKOPON® EF ing resistance with high chemical resistance in a
and amino-silane (AMEO) two component system. Using SILIKOPON® EF, iso-
cyanate-free coatings can be formulated with VOC
Component A Parts by weight (%) content under 100 g/l.
On suitable primers, top coats based SILIKOPON® EF
Item 1 Silicone-epoxy resin 32.4 exhibit unique weathering resistance, are easy-to-
clean and exhibit antigraffiti properties.
Item 2 Light stabilizer 1.0
There are particular advantages to using high-sol-
Item 3 White pigment titanium dioxide 26.6
ids clear coats based on SILIKOPON® EF on the
most diverse substrates (wood, metal, composites).
Item 4 Filler 2.0
These include emphasizing the natural wood grain
Item 5 Fine particle silica 1.0 on wood surfaces. Flame resistance is an additional
benefit. The use of SILIKOPON® EF offers, for the
Item 6 Butyl acetate 5.0 first time, the possibility of providing wood surfaces
with an attractive fire retardant finish.
Item 7 Silicone-epoxy resin 32.0

100.0 Double curing by aminosilanes in silicone-epoxy hybrid systems.

Technical contact:
Component B
When the going gets hot: SILIKOPON® EW
Item 1 Aminopropyltriethoxysilane 16.0 Besides SILIKOPON® EF for exterior applications
at normal temperatures, a second type of silicone-
The light stabilizer is carefully incorporated in the resin. After add- epoxy hybrid systems is available for corrosion pro-
ing items 3, 4 and 5, the mixture is finely dispersed. Items 6 and 7 tection and chemical resistance in high temperature
can then be stirred in.
applications: SILIKOPON® EW.

smart formulating journal 3


New Developments for Aluminum Components

Open Windows for the Imagination
Today, powder coatings must satisfy a great variety of requirements. They must be high-quality, yet inexpensive. They must lend themselves to both indoor and bearing the reverse print design is
outdoor applications, and they must serve as a functional coating that provides excellent protection or as a decorative coating with a diversified appearance – ran- then pressed onto the aluminum
ging from excellent leveling to roughly-textured. And, of course, they must also be available in all finishes, from high-gloss to dead-matte. profile by either a pressure or vacu-
um process. The
Heat sublimation technology is a Let us provide some examples to transfer of the
new application for weather-re- show how modifying the binder 80
decorative designs
sistant powder coatings, especially formulation can produce vari- from the paper to
coatings based on polyurethane ous gloss values. Figure 1 shows the coating sur-
(PUR). This rapidly-growing ap- how important it is to determine face (heat-trans-

60 º Gloss
plication has made it possible to the lowest level of gloss achieved fer) takes place
greatly improve the appearance of with a PE mixture with its respec- 20
at high tempera-
building components, especially tive crosslinkers. In this study we 10
tures of approxi-
components made of aluminum adjust the ratio of the two poly- 0 mately 200 °C.
such as window frames, front esters and determine the gloss 0.7 : 1.0 0.8 : 1.0 0.9 : 1.0 1.0 : 1.0 1.1 : 1.0 During this step,
doors, garage doors, office furni- with two different crosslinkers. EP-BF 1321 NCO : the printing inks
BF 1320 OH Stoichiometric Ratio
ture, aluminum kitchen cabinets, We achieved a more reproducible migrate into the
sliding doors, bathroom fittings gloss range with EP-BF 1321, plus pores of the coat-
and accessories (glass and metal), a remarkably lower gloss, lower Figure 3: Effect of Under- and Over-Indexing Stoichiometric ing and transfer
among other things. by 20 gloss units, just by changing Ratio on Gloss a perfect mirror-
This transfer print technology the crosslinker. image. Following
expands the design options for Heat sublimation print: application alumi- Figure 2 shows the dependence With this binder system, low gloss the transfer, the paper/film is re-
coatings far beyond their current num window frame in wood design of the matting on the layer thick- values can be obtained by reduc- moved from the coated substrate.
ness, within certain limits: the ing the isocyanate:polyester ratios, This removal is quite important
formulations due to thicker the coating layer, the though the lowest gloss values are and, among other things, pro-
emission concerns, higher the gloss – a result that still obtained using EP-BF 1321. motes the use of polyurethane
but are finding a
foothold in Asian 60 30
formulations. The
50 25
one-shot matte sys-
tems currently used 20
60 º Gloss

60 º Gloss

in Europe for alu- 30 15

minum windows, 20 10
which probably re-
10 5
present the largest
application in this 20.0 : 80.0 22.5 : 77.5 25.0 : 75.0 27.5 : 72.5 30.0 : 70.0
20.0 : 80.0 25.0 : 75.0
sector, are based on EP-BF 1321 Polyester Ratio – ALBESTER 3115 : 3225 Polyester Ratio –
uretdione hardeners BF 1320 High OH : Low OH CRYLCOAT 2814-0 : E04060 High OH : Low OH
like VESTAGON® REAFREE 17091 : 17014

Heat sublimation print with VESTAGON® products EP-BF 1321.

