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Ajahzi Gardner - SlimThicc Training Guide

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Welcome 1-5
Intro to Cutting 2
Health & Wellness 3
Motivation/Discipline 4
Tracking Progress 5

Nutrition & Supplements 6-12

Intro 6
Macronutrients 7-8
Groceries 9
Supplements 10-12

Calculating Calories and Macros 13-20

Calculating Calories 14-17
Tracking and Adjusting Macronutrients 18-20

Exercise Education and Routines 21-113

Exercise Education 22-27
Warm Up and Cool Downs 28-29
Terms 30
Week 1 31-37
Week 2 38-44
Week 3 45-50
Week 4 51-57
Week 5 58-64
Week 6 65-71
Week 7 72-78
Week 8 79-85
Week 9 86-92
Week 10 93-99
Week 11 100-106
Week 12 107-113
Core Workouts 114
HIIT Workouts 115

Glossery 116-153

Not For Resale

All of the content provided throughout this program, as well as any

other online resources provided by me, Ajahzi Gardner, are protected
under copyright. As a customer, you are not allowed to copy, share,
or redistribute any of these products or you will be subject to
copyright infringement.

Product Disclosure

Although I, Ajahzi Gardner, am a certified personal trainer, I am not a

registered dietician, nutritionist, or physician. The content of this
program, is not intended to be used as, or substituted for, medical
advice. Before starting any new training program or diet regimen, you
should consult with your doctor. By participating in this program, you
are agreeing to take full responsibility for your participation.

Welcome to the SLIMTHICC 12-Week Cutting Program!

Thank you so much for your support and trusting me to guide you
through this next phase in your fitness journey. This program will
provide you with everything you need to know to have a successful
cut these next 12 weeks, as well as the knowledge necessary to
continue achieving your goals throughout the course of your fitness
journey. I want to make this process as enjoyable and educational as


Slimthicc is more than just an aesthetic physique goal to me. I have

finally reached a point in my life where I am completely confident and
happy in my own skin. I spent a huge majority of my life being
insecure about my shape and seeing a higher number on the scale
than your average child/teen. I’ve been a thicker, curvier girl my entire
life & even had doctors tell me I was overweight/pre-obese according
to the body mass index (BMI) scale, which is BS btw :) I have proudly
grown to love my curves, regardless of the number on the scale or a
body fat percentage. My goal is not only to help you achieve your
fitness/physique goals and live a healthier lifestyle, but to empower
you, and all women, to radiate unconditional self-love and self-

Cutting is a term used to describe a weight loss phase, specifically in

the bodybuilding/fitness industry. In order to cut/lose weight, you
must be in caloric deficit. A caloric deficit entails burning more
calories than you are intaking on a regular basis. I am a firm believer
that the slower the cut, the more sustainable the weight loss will be.
An individual could significantly undereat and do hours of cardio to
lose weight fairly quickly, but the weight loss would most likely be
short term. As soon as that individual intakes a little more calories or
cuts down on the cardio, the weight will typically return. In this
program, I will provide you with all the information necessary to
calculate your own macronutrients and how to gradually adjust them
over time to continue making progress, workouts that get
progressively more challenging to avoid plateau and continually
increase caloric expenditure, as well as cardio that gradually
increases over the duration of the 12 weeks. With this knowledge, I
hope you can apply it to your fitness goals and make progress even
after you complete the program.

Fitness has become a huge trend in society over the last few years,
especially for physique, or #bodygoals. My main focus for this
program and what I stand for is health and wellness. I want to help
you become the happiest, healthiest, best possible version of
yourself. Health and wellness is a lot more than just exercise and
counting calories, it consists of a healthy mind, body, and soul. Your
mental health is just as important as your physical health! While the
gym and these workouts might make you feel great, aka those post
workout endorphins, you need to also make yourself and your
happiness a priority. Stress can play a huge role in the prevention of
weight loss due to the increase in cortisol levels. Be sure to minimize
your stress as much as possible, surround yourself with good
company and a good support system (I got you girl!), and to focus on
doing things that make you happy. Another important factor that
affects your health is your rest and SLEEP. Good sleep is extremely
important, not only for brain and cardiovascular health but for
recovery of those muscles after you smash these workouts! The
program has 2 rest days in the split which should prevent overtraining
and over-exhausting yourself. Lack of adequate resting/sleeping can
significantly affect your performance in the gym, as well as your
progress. I don’t want you to only be making progress on the scale or
in the gym, I want you to progress in all aspects of life!

Motivation will come and go, it’s inevitable! “How do you stay
motivated?” is my most frequently asked question and the answer is
that I don’t. You need to make your goals and your health a priority
because no one else can/will do it for you. One thing I always remind
myself is that I will never regret a workout. Yes, it can be hard to get
to the gym, and yes, you might not be having the best day, but
chances are that a workout will only make you feel better! Not only
will those post-workout endorphins keep flowing, but that feeling of
working toward/accomplishing your goals is something you can’t
beat. Every single day is fresh start to work toward the best version of
yourself, take advantage! Build long-term healthy habits that you can
maintain after the next 12 weeks! Of course, I want this experience to
be enjoyable for you but you’re going to need to work hard to achieve
your goals.

There is a huge variety of ways to track progress and the best way is
whatever one you prefer! You can use a scale, tape measure, body fat
percentage, progress pictures, how your clothes fit, and most
importantly how you feel. I would definitely make how you’re feeling
your number one priority. The number on the scale could be dropping
and you might love how you look in the mirror but if you’re feeling
awful then something needs to change. The scale can be such an
inconsistent measurement of progress for a variety of reasons. Body
weight fluctuates a ton especially for women, as well as the fact that
throughout this program you might make some changes in your body
composition, meaning you might be developing some muscle mass
while you’re losing fat which could prevent a huge decrease in the
number on the scale. If you are the kind of person that lets the
number on the scale dictate how you feel about yourself and allow it
to discourage you then don’t feel obligated to weigh yourself. I didn’t
weigh myself my entire 6-month bulk because I didn’t want the
number on the scale to keep me from working toward my goals.
Progress is progress regardless of what any number tells you.

Progress Pictures

Pictures are an amazing measurement of progress. Although, the

before pictures can be difficult to take, I promise you will thank
yourself later. One of the biggest mistakes in my fitness journey was
not taking enough progress pictures. I suggest taking the pictures
with minimal clothing (sports bra, spanks, bra, underwear, bathing
suit) to best show your fat loss and muscle definition over time.

Nutrition will be the most important factor in your progress. Your

caloric intake (how much food you eat) and caloric expenditure (how
many calories you burn), otherwise known as energy balance, is what
dictates whether you lose, gain, or maintain your weight. While
calories are the main factor, how nutritious your food is is just as
important. I suggest your diet to consist of 80 percent healthier,
whole nutritious foods and the other 20 percent consisting of any
processed, “less healthy,” treat options that you want to incorporate
into your diet.

NOTE: Counting macros is not necessary or required to see progress! Ultimately,

your energy balance will determine whether or not you gain, lose, or maintain
weight. You can clean up your diet, watch your portions/serving sizes and still see
progress. If you are brand new to macronutrients, I personally suggest calculating
your macros and tracking every once in a while to make sure your calorie intake is
in line with your goals. You can easily be under-eating or overeating without even
realizing it. If you prefer not to track or if counting calories negatively affects your
mental health, you do not need to track.

Our bodies are VERY smart and work hard to keep us functioning
efficiently. Metabolic adaptation is the term used to explain the
changes made in our metabolism under different caloric intake and
expenditure. You might have heard people refer to this concept as
“metabolic damage,” or ruining your metabolism due to a deficit. Your
metabolism does not get damaged, it simply adjusts to your caloric
intake and expenditure to keep you alive and well. If you are
significantly undereating, you body can adjust to this intake and try to
hold on to any extra weight or fat for energy storage since your body
is not being provided with enough calories and nutrients. Metabolic
adaptation is important because this explains why your cut should be
slow and steady! As you gradually increase your caloric expenditure
and decrease your caloric deficit, not only are you maintaining a
healthy energy balance for a healthy functioning body, you are also
preventing metabolic adaptation by leaving plenty of time for macro
and cardio adjustments.

Macronutrients consist of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Each

macros has its own role in your body and how it functions. Everyone’s
macronutrient needs vary greatly and everyone responds differently
to different macronutrients. These variables include: height, weight,
body composition, age, metabolism, activity level, etc.

Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose and

CARBS: are used as the body's main source of fuel. They are
4 cal/g also used for function of the brain, kidneys, and
heart. Carbohydrates aid in synthesizing amino
acids which are extremely important for your
muscles (aka to get THICC).

The most common forms of carbs include: sugars,

starches, and fiber.

Protein is an important building block of all cells in

PROTIEN: the body and amino acids are the building blocks of
4 cal/g proteins. Protein is an essential macronutrient for
the preservation of muscle, as well as growth.
During heavy lifts, you cause micro-tears in your
muscle that are repaired primarily by your nutrition
and amino acids are necessary for that repair. The
muscle tears grow back even stronger, leading to
hypertrophy, or muscle growth.

Fats are also used for to fuel your body, as well as:
FATS: cell growth, absorbing nutrients, and producing
9 cal/g hormones - which makes fat intake very important
for women’s health.

There are 4 different types of fats:


Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated should take

up most of your fat intake,while saturated and trans
fat should be minimized, NOT necessarily

Saturated/Trans Fat: butter, fatty meats, high fat

dairy, fried foods, Mono/Polyunsaturated: nuts,
vegetable oils, nut butters, avocado, fatty fish

Micronutrients are the essential vitamins, minerals, omega 3s, and

amino acids needed for healthy bodily functions. They are needed in
significantly smaller amounts than macronutrients, hence their name,
micro. Micronutrients are incorporated into your diet by different
types of foods, including: vegetables, nuts, and animal products,
predominantly whole foods, which is why they are so important!

whole eggs, cooking oils, dairy, avocados,

chia seeds, nuts, nut butters

oatmeal, brown rice, jasmine rice, rice
cakes, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat
bread, whole wheat tortillas, potatoes,
sweet potatoes, vegetables, fruits

lean meats, meat substitutes (Beyond
Meat, Gardein), tofu, tempeh, fish, beans,
legumes, egg whites, greek/skyr yogurt,
cottage cheese, protein pancakes (Kodiak
Cakes, Flap Jacked), protein powder

Supplements are NOT necessary to see progress! They can be used

as tools to assist in achieving your goals. The use of any these
products are 100% optional.

To add more protein into your diet if your

Protein Powder protein goal is not achieved through your
food intake

Caffeinated or non-caffeinated products

used for energy and/or muscle pump

Banched-chain amino acids used to

replenish your muscles for recovery

Amino acid that helps prevent breakdown of

muscle & improve protein synthesis

Amino acid that assists in strength and

Creatine performance, gaining and maintaining lean
muscle mass and energy stores

Healthy fish fats - help with heart, joint, and

Fish Oil brain health, lower blood pressure, and
protein synthesis for muscle cell growth

Necessary daily vitamins and minerals that

might not be fulfilled by your food intake

Microbes, mostly bacteria, good for gut

health and immune system


I start every morning off with a refrigerated probiotic, as well as
PEScience TruMulti, TruCreatine, and Omega 3s.

I take 1 scoop of PEScience Prolific and 1 scoop PEScience High
Volume together as my preworkout (stacking with high volume just
provides a better pump). I use BCAAs (PEScience Amino IV) every so
often and drink it throughout my workout.

On days where my protein intake is low, I will do a protein shake with
PEScience Select (gourmet vanilla) or Vegan Select Protein (cinnamon

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BMR is the number of calories your body needs daily to perform

normal body functions. This calorie amount is how many calories you
would burn if you were to lay in bed all day.

How to calculate BMR: (Mifflin-St. Jeor Formula)

10 x (YOUR WEIGHT (KG))+ 6.25 x (YOUR HEIGHT (CM)) - 5 x (YOUR AGE) - 161 = BMR

Weight in kilograms: Weight in pounds / 2.2
Height in centimeters: Height in inches x 2.5


TDEE is the amount of calories you typically burn per day from your
basal metabolic rate and including all daily activities - ex. working,
gym, walking, standing, etc.

Activity Factors:
Light Activity (1-3 days per week, sedentary job): x 1.375
Moderate Activity (3-5 days per week, sedentary job): x 1.55
Heavy Activity (6-7 days per week, active job): x 1.725

How to calculate TDEE:

YOUR BMR x Activity Factor = TDEE


I would suggest starting by finding your maintenance calories or a

very slight deficit (about 10% less calories than maintenance). Your
maintenance calories should be around your calculated TDEE. To find
out if the calculation is correct, you can eat macros equal to your
maintenance calories and your weight should remain the same with
this intake (in about a week’s time). If you gain weight, your
maintenance calories are a little lower & if you lose weight, your
maintenance calories are a little higher.

10% deficit:
Your TDEE x .1 = “X”
Your TDEE - “X” = Deficit calories
Maintenance = Your TDEE


1.5 - 2 grams of protein per KILOGRAM of

PROTEIN: bodyweight
4 cal/g Weight in kilograms = Weight in pounds / 2.2

Approximately 25% of total calories

FATS: CALORIES x .25 = “Y”
9 cal/g Y / 9 (cal/gram) = Daily Fat Intake

Rest of calories
CARBS: Protein calories: Protein Intake (g) x 4 = “A”
4 cal/g Fat calories: Fat Intake (g) x 9) = “B”
A + B = “C” (Calories from proteins and fats)
Total Calories - “C” = “D” (Calories left for carbs)
“D” / 4 = Carb Intake (g)


10 x 68kg + 6.25 x 165cm - 5 x 23 - 161 = 1435 calories


1435 calories x 1.55 (Activity Factor) = 2224 calories (~2200)


2200 calories x .1 = 1980 calories (~2000)

68kg x 2 = 136 grams of protein

136g x 4 (cal/g) = 544 calories from protein
4 cal/g

2000 calories x .25 = 500

FATS: 500 calories / 9 (cals/g) = 55g fat
9 cal/g 55g x 9 (cals/g) = 500 calories from fat

544 cals (protein) + 500 cals (fat) = 1044

CARBS: 2000 total calories - 1044 (protein & fat) = 956
4 cal/g 956 cals / 4 (cals/g) = 239 grams of carbs


136g protein / 55g fat / 239 carbs


NOTE: These macros might be higher than calories you have received
from macronutrient calculators or any other sources. This calculation is
based solely on math and your body. It should be fairly accurate in
regards to your nutrition intake. IF you have been significantly
undereating compared to the macros you calculated, you have choice
to gradually increase your calories over the duration of the 12 weeks
(reverse diet) or jump to your new set of macronutrients. You CAN see
fat loss progress while reverse dieting because proper caloric intake
for your body is very important. If you do decide to jump to your new
set of macronutrients, you might temporarily see in an influx in
bloating or body weight due to the unexpected change in calories.
Your body and weight will adjust gradually.

