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Quality Management Manual: This Manual Has Been Prepared in Accordance With DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

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Quality Management Manual

This manual has been prepared

in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

Status: 2nd March 2020

(Revision 08, replaces revision 07, dated 1st June 2019)

Tractebel GKW GmbH

Augustaanlage 67 - 68165 Mannheim - Germany
Phone +49 621 41077-0 - Fax +49 621 41077-302 -

Quality Management Manual

Status: 02.03.2020_revision 08
Table of Contents

Foreword ................................................................................................................. 1
Scope...................................................................................................................... 1
Normative References ............................................................................................. 1
Terms and definitions .............................................................................................. 1
Context of the organization ...................................................................................... 1
Understanding the organization and its context ........................................................ 1
Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties .............................. 2
Internal stakeholders ............................................................................................... 2
External stakeholders with high impact .................................................................... 3
External stakeholders with low impact...................................................................... 3
Our business philosophy ......................................................................................... 3
Our Compliance Management System..................................................................... 3
Determining the scope of the quality management system ....................................... 3
Quality management system and its processes .......................................................4
Organization of our quality management system...................................................... 4
Process map ........................................................................................................... 4
Leadership .............................................................................................................. 5
Leadership and Commitment ................................................................................... 5
Policy ...................................................................................................................... 6
Establishing the quality policy .................................................................................. 6
Communicating the quality policy ............................................................................. 6
Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities ................................................ 7
Planning .................................................................................................................. 8
Actions to address risks and opportunities ............................................................... 8
Quality objectives and planning to achieve them ...................................................... 8
Planning of changes ................................................................................................ 9
Support ................................................................................................................. 10
Resources ............................................................................................................. 10
General ................................................................................................................. 10
People ................................................................................................................... 10
Infrastructure ......................................................................................................... 10
Environment for the operation of processes ........................................................... 11
Monitoring and measuring resources ..................................................................... 11
Organizational knowledge...................................................................................... 11
Competence .......................................................................................................... 11
Awareness ............................................................................................................ 12
Communication ..................................................................................................... 12

Quality Management Manual

Status: 02.03.2020_revision 08
Documented information........................................................................................ 13
General ................................................................................................................. 13
Creating and updating ........................................................................................... 14
Control of documented information ........................................................................ 14
Operation .............................................................................................................. 16
Operational planning and control ........................................................................... 16
Requirements for products and services ................................................................ 16
Customer communication ...................................................................................... 16
Determining the requirements for products and services ........................................ 16
Review of the requirements for products and services ........................................... 17
Changes to requirements for products and services............................................... 17
Design and development of products and services ................................................ 17
Control of externally provided processes, products and services ............................ 17
General ................................................................................................................. 17
Type and extent of control ..................................................................................... 17
Information for external providers........................................................................... 17
Production and service provision ........................................................................... 18
Control of production and service provision............................................................ 18
Identification and traceability.................................................................................. 18
Property belonging to customers or external providers ........................................... 18
Preservation .......................................................................................................... 18
Post-delivery activities ........................................................................................... 19
Control of changes ................................................................................................ 19
Release of products and services .......................................................................... 19
Control of nonconforming outputs .......................................................................... 19
Performance evaluation ......................................................................................... 20
Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation ................................................ 20
General ................................................................................................................. 20
Customer satisfaction ............................................................................................ 20
Analysis and evaluation ......................................................................................... 20
Internal audit ......................................................................................................... 20
Management Review ............................................................................................. 21
General ................................................................................................................. 21
Management Review inputs................................................................................... 21
Management Review outputs ................................................................................ 21
Improvement ......................................................................................................... 22
General ................................................................................................................. 22
Nonconformity and corrective action ...................................................................... 22
Continual improvement .......................................................................................... 22

Quality Management Manual

Status: 02.03.2020_revision 08
List of Figures

Figure 1 – Organization Chart Tractebel Engineering (as per 21 st October 2019) .............................. 2

Figure 2 – Process map ................................................................................................................... 4

Figure 3 –Organization Chart Tractebel GKW (as per 1 st January 2018) ........................................... 7

Figure 4 – GKW Intranet (Quality Management) ............................................................................. 12

Figure 5 – Tractebel GKW Website ................................................................................................ 13

Figure 6 – Structure of our quality management documentation...................................................... 14

Figure 7 - PDCA Cycle ................................................................................................................... 23

Abbreviations used within this Manual

IFI International Fimancing Agency

QMS Quality Management System
ODA Overseas Development Assistance

Quality Management Manual

Status: 02.03.2020_revision 08

Tractebel GKW GmbH (hereinafter called Tractebel GKW) maintains a Quality Management System
(QMS) according to requirements as defined in DIN EN ISO 9001:2015. As a member of the Busi-
ness Entity Germany (Tractebel Engineering Group), Tractebel GKW has been included into the ma-
trix certification.

