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M. Alagawany, M. E. Abd El-Hack, M. R. Farag, S. S. Elnesr, M. S. El-Kholy, I. M. Saadeldin, and A. A. Swelum

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Dietary supplementation of Yucca schidigera extract enhances productive

and reproductive performances, blood profile, immune function, and

antioxidant status in laying Japanese quails exposed to lead in the diet

M. Alagawany,∗,1 M. E. Abd El-Hack,∗ M. R. Farag,† S. S. Elnesr,‡ M. S. El-Kholy,∗

I. M. Saadeldin,§,# and A. A. Swelum§,,1

Poultry Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagazig University, Zagazig 44519, Egypt; † Forensic Medicine and
Toxicology Department, Veterinary Medicine Faculty, Zagazig University, Zagazig 44519, Egypt; ‡ Department of
Poultry Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University, 63514 Fayoum, Egypt; § Department of Animal
Production, College of Food and Agriculture Sciences, King Saud University, P.O. Box 2460, Riyadh 11451,
Saudi Arabia; # Department of Physiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Zagazig University, Zagazig 44519,
Egypt; and  Department of Theriogenology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Zagazig University, Zagazig 44519,

ABSTRACT The present study investigated the toxic hatchability percentages comparable to that of control.
impacts of lead (LD) on the productive and repro- Triglycerides, cholesterol, and LDL contents in LD plus
ductive performances of Japanese quails and the role YSE100 or LD plus YSE200 groups were significantly
of Yucca schidigera extract (YSE) in reducing these decreased than LD alone group. LD significantly de-
impacts. A total of 360 mature Japanese quails (at creased superoxide dismutase and catalase activities in
2 months of age) were used and the experiment was the serum with no effect on reduced glutathione con-
lasted for 8 wk. The birds were divided into 6 equal tent. Co-exposure to YSE100 or YSE200 with LD sig-
groups as follows: control (basal diet), basal diet + nificantly increased the catalase activity and numeri-
100 mg LD/kg diet, basal diet + YSE (100 mg/kg cally increased the superoxide dismutase activity than
diet), basal diet + YSE (200 mg/kg diet), basal diet LD alone. YSE100 or YSE200 decreased malondialde-
+ LD (100 mg/kg diet) + YSE (100 mg/kg diet), and hyde contents than LD alone group. LD plus YSE100
basal diet + LD (100 mg/kg diet) + YSE (200 mg/kg or YSE200 groups exhibited significant improvements
diet). LD resulted in a significant decrease in feed in- in the level of immunoglobulins. Co-exposure to YSE
take (FI), feed conversion ratio (FCR), and egg pro- with LD significantly decreased the LD residues in
duction of birds compared with the control group. Sup- egg than the LD group. The obtained results showed
plementation of YSE (100 or 200) to LD containing that YSE exhibited a potential modulatory role against
diet could significantly improve the quail performance the LD-induced inhibitory effects on the productive
parameters to be comparable with the control val- and reproductive performances of Japanese quails
ues. Fertility and hatchability % were decreased by and YSE at 200 mg/kg diet was more effective
LD, whereas YSE at both levels (100 or 200) sepa- than 100 mg/kg diet in reversing the LD-induced
rately or in combination with LD showed fertility and alterations.
Key words: Yucca, lead, performance, blood, quail
2018 Poultry Science 97:3126–3137

INTRODUCTION environmental pollutants particularly in industrial ar-

eas (Klaminder et al., 2006). Birds are exposed to LD
The environmental contamination has been increased from various sources such as the general environment,
during the last decades resulting in potential hazards industrial pollution and contamination of water, soil
on all biological systems including birds which expe- and food by agricultural processing (Berglund et al.,
rienced a great reduction in their population (Gaston 2010). Oral administration of LD results in its absorp-
et al., 2003). Lead (LD) is one of the most widespread tion at a small extent but its elimination rate is slow; as
a result, exposure to small quantities for long periods
could lead to accumulation of harmful levels (Madhavi

