ACS310 Short Manual
ACS310 Short Manual
ACS310 Short Manual
Table of contents
Mechanical installation
Electrical installation
1) Multilingual
2) Delivered as a printed copy with the drive / optional equipment
3) Delivered in PDF format with the drive / optional equipment
All manuals are available in PDF format on the Internet. See section Document library on the
Internet on page 39.
The manual is applicable to the ACS310 drive firmware version 4.00E or later. See
parameter 3301 FIRMWARE in chapter Actual signals and parameters in ACS310
User’s Manual (3AUA0000044201 [English]).
3AUA0000044200 Rev A
EFFECTIVE: 15.11.2008 © 2008 ABB Oy. All Rights Reserved
Table of contents 3
Table of contents
List of related manuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Purpose of the manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Applicability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1. Safety
Safety in installation and maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Safe start-up and operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2. Hardware description
Power connections and control interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Safety ........... 7
Type designation key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3. Mechanical installation
Installing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4. Electrical installation
Checking the compatibility with IT (ungrounded) and corner grounded TN systems . . . . . . . 13
Connecting the power cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Connecting the control cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Installation checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
7. Technical data
Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Power cable sizes and fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
UL checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Further information
Product and service inquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Product training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4 Table of contents
1. Safety
Safety in installation and maintenance
These warnings are intended for all who work on the drive, motor cable or motor.
Electrical safety
General safety
General safety
2. Hardware description
Power connections and control interfaces
8 Control panel
Modbus RTU
Screen 1 SCR (RS-232)
2 AI1 S1 AO 7
Analog input 1 Analog output
0…10 V 3 GND GND 8 0…20 mA
Reference voltage V
+10 V DC, max. 10 mA 4 +10V
6 Output relay
Modbus RTU 24 B J701
module MREL-01
(RS-485) 25 A
26 GND_A
EMC EMC filter grounding screw
FlashDrop VAR Varistor grounding screw
L1 U1 U2
3-phase power M
supply, L2 V2 V2 AC motor
200…480 V AC 3~
L3 W1 W2
8 Hardware description
03 = 3-phase input
E = EMC filter connected, 50 Hz frequency
U = EMC filter disconnected, 60 Hz frequency
J404 = ACS-CP-C Basic Control Panel 1)
J400 = ACS-CP-A Assistant Control Panel 2)
R700 = ACS310 User’s Manual in English (3AUA0000044201 [EN])
R701 = ACS310 User’s Manual in German (3AUA0000048396 [DE])
R702 = ACS310 User’s Manual in Italian (3AUA0000048398 [IT])
R707 = ACS310 User’s Manual in French (3AUA0000048400 [FR])
R708 = ACS310 User’s Manual in Spanish (3AUA0000048401 [ES])
1) The ACS310 is compatible with ACS-CP-C Basic Control Panel Rev M or later.
2) The ACS310 is compatible with ACS-CP-A Assistant Control Panel Rev E or later.
(The ACS310 is compatible with ACS-CP-D Assistant Control Panel Rev P or later. Unlike
the other panels, the ACS-CP-D is ordered with a separate material code.)
Mechanical installation 9
3. Mechanical installation
The instructions in this manual cover drives with the IP20 degree of protection. To
comply with NEMA 1, use the MUL-R1, MUL-R3 or MUL-R4 option kit, which is
delivered with multilingual installation instructions (3AFE68642868, 3AFE68643147
or 3AUA0000025916, respectively).
With screws
1. Mark the locations for the holes using for example the mounting template cut out
from the package. The locations of the holes are also shown in the drawings in
chapter Dimensions in ACS310 User’s Manual (3AUA0000044201 [English]). The
number and location of the holes used depend on how the drive is installed:
a) back mounting (frame sizes R0…R4): four holes
b) side mounting (frame sizes R0…R2): three holes; one of the bottom holes is
located in the clamping plate.
2. Fix the screws or bolts to the marked locations.
1 2 2
10 Mechanical installation
3 4
On DIN rail
1. Click the drive to the rail.
To detach the drive, press the release lever on top of the drive (1b).
1 1b
Mechanical installation 11
12 Mechanical installation
Electrical installation 13
4. Electrical installation
WARNING! The work described in this chapter may only be carried out by a
qualified electrician. Follow the instructions in chapter Safety on page 5.
Ignoring the safety instructions can cause injury or death.