Our intention to streamline our internal processes and thus to continuously increase our corporate
quality is given expression in the form of a clearly formulated Quality Management Documentation.
The present manual defines our quality policy and principles. It is available through the GKW Intra-
net (Quality Management) and shall serve as guideline for all activities within the company and for
interaction with our business partners and stakeholders.


This manual and all subsequent processes are applicable for Tractebel GKW and cover consulting
services for public and private clients provided in environmental engineering, with emphasis in the
fields of water supply, wastewater treatment and disposal, industrial water management, desalina-
tion, solid waste management, regional development and management advice.

The scope of the present QMS extends to our head office in Mannheim and does not cover our inter-
national branches and affiliated companies. Tractebel GKW India Branch Office maintains a QMS on
its own (as per DIN EN ISO 9001:2015).

Normative References

All documented information or regulations referred to in this manual, are printed in .

Terms and definitions

Since our business is mainly international, the manual and all related documented information has
been prepared in English language. All terms and definitions are based on gender equality. When-
ever reference is made to "he" / "his" or any male title for profession, task or duty description, this is
to be understood and read as synonymous for "he or she", "his or her", or the respective female title.

Context of the organization

Understanding the organization and its context

Tractebel GKW GmbH was founded in 1953 and has been developing and implementing projects
and advisory services for public and private clients for close to 70 years in over 50 countries world-
wide, mainly financed through bilateral and multilateral funding agencies. Tractebel GKW ranks as
one of the leading German consulting companies, engaged in environmental engineering, with em-

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Status: 02.03.2020 _revision 08
phasis in the fields of water supply, wastewater treatment and disposal, industrial water manage-
ment, desalination, solid waste management, regional development and management advice. Our
team is formed of experts who are either specialized in engineering sectors, such as civil engineer-
ing, electrical and mechanical engineering, process engineering and geotechnical services or in eco-
nomics, sociology or natural sciences and environmental consulting. In addition, Tractebel GKW is
member of numerous German and foreign professional associations, committees and societies.

Since May 2016 Tractebel GKW is part of Tractebel Engineering GmbH (the former Lahmeyer
Group), which – for its part – belongs to Tractebel, headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, and one of
the world’s largest engineering players for energy, water and infrastructure.

Figure 1 – Organization Chart Tractebel Engineering (as per 21 st October 2019)

Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties

Due to this context and related requirements, different stakeholders can be defined, which have a
major influence on our activities. An evaluation of internal and external stakeholders, as well as as-
sessment of their expectation is done within the yearly Management Review. We have categorized
our stakeholders as follows:

Internal stakeholders

Shareholder, the Tractebel group, the management, employees, and workers council.

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External stakeholders with high impact

Clients, international financing agencies (IFIs), strategic partners and sub-consultants, freelance ex-
perts, suppliers, and other business partners.

External stakeholders with low impact

Bank, auditors, legal counsels, insurance companies, tax authorities, health insurance companies,
trade register, associations (e.g. VBI, FIDIC), neighbours and candidates, press and media, compet-

Our business philosophy

Our ethical principles are a key component of our business philosophy. Our reputation within the
business community is one of our most important assets. Clients and stakeholders expect us to work
based on high ethical standards, to fulfil all our obligations and to act honestly and with integrity. Our
reputation very much depends on the strict observance of these values. Based on the above, we ex-
pect our employees to act in accordance with our ethical principles. We assume that our senior man-
agers live by these ethical principles, that they convey and encourage these values and that they set
exemplary standards to make sure that these principles are being observed. They are the first per-
sons to be contacted by the employees whenever ethical questions arise.

Tractebel GKW is fully committed to the basic principles as they have been laid down in the ENGIE
Ethics Charter and the ENGIE Practical Guide to Ethics, the FIDIC Code of Ethics and in the OECD
Convention of 1997.

Our Compliance Management System

As one of the forerunners in industry, Tractebel GKW introduced a Compliance Management Sys-
tem, designed to meet the challenges of highly varied international business activities. Its implemen-
tation is based on the knowledge that our competitiveness can only be ensured by fair and transpar-
ent business operations. Based on our compliance guidelines and extensive training, we have intro-
duced uniform standards of conduct, implementation and monitoring procedures which have compli-
ance embedded throughout our entire business activities.