C2018 Poultry Science Association Inc.
Received February 27, 2018.
et al., 2007). When LD enters in to the blood stream,
Accepted April 13, 2018. it is absorbed and some of it is bound to erythrocytes
Corresponding authors:; aswelum@ksu. and some is conjugated in the liver then pass to kidney. After that, a small amount is excreted in urine and the
remaining stay in plasma to be distributed in the body to investigate the toxic effects of LD on productive and
and accumulates in various organs and impaired their reproductive performances, blood biochemical parame-
function. Ingestion of LD has been reported to induce ters, and the oxidative status of laying Japanese quails
poor performance, weight loss, decreased production, and to determine the egg quality criteria and residual
and even death of animals (Hoshiari and Pourkhabbaz, concentrations of LD in the produced eggs. Addition-
2012). Lead has been reported to induce some clinical ally, this study would clarify the potential modulatory
manifestations in birds such as atrophy of breast mus- role of Yucca schidigera extract (YSE) against these ef-
cle and loss of visceral and subcutaneous fat (Beyer et fects.
al., 1998). It also resulted in weight loss, poor body
conditions, and even starvation of birds as subsequent
conditions following muscular paralysis of digestive sys- MATERIALS AND METHODS
tem including esophagus, proventriculus, gizzard, and Birds and Diets
the intestines (Pattee and Pain, 2003).
Lead has been accounted for mortality and morbidity The present study was carried out at Poultry Re-
in birds from different species in some previous reports search Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagazig Univer-
(Mateo et al., 2003; Pain et al., 2015). Lead also ex- sity, Egypt. All experimental procedures were carried
hibited some immunotoxic effects as described by Oh- out according to the Local Experimental Animal Care
sawa (2009). Additionally, birds can maintain metals in Committee and approved by the ethics of the institu-
high levels in different tissues like kidney, liver, meat, tional committee of Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt.
and eggs (Farahani, et al., 2015; Humayun et al., 2015). A total number of 360 mature Japanese quails
Such residues can be transmitted to human and other (Coturnix coturnix japonica) at 2 mo of age with initial
organisms through food chain resulting in a wide range body weight 240.50 ± 2.00 g were used in a complete
of biochemical and physiological abnormalities in car- randomized design experiment with 6 treatments of 60
diovascular system, nervous system, reproductive or- birds each. Each group was subdivided into 4 replicates
gans, kidneys, and red blood cells (Elayat and Bakheetf, with 15 birds. The experiment lasted for 8 wk. Birds
2010). were fed the basal diet with or without supplemental
Lead poisoning has been also reported to induce LD or YSE that formulated to meet laying quail re-
oxidative stress and enhance the production of reac- quirements according to NRC (1994). The treatments
tive oxygen species (ROS) as major mechanisms of its were as follows: 1) control basal diet, 2) basal diet +
toxic action and thereby can cause cell structure dam- 100 mg LD/kg diet, 3) basal diet + YSE (100 mg/kg
age, lipid peroxidation, and DNA and protein oxida- diet), 4) basal diet + YSE (200 mg/kg diet), 5) basal
tion (Kasperczyk et al., 2012). The potential effect of diet + LD (100 mg/kg diet) + YSE (100 mg/kg
LD in induction of oxidative stress suggests that some diet), and 6) basal diet + LD (100 mg/kg diet) +
medicinal plants and herbs with antioxidant and pos- YSE (200 mg/kg diet). The ingredients and chemical
sible chelating activities may be helpful in modulating composition of the basal diet are presented in Table 1.
the LD-induced toxicity (Patrick, 2006). Birds were housed in conventional type cage (50 × 30
Yucca schidigera is a plant belongs to the family × 50 cm3 ; 1,500 cm2 of floor space) with feed and fresh
“Agavaceae,” native to Mexico and the South-Western water provided ad libitum. Birds also were maintained
United States. Yucca is a widespread medicinal plant on a 17 h light: 7 h dark cycle throughout the trial. All
and is considered as natural (100%) additive (Bal- birds were kept under the same managerial, hygienic,
azi et al., 2013). It has many beneficial effects like and environmental conditions.
growth promoter, hypocholesterolemic, hypoglycemic,
anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticarcinogenic, and
immunostimulatory (Alagawany et al., 2016a). Yucca Tested Chemicals
is a commercial source of saponins, resveratrol, vari-
Lead in the form of LD acetate (99.6% purity) was
ous enzymes, and antioxidants (Chrenková et al., 2012;
purchased from El-Gomhoria Chemical Co., Egypt.
Alagawany et al., 2016b; Farag et al., 2016). Steroid
Yucca schidigera extract was purchased from Free Trade
saponins of yucca products are approved by GRAS
Egypt Company (El-Behera, Egypt). All other chemi-
(Generally Recognized as Safe) given by FDA (Food
cals were purchased from Sigma (St. Louis, MO). All
and drug administration) that allows their human di-
other reagents used were of analytical grade.
etary use (Tenon et al., 2017). It is also used in the
manufacture of cosmetics, beverages, and as dietary
supplement for poultry and animal. In addition, yucca Data Collection and Calculation
can conserve ammonia and decrease its content in the
poultry houses and air and decrease blood urea concen- Feed intake (FI) (g) was recorded daily, whereas feed
tration (Piacente et al., 2005) and has a great absorp- conversion ratio (FCR) was calculated as the egg mass
tion capacity for harmful volatile compounds, such as value divided by the amount of consumed feed. Egg
ammonia and hydrogen sulfide (Vlckova et al., 2017). numbers and weights were recorded daily to compute
Therefore, the main objective of the present study was the egg mass.
Table 1. Composition and calculated analysis of the basal diets. ferase (ALT), and aspartate aminotransferase (AST)
were determined spectrophotometrically using commer-
Item Basal diet (%)
cial diagnostic kits provided from Biodiagnostic Co.
Ingredients (Giza, Egypt). Immunoglobulins (IgG and IgM) were
Corn 60.05
Soybean meal (44%) 25.00
determined according to Akiba et al. (1982).
Corn gluten meal (60%) 5.70
Di-calcium phosphate 3.30
Limestone 3.80 Antioxidant Assays
Vit. & Min. premix1 0.25
NaCl 0.20 Superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT)
Dl- Methionine 0.05 activities as well as reduced glutathione (GSH) and
L-Lysine Hcl 0.15
Cotton seed oil 1.50
malondialdehyde (MDA) concentrations were deter-
Total 100 mined in serum by spectrophotometric methods (Hi-
Calculated analysis (%)2 tachi spectrophotometer, Japan) using commercial
Crude protein 20.03
ME (kcal/kg) 2922
biodiagnostic kits provided from BioMérieux (Marcy
Calcium 2.51 l’etoile, France) according to the manufacturer’s in-
Non-phytate phosphorus 0.55 structions.
Lysine 1.08
Methionine + Cystine 0.77
Layer Vit. & Min. premix: Each 2.5 kg of vitamins and minerals
Determination of LD Residues
premix (commercial source pfiezer Co.): consist of Vit. A 12 MIU, VIT
E 15 KIU, Vit. D3 4 MIU, Vit. B1 1 g, Vit B2 8 g, Vit B6 2 g, Vit B12 Eggs were transferred to the laboratory in plastic
10 mg, pantothenic acid 10.87 g, niacin30 g, folic acid 1 g, biotin 150 mg, bags and stored at cool and dark place. Then, each
copper 5 g, iron 15 g, manganese 70 g, iodine 0.5 g, selenium 0.15 g, zinc egg was washed by distilled water and soap and cut at
60 g, and antioxidant 10 g.
Calculated according to NRC (1994). the air cell end by dissecting scissors and pointed for-
ceps. The content of each sample was placed in a clean
glass jar. The samples then were dried at 75◦ C to get
Fertility and Hatchability Percentages constant weight (Zaki, 1998).
Then, the egg samples were digested by acid diges-
Twenty eggs from each replicate were collected and
tion method of Mahaffey et al. (1981),where 1 g of each
incubated at the end of each month. After hatching,
sample was putted into a clean screw capped glass bot-
chicks were counted and non-hatched eggs were exam-
tle and digested with a 4 mL of (nitric/perchloric acid,
ined to calculate the fertility and hatchability percent-
1:1) as a digestion solution. Initial digestion was per-
ages. Fertility and hatchability percentages were calcu-
formed at room temperature for 24 h, and then heated
lated as follows: fertility percentage = (number of fertile
for 2 h at110◦ C. Then the samples were left to cool and
eggs/total eggs set) × 100; hatchability percentage from
then followed by addition of deionized water and the
fertile eggs = (number of hatched chicks/total number
solution was left for 1 h in water bath to expel nitrous
of fertile eggs) × 100; hatchability percentage from the
gases. The digests were filtered and diluted to 25 mL
total egg set = (number of hatched chicks/total eggs
deionized water (Julshman, 1983). The obtained solu-
set) × 100.
tion was then analyzed using flame atomic absorption
Egg Quality Criteria
Egg quality criteria were measured monthly using 3 Statistical Analysis
eggs from each replicate. Interior and exterior parame- The data were statistically analyzed using general lin-
ters of egg quality (percentages of yolk, albumen, shell, ear models procedure adapted by SPSS for user’s guide
and egg shape index, yolk index Haugh units, and shell with one-way ANOVA. The differences among treat-
thickness) were determined according to Romanoff and ments were determined using the post hoc Newman–
Romanoff (1949). Keuls test (P < 0.05).