I personally track using MyFitnessPal & I use my own macros that I

calculated by setting my calorie/macro goals to 0 on the app and
counting them as negatives (shown). In order to do so, you will need
to change the settings:

More → Goals → Calorie, Carbs, Protein, & Fat Goals → Set all to 0.

Measuring Food:
I weigh all my foods using a food scale (available at Walmart, Amazon,
Target, etc.) and typically weigh all my food in grams. When you scan
or search foods on MFP, you can oftentimes pick which measurement
you prefer by clicking on the food, clicking on “serving size,” choosing
which measurement (ounces, grams, cup, etc.), then you can adjust
the “number of servings.”

Nutrition labels will show you how many carbs, fats, and protein are in
a serving of that particular food and how big the serving size is
(shown). The example picture is of jasmine rice, note: serving size if ¼
cup dry or 50g dry - 180 calories - 0F/40C/3P.

On average, pasta/rice doubles in weight when cooked, so
50g dry of jasmine rice is equal to 100g cooked of jasmine
rice for the SAME macros (0F/40C/3P).

MFP Guidance:

You can check your macronutrient intake thus far by clicking on diary
→ scroll to bottom, click “nutrients” → click “nutrients” from top bar.
If you log on to in a web browser, you can change
the number of meals and their names (shown).

There are 28 grams in 1 ounce (ex. 4 ounces = 112 grams, or 28 x 4)

If scooping out of a particular container (protein, peanut butter, etc.),
you can place the item on the scale, zero it out, and scoop out the
product until desired amount is taken out.

Weekly or bi-weekly, you can adjust your macronutrient intake. I

personally just lower my carbs by 10 or 20 grams weekly or bi-weekly,
depending on my progress (pictures, weight, tape measurements,
body fat percentage, etc). My fat intake will also decrease (especially
coming out of a bulk) gradually maybe a couple grams every few
weeks. For long-term, sustainable weight loss, the higher your macros
and lower your cardio while seeing progress, the better! (A dream,
right?!) If you’re continually seeing progress without lowering your
macros or increasing cardio, you do not need to make adjustments if
you do not want to. The more drastically you decrease your macros
and increase your cardio, the higher chance of plateau. For example,
after 4 weeks, if you dropped your calories all the way down to 1000
and do an hour of cardio every single day (very dramatic, lol) and
stopped seeing progress, what would you do for the rest of 8 weeks?!
To keep dropping calories and increasing cardio would put your
health (and sanity, I’m sure) at risk! Slow and steady wins the race with
fitness goals!

As for after the 12 weeks, depending on your progress and how

gradually you’ve cut, feel free to continue cutting. Now if you’ve
achieve the weight/fat loss you’ve intended and you’re satisfied with
your progress, I suggest reverse dieting. Reverse dieting is the
process of gradually increasing your calories and decreasing your
cardio while maintaining your lean physique as long as possible.
Technically, you should not see too much weight gain, if any because
you will gradually be decreasing your caloric deficit and will eventually
reach maintenance calories.

Along with nutrition, of course your workouts are going to play a huge
role in your progress. This program is a more intermediate/advanced
plan but modifications can be made based on your fitness level - less
weight/reps/sets, exercise modifications, etc. The workouts have
been made using progressive overload, meaning the workouts will
gradually get harder over the 12 weeks - different exercises, reps, sets,
and intensities. Progressive overload is really important, not only for
muscle growth and stimulation, but to prevent plateau. The more
frequently you workout, the more your body adapts, so overtime your
body lowers its response and can even stop responding to your
workouts. You need to progressively overload your muscles to prevent
metabolic adaptation.

As you look through the workouts, you might wonder why the
exercises are repeating week to week. Repetition of exercises is a
great way to ensure progressive overload. Throughout the duration of
the program, you should be constantly improving and hopefully
increasing your weights. The workout section does provide a spot
where you can fill in your weight used for each individual exercise
every week to keep track of your strength progress. Progressive
overload is harder to achieve when having too much variety in your
training regimen.

There are TWO rest days scheduled into the program! Although the
workouts are listed Days 1-5, I suggest splitting up your rest days. I
personally take a rest after 2 or 3 days depending on how my body is
feeling. One of these rest days should be a FULL rest day, no exercise
at all -~10,000 daily steps are still encouraged! If you’d like to use one
of your rest days as an active rest day for a scheduled cardio session,
feel free! I typically do one active rest day for cardio with a full
stretching/foam rolling session to help with recovery.

Two to three warm up sets should be performed prior to the working
sets. Warm up sets are necessary to prevent injury and prepare your
body for the heavier sets.

With any exercise, your last two or three reps of each set should be
difficult! If you can rep out the exercise pass the designated amount
of reps, you NEED to increase weight.

Time under tension (TUT) is a term used to describe how long the
muscle is under strain during a rep. Be sure to focus on slow and
controlled movements and refraining from using momentum and
swinging for your reps. The better you target your muscles and more
control you use, the better your progress will be long term.

Mind muscle connection (MMC) is a term used to describe how an

individual focuses on the particular muscles being worked during an
exercise. For example, if you are performing a glute exercise and feel
it predominantly in your quads, adjustments should be made to
better target your glutes and mentally you need to concentrate on
your reps to make sure you’re performing the exercise properly and
targeting the correct muscles. You cannot just “go through the
motions,” mental concentration makes such a big difference.


1-Rep-Max is an easy way to measure the intensity of your exercises. If
you have never tested your 1-rep-max, you can use a calculator to
figure it out here:

Using the calculator, input a weight you're

comfortable with and how many reps you can do. The site will also
show you the estimated weight for different intensities (50% - 95%).

To calculate the intensity prescribed in the program, multiply your
1RM by the percentage decimal.

Example: Barbell Hip Thrusts at 80%, multiply the calculated 1RM by .

80 (if my 1RM is 405lbs, 405 x .80 = 324 pounds).

Note: If you are new to lifting weights, you do not need to focus on
this calculation if you don’t want to. If the percentage is higher, try
using more challenging weight & if the percentage is lower, try using
a lower/moderate weight. As explained in the workout tips section,
the weight you choose should be challenging for the last couple reps
of every set. If you’re effortlessly completing every set, be sure to
increase the weight!

Your lifts not only build muscle and strength, they burn calories
throughout the duration of your workout. Cardio is used as a tool to
burn additional calories and increase your caloric deficit. Cardio
exercise is great to aid in weight loss, but more importantly is great
for cardiovascular health, or your heart health. Just like
macronutrients, cardio should be viewed as a part of your overall
energy balance equation. The same way you should gradually
decrease your calories for your cut, you should also gradually increase
cardio. If you abruptly increase your cardio to a high amount, you will
increase your deficit too quickly and most likely run into a plateau.

There are three different categories for cardio: low intensity steady
state (LISS), moderate intensity steady state (MISS), and high intensity
interval training (HIIT). All cardio burns calories but studies show, high
intensity steady state is the most effective. HIIT cardio is said to burn
calories quicker due to the higher intensity, as well as increase your
metabolic rate for a longer period of time after you finish the cardio,
so you will continue burning calories even after you finish!

NOTE: Cardio intensities can vary from person to person, meaning

low, moderate, and high intensities are different for everyone. For a
general rule of thumb:

You should easily be able to hold a conversation without

very much shortness of breath, if any!

LISS Treadmill – Speed: ~3 – 4 mph // Incline: ~6-10

Stair Climber: Level ~3-6
Bike - Tension: ~Low-Moderate // Speed: ~80 – 100rpm

Holding a conversation might be a little difficult with

some shortness of breath.

MISS Treadmill – Speed: ~5-7mph // Incline: Optional

Stair Climber - Level ~7-10
Bike - Tension: ~Moderate-Heavy // Speed: 60-80rpm

There’s no way to hold a conversation, full duration of the

sprint/exercise should be as hard/fast AS POSSIBLE,
without risk of injury.

Sprint - Speed: ~8+mph // Incline: Optional
Rest - *Hop on sides
Stair Climber:
Sprint - Level: ~10+
Recovery: Level: ~1
Sprint - Tension: ~Moderate-Heavy // Speed: As fast
as possible
Recovery - Tension: ~None-Low // Speed: ~40-50rpm

In the program, I have included cardio suggestions that progressively

increase over the 12 weeks. For example, the first month will include
more LISS/MISS, and HIIT will increase as LISS/MISS decreases over
time. Everyone’s body is different and responds differently to cardio,
so feel free to adjust it as needed - just don’t overdo it! If you are
adjusting your cardio on your own, you can start with a couple
sessions per week and gradually add on time or additional/more
challenging sessions.

For example,
Week 1: three 15-minute LISS
Week 2: three 20-minute LISS
Week 3: two 15-minute MISS, one 10-minute HIIT

Warming up pre-workout and cooling down post-workout is very

important. Warm ups and cool downs decrease the risk of injury, can
minimize muscle soreness, and promote recovery. I suggest starting
and ending every workout with a few minutes of very light cardio. For
example, 5 minutes of incline walking, stationary biking, or low level
stair stepping. Before your workout, this will increase body
temperature and blood flow to your muscles. After your workout, this
will lower your increased body temperature, heart rate, and breathing
rate. Following the quick warm up cardio, perform a couple dynamic
warm up movements for the body parts being trained that particular

Chest: #AFcwu Back: #AFbwu

Single Arm Pec Stretch Cobra Stretch

Push Ups Cat and Cow
Reverse Shoulder Stretch Bird Dog
Internal/External Rotation (2.5/5lb plates) Lying Leg Crossover
Standing Trunk Rotation
Assisted Pull Ups

Lower Body Warm Up: #AFlbwu

Knee to Chest
Reverse Lunge with Twist
Hip Stretch with Twist
Leg Swings
Prisoner Squats

Glute Activation: #AFlbga

Banded Squats
Banded Lateral Steps
Banded Kickbacks/Abduction Kicks
Banded Clam Shells
Banded Glute Bridge

Upper Body Warm Up: #AFubwu

Arm Across Chest/Behind Head

Arm Circles/Arm Swings
Shoulder Pass Through (Band or PVC Pipe)
Shoulder Figure 8’s (Band or PVC Pipe)
Band Pull Aparts

Shoulders: #AFswu

Reverse Shoulder Stretch

Shoulder Internal/External Rotation (2.5/5lb plates)
Lateral Raises (2.5/5lb plates)
Front Raises (2.5/5lb plates)
Around the World (2.5/5lb plates)

Post-Workout Foam Rolling: #AFfr


“A” x “B”: sets x reps

DB: dumbbell

Drop Set: Starting with the heaviest weight you can use for the
designated reps (ex. 10 reps), perform the 10 reps, then without
resting, drop the weight and perform the next amount of designated
reps (ex. 15 reps), then 20, etc. Rest after all reps have been

KB: kettlebell

Rest: Rest times are listed in the workouts. This rest is in between
each individual sets OR after each drop set/super set.

SS: Stands for super set.Starting with the first listed exercise of the
superset, perform the designated amount of reps, then without
resting, perform the second exercise. Rest after both exercises have
been performed.

FN: Stands for finisher.

Warm Up Set: sets performed of an exercise with lighter weight to

prepare for heavier sets

Working Set: sets performed, following the warm up sets, using the
designated weight

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Hip Thrusts 4 5 (80%) 2-3min #AFbht Weight Used

Frog Press 3 20 1min #AFfrogp Weight Used

DB Bulgarian Split Squat 4 8 ea, 1min #AFdbbs Weight Used

DB Sumo Squats 4 10 1min #AFdbss Weight Used

DB Sumo RDLs 4 10 1min #AFsrdl Weight Used

Decline Single Leg Glute Bridge 3 10 ea. 1min #AFdslgb Weight Used

Hip Abduction (standing) 4 12 1min #AFhipab Weight Used

Row Machine Ham Curls 3 12 1min #AFrowhc Weight Used


Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

DB Shoulder Press 3 10 1min #AFdbsp Weight Used

DB Bicep Curls 3 12 1min #AFdbbc Weight Used

DB Lateral Raises 3 10 1min #AFdblr Weight Used

DB Tricep Kickbacks 3 10 ea. 1min #AFtkick Weight Used

Cable Face Pulls 4 12 1min #AFcfp Weight Used

Cable Front Raises 3 10 1min #AFcfr Weight Used

Cable Tricep Rope Pushdown 3 10 1min #AFctp Weight Used

Cable Bicep Curls 3 10 1min #AFcbc Weight Used


Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

DB Goblet Squats 3 12 1min #AFdbgs Weight Used

DB SL Hip Thrust 4 8 ea. 1min #AFdbslht Weight Used

DB Single Arm Row 3 8 ea. 1min #AFdbsar Weight Used

DB Alternating Front Raises 3 8 1min #AFdbafr Weight Used

Cable Tricep Rope Pushdowns 3 10 1min #AFctrp Weight Used

Cable Single Arm Bicep Curls 3 10 1min #AFcsabc Weight Used

Cable Single Arm Rear Delt Fly 3 10 ea. 1min #AFsardf Weight Used

Push Ups 3 Failure 1min #AFpush Weight Used

- Ab Circuit of your choice - listed after week 12 (2-3 rounds) Weight Used

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Assisted Pull Ups 3 Failure 1min #AFapu Weight Used

Barbell Row 3 10 1min #AFbbrow Weight Used

DB Incline Chest Press 4 10 1min #AFdbicp Weight Used

DB Incline Chest Fly 3 10 1min #AFdbicf Weight Used

Cable Lat Pulldown 4 8 1min #AFclp Weight Used

Cable Wide Grip Stretchers 4 10 1min #AFwgs Weight Used

Cable High Chest Fly 3 12 1min #AFchcf Weight Used

Cable Straight Arm Lat Pulldown 4 10 1min #AFcstlp Weight Used

Svend Press 3 10 1min #AFsvp Weight Used


Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Deadlifts 4 12 2min #AFbsdl Weight Used

Barbell Good Mornings 3 10 1min #AFgoodm Weight Used

DB Single Leg RDLs 4 8 ea, 1min #AFslrdl Weight Used

DB RDLs 4 10 1min #AFdbrdl Weight Used

Cable Pull Throughs 4 10 1min #AFcpull Weight Used

Cable Squats 4 10 1min #AFcsq Weight Used

Lying Leg Curl 3 10 1min #AFllc Weight Used


Exercise Discription

Cardio Three 20-minute LISS


Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Squats 4 5 (80%) 2-3min #AFbsq Weight Used

DB Walking Lunges 3 10 ea. 1min #AFdbwl Weight Used

DB Bench Goblet Squats 4 10 1min #AFdbbgs Weight Used

Leg Press 4 12 1min #AFlegp Weight Used

Bulgarian Split Squats w/ Plate 3 8 ea. 1min #AFpbss Weight Used

Leg Extension 4 10 1min #AFlext Weight Used

Squat Jumps 4 10 1min #AFsqj Weight Used

Weight Used

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Overhead Press 3 10 1min #AFohp Weight Used