Determining the scope of the quality management system

Our QMS covers the company as a whole and includes the interaction with our external stakehold-
ers. The process map (Figure 2 below) visualises this scope. Tractebel GKW is only commissioned
to perform planning and supervision services and does not design or develop any services on its
own. All orders are project-specific and implemented according to the specifications defined by our
clients. For that reason, design and development of products and services (clause 8.3 below) are
not applicable for Tractebel GKW and excluded from our QMS.

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Quality management system and its processes

The goal of our QMS is to implement the quality policy and objectives within Tractebel GKW and to
enhance our clients’ satisfaction levels. A systematic and methodical process is ensured by defining
all processes that affect the services delivered to our clients. Our QMS is structured according to the
requirements as of DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems.

Organization of our quality management system

The overall responsibility for the implementation and continual improvement of the QMS within
Tractebel GKW remains with the management. It is supported by the Tractebel GKW Quality Man-
ager who contributes to the effectiveness of the QMS and ensures that the processes are delivering
their intended outputs. As far as Tractebel Engineering group-wide topics are discussed, the Tracte-
bel GKW quality manager participates in the relevant Quality Workshops.

Process map

The process map shows the interaction between our processes, which are divided into quality man-
agement, core and support processes. The core processes describe the complete project cycle and
thus form the basis. They are controlled by the quality management processes and supported by the
support processes.

Figure 2 – Process map

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Leadership and Commitment

Tractebel GKW GmbH is an independent consulting engineering company, with the impartiality, in-
dependence and integrity required for the provision of its services.

Since 2012 GKW maintains a Quality Management System (QMS), which guarantees that all work
will be planned, controlled and supervised and that all services correspond exactly to the require-
ments specified by the clients. The quality orientation of the company is exemplified by the manage-
ment and our senior staff. They and all employees have committed themselves to adapt their actions
to the documented quality policy and practices. The management requires all Tractebel GKW em-
ployees to carry out their work in accordance with the quality regulations described in this manual
and assures that
§ we commit to offer highly professional consulting for our clients, paying particular attention to
changes in clients’ interests and needs;

§ there is no financial influence exerted on investigation and inspection results;

§ any influence on investigation and inspection results by external persons or organizations is ex-
§ Tractebel GKW and its employees are free from any commercial, financial and other influences
potentially compromising their technical judgment;
§ we are not involved with activities potentially compromising confidence in the company´s inde-
pendence of evaluation and its integrity concerning the testing activities.

Compliance with the given quality policy and the quality objectives is continuously monitored by the
management and documented in the annual Management Review.

Mannheim, 28.02.2020

Dr. Christoph Theune Patrick Kaminsky i.A. Cornelia Clemm

Managing Director Managing Director Senior Quality Manager

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Establishing the quality policy

Since the establishment of the company in 1953, employees and senior staff have enjoyed an out-
standing reputation as independent technical consultant. This image motivates us to improve contin-
ually. We strive to offer our clients the best quality and to assure our employees attractive and se-
cure employment with potential for further development.

These endeavours are given expression in the form of a clearly formulated quality policy, which is
binding for all employees. Deviations from corporate objectives are investigated based on operating
results and the current status is documented in audit reports and, where appropriate, give rise to
corrective or preventive action, and the definition of new key performance indicators.

Our commitment to the quality of our services is expressed in our daily business as follows:
§ We offer professional consulting for our clients, tailored to their needs

§ We strictly comply with the Ethics / Compliance Management System

§ We act in accordance with laws and regulations

§ We support our business processes through state-of-the-art adaptation

§ We constantly adapt to technological development in our fields of work

§ We stay an attractive employer

§ We recruit competent staff and qualify them by regular training

§ We co-operate with business partners based on mutual trust

§ We select freelance staff and subcontractors based on our values

§ We improve our QMS by continually optimizing our processes

Communicating the quality policy

Within the scope of its overall management tasks, the management revises and defines the com-
pany’s strategy during the regular management meetings. It is founded on the conviction that not
only the quality of the services rendered is decisive for meeting clients ‘requirements, but also to a
high degree factors such as technical and personal competence, reliability and speed of reaction,
should problems arise. The goal is a continuous increase of corporate quality.

Tractebel GKW’s corporate performance is defined using key performance indicators from significant
processes within the company. The management commits itself to review and communicate the sta-
tus and the efficiency of the QMS by preparing a yearly Management Review published in the GKW
Intranet (Quality Management / Audit Documents).