Figure 1: Effect of Crosslinker and Polyester Ratio in Matte Figure 4: Effect of Different Polyester Systems with VESTAGON®
The principal binder Polyurethanes EP-BF 1321 on Gloss

limits. Design is now limited only components for a matte poly-

by the imagination. urethane coating are a polyester comes as no surprise to specialists We have already mentioned the systems, as polyurethane systems
blend with high and low OH value in the powder coating industry. effect of binder partner selection have higher crosslink densities
The Binder System polyesters and a polyisocyanate Next, we would like to show the above, and in the final diagram and allow for easier removal of
The application process for creative hardener. However, the required effect of the crosslink density on (Figure 4), we would like to com- the paper/foil.
prints requires a highly crosslinked, performance pare three different polyester mix- This image that is left on the
hard and very smooth coating and gloss can 70 tures in combination with VESTA- powder coated substrate is dis-
surface. Many of the applications be achieved GON® EP-BF 1321. These binder tinguished not only by its wash-
listed above not only demand a va- only with a systems, which were tested in two ability, but also features weather-
riety of appearances, but also UV limited selec- 50 polyester ratios, have completely resistance, depending on the dyes
and weathering resistances. Poly- tion of bind- different gloss values, such that used. The image transferred can
urethane powder coatings satisfy er partners, desired gloss values can be reached only be removed by completely
60 º Gloss

not only these demands, but also which have 30 using different polyester systems. destroying the coating. Aside from
provide absolutely the best perfor- often been 20
Not shown here, they also demon- the successes in Europe, this sys-
mance over TGIC or hydroxyalkyl- developed us- strate completely different shapes tem is now strongly in develop-
amide systems. For the distinctness ing a particu- 10 for the matting curve, a significant ment in Turkey, the Middle East,
of image (DOI) in particular, PUR lar crosslinker. 0 consideration when optimizing the and the United States. But this
coatings are distinctly superior to This means 20.0 : 80.0 22.5 : 77.5 25.0 : 75.0 27.5 : 72.5 30.0 : 70.0 cost and reproducibility of the for- kind of application is also grow-
all other alternatives. that a special EP-BF 1321 ~90 µm Polyester Ratio – mulations. ing in China and southeast Asia,
EP-BF 1321 ~50 µm High OH : Low OH
Italian powder-coating manufac- combination of BF 1320 ~50 µm
too, which shows that walls can‘t
turers began working on these polyesters and BF 1320 ~90 µm The Technology of the Image Transfer stop today’s trends.
requirements as early as a little crosslinker is The matte powder coatings that Upon request, we can provide
over a decade ago. Printing sys- needed to obtain Figure 2: Effect of Film Thickness on the Gloss have been discussed are the re- formulations with various poly-
tems and the inferior dyes of pa- matting with the cipient for sublimation dyes trans- ester systems and crosslinkers as
per producers initially posed major above properties. With the prop- the relationship of the partners ferred by means of paper, film a starting point toward the devel-
problems. The need for matte ap- er choice, one-shot matte poly- involved. Figure 3 illustrates the or direct printing. This process opment of wood images.
pearances quickly became another urethanes have an impressive effect on gloss of two one-shot is often called “bleeding.” The
source of concern, of which one of visual appearance, very good impact matte formulations with underin- substrate to be coated, often an
Technical contact:
the first applications was ski poles. resistances exceeding 160 in.-lb, ex- dexing (changing the stoichiomet- aluminum profile, is pretreated
Europe and Middle East:
The blocked polyurethane cross- cellent leveling with (PCI 8 – 9), ric ratio of isocyanate to hydroxyl and coated with a powder coating
linkers, which were initially used, high crosslink densities, and ex- groups), using two crosslinkers in described above, and the coating Americas and Asia:
have disappeared from European cellent weather-stability. otherwise identical formulations. is then cured. The paper or film

4 smart formulating journal


TEGO® Dispers 685

Tego ADDID 2000 in Offset Inks ®
Easier and more flexible formulation of
radiation-curing printing inks