Blood Sampling and Laboratory Analyses RESULTS

Blood samples were randomly collected from 6 birds Productive Performance of Japanese Quails
per treatment from the wing vein into sterilized tubes.
The samples were allowed to coagulate for 30 min at Table 2 depicts the effects of LD along with the
room temperature and then centrifuged for 15 min role of YSE on productive performance of quails dur-
at 3,500 rpm for serum separation; the serum sam- ing the experimental period. Supplementation of LD
ples were stored at –20◦ C until analysis. Total pro- to quails diet showed a significant decrease in the FI,
tein, albumin, globulin, total cholesterol, triglycerides, FCR, and egg production of birds compared with the
low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, high-density control group. On the other hand, there were no sig-
lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, alanine amino trans- nificant changes in the egg weight or egg mass among
Table 2. Effects of separate and concurrent exposure to lead (LD, 100 mg/kg diet) and Yucca Schidigera extract (YSE, 100 or
200 mg/kg diet) on productive parameters of Japanese quail.

Productive parameters
Items Egg weight (g) Egg production (%) Egg mass (g) Feed intake (g/d) Feed conversion (g feed/g egg)

Control 13.78 ± 0.79 83.52 ± 8.49

692.09 ± 102.17 31.54 ± 1.30
2.98b ± 0.31
Lead (LD) 13.66 ± 0.85 64.52c ± 0.67 530.66 ± 43.34 26.31b ± 0.52 2.66c ± 0.11
YSE 100 13.45 ± 0.63 73.01b,c ± 2.47 715.20 ± 34.38 32.61a,b ± 0.36 3.20a ± 0.30
YSE 200 14.31 ± 0.39 88.61a ± 0.69 618.52 ± 21.67 33.76a,b ± 2.38 3.40a ± 0.39
LD+YSE 100 14.44 ± 0.98 70.23b,c ± 3.91 640.28 ± 57.42 30.73a,b ± 1.17 2.79b,c ± 0.25
LD+YSE 200 16.90 ± 0.66 72.09b,c ± 0.82 713.14 ± 53.39 31.18a,b ± 1.34 2.74b,c ± 0.15
P-value1 0.060 0.010 0.200 0.031 0.057

Different superscripts within 1 column are significantly different (P < 0.05).

Overall treatment P-value.

Table 3. Effects of separate and concurrent exposure to lead Hatchability (%) from the fertile eggs was found
(LD, 100 mg/kg diet) and Yucca Schidigera extract (YSE, 100 to be significantly decreased in the LD group com-
or 200 mg/kg diet) on reproductive parameters of Japanese quail.
pared to control, whereas the YSE100 group showed
Reproductive parameters the highest percentage among all other experimental
groups. On the other hand, supplementation of YSE
(%) (from the Hatchability (%)
(100 or 200 mg/kg diet) to LD diet could restore
total set of (from the fertile the hatchability (%) from the fertile eggs to that of
Items Fertility (%) eggs) eggs) control.
Control 92.53a ± 0.75 74.58a ± 5.15 85.80a,b ± 3.93
Lead (LD) 78.85b ± 4.85 39.58b ± 10.48 47.36c ± 13.92
YSE 100 90.88a ± 3.83 71.77a ± 4.39 84.84a,b ± 4.86 Egg Quality Criteria
YSE 200 91.31a ± 1.80 76.82a ± 3.90 91.47a ± 5.89
LD+YSE 100 83.39a,b ± 2.66 46.41b ± 7.81 62.84a,b,c ± 5.74 Supplementation of quail’s diet by LD, YSE (100 or
LD+YSE 200 84.83a,b ± 2.45 57.29a,b ± 5.13 55.56b,c ± 10.38 200) separately or in combination did not alter the egg
P-value1 0.030 0.003 0.005
composition (shell, yolk, and albumen), exterior or in-
Different superscripts within 1 column are significantly different terior egg quality parameters than the control group as
(P < 0.05).
Overall treatment P-value.
shown in Table 4.