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Moreover, training measures ensure that our quality principles and resulting key performance indica-
tors are communicated to all employees, thus raising awareness of its importance and encouraging
all staff members to improve the existing system.

Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities

Tractebel GKW is structured into the technical departments Water, Wastewater, Regional Develop-
ment / Solid Waste as well as Industrial Water Management, which are represented by heads of de-
partment. In addition, regional departments for three strategic target areas have been established
with the leadership of the respective regional directors. To avoid internal conflicts, close communica-
tion between all departments is essential and assured by regular management meetings.

In case of absence or unavailability of a person leading to the inability of carrying out a role and/or
competence according to our QMS, the absent person must delegate the respective role or function
to another person within the organization. The substitute should not be more than one level below
the hierarchic level of the absent person. Standing delegations are possible. As regards the delega-
tion of the roles of the Managing Director (Operations) and the Managing Director (Finance & Ad-
ministration), the role of Managing Director (Operations) is automatically delegated in his absence to
the Managing Director (Finance & Administration) and vice versa.

Figure 3 –Organization Chart Tractebel GKW (as per 1st January 2018)

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Actions to address risks and opportunities

The management of risks is an integral part of Tractebel GKW’s business management and internal
control framework. The aim is to enable the achievement of the strategic and financial objectives
and targets in a controlled manner. As an on-going controlled process, it is closely tied to our busi-
ness processes. All risks are categorized, and the clear focus has been set on proactive preventive
and protective measures and actions. In case of materialized risks, decisive and structured actions
are taken and followed up.

Risks that cannot be prevented or mitigated at all or only with an unreasonably big effort, or risks,
that Tractebel GKW cannot influence on are excluded from our risk management. This includes risks
such as the destruction of the building by external influences (earthquakes, aircraft crash, etc.) or
the downtime of business operations by e.g. armed conflicts or epidemics.

Opportunities for Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) projects are identified on a regular basis
either through internet based tender services (Assortis, GTAI), or through information “from the
field”. This includes the direct approach to and by the client or business partners (quite often due to
outstanding reputation), an active search by project managers on-site or by management staff dur-
ing acquisition trips.

Non-ODA projects follow a different route of identification, which mostly includes proactive acquisi-
tion measures. Additional information comes from Tractebel sources such as business and project
developers or business line channels, from Tractebel GKW staff and business partners.

Quality objectives and planning to achieve them

It is the objective of Tractebel GKW to retain and strengthen its position among the top international
independent consultants for environmental engineering. Offering a full range of services for sustain-
able solutions in water supply and wastewater treatment as well as in applications involving high
technology is vitally important for our business. Open and competently managed communications in
compliance with the regulatory requirements are essential for our credibility and success. At the
same time, the confidentiality of the business and trade secrets entrusted by the clients must be

Management, senior staff and all employees have committed themselves to support the quality ori-
entation of the company:
§ Highly professional consulting for our clients;
§ Co-operation with our business partners based on mutual trust;
§ Improvement of our competitiveness by continually optimizing our processes and structures;

§ Retaining our reputation and practices as an attractive employer;

§ Implementation of legal requirements;

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§ Measures to enhance health and productivity of each employee.

During the half-year and the strategy meeting the management revises and defines the quality ob-
jectives, which are founded on the conviction that not only the quality of the services rendered is de-
cisive for meeting clients‘ requirements, but also - to a high degree - factors such as technical and
personal competence, reliability and speed of reaction, should problems arise. The goal is a contin-
ual increase of corporate quality. Tractebel GKW’s corporate performance is defined using figures
from significant processes within the company. The management ensures, that the employees are
informed about these principles and the resulting objectives in the form of key performance indica-
tors, which are published in the yearly Management Review.

Planning of changes

Quality objectives are revised and redefined - if necessary - during the regular management meet-
ings. All employees are informed at regular intervals about the current situation of the company and
the status of individual projects through different Tractebel Newsletters, through Yammer, and spe-
cial announcements on selected topics, which are distributed by mail. The status and the efficiency
of the QMS are reviewed by preparing the Management Review. Based on the Review, measures
are defined, and objectives are set for ensuring continual improvement. Management Reviews are
prepared once a year and published in the GKW intranet, section Quality Management/Audit Docu-

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In the consulting and engineering business, competent and skilled employees are the backbone of
the company's competitiveness and the success of a project substantially depends on the personal-
ity and competence of the project staff. Tractebel GKW pays high attention to the selection of its em-
ployees. Apart from technical knowledge and expertise, the ability of staff to organize and communi-
cate, as well as proficiency in foreign languages is of main interest.

