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l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491338003019

OMB No 1545-0052
Return of Private Foundation
Form 990 -PF or Section 4947 ( a)(1) Nonexempt Charitable Trust
` Treated as a Private Foundation 11 :
Note : The foundation may be able to use a copy of this return to satisfy state reporting requirements
Department ofthe
Internal Revenue

For calendar year 2008 , or tax year beginning 01-01-2008 and ending 12-31-2008

G (-hark all that annly I Tnitial raturn I Final raturn I Amanriari raturn I Aririracc rhanna I Nama rhanna
Name of foundation A Employer identification number
label. 13-7029285
Otherwise , B T e l ep h one num b er (see th e ins t ruc t ions)
Number and street (or P 0 box number if mail is not delivered to street address) Room/
400 WEST 59TH STREET suite (212) 548-0600
ortYP e .
See Specific
City or town, state, and ZIP code C If exemption application is pending, check here le. F
Instructions .
NEW YORK, NY 10019 D 1. Foreign organizations, check here F

H Check type of organization I' Section 501(c)(3) exempt private foundation 2. Foreign organizations meeting the 85% test, r-
check here and attach computation
Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust Other taxable private foundation
E If private foundation status was terminated
I Fair market value of all assets at end 3 Accounting method F Cash I' Accrual
un d er section 507 ( b )( 1 )( A ), c h ec k h ere F
o f y e a r (from Part I I, col. (c), O the r (specify )
line 1,928,806,825 F If the foundation is in a 60-month termination
(Part I , column (d) must be on cash basis.)
under section 507(b)(1)(B), check here
Analysis of Revenue and Expenses (The (d) Disbursements
(a) Revenue and
total of amounts in columns (b), (c), and (d) may not expenses per (b) Net investment (c) Adjusted net fo r cha ritable
necessanly equal the amounts in column (a) (see the income income purposes
instructions) ) (cash basis only)

1 Contributions, gifts, grants, etc , received (attach schedule) 438,197,892

2 Check Ii F_ if the foundation is not required to attach Sch B

3 Interest on savings and temporary cash investments 104,966 104,966 104,966

4 Dividends and interest from securities. 314,482 314,482 314,482

5a Gross rents . . . . . . . . . . .

b Net rental income or (loss)

q} 6a Net gain or (loss) from sale of assets not on line 10 1,480,395

b Gross sales price for all assets on line 6a 104,016,369

7 Capital gain net income (from Part IV, line 2) 93,429,382
8 Net short-term capital gain . . . . . .

9 Income modifications . . . . . . . .
10a Gross sales less returns and allowances
b Less Cost of goods sold .
c Gross profit or (loss) (attach schedule) . .
11 Other income (attach schedule) -97,601 151,002 -170,398

12 Total . Add lines 1 through 11 . . . . . 440,000,134 93,999,832 249,050

13 Compensation of officers, directors, trustees, etc 1,345,641 1,345,641

14 Other employee salaries and wages 23,361,445 23,599,364

10 15 Pension plans, employee benefits . . . . 14,052,247 12,518,848

16a Legal fees (attach schedule) . . . . . . . . . . 728,144 0 0 727,674

b Accounting fees (attach schedule) . . . . . . . 19 182,440 0 0 188,940

co c Other professional fees (attach schedule) . . . 8,921,647 -320,212 8,778,120

`'' 17 Interest
18 Taxes (attach schedule) (see the instructions). . 6,010,815 261,068

19 Depreciation (attach schedule) and depletion . . . 920,372

20 Occupancy . . . . . . . . . . . 2,432,425 2,750,332

21 Travel, conferences, and meetings . . . . 7,998,625 7,807,334

rs 22 Printing and publications . . . . . . . 757,240 803,161

23 Other expenses (attach schedule) . . . . . . . . 6,368,203 -1,188 6,183,269

M 24 Total operating and administrative expenses.

Add lines 13 through 23 . . . . . . . 73,079,244 0 -321,400 64,963,751

25 Contributions, gifts, grants paid . 137,919,589 115,077,825

26 Total expenses and disbursements . Add lines 24 and 25 210,998,833 0 -321,400 180,041,576

27 Subtract line 26 from line 12

a Excess of revenue over expenses and disbursements 229,001,301

b Net investment income (if negative, enter -0-) 93,999,832

c Adjusted net income (if negative, enter -0-) 570,450

For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice , see the instructions . Cat No 11289X Form 990-PF (2008)
Form 990-PF (2008) Pane 2
Attached schedules and amounts in the description column Beginning of year End of year
B a l ance Sh eets should be for end-of-year amounts only (See
instructions (a) B oo k V a l ue ( b ) B oo k V a l ue (c) F air M ar k et V a l ue
1 Cash-non-interest-bearing . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 Savings and temporary cash investments . . . . . . . 41,089,832 86,284,358 86,284,358

3 Accounts receivable 111111 8,733,254

Less allowance for doubtful accounts Oil 2,337,461 8,733,254 8,733,254

4 Pledges receivable ^
Less allowance for doubtful accounts Oil
5 Grants receivable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,753,482 1,750,954 1,750,954

6 Receivables due from officers, directors, trustees, and other

disqualified persons (attach schedule) (see the
instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 Other notes and loans receivable (attach schedule) 111111

Less allowance for doubtful accounts Oil

8 Inventories for sale or use . . . . . . . . . . . .
9 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges .
10a Investments-U S and state government obligations (attach schedule)
b Investments-corporate stock (attach schedule) . . . . . 47,799,994 23,096,399 23,096,399

c Investments-corporate bonds (attach schedule). . . . .

11 Investments-land, buildings, and equipment basis Oil
Less accumulated depreciation (attach schedule) ^
12 Investments-mortgage loans . . . . . . . . . . .

13 Investments-other (attach schedule) . . . . . . . . 1,355,490,729 1,774,321,555 1,774,321,555

14 Land, buildings, and equipment basis Oil 12,713,847

Less accumulated depreciation (attach schedule) ' 10,108,926 2,039,62 6 2,604,921 2,604,921

15 Other assets (describe Ilk- ) 32,643,868 32,015,384 32,015,384

16 Total assets (to be completed by all filers-see the

instructions Also, see page 1, item I) 1,484,154,992 1,928,806,825 1,928,806,825

17 Accounts payable and accrued expenses . . . . . . . 13,842,719 19,026,724

18 Grants payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57,739,866 70,843,685

19 Deferred revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
20 Loans from officers, directors, trustees, and other disqualified persons
21 Mortgages and other notes payable (attach schedule)
22 Other liabilities (describe O ) 50,753,903 98,159,725

23 Total liabilities (add lines 17 through 22) 122,336,488 188,030,134

Foundations that follow SFAS 117, check here ' F

co and complete lines 24 through 26 and lines 30 and 31.
r_ U nrestricted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,358,980,640 1,738,382,483
25 Temporarily restricted . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,837,864 2,394,208

+1 26 Permanently restricted . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Foundations that do not follow SFAS 117, check here

and complete lines 27 through 31.
27 Capital stock, trust principal, or current funds . . . . . .

28 Paid-in or capital surplus, or land, bldg , and equipment fund

29 Retained earnings, accumulated income, endowment, or other funds
30 Total net assets or fund balances (see the instructions) 1,361,818,504 1,740,776,691

31 Total liabilities and net assets / fund balances (see the instructions) 1,484,154,992 1,928,806,825

Analysis of Changes in Net Assets or Fund Balances

1 Total net assets or fund balances at beginning of year-Part II, column (a), line 30 (must agree
with end-of-year figure reported on prior year's return) . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1,361,818,504

2 Enter amount from Part I, line 27a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 229,001,301

3 Other increases not included in line 2 (itemize) 111 _9!^ 3 151,231,374

4 Add lines 1, 2, and 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1,742,051,179

5 Decreases not included in line 2 (itemize) Oil 9!^ 5 1,274,488

6 Total net assets or fund balances at end of year (line 4 minus line 5)-Part II, column (b), line 30 6 1,740,776,691

Form 990-PF (2008)

Form 990-PF (2008) Page 3
Ca ital Gains and Losses for Tax on Investment Income
(b) How acquired (c)
(a) List and describe the kind ( s) of property sold (e g , real estate, Date acquired (d) Date sold
2-story brick warehouse, or common stock, 200 shs M LC Co mo , da y, r mo , da y, r
) D-Donation ( y ) ( y )
la See Additional Data Table
( f) Depreciation allowed (g) Cost or other basis (h) Gain or (loss)
(e) Gross sales price
(or allowable ) plus expense of sale (e) plus (f) minus (g)
a See Additional Data Table
Complete only for assets showing gain in column (h) and owned by the foundation on 12 / 31/69 (I) Gains (Col (h) gain minus
(j) Adjusted basis (k) Excess of col ( i) col (k), but not less than -0-) or
( i) F M V as of 12 / 31/69 Losses (from col (h))
as of 12/31/ 69 over col (j), if any
a See Additional Data Table
If gain, also enter in Part I, line 7
2 Capital gain net income or (net capital loss) If ( loss), enter - 0- in Part I, line 7
2 93,429,382

3 Net short - term capital gain or ( loss) as defined in sections 1222 (5) and (6)

If gain, also enter in Part I, line 8, column ( c) (see the instructions) If (loss), enter -0-
in Part I, line 8 3

Qualification Under Section 4940 ( e) for Reduced Tax on Net Investment Income
(For optional use by domestic private foundations subject to the section 4940(a) tax on net investment income )

If section 4940( d)(2) applies, leave this part blank

Was the foundation liable for the section 4942 tax on the distributable amount of any year in the base period? fl Yes F No
If "Yes, " the foundation does not qualify under section 4940(e) Do not complete this part

1 Enter the appropriate amount in each column for each year, see the instructions before making any entries
Base period years Calendar Distribution ratio
Adjusted qualifying distributions Net value of noncharitable-use assets
year (or tax year beginning in) (col (b) divided by col (c))
2007 132,889,829 1,094,932,661 0 121368
2006 123,956,781 614,027,747 0 201875
2005 121,634,273 218,385,853 0 55697
2004 120,968,871 259,875,046 0 465489
2003 149,747,456 260,654,053 0 574507

2 Total of line 1, column (d) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 920209

3 Average distribution ratio for the 5-year base period-divide the total on line 2 by 5, or by
the number of years the foundation has been in existence if less than 5 years 3 0 384042

4 Enter the net value of noncharitable-use assets for 2008 from Part X, line 5. . . . . 4 1,485,551,057

5 Multiply line 4 by line 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5 570,513,999

6 Enter 1% of net investment income (1% of Part I, line 27b). . . . . . . . . . . 6 939,998

7 Add lines 5 and 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 571,453,997

8 Enter qualifying distributions from Part XII, line 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 181,785,264

If line 8 is equal to or greater than line 7, check the box in Part VI, line 1 b, and complete that part using a 1% tax rate See
the Part VI instructions
Form 990-PF (2008)
Form 990-PF ( 2008) Page 4
ff3TIM Excise Tax Based on Investment Income (Section 4940(a), 4940(b), 4940(e), or 4948 -see the instructions)
la Exempt operating foundations described in section 4940(d)(2), check here Oil F_ and enter "N/A" on line 1

Date of ruling letter ( attach copy of ruling letter if necessary-see instructions)

b Domestic foundations that meet the section 4940(e) requirements in Part V, check 1 1,879,997
here 111111 Hand enter 1% of Part I, line 27b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
c All other domestic foundations enter 2% of line 27b Exempt foreign organizations enter 4% of Part I, line 12, col (b)
2 Tax under section 511 (domestic section 4947(a)(1) trusts and taxable foundations only Others enter -0-) 2

3 Add lines 1 and 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1,879,997

4 Subtitle A (income) tax (domestic section 4947(a)(1) trusts and taxable foundations only Others enter -0-) 4

5 Tax based on investment income . Subtract line 4 from line 3 If zero or less, enter -0- . . . . . 5 1,879,997
6 Credits/Payments
a 2008 estimated tax payments and 2007 overpayment credited to 2008 6a 621,586

b Exempt foreign organizations-tax withheld at source . . . . 6b

c Tax paid with application for extension of time to file (Form 8868) 6c 1,292,000

d Backup withholding erroneously withheld . . . . . . . . . . . 6d

7 Total credits and payments Add lines 6a through 6d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1,913,586

8 Enter any penalty for underpayment of estimated tax Check here F if Form 2220 is attached 8
9 Tax due . If the total of lines 5 and 8 is more than line 7, enter amount owed . . . . . . . 9
10 Overpayment . If line 7 is more than the total of lines 5 and 8, enter the amount overpaid . . . ^ 10 33,589

11 Enter the amount of line 10 to be Credited to 2009 estimated tax Oil 33,589 Refunded lllk^ 11
Statements Re g ardin g Activities
la During the tax year, did the foundation attempt to influence any national, state, or local legislation or did Yes No
it participate or intervene in any political campaign? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . la No

b Did it spend more than $100 during the year (either directly or indirectly) for political purposes (see
the instructions for definition)? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lb No
If the answer is Yes "to la or lb, attach a detailed description of the activities and copies of any materials
published or distributed by the foundation in connection with the activities.
c Did the foundation file Form 1120 -POL for this year? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1c No

d Enter the amount (if any) of tax on political expenditures (section 4955) imposed during the year

(1) O n the foundation ^ $ (2) O n foundation managers ^ $

e Enter the reimbursement (if any) paid by the foundation during the year for political expenditure tax imposed
on foundation managers 111111 $
2 Has the foundation engaged in any activities that have not previously been reported to the IRS? . . . . 2 No

If "Yes," attach a detailed description of the activities.

3 Has the foundation made any changes, not previously reported to the IRS, in its governing instrument, articles

of incorporation, or bylaws, or other similar instruments? If "Yes,"attach a conformed copy of the changesS . 3 No
4a Did the foundation have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more during the year? . . . . . . . . 4a No
b If "Yes," has it filed a tax return on Form 990 -T for this year? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4b
5 Was there a liquidation, termination, dissolution, or substantial contraction during the year? . . . . . . 5 No
If "Yes,"attach the statement required by General Instruction T.19
6 Are the requirements of section 508(e) (relating to sections 4941 through 4945) satisfied either
• By language in the governing instrument, or
• By state legislation that effectively amends the governing instrument so that no mandatory directions
that conflict with the state law remain in the governing instrument? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Yes
7 Did the foundation have at least $5,000 in assets at any time during the year? If "Yes," complete Part II, col (c), and PartXV 7 Yes

8a Enter the states to which the foundation reports or with which it is registered (see the
instructions) ' MD, NY

b If the answer is "Yes" to line 7, has the foundation furnished a copy of Form 990-PF to the Attorney
General (or designate) of each state as required by General Instruction G? If "No,"attach explanation . 8b Yes

9 Is the foundation claiming status as a private operating foundation within the meaning of section 4942(j)(3)
or 4942(j)(5) for calendar year 2008 or the taxable year beginning in 2008 (see instructions for Part XIV)?
If "Yes,"complete Part XIV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Yes

10 Did any persons become substantial contributors during the tax year? If "Yes," attach a schedule listing their names and addresses 10 No
Form 990-PF (2008)
Form 990-PF ( 2008) Page 5
Statements Re g ardin g Activities Continued
11 At any time during the year, did the foundation, directly or indirectly, own a controlled entity within the
meaning of section 512(b)(13)'' If "Yes," attach schedule (see page 20 of the instructions ) 11a Yes

12 Did the foundation acquire a direct or indirect interest in any applicable insurance contract? . . . . . . 12 No

13 Did the foundation comply with the public inspection requirements for its annual returns and exemption application ? 13 Yes

Web site address 'WWW SO RO S O RG

14 The books are in care of ' MAIJA ARBOLINO Telephone no ' (212) 548-0600

Located at 1111400 WEST 59TH STREET NY NY NEW YORK NY ZIP+4 111110019

15 Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts filing Form 990-PF in lieu of Form 1041 -Check here . . . . F
and enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the year . . . . . . I 15

Statements Re g ardin g Activities for Which Form 4720 Ma y Be Re q uired

File Form 4720 if any item is checked in the "Yes " column, unless an exception applies. Yes No

la During the year did the foundation (either directly or indirectly)

(1) Engage in the sale or exchange, or leasing of property with a disqualified person? 1 Yes F No
(2) Borrow money from, lend money to, or otherwise extend credit to (or accept it from)
a disqualified person? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Yes F No
(3) Furnish goods, services, or facilities to (or accept them from) a disqualified person? F Yes 1 No
(4) Pay compensation to, or pay or reimburse the expenses of, a disqualified person? F Yes 1 No
(5) Transfer any income or assets to a disqualified person (or make any of either available
for the benefit or use of a disqualified person)? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Yes F No
(6) Agree to pay money or property to a government official? (Exception . Check "No"
if the foundation agreed to make a grant to or to employ the official for a period
after termination of government service, if terminating within 90 days ). . . . . . . . . 1 Yes F No
b If any answer is "Yes" to la(1)-(6), did any of the acts fail to qualify under the exceptions described in Regulations
section 53 494 1(d)-3 or in a current notice regarding disaster assistance (see the instructions)? . . . . . . lb No

Organizations relying on a current notice regarding disaster assistance check here. . . . . . . . .Ilk- F_
c Did the foundation engage in a prior year in any of the acts described in la, other than excepted acts,
that were not corrected before the first day of the tax year beginning in 20087 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1c No
2 Taxes on failure to distribute income (section 4942) (does not apply for years the foundation was a private
operating foundation defined in section 4942(j)(3) or 4942(j)(5))
a At the end of tax year 2008, did the foundation have any undistributed income (lines 6d
and 6e, Part XIII) for tax year(s) beginning before 2008' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Yes 1 No

If "Yes," list the years Oil 20 , 20 , 20 , 20

b Are there any years listed in 2a for which the foundation is not applying the provisions of section 4942(a)(2)
(relating to incorrect valuation of assets) to the year's undistributed income? (If applying section 4942(a)(2)
to all years listed, answer "No" and attach statement-see the instructions ) . . . . . . . . . . . . 2b
c If the provisions of section 4942(a)(2) are being applied to any of the years listed in 2a, list the years here

111' 20 , 20 , 20 , 20
3a Did the foundation hold more than a 2% direct or indirect interest in any business
enterprise at any time during the year? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F Yes fl No
b If "Yes," did it have excess business holdings in 2008 as a result of (1) any purchase by the foundation
or disqualified persons after May 26, 1969, (2) the lapse of the 5-year period (or longer period approved
by the Commissioner under section 4943(c)(7)) to dispose of holdings acquired by gift or bequest, or (3)
the lapse of the 10-, 15-, or 20-year first phase holding period? (Use Schedule C, Form 4720, to determine
if the foundation had excess business holdings in 2008 .) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b No
4a Did the foundation invest during the year any amount in a manner that would jeopardize its charitable purposes? 4a No
b Did the foundation make any investment in a prior year (but after December 31, 1969) that could jeopardize its
charitable purpose that had not been removed from jeopardy before the first day of the tax year beginning in 20087 4b No
Form 990-PF (2008)
Form 990-PF (2008) Page 6
Statements Re g ardin g Activities for Which Form 4720 Ma y Be Re q uired Continued
5a During the year did the foundation pay or incur any amount to
(1) Carry on propaganda, or otherwise attempt to influence legislation (section 4945(e))'' 1 Yes F No
(2) Influence the outcome of any specific public election (see section 4955), or to carry
on, directly or indirectly, any voter registration drive? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Yes F No
(3) Provide a grant to an individual for travel, study, or other similar purposes? F Yes (- No
(4) Provide a grant to an organization other than a charitable, etc , organization described
in section 509(a)(1), (2), or (3), or section 4940(d)(2)'' (see instructions). . . . . . . . F Yes (- No
(5) Provide for any purpose other than religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or
educational purposes, or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals?. . . . . . . .1 Yes F No
b If any answer is "Yes"to 5a(1)-(5), did any of the transactions fail to qualify under the exceptions described in
Regulations section 53 4945 or in a current notice regarding disaster assistance (see the instructions)? . . . 5b No

Organizations relying on a current notice regarding disaster assistance check here. . . . . . . . F

c If the answer is "Yes" to question 5a(4), does the foundation claim exemption from the
tax because it maintained expenditure responsibility for the grant?. . . . . . . . . . . . F Yes 1 No
If "Yes,"attach the statement required by Regulations section 53.4945-5(d).

6a Did the foundation, during the year, receive any funds, directly or indirectly, to pay
premiums on a personal benefit contract? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Yes F No
b Did the foundation, during the year, pay premiums, directly or indirectly, on a personal benefit contract?. . . . 6b No
If you answered "Yes "to 6b, also file Form 8870.
7a At any time during the tax year, was the foundation a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction? 1 Yes F No
b If yes, did the foundation receive any proceeds or have any net income attributable to the transaction? . . . . 7b No
Information About Officers , Directors , Trustees , Foundation Managers, Highly Paid Employees,
and Contractors
1 List all officers , directors , trustees , foundation managers and their compensation ( see the instructions).
(b) Title, and average (c) Compensation (d) Contributions to
(e) Expense account,
(a) Name and address hours per week ( If not paid, enter employee benefit plans
other allowances
devoted to position -0-) and deferred compensation
See Additional Data Table

2 Compensation of five highest-paid employees (other than those included on line 1-see the instructions).
If none. enter "NONE."
( d) Contributions to
(b) Title and average
(a) Name and address of each employee employee benefit ( e) Expense account,
hours per week ( c) Compensation
paid more than $ 50,000 plans and deferred other allowances
devoted to position
ANN BEESON EXEC DIR OF US 247,250 54,125 0


40 0


40 0


40 0


40 0
Total number of other employees paid over $50 ,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ^ 185
Form 990-PF (2008)
Form 990-PF (2008) Page 7
Information About Officers, Directors , Trustees , Foundation Managers , Highly Paid Employees,
and Contractors Continued
3 Five highest-paid independent contractors for professional services-(see the instructions). If none, enter
(a) Name and address of each person paid more than $50,000 ( b) Type of service (c) Compensation




PO BOX 8904








Total number of others receiving over $50,000 for professional services. 33

Summary of Direct Charitable Activities

List the foundation's four largest direct charitable activities during the tax year Include relevant statistical information such as the number of
organizations and other beneficiaries served, conferences convened, research papers produced, etc Expenses







Summary of Program - Related Investments (see the instructions)

Describe the two largest program-related investments made by the foundation during the tax year on lines 1 and 2 A mount


All other program- related investments See the instructions


Total Add lines 1 through 3. 535,000

Form 990-PF (2008)
Form 990-PF (2008) Page 8
Minimum Investment Return (All domestic foundations must complete this part. Foreign foundations,
see page 24 of the instructions.)
1 Fair market value of assets not used (or held for use) directly in carrying out charitable, etc
a Average monthly fair market value of securities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . la 1,475,448,487

b Average of monthly cash balances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lb 32,259,829

c Fair market value of all other assets (see the instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1c 465,346

d Total (add lines la, b, and c) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ld 1,508,173,662

e Reduction claimed for blockage or other factors reported on lines la and

1c (attach detailed explanation ). . . . . . . . . . . . le
2 Acquisition indebtedness applicable to line 1 assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0

3 Subtract line 2 from line ld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1,508,173,662

4 Cash deemed held for charitable activities Enter 1 1/2% of line 3 (for greater amount, see the
instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 22,622,605

5 Net value of noncharitable - use assets . Subtract line 4 from line 3 Enter here and on Part V, line 4 5 1,485,551,057

6 Minimum investment return . Enter 5% of line 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 74,277,553

Distributable Amount (see page 25 of the instructions) (Section 4942(j)(3) and (j)(5) private operating
foundations and
certain forei g n or g anizations check here ^ F and do not com p lete this p art. )
1 Minimum investment return from Part X, line 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2a Tax on investment income for 2008 from Part VI, line 5. . . . . . 2a

b Income tax for 2008 (This does not include the tax from Part VI ). . 2b

c Add lines 2a and 2b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2c

3 Distributable amount before adjustments Subtract line 2c from line 1. . . . . . . . . . . . 3
4 Recoveries of amounts treated as qualifying distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
5 Add lines 3 and 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

6 Deduction from distributable amount (see the instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

7 Distributable amount as adjusted Subtract line 6 from line 5 Enter here and on Part XIII,
line 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Qualifying Distributions (see page 25 of the instructions)

1 Amounts paid (including administrative expenses) to accomplish charitable, etc , purposes
a Expenses, contributions, gifts, etc -total from Part I, column (d), line 26. . . . . . . . . . la 180,041,576

b Program-related investments-total from Part IX-B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lb 535,000

2 Amounts paid to acquire assets used (or held for use) directly in carrying out charitable, etc ,
purposes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1,208,688

3 Amounts set aside for specific charitable projects that satisfy the
a Suitability test (prior IRS approval required) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 0

b Cash distribution test (attach the required schedule) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 0

4 Qualifying distributions . Add lines la through 3b Enter here and on Part V, line 8, and Part XIII, line 4 4 181,785,264

5 Foundations that qualify under section 4940(e) for the reduced rate of tax on net investment
income Enter 1% of Part I, line 27b (see page 26 of the instructions) 5
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Adjusted qualifying distributions . Subtract line 5 from line 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 6 181,785,264
Note : The amount on line 6 will be used in Part V, column (b), in subsequent years when calculating whether the foundation qualifies for the
section 4940(e) reduction of tax in those years.
Form 990-PF (2008)
Form 990-PF (2008) Page 9
Undistributed Income ( see a e 26 of the instructions
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Corpus Years prior to 2007 2007 2008
1 Distributable amount for 2008 from Part XI, line 7
2 Undistributed income, if any, as of the end of 2007
a Enter amount for 2007 only. . . . . . .
b Total for prior years 2006 , 20_ , 20_ 0
3 Excess distributions carryover, if any, to 2008
a From 2003. . . . .
b From 2004. . . . 0
c From 2005. . . . . . . 0
d From 2006. . . . 0
e From 2007. . . . 0
f Total of lines 3a through e. . . . . . . . . 0
4 Qualifying distributions for 2008 from Part
XII, line 4 1111 $
a Applied to 2007, but not more than line 2a 0
b Applied to undistributed income of prior years
(Election required-see the instructions). . . .
c Treated as distributions out of corpus (Election
required-see the instructions). . . . . . .
d Applied to 2008 distributable amount. . . . .
e Remaining amount distributed out of corpus 0
5 Excess distributions carryover applied to 2008
(If an amount appears in column (d), the
same amount must be shown in column (a).)
6 Enter the net total of each column as
indicated below:
a Corpus Add lines 3f, 4c, and 4e Subtract line 5 0
b Prior years' undistributed income Subtract
line 4b from line 2b . . . . . . . . . . . 0
c Enter the amount of prior years' undistributed
income for which a notice of deficiency has
been issued, or on which the section 4942(a)
tax has been previously assessed. . . . . .
d Subtract line 6c from line 6b Taxable
amount-see the instructions . . . . . . . 0
e Undistributed income for 2006 Subtract line
4a from line 2a Taxable amount-see the
instructions . 0
f Undistributed income for 2008 Subtract
lines 4d and 5 from line 1 This amount must
be distributed in 2008. . . . . . . . . . 0
7 Amounts treated as distributions out of
corpus to satisfy requirements imposed by
section 170(b)(1)(F) or 4942(g)(3) (see the
instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8 Excess distributions carryover from 2002 not
applied on line 5 or line 7 (see page 27 of the
instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9 Excess distributions carryover to 2008.
Subtract lines 7 and 8 from line 6a . . . . . . 0
10 Analysis of line 9
a From 2004. . . . .
b From 2005. . . . 0
c From 2006. . . . . . . 0
d From 2007. . . . 0
e From 2008. 0
Form 990-PF (2008)
Form 990-PF (2008) Page 10
Private O p eratin g Foundations ( see the instructions and Part VII-A q uestion 9 )
la If the foundation has received a ruling or determination letter that it is a private operating
foundation, and the ruling is effective for 2008, enter the date of the ruling. . . . . .

b Check box to indicate whether the organization is a private operating foundation described in section I' 4942(j)(3) or F 4942(1)(5)
2a Enter the lesser of the adjusted net Tax year Prior 3 years
income from Part I or the minimum (e) Total
(a) 2008 (b) 2007 (c) 2006 (d) 2005
investment return from Part X for each
year listed . . . . . . . . . 570,450 2,432,985 4,432,962 2,395,700 9,832,097

b 85% of line 2a . . . . . . . . 484,883 2,068,037 3,768,018 2,036,345 8,357,283

c Qualifying distributions from Part XII,
line 4 for each year listed . 181,785,264 132,889,829 123,956,781 121,634,273 560,266,147

d Amounts included in line 2c not used directly

112,183,304 70,922,797 72,382,232 71,321,511 326,809,844
for active conduct of exempt activities .
e Qualifying distributions made directly
for active conduct of exempt activities
S u bt rac t 1 ine 2d f rom I ine 2 c . 69,601,960 61,967,032 51,574,549 50,312,762 233,456,303

3 Complete 3a, b, or c for the

alternative test relied upon
a "Assets" alternative test-enter
(1) Value of all assets . . . . . .
(2) Value of assets qualifying
under section 4942(j)(3)(B)(i) 0
b "Endowment" alternative test- enter 2/3
of minimum investment return shown in
Part X, line 6 for each year listed. 49,518,369 36,497,755 20,467,591 7,279,529 113,763,244

c "Support" alternative test-enter

(1) Total support other than gross
investment income (interest,
dividends, rents, payments
on securities loans (section
512(a)(5)), or royalties) . . . . 0
(2) Support from general public
and 5 or more exempt
organizations as provided in
section 4942(j)(3)(B)(iii).
(3) Largest amount of support
from an exempt organization 0
(4) Gross investment income 0
Supplementary Information ( Complete this part only if the organization had $5 , 000 or more in
assets at any time during the year-see the instructions.)
Information Regarding Foundation Managers:
a List any managers of the foundation who have contributed more than 2% of the total contributions received by the foundation
before the close of any tax year (but only if they have contributed more than $5,000) (See section 507(d)(2) )

b List any managers of the foundation who own 10% or more of the stock ofa corporation (or an equally large portion of the
ownership of a partnership or other entity) of which the foundation has a 10% or greater interest

2 Information Regarding Contribution , Grant, Gift, Loan , Scholarship, etc., Programs:

Check here F if the organization only makes contributions to preselected charitable organizations and does not accept
unsolicited requests for funds If the organization makes gifts, grants, etc (see the instructions) to individuals or organizations
under other conditions, complete items 2a, b, c, and d

a The name, address, and telephone number of the person to whom applications should be addressed

b The form in which applications should be submitted and information and materials they should include

c Any submission deadlines

d Any restrictions or limitations on awards, such as by geographical areas, charitable fields, kinds of institutions, or other

Form 990-PF (2008)

Form 990-PF (2008) Page 11
Supplementary Information (continued)
s c,rants ana Lontriuutions raia uuring the rear or pprovea ror ruture Payment
If recipient is an individual,
Recipient Foundation
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor
a Paid during the year
See Additional Data Table

Total . 3a 124,308,415

b Approved for future payment

See Additional Data Table

Total . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990-PF (2008)
Form 990-PF (2008) Page 12
Anal y sis of Income - Producin g Activities
Enter gross amounts unless otherwise indicated Unrelated business income Excluded by section 512, 513, or 514 (e)
Related or exempt
(c) (d ) function income
(a) (b)
(See the
1 Program service revenue Business code Amount Exclusion code Amount
g Fees and contracts from government agencies
2 Membership dues and assessments. . . .
3 Interest on savings and temporary cash investments 14 104,966
4 Dividends and interest from securities. . 14 314,482
5 Net rental income or (loss) from real estate
a Debt-financed property. . . . . .
b Not debt-financed property. . . . .
6 Net rental income or (loss) from personal property
7 Other investment income. . . . .
8 Gain or (loss) from sales of assets other than inventory 18 1,480,395
9 Net income or (loss) from special events
10 Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory.
11 Other revenue a OTHER (LOSS)/ INCOME 01 -97,601

12 Subtotal Add columns (b), (d), and (e). . 1,802,242
13 Total . Add line 12, columns (b), (d), and (e) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 1,802,242
(See worksheet in line 13 instructions to verify c alculations )
nshi p of Activities to the Accom p lishment of Exem p t Pur p oses
Explain below how each activity for which income is reported in column (e) of Part XVI-A contributed importantly to
Line No .
the accomplishment of the organization's exempt purposes (other than by providing funds for such purposes) (See
the instructions

Form 990-PF (2008)

Form 990-PF (2008) Page 13
Information Regarding Transfers To and Transactions and Relationships With
Noncharitable Exem p t Or g anizations
1 Did the organization directly or indirectly engage in any of the following with any other organization described in section Yes No
501(c) of the Code (other than section 501(c)(3) organizations) or in section 527, relating to political organizations?

a Transfers from the reporting organization to a noncharitable exempt organization of

(1) Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . la(1) No

(2) Other assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . la(2) No

b Other transactions
(1) Sales of assets to a noncharitable exempt organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lb(1) No

(2) Purchases of assets from a noncharitable exempt organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lb(2) No

(3) Rental of facilities, equipment, or other assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lb(3) No

(4) Reimbursement arrangements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lb(4) Yes

(5) Loans or loan guarantees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lb(5) No

(6) Performance of services or membership or fundraising solicitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lb(6) Yes

c Sharing of facilities, equipment, mailing lists, other assets, or paid employees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lc Yes

d If the answer to any of the above is "Yes," complete the following schedule Column (b) should always show the fair market
value of the goods, other assets, or services given by the reporting organization If the foundation received less than fair
market value in any transaction or sharing arrangement, show in column (d) the value of the goods, other assets, or services

(a) Line No (b) Amount involved (c) Name of noncharitable exempt organization (d) Description of transfers, transactions, and sharing arrangements

2a Is the foundation directly or indirectly affiliated with, or related to, one or more tax-exempt organizations
described in section 501 ( c) of the Code (other than section 501(c)(3)) or in section 527'x. . . . . . . . . . .I' Yes f No
b If"Yes, " complete the following schedule
(a) Name of organization ( b) Type of organization (c) Description of relationship

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to
the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete Declaration of preparer (other than taxpayer or fiduciary) is
based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge

Signature of officer or trustee

Preparer 's GREG CO LLER 1-703-286-8391


Firm's name (or yours KPMG LLP

if self-employed),
address, and ZIP code 345 PARK AVENUE

NEW YORK, NY 10154

l efile GRAPHIC print - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491338003019
Schedule B Schedule of Contributors
OMB No 1545-0047

(Form 990 , 990-EZ,

or 990 -PF) Attach to Form 990 , 990-EZ , and 990-PF. 0
Department of the Treasury ^ See separate instructions.
Internal Revenue Serice

Name of organization Employer identification number


Organization type (check one)

Filers of: Section:

Form 990 or 990-EZ r 501(c)( ) (enter number ) organization

r 4947 (a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust not treated as a private foundation

r 527 political organization

Form 990-PF F 501(c)( 3) exempt private foundation

r 4947( a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust treated as a private foundation

r 501(c)(3 ) taxable private foundation

Check if your organization is covered by the General Rule or a Special Rule. (Note . Only a section 501(c)(7), (8), or (10)
organization can check boxes for both the General Rule and a Special Rule See instructions )

General Rule-

F For organizations filing Form990, 990-EZ, or 990-PFthat received, during the year, $5,000 or more (in money or
property) from any one contributor Complete Parts I and II

Special Rules-

F- For a section 501(c)(3) organization filing Form 990, or Form 990-EZ, that met the 331/3% support test of the regulations
under sections 509(a)(1)/170(b)(1)(A)(vi), and received from any one contributor, during the year, a contribution of the
greater of (1) $5,000 or (2) 2% of the amount onForm 990, Part VIII, line 1h or 2% of the amount on Form 990-EZ, line
1 Complete Parts I and II

fl For a section 501(c)(7), ( 8), or (10 ) organization filing Form 990 , or Form 990- EZ, that received from any one contributor,
during the year , aggregate contributions or bequests of more than $ 1,000 for use exclusively for religious , charitable,
scientific , literary , or educational purposes , or the prevention of cruelty to children or animals Complete Parts I , II, and

fl For a section 501(c)(7), (8), or (10) organization filing Form 990, or Form 990-EZ, that received from any one contributor,
during the year, some contributions for use exclusively for religious, charitable, etc , purposes, but these contributions did
not aggregate to more than $1,000 (If this box is checked, enter here the total contributions that w ere received during
the year for an exclusively religious, charitable, etc , purpose Do not complete any of the parts unless the General Rule
applies to this organization because it received nonexclusively religious, charitable, etc , contributions of $5,000 or more
during the year ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . llik^ $

Caution . Organizations that are not covered by the General Rule and/or the Special Rules do not file Schedule B (Form 990,
990-EZ, or 990-PF), but they must answer "No" on Part IV, line 2 of their Form 990, or check the box in the heading of their
Form 990-EZ, or on line 2 of their Form 990-PF, to certify that they do not meet the filing requirements of Schedule B (Form 990,
990-EZ, or 990-PF)

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice , see the Instructions Cat No 30613X Schedule B (Form 990 , 990-EZ , or 990 - PF) (2008)
for Form 990 These instructions will be issued separately
Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2008) Page 1 of 7 of Part I

Name of organization Employer identification number


Contributors (see Instructions)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

No. Name , address , and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution
See Additional Data Table
Person r
Payroll r
$ Noncash r
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

(a) (b) (c) (d)

No. Name, address, and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

Person r
Payroll r
$ Noncash r
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

(a) (b) (c) (d)

No. Name , address , and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

Person r
Payroll r
$ Noncash r
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

(a) (b) (c) (d)

No. Name , address , and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

Person r
Payroll r
$ Noncash r
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

(a) (b) (c) (d)

No. Name , address , and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

Person r
Payroll r
$ Noncash r
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

(a) (b) (c) (d)

No. Name , address , and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

Person r
Payroll r
$ Noncash r
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2008)

Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2008) Page 1 of 1 of Part II

Name of organization Employer identification number


Noncash Property (see Instructions)

(a) No. b (c) d

from ( ) FMV (or estimate) ( )
Description of noncash property given Date received
Part I ( see instructions)

Sears Collar 1 million shares An avg price of$143 50 per share
$ 143,502,919 2008-11-24

(a) No. b (c) d

from ( ) FMV (or estimate) ( )
Description of noncash property given Date received
Part I ( see instructions)

497,202 JetBlue Shares with an avg price of $6 18 per share and
36,420 of Integra shares with an avg
$ 4,658,071 2008-09-04

(a) No. b (c) d

from ( ) FMV (or estimate) ( )
Description of noncash property given Date received
Part I ( see instructions)

50 Q EFC Shares An average price of $82,403 65 per share
$ 4,120,183 2008-11-01

(a) No. b (c) d

from ( ) FMV (or estimate) ( )
Description of noncash property given Date received
Part I ( see instructions)

515 Proctor & Gamble Shares A n avg price of $66 71 per share
$ 34,356 2008-05-02

(a) No. b (c) d

from ( ) FMV (or estimate) ( )
Description of noncash property given Date received
Part I ( see instructions )

(a) No. b (c) d

from ( ) FMV (or estimate) ( )
Description of noncash property given Date received
Part I ( see instructions )

Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2008)

Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2008) Page 1 of 1 of Part III

Name of organization Employer identification number


JIMM Exclusively religious , charitable , etc., individual contributions to section 501(c)(7), (8), or (10) organizations
aggregating more than $1 , 000 for the year . (Complete columns (a) through (e) and the following line entry)
For organizations completing Part III, enter the total of exclusively religious, charitable, etc ,
contributions of $1,000 or less for the year (Enter this information once See instructions ) $
(a) No. (b) (c) (d)
Part I Purpose of gift Use of gift Description of how gift is held

Transfer of gift
Transferee's name, address, and ZIP 4 Relationship of transferor to transferee

(a) No. (b) (c) (d)

Part I Purpose of gift Use of gift Description of how gift is held

Transfer of gift
Transferee's name, address, and ZIP 4 Relationship of transferor to transferee

(a) No. (b) (c) (d)

Part I Purpose of gift Use of gift Description of how gift is held

Transfer of gift
Transferee's name, address, and ZIP 4 Relationship of transferor to transferee

(a) No. (b) (c) (d)

Part I Purpose of gift Use of gift Description of how gift is held

Transfer of gift
Transferee's name, address, and ZIP 4 Relationship of transferor to transferee

Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2008)

Additional Data

Software ID:
Software Version:
EIN: 13-7029285

Form 990 Schedule B, Part I - Contributors (See Specific Instructions):

(a) (b) (c) (d)
No. Name , address, and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

1 Person F
Geosor Corporation Payroll r
888 Seventh Ave
$ 250,000,000 Noncash r
New York, NY 10016
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

2 Person F
George Soros Payroll r-
888 Seventh Ave
$ 143,502, 919 Noncash F
New York, NY 10016
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

3 Person F
Jonathan Soros Payroll r-
888 Seventh Ave
$ 4,658 ,071 Noncash F
New York, NY 10016
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

4 Person F
Soros Humanitarian Foundation Payroll r
400 West 59th Street
$ 23,000, 000 Noncash r
New York, NY 10019
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

5 Person F
Soros Charitable Foundadtion Payroll r
400 West 59th Street
$ 4,000, 000 Noncash r
New York, NY 10019
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

6 Person F
Soros Foundation Hungary Payroll r
400 West 59th Street
$ 5,000, 000 Noncash r
New York, NY 10019
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution
Form 990 Schedule B, Part I - Contributors (See Specific Instructions):
(a) (b) (c) (d)
No. Name, address, and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

7 Person F
Akram Shakhashir Payroll r
C/O 400 West 59th Street
$ 20,188 Noncash r
New York, NY 10019
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

8 Person F
SamerYounis Payroll r
62B Kifissias Ave Amaroussin PO BOX
$ 20,208 Noncash r
Athens, Greece 15110 GR
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

9 Person F
Samer Khoury Payroll r
62B Kifissias Avenue Amaroussion P
$ 20,000 Noncash r
Athens, Greece 15110 GR
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

10 Person F
Dr NabilQaddumi Payroll r
PO Box 20704
$ 20,215 Noncash r
Safat, Kuwait 13068 KU
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

11 Person F
Soros Fund Charitable Foundation Payroll r-
888 Seventh Ave
$ 4,120, 183 Noncash F
New York, NY 10016
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

12 Person F
Alison and Richman Fund Payroll r
2 East Read Street
$ 10,000 Noncash r
Baltimore, MD 21202
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution
Form 990 Schedule B, Part I - Contributors (See Specific Instructions):
(a) (b) (c) (d)
No. Name , address, and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

13 Person F
Avaaz Foundation Payroll r
260 Fifth Avenue 9th Floor
$ 245, 000 Noncash r
New York, NY 10001
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

14 Person F
The Cammack Family Fund T Rowe Pric Payroll r
10 East Pratt Street 8th Floor
$ 7,500 Noncash r
Baltimore, MD 21202
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

15 Person F
Jean and Sidney Silber Foundation Payroll r
11515 Woodland Drive
$ 10,000 Noncash r
Lutherville, MD 21903
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

16 Person F
JEHT Foundation Payroll r
PO Box 566
73,000 Noncash r
New York, NY 10150
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

17 Person F
Lois and Irving Blum Foundation Payroll r
3908 North Charles Street Apt 503
$ 25,000 Noncash r
Baltimore, MD 21218
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

18 Person F
Mark K Joseph The Shelter Foundatio Payroll r
621 East Pratt Street 3rd Floor
$ 25,000 Noncash r
Baltimore, MD 21208
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution
Form 990 Schedule B, Part I - Contributors (See Specific Instructions):
(a) (b) (c) (d)
No. Name , address, and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

19 Person F
The Annie E Casey Foundation Payroll r
701 St Paul Street
$ 200, 000 Noncash r
Baltimore, MD 21202
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

20 Person F
Associated Jewish Community Fed of Payroll r
101 West Mount Royal Avenue
$ 10,000 Noncash r
Baltimore, MD 21202
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

21 Person F
Goldseker Foundation Payroll r
1040 Park Avenue Suite 310
$ 72,000 Noncash r
Baltimore, MD 21201
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

22 Person F
The Hoffberger Foundation Payroll r
101 West Mount Royal Avenue
$ 100 ,000 Noncash r
Baltimore, MD 21202
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

23 Person F
Morton K and Jane Blaustein Foundat Payroll r
10 E Baltimore Street Suite 1111
$ 75,000 Noncash r
Baltimore, MD 21202
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

24 Person F
The Osprey Foundation Payroll r
305 Washington Avenue Suite 204
$ 300 ,000 Noncash r
Baltimore, MD 21204
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution
Form 990 Schedule B, Part I - Contributors (See Specific Instructions):
(a) (b) (c) (d)
No. Name , address, and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

25 Person F
William G Baker Jr Memorial Fund Payroll r
2 East Read Street 9th Floor
$ 22,333 Noncash r
Baltimore, MD 21202
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

26 Person F
PNC Bank Payroll r
Two Hopkins Plaza 8th Floor
$ 115, 000 Noncash r
Baltimore, MD 21201
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

27 Person F
Gallagher Evelius and Jones LLP Payroll r
218 North Charles Street Suite 400
$ 10,000 Noncash r
Baltimore, MD 21201
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

28 Person F
Harkins Builders Inc Payroll r
2201 Warwick Way
$ 5 ,000 Noncash r

Marriottsville, MD 21104
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

29 Person F
Reznick Group Payroll r
500 East Pratt Street Suite 200
$ 5,000 Noncash r
Baltimore, MD 21202
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

30 Person F
Brown Advisory Payroll r
901 5 Bond Street Suite 400
$ 5,000 Noncash r
Baltimore, MD 21231
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution
Form 990 Schedule B, Part I - Contributors (See Specific Instructions):
(a) (b) (c) (d)
No. Name , address, and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

31 Person F
Hogan and Hartson Payroll r
111 South Calvert Street
$ 10,000 Noncash r
Baltimore, MD 21202
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

32 Person F
Legg Mason Payroll r
100 Light Street
$ 10,000 Noncash r
Baltimore, MD 21202
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

33 Person F
Empower Baltimore Management Corp E Payroll r
3 South Frederick Street
$ 2,500, 000 Noncash r
Baltimore, MD 21202
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

34 Person F
Shelter Development LLC Marilynn Du Payroll r
218 N Charles Street Suite 220
$ 10,000 Noncash r
Baltimore, MD 21201
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

35 Person F
George A Murnaghan Fund Payroll r
70 Spring Street
$ 25,000 Noncash r
Lexington, MA 02421
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

36 Person F
George L Bunting Jr Payroll r
C/O Bunting MgmtGrp 9690 Deereco R
$ 34,356 Noncash F
Timonium, MD 21093
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution
Form 990 Schedule B, Part I - Contributors (See Specific Instructions):
(a) (b) (c) (d)
No. Name, address, and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

37 Person F
Gordon Feinblatt and Hoffberger LLC Payroll r
233 East Redwood Street
$ 5,000 Noncash r
Baltimore, MD 21202
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

38 Person F
Moser Family Philanthropic Fund Payroll r
10 East Lee Street 2105
$ 10,000 Noncash r
Baltimore, MD 21202
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