Make sure that the drive is disconnected from the input power during installation. If
the drive is already connected to the input power, wait for 5 minutes after
disconnecting the input power.
14 Electrical installation
PE U1 V1 W1 U2 V2 W2
Do not use an asymmetrically constructed motor cable.
If there is a symmetrically constructed grounding conductor in the motor cable in addition to
the conductive shield, connect the grounding conductor to the grounding terminal at the drive
and motor ends.
Route the motor cable, input power cable and control cables separately. For more
information, see chapter Planning the electrical installation, section Routing the cables in
ACS310 User’s Manual (3AUA0000044201 [English]).
Connection procedure
1. Fasten the grounding conductor (PE) of the input power cable under the
grounding clamp. Connect the phase conductors to the U1, V1 and W1 terminals.
Use a tightening torque of 0.8 N·m (7 lbf·in) for frame sizes R0…R2, 1.7 N·m
(15 lbf·in) for R3, and 2.5 N·m (22 lbf·in) for R4.
2. Strip the motor cable and twist the shield to form as short a pigtail as possible.
Fasten the twisted shield under the grounding clamp. Connect the phase
conductors to the U2, V2 and W2 terminals. Use a tightening torque of 0.8 N·m
(7 lbf·in) for frame sizes R0…R2, 1.7 N·m (15 lbf·in) for R3, and 2.5 N·m (22 lbf·in)
for R4.
3. Secure the cables outside the drive mechanically.
16 Electrical installation
1) 2)
See parameter group 12 CONSTANT 0 = ramp times according to parameters
SPEEDS: 2202 and 2203.
DI3 DI4 Operation (parameter) 1 = ramp times according to parameters
0 0 Set speed through AI1 2205 and 2206.
1 0 Speed 1 (1202) 3)
360 degree grounding under a clamp.
0 1 Speed 2 (1203)
Tightening torque = 0.5 N·m / 4.4 lbf·in.
1 1 Speed 3 (1204)
Electrical installation 17
Connection procedure
1. Remove the terminal cover by simultaneously pushing the recess and sliding the
cover off the frame.
2. Digital signals: Strip the outer insulation of the digital signal cable 360 degrees
and ground the bare shield under the clamp.
3. Connect the conductors of the cable to the appropriate terminals.
4. For double-shielded cables, twist also the grounding conductors of each pair in
the cable together and connect the bundle to the SCR terminal (terminal 1).
1 2
5. Analog signals: Strip the outer insulation of the analog signal cable 360 degrees
and ground the bare shield under the clamp.
6. Connect the conductors to the appropriate terminals.
7. Twist the grounding conductors of each pair in the analog signal cable together
and connect the bundle to the SCR terminal (terminal 1).
8. Secure all cables outside the drive mechanically.
9. Slide the terminal cover back in place.
18 Electrical installation
Installation checklist
Check the mechanical and electrical installation of the drive before start-up. Go
through the checklist below together with another person. Read chapter Safety on
page 5 before you work on the drive.
The ambient operating conditions are allowed. (See Technical data: Losses, cooling data
and noise and Ambient conditions in ACS310 User’s Manual (3AUA0000044201
The drive is fixed properly on an even vertical non-flammable wall. (See Mechanical
installation on page 9 and Mechanical installation in ACS310 User’s Manual
(3AUA0000044201 [English]).)
The cooling air will flow freely. (See Mechanical installation: Install the drive on page 9.)
The motor and the driven equipment are ready for start. (See Planning the electrical
installation: Checking the compatibility of the motor and drive as well as Technical data:
Motor connection data in ACS310 User’s Manual (3AUA0000044201 [English]).)
ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION (See Electrical installation on page 13 and Planning the
electrical installation in ACS310 User’s Manual (3AUA0000044201 [English]).)
For ungrounded and corner grounded systems: The internal EMC filter is disconnected
(EMC screw removed).
The capacitors are reformed if the drive has been stored over two years.
The drive is grounded properly.
The input power voltage matches the drive nominal input voltage.
The input power connections at U1, V1 and W1 are OK and tightened with the correct
Appropriate input power fuses and disconnector are installed.
The motor connections at U2, V2 and W2 are OK and tightened with the correct torque.
The motor cable, input power cable and control cables are routed separately.
The external control (I/O) connections are OK.