An overall understanding between staff members and the corresponding line managers, as well as
the clarification of company and individual objectives, targets and questions are the basic condition
for a target-oriented and trusting collaboration. It is furthermore Tractebel GKW’s intent to promote
the employee in his specific and interdisciplinary qualification. In this respect, the employee dialogue
is a very important element to increase motivation and to develop and support the employee’s activi-

In addition, and to support our permanent work forces and to add specific expertise, we count on the
appointment of Freelance Experts. Regulations for contracting Freelance Experts, their assignment,
duties and responsibilities have been defined and are subject to regular control.


The overall responsibility for the implementation and continual improvement of the QMS within
Tractebel GKW remains with the management. It is supported by the Tractebel GKW quality man-
ager who contributes to the effectiveness of the QMS and ensures that the processes are delivering
their intended outputs. The quality manager assumes a consultative function vis-à-vis the manage-
ment and provides advice and assistance regarding the implementation of the system.

Our processes are defined and described in documented procedures. Process managers have been
appointed to monitor each process including related forms and documents and - with assistance of
the quality manager – to prepare revisions – if necessary.


Tractebel GKW office space, IT infrastructure including hardware and software as well as infor-
mation and communication technology (video conference facilities) are continually brought up to
date according to requirements needed for the daily business. Legal provisions on workplace envi-
ronment are respected. Additional administrative support (IT, Human Resources) is provided by
Tractebel Engineering, if required.

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In addition to the standard office applications, several additional technical software is being used,
the selection and application of which is defined according to the Tractebel GKW strategy and pro-
ject requirements.

Environment for the operation of processes

Variable working hours and part-time agreements offer flexibility to realize given tasks. For travellers
and expatriates abroad, adequate assistance in cases of emergency is provided by an external pro-
vider for medical and travel security services (International SOS). Company-level agreements re-
garding social issues, offers for company sports activities or get-togethers are positively received by
all employees.

Monitoring and measuring resources

Not applicable

Organizational knowledge

Tractebel GKW has determined the organizational knowledge that is necessary to manage and exe-
cute its processes and to ensure conformity of our services. Our knowledge is based on internal (in-
tellectual property, lessons learned, best practices, BID project database / Comref) and external re-
sources (Standards DIN / DWA / DVWG, FIDIC Books and selected technical literature). The
knowledge is being maintained and made accessible to all employees through the GKW Intranet.

Moreover, and as a result of being part of Tractebel, Tractebel GKW has access to a comprehensive
information system provided by the group and thus benefits from the collective knowledge shared
across the organization: myPortal (Tractebel intranet), Salesforce (CRM tool to optimize acquisition
processes) Comref (global database for managing commercial references), and the ENGIE/Tracte-
bel social networking service Yammer.

Regulations for physical and electronic filing of project documents facilitates the traceability of pro-
ceedings and thus represents an important contribution to the transfer of the organization’s


Project success substantially depends on the personality and competence of the project staff.
Tractebel GKW pays high attention to the selection of its employees. Apart from technical
knowledge and expertise, the ability of staff to organize and communicate, as well as proficiency in
foreign languages is of main interest.

The basic condition, which allows Tractebel GKW to render high-quality services, is best-qualified
staff. It is our intent to promote the employee in his specific and interdisciplinary qualification. In ad-
dition to the knowledge that has been acquired in the scope of the professional education and expe-
rience, a constant and additional training is required to meet the continually changing requirements.

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Tractebel GKW has defined the need for training and assures proper documentation of training
measures performed.

Moreover, an overall understanding between staff members and their line managers, as well as the
clarification of company and individual objectives, targets and questions are the basic condition for a
target-oriented and trusting collaboration. In this respect, the employee dialogue is a very important
element to increase motivation and to develop and support the employee’s activities.

In addition, Tractebel GKW has access to training tools offered by the group: Tractebel School,
ENGIE U.learn provide showcase courses designed to transmit existing knowledge and expertise.
All these tools are accessible through myPortal.


All employees are requested to respect and to perform their activities in accordance with our quality
management system and our stipulated quality standards. Regular workshops on the quality man-
agement system and selected processes ensure awareness of our quality processes and objectives.
In the case of nonconformities stated during internal audits measures are taken and followed-up.


The intranet pages of Tractebel GKW (GKW Intranet) and Tractebel (myPortal) are the most im-
portant internal communications channel and meeting place and feature a wide range of services.

Additionally, up-to date topics are communicated via mail or Yammer .