39 Person F
OSI Baltimore 10th Annv Ticket Sale Payroll r
201 N Charles Street Suite 1300
$ 15,260 Noncash r
Baltimore, MD 21201
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

40 Person F
DFID UK Dept for International Dvlp Payroll r
1 Palace Street
$ 221, 157 Noncash r
London, United Kingdom SW1E SHE UK
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

41 Person F
US Department of State Payroll r
301 4th Street SW
$ 108 ,255 Noncash r
Washington, DC 20522
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution

42 Person F
Georgian Scholarships in Education Payroll r
52 Uznadze Street 0102
$ 150 ,000 Noncash r
Tbilisi, Georgia 06010 GG
(Complete Part II if there is
a noncash contribution
Additional Data

Software ID: 08000068

Software Version : 08-8.1
EIN: 13-7029285

Form 990PF Part IV - Capital Gains and Losses for Tax on Investment Income - Lines a - d
(b) How
(a) List and describe the kind(s) of property sold (e g , real estate, acquired (c) Date acquired ( d) Date sold
2-story brick warehouse , or common stock, 200 shs M LC Co P-Purchase (mo , day, yr (mo , day, yr


INTEGRA D 1999-03-30 2008-04-07

EXXON P 2007-01-01 2008-12-29

JET BLUE D 1999-06-30 2008-09-10

JET BLUE D 1999-06-30 2008-09-10

JET BLUE D 1999-06-30 2008-09-11

JET BLUE D 1999-06-30 2008-09-12

JET BLUE D 1999-06-30 2008-09-16

JET BLUE D 1999-06-30 2008-09-16

JET BLUE D 1999-06-30 2008-09-17

JET BLUE D 1999-06-30 2008-09-18

JET BLUE D 1999-06-30 2008-09-19

JET BLUE D 1999-06-30 2008-09-19

JET BLUE D 1999-06-30 2008-09-19

JET BLUE D 1999-06-30 2008-09-22

JET BLUE D 1999-06-30 2008-09-23

JET BLUE D 1999-06-30 2008-12-22

JET BLUE D 1999-06-30 2008-12-23

JET BLUE D 1999-06-30 2008-12-23

JET BLUE 1999-06-30 2008-12-30

SEARS COLLAR D 2007-03-01 2008-12-23

SEARS COLLAR D 2007-03-01 2008-12-23

SEARS COLLAR D 2007-03-01 2008-12-24


SEARS COLLAR D 2007-03-01 2008-12-26

PROCTER AND GAMBLE D 1950-01-31 2008-05-07

PROCTER AND GAMBLE D 1980-01-01 2008-07-08

ORACLE D 2007-01-01 2008-12-31

Form 990PF Part IV - Capital Gains and Losses for Tax on Investment Income - Lines e - h

(e) Gross sales price ( f) Depreciation allowed (g) Cost or other basis (h) Gain or (loss)
(or allowable) plus expense of sale (e) plus (f) minus (g)


1,567,390 199,451 1,367,939

3,715 3,715

82,875 21,377 61,498

4,165,160 1,074,358 3,090,802

2,795,683 722,308 2,073,375

3,373,545 864,023 2,509,522

1,120,199 292,316 827,883

1,732,063 451,981 1,280,082

2,478,002 649,214 1,828,788

3,908,930 1,010,267 2,898,663

3,331,865 841,543 2,490,322

1,482,445 524,387 958,058

2,787,783 775,058 2,012,725

230,846 67,219 163,627

437,289 127,609 309,680

2,000,022 575,724 1,424,298

812,726 228,360 584,366

2,929,345 804,083 2,125,262

1,562,219 402,041 1,160,178

26,470,000 26,470,000

6,617,500 6,617,500

13,226,000 13,226,000

13,439,000 13,439,000

6,761,500 6,761,500

34,335 64 34,271

4,669 4,669

2,057 2,057
Form 990PF Part IV - Capital Gains and Losses for Tax on Investment Income - Lines i -
Complete only for assets showing gain in column (h) and owned by the foundation on 12/31/69 (1) Gains (Col (h) gain minus
col (k), but not less than -0-) or
(j) Adjusted basis (k) Excess of col (i)
(i) F M V as of 12/31/69 Losses (from col (h))
as of 12/31/69 over col (j), if any



























Form 990PF PartVIII Line 1 - List all officers, directors, trustees, foundation managers and their
(d) Contributions to
(b) Title, and average (c) Compensation employee benefit
(e) Expense account,
(a) Name and address hours per week ( If not paid, enter plans
other allowances
devoted to position -0-) and deferred

0 0 15,799
888 Seventh Avenue 25 0
NewYork,NY 10106


CEO 461,963 223,960 15,799

Bard College 0 0 15,798

0 0 15,799
888 Seventh Avenue 1 0


289,670 152,606 15,798
NEWYORK,NY 10019 300


SECRETARY 245,991 89,487 15,798
400 W 59TH ST

0 0 15,798
400 W 59TH ST 1 0


OFFICER 241,729 122,359 15,798


TREASURER 106,288 63,369 15,798
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

350org to co-fund attendance of yout

501 (c)(3)
1804 Kilbourne Place NW c organization to participate in 8,881
public ch
Washington, DC 20010 UNFCCC

A Better Way Foundation ABWF Inc

501 (c)(3)
PO Box 942 to provide general support 25,000
public ch
Hartford,CT 06101

A Better Way Foundation A BWF Inc

501 (c)(3)
PO Box 942 to provide general support 40,000
public ch
Hartford,CT 06101

A Home Within
501 (c)(3)
2500 18th Street matching gift program 750
public ch
San Francisco, CA 94110

Lala Abasova to spend a semester at a US

Sharifli Street 96 apart 17 university as part of the
Individual 444
Baku 370118 Faculty Development
A] Fellowship Program

Farida Abbasova
68 Mekhmandatov Str
Individual to study social work in the U 5 15,006
Baku 370015

Abdorrahman Boroumand Foundation

501 (c)(3) to support the Iran Human
3220 N Street NW Suite 357 75,000
public ch Rights Memorial Project
Washington, DC 20007

A bdusabur A bdusamadov
to obtain a graduate degree in
191 Rudaky Avenue Apt 18
Individual Sociology from the Univeristy 18,210
1hanbe 734017
of Missouri-Columbia

Saw Frankie A breu

to provide additional support to
Room 312 102 Ratchwithi 2
Individual study at Chulalongkorn 2,750
Bangkok 10330

Abdrabu Abu Alyan

60 Al-Quds Street Bani Suhaila
Individual to study education in the U 5 32,934

Ahmed Abu Awad

to study education in the U S
Dept of English Birzeit Univ PO
Individual as part of the Palestinian 44,412
WE Faculty Development Program

Hussein I Abu El Hawa

4 Salah Eddin St to pursue an LLM at Wake
Individual 6,663
East Jerusalem 91204 Forest University

Mysoon Abu El Nour

Islamic Univ - Gaza College of Nur to study public affairs/health
Individual 16,399
Rimal, Gaza policy in the U S

Nasser Abu El Nour

Islamic Univ - Gaza College of Nur to study public affairs/health
Individual 24,860
Rimal, Gaza policy in the U S

Khitam Abu Hamad

25/15 Salah Al Dean Street to study health policy in the
individual 33,016
Gaza, Al Zitoun U 5

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Khaleel Abu Khadejh

to pursue an LLM degree at
Bab Hotta The 0 Id City
Individual American University's 52,123
WE Washington College of Law

Academy for Educational

Development Inc 501 (c)(3) to support the transition of the
1825 Connecticut Avenue NW public ch Youth Media Reporter
Washington, DC 200095721

Action Against Hunger USA

501 (c)(3)
247 West 37th Street 10th Floor matching gift program 180
public ch
NewYork,NY 10018

to support The Visitor Social

Active Voice Action Campaign as an
600 Townsend Street education and advocacy tool 100,000
San Francisco, CA 94103 on immigration detention and

Karam Adawi
PO Box 3809 to study social policy/health
Individual 37,001
Al Bireh policy in the U S

Adirondack Youth Orchestra

501 (c)(3)
PO Box 1590 matching gift program 600
public ch
Plattsburgh, NY 12901

to allocate the services of a

half-time Public Interest Fellow
Administrators of the Tulane
to research and assist in
Educational Fund 501 (c)(3)
efforts to strengthen 25,000
7029 A Freret Street public ch
transparency initiatives in New
NewOrleans,LA 70118
Orleans at The Public Law

to support juvenile justice

Advocates for Children and Youth Inc
501 (c)(3) reform through public
8 Market Place Suite 500 75,000
public ch education, budget analysis and
Baltimore, MD 21202
advocacy activities

to conduct public education,

research and advocacy
Advocates for Children and Youth Inc
501 (c)(3) activities to close the
8 Market Place Suite 500 35,000
public ch educational achievement gaps
Baltimore, MD 21202
in Maryland public schools by

Advocates for Children and Youth Inc to engage in public education

501 (c)(3)
8 Market Place Suite 500 and advocacy efforts to 125,000
public ch
Baltimore, MD 21202 support juvenile justice reform

Ashin Aeindavinsa
Magadh University Room No27 Host to provide additional support to
Individual 800
Bodhgaya,Bihar 824234 study at Magadh University

to provide support to Congo

Global Action fo a conference
Africa Faith and Justice Network on the DRC which will offer
501 (c)(3)
125 Michigan Avenue NE Suite 481 greater exposure to the plight 20,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20017 of Congo and the way to
address this plight through
advocacy and action

African Cultural and Religious Society

of Washingt 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 3,000
1501 T Street SE public ch
Washington, DC 20020

African Cultural and Religious Society

of Washingt 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 1,200
1501 T Street SE public ch
Washington, DC 20020

African Organization for Research and

Training in 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 6,000
PO Box 633 public ch
NewYork,NY 10031

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Afrikan Freedom Fund Treasury Inc

501 (c)(3)
1809 Kearney St Ne matching gift program 3,000
public ch
Washington, DC 200182435

Aftermath Project Inc to provide production support

501 (c)(3)
4900 Glenalbyn Drive for a photographer working on a 20,000
public ch
Los Angeles, CA 90065 post-conflict story

Afterschool Alliance
501 (c)(3)
1616 H Street NW Suite 820 to provide general support 10,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20006

Aggawansa Aggawansa
Magadh University Rm No 35 PG Hos to provide additional support to
individual 600
Bodh Gaya, Bihar 824234 study at Magadh University

Fuad A hmadov to spend a semester at a U S

Mir-Jalal Street 123-3 University as part of the Faculty
Individual 2,578
Baku AZ 1147 Development Fellowship
A] Program

Air Traffic Control Education Fund

Inc 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 50,000
1475 15th Street public ch
San Francisco, CA 94103

AjA Project to support the Record ofTruth

501 (c)(3)
PO Box 15695 Participatory Photography 5,000
public ch
San Diego, CA 92175 Project

Mazen Al Hroob
Al Yasmeen Building to pursue an LLM degree at
Individual 27,519
Ramallah Duke University

Biljana A lampioska
to support your studies at the
JNA 13
Individual University of Wisconsin - Eau 7,789

Alaska Community Foundation

501 (c)(3)
400 L Street Suite 100 matching gift program 300
public ch
Anchorage, AK 99501

Jehad Alayasa to support study in political

Maythaloon Post Office science as part of the
Individual 26,396
Jenin, We Palestinian Faculty
WE Development Program

to use advocacy and

communications to drive an
Alcoholism and Substance Abuse efficiency and a financial
Providers of New Yo 501 (c)(3) strategy that will increase
1 Columbia Place Suite 400 public ch resources for addiction
Albany, NY 12207 treatment and demonstrate
approaches to Closing the
Addiction Treatment Gap

Ammar Al Dwaik
QasrAl Murjan Build Al Balou PO to study social policy/public
Individual 36,791
Ramallah administration in the U S

to study public
Wasim Al Habil
administration/public policy in
144/50 AI-Aural Quarter
Individual the U S as part of the 31,523
Khan Younis
Palestinian Faculty
Development Program

Turana Aliyeva
UHajibayov str 7/65 to study Social Work in the
Individual 35,058
Ganja AZ2008 United States

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Mohammed FAIKhader
PO Box 14 to pursue an LLM at Central
Individual 9,220
Birzeit,We European University

Mohammed FAIKhader
to pursue an internship at the
P O Box 1 4
Individual Birzeit University's Institute of 9,000
Bi rz We
WE Law

to advocate for policy reforms

aimed at giving children in
Patricia E Allard
foster care and parents who are
428 Park Place Apartment 2B Individual 22,986
at risk of incarceration or
Brooklyn, NY 11238
incarcerated a fighting chance
at family reunification

Patricia E Allard to attend the 2008 Annual

428 Park Place Apartment 2B Individual Soros Justice Fellowship 683
Brooklyn, NY 11238 Conference

Alley Cats Allies Incorporated

501 (c)(3)
7920 Norfolk Avenue Suite 600 matching gift program 300
public ch
Bethesda, MD 20814

Alliance for Justice Inc

501 (c)(3) to provide renewal support for
11 Dupont Circle NW 2nd Floor 200,000
public ch the Judicial Selection Project
Washington, DC 200361206

to support activities in the

United States and abroad in
Alliance for Open Society
seeking and implementing US
International Inc 501 (c)(3)
government grants in the areas 228,198
400 West 59th Street public ch
of public health, civil society
New York, NY 10019
development, law reform and
education, among others

Alliance for Open Society

International Inc 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 36,000
400 West 59th Street public ch
NewYork,NY 10019

Said A AIMadhoun
Beit Laheia to pursue an LLM at American
Individual 18,683
Al Soudaneia University

Ahmed Al Noubani to study urban design and

Geography Dept Birzeit Univ PO Bo planning in the U S as part of
Individual 22,448
Birzeit the Palestinian Faculty
WE Development Program

TamarAlpenidze to spend a semester at a U S

14 Khizanishvili Str U niversity as part of the
Individual 3,128
Tbilisi 167 Faculty Development Fellowshp
GG Program

Tamar Alpenidze to spend one semester at a US

14 Khizanishvili Str university as part of the
Individual 8,753
Tbilisi 167 Faculty Development
GG Fellowship Program

Alternatives to Marriage Project Inc

501 (c)(3) matching gift program
PO Box 320151 250
public ch volunteer time
Brooklyn, NY 11232

to develop a project in Nigeria

Daisy A manor Boadu that will review and analyze the
Dept of Anaesthesia University Col legal and regulatory
Individual 4,667
Ibadan,Oy frameworks in the country
NI regarding the access and
availability of opioid analgesics

Amarjargal Amartuvshin
Hyogo Kobe-Shi Nada-Knu Morigo
to provide additional support to
Cho Individual 2,707
study at Kobe University
Saihara Biru 401 t657-0028

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Amarjargal Amartuvshin
Hyogo Kobe Shi Nada-Knu Morigo
to provide additional support to
Cho Individual 4,500
study at Kobe University
Saihara Biru 401 t657-0028

American Academy ofArts and

to support the Intellectual
Sciences 501 (c)(3)
Diversity and Academic -11,929
136 Irving Street public ch
Freedom Project
Cambridge, MA 02138

American Association for the to support the purchase of

Advancement of Scienc 501 (c)(3) satellite images of the villages
1200 New York Avenue NW public ch destroyed by the Burmese
Washington, DC 20005 Army in eastern Burma

to support the Standing

Committee on Judicial
Independence in working with
American Bar Association Fund for
the Justice at Stake campaign
Justice and Educ 501 (c)(3)
and partner organizations to 175,000
740 15th Street NW public ch
improve public awareness of
Washington, DC 200051009
the importance of a fair,
impartial, and accountable

American Bar Association Fund for

to support the work of the ABA
Justice and Educ 501 (c)(3)
Commission on Effective 200,000
740 15th Street NW public ch
Criminal Sanctions
Washington, DC 200051009

to advocate for public

American Civil Liberties Union education reform in Baltimore
Foundation of Maryl 501 (c)(3) and to support a citywide effort
3600 Clipper Mill Road Suite 350 public ch to increase school attendance
Baltimore, MD 21211 in Baltimore City Public

American Civil Liberties Union

Foundation Inc 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 9,000
125 Broad Street public ch
NewYork,NY 100042400

American Civil Liberties Union

Foundation Inc 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 1,000,000
125 Broad Street public ch
NewYork,NY 100042400

American Civil Liberties Union

Foundation Inc 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 3,000
125 Broad Street public ch
NewYork,NY 100042400

American Civil Liberties Union

to support the Mitigation
Foundation Inc 501 (c)(3)
Mentoring Initiative of the 200,000
125 Broad Street public ch
Capital Punishment Project
NewYork,NY 100042400

American Councils for International

Education AC to provide support for the
501 (c)(3)
1776 Massachusetts Avenue NW Educational Advising Centers 42,595
public ch
Suite in Belarus
Washington, DC 20036

American Federation of Teachers

Educational Founda 501 (c)(3) to support the Free Exchange
555 New Jersey Avenue NW public ch on Campus coalition
Washington, DC 20001

American Heart Association

501 (c)(3)
PO Box 3049 matching gift program 225
public ch
Syracuse, NY 13220

to support the Immigration

American Immigration Law Foundation
501 (c)(3) Policy Center to advance the
1331 G Street NW Suite 200 150,000
public ch policy pillar ofthe Four Pillars
Washington, DC 20005

American Indian College Fund

501 (c)(3)
8333 Greenwood Boulevard matching gift program 1,500
public ch
Denver, CO 80303

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

American Indian College Fund

501 (c)(3)
8333 Greenwood Boulevard matching gift program 3,000
public ch
Denver, CO 80303

American Institute for Social Justice

501 (c)(3)
739 8th Street SE to provide general support 250,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20003

American Jewish World Service Inc

501 (c)(3)
45 West 36th Street 11th Floor matching gift program 300
public ch
NewYork,NY 10018

American Jewish World Service Inc

501 (c)(3)
45 West 36th Street 11th Floor matching gift program 900
public ch
NewYork,NY 10018

American Judicature Society to preserve and expand judicial

The O pperman Center at Drake 501 (c)(3) selection systems that
Univer public ch promote fair and publicly
Des Moines, IA 50311 accountable courts

American Library Association to support a three-year public

501 (c)(3)
50 East Huron Street education campaign on the 250,000
public ch
Chicago, IL 60611 right to privacy

American Prospect Inc

1710 Rhode Island Avenue NW 12th 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 200,000
F public ch
Washington, DC 20036

American Society for the Prevention

of Cruelty to 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 300
424 East 92nd Street public ch
NewYork,NY 10128

American Society for the Prevention

of Cruelty to 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 300
424 East 92nd Street public ch
NewYork,NY 10128

American Symphony Orchestra Inc

501 (c)(3)
333 West 39th Street Suite 1101 matching gift program 15,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 10018

American Iranian Council Inc to support "US-Iran Relations

501 (c)(3)
29A Wiggins Street Preventing Conflict, Fostering 35,000
public ch
Princeton, NJ 08540 Engagement "

to support the US-Iran

American Iranian Council Inc
501 (c)(3) Relations Building
29A Wiggins Street 25,000
public ch Constituency, Fostering
Princeton, NJ 08540
Engagement project

Givi Amiranashvili to spend one semester at a US

Temka Microraion 11 qt 3 bd 54 university as part of the
Individual 364
Tbilisi 191 Faculty Development
GG Fellowship Program

Amnesty International USA Inc

501 (c)(3) to support the U S Security
5 Penn Plaza 14th Floor 85,788
public ch Assistance Project
NewYork,NY 100018001

to support the Counter Terror

with Justice Campaign to roll
back War on Terror policies and
practices that disregard
Amnesty International USA Inc
501 (c)(3) international human rights
5 Penn Plaza 14th Floor 250,000
public ch standards by mobilizing
NewYork,NY 100018001
thousands of concerned
citizens to apply strategic
pressure on key targets in the
U nited

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Animal Haven Inc

5 01 ch
Prince Street matching gift program 450
Flushing, NY 11354

Nino A ntadze
to provide additional support to
32 Brybeck Crescent Apt 303
study at the University of 2,000
c hener, On

Katarina Nina Antanaskovic

to provide support to study at
Sedam strazara 3
Individual the University of Wisconsin - 12,434
Belgrade 11250
Eau Claire

to support the publication of

Aperture Foundation Inc
501 (c)(3) The Useful Image Using
547 West 27th Street 4th Floor 20,000
public ch Images to Change Today ' s
NewYork,NY 10001

Petar A postolov
Partenie Zografski 13A to support your studies at the
Individual 9,138
Skopje 1000 University of Georgia

Appalachian Therapeutic Riding

Center Inc 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 1,500
176 Chimney Ridge public ch
Burnsville, NC 28714

Applied Research Center

501 (c)(3)
32 Broadway Suite 1801 to provide general support 100,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 10004

Hani M Aqil
UNRWA Headquarters Gaza Strip to pursue an LLM at Wake
Individual 5,762
Gaza Forest University

Hani M Aqil
pursue i nt er nship the
UNRWA Headquarters Gaza Strip
Individual Al-Dameer Association for 9,000
Human Rights

to support Yalla Vote, which

Arab American Institute Foundation
501 (c)(3) promotes Arab American
1600 K Street NW Suite 601 75,000
public ch integration, civic education,
Washington, DC 20006
and political participation

Arab Community Center for Economic

to support the Strengthening
and Social Serv 501 (c)(3)
Communities and Protecting 100,000
2651 Saulino Court public ch
Civil Liberties Project
Dearborn,MI 48120

Abdulnaser Arafat
PO Box 14 to study in Urban Planning the
Individual 25,866
Birzeit U S

Argus Community Inc

501 (c)(3)
760 East 160th Street matching gift program 3,000
public ch
Bronx, NY 10456

Dardania BL9 A/10
Individual University of Georgia 15,450
Prishtina 10000

Art On Purpose Inc

501 (c)(3)
2002 Clipper Park Road 4th Floor matching gift program 900
public ch
Baltimore, MD 21057

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

A rteeast Inc to support the cane-clubs

501 (c)(3)
192 Lincoln Road network and short stories 80,000
public ch
Brooklyn, NY 11225 literary series

to leverage the purchasing

As You Sow
501 (c)(3) power of U S and international
311 California Street Suite 510 45,000
public ch companies to stop the use of
San Fran forn CA 94104
forced child labor in Uzbekistan

Sevin) Asgarova
324 Girmizi Sharg str apt12 to study Social Work in the
Individual 38,383
Baku Az1065 United States

Ashin Aindobasa
Magadh Univ PG Hostel No 3 Room N to provide additional support to
Individual 800
Bodhgaya,Bihar 824234 study at Magadh University

to support the project entitled

Asia Pacific Peoples Partnership on
" Strengthening APPPB Burma
Foreign Regional and International
PO Box 83 69,000
Organization Campaign Activities in
Mae Sod,Ta 63110
Response to the Current
Situation in Burma"

Asian American Coalition for Children

and Families 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 600
50 Broad Street 18th Floor public ch
NewYork,NE 10004

Asian American Justice Center Inc

1140 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 75,000
1 public ch
Washington, DC 20036

Asian American Justice Center Inc

1140 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 125,000
1 public ch
Washington, DC 20036

Asian and Pacific Islander American

Vote Inc 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 75,000
1666 K Street NW Suite 440 public ch
Washington, DC 20006

to ensure that the Croatian

government revises its
currently incorrect translation
Association for Self Advocacy
of the U N Convention, in
Bleiweissova 15 Foreign
particular Articles 19 and 12, 52,350
Zagreb 10 000 Organization
and that the government
respects the rights prescribed
by the Convention to its fill
extent as per the original text

Association for the Study of

to support a travel fellowship
Persianate Societies 501 (c)(3)
program for Iranian, Afghan, 27,866
36 West 69 Street Apartment 3A public ch
and Tajik scholars
NewYork,NY 10023

Association of Baltimore Area

to provide staff support for the
Grantmakers 501 (c)(3)
Workforce Development Affinity 2,500
East Read Street 2nd Floor public ch
Baltimore, MD 21202

Association of Research Libraries to promote understanding of

501 (c)(3)
21 Dupont Circle NW Suite 800 the benefits of open, public 50,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20036 access to scientific research

to support a roundtable
conference that will bring
Association ofthe Bar ofthe City of
together human rights lawyers
New York Fun 501 (c)(3)
and activists who are 15,000
42 West 44th Street public ch
knowledgeable about the Inter-
New York, NY 100366690
American and African human
rights systems

Astraea Lesbian Foundation for

to support a regranting program
Justice 501 (c)(3)
for LGBT organizations in the 50,000
116 East 16th Street 7th Floor public ch
NewYork,NY 10003

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business ) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

to support Astraea's U S
Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Grantmaking Program,
Justice 501 (c)(3) including regranting,
116 East 16th Street 7th Floor public ch convenings, technical
New York, NY 10003 assistance and program

Daniela Atanasova
Krum V raninski 17 to provide support to study at
Individual 13,837
Kocani 2300 Duke University

Togtokh Atgontuul
Sangji Univ Graduate School Korean to provide additional support to
Individual 2,500
Usan Dong Wonju si 220 - 720 study at Sangji University

Nang Kyi Phyu Aung Cho

Ramkhamhaeng Soi 24 ABAC Cnd B to provide additional support to
H Individual study at Assumption 5,780
Bangkok,Ba 10240 University

1909 / 570 Charansanitwon 65 Rd
to provide additional support to
Amor Individual 6,000
study at Mahidol University
Bangkok,Ba 10700

Min Khin A ung

to provide additional support to
Ladproa Soi 1 Apt 302 /22
Individual study at Ramkhamhaeng 6,000
Bangkok,Ba 10900

Zaw A ung
U Man Rm 517 387 Ratchadapise Soi to provide additional support to
R Individual study at Chulalongkorn 3,650
Bangkok 10310 University

to empower indigenous
Ruben Austria nieghborhood organizations to
339 East 140th Street Apartment 2 Individual operate community-based 18,067
Bronx, NY 10454 alternative-to-detention
programs for youth

Ruben Austria
to attend the 2008 Soros
339 East 140th Street Apartment 2 Individual 258
Justice Fellowship conference
Bronx, NY 10454

Autism Speaks
501 (c)(3)
1060 State Road 2nd Floor matching gift program 1,500
public ch
Princeton , NJ 08540

to establish Baltimore Green

Miriam Avins
Space, a land trust for
619 Homestead Street Individual 32,500
community-managed open
Baltimore,MD 21218

to visit a successful urban land

Miriam Avins
trust for community gardens
619 Homestead Street Individual 540
which will provide a useful
Baltimore, MD 21218
model for projects in Baltimore

Mohammed Awad to support study in public

Beit 0 mmer administration as part of the
Individual 45,180
Hebron Palestinian Faculty
WE Development Program

Ayala Foundation USA

501 (c)(3)
255 Shoreline Drive Suite 428 matching gift program 22,500
public ch
Redwood City , CA 940651430

to support U S delegates
Ayala Foundation USA
501 (c)(3) attending the Second Global
255 Shoreline Drive Suite 428 25,000
public ch Forum on Migration and
Redwood City , CA 940651430

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Bwe Doe Aye

to provide additional support to
103/16 1st St A Block Yuzara Gard
Individual study at Assumption 6,000
Yangon 10000

Chan Aye
to provide additional support to
P 0 Box 127 272 Church Hollow Roa Individual 674
study at Smith College
Marlboro, VT 05344

Hnin Nu Nu Aye
to provide additional support to
Room No37 Aundh Road Spicer Coll
Individual study at Spicer Memorial 1,000
Pune, maharashtra 411007

Saw KuLu Aye

Ramkamhaeng Soi 24 Bangkapi to provide additional support to
Huama Individual study at Assumption 5,600
Bangkok 10240 University

Hasan Ayoub
Customs Dept to study Political Science in
Individual 51,214
Nablus,We the U S

Ayuda Inc
501 (c)(3)
1707 Kalorama Road NW matching gift program 750
public ch
Washington, DC 20009

Aygun Azizova
14 T A liyarbayov Str Apt 10
Individual to study social work in the U S 12,621
Baku AZ1005

Baljmaa Baatar
Asian Hope NGO to study Social Work in the
Individual 33,592
Ulaanbaatar 46/803 United States

Back Pack Health Worker Team to support the provision of

BPHWT primary health care among
PO Box 57 Internally displaced people and 20,000
Mae Sot Tak 63110 vulnerable populations of
TH Burma

A iaz Baetov to spend a semester at a U S

18a MAsanbaeva stO rto-Sai Village U niversity as part of the
Individual 3,410
Bishkek 720016 Faculty Development
KG Fellowshp Program

Dunja Bahtijarevic Pekic

Heinzelova 47a to support your studies at the
Individual 4,392
Zagreb 10000 University of Washington

Zhanara Baikenova to spend a semester at a US

75 Gogol App 251 university as part of the
Individual 264
Almaty 50004 Faculty Development
KZ Fellowship Program

Mirjana Bajcetic
O bala Luke V ukalovica 50 to study at Slippery Rock
Individual 225
Trebinje 89 101 University

Rafael Bakhtavoryan
to provide additional support to
306 Redmond Drive Apartment 1107 Individual 5,000
study at Texas A&M University
College Station,TX 77840

Baku Educational Information Center

Foreign to support educational advising
71 Aliovsat Guliyev Str 23,198
Organization services in Eurasia
Baku AZ1009

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

to develop and implement a

replicable model of restorative
Sujatha Baliga
practices to address youth
4237 Atlas Avenue Individual 56,988
offending while reducing
Oakland, CA 94619
Oakland ' s reliance on juvenile

Ballet Tech Foundation Inc

501 (c)(3)
890 Broadway matching gift program 3,000
public ch
New York, NY 10003

Ballot Initiative Strategy Center

Foundation 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 50,000
1825 K Street NW Suite 411 public ch
Washington, DC 20006

to provide educational
Baltimore City Health Department
Governmental services and advocacy to
210 Guilford Avenue 80,000
unit youth involved in Operation
Baltimore, M D 21202
Safe Kids

to support a project to infuse

Baltimore Curriculum Project
501 (c)(3) the cultures of two Baltimore
711 West 40th Street Suite 301 9,000
private o City public charter schools
Baltimore, MD 21211
with restorative practices

Otgontugs Banzragch to provide additional support

509 West 121 Street Apartment 405 Individual to study at Columbia 4,500
NewYork,NY 10027 University

Bakari Baratashvili
to provide additional support
1515 Bissonnet Street Unit 83 Individual 5,000
to study at Rice University
Houston, TX 77005

to continue support for the

expansion of the Bard Prison
Initiative's Model Campus
Bard College Network and democracy
501 (c)(3)
PO Box 5000 curriculum in New York State 300,000
public ch
AnnandaleonHudson,NY 125045000 and collaborate with advocates
across the country to restore
higher education to qualified
people in prison

to establish an endowment
fund at Bard for the benefit of
Smolny College, St
B ard College
PO 501 (c)(3) Petersburg, a liberal arts
O Box 5000 2,000,000
public ch college and joint undertaking
AnnandaleonHudson,NY 125045000
of Bard College and St
Petersburg State University
located in Russia

Bard College
501 (c)(3) to support the work of the Bard
PO Box 5000 700,000
public ch High School Early College
AnnandaleonHudson,NY 125045000

Bard College
501 (c)(3)
PO Box 5000 matching gift program 30,000
public ch
AnnandaleonHudson,NY 125045000

to support the cost of travel

Bard College
501 (c)(3) and associated expenses for
PO Box 5000 64,593
public ch visitors from Al-Quds
AnnandaleonHudson,NY 125045000
University, August 1-6, 2008

Kefah Barham
Bazzar Bldg A Apt 10 Jawwal St
Individual to study education in the U S 33,481

to examine the destabilizing

Ricardo Barreras
social, legal and economic
37 Q uincy Street Individual 18,750
effects of being arrested for a
Brooklyn, NY 11238
misdemeanor criminal charge

Maryna Bazylevich to provide additional support

800 North Smith Road Apartment 3-M Individual to study at State University of 465
Bloomington, IN 47408 New York at Albany

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

to examine how the

enforcement of tresspass laws
Katherine Beckett
in Seattle, limits access to
Box 353340 University of
Individual public space, and contributes 1,500
to jail population growth among
Seattle, WA 98115
youth of color and the

Beit Malkiel
501 (c)(3)
1201 East 10th Street matching gift program 7,800
public ch
Brooklyn, NY 11230

Beit Malkiel
501 (c)(3)
1201 East 10th Street matching gift program 12,300
public ch
Brooklyn, NY 11230

Yerzhan Bek Ali to spend a semester at a U S

50 Satpayev University as part of the
Individual 4,302
Almaty 50057 Faculty Development Fellowshp
KZ Program

Yerzhan Bek Ali to spend one semester at a US

50 Satpayev university as part of the
Individual 9,159
Almaty 50057 Faculty Development
KZ Fellowship Program

Kuatbay Bektemirov
to provide additional support to
23 mikroraion dom 1/34 Apartment
Individual study at the University of 5,000
Nukus,Ka 142013

Ekaterina Belousova
to provide additional support to
303 99th Street Apartment 4H Individual 150
study at Rice University
Brooklyn, NY 11209

Kristina Berdan to guide Youth Dreamers, a

2420 Foster Ave Individual group of students who are 35,992
Baltimore, M D 21224 running their own youth center

to establish connections in
Kristina Berdan seminar and increase skills in
2420 Foster Ave Individual providing project-based 656
Baltimore, MD 21224 learning opportunities to

Kristina Berdan to attend a conference to

2420 Foster Ave Individual expand knowledge about public 639
Baltimore, MD 21224 spaces

Khatuna Beridze to spend one semester at a US

3 Jincharadze Str university as part of the
Individual 364
Batumi 6010 Faculty Development
GG Fellowship Program

to support the drafting of a

Bill Berkeley book that will present
245 West 101 Street Individual compelling and tragic human 38,333
New York, NY 10025 stories of those who are

Berkshire Taconic Community

Foundation 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 4,500
271 Main Street Suite 3 public ch
Great Barrington, MA 01230

Bible Witness Camp

501 (c)(3)
16089 E 2500 5 Road matching gift program 150
public ch
St Anne, IL 60964

Nataliia Bielova
45 Gryaznova street apt 171 to provide support to study at
Individual 11,374
Zaporizhzhya 69002 the University ofArkansas

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

to conduct and disseminate

Boston University research on economic
501 (c)(3)
Office of Sponsored Programs 25 Bui inefficiencies in antiretroviral 7,860
public ch
Boston, MA 02215 procurement in countries of the
former Soviet Union

Marin Bozic
to provide additional support to
Milke Trnine 7
Individual study at University of 1,521
Zagreb 10000

Marin Bozic
to provide additional support to
Milke Trnine 7
Individual study at the University of 3,000
Zagreb 10000
Wisconsin - Madison

Hazim Brkic
Dzinina 6 to support your studies at
Individual 10,064
Sarajevo 71000 Slippery Rock University

Suncica Brnardic
Prilaz Gjure Dezelica 29/1 to provide support to study at
Individual 40,008
Zagreb 10000 Bard College

Brooklyn Public Library

501 (c)(3)
10 Grand Army Plaza 3rd Floor matching gift program 165
public ch
Brooklyn, NY 11238

Brooklyn Public Library Foundation

Inc 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 750
10 Grand Army Plaza 3rd Floor public ch
Brooklyn, NY 11238

Boris Bruk
to provide additional support to
72/82 Sovetskaya Street A pt-2
Individual study at Virginia Polytechnic 1,925
v 410056

Boris Bruk
to provide additional support to
72/82 Sovetskaya Street A pt-2
Individual study at Vriginia Tech 2,500
v 410056

Bryn Mawr College

501 (c)(3)
101 North Merion Avenue matching gift program 1,500
public ch
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010

Irma Buchinskaya
67 Tolebi to study Social Work in the
Individual 38,324
Almaty 50000 United States

Bucinca Edita
to provide additional support to
Agim Ramadani St A 1/ 111 27
Individual study at the University of 2,500
Prishtima, Ko 1000

to analyze the legal and

Rosa Buitrago regulatory frameworks in their
Brisas del GolfCalle 17 Casa 16 E respective countries regarding
Individual 4,667
Panama City the access and availability of
PM opioid analgesics for pain

Mukarama Burkhanova to spend one semester at a

22 Firdavsi apt 34 U S University as part of the
Individual 5,792
Dushanbe 734061 Facutly Development
TI Fellowship Program

Burma Medical Association BMA to support primary health care

PO Box 21 Foreign and strengthen existing local
Mae Sot,Ta 63110 Organization health infrastructure in the
TH ethnic areas of Burma

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Rustam Burnashev to spend a semester at a U S

6-66 Namanganskaya St University as part of the
Individual 3,409
Almaty 50039 Faculty Development
KZ Fellowship Program

Business and Human Rights Resource

Centre US Ltd 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 90,000
333 Seventh Avenue 14th floor public ch
NewYork,NY 10001

Business and Human Rights Resource to support continued work in

Centre US Ltd 501 (c)(3) Anglophone Africa and to
333 Seventh Avenue 14th floor public ch establish initial coverage in
New York, NY 10001 Francophone Africa

to write The Future of Justice

Paul Butler The Radical Transformation of
George Washington University Law Sc Individual Crime and Punishment in 1,500
Washington, DC 20052 America" and promote criminal
justice system

Cristinel Buzatu
Str Stoicescu nr 1 C1 cam 224 to support your studies at the
Individual 11,478
Iasi 700496 University of Vermont

Olga Bychkova
to provide additional support to
6308 Cherylbrook Lane Individual 315
study at Ohio State University
Dublin,OH 43017

Cab Health And Recovery Services

Inc 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 750
Zero Centennial Drive public ch
Peabody, MA 01915

Cab Health And Recovery Services

Inc 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 1,500
Zero Centennial Drive public ch
Peabody, MA 01915

to investigate the causes of

wrongful conviction and
wrongful execution in California
California Commission on the Fair
and make recommendations to
Administration o 501 (c)(3)
the Legislature and Governor 100,000
c/o Senate Rules Committee Secretar public ch
on specific reforms needed to
Sacramento, CA 95814
ensure that California ' s
criminal justice system is just,
fair and accurate

Campaign for Innocent Victims of

Conflict CIVIC
501 (c)(3)
1605 Connecticut Avenue NW 3rd to provide general support 100,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20009

Capital Litigation Communications

Project Other to support the Capital Litigation
2099 Pennsylvania Avenue NW organization Communications Project
Washington, DC 20006

Carmelites of Mary Immaculate

501 (c)(3)
21 Nassau Avenue matching gift program 15,000
public ch
Brooklyn, NY 11222

Carnegie Endowment for International to support three research

Peace 501 (c)(3) directions of the Carnegie
1779 Massachusetts Avenue NW private f Moscow Center ' s two-year civil
Washington, DC 200362103 society initiative

to support the Shanghai

Cooperation Organization In
Search of a New Understanding
Carnegie Endowment for International
of Security, a symposium of
Peace 501 (c)(3)
leading policy analysts from 3,758
1779 Massachusetts Avenue NW private f
governmental and non-
Washington, DC 200362103
governmental sectors of
Central Asian states to analyze
common security threats

Carnegie Endowment for International to support the East East

Peace 501 (c)(3) Partnership Beyond Borders
1779 Massachusetts Avenue NW private f Program at the Carnegie
Washington, DC 200362103 Moscow Center

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

to support the continuation of

an initiative of the Carnegie
Carnegie Endowment for International Moscow Center to bring
Peace 501 (c)(3) together researchers, analysts
1779 Massachusetts Avenue NW private f and activists engaged with
Washington, DC 200362103 elections and election
monitoring in the post-Soviet

Carnegie Endowment for International

to support the Comprehensive
Peace 501 (c)(3)
Nuclear Security Budget 20,000
1779 Massachusetts Avenue NW private f
Washington, DC 200362103

to support research to be
conducted by the Carnegie
Carnegie Endowment for International
Moscow Center within the long-
Peace 501 (c)(3)
term initiative, Friendly EU 10,500
1779 Massachusetts Avenue NW private f
Borders, as organized by the
Washington, DC 200362103
Stefan Batory Foundation,

to support the annual expenses

Carnegie Endowment for International
of the East East Partnership
Peace 501 (c)(3)
Beyond Borders Program ' s 142,995
1779 Massachusetts Avenue NW private f
institutional partnership with
Washington, DC 200362103
the Carnegie Moscow Center

Carnegie Institute
501 (c)(3)
4400 Forbes Avenue matching gift program 3,000
public ch
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

CASA of Maryland Inc

501 (c)(3)
310 Tulip Avenue matching gift program 2,250
public ch
Takoma Park, MD 20912

to support the activities of the

Case Western Reserve University
501 (c)(3) Case Western Reserve
Office of Sponsored Projects Admini 10,000
public ch University School of Law War
Cleveland, O H 441057015
Crimes Research Office

to publish two in-depth articles

in the Believer magazine
exploring success and failure in
the wake of Hurricane Katrina
Sara Catania
through the diametrically
2674 Locksley Place Individual 10,000
opposed experiences of two
Los Angeles, CA 90039
communities - one in New
Orleans, Louisiana and the
other in

Catholic Legal Immigration Network

Inc to support advocacy, public
501 (c)(3)
The McCormick Pavilion 415 education and capacity building 100,000
public ch
Michigan project
Washington, DC 20017

Catholics in Alliance for the Common

Good 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 100,000
1730 Rhode Island Avenue NW Suite public ch
Washington, DC 20036

to renew support for a project to

educate policymakers and
Cato Institute monitor developments on
501 (c)(3)
1000 Massachusetts Avenue NW efforts to create a national 37,150
public ch
Washington, DC 200015403 system of identification under
the REAL ID Act and the
immigration laws

Cato Institute
501 (c)(3) to support the Civil Liberties
1000 Massachusetts Avenue NW 50,000
public ch and Counterterrorism Initiative
Washington, DC 200015403

Senija Causevic
to provide additional support to
Flat 1/2 15 Moir Street
Individual study at University of 195
Glasgow G1 SAE

CEC Artslink Inc

501 (c)(3)
435 Hudson Street 8th Floor to provide general support 7,500
public ch
New York, NY 10014

Orhan Ceka
Pollog 59 to support your studies at New
Individual 11,620
Tetovo 1200 York University

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Bogdana Ceko
Kara273or273evica 101 to provide support to study at
Individual 15,686
Banja Luka 78000 Slippery Rock University

Celo Health Education Corporation

501 (c)(3)
116 Seven Mile Ridge Road matching gift program 750
public ch
Burnsville, NC 28714

Center for American Progress

501 (c)(3)
1333 H Street NW 10th Floor to provide general support 1,000,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20005

Center for American Progress

501 (c)(3)
1333 H Street NW 10th Floor to support Campus Progress 250,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20005

to provide for transportation,

lodging and support for a
Center for Civic Policy
501 (c)(3) meeting of national civic
PO Box 27616 25,000
public ch engagement networks and
Albuquerque,NM 87125
funders in Washington, DC on
December 8, 2008

Center for Community Change support the work of the non-

501 (c)(3)
1536 U Street NW partisan Community Voting 250,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20009 Project

Center for Community Change

501 (c)(3)
1536 U Street NW to support Generation Change 300,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20009

to support the Fair Immigration

Reform Movement (FIRM), a
national grassroots coalition of
Center for Community Change immigrant rights organizations
501 (c)(3)
1536 U Street NW to help grassroots immigrant 125,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20009 organizations across the
country to conduct Democracy
Schools that are designed to
develop local leaders

to support the Linchpin

Campaign, a special project
designed to expand the
Center for Community Change resources available to
501 (c)(3)
1536 U Street NW community organizing efforts 80,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20009 and to raise the visibility of
grassroots organizing as a tool
for social change in the United

Center for Community Change

501 (c)(3) to provide general operating
1536 U Street NW 600,000
public ch support
Washington, DC 20009

Center for Community Change

501 (c)(3)
1536 U Street NW matching gift program 750
public ch
Washington, DC 20009

Center for Community Change

501 (c)(3)
1536 U Street NW matching gift program 7,500
public ch
Washington, DC 20009

to support litigation and public

Center for Constitutional Rights Inc education to restore civil
501 (c)(3)
666 Broadway 7th Floor liberties and human rights 200,000
public ch
New York, NY 10012 protections in the U S " war on

to provide renewed support for

Center for Democracy and Technology Freedom, Security and
501 (c)(3)
1634 I Street NW Suite 1100 Technology Project and the 100,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20006 Digital Fourth Amendment

to support the Freedom,

Center for Democracy and Technology
501 (c)(3) Security and Technology
1634 I Street NW Suite 1100 200,000
public ch Project and Digital Fourth
Washington, DC 20006
Amendment Initiative

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Center for Democracy in the

Americas CDA 501 (c)(3) to provide general support to
PO Box 53106 public ch the Venezuela program
Washington, DC 20009

Center for Economic and Policy

501 (c)(3)
Connecticut Avenue NW Suite to provide general support 200,000
public ch3)
Washington, DC 20009

Center for Economic and Policy

501 (c)(3)
Connecticut Avenue NW Suite to provide general support 200,000
public ch3)
Washington, DC 20009

to develop a human rights

campaign with two central
components - (a) a national
communications campaign
Center for Family Policy and Practice
501 (c)(3) centered on policy education, 0
23 North Pinckney Street Suite 210
public ch and (b) the development of a
Madison, WI 53703
human rights advocacy
platform - that together will
establish the framework, and
build the c

to support staff of the Center

for Global Development in a
Liberian capacity building
Center for Global Development project to assist with the
1776 Massachusetts Avenue NW 501 (c)(3) government's efforts to secure
Suite public ch debt relief, continued
Washington, DC 20036 development of a medium-term
economic strategy, continuing
to assist with donor

Center for Independent Media

1825 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 100,000
6 public ch
Washington, DC 20009

Center for Independent Media to further develop an

1825 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 501 (c)(3) investigative reporting team
6 public ch and hold government
Washington, DC 20009 accountable to the public

Center for International Education

10 Chovelidze Street Foreign to support educational advising
Tbilisi 380008 Organization services in Eurasia

to provide general support to

Center for International Policy CIP
the Center for International
1717 Massachusetts Ave NW Suite 501 (c)(3)
Policy to strengthen the 100,000
80 public ch
Fundacion Democracia sin
Washington, DC 20036
Fronteras (FDsF), Honduras

Center for International Policy CIP to support the project titled,

1717 Massachusetts Ave NW Suite 501 (c)(3) "Just the Facts" From a
80 public ch Military-Aid Database to a
Washington, DC 20036 Citizen Oversight Medium

to carry out a two-year news

Center for Investigative Reporting Inc investigation to examine
501 (c)(3)
2927 Newbury Street Suite A judicial independence, 150,000
public ch
Berkeley, CA 947032565 particularly as it relates to the
federal bench

to support the development of

an investigative reporting, The
Center for Investigative Reporting Inc
501 (c)(3) Homeland Security Bonanza
2927 Newbury Street Suite A 26,000
public ch Scrutinizing State and Local
Berkeley, CA 947032565
Law Enforcement Spending
After 9-11

to support The Promise of

Center for Investigative Reporting Inc
501 (c)(3) Justice the Reckoning "
2927 Newbury Street Suite A 50,000
public ch implemented by Michael
Berkeley,CA 947032565

to support an investigative
Center for Investigative Reporting Inc
501 (c)(3) journalism project, America ' s
2927 Newbury Street Suite A 250,000
public ch War Within Investigating the
Berkeley, CA 947032565
Legacy of Homeland Security