the different experimental groups. Supplementation of Liver Function Markers

YSE (100 or 200) to LD containing diet could signifi-
cantly improve the quail performance parameters (FI, Liver function markers are given in Table 5. Total
FCR, and egg production) and restored them to the protein, albumin, and globulin levels were found to be
control values. YSE200 groups showed the highest FI decreased in serum of LD-exposed group only compared
level and egg production percentage compared to all to control. The higher levels of total protein and albu-
other groups. min were obtained for birds of YSE200 group followed
by the YSE100 group compared to the control group.
Co-exposure to YSE 100 or 200 with LD was found to
Reproductive Performance of Japanese significantly increase the levels of total protein, albu-
Quails min, and globulin.
In response to LD exposure, the values of AST and
Results in Table 3 indicate that supplementation of
ALT were increased significantly compared to the con-
diets with LD resulted in a significant decrease in the
trol group. On the other hand, lower levels of AST
fertility percentage compared to the control group. On
and ALT were observed for YSE100 and YSE200.
the other hand, YSE at both levels (100 or 200) sepa-
AST and ALT levels in LD plus YSE100 or LD plus
rately or in combination with LD showed fertility per-
YSE200 groups were significantly decreased than LD
centages comparable to that of control.
alone group and a better reduction was observed in
Results of hatchability (%) from the total set of eggs
LD plus YSE 200 group; however, both the levels did
revealed no significant changes between control, YSE
not return the AST and ALT levels to the control
100, or YSE200 groups. Whereas, this percentage was
significantly decreased in the LD group compared to
the control group. On the other hand, supplementation
of YSE (100 mg/kg diet) to LD containing diet could Effects on Lipid Profile
not improve the reduced hatchability of quails, whereas
addition of YSE (200 mg) to LD diet could restore the Exposure of quails to LD in their diet significantly in-
hatchability percentage of birds to control values. creased the triglycerides, cholesterol, and LDL whereas

Table 4. Effects of separate and concurrent exposure to lead (LD, 100 mg/kg diet) and Yucca Schidigera extract (YSE, 100 or
200 mg/kg diet) on egg quality criteria in Japanese quail.

Egg quality criteria

Items Shell % Shell thickness Egg shape index Yolk % Yolk index Albumen % Haugh unit score

Control 18.32 ± 1.52 0.240 ± 0.01 83.83 ± 1.64 32.60 ± 2.23 48.83 ± 2.86 49.06 ± 2.66 92.36 ± 2.10
Lead (LD) 15.58 ± 1.29 0.246 ± 0.01 82.05 ± 3.07 32.88 ± 0.78 49.54 ± 2.73 51.53 ± 1.68 95.04 ± 1.97
YSE 100 18.29 ± 1.47 0.253 ± 0.01 81.35 ± 3.09 26.06 ± 1.72 46.80 ± 1.62 55.63 ± 3.01 95.45 ± 3.14
YSE 200 18.10 ± 0.48 0.246 ± 0.01 81.18 ± 0.38 36.70 ± 2.07 46.91 ± 1.24 45.19 ± 2.35 96.34 ± 0.46
LD+YSE 100 21.40 ± 1.60 0.246 ± 0.01 79.74 ± 2.08 33.56 ± 4.34 53.57 ± 3.93 45.03 ± 4.70 98.25 ± 0.88
LD+YSE 200 16.13 ± 0.98 0.253 ± 0.01 80.80 ± 3.35 34.65 ± 2.71 45.60 ± 0.95 49.21 ± 3.01 95.59 ± 0.30
P-value1 0.086 0.952 0.902 0.154 0.310 0.213 0.392
Overall treatment P-value.

Table 5. Effects of separate and concurrent exposure to lead (LD, 100 mg/kg diet) and Yucca Schidigera extract (YSE, 100 or
200 mg/kg diet) on liver functions in serum of Japanese quail.

Liver functions1
Items Total protein (g/dL) Albumin (g/dL) Globulin (g/dL) AST (IU/mL) ALT (IU/mL)

Control 4.75 ± 0.05

1.81 ± 0.01
2.94 ± 0.05
56.31 ± 1.26
26.59d ± 0.40
Lead (LD) 3.48d ± 0.20 1.47e ± 0.01 2.01c ± 0.20 115.55a ± 1.47 39.44a ± 0.37
YSE 100 5.08b ± 0.05 1.96b ± 0.05 3.12b ± 0.01 46.22e ± 1.48 20.05e ± 0.03
YSE 200 5.87a ± 0.32 2.14a ± 0.04 3.73a ± 0.27 40.10e ± 2.02 16.64f ± 0.76
LD+YSE 100 4.28c ± 0.02 1.63d ± 0.01 2.65b ± 0.02 105.50b ± 2.59 33.75b ± 1.01
LD+YSE 200 4.43c ± 0.04 1.70d ± 0.02 2.73b ± 0.07 69.10c ± 4.61 29.86c ± 0.26
P-value2 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001

Different superscripts within 1 column are significantly different (P < 0.05).