DB Alt Bicep Curls 3 10 ea. 1min #AFdbabc Weight Used

DB Arnold Press 3 10 1min #AFdbap Weight Used

DB Overhead Tricep Extension 3 10 1min #AFdbote Weight Used

DB Lateral-Front Raise Complex 3 12 1min #AFlfrc Weight Used

Cable Cross Rear Delt Flies 3 12 1min #AFcrdf Weight Used

Cable Rope Bicep Curl 4 10 1min #AFcrc Weight Used

Cable Tricep Rope Pushdown 3 12 1min #AFctrp Weight Used


Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

KB RDLs 3 12 1min #AFdbrdl Weight Used

KB Goblet Squats 3 12 1min #AFdbgs Weight Used

Cable Underhand Lat Pulldowns 3 8 1min #AFulp Weight Used

DB Alt. Shoulder Press 3 10 1min #AFdbasp Weight Used

DB Zottman Curls 3 8 1min #AFzott Weight Used

Cable Horizontal Chest Fly 3 12 1min #AFccf Weight Used

Cable Overhead Tricep Rope Ext 3 10 1min #AFcotre Weight Used

Cable Straight Arm Lat Pulldowns 3 12 1min #AFcstlp Weight Used

- Ab Circuit of your choice - listed after week 12 (2-3 rounds) Weight Used

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Assisted Pull Ups 3 Failure 1min #AFapu Weight Used

Barbell Underhand Rows 3 10 1min #AFbbur Weight Used

Bench Press 3 10 1min #AFbbp Weight Used

Cable V-Bar Lat Pulldown 3 10 1min #AFlpv Weight Used

DB Single Arm Row 4 8 ea. 1min #AFdbsar Weight Used

DB Chest Fly 3 10 1min #AFdbcf Weight Used

Cable Single Arm Lat Pulldowns 3 10 ea. 1min #AFcsalp Weight Used

Cable Low Chest Fly 3 12 1min #AFclcf Weight Used


Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Hip Thrusts 4 12 (70%) 2-3min #AFbht Weight Used

Frog Press 3 20 1min #AFfrogp Weight Used

DB Bulgarian Split Squat 4 8 ea, 1min #AFdbbs Weight Used

DB Sumo Squats 4 10 1min #AFdbss Weight Used

DB Sumo RDLs 4 10 1min #AFsrdl Weight Used

Decline Single Leg Glute Bridge 3 10 ea. 1min #AFdslgb Weight Used

Hip Abduction (standing) 4 15 1min #AFhipab Weight Used

Row Machine Ham Curls 3 15 1min #AFrowhc Weight Used


Exercise Description
Weight Used
Cardio Three 20-minute LISS

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Deadlifts 4 6 (80%) 2-3min #AFbsdl Weight Used

Barbell Good Mornings 3 10 1min #AFgoodm Weight Used

Cable Pull Throughs 4 10 1min #AFcpull Weight Used

Cable Squats 4 10 1min #AFcsq Weight Used

Lying Leg Curl 4 10 1min #AFllc Weight Used

DB Single Leg RDLs 4 8 ea. 1min #AFdbslrdl Weight Used

DB RDLs 4 10 1min #AFdbrdl Weight Used

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

DB Shoulder Press 4 8 1min #AFdbsp Weight Used

DB Bicep Curls 4 10 1min #AFdbbc Weight Used

DB Lateral Raises 4 10 1min #AFdblr Weight Used

DB Tricep Kickbacks 4 8 ea. 1min #AFtkick Weight Used

Cable Bicep Curls 3 10 1min #AFcbc Weight Used

Cable Face Pulls 4 10 1min #AFcfp Weight Used

Cable Front Raises 4 10 1min #AFcfr Weight Used

Cable Tricep Pushdown 4 10 1min #AFctp Weight Used

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Assisted Pull Ups 3 Failure 1min #AFapu Weight Used

Barbell Row 4 8 1min #AFbbrow Weight Used

DB Incline Chest Press 4 8 1min #AFdbicp Weight Used

DB Incline Chest Fly 4 10 1min #AFdbicf Weight Used

Cable Straight Arm Lat Pulldown 4 12 1min #AFcstlp Weight Used

Cable High Chest Fly 4 10 1min #AFchcf Weight Used

Svend Press 3 10 1min #AFsvp Weight Used

Cable Lat Pulldowns 4 10 1min #AFclp Weight Used

Cable Wide Grip Stretchers 4 10 1min #AFwgs Weight Used

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Hip Thrusts 4 12 (60%) 2min #AFbht Weight Used

Frog Press 4 20 1min #AFfrogp Weight Used

DB Bulgarian Split Squat 4 10 ea, 1min #AFdbbs Weight Used

Decline Single Leg Glute Bridge 3 12 ea. 1min #AFdslgb Weight Used

Hip Abduction (standing) 4 15 1min #AFhipab Weight Used

Row Machine Ham Curls 3 12 1min #AFrowhc Weight Used

DB Sumo Squats 4 12 1min #AFhipab Weight Used

DB Sumo RDLs 4 12 1min #AFrowhc Weight Used

Exercise Description
One 15-minute MISS
One 20-minute LISS
One HIIT (6 sprints or 3 rounds)

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Hip Thrusts 4 6 (80%) 2-3min #AFbht Weight Used

Barbell RDLs 4 10 1min #AFbrdl Weight Used

DB Sumo Squats 4 12 1min #AFdbss Weight Used

Cable Pull Throughs 4 10 1min #AFcpull Weight Used

Cable Squats 4 10 1min #AFcsq Weight Used

Lying Leg Curls 4 10 1min #AFllc Weight Used

DB Goblet Squats 4 10 1min #AFdbgs Weight Used

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Overhead Press 4 8 1min #AFohp Weight Used

DB Alt Bicep Curls 3 8 ea. 1min #AFdbabc Weight Used

DB Arnold Press 4 10 1min #AFdbap Weight Used

DB Overhead Tricep Extension 3 12 1min #AFdbote Weight Used

DB Lateral-Front Raise Complex 4 8 1min #AFlfrc Weight Used

Cable Cross Rear Delt Flies 4 10 1min #AFcrdf Weight Used

Cable Rope Bicep Curl 4 10 1min #AFcrc Weight Used

Cable Tricep Rope Pushdown 4 10 1min #AFctrp Weight Used

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

KB RDLs 4 12 1min #AFdbrdl Weight Used

KB Goblet Squats 4 12 1min #AFdbgs Weight Used

Cable Underhand Lat Pulldowns 4 10 1min #AFulp Weight Used

DB Alt. Shoulder Press 4 8 1min #AFdbasp Weight Used

DB Zottman Curls 3 10 1min #AFzott Weight Used

Cable Horizontal Chest Fly 4 10 1min #AFccf Weight Used

Cable Overhead Tricep Rope Ext 4 8 1min #AFcotre Weight Used

Cable Straight Arm Lat Pulldowns 4 10 1min #AFcstlp Weight Used

- Ab Circuit of your choice - listed after week 12 (2-3 rounds) Weight Used

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Assisted Pull Ups 3 Failure 1min #AFapu Weight Used

Barbell Underhand Rows 4 8 1min #AFbbur Weight Used

Bench Press 4 8 1min #AFbbp Weight Used

Cable V-Bar Lat Pulldown 4 10 1min #AFlpv Weight Used

Cable Low Chest Fly 4 10 1min #AFlcf Weight Used

Cable Single Arm Lat Pulldowns 4 8 ea. 1min #AFcsalp Weight Used

DB Single Arm Row 4 8 ea.. 1min #AFdbsar Weight Used

DB Chest Fly 4 10 1min #AFdbcf Weight Used

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Squats 4 12 (60%) 1min #AFbsq Weight Used

DB Walking Lunges 4 8 ea. 1min #AFdbwl Weight Used

Bulgarian Split Squats w/ Plate 3 8 ea. 1min #AFpbss Weight Used

Leg Extension 4 12 1min #AFlext Weight Used

Squat Jumps 4 15 1min #AFsqj Weight Used

Leg Press 4 12 1min #AFlegp Weight Used

DB Goblet Squats 4 12 1min #AFdbgs Weight Used

Exercise Description
One 15-minute MISS Weight Used
One 20-minute LISS
One HIIT (6 sprints or 3 rounds)

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Deadlifts 4 6 (80%) 2-3min #AFbsdl Weight Used

Barbell Good Mornings 3 8 1min #AFgoodm Weight Used

Lying Leg Curl 4 12 1min #AFllc Weight Used

DB Single Leg RDLs 4 10 ea. 1min #AFslrdl Weight Used

DB RDLs 4 12 1min #AFdbrdl Weight Used

Cable Pull Throughs: 4 12 1min #AFcpull Weight Used

Cable Squats 4 12 1min #AFcsq Weight Used

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

DB Shoulder Press 4 6 1min #AFdbsp Weight Used

DB Bicep Curls 3 12 1min #AFdbbc Weight Used

DB Lateral Raises 4 10 1min #AFdblr Weight Used

DB Tricep Kickbacks 4 10 1min #AFtkick Weight Used

Cable Bicep Curls 4 10 1min #AFcbc Weight Used

Cable Face Pulls 4 12 1min #AFcfp Weight Used

Cable Front Raises 4 8 1min #AFcfr Weight Used

Cable Tricep Pushdown 4 8 1min #AFctp Weight Used

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

DB Goblet Squats 4 12 1min #AFdbgs Weight Used

DB SL Hip Thrust 4 8 1min #AFdbslht Weight Used

DB Single Arm Row 3 6 1min #AFdbsar Weight Used

DB Alternating Front Raises 4 8 1min #AFdbafr Weight Used

Cable Tricep Rope Pushdowns 4 10 1min #AFctrp Weight Used

Cable Single Arm Bicep Curl 4 10 1min #AFcsabc Weight Used

Cable Single Arm Rear Delt Fly 4 8 1min #AFcsardf Weight Used

Push Ups 3 Failure 1min #AFpush Weight Used

- Ab Circuit of your choice - listed after week 12 (2-3 rounds) Weight Used

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Assisted Pull Ups 3 Failure 1min #AFapu Weight Used

Barbell Rows 4 6 1min #AFbbrow Weight Used

DB Incline Chest Press 4 8 1-2min #AFdbicp Weight Used

DB Incline Chest Fly 4 10 1-2min #AFdbicf Weight Used

Cable High Chest Fly 3 12 1min #AFchcf Weight Used

Cable Straight Arm Lat Pulldown 4 10 1min #AFcstlp Weight Used

Cable Lat Pulldowns 4 8 1-2min #AFclp Weight Used

Cable Wide Grip Stretchers 4 12 1-2min #AFwgs Weight Used

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Hip Thrusts 4 10 (70%) 1-2min #AFbht Weight Used

Frog Press 4 25 1min #AFfrogp Weight Used

Hip Abduction (standing) 4 15 1min #AFhipab Weight Used

Row Machine Ham Curls 4 15 1min #AFrowhc Weight Used

DB Bulgarian Split Squats 4 8 ea. 1-2min #AFdbbs Weight Used

Decline Single Leg Glute Bridge 4 10 ea. 1-2min #AFdslgb Weight Used

DB Sumo Squats 4 10 1-2min #AFdbss Weight Used

DB Sumo RDLs 4 10 1-2min #AFsrdl Weight Used

Exercise Description
Two 20-minute LISS Weight Used
One HIIT (8 sprints or 4 rounds)


Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Squats 4 10 (50%) 1min #AFbsq Weight Used

DB Walking Lunges 3 8 ea. 1min #AFdbwl Weight Used

DB Bench Goblet Squats 3 10 1min #AFdbgs Weight Used

Leg Press 3 10 1min #AFlegp Weight Used

Bulgarian Split Squats w/ Plate 3 8 ea. 1min #AFpbss Weight Used

Leg Extension 4 10 1min #AFlext Weight Used

Squat Jumps 3 10 1min #AFsqj Weight Used

Weight Used


Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Overhead Press 3 10 1min #AFohp Weight Used

DB Alt Bicep Curls 3 8 ea. 1min #AFdbabc Weight Used

DB Arnold Press 3 10 1min #AFdbap Weight Used

DB Overhead Tricep Extension 3 10 1min #AFdbote Weight Used

DB Lateral-Front Raise Complex 3 8 1min #AFlfrc Weight Used

Cable Cross Rear Delt Flies 3 10 1min #AFcrdf Weight Used

Cable Rope Bicep Curl 4 10 1min #AFcrc Weight Used

Cable Tricep Rope Pushdown 3 12 1min #AFctrp Weight Used



Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

KB RDLs 3 10 1min #AFdbrdl Weight Used

KB Goblet Squats 3 10 1min #AFdbgs Weight Used

Cable Underhand Lat Pulldowns 4 10 1min #AFulp Weight Used

DB Alt. Shoulder Press 3 8 ea. 1min #AFdbasp Weight Used

DB Zottman Curls 4 8 1min #AFzott Weight Used

Cable Horizontal Chest Fly 3 12 1min #AFccf Weight Used

Cable Overhead Tricep Rope Ext 3 10 1min #AFcotre Weight Used

Cable Straight Arm Lat Pulldowns 3 12 1min #AFcstlp Weight Used

Ab Circuit of your choice - listed after week 12 (2-3 rounds)



Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Assisted Pull Ups 3 Failure 1min #AFapu Weight Used

Barbell Underhand Rows 4 8 1min #AFbbur Weight Used

Bench Press 3 10 1min #AFbbp Weight Used

Cable V-Bar Lat Pulldown 3 10 1min #AFlpv Weight Used

Cable Low Chest Fly 3 12 1min #AFlcf Weight Used

Cable Single Arm Lat Pulldowns 3 10 ea. 1min #AFcsalp Weight Used

DB Chest Fly 3 10 1min #AFdbcf Weight Used

DB Single Arm Row 3 8 ea. 1min #AFdbsar Weight Used



Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Hip Thrusts 4 10 (50%) 1-2min #AFbht Weight Used

Frog Press 4 15 1min #AFfrogp Weight Used

DB Bulgarian Split Squats 4 8 1min #AFdbbs Weight Used

DB Sumo Squats 3 10 1min #AFdbss Weight Used

DB Sumo RDLs 3 10 1min #AFsrdl Weight Used

Decline Single Leg Glute Bridge 3 10 ea. 1min #AFdslgb Weight Used

Hip Abduction (standing) 3 15 1min #AFhipab Weight Used

Row Machine Ham Curls 3 10 1min #AFrowhc Weight Used


Exercise Description
Two 20-minute LISS
One HIIT (8 sprints or 4 rounds)

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Hip Thrusts 5 8 (70%) 2-3min #AFbht Weight Used