All documents related to quality management are available in the GKW Intranet (Quality Manage-
ment). Any changes or updates made to the QM documentation, as well as the publication of other
QM documents (e.g. audit reports, management reviews) are published in the Quality News section
of the intranet and via Yammer, thus making the information available throughout the whole com-

Figure 4 – GKW Intranet (Quality Management)

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Clients and other stakeholders are informed on news of external interest through the Tractebel
GKW’s website, from where news may be subscribed to by a RSS feed.

Figure 5 – Tractebel GKW Website

Documented information


As described in chapter 7.4 above, all documented information is available through the GKW Intra-
net (Quality Management), which is available throughout the whole company. Any changes or up-
dates made are communicated through in the Quality News section of the intranet (with automatic
distribution by mail) and via Yammer (QM NEWS).

Our documented information is based on our processes. Quality management processes comprise
mainly the tasks of quality management that define the framework of the company’s activities and

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guarantee a continual improvement of the organization. Core processes describe the complete pro-
ject cycle and thus constitute essential contributions to client satisfaction. Support processes provide
the prerequisites and the necessary resources for smooth progress of the core and management

Figure 6 – Structure of our quality management documentation

Quality Management Manual (QMM)

gives a short description of our Quality Management System
as a whole

Documented Procedures (LG-PAxx)

describe our processes

Forms (LG-Fxx)
contain templates, check lists, schedules,
Documents (LG-Uxx)
contain additional information relevant for the defined
processes and forms

Creating and updating

We have committed to the fact that the documented information

§ is correct and complete,
§ is valid and up to date,
§ meets all internal requirements,
§ can be used as evidence of correct practice in the case of liability claims, and
§ that clear regulations will be applied.

All quality management documents are clearly marked and identifiable and all employees have ac-
cess to the currently valid versions. By the defined check respectively approval procedure, all parties
concerned have the possibility to contribute their needs and ideas. Process managers have been
appointed to monitor each process and the related forms and documents and - with assistance of
the quality manager – to prepare revisions – if necessary.

Control of documented information

Documented information required by the QMS or of external origin provide evidence that regulations
set forth in our QMS have been respected. They serve as an important tool to prove that procedures
were duly followed in compliance with the quality standards. In case of any disputes they may help
to clarify the circumstances.

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We have defined clear regulations for electronic and physical filing of project documents, including
documented information from external origin, which ensure that these documents shall be filed in
such a way that they will not be damaged, affected or lost and that a quick access is guaranteed.

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Operational planning and control

Tractebel GKW is implementing projects and advisory services worldwide. Our clients are either lo-
cal Ministries or Authorities, which are funded by the IFIs or, on the other hand, private and public
clients (Non-IFIs). To secure and extend our market position as one of the leading German consult-
ing companies, it is our aim to maintain close contacts to all stakeholders and to recognize business
opportunities at an early stage.

As part of the Tractebel strategy to become a tier 1 player in water security, we place our focus on
the development of water management in Germany and in a second step in South America, the
strengthening of regional hubs, developing our desalination portfolio, re-entering into the German
market by offering industrial water management services, and increase of workforce.

Requirements for products and services

Customer communication

In addition to technical know-how, personal contact with our clients is important. Therefore, we at-
tach much importance to the personal integrity of our project team and their ability to communicate.
This competence allows us to better serve our clients and to meet their specific requirements. To
recognize their demands and requests regarding our services can best be achieved through perma-
nent dialogue and exchange, which is in our vital interest. During the complete project cycle a close
communication is maintained, through regular clients visits or e.g. by conducting client interviews at
suitable intervals.

Additionally, and on a regular basis, our website informs about services and new activities. Bro-
chures and reference lists present updated information on latest projects.

Determining the requirements for products and services

For us, customer orientation means to offer services tailored to client’s requirements, considering
legal and official requirements. It is therefore necessary that all employees have the highest profes-
sional competence. This competence is also a decisive criterion when we recruit staff and is supple-
mented by deliberate corporate orientation and additional training.

In addition to a steady interchange of technical know-how, personal contact with our clients is im-
portant. Therefore, we attach much importance to the personal integrity of our project members and
their ability to communicate. This competence allows us to serve our clients better and to meet their
specific requirements.

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Review of the requirements for products and services

The contract documents (together with the technical proposal) contain among other the full scope of
works, work schedule, staff planning, and a list of project deliverables. They are the main guidelines
for the execution of the project, because all activities, tasks, duties, reports to be produced, invoices
to be prepared etc. are described extensively. Risks that are likely to endanger timely project com-
pletion, being technical, financial, organizational, or compliance related shall be pointed out during
the project kick off meeting. During project execution the requirements for products and services are
continuously monitored based on regular project status reports.