Advantages: For years, the radiation-curing coatings and print-

■ viscosity control (adjustment) ing inks sector has grown faster than the overall
■ improved air drying properties market for coatings and printing inks. High demands
■ no VOC; 100 % liquid are placed on pigmented formulations in this sector
■ strongly hydrophobic since they are responsible for the high color quality
■ environmentally neutral of modern print.
■ compatibility with mineral oil,
waxes, hydrocarbon resins,
Limits on pigment loading are rapidly reached, es-
linseed oil, alkyds
pecially when using fine particle size pigments with
high specific surface areas, such as carbon blacks
and organic pigments. It seems that free-flowing
formulations are not feasible above this limit and
simply adding organic solvents is not appropriate.
Formulations like these show bad flow properties
and are difficult to apply. Color strength develop-
ment is also frequently inadequate because of the
Tego ADDID® 2000 is a nonpolar, stereospecific, low pigments’ surface chemistry.
viscosity, unsaponifiable liquid polybutadiene with
high 1.4-cis double bond content. It is strongly hy- Here, the use of an effective wetting and dispersing
drophobic and environmentally neutral. additive is a promising option. However, up to now,
The amount and speed of oxidative crosslinking has commercially available products have been either
been shown to be dependent on the degree and type solvent-containing, solid or only effective with some
of unsaturation in the polymer. The number of dou- applications. Tego ADDID® 2000 sinks deep into the pigments. These problems can now be solved thanks
ble bonds, presence or absence of conjugated double paper pores in coldset application and reacts under to a high performance wetting and dispersing ad-
bonds and the geometric arrangement of the double ambient temperature. ditive specially tailored for use in radiation-curing
bonds (1.4-cis double bonds versus 1.2-vinyl double Since Tego ADDID® 2000 is produced in a narrow vis- formulations: TEGO® Dispers 685.
bonds) are very important. cosity range, it can be used for viscosity adjustment in
It has been proposed that high 1.4-cis polybutadienes the letdown stage. TEGO® Dispers 685 meets the highest technical
react quickly with atmospheric oxygen to form per- Another area where inks have been influenced by legis- requirements
oxides and undergo crosslinking in its presence. The lation is the toxicological effect of cobalt driers. They
high degree of unsaturation is expressed by the high are mainly used as octoates or naphthanates. Studies
Iodine Number. 420 – 480 g iodine are required to have shown that different driers promote different
react with 100 g Tego ADDID® 2000. As a result of the drying properties. However, because of the toxicologi-
polybutadiene synthesis all double bonds are isolated. cal potential of the Co2+ ion, its use has come under
The high 1.4-cis content is also responsible for the high discussion in recent years. Environmentally neutral
reactivity with atmospheric oxygen. manganese–based driers, however, call for a longer
Mineral oil and linseed oil are key components of off- drying time than cobalt driers.
set inks. The ink viscosity is affected by the interaction If we now introduce liquid 1.4-cis polybutadienes as an
of the mineral oil with linseed oil, polymer binders alternative binder to conventional mineral and linseed
and other ingredients. Tego ADDID® 2000 is compat- oil based inks, it is possible to use primary manganese
ible with hydrocarbon oils, linseed oil, a lot of alkyds, driers without loosing good drying properties.
waxes and hydrocarbon resins.
The solvent free Tego ADDID® 2000 combines high
and medium molecular weight with medium and
Technical contact:
low viscosity. The product has good pigment wetting
properties and good pigment loading capability. It pro-
vides excellent drying properties in heatset and coldset
TEGO® Dispers 685
■ effectively lowers viscosity therefore enabling
high pigment loadings
■ raises color strength and thus helps to minimize
R AW M AT E R I A L S F O R R E S I N S pigment costs
■ is free of organic solvents

Expanded Methacrylate Capacities in the USA ■ is liquid as a 100 % solids product and is thus easy to
process and dose
■ exhibits good compatibility with common monomers
GMAA plant goes on line and oligomers
■ is highly effective with a wide range of pigments
■ ensures good long-term stability with regard to rheology
Construction of the new Methacrylic Acid (GMAA) Island Fabrications, Inc., the worldwide leader in the and color strength
plant has been completed and it is scheduled to go construction of oil and gas production platforms.
on line in April, 2007 in Fortier, LA. Following the Once finished, the individual modules parts were
buyout of CYRO Industries, the company initiated barged to and assembled at Degussa’s Fortier site.
this project in order to complete the portfolio with The design capacity of the new plant is approxi-
high quality GMAA from a US source. Along with mately 20,000 metric tons, with the first commercial Compared to conventional additives, TEGO®
MMA, which is already produced in Fortier, and per- product being available in May, 2007. Dispers 685 stands out by its versatility as it can also
formance monomers, coming from Mobile, AL, the be used in solventborne formulations as well as in
addition of the GMAA plant effectively completes Methacrylic Acid is used in a variety of coatings, the manufacture of pigment concentrates.
the next step in the Methacrylates global growth emulsion polymers and adhesives, as well as in the
strategy. synthesis of other monomers.