Center for Justice and International

Law to support the project entitled,
501 (c)(3)
1630 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite " Institutional Strengthening 85,000
4 public ch
Strategy for CEJIL "
Washington, DC 200091053

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Center for Media Justice

Other to support the Center for Media
1611 Telegraph Avenue Suite 510 125,000
organization Justice
Oakland,CA 94612

to stop hate emanating from

Center for New Community
501 (c)(3) the anti-immigrant movement
PO Box 479327 100,000
public ch in the U S through the
Chicago,IL 60647
Campaign for a United America

to support the creation and

implementation of a new
Center for New York City citywide nonprofit organization
Neighborhoods Other that will allow for a significant
74 Trinity Place Suite 1302 organization increase in services to help the
New York, NY 10006 growing number of New Yorkers
facing foreclosure as a result of
high-cost loans

to support the Center's

investment in a demonstration
Center for New York City
project that will use a
Neighborhoods 501 (c)(3)
transitional employment model 50,000
74 Trinity Place Suite 1302 public ch
to prevent deterioration in
NewYork,NY 10006
neighborhoods with high rates
of foreclosure

Center for Political Accountability

501 (c)(3)
1233 20th Street NW Suite 205 to provide general support 100,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20036

Center for Political Accountability

501 (c)(3)
1233 20th Street NW Suite 205 to provide general support 100,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20036

CenterforProgressive Leadership
501 (c)(3)
1133 19th Street NW 9th Floor to provide general support 100,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20036

to support The New O rganizing

Institute Education Fund, which
brings technology-enabled
Center for Progressive Leadership organizing to nonprofit groups
501 (c)(3)
1133 19th Street NW 9th Floor so that they can take 100,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20036 advantage of the latest
advances in internet
technology and do their work
more efficiently and effectively

Center for Progressive Leadership

501 (c)(3)
1133 19th Street NW 9th Floor to provide general support 100,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20036

to support CPR and its efforts

Centerfor Progressive Reform Inc
501 (c)(3) to develop an affirmative
104 Colony Crossing 100,000
public ch agenda for the legislative and
Edgewater,MD 21037
administrative branches

Center for Public Interest Research

Inc 501 (c)(3) to support the Free Exchange
44 Winter Street 4th Floor public ch on Campus coalition
Boston, MA 021084745

Center for Public Interest Research

Inc 501 (c)(3) to support Student Public
44 Winter Street 4th Floor public ch Interest Research Groups
Boston, MA 021084745

Center for Responsible Lending

501 (c)(3) to support website and e-
302 West Main Street 300,000
public ch advocacy work
Durham, NC 27701

Center for Responsive Politics

501 (c)(3)
1101- 14th Street NWSuite 1030 to provide general support 125,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20005

Center for Strategic and International

to translate a report on the
Studies 501 (c)(3)
nexus between drug treatment 14,470
1800 K Street NW public ch
and HIV prevention
Washington, DC 20006

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

to support an initiative in
partnership with the Carnegie
Endowment for International
Center for Strategic and International
Peace, Carnegie Moscow
Studies 501 (c)(3)
Center, to convene scholars 19,005
1800 K Street NW public ch
and human rights activists to
Washington, DC 20006
explore successful strategies
and case studies of overcoming
'absent memory', specifical

Center for Strategic and International

to support the project titled,
Studies 501 (c)(3)
"Controlling Corruption in Local 60,000
1800 K Street NW public ch
Government in Latin America"
Washington, DC 20006

Center for Urban Families Inc to support the Advancing

501 (c)(3)
3002 Druid Park Drive Responsible Fatherhood 125,000
public ch
Baltimore, MD 21215 strategy

Center for Victims of Torture

501 (c)(3)
717 East River Road matching gift program 1,500
public ch
Minneapolis, MN 55401

to generate support for an

Executive Orderto be issued
by the President of the U nited
Center for V ictims of Torture
501 (c)(3) States that will implement a
717 East River Road 155,000
public ch Declaration of Principles for a
Minneapolis, MN 55401
Presidential Executive Order
on Prisoner Treatment, Torture
and Cruelty

Center on Budget and Policy

Priorities 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 750,000
820 First Street NE Suite 510 public ch
Washington, DC 20002

Center on Budget and Policy

Priorities 501 (c)(3) to support the International
820 First Street NE Suite 510 public ch Budget Project
Washington, DC 20002

Center on Budget and Policy

Priorities 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 750,000
820 First Street NE Suite 510 public ch
Washington, DC 20002

Center on Budget and Policy to support the training program

Priorities 501 (c)(3) for SFAI Directors and travel
820 First Street NE Suite 510 public ch costs for the CompassPoint
Washington, DC 20002 workshop

Central Park Conservancy

501 (c)(3)
14 East 60th Street 8th Floor matching gift program 300
public ch
NewYork,NY 10022

Central Park Conservancy

501 (c)(3)
14 East 60th Street 8th Floor matching gift program 150
public ch
NewYork,NY 10022

to build a family mental health

501 (c)(3) support component into
1420 Columbia Road NW 30,000
public ch CentroNia's Family Institute
Washington, DC 20009

Centrul de Informatii Universitare

Bulevardul Stefan cel Mare si Sfnt Foreign to support educational advising
Chisinau MD-2012 Organization centers in Eurasia

Marin Cerchez
to obtain a graduate degree in
1 6/2 Ion Creanga St
Individual Byzantine History from 280
16/2 au 2069
Catholic University

Lela Chakhaia
10 Iashvili St
Individual to study education in the U S 22,643
Tbilisi 107

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

to develop a project that will

review and analyze the legal
Nguyen Thi Phuong Cham and regulatory frameworks in
138 A Giang Vo Ba Dinh Vietnam regarding the access
Individual 4,667
Hanoi and availability of opioid
V M analgesics for pain
management for patients with
life-limiting illness

to launch a program to
dismantle language barriers
Angela Chan that prevent families with
396 Frederick Street Individual limited English proficiency from 1,500
San Francisco, CA 94117 participating in the defense and
rehabilitation of youth in the
juvenile justice system

Rusudan Chanturia
Uznadze Str N 52
Individual to study education in the U S 32,859
Tbilisi 102

HNo-4/Top Floor Moti Bagh
individual aaa University 700
New Delhi 110021

Chesapeake Center for Youth

to provide educational services
Development Inc 501 (c)(3)
for youth who are suspended, 79,500
PO Box 19618 301 East Patapsco A public ch
expelled or out of school
Baltimore,MD 21225

Chesapeake Habitat for Humanity

501 (c)(3)
3326 Keswick Road matching gift program 1,125
public ch
Baltimore,MD 212112629

Lalropari Chhakchhuak
to provide additional support to
Spicer Memorial College
Individual study at Spicer Memorial 800
Pune, maharashtra 411007

Lalsawimawii Chhakchhuak
to provide additional support to
Spicer Memorial College MAQ-19
Individual study at Spicer Memorial 800
Pune, maharashtra 411007

Chicago Recovery Alliance

501 (c)(3)
400 East Ohio Street Suite 3103 matching gift program 675
public ch
Chicago, IL 60611

Chicago Recovery Alliance

501 (c)(3)
400 East Ohio Street Suite 3103 matching gift program 300
public ch
Chicago, IL 60611

Mzia Chikhradze to spend a semester at a U S

Sairme Street X block Apt 57 University as part of the
Individual 2,381
Tbilisi 194 Faculty Development
GG Fellowship Program

Children for Children Foundation

501 (c)(3)
335 Madison Ave 24th Floor to provide general support 250
public ch
NewYork,NY 10017

Chinese American Cultural

Association 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 750
PO Box 12 public ch
Edison, NJ 08818

Choice USA
501 (c)(3)
1317 F Street NW Suite 501 to provide general support 150,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20004

Nazgul Cholponbaeva
125 Moskovskaya Str to study Social Work at a U S
Individual 21,753
Bishkek 720040 university

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Chore Service Inc

501 (c)(3)
PO Box 123 matching gift program 750
public ch
Sharon, CT 06069

Zakir Chotaev to spend a semester at a U S

81/6 Jukeev-Pudovkin St University as part of the
Individual 2,818
Bishkek 720075 Faculty Development Fellowshp
KG Program

Zakir Chotaev to spend one semester at a US

81/6 Jukeev-Pudovkin St university as part of the
Individual 5,556
Bishkek 720075 Faculty Development
KG Fellowship Program

Christian City Church of New York

501 (c)(3)
320 Broadway Greenlawn Road matching gift program 9,000
public ch
Huntington, NY 11743

Baigalmaa Chuluunbaatar to spend one semester at a

12- Khoroolol 23-3 U S University as part of the
Individual 2,848
U laanbaatar 210648 Faculty Development
MG Fellowship Program

Baigalmaa Chuluunbaatar to spend one semester at a US

12- Khoroolol 23-3 university as part of the
Individual 6,514
U laanbaatar 210648 Faculty Development
MG Fellowship Program

Church of the Redeemed of the Lord

Community Suppo 501 (c)(3) matching gift volunteer
4321 Old York Road public ch program
Baltimore, MD 21212

Zen Dim Cain

to provide additional support to
Spicer Mem College Womens Hostel
Individual study at Spicer Memorial 800
Pune, maharashtra 411007

to challenge discrimination
Cincotta Caroline
against noncitizen inmates in
2923 Otis Street Apt 6 Individual 34,000
access to rehabilitative early
Berkeley, CA 94703
release programs

Ciin Cing
to provide additional support to
Spicer Mem College Aundh Rd Girl
Individual study at Spicer Memorial 800
Pune, maharashtra 411007

Circle of Stones Ritual Theatre

Ensemble 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 1,500
436 Chestnut Street public ch
Emmaus, PA 18049

Citizens Against Recidivism Inc

501 (c)(3)
PO Box 9 Lincolnton Station to provide general support 1,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 10037

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics

in Washingt 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 100,000
1400 Eye Street NW Suite 450 public ch
Washington, DC 20005

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics

in Washingt 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 150,000
1400 Eye Street NW Suite 450 public ch
Washington, DC 20005

to provide project support for

the Baltimore Regional Housing
Citizens Planning and Housing
Equity Coalition ' s work in the
Association of Balti 501 (c)(3)
post-remedy and 200,000
218 West Saratoga Street 5th Floor public ch
implementation phase of the
Baltimore, MD 21212
landmark Thomas v HUD
housing desegregation case

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

City at Peace
501 (c)(3)
1328 Florida Avenue NW matching gift program 150
public ch
Washington, DC 20009

City of Hope National Medical Center to support ELNEC's

501 (c)(3)
1500 East Duarte Road international palliative care 45,000
public ch
Duarte, CA 910103000 nursing projects

City Parks Foundation

501 (c)(3)
830 Fifth Avenue matching gift program 1,500
public ch
NewYork,NY 10065

to provide technical assistance

and information technology
Civic Engagement Fund Inc tools to state-based
501 (c)(3)
1920 L Street NW Suite 800 organizations that are 200,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20036 committed to public education
and nonpartisan civic

Civic Engagement Fund Inc

501 (c)(3)
1920 L Street NW Suite 800 to provide general support 200,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20036

to expand Civil Justice Inc 's

Sustainable Homeownership
Project, which (1) initiates
Civil Justice Inc impact litigation to enforce and
501 (c)(3)
520 West Fayette Street Suite 410 expand remedies for 125,000
public ch
Baltimore, MD 21201 homeowners facing foreclosure
and victims of predatory
lending, and (2) activates and
mentors a large scale pro-bono

Clergy and Laity United for Economic

to support the Prophetic
Justice 501 (c)(3)
Advocacy Project of the New 50,000
464 Lucas Avenue Suite 202 public ch
Sanctuary Movement
Los Angeles, CA 90017

Coalition for the Homeless

501 (c)(3)
129 Fulton Street matching gift program 1,095
public ch
NewYork,NY 10038

to support the Coalition of

Schools Education Boys of
Color's efforts to launch a
Coalition of Schools Educating Boys
national coalition of educators
of Color Other
dedicated to promoting 75,000
c/o Panasonic Foundation 3 Panason organization
standards and practices that
Secaucus, NJ 07094
fully equip boys of color to
achieve academically, socially,
and emotionally

to support COLAGE's
01 (c)(3) movement-building,
1550 BrStreet
Bryant Suite 830 25,000
public ch communications, and advocacy
San Francisco,CA 94103

Hobart and William Smith C Colleges to support an international

of the Seneca 501 (c)(3) collegiate debate tournament in
Pulteney Street public ch the British Parliamentary style
Geneva, NY 14456 April 4-5 2008

Colorado Center on Law and Policy

501 (c)(3) to support the Colorado Fiscal
789 Sherman Street Suite 300 75,000
public ch Policy Institute
Denver, CO 80203

Colorado Center on Law and Policy

501 (c)(3) to support the Colorado Fiscal
789 Sherman Street Suite 300 75,000
public ch Policy Institute
Denver, CO 80203

Colorado Criminal Justice Reform

Coalition 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 375
1212 Mariposa Street Suite 6 public ch
Denver, CO 80204

Committee Against Anti Asian

Violence Inc 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 1,800
2473 Valentine Avenue public ch
Bronx, NY 10458

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Committee to Protect Journalists Inc

501 (c)(3)
330 Seventh Avenue 11th Floor to provide general support 10,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 10001

Common Cause Education Fund

501 (c)(3) to provide renewal support to
1133 19th Street NW 9th Floor 300,000
public ch the Public Finance Coalition
Washington, DC 20036

to use advocacy and

communications to drive an
Community Advocates Milwaukee efficiency and a financial
Addiction Treatment 501 (c)(3) strategy that will increase
4906 West Fond du Lac Avenue public ch resources for addiction
Milwaukee, WI 53216 treatment and demonstrate
approaches to Closing the
Addiction Treatment Gap

Community Bridges Incorporated

501 (c)(3)
620 Pershing Drive 2nd Floor matching gift program 750
public ch
Silver Spring, MD 20910

to support an alternative
Community College of Baltimore education program at Baltimore
Foundation Inc 501 (c)(3) City Community College for
600 East Lombard Street Suite 206 public ch suspended and expelled
Baltimore, MD 21202 Baltimore public high school

to provide comprehensive
training and direct service in
Community Conferencing Center Inc
501 (c)(3) conflict prevention and conflict
2300 North Charles Street 2nd Floo 34,000
public ch resolution as a means to create
Baltimore, MD 21218
a whole school approach to
building positive school culture

enable the Juvenile Justice

Work Group of the Youth
Transition Funders Group, a
Community Foundation for the
funder affinity group, to retain a
National Capital Regi 501 (c)(3)
consultant to convene and 5,000
1201 15th Street NW Suite 420 public ch
guide juvenile justice
Washington, DC 20005
grantmakers who seek to
improve outcomes for youth
entangled in the justice system

Community HIV AIDS Mobilization

For Power Inc 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 300
32 Broadway Suite 1801 public ch
NewYork,NY 10004

to lead a national impact

litigation effort to remove
unreasonable employment
Community Legal Services Inc barriers faced by people with
501 (c)(3)
1424 Chestnut Street criminal records and to create 100,000
public ch
Philadelphia, PA 191022505 legal precedents around and
raise public consciousness
about the unlawful practices
that deny people with criminal

Community Rights Counsel

1301 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 501 (c)(3) to support the Constitutional
5 public ch Accountability Center
Washington, DC 20036

Compassion and Choices

501 (c)(3)
PO Box 101810 matching gift program 9,000
public ch
Denver, CO 80250

Compassion and Choices

501 (c)(3)
PO Box 101810 matching gift program 6,000
public ch
Denver, CO 80250

to disseminate the results of

"Breaking Barriers" to a wide
Congressional Black Caucus
range of existing stakeholders,
Foundation Inc 501 (c)(3)
including teachers, 75,000
1720 Massachusetts Avenue NW public ch
administrators, parents,
Washington, DC 20036
researchers, school activists,
and elected officials

Consumer Federation of America to support Dr Mark Cooper's

501 (c)(3)
1620 I Street NW Suite 200 media policy research and 75,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20006 analysis

Consumers Union of United States

Inc 501 (c)(3) to support the Democratic
1101 17th Street NW Suite 500 public ch Pluralism in Media project
Washington, DC 20036

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Naw Hser Coo

121 St Joseph Street Dela Costa H to provide additional support to
Individual 5,000
Marikina City, Ba 1800 study at Miriam College

to assess how the Shanghai

Cooperation Organization
(SCO ) is promoting
authoritarian governance in
Alexander Cooley
Central Asia and understand
533 W 112th St Apt 3D Individual 2,400
how the SCO ' s various
NewYork,NY 10025
initiatives are undermining the
projects of reform-oriented
Western actors and
international organizations

Cooperative For Assistance And

Relief Everywhere 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 5,000
151 Ellis Street NE public ch
Atlanta,GA 303032440

Cooperative For Assistance And

Relief Everywhere 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 1,000
151 Ellis Street NE public ch
Atlanta,GA 303032440

Coro New York Leadership Center Inc

501 (c)(3)
42 Broadway Suite 1827-35 matching gift program 4,500
public ch
NewYork,NY 10004

to illuminate the problem with

eyewitness testimony (and, by
Ronald Cotton extension, the carrying out of
416 Fitch Drive Individual the death penalty), through a 12,049
Mebane, NC 27302 narrative rendering of the true
story of Jennifer Thompson-
Cannino and Ronald Cotton

to support travel costs for

Council for a Community of
Hoda Chalak to attend the
Democracies 501 (c)(3)
World Movement of Democracy 1,593
1801 F Street NW Suite 308 public ch
conference in Kyiv April 6-9,
Washington, DC 20006

Council on Foreign Relations Inc

501 (c)(3)
58 East 68th Street matching gift program 1,500
public ch
NewYork,NY 10021

Covenant House
501 (c)(3)
5 Penn Plaza Second Floor matching gift program 450
public ch
New York, NY 100011810

to engage activists from the

Creating Resources for Empowerment
women ' s movement and the
in Action 501 (c)(3)
sex workers ' movement in a 40,000
116 East 16th Street 7th Floor public ch
dialogue about the violence
NewYork,NY 10003
faced by sex workers

Critical Resistance
501 (c)(3)
1904 Franklin Street Suite 504 to provide general support 113,017
public ch
Oakland, CA 94612

Critical Resistance
501 (c)(3)
1904 Franklin Street Suite 504 to provide general support 125,000
public ch
Oakland, CA 94612

to provide free and independent

Crude Accountability Incorporated email service for NGO s in
501 (c)(3)
PO Box 2345 Turkmenistan and to maintain 102,451
public ch
Alexandria, VA 22301 the Central Asia Regional
News listserv

to provide additional support to
2 Peabody Terrace Apartment 1303 Individual 496
study at Harvard University
Cambridge, MA 02138

to support a one-day meeting

Cultural Survival Inc
501 (c)(3) on how to heighten media
215 Prospect Street 11,065
public ch awareness of indigenous rights
Cambridge, MA 02139

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Danijel Cuturic
Zvecajska 81 to support your studies at the
Individual 14,072
Zenica 72000 University of Montana

Mladen Cvetkov
Kozara 42 1/7 to provide support to study at
Individual 16,207
Skopje 1000 New York University

Danijela Cvetkovic
Poenkareva 14 to provide support to study at
Individual 17,666
Belgrade 11000 the University ofVermont

Myra Dahgaypaw
to provide additional support to
40-30 70th Street 2nd Floor Individual 6,000
study at Hunter College
Woodside, NY 11377

Ihab Dakkak
11 Al-Hariri StPO Box 20187
Individual to study social work in the U 5 47,441
East Jerusalem

Neam Dal
to provide additional support to
Spicer Mem Colleg Aundh Rd Women
Individual study at Spicer Memorial 1,000
Pune, maharashtra 411007

Ata Darwish
Azhar University
Individual to study education in the U 5 13,810

to develop reentry programs for

immigrants facing criminal
charges and convictions and
Alina Das work with community
678 10th Street Individual organizations, attorneys, and 1,500
Brooklyn, NY 11215 courts to provide support to
immigrants throughout their
involvement in the criminal
justice system

Tseveenbolor Davaa
to provide additional support to
227 5 1300 East Apartment-7 Individual 4,600
study at the University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT 84102

to support the attendance of

Odontuya Davaasuren Odontuya Davaasuren at the
National Med U niv of Mongolia Jamja International Palliative Care
Individual 1,890
Ulaanbaatar 210646/466 Medicine Fellowship Training
MG Program, which begins on June
9, 2008

to support a tiered distribution

project that will reach local,
state and national policy
Dee Davis makers, potential donors for
46 East Main Street Individual Katrina recovery efforts, and 10,000
Whitesburg, KY 41858 potential recovery volunteers
through community-level
distribution of DV Ds and a
nationally distributed

Emad Dawwas
Civil Engineering Dept An Najah Un to study urban planning in the
Individual 22,050
Nablus U S

to develop a project in Uganda

that will review and analyze the
Henry Ddungu legal and regulatory framework
Plot 850 Gibbon Rd Makindye PO Bo in the country regarding access
Individual 4,667
Kampala and availability of opioid
UG analgesics for pain
management for patients with
life-limiting illness

to support the Death Penalty

Information Center's
Death Penalty Information Center
501 (c)(3) communications and public
1015 18th Street NW Suite 704 100,000
private f education projects and its
Washington, DC 20036
provision of media trainings and
technical assistance

to help protect homeless

people and provide legal
Elisa Della Piana support when they receive
1246 Hearst Avenue Suite 4 Individual criminal citations for acts such 17,250
Berkeley, CA 94702 as sleeping or sitting in public
which essentially punish them
for being homeless

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Pavlo Demchuk
2501 Shakespeare Road Apartment- to provide additional support to
Individual 3,500
3 study at Rice University
Houston,TX 77030

Democracy Coalition Project Inc

501 (c)(3)
1120 19th Street NW 8th Floor to provide general support 213,941
public ch
Washington, DC 20036

Demos A Network for Ideas and

Action Ltd 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 100,000
220 Fifth Avenue 5th Floor public ch
NewYork,NY 10001

Demos A Network for Ideas and

to support Public Works The
Action Ltd 501 (c)(3)
Demos Center for the Public 250,000
220 Fifth Avenue 5th Floor public ch
NewYork,NY 10001

to support U S in the World's

Demos A Network for Ideas and
Helping Progressive Leaders
Action Ltd 501 (c)(3)
Counter the Political Use of 100,000
220 Fifth Avenue 5th Floor public ch
Fear Initiative of its Managing
New York, NY 10001
the Fear Factor Project

Desert AIDS Project

501 (c)(3)
1695 North Sunrise Way matching gift program 150
public ch
Palm Springs, CA 92263

Miloje Despic
to provide additional support to
S lanuska Street 1 7
Individual study at the University of 2,500
Uzice 31000

Biljana Dijanisieva
Bel Kamen br 7A nas Radisani to provide support to study at
Individual 17,689
Skopje 1000 the University ofVermont

Thawng Suan Dim

to provide additional support to
Aundh Road Room No-46 Girls Host
Individual study at Spicer Memorial 1,000
Pune, maharashtra 411007

to aid in a class action

litigation against the
Disability Rights Advocates Department of Veteran Affairs,
501 (c)(3)
2001 Center Street Third Floor for failing to provide medical 156,000
public ch
Oakland, CA 947041204 attention / benefits to Iraq and
Afghanistan veterans with Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder

District of Columbia Urban Debate

League 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 30,000
University of the District of Colum public ch
Washington, DC 20008

Milos Djeric
Senjacka 26 to provide support to study at
Individual 16,545
Belgrade 11000 New York University

Dora Dobrica
Kolodvorska 40 to support your studies at
Individual 6,842
Vrbovec 10340 Randolph College

Igor Dobrosavljevik
Mile Popjordanov 70/20 to provide support to study at
Individual 16,086
Skopje 1000 Slippery Rock University

Doctors Without Borders USA Inc

501 (c)(3)
333 Seventh Avenue matching gift program 1,500
public ch
NewYork,NY 10001

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Lu Pway Doh
2098/777 Ramkamhaeng 24 to provide additional support to
Bangkapi Individual study at Assumption 5,568
Bangkok 10240 University

Wael AH Dokhan
Dept of Pol Science Al Azhar Univ to study political science in the
Individual 42,603
Gaza U S

to attend the Policy

Dechen DorJi
Association for an Open
Peoples Project Research Office
Individual Society International 650
Conference held in Berlin and
Budapest- Travel Grant 2007

Dreams Can Be Foundation

501 (c)(3)
945 Menoher Boulevard matching gift program 300
public ch
Johnstown, PA 15905

Drug Policy Alliance

501 (c)(3)
70 West 36th Street 16th Floor to provide general support 4,000,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 10018

Drum Major Institute Inc

501 (c)(3)
40 Exchange Place Suite 2001 matching gift program 1,500
public ch
NewYork,NY 10005

Drum Major Institute Inc

501 (c)(3)
40 Exchange Place Suite 2001 to provide general support 200,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 10005

Ducks Unlimited Inc

501 (c)(3)
One Waterfowl Way matching gift program 2,025
public ch
Memphis,TN 38120

Duke University
501 (c)(3)
334 North Building Box 90077 matching gift program 300
public ch
Durham,NC 27708

Askat Dukenbaev
to provide additional support to
1410 L Allerton Street Individual 1 299
study at Kent State University
Kent,OH 44240

Askat Dukenbaev
to provide additional support to
1410 L Allerton Street Individual 5,000
study at Kent State University
Kent,OH 44240

Saltanat Dushalieva
to provide additional support to
Microraion Kok Jar h 5 apt
Individual study at University of 248
Bishkek 720082
Maryland, Baltimore

Saltanat Dushalieva
to provide additional support to
Microraion Kok Jar h 5 apt
Individual study at University of Maryland 4,500
Bishkek 720082
- Baltimore

Jelena Duvnjak
119 Kneza M ilosa Street to support your studies at the
Individual 11,880
Sopot, Belgrade 11450 University of Vermont

Darejan Dvalishvili
56 apt 1 Bakhtrioni str to study Social Work at a U S
Individual 21,158
Tbilisi 194 university

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Dystonia Medical Research

Foundation 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 900
1 East Wacker Drive Suite 2810 public ch
Chicago,IL 60601

Dystonia Medical Research

Foundation 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 300
1 East Wacker Drive Suite 2810 public ch
Chicago,IL 60601

Dystonia Medical Research

Foundation 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 150
1 East Wacker Drive Suite 2810 public ch
Chicago,IL 60601

Emilbek Dzhuraev
to provide additional support to
3404 Toledo Terrace K-4 Individual 317
study at University of Maryland
Hyattsville, MA 20782

Emilbek Dzhuraev to provide additional support to

3404 Toledo Terrace K-4 Individual study at the University of 4,000
Hyattsville,MA 20782 Maryland

to establish a Professional
Development Institute for
adults that work with students
of the Eagle Academy for
Eagle Academy Foundation
501 (c)(3) Young Men to train Eagle
137 5th Avenue 5th Floor 75,000
public ch Academy teaching staff,
New York, NY 10010
parents, and mentors to
effectively provide support for
young black men during their
high school

Earth Island Institute

501 (c)(3) to support the Campus Climate
2150 Allston Way Suite 460 500,000
public ch Challenge
Berkeley, CA 947041375

501 (c)(3) to support Judging the
426 17th Street 6th Floor 250,000
public ch Environment
Oakland, CA 946122820

EarthRights International Inc

501 (c)(3) to support the Shwe Gas
1612 K Street NW Suite 401 10,000
public ch Project
Washington, DC 20006

Easter Seals New York Inc

501 (c)(3)
29 West 36th Street 4th Floor matching gift program 750
public ch
New York, NY 10018

Economic Policy Institute

501 (c)(3)
1333 H Street NW Suite 300 EastT to provide general support 800,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20005

Economic Policy Institute

501 (c)(3) to support the Global Policy
1333 H Street NW Suite 300 East T 100,000
public ch Network
Washington, DC 20005

Edmund Burke School

4101 Connecticut Avenue NW matching gift program 3,000
Washington, DC 20008

Edmund Burke School

501 (c)(3)
4101 Connecticut Avenue NW matching gift program 4,500
public ch
Washington, DC 20008

Educational Broadcasting Corporation

501 (c)(3)
450 West 33rd Street matching gift program 300
public ch
New York, NY 10001

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Educational Development Center

BILIM Central Asia
Foreign to support educational advising
83 Masanchi Street cornerAbai Ave 25,437
Organization services in Eurasia
Almaty 50022

to collaborate with the CREED

Center in distributing and
Educational Video Center Inc showcasing "Still Standing", an
501 (c)(3)
120 West 30th Street 7th Floor 8 minute documentary film on 10,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 10001 Katrina survivors, in hopes of
highlighting its relevance to
displaced people everywhere

to encourage black male civic

engagement, voter registration
and participation through the
production of a series of
Educational Video Center Inc
501 (c)(3) screenings for the youth-
120 West
W30th Street 7th Floor 25,000
public ch produced documentary
120 e
NewYork,NY 10001
" Journey through the Red,
White, and Blue," a
documentary produced by six
males of color

to strengthen the operating

capacity of the Ashe Cultural
Arts Center by supporting the
Efforts of Grace Inc development of a new long-
501 (c)(3)
1712 O C Haley Boulevard c range plan, staff upgrades and 100,000
public ch
New O rleans, LA 70113 the acquisition of equipment
needed to operate and maintain
a new 6600-square-foot
multipurpose programming

Egyptian Initiative for Personal

Rights EIPR
Foreign to support the Health and
8 Mohamed Ali Jinna Street Garden 50,000
Organization Human Rights Program

Hser Eh
Ramkamhang 24 Apt R-202 1/169
to provide additional support to
Pon Individual 6,000
study at Assumption University
Bangkok,Ba 10240

to partner with the Arab Image

Foundation to curate
photographs taken by
Yasmine Eid Sabbagh Palestinian youth living in Burl
PO Box 136676 Chouran al-Shamali refugee camp and
Individual 23,000
Beirut create a permanent archive, as
LE well as a traveling outdoor
exhibit that will tour five
Palestinian refugee camps in

to develop an in-country project

that will review and analyze the
Jorge Eisenchlas
Argentine legal and regulatory
Colpayo 55 1st Floor App 6
Individual framework regarding the access 4,667
Buenos Aires, Bu 1405
and availability of opioid
analgesics for patients with life-
limiting illness

Hasan El Nabih
Dept of Eng Faculty ofArt IUG P
Individual to study Education in the U 5 50,570

to support EFF's civil liberties

and open government work,
which i ncludes activities
pertaining to multi-district
Electronic Frontier Foundation Inc
501 (c)(3) litigation against
454 Shotwell Street 200,000
public ch telecommunications companies
San Francisco, CA 941101914
involved in warrantless
wiretapping, law enforcement
surveillance investigation and

Bolan Elek
Vojvode Stepe st 320 to provide support to study at
Individual 17,265
Belgrade 11000 George Mason University

Elizabeth Elizabeth
Rm 2186/209 Soi 30/1 Bang
to provide additional support to
Ramkhamha Individual 4,800
study at ABAC
Bangkok 10240

Ella Baker Center for Human Rights in

California 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 125,000
344 40th Street public ch
Oakland, CA 94609

Ella Baker Center for Human Rights in

California 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 125,000
344 40th Street public ch
Oakland, CA 94609

Emory University Matching Gifts

501 (c)(3)
1762 Clifton Road Plaza 1400 Mail matching gift program 150
public ch
Atlanta,GA 30322

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

0 yundelger E nkhtur
Bayanzurkh Dist Khoroo 1 Build 26 to provide support to study at
Individual 12,163
Ulaanbaatar 976 the University of Arkansas

Entertainment Industry Foundation

501 (c)(3)
1201 West 5th Street Suite T-700 matching gift program 225
public ch
Los Angeles, CA 90017

Equal Access International

501 (c)(3) to support the SAY MORE
38 Keyes Avenue 3 Building 38 The 15,000
public ch Initiative in Laos
San Francisco, CA 94129

to support Participatory Voter

Equal Access International
501 (c)(3) Education, to advance women ' s
38 Keyes Avenue 3 Building 38 The 122,808
public ch rights through an interactive
San Francisco,CA 94129
radio series

Equal Justice Initiative of Alabama

501 (c)(3)
122 Commerce Street to provide general support 300,000
public ch
Montgomery,AL 36104

Equal Justice Society

501 (c)(3)
260 California Street Suite 700 to provide general support 350,000
public ch
San Francisco, CA 94111

Equal Justice Society to provide project support for

501 (c)(3)
260 California Street Suite 700 research on dismantling the 125,000
public ch
San Francisco, CA 94111 intent doctrine

Equal Justice Society

501 (c)(3) to support the Judicial
260 California Street Suite 700 100,000
public ch Nominations project
San Francisco,CA 94111

Equal Justice USA Inc

501 (c)(3)
20 Jay Street 808 to provide general support 125,000
public ch
Brooklyn, NY 11201

to support Dr Batsuuri
Batsuuri Erdenechimeg Erdenechimeg in attending the
Box-202 Post office-28 Program in Palliative Care
Individual 3,671
Ulaanbaatar 14253 Education and Practice 2008
MG at Harvard Medical School on
November 12-18, 2008

to repatriate photographs made

by Innu children in 1969 and
Wendy Ewald distribute, locally and
29 Locust Hill Drive Individual provincially, new images made 19,600
Red Hook, NY 12571 in collaboration with the Innu
nation, in partnership with the
Quebec Labrador Foundation

Eye and I Inc

501 (c)(3)
49 Crown Street Suite 7M matching gift program 1,800
public ch
Brooklyn, NY 11225

Eye and I Inc

501 (c)(3)
49 Crown Street Suite 7M matching gift program 1,500
public ch
Brooklyn, NY 11225

Eye and I Inc

501 (c)(3)
49 Crown Street Suite 7M matching gift program 12,000
public ch
Brooklyn, NY 11225

Eye and I Inc

501 (c)(3)
49 Crown Street Suite 7M matching gift program 2,100
public ch
Brooklyn, NY 11225

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Eye and I Inc

501 (c)(3)
49 Crown Street Suite 7M matching gift program 7,500
public ch
Brooklyn, NY 11225

Eye and I Inc

501 (c)(3)
49 Crown Street Suite 7M matching gift program 5,400
public ch
Brooklyn, NY 11225

Eye and I Inc

501 (c)(3)
49 Crown Street Suite 7M matching gift program 3,000
public ch
Brooklyn, NY 11225

Eye and I Inc

501 (c)(3)
49 Crown Street Suite 7M matching gift program 1,500
public ch
Brooklyn, NY 11225

Eye and I Inc

501 (c)(3)
49 Crown Street Suite 7M matching gift program 9,000
public ch
Brooklyn, NY 11225

FACTS Education Fund

501 (c)(3)
3982 South Figueroa Street 209 to provide general support 50,000
public ch
Los Angeles, CA 90037

FACTS Education Fund

501 (c)(3)
3982 South Figueroa Street 209 to provide general support 55,000
public ch
Los Angeles, CA 90037

Fair Trial Initiative

501 (c)(3)
201 West Main Street Suite 300 to provide general support 37,500
public ch
Durham,NC 27705

Faith in Public Life Resource Center

501 (c)(3)
1101 Vermont Avenue NW 9th Floor to provide general support 200,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20005

Families Against Mandatory

Minimums Foundation 501 (c)(3) to support the State
1612 K Street NW Suite 700 public ch Sentencing Reform project
Washington, DC 200062801

Families Against Mandatory

Minimums Foundation 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 200,000
1612 K Street NW Suite 700 public ch
Washington, DC 200062801

Families and Friends of Louisianas

Incarcerated C 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 20,000
1600 Oretha Castle Haley Boulevard public ch
New O rleans, LA 70113

Lutfiya Farhodova
Khubonsho str 18
Individual to study social work in the U S 14,305
Khorog 736000

Vita Faychuk
to provide additional support to
100 South Woodlawn Wylie Hall Offic Individual 729
study at Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405

Federation of American Scientists

501 (c)(3) to support the Project on
1725 DeSales Street NW 6th Floor 75,000
public ch Government Secrecy
Washington, DC 20036

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

501 (c)(3)
PO Box 770001 matching gift program 45,000
public ch
Cincinnati, OH 452770053

Dimitar Filadov
Studentski grad block 57 B app 6 to support your studies at the
Individual 11,743
Sofia,Bu 1700 University of Vermont

First Congregational Church of Old

Lyme 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 600
2 Ferry Road public ch
Old Lyme,CT 06371

First Congregational Church ofOld

Lyme 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 750
2 Ferry Road public ch
Old Lyme,CT 06371

Sadek Firwana
PO Box 108 Islamic University
Individual to study education in the U S 33,856
Gaza City

to produce a series of reports

Fiscal Policy Institute and materials to be used by the
501 (c)(3)
1 Lear Jet Lane NY Immigration Coalition in the 40,000
public ch
Albany, NY 12110 The Truth About Immigrants "

to nurture GEMS - Finding

Paige Fitz
Jewels in Youth in the
1534 N Mount Street Individual 37,060
Sandtown community of West
Baltimore, M D 21217

to support 0MB Watch's

Focus Project
501 (c)(3) government transparency and
1742 Connecticut Avenue NW 250,000
public ch accountability program and its
Washington, DC 200091171
regulatory policy initiative

Focus Project to support 0MB Watch's

p ubc c)
1742 Connecticut Avenue NW ch Charity and Security Network 150,000
Washington, DC 200091171 Project

Fordham University
501 (c)(3)
441 East Fordham Road Building 540 matching gift program 225
public ch
Bronx, NY 10458

Foundation Center
501 (c)(3)
79 Fifth Avenue to provide general support 20,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 100033076

to support the National

Association of Criminal
Defense Lawyers as it
investigates and documents
Foundation for Criminal Justice
501 (c)(3) deficiencies and gaps in the
1660 L Street 12th Floor 50,000
public ch representation of persons
Washington, DC 20036
accused of low-level offenses
across the United States,
develops a set of reform
proposals to address

Foundation for Criminal Justice

501 (c)(3)
1660 L Street 12th Floor to provide general support 150,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20036

to support the full-time salary

of a palliative care leader, Dr
Stephen Williams, as Chief
Foundation for Hospices in Sub
Medical Officer at Island
Saharan Africa Inc 501 (c)(3)
Hospice in Zimbabwe As Chief 25,000
1731 King Street Suite 300 public ch
Medical Officer, he will play a
Alexandria,VA 22314
crucial role in a larger
collaborative project, the
Zimbabwe Rural Palliat

Foundation for National Progress

5 01 c to support he Media
222 Sutter Street 6th Floor ch 125,000
public Cnsortu
San Francisco, CA 94108

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Foundation for National Progress

501 (c)(3) to support the Media
222 Sutter Street 6th Floor 100,000
public ch Consortium project
San Francisco,CA 94108

Foundation for the People of Burma

FPB 501 (c)(3) to support the Gitameit Music
225 Bush Street Suite 590 public ch Centre and School
San Francisco, CA 94104

Foundation for the People of Burma

FPB 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 375
225 Bush Street Suite 590 public ch
San Francisco, CA 94104

Foundation to Promote Open Society to support charitable activities

501 (c)(3)
400 West 59th Street and programs promoting open, 1,000,000
private f
New York, NY 10019 democratic societies

support a training of trainers

France and Henry Riecken Foundation
for local project coordinators,
Inc 501 (c)(3)
and a planning session to 3,226
1875 K Street NW Suite 700 private o
coordinate local trainings and
Washington, DC 20006
training curricula

Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt

Institute 501 (c)(3) to support the Roosevelt
4079 Albany Post Road public ch Institute
Hyde Park, NY 12538

Free Press
501 (c)(3)
40 Main Street Suite 301 to provide general support 450,000
public ch
Florence, MA 01062

Freedom From Hunger

501 (c)(3)
1644 Da Vinci Court matching gift program 7,272
public ch
Davis,CA 95616

to secure marriage equality in

Freedom to Marry
Other the U S through public
116 West 23rd Street Suite 500 50,000
organization education, training and
New York, NY 10011
outreach, and regranting

Friends of Africa Foundation

501 (c)(3)
PO Box 233 to provide general support 1,000
public ch
Friday Harbor, WA 98250

Friends of Camp Choconut

501 (c)(3)
1935 Maple Ave matching gift program 9,000
public ch
Hatfield,PA 19440

Friends of John Jay Homestead

501 (c)(3)
PO Box 148 matching gift program 2,550
public ch
Katonah,NY 10536

Friends of Rodeph Sholom School Inc

501 (c)(3)
168 West 79th Street matching gift program 45,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 10024

Friends of the Anderson Program

501 (c)(3)
PO Box 307 Planetarium Station matching gift program 600
public ch
NewYork,NY 10024

to build and support an

international network of
Friends of the Earth
organizations dedicated to
1717 Massachusetts Avenue NW 501 (c)(3)
improving the environmental, 50,000
Suite public ch
social and developmental
Washington, DC 200362002
impacts of Chinese overseas

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Friends of the Institute for H uman

Rights and Deve 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 7,500
209 Harrison Street public ch
Rockville,MD 208051823

Friendship Public Charter School to support the Friendship News

501 (c)(3)
318 9th Street SE Network at the Friendship 3,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20003 Public Charter School

to support the project entitled,

Fund for Global Human Rights
" From Denuncia to Propuesta
1666 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 501 (c)(3)
Strengthening the Advocacy 50,000
4 public ch
Capacity of Mexican Civil
Washington, DC 20009
Society Organizations "

Fund for Public Advocacy to publish and distribute the

501 (c)(3)
Office of the Public Advocate 1 Ce Guide to Public Benefits for 25,000
public ch
New York, NY 10007 immigrants

Fund for the City of N ew York

501 (c)(3)
121 Avenue of the Americas matching gift program 750
public ch
New York, NY 100131590

to establish and endowment

Fund for the European University at fund at FEUSP for the benefit of
St Petersburg 501 (c)(3) European University of St
1825 Encore Lane public ch Petersburg, a graduate
Ann Arbor, MI 48103 research university located in
St Petersburg, Russia

to establish and endowment

Fund for the European University at fund at FEUSP for the benefit of
St Petersburg 501 (c)(3) European University of St
1825 Encore Lane public ch Petersburg, a graduate
Ann Arbor, MI 48103 research university located in
St Petersburg, Russia

to engage in grassroots
Fusion Partnership Inc organizing and leadership
501 (c)(3)
1601 Guilford Avenue 2 South development of prisoners and 25,000
public ch
Baltimore, M D 21218 their families to advocate for
criminal justice policy reform

Ekaterina Galimova to spend a semester at a U S

8th Microdistrict 14 House Apt 6 University as part of the
Individual 3,606
Bishkek 720075 Faculty Development
KG Fellowship Program

Ekaterina Galimova to spend a semester at a US

8th Microdistrict 14 House Apt 6 university as part of the Faculty
Individual 9,937
Bishkek 720075 Development Fellowship
KG Program

Vladyslav Galushko to provide additional support to

1268 B West 42nd Street Individual study at Old Dominion 850
Norfolk, V I 23508 University

Vladyslav Galushko to provide additional support to

1268 B West 42nd Street Individual study at Old Dominion 2,000
Norfolk, V I 23508 University

Dorjkhand Ganbaatar
to support your studies at the
Apt 18 Build 21 Khoroo 1 Bayango
Individual University of Wisconsin - Eau 7,849

Gandathara Gandathara
to provide additional support to
Nava Nalanda Mahavihara Room 10
Individual study at Nava Nalanda 600
Nalanda,Bihar 803111
Mahavihara Institute

Bumdari Gankhuyag
Student dorm 2 ikh surguuliin gud to provide support to study at
Individual 16,889
Ulaanbaatar Slippery Rock University

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Enkhtulga Gantulga
to provide support to study at
45-16 6th khoroo Chingeltei distr
Individual the University of Wisconsin - 14,231
Eau Claire

Gay Mens Health Crisis Inc

501 (c)(3)
119 West 24th Street matching gift program 150
public ch
NewYork,NY 10011

Gay Mens Health Crisis Inc

501 (c)(3)
119 West 24th Street matching gift program 750
public ch
NewYork,NY 10011

Naw Eh Tar Gay

to provide additional support to
90 Lodge Hill Road
Individual study at the University of 4,000
0 g l B296NG

Gender Public Advocacy Coalition

501 (c)(3) to support the GenderYO UTH
1731 Connecticut Avenue NW 4th 50,000
public ch network
Washington, DC 20009

General Secretariat of the

the project e nt i tled,
Organization of A merica Foreign ivvil
"Crime and Vi olence a Civill ,000
Street Constitution Avenue N equivalent o
S ociety Perspective"
Washington, DC 20006

Genocide Intervention Network Inc

501 (c)(3)
1333 H Street NW to provide general support 50,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20005

to provide support for

George Mason University
Governmental collaborative research on
4400 University Drive MS 4C6 49,000
unit judicial diversity and judicial
Fairfax, VA 22030

to support the Project on

Scientific Knowledge and Public
George Washington University
501 (c)(3) Policy ' s work on the rights and
Grants Contracts Accounting Servi 240,000
public ch responsibilities of government
Ashburn,VA 20147
scientists and the principles of
open science

Georgetown University
5 01 c( c)) (3) at support
pp a s enior Inso e
of Sponsored Programs 3520 ch tittutute -1,345
public at the Public Policy Institute
Washington, DC 20007

Byambasuren Gerel
Sukhbaatar District Dorm 2 room 1 to support your studies at
Individual 8,724
Ulaanbaatar Slippery Rock University

Tea Gergedava
Vazha-Pshavela Ave block 6 bldg 7
Individual to study Education in the U S 30,439
Tblisi 186

Alexandra Ghit
45 Hasdeu Street Student Dormitory to support your studies at Duke
Individual 7,683
Cluj Napoca,Sa 400371 University

Craig Gilmore
to write, produce and distribute
Av Almirante Reis 127 6D
Individual primers on the U S prison 46,000
Lisbon me

Josip Glaurdic
to provide additional support to
24 Lyon Street Individual 945
study at Yale University
New Haven, CT 06511

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Global Foundation for Humanity

501 (c)(3)
35 Cunningham Drive matching gift program 1,500
public ch
Monroe, NY 10950

Global Greengrants Fund

501 (c)(3)
2840 Wilderness Place Suite A to support your China Program 110,000
public ch
Boulder, CO 80301

Global Kids Inc

501 (c)(3)
137 East 25th Street 2nd Floor matching gift program 1,500
public ch
NewYork,NY 10010

Global Rights
501 (c)(3)
1200 18th Street NW Suite 602 to provide general support 150,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20036

LLC GoldFilms to support a film on the late

US for-profit
11108 0 phir Drive Anna Politkovskaya and 50,000
Los Angeles, CA 900241945 Karinna Moskalenko

Inna Golovchenko
to provide support to study at
68 Pushkin ave apt 72
Individual the University of Wisconsin - 3,888
Dnepropetrovsk 49000
Eau Claire

Alexandrina Golub
16/1 Dacia blvd ap36 to support your studies at New
Individual 11,129
Chisinau MD 2043 York University

Vakhtang Gomelauri
19 Chavchavadze ave apt 27 to study Social Work at a U S
Individual 16,968
Tbilisi 179 university

to create an advocacy network

Reginald Gossett that provides creative
674 Park Place Apartment 2 Individual solutions for mass 18,086
Brooklyn, NY 11216 incarceration and its impact on
women and LGBT people