AST: aspartate aminotransferase, ALT: alanine aminotransferase
Overall treatment P-value.

Table 6. Effects of separate and concurrent exposure to lead (LD, 100 mg/kg diet) and Yucca Schidigera
extract (YSE, 100 or 200 mg/kg diet) on lipid profile in serum of Japanese quail.

Lipid profile (mg/dL)

Items Triglyceride(mg/dL) Cholesterol(mg/dL) LDL(mg/dL) HDL(mg/dL)

Control 61.65c ± 0.89 118.25d ± 4.87 62.42c ± 1.45 32.14b ± 0.04

Lead (LD) 86.01a ± 3.86 188.50a ± 7.21 148.94a ± 9.08 21.15e ± 0.56
YSE 100 54.75d ± 0.85 101.07e ± 0.61 54.12c ± 0.15 33.37b ± 0.07
YSE 200 49.45e ± 0.49 76.25f ± 2.74 32.90d ± 2.67 40.52a ± 0.40
LD+YSE 100 68.54b ± 0.54 169.27b ± 3.96 111.58b ± 1.73 26.88d ± 0.36
LD+YSE 200 65.55b,c ± 0.25 151.72c ± 1.37 98.61b ± 4.24 30.46c ± 0.68
P-value1 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001

Different superscripts within 1 column are significantly different (P < 0.05).

Overall treatment P-value.

significantly decreased HDL values compared to control Effects on Antioxidant Status

and other treatment groups. On the other hand, con-
tradicting results were obtained for the YSE200 group. Table 7 shows the effects of LD and YSE on antiox-
Triglycerides, cholesterol, and LDL contents in LD plus idant system of quails. The LD treatment significantly
YSE100 or LD plus YSE200 groups were significantly decreased both the SOD and CAT enzyme activities
decreased than LD alone group and a better effect was in the serum of treated quails compared to the control
observed in LD plus YSE 200 group where it could group. YSE100 did not significantly change the antiox-
restore the triglyceride level to normal and decreased idant activities than those of control, whereas YSE200
the cholesterol level than the LD+YSE100 group how- significantly enhanced the SOD and CAT activities to
ever still higher than control. Co-exposure to YSE 100 be better than the control itself.
or 200 with LD was found to significantly increase GSH content was not significantly changed in all
the levels of HDL than control and YSE200 was more groups compared to control except YSE200 that was
effective than YSE100. On the other hand, YSE100 higher than control.
alone did not alter the HDL value compared to control Co-exposure to YSE100 or YSE200 with LD was
(Table 6). found to significantly increase the CAT activity than
Table 7. Effects of separate and concurrent exposure to lead (LD, 100 mg/kg diet) and Yucca Schidigera extract (YSE, 100 or
200 mg/kg diet) on antioxidant and immunity in serum of Japanese quail.

Antioxidant and immunity1

Items SOD(U/mL) CAT(U/mL) GSH(ng/mL) MDA(μ mol/mL) IgG(mg/dL) IgM(mg/dL)

Control 0.215b ± 0.01 0.221b ± 0.01 0.230b ± 0.01 0.167d ± 0.01 576b,c ± 7.50 48.65c ± 0.43
Lead (LD) 0.162c ± 0.01 0.116d ± 0.01 0.209b ± 0.01 0.355a ± 0.02 406e ± 4.33 30.74f ± 0.43
YSE 100 0.222b ± 0.01 0.224b ± 0.01 0.247b ± 0.01 0.141d,e ± 0.01 609b ± 4.04 51.20b ± 0.52
YSE 200 0.276a ± 0.01 0.252a ± 0.01 0.291a ± 0.01 0.111e ± 0.01 667a ± 19.34 58.45a ± 0.25
LD+YSE 100 0.182b,c ± 0.01 0.191c ± 0.01 0.212b ± 0.01 0.303b ± 0.01 490d ± 5.19 34.34e ± 0.72
LD+YSE 200 0.210b,c ± 0.01 0.195c ± 0.01 0.225b ± 0.01 0.243c ± 0.01 554c ± 23.62 43.90d ± 0.40
P-value2 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001

Different superscripts within 1 column are significantly different (P < 0.05).

SOD: superoxide dismutase, CAT: catalase, GSH: reduced glutathione, MDA: malondialdehyde, IgG: immunoglobulin G, IgM:
immunoglobulin M.
Overall treatment P-value.