DB Sumo Squats 5 10 1-2min #AFdbss Weight Used

Barbell Bulgarian Split Squats 4 8 ea. 1-2min #AFbbss Weight Used

Bench Hop Over 4 8 ea. 1-2min #AFbhov Weight Used

Single Leg Leg Press 4 8 ea. 1-2min #AFsllp Weight Used

Frog Press 4 12 1-2min #AFfrogp Weight Used

Hip Abduction (sitting) 4 10 1-2min #AFhipab Weight Used

Hip Abduction (standing) 4 10 1-2min #AFhipab Weight Used

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Assisted Pull Ups 4 Failure 1-2min #AFapu Weight Used

Barbell Rows 4 10. 1-2min #AFbbrow Weight Used

Inverted Rows 4 Failure 1-2min #invr Weight Used

DB Single Arm Preacher Curls 4 10 ea. 1-2min #AFdbpc Weight Used

DB Single Arm Rows 4 10 ea. 1-2min #AFdbsar Weight Used

Cable Lat Pulldowns 4 12 1-2min #AFclp Weight Used

Cable Underhand Stretchers 4 12 1-2min #AFuhs Weight Used

Cable Face Pulls 4 12 1-2min #AFcfp Weight Used

Cable Rope Bicep Curls 4 12 1-2min #AFcrc Weight Used

Ab Circuit of your choice - listed after week 12 (2-3 rounds) Weight Used

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Squats: 5 5 (80%) 3min #AFbsq Weight Used

DB Single Leg Hip Thrust: 5 10 ea. 3min #AFdbslht Weight Used

Barbell Reverse Lunges 4 10 ea. 1-2min #AFbrl Weight Used

DB Sumo Goblet Squats 4 10 1-2min #AFdbsgs Weight Used

Cable Front Squats 4 12 1-2min #AFcfs Weight Used

Cable Front Squat Pulse 4 Failure 1-2min #AFcfsp Weight Used

FN Leg Extension Drop Set 3 10,15,20 1-2min #AFlext Weight Used


Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

DB Shoulder Press 4 10 1-2min #AFdbsp Weight Used

DB Lateral Raises 4 10 1-2min #AFdblr Weight Used

DB Incline Chest Press 4 10 1-2min #AFdbicp Weight Used

DB Skull Crushers 4 10 1-2min #AFdbsc Weight Used

Cable Rope Front Raises 4 12 1-2min #AFcrfr Weight Used

Cable Tricep Rope Pushdown 4 12 1-2min #AFctrp Weight Used

Cable Single Arm Rear Delt Fly 4 10 ea. 1-2min #AFsardf Weight Used
Svend Press 4 10 1-2min #AFsvp Weight Used

- Ab Circuit of your choice - listed after week 12 (2-3 rounds) Weight Used

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Deadlifts 5 8 (70%) 2-3min #AFbsdl Weight Used

Banded Hamstring Curls 5 12 2-3min #AFbhc Weight Used

Barbell Good Mornings 4 10 1-2min #AFgoodm Weight Used

Banded Lateral Steps 4 8 ea. 1-2min #AFbls Weight Used

Cable Pull Throughs 4 12 1-2min #AFcpull Weight Used

Cable Squats 4 12 1-2min #AFcsq Weight Used

Lying Single Leg Curls 4 10 ea. 1-2min #AFsllc Weight Used

Lying Leg Curls 4 10 1-2min #AFllc Weight Used

Exercise Description
One 15-minute MISS
Two 20-minute LISS
One HIIT (8 sprints or 4 rounds)

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Hip Thrusts 5 5 (80%) 3min #AFbht Weight Used

DB Goblet Squats w/ Pulse 5 8 3min #AFdbgsp Weight Used

Barbell Sumo Squats 4 10. 1-2min #AFbsumo Weight Used

Barbell Sumo Squat Pulse 4 Failure 1-2min #AFbsumop Weight Used

DB Bulgarian Split Squats 4 10 ea. 1-2min #AFdbbs Weight Used

DB Frog Pumps 4 12 1-2min #AFdbfpump Weight Used

Hip Abduction (sitting) 4 10 1-2min #AFhipab Weight Used

Hip Abduction (standing) 4 10 1-2min #AFhipab Weight Used

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Assisted Pull Ups 4 Failure 1-2min #AFapu Weight Used

Barbell Underhand Rows 4 10. 1-2min #AFbbur Weight Used

Inverted Rows 4 Failure 1-2min #AFinvr Weight Used

DB Alternating Bicep Curls 4 10 ea. 1-2min #AFdbabc Weight Used

DB Rear Delt Flies 4 8 1-2min #AFdbrdf Weight Used

Cable V-Bar Lat Pulldowns 4 12 1-2min #AFlpv Weight Used

Cable V-Bar Stretchers 4 12 1-2min #AFvbs Weight Used

Cable Single Arm Lat Pulldown 4 10 ea. 1-2min #AFcsalp Weight Used
Cable Single Arm Bicep Curls 4 10 ea. 1-2min #AFcsabc Weight Used

Ab Circuit of your choice - listed after week 12 (2-3 rounds) Weight Used

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Squats: 5 8 (70%) 2-3min #AFbsq Weight Used

Squat Jumps (Banded) 5 Failure 2-3min #AFsqj Weight Used

DB Walking Lunges 4 10 ea. 1-2min #AFdbwl Weight Used

DB Sumo Squats 4 10 1-2min #AFdbss Weight Used

DB Step Ups 4 10 ea. 1-2min #AFdbsu Weight Used

DB Hip Thrust (Banded) 4 10 1-2min #AFdbht Weight Used

FN Leg Press Drop Set 3 10,15,20 1-2min #AFlegp Weight Used


Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Push Press 4 10 1-2min #AFbpp Weight Used

DB Overhead Tricep Extension 4 12 1-2min #AFdbote Weight Used

DB Chest Press 4 10 1-2min #AFdbcp Weight Used

Incline Push Up 4 Failure 1-2min #AFipush Weight Used

DB Alternating Shoulder Press 4 10 ea. 1-2min #AFdbasp Weight Used

DB Alternating Front Raises 4 10 ea. 1-2min #AFdbafr Weight Used

Cable Low Chest Fly 4 12 1-2min #AFclcf Weight Used

Cable Tricep Pushdown 4 12 1-2min #AFctp Weight Used

- Ab Circuit of your choice - listed after week 12 (2-3 rounds) Weight Used

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Deadlifts 5 5 (80%) 3min #AFbsdl Weight Used

Bulgarian Split Squats 5 10 ea. 3min #AFbss Weight Used

Barbell RDLs 4 12 1-2min #AFbrdl Weight Used

Bench Bounce Overs 4 8 ea. 1-2min #AFbbov Weight Used

DB Staggered Stance RDLs 4 10 ea. 1-2min #AFdbsrdl Weight Used

DB Sumo RDLs 4 10 1-2min #AFsrdl Weight Used

DB RDL-Squat Complex 4 10 1-2min #AFrdlsq Weight Used

DB RDLs 4 10 1-2min #AFdbrdl Weight Used

Exercise Description
One 15-minute MISS
Two 20-minute LISS
One HIIT (8 sprints or 4 rounds)

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Hip Thrusts 5 10 (65%) 2-3min #AFbht Weight Used

DB Sumo Squats 5 10 1-2min #AFdbss Weight Used

Barbell Bulgarian Split Squats 4 8 ea. 1-2min #AFbbss Weight Used

Bench Hop Over 4 10 ea. 1-2min #AFbhov Weight Used

Single Leg Leg Press 4 10 ea. 1-2min #AFsllp Weight Used

Frog Press 4 15 1-2min #AFfrogp Weight Used

Hip Abduction (sitting) 4 12 1-2min #AFhipab Weight Used

Hip Abduction (standing) 4 12 1-2min #AFhipab Weight Used

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Assisted Pull Ups 4 Failure 1min #AFapu Weight Used

Barbell Rows 4 8. 1-2min #AFbbrow Weight Used

Inverted Rows 4 Failure 1-2min #invr Weight Used

DB Single Arm Preacher Curls 4 8 ea. 1-2min #AFdbpc Weight Used

DB Single Arm Rows 4 8 ea. 1-2min #AFdbsar Weight Used

Cable Lat Pulldowns 4 10 1-2min #AFclp Weight Used

Cable Underhand Stretchers 4 10 1-2min #AFuhs Weight Used

Cable Face Pulls 4 10 1-2min #AFcfp Weight Used

Cable Rope Bicep Curls 4 10 1-2min #AFcrc Weight Used

Ab Circuit of your choice - listed after week 12 (2-3 rounds) Weight Used

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Squats: 5 6 (75%) 3min #AFbsq Weight Used

DB Single Leg Hip Thrust: 5 10 ea. 3min #AFdbslht Weight Used

Barbell Reverse Lunges 4 8 ea. 1-2min #AFbrl Weight Used

DB Sumo Goblet Squats 4 12 1-2min #AFdbsgs Weight Used

Cable Front Squats 4 10 1-2min #AFcfs Weight Used

Cable Front Squat Pulse 4 Failure 1-2min #AFcfsp Weight Used

FN Leg Extension Drop Set 3 10,15,20 1-2min #AFlext Weight Used


Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

DB Shoulder Press 4 8 1-2min #AFdbsp Weight Used

DB Lateral Raises 4 10 1-2min #AFdblr Weight Used

DB Incline Chest Press 4 8 1-2min #AFdbicp Weight Used

DB Skull Crushers 4 10 1-2min #AFdbsc Weight Used

Cable Rope Front Raises 4 10 1-2min #AFcrfr Weight Used

Cable Tricep Rope Pushdown 4 10 1-2min #AFctrp Weight Used

Cable Single Arm Rear Delt Fly 4 8 ea. 1-2min #AFsardf Weight Used
Svend Press 4 10 1-2min #AFsvp Weight Used

- Ab Circuit of your choice - listed after week 12 (2-3 rounds) Weight Used

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Deadlifts 5 10 (65%) 2-3min #AFbsdl Weight Used

Banded Hamstring Curls 5 12 2-3min #AFbhc Weight Used

Barbell Good Mornings 4 8 1-2min #AFgoodm Weight Used

Banded Lateral Steps 4 10 ea. 1-2min #AFbls Weight Used

Cable Pull Throughs 4 10 1-2min #AFcpull Weight Used

Cable Squats 4 10 1-2min #AFcsq Weight Used

Lying Single Leg Curls 4 8 ea. 1-2min #AFsllc Weight Used

Lying Leg Curls 4 12 1-2min #AFllc Weight Used

Exercise Description
One 15-minute MISS Weight Used
One 30-minute LISS
Two HIIT (10 sprints or 5 rounds)

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Hip Thrusts 5 6 (75%) 3min #AFbht Weight Used

DB Goblet Squats w/ Pulse 5 10 3min #AFdbgsp Weight Used

Barbell Sumo Squats 4 8 1-2min #AFbsumo Weight Used

Barbell Sumo Squat Pulse 4 Failure 1-2min #AFbsumop Weight Used

DB Bulgarian Split Squats 4 8 ea. 1-2min #AFdbbs Weight Used

DB Frog Pumps 4 15 1-2min #AFdbfpump Weight Used

Hip Abduction (sitting) 4 12 1-2min #AFhipab Weight Used

Hip Abduction (standing) 4 12 1-2min #AFhipab Weight Used

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Assisted Pull Ups 4 Failure 1min #AFapu Weight Used

Barbell Underhand Rows 4 8. 1-2min #AFbbur Weight Used

Inverted Rows 4 Failure 1-2min #AFinvr Weight Used

DB Alternating Bicep Curls 4 8 ea. 1-2min #AFdbabc Weight Used

DB Rear Delt Flies 4 10 1-2min #AFdbrdf Weight Used

Cable V-Bar Lat Pulldowns 4 10 1-2min #AFlpv Weight Used

Cable V-Bar Stretchers 4 10 1-2min #AFvbs Weight Used

Cable Single Arm Lat Pulldown 4 8 ea. 1-2min #AFcsalp Weight Used
Cable Single Arm Bicep Curls 4 8 ea. 1-2min #AFcsabc Weight Used

Ab Circuit of your choice - listed after week 12 (2-3 rounds) Weight Used

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Squats: 5 10 (65%) 2-3min #AFbsq Weight Used

Squat Jumps (Banded) 5 Failure 2-3min #AFsqj Weight Used

DB Walking Lunges 4 8 ea. 1-2min #AFdbwl Weight Used

DB Sumo Squats 4 10 1-2min #AFdbss Weight Used

DB Step Ups 4 8 ea. 1-2min #AFdbsu Weight Used

DB Hip Thrust (Banded) 4 12 1-2min #AFdbht Weight Used

FN Leg Press Drop Set 3 10,15,20 1-2min #AFlegp Weight Used


Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Push Press 4 8 1-2min #AFbpp Weight Used

DB Overhead Tricep Extension 4 10 1-2min #AFdbote Weight Used

DB Chest Press 4 8 1-2min #AFdbcp Weight Used

Incline Push Up 4 Failure 1-2min #AFipush Weight Used

DB Alternating Shoulder Press 4 8 ea. 1-2min #AFdbasp Weight Used

DB Alternating Front Raises 4 8 ea. 1-2min #AFdbafr Weight Used

Cable Low Chest Fly 4 10 1-2min #AFclcf Weight Used

Cable Tricep Pushdown 4 10 1-2min #AFctp Weight Used

- Ab Circuit of your choice - listed after week 12 (2-3 rounds) Weight Used

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Deadlifts 5 6 (75%) 3min #AFbsdl Weight Used

Bulgarian Split Squats 5 8 ea. 3min #AFbss Weight Used

Barbell RDLs 4 10 1-2min #AFbrdl Weight Used

Bench Bounce Overs 4 10 ea. 1-2min #AFbbov Weight Used

DB Staggered Stance RDLs 4 8 ea. 1-2min #AFdbsrdl Weight Used

DB Sumo RDLs 4 12 1-2min #AFsrdl Weight Used

DB RDL-Squat Complex 4 8 1-2min #AFrdlsq Weight Used

DB RDLs 4 8 1-2min #AFdbrdl Weight Used

Exercise Description
One 15-minute MISS Weight Used
One 30-minute LISS
Two HIIT (10 sprints or 5 rounds)

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Hip Thrusts 5 12 (60%) 2-3min #AFbht Weight Used

DB Sumo Squats 5 10 1-2min #AFdbss Weight Used

Barbell Bulgarian Split Squats 4 6 ea. 1-2min #AFbbss Weight Used

Bench Hop Over 4 12 ea. 1-2min #AFbhov Weight Used

Single Leg Leg Press 4 10 ea. 1-2min #AFsllp Weight Used

Frog Press 4 20 1-2min #AFfrogp Weight Used

Hip Abduction (sitting) 4 10 1-2min #AFhipab Weight Used

Hip Abduction (standing) 4 10 1-2min #AFhipab Weight Used

FN Frog Pumps (Banded) 1 50 #AFfump Weight Used


Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Assisted Pull Ups 4 Failure 1min #AFapu Weight Used