Government Accountability Project

501 (c)(3) to provide general operating
1612 K Street NW Suite 1100 250,000
public ch support
Washington, DC 20006

Grameen Foundation USA

501 (c)(3)
50 F Street NW 8th Floor matching gift program 15,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20001

to provide general operating

support to the Grantmakers
Grantmakers Concerned with
Concerned with Immigrants
Immigrants and Refugees 501 (c)(3)
and Refugees (GCIR) which 35,000
PO Box 1100 public ch
promotes the issues of
Sebastopol, CA 954731100
immigrants and refugees
among funders

Grantmakers Concerned with

Immigrants and Refugees 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 750
PO Box 1100 public ch
Sebastopol, CA 954731100

Grantmakers in Film Electronic Media

501 (c)(3)
2406 East Fairmount Avenue to provide general support 25,000
public ch
Baltimore, MD 21224

Grassroots Leadership Inc

501 (c)(3)
400 Clarice Avenue Suite 130 to provide general support 130,000
public ch
Charlotte,NC 28204

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Grassroots Leadership Inc

501 (c)(3)
400 Clarice Avenue Suite 130 to provide general support 120,000
public ch
Charlotte,NC 28204

Grassroots Organizations Operating to support a peer learning

Together in Sis 501 (c)(3) exchange between grassroots
249 Manhattan Avenue public ch women from Africa and Latin
Brooklyn, NY 11211 America on HIV and AIDS

Grassroots Policy Project

501 (c)(3)
64 R Prospect Street to provide general support 50,000
public ch
Cambridge, MA 02139

Greater New Orleans Afterschool

to develop and implement a
Partnership 501 (c)(3)
long-term sustainable Youth 25,000
4240 Canal Street Suite 100 public ch
Council in New O rleans
NewOrleans,LA 70119

to integrate the Civic Justice

Green forAll
Other Corps into Green For All's
1611 Telegraph Avenue Suite 600 75,000
organization campaign to create a national
Oakland, CA 94612
Clean Energy Corps

to partner with the Morningside

Center for Teaching Social
Responsibility and present--to
Lori Grinker
10 high schools in the US--an
150 East 44th Street Apt 26D Individual 21,000
exhibit, multimedia piece, and
NewYork,NY 10017
study and action guide that
address the experiences of
Iraqis forced into exile

Groundwork Inc
501 (c)(3)
595 Sutter Avenue to provide general support 3,000
public ch
Brooklyn, NY 11207

Petko Grozdanov
3 Razvigor Str entr B app 38 to support your studies at the
Individual 6,908
Sofia 1421 University of Montana

Guardian Angel Church

501 (c)(3)
2978 Ocean Parkway matching gift program 2,250
public ch
Brooklyn, NY 11235

Guardian Angel Church

501 (c)(3)
2978 Ocean Parkway matching gift program 3,000
public ch
Brooklyn, NY 11235

Guatemala Human Rights

Commission USA 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 750
3321 12th Street NE public ch
Washington, DC 20017

Guilford College
501 (c)(3)
5800 West Friendly Avenue matching gift program 300
public ch
Greensboro, NC 27410

Gunavamsa Gunavamsa
Nalanda International Hostel Rm N to provide additional support to
Individual 800
Nalanda,Bihar 803111 study at Nalanda University

Enkhtuvshin Gunchinsuren
to provide additional support to
3648 Beulah Road Apartment D Individual 793
study at Ohio State University
Columbus,OH 43224

Habitat for Humanity International

Inc 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 150
121 Habitat Street public ch
Americus,GA 31709

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

H abitat for H umanity International Inc

501 (c)(3)
121 Habitat Street matching gift program 750
public ch
Americus,GA 31709

Haley House Inc

501 (c)(3)
23 Dartmouth Street matching gift program 1,500
public ch
Boston, MA 02116

Mazen Hamada
PO Box 1277 support a PFDP Fellowship
Individual ,701
City, Ga in the area of Urban Planning

Mazen Harridan
Um Alsharayit PO Box 2430 to pursue an LLM degree at
Individual 42,145
Ramallah Georgetown University

Jimmy Han
Roorkee Uttarakhand PB-46 to provide additional support to
Individual 714
Roorkee,Uttarakhand 247667 study at H N B University

Mie Mie Han

to provide additional support to
No28 Theikpan Street Ahlone Townsh
Individual study at Mahidol University 4,000
Yangon 10000
International College

Yaw Na Han
38/11 Mu-14 to provide additional support to
Individual 5,809
Khon Kaen, Kh 40000 study at Khon Kaen

Harlem Childrens Zone Inc

501 (c)(3)
35 East 125th Street to provide general support 10,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 10035

Harm Reduction Coalition

501 (c)(3)
22 West 27th Street 5th Floor to provide general support 200,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 10001

Afag Hasanova to spend a semester at a U S

129 A Mirjalal Apartment 33 university as part of the
Individual -4,055
Baku AZ1013 Faculty Development
AJ Fellowship Program

Afag Hasanova to spend one semester at a US

129 A Mirjalal Apartment 33 university as part of the
Individual 364
Baku AZ1013 Faculty Development
AJ Fellowship Program

Lejla Hasanovic
Grbavicka 8a to study at the University of
Individual 225
Sarajevo 71000 Montana

Ning Hau
to provide additional support to
Spicer Memorial College Hostel
Individual study at Spicer Memorial 800
Pune, maharashtra 411007

to promote quality debate

competition and education in
Hawaii Pacific University College of
the Pan Pacific region and
501 (c)(3) increase the visibility and
HPU College of Communication1132 2,000
B public ch participation of the Sea Warrior
Debate Society in the
Honolulu, HI 96813
international debate

to provide in-depth training,

support and mobilization
Health Global Access Project Inc efforts to drug users in
501 (c)(3)
429 West 127th Street 2nd Floor Thailand, as well as drawing 15,000
public ch
New York, NY 10027 international attention to the
situation in Thailand regarding
the war on drugs

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Health People Inc

501 (c)(3)
552 Southern Boulevard to provide general support 100,000
public ch
Bronx, NY 10455

HealthRight International Inc

501 (c)(3)
80 Maiden Lane Suite 607 to provide general support 100,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 10038

to (1) convene domestic and

international organizations
committed to ensuring access
Heartland Alliance for H uman Needs
to justice for LGBT and HIV-
and Rights 501 (c)(3)
positive immigrants and (2) 75,000
208 LaSalle Street Suite 1818 public ch
develop policy
Chicago,IL 60604
recommendations that address
the intersection of LGBT rights
and immigration policy issues

to support the National

Heartland Human Care Services Inc
501 (c)(3) Immigrant Justice Center's
208 South LaSalle Street Suite 181 150,000
public ch Detention, Deportation and Due
Chicago,IL 60604
Process Project

to support National Immigration

Justice Center's goal of
Heartland Human Care Services Inc developing a rapid response
501 (c)(3)
208 South LaSalle Street Suite 181 plan and an advocacy strategy 50,000
public ch
Chicago,IL 60604 in response to large-scale
worksite enforcement

Heifer Project International Inc

501 (c)(3)
1 World Avenue matching gift pogram 7,273
public ch
Little Rock,AR 72202

Heifer Project International Inc

501 (c)(3)
1 World Avenue matching gift program 1,500
public ch
Little Rock,AR 72202

Heifer Project International Inc

501 (c)(3)
1 World Avenue matching gift program 150
public ch
Little Rock,AR 72202

Min Ye Paing Hein to provide additional support to

699 West Mifflin Street Apartment Individual study at University of 4,000
Madison, WI 53703 Wisconsin

to improve detention policies,

programs and practices in
Norris Henderson
Orleans Parish and employ
1023 Leonias Street Individual 39,500
media, legal advocacy and
New O rleans, LA 70118
organizing to encourage
systemic reform

Hispanic Scholarship Fund

501 (c)(3)
55 Second Street Suite 1500 matching gift program 150
public ch
San Francisco,CA 94105

Hispanics in Philanthropy
501 (c)(3)
200 Pine Street Suite 700 matching gift program 750
public ch
San Francisco, CA 94104

to identify aspects of the

federal reform experiment that
Paul Hofer are worth preserving and those
1409 21st St NW 2C Individual that have failed, in order to 44,976
Washington, DC 20036 develop strategies for litigators
and policymakers working to
improve the sentencing system

Pippa Holloway to discuss a history of criminal

Box 23 History Dept Middle Tenness Individual disenfranchisement in the 21,940
Murfreesboro,TN 37132 southern United States

to conduct a comparative
Gregory Hooks
analysis of the impact of
Department of Sociology Washington Individual 1,500
prisons and educational
Pullman, WA 99164
institutions on local economies

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Hope for Henry Foundation

501 (c)(3)
3839 Calvert Street NW matching gift program 150
public ch
Washington, DC 20007

Hospital for Special Surgery

501 (c)(3)
535 East 70th Street matching gift program 150
public ch
NewYork,NY 10021

Ramoz Hossain
Afghan Indept Human Rights to obtain a MA in
Commissi Individual Communications from The 12,058
Kabul University of Ottawa

Kristin Houle to conduct public education in

3816 South Lamar Boulevard Texas on issues related to the
Individual 18,750
Apartme death penalty and severe
Austin,TX 78704 mental illness

Hour Children Inc

501 (c)(3)
36-11A 12th Street matching gift program 300
public ch
Long Island City, NY 11106

House of Ruth
501 (c)(3)
5 Thomas Circle NW matching gift program 150
public ch
Washington, DC 20005

Vardges Hovhannisyan to provide additional support to

Eagle Heights Apartment 404C Individual study at University of 1,713
Madison, WI 53705 Wisconsin

Vardges Hovhannisyan to provide additional support to

Eagle Heights Apartment 404C Individual study at University of 3,000
Madison, WI 53705 Wisconsin

Lalramchhana Hrahsel
to provide additional support to
Spicer Mem College Aundh Rd New H
Individual study at Spicer Memorial 800
Commerce, Maharashtra 411007

Zung Htang to provide additional support to

Elliot Street Apartment 207 Individual study at the School of 5,244
Brattleboro, VT 05301 International Training

Swe Swe Htay

to provide additional support to
632 Lakeland College PO Box 359 Individual 4,083
study at Lakeland College
Sheboygan, WI 53082

Hkun Sa Mun Htoi

22 Cornwall Street Apt 904 A Hal to provide additional support to
individual 5,600
Hong Kong, Ho study at HK City University

K Maler Htoo
to provide additional support to
13/11 Panglor Villa Panglor Nidkom
Individual study at Chulalongkorn 6,000
Mae Hong Son, Ma 58000

Win Htun
No 68- 1st floor 23rd Street to provide additional support to
individual 4,073
Yangon 11141 study at Wabash University

Nway Htwe
to provide additional support to
48 King Edward Road
Individual study at London Metropolitan 3,000
Herts, Barnet EN5 5AS

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Zaw Htike Htwe

to provide additional support to
No232 Ganga Nagar Old Sangvi
Individual study at Spicer Memorial 800
Pune, maharashtra 411007

to support Michael Horowitz's

Hudson Institute Inc
501 (c)(3) work on international prison
1015 15th Street NW Suite 600 44,250
public ch and domestic refugee policy
Washington, DC 20005

Hudson Link for Higher Education in

Prison Inc 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 3,500
PO Box 862 public ch
Ossining, NY 10562

Human Rights Advocates Inc

501 (c)(3)
PO Box 5675 matching gift program 6,000
public ch
Berkeley, CA 94705

Human Rights Campaign Foundation

501 (c)(3) to support the Federal Judiciary
1640 Rhode Island Avenue NW 100,000
public ch Public Education Project
Washington, DC 20036

to hold a panel discussion that

focuses on the intersection of
Human Rights First
501 (c)(3) the arts, journalism, and human
333 7th Avenue 13th Floor 350
public ch rights advocacy in regards to
New York, NY 10001
the Iraqi refugee and
humanitarian crisis

Human Rights First

501 (c)(3)
333 7th Avenue 13th Floor to provide general support 10,000
public ch
New York, NY 10001

Human Rights First to support the Law and Security

501 (c)(3)
333 7th Avenue 13th Floor Program and End Torture Now 200,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 10001 Campaign

Human Rights Watch Inc

501 (c)(3) to support the Aryeh Neier
350 5th Avenue 34th Floor 75,000
public ch Fellowship in 2007 - 2008
New York, NY 101183299

Human Rights Watch Inc

501 (c)(3)
350 5th Avenue 34th Floor matching gift program 9,000
public ch
New York, NY 101183299

to support research on how

Human Rights Watch Inc
501 (c)(3) Russian authorities have used
350 5th Avenue 34th Floor 88,594
public ch the law to pressure and hinder
New York, NY 101183299
civil society organizations

to conduct human rights

investigations, publish
research reports, and engage in
Human Rights Watch Inc
501 (c)(3) regional outreach and
350 5th Avenue 34th Floor 126,700
public ch advocacy on abuses that result
New York, NY 101183299
from overreaching drug policies
and practices in Thailand,
China, Mexico and India

Human Rights Watch Inc

501 (c)(3) to provide general support for
350 5th Avenue 34th Floor 85,000
public ch new initiatives only
New York, NY 101183299

to document human rights

violations occurring in South
Human Rights Watch Inc
501 (c)(3) Ossetia, North Ossetia and
350 5th Avenue 34th Floor 142,793
public ch Georgia proper during the
New York, NY 101183299
ongoing Russia-Georgia

to facilitate the investigation

and exposure of human rights
Human Rights Watch Inc abuses against sex workers in
501 (c)(3)
350 5th Avenue 34th Floor Cambodia, with a particular 23,300
public ch
New York, NY 101183299 focus on abuses resulting from
poorly-designed efforts to
counter human trafficking

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

to support Humans Rights

Watch's international advocacy
initiatives to expand and
Human Rights Watch Inc improve access to pain
501 (c)(3)
350 5th Avenue 34th Floor treatment and palliative care 25,000
public ch
New York, NY 101183299 by funding the travel of
researchers to conduct and
sustain targeted outreach
efforts in India and Vienna

to establish the Writers in

Baltimore Schools program at
the Margaret Brent Elementary
Patrice Hutton School Staffed by Johns
1528 Corcoran Street NW Apt B Individual Hopkins undergraduate writing 19,599
Washington, DC 20009 students, the project will
provide in-class, after-school
and summer creative writing
workshops, in addition to

Ada Hyso to provide additional support to

3554 North Prospect Avenue Apartm Individual study at University of 1,283
Milwaukee, WI 53211 Wisconsin, Milwaukee

Ada Hyso to provide additional support to

3554 North Prospect Avenue Apartm Individual study at the University of 2,600
M ilwaukee, WI 53211 Wisconsin

Ia Iashvili to spend a semester at a U S

37 26 Maisi Str University as part of the
Individual 4,785
Kutaisi 4600 Faculty Development Fellowshp
GG Program

Ia Iashvili to spend a semester at a US

37 26 Maisi Str University as part of the
Individual 6,066
Kutaisi 4600 Faculty Development
GG Fellowship Program

Simona Iftimescu
Str Badea Cartan nr 67 bl 37A sc to support your studies at
individual 2,206
Bucharest 20662 Ithaca College

Bakhtiiar Igamberdiev to spend a semester at a U S

32/2 Kirov University as part of the
Individual 3,012
Pristan-Karakol 722362 Faculty Development Fellowshp
KG Program

Bakhtiiar Igamberdiev to spend a semester at a US

32/2 Kirov University as part of the
Individual 7,812
Pristan-Karakol 722362 Faculty Development
KG Fellowship Program

Vesna Ilievska
Rudi Cajevac 4/22 to provide support to study at
Individual 30,478
Skopje 1000 Ithaca College

Akram M A IIJa
1/153 Tawaheen St to support a PFDP fellowship in
Individual 17,419
Sheja ' ia the area of Urban Planning

to support a public education

and organizing campaign
Illinois Campaign for Political Reform
501 (c)(3) campaign in Illinois around
325 West Huron Suite 500 100,000
public ch judicial independence and the
Chicago,IL 60610
need for Judicial selection

Elmira Imambakieva
Tynystanov St 10-25 to study Social Work in the
Individual 40,952
Bishkek 720005 United States

Immigrant Legal Resource Center

501 (c)(3) to support the Defending
1663 Mission Street Suite 602 210,000
public ch Immigrants Partnership
San Francisco,CA 94103

Immigration Equality
501 (c)(3)
40 Exchange Place Suite 1705 to provide general support 50,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 10005

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Independent Sector
501 (c)(3)
1200 18th Street NW Suite 200 to provide general support 1,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20036

Information Clearinghouse for

to provide support for the Aibai
Chinese Gays and Les 501 (c)(3)
Culture & Education Center 84,000
1347 North V ista Street 111 public ch
and Common Language
Los Angeles, CA 90046

Inspired Legacies
501 (c)(3)
1722 Haver St matching gift program 4,500
public ch
Houston,TX 770062412

Institute for Americas Future Inc

501 (c)(3)
1825 K Street NW Suite 400 to provide general support 400,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20006

Institute for Americas Future Inc

501 (c)(3)
1825 K Street NW Suite 400 to provide general support 300,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20006

to increase awareness of
Institute for Asian Democracy
Burma ' s democracy movement
3509 Connecticut Avenue NW Room 501 (c)(3)
and support non violent 45,000
94 public ch
political transition to
Washington, DC 20008
democracy in Burma

Institute for Policy Studies

501 (c)(3)
1112 16th Street NW Suite 600 to provide general support 600
public ch
Washington, DC 20036

Institute for State Effectiveness to create an effective

600 New Hampshire Avenue NW 501 (c)(3) framework to address
Suite public ch reconstruction challenges in
Washington, DC 20037 Afghanistan

to support the Public

Institute for Wisconsins Future Inc Structures Project in its efforts
501 (c)(3)
325 West Silver Spring Drive to protect the public sector and 75,000
public ch
Glendale, WI 53217 improve the state governance

Institute of the Black World 21st

Century Inc 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 1,000
31-35 95th Street public ch
East Elmhurst, NY 11369

Integral Yoga Institute

501 (c)(3)
227 West 13th Street matching gift program 6,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 10011

Mai Ja Yang Intensive English

to provide support for
Foreign instructor salaries, the library,
Main Road 5,000
Organization computer maintenance, and
Mai Ja Yang, Loi Je, Ka
financial aid to poor students

Inter American Dialogue to provide support to the

501 (c)(3)
1211 Connecticut Avenue Suite 510 project titled, " Andean Working 150,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20036 Group "

Interfaith Education Fund Inc

501 (c)(3)
1106 Clayton Lane Suite 120W to provide general support 300,000
public ch
Austin,TX 78723

to support two palliative care

International Association for Hospice leaders from Vietnam to attend
and Palliati 501 (c)(3) the San Diego Hospice and
5535 Memorial Drive Suite F-PMB 50 public ch Palliative Care International
Houston,TX 77007 Palliative Medicine Fellowship
Training Program

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

International Bar Association

Foundation Inc to support a mission to Iran to
501 (c)(3)
1 Stephen Street 10th Floor research issues of concern to -3,618
public ch
London W1T 1AT the Iranian legal community

International Bar Association

Foundation Inc to support the development of a
501 (c)(3)
1 Stephen Street 10th Floor Training Manual on 71,960
public ch
London W1T 1AT International Criminal Law

International Center for Transitional

to hold a conference on the role
Justice 501 (c)(3)
of Afghan civil society in 13,520
5 Hanover Square 24th Floor public ch
advocating justice
NewYork,NY 10004

International Center for Transitional

Justice 501 (c)(3)
to support 250,000
5 Hanover Square 24th Floor public ch
NewYork,NY 10004

International Center for Transitional

to support an assessment
Justice 501 (c)(3)
mission to Kenya to discuss 17,950
5 Hanover Square 24th Floor public ch
issues of transitional justice
NewYork,NY 10004

to develop timely internal

memoranda and reports to key
International Center for Transitional
partners that discuss
Justice 501 (c)(3)
international norms, lessons, 75,000
5 Hanover Square 24th Floor public ch
and experience relevant to US
New York, NY 10004
accountability for abuses in its
"War on Terror"

International Crisis Group to provide capital for your

501 (c)(3)
1629 K Street NW Room 450 Endowment/Capital Rese 5,000,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20006 Reserve Fund

to examine the performance of

International Foundation for Election the Electoral Commis
Systems Inc 501 (c)(3) Commission of Kenya during
1101 15th Street NW Third Floor public ch the December 2007 elections
Washington, DC 20005 with the recommendations for
electoral reform

International Gay and Lesbian Human

Rights Commiss 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 100,000
80 Maiden Lane Suite 1505 public ch
NewYork,NY 10038

International Humanities Center

501 (c)(3)
PO Box 923 matching gift program 150
public ch
Malibu,CA 902650923

to combat child labor in cotton

International Labor Rights Forum production in Uzbekistan by
501 (c)(3)
2001 5 Street NW 420 researching labor rights 99,679
public ch
Washington, DC 20009 violations and advocating for
protection against abuses

to support the attendance of

International Psycho Oncology participants from low-resource
Society Inc 501 (c)(3) countries at the IPOS 10th
154 Hansen Road Suite 201 public ch World Congress of Psycho-
Charlottesville, VA 22911 Oncology from June 9th-13th,

International Rescue Committee Inc

501 (c)(3)
122 East 42nd Street matching gift program 150
public ch
New York, NY 101681289

International Rescue Committee Inc

501 (c)(3)
122 East 42nd Street matching gift program 150
public ch
New York, NY 101681289

to support the travel expenses

for the three (3) refugees being
International Rescue Committee Inc honored at the Voices of
501 (c)(3)
122 East 42nd Street Courage Luncheon hosted by 7,500
public ch
New York, NY 101681289 the Women ' s Commission for
Refugee Women and Children on
May 6, 2008

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

to support the work of

International Rescue Committee Inc
501 (c)(3) independent local Burmese
122 East 42nd Street 200,000
public ch organizations and training for
New York, NY 101681289
relief workers

International Rescue Committee Inc

501 (c)(3)
122 East 42nd Street matching gift program 1,500
public ch
New York, NY 101681289

International Rescue Committee Inc

501 (c)(3)
122 East 42nd Street to provide general support 10,000
public ch
New York, NY 101681289

International Senior Lawyers Project to support the negotiation of

501 (c)(3)
31 West 52nd Street 9th Floor five contracts on behalf of the 89,000
New York, NY 10019 Government of Liberia

International Womens Health

Coalition Inc 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 14,820
333 Seventh Avenue 6th Floor public ch
NewYork,NY 10001

International Womens Media

Foundation 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 4,000
1625 K Street NW Suite 1275 public ch
Washington, DC 20036

Internews Networks
501 (c)(3)
PO Box 4448 to provide general support 10,000
public ch
Arcata,CA 95518

Khatuna Ioseliani
18 Kazbegi Avenue Bld 18 Apt 18
Individual to study education in the U S 20,043
Tbilisi 380077

Andrei Iovu
31/1 Trandafirilor str apt58 to provide support to study at
Individual 15,983
Chisinau MD 2038 Slippery Rock University

to support INCAS in
Iranian National Center for Addiction
coordinating a comprehensive
Foreign community-based program of
No 699 South KaregarAve PO Box 1 96,151
Organization drug abuse prevention,
Tehran 13366-1635
treatment, and harm reduction
in a high-risk area of Tehran

Akbar Ismanjanov to spend one semester at a US

68 Technicheskaya Street university as part of the
Individual 10,055
Osh 714016 Faculty Development
KG Fellowship Program

Aytan Ismayilova
70 Zardabi str apt 13 to study Social Work at a U S
Individual 21,321
Baku Az1041 university

Maskym Ivanyna
to provide additional support to
Volodymyra Velycogo 125
Individual study at Michigan State 912
Lviv 79071

I Kirby Simon Foreign Service Trust

501 (c)(3)
93 Edgehill Road matching gift program 30,000
public ch
NewHaven,CT 06511

J Kirby Simon Foreign Service Trust

501 (c)(3)
93 Edgehill Road matching gift program 6,000
public ch
NewHaven,CT 06511

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

J Kirby Simon Foreign Service Trust

501 (c)(3)
93 Edgehill Road matching gift program 15,000
public ch
NewHaven,CT 06511

Majdi M ]afar
PO Box 25217 to pursue an LLM at the
Individual 13,600
East Jerusalem University of Pittsburgh

Majdi M ]afar
PO Box 25217 to pursue an internship at the
Individual 4,500
East Jerusalem law firm of Muhammad Dahleh

Zeina 0 Jallad
Birzeit University Birzeit-Ramallah to pursue an LLM at Columbia
Individual 34,617
Ramallah University

Jamestown Project
501 (c)(3)
125 Mount Auburn Street Suite 329 to provide general support 200,000
public ch
Cambridge, MA 02138

Natia Janashia
to provide additional support to
14 Commonwealth Court Apartment 1 Individual 575
study at Boston College
Brighton, MA 02135

Natasa Janceva
16ta Nakedonska Brigada 4/1-21 to provide support to study at
Individual 11,962
Skopje 1000 the University of Arkansas

Ana Janelidze
Vere II Junction III I flat 34
Individual to study Educaiton in the U S 31,072
Tbilisi 179

Darko Janjevic
Durmitorska 5 to provide support to study at
Individual 13,090
Nis 18000 the University of Montana

Roi Jar
A2A/92 Janakpuri to provide additional support to
Individual 1,050
New delhi 110058 study at AAI

Jericho Road Lawrence Inc

501 (c)(3)
3 Great Pond Road matching gift program 1,500
public ch
NorthAndover,MA 01845

Jewish Funds for Justice Inc

501 (c)(3) to support the Social Justice
330 7th Avenue Suite 1902 30,000
public ch Infrastructure Funders
NewYork,NY 10001

Dan Jigjidsuren to provide additional support to

1800 Baity Hill Drive Apartment 21 Individual study at University of North 231
Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Carolina

Dan Jigjidsuren to provide additional support to

1800 Baity Hill Drive Apartment 21 Individual study at the University of Noth 4,000
Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Carolina

Job Opportunities Task Force Inc to support JumpStart, a pre-

501 (c)(3)
231 East Baltimore Street Suite 11 apprenticeship program for 50,000
public ch
Baltimore, MD 21202 construction trades

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

to educate about the

relationship of criminal justice
policy to place and the
Justice Mapping Center Inc
501 (c)(3) importance of reinvesting in the
155 Washington Avenue 100,000
public ch civil institutions of high
Brooklyn, NY 11205
incarceration communities, and
to expand the grantee's funding

to engage in research,
Justice Policy Institute
501 (c)(3) communications and legal
1012 14th Street NW Suite 400 125,000
public ch education to promote criminal
Washington, DC 20005
justice reform in Maryland

Justice Policy Institute

501 (c)(3)
1012 14th Street NW Suite 400 to provide general support 175,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20005

to examine the impact on

Justice Strategies policy and practice brought
199 Washington Avenue about by the emergence of -20,673
Brooklyn, NY 11205 community reentry as a frame
for criminal justice reform

to improve communications
Justice Strategies
Other capacity in order to broaden
199 Washington Avenue -20,000
organization the reach of policy analysis and
Brooklyn, NY 11205

Juvenile Diabetes Research

Foundation 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 300
560 Sylvan Avenue public ch
Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632

Juvenile Diabetes Research

Foundation 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 300
560 Sylvan Avenue public ch
Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632

to support the Youth Defender

Initiative (YDI) as it conducts
a campaign to transform
Juvenile Justice Project of Louisiana Louisiana's broken public
501 (c)(3)
1600 O retha Castle Haley Boulevard defender system for youth to 104,000
public ch
New O rleans, LA 70113 one that provides trained,
supervised, and competent
counsel to all children accused
of crimes

to use an exhibition of
photographs and interviews
Leora Kahn with 25 Hutu rescuers during
3 Parkway Individual the 1994 Rwandan genocide to 21,800
Larchmont, NY 10538 foster reconciliation and
peace-building between Hutu
and Tutsi in Rwanda

Tijana Kaitovic
to provide support to study at
Dubrovacka 16 Stan Grad
Individual the University of Wisconsin - 12,494
Belgrade 11000
Eau Claire

Kornely Kakachia to spend a semester at a US

Apt 213 Block-2 Tstotne Dadiani S university as part of the
Individual 430
Tbilisi 180 Faculty Development
GG Fellowship Program

Chinara Kamarli
Abdrakhmanov Street 204
Individual to study social work in the U S 10,367
Bishkek 720040

to enable one of its members,

John Pinderhughes, to design
and implement a documentary
Kamoinge photography workshop, with
501 (c)(3)
915 Gloucstercourt curriculum based on his 10,000
public ch
Westbury, NY 11590 photography under the Katrina
Media Fellowship, for a group of
young photographers at the
Harlem School of the A rts,

to work to stop the expansion

Dana Kaplan
of the population incarcerated
115A Underhill Avenue Individual 1,500
in the U S by addressing the
Brooklyn, NY 11238
expansion of local jails

to create the Baltimore Fitness

Academy (BM orefit) and
partner with YO I Baltimore to
Jon Kaplan train and mentor marginalized
1416 Mason Street Individual teens-- 18 - 24 -- in a fitness 19,659
Baltimore, MD 21217 and nutritional educational
program Participants will be
certified and employed in the
growing industry of

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address ( home or any foundation manager contribution
business ) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

to educate community,
RaeDeen Karasuda
influence incarceration policy,
1520 Liholiho Street Apartment 210 Individual 36,761
and implement culturally
Honolulu, HI 96822
significant reentry strategies

RaeDeen Karasuda
to attend the 2008 Soros
1520 Liholiho Street Apartment 210 Individual 874
Justice Fellowship conference
Honolulu, HI 96822

Tea Karchava to spend one semester at a

N utsubidze distr 1 block 11 fl 1 U S University as part of the
Individual 2,675
Tbilisi 183 Faculty Development
GG Fellowship Program

Tea Karchava to spend a semester at a US

Nutsubidze distr 1 block 11 fl 1 university as part of the
Individual 9,183
Tbilisi 183 Faculty Development
GG Fellowship Program

Karen Department of Health and

Foreign to support salaries for health
PO Box 189 7,500
Organization workers
Maesot, Tak 63110

Karen Teacher Working Group

PO Box 39 Foreign to support the Summer
Mae Sariang 58110 Organization Vacation Teacher Training

Validzhon Karimov
71/25 UVafo street to study Social Work in the
Individual 40,152
Dushanbe 734067 United States

Zukhra Karimova to spend a semester at a US

Chilanazar 3-12-42 university as part of the
Individual 264
Tashkent 100096 Faculty Development
UZ Fellowship Program

Subhash Kateel to build a Florida based

25 Chapel Street Apartment 703 Individual network of families directly 19,732
Brooklyn, NY 11201 facing deportation

Katonah United Methodist Church

501 (c)(3)
5 Bedford Road matching gift program 15,000
public ch
Katonah,NY 10536

Wantha Kaythareinda
Magadh Univ PG Hostel No 3 Room 1 to provide additional support to
Individual 800
Bodhgaya 824234 study at Magadh University

to support Anka Kekez's

attendance and participation at
Anka Kekez
the International Association
31 Trondheimska Street
Individual for National Youth Service 8th 1,472
Split, Bihar 21000
Global Conference in Paris,
France from November 19 to
22, 2008

to establish the Spiral Dance

Womyn's Center Located in
east Baltimore, the program
Laurie Kendall will help women develop the
4309 Belvieu Avenue Individual practical skills needed to 22,250
Baltimore, MD 21215 become active and successful
participants in their own lives,
homes, businesses and

Kentucky Youth Advocates Inc

501 (c)(3) to support the Kentucky Tax
11001 Bluegrass Parkway Suite 100 75,000
public ch and Budget Initiative
Jeffersontown, KY 40299

Kham Khan Khai

to provide additional support to
Spicer Mem College Aundh Road NH
Individual study at Spicer Memorial 800
Pune 411007

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Anton Kim
House 18 Apt 44 40 Let Pobedi St to provide additional support to
individual 1,668
Tashkent 700207 study at University of0regon

Lyudmila Kim to spend one semester at a U S

7-48 massiv Yalangach University as part of the
Individual 3,905
Tashkent 700125 Faculty Development
UZ Fellowship Program

Lyudmila Kim to spend a semester at a US

7-48 massiv Yalangach University as part of the
Individual 8,229
Tashkent 700125 Faculty Development
UZ Fellowship Program

to use the Baltimore

Transgender A ntidiscrimination
Cydne Kimbrough ordinance as the foundation to
2216 N Calvert Street Apartment 1 Individual create a support system that 20,132
Baltimore, M D 21218 advocates for more transgender
opportunities in housing,
education, and employment

Mahmoud Kittana
Abu Deis Pharmacy to pursue an LLM at Duke
Individual 16,791
Abu Deis Jerusalm University

Mahmoud Kittana
Abu Deis Pharmacy to puruse an internship with the
Individual 5,943
Abu Deis Jerusalm Open Society Justice Initiative

KIVA Micro Funds

501 (c)(3) matching gift program volunteer
3180 18th Street 500
public ch time
San Francisco, CA 94110

Darla Kliuieva
38a Prospect Gagarina Dorm 3 room to provide support to study at
Individual 14,623
Dnipropetrovsk 49010 the University of Georgia

Nikolina Knezevic
to provide additional support to
Katolicka Aorta 6
Individual study at the City University of 4,000
Novi Sad 21000
New York

Magda Kobakhidze
Postis Shesakhvevi 18
Individual to study education in the U S 24,383
Tbilisi 103

Anastasia Kokina
10 Sovetskaya St 4 to provide additional support to
Individual 5,000
Ivanovo 153000 study at Lehigh University

Marta Kolega
Kali 10323272 to support your studies at the
Individual 9,145
Kali 23272 University of Georgia

Kolot Chayeinu
501 (c)(3)
1012 8th Ave matching gift program 1,350
public ch
Brooklyn, NY 112154312

Aleksey Kolpakov
to provide additional support to
2451 E 10th Street Apartment 1112 Individual 905
study at Indiana University
Bloomington,IN 47408

Aleksey Kolpakov to provide additional support to

2451 E 10th Street Apartment 1112 Individual study at the University of 4,500
Bloomington, IN 47408 Indiana

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Surtee Angela Lamkang

DG-III 145 Vikaspuri to provide additional support to
Individual 1,200
New Delhi 110018 study at Delhi University

Latin American Studies Association

501 (c)(3)
416 Bellefield HallUniversity of Pi matching gift program 3,000
public ch
Pittsburgh, PA 15260

Latin American Studies Association

501 (c)(3)
416 Bellefield HallUniversity of Pi matching gift program 3,000
public ch
Pittsburgh, PA 15260

to provide general support to

Latin American Studies Association
501 (c)(3) the project, "Otros Saberes
416 Bellefield HallUniversity of Pi 85,000
public ch Phase II Justice Reform and
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Citizenship Rights "

to provide support for Latin

Latin American Studies Association
501 (c)(3) American scholars to attend
416 Bellefield HallUniversity of Pi 50,000
public ch LASA ' s 2009 International
Pittsburgh, PA 15260

Kanykei Latipova
53 O shskiy Pereulok to study Social Work at a U S
Individual 17,420
Bishkek 720000 university

Zaw Min Latt

109 Ramkamhaeng 24 Rd Noree to provide additional support to
Apartme Individual study atRamkhamhaeng 6,000
Bangkok 10240 University

Naw Pe The Law

110 SE RD office Klong Luang to provide additional support to
Individual 5,000
Bangkok 12120 study at AIT

to support the efforts to defend

Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights and enforce the Voting Rights
Under Law Act after its reauthorization and
501 (c)(3)
1401 New York Avenue NW Suite to remedy voting discrimination 150,000
public ch
400 documented in the hearings of
Washington, DC 200052124 the National Commission on
the Voting Rights Act

Leadership Conference on Civil to support the Media Reform

Rights Education Fu 501 (c)(3) Project in order to strengthen
1629 K Street NW 10th Floor public ch the civil rights community ' s
Washington, DC 20006 voice in media policy issues

Leadership Conference on Civil to provide renewal support for

Rights Education Fu 501 (c)(3) the Project on Ensuring Fair
1629 K Street NW 10th Floor public ch and Independent Courts for All
Washington, DC 20006 Americans

Leadership Conference on Civil

Rights Education Fu 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 400,000
1629 K Street NW 10th Floor public ch
Washington, DC 20006

Leadership Conference on Civil

Rights Education Fu 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 45,000
1629 K Street NW 10th Floor public ch
Washington, DC 20006

Leadership Conference on Civil

Rights Education Fu 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 500,000
1629 K Street NW 10th Floor public ch
Washington, DC 20006

to educate citizens about

League of Women Voters Education
understanding and defending
Fund 501 (c)(3)
the system of checks and 165,000
1730 M Street NW Suite 1000 public ch
balances incorporated in the
Washington, DC 200364508
U S constitution

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

League of Young Voters Education

Fund 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 300,000
310 Atlantic Avenue 2nd Floor public ch
Brooklyn, NY 11201

to support counseling for

Learning Inc current students and those who
501 (c)(3)
1234 West 36th Street have returned to regular school 60,000
public ch
Baltimore, MD 21211 or begun employment, and
outreach to parents

Learning Inc
501 (c)(3)
1234 West 36th Street matching gift program 960
public ch
Baltimore,MD 21211

to strengthen the
demonstration sites supported
Legal Action Center of the City of by the Closing the Drug
New York Inc 501 (c)(3) Addiction Treatment Gap
225 Varick Street public ch initiative through technical
New York, NY 10014 assistance and a learning
collaborative to link their work
to a national advocacy strategy

Legal Resource Center on Violence

Against Women 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 150
6930 Carroll Avenue Suite 430 public ch
Takoma Park, MD 20912

to continue training, organizing,

and mobilizing formerly
Legal Services for Prisoners with
incarcerated people and family
Children 501 (c)(3)
members of the incarcerated, 150,000
1540 Market Street Suite 490 public ch
and to launch regional
San Francisco, CA 94102
campaigns for criminal justice
reform in California

Sai Leik
Phang Sin Apt 510/4 156/2 Moo 13 to provide additional support to
Individual 6,000
Bangkok 12130 study at Rangsit University

to create an investigative
political reporting blog in
Colombia to offer independent
Juanita Leon
political information, create a
Avenida 25C No 4-74 ap202
Individual debate forum for competing 50,500
Bogota, Ba
political views, and nurture a
strategic networking
community of politically
engaged citizens

to develop a project for review

and analysis of Colombian legal
Marta Ximena Leon
and regulatory frameworks
Calle 77 9-97 Apt 602
Individual related to access to and 4,667
availability of opiod analgesics
for cancer, AIDS and other
chronically ill patients

Alexandru Lesanu
to obtain a graduate degree in
6 8/1 Decebal St Apt 7
Individual History from George Mason 20,474
68/1 au 2038

to create a youth engagement

Tia Lessin campaign as part of a multi-
462 Bergen Street Individual pronged outreach and 10,000
New York, NY 11217 distribution strategy for
"Trouble the Water"

Lets Breakthrough Inc

501 (c)(3)
4 West 37th Street 4th Floor to provide general support 100,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 10018

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

501 (c)(3)
1311 Mamaroneck Avenue matching gift program 150
public ch
White Plains, NY 10605

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Inc

501 (c)(3)
475 Park Avenue South 8th Floor matching gift program 150
public ch
NewYork,NY 10016

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Inc

501 (c)(3)
475 Park Avenue South 8th Floor matching gift program 150
public ch
NewYork,NY 10016

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual ,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business ) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Inc

501 ( c)(3)
475 Park Avenue South 8th Floor matching gift program 150
public ch
NewYork,NY 10016

to research, write and advocate

Harry Levine
about marijuana possession
412 West
W110 Street 73 Individual 1,114
arrests and their racial bias in
NewYore k,NY 10025
major U S cities and counties

Lexington Institute to provide general support for

501 ( c)(3)
1600 Wilson Boulevard 900 c the Lexington Institute ' s Cuba 50,000
public ch
Arlington,VA 22209 Policy Project

Zaceu Lian
104-471 Young Street Apartment
to provide additional support to
471 Individual 1,686
study at University of Winnipeg
Winnipeg R3B 2S7

Zaceu Lian
104-471 Young Street Apartment to provide additional support to
471 Individual study at the University of 5,000
Winnipeg, Ma R3B 2S7 Winnipeg

Nang Sawm Lian

to provide
a additional support to
Spicer Memorial College Aundh Road at
Individual study t Spicer Memorial 800
Pune,Ma 411007

Mm n Zar Ni Lin
113/6 Moo 10 Thanon Suthep A
to provide additional support to
Muan Individual 5,100
study at Chiang Mai University
Chiang Mai, maharashtra 50200

Nan Nin Shwe Yi Lin

45 3rd Fl ABAC Condo 2
to provide additional support to
Ramkamhaen Individual 5,900
study at ABAC
Bangkok 10240

Ye Bo Bo Lin
to provide additional support to
Spicer Memorial College Aundh Rd
Individual study at Spicer Memorial 800
Pu ne 411007

Link Media Inc

501 ( c)(3) to provide general support as
901 Battery Street Suite 308 200,000
public ch part of your capital campaign
San Francisco , CA 94111

Link Media Inc

501 (c)(3)
901 Battery Street Suite 308 to provide general support 800,000
public ch
San Francisco , CA 94111

Nipunar Linkarra
to provide additional support to
R o
Room 98 Banaras Hindu University
Individual study at Banaras Hindu 800
R m 98 221005

to improve access to treatment

Alison Little
and reduce the incidence of
1702 Duke Avenue Individual 36,803
incarceration for emotionally
Austin,TX 78757
disturbed youth in Texas

Alison Little
to attend the 2008 Soros
1702 Duke Avenue Individual 28
Justice Fellowship conference
Austin,TX 78757

to support the project

Living Cities Inc The National Mitigating the Effect of
Community Develop 501 ( c)(3) Concentrated Foreclosures on
1200 G Street Suite 400 public ch Urban Communities A Ten-
Washington , DC 20005 City Pilot to Prove What Can

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Mae Tao Clinic

PO Box 67 Foreign
to support primary health care 20,000
Mae Sot 63110 Organization

M agyar Soros A lapitvany

to provide painted works of art
0 ktober 6 utca 12 Foreign
by 20th Century Hungarian 450,500
Budapest,Ta H-1051 Organization

Fayez Mahamid
to support study in social work
PO Box 242
Individual as part of the Palestinian -4,559
WE Faculty Development Program

Jonathan Mahler to complete a book about the

27 Sherman Street Individual case of Guantanamo detainee 1,500
Brooklyn, NY 11215 Salim Harridan

Tamar M akharadze to spend one semester at a

Gamsakhurdia Avenue 42 App15 U S University as part of the
Individual 4,196
Tbilisi 160 Faculty Development
GG Fellowship Program

Alisher Mamadzhanov
to obtain a graduate degree in
A Navoi St 37 fl 27
Individual Economics from Washington 13,104
Dushanbe 734064
State University

Askarbek Mambetaliev to spend a semester at a U S

Alamedin-1 House 69 Apt 20 university as part of the
Individual 4,806
Bishkek 720083 Faculty Development
KG Fellowship Program

Askarbek Mambetaliev to spend a semester at a US

Alamedin-1 House 69 Apt 20 University as part of the
Individual 8,933
Bishkek 720083 Faculty Development
KG Fellowship Program

Matluangi Mami Sailo

WZ-17 Asalatpur to provide additional support to
Individual 1,200
New Delhi 110058 study at Delhi University

Nijat Mammadli to spend a semester at a US

Matbuat av 36/5 university as part of the
Individual 264
Baku AZ1100 Faculty Development
AJ Fellowship Program

Rayiha Mammadli to spend a semester at a U S

Z KhalilovStr 50A Apt 36 university as part of the
Individual 4,000
Baku Az-1073 Faculty Development
AJ Fellowship Program

Tarana Mammadova
535 West 111th Street Apartment 53 Individual to study social work in the U 5 28,439
NewYork,NY 10025

Sai Aung Mane

to provide additional support to
City Univ of Hong Kong Student Res
Individual study at Hong Kong City 5,250
Kowloon Tong
U niversity

Zam Suan Mang

Spicer M em College M ens Hostel Rm to provide additional support to
individual 800
Pune 411007 study at Spicer College

Manhattan Class Company Inc

501 (c)(3)
311 West 43rd Street Suite 206 matching gift program 975
public ch
NewYork,NY 10036

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Marlboro School of Music Inc

501 (c)(3)
1616 Walnut Street Suite 1600 matching gift program 7,500
public ch
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Marthas Vineyard Community

Services Inc 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 1,500
111 Edgartown Road public ch
Vineyard Haven, MA 02568

Martina Martinovic
to provide additional support to
De lnicka 37
Individual study at the University of 5,000
Osijek 31000

Shadd Maruna
to write a popular book on the
School of Law Queens 28 U niv Squar
Individual state of redemption in the 22,800
Belfast BT7 1NN
United States

Ivan Maryanchyk to provide additional support to

715 E Lee Street Apartment 21 Individual study at the University of 2,000
Tucson,AZ 85719 Arizona

to enable the Maryland Budget

Maryland Association of Non Profit and Tax Policy Institute to
Organizations 501 (c)(3) conduct research on state
190 West Ostend Street Suite 201 public ch budget and tax policies and to
Baltimore, M D 21230 analyze their impact on low-
income populations

Maryland Institute
501 (c)(3)
1300 Mount Royal Avenue matching gift program 2,250
public ch
Baltimore,MD 212174191

Marys Center for Maternal and Child

Care Inc 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 300
2333 Ontario Road NW public ch
Washington, DC 20009

Malika Masimova
Djal-29 dom 9 Kvartira 66 to provide additional support to
Individual 5,800
Bishkek 780038 study at Purdue University

to support the participation of

Oksana Maslova
Ms Maslova at the New Media
Francuzskij Bulvar 16 ap55
Individual Essentials Training that will 3,386
Odessa 65044
occur in Prague, Czech
Republic, on July 6-11, 2008

to support the Center for

Massachusetts Institute of
International Studies project
Technology 501 (c)(3)
entitled " Public Education on -640
600 Memorial Drive public ch
the Human Costs of the War in
Cambridge, MA 02139
Iraq "

Mariam Matevosyan to spend one semester at a

Sari-tag 8th Shark N183 U S University as part of the
Individual 1,514
Yerevan 375017 Faculty Development
AM Fellowship Program

Mariam Matevosyan to spend a semester at a US

Sari-tag 8th Shark N183 university as part of the
Individual 7,697
Yerevan 375017 Faculty Development
AM Fellowship Program

Salome Matiashvili
26 Tarkhnishvili Street to study Social Work in the
Individual -4,840
Tbilisi 179 United States

Aleksandar Matovski
Mile Popjordanov 56A to provide additional support to
Individual 3,000
Skopje 1000 study at Cornell University

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

to conduct speaker
engagements as part of a
Tim Matsui multimedia presentation in
5705 Phinney Avenue Apartment Seattle public schools that
Individual 22,300
203 aims to create a dialogue on
Seattle, WA 98103 the lasting effects of sexual
violence on individuals and

to develop and promote

Johonna McCants community-based solutions to
3102 Bunker Hill Road Apartment 2 Individual violence against women and 17,419
Mount Rainier, MD 20712 children as alternatives to