LD alone to be comparable with control and numeri- DISCUSSION

cally increase the SOD activity however still under con-
trol values. The aim of the current poultry production is to
The lipid peroxidation, as evidenced by the forma- achieve the highest growth rates, FCRs, and produc-
tion of MDA, was significantly increased in LD-treated tion percentages to cover the widely increasing de-
group compared to the control group. MDA contents in mand of animal proteins particularly in developing
LD plus YSE100 or YSE200 groups were significantly countries. The intensive breeding and farming increased
decreased than LD alone group, and a better effect was the sensitivity of birds to external stressors from their
observed in LD plus YSE 200 group. Meanwhile, MDA surrounding environment resulting in acute stress re-
level in the YSE200 group was significantly lower than sponses, reduced productive and reproductive perfor-
control however YES100 was comparable to both con- mances, health problems, increased susceptibility to
trol and YSE200 groups. infectious diseases, and low-quality poultry products
(Shahid ul Islam et al., 2014). Therefore, it is of impor-
tance to explore the stress responses to environmental
contaminants on the productive and reproductive per-
Effects on Immunoglobulins formance of birds and try to find effective methods to
Results in Table 7 showed that the highest values decrease these responses. Japanese quail could be used
of immunoglobulins (IgG and IgM) were obtained by as a model to study the effects of environmental con-
birds fed diet supplemented with 200 mg YSE/kg fol- tamination as they are similar to wild birds, ready avail-
lowed by those received 100 mg YSE/kg diet, whereas able, and information concerning their normal physiol-
the lowest values of IgG and IgM were obtained in re- ogy is solid (Franson and Pain, 2011).
sponse to LD exposure. On the other hand, LD plus The present study indicated that LD supplementa-
YSE100 or LD plusYSE200 groups exhibited signif- tion to diets of quails showed a significant decrease in
icant improvements in the level of immunoglobulins FI, FCR, and egg production; however, it did not influ-
compared to the LD group and YSE200 showed better ence the other performance parameters including egg
effects. weight and egg mass compared to control. Exposure of
quails to LD in their diet decreased the hatchability of
total eggs set, hatchability of fertile eggs set, and the
percentage of fertile eggs compared to control. On the
LD Residues
other hand, LD did not alter the egg quality criteria
Analysis of eggs for detection of LD residues at the of exposed quails. High dietary LD has been reported
end of the experiment is represented in Figure 1, which to inhibit the growth performance parameters in quails
revealed that the highest concentrations of accumu- (Humayun et al., 2015; Farag et al., 2018). Similarly,
lated LD were detected in eggs of LD-exposed group LD decreased the body weight and egg production in
(0.932 ± 0.04). On the other hand, there were no sig- adult quail hens (Stone and Soares, 1976). On the same
nificant changes in the residue level of LD among con- context, Butkauskas and Sruoga (2004) stated that LD
trol, YSE100, and YSE200 groups (0.13 ± 0.04, 0.09 ± could increase the number of unfertile eggs of quail up
0.03, 0.04 ± 0.02), respectively. Co-exposure to YSE100 to 30% relative to control. Salisbury, et al. (1958) re-
or YSE200 with LD was found to significantly de- ported a cessation of egg production in adult chicken
crease the LD residues in egg 0.797 ± 0.04, 0.700 ± hens intoxicated with LD.
0.02 respectively than the LD group. The YSE200 was The inhibitory effect of dietary LD exposure on re-
better than YSE100 however still higher than control productive performance of female quails was reported
level. by Edens and Garlich (1983), who demonstrated that

Figure 1. Effects of separate and concurrent exposure to lead (LD, 100 mg/kg diet) and Yucca schidigera extract (YSE, 100 or 200 mg/kg
diet) on accumulation of lead residues (μ g/g wet weight) in eggs of treated Japanese quails compared to the control group.