The state-of-the-art “modular” plant was built by Technical contact:

Dolphin Services, a wholly owned subsidiary of Gulf

smart formulating journal 5


New Readily Dispersible Pigment Preparations in

Granulate Form for Coating and Printing Ink Applications
Degussa GmbH has recently acquired exclusive rights to sell INXEL™ Pigment preparations. These preparations make it
considerably easier to incorporate pigments into coating materials and printing inks. Using preparations based on Degussa The binder used is a ketone resin that is soluble in all conventional
pigment black, the product range will be gradually expanded by additional colors. coating solvents (with the exception of water). It also has broad-spect-
rum compatibility with:
It is generally known that pigment powders often demonstrates that dispersion time was considerably
need to be abundantly dispersed to achieve satis- reduced compared to the normal procedure. The dis- ■ Alkyd resins ■ Aromatic and aliphatic epoxy resins
factory results for colorimetric properties. Pigment persion of a pigment black powder is compared here ■ Vinylchloride copolymers ■ Phthalate plasticizers
black has always been considered one of the hardest with the dispersion of an INXELTM preparation in the ■ Chlorinated rubber ■ Hydroxypolyacrylates
to disperse pigments in the coatings and printing laboratory dissolver or Skandex Disperser. ■ Chlorinated paraffin ■ Melamine-formaldehyde resins
inks industry. Therefore, Degussa had always been ■ Nitrocellulose ■ Hydrocarbon resins
interested in offering preparations that circumvent INXELTM preparations were tested in various coating ■ Cellulose acetobutyrate
or facilitate the dispersing step for our customers. formulations, e.g., in a stoving paint (alkyd/mela-
Examples include tack pastes, which have been es- mine) and in a two-component acrylic system in
tablished in the market for many years. Consistently our application technology laboratory. All INXELTM color range will now be widened successively until
pursuing this approach, Degussa has joined forces preparations can be smoothly incorporated with the a color system is available with which all standard
with an innovative young enterprise that manufac- dissolver. The usual coating parameters such as the colors (not including luminescent and metallic colors)
tures pigment preparations in granulate form, with fineness of grind, are on the same level as in conven- in the “RAL Classic Color Collection” system can be
Degussa holding the worldwide exclusive sales rights tionally manufactured coatings. Significant coloristic achieved.
to the preparations. The granulate-form preparations improvements were achieved with the pigment black-
contain not only pigment but also a binder that de- containing INXELTM preparations in the finished coat- Full-scale production is scheduled to start in late
monstrates good compatibility in most solvent-based ing at comparable pigment black contents, calculated 2007. A range of approximately 20 products will be
coating applications. on binder solid. Comparable and sometimes consider- available initially, enabling the user to employ special
ably greater jetness, as well as distinct improvements colors by mixing the different basic colors. A limited
in stability (higher dM value, or bluish undertone) product range will be available for sampling at the
could be achieved with the INXELTM preparations European Coatings Show 2007.
without the pearl mill step needed with pigment
60 black powders. This is illustrated in Figure 2. With these preparations, Degussa offers uni-
Dispersion time (min)

50 versal pigment preparations for solvent-

based coating systems under the pro-
duct name INXELTM. Tests show
30 that these new preparations
20 can also be used in solvent-
based packaging printing
Optical density

10 0.79
inks and special plastics
0 applications. However, in
Pigment black powder INXELTM preparation 0.77
the longer term, special
Skandex Disperser Dissolver 0.76 INXELTM product series
0.75 will also be developed for
Figure 1: Comparison of dispersion times in minutes with a pigment 0.74 printing ink and plastics
black powder and an INXEL™ preparation. 0.73 applications.
Pigment black powder INXELTM preparation

Rubbed out Not rubbed out

These so-called INXEL preparations are manufactu- TM

red by a novel process that is the subject of a patent Figure 3: Optical density of coatings prepared from a pigment black
application. The pigment is incorporated in a binder powder and an INXELTM preparation (pigment black /
TiO2 = 4:100, two-component acrylic coating).
matrix. The finished product consists of uniform gra-
nulates that can be incorporated in a solvent, a binder
or a mixture of solvent and binder. Incorporation can The excellent stabilization of the pigments is repre-
be effected simply by stirring, e.g., with a dissolver. sented in Figure 3. In a white reduction test, the
Elaborate equipment such as pearl mills are a thing INXELTM preparation showed good tinting strength
of the past with these preparations. However, not and narrow differences in the so-called rub-out test.
only is complex dispersing equipment obviated; the This dramatically illustrates the good dispersion and
dispersing time is considerably reduced as well. This pigment stabilization.
opens new potential to the coating or printing ink
manufacturer for considerable cost savings. Figure 1 Besides these economic advantages, the newly deve-
loped granulates offer further advantages. In contrast
to the powdered alternatives already available on the
300 market, the INXELTM granulates can be processed
with absolutely no dust. Moreover, they contain no
solvents and therefore afford a crucial advantage in
terms of compliance with VOC guidelines and other The advantages of the new INXELTM preparations can be
environmental and health regulations. Furthermore, summarized as follows:
MY + dM