Johonna McCants
to attend the 2008 Soros
3102 Bunker Hill Road Apartment 2 Individual 746
Justice Fellowship conference
Mount Rainier,MD 20712

to increase knowledge
concerning training materials,
Aisling McGuckin
program organizing and
5440 Frederick Avenue Apartment 4 Individual -995
development, funding, and
Baltimore, M D 21229
problem-solving in a non-
medical environment

Media Access Project

501 (c)(3)
1625 K Street NW Suite 1000 to provide general support 200,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20006

Media Development Loan Fund Inc to provide support for the PRI
501 (c)(3)
37 West 20th Street Suite 801 Pool, and Technical Assistance 3,900,000
public ch
New York, NY 10011 for loanees

Medicare Rights Center Inc

501 (c)(3)
1460 Broadway 8th Floor to provide general support 500
public ch
NewYork,NY 100367393

Megaphone Project Inc

501 (c)(3) to provide general support
2526 North Charles Street 10,000
public ch during a leadership transition
Baltimore, MD 21218

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer

Center 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 300
1275 York Avenue public ch
NewYork,NY 10021

to expand access to drug

Mental Health Policy Institute for addiction treatment for
Leadership and 501 (c)(3) Empowerment Zone residents
2200 Arden Rd public ch by integrating services at a
Baltimore, MD 21209 community mental health

Mentoring Today
501 (c)(3)
2309 Martin Luther King Jr Ave SE matching gift program 7,500
public ch
Washington, DC 20020

Mentoring Today
501 (c)(3)
2309 Martin Luther King Jr Ave SE to provide general support 30,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20020

Mentors of Minorities in Education

Inc MOMI 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 30,000
PO Box 75481 public ch
Washington, DC 20013

Catalina Mesesan
Splaiul Indep nr 204 Grozavesti c to support your studies at Bard
Individual 1,169
Bucharest 60024 College

Metropolitan Opera Assocation

501 (c)(3)
Lincoln Center matching gift program 1,500
public ch
NewYork,NY 10023

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

MFY Legal Services

501 (c)(3)
299 Brodway matching gift program 750
public ch
NewYork,NY 10009

M ibosam Good Samaritans Ministry

Inc 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 15,000
724 Nye Avenue public ch
Irvington, NJ 07111

Mid Atlantic Association of to build the capacity of key

Community Health Cente initiatives and organizations
501 (c)(3)
4483-B Forbes Boulevard Forbes seeking to increase the 42,850
public ch
Cent availability of drug addiction
Lanham, MD 20706 treatment in Maryland

Migration Policy Institute

501 (c)(3)
1400 16th Street NW Suite 300 to provide general support 100,000
public ch
Washington, DC 200362257

Migration Policy Institute

501 (c)(3)
1400 16th Street NW Suite 300 matching gift program 1,500
public ch
Washington, DC 200362257

Migration Policy Institute

501 (c)(3) to support the Mobility and
1400 16th Street NW Suite 300 50,000
public ch Security Program
Washington, DC 200362257

to launch the "Highway to

Nowhere" project as a vehicle
Ashley Milburn to reunite divided west
1440 East Baltimore Street A partme Individual Baltimore communities 38,506
Baltimore, MD 21231 displaced and disenfranchised
by construction of the dead-
ended Route 40 highway

to build cultural leadership in

Ashley Milburn
the West Baltimore community
1440 East Baltimore Street Apartme Individual 1,895
that will survive the fellowship
Baltimore, MD 21231

Stefan M ilovanovic
Vojvode Stepe 259/5 to provide support to study at
Individual 17,203
Belgrade 11000 the University of Vermont

Aung Khaing Min to provide additional support to

2602 Eastgate Lane Apartment C Individual study at Chulalongkorn 3,000
Bloomington, IN 47408 University

Saw Aye Min

to provide additional support to
Room 402 Bld 5 Lam 1 0 nnut 36
Individual study at Chulalongkorn 4,888
Bangkok 10330

Ministry of Education Republic of to support access to free

Liberia school education for all
Ministry of Education children in Liberia and to assist 4,250,000
equivalent o
Monrovia the Government of Liberia to
LI rebuild its education system

to use art as a tool to engage

Native American youth in a
structured out of school,
community-based arts
Ashley Manner
program The program will be
3517 Sollers Point Road Individual 24,476
used to connect the youth to
Baltimore, M D 21222
their culture as well as educate
the broader community about
the Native American

Minnesota Council of Nonprofits

501 (c)(3) to support the Nonprofit Voter
2314 University Avenue West Suite 200,000
public ch Engagement Network
St Paul, MN 55114

Slobodan M itrovic to provide additional support to

406 East 83rd Street Apartment 5B Individual study at Graduate Center, City 150
NewYork,NY 10028 University NewYork

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Ms Foundation for Women Inc

501 (c)(3)
12 M etroTech Center 26th Floor matching gift program 6,262
public ch
Brooklyn, NY 11201

Ms Foundation for Women Inc

501 (c)(3)
12 M etroTech Center 26th Floor to provide general support 3,500
public ch
Brooklyn, NY 11201

Cin Siang Muang

Spicer Memorial College Aundh Road to provide additional support to
individual 700
Pune 411007 study at

Zam Suan Mung

to provide additional support to
A undh Road
Individual study at Spicer Memorial 1,000
Pune, maharashtra 411007

to promote social and

economic justice among low
wage workers in Baltimore You
Irene Muniz will facilitate dialogue across
303 E Highfield Rd Individual race, language , and cultural 35,212
Baltimore, MD 21218 differences to help low-wage
workers improve their working
conditions and economic

to promote social and

economic justice among low
wage workers You will
Irene Muniz facilitate dialogue across race,
303 E Highfield Rd Individual language, and cultural 3,477
Baltimore, MD 21218 differences to help low-wage
workers improve their working
conditions and economic

Irene Muniz to promote social and

303 E Highfield Rd Individual economic justice among low 2,551
Baltimore, M D 21218 wage workers

Irene Muniz to support fellowship by

303 E Highfield Rd Individual decreasing graduate shool debt 550
Baltimore, MD 21218 during fellowship term

to build the capacity to

educate, engage and mobilize
Muslim American lawyers,
Muslim Advocates
501 (c)(3) community leaders and other
315 Montgomery Street 8th Floor 200,000
public ch advocates in pressing for
San Francisco,CA 94104
human rights, to provide
necessary administrative

Ayehlaphyu MayOo Mutraw

to provide additional support to
2451 East 10th Street Apartment 21 Individual 657
study at Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47408

Ayehlaphyu May Oo M utraw to provide additional support to

2451 East 10th Street Apartment 21 Individual study at Indiana University 6,000
Bloomington, IN 47408 Bloomington

Myanmar Digital Solutions

PO Box 4 Klong Luang Mailbox 905 Foreign to support IT and professional
Bangkok Organization trainings for Burmese youth

Maw Poe Myar

Rm 169 Soi ABAC Ramkamhaeng 24 to provide additional support to
Ban Individual study at Assumption 5,800
Bangkok 10240 University

Aung Myo Myat

Levrisa St Tower 1 Unit 601 to provide additional support to
Individual 6,000
Pasay City 3016 study at De La Salle

to support a meeting to
educate community leaders,
government officials, and
Steve Myers
interest groups in coastal
5708 North Suwanee Avenue Individual 10,000
Alabama about safe coastal
Tampa, FL 33604
construction, flood insurance
and the state of flood mapping
on the Gulf Coast

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Myo Myo Myint

to provide additional support to
Univ of Malaya Faculty of Econ and
Individual study at University of Malaya, 3,900
Kuala Lumpur 50603
Kuala Lumpur

Thaung Myint
to provide additional support to
290 A Pyay Rd Apt 7
Individual study at William Penn 3,000
Yangon,Ku 11111

May Myitta
to provide additional support to
Spicer Mem College Women Hostel3l
Individual study at Spicer Memorial 800
Pune,Ya 411007

Aung MawMyo Lwin

1189 Beall Avenue Apartment C- to provide additional support to
Individual 739
2301 study at the College of Wooster
Wooster, O H 44691

Aung MawMyo Lwin

1189 Beall Avenue Apartment C- to provide additional support to
Individual 6,529
2301 study at the College of Wooster
Wooster, O H 44691

Natia Mzhavanadze
I Nutsubidze Plateau block 16 Apt
Individual to study education in the U S 97
Tbilisi 183

to support litigation, legal

NAACP Legal Defense and counsel, and public education
Educational Fund Inc 501 (c)(3) and outreach activities to
99 Hudson Street Suite 1600 public ch respond to the need for school
New York, NY 100132897 districts with voluntary
integration plans

to support LDF's Criminal

Justice Program as it
NAACP Legal Defense and
challenges racially
Educational Fund Inc 501 (c)(3)
discriminatory enforcement of 100,000
99 Hudson Street Suite 1600 public ch
criminal laws through litigation,
NewYork,NY 100132897
policy research and advocacy,
and public education

Maung Win Naing

Burma UN Service Office 777 UN to provide additional support to
Individual 3,000
Plaz study at Columbia University
NewYork,NY 10017

Myo Naing
to provide additional support to
PO Box 269 Fourways North 2086
Individual study at the University of 3,000
Johannesburg 2086

Doaa Nakhala
PO Box 358 House 51-36 to support a PFDP Fellowship in
Individual 28,061
Gaza City, Ga the field of Political Science

Nandaka Nandaka
No 4 sarnath Amf/10 Harnayan Viha to provide additional support to
Individual 800
Varanasi 211007 study at Sanskrit University

U Nandiya
to provide additional support to
Room No28 Apartment not
Individual study at Nava Nalanda 900
Nalanda, Uttar Pradesh 803111

Ya Da Nar
to provide additional support to
400 North Harrison SRSU Box 5352 Individual 1,088
study at Sul Ross University
Alpine,TX 79832

Ya Da Nar to provide additional support to

400 North Harrison SRSU Box 5352 Individual study at Sul Ross State 6,586
Alpine,TX 79832 University

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Nail Nasritdinov
30/10 Toktonaliev Str to study Social Work at a U S
Individual 15,922
Bishkek 720040 university

to subsidize travel, hotel, and

food costs for Civic Justice
Corps members and staff to
National Association of Service and
attend Green For All's Dream
Conservation C 501 (c)(3)
Reborn, a four-day conference 20,000
1100 G Street NW Suite 1000 public ch
that explores promising,
Washington, DC 20005
equitable, ecologically friendly
solutions for creating jobs,
justice, wealth, heal

National Black Justice Coalition

501 (c)(3)
1638 R Street NW Suite 300 to provide general support 50,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20009

to train and develop faith-

based partners in Camden, NJ
and Philadelphia to establish
National Center for Civic Innovation partnerships that strengthen
501 (c)(3)
121 Avenue of the Americas 6th Flo family commitment and 25,000
public ch
New York, NY 10013 enhance resources to address
the most pressing needs facing
Black men and boys in urban

National Center for Lesbian Rights

501 (c)(3)
870 Market Street Suite 370 to provide general support 75,000
public ch
San Francisco, CA 94102

National Center for Science Education

Inc 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 100,000
420 40th Street Suite 2 public ch
Oakland, CA 946092509

to provide support for phase

National Center for State Courts one of a national campaign to
501 (c)(3)
300 Newport Avenue ensure the racial and ethnic -8,532
public ch
Williamsburg, VA 23185 fairness of America ' s state

to support a national campaign

National Center for State Courts
501 (c)(3) to ensure the racial and ethnic
300 Newport Avenue 88,500
public ch fairness of America's state
Williamsburg,VA 23185

National Center for Transgender

501 (c)(3)
1325 Massachusetts Avenue NW to provide general support 50,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20005

National Coalition for Child Protection

Reform 501 (c)(3) to support your work to
53 Skyhill Road Suite 202 private f promote child protection reform
Alexandria, VA 22314

National Committee for Responsive

Philanthropy 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 100,000
2001 5 Street NW Suite 620 public ch
Washington, DC 20009

National Congress of American

Indians Fund 501 (c)(3) to support the Project on the
1516 P Street NW public ch Judiciary
Washington, DC 20005

to stop widespread and

discriminatory credit pricing
practices and obtain relief for
National Consumer Law Center Inc those victimized, as well as to
501 (c)(3)
7 Winthrop Square 4th floor strengthen the community of 250,000
public ch
Boston, MA 021101245 lawyers and advocates who are
fighting mortgage lending and
other types of credit

National Council of La Raza

501 (c)(3) to support the We Are America
1126 16th Street NW 152,331
public ch Alliance
Washington, DC 20036

to support work on immigration

efforts aimed at strengthening
National Council of La Raza
501 (c)(3) the effectiveness of
1126 16th Street NW 150,000
public ch immigration policy while
Washington, DC 20036
supporting and sustaining civil

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

to support Democracia U S A
(D-USA), a non-partisan,
Hispanic civic engagement
project, which seeks to
National Council of La Raza
501 (c)(3) increase the active
1126 16th Street NW 250,000
public ch participation and prominence of
Washington, DC 20036
Hispanics in the American
political process through voter
empowerment, leadership
training, civic e

to advance immigration reform

National Council of La Raza by challenging the presence
501 (c)(3)
1126 16th Street NW and influence of hate groups 100,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20036 and extremists influencing
immigration policy

to strengthen and expand its

Ntl Council on Alcoholism and Drug
education and advocacy efforts
Dependence 501 (c)(3)
in Maryland on behalf of drug 200,000
28 East Ostend Street Suite 303 public ch
dependent and recovering
Baltimore, M D 21230

to continue engaging labor

National Employment Law Project Inc unions in efforts to reduce
501 (c)(3)
80 Maiden Lane Suite 509 unfair barriers to employment 90,000
public ch
New York, NY 10038 faced by people with criminal

to support the travel and per

diem expenses for seven
National Endowment for Democracy Russian activists who
501 (c)(3)
1101 Fifteenth Street NW Suite 700 participated in the World 14,926
public ch
Washington, DC 20005 Movement ' s Fifth Assembly,
which took place on April 6-9,
2008, in Kyiv, Ukraine

to support the participation of

National Forensic League
501 (c)(3) the National Forensic League in
PO Box 38 3,350
public ch the national qualifying event in
Ripon, WI 54971
Singapore in April 2008

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force

501 (c)(3)
Massachusetts Avenue NW to provide general support 50,000
public ch3)
Washington, DC 20005

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force

501 (c)(3)
Massachusetts Avenue NW to provide general support 50,000
public ch3)
Washington, DC 20005

National Immigration Forum Inc

501 (c)(3)
50 F Street NW Suite 300 to provide general support 75,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20001

National Immigration Forum Inc to support a policy planning

501 (c)(3)
50 F Street NW Suite 300 process to lay the groundwork 200,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20001 for immigration reform

National Immigration Law Center

501 (c)(3)
3435 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 2850 to provide general support 75,000
public ch
Los Angeles, CA 90010

to provide support for a

strategic planning process,
National Immigration Law Center training and coaching of
501 (c)(3)
3435 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 2850 executive and management 100,000
public ch
Los Angeles, CA 90010 staff, funding diversification,
development of board capacity,
and technology needs

to utilize and develop emergent

National Institute on Money in State
Internet technologies and
Politics 501 (c)(3)
strategies to make IMSP 160,000
833 North Last Chance Gulch 2nd Fl public ch
database information more
Helena,MT 59601
readily accessible

National Juvenile Defender Center

1350 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 300,000
3 public ch
Washington, DC 20036

National Legal Aid and Defender

Association to support the National
501 (c)(3)
1140 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite Indigent Defense 325,000
9 public ch
Infrastructure Initiatives
Washington, DC 20036

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

to support Organizers for

America, a web-based Career
National Organizers Alliance Center/Clearinghouse for
501 (c)(3)
6411 Orchard Avenue Suite 110 community and labor organizing 40,000
public ch
Takoma Park, MD 20912 hosted and launched by the
National Organizers Alliance

to advance critical women's

National Partnership for Women and
rights, civil rights, and
Families Inc
501 (c)(3) reproductive rights by ensuring
1875 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 200,000
6 public ch fairness, integrity, and a
commitment to equal justice in
Washington, DC 20009
our courts

National Philanthropic Trust co

Breast Cancer 3 D 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 150
165 Township Line Road Suite 150 public ch
Jenkintown, PA 19046

National Philharmonic
501 (c)(3)
5301 Tuckerman Lane matching gift program 3,000
public ch
North Bethesda, MD 20852

to support Evangelicals for

Human Rights (EHR) as it
National Religious Campaign Against organizes and provides
Torture 501 (c)(3) leadership to a conference,
316 F Street NE Suite 200 public ch " Religious Faith, Torture and our
Washington, DC 20002 National Soul," to be held for
evangelicals in September

National Religious Campaign Against to support the National

Torture 501 (c)(3) Religious Campaign Against
316 F Street NE Suite 200 public ch Torture and the Evangelicals for
Washington, DC 20002 Human Rights Education Project

National Security Archive Fund Inc

501 (c)(3) to support the Center for
Gelman Library 2130 H Street NW S 150,000
public ch National Security Studies
Washington, DC 20037

to support the Center for

National Security Archive Fund Inc National Security Studies'
501 (c)(3)
Gelman Library 2130 H Street NW S Project on Domestic 220,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20037 Intelligence and Surveillance
Preparing for the Transition

National Security Archive Fund Inc

501 (c)(3) to support the Openness
Gelman Library 2130 H Street NW S 300,000
public ch Advocacy work
Washington, DC 20037

to support an educational and

National Security Archive Fund Inc
501 (c)(3) outreach campaign around the
Gelman Library 2130 H Street NW S 25,000
public ch documentary film, Torturing
Washington, DC 20037

National Senior Citizens Law Center

501 (c)(3) to support the Herbert Semmel
1444 Eye Street NW 11th Floor 250,000
public ch Federal Rights Project
Washington, DC 20005

National Senior Citizens Law Center to provide add-on support for

501 (c)(3)
1444 Eye Street NW 11th Floor the Center ' s Federal Rights 170,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20005 Project

National Urban Reconstruction and

Housing Agency
Foreign to provide for loss on loan
PO Box 2452 132,902
equivalent o guarantees
Saxonwold 2132

to support the Federal Courts

National Womens Law Center and Administration of Justice
501 (c)(3)
11 Dupont Circle NW Suite 800 Project to ensure a judiciary 400,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20036 committed to preserving the
core legal protections for women

Native American Rights Fund

501 (c)(3)
1506 Broadway to provide general support 75,000
public ch
Boulder, CO 803026296

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Native Movement
501 (c)(3)
PO Box 896 matching gift program 750
public ch
Flagstaff,AZ 86002

Natural Resources Defense Council

501 (c)(3)
40 West 20th Street matching gift program 3,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 10011

Natural Resources Defense Council

501 (c)(3)
40 West 20th Street matching gift program 300
public ch
NewYork,NY 10011

Natural Resources Defense Council

501 (c)(3) to support the China Public
40 West 20th Street 490,000
public ch Participation Program
NewYork,NY 10011

to train and mentor lawyers

Natural Resources Defense Council interested in pursuing
501 (c)(3)
40 West 20th Street environmental litigation cases 130,801
public ch
New York, NY 10011 through a two-year fellowship

Zhanara Nauruzbayeva
Ulitsa Lenina 81 to provide additional support to
Individual 2,500
Taraz 80012 study at Stanford University

Nay Kyar Pann Sunflower

12/ 0o Ka Ta 9 Naing Foreign to support expansion of the
Yangon,Zh Organization HIV/AIDS Program

Ashin Nayanacakka
Nava Nalanda Mahavihara University to provide additional support to
Individual 600
Nalanda 803111 study at Nalanda University

Aloviddin Nazarov to spend one semester at a

33 Uchastok Jdanova U S University as part of the
Individual 3,560
Leninsky, Bihar 735119 Faculty Development
TI Fellowship Program

Thawng Thian Neam

to provide additional support to
A uundh Road
Individual study at Spicer Memorial 1,000
une 411007

Neighborhood Cats Inc

501 (c)(3)
2576 Broadway Suite 555 matching gift program 300
public ch
NewYork,NY 10025

Neighborhood Defender Services Inc

501 (c)(3)
317 Lenox Avenue 10th Floor matching gift program 1,500
public ch
NewYork,NY 10027

Neighborhood Economic Development to plan a comprehensive and

Advocacy Project 501 (c)(3) coordinated city-wide response
73 Spring Street Suite 506 public ch to the subprime lending and
New York, NY 10012 foreclosure crises

to allow 10/15 members of New

Neighborhood Economic Development
Yorkers for Responsible
Advocacy Project 501 (c)(3)
Lending to attend the 4,800
73 Spring Street Suite 506 public ch
coalition ' s annual statewide
NewYork,NY 10012
meeting in Albany, NY

Neighborhood Housing Services of

New York City 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 800
307 West 36th Street 12th Floor public ch
NewYork,NY 10008

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

New America Foundation

5 01 c) to support the Wireless Future
1899 L Street NW Suite 400 ch 200,000
public program
Washington, DC 20036

to support planning and

New America Foundation
501 (c)(3) preparation for launch of an
1899 L Street NW Suite 400 115,000
public ch organization tentatively to be
Washington, DC 20036
called "University Watch"

New America Foundation

501 (c)(3) to support the NuclearStrategy
1899 L Street NW Suite 400 300,000
public ch and Non Proliferation Initiative
Washington, DC 20036

New America Foundation

501 (c)(3) to renew support for the Next
1899 L Street NW Suite 400 250,000
public ch Social Contract Initiative
Washington, DC 20036

to support the production and

New Democracy Project
501 (c)(3) dissemination of a transition
641 Sixth Avenue 4th floor 100,000
public ch blueprint for the next
New York, NY 10011
presidential administration

to use advocacy and

communications to drive an
efficiency and a financing
New Futures Inc
501 (c)(3) strategy that will increase
8 Continental Drive Unit G 100,000
public ch resources for addiction
Exeter, NH 03833
treatment and demonstrate
approaches to Closing the
Addiction Treatment Gap

New Hope Foundation

501 (c)(3)
80 Conover Road matching gift program 750
public ch
Marlboro, NJ 07746

New Israel Fund

501 (c)(3)
1101 14th Street NW 6th Floor to provide general support 2,500
public ch
Washington, DC 200055639

New Israel Fund

501 (c)(3)
1101 14th Street NW 6th Floor matching gift program 15,000
public ch
Washington, DC 200055639

New Jersey Policy Perspective

pch to s u p p o rt S t a t e Fiscal
137 West Hanover Street 75,000
public An al y s i s I n it i a t iv e work
Trenton,NJ 08618

to provide general support New

New Jersey Policy Perspective Jersey Policy Perspective's
501 (c)(3)
137 West Hanover Street various activities, including its 75,000
public ch
Trenton,NJ 08618 State Fiscal Analysis Initiative

New Rules for Global Finance

to support "Bringing Central
Coalitions Inc 501 (c)(3)
Asia's Perspectives to the IMF 15,000
Wilson Boulevard 650 public ch
Reform Debate"
Arlington,VA 22201

New York Cares

5 01 c) matching gift program volunteer
214 West 29th Street 5th Floor ch 1,000
public time
NewYork,NY 10001

New York City Ballet Inc

501 (c)(3)
New York State Theater 20 Lincoln C matching gift program 2,292
public ch
NewYork,NY 10023

New York Civil Liberties Union

to provide support for the
Foundation 501 (c)(3)
roject and Surveillance
Security 100,000
125 Broad Street 19th Floor public ch
NewYork,NY 100042000

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

New York Civil Liberties Union

Foundation 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 3,000
125 Broad Street 19th Floor public ch
NewYork,NY 100042000

New York Lawyers for the Public

to provide renewal support for
Interest 501 (c)(3)
the National Campaign to 200,000
151 West 30th Street 11th Floor public ch
Restore Civil Rights
NewYork,NY 100014017

New York Public Library

501 (c)(3)
Fifth Avenue 42nd Street matching gift program 180
public ch
NewYork,NY 10018

New York Society for the Prevention

of Cruelty to
matching gift program 1,500
161 William Street
NewYork,NY 100382607

NY Studio School Of Drawing Painting

and Sculp 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 300
8 W 8th Street public ch
NewYork,NY 10011

to support the transition of the

OSI New York City Community
New York University Fellowship Program and
501 (c)(3)
Office of the Treasurer PO Box 8 support the launch, operation -20,086
public ch
New York, NY 100090837 and long-term sustainability of
the New York City Social
Justice Fellowship Program

to provide operational support

New York University
501 (c)(3) to the Afghan Reconstruction
Office of the Treasurer PO Box 8 50,000
public ch Project of the Center on
NewYork,NY 100090837
International Cooperation

to support the Afghanistan

Reconstruction Project of the
New York University Center on International
501 (c)(3)
Office of the Treasurer PO Box 8 Cooperation to print, publish, 15,000
public ch
New York, NY 100090837 and disseminate a paper on
counter-narcotics policy in

New York University School of

to support the project
Medicine 501 (c)(3)
"Advocating A Against Torture 100,000
545 First Avenue Greenberg Hall SC public ch
Thee Clinician' s Voice"
NewYork,NY 10016

New Yorkers Against the Death

Penalty Inc 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 75,000
40 North Main Avenue public ch
Albany,NY 12203

Vung Deih Niang

to provide additional support to
A uundh Road
Individual study at Spicer Memorial 800
une 411007

Dmitry Nikitin
Cheluskinzev street 23-A app46
to provide support to study at
Pavlograd Dnepro, maharashtra Individual 14,634
the University of Georgia

Zlatko Nikoloski
to provide additional support to
10 Carrol Close
Individual study at University College 40
London NW5 1TF

River Nile
Women Res 1 Rm 218 Mission Coll S to provide additional support to
Individual 3,000
Bangkok 18180 study at Mission College

to provide leaders of the

Vivian Nixon African Methodist Episcopal
3 Bay Green Lane Apartment 3C Individual church with tools for effective 1,500
Port Washington, NY 11050 practice and advocacy on
behalf of offenders in reentry

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

to support the Integration

Ohio State University Foundation
501 (c)(3) Initiative of the Kirwan
Office of Corporate and Foundation 350,000
public ch Institute for the Study of Race
Columbus, O H 432213938
and Ethnicity

to support a national
Ohio State University Foundation conference entitled Toward a
501 (c)(3)
Office of Corporate and Foundation Transformative Agenda around 25,000
public ch
Columbus, OH 432213938 Race by the Kirwan Institute for
the Study of Race and Ethnicity

One America
501 (c)(3)
1227 South Weller Street Suite A to provide general support 100,000
public ch
Seattle, WA 98144

One to World Inc

501 (c)(3)
285 West Broadway Suite 450 matching gift program 1,800
public ch
NewYork,NY 10013

Aung Myo Oo
Rm 3405 Bang Intanin Salaya Campu to provide additional support to
Individual 4,850
Bangkok 73170 study at Mahidol University

Aung Zin Oo
124/1 Suksabye Apt KM-26RD to provide additional support to
Individual 6,000
Samuprakarn, Ba 10560 study at ABAC

Kay Thi O o
to provide additional support to
9 97 Maligaya Malate
Individual study at Mapua Institute of 5,500
997 ,Ba 1004

Kyaw Lin 0 0
to provide additional support to
Rm Seri C
Charm Apt Soi 30/1 R
Individual study at Ramkhamhaeng 2,000
Bangkok,Mari 10240

Moe Zaw O o
to provide additional support to
517 387 Ratchadaphisek Road
Individual study at Chulalongkorn 3,800
Bangkok 10310

Zin Mar0o
ST 10 104 to provide additional support to
Individual 4,600
Bangkok 12120 study at AIT

Oregon Center for Public Policy

501 (c)(3) to support State Fiscal
204 North First Street Suite C PO 75,000
public ch Analysis Initiative work
Silverton,OR 973810007

to provide general support for

O regon Center for Public Policy Oregon Center for Public
501 (c)(3)
204 North First Street Suite C PO Policy ' s various activities, 75,000
public ch
Silverton,OR 973810007 including its State Fiscal
Analysis Initiative work

Oregon Progress Forum

501 (c)(3)
333 SE 2nd Avenue 2nd Floor to support the Bus Project 50,000
public ch
Portland,OR 97214

to support the State

Integration Pilot Project which
Oregon Progress Forum
501 (c)(3) will test how to maximize the
333 SE 2nd Avenue 2nd Floor 50,000
public ch impact of nonpartisan state
Portland, O R 97214
integration models in the civic
engagement arena

to improve the quality of

Orleans Public Defenders
Governmental indigent defense representation
2601 Tulane Avenue Suite 700 100,000
unit for adults and juveniles in
New O rleans, LA 70119
Orleans Parish

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

M unkhbat 0 rolmaa to spend a semester at a U S

Ikh Surguuliin Gudanj Bldg not 46 University as part of the
Individual 5,861
U laanbaatar 210646 Faculty Development
MG Fellowship Program

Temirbek O rozbaev
to provide additional support to
So Asia Inst Dept of Pol Science
Individual study at University of 731
Heidelberg 69120

Rahat 0 rozova to spend one semester at a

63-20 Chui Prospect U S University as part of the
Individual 685
Bishkek 720022 Faculty Development
KG Fellowship Program

Alma Othman
to support study urban
Roujeeb Compound 108 PO Box of
planning as part f the
1721 Individual 25,687
Palestinian Faculty
WE Development Program

Oxfam America Inc

501 (c)(3)
226 Causeway Street 5th Floor matching gift program 7,500
public ch
Boston, MA 021142206

Oxfam America Inc

501 (c)(3)
226 Causeway Street 5th Floor matching gift program 150
public ch
Boston, MA 021142206

to purchase and distribute

copies of Todd Clear's
Oxford University Press
501 (c)(3) " Imprisoning Communities
198 Madison Avenue 18,500
public ch How Mass Incarceration Makes
NewYork,NY 10016
Disadvantaged Neighborhoods

Pacific Environment and Resources to support the project

Center 501 (c)(3) Strengthening China's Civil
251 Kearny Street Second Floor public ch Society by Responding to
San Francisco, CA 94108 Water Pollution

Pacific Institute for Studies in

Development 501 (c)(3) to support the Scientific
654 13th Street public ch Integrity Project
Oakland, CA 94612

to provide capacity building

Pacific News Service
501 (c)(3) support to strengthen the
275 9th Street 3rd Floor 200,000
public ch infrastructure of New America
San Francisco,CA 94103

Pacifica Foundation
501 (c)(3)
1925 Martin Luther King Jr Way to provide general support 5,000
public ch
Berkeley, CA 94704

Mimoza Pacuku
Anton Popov 85/2-2 to support your studies at
Individual 9,312
Skopje 1000 Slippery Rock University

Padauk Pwint Thit Magazine

187/ 3A 34th Street Foreign to support monthly publication
Kyauktada Organization of the magazine

Daniela Calina Palimariu

to support your studies at the
str Canta 17 b1450 scC ap16
Individual University of Wisconsin - Eau 7,948
Iasi, Ra 700528

Moonlight Pan Po
to provide additional support to
No 262 Sule Pagoda Road
Individual study at Pannasastra 4,000
No ,Ia
U niversity

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Seng Nu Pan
19 Kho 3 Baaw Boh Fai to provide additional support to
Individual 4,700
Hua Hin,Ya 77110 study at Webster University

Ivan Pandzic
Milana Resetara 29 10000 to support your studies at the
Individual 9,148
Zagreb,Ba 10000 University of Georgia

to help build capacity in

advance of a new methadone
Pangaea Global AIDS Foundation program in Cambodia by
501 (c)(3)
995 Market Street Suite 200 training Dr Chhit Sophal and 19,582
public ch
San Francisco, CA 94103 Dr Vannda Kab, MMT leaders
responsible for implementation
of the pilot program

Pan Massachusetts Challenge Trust

501 (c)(3)
77 Fourth Avenue matching gift program 450
public ch
Needham,MA 02494

Parent Teacher Association of the

Earth School 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 3,000
600 East 6th Street public ch
NewYork,NY 10009

Park Square Advocates Inc

501 (c)(3) to support Gay and Lesbian
30 Winter Street Suite 800 50,000
public ch Advocates and Defenders
Boston,MA 021084720

to create the Interfaith Garden

Art Project in partnership with
the Historic East Baltimore
Ivy Parsons Community Action Coalition,
PO Box 38656 Individual Dr Rayner Brown Elementary - 23,590
Baltimore, MD 21231 Middle School, and the
interfaith community as a place
to honor the school's champion
chess players and a

Partners In Health a Nonprofit

Corporation 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 300
641 Huntington Avenue 1st Floor public ch
Boston, MA 02115

Partnership for Immigrant Leadership

to provide renewed support for
and Action 501 (c)(3)
the Mobilize the Immigrant 50,000
2601 Mission Street Suite 404 public ch
Vote Collaborative in California
San Francisco,CA 94110

Partnership for Safety and Justice

501 (c)(3)
825 NE 20th Avenue Suite 250 to provide general support 56,000
public ch
Portland, O R 97232

Partnership for Working Families

501 (c)(3)
2525 West Alameda to provide general support 175,000
public ch
Denver, CO 80219

Amra Pasanovic
Nusreta Sisica Dede 9 to provide support to study at
Individual 14,952
Sarajevo 71000 the University of Georgia

to develop infrastructures to
challenge immigration
detention policies through the
Sunita Patel
creation of a volunteer human
14-43 28th Avenue Apartment 3E Individual 18,750
rights/detention conditions
Astoria, NY 11102
monitoring and advocacy group
and the establishment of a
public accountability board

to establish the ARTEnriches

program for youth ages 5-18 in
the Pimlico community of
Deborah Patterson northwest Baltimore Drawing
14302 Cooper Road Individual from art history and a classical 35,968
Phoenix, MD 21131 approach to instruction, you
will teach children to create
work to enrich their lives as
well as their fame

Deborah Patterson to attend a conference to

14302 Cooper Road Individual expand knowledge about public 650
Phoenix,MD 21131 spaces

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Thang Pau
Spicer Memorial College Post Box-1 to provide additional support to
Individual 800
Pune 411007 study at Tilak University

Benny Paul
Ramkhamhaeng 24/31 Apt 5/2 Ban
to provide additional support to
Ra Individual 5,000
study at ABAC
Bangkok, maharashtra 10240

Naw Sar Eh Paw

PPD Hou 20/3 Seree Prarama 9 Soi 4 to provide additional support to
Individual 6,000
Bangkok,Ba 10250 study at ABAC

501 (c)(3)
1326 9th Street NW matching gift program 750
public ch
Washington, DC 20001

PEN American Center Inc

501 (c)(3)
588 Broadway Suite 303 to provide general support 10,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 10012

to provide matching bridge

PEN American Center Inc funding for the PEN Prison
501 (c)(3)
588 Broadway Suite 303 Writing Program as the 40,000
public ch
New York, NY 10012 organization works to expand
and diversify its funding

to support Campaign for Core

Freedoms, a comprehensive
PEN American Centerlnc
501 (c)(3) advocacy initiative to address
588 Broadway Suite 303 75,000
public ch post-9/11 threats to freedom
NewYork,NY 10012
of expression and human rights
in the U S

to support event entitled

PEN American Center Inc
501 (c)(3) "Reading Burma a benefit for
588 Broadway Suite 303 11,875
public ch Cyclone Relief and Freedom of
NewYork,NY 10012
Expression in Burma

to provide renewal support for a

Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts public education and organizing
501 (c)(3)
Three Parkway Suite 1320 1601 Che c campaign in support of merit 75,000
public ch
Philadelphia, PA 19102 selection reforms in

People for the American Way

to support Young Elected
Foundation 501 (c)(3)
Officials Network (YEO 100,000
2000 M Street NW Suite 400 public ch
Washington, DC 20036

People for the American Way

Foundation 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 300
2000 M Street NW Suite 400 public ch
Washington, DC 20036

to support Young People For,

which identifies , engages and
People for the American Way
empowers the next generation
Foundation 501 (c)(3)
of progressive leaders to work 400,000
2000 M Street NW Suite 400 public ch
toward positive social change
Washington, DC 20036
on their campuses and in their

Joshua Perry to coordinate systemic

1020 Pleasant Street Individual litigation at the Orleans Public 52,391
New O rleans, LA 70115 Defenders

Alexander Pershai
to provide additional support to
400 Street Unit 3
Individual study at the University of 2,997
Peterborough t
K9H R3
Western Ontario

Ridvan Peshkopia
to provide additional support to
175 North Locust Hill Apartment 12 Individual 713
study at University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40509

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Ridvan Peshkopia to provide additional support to

175 North Locust Hill Apartment 12 Individual study at University of 4,382
Lexington, KY 40509 Kentucky

Nicholas Petr to strengthen the Indypendent

303 E Highfield Rd Individual Reader, a grassroots media 35,416
Baltimore, MD 21218 project

Nicholas Petr to expand the workshops and

303 E Highfield Rd Individual programs established by the 1,895
Baltimore, MD 21218 Indypendent Reader

Ann Petriashvili
Nutsubidze 3 M/R 2kv House 4 Ap
Individual to study social work in the U S 27,997
Tbilisi 183

Philharmonic Symphony Society of

New York Inc 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 150
10 Lincoln Center Plaza public ch
NewYork,NY 100236912

Phoenix House
501 (c)(3)
164 West 74th Street matching gift program 25,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 10023

Than Phoo
No 26 62 Street to provide additional support to
Individual 5,593
Botahtaung 11161 study at Bard College

Khamindra Phorn
97 Rm 3 to provide additional support to
Individual 5,685
Chiang Mai,Ya 50200 study at Chiang Mai University

Physicians for Human Rights

501 (c)(3)
2 Arrow Street Suite 301 matching gift program 600
public ch
Cambridge, MA 02138

to support the participation of

30 Zimbabwean medical
Physicians for Human Rights
501 (c)(3) students at a human rights and
2 Arrow Street Suite 301 10,530
public ch advocacy training conference
Cambridge, MA 02138
and post-conference follow up

Physicians for Human Rights

501 (c)(3) to assist the "Colleagues at
2 Arrow Street Suite 301 13,268
public ch Risk" program campaign
Cambridge, MA 02138

Physicians for Human Rights

501 (c)(3)
2 Arrow Street Suite 301 matching gift program 300
public ch
Cambridge, MA 02138

Physicians for Reproductive Choice

and Health Inc 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 300
55 West 39th Street 10th Floor public ch
NewYork,NY 10018

Poe Ei Phyu
to provide additional support to
Spicer Mem College Girls Hostel A
Individual study at Spicer Memorial 650
Pune 411007

Ina Pislaru
to obtain a graduate degree in
Feroviara 27 Apt 35
Individual Sociology from Rutgers 7,490
Ungheni,maharashtra MD 3600

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Planned Parenthood of New York City

Inc 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 750
26 Bleecker Street public ch
NewYork,NY 100122413

Neineh Plo
to provide additional support to
2451 East 10th Street Aptartment 4 Individual 645
study at Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47408

Neineh Plo to provide additional support to

2451 East 10th Street Aptartment 4 Individual study at Indiana University 6,000
Bloomington, IN 47408 Bloomington

Masis Poghoyan to spend a semester at a U S

48 Melkonyan university as part of the
Individual 11,830
Jrvej Kotayk Marz 374089 Faculty Development
AM Fellowship Program

Masis Poghoyan to spend a semester at a US

48 Melkonyan University as part of the
Individual 10,244
Jrvej Kotayk Marz 374089 Faculty Development
AM Fellowship Program

Elena Pokalova
to provide additional support to
Gotvalda 11 198
Individual study at University of Kent 1,579
Yekaterinburg 620034
State University

Elena Pokalova
Gotvalda 11-198 to provide additional support to
Individual 2,500
Yekaterinburg 620034 study at Kent State University

Nargiza Polvanova
2a15 kvartal Bofanda
Individual to study social work in the U S 20,115
Khujand 735702

Alexandru Florin Popa

Str Farului nr 32 bl A L6 ap 1 to support your studies at the
Individual 8,884
Constanta 8700 University of Arkansas

to support the continued

development of a South Asian
Population Services International regional proposal to the Global
501 (c)(3)
1120 19th Street NW Suite 600 Fund in Round 8 for the scale- 19,500
public ch
Washington, DC 20036 up of HIV/AIDS prevention,
care and support among men
who have sex with men (MSM)

Positive Health Project Inc

501 (c)(3)
301 West 37th Street to provide general support 2,500
public ch
NewYork,NY 10018

Doina Postica
6 Prieteniei str apt7 to provide support to study at
Individual 11,200
Ialoveni MD 6800 the University of Arkansas

Poverty and Race Research Action

Council 501 (c)(3) to provide general operating
1015 15th Street NW Suite 400 public ch support
Washington, DC 20005

Poverty and Race Research Action

to support three convenings
Council 501 (c)(3)
addressing key changes in 25,000
1015 15th Street NW Suite 400 public ch
federal housing policy
Washington,DC 20005

to support responses to the

President and Fellows of Harvard
Supreme Court Parents
College 501 (c)(3)
Involved decision by the 100,000
Office for Sponsored Programs Holy public ch
Charles Hamilton Houston
Cambridge, MA 02138
Institute for Race & Justice

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

President and Fellows of Harvard

College 501 (c)(3) to develop an outreach program
Office for Sponsored Programs Holy public ch for the film, " Secrecy "
Cambridge, MA 02138

to convene leading magnet

school planners, Hope VI
developers, and Justice
President and Fellows of Harvard Reinvestment experts to
College 501 (c)(3) assess the feasibility of using
Office for Sponsored Programs Holy public ch public housing transformation,
Cambridge, MA 02138 magnet schools, and Justice
Reinvestment resources to
create new opportunities for

to determine current and

potentially useful tactics and
President and Fellows of Harvard
strategies for early
College 501 (c)(3)
anticipation, prevention, and 100,000
677 Huntington Avenue Room 506 public ch
mitigation to protect women ' s
Boston, MA 02115
human rights in eastern
Democratic Republic of Congo

President and Fellows of Harvard to give renewed support to a

College 501 (c)(3) global disability law and policy
Office for Sponsored Programs Holy public ch project, implemented by
Cambridge, MA 02138 Professor William Alford

Sholpan Primbetova
5 Bekmanov street
Individual to study social work in the U S 38,494
Shymkent 160021

Princeton in Asia
501 (c)(3)
194 Nassau Street Suite 212 matching gift program 12,000
public ch
Princeton, NJ 08542

Princeton in Asia
501 (c)(3)
194 Nassau Street Suite 212 matching gift program 4,350
public ch
Princeton, NJ 08542

Princeton in Latin America Inc

501 (c)(3)
194 Nassau Street Suite 210 matching gift program 3,750
public ch
Princeton, NJ 08540

Princeton University Gift Records

501 (c)(3)
330 Alexander Street 2nd Floor PO matching gift program 750
public ch
Princeton, NJ 085435357

Prison Dharma Network

501 (c)(3)
PO Box 4623 matching gift program 300
public ch
Boulder, CO 803064623

to continue research, public

education, and policy advocacy
Prison Policy Initiative Inc to reform the current Census
501 (c)(3)
PO Box 127 Bureau practice of counting 50,000
public ch
Northampton,MA 01061 incarcerated people as
residents of the towns in which
they are imprisoned

Prisoners Legal News

501 (c)(3)
PO Box 2420 to provide general support 300,000
public ch
West Brattleboro, VT 05303

Pro Bono Net Inc

501 (c)(3)
151 West 30th Street 10th Floor to provide general support 250,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 10001

Progressive America Fund

501 (c)(3) to support the Center for
2-4 Nevins Street 3rd Floor 75,000
public ch Working Families
Brooklyn, NY 11217

Progressive America Fund

501 (c)(3) to support the Center for
2-4 Nevins Street 3rd Floor 75,000
public ch Working Families
Brooklyn, NY 11217

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Progressive Maryland Education Fund

to carry out a statewide
Inc 501 (c)(3)
campaign to solve Maryland's 25,000
8720 Georgia Avenue Suite 500 public ch
fiscal crisis
Silver Spring, MD 20910

to expand the Meet-Me-

Halfway Mentoring Village
Project Garrison Inc Center's efforts to improve
501 (c)(3)
3717 Springdale Avenue students ' academic 40,000
public ch
Baltimore, MD 21216 achievement and social
competence at Garrison Middle

Project Harmony Inc

501 (c)(3) matching gift program
216 West 122nd Street 1,000
public ch volunteer time
NewYork,NY 10027

Project O n Government Oversight

to support the Congressional
Inc 501 (c)(3)
Oversight Initiative and the IG 100,000
1100 G Street NW Suite 900 ppublic ch
Reform Initiative
Washington, DC 200053806

Project O n Government Oversight

Inc 501 (c)(3) to support the examination of
1100 G Street NW Suite 900 public ch government privatization
Washington, DC 200053806

Project Vote Voting for America Inc

501 (c)(3) to support the Voter
739 8th Street SE Suite 202 200,000
public ch Participation Program
Washington,DC 20003

Project Vote Voting for America Inc to support Project Vote's

501 (c)(3)
739 8th Street SE Suite 202 Election Administration 200,000
p ublic ch
Washington, DC 20003 program

Prospect Park Alliance

501 (c)(3)
95 Prospect Park Alliance matching gift program 150
public ch
Brooklyn, NY 11215

Prospect Park Alliance

501 (c)(3)
95 Prospect Park Alliance matching gift program 3,750
public ch
Brooklyn, NY 11215

to support the Piper Fund, a

Proteus Fund Inc donor collaborative supporting
501 (c)(3)
101 University Drive Suite A2 state-based activities to 100,000
public ch
Amherst, MA 01002 advance public financing of

to support the Media

Democracy Fund, a
Proteus Fund Inc
501 (c)(3) collaborative grantmaking
101 University Drive Suite A2 250,000
public ch project in support of a just
Amherst, MA 01002
media environment and
democratic media policy

to initiate a collaborative fund

at the Proteus Fund to
Proteus Fund Inc complement an emerging
501 (c)(3)
101 University Drive Suite A2 c campaign to restore human 2,000,000
public ch
Amherst, MA 01002 rights and promote a
progressive national security

Proteus Fund Inc

501 (c)(3) to support the Civil Marriage
101 University Drive Suite A2 250,000
public ch Collaborative
Amherst,MA 01002

to conduct research to better

Proteus Fund Inc understand the underpinnings
501 (c)(3)
101 University Drive Suite A2 of the fear of terrorism and 250,000
public ch
Amherst, MA 01002 other national security matters
of the US public

Proteus Fund Inc

501 (c)(3)
101 University Drive Suite A2 to provide general support 150,000
public ch
Amherst,MA 01002

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Protex A Network for Progressive

to support the Fair Defense
Texas DBA Texas C 501 (c)(3)
Project and Campaign to End 80,000
510 S Congress Suite 104 public ch
Racial Profiling
Austin,TX 78704

Protex A Network for Progressive

Texas DBA Texas C 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 113,017
510 5 Congress Suite 104 public ch
Austin,TX 78704

Protex A Network for Progressive

Texas DBA Texas C 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 140,000
510 5 Congress Suite 104 public ch
Austin,TX 78704

Nino Pruidze
6 Miminoshvili Str
Individual to study Education in the U 5 29,982
Tbilisi 108