dietary LD significantly depressed the total plasma cal- in the presence of LD. This improvement could be ex-
cium reflecting the inability of intoxicated quails to plained by the suggestions of El Anwer et al. (2009),
mobilize adequate amount of plasma calcium. More- who returned the increased hatchability and fertility to
over, LD exposure decreased the weight and function 2 main assumptions; the first assumption is the ability
of ovary in exposed quails. Therefore, it was suggested of yucca to reduce ammonia concentration in the sur-
that ovary could be involved in the regulation of egg rounding atmosphere of eggs that could help in adjust-
production than calcium. Additionally, LD has been ing the egg pH. The reducing effect of yucca on blood
reported to induce neurotoxicity in quails inducing im- urea has been previously reported in broilers (Balog
pairment of the neurochemical control on reproductive et al., 1994) that could be mainly due to saponin, stil-
hormones regulation (Edens, 1985). benes, and carbohydrates in yucca. These components
In our study, supplementation of YSE to bird’s diet have been reported to have modulatory effects on renal
concurrently with LD resulted in significant improve- functions and could increase the clearance of urea and
ments in the altered productive performance parame- lower blood concentrations of ammonia and urea (Duffy
ters of quails including FI, FCR, egg production, fer- et al., 2001). YES has could inhibit urease enzyme in
tility, and hatchability to levels that are comparable to vivo and in vitro (Asplund 1991; Balog et al., 1994).
those of control. Dietary supplementation of Y. schidi- Biochemical findings of the present study revealed
gera has been reported to induce significant impacts that total protein level was found to be decreased
on layer performance by increasing the egg production in serum of LD-exposed group compared to control.
and final body weight (Gurbuz et al., 2016). Similarly, These results are in accordance with those of Humayun
Cheek (1998) reported that feeding poultry on yucca et al. (2015) who studied hematobiochemical changes
could improve their growth and productivity. These induced by LD poisoning in quails. The decreased pro-
positive effects of yucca could be returned to the pres- tein level could be returned to increasing protein utiliza-
ence of steroidal saponins as a main component and tion to obtain the energy required by quails exposed to
other surface active components that could promote toxic stresses. Furthermore, Hamidipoor et al. (2016a)
the utilization and absorption of nutrients from gas- related the decrease in total protein of quails exposed to
trointestinal tract by improving its epithelial lining of LD acetate and deltamethrin to the reduced utilization
the cell membrane and decreasing the surface tension of dietary protein, malnutrition, or decreased protein
(Goetsch and Owens, 1985). synthesis in liver.
Fertility and hatchability are important parameters Globulin and albumin are the major components of
in studying the reproductive performance; they are af- total protein and the changes in their levels can be
fected by environment, insufficient nutrients, and ge- used to monitor the health status of liver, kidney, and
netic involvement (Ayasan, 2013). Therefore, to ob- the immune system (Patra et al., 2011). When protein
tain the highest fertility and hatchability percentages synthesis in the liver is reduced, it directly affects the
of quails, optimum conditions should be provided be- globulin level. In agreement with this, the results of the
fore and after hatching (Ggüçlü, 2011). In the present present study showed that LD significantly decreased
study, yucca at high level (200 mg/kg body weight) was the albumin and globulin level than control a long with
found to improve fertility and hatchability percentages decreasing total protein level in LD-exposed quails.
In the present study, the extent of LD-induced cellu- and facilitate the discharge of neutral sterols including
lar injury was assessed by monitoring the serum level plant sterols, cholesterol, coprostanol, and bile acids
of ALT and AST. These enzymes were released into in fecal matter (Jenkins and Atwal, 1994). Saponins
serum or plasma in case of liver damage, necrosis, or can also destruct the cell membrane and cause loss of
inflammation. In addition, ALT enzyme has been re- cholesterol (Morehouse, Bangerter, DeNinno, Inskeep,
ported to increase in muscular dystrophy heart fail- McCarthy, Pettini, Savoy, Sugarman, Wilkins, Wilson,
ure, anemia, and obstruction of bile duct (Philip et al., Woody, Zaccaro and Chandler, 1999). Moreover, the
1995). Herein, LD significantly elevated ALT and AST presence of saponins can enhance bile acid absorp-
activities in the serum of LD-treated quails. These re- tion and form high molecular weight micelles (cellulose
sults agreed with previous works reported an elevation saponin–bile acid complexes) thus prevent bile acids
in ALT and AST activities in serum after exposure to reabsorption and lead to the increase in the choles-
LD in quails (Humayun et al., 2015; Hamidipoor et al., terol conversion into bile acids in the hepatic tissue
2016a). Lead significantly reduced the total protein, al- (Sidhu and Oakenfull, 1986). The decrease in choles-
bumin, and globulin levels and significantly increased terol absorption decreased its hepatic content and this
the AST and ALT activities in quails (Hamidipoor et enhanced the activity of HMG-CoA reductase and in-
al., 2016b). This elevation may be attributed to increas- creased the LDL receptors in the liver (Harwood et al.,
ing the permeability of cellular membrane, fluidity of 1993).
the microsomal membrane, or the damage of hypato- Exposure to LD can impair the antioxidant defense
cytes cell membranes (Abdou et al., 2007). Production system and increase the cell vulnerability to the free
of free radicals increased cellular basal metabolic rate, radicles attack leading to oxidative damage (Liu et al.,
irritability, and destructive alteration of liver under the 2010). This could explain the observed decrease in SOD
influence of LD (Ibrahim et al., 2012). and CAT activities of LD-exposed quails in the present
Considering the effect of LD on lipid profile, the study. However, LD did not significantly alter the GSH
present study showed that exposure of quails to LD in content in serum of quails. The altered antioxidant
their diet significantly increased triglycerides, choles- status after LD exposure has been reported in some
terol, and LDL while significantly decreased HDL val- previous works on animals and workers (Baranowska-
ues compared to control and other treatment groups. Bosiacka et al., 2012; Dai et al., 2013).
Contradicting results were obtained by Hamidipoor Oxidative stress of LD exposure was also evidenced
et al. (2016b), where LD exposure had no significant by increased MDA (lipid peroxidation marker) com-
changes in cholesterol, whereas it significantly reduced pared to control. The elevated MDA indicated the
the concentration of triglycerides. The disturbances in inability of antioxidant defense system to counteract
lipid profile could be possibly returned to enhanced the ROS-induced damage. These results agreed with
biosynthesis of cholesterol and its accumulation in liver some earlier reports in which LD induced oxidative
and/or impairment of biliary functions (Ashour et al., damage in birds and significantly enhanced lipid
2014) and this came on line with the obtained results peroxidation in liver of chick embryos (Somashekaraiah
of liver functions. et al., 1992), in brain, and liver of mallards exposed
From the present study, it was obvious that dietary to LD in the diet and in geese and mallards exposed
supplementation of YSE improved the blood biochem- to sediments contaminated by LD (Mateo et al.,
ical parameters (total protein, albumin, globulin) and 2003). MDA levels increased in liver following LD
the activities of liver function enzymes (ALT and AST) exposure (Sandhir and Gill, 1995). These results could
and showed positive effects on the lipid profile of quails be returned to the destructive effects of LD on cell
in the co-exposed groups (LD+YSE) especially at high membrane components including proteins and lipids
level. This indicates the potential modulatory role of resulting in altered membrane function and structure
YSE on liver function mainly due to yucca saponins (Donaldson and Knowles, 1993).
and phenolics that showed hypocholesterolemic, antiox- In the present study, supplementation of YSE to
idant, hypoglycemic, anti-inflammatory, immunostim- bird’s diet contained LD significantly improved the an-
ulatory, antiviral, anticarcinogenic, and anti-mutagenic tioxidant enzymes activities, whereas it significantly
activities (Gupta, 2014; Alagawany et al., 2016a). It is decreased the serum level of MDA in birds com-
well known that powder and extracts of plants rich in pared to the LD group. These results indicate that
saponins can alter the lipid metabolism of birds and dif- YSE could counteract the undesirable impact of ox-
ferent animal as reported by Rao and Kendall (1986). idation reaction and could decrease the lipid perox-
Saponins reduced the serum cholesterol level in laying idation in birds exposed to environmental contami-
hens (Aslan et al., 2004) and rabbits (Morehouse et al., nation. Gümüş and İmik (2016) demonstrated that
1999). Saponins can form complexes with cholesterol yucca can act as a good antioxidant for poultry
leading to its precipitation and can reduce hypercholes- and its supplementation to broiler diets increased
terolemia by altering the stability and size of choles- the total antioxidant capacity by improving the an-
terol micelle and decreasing its penetration into mucous tioxidants activities. These positive impacts could
membrane cells (Milgate and Roberts, 1995). Addition- be attributed to the phytochemicals of yucca such
ally, saponins can reduce the absorption of cholesterol as polyphenolic compounds (resveratrol (RES) and