The input power voltage cannot be applied to the output of the drive (with a bypass
Terminal cover and, for NEMA 1, hood and connection box, are in place.
Start-up and control with I/O 19
The Start-up Assistant, which is included in the Assistant Control Panel only,
guides you through all essential settings to be done. In the manual start-up, the
drive gives no guidance; you go through the very basic settings by following the
instructions given in section How to perform a manual start-up.
20 Start-up and control with I/O
Apply input power.
The Basic Control Panel powers up into the
Output mode.
Apply input power. The control panel first asks if you REM CHOICE
want to use the Start-up Assistant. Do you want to
use the start-up
OK assistant?
• Press (when Yes is highlighted) to run the Yes
Start-up Assistant. No
• Press if you do not want to run the Start-up
• Press key to highlight No and then press REM CHOICE
OK Show start-up
if you want to make the panel ask (or not assistant on
ask) the question about running the Start-up next boot?
Assistant again the next time you switch on the No
power to the drive. EXIT 00:00 OK
Select the application macro according to which the REM PAR EDIT
control cables are connected. 9902 APPLIC MACRO
Continue with the application set-up. After REM CHOICE
completing a set-up task, the Start-up Assistant Do you want to
continue with
suggests the next one. EXT1 reference setup?
OK Continue
• Press (when Continue is highlighted) to Skip
EXIT 00:00 OK
continue with the suggested task.
• Press key to highlight Skip and then press
to move to the following task without doing
the suggested task.
• Press to stop the Start-up Assistant.
Check the direction of the motor rotation.
• If the drive is in remote control (REM shown on the LOC xx.xHz
status line), switch to local control by pressing LOC
REM . xx.x Hz
• If you are not in the Output mode, press
x.x A
repeatedly until you get there. xx.x %
DIR 00:00 MENU
• Increase the frequency reference from zero to a
small value with key .
• Press to start the motor.
• Check that the actual direction of the motor is the
same as indicated on the display ( means
forward and reverse).
• Press to stop the motor. forward reverse
direction direction
To change the direction of the motor rotation:
• If parameter 9914 PHASE INVERSION is not REM PAR EDIT
visible, first set parameter 1611 PARAMETER 1611 PARAMETER VIEW
• Invert the phases by changing the value of REM PAR EDIT
parameter 9914 to the opposite, ie from 0 (NO) to 9914 PHASE INVERSION
1 (YES), or vice versa. YES
• Verify your work by applying input power and [1]
repeating the check as described above.
• Set parameter 9914 back to 2 (SHORT VIEW).
Start-up and control with I/O 25
After the whole set-up is completed, check that there
are no faults or alarms shown on the display and the
panel LED is green and does not blink.
The drive is now ready for use.
26 Start-up and control with I/O
If you need to change the direction of rotation, check
that parameter 1003 is set to 3 (REQUEST).
Ensure that the control connections are wired See section Default I/O
according to the connection diagram given for the connection diagram on page
ABB Standard macro.
Ensure that the drive is in remote control. Press key In remote control, the panel
display shows text REM.
REM to switch between remote and local control.
. Hz
Forward direction: Switch digital input DI2 off.
To be able to view all actual signals and parameters, set parameter 1611
PARAMETER VIEW to 3 (LONG VIEW). For the description of all actual signals and
parameters, refer to chapter Actual signals and parameters in ACS310 User’s
Manual (3AUA0000044201 [English]).
Fieldbus equivalent
Example: If 2008 MAXIMUM FREQ (see page 30) is set from an external control
system, an integer value of 1 corresponds to 0.1 Hz. All the read and sent values are
limited to 16 bits (-32768…32767).
28 Actual values and parameters in the short view
No. Name/Value Description Def/FbEq
13 ANALOG INPUTS Analog input signal processing
1301 MINIMUM AI1 Defines the minimum %-value that corresponds to minimum 1.0%
mA/(V) signal for analog input AI1. When used as a
reference, the value corresponds to the reference minimum
0…20 mA = 0…100%
4…20 mA = 20…100%
-10…10 mA = -50…50%
Example: If AI1 is selected as the source for external
reference REF1, this value corresponds to the value of
parameter 1104 REF1 MIN.