10.2 granulates are substantially easier to meter out than ■ Significant reduction in the dispersion time
powders. ■ Very good stabilization of the pigments and hence very good color development
275 ■ Absolutely dust-free handling
270 277 281 The binder is highly lightfast, non-yellowing, heat re- ■ Easy metering of the granulates
sistant and also suitable for use in powder coatings. ■ Very precise metering of the granulates (better than with powders)
Pigment black powder INXEL preparation
TM ■ Very good solubility in the usual solvents
Because Degussa is one of the biggest manufacturers ■ High compatibility with most binders
of pigment blacks in the world, it is no surprise that
Figure 2: Jetness MY and undertone of coatings prepared from the first INXELTM preparations were manufactured
a pigment black powder and an INXELTM preparation (5 % pigment with pigment black. Meanwhile, various preparati-
black , calculated on binder solid, two-component acrylic
Technical contact:
coating). ons can be offered in different jetness ranges. The

6 smart formulating journal


SIVO® Sol Technology –

New Silane-Based Metal Pre-Treatment Technology
Inorganic sol-gel binders are still new to the coatings industry, but they can bridge a gap where current products do not SIVO® Sol technology is a new modular, multi-
meet the performance standards required by customers. In an effort to bring a flexible system for various substrates component, water-borne, sol-gel system for metal
and applications to market, Degussa has developed a new modular multi-component silane system that offers extended pre-treatment and coating. The additives in this
flexibility for different formulations. toolbox are especially tailored to fit the base binder
(Dynasylan® SIVO 110). This flexibility allows for this
Traditionally, inorganic coatings are mostly used system to be formulated for anti-corrosion, anti-fin-
in heavy corrosion protection. Zinc silicate paints Component Description gerprinting and scratch resistant coating systems.
are optimal for use on metal structures that need
Base inorganic
excellent protection against weather and exposure Dynasylan® SIVO 110
binder component
to salt or UV-radiation, such as ships, bridges, har-
bor structures, and other offshore installations. For Neutralizing agent
Dynasylan® SIVO 111
the most durable zinc silicate coatings, silicic acid for steel surfaces
ester-based binders are used that hydrolyze and
condense in order to form a resistant coating layer. Anti-fingerprinting and
Dynasylan® SIVO 112
anti-graffiti additive
Such layers can protect against corrosion for 15
to 20 years or more. Degussa has been active in Hydrophobation agent
Dynasylan® SIVO 113
this market for many decades and thus has been for improved weathering
actively driving technological development in the
field of inorganic and sol-gel systems.

The advantage of such inorganic, silane-based sur- Application of the SIVO® Sol system can be done
face coatings can be described concisely. They are on a number of metal substrates such as aluminum,
much harder than traditional organic binders, can steel, galvanized steel and other pretreated surfaces.
react with the metal surface, can improve the adhe- Application is usually done via dip or spray coating
sion of subsequent coatings, can prevent water and and then cured at temperatures between 150 to
chloride from reaching the protected metal surface, 220 °C. It is especially on galvanized steel that the SIVO® Sol coating with anti-graffiti effect through addition of
and are much less susceptible to weathering. Un- water-based silane system shows its advantages. Dynasylan SIVO 112 to base formulation Dynasylan® SIVO 110
fortunately, to date most systems are solvent-based. As a pre-treatment under a polyester final coat, on left.
Thus, up until now the use of such inorganic coat- the corrosion resistance can be markedly improved.
ings, even though they display excellent proper- The salt spray tests show a marked improvement
ties, has been limited due to the need for solvent in the resistance to corrosion, in comparison to the
Technical Contact:
abatement. untreated substrate. Europa/ROW:
The new SIVO® Sol Technology from Degussa
comes as the first water-based inorganic system
of its type. It is a water-based binder system for
inorganic coatings with several specially designed
water-based additives that can be matched to de-
liver the performance and characteristics needed RESINS
for your application.

SIVO® Sol Technology

SIVO® Sol Technology is a modular system for wa-
ter-borne inorganic coatings. It is based on a base
component and three additives that can be formu-
lated for metal coating applications, including metal
pre-treatment and anti-fingerprinting coatings. De-
pending on the application, these additives can be
added in different ratios into the base component
to give the desired effects. The resulting inorganic
coatings are hard, durable, resistant to chemical
attach and still surprisingly flexible. The individual
components have been especially engineered in or-
der to fit into this new technological platform.