yuccaols A, B, C, D, and E) and steroidal saponins yucca saponins could enhance cellular and antibody hu-
(Alagawany et al., 2015). RES exhibited a powerful moral immune responses, stimulate the cytokines secre-
scavenging activity against free radicals generated by tions, and activate the innate immunity (Palatnik de
heavy metals as hydroxyl and superoxide radicals and Sousa et al., 2004). Saponins in chicken diets increased
could make activation of the major transcription factors the level of IgA (Zhai et al., 2011). Supplementation
that regulate the response to antioxidants (erythroid- of yucca powder to broiler chicks stimulated the im-
derived nuclear factor) (Rubiolo and Vega, 2008) and mune responses (cellular and humoral) (Su et al., 2016).
could improve the activities of CAT, GSH-Px, SOD, Similarly, yucca powder improved IgG content in layer
glutathione S-transferase (GST), and nicotinamide chicken (Alagawany et al., 2016a).
adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) quinoneox- Fresh egg and egg products are among the most im-
idoreductase (Young et al., 2000). It could also main- portant nutritional sources in the daily diet so inves-
tain the reduced state of glutathione by inhibiting the tigating the residual level of heavy metals is impor-
formation of glutathione disulfide; thereby it can pro- tant as they could induce negative impacts on bird per-
tect cells from the attack of free radicales (FR), pre- formance, productivity, and the consumers as well (Li
vent the oxidative damage of macromolecules, and in- et al., 2005). The present study revealed that eggs from
hibit apolipoprotein B protein peroxidation (Yan et al., LD-exposed quails showed the highest residual level
2012). Similarly, RES as a dietary supplement has been than other experimental groups. Birds can reduce the
reported to diminish oxidative stress and improve the deposition of metals into their eggs through decreas-
antioxidant status in birds (Liu et al., 2014). Moreover, ing the deposition of minerals. This type of protection
RES and other phenolic compounds from yucca could could be sufficient to prevent deposition of some metals
inhibit the generation of FR and reduced lipid peroxi- like Cr and Mn but insufficient for LD (Hui, 2002). This
dation (LPO) in blood platelets (Olas et al., 2003). is in consistence with our results and may explain the
The impact of environmental pollutants on the bird’s obtained decreased hatchability percentage that could
immune system is of great importance as birds are be returned to the ability of LD to induce some embryo
highly required to compensate the shortage in animal toxic impacts. On the other hand, YSE supplementa-
protein sources and the presence of these pollutants tion significantly reduced the LD residues suggesting
could increase the susceptibility of birds to parasites that in addition to its antioxidant activity, it could also
and infectious diseases (Galloway and Depledge, 2001). act as chelator and this makes YSE a powerful candi-
The present study showed that LD significantly de- date for treating LD toxicity.
creased the levels of immunoglobulin (IgG and IgM) in
exposed birds. These findings came on line with the ob- CONCLUSIONS
served decrease in the levels of plasma globulin of the
same group that indicated a reduced immunity as the From the obtained results, we concluded that expo-
liver cannot synthesis enough globulin for immunologic sure of quails to LD in their diets resulted in apparent
actions. On the same context, exposure to LD signif- adverse effects on the performance parameters (produc-
icantly reduced IgG, IgA, and IgM in serum accom- tive and reproductive) and altered the biochemical pa-
panied with increased MDA as a marker of oxidative rameters of liver function and lipid profile in addition to
damage in some organs of rats (Gurer and Ercal, 2000). its inhibitory effect on immune response of birds. These
The significant decrease in IgG and IgM can indi- adverse effects were accompanied with oxidative dam-
cate the deleterious effect of LD on the functions of B age evidenced by decreased antioxidant enzymes and
cells that could be resulted from oxidative damage (de- increased lipid peroxidation. On the other hand, using
creased antioxidant activities and increased MDA) of of YSE as a natural feed additive in quail diets could
LD on these cells and this is totally agreed with Nu- alleviate the deleterious effects of LD and enhanced the
ran Ercal et al. (2001). Lead has been reported to de- immune function via improving levels of immunoglob-
crease the activation of lymphocytes and inhibit their ulin. However, YSE at high level (200 mg/kg diet) was
proliferation, decrease the migration and motility of more effective than low one (100 mg/kg diet).
macrophage (Kiremidjian-Schumacher et al., 1981), and
reduce the cytotoxicity and natural killer (Talcott et al.,
From the present study, it was obvious that di- The authors extend their appreciation to the Dean-
etary supplementation of YSE improved the immune ship of Scientific Research at King Saud University for
response, which was evidenced by the significant im- funding this work through a research group project
provements in immunoglobulins. This could be proba- (# RG-1438–066).
bly due to the modulating effect of yucca in liver func-
tions including the level of globulin and the antioxidant
power of YSE observed in the present study. These ef- CONFLICT OF INTEREST
fects are consistent with some previous reports on the The authors declare that they have no competing in-
positive effects of YSE on immune functions, where terests.

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