Note: MINIMUM AI value must not exceed MAXIMUM AI
-100.0… Value as a percentage of the full signal range. Example: If 1 = 0.1%
100.0% the minimum value for analog input is 4 mA, the percent
value for 0…20 mA range is:
(4 mA / 20 mA) · 100% = 20%
14 RELAY OUTPUTS Status information indicated through relay output, and relay
operating relays. For more information, see chapter Actual
signals and parameters in ACS310 User’s Manual
(3AUA0000044201 [English]).
1401 RELAY Selects a drive status indicated through relay output RO 1. FAULT(-1)
OUTPUT 1 The relay energizes when the status meets the setting.
NOT SEL Not used 0
READY Ready to function: Run Enable signal on, no fault, supply 1
voltage within acceptable range and emergency stop signal
RUN Running: Start signal on, Run Enable signal on, no active 2
FAULT(-1) Inverted fault. Relay is de-energized on a fault trip. 3
16 SYSTEM Parameter view, Run Enable, parameter lock etc.
1611 PARAMETER Selects the parameter view, ie which parameters are shown SHORT
VIEW on the control panel. VIEW
FLASHDROP Shows the FlashDrop parameter list. Does not include the 1
short parameter list. Parameters which are hidden by the
FlashDrop device are not visible.
FlashDrop parameter values are activated by setting
parameter 9902 APPLIC MACRO to 31 (LOAD FD SET).
SHORT VIEW Shows only those signals and parameters that are listed in 2
this table.
LONG VIEW Shows all signals and parameters. 3
20 LIMITS Drive operation limits.
2008 MAXIMUM Defines the maximum limit for the drive output frequency. E: 50.0 Hz
FREQ U: 60.0 Hz
0.0…500.0 Hz Maximum frequency 1 = 0.1 Hz
21 START/STOP Start and stop modes of the motor
2102 STOP Selects the motor stop function. COAST
Actual values and parameters in the short view 31
No. Name/Value Description Def/FbEq
COAST Stop by cutting off the motor power supply. The motor 1
coasts to a stop.
RAMP Stop along a ramp. See parameter group 22 ACCEL/ 2
22 ACCEL/DECEL Acceleration and deceleration times
2202 ACCELER Defines the acceleration time 1, ie the time required for the 5.0 s
TIME 1 speed to change from zero to the speed defined by
parameter 2008 MAXIMUM FREQ.
- If the speed reference increases faster than the set
acceleration rate, the motor speed will follow the
acceleration rate.
- If the speed reference increases slower than the set
acceleration rate, the motor speed will follow the reference
- If the acceleration time is set too short, the drive will
automatically prolong the acceleration in order not to
exceed the drive operating limits.
Actual acceleration time depends on parameter 2204 RAMP
SHAPE 1 setting.
0.0…1800.0 s Time 1 = 0.1 s
2203 DECELER Defines the deceleration time 1, ie the time required for the 5.0 s
TIME 1 speed to change from the value define by parameter 2008
- If the speed reference decreases slower than the set
deceleration rate, the motor speed will follow the reference
- If the reference changes faster than the set deceleration
rate, the motor speed will follow the deceleration rate.
- If the deceleration time is set too short, the drive will
automatically prolong the deceleration in order not to
exceed drive operating limits.
If a short deceleration time is needed for a high inertia
application, note that the ACS310 cannot be equipped with
a brake resistor.
Actual deceleration time depends on parameter 2204
RAMP SHAPE 1 setting.
0.0…1800.0 s Time 1 = 0.1 s
99 START-UP DATA Language selection. Definition of motor set-up data.
9901 LANGUAGE Selects the display language. ENGLISH
Note: With the ACS-CP-D Assistant Control Panel, the
following languages are available: English (0), Chinese (1),
Korean (2) and Japanese (3).
ENGLISH British English 0
ENGLISH (AM) American English 1
DEUTSCH German 2
ITALIANO Italian 3
ESPAÑOL Spanish 4
PORTUGUES Portuguese 5
32 Actual values and parameters in the short view
No. Name/Value Description Def/FbEq
DANSK Danish 8
SUOMI Finnish 9
SVENSKA Swedish 10
RUSSKI Russian 11
POLSKI Polish 12
TÜRKÇE Turkish 13
CZECH Czech 14
MAGYAR Hungarian 15
9902 APPLIC Selects the application macro. See chapter Application ABB
MACRO macros in ACS310 User’s Manual (3AUA0000044201 STANDA
[English]). RD
ABB Standard macro for constant speed applications 1
3-WIRE 3-wire macro for constant speed applications 2
ALTERNATE Alternate macro for start forward and start reverse 3
MOTOR POT Motor potentiometer macro for digital signal speed control 4
HAND/AUTO Hand/Auto macro to be used when two control devices are 5
connected to the drive:
- Device 1 communicates through the interface defined by
external control location EXT1.