Barbell Rows 4 6. 1-2min #AFbbrow Weight Used

Inverted Rows 4 Failure 1-2min #AFinvr Weight Used

DB Single Arm Preacher Curls 4 6 ea. 1-2min #AFdbpc Weight Used

DB Single Arm Rows 4 6 ea. 1-2min #AFdbsar Weight Used

Cable Lat Pulldowns 4 8 1-2min #AFclp Weight Used

Cable Underhand Stretchers 4 8 1-2min #AFuhs Weight Used

Cable Face Pulls 4 8 1-2min #AFcfp Weight Used

Cable Rope Bicep Curls 4 8 1-2min #AFcrc Weight Used

Ab Circuit of your choice - listed after week 12 (2-3 rounds) Weight Used

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Squats: 4 5 (80%) 3min #AFbsq Weight Used

DB Single Leg Hip Thrust 4 10 ea. 3min #AFdbslht Weight Used

Barbell Reverse Lunges 4 6 ea. 1-2min #AFbrl Weight Used

DB Sumo Goblet Squats 4 12 1-2min #AFdbsgs Weight Used

Cable Front Squats 4 10 1-2min #AFcfs Weight Used

Cable Front Squat Pulse 4 Failure 1-2min #AFcfsp Weight Used

Leg Extension Drop Set 3 10,15,20 1-2min #AFlext Weight Used

Cable Front
KB Swings
Squat Pulse 4
3 Failure
10 1-2min #AFcfsp Weight Used

FN Box Jumps 1 30 #AFboxj Weight Used


Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

DB Shoulder Press 4 6 1-2min #AFdbsp Weight Used

DB Lateral Raises 4 12 1-2min #AFdblr Weight Used

DB Incline Chest Press 4 6 1-2min #AFdbicp Weight Used

DB Skull Crushers 4 10 1-2min #AFdbsc Weight Used

Cable Rope Front Raises 4 8 1-2min #AFcrfr Weight Used

Cable Tricep Rope Pushdown 4 8 1-2min #AFctrp Weight Used

Cable Single Arm Rear Delt Fly 4 8 ea. 1-2min #AFsardf Weight Used
Svend Press 4 12 1-2min #AFsvp Weight Used

- Ab Circuit of your choice - listed after week 12 (2-3 rounds) Weight Used

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Deadlifts 4 12 (60%) 2-3min #AFbsdl Weight Used

Banded Hamstring Curls 4 12 2-3min #AFbhc Weight Used

Barbell Good Mornings 4 10 1-2min #AFgoodm Weight Used

Banded Lateral Steps 4 12 ea. 1-2min #AFbls Weight Used

Cable Pull Throughs 4 12 1-2min #AFcpull Weight Used

Cable Squats 4 12 1-2min #AFcsq Weight Used

Lying Single Leg Curls 4 8 ea. 1-2min #AFsllc Weight Used

Lying Leg Curls 4 15 1-2min #AFllc Weight Used

FN DB RDLs 4 Failure 1-2min #AFdbrdl Weight Used


Exercise Description
Two 30-minute LISS
Two HIIT (10 sprints or 5 rounds)

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Hip Thrusts 5 5 (80%) 3min #AFbht Weight Used

DB Goblet Squats w/ Pulse 5 10 3min #AFdbgsp Weight Used

Barbell Sumo Squats 4 8 1-2min #AFbsumo Weight Used

Barbell Sumo Squat Pulse 4 Failure 1-2min #AFbsumop Weight Used

DB Bulgarian Split Squats 4 8 ea. 1-2min #AFdbbs Weight Used

DB Frog Pumps 4 20 1-2min #AFdbfpump Weight Used

Hip Abduction (sitting) 4 10 1-2min #AFhipab Weight Used

Hip Abduction (standing) 4 10 1-2min #AFhipab Weight Used

FN Lateral Steps (Banded) 1 50 ea. #AFbls Weight Used


Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Assisted Pull Ups 4 Failure 1min #AFapu Weight Used

Barbell Underhand Rows 4 6 1-2min #AFbbur Weight Used

Inverted Rows 4 Failure 1-2min #AFinvr Weight Used

DB Alternating Bicep Curls 4 6 ea. 1-2min #AFdbabc Weight Used

DB Rear Delt Flies 4 10 1-2min #AFdbrdf Weight Used

Cable V-Bar Lat Pulldowns 4 8 1-2min #AFlpv Weight Used

Cable V-Bar Stretchers 4 8 1-2min #AFvbs Weight Used

Cable Single Arm Lat Pulldown 4 8 ea. 1-2min #AFcsalp Weight Used
Cable Single Arm Bicep Curls 4 8 ea. 1-2min #AFcsabc Weight Used

Ab Circuit of your choice - listed after week 12 (2-3 rounds) Weight Used

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Squats: 4 12 (60%) 2-3min #AFbsq Weight Used

Squat Jumps (Banded) 4 Failure 2-3min #AFsqj Weight Used

DB Walking Lunges 4 6 ea. 1-2min #AFdbwl Weight Used

DB Sumo Squats 4 10 1-2min #AFdbss Weight Used

DB Step Ups 4 6 ea. 1-2min #AFdbsu Weight Used

DB Hip Thrust (Banded) 4 15 1-2min #AFdbht Weight Used

Leg Press Drop Set 3 10,15,20 1-2min #AFlegp Weight Used

DB Goblet Squat 3 10 1-2min #AFdbgs Weight Used

FN Box Jumps 1 30 #AFboxj Weight Used


Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Push Press 4 6 1-2min #AFbpp Weight Used

DB Overhead Tricep Extension 4 12 1-2min #AFdbote Weight Used

DB Chest Press 4 6 1-2min #AFdbcp Weight Used

Incline Push Up 4 Failure 1-2min #AFipush Weight Used

DB Alternating Shoulder Press 4 6 ea. 1-2min #AFdbasp Weight Used

DB Alternating Front Raises 4 8 ea. 1-2min #AFdbafr Weight Used

Cable Low Chest Fly 4 8 1-2min #AFclcf Weight Used

Cable Tricep Pushdown 4 8 1-2min #AFctp Weight Used

- Ab Circuit of your choice - listed after week 12 (2-3 rounds) Weight Used

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Hashtag Weight Used

Barbell Deadlifts 5 5 (80%) 3min #AFbsdl Weight Used

Bulgarian Split Squats 5 10 ea. 3min #AFbss Weight Used

Barbell RDLs 4 8 1-2min #AFbrdl Weight Used

Bench Bounce Overs 4 12 ea. 1-2min #AFbbov Weight Used

DB Staggered Stance RDLs 4 8 ea. 1-2min #AFdbsrdl Weight Used

DB Sumo RDLs 4 15 1-2min #AFsrdl Weight Used

DB RDL-Squat Complex 4 10 1-2min #AFrdlsq Weight Used

DB RDLs 4 12 1-2min #AFdbrdl Weight Used

FN Decline SL Glute Bridge 3 10 ea. 1-2min #AFdslgb Weight Used


Exercise Description
Two 30-minute LISS
Two HIIT (10 sprints or 5 rounds)

Exercise Reps Hashtag

Plank 45sec #AFplanks


Left Plank 45sec #AFplanks

Right Plank 45sec #AFplanks

Plank Twist 45sec #AFptw

Plank Shoulder Taps 10 ea. #AFpst

Exercise Reps Hashtag

Leg Lifts 15 #AFllift


Plank Pull Throughs 10 ea. #AFppull

Tuck Crunches 10 #AFtuckc

Plank Twist 10 ea. #AFptw

Reverse Crunches 15 #AFrevc

Exercise Reps Hashtag

Single Leg V Up 8 ea. #AFslvu


V Up 10 #AFvup

Plank 60 sec #AFplanks

Weighted Leg Lifts 15 #AFwll

Plank Shoulder Taps 20 ea. #AFpst


Exercise Reps Hashtag

DB Thrusters 10 #AFthr

Commandos 10 ea. #AFcommand

Med Ball Slams 10 #AFmbs

Mountain Climbers 20 #AFmclimb

Air Squats (banded) 20 #AFairsq

Exercise Reps Hashtag

Tuck Jumps 10 #AFllift


Plank Jacks 20 #AFppull

Frog Pumps 25 #AFtuckc

Push Ups 10 #AFptw

Bicycle Crunches 10 ea. #AFrevc

Exercise Reps Hashtag

In & Out Squats (banded) 20 #AFinout


Crab Toe Touches 20 #AFcrab

Plank Twists 20 #AFptw

KB Swings 10 #AFkbsw

Plank Shoulder Taps 20 #AFpst


**Commandos #AFcommand - Start in a high plank, shoulders

directly over your wrists, neutral spine, and glutes
down and tight. Drop to one elbow, then the second elbow - bringing
you into a low plank. With the first arm, push
back into a straight arm, then the 2nd arm follows. Repeat. Be sure to
switch the starting arm.

* Leg Lifts #AFllift - Start lying on your back with your palms on floor
(at the sides of your waist or under your lower back). Using your core,
lift your legs to ~90 degrees and slowly lower toward the floor while
maintaining a flat back. Keep tension in your core by lowering your
legs to ~6 inches above the floor, then repeat.

*Plank (regular, left, right) #AFplanks

Regular: Start on your forearms, shoulder-width apart, with your
elbows directly under your shoulders, step back into a plank position.
Maintaining a neutral spine, keep your body in a straight line from the
top of your head to your heels, squeeze your glutes, and hold.
Left/Right: Start on your side with one forearm on the ground,
elbow directly underneath your shoulder. lift your hip off the ground,
and stack one foot on top of the other. You can lift the top arm
straight in the air or put it on your hip. Keep your neck neutral, look
forward, and hold.

**Plank Twists #AFptw - Start in a low plank (elbow plank), shoulders

directly over your elbows, neutral spine, and
glutes down and tight. Keeping your shoulders as level as possible,
drop your hips to the right then to the left.

**Plank Pull Throughs #AFppull - Start in a high plank (hand plank),

shoulders directly over your hands, with a dumbbell, kettlebell, or
plate directly underneath you. Using your left hand, drag the weight
all the way to your left, and return to high plank. While maintaining a
neutral spine and avoid rocking as much as possible, use your right
hand to reach under your body, grab the weight and drag all the way
to the right. Repeat each side.

**Plank Shoulder Taps #AFpst - Start in a high plank, shoulders

directly over your wrists, neutral spine, and glutes
down and tight. (Feet closer = harder, feet further = easier) Keep a
TIGHT core and avoid swaying and swinging your hips back and forth.
Touch your right hand to your left shoulder, place back on ground,
then repeat on opposite side. Alternate back and forth.

*Reverse Crunches #AFrevc - Start lying on your back with your palms
on the floor at your waist. Bring your thighs to a ~90 degree hip hinge
and bend your knees to ~90 degrees. While engaging your core and
avoiding momentum, and lift your hips off the ground and toward the
ceiling. Slowly lower your legs to the starting position and repeat.

*Single Leg V-Up #AFslvu - Start lying on your back with your legs flat
& arms straight up above your head. Using your core, simultaneously
lift one leg to 90 degrees and crunch, bringing your arms toward your
toes and slowly return to starting position. Lift other leg, crunch, and

Tuck Crunches #AFtuckc - Start lying down on your back, lift your feet
and torso about 1 foot off the ground, and keep your hands near your
hips. Tuck your knees into your chest and lift your chest up to your
knees, simultaneously. Return to the hovering position and repeat.
Drop your torso and feet to the ground in between reps IF needed.

V-Up #AFvup - Start lying on your back with your legs flat & arms
straight up above your head. Using your core, simultaneously lift both
legs to 90 degrees and crunch, bringing your arms toward your toes
and slowly return to starting position. Repeat.

*Weighted Leg Lifts #AFwll * Start lying on your back, while holding a
barbell, plate, or dumbbell straight above you - shoulders, elbow, and
wrists all in one straight line. Using your core, hold the weight in
place, lift your legs to ~90 degrees and slowly lower toward the floor
while maintaining a flat back. Keep tension in your core by lowering
your legs to ~6 inches above the floor, then repeat.

HIIT: (16 exercises)

*Air Squats (banded) #AFairsq - Start standing with a loop band
above your knees, your heels shoulder width apart, toes slightly
turned outward. Keeping your feet completely flat on the ground and
chest up, drop your hips backward while bending your knees to
execute the squat (keep knees pushing out against the band), the
bottom of the movement should hit parallel parallel. Push through
your heels to return to standing position. Repeat.

*Bicycle Crunches: #AFbcru - Start lying on your back, raise your feet
and torso ~6 in off the ground, and lightly place your hands behind
your head. Crunch your right elbow and tuck your left knee - trying to
touch the two, then switch. Repeat.

**Commandos #AFcommand - Start in a high plank, shoulders

directly over your wrists, neutral spine, and glutes
down and tight. Drop to one elbow, then the second elbow - bringing
you into a low plank. With the first arm, push
back into a straight arm, then the 2nd arm follows. Repeat. Be sure to
switch starting arms.

**Crab Toe Touches #AFcrab - Start in a crab position, feet flat on the
ground, arms underneath you with shoulders
directly over wrists and fingers pointing forward. Maintaining a tight
core, touch your right hand to left toe and put
back down. Alternate sides and repeat.

*DB Thrusters #AFthr - Start with a hip width stance, toes slightly
pointed out, and holding dumbbells at your
shoulders with palms facing in. Squat down to ~parallel and pushing
through your heels stand straight up, pushing the dumbbells up over
your head. Drop the dumbbells back to shoulder height as your return
to the squat position and repeat.

Frog Pumps (banded) #AFfpump - Start by lying on your back with a

loop band above your knees, knees bent and your feet flat on the
ground with your heels as close to your glutes as possible. Drop your
knees out to the sides, like butterfly stretch, and put the bottom of
your feet together. Maintaining this position and keeping your knees
pushed out - perform a glute bridge and squeeze tight at the top!

**In & Out Squats (banded) #AFinout - Start by standing with a loop
band above your knees and feet together. Jump your feet apart, at
least shoulder width, and squat until ~parallel. Push through the
ground with a flat foot, jump and bring your feet back together.