The base component, Dynasylan® Sivo 110, is a 500 hours of salt spray test on Galvanized steel with solvent
system derived from hydrolyzed and condensed based standard pre-treatment (left, 5 µm) and SIVO 110
silanes and nano-scaled inorganic filler particles. pre-treatment (right, 1 µm). Surface Coating: Polyester Powder
Any solvents have been removed during a special
production process resulting in a water-based sol-
gel system, virtually VOC-free. It has been devel-
oped for flexibility in the formulation of inorganic Silane technology much improves the corrosion New wood surface treatment agent
coating systems. It displays excellent adhesion, also resistance of treated metal surfaces. It is an ideal
for subsequent coatings, and barrier properties to primer for use as an adhesion promoter for further Dynasylan® SIVO 121 is a water-borne wood impregnation agent
water and chloride and thus much improves cor- coatings. that gives wood surfaces oil and water repellent properties. Untreat-
rosion properties. Furthermore, together with the ed and weathered surfaces of originally waxed or varnished wood
additive Dynasylan® Sivo 112, it displays excellent It can also be used as topcoat on metals and ceram- are ideally suited for the treatment with Dynasylan® SIVO 121. It
anti-graffiti and anti-fingerprinting effects. ics. It is especially suited for easy-to-clean and anti- is solvent free and significantly reduces the soiling of treated wood
graffiti surfaces. For these purposes Dynasylan® surfaces. Treated surfaces have an excellent beading effect, which
The system displays excellent resistance against SIVO 110 is used in a two-component form to- is ideal for wooden decks or garden furniture.
chemical attack, is very temperature resistant, and gether with up to 50 % Dynasylan® SIVO 112. The
is usually applied in film thicknesses below 5 µm. resulting effect is shown in the pictures below. Product not available in USA and Canada.

smart formulating journal 7


Degussa Sets Up Integrated

Production Network for Methacrylate Specialty Methacrylate Monomer
Degussa will set up a major Verbund (integrated produc-
tion network) in Shanghai to manufacture methyl meth-
for Improved Mechanical Strength
acrylate (MMA) and methacrylate specialties. The Degussa
Supervisory Board gave the go-ahead for this facility to be The most important criteria for choosing a specific
constructed in December, 2006. The investment volume polyacrylic resin as a binder are durability, flexibil- 16
for the entire plant, including all intermediates, is around ity and solvent resistance. These properties can be 14
250 million euros, making it Degussa’s second-largest single achieved by crosslinking the polymer film. Cross-

Tensile strength (MPa)

investment. The global-scale facility is scheduled to come linking can proceed at room or elevated temperature
on stream in 2009 on completion of the construction phase, with self crosslinking emulsions or by using a curing
which should last approximately two years. agent that reacts with functional groups incorpo-
rated into the emulsion polymer.
Dr. Klaus Engel, Chairman of the Management Board of A third possibility can be identified in hydrogen
Degussa GmbH and Member of the Board of parent RAG bonding, e.g. between amide and carboxylic acid 2

AG, comments: “The new MMA Verbund facility in China groups. The latter has been investigated with two 0
0 2 4 6 8
underscores our global growth strategy. We see an attractive types of emulsion polymers containing the combina- MAA/AA (wt %)
market development in Asia, and this investment reinforces tion of either methacrylamide (MAA) or acrylamide
our position as one of the world’s leading methacrylate (AA) with glacial methacrylic acid (GMAA). The
producers.” composition of the materials is shown in Table 1.
Figure 1: Measurement of tensile strength of emulsion polymers
Once all the approvals are obtained from the Chinese au- containing an MAA-GMAA or AA-GMAA combination

thorities, Degussa will construct an MMA facility with an

annual capacity of 100,000 metric tons, which will prac-
tically all be processed into highly-refined methacrylate
specialties and polymers. These are components used in a
wide variety of products, such as LCD screens, scratch-proof Monomer Content (wt %)
paints, top-quality adhesives, modern interior trims for cars
and numerous plastics applications. BA-MMA-MAA-GMAA BA 52 – 58

with MFT-adjustment to a temperature

The facility will be built at Degussa’s multi-user Site MMA 34 – 46
range of 3 – 8 °C
(MUSC) at Shanghai Chemical Industry Park Development
Ltd., (SCIP), where the world’s leading specialty chemicals MAA 0–8
company has already established several new operations. In
view of the upcoming construction of the MMA Verbund GMAA 2
production facility, Degussa secured SCIP’s collaboration
through a further cooperation agreement in September BA-MMA-AA-GMAA BA 51 – 58
2006. with MFT-adjustment to a temperature
MMA 36 – 46
range of 3 – 8 °C

AA 0–6

Degussa Presents Liquid Synthetic Table 1: Composition of emulsion polymers with the combination of methacrylamide/acrylamide and glacial methacrylic acid
MMA: Methyl Methacrylate; BA: Butyl Acrylate
Resins for the first Time Ever
With Synthetic Resin EP-UC Degussa launches a new, inno-
vative, liquid polyetherketone based resin having pigment The polymers were achieved by conventional semi
affine groups. batch emulsion polymerization. Films were prepared 30

and subsequently tested in stress strain experiments.