Psychologists for Social to provide support for a

Responsibility Inc 501 (c)(3) Psychology and Military
208 I Street NE public ch Intelligence Casebook for
Washington, DC 20002 Interrogation Ethics

to support Public Interest Law

Public Interest Law Institute
501 (c)(3) Fellowships for two Chinese
333 Seventh Avenue 14th Floor 105,600
public ch lawyers and one Nepalese
NewYork,NY 10001
lawyer in 2008-2009

to support two West African

fellows working for partner
Public Interest Law Institute organizations of the West
501 (c)(3)
333 Seventh Avenue 14th Floor African Public Interest Law 73,480
public ch
New York, NY 10001 Centre, as part of the PILI
Public Interest Law Fellowship

to provide pro bono legal

Public Interest Law Institute consultations and, where
501 (c)(3)
333 Seventh Avenue 14th Floor appropriate, representation to 12,729
public ch
New York, NY 10001 victims of housing rights
violations in Turkmenistan

to provide US social justice

Public Interest Projects
501 (c)(3) advocates and grassroots
80 Broad Street Suite 1600 250,000
public ch organizations with training on
New York, NY 100042209
human rights

Public Interest Projects to support the Funders'

501 (c)(3)
80 Broad Street Suite 1600 Committee for Civic 50,000
public ch
New York, NY 100042209 Participation

Public Interest Projects to provide project support for

501 (c)(3)
80 Broad Street Suite 1600 the Fulfilling the Dream Fund ' s 200,000
public ch
New York, NY 100042209 Strategic Opportunities Fund

to support the Civic

Participation Initiative of the
Four Freedoms Fund, and foster
Public Interest Projects
501 (c)(3) immigrant community
80 Broad Street Suite 1600 250,000
public ch leadership, advocacy, and voter
NewYork,NY 100042209
participation to increase the
civic engagement of immigrants
in 2008 and beyond

initiate a sub-fund of the U S

Human Rights Fund to support
Public Interest Projects human rights advocacy and
501 (c)(3)
80 Broad Street Suite 1600 communications work on the 100,000
public ch
New York, NY 100042209 elimination of juvenile life
without parole sentencing in the
United States

to provide renewal support to

Public Interest Projects the Four Freedoms Fund for
501 (c)(3)
80 Broad Street Suite 1600 core grantmaking and the 350,000
public ch
New York, NY 100042209 Strategic Communications

to support America's Voice

Education Fund, a
Public Interest Projects
501 (c)(3) communications operation that
80 Broad Street Suite 1600 400,000
public ch aims to build public support to
New York, NY 100042209
promote comprehensive
immigration reform

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

to support the National

Immigration Bond Fund and
Public Interest Projects
501 (c)(3) build public opposition against
80 Broad Street Suite 1600 100,000
public ch immigration raids by focusing
NewYork,NY 100042209
on the lack of rights afforded to
immigrant detainees

Public Justice Center Inc

501 (c)(3)
One North Charles Street Suite 200 matching gift program 3,000
public ch
Baltimore, MD 21201

Public Justice Center Inc to support the National

501 (c)(3)
One North Charles Street Suite 200 Coalition for a Civil Right to 500,000
public ch
Baltimore, MD 21201 Counsel

Public Justice Foundation of Texas

501 (c)(3)
609 West 18th Street Suite E to provide general support 75,000
public ch
Austin,TX 78701

Public Knowledge
1875 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 100,000
6 public ch
Washington, DC 20009

to provide evaluation
assessment and assistance to
Public Private Ventures
501 (c)(3) the 11 organizations working to
122 East 42nd Street 42nd Floor 73,000
public ch reduce suspension and
NewYork,NY 10168
expulsion in Baltimore public

to provide technical assistance

Public Private Ventures to re-entry/re-integration
501 (c)(3)
122 East 42nd Street 42nd Floor organizations that serve 49,500
public ch
New York, NY 10168 Empowerment Zone residents
with criminal records

Puerto Rican Legal Defense and

Education Fund Inc 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 1,200
99 Hudson Street 14th Floor public ch
NewYork,NY 10013

to protect the rights of

Puerto Rican Legal Defense and
immigrants through impact
Education Fund Inc 501 (c)(3)
litigation, community 100,000
99 Hudson Street 14th Floor public ch
engagement work, and
New York, NY 10013
engagement with the media

Munkhselenge Purevdorj to spend a semester at a US

PO Box 46/985 university as part of the
Individual 510
Ulaanbaatar 210646 Faculty Development
MG Fellowship Program

Queen Anne School

501 (c)(3)
14111 Oak Grove Road matching gift program 750
public ch
Upper Marlboro, MD 20774

Jamal Joudeh Rabee

to study education as part of
Edu Sci Faculty College PO Box
Individual the Palestinian Faculty 11,549
WE Development Program

Iva Radic
Aleksinackih rudara 53/7 to support your studies at
Individual 2,501
Belgrade 11070 Ithaca College

Radio Catskill
501 (c)(3)
PO Box 797 matching gift program 180
public ch
Jeffersonville, NY 12748

Radio Catskill
501 (c)(3)
PO Box 797 matching gift program 150
public ch
Jeffersonville, NY 12748

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Valentina Radisavljevic
Mice Markovic 3 to support your studies at the
Individual 13,914
Ralja 11233 University of Montana

Lilia Raileanu
to obtain a graduate degree in
CP 2979
Individual Sociology from Rutgers 14,511
7MD 2071

Tamerlan Rajabov
Demiryolu street 12 house 3 to study Social Work at a U S
Individual 15,911
Baku AZ1154 university

Wael Ramadan to support study in public

Al Jerashy Build Jamal Abdel Nasse administration as part of the
individual 29,711
Bethlehem Palestinian Faculty
WE Development Program

Rand School PTA

501 (c)(3)
176 North Fullerton St matching gift program 450
public ch
Montclair, NJ 07042

to create public awareness

Shantel Randolph
though advocacy while
3706 Glengyle Avenue Individual 37,608
enhancing the lives of
Baltimore, MD 21215
Baltimore ' s youth foster youth

to expand knowledge and

spread experience about
Shantel Randolph
working with foster youth
3706 Glengyle Avenue Individual 594
through a national conference
Baltimore, MD 21215
on behalf of the University of
Maryland School of Medicine

Jonathan Rapping
d evelop a traini ng center for
Klondike Street SW Individual publlic 23,750
public defenders inn the South
Atlanta,GA 30331

Tanawat Ratanasamakee
Baan Sut Kob Fah Thanon Thor Khan to provide additional support to
A Individual study at Ramkamhaeng 4,000
Mae Hong Son 58000 University, Mae Sot

Perisa Raznatovic
Cara Dusana 55 to support your studies at Bard
Individual 3,775
Belgrade, Ma 11000 College

conduct a study of the universe

of criminal trials that resulted
in the wrongful conviction of
Rector and Visitors of the University
innocent persons who were
of V irginia 501 (c)(3)
later exonerated by post- 28,672
PO Box 400195 public ch
conviction DNA testing, with
Charlottesville, VA 229044195
the goal of identifying the
factors that contributed to the
wrongful conviction,

Regents of the University of

to support the Infinity Project
Minnesota Governmental
MMn in promoting gender diversity 43,000
200 Oak Street SE Suite 450 unit
on the Eighth Circuit bench
Minneapolis,MN 55455

Khoe Reh
to provide additional support to
22 Cornwallll St 509 B Hall 6 Stude
Individual study at Hong Kong City 5,600

to provide support for the entry

into force celebration of the UN
Convention of the Rights of
Rehabilitation International
501 (c)(3) Persons with Disabilities
2 5 East 21st Street 4th Floor 13,980
public ch (CRPD), and the inaugural
NewYork,NY 10010
meeting of the International
Disability Alliance (IDA) CRDP

Remote Area Medical Foundation

501 (c)(3)
1834 Beech St matching gift program 150
public ch
Knoxvme,TN 379202602

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

to provide $ 150,000 in
Res Publics Inc
501 (c)(3) general support to Avaaz org
857 Broadway 3rd Floor 250,000
public ch and $ 100,000 for Avaaz org ' s
NewYork,NY 10003
work on climate change

to document and broadcast the

Res Publics Inc
501 (c)(3) views of Darfurian refugees on
857 Broadway 3rd Floor 40,000
public ch the necessary conditions for a
New York, NY 10003
just peace

Research Foundation of the City

to support the Center on Media,
University of New 501 (c)(3)
Crime and Justice at the John 200,000
555 West 57th Street 11th Floor public ch
Jay College of Criminal Justice
NewYork,NY 10019

ReServe Elder Service Inc

501 (c)(3)
6 East 39th Street 10th Floor matching gift program 3,750
public ch
NewYork,NY 10016

to support a national
communication campaign for
Resolution Inc the documentary film Unnatural
501 (c)(3)
500 Third Street 505 Causes, which details the 75,000
public ch
San Francisco, CA 94107 growing disparities in health
due to racial and socio-
economic inequality

to support additional research

and advocacy activities that
bolster national and global
Results Educational Fund Inc
501 (c)(3) campaigns around the impact of
750 First Street NE Suite 1040 48,900
public ch IMF fiscal and monetary
Washington, DC 20002
policies on three African
countries' capacity to address

to produce, publish,
Rethinking Schools Limited disseminate and publicize the
501 (c)(3)
1001 East Keefe Avenue book Charter Schools Keeping 25,000
public ch
Milwaukee, WI 53212 the Promise or Dismantling

Nino Revishvili
48 Tevdore Mgvdeli St fl 52
Individual to study education in the U S 19,985
Tbilisi 154

to develop "Uncaging the

Valley," a grassroots group
Debbie Reyes that will work to prevent the
623 North Harrison Individual construction of youth and adult 1,500
Fresno, CA 93728 prison in California's Central
Valley by uniting environmental
and social-justice organizing

Wilbert Rideau
to finish writing an
975 North Leighton Drive Individual 1,500
Baton Rouge, LA 70806

to support Rights Working

Group's project of restoring due
Rights Working Group process and human rights
1140 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite Other protections to the U S
1 organization immigration system by holding
Washington, DC 20036 DHS accountable for upholding
human rights standards and
protecting civil liberties

Riverside Park Fund

501 (c)(3)
475 Riverside Drive Suite 455 matching gift program 300
public ch
NewYork,NY 10115

Elchin Rizayev to spend a semester at a US

7 Microrayon Home 3A Apt 77 University as part of the
Individual 5,656
Baku 1116 Faculty Development
AJ Fellowship Program

Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors

Inc 501 (c)(3) to support the Breakthrough
437 Madison Avenue 37th Floor public ch Institute
NewYork,NY 10022

to support the Rockwood

Leadership Program by
providing 1) $50,000 to allow
Rockwood to conduct
Rockwood Leadership Program
501 (c)(3) evaluation and long-term
1648 Martin Luther King Jr Way 109,000
public ch impact case studies of its
Berkeley, CA 94709
alumni, and 2) $59,000 for
partial underwriting for
experienced national leaders
participating in the 2008-

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

to underwrite Rockwood's
Rockwood Leadership Program
501 (c)(3) special five-day leadership
1648 Martin Luther King Jr Way 20,000
public ch retreat for climate change and
Berkeley, CA 94709
climate justice advocates

O ksana Romaniuk
18 Bulvar Slavy apt 60 to provide support to study at
Individual 30,076
Dnipropetrovsk 49100 Ithaca College

to make research useful,

accessible and accountable to
Robert Rooks
directly affected communities
439 Ramblewood Circle Individual 18,040
for the purpose of increasing
Desoto,TX 75115
civic participation in criminal
justice policy-making

Robert Rooks
to attend the 2008 Soros
439 Ramblewood Circle Individual 88
Justice Fellowship conference
Desoto,TX 75115

Sophie Rot
PO BOX 35 Sangkhlaburi to provide additional support to 909
Kanchanburi 71240 study at Khon Kaen University

Ruckus Society Inc

501 (c)(3)
369 15th Street to provide general support 50,000
public ch
Oakland,CA 946123303

Ruckus Society Inc

501 (c)(3)
369 15th Street matching gift program 150
public ch
Oakland,CA 946123303

Ruckus Society Inc

501 (c)(3)
369 15th Street to provide general support 50,000
public ch
Oakland,CA 946123303

Nana Rukhadze
31 K Gamsakhurdia Street
Individual to study social work in the U S 15,443
0 zurgeti 3500

Sabina Rustamova
5 Radjabli str apt14
Individual to study social work in the U S 41,315
Baku AZ1052

Olga Rusu
66 Alexandru cel Bun atr apl to support your studies at the
Individual 9,251
Edinet 4601 University of Arkansas

to support Ms Karen Ryan in

Karen Ryan attending the 7th Annual Asia
University of Wisconsin- Madison 40 Individual Pacific Hospice Conference in -1,564
Madison, WI 53711 Manila, Philippines from
September 27-29, 2007

Ihab Saad to support study in political

Almazraa Sharkeh Village science as part of the
Individual 43,913
Ramallah Palestinian Faculty
WE Development Program

Gentiana Sadikaj
Rr Mine Peza Pall 133 Apartment to provide additional support to
Individual 1,270
Tirana, We study at McGill University

Najwa Safadi
to support study in social work
AI Sadeyah Street Old City
Individual as part of the Palestinian 37,847
Faculty Development Program

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Safe and Sound Baltimores Campaign to support the development of

for Children 501 (c)(3) a prospectus, fund raising plan
2 East Read Street public ch and launch of the Peer-to-Peer
Baltimore, MD 212022407 Youth Enterprises Initiative

to support the Public Safety

Safe and Sound Baltimores Campaign Compact, an innovative policy
for Children 501 (c)(3) and financing mechanism to
2 East Read Street public ch facilitate former prisoner re-
Baltimore,MD 212022407 entry and reduce incarceration

to conduct public education,

organize constituent
communities, and advocate for
Safe StreetsStrong Communities
501 (c)(3) criminal justice policies and
1600 Oretha Castle Haley Boulevard 100,000
public ch practices in New O rleans that
New O rleans, LA 70113
are smart and just and
responsive to constituent
community interests and needs

Safe StreetsStrong Communities

501 (c)(3)
1600 Oretha Castle Haley Boulevard matching gift program 1,571
public ch
New O rleans, LA 70113

Narek Sahakyan to provide additional support to

825 Kottke Drive Individual study at University of 1,713
Madison, WI 53719 Wisconsin

Inga Saitadze
4/6 Melashvili str apt 25 to study Social Work at a U S
Individual 16,929
Batumi 6000 university

Albina Salimbayeva to spend one semester at a US

8 St Spartak apartment 29 university as part of the
Individual 430
Almaty,Ad 50011 Faculty Development
KZ Fellowship Program

Anastasiya Salnykova
to provide additional support to
Z Haidai Vul 2 Apt159
Individual study at the University of 2,500
Kyiv 4212
British Columbia

Panna Sami
Room No37 Apt3 to provide additional support to
Individual 900
Bodhgaya 824234 study at Magadh University

San Carlos Foundation

501 (c)(3)
1065 Creston Road matching gift program 375
public ch
Berkeley, CA 947081545

to support the educational

intervention and technical
San Diego Hospice Foundation Inc
501 (c)(3) assistance in four countries to
4311 Third Avenue 80,357
public ch help meet the urgent demand
San Diego, CA 92103
for culturally appropriate
palliative care

San Francisco AIDS Foundation

501 (c)(3)
995 Market Street Suite 200 matching gift program 600
public ch
San Francisco,CA 94103

Sanctuary for Families Inc

501 (c)(3)
PO Box 1406 Wall Street Station matching gift program 600
public ch
NewYork,NY 102681406

Lalropui Hmangaih Sanga

to provide additional support to
Spicer Mem College Aundh Rd Mens
Individual study at Spicer Memorial 1,000
Pune 411007

Lal Nun Sangi

A-1/78B Chanakya Place Pankha Roa to provide additional support to
Individual 1,200
New Delhi, maharashtra 110059 study at Delhi University

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address ( home or business ) recipient
or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Tatiana Sanina
to provide support to study at
2 7 0 nests str
Individual the University of Wisconsin - 12,777
Chisi nau MD 2009
Eau Claire

USA Sankara Eye Foundation

501 (c)(3)
3175 Arcola Ct matching gift program 300
public ch
San Jose, CA 95148

to organize with other families

Luissana Santibanez who have been directly affected
2501 Wickersham Lane 1823 Individual by detention and deportation to 53,935
Austin,TX 78741 fight against the expansion of
immigrant detention centers

Samid Sarenkapic
Geteova 5
Individual to study at Bard College 400
Sarajevo 71000

Amela Saric
Donji Hadzici 13 to provide support to study at
Individual 13,116
Hadzici 71240 the University of Montana

Maja Savevska
UL 3 BR 3 Cresevo to support your studies at the
Individual 4,392
Skopje 1000 University of Washington

Cristina Schiopu Sheppard

to support your studies at the
2100 North Leverett Avenue A partme Individual 8,488
U niversity of A rkansas
Fayetteville ,AR 727032233

to write a book, titled "Sex and

Blood A Tale of Two
Epidemics", about AIDS in
Mark Schoofs Russia and South Africa,
3418 Huxley Street Individual showing how these two starkly 20,500
Los Angeles , CA 90027 different epidemics have been
shaped by historical forces
such as economics, politics,
culture, and individual people

Schott Foundation for Public to use strategic grantmaking -

Education through the Black Male Donor
501 (c)(3)
678 Massachusetts Avenue Suite Collaborative - to raise the 150,000
public ch
301 academic performance of Black
Cambridge, MA 02139 Males in New York City

Catalina Scortescu to spend a semester at a US

79 Bucuresti Street apt 1 university as part of the
Individual 364
Chisinau 2012 Faculty Development
MD Fellowship Program

Battsetseg Serf to provide additional support to

1752 Anna Drive Apartment 2 Individual study at the University of 1,354
Lawrence , KS 66044 Kansas

Servicemembers Legal Defense

Network Inc 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 5,000
PO Box 65301 public ch
Washington , DC 20035

Anass Shaban
PO Box 55269 to pursue an LLM degree at
Individual 31,923
Jerusalem Wake Forest University

Bilal Shafei
An-Najah National University PO Box to support a PFDP Fellowship
Individual 16,776
Nablus in Education

Maguli Shaghashvili
2 Leonidze street apt 10
Individual to study social work in the U S 28,356
Rustavi 3700

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

A beer Shaheen
Birzeit University PO Box 14 to receive the Fellowship award
Individual 43,539
Birzeit in the field of Political Science

Najeh Shahin
PO Box 1059 to receive the Fellowship award
Individual 18,297
Ramallah in the field of Political Science

Gohar Shahnazaryan to spend a semester at a U S

Marshal Bagramian ave 56 apt 63 U niversity as part of the
Individual 2,367
Yerevan 375019 Faculty Development
AM Fellowshp Program

Manizha Sharifova
to obtain a PhD in Economics
pt 31 Building 6 M icrodistrict
Individual at the University of California - 132
31 d 735718
Santa Cruz

Cassandra Shaylor to write a guidebook that

548 Merritt Avenue Individual provides practical, viable 1,500
Oakland, CA 94610 alternatives to prisons

Faten Sheikh Omar

Al Terah to pursue an internship with the
Individual 11,690
Ramallah UNDP in Brussels

Faten Sheikh Omar

to pursue an internship with the
Al TTerah
Individual Arab Women's Solidaity 4,500
WE Association (AWSA)

Shelter O ur Sisters Inc

501 (c)(3)
405 State Street matching gift program 7,190
public ch
Hackensack, NJ 07601

Sheppard and Enoch Pratt Foundation

Inc 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 750
6501 N Charles Street public ch
Baltimore, MD 21204

Sa Shine
to provide additional support to
Mooban Preecha 2 Apt 2098/1027
Individual study at Assumption 6,000
Bangkok 10240

Aytan Shirinova
V idadi str bliend 6 apt3 to study Social Work at a U S
Individual 21,321
Baku, Ba Az1009 university

Halla Shoaibi
AI-Isral St to pursue an LLM degree at the
Individual 29,631
Ramallah University of Michigan

Khuvaydo Shoinbekov
80 Dehi Bolo street
Individual to study social work in the U S 33,645
Dushanbe 734026

Shomrey M ishpat Rabbis for Human

to support the Campaign to
RightsNorth Amer 501 (c)(3)
End U S -Sponsored Torture 40,000
PO Box 1539 public ch
and K'vod Habriot Network
WestTisbury,MA 02575

Shoreline Soup Kitchens

501 (c)(3)
PO Box 804 matching gift program 300
public ch
Essex, CT 06426

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Ronald Shwe
A undh Road to provide additional support to
Individual 1,000
Pune 411007 study at Spicer Memorial

Susnjic Silvia to provide additional support to

7300 Old Spring Drive Individual study at George Mason 1,439
Lorton, VA 22079 University

Susnjic Silvia to provide additional support to

7300 Old Spring Drive Individual study at George Mason 4,500
Lorton, VA 22079 University

Ana Simon
28 M ihail Sadoveanu str apt85 to provide support to study at
Individual 13,626
Chisinau MD 2075 the University of Montana

Thea Siprashvili
23 Amirejibi Street
Individual to study education in the U S 23,054
Tbilisi 148

Tamar Siradze to spend one semester at a

Apt 47 No 10/12 26 Maisi Street U S University as part of the
Individual 2,082
Batumi 6010 Faculty Development
GG Fellowship Program

Tamar Siradze to spend a semester at a US

Apt 47 No 10/12 26 M aisi Street university as part of the
Individual 8,596
Batumi 6010 Faculty Development
GG Fellowship Program

Razainda Sin
to provide additional support to
Room No-11 International Hostel
Individual study at Nava Nalanda 750
Nalanda 803111

Nadja Skaljic
Grbavicka 7c to study at the University of
Individual 400
Sarajevo, Bihar 71000 Washington

Anna Skosireva
45 Kara-su-2 to provide additional support to
Individual 1,086
Tashkent 700197 study at Clemson University

Anna Skosireva
45 Kara-su-2 to provide additional support to
Individual 2,300
Tashkent 700197 study at Clemson University

Alexandra Smith
to eliminate SHU for persons
426 Park Place 3 Individual 35,523
with psychiatric disabilities
Brooklyn, NY 11238

to develop a Health and

Nutrition Awareness Initiative
for southwest Baltimore
Joyce Smith residents You will educate low
1532 Penrose Avenue Individual income residents to access 20,719
Baltimore, MD 21223 nutritional food as well as
develop innovative activities
and projects that create
healthy lifestyles

Smokey House Project

501 (c)(3)
426 Danby Mountain Road matching gift program 3,000
public ch
Danby,CT 05739

Smokey House Project

501 (c)(3)
426 Danby Mountain Road matching gift program 3,000
public ch
Danby,CT 05739

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

to give Peter Spiro a

promotional support grant for
the release of his book (entitled
PeterI Spiro Beyond Citizenship American
411 Gate Lane Individual Identity After Globalization), 4,000
Philadelphia, PA 19119 due out in December from
Oxford University Press, which
came out of an 1997-98
Individual Project Fellowship

to conduct opinion leader

research on effective
communications messaging for
Spitfire Strategies indigent defense reform, and to
US for-profit
1800 M Street NW Suite 300 North provide media training and 118,175
Washington, DC 20036 technical assistance to
indigent defense reform
advocates in targeted

Sports 4 Kids to support the expansion and

501 (c)(3)
517 Fourth Street evaluation of the program in 37,500
public ch
Oakland, CA 94607 Baltimore

to support expansion,
Sports 4 Kids
501 (c)(3) sustainability and development
517 Fourth Street 75,000
public ch of it program activities in
O akland, CA 94607

Niksa Spremic
Mitrovici 16 Vitaljina to provide support to study at
Individual 13,803
Plocice 20218 Duke University

St John St Matthew Emanuel Lutheran

Church 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 750
283 Prospect Avenue 6th Ave public ch
Brooklyn, NY 11215

St Frances Academy
501 (c)(3)
501 East Chase Street matching gift program 750
public ch
Baltimore, MD 21202

St Joseph School
501 (c)(3)
One Monroe Street matching gift program 150
public ch
NewYork,NY 10002

St Jude Childrens Research Hospital

501 (c)(3)
501 St Jude Place matching gift program 1,500
public ch
Memphis,TN 38105

St Jude Childrens Research Hospital

501 (c)(3)
501 St Jude Place matching gift program 3,600
public ch
Memphis,TN 38105

St Paul the Apostle Church

501 (c)(3)
405 West 59th Street matching gift program 3,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 10019

St Sylvesters Church
501 (c)(3)
68 Ohio Avenue matching gift program 300
public ch
Medford, NY 11765

St Sylvesters Church
501 (c)(3)
68 Ohio Avenue matching gift program 300
public ch
Medford, NY 11765

St Sylvesters Church
501 (c)(3)
68 Ohio Avenue matching gift program 300
public ch
Medford, NY 11765

St Sylvesters Church
501 (c)(3)
68 Ohio Avenue matching gift program 300
public ch
Medford, NY 11765

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

St Sylvesters Church
501 (c)(3)
68 Ohio Avenue matching gift program 900
public ch
Medford, NY 11765

St Sylvesters Church
501 (c)(3)
68 Ohio Avenue matching gift program 900
public ch
Medford, NY 11765

St Vincent De Paul Society of

Baltimore 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 3,000
320 Cathedral Street public ch
Baltimore, MD 21201

Stage Aurora Theatrical Company Inc

501 (c)(3)
5164-A Norwood Avenue matching gift program 7,800
public ch
Jacksonville, FL 32208

Stage Aurora Theatrical Company Inc

501 (c)(3)
5164-A Norwood Avenue matching gfit program 4,500
public ch
Jacksonville, FL 32208

Stage Aurora Theatrical Company Inc

501 (c)(3)
5164-A Norwood Avenue matching gift program 5,100
public ch
Jacksonville, FL 32208

Stage Aurora Theatrical Company Inc

501 (c)(3)
5164-A Norwood Avenue matching gift program 6,000
public ch
Jacksonville, FL 32208

Dalibor Stajikj
Naroden Front 27/1 to provide support to study at
Individual 15,366
Skopje 1000 the University of Georgia

State Voices
501 (c)(3)
719 Griswold Street Suite 600 to support State Voices 100,000
public ch
Detroit,MI 48226

to write an ethnography of a
Liberian refugee comm
community in New York,
exploring its response to the
Jonathan Steinberg
collection of testimony in its
597 Carroll Street Apartment 1 Individual 58,173
ranks by the Liberian Truth and
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Reconciliation Commission,
and to ask whether a
transitional justice initiative
can mitigate

Stephen Gaynor School

501 (c)(3)
148 West 90th Street matching gift program 900
public ch
NewYork,NY 10024

Stephen Gaynor School

501 (c)(3)
148 West 90th Street matching gift program 750
public ch
NewYork,NY 10024

Ricki Stern to promote and and conduct

375 Riverside Drive Apartment 13A Individual outreach around The Trials of 12,500
New York, NY 10025 Darryl Hunt"

Elitsa Stoeva
Zona B-18 b14 ap36 to support your studies at the
Individual 8,742
Sofia 1309 University of Georgia

Miljana Stojanovic
Trg Feher Ferenca 6/2 to provide support to study at
Individual 17,284
Novi Sad 21000 George Mason University

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Stonehedge Gardens Inc

501 (c)(3)
RD 3 Box 190 Dairy Road matching gift program 30,000
public ch
Tamaqua, PA 182529453

Strategic Concepts in Organizing and to support the Pushback

Policy Educat 501 (c)(3) Network's multi-state civic
1715 West Florence Avenue public ch participation and voter
Los Angeles, CA 90047 engagement efforts

Street Law
to cover additional expenses
Univ of KwaZulu-Natal Howard Colleg Foreign
associated with the Iranians' 4,035
Durban 4041 Organization

Saranda Stublla
Ali Pashe Tepelena 20 to provide support to study at
Individual 37,864
Pete 30000 Adelphi University

Students for a Free Tibet

501 (c)(3)
602 East 14th Street 2nd Floor matching gift program 1,500
public ch
NewYork,NY 10009

Students for a Free Tibet

501 (c)(3) matching gift program
602 East 14th Street 2nd Floor 1,000
public ch volunteer time
New York, NY 10009

Students for a Free Tibet

501 (c)(3)
602 East 14th Street 2nd Floor matching gift program 750
public ch
NewYork,NY 10009

Pum Khan Suan

to provide additional support to
Spicer Memorial College Aundh Road
Individual study at Spicer Memorial 800
Pune 411007

to pursue a multi-pronged
approach to criminal justice
reform that uses capital
Lauren Sudeall
litigation as a means to
83 Poplar Street NW Individual 37,027
highlight the system ' s flaws
Atlanta,GA 30303
and to organize communities
into political force capable of
demanding structural reform

Delgerjargal Sukhbaatar
Sukhbaatar Dt 2 Khoroo 2B-102 PO to support your studies at
Individual 6,872
Ulaanbaatar Randolph College

Ena Sulc
Trokut XV 1c c/o Dolovic to provide support to study at
Individual 12,521
Zagreb 10000 the University of Washington

Nancy Sung
to provide additional support to
801 National Road W Drawer 1645 Individual 1,154
study at Earlham College
Richmond, IN 47374

Sunshine Kids
501 (c)(3)
662 N Van Ness Ave 203 matching gift program 375
public ch
Los Angeles, CA 90004

Susan Sontag Foundation

501 (c)(3)
11 Montague Terrace 4R to provide general support 5,000
public ch
Brooklyn, NY 11201

to support Tana Susilowati's

Tana Susilowati
participation at the
JI Kaliurang 10 Yudistira No 898
Individual International AIDS Conference 6,427
Ngaglik 55582
in Mexico City from August 3-
8, 2008

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Kap Do Thang
to provide additional support to
Spicer Memorial College 0 Id Hostel
Individual study at Spicer Memorial 800
Pune, maharashtra 411007

Khan Suan Thang

to provide additional support to
A undh Road
Individual study at Spicer Memorial 800
Pune, maharashtra 411007

Pau Thang
to provide additional support to
Spicer memorial College Post Box-1
Individual study at Spicer Memorial 800
Pune, maharashtra 411007

Lal Rin Than

to provide additional support to
Spicer Memorial Colleg Aundh Rd B
Individual study at Spicer Memorial 800
Pune, maharashtra 411007

The Advancement Project

501 (c)(3)
1220 L Street NW Suite 850 to provide general support 400,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20005

to support the Voter Protection

Program, aimed at eliminating
The Advancement Project
501 (c)(3) legal and structural barriers to
1220 L Street NW Suite 850 200,000
public ch voting for potential voters in
Washington, DC 20005
minority and low income

to continue its legal aid program

The Advocacy Forum
for poor and marginalized people
PO Box 21798 Pabitrapyara M 16
Foreign who are detained in different
Bal 60,000
Organization police detention centers of
Nepal and cannot afford for

The After School Corporation

501 (c)(3)
1440 Broadway 16th Floor matching gift program 3,000
public ch
New York, NY 10018

The Alliance for Climate Protection

501 (c)(3)
800 El Camino Real Suite 400 to provide general support 5,000,000
public ch
Menlo Park, CA 94025

The American Constitution Society

for Law and Poli 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 1,000,000
1333 H Street NW 11th Floor public ch
Washington, DC 20005

to support the convening of a

two-day conference,
The American University
501 (c)(3) Prosecuting Sexual and
c/o Office of Sponsored Programs 4 20,000
public ch Gender-Based Crimes in the
Washington, DC 20016
ICC Translating Promises into

to provide support for the third

year of the project entitled,
The Americas Society "Americas
501 (c)(3)
680 Park Avenue Quarterly " ($40,000) to 68,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 10021 provide specific support to the
Spring 2009 issue on Human
Rights ($

to create and convene a

multidisciplinary group of
scholars and intellectuals to
The Aspen Institute Inc rethink the dominant
501 (c)(3)
One Dupont Circle NW Suite 700 perspectives on crime and 195,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20036 punishment in the U S and to
reframe, reformulate, and
disseminate a strategic,
progressive vision

The Associated Jewish Community

Federation of Bal 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 44,181
101 Mount Royal Avenue public ch
Baltimore, MD 21201

to produce and disseminate a

daily newsletter at the 2008
International AIDS Conference
The ATHENA Network highlighting conference
2565 8th Avenue West proceedings, Global Village 19,950
Seattle, WA 98119 activities and related satellite
events that specifically address
issues around women and HIV
and providing an over

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

The Baltic American Partnership Fund

Inc 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 827,296
400 West 59th Street public ch
NewYork,NY 10019

to support the expansion of its

The BELL Foundation Inc after-school and summer
501 (c)(3)
60 Clayton Street programs in Baltimore and to 90,000
public ch
Dorchester, MA 02122 advocate for sustainable
summer program funding

to support the Million Father

The Black Star Project March and the School-Based
501 (c)(3)
3509 South King Drive Suite 2B Strategies for Engaging Black 50,000
public ch
Chicago,IL 60653 Men Mentors and Tutors in the
Chicago Public School System

The Brick Church School

501 (c)(3)
62 East 92nd Street matching gift program 600
public ch
NewYork,NY 10128

The Campaign for Youth Justice

501 (c)(3)
1012 14th Street NW Suite 610 to provide general support 400,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20005

The Carter Center Inc to provide support for the

501 (c)(3)
One Copenhill453 Freedom Parkway Carter Center ' s " Bolivia 100,000
public ch
Atlanta, GA 30307 Program "

The Center for Reproductive Rights

to support the domestic legal
Inc 501 (c)(3)
program to ensure reproductive 275,000
120 Wall Street ppublic ch
NewYork,NY 10005

to support the Core Domestic

Legal Program as it litigates to
protect and promote
The Center for Reproductive Rights
reproductive rights,
Inc 501 (c)(3)
incorporates human rights 200,000
120 Wall Street public ch
strategies into its work, and
NewYork,NY 10005
advances learning and
scholarship on reproductive
rights as human rights

to support a research project

on ethnic conflict and civil
The Central European University society, carried out by
Regents 501 (c)(3) Ashutosh Varshney of the
400 West 59th Street public ch University of Michigan, in
NewYork,NY 10019 conjunction with CEU's
Department of Sociology and
Social Anthropology

to support the Deborah Harding

The Central European University
Scholarship for a Roma student
Regents 501 (c)(3)
pursuing a Masters in Public 29,021
400 West 59th Street public ch
Policy in the 2008-2009
NewYork,NY 10019
academic year

The Chapin School

501 (c)(3)
100 East End Avenue matching gift program 1,650
public ch
NewYork,NY 10028

The Chapin School

501 (c)(3)
100 East End Avenue matching gift program 750
public ch
NewYork,NY 10028

The Childrens Home Inc

501 (c)(3)
205 Bloomsbury Avenue matching gift program 750
public ch
Catonsville, MD 212285223

The Club of Madrid Foundation

501 (c)(3)
120 Wells Avenue to provide general support 100,000
public ch
Newton,MA 02459

The Constitution Project

501 (c)(3)
1200 18th Street NW Suite 1000 to provide general support 100
public ch
Washington, DC 20036

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

The Constitution Project to coordinate the final phase of

501 (c)(3)
1200 18th Street NW Suite 1000 work of the National Committee 147,960
public ch
Washington, DC 20036 on the Right to Counsel

to advance the objectives of

the human rights/liberty and
security and criminal justice
advocacy communities during
The Constitution Project
501 (c)(3) the transition period by
1200 18th Street NW Suite 1000 100,000
public ch providing policymakers with a
Washington, DC 20036
collaborative catalogue of
policy objectives, and to
advance reforms designed to

The Correctional Association of New

York 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 3,750
2090 Adam Clayton Powell Jr Boulev public ch
NewYork,NY 10027

to implement The Network for

the Improvement of Addiction
Treatment's (NIATx) 7 month
The Danya Institute program, Quality Improvement
501 (c)(3)
8737 Colesville Road Suite 300 Capacity Building Program, for 24,000
public ch
Silver Spring, MD 20910 up to 6 addiction treatment
programs in the Baltimore
Substance Abuse Systems
(BSA 5)

to foster discussion of U S
The Eisenhower Project foreign and defense policy
501 (c)(3)
145 Avenue of the Americas 7th Flo among students at American 155,000
public ch
New York, NY 10013 high schools and colleges
among the general public

The Environmental Law Institute

501 (c)(3) to support the Endangered
2000 L Street NW Suite 620 150,000
public ch Environmental Laws Program
Washington, DC 20036

The Forum for Education and

Democracy 501 (c)(3) to establish an office in
PO Box 216 public ch Washington D C
A mesville, O H 45711

to fund the award for the GA LZ

The Foundation for AIDS Research project in Zimbabwe as well as
501 (c)(3)
120 Wall Street 13th Floor general advocacy and capacity 40,000
public ch
New York, NY 10005 building support foramfAR ' s
MSM Initiative

The Gamaliel Foundation

501 (c)(3) to support the Faith and
203 North Wabash Avenue Suite 808 150,000
public ch Democracy Campaign
Chicago,IL 60601

The George Foundation Inc

501 (c)(3)
121 Hawkins Place PMB 192 matching gift program 9,600
public ch
Boonton, NJ 07005

The Grant Foundation dba Hopital

Albert Schweitzer 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 1,500
PO Box 81046 public ch
Pittsburgh, PA 15217

The Grant Foundation dba Hopital

Albert Schweitzer 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 1,500
PO Box 81046 public ch
Pittsburgh, PA 15217

The Innocence Project Inc

501 (c)(3)
100 Fifth Avenue 3rd Floor to provide general support 150,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 10011

to assist Maryland correctional

agencies to develop and
The Institute
501 (c)(3) implement programs and
5 Walter Houp Court NE 50,000
public ch procedures to increase the use
Washington, DC 20002
of parole and limit technical

The International Center in New York

Inc 501 (c)(3) to support the Andrew Romay
50 West 23rd Street 7th Floor public ch Immigrant Support Fund
New York, NY 100105205

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

The International Coalition of Historic

Site Museu 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 200,000
333 7th Avenue 14th Floor public ch
NewYork,NY 10001

to increase the organization's

The International Legal Foundation centralized capacity to support
501 (c)(3)
68 Jay Street Suite 404 program development and 100,000
public ch
Brooklyn, NY 11201 engage in research and

to set up a high-quality and

The International Legal Foundation
501 (c)(3) cost-effective nationwide public
68 Jay Street Suite 404 120,860
public ch defender/legal aid system in
Brooklyn, NY 11201

The Jerusalem Foundation

501 (c)(3)
420 Lexington Avenue Suite 1645 matching gift program 540
public ch
NewYork,NY 10170

The March of Dimes Foundation

501 (c)(3)
515 Madison Avenue matching gift program 150
public ch
NewYork,NY 10022

The Mayors Fund to Advance New

to support Opportunity NYC
York City 501 (c)(3)
Conditional Cash Transfer 2,500,000
One Centre Street 23rd Floor public ch
NewYork,NY 10007

to enable the NYC Department

The Mayors Fund to Advance New of Housing Preservation and
York City 501 (c)(3) Development to undertake
One Centre Street 23rd Floor public ch mortgage foreclosure research
New York, NY 10007 and to organize and convene a

to use advocacy and

communications to drive an
efficiency and a financial
The Miriam Hospital
501 (c)(3) strategy that will increase
Development Office PO Box H 200,000
public ch resources for addiction
Providence, RI 02901
treatment and demonstrate
approaches to Closing the
Addiction Treatment Gap

The Moldova Foundation to support the Forum on

501 (c)(3)
1425 K Street NW Suite 350 democratic and security 35,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20005 challenges in Moldova

The Moving Image Inc

501 (c)(3)
209 West Houston Street matching gift program 7,500
public ch
NewYork,NY 10014

The Nation Institute

501 (c)(3)
116 East 16th Street 8th Floor to provide general support 10,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 100032112

The National Iranian American

to support educational
Council Inc 501 (c)(3)
activities of the Legislative 22,500
1411 K Street NW Suite 600 public ch
Watch Program
Washington, DC 20005

to provide salary and wages for

a student assistant to research
and monitor the status of
The New School
501 (c)(3) endangered scholars around
66 West 12th Street Room 801 5,640
public ch the world and write a quarterly
NewYork,NY 10011
feature for Social Research, a
New School quarterly

The New York Historical Society

501 (c)(3)
170 Central Park West matching gift program 25,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 100245194

The New York Immigration Coalition

Inc 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 5,000
137-139 West 25th Street 12th Floo public ch
NewYork,NY 10001

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

The New York Immigration Coalition

Inc 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 1,500
137-139 West 25th Street 12th Floo public ch
NewYork,NY 10001

The New York Womens Foundation

501 (c)(3)
434 West 33rd Street 8th Floor matching gift program 900
public ch
NewYork,NY 10001

The New York Womens Foundation

501 (c)(3)
434 West 33rd Street 8th Floor to provide general support 5,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 10001

The Open Door Community

501 (c)(3)
910 Ponce de Leon Avenue NE matching gift program 7,500
public ch
Atlanta,GA 30306

to continue efforts in New York

to protect the rights of children
The Osborne Association Inc with parents in prison and to
501 (c)(3)
809 Westchester Avenue improve the experiences of and 150,000
public ch
Bronx, NY 10455 policymaking around people
serving long prison sentences
and preparing for parole

The Pluralism Fund

501 (c)(3) to provide support for the
136 Madison Avenue 3rd floor 40,000
public ch Executive Director position
NewYork,NY 10016

The Putney School

Elm Lea Farm 418 Houghton Brook 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 32,360
Roa public ch
Putney,VT 05346

The Rector Churchwardens and

Vestrymembers of the 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 1,500
487 Hudson Street public ch
NewYork,NY 10014

The Rector Churchwardens and

Vestrymembers of the 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 1,500
487 Hudson Street public ch
NewYork,NY 10014

The Regents of the University of to support the UC Berkeley

California 501 (c)(3) School of Law Death Penalty
Sponsored Projects Office 2150 Sha public ch Clinic ' s Capital Litigation
Berkeley, CA 947045940 Communications Project

The Regents of the University of

California 501 (c)(3) to support the ""Cambodian
Sponsored Projects Office 2150 Sha public ch Voices "" project
Berkeley, CA 947045940

The Regents of the University of

California 501 (c)(3) to support the Human Rights
Sponsored Projects Office 2150 Sha public ch Center
Berkeley, CA 947045940

to support for the Burmese

The Regents of the University of
journalist fellowship program at
California 501 (c)(3)
School of Journalism at the 20,000
Sponsored Projects Office 2150 Sha public ch
University of California,
Berkeley, CA 947045940

to support the University of

California at Berkeley's Human
Rights Center and School of
The Regents of the University of Law's International Human
California 501 (c)(3) Rights Law Clinic in
Sponsored Projects Office 2150 Sha public ch disseminating " Guantanamo
Berkeley, CA 947045940 and Its Aftermath A Study of
Detainees Released from U S
Custody at Guantanamo Bay,

to support the UC Berkeley

Center for Labor Research and
Education's research on the
The Regents of the University of
quality of Jobs held by black
California 501 (c)(3)
males in certain industries, 100,000
Sponsored Projects Office 2150 Sha public ch
development of a Los Angeles-
Berkeley, CA 947045940
based worker center, and a
convening of black labor
leaders to strategize how the

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

The Regents of the University of

to support the project, "Death
California 501 (c)(3)
Squad Dossier Case Inter- 90,000
Sponsored Projects Office 2150 Sha public ch
American Court Litigation"
Berkeley,CA 947045940

The Revenue Watch Institute

501 (c)(3)
1700 Broadway 17th Floor to provide general support 3,000,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 10019

to support the training of

The Sunlight Foundation
501 (c)(3) journalists and bloggers in the
1818 N Street NW Suite 410 250,000
public ch use of online transparency tools
Washington, DC 20036
and databases

The Threepenny Review

501 (c)(3) to provide for your writers' fees
PO Box 9131 30,000
public ch on an emergency basis
Berkeley, CA 94709

The Tides Center

501 (c)(3) to provide core support funding
PO Box 29907 Presidio Building -42,868
public ch to the Longview Institute
San Francisco,CA 94129

to enable Break the Chains to

The Tides Center organize a conference on the
501 (c)(3)
PO Box 29907 Presidio Building effects of drug addiction on 20,000
public ch
San Francisco, CA 94129 communities of color and
propose alternative approaches

The Tides Center

501 (c)(3) to support Generational
PO Box 29907 Presidio Building 50,000
public ch Alliance
San Francisco, CA 94129

The Tides Center

501 (c)(3)
PO Box 29907 Presidio Building to support Wiretap Magazine 100,000
public ch
San Francisco, CA 94129

to support Opportunity Agenda

to develop and coordinate
The Tides Center communications strategies
501 (c)(3)
PO Box 29907 Presidio Building within the civil rights field to 150,000
public ch
San Francisco, CA 94129 build public awareness of the
Supreme Court's integrated
school plan decisions

to support the Friends of FO KA L

project, a fundraising effort for
The Tides Center
501 (c)(3) early childhood education,
PO Box 29907 Presidio Building 150,000
public ch community library, water
San Francisco,CA 94129
access and arts and culture
activities in Haiti

The Tides Center

501 (c)(3) to support the We Are America
PO Box 29907 Presidio Building 152,331
public ch Alliance
San Francisco, CA 94129

The Tides Center

501 (c)(3)
PO Box 29907 Presidio Building matching gift program 600
public ch
San Francisco, CA 94129

to support the Justice

Strategies project's efforts to
The Tides Center conduct work research and
501 (c)(3)
PO Box 29907 Presidio Building technical assistance in 63,750
public ch
San Francisco, CA 94129 Colorado on the
costs/consequences of
expansive prison policies

The Tides Center

501 (c)(3)
PO Box 29907 Presidio Building matching gift program 300
public ch
San Francisco, CA 94129

to provide project support for

The Tides Center the Center for Social Inclusion
501 (c)(3)
PO Box 29907 Presidio Building including its assumption of the 200,000
public ch
San Francisco, CA 94129 Alston Bannerman Fellowship

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

to support the Treatment

Monitoring and Advocacy
Project (TMAP) to work with
civil society advocates in
The Tides Center
501 (c)(3) seven countries to research
PO Box 29907 Presidio Building 20,000
public ch and publish reports focusing on
San Francisco,CA 94129
the connection between scale
up of AIDS services and
broader health systems

The Tides Center

501 (c)(3) to support the Break the
PO Box 29907 Presidio Building 75,000
public ch Chains project
San Francisco, CA 94129

to support the Justice

Strategies project to provide
The Tides Center non-partisan research and
501 (c)(3)
PO Box 29907 Presidio Building technical assistance to inform 29,000
public ch
San Francisco, CA 94129 criminal justice and
immigration detention reform

The Tides Center

501 (c)(3) to support the Opportunity
PO Box 29907 Presidio Building 200,000
public ch Agenda
San Francisco, CA 94129

The Tides Center

501 (c)(3)
PO Box 29907 Presidio Building matching gift program 36,000
public ch
San Francisco, CA 94129

to support Detention Watch

The Tides Center Network's project of ensuring
501 (c)(3)
PO Box 29907 Presidio Building enforcement issues are a core 100,000
public ch
San Francisco, CA 94129 part of the fight for just and
humane immigration reform

The Tides Center

501 (c)(3) to support the Detention Watch
PO Box 29907 Presidio Building 50,000
public ch Network
San Francisco, CA 94129

to support the project titled,

The Trust for the Americas "Regional Alliance to Promote
501 (c)(3)
1889 F Street NW Freedom of Expression and 150,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20006 Access to Information (Phase

to expand the reach and

The Trustees of Columbia University
influence of the Columbia
in the City of 501 (c)(3)
Journalism Review, in print, 500,000
2950 Broadway Room 709C public ch
online and through its related
NewYork,NY 10027