**KB Swings #AFkbsw - Start standing, with a shoulder width stance,

toes pointed slightly outward, and the kettlebell/single dumbbell
about a foot directly in front of you. Keeping your knees soft, use a
hip hinge (bending at the hips, keeping your glutes high, and pushing
hips backward) to reach down to grab the KB/DB while maintaining a
neutral spine. As you pick up the KB/DB, using the momentum, allow
it to swing underneath you. Keeping a tight core, focus on using your
glutes and hamstrings to thrust the KB/DB forward. Depending on
the strength of your thrust, the KB/DB should float for a couple
seconds before gravity brings the weight down. Using a hip hinge,
allow it to swing underneath you, and repeat. (This movement is a hip-
hinge, it should not resemble a squat - keep your knees soft)

Med Ball Slams #AFmbs - Start standing straight up with a hip width
stance, holding the med ball directly in front of your torso. Lift the
med ball over your head, throw the med ball directly in front of your
feet while coming into a squat about parallel and squeezing your core
tight. While in the squat position, catch the ball as it bounces, stand
straight up and lift the ball over your head, and repeat.

**Mountain Climbers #AFmclimb - Start in a high plank, shoulders

directly over your wrists, neutral spine, and glutes down and tight.
Keeping your glutes as low as possible, bring one knee as close to
your chest as you can, then return back to original position. Alternate
back and forth between legs.

** Plank Jacks: #AFpjack - Start in a high plank, shoulders directly

over your wrists, neutral spine, feet together, and
glutes down and tight. Jump your feet out about a foot in each
direction then jump back together - like a jumping jack while keeping
your hands planted in a plank. Try to keep your hips/glutes down as
much as possible.

**Plank Twists #AFptw - Start in a low plank (elbow plank), shoulders

directly over your elbows, neutral spine, and
glutes down and tight. Keeping your shoulders as level as possible,
drop your hips to the right then to the left.

**Push Ups #AFpush - Start in a high plank position, shoulders

directly over wrists, neutral spine, and glutes down and tight. Perform
a push up, elbows out to ~45 degree angle - half way between
shoulder level and torso. Maintaining a neutral spine, push back up to
high plank, and repeat.

**Tuck Jumps #AFtjumps - Start with a hip width stance. Squat as low
as needed to jump fairly high. As you jump into the air bring your
knees as close to your chest as you can. Softly land toe-ball-heel and

**Plank Shoulder Taps #AFpst - Start in a high plank, shoulders

directly over your wrists, neutral spine, and glutes
down and tight. (Feet closer = harder, feet further = easier) Keep a
TIGHT core and avoid swaying and swinging your hips back and forth.
Touch your right hand to your left shoulder, place back on ground,
then repeat on opposite side. Alternate back and forth.

**Single Leg Glute Bridge #AFslgb - Start lying on your back, one
knee bent, one leg straight, and keeping thighs in line with one
another (Straight leg at ~45 degrees). Maintaining a neutral spine,
push through the heel of the bent leg, lift your hips off the ground,
squeezing your glutes at the top. Keeping your thighs in line, slowly
lower your hips back to the ground.. Complete reps on one side,
alternate, and repeat.

Lower Body:
Barbell: (10 exercises)
*Bulgarian Split Squats #AFbbss - Start with a barbell resting on your
upper back/traps, standing about 2 feet away from a bench/box/
platform, facing the opposite direction. Carefully place one foot of
the bench behind you – making sure your foot on the floor is far
enough to keep your knee from passing your toe. Keeping your chest
up, neutral spine, and a tight core, lunge as close to a 90-degree
angle as you can, push through the heel of the foot on the floor to
return to an upright position, and repeat.

Conventional Deadlifts #AFbcdl - Start with your feet at a hips-width

stance and the barbell over the middle of your shoe. Grab the barbell
at a shoulder width grip - when your knees bend to grab the barbell,
the barbell should touch your shins. Keeping your hips back and chest
up with a neutral spine, take a big breath, brace your core, push
through the floor and using your hamstrings and glutes, drive through
your hips to stand up - your hips and shoulders should lift
simultaneously. Do not shrug, lean back, or hyperextend your back at
the top of the movement. To return to the ground – lower the barbell
to your knees without bending, once the barbell passes your knees
then bend until the weight returns to the ground – keeping your chest
up and pushing your hips back.

**Good Mornings #AFgoodm - Start with the barbell resting on your

traps/upper-back with hip-width stance. Similar to a deadlift, push
your hips back while slowly dropping your torso toward the floor,
keeping a tight core and neutral spine. Your torso should come close
to parallel with the floor and you should feel a nice pull in the back of
your hamstrings. Using your hamstrings and glutes, drive your hips up
and squeeze your glutes to return to a standing position, and repeat
– do NOT arch your lower back when you squeeze.

Hip Thrusts- #AFbht - Start sitting with your back against the bench,
feet hips width apart, and barbell over your hips. Place your elbows
on the bench to lift the barbell off the floor while pushing hips up.
Once fully lifted, grab the barbell at a shoulder width grip (outside of
your hips) and check to make sure your feet are directly under your
knees. Maintaining a neutral spine and chin tucked, lower the barbell ¾
or fully back to the ground and thrust back up while squeezing your
glutes at the top of the movement.

Squats #AFbsq - Start by grabbing the racked barbell with a medium-

width grip. Dip under the barbell and place on your traps/upper-back.
Place your feet directly under the bar and stand upright to lift the
barbell off the rack, step back to squat position - heels shoulder width
apart, toes slightly turned outward ~30 degrees. Take a big breath,
brace your core, and while keeping your feet completely flat on the
ground and chest up, drop your hips BACKWARD while bending your
knees to execute the squat (keep your knees pushing outward), the
bottom of the movement should hit at least parallel. Push through
your heels to return to standing position.

*Reverse Lunges #AFbrl - Start with the barbell resting on your upper-
back and hip-width stance. Bracing your core, step back far enough
to keep your toe from going in front of your knee and perform a full
lunge (try to get your knee to gently tap the floor). Repeat.

Sumo Deadlifts #AFbsdl - Start with your feet centered under the bar
~hips-width apart. Step one foot ~1 to 1 1/2 feet in line with the bar
and toward the plate with your toes turned outward ~45 degrees.
Step the opposite foot the same distance with your toes turned out
the same amount. Keeping your hands/arms shoulder-width apart,
knees facing outward and shins touching the bar - bend your knees
until your can grab the barbell. Pull the slack out of the bar by pulling
up your chest, squeezing your lats, and locking out your elbows. Take
a big breath, brace your core, and while keeping your feet flat, drive
through the floor until the barbell reaches hip height. Do not shrug,
lean back, or hyperextend your lower back at the top of the
movement. Allow the barbell to gently drag up your legs throughout
the movement and gently glide down your legs as you return the
barbell to the floor.

*Sumo Squats #AFbsumo - Start with the barbell resting on your

traps/upper-back, your heels passed shoulder-width stance, at least 6
inches apart, and toes pointed out. Keeping a neutral spine and tight
core, squat to parallel – keeping the weight in your heels. Push
through your heels to stand back up – squeezing your glutes at the
top of the movement – do not arch or hyperextend your back at the
top of the movement

**Sumo Squat Pulse #AFbsumop - Start with the barbell resting on

your traps/upper-back, your heels passed shoulder-width stance, ~6
inches wider on each side, and toes pointed out. Keeping a neutral
spine and tight core, squat to parallel – keeping the weight in your
heels. Bounce slightly until failure, push through your heels to return
to starting position.

*RDL (Romanian Deadlift) #AFbrdl - Start standing, hip-width stance,

keeping your knees soft (slight bend, NEVER completely locked out),
hold the barbell directly in front of your hips. Maintain a neutral spine,
brace your core, and while keeping the barbell close to your legs,
hinge at the hips and push your hips back, and slowly bring the
barbell towards the floor, ~mid-shin height. You should feel tension in
the back of your hamstrings. Stand back up by using your hamstrings
and glutes, driving through your hips, and squeeze – do not shrug,
lean back, or hyperextend your back at the top of the movement.

Bodyweight: (11 exercises)

*Banded Hamstring Curls #AFbhc - Start by attaching a long loop or
straight resistance band to any heavy/stable object (bench, squat
rack, heavy db/kb), lying on your stomach, facing the opposite
direction, put both of your feet through the resistance band. Your
starting position should be far enough to put tension on your
hamstrings with your legs fairly straight. Keeping your hips and glutes
on the floor, pull your heels toward your glutes, and slowly lower
toward the ground ~45 degrees.

*Banded Lateral Steps #AFbls - Start with a band above your knees,
sumo stance, and toes facing forward. Slightly drop your chest, push
your hips, and lower your glutes down to a little over parallel. With
your right foot, step about 4-6” to your right, then follow with your left
foot about 4-6” to your right. Repeat these little steps for designated
reps, then switch directions.

**Bench Bounce Overs #AFbbov - Start facing the same direction as

the bench, with your left foot on the bench and right foot on the
ground on the right side of the bench. Pushing through your bench
leg (keeping your foot planted), bounce your right foot over to the left
side of the bench, then back to the right side of the bench. Perform
designated reps on one side, switch legs and repeat.

**Bench Hop Overs #AFbhov - Start facing the same direction as the
bench, with your left foot on the bench and right foot on the ground
on the right side of the bench. Pushing through your bench (left) leg,
fully extend the left leg, and replace with the right leg at the top of
the movement, while dropping the left leg to the left side of the
bench, and repeat.

**Box Jumps #AFboxj - Start by standing about ~6 inches -1 foot

away from a box/bench. Bend your knees to your desired depth, push
through the ground, and jump to the top of the box. Return to the
ground by jumping or stepping off the box and repeat.

*Bulgarian Split Squats #AFbss - Start by standing about 2 feet away

from a bench/box/platform, facing the opposite direction. Carefully
place one foot of the bench behind you – making sure your foot on
the floor is far enough to keep your knee from passing your toe.
Lunge as close to a 90-degree angle as you can, push through the
heel of the foot on the floor to return to an upright position, and

*Decline Single Leg Glute Bridge #AFdslgb - Start with a low box,
platform, or dumbbell balanced on one side, facing up. Lying on the
floor, place your right foot on the object, keeping your hips as close
to the object as you can. Lie back and fully extend the left leg
towards the side of the object. Maintaining a neutral spine, push
through your right heel – lifting your hips into the air, squeezing your
glutes, and pulling your left knee up toward your torso. Slowly return
to starting position, hovering your left leg over the ground, and

Frog Pumps #AFfpump - Start by lying on your back (loop band above
your knees, optional), knees bent and your feet flat on the ground
with your heels as close to your glutes as possible. Drop your knees
out to the sides, like butterfly stretch, and put the bottom of your feet
together. Maintaining this position and keeping your knees pushed
out - perform a glute bridge and squeeze your glutes at the top.

*Glute Bridge (Banded) #AFgluteb - Start lying on your back with your
knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Try keeping your heels as close
to your glutes as possible. Maintaining a neutral spine, push through
your heels, lift your hips off the ground, squeezing your glutes at the
top of the movement.

Squat Jumps (banded) #AFsqj - Start with a band above your knees
and your heels at hip-width stance with your toes slightly out. Squat
down to parallel and jump into the air – trying to keep the resistance
band pulled apart. Squat back down as you land, and repeat.
Cable: (5 exercises)
*Front Squats #AFcfs - Start standing in front of the cable tower,
heels at shoulder width stance, toes facing out. With a v-bar
attachment at the lowest position, hold the cable attachment at
chest level with your elbows tucked in & close to your body. Keeping
a tight core, your chest up, and spine neutral, squat to ~parallel.
Pushing through heels and squeezing your glutes, return to starting
position and repeat.

*Front Squat Pulse #AFcfsp - Start standing in front of the cable

tower, heels at shoulder width stance, toes facing out. With a v-bar
attachment at the lowest position, hold the cable attachment at
chest level with your elbows tucked in & close to your body. Keeping
a tight core, your chest up, and spine neutral, squat to ~parallel and
bounce lightly – just a couple inches, until failure.

*Pull Throughs #AFcpull - Start with a rope attachment at the lowest

position, facing the opposite direction of the cable tower, holding the
rope in between your legs with straight arms at waist height. Take a
few steps forward and position yourself ~2-3 feet away from the cable
tower. Maintaining a neutral spine and knees soft, slowly drop your
chest toward your knees – following the rope through your legs with
straight arms, you should feel tension in the back of your hamstrings.
Using your glutes and hamstring, pull the cable back up by keeping
your arms locked out, driving through your hips and squeezing your
glutes at the top of the movement. (Must use enough weight to have
resistance pulling you backward)

*Squats #AFcsq - Start standing at a cable tower, with an attachment

(rope, straight bar, or v-bar) at the lowest position. Holding the
attachment in front of your hips with straight arms – take a few steps
back until ~2 feet away from the cable tower with heels at shoulder
width stance and toes slightly turned out. Maintaining a neutral spine
and chest up, squat to ~parallel while keeping arms locked out and
feet planted. Keeping weight in your heels, push through the floor to
stand back up and squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement.

*Squat Pulse #AFcsqp - Start standing at a cable tower, with an

attachment (rope, straight bar, or v-bar) at the lowest position.
Holding the attachment in front of your hips with straight arms – take
a few steps back until ~2 feet away from the cable tower with heels at
shoulder width stance and toes slightly turned out. Maintaining a
neutral spine, squat to ~parallel and bounce lightly (only a couple
inches), until failure.

Dumbbell/Kettlebell: (17 exercises)

*Bench Goblet Squats #AFdbbgs - Start seated on the edge of a
bench, with your heels shoulder-width apart, knees directly over toes,
and toes slightly facing out. Hold a single dumbbell underneath your
chin or chest level, elbows tucked in. While maintaining a neutral
spine and without swinging, push through your heels to stand up,
squeezing your glutes. Keeping your spine neutral and chest up, sit
your hips backward, and return to seated position. Repeat.

*Bulgarian Split Squats #AFdbbs - Start standing about 2 feet away

from a bench/box/platform, facing the opposite direction.olding a
dumbbell in each hand at your sides. Carefully place one foot of the
bench behind you – making sure the foot on the floor is far enough to
keep your knee from passing your toe. Lunge as close to a 90-degree
angle as you can, push through the heel of the foot on the floor to
return to an upright position, and repeat.

*Frog Pumps #AFdbfpump - Start by lying on your back (loop band

above your knees, optional), knees bent and your feet flat on the
ground with your heels as close to your glutes as possible. Drop your
knees out to the sides, like butterfly stretch, and put the bottom of
your feet together. Place a DB on your hips and hold in place with
your hands. Maintaining this position and keeping your knees pushed
out - perform a glute bridge and squeeze your glutes at the top.

*Goblet Squats #AIdbgs - Start standing with your heels shoulder-

width apart and toes slightly facing out. Hold a single dumbbell
underneath your chin or chest level, elbows tucked in. Keeping your
weight in your heels, squat to ~parallel – keeping your chest up, spine
neutral, and knees out. Push through your heels to stand back up and
squeeze your glutes at the top. Repeat.