Changes to requirements for products and services

Major modifications respectively additional services to contracts awarded are controlled through ad-
denda signed with the client.

Design and development of products and services

Tractebel GKW is only commissioned to perform planning and supervision tasks. An independent
design and development of services does not apply. All orders are specific to projects and imple-
mented according to the specifications of the client. Tractebel GKW does not undertake construction
work concerning building activities. For that reason, this clause is not applicable and excluded from
the QMS.

Control of externally provided processes, products and services


To support permanent work forces and to add specific expertise, Tractebel GKW counts on the ap-
pointment of freelance experts. Relevant information on freelance experts, their experience, educa-
tion and references are managed in the (GKW) Information System Experts, a specific information
system, which also serves as tool when searching for adequate freelance personnel. Clear regula-
tions have been defined for contracting experts and outlining their duties and responsibilities.

Type and extent of control

The performance of freelance experts is assessed on a regular basis by using a pre-defined ques-
tionnaire. The evaluation is entered in the (GKW) Information System Experts.

Information for external providers

As stated in chapter 8.4.1 above any kind of information on freelance experts is available through
the (GKW) Information System Experts. Selected freelance experts (core freelancers) were given
access to a restricted section within the GKW Intranet (Freelancer), from where they can download

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any kind of material, which is necessary for project activities, like QM and Compliance related docu-
ments, marketing material or letter and report templates.

Production and service provision

Control of production and service provision

Tractebel GKW has defined two core processes which describe the complete project cycle. Preparation of PQs and proposals

The quality of a Prequalification (PQ), an Expression of Interest (EOI), a Letter of Interest (LOI), or a
Proposal is of decisive importance for the possible awarding of contracts. Regulations on the pro-
cess for the preparation of PQs and proposals and the formal design of the submitted documents
have been defined. Project execution and management

Projects are executed according to specifications stated in the contract and in internal procedures.
Standardized procedures are not always possible, as projects differ widely in nature and scope.
However, Tractebel GKW has defined basic instructions as to the project phases kick-off, implemen-
tation, and completion. In addition, project, design and construction supervision manuals present
templates that should be used for project management and site supervision activities.

Identification and traceability

During the complete project cycle, all project deliverables are clearly marked, according to Tractebel
GKW stipulations - if not otherwise required by the terms of reference or the IFI’s directives - and
filed according to a pre-defined filing plan.

Property belonging to customers or external providers

Assets provided by the client or other stakeholders are considered as company property and subject
to secrecy wherever required. After the technical completion of the project, the project will be for-
mally handed over to the client and closed out. The return of documents provided by the client or
other stakeholders is documented during the project closure meeting.


All project results are systematically collected, filed and archived during and at the end of the pro-
ject. Regulations for physical (archive) and electronic (file server) filing of project documents have
been set-up and are applied throughout the whole company.

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Post-delivery activities

Clear filing rules are needed, because many projects run for several years, and have long defects
liability periods. In addition, requirements for retention of legal documents shall apply. Guidelines en-
sure that all processes are verifiable at any time and that even years after the termination of the pro-
ject the documents can be easily retrieved.

Control of changes

As stated in chapter 8.2.4 above, major modifications respectively additional services to contracts
awarded are controlled through addenda signed with the client.

Regarding the preparation of project documents, all reports submitted as draft version shall be
marked “DRAFT” on the cover page. The internal quality check is documented on page 2 of each
report (quality check box). Written comments and reviews of the client and/or the IFI are integrated
and filed – for documentation - as stipulated in the filing plan. As soon as notified deficiencies have
been eliminated, the final version of the related document shall be elaborated and submitted to the
client and/or IFI for final approval/no objection. This report shall be marked “FINAL” on the cover

Release of products and services

The project manager and the head of department shall agree on a procedure for quality control prior
to submission of the first documents. This procedure shall be documented during the project kick off
meeting and shall guarantee that any official project documents are subject to a final quality control
prior to their submission. For this purpose, each report shall have a quality check box on page 2
where the author of the report, the person who checked the report and the person who approved the
report are indicated.

Control of nonconforming outputs

Tractebel GKW has defined nonconformities that may occur as well as their control, with the target
to register them, to have them analysed and to take measures to eliminate them. Additionally,
measures to prevent their occurrence have been determined.