The Trustees of Columbia University

in the City of
501 (c)(3)
1210 Amsterdam Avenue matching gift program 4,500
public ch
NewYork,NY 10027

The Trustees of Columbia University

in the City of
501 (c)(3)
1210 Amsterdam Avenue matching gift program 150
public ch
NewYork,NY 10027

The Trustees of Columbia University to support the Human Rights

in the City of Advocates Program in
501 (c)(3)
1210 Amsterdam Avenue providing 4-month fellowships 44,469
public ch
Engineering to three African civil society
New York, NY 10027 activists

to provide project support for

the The Center for Research on
The Trustees of Columbia University Fathers, Children, and Family
in the City of Well-Being 's research on the
501 (c)(3)
1210 Amsterdam Avenue impact of the Non-Custodial 100,000
public ch
Engineering Earned Income Tax Credit on
New York, NY 10027 low to moderate income African
American men, and to support
the development o

The Trustees of Columbia University

to support two visiting scholars
in the City of 501 (c)(3)
from China at the Graduate 44,360
2950 Broadway Room 709C public ch
School of Journalism
NewYork,NY 10027

to expand mental health

services for at-risk students
The University of Maryland Baltimore and enhance school-wide
Foundation I 501 (c)(3) training and programming for all
660 West Redwood Street Room 021 public ch students to improve academic,
Baltimore, MD 21201 behavioral and emotional
outcomes at Calverton Middle

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Tides Foundation to support the State Strategies

501 (c)(3)
The Presidio PO Box 29903 segment of the Death Penalty 75,000
public ch
San Francisco, CA 94129 Mobilization Fund

Tides Foundation
501 (c)(3) to launch the Election
The Presidio PO Box 29903 500,000
public ch Administration Fund
San Francisco,CA 94129

Tides Foundation
501 (c)(3) to support the Election
The Presidio PO Box 29903 500,000
public ch Administration (EA) Fund
San Francisco,CA 94129

to establish a Disability Rights

Fund (#1759) that will provide
a safe and secure way for
Tides Foundation donors to address a new area of
501 (c)(3)
The Presidio PO Box 29903 human rights grantmaking, as 300,000
public ch
San Francisco, CA 94129 well as a means for Disabled
Persons' Organizations to
directly communicate priorities
to the donor comm

to support the Youth

Tides Foundation
501 (c)(3) Engagement Fund table, a
The Presidio PO Box 29903 250,000
public ch collaborative of youth civic
San Francisco, CA 94129
engagement organizations

Tides Foundation
501 (c)(3) to support China Labour
The Presidio PO Box 29903 150,000
public ch Bulletin
San Francisco, CA 94129

to support Connect US, a

program of grantmaking and
operational activities designed
Tides Foundation
501 (c)(3) to foster stronger collaboration
The Presidio PO Box 29903 1,000,000
public ch among foreign policy advocacy
San Francisco,CA 94129
groups, which seeks to promote
a vision of responsible U S
global engagement

Tides Foundation to support the Death Penalty

501 (c)(3)
The Presidio PO Box 29903 Mobilization State Strategies 100,000
public ch
San Francisco, CA 94129 Fund

Timothy Pauxtis Foundation Inc

501 (c)(3)
PO Box 204 matching gift program 150
public ch
Middletown,NJ 077480204

Cin Za Tluanga
to provide additional support to
Spicer Memorial College Aundh Road
Individual study at Spicer Memorial 800
Pune 411007

Steven Tluangliana
to provide additional support to
Spicer Memorial College MAQ 15
Individual study at Spicer Memorial 800
Pune, maharashtra 411007

Tobin Project Inc

501 (c)(3)
One Mifflin Place Suite 240 to provide general support 225,000
public ch
Cambridge, MA 02138

Daniyar Tokobaev to spend a semester at a US

65 Timiryazeva Str apt 16 university as part of the Faculty
Individual 444
Bishkek 720001 Development Fellowship
KG Program

to partner with Amnesty

International to tour "Intended
Consequences," portraits of
Jonathan Torgovnik women and their children who
180 West Houston Street Apartment Individual were born as a result of the 29,300
New York, NY 10014 women being raped during the
1994 Rwandan genocide, to 10
colleges and universities in the
United States

to illuminate the problem with

eyewitness testimony (and, by
Erin Torneo extension, the carrying out of
263 W Olive Ave PMB 298 Individual the death penalty), through a 21,331
Burbank, CA 91502 narrative rendering of the true
story of Jennifer Thompson-
Cannino and Ronald Cotton

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

to spend one semester at a

Venerahan Torobekova
North American University as
Ayni street No 201-151
Individual part of the Faculty 3,960
Bishkek 720047
Development Fellowship

Touch Foundation Inc

p ch
875 Third Avenue Floor 5 to provide general support 3,000
NewYork,NY 10022

to launch the University

Partnership Schools, an
alternative governance
Towson University Foundation Inc
501 (c)(3) initiative that provides greater
8000 York Road 31,375
public ch autonomy in the management
Towson, MD 212520001
of five Pre-K through 8th grade
public schools in southwest

to organize a facilitated
strategic planning meeting in
Transatlantic Partners Against AIDS Moscow in April 2008 of key
501 (c)(3)
One Liberty Plaza 165 Broadway 36 stakeholders currently 10,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 10006 involved in substitution
therapy advocacy efforts in

Transgender Law Center

501 (c)(3)
870 Market Street Suite 823 to provide general support 35,000
public ch
San Francisco, CA 94102

Transportation Alternatives Inc

501 (c)(3)
127 West 26th Street Suite 1002 matching gift program 150
public ch
NewYork,NY 10001

Treatment Research Institute

501 (c)(3)
600 Public Ledger Building 150 Sou matching gift program 750
public ch
Philadelphia, PA 19106

Tuul Tsend Ayush

Mongol Machine Build 2d floor Chi
Individual to study social work in the U 5 17,334

Nyamsuren Tserennadmid to spend a semester at a US

Choidog Street 3 University as part of the
Individual 444
Ulaanbaatar 210648 Faculty Development
MG Fellowship Program

M unkhjin Tsogt
Box 1144 PO 46 Ulaanbaatar - 21
Individual to study social work in the U 5 12,603
Ulaanbaatar 210646

Alexandra Tsvetkova
to provide additional support to
Chelyuskintsev 76
Individual study at the University of 2,055
ul 656031
North Carolina

Cin Lam Tuang

to provide additional support to
M ens Hostel Rm 62 Aundh Rd Spice
Individual study at Spicer Memorial 1,000
Hl 411007

Thang Sian Tuang

to provide
a additional support to
Spicer Memorial College Aundh Road at
Individual study t Spicer Memorial 500
Pune, maharashtra 411007

Tsetsen Tugsmandal
to provide additional support to
2501 LLarkin Court
Individual study at Simon Fraser 5,000
1 Laa n Court V3J1E1
U niversity

Enkhbayar Tumenjargal
to provide additional support to
Bayangol 17 Khoroo 34-61
Individual study at Johns Hopkins 5,000
an 17 ,

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

U Sanda
Room No-10 International Hostel to provide additional support to
Individual 500
Nalanda,Bihar 803111 study at Nalanda University

U Tikkhananda
International Hostel Room No5 to provide additional support to
Individual 500
Nalanda,Bihar 803111 study at Nalanda University

U Sein Ti Ta
Room No-30 New Hostel No-2 to provide additional support to
Individual 700
Nalanda,Bihar 803111 study at Nalanda University

Rev UNyanashami
Room No-23New International Hostel to provide additional support to
Individual 800
Nalanda,Bihar 803111 study at Nalanda University

to increase awareness of
US Campaign for Burma Burma's democracy movement
1444 N Street NW Suite A2 and advocacy effort to press 40,000
Washington, DC 20005 for binding UN Security Council
efforts on Burma

Union for Reform Judaism

501 (c)(3)
633 Third Avenue to support the Deborah Project 75,000
public ch
New York, NY 100176778

Union of Concerned Scientists Inc

501 (c)(3)
Two Brattle Square matching gift program 600
public ch
Cambridge, MA 02238

to restore the integrity of the

U nion of Concerned Scientists Inc processes through which
501 (c)(3)
Two Brattle Square scientific knowledge is factored 250,000
public ch
Cambridge, MA 02238 into federal policy decision-

Unique Projects Inc

501 (c)(3)
246 West 38th Street 8th Floor matching gift program 300
public ch
NewYork,NY 10018

United Board for Christian Higher

to support the teaching of
Education in Asi 501 (c)(3)
English in the BARS program at 10,000
475 Riverside Drive Room 1221 public ch
NewYork,NY 10115

United for a Fair Economy

501 (c)(3) to support the Tax Fairness
29 Winter Street 2nd Floor 100,000
public ch Organizing Collaborative
Boston,MA 02108

United Macedonian Diaspora

501 (c)(3) matching gift program
1101 Pennsylvania Avenue NW 6th F 1,000
public ch volunteer time
Washington, DC 20004

United Nations Association of the

United States of 501 (c)(3) to promote engagement
801 Second Avenue public ch between Iran and the US
New York, NY 100174706

United Nations Foundation Inc

1800 Massachusetts Avenue Suite 501 (c)(3)
to support the Kofi Annan Fund 150,000
40 public ch
Washington, DC 20036

United States Student Association

501 (c)(3) to provide general operating
1211 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 300,000
4 public ch support

Washington, DC 20036

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

United Way of Central Maryland Inc

501 (c)(3)
100 South Charles Street 5th Floor matching gift program 39,000
public ch
Baltimore, MD 21230

to support Universities Allied

for Essential Medicine's project
of stimulating the adoption of
Universities Allied for Essential
humanitarian technology
Medicines Inc 501 (c)(3)
transfer policies at research 40,000
2625 Alcatraz Avenue 180 public ch
universities in the United
Berkeley,CA 94705
States, United Kingdom and
Canada to ensure that drugs
discovered in university

to support Helping
Los Angeles University of California
Communities Preserve
MC 951406 11000 Kinross Avenue 501 (c)(3)
Integrated Schools by The Civil 300,000
Su public ch
Rights Project/Proyecto
Los Angeles, CA 900951406
Derechos Civiles

University of Iowa to support the participation of a

501 (c)(3)
201 Gilmore Hall Burmese writer at the 15,944
public ch
Iowa City, IA 52242 International Writing Program

University of Massachusetts
501 (c)(3)
Commonwealth of Massachusetts matching gift program 750
public ch
Amherst,MA 010035420

to conduct two case studies in

Kenya and South Africa to
examine 1) how HIV testing
University of North Carolina at policy implementation is
Chapel Hill 501 (c)(3) affecting testing uptake and
104 Airport Drive Suite 2200 CB1 public ch health outcomes among
Chapel Hill, NC 275991350 pregnant women, 2) the ways in
which HIV testing practice
reflects national testing policy,

to use advocacy and

communications to drive an
University of Puerto Rico Medical efficiency and a financial
Sciences Campus 501 (c)(3) strategy that will increase
Center for Evaluation and Sociomedi public ch resources for addiction
San Juan, PR 009365607 treatment and demonstrate
approaches to Closing the
Addiction Treatment Gap

University of Rochester
501 (c)(3)
PO Box 270032 Gift Donor Recor matching gift program 3,750
public ch
Rochester, NY 14627

University of San Diego to assist with the development

501 (c)(3)
5998 Alcal Park of a conference on justice 5,000
public ch
San Diego, CA 921102492 reform in Mexico

to support individual
conference delegates from
University of San Diego organizations and universities
501 (c)(3)
5998 Alcal Park primarily in the Global South to 25,000
public ch
San Diego, CA 921102492 participate in the conference
"Crafting Human Security in an
Insecure World"

University of the Witwatersrand Fund

Inc 501 (c)(3)
matching gift fund 750
PO Box 7101 public ch
NewYork,NY 10150

Upper Iowa University

501 (c)(3)
PO Box 1857 matching gift program 600
public ch
Fayette, IA 52142

to educate and sensitize

Urban Justice Center decision-makers and activists
501 (c)(3)
123 William Street 16th Floor on global health policy 7,500
public ch
New York, NY 10038 regarding the negative impacts
of the Anti-Prostitution Pledge

to support the Urban

Leadership Institute's forums,
which would convene in
Urban Leadership Institute Baltimore, Washington D C
2437 Maryland Avenue Philadelphia, and Newark, to 100,000
Baltimore, MD 21218 support single mothers coping
with the daily challenges of
raising an African American
male child

Urban Pathways Inc

501 (c)(3)
575 Eighth Avenue 9th Floor matching gift program 1,095
public ch
NewYork,NY 10018

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

to produce, for the City of

Urban Strategies Wichita, a Strategic Master
501 (c)(3)
1415 O live Street Suite 209 Plan for physical and human 100,000
public ch
St Louis, MO 63103 capital Justice Reinvestment in
Northeast Central Wichita

to support the proposal entitled

US Friends of International Service "Strengthening the Human
for Human Righ 501 (c)(3) Rights Council through
777 UN Plaza 12th Floor public ch information and strategic
New York, NY 10017 advice for increased NGO

USAction Education Fund

501 (c)(3) to plan and build a new tax
1825 K Street NW Suite 210 100,000
public ch fairness coalition
Washington, DC 20006

Gulnara Usubalieva to spend a semester at a U S

1 Microrayon dom 27 kvartira 26 university as part of the
Individual 4,140
Kyzyl kya Batken 0 715200 Faculty Development
KG Fellowship Program

Gulnara Usubalieva to spend a semester at a US

1 Microrayon dom 27 kvartira 26 University as part of the
Individual 8,783
Kyzyl kya Batken 0 715200 Faculty Development
KG Fellowship Program

to counteract the push of

special need youth out of the
Shantel Vachani public education system and
3767 Mentone Ave 411 Individual into the juvenile corrections 34,377
Los Angeles, CA 90034 system through alternative
sentencing and educational

to produce a photography
Kadir van Louhizen exhibit presenting the response
475 Kent Avenue Apartment 213 Individual of federal, state, and local 2,556
Brooklyn, NY 112115952 agencies to the disasters in
Mississippi and Louisiana

Lenisa Vangjel to provide additional support to

1612 Spartan Village Apartment H Individual study at Michigan State 2,000
East Lansing, MI 48823 University

Chhak Chhuak VanLalZawma

to provide additional support to
Spicer Memorial College Farm-7
Individual study at Spicer Memorial 800
Pune 411007

U Varitta
Magadh Univ PG Hostel No 3 Room N to provide additional support to
Individual 1,000
Bodhgaya,maharashtra 824234 study at Magadh University

Alexandra Vasile
Emil Botta nr 1 bl 109 sc 1 A to support your studies at the
Individual 8,872
Bucharest, Bihar 31073 University of Arkansas

Konstantina Vasileva
20-22 M ila Rodina scanline to provide support to study at
Individual 6,967
Sofia 1408 the University of Washington

Vassar College
501 (c)(3)
124 Raymond Avenue Box 725 matching gift program 150
public ch
Poughkeepsie, NY 126040725

Varyama Ven
Magadh Univ Campus PG Hostel No3 to provide additional support to
Individual 900
Bodh Gaya 824234 study at Magadh University

Vimala Ven
Room No-29 Hostel No03 to provide additional support to
Individual 800
Bodh Gaya, Bihar 824234 study at Magadh University

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

to work with local government

and community leaders in New
Orleans, Louisiana, to 1)
Vera Institute of Justice Inc develop and implement pilot
501 (c)(3)
233 Broadway 12th Floor programs that expedite case 200,000
publicc ch
New York, NY 10279 charging and disposition,
rationalize and increase pretrial
release, and expand the use of
alternative sanctions,

Vermont Land Trust

501 (c)(3)
8 Bailey Avenue matching gift program 600
public ch
Montpelier,VT 05602

to support the Invest in Justice

project to ensure the provision
Virginia Fair Trial Project
501 (c)(3) of quality public defense
700 East Main Street Suite 1400 100,000
public ch services for all adults and
Richmond,VA 23219
juveniles accused of crimes in

Virginia Gildersleeve International

Fund Inc 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 300
3 West 29th Street 1002 public ch
NewYork,NY 10001

Ivan V lajic
Mile Jevtovic 007
Individual University of Washington 13,326
Belgrade 11000

Snezana V rangalova
Nikola Parapunov 5/91 to provide additional support to
Individual 1,181
Skopje 1000 study at Cornell University

Ruzica Vrdoljak
Gornji Bukovac 5 to provide support to study at
Individual 37,072
Zagreb 10000 Adelphi University

W Eugene Smith Memorial Fund Inc

501 (c)(3) to support the annual grant
c/o The International Center of Pho 15,000
private f competition
NewYork,NY 10036

W Haywood Burns Institute

501 (c)(3)
180 Howard Street Suite 320 to provide general support 75,000
public ch
San Francisco,CA 94105

Paw Wah
to provide additional support to
323 Rusho lme Road Apartment 106
Individual study at the University of 1,283
Toronto M6H 2Z2

Saw Wah to provide additional support to

101 Apt I University Village Individual study at Mansfield University 1,061
Ames, IA 50010 of Pennsylvania

Saw Wah
to provide additional support to
101 Apt I University Village Individual 6,581
study at Iowa State University
Ames,IA 50010

San Yu Wai
to provide additional support to
Spicer Memorial College Women Host
Individual study at Spicer Memorial 800
Pune 411007

to partner with the Louisiana-

Mississippi Hospice &
Palliative Care Organization to
Lori Waselchuk curate "Grace Before Dying"--a
34 University Mews Individual photography exhibition on 15,000
Philadelphia, PA 19104 Angola Prison's hospice
program--and tour the exhibit
to correctional facilities in
Mississippi and Louisiana to e

Washington Office on Latin America

to support the project titled,
1666 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 501 (c)(3)
"Informal Drug Policy Dialogue 248,000
4 ppublic ch
for Latin America"
Washington, DC 20009

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Washington Office on Latin America

1666 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 750
4 public ch
Washington, DC 20009

Washington Office on Latin America

1666 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 2,250
4 public ch
Washington, DC 20009

Washington Office on Latin America

1666 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 3,300
4 public ch
Washington, DC 20009

Washington Office on Latin America

to pr ovid e in sti tu tional su pp
o ort
1666 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 501 (c)(3)
for thee Washington Office onn 250,000
4 public ch
Latin America
Washington, DC 20009

Washington Regional Association of to fund the Washington AIDS

Grantmakers 501 (c)(3) Partnership to continue its
1400 16th Street NW Suite 740 public ch leadership in the fight against
Washington, DC 20036 HIV/AIDS

to broaden the access of

women and children with
disabilities to health care
Wellesley College
501 (c)(3) including counseling and
106 Central Street 50,000
public ch mental health resources,
Wellesley, MA 02481
education, employment and
participation in all areas of
public and private life

to promote and publicize The

Tom Wells
Wrong Guys Murder, False
2855 Carnegie Drive Individual 10,000
Confessions, and the Norfolk
Boulder, CO 80305
Four "

Wellstone Action Fund

5 01 ( c)) (3) supposupport Campus Camp
University Avenue West Suite ch 100,000
public Wellstone
Saint Paul, MN 55114

Wentworth Institute of Technology

501 (c)(3)
550 Huntington Avenue matching gift program 750
public ch
Boston, MA 02115

Wesleyan University
501 (c)(3)
318 High Street matching gift program 975
public ch
Middletown,CT 06459

Wesleyan University
501 (c)(3) to support the Service Career
318 High Street 50,000
public ch Fellowships
Middletown,CT 06459

Wesleyan University
501 (c)(3) to support the Military
318 High Street 100,000
public ch Veterans Scholarship
Middletown,CT 06459

Wesleyan University
501 (c)(3)
318 High Street matching gift program 150
public ch
Middletown,CT 06459

Western States Center Inc

501 (c)(3)
PO Box 40305 to provide general support 100,000
public ch
Portland, O R 97212

Whole Child International

5 01 c )
11726 San Vicente Boulevard Suite ch to provide general support 25,000
Los Angeles, CA 90049

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Sao Pichit U Wisara

to provide additional support to
58 Wat Papao Maneenopparat Rd
Individual study at Mahamkut Buddhist 1,900
Chiang Mai 50200
University Lanna Campu

Wisconsin Council on Children and

Families 501 (c)(3) to support the Wisconsin
555 West Washington Avenue Suite 2 public ch Budget Project
Madison, WI 53703

Wisconsin Council on Children and

Families 501 (c)(3) to support the Wisconsin
555 West Washington Avenue Suite 2 public ch Budget Project
Madison, WI 53703

Wisconsin Democracy Campaign

Education Project 501 (c)(3) to support the Wisconsin
210 North Bassett Street Suite 215 public ch Judicial Reform Project
Madison, WI 53703

to support Burmese translating

Witness Inc
501 (c)(3) and subtitling ofVideo for
80 Hanson Place 5th Floor 8,000
public ch Change, Video Advocacy
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Toolkit and Tips

to support three scholarships

for OSI grantees to attend
WITNESS' second annual
Video Advocacy Institute
Witness Inc
501 (c)(3) (VAI) in July 2008 The VAI is
80 Hanson Place 5th Floor 30,000
public ch a two-week workshop that
Brooklyn, NY 11217
trains human rights advocates
and organizations from around
the world to successfully

to support a series of spot

trainings on video advocacy
and the basics of filming short
Witness Inc interviews for key human rights
501 (c)(3)
80 Hanson Place 5th Floor advocates participating in the 10,708
public ch
Brooklyn, NY 11217 Human Rights Networking Zone
at the International AIDS
Conference in Mexico City,
August 3-8, 2008

to support WTI's TOO Ls

Project to recruit, train, and
support exonerated ex-death
Witness to Innocence
Other row prisoners and their family
PO Box 34725 35,000
organization members to become effective
Philadelphia, PA 19101
leaders and public
spokespersons forthe anti-
death penalty movement

WNYC Radio
501 (c)(3)
160 Varick Street 9th Floor matching gift program 150
public ch
NewYork,NY 10013

WNYC Radio
501 (c)(3)
160 Varick Street 9th Floor matching gift program 150
public ch
NewYork,NY 10013

WNYC Radio
501 (c)(3)
160 Varick Street 9th Floor matching gift program 1,500
public ch
NewYork,NY 10013

WNYC Radio
501 (c)(3)
160 Varick Street 9th Floor matching gift program 150
public ch
NewYork,NY 10013

Women for Women

4455 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 6,959
2 public ch
Washington, DC 20008

Women for Women

4455 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 1,000
2 public ch
Washington, DC 20008

Womens Funding Network

501 (c)(3)
1375 Sutter Street Suite 406 matching gift program 1,500
public ch
San Francisco, CA 94109

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Womens Prison Association and

to provide continued support
Home Inc 501 (c)(3)
for the Institute on Women and 100,000
110 Second Avenue ppublic ch
Criminal Justice
NewYork,NY 10003

Womens Voices Women Vote to support the Mobilizing

501 (c)(3)
1707 L Street NW Suite 750 America ' s Unmarried Majority 200,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20036 Project

to support a series of public

forums and conferences
designed to promote dialogue
Woodrow Wilson International Center
between experts and
for Scholars
501 (c)(3) policymakers on African
One Woodrow Wilson Plaza1300 117,014
public ch issues, a series of informal
luncheon discussions between
Washington, DC 200043027
policymakers, and a series of
publications highlighting
various African

Woodrow Wilson International Center

to fund the annual cost of the
for Scholars
501 (c)(3) African Doctoral Candidate
One Woodrow Wilson Plaza1300 42,000
public ch Summer Fellowship Program for
DC 200043027

World Federalist Movement Institute

to support the Coalition forthe
for Global Pol 501 (c)(3)
International Criminal Court 50,000
708 Third Avenue 24th Floor public ch
NewYork,NY 10017

to generate a dialogue on
energy issues in Kyrgyzstan to
World Resources Institute improve transparency and
501 (c)(3)
10 G Street NE Suite 800 enhance governance 12,494
public ch
Washington, DC 20002 accountability during the
privatization and regulation of
the energy sector

World Vision International

501 (c)(3)
PO Box 9716 matching gift program 2,892
public ch
Federal Way,WA 98063

World Vision Inc

501 (c)(3)
72 Cummings Point Road matching gift program 1,470
public ch
Stamford,CT 06902

to support Marta Miranda's

World Wildlife Fund Inc
501 (c)(3) travel costs and time to visit
1250 24th Street NW 9,624
public ch the Rosia Montana site in
Washington, DC 20037

to support the costs for Marta

World Wildlife Fund Inc Miranda to assist Soros
501 (c)(3)
1250 24th Street NW Foundation Romania in their 10,661
public ch
Washington, DC 20037 efforts to organize a workshop
on responsible mining

Lilia Yakova
Skaptopara 1 Rm 314 American Univ to support your studies at the
individual 8,598
Blagoevgrad 2700 University of Georgia

Yale University to support the National

501 (c)(3)
PO Box 208337 Litigation Project at Yale Law 128,507
public ch
NewHaven,CT 065208337 School

Yale University
501 (c)(3)
PO Box 208337 matching gift program 4,500
public ch
NewHaven,CT 065208337

Yale University
501 (c)(3) to support Yale Law School's
PO Box 208337 24,949
public ch "After Guantanamo" convening
New Haven, CT 065208337

Feda Yaseen
An-Najah National University PO Box to receive the Fellowship award
Individual 23,891
Nablus in the field of Urban Planning

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Ye Township Mon Youth Organization

to support a Leadership and
Mon Dhama Yon Bogyoke Road Foreign
Organization Management 714
Ye Organization

A rdak Yesdauletova to spend one semester at a US

70th Street Dom 31 Apt 50 university as part of the
Individual 5,861
Astana, Mo 473021 Faculty Development
KZ Fellowship Program

Bilal Younis
to support study in education
Yatta Main Street
Individual as part of the Palestinian 31,331
WE Faculty Development Program

Your Public Radio Corporation

501 (c)(3)
2216 North Charles Street matching gift program 360
public ch
Baltimore, MD 21218

Your Public Radio Corporation

501 (c)(3)
2216 North Charles Street matching gift program 150
public ch
Baltimore, MD 21218

to support publishing and

distribution of anthology of
writings by African American
Youth Communication
501 (c)(3) youth along with a companion
224 West 29th Street 2nd Floor 50,000
public ch of video vignettes of the
NewYork,NY 10001
anthology stories, that will be
marketed and distributed

to enable the Juvenile Justice

Work Group to hire a
consultant to provide
Youth Transition Funders Group
Other facilitation and support to
207 East Ohio Street 392 5,000
organization enable it to achieve its goal of
Chicago,IL 60611
helping young people involved
in the criminal justice system
become productive citizens

Samara Yuldasheva to spend one semester at a

Village IntimekSuzak Rayon U S University as part of the
Individual 1,601
Jalalabat 715600 Faculty Development
KG Fellowship Program

Faridun Yusufjonov to spend one semester at a

19/2 Gissarskaya St Apt 10 U S University as part of the
Individual 3,962
Dushanbe 734000 Faculty Development
TI Fellowship Program

Faridun Yusufjonov to spend a semester at a US

19/2 Gissarskaya St Apt 10 university as part of the
Individual 8,803
Dushanbe 734000 Faculty Development
TI Fellowship Program

Zamira Yusufjonova
to provide additional support to
1 9 mikrorayon 30 Dom 3 Kv
Individual study at the University of 4,000
19 d 55401
California - Santa Barbara

Ziad Zaghrout
to receive the Fellowship award
Birzeit University PO Box 14
Individual in the field of Public Policy 22,604
Birzeit, Su
WE Administration

Rosalinn Zahau
WZ-31 C-1 Asalatpur Janakpuri to provide additional support to
Individual 1,200
New Delhi 110059 study at Hindu College

Hakim Zainiddinov
to obtain a graduate degree in
4 Aini Street
Individual Sociology from Rutgers 14,259
Vahdat 735400

May Zaw
2188/200 Soi 30/1 Ramkhanhaeng to provide additional support to
Hua Individual study at Assumption 3,235
Bangkok 10240 University

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3a - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year
Recipient If recipient is an individual,
show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
Name and address (home or any foundation manager contribution
business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Pye Phyo Zaw

2098/990 Moo Baan Areech 8/2 Soi to provide additional support to
Ra Individual study at Assumption 5,250
Bangkok 10240 University

Muhammad Zayyad
to support study in education
PO Box 7022
Individual as part of the Palestinian 41,337
WE Faculty Development Program

George Zedginidze
b6 art150 Didi Dighomi III m/r
Individual to study education in the U S 22,142
Tbilisi 131

Zest for Life Foundation

501 (c)(3) to support the Marsha Film
c/o Mirabai Films Inc 5 East 16th 75,000
public ch Labs
NewYork,NY 10003

Saw Htoo Zin Maung

to provide additional support to
20/2 CPPD House Seree 4 Praram
Individual study at Assumption 300
Bangkok 10250

Min Zin to provide additional support to

34864 Mission Bulevard Apartment 1 Individual study at University of 6,000
Union City, CA 94587 California Berkeley

Bazargur Zoljargal
bazargur zoljargal P021 PBox 1177 to support your studies at
Individual 7,147
U laanbaatar 211121 Duke University

Mikayel Zolyan to spend a semester at a U S

Parpetsi 9B Apt 32 University as part of the
Individual 3,925
Yerevan Faculty Development
AM Fellowshp Program

Johnsen Zonunmawia
Spicer Mem CollegeAundh to provide additional support to
RoadMAQ20 Individual study at Spicer Memorial 800
Pune 411007 College

Tamaz Zubiashvili to spend a semester at a US

15 Tsabadze Streetm Apt 43 university as part of the
Individual 264
Tbilisi, maharashtra 112 Faculty Development
GG Fellowship Program

Htang Zung
to provide support for your
207 Elliot Street Individual 2,701
studies at SIT
Brattleboro, VT 05301

Tamara Zurabishvili to spend a semester at a US

18 Bagrationi St university as part of the
Individual 444
Telavi 2200 Faculty Development
GG Fellowship Program

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a 124,308,415
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Lala AbasovaSharifli Street 96 apart to spend a semester at a US

17 university as part of the
Individual 14,563
Baku 370118 Faculty Development
A] Fellowship Program

Farida Abbasova68 Mekhmandatov Str

US study social work in the
Baku 370015 Individual 1,686

Abdorrahman Boroumand Foundation

501 (c)(3) to support the Iran Human
3220 N Street NW Suite 357 75,000
public Rights Memorial Project
Washington, DC 20007

AbdusaburAbdusamadov191 Rudaky to obtain a graduate degree

Avenue Apt 18 in Sociology from the
Individual 85,790
Dushanbe 734017 Univeristy of Missouri
TI Columbia

A bdrabu Abu Alyan60 Al-Quds Street

Bani Suhaila
Individual to study education in the US 78,547

Ahmed Abu AwadDept of English to study education in the

Birzeit Universit U S as part of the
Individual 63,872
Birzeit Palestinian Faculty
WE Development Program

Mysoon Abu El Nourlslamic

University- Gaza College o to study public affairs health
Individual 48,382
Rimal, Gaza policy in the U S

Nasser Abu El Nourlslamic University

- Gaza College to study public affairs health
Individual 41,632
Gaza policy in the U S

Khitam Abu Hamad25/15 Salah Al

Dean Street to study health policy in the
Individual U S 92,969
Gaza, Al Zitoun

Mohammed Wajdi Abu SweirehPO Box

to pursue an internship with
Individual the Allegheny County 6,214
District Attorneys Office

Academy for Educational Development to increase the capacity and

501 (c)(3)
Inc1825 Connecticut Avenue NW c sutainability of Youth Media 150,000
Washington, DC 200095721 Reporter

Karam AdawiPO Box 3809

to study social policy health
Al Bireh Individual 62,752
WE policy in the U S

Adj to tie to Financials400 West 59th

501 (c)(3) Grant adj for NPV and debit
Street 197,561
private o balances
NewYork,NY 10019

to conduct public education,

research and advocacy
Advocates for Children and Youth Inca
501 (c)(3) activities to close the
Market Place Suite 500 25,000
public educational achievement
Baltimore, MD 21202
gaps in Maryland public
schools by 2010

African Organization for Research and

501 (c)(3)
Training inPO Box 633 matching gift program 6,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 10031

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Aftermath Project Inc4900 Glenalbyn to provide production support

501 (c)(3)
Drive c for a photographer working on 20,000
Los Angeles, CA 90065 a post-conflict story

Aid to A rtisans Inc1030 New Britain

501 (c)(3)
Avenue Suite 102 matching gift program 150
public ch
West Hartford,CT 06114

Air Traffic Control Education Fund Inc

501 (c)(3)
1475 15th Street to provide general support 50,000
San Francisco, CA 94103

Mashura Akilova8th microregion

to study social work at
hhouse 78 apt 29
Individual Washington University in St 5,406
ho u se 78 u 735700

Lamees Al HelouPO Box 452 to support an internship with

AI-Bireh Ramallah Individual the Jordanian Ministry of 4,500
WE Industry &Trade

Mazen Al HroobAI Yasmeen Building

to pursue an LLM degree at
Ramallah Individual 17,481
WE Duke University

to support study in political

Jehad AlayasaMaythaloon Post Office
science as part of the
Jenin, We Individual 63,215
WE Palestinian Faculty
Development Program

to use advocacy and

communications to drive an
Alcoholism and Substance Abuse efficiency and a financial
Providers of New Yol Columbia Place 501 (c)(3) strategy that will increase
Suite 400 public resources for addiction
Albany, NY 12207 treatment and demonstrate
approaches to Closing the
Addiction Treatment Gap

Ammar A I DwaikQ asr A I M urjan

BuildingA I Balou P to study social policy/public
Individual 78,851
Ramallah administration in the U S

to study public
Wasim Al Habill44/50 Al-Amal
administration/public policy
Individual in the U S as part of the 21,493
Khan Younis
Palestinian Faculty
Development Program

Kamil Aliyev4 Adil Iskenderova Street

to study social work at
Apt 38
Individual Washington University in St 4,850
Baku AZ1000

Turana AliyevaUHajibayov str 7/65

to study Social Work in the
Ganja AZ2008 Individual 12,968
United States

Mohammed FAIKhaderPO Box 14

to pursue an LLM at Central
Birzeit, We Individual 1,036
WE European University

Mohammed F AlKhaderPO Box 14 to pursue an internship at the

Birzeit, We Individual Birzeit University's Institute 3,000
WE of Law

to study public policy/public

Saed Al KoniFaculty of Economics PO
administration in the U S as
Box 7
Individual part of the Palestinian 12,000
WE Faculty Development

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

to advocate for policy

reforms aimed at giving
children in foster care and
Patricia E Allard428 Park Place
parents who are at risk of
Apartment 2B Individual 1,500
incarceration or
Brooklyn, NY 11238
incarcerated a fighting
chance at family

Patricia E Allard428 Park Place to attend the 2008 Annual

Apartment 2B Individual Soros Justice Fellowship 117
Brooklyn, NY 11238 Conference

Alliance for Justice Incll Dupont to provide renewal support

501 (c)(3)
Circle NW 2nd Floor for the Judicial Selection 200,000
Washington, DC 200361206 Project

to support activities in the

United States and abroad in
seeking and implementing
Alliance for Open Society International
501 (c)(3) US government grants in the
Inc400 West 59th Street 43,378
public areas of public health, civil
New York, NY 10019
society development, law
reform and education, among

Said A AIMadhounBeit Laheia

to pursue an LLM at
Al Soudaneia Individual 19,053
American University

Ahmed Al NoubaniGeography Dep to study urban design and

Birzeit University planning in the U S as part
Individual 69,246
Birzeit of the Palestinian Faculty
WE Development Program

to spend one semester at a

TamarAlpenidze14 Khizanishvili Str
US university as part of the
Tbilisi 167 Individual 6,247
Faculty Development
Fellowship Program

to engage in grassroots
organizing and leadership
Alternative Directions Inc2505 North
501 (c)(3) development of former
Charles Street 41,000
public prisoners and their families
Baltimore, M D 21218
to advocate for criminal
justice policy reform

to develop a project in
Nigeria that will review and
Daisy A manor BoaduDepartment of
analyze the legal and
Anaesthesia Unive
Individual regulatory frameworks 2,333
regarding the access and
availability of opioid

America Mideast Educational and

Rule of n ister t hee Pales tinian
Training Services1730 M Street NW 501 (c)(3)
Rule of Law w (PRO L) Program m 96,340
Suite 1100 public
in the Palestinian Territories
Washington, DC 200364505

to renew support for the

Standing Committee on
American Bar Association Fund for Judicial Independence and
p ub (c)(3)
Justice and Educ740 15th Street NW its efforts to improve public 400,000
Washington, DC 200051009 awareness of the importance
of a fair, impartial, and
accountable judiciary

American Civil Liberties Union to support the Mitigation

501 (c)(3)
Foundation Inc125 Broad Street c Mentoring Initiative of the 100,000
New York, NY 100042400 Capital Punishment Project

American Civil Liberties Union

501 (c)(3) to support the Aryeh Neier
Foundation Inc125 Broad Street 75,000
public Fellowship in 2008 - 2009
NewYork,NY 100042400

American Civil Liberties Union

501 (c)(3)
Foundation Inc125 Broad Street matching gift program 9,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 100042400

American Councils for International

uc io n support forthe
Education AC 1776 Massachusetts 501 (c)(3) Edu caatti o nall
Educational Advising 12,251
Avenue NW Suite public
Centers in Belarus
Washington, DC 20036

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

American Federation of Teachers

the Free
Educational Founda555 New Jersey 501 (c)(3) oge
Exchange on Campus 118,147
Avenue NW public
Washington, DC 20001

American Institute for Social Justice

501 (c)(3)
739 8th Street SE to provide general support 250,000
Washington, DC 20003

to preserve and expand

American Judicature SocietyThe
501 (c)(3) judicial selection systems
Opperman Center at Drake Univer 100,000
public that promote fair and
Des Moines,IA 50311
publicly accountable courts

American Library Association50 East to support a three-year

501 (c)(3)
Huron Street public education campaign 100,000
Chicago, IL 60611 on the right to privacy

to build the capacity of FIND

American Refugee Committee2344
501 (c)(3) to reduce VAW and increase
Nicollet Avenue South Suite 3 100,000
public access to justice for VAW
Minneapolis, MN 554043305
survivors in Lofa County

American Symphony Orchestra Inc

501 (c)(3)
333 West 39th Street Suite 1101 matching gift program 15,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 10018

to support the US-Iran

American Iranian Council Inc29A
501 (c)(3) Relations Building
Wiggins Street 25,000
public Constituency, Fostering
Princeton, NJ 08540
Engagement project

Americans for Informed Democracy

Corporation701 Cathedral Street Suite 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 100,000
L3 public
Baltimore, MD 21201

Givi AmiranashviliTemka M icroraion to spend one semester at a

11 quarter 3 bu US university as part of the
Individual 14,636
Tbilisi 191 Faculty Development
GG Fellowship Program

to support the Counter

Terror with Justice
Campaign to roll back War
on Terror policies and
Amnesty International USA Inc5 Penn practices that disregard
501 (c)(3)
Plaza 14th Floor international human rights 500,000
NewYork,NY 100018001 standards by mobilizing
thousands of concerned
citizens to apply strategic
pressure on key targets in
the Unite

to provide general support

Angelica Foundation US1688 Cerro
501 (c)(3) for the Colectivo por Una
Gordo 175,000
privat Politica Integral Hacia las
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Drogas (CUPIHD)

Katarina Nina AntanaskovicSedam

to provide support to study
strazara 3
Individual at the University of 9,166
Belgrade 11250
Wisconsin - Eau Claire

Appalachian Therapeutic Riding Center

5 01 ch
Chimney Ridge matching gift program 1,200
Burnsville, NC 28714

Arab Community Center for Economic to support the Strengthening

501 (c)(3)
and Social Serv2651 Saulino Court Communities and Protecting 100,000
Dearborn, MI 48120 Civil Liberties Project

AbdulnaserArafatPO Box 14
to study in Urban Planning
Birzeit Individual 67,207
WE the U S

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

VisarArifajDardania BL9 A/10

Prishtina 10000 Individual University of Georgia 9,150

to use advocacy and

communications to drive an
efficiency and a financial
Arkansas Department of Human
Governmental strategy that will increase
ServicesPO Box 1437 Slot S-201 600,000
unit resources for addiction
Little Rock,AR 72203
treatment and demonstrate
approaches to Closing the
Addiction Treatment Gap

Armand Hammer United World College

501 (c)(3)
of the AmericanPO Box 248 matching gift program 150
public ch
Montezuma,NM 87731

to leverage the purchasing

As You Sow311 California Street Suite power of U S and
501 (c)(3)
510 international companies to 45,000
San Francisco, CA 94104 stop the use of forced child
labor in Uzbekistan

Sevin) Asgarova324 Girmizi Sharg str

apt12 to study Social Work in the
Individual 300
Baku Az1065 United States

to support the project

Asia Pacific Peoples Partnership on entitled "Strengthening
BurmaPO Box 83 Foreign APPPB Burma Regional and
Mae Sod,Ta 63110 0 rganizat International Campaign
TH Activities in Response to the
Current Situation in Burma"

Asian American Justice Center Inc

501 (c)(3)
1140 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 1 to provide general support 75,000
Washington, DC 20036

Asian and Pacific Islander American

501 (c)(3)
Vote Inc1666 K Street NW Suite 440 to provide general support 75,000
Washington, DC 20006

Association of Baltimore Area

Grantmakers2 East Read Street 2nd 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 11,000
Floor public
Baltimore, MD 21202

Daniela AtanasovaKrum Vraninski 17

at provide support to study 8 763
Kocani 2300 Individual
at Duke University

Miryana Atanasova67 General

Stoletov Street to support studies at Bard
Individual 100
Varna 9002 College in New York City

Boryana Atanassova54 Alexandar

Stambouliiski Boulevar to study at New York
Individual 4,053
Blagoevgrad 2700 University

ZawAungU Mansion Room 517 387

to provide additional support
Individual to study at Chulalongkorn 328
Bangkok 10310

to empower indigenous
Ruben Austria339 East 140th Street nieghborhood organizations
Apartment 2 Individual to operate community-based 1,500
Bronx, NY 10454 alternative-to-detention
programs for youth

to support study in public

Mohammed AwadBeit 0 mmer
administration as part of the
Hebron Individual 60,956
WE Palestinian Faculty
Development Program

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Hasan AyoubCustoms Dept

to study Political Science in
Nablus, We Individual 66,897
WE the U S

Aygun Azizoval4 T Aliyarbayov Str

Apt 10 to study social work in the
Individual 3,054
Baku AZ1005 U S

Baljmaa BaatarAsian Hope NGO

to study Social Work in the
Ulaanbaatar 46/803 Individual 13,545
United States

Dunja Bahtijarevic PekicHeinzelova

to support your studies at
Individual the University of 2,618
Zagreb 10000

to spend a semester at a US
Zhanara Baikenova75 Gogol App 251
university as part of the
Almaty 50004 Individual 14,736
Faculty Development
Fellowship Program

Mirjana BajceticObala Luke Vukalovica

50 to study at Slippery Rock
Individual 426
Trebinje 89 101 University

Baku Educational Information Center

Foundation71 Aliovsat Guliyev Str Foreign to support educational
Baku AZ1009 Organization advising services in Eurasia

to develop and implement a

replicable model of
restorative practices to
Sujatha Baliga4237 Atlas Avenue
Individual address youth offending 27,762
Oakland,CA 94619
while reducing Oakland ' s
reliance on juvenile

Ballet Tech Foundation Inc890

501 (c)(3)
Broadway matching gift program 6,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 10003

to provide educational
Baltimore City Health Department210
Governmental services and advocacy to
Guilford Avenue 40,000
unit youth involved in Operation
Baltimore, M D 21202
Safe Kids

to provide case
management services to
Baltimore HealthCare Access Inc201 Empowerment Zone
501 (c)(3)
East Baltimore Street Suite 10 residents in addiction 1,062,000
Baltimore, M D 21202 treatment in an effort to
improve their retention in

to address the foreclosure

Baltimore Homeownership Preservation
crisis in Baltimore City by
Coalitionc/o Baltimore Neighborhood Other
coordinating and supporting 230,000
Collabor organizatio
local foreclosure prevention
Baltimore, MD 21202
and loss mitigation efforts

to build the capacity of

Baltimore Substance Abuse Systems Baltimore public addiction
501 (c)(3)
IncOne North Charles Street Suite 160 c treatment providers to bill 70,000
Baltimore, MD 21201 Medicaid for eligible

to continue support for the

expansion of the Bard Prison
Initiative's Model Campus
Network and democracy
Bard CollegePO Box 5000 501 (c)(3) curriculum in New York
AnnandaleonHudson,NY 125045000 public State and collaborate with
advocates across the
country to restore higher
education to qualified people
in prison

Bard CollegePO Box 5000 501 (c)(3)

matching gift program 30,000
AnnandaleonHudson,NY 125045000 public ch

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Kefah BarhamBazzar Bldg A Apt 10

Jawwal St to study education in the
Individual 78,083
Ramallah U S

to examine the destabilizing

social, legal and economic
Ricardo Barreras37 Q uincy Street
Individual effects of being arrested for 20,078
Brooklyn, NY 11238
a misdemeanor criminal

Uuriintuya BatsaikhanPO Box 411

to study at the University of
Ulaanbaatar 44 Individual 834

to spend one semester at a

Yerzhan Bek Ah50 Satpayev
US university as part of the
Almaty 50057 Individual 5,841
Faculty Development
Fellowship Program

to spend one semester at a

Khatuna Beridze3 Jincharadze Str
US university as part of the
Batumi 6010 Individual 14,636
Faculty Development
Fellowship Program

to support the drafting of a

book that will present
Bill Berkeley245 West 101 Street
Individual compelling and tragic human 76,667
New rk Y 10025
stories of those who are

Nataliia Bielova45 Gryaznova street

to provide support to study
aapt 171
Individual at the University of 7,226
pporizhzhya 69002
A rkansas

Bill of Rights Defense Committee8

501 (c)(3)
Bridge Street Suite A to provide general support 100,000
Northampton,MA 01060

Sahera BleiblehPO Box 538

to study Urban Planning in
Nablus Individual 82,333
WE the U S

Jovana BogdanovNikole Tesle 24

to study at The University of
Djurdjevo 21 239 Individual 243
Wisconsin Eau Claire

Albulena BorovciKodra e Diellit Rr 3 H

10 Nr 2 to provide support to study
Individual 8,145
Prishtina 10000 at the University of Montana

Constantin Bosancianul2 Tudor

Vladimirescu BI Z6/1 Ap to study at the University of
Individual 905
Botosani 710256 Arkansas

Boys and Girls Republic Inc888 East

501 (c)(3)
6th Street matching gift program 750
public ch
NewYork,NY 10009

Suncica BrnardicPrilaz Gjure Dezelica

29/1 to provide support to study
Individual 1,392
Zagreb 10000 at Bard College

Irma Buchinskaya67 Tolebi

to study Social Work in the
Almaty 50000 Individual 21,404
United States

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

to analyze the legal and

Rosa BuitragoBrisas del GolfCalle 17 regulatory frameworks
Casa 16 E regarding the access and
Individual 783
Panama City availability of opioid
PM analgesics for pain