*Goblet Squat w/ Pulse #AFdbgsp - Start standing with your heels

shoulder-width apart and toes slightly facing out. Hold a single
dumbbell underneath your chin or chest level, elbows tucked in.
Keeping your weight in your heels, squat to ~parallel – keeping your
chest up, spine neutral, and knees out. Bounce once at the bottom of
the movement, and push through your heels to stand back up and
squeeze your glutes at the top. Repeat.

*Hip Thrust #AFdbht - Start sitting with your back against the bench,
feet hip-width apart, and dumbbell over your hips. Place your elbows
on the bench and push through your elbow to get your back onto the
bench. Once fully lifted, hold the dumbbell at your waist. Maintaining
a neutral spine and chin tucked, lower your hips ~¾ or fully back to the
ground and thrust back up while squeezing your glutes at the top of
the movement.

* RDL #AFdbrdl - Start standing, with a hip-width stance, and keeping

your knees soft (slight bend, NEVER completely locked out), hold the
dumbbells directly in front of your hips. Keeping the dumbbells very
close to your legs, slowly bring the dumbbells towards the floor while
pushing your hips backward. You should feel tension in the back of
your hamstrings. Stand back up by using your hamstrings and glutes,
driving through your hips, and squeeze – do not shrug, lean back, or
hyperextend your back at the top of the movement.

*RDL-Squat Complex #AFrdlsq - Start standing, shoulder-width

stance, hold a single dumbbell/kettlebell at hip height. Perform a RDL
– pushing your hips back, squeezing your core, and keeping your
spine neutral. Once reaching full depth of the RDL, bend your knees
and drop into a squat to ~parallel. Pushing through your heels, stand
back up, squeezing your glutes at the top of the movement. Repeat.

*Single Leg Hip Thrust #AFdbslht - Start sitting with your back
against the bench, feet hip-width apart, and dumbbell at hip level.
Straighten one leg and hold dumbbell on bent hip. Placing your free
arm on the bench (arm not holding the dumbbell), lift your hips to 90
degrees. Maintaining a neutral spine and chin tucked, keeping weight
in heel of planted foot, lower your hips ~¾ or fully back to the ground
and thrust back up while squeezing your glutes at the top of the

*Single Leg RDLs #AFslrdl - Start standing, feet hip-width apart, and
dumbbell/kettlebell in your right hand in front of your hip. Your left leg
(opposite of the dumbbell) is the one that will be remain on the floor.
Keeping your left knee soft, maintaining a neutral spine, and using a
hip hinge, push your hips back, lift your right leg straight behind of
you, as you lower the dumbbell toward the floor to ~mid-shin height.
You should feel tension in your right hamstring. Using your glutes and
hamstring, drive your hips forward, and return to starting position.
Perform all reps on one side, then repeat on opposite side. (For an
easier modification, hold on to something with the arm of the planted
leg for extra balance, if needed.)

*Staggered Stance RDLs #AFdbsrdl - Start standing, feet hip-width

apart, and dumbbell in your right hand (OR kettlebell with both
hands). Take a step back with your right foot, about ~6in to 1 foot
length. While maintaining a neutral spine, use a hip hinge and push
your hips back to lower the weight to mid-shin height. Squeezing
through your hamstrings and glutes, drive your hips forward to return
to standing position. Perform all reps on one side, then repeat on
opposite leg.

*Step Ups #AFdbsu - Start standing directly in front of a bench/box

with a dumbbell on each side at hip level. Place one foot on top of
the box, keeping your knee directly over your toe. Push through the
top leg to stand on top of the bench – keeping your chest up, and
slowly return your back leg to the floor. Avoid putting a lot of wait in
the back leg. Perform all reps on one side, then repeat on opposite

*Sumo Goblet Squats #AFdbsgs - Start standing, your heels passed

shoulder-width stance, ~6 inches wider on each side, toes pointed
out, and holding the dumbbell under your chin/chest level.
Maintaining a neutral spine, keeping weight in your heels, sit your hips
back and squat to ~parallel. Pushing through your heels, return to
standing position, keeping tension in your glutes, and repeat.

*Sumo Squats #AFdbss - Start standing, your heels passed shoulder-

width stance, ~6 inches wider on each side, toes pointed out, and
holding a single heavy dumbbell with both hands at hip level.
Maintaining a neutral spine and keeping weight in your heels, sit your
hips back, bend at the knees and lower the dumbbell toward the
ground in a straight line.. Pushing through your heels, return to
standing position, keeping tension in your glutes, and repeat.

*Walking Lunges #AFdbwl - Start standing, feet hip-width apart,

holding a dumbbell in each hand at hip-level, palms facing in. Take a
step forward ~2-3ft, depending on your height, and lunge (your knee
should not pass your toe). Driving through the front leg, step through
with your back leg into another lunge. Repeat. (For an easier
modification, return to a full standing position between each lunge)

*Swings #AFkbsw - Start standing, with a shoulder width stance, toes

pointed slightly outward, and the kettlebell/single dumbbell about a
foot directly in front of you. Keeping your knees soft, use a hip hinge
(bending at the hips, keeping your glutes high, and pushing hips
backward) to reach down to grab the KB/DB while maintaining a
neutral spine. As you pick up the KB/DB, using the momentum, allow
it to swing underneath you. Keeping a tight core, focus on using your
glutes and hamstrings to thrust the KB/DB forward. Depending on
the strength of your thrust, the KB/DB should float for a couple
seconds before gravity brings the weight down. Using a hip hinge,
allow it to swing underneath you, and repeat. (This movement is a hip-
hinge, it should not resemble a squat - keep your knees soft)

Machine: (9 exercises)
**Frog Press #AFfrogp - Start seated on the leg press machine, with
your feet high, heels together, and toes facing outward. Lower the
leg press toward your body, getting as much depth as possible. Push
through your heels until your legs are straight and knees are SOFT,
not fully locked out. Repeat.

**Hip Abduction (seated) #AFhipab * - Start seated on the edge of

hip abduction machine, chest up, and spine neutral. Keeping a tight
core, push the pads out as far as you can. Without bumping the
plates, slowly return your knees back to neutral position, maintaining
tension in your abductors, and repeat.

**Hip Abduction (standing) #AFhipab * - Start seated on the edge of

hip abduction machine, chest up, and spine neutral. Keeping your
knees bent and spine neutral, grab the abduction machine in front of
you, keeping your shoulders, elbows, and wrists all in one line. Push
your hips back as far as you toward the seat and push the pads apart
with your knees. Without bumping the plates, slowly return your
knees back to neutral position, maintaining tension in your abductors,
and repeat.

**Leg Extension #AFlext - Start seated on the leg extension machine.

Adjust the machine so the pad sits directly over your feet, your knees
should bend a 90 degree angle at the edge of the seat with your
back flat against the seat. Maintaining a tight core and neutral spine,
squeeze your quads to extend your legs out directly in front of you.
Slowly lower the weight back to 90 degrees and repeat.

*Leg Press #AFlegp - Start seated on the leg press machine, with
your feet on the center of the pad at shoulder-width stance and toes
facing slightly outward. Keeping a tight core, with your back flat
against the back pad and hips/glutes down, lower the leg press
toward your body, getting as much depth as possible. (Be sure your
knees do not pass your toes - you can place your feet higher, if
needed) Push through your heels until your legs are straight and
knees are SOFT, not fully locked out. Repeat.

**Lying Leg Curl #AFllc - Start lying on the leg curl machine. Adjust
the pad to sit just a couple inches below your calves. While
maintaining a tight core, keeping your torso flat on the bench, and
hips down, curl the pad toward your glutes. Without bumping the
plates, slowly lower the pad down to your starting position, keeping
tension in your hamstrings, and repeat.

**Lying Single Leg Curl #AFsllc - Start lying on the leg curl machine.
Adjust the pad to sit just a couple inches below your calves. While
maintaining a tight core, keeping your torso flat on the bench, and
hips down, with one leg, curl the pad toward your glutes. Without
bumping the plates, slowly lower the pad down to your starting
position, keeping tension in your hamstrings. Perform all reps on one
leg, then switch legs and repeat.

**Row Machine Ham Curls #AFrowhc - Start by pulling the row

machine seat to the back and lie down the machine. Your glutes
should be as close the row machine as possible, place your heels on
the seat. Keeping your knees bent and core tight, lift your hips as high
as possible. With your weight in your heels on the seat, slowly
straighten your legs and allow the seat to slowly slide down the
machine. Keeping your hips as high possible, curl your heels back
toward your glutes, and repeat.

SL Leg Press: #AJsllp - Start by sitting on your left hip with your top
right leg on the center of the pad and foot facing sideways (9:00 -
10:00 on a clock). Keeping your foot flat, lower the leg press toward
your body. Push through your feel to practically straighten out your
leg but keep your knee SOFT, not fully locked out. Repeat desired
amount of reps then switch legs and repeat.

Plate: (1 exercise)
**Bulgarian Split Squats #AFpbss - Start standing about 2 feet away
from a bench/box/platform, facing the opposite direction, and
holding a plate in your hands in front of you. Carefully place one foot
of the bench behind you – making sure the foot on the floor is far
enough to keep your knee from passing your toe. Hold the plate up
above your head with your arms straight up, wrists, elbow, and
shoulders all in one line. Lunge as close to a 90-degree angle as you
can, push through the heel of the foot on the floor to return to an
upright position, and repeat.

Upper Body:
Barbell: (5 exercises)
*Bench Press #AFbbp - Start lying on a bench, eyes under the bar,
feet firmly on floor. Your grip should be TIGHT and outside of
shoulder-width distance. Before un-racking the bar, squeeze your
glutes (keeping them on the bench), tighten your core, and squeeze
your shoulder blades together. Un-rack the barbell, keeping your arms
straight, take a breath, brace your core, and lower the bar to your
mid-chest, and press straight back up. Repeat.

*Overhead Press #AFohp - Start with a hip-width stance and grab the
barbell at a slightly wider than shoulder-width grip. Lift the barbell to
the front of your shoulders, pushing your elbows forward. Push the
barbell up straight up, keeping your wrists, elbows, and shoulders in
line. Slowly lower the barbell back to the front of shoulders, and

*Push Press #AFbpp - Start with a hip-width stance and grab the
barbell at a slightly wider than shoulder-width grip. Lift the barbell to
the front of your shoulders, pushing your elbows forward. Bend at the
knees, and as you push through the ground, push the barbell
overhead - keeping your wrists, elbows, and shoulders in line.
Simultaneously, lower the barbell back to the front of shoulders, bend
at the knees, and repeat.

*Row #AFbbrow - Start standing, hip-width stance, holding the

barbell with a shoulder-width, overhand grip. Bend your torso forward
and push your hips back slightly while maintaining a neutral spine.
Contract your lats, pull the barbell to your lower chest, keeping your
elbows facing the ceiling and squeezing your shoulder blades
together at the top of the movement. Slowly lower the barbell toward
the floor and repeat.

*Underhand Row #AFbbur - Start standing, with a hip-width stance,

and shoulder-width, underhand grip on the barbell. Drop your chest
forward and push your hips back slightly while maintaining a neutral
spine, hold the barbell directly under your shoulders. Maintaining a
tight core, pull the barbell up toward the bottom of your chest,
keeping your elbows close to your body, and squeezing your shoulder
blades together. Slowly return the barbell to original position, and

Bodyweight: (5 exercises)
**Assisted Pull Ups #AFapu -
Assisted Pull Up Machine: Set the weight to moderately assist
you in your pull up. You should be using your own strength to execute
the pull up with the machine providing some assistance. Place your
knees on the pad and grab the handles with an overhand grip wider
than shoulder-width. While maintaining control of the movement,
squeeze your lats and perform a pull up until your chin reaches the
height of the handles. Slowly lower yourself back to starting position,
and repeat.
Banded: Start by looping a band over the pull up bar (Pull one
end of the band through the middle of the other end and tighten).
Place your foot or knee in the resistance band and grab the bar with
an overhand grip wider than shoulder width. While maintaining
control of the movement, squeeze your lats and perform a pull up
until your chin passes the height of the bar. Slowly lower yourself back
to starting position, and repeat.

*Incline Push Ups #AFipush - Start with your hands on top of the
bench, shoulder-width apart. Step back into a high plank, your feet
out far enough to keep your back in a neutral position and hips down.
Tighten your core, squeeze your glutes, and lower your chest all the
way to bench, elbows should be about 45 degrees, in between your
ribs and shoulder height. Push through your arms until their fully
extended, and repeat.

*Inverted Rows #AFinvr - Start by laying underneath a barbell ~3 feet

high, with your shoulders in line with the bar. With straight or bent
legs (straight legs increases the difficulty) and a shoulder width grip
(overhand or underhand), pull your chest up to the bar while
maintaining a neutral spine. Keeping tension in your lats, slowly lower
your body until your arms are full extended (back should remain off
the floor), and repeat.

**Push Ups #AFpush - Start in a high plank position, shoulders

directly over wrists, neutral spine, and glutes down and tight. Lower
yourself towards the ground, until your elbows reach a 90 degree
angle, pointed out to ~45 degree angle - half way between your
shoulder level and ribs. Maintaining a neutral spine, push back up to
high plank, and repeat.

Cable: (22 exercises)

*Bicep Curl #AFcbc* - Start standing in front of cable tower, with a
straight bar attachment on the lowest position. Holding the bar at hip
level with an underhand grip, contract your biceps and curl the bar to
shoulder height. Slowly lower the cable to hip level, and repeat.

*Cross Cable Rear Delt Flies #AFcrdf * - Start standing facing the
cable machine, standing in the center of the two towers, in the
highest position. Grab the right cable with your left your hand and
left cable with your right, crossing them in front of you. With your
arms in front of you, elbows soft, hands a little higher than forehead
height, squeeze your lats, and pull the cables back and out. Your arms
should reach about shoulder height. Slowly return the cables to
starting position, and repeat.

*Face Pulls #AFcfp * - With a rope attachment on the highest

position of the cable tower, step a couple feet away
while facing the tower (you should be able to have completely
straight arms without hitting the plates together). Holding the rope
with an overhand grip, with your feet at hips-width stance & a slight
bend in your knees, pull the ends of the rope toward each ear. You
should feel tension in your rear delts (back of your shoulders). Slowly
return to starting position, and repeat.

*Front Raises #AFcfr * - Start with straight bar attachment, on the

lowest setting of the cable tower. Stand with your back against the
cable tower, straddling the cable, and holding the bar at hip level.
Keeping your chest up and a neutral spine, raise the straight bar to
shoulder height. Slowly return the bar to hip level, and repeat.

**High Chest Fly #AFchcf - Using a cross-cable machine with both

cables at the highest position, stand in the center of the two towers,
facing the opposite direction. Grab the left cable with your left hand,
right cable with your right, and take a couple steps forward. With a
staggered stance, keeping arms open with slightly bent elbows, pull
the cables together in front of you at hip-level, palms in, and squeeze
your chest muscles at the bottom of the movement. Slowly return the
cables back to that open-arm position while maintaining the slight
bend in your elbows, and repeat.