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Performance evaluation

Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation


The performance of our quality management system is monitored trough the evaluation of the client
satisfaction by means of the client interview and the number of client certificates received. Results
from internal audits and the key performance indicators are evaluated in the yearly Management Re-

Customer satisfaction

Tractebel GKW has a vital interest in the satisfaction of its clients and monitors if the client’s require-
ments have been met. Client’s satisfaction is recorded systematically by means of a pre-defined
questionnaire and the request for a certificate to be issued by the client after project closure and
confirming the successful completion of all services contracted.

Analysis and evaluation

All projects are subject to a regular control by the responsible heads of department, thus ensuring
that risks can be identified and eliminated at an early stage. The assessment of our freelance ex-
perts (refer to chapter 8.4.2 above) and of the clients’ satisfaction constitutes an essential contribu-
tion in ensuring our quality principles.

The clients’ satisfaction is assessed in form of an interview by the project manager or the head of
department. The interview shall be made at suitable intervals during the project duration, but latest
after project completion. The completed form is handed over to the quality manager, who evaluates
the results. The total points received shall be divided by the number of questions answered. At a re-
sult of less than 1.5, a meeting shall be held between the project manager and the head of depart-
ment to agree upon measures to improve the client’s satisfaction. The results are published in the
yearly Management Review.

Internal audit

In addition to external audits, regular internal audits are carried out, which shall review the useful-
ness and effectiveness of our QMS and check the compliance with instructions specified by the
standard. They shall furthermore review conformance to the specified quality targets and policy and
find out, if there is any need for changes to improve our QMS. In coordination with the Tractebel En-
gineering quality manager, the Tractebel GKW quality manager prepares the audit plan, and pub-
lishes it in the GKW intranet (Quality Management / Audit Documents).

All audit results are documented by the quality manager using a pre-defined form. The reports are
published in the GKW Intranet (Quality Management / Audit Documents). In case of nonconformities
identified, measures to be taken shall be defined, and discussed or arranged with the responsible

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auditees, and implementation and effectiveness of these measures shall be checked by the quality
manager. Each audit shall be concluded by a final discussion of the audit results with all participants.
A summary of all open and concluded measures is stated in the yearly Management Review.

Management Review


The management commits to review regularly the status and the efficiency of the QMS by preparing
the Management Review. This review is prepared once a year and serves for continual development
and improvement of our QMS.

Management Review inputs

The basis for the Management Review are, among others, status of actions from previous manage-
ment reviews, findings resulting from audits performed, quality measures planned, status of training
measures performed, a consideration of relevant stakeholders, assessment of risks and opportuni-
ties at a strategic level and the achievement of quality objectives based on key performance indica-
tors assessed. Based on the recorded results, measures are defined, and objectives are set for en-
suring continuous improvement.

Management Review outputs

On basis of the review it will be decided on opportunities for improvement and any need for changes
of our existing QMS. New targets for the following business year are established by the manage-
ment. The Management Review is published in GKW Intranet (Quality Management / Audit Docu-

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The goal of our QMS is to implement and continually improve our quality processes within the com-
pany and thus to enhance our stakeholder’s satisfaction levels. Processes have been defined which
ensure early warnings and methods for correction. Moreover, all processes within Tractebel GKW
are subject to regular reviews to guarantee continual improvement.

Nonconformity and corrective action

If, despite of any due diligence, a nonconformity or clients’ complaint occurs, they will be registered
according to regulations set forth in our QMS and corrective measures will be initiated.

Project related nonconformities shall be reported monthly to the responsible head of department.
The idea behind is to inform the head of department as early as possible if any major changes or de-
viations have occurred or are imminent regarding change in scope of works, budget, personnel, time
schedule, problems, risks and compliance issues or if major comments on any submitted reports
have been received, in order to allow suitable corrective action.

Company related nonconformities are to be reported by the head of department in the monthly Busi-
ness Status Report (BSR), which is being discussed in the regular management meetings. Topics
comprise, among other, lowlights, outstanding invoices, major project budget adjustments needed,
claims and risks, as well as early warnings on financial upsides and downsides.

Continual improvement

All processes, which Tractebel GKW has defined through documented procedures, aim at optimizing
our services quality. The collection and systematic evaluation of project data is an important contrib-
uting factor, for which we use mainly IT-based systems. Subsequent analysis of the reasons for any
nonconformity enables us to implement appropriate measures and to define new objectives. Pro-
cesses, which will be implemented soon to improve the quality of our services, are defined and their
implementation monitored in the yearly Management Review. A continuous improvement enhances
client’s satisfaction and helps to serve for long-term success of Tractebel GKW.

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Figure 7 - PDCA Cycle

We carefully plan our We perform our
resources services as required

Findings from our Our services are
regular reviews result subject to continual
in improvement control

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