- Device 2 communicates through the interface defined by
external control location EXT2.
EXT1 or EXT2 is active at a time. Switching between EXT1/
2 through digital input.
PID CONTROL PID control. For application in which the drive controls a 6
process value. Eg pressure control by the drive running the
pressure boost pump. Measured pressure and the pressure
reference are connected to the drive.
PFC PFC (pump and fan control) macro for pump alternation 7
CONTROL applications
SPFC SPFC (soft pump and fan control) macro for pump 15
CONTROL alternation applications where lower pressure peaks are
desirable when a new auxiliary motor is started.
LOAD FD SET FlashDrop parameter values as defined by the FlashDrop 31
file. Parameter view is selected by parameter 1611
FlashDrop is an optional device for fast copying of
parameters to unpowered drives. FlashDrop allows easy
customization of the parameter list, eg selected parameters
can be hidden. For more information, see MFDT-01
FlashDrop User’s Manual (3AFE68591074 [English]).
USER S1 User 1 macro loaded into use. Before loading, check that 0
LOAD the saved parameter settings and the motor model are
suitable for the application.
USER S1 Save User 1 macro. Stores the current parameter settings -1
SAVE and the motor model.
Actual values and parameters in the short view 33
No. Name/Value Description Def/FbEq
USER S2 User 2 macro loaded into use. Before loading, check that -2
LOAD the saved parameter settings and the motor model are
suitable for the application.
USER S2 Save User 2 macro. Stores the current parameter settings -3
SAVE and the motor model.
9905 MOTOR NOM Defines the nominal motor voltage. Must be equal to the 230 V
VOLT value on the motor rating plate. The drive cannot supply the (200 V
motor with a voltage greater than the input power voltage. units)
Output voltage 400 V
(400 V
9905 E units)
460 V
(400 V
U units)
Output frequency
WARNING! Never connect a motor to a drive which
is connected to power line with voltage level higher
than the rated motor voltage.
115…345 V Voltage. 1=1V
(200 V units) Note: The stress on the motor insulations is always
200…600 V dependent on the drive supply voltage. This also applies to
(400 V E unit) the case where the motor voltage rating is lower than the
230…690 V rating of the drive and the supply of the drive.
(400 V U units)
9906 MOTOR NOM Defines the nominal motor current. Must be equal to the I2N
CURR value on the motor rating plate.
0.2…2.0 · I2N Current 1 = 0.1 A
9907 MOTOR NOM Defines the nominal motor frequency, ie the frequency at E: 50.0 Hz
FREQ which the output voltage equals the motor nominal voltage: U: 60.0 Hz
Field weakening point = Nom. frequency · Supply voltage /
Motor nom. voltage
10.0…500.0 Hz Frequency 1 = 0.1 Hz
9908 MOTOR NOM Defines the nominal motor speed. Must be equal to the Type
SPEED value on the motor rating plate. dependent
50…18000 rpm Speed 1 = 1 rpm
9909 MOTOR NOM Defines the nominal motor power. Must equal the value on PN
POWER the motor rating plate.