Synthetic Resin EP-UC is a high performance resin featuring The chemical resistance against solvents was moni- 25
high dispersing abilities and outstanding pigment wetting tored as well. Increased solvent resistance could be amide content
Tensile strength (MPa)

properties. observed with increasing amide content. 20

The mechanical tests reveal an improved tensile
Its universal solubility and outstanding compatibility give strength with increasing amide content. In this re- 15
formulators an even wider range of application options. gard, methacrylamide results in a better performance
than acrylamide. Comparing the effect of MAA and 10
The main targeting point of product development, however, AA, the former always results in a 50 – 90 % in-
was to use Synthetic Resins EP-UC as a grinding resin for crease in mechanical strength. 5
high-quality pigment preparations. The superiority of MAA to AA is even more pro-
nounced than the figures indicate: whereas high
The main innovative highlights in terms of application potential: MAA contents of up to more than 8 % can be read- 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
■ solventborne pigment preparation/waterborne ily incorporated, the incorporation of AA is limited Elongation at break (%)

letdown system to about 4 %. Higher concentrations, e.g. 6 %, cause amide free MAA AA

■ waterborne pigment preparation/solventborne thickening and a high coagulum formation.

letdown system The superiority of MAA to AA is also demonstrated Figure 2: Correlation of elongation at break and tensile strength
■ solid stir-in pigment preparation, soluble in both when correlating elongation at break and tensile for copolymers with MAA and GMAA, as well as for conventional
amide-free emulsion polymers
organic solvents and water strength.

Technical contact: Technical contact:

8 smart formulating journal


Advantages of SIPERNAT® 820 A in Emulsion Paints

and Matted Decorative Alkyd Paints
SIPERNAT® 820 A is quite commonly used as a partial replacement for TiO2 Pigments in emulsion paints and other architectural coatings. SIPERNAT® 820 A is pro- 820 A can be as high as 10 % due
duced via precipitation by adding sulfuric acid and aluminum sulfate to the sodium silicate. By varying the major parameters during the precipitation process – to the binders’ high pigment absorp-
e.g. temperature, pH, time etc. – it is possible to obtain an aluminum silicate like SIPERNAT® 820A with a different morphology. This can be determined by x-ray as tion capacity. The high pH value of
amorphous primary silica particles. SIPERNAT® 820 A means that spe-
cial care must be given to compat-
Differences can even be observed 820 A can optimize the maximum Figure 6 illustrates the increased ibility with basic pigments when
among synthetic aluminum silicates. amount of titanium dioxide white 96 hiding power of an emulsion paint selecting the binders for producing
Whiteness in particular can differ pigment in the paint necessary to containing SIPERNAT® 820 A. satin gloss decorative paints.
due to the content of iron and the enhance the formulation’s hiding 95.3 And the viscosity behavior of emul- SIPERNAT® 820 A is more than a
Contrast ratio (%)

associated yellow discoloration of power and whiteness. 95 sion paints containing SIPERNAT® simple and a conventional filler:
the material. 820 A remains excellent after ex- it positively improves the physical
94.3 tended storage as well. properties of the emulsion paint
Why use SIPERNAT® 820 A? 94
The pH value of 5 % aqueous SIP- and contributes to lower formula-
Manufacturers of interior and exte- ERNAT® 820 A suspension is about tion costs.
rior emulsion paints want to pro- 10.1, which usually increases the The designation of SIPERNAT®
duce their paints on a high quality pH value of emulsion paints. This
level but also as cost-effectively as TiO2 10 % TiO2 8 % TiO2 6 % TiO2 shift into the more strongly basic
2% 4%
possible. In these formulations, tita- SIPERNAT® 820 A SIPERNAT® SIPERNAT® range has a positive effect on stor- 60 ° 85 °
nium dioxide is the most costly raw age stability.
material. Here, substituting SIPER- Figure 2: Contrast ratio of an interior paint Due to the replacement of the white 90
NAT® 820 A for TiO2 delivers excel- Figure 1: The spacer effect of SIPERNAT® after substituting 2 and 4 % titanium dioxi- titanium dioxide, PVC is increased
de with SIPERNAT® 820 A 80

lent results without reducing the 820 A increases hiding power and whiteness only about 1 – 2 %, which does 70
paint’s wet and dry hiding power. not have an adverse effect with the 60
The hiding power should be as high paints produced according to the 50
as possible in order to achieve this The fineness of SIPERNAT® 820 A’s 75 listed test formulations. SIPERNAT® 40
even at low dry film thicknesses. silicate particles gives them a high 820 A has a favorable influence on 30
The extent of the hiding power can oil adsorption, thereby lowering the 74 brushability and leveling. 20
Whiteness Berger

be determined by means of the con- critical pigment volume concentra- 73.0 Paints formulated with SIPERNAT® 10