**Horizontal Chest Fly #AFccf - Using a cross-cable machine with

both cables slightly under shoulder height, stand in the center of the
two towers, facing the opposite direction. Grab the left cable with
your left hand, right cable with your right, and take a couple steps
forward. With a staggered stance, keeping arms open and parallel to
the ground with slightly bent elbows, pull the cables together in front
of you at shoulder-height, palms in, and squeeze your chest muscles
at the center of the movement. Slowly return the cables back to that
open-arm position while maintaining the slight bend in your elbows,
and repeat.

*Lat Pulldown #AFclp - Using the seated lat pulldown machine,

adjust the pads to sit directly on top of your
thighs with your feet flat. Stand up to grab the pulldown bar, with an
overhand grip, outside of shoulder-width. Using your body weight, sit
back down and place your thighs back under the pads. Keeping your
chest up and back straight, pull the bar down to your chest, contract
your lats and squeeze your shoulder blades down and back. While
keeping tension in your lats, allow the bar to raise until your arms are
straight, and repeat.

**Low Chest Fly #AFclcf - Using a cross-cable machine with both

cables at the lowest position, stand in the center of the two towers,
facing the opposite direction. Grab the left cable with your left hand,
right cable with your right, and take a couple steps forward. With a
staggered stance, keeping arms open at hip-level with slightly bent
elbows, pull the cables together and up to shoulder height, and
squeeze your chest muscles at the top of the movement. Slowly
return the cables back to that open-arm position while maintaining
the slight bend in your elbows, and repeat.

*Overhead Tricep Rope Extension #AFcotre - Start standing in front

of the tower, facing the opposite direction. With a rope attachment
at the lowest position on the cable tower, grab the rope over the top
of your head and take a few step forward. In a lunge-like position,
bend your torso slightly forward – keeping a neutral spine. Keeping
your biceps by your ears and only moving your lower arm, pull the
rope until your arms fully extend over you – squeeze your triceps at
the top of the movement. Slowly bend at the elbow and return your
lower arm back behind your head, and repeat.

*Rope Bicep Curl #AFcrc - Start standing in front of cable tower, with
a rope attachment on the lowest position. Holding the bar at hip level
with a overhand grip, palms facing in. Keep your chest up, contract
your biceps and curl the rope to shoulder height. Slowly lower the
cable to hip level, and repeat.

*Rope Front Raises #AFcrfr - Start with rope attachment, on the

lowest setting of the cable tower. Stand with your back against the
cable tower, straddling the cable, and holding the rope with your
hands together, palms facing in, at hip level. Keeping your chest up
and a neutral spine, raise the rope to shoulder height. Slowly return
the rope to hip level, and repeat.

*Single Arm Bicep Curls #AFcsabc - Start standing about 3 feet away
from the cable tower, facing sideways. With a handle attachment at
shoulder height on the cable tower, grab the handle with one hand
and when your arm is extended the plates should not be touching.
While maintaining a tight core and only moving the lower half of your
arm - curl the handle toward your ear. Slowly return your arm back to
the straightened position, and repeat.

*Single Arm Lat Pulldown #AFcsalp* - Start kneeling about a foot

away from the cable tower, with a handle attachment at the highest
position. Holding the handle with your palm facing forward, contract
your lat, and pull your elbow to your ribs. Maintaining tension in your
lat, allow the cable to raise until your arm is straight, and repeat.

**Single Arm Rear Delt Fly #AFsardf - Start stand about a foot away
from the tower, facing sideways. Push your hips back and drop your
torso forward until you’re parallel to the floor. Line your shoulders up
with the cable tower. With your outside arm, grab the cable (with a
handle attachment or no attachment) across your body and hold it
directly under your shoulder. Pull the cable up toward the ceiling, until
it is in line with your upper-body. Slowly return the cable back to
underneath your torso, in line with your shoulder and repeat.

*Straight Arm Lat Pulldown #AFcstlp * - Start standing about three

feet away with your hips pushed back slightly, holding a straight bar
attachment with an overhand grip on the highest position on the
cable tower. With your arms above eye-level, contract your lats, and
pull the straight bar down to hip level – maintaining straight arms the
entire time. Without bumping the plates, slowly return the bar back to
above eye-level, and repeat.

*Tricep Pushdowns #AFctp - Start standing about a foot away from

the tower with staggered stance and slight bend in your knees.
Holding the straight bar attachment with an overhand grip, at highest
position on the cable tower, start with your elbows ~90 degrees.
Using your triceps, push the bar toward the ground and straighten
your arms completely. Slowly return to a 90 degree bend at your
elbows, and repeat.

*Tricep Rope Pushdown #AFctrp - Start standing directly in front of

the cable tower with a hip width stance, holding a rope attachment at
highest position on the cable tower. Holding each end of the rope,
palms facing in, start with your elbows ~90 degrees. Using your
triceps, push the rope ends toward the ground to hip-height, pulling
the ends of the rope apart. Slowly return to a 90 degree bend at your
elbows, and repeat.

*Underhand Lat Pulldown #AFulp - Using the seated lat pulldown

machine, adjust the pads to sit directly on top of your thighs with
your feet flat. Stand up to grab the pulldown bar, with an underhand
grip, shoulder-width apart. Using your body weight, sit back down
and place your thighs back under the pads. Keeping your chest up
and back straight, pull the bar down to your chest, contract your lats
and squeeze your shoulder blades together. While keeping tension in
your lats, allow the bar to raise until your arms are straight, and

**Underhand Stretchers #AFuhs - Start with one foot planted on the

ground about one foot away from the seat, place the other foot on
the seat of the lat pulldown machine. With a shoulder-width,
underhand grip, grab the pulldown bar with your arms fully extended
above shoulder height. Maintaining a neutral spine, pull the bar to the
bottom of your chest while keeping your elbows close to your body.
Squeeze your shoulder blades together at the end of the movement,
return to original position, and repeat.

**V-Bar Lat Pulldown #AFlpv - Using the seated lat pulldown machine,
adjust the pads to sit directly on top of
your thighs, with your feet flat. Stand up to grab the v-bar
attachment, palms facing in – using your body weight, sit back down
and place your thighs underneath the pads. Using your lats, pull the v-
bar straight down until it’s in front of your chest while keeping your
elbows close to your side – squeezing your shoulder blades together
at the bottom of the movement. Slowly return the cable up until your
arms are fully extended, and repeat.

**V-Bar Stretcher #AFvbs - Start with one foot planted on the ground
about one foot away from the seat, place the other foot on the seat
of the lat pulldown machine. Holding the v-bar, palms facing in, arms
fully extended above shoulder-height. Using your lats, pull the v-bar
directly into your chest, while keeping your elbows close to your body.
Squeeze your shoulder blades together at the end of the movement,
return to original position, and repeat.

*Wide-Grip Stretchers #AFwgs - Start with one foot planted on the

ground about one foot away from the seat, place the other foot on
the seat of the lat pulldown machine. With an overhand grip, wider
than shoulder-width, grab the pulldown bar with your arms fully
extended above shoulder height. Using your lats, keeping your
elbows out, pull the bar to mid-chest, squeeze your shoulder blades
together at the end of the movement, return to original position, and

Dumbbell: (20 exercises)

*Alternating Bicep Curls #AFdbabc - Start standing, hip-width stance,
holding dumbbells at your sides, palms facing in. Without using
momentum, contract your bicep, rotate your wrist until your palm is
facing up, and curl one dumbbell toward your shoulder – only moving
the lower half of your arm. Slowly return the dumbbell back to your
side, perform with opposite arm, and repeat.

*Alternating Front Raises #AFdbafr - Start standing, hip-width stance,

holding dumbbells at your sides, palms facing in. Without using
momentum, raise one arm directly in front of you to shoulder height,
while maintaining that palm in grip. Slowly lower that arm back to hip
level, raise the opposite arm, and repeat.

*Alternating Shoulder Press #AFdbasp - Start seated or standing,

holding dumbbells just above shoulder height, with your palms facing
forward, and elbows bent. While maintaining a tight core and
avoiding tilting, press a single dumbbell over your head, without
moving the other dumbbell. Return the dumbbell to above shoulder
height, switch arms, and repeat.

*Arnold Press #AFdbap - Start with dumbbells at your chest, elbows

bent and close to your body, and palms facing you. Rotate your arms
180 degrees as you press the dumbbells over your head, keeping a
shoulder-width distance. Slowly lower the dumbbells to starting
position, reversing the rotation to turn your palms back toward you.

*Bicep Curls #AFdbbc - Start standing, hip-width stance, holding

dumbbells at your sides, palms facing in. Without using momentum,
contract your biceps, rotate your wrist until your palms are facing up,
and curl the dumbbells toward your shoulder – only moving the lower
half of your arm. Slowly return the dumbbell back to your sides, and

*Chest Fly #AFdbcf - Start lying on a bench with a dumbbell in each

hand and feet flat on floor. Keeping a slight bend in your elbows, start
with dumbbells directly over your shoulders, slowly lower the
dumbbells toward the floor of each side of your body – stopping at
shoulder height (maintaining the slight elbow bend). Pull the
dumbbells back together over your body, squeezing your chest
muscles at the top of the movement, and repeat.

*Chest Press #AFdbcp - Start lying on a bench with a dumbbell in

each hand and feet flat on the floor. Start with your elbows in line
with your shoulders, 90 degree bend at the elbow, and dumbbells up
toward the ceiling – palms facing forward. While keeping a neutral
spine and tight core, push the dumbbells straight up - arms directly
over your shoulders. Lower the dumbbells until your elbows reach
shoulder height and repeat.

*Incline Chest Fly #AFdbicf - Start lying on a bench at ~45-degrees,

feet flat on the floor, with a dumbbell in each hand directly over your
shoulders, palms facing in. While maintaining a slight bend in your
elbows, slowly lower the dumbbells toward the floor of each side of
your body – stopping at shoulder height. Pull the dumbbells back
together to the starting position, squeezing your chest muscles at the
top of the movement, and repeat.

*Incline Chest Press #AFdbicp - Start lying on a bench at ~45-

degrees, feet flat on the floor, holding a dumbbell in each hand,
elbows in line with your shoulders, 90 degree bend at the elbow, and
dumbbells up toward the ceiling – palms facing forward. While
keeping a neutral spine and tight core, press the dumbbells up
toward the ceiling, your wrists, elbows, and shoulders all in one
straight line - squeeze your chest muscles at the top of the
movement. Slowly return back to starting position, and repeat.

*Lateral-Front Raise Complex #AFlfrc - Start standing, hip-width

stance with your knees soft, dumbbells at your sides, palms facing in,
and elbows slightly bent. Slowly raise the dumbbells to shoulder
height, palms facing down. Once reaching shoulder height, bring the
dumbbells in front your body into a front raise. Slowly lower the
dumbbells to hip level at the front of your thighs, then return to your
side, keeping the dumbbells just a couple inches away from your
body. Repeat.

*Lateral Raises #AFdblr - Start standing, hip-width stance with your

knees soft, dumbbells at your sides, palms facing in, and elbows
slightly bent. Slowly raise the dumbbells to shoulder height, palms
facing down, and slightly turning your thumbs toward the ground. Be
sure to keep your elbows above your wrists. Slowly lower the
dumbbells back toward your side, keeping the dumbbells just a
couple inches away from your body. Repeat.

*Overhead Tricep Ext #AFdbote - Start seated or standing with a hip-

width stance, maintain a neutral spine, and lift a vertical dumbbell
over your head with straight arms. Keeping your biceps by your ears,
only use the lower part of your arm to slowly lower the dumbbell
behind your head, then straighten back to original position. Repeat.

*Rear Delt Flies #AFdbrdf - Start standing, hip-width stance, and a

dumbbell in each hand, slight bend in your elbows, and slight bend in
your knees. Push your hips back and lower your torso forward until it’s
close to parallel to the floor. Allow your arms to hang directly under
your shoulders. Lift the dumbbells up toward the ceiling, keeping
them in line with your shoulders, stopping at shoulder height, and
squeezing your shoulder blades together at the top of the movement.
Slowly lower them back to starting position, keeping in line with your
shoulders, and repeat.

*Shoulder Press #AFdbsp - Start seated or standing, holding

dumbbells just above shoulder height, with your palms facing
forward, and elbows bent. While maintaining a tight core and
avoiding tilting, press the dumbbells over your head. Return the
dumbbells to above shoulder height, and repeat.

*Single Arm Preacher Curls #AFdbpc - Start with an incline bench at

~45 degrees, stand at the back of the bench, and with a single
dumbbell in one hand, place your arm straight down the bench,
shoulder should be at the top of the bench. While keeping your tricep
flat on the bench, curl the dumbbell to your shoulder. Slowly lower
the dumbbell back to the bench, and repeat.

*Single Arm Row #AFdbsar - Start with a flat bench – facing long
ways, place your right knee on the back of the bench – directly under
your hip, and your left leg planted on the floor to the left of the
bench. Keeping your body parallel to the floor, hip directly over your
knee, place your right hand on the bench, directly under your
shoulder and hold a single dumbbell in your left hand, palm facing
inward. While maintaining a straight spine, contract your lat, and pull
the dumbbell toward your hip – keeping your elbow in. Slowly lower
the dumbbell back toward the floor, and repeat on both sides.

*Single Arm Tricep Kickbacks #AFtkick - Using a flat bench – facing

long ways, place your right knee on the back of the bench – directly
under your hip, and your left leg planted on the floor to left of the
bench. Keeping your body parallel to the floor, place your right hand
on the bench, directly under your shoulder and hold a single
dumbbell in your left hand, palm facing inward. Keeping your elbow
in, contract your tricep, straightening your arm toward your hip to 180
degrees. Slowly bring the dumbbell toward your shoulder, and repeat.

*Skull Crushers #AFdbsc - Start lying on a bench with a dumbbell in

each hand and feet flat on the floor. Hold the dumbbells straight up,
directly over your shoulders. While keeping your elbows over your
shoulders, slowly lower the dumbbells to the sides of your forehead.
Straighten your arms back out, squeezing your triceps at the top of
the motion, and repeat.

*Svend Press #AFsvp - Start holding a dumbbell in front of your chest

horizontally, with one hand on each side of dumbbell, palms facing in.
Squeezing your hands together, which should also squeeze your
chest muscles, extend your arms out in front of you – maintaining
shoulder height. Keeping the pressure in between your hands, bring
the dumbbell back to the front of your chest. Repeat.

*Zottman Curls #AFzott - Start standing, hip width stance, holding

dumbbells at your sides, palms facing in. Without using momentum,
contract your bicep, rotate your wrist until your palm is facing up, and
curl the dumbbell to your shoulders. Still at shoulder height, rotate
your wrist again until your palms are facing forward, and slowly lower
the dumbbell to hip level, and return to your sides. Repeat.

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