0.2…3.0 · PN kW Power 1 = 0.1
34 Actual values and parameters in the short view
Technical data 35
7. Technical data
Type Input Output Frame
ACS310- I1N I LD I2N I2max PN size
x = E/U 1) A A A A kW hp
3-phase UN = 200...240 V (200, 208, 220, 230, 240 V)
03x-02A6-2 4.7 2.4 2.6 4.2 0.37 0.5 R0
03x-03A9-2 6.7 3.5 3.9 6.1 0.55 0.75 R0
03x-05A2-2 8.4 4.7 5.2 8.2 0.75 1 R1
03x-07A4-2 13.0 6.7 7.4 11.7 1.1 1.5 R1
03x-08A3-2 13.2 7.5 8.3 13.1 1.5 2 R1
03x-10A8-2 15.7 9.8 10.8 17.2 2.2 3 R2
03x-14A6-2 23.9 13.3 14.6 23.3 3 3 R2
03x-19A4-2 27.3 17.6 19.4 30.8 4 5 R2
03x-26A8-2 45 24.4 26.8 42.7 5.5 7.5 R3
03x-34A1-2 55 31.0 34.1 54.3 7.5 10 R4
03x-50A8-2 76 46.2 50.8 80.9 11.0 15 R4
3-phase UN = 380...480 V (380, 400, 415, 440, 460, 480 V)
03x-01A3-4 2.4 1.2 1.3 2.1 0.37 0.5 R0
03x-02A1-4 4.0 1.9 2.1 3.3 0.55 0.75 R0
03x-02A6-4 4.5 2.4 2.6 4.2 0.75 1 R1
03x-03A6-4 6.6 3.3 3.6 5.8 1.1 1.5 R1
03x-04A5-4 7.6 4.1 4.5 7.2 1.5 2 R1
03x-06A2-4 10.6 5.6 6.2 9.8 2.2 3 R1
03x-08A0-4 12.8 7.3 8.0 12.8 3 3 R1
03x-09A7-4 15.0 8.8 9.7 15.4 4 5 R1
03x-13A8-4 20.7 12.5 13.8 21.9 5.5 7.5 R3
03x-17A2-4 24.3 15.6 17.2 27.3 7.5 10 R3
03x-25A4-4 34.0 23.1 25.4 40.4 11 15 R3
03x-34A1-4 57 31 34.1 54.3 15 20 R4
03x-41A8-4 67 38 41.8 66.5 18.5 25 R4
03x-48A4-4 74 44 48.4 77.0 22.0 30 R4
1) E = EMC filter connected (metal EMC filter screw installed), 00578903.xls D
U = EMC filter disconnected (plastic EMC filter screw installed), US
I1N continuous rms input current (for dimensioning cables and fuses) at ambient
temperature of +40 °C
I LD continuous output current at max ambient temperature of +50 °C.
10% overloadability for one minute every ten minutes.
I2N maximum continuous output current at ambient temperature of +40 °C.
No overloadability, derating 1% for every additional 1 °C up to 50 °C.
36 Technical data
I2max maximum instantaneous output current. Available for two seconds every ten
minutes at start-up, or as long as allowed by the drive temperature.
PN typical motor power. The kilowatt ratings apply to most IEC 4-pole motors. The
horsepower ratings apply to most NEMA 4-pole motors.
R0…R4 ACS310 is manufactured in frame sizes R0…R4. Some instructions and other
information that only concern certain frame sizes are marked with the symbol of the
frame size (R0…R4)
For information on derating, see chapter Technical data, section Derating in ACS310
User’s Manual (3AUA0000044201 [English]).
UL checklist
The UL mark is attached to the drive to verify that it meets UL requirements.
See the instructions for electrical installation in the sections in this manual or in the
ACS310 User’s Manual (3AUA0000044201 [English]) specified below.
Input power connection – See ACS310 User’s Manual, chapter Technical data,
section Electric power network specification.
Disconnecting device (disconnecting means) – See ACS310 User’s Manual,
chapter Planning the electrical installation, section Selecting the supply disconnecting
device (disconnecting means).
Ambient conditions – The drives are to be used in a heated indoor controlled
environment. See ACS310 User’s Manual, chapter Technical data, section Ambient
conditions for specific limits.
Input cable fuses – For installation in the United States, branch circuit protection
must be provided in accordance with the National Electrical Code (NEC) and any
applicable local codes. To fulfil this requirement, use the UL classified fuses given in
section Power cable sizes and fuses on page 36.
For installation in Canada, branch circuit protection must be provided in accordance
with Canadian Electrical Code and any applicable provincial codes. To fulfil this
requirement, use the UL classified fuses given in section Power cable sizes and
fuses on page 36.
Power cable selection – See ACS310 User’s Manual, chapter Planning the
electrical installation, section Selecting the power cables.
Power cable connections – For the connection diagram and tightening torques, see
section Connecting the power cables on page 14.
Overload protection – The drive provides overload protection in accordance with
the National Electrical Code (US).
38 Technical data
Further information
Product and service inquiries
Address any inquiries about the product to your local ABB representative, quoting the
type designation and serial number of the unit in question. A listing of ABB sales,
support and service contacts can be found by navigating to and
selecting Sales, Support and Service Network.
Product training
For information on ABB product training, navigate to and select
Training courses.