trast ratio, i.e. comparing the light- tion of the formulation and raising 73
72.5 820 A are also characterized by good 0
without 5% 8%
ness of a white paint on a black sub- the porosity of the coating system. washing and scrub resistance in ac- SIPERNAT® SIPERNAT® SIPERNAT®
strate with its lightness on a white The refractive index of an ordi- cordance with DIN 53778 and DIN
substrate, according to DIN 53778-3. nary filler like calcium carbonate ISO 11 998. Figure 5: Matting effect of SIPERNAT® 820 A
71 in decorative paints
The hiding power depends on the (n�=�1.55) is quite similar compared A tendency to cracking could not
difference in the refractive indices of to aluminum silicate (n�=�1.46). be observed for the dry emulsion
the materials used (binder, pigment, Both indices lie below the limit that 10 % TiO2 8 % TiO2 6 % TiO2 paint, on the contrary in some 820 A as a “functional pigment
2% 4%
filler). The higher this difference, the applies to pigments of n�>�1.7 (DIN SIPERNAT® SIPERNAT® cases it could be reduced by using extender,” if not quite accurate in
higher the hiding power. Titanium 55943 and 55945). Nevertheless, up SIPERNAT® 820�A (optimal packing a technical sense, is nonetheless
dioxide pigment provides the largest to 50 % of the titanium dioxide pig- Figure 3: Whiteness of an interior paint af- density). entirely justified on account of its
difference and therefore is the criti- ment present can be replaced with ter substituting 2 and 4 % titanium dioxide fine-particle nature, purity and spe-
with SIPERNAT® 820 A
cal factor for hiding power. aluminum silicate with no nega- SIPERNAT® 820 A in Solvent-Borne cial structure, and the advantages
tive impact on the contrast ratio or Alkyd Paint associated with these. SIPERNAT®
whiteness of the formulation. In fact, SIPERNAT® 820 A plays also a sig- 820 A is highly constant.
SIPERNAT® 820 A differs from in most cases both parameters are nificant rule in decorative Alkyd
natural products in several improved. Paints.
respects: Depending on the type of titanium By using SIPERNAT® 820 A, effects
1. The specific surface area is higher dioxide and its percentage portion can be achieved in decorative paints,

than in natural products

in the formulation, it is possible in which can not be attained with nat- 3100
2. It is a more uniform product
Viscosity in mPa*s

emulsion to substitute it up to 40 % ural products – even if these have

3. It is amorphous where as natural 3000
by weight with SIPERNAT® 820 A, been milled extremely fine. Flat or
products containing silica may be
more crystalline though in the overall formulation satin gloss systems and primers in 2900

4. It provides a higher whiteness the proportion of SIPERNAT® 820 A particular offer opportunities for
than natural products even when should not exceed more than 4 %. compensating part of the white pig-
later subjected to a purification In most cases the substitution in- ments’ loss in hiding power. 2700
process creases the opacity of the dry paint. Primers containing SIPERNAT® 820
The whiteness is increased in any A have outstanding opacity and fill- 2600
1. day 1. week 4. weeks
case. Figures 4 and 5 demonstrate ing power, are faster-surface-drying,
Storage time
Besides the refractive index, particle the contrast ratio and the whiteness and show better through-drying.
size distribution, pigment volume of an interior paint after substitut- They also stand up better to abrasive
concentration (PVC) and the degree ing 2 and 4 % titanium dioxide with Figure 4: Hiding power of two interior treatment. Primers with SIPERNAT® Figure 6: Viscosity of a decorative paint as
of dispersion of the pigment have SIPERNAT® 820 A. emulsion paints. Right with, left without 820 A level out well and present an a function of the storage time, storage time
SIPERNAT® 820 A 4 weeks at T = 40 °C
an effect on hiding power. Effective In addition to improving optical excellent substrate for high gloss
dispersion of the white pigment characteristics, SIPERNAT® 820 A finishes.
and the fillers in the binder is key also delivers significant cost savings SIPERNAT® 820 A has a compar- Primers and semi satin gloss paints, One critical aspect when it comes
to effective deployment. Specifically, in the manufacturing of emulsion atively low specific density. This SIPERNAT® 820 A acts as an antisettl- to satin gloss decorative paints is
this effect is achieved by using par- paints since the filler ensures the effects an increase in volume of ing agent for fillers and pigments. In binder compatibility with basic pig-
ticularly fine, precipitated synthetic highest possible distribution between the finished paint and provides addition, the slight degree of thixot- ments because of the high pH of
aluminum silicates like SIPERNAT® the dispersed particles of titanium a further interesting viewpoint: ropy has a favorable effect on brush- SIPERNAT® 820 A.
820 A. These silicates spread out in dioxide. even in combination with tita- ability and prevents the paint from
an optimum arrangement between The bottom line: SIPERNAT® 820 A nium dioxide post-treated with running off from vertical surfaces.
the dispersed particles of titanium maximizes the white pigmentation high portions of aluminum or In satin gloss paints, SIPERNAT® 820
Technical contact:
dioxide and exert, so to speak, a of titanium dioxide on paint surfaces, silicon compounds, whiteness and A is used primarily as a cost-effective
spacer effect between the pigment improving opacity and whiteness of opacity can be further increased flatting agent. In this special case,
particles. Consequently, SIPERNAT® the formulation. with SIPERNAT® 820 A. the concentration of SIPERNAT®

smart formulating journal 9

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