Mukarama Burkhanova22 Firdavsi apt to spend one semester at a

34 U S University as part of
Individual 1,158
Dushanbe 734061 the Faculty Development
TI Fellowship Program

to formally organize,
upgrade, and expand current
Burma Today Inc1301 East 13th operations to play a
501 (c)(3)
StreetApartment 2F consistent and reliable role 5,000
Brooklyn, NY 11230 in contributing to the fight
for freedom of thought and
expression in Burma

Rustam Burnashev6-66 to spend a semester at a US

Namanganskaya St university as part of the
Individual 15,000
Almaty 50039 Faculty Development
KZ Fellowship Program

Rustam Burnashev6-66 to spend a semester at a

Namanganskaya St U S University as part of
Individual 3,383
Almaty 50039 the Faculty Development
KZ Fellowship Program

to educate, organize, and

train formerly incarcerated
women in Southern
California to advocate
against barriers facing
Susan Burton852 East 91st Street
Individual women with criminal records 1,500
Los Angeles, CA 90087
as they seek to obtain
employment and housing
and become responsible,
productive contributors to

Cristinel BuzatuStr Stoicescu nr 1 C1

cam 224 to support your studies at
Individual 935
Iasi 700496 the University of Vermont

to develop, in conjunction
with the California
Departments of Juvenile
Justice and Parole, County
California Association of Local
Other Departments of Juvenile
Conservation Corps2523 Cantara Way 79,200
organizatio Probation, and the California
Sacramento, CA 95835
Department of Corrections
and Rehabilitation, a
financially sustainable plan
for up to fourteen Civic J

Camera Club of New York Inc336 West

501 (c)(3)
37th Street Suite 206 matching gift program 3,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 10018

Camp Fire USA56 Roland Street North

501 (c)(3)
Lobby matching gift program 300
public ch
Boston, MA 02109

Campaign for Innocent Victims of

Conflict CIVIC1605 Connecticut 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 750
Avenue NW 3rd Flo public ch
Washington, DC 20009

Carnegie Endowment for International to support three research

Peace1779 Massachusetts Avenue 501 (c)(3) directions of the Carnegie
NW privat Moscow Center ' s two-year
Washington, DC 200362103 civil society initiative

to support a roundtable for

independent experts,
Carnegie Endowment for International
analysts and journalists in
Peace1779 Massachusetts Avenue 501 (c)(3)
Ukraine and Russia who are 7,342
NW privat
both interested and involved
Washington, DC 200362103
in bilateral relations between
the two countries

Carnegie Hall Society Inc881 Seventh

501 (c)(3)
Avenue matching gift program 2,700
public ch
New York, NY 100193210

Catholic Legal Immigration Network

to support advocacy, public
IncThe McCormick Pavilion 415 501 (c)(3)
education and capacity 100,000
Michigan public
building project
Washington, DC 20017

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Catholics in Alliance for the Common

Good1730 Rhode Island Avenue NW 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 100,000
Suite public
Washington, DC 20036

Cato Institute1000 Massachusetts to support the Civil Liberties

501 (c)(3)
Avenue NW and Counterterrorism 100,000
Washington, DC 200015403 Initiative

Bogdana CekoKara273or273evica 101

at provide support to study
Banta Luka 78000 Individual 10,814
at Slippery Rock University

Celo Health Education Corporation116

501 (c)(3)
Seven Mile Ridge Road matching gift program 1,200
public ch
Burnsville, NC 28714

to support Campus
Center for American Progress1333 H
501 (c)(3) Progress, the Center for
Street NW 10th Floor 500,000
public American Progress ' s youth
Washington, DC 20005

Center for American Progress1333 H

501 (c)(3)
Street NW 10th Floor to provide general support 500,000
Washington, DC 20005

to support the Fair

Immigration Reform
Movement (FIRM), a national
grassroots coalition of
immigrant rights
Center for Community Change1536 U
501 (c)(3) organizations to help
Street NW 125,000
public grassroots immigrant
Washington, DC 20009
organizations across the
country to conduct
Democracy Schools that are
designed to develop local

to support litigation and

Center for Constitutional Rights Inc public education to restore
501 (c)(3)
666 Broadway 7th Floor civil liberties and human 200,000
NewYork,NY 10012 rights protections in the U S
"war on terror"

Center for Constitutional Rights Inc

501 (c)(3)
666 Broadway 7th Floor matching gifts program 6,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 10012

to support the Freedom,

Center for Democracy and Technology
501 (c)(3) Security and Technology
1634 I Street NW Suite 1100 300,000
public Project and Digital Fourth
Washington, DC 20006
Amendment Initiative

Center for Economic and Policy

Research1611 Connecticut Avenue 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 400,000
NW Suite 4 public
Washington, DC 20009

to develop a human rights

campaign with two central
components - (a) a national
communications campaign
Center for Family Policy and Practice centered on policy
501 (c)(3)
23 North Pinckney Street Suite 210 education, and (b) the 125,000
Madison, WI 53703 development of a human
rights advocacy platform -
that together will establish
the framework, and build the

Center for Justice and Accountability

501 (c)(3)
870 Market Street Suite 688 to provide general support 125,000
San Francisco, CA 94102

Center for MediaJustice1611

Other to support the Center for
Telegraph Avenue Suite 510 125,000
organizatio Media Justice
Oakland, CA 94612

to support the creation and

implementation of a new
citywide nonprofit
Centerfor NewYork City
organization that will allow
Neighborhoods74 Trinity Place Suite Other
for a significant increase in 1,000,000
1302 organizatio
services to help the growing
NewYork,NY 10006
number of New Yorkers
facing foreclosure as a result
of high-cost loans

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Center for Political Accountability

501 (c)(3)
1233 20th Street NW Suite 205 to provide general support 100,000
Washington, DC 20036

Center for Progressive Leadership

501 (c)(3)
1133 19th Street NW 9th Floor to provide general support 100,000
Washington, DC 20036

to support CPR and its

Center for Progressive Reform Inc104 efforts to develop an
501 (c)(3)
Colony Crossing affirmative agenda for the 100,000
Edgewater, MD 21037 legislative and
administrative branches

Center for Responsive Politics1101-

501 (c)(3)
14th Street NWSuite 1030 to provide general support 125,000
Washington, DC 20005

to monitor and to produce

three web-based reports
Center for Strategic and International tracking incidents of
501 (c)(3)
Studies1800 K Street NW violence in the North 10,000
Washington, DC 20006 Caucasus, in order to reach
Western policy makers and

Center for Urban Families Inc3002 to support the Advancing

501 (c)(3)
Druid Park Drive Responsible Fatherhood 125,000
public ch
Baltimore, MD 21215 strategy

Center for Victims ofTorture717 East

501 (c)(3)
River Road matching gift program 3,000
public ch
Minneapolis, MN 55401

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

501 (c)(3)
820 First Street NE Suite 510 to provide general support 750,000
Washington, DC 20002

Central Park Conservancyl4 East

501 (c)(3)
60th Street 8th Floor matching gift program 144
public ch
NewYork,NY 10022

Centrul de Informatii Universitare

Bulevardul Stefan cel Mare si Sft oreign o support educational
hisinau,M D-2012 Organization advising centers in Eurasia

Marin Cerchezl6/2 Ion Creanga St to obtain a graduate degree

Chisinau 2069 Individual in Byzantine History from 152,720
MD Catholic University

Rusudan ChanturiaUznadze Str N52

to tudy education in the
Tbilisi 102 Individual 1,149

Mzia ChikhradzeSairme Street X block to spend a semester at a

Apt 57 U S University as part of
Individual 1,000
Tbilisi 194 the Faculty Development
GG Fellowship Program

Nazgul Cholponbaeva125
Moskovskaya Str to study Social Work at a
Individual 58,247
Bishkek 720040 U S university

Zakir Chotaev8l/6 Jukeev-Pudovkin to spend one semester at a

St US university as part of the
Individual 9,444
Bishkek 720075 Faculty Development
KG Fellowship Program

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Baigalmaa Chuluunbaatarl2- Khoroolol to spend one semester at a

23-3 US university as part of the
Individual 8,486
Ulaanbaatar 210648 Faculty Development
MG Fellowship Program

Baigalmaa Chuluunbaatarl2- Khoroolol to spend one semester at a

23-3 U S University as part of the
Individual 5,031
Ulaanbaatar 210648 Faculty Development
MG Fellowship Program

to challenge discrimination
Caroline Cincotta2923 Otis Street Apt
against noncitizen inmates
6 Individual 48,000
in access to rehabilitative
Berkeley, CA 94703
early release programs

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics

in Washingt1400 Eye Street NW Suite 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 150,000
450 public
Washington, DC 20005

to expand Civil Justice

Inc 's Sustainable
Homeownership Project,
which (1) initiates impact
Civil Justice Inc520 West Fayette litigation to enforce and
501 (c)(3)
Street Suite 410 expand remedies for 125,000
Baltimore, MD 21201 homeowners facing
foreclosure and victims of
predatory lending, and (2)
activates and mentors a
large scale pro-bono

to support the Coalition for

Coalition for Homeownership
Preservation in Prince6201 Riverdale Other
Preservation in Prince 85,000
Road Suite 200 organizatio
George ' s County ' s hiring of
Riverdale,MD 20737
an executive director

Coalition for the Homeless129 Fulton

501 (c)(3)
Street matching gift program 2,190
public ch
NewYork,NY 10038

to support the Coalition of

Schools Education Boys of
Color's efforts to launch a
Coalition of Schools Educating Boys of national coalition of
Colorc/o Panasonic Foundation 3 Other educators dedicated to
Panason organizatio promoting standards and
Secaucus, NJ 07094 practices that fully equip
boys of color to achieve
academically, socially, and

Colorado Center on Law and Policy789

501 (c)(3) to support the Colorado
Sherman Street Suite 300 75,000
public Fiscal Policy Institute
Denver,CO 80203

to support the Committee for

Committee for Economic Development
501 (c)(3) Economic Development ' s
2000 L Street NW Suite 700 240,000
public work on judicial selection
Washington, DC 20036

to use advocacy and

communications to drive an
Community Advocates Milwaukee efficiency and a financial
Addiction Treatment4906 West Fond 501 (c)(3) strategy that will increase
du Lac Avenue public resources for addiction
Milwaukee, WI 53216 treatment and demonstrate
approaches to Closing the
Addiction Treatment Gap

to support an alternative
Community College of Baltimore education program at
Foundation Inc600 East Lombard 501 (c)(3) Baltimore City Community
Street Suite 206 public College for suspended and
Baltimore, MD 21202 expelled Baltimore public
high school students

enable the Juvenile Justice

Work Group of the Youth
Transition Funders Group, a
Community Foundation for the National funder affinity group, to
Capital Regi1201 15th Street NW 501 (c)(3) retain a consultant to
Suite 420 public convene and guide juvenile
Washington, DC 20005 justice grantmakers who
seek to improve outcomes
for youth entangled in the
justice system

to lead a national impact

litigation effort to remove
unreasonable employment
barriers faced by people with
Community Legal Services Inc1424
501 (c)(3) criminal records and to
Chestnut Street 200,000
public create legal precedents
Philadelphia, PA 191022505
around and raise public
consciousness about the
unlawful practices that deny
people with criminal r

Community Rights Counsel1301

501 (c)(3) to support the Constitutional
Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 5 1,000,000
public Accountability Center
Washington, DC 20036

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

to disseminate the results of

"Breaking Barriers" to a wide
Congressional Black Caucus range of existing
Foundation Inc1720 Massachusetts 501 (c)(3) stakeholders, including
Avenue NW public teachers, administrators,
Washington, DC 20036 parents, researchers, school
activists, and elected

Contemporary Arts Inc7221 Croydon

501 (c)(3)
Road matching gift program 150
public ch
Baltimore, MD 21207

to assess how the Shanghai

Cooperation Organization
(SCO ) is promoting
authoritarian governance in
Alexander Cooley533 W 112th St Apt
Central Asia and understand
3D Individual 83,570
how the SCO ' s various
NewYork,NY 10025
initiatives are undermining
the projects of reform-
oriented Western actors and
international organizations

to continue promoting
justice reinvestment and
Corporation for Supportive Housing50 systems integration across
501 (c)(3)
Broadway 17th Floor criminal justice, human 150,000
NewYork,NY 10004 service, and housing sectors
to create and sustain
Reentry Supportive Housing

to illuminate the problem

with eyewitness testimony
(and, by extension, the
Ronald Cotton416 Fitch Drive carrying out of the death
Individual 785
Mebane, NC 27302 penalty), through a narrative
rendering of the true story of
Jennifer Thompson-Cannino
and Ronald Cotton

to continue coordinating the

Justice Reinvestment
Council of State Governments2760
501 (c)(3) Initiative, the Re-Entry
Research Park Drive PO Box 466,666
public Policy Council, and the
Lexington, KY 405781910
Criminal Justice/Mental
Health Consensus Project

Council on Foreign Relations Inc58

501 (c)(3)
East 68th Street matching gift program 1,500
public ch
NewYork,NY 10021

Mladen CvetkovKozara 42 1/7

to provide support to study
Skopje 1000 Individual 11,793
at New York University

Danijela CvetkovicPoenkareva 14
at provide support to study
Belgrade 11000 Individual 12,234
at the University ofVermont

Marina CvijicMije Kispatica 12

to study at Randolph Macon
31000 Osijek Individual 2,201
Women's College

Rami R Dajan16O2-525 Lucien IAllier

to study law at Duke
Montreal,QC H3C 41_3 Individual 118
U niversity

Ihab Dakkakl1 AI-Hariri StPO Box

20187 to study social work in the
Individual 64,175
East Jerusalem U S

Ata DarwishAzhar University

to study education in the
Gaza Individual 190

Emad DawwasCivil Engineering

Department An Na to study urban planning in
Individual 63,666
Nablus the U S

to support the Death Penalty

Information Center's
Death Penalty Information Center1015
501 (c)(3) communications and public
18th Street NW Suite 704 100,000
privat education projects and its
Washington, DC 20036
provision of media trainings
and technical assistance

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

to support the Racial

Disparity Project as it works
Defender Association810 Third
501 (c)(3) to reduce racial bias on the
Avenue 8th Floor 54,000
public ch part of law enforcement
Seattle, WA 98104
agencies in King County,

to help protect homeless

people and provide legal
support when they receive
Elisa Della Piana1246 Hearst Avenue
criminal citations for acts
Suite 4 Individual 1,500
such as sleeping or sitting in
Berkeley, CA 94702
public which essentially
punish them for being

Democracy A Journal of Ideas Inc

501 (c)(3)
2120 L Street NW Suite 305 to provide general support 100,000
Washington, DC 20037

Adrian Deoanca43 Pavlov street bl A

Ap 7 Cluj to support your studies at
Individual 29,058
Cluj-Napoca,Cl 400029 Ithaca College

Biljana DijanisievaBel Kamen br 7A nas

Radisani to provide support to study
Individual 12,111
Skopje 1000 at the University ofVermont

Milos DjericSenjacka 26
at provide support to study
Belgrade 11000 Individual 11,355
at New York University

Dora DobricaKolodvorska 40
to support your studies at
Vrbovec 10340 Individual 109
Randolph College

Igor DobrosavljevikMile Popjordanov

70/20 to provide support to study
Individual 10,714
Skopje 1000 at Slippery Rock University

Wael AH DokhanDepartment of
Political Science Al to study political science in
Individual 57,459
Gaza the U S

Drum Major Institute Inc4O Exchange

501 (c)(3)
Place Suite 2001 to provide general support 200,000
NewYork,NY 10005

to support the project,

Due Process of Law Foundation1779 "Consolidating the Judicial
501 (c)(3)
Massachusetts Avenue NW Suite c Accountability and 315,000
Washington, DC 20036 Transparency Program

Jelena Duvnjak119 Kneza Milosa

Street to support your studies at
Individual 708
Sopot, Belgrade 11450 the University of Vermont

Darejan Dvalishvili56 apt 1 Bakhtrioni

str to study Social Work at a
Individual 58,842
Tbilisi 194 U S university

to establish a Professional
Development Institute for
adults that work with
students of the Eagle
Eagle Academy Foundation137 5th Academy for Young Men to
501 (c)(3)
Avenue 5th Floor train Eagle Academy 75,000
New York, NY 10010 teaching staff, parents, and
mentors to effectively
provide support for young
black men during their high

Earth Island Institute2150 Allston

501 (c)(3) to support the Campus
Way Suite 460 500,000
public Climate Challenge
Berkeley, CA 947041375

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

EarthRights International Inc1612 K

501 (c)(3) to support the costs related
Street NW Suite 401 100,000
public to the Wiwa v Shell trial
Washington, DC 20006

to strengthen the operating

capacity of the Ashe Cultural
Arts Center by supporting
the development of a new
Efforts of Grace Inc1712 0C Haley long-range plan, staff
501 (c)(3)
Boulevard upgrades and the acquisition 100,000
New O rleans, LA 70113 of equipment needed to
operate and maintain a new
multipurpose programming

Ahmadullah EjatullahMarket Street 3rd

to obtain a MA in
Makrorayon 2nd
Individual Communications from The 40,000
University of Ottawa

Hasan El NabihDept of English Faculty

of Arts to study Education in the
Individual 93,876
Gaza U S

to support EFF's civil

liberties and open
government work, which i
ncludes activities pertaining
to multi-district litigation
against telecommunications
companies involved in
warrantless wiretapping, law
enforcement surveillance
Electronic Frontier Foundation Inc454
501 (c)(3) investigation and activism to
Shotwell Street 200,000
public support EFF ' s civil liberties
San Francisco,CA 941101914
and open government work,
which i ncludes activities
pertaining to multi-district
litigation against
companies involved in
warrantless wiretapping, law
enforcement surveillance
investigation and activism

Bolan ElekVojvode Stepe st 320

at provide support to study
Belgrade 11000 Individual 16,535
at George Mason University

Oyundelger EnkhturBayanzurkh
District Khoroo-1 Buil to provide support to study
Individual 7,537
Ulaanbaatar 976 at the University of Arkansas

Enterprise Corporation of the Delta4

501 (c)(3) to support the Mississippi
Old River Place 150,000
public Economic Policy Center
Jackson, MS 39202

to provide re-entry and

Episcopal Community Services of
reintegration services to
Maryland Inc901 North Milton Avenue 501 (c)(3)
Baltimore Empowerment 375,333
5th Floor public
Zone residents with criminal
Baltimore, MD 21213

Equal Justice Initiative of Alabama

5 01 (c)(3)
Commerce Street to provide general support 300,000
Montgomery,AL 36104

Equal Justice Society260 California

501 (c)(3)
Street Suite 700 to provide general support 350,000
San Francisco, CA 94111

Equal Justice USA Inc2O Jay Street

501 (c)(3)
808 to provide general support 125,000
Brooklyn, NY 11201

Equal Justice Works2120 L Street NW to provide matching support

501 (c)(3)
Suite 450 for the Class of2007 Equal 625,000
Washington, DC 200371541 Justice Works Fellowships

to have a fully sustainable

Equal Justice Works
Equal Justice Works2120 L Street NW Fellowship Program of 50
501 (c)(3)
Suite 450 Fellowships each year 1,000,000
Washington, DC 200371541 without funding from the
Open Society Institute by
September 2011

FairVote6930 Carroll Avenue Suite

501 (c)(3)
610 to provide general support 70,000
Takoma Park, MD 20912

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Faith in Public Life Resource Center

5 01 (c)(3)
Vermont Avenue NW 9th Floor to provide general support 200,000
Washington, DC 20005

Lutfiya FarhodovaKhubonsho str 18

to S tudy social work in the
Khorog 736000 Individual 2,843

Masuda Fayzieva34 Rayon 35/84 to study social work at

Khujand 735715 Individual Washington University in St 3,982
TI Louis

Federation of American Scientists

501 (c)(3) to support the Project on
1725 DeSales Street NW 6th Floor 75,000
public Government Secrecy
Washington, DC 20036

Dimitar FiladovStudentski grad block

57 B app 6 to support your studies at
Individual 1,129
Sofia,Bu 1700 the University of Vermont

Sadek FirwanaPO Box 108 Islamic

University to study education in the
Individual 72,560
Gaza City U S

Focus ProJect1742 Connecticut to support 0MB Watch's

501 (c)(3)
Avenue NW Charity and Security 100,000
Washington, DC 200091171 Network Project

Foundation Center79 Fifth Avenue 501 (c)(3)

to provide general support 20,000
New York, NY 100033076 public

to support the full-time

salary of a palliative care
leader, Dr Stephen Williams,
Foundation for Hospices in Sub
as Chief Medical Officer at
Saharan Africa Inc1731 King Street 501 (c)(3)
Island Hospice in Zimbabwe 25,000
Suite 300 public
As Chief Medical Officer, he
Alexandria,VA 22314
will play a crucial role in a
larger collaborative project,
the Zimbabwe Rural Palliat

Foundation of the State University of

501 (c)(3)
New York atPO Box 6005 matching gift program 6,000
public ch
Binghamton, NY 139026005

Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt

5 01 c( c)(3)
)(3) to support
s u pp o the Roosevelt
Albany Post Road 50,000
public I ns ti t ut e
Hyde Park, NY 12538

Freedom From Hunger1644 Da Vinci

5 01 ch
matching gift program 5,754
Davis,CA 95616

Freedom to Marry116 West 23rd

Street Suite 500 to support Freedom to Marry 100,000
NewYork,NY 10011

Friends of the Anderson ProgramPO

5 01 ch
307 Planetarium Station matching gift program 600
NewYork,NY 10024

Friends of the Kenya Community

Development Foundat80-82 Maolis 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 15,000
Avenue public ch
Bloomfield, NJ 07003

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

to support the
implementation of a system-
wide reform initiative aimed
Fund for Educational Excellence800
501 (c)(3) at redesigning existing
North Charles Street Suite 400 1,000,000
public neighborhood public high
Baltimore,MD 212015322
schools in Baltimore and
creating six to eight new
Innovation High Schools

to facilitate technical
assistance to grantees
seeking to augment their
advocacy skills,
Fund for Global Human Rights1666 organizational capacity and
501 (c)(3)
Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 4 effectiveness in Algeria, 50,000
Washington, DC 20009 especially for the priority
objectives of reducing
discrimination and violence
against women,
strengthening wome

to establish and endowment

fund at FEUSP forthe benefit
Fund for the European University at St
501 (c)(3) of European University of St
Petersburg1825 Encore Lane 1,050,000
public Petersburg, a graduate
Ann Arbor,Ml 48103
research university located
in St Petersburg, Russia

to enable Power Inside to

Fusion Partnership Inc1601 Guilford implement a program in east
501 (c)(3)
Avenue 2 South Baltimore to engage female 120,000
Baltimore, MD 21218 sex workers in addiction

Ekaterina Galimova8th Microdistrict to spend a semester at a US

14 House Apt 6 university as part of the
Individual 5,063
Bishkek 720075 Faculty Development
KG Fellowship Program

Ekaterina Galimova8th Microdistrict to spend a semester at a

14 House Apt 6 U S University as part of
Individual 3,306
Bishkek 720075 the Faculty Development
KG Fellowship Program

Bumdari GankhuyagStudent dorm 2 ikh

surguuliin gud provide support to study
Individual ,911
at Slippery Rock University

Enkhtulga Gantulga45-16 6th khoroo

to provide support to study
Chingeltei distr
Individual at the University of 8,969
Wisconsin - Eau Claire

Gender Public Advocacy Coalition Inc

501 (c)(3) to support the
1731 Connecticut Avenue NW 4th Flo 50,000
public GenderYO UTH network
Washington, DC 20009

Generation WaveO n-Nut Apartment

North-Parakanong Foreign to support public outreach
Bangkok, Ba 10260 0 rganizat campaigns

to support the project titled,

"Efforts to Achieve
Accountability for Human
George Mason University4400
Governmental Rights Violations in Latin
University Drive MS 4C6 113,000
unit America A Conference
Fairfax,VA 22030
Series on the Trial of Alberto
Fujimori in Comparative

to support the project titled,

"Efforts to Achieve
George Mason University4400
Governmental Accountability for Human
University Drive MS 4C6 15,000
unit Rights Violations in Latin
Fairfax, VA 22030
America The Trial of
Alberto Fujimori"

Georgetown UniversityOffice of to support a senior

501 (c)(3)
Sponsored Programs 3520 fellowship at the Public 1,345
public ch
Washington, DC 20007 Policy Institute

Byambasuren GerelSukhbaatar District

Student Dorm-2 to support your studies at
Individual 802
Ulaanbaatar Slippery Rock University

Tea GergedavaVazha-Pshavela
Avenue block 6 bld to study Education in the
Individual 19,561
Tblisi 186 U S

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Alexandra Ghit45 Hasdeu Street

Student Dormitory to support your studies at
Individual 567
Cluj Napoca,Sa 400371 Duke University

Oana Mihaela Ghita9 Ovid Densusianu

Street to pursue study at Bard
Individual 100
Pitesti,Ar College

Craig GilmoreAv Almirante Reis 127

to write, produce and
Individual distribute primers on the 3,000
Lisbon 1150 015
U S prison system

AIDS Tuberculos Global Business

Coalition on HIV110 William Street 501 (c)(3) to support your work in
Suite 1800 public Russia and Ukraine
NewYork,NY 10038

Global Fund for Women Inc222 Sutter

501 (c)(3)
Street Suite 500 matching gift program 5,412
public ch
San Francisco, CA 94108

Global Kids Inc137 East 25th Street

501 (c)(3)
2nd Floor matching gift program 1,500
public ch
NewYork,NY 10010

Inna Golovchenko68 Pushkin ave apt

to provide support to study
Individual at the University of 17,912
Dnepropetrovsk 49000
Wisconsin - Eau Claire

Alexandrina Golubl6/1 Dacia blvd

ap36 to support your studies at
Individual 1,319
Chisinau MD 2043 New York University

Vakhtang Gomelauril9 Chavchavadze

ave apt 27 to study Social Work at a
Individual 48,032
Tbilisi 179 U S university

to create an advocacy
Reginald Gossett674 Park Place network that provides
Apartment 2 Individual creative solutions for mass 2,164
Brooklyn, NY 11216 incarceration and its impact
on women and LGBT people

Government Accountability Project

501 (c)(3) to provide general operating
1612 K Street NW Suite 1100 250,000
public support
Washington, DC 20006

Grassroots Policy Project64 R

501 (c)(3)
Prospect Street to provide general support 50,000
Cambridge, MA 02139

Groundwork Inc595 Sutter Avenue 501 (c)(3)

matching gift program 450
Brooklyn, NY 11207 public ch

Petko Grozdanov3 Razvigor Str entr B

app 38 to support your studies at
Individual 7,083
Sofia 1421 the University of Montana

H abitat for H umanity International Inc

501 (c)(3)
121 Habitat Street matching gift program 150
public ch
Americus,GA 31709

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Mazen HamdanUm Alsharayit PO Box

2430 to pursue an LLM degree at
Individual 2,855
Ramallah Georgetown University

to study the citizen-based

movement against genocide
in Darfur, what we can learn
from it about the
Rebecca HamiltonPrinsestraat 76 costs/benefits of a mass
Den Haag 2513 CE Individual movement approach to 78,011
NL human right advocacy and
how we bridge the gap
between the concerns of
21st century citizens and
the foreign

Afag Hasanova129 A Mirjalal to spend one semester at a

Apartment 33 US university as part of the
Individual 14,636
Baku AZ1013 Faculty Development
AJ Fellowship Program

Afag Hasanova129 A Mirjalal to spend a semester at a

Apartment 33 U S university as part of the
Individual 14,015
Baku AZ1013 Faculty Development
A] Fellowship Program

to support the National

Heartland Human Care Services Inc
501 (c)(3) Immigrant Justice Center's
208 South LaSalle Street Suite 181 150,000
public Detention, Deportation and
Chicago,IL 60604
Due Process Project

to improve detention
policies, programs and
Norris Henderson1023 Leonias Street practices in Orleans Parish
Individual 1,500
New O rleans, LA 70118 and employ media, legal
advocacy and organizing to
encourage systemic reform

to identify aspects of the

federal reform experiment
that are worth preserving and
those that have failed, in
Paul Hofer1409 21st St NW 2C
Individual order to develop strategies 1,524
Washington, DC 20036
for litigators and
policymakers working to
improve the sentencing

to attend the 2008 Soros

Paul Hofer1409 21st St NW 2C
Individual Justice Fellowship 200
Washington, DC 20036

to discuss a history of
Pippa HollowayBox 23 History Dept
criminal disenfranchisement
Middle Tenness Individual 2,116
in the southern United
Murfreesboro,TN 37132

Pippa HollowayBox 23 History Dept to attend the 2008 Soros

Middle Tenness Individual Justice Fellowship 200
Murfreesboro,TN 37132 conference

Holy Family Church2l Nassau Avenue 501 (c)(3)

matching gift program 15,000
Brooklyn, NY 11222 public ch

Hospital for Special Surgery535 East

501 (c)(3)
70th Street matching gift program 150
public ch
NewYork,NY 10021

Ramoz HossainAfghanistan
to obtain a MA in
Independent Human Right
Individual Communications from The 27,942
University of Ottawa

to conduct public education

Kristin Houle3816 South Lamar
in Texas on issues related to
Boulevard A partme Individual 1,057
the death penalty and severe
Austin,TX 78704
mental illness

House of Ruth5 Thomas Circle NW 501 (c)(3)

matching gift program 150
Washington, DC 20005 public ch

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00, 3b 70,843,685

Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Human Rights Advocates Inc PO Box

501 (c)(3)
5675 matching gift program 6,000
public ch
Berkeley, CA 94705

Human Rights Campaign Foundation to support the Federal

p ub c c)(3)
1640 Rhode Island Avenue NW Judiciary Public Education 100,000
Washington, DC 20036 Project

Human Rights First333 7th Avenue to support the Law and

501 (c)(3)
13th Floor Security Program and End 200,000
NewYork,NY 10001 Torture Now Campaign

to conduct human rights

investigations, publish
research reports, and
Human Rights Watch Inc350 5th engage in regional outreach
501 (c)(3)
Avenue 34th Floor and advocacy on abuses 126,700
New York, NY 101183299 that result from overreaching
drug policies and practices
in Thailand, China, Mexico
and India

to facilitate the investigation

and exposure of human
rights abuses against sex
Human Rights Watch Inc350 5th
501 (c)(3) workers in Cambodia, with a
Avenue 34th Floor 23,300
public particular focus on abuses
NewYork,NY 101183299
resulting from poorly-
designed efforts to counter
human trafficking

to support a new researcher

to work with the regional and
thematic divisions, as well
Human Rights Watch Inc350 5th
501 (c)(3) as external partners, to
Avenue 34th Floor 300,000
public advance the implementation
NewYork,NY 101183299
of the U N Convention on the
Rights of Persons with

Human Rights Watch Inc350 5th

501 (c)(3)
Avenue 34th Floor matching gifts program 300
public ch
New York, NY 101183299

to establish the Writers in

Baltimore Schools program
at the Margaret Brent
Elementary School Staffed
Patrice Hutton1528 Corcoran Street by Johns Hopkins
NW Apt B Individual undergraduate writing 33,198
Washington, DC 20009 students, the project will
provide in-class, after-
school and summer creative
writing workshops, in
addition to

to spend a semester at a US
Ia Iashvili37 26 Maisi Str
University as part of the
Kutaisi 4600 Individual 8,934
Faculty Development
Fellowship Program

Corina Andreea Ifrose MurafalO

Prometeu str bl12F ap 11 s to study at New York
Individual 2,209
Bucharest 14221 University

Simona IftimescuStr Badea Cartan nr

67 bl 37A to support your studies at
Individual 397
Bucharest 20662 Ithaca College

to spend a semester at a US
Bakhtiiar Igamberdiev32/2 Kirov
University as part ofthe
Pristan-Karakol 722362 Individual 7,188
Faculty Development
Fellowship Program

Vesna IlievskaRudi Cajevac 4/22

at provide support to study
Skopje 1000 Individual 2 422
at Ithaca College

Akram M A Iljal/153 Tawaheen St

to support a PFDP fellowship
SheJa ' ia Individual 33,234
in the area of Urban Planning

Elmira ImambakievaTynystanov St
10-25 to study Social Work in the
Individual 19,152
Bishkek 720005 United States

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

to contribute to the
Indiana UniversitySponsored Research improvement of language
501 (c)(3)
Services Carmich education both in 41,541
Bloomington, IN 474084000 Kazakhstan and the United

to support the construction

Indiana UniversitySponsored Research
501 (c)(3) of dormintory facilities for
Services Carmich 2,000,000
public the American University-
Bloomington, IN 474084000
Central Asia

Inspired Legacies1722 Haver St 501 (c)(3)

matching gift program 3,000
Houston,TX 770062412 public ch

Institute for Americas Future Inc1825

501 (c)(3)
K Street NW Suite 400 to provide general support 200,000
Washington, DC 20006

to provide general
institutional support that
Institute for Middle East Understanding
501 (c)(3) would supply journalists with
2913 El Camino Real Suite 436 100,000
public access to information about
Tustin, CA 92782
Palestine and the

to create an effective
Institute for State Effectiveness 600
501 (c)(3) framework to address
New Hampshire Avenue NW Suite 30,000
public ch reconstruction challenges in
Washington, DC 20037

Integral Yoga Institute227 West 13th

501 (c)(3)
Street matching gift program 6,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 10011

Inter American Dialogue1211 to provide support to the

501 (c)(3)
Connecticut Avenue Suite 510 project titled, " Andean 300,000
Washington, DC 20036 Working Group "

to support two palliative

care leaders from Vietnam
International Association for Hospice
to attend the San Diego
and Palliati5535 Memorial Drive Suite 501 (c)(3)
Hospice and Palliative Care 10,000
F-PMB 50 public
International Palliative
Houston,TX 77007
Medicine Fellowship Training

to develop timely internal

memoranda and reports to
key partners that discuss
International Center for Transitional
501 (c)(3) international norms,
Justices Hanover Square 24th Floor 50,000
public lessons, and experience
New York, NY 10004
relevant to US
accountability for abuses in
its "War on Terror"

International Debate Education

501 (c)(3)
Association400 West 59th Street General support 55,000
NewYork,NY 10019

to further the rights of

lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender (LGBT) persons
International Gay and Lesbian Human in East, West and Southern
Rights Commiss80 Maiden Lane Suite 501 (c)(3) Africa through continued
1505 public work to advance LGBT rights
NewYork,NY 10038 at the African Commission
on Human and Peoples'
Rights, an October2008
training and strategy m

to provide support for three

Congolese activists for four
months for the purpose of
the provision of local
International Refugee Rights Initiative
501 (c)(3) knowledge that will assist
866 United Nations Plaza Suite 401 73,000
public the Justice Initiative in
NewYork,NY 10017
developing a strategic
outreach plan with the
Congolese legal, affected
populations, and media

International Womens Media

Foundation1625 K Street NW Suite 501 (c)(3) matching gift volunteer
1275 public ch program
Washington, DC 20036

to enhance the capacity of

women working in conflict-
affected countries to use
legal mechanisms available
International Womens Tribune Center
501 (c)(3) at the international and
777 United Nations Plaza 3rd Floor 135,000
public national level to ensure
NewYork,NY 10017
women ' s protection,
participation and redress
and to support their ability
to secure their rights i

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Khatuna Ioselianil8 Kazbegi Avenue

Bld 18 Apt 18 to study education in the
Individual 29,957
Tbilisi 380077 U S

Andrei Iovu31/1 Trandafirilor str apt58

at provide support to study
Chisinau MD 2038 Individual 10,617
at Slippery Rock University

Akbar Ismanjanov68 Technicheskaya to spend one semester at a

Street US university as part of the
Individual 4,945
Osh 714016 Faculty Development
KG Fellowship Program

Aytan Ismayilova70 Zardabi str apt 13

to study Social Work at a
Baku Az1041 Individual 58,679
U S university

J Kirby Simon Foreign Service Trust93

501 (c)(3)
Edgehill Road matching gift program 36,000
public ch
NewHaven,CT 06511

Majdi M JafarPO Box 25217 to pursue an internship at

East Jerusalem Individual the law firm of Muhammad 7,500
IS Dahleh

Majdi M JafarPO Box 25217

to pursue an LLM at the
East Jerusalem Individual 9 389
University of Pittsburgh

Vanja JageticVoncinina 12
to study at the University of
Zagreb 10000 Individual 1,296

Zeina 0 JalladBirzeit University

Birzeit-Ramallah to pursue an LLM at
Individual 1,088
Ramallah Columbia University

Zeina 0 JalladBirzeit University

to pursue an internship with
Bi rzeit-Ramallah
Individual the Institute of law at Birzeit 16,000
WE U niversity

Natasa Janceval6ta Nakedonska

to provide support to study
Brigada 4/1-21
Individual at the University of 6,438
Skopje 1000
A rkansas

Ana JanelidzeVere II Junction III I flat

Individual to study Educaiton in the US 18,928
Tbilisi 179

Darko JanjevicDurmitorska 5
to provide support to study
Nis 18000 Individual g 010
at the University of Montana

Jews for Racial and Economic Justice

501 (c)(3) matching gift volunteer
135 West 29th Street Suite 600 1,000
public ch program
NewYork,NY 10011

Jews for Racial and Economic Justice

5 01 ( c)) (3)
West 29th Street Suite 600 ch matching gift program 750
NewYork,NY 10011

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Gloria Jigaul9/8 Cuza Voda Str ap79

to study at the University of
Chisinau MD 2012 Individual 1,063

to enable the Baltimore

Education Research
Johns Hopkins UniversityW-400 Consortium to conduct and
501 (c)(3)
Wyman Park Center 3400 North disseminate strategic data 75,000
Baltimore, MD 21218 analysis and research to
inform and improve public
education in Baltimore

to support the National

Center for Summer
Johns Hopkins UniversityW-400 Learning's efforts to
501 (c)(3)
Wyman Park Center 3400 North increase access to high- 45,000
Baltimore, MD 21218 quality summer learning
programs for Baltimore's
children and youth

Markhabo Jonbekova54A Konunov

Kirgizbek Street to study social work at
Individual 7,371
Khorog 736000 Columbia University

Jubilee House Community Center for

501 (c)(3)
Development 1820 Kensford Court matching gift program 1,200
public ch
Lewisville, NC 27023

to continue impact litigation,

Judge David L Bazelon Center for
policy advocacy, and public
Mental Health La1101 15th Street NW 501 (c)(3)
education to end the 300,000
Suite 1212 public
criminalization of people with
Washington, DC 200055002
mental disabilities

to support the Justice at

Justice at Stake Campaign Inc717 D
501 (c)(3) Stake Campaign and its
Street NW Suite 203 750,000
public work to keep courts fair and
Washington, DC 20004

to examine the impact on

policy and practice brought
Justice Strategies199 Washington
Other about by the emergence of
Avenue 20,673
organization community reentry as a
Brooklyn, NY 11205
frame for criminal justice

Tijana KaitovicDubrovacka 16 Stan

to provide support to study
Individual at the University of 9,106
Belgrade 11000
Wisconsin - Eau Claire

Jelena KajganovicJelezovacka 26/14

to study at the University of
Belgrade 11 000 Individual 1,216

Kornely KakachiaApt 213 Block-2 to spend a semester at a US

Tstotne Dadiani S university as part of the
Individual 14,570
Tbilisi 180 Faculty Development
GG Fellowship Program

Chinara KamarliAbdrakhmanov Street

204 to study social work in the
Individual 6,360
Bishkek 720040 U S

to create the Baltimore

Fitness Academy (BMorefit)
and partner with YO
Baltimore to train and
Jon Kaplan1416 Mason Street mentor marginalized teens--
Individual 33,318
Baltimore, MD 21217 18 - 24 -- in a fitness and
nutritional educational
program Participants will be
certified and employed in the
growing industry of

to educate community,
RaeDeen Karasuda1520 Liholiho influence incarceration
Street Apartment 210 Individual policy, and implement 1,500
Honolulu, HI 96822 culturally significant reentry

RaeDeen Karasuda1520 Liholiho to attend the 2008 Soros

Street Apartment 210 Individual Justice Fellowship 126
Honolulu, HI 96822 conference

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1111 3b 70,843,685

Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Tea KarchavaNutsubidze distr 1 block to spend a semester at a US

11 fl 1 university as part of the
Individual 5,817
Tbilisi 183 Faculty Development
GG Fellowship Program

Validzhon Karimov7l/25 UVafo street

to study Social Work in the
Dushanbe 734067 Individual 19,857
United States

to spend a semester at a US
Zukhra KarimovaChilanazar 3-12-42
university as part of the
Tashkent 100096 Individual 14,736
Faculty Development
Fellowship Program

Subhash Kateel25 Chapel Street to build a Florida based

Apartment 703 Individual network of families directly 19,096
Brooklyn, NY 11201 facing deportation

Subhash Kateel25 Chapel Street to attend the 2008 Soros

Apartment 703 Individual Justice Fellowship 400
Brooklyn, NY 11201 conference

to support Anka Kekez's

attendance and participation
at the International
Anka Kekez3l Trondheimska Street
Association for National
Split 21000 Individual 276
Youth Service 8th Global
Conference in Paris, France
from November 19 to 22,

to establish the Spiral

Dance Womyn's Center
Located in east Baltimore,
the program will help women
Laurie Kendall4309 Belvieu Avenue develop the practical skills
Individual 38,500
Baltimore, M D 21215 needed to become active
and successful participants
in their own lives, homes,
businesses and

Kentucky Youth Advocates Inc11001

501 (c)(3) to support the Kentucky Tax
Bluegrass Parkway Suite 100 75,000
public and Budget Initiative
Jeffersontown, KY 40299

Ayman KhalifahAl Walajah to support a PFDP

Bethlehem Individual Fellowship in the field of 54,711
WE Education

Ola KhaliliEducation Department

to support a PFDP
Birzeit Unive
Individual Fellowship in the field of 56,333
WE Education

to spend a semester at a US
Theresa KhorozyanZavaryan no 72
university as part of the
Yerevan 70 Individual 14,570
Faculty Development
Fellowship Program

Ulziitungalag KhuajinSonginoKhairhan to spend one semester at a

district Building U S University as part of
Individual 5,022
Ulaanbaatar 2106 the Faculty Development
MG Fellowship Program

Khudoydod KhudoydodovRuda ki137

Dushanbe 734000 Individual U S tudy social work in the 4,561

to spend one semester at a

Lyudmila Kim7-48 massiv Yalangach
U S University as part of
Tashkent 700125 Individual 2,637
the Faculty Development
Fellowship Program

to spend a semester at a US
Lyudmila Kim7-48 massiv Yalangach
U niversity as part of the
Tashkent 700125 Individual 6,771
Faculty Development
Fellowship Program

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

to use the Baltimore

Antidiscrimination ordinance
Cydne Kimbrough2216 N Calvert as the foundation to create a
Street Apartment 1 Individual support system that 34,264
Baltimore, M D 21218 advocates for more
transgender opportunities in
housing, education, and

Mahmoud KittanaAbu Deis Pharmacy to puruse an internship with

Abu Deis, Jerusalem Individual the O pen Society Justice 2,057
WE Initiative

Mahmoud KittanaAbu Deis Pharmacy to pursue an internship at

Abu Deis, Jerusalem Individual the Young Palestinian 8,000
WE Lawyers Association

Mahmoud KittanaAbu Deis Pharmacy

to pursue an LLM at Duke
Abu Deis, Jerusalem Individual 1,441
WE University

Maja KlaricKralja Petra Svacica

to study at the University of 919
Seget Donji 21218 Individual

Darla Kliuieva38a Prospect Gagarina

Dormitory 3 to provide support to study
Individual 10,077
Dnipropetrovsk 49010 at the University of Georgia

to provide core support to

Knowledge Ecology
International for their work
Knowledge Ecology International1621 on Access to Medicines and
501 (c)(3)
Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 5 c to develop and promote new 50,000
Washington, DC 20009 paradigms for reconciling the
need for both innovation in
and access to medical

Magda KobakhidzePostis Shesakhvevi

18 to study education in the
Individual 25,617
Tbilisi 103 U S

Nino KopaleishviliDidi Digomi Ioanne

Petritsi 5t9 to study education in the
Individual 2,330
Tbilisi 131 U S

Irma Koshoridzeapl 4kv 4 build Av to spend a semester at a US

Vaja-Pshave university as part of the
Individual 6,271
Tbilisi 189 Faculty Development
GG Fellowship Program

Natasha KrstovaStudent Dormatory

to provide support to study
Stiv Naumov H
Individual at the University of 6,940

Dzhamshed Kurbonov48 Kosmonavtov

strett apt19 to study Social Work at a
Individual 58,053
Q urgonteppa 735140 U S university

Cholpon KurmanbaevaFlat 24 house to spend a semester at a US

47/1 Chui Avenue University as part of the
Individual 5,997
Bishkek 720022 Faculty Development
KG Fellowship Program

Lambda Legal Defense and Education

501 (c)(3) to support Lambda Legal's
Fund Inc120 Wall Street Suite 1500 120,000
public Fair Courts Project
NewYork,NY 100053904

to bring public attention to

Ken Lamberton2424 San Joaquin
the politics of crime and
Avenue Individual 1,057
punishment in the United
Tucson,AZ 85713

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Latin American Studies Association

501 (c)(3)
416 Bellefield HallUniversity of Pi matching gift program 3,000
public ch
Pittsburgh, PA 15260

Kanykei Latipova53 Oshskiy Pereulok

to study Social Work at a
Bishkek 720000 Individual 47,580
U S university

Leadership Conference on Civil Rights

Education Fu1629 K Street NW 10th 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 500,000
Floor public
Washington, DC 20006

League of Young Voters Education

501 (c)(3)
Fund310 Atlantic Avenue 2nd Floor to provide general support 300,000
Brooklyn, NY 11201

to strengthen the
demonstration sites
supported by the Closing the
Legal Action Center of the City of New Drug Addiction Treatment
York Inc225 Varick Street Gap initiative through 1,053,500
New York, NY 10014 technical assistance and a
learning collaborative to link
their work to a national
advocacy strategy

to continue training,
organizing, and mobilizing
formerly incarcerated people
Legal Services for Prisoners with
501 (c)(3) and family members of the
Children1540 Market Street Suite 490 150,000
public incarcerated, and to launch
San Francisco,CA 94102
regional campaigns for
criminal justice reform in

to create an investigative
political reporting blog in
Colombia to offer
Juanita LeonAvenida 25C No 4-74 independent political
ap202 information, create a debate
Individual 51,470
Bogota forum for competing political
CO views, and nurture a
strategic networking
community of politically
engaged citizens

A lexandru Lesanu68/1 Decebal St Apt

7 to obtain a graduate degree
Individual in History from George 121,526
Chisinau 2038
Mason University

to research, write and

advocate about marijuana
Harry Levine412 West 110 Street 73
Individual possession arrests and their 83,636
NewYork,NY 10025
racial bias in major U S
cities and counties

to improve access to
treatment and reduce the
Alison Little1702 Duke Avenue
Individual incidence of incarceration 8,000
Austin,TX 78757
for emotionally disturbed
youth in Texas

to provide re-entry and

Living Classrooms Foundation802 reintegration services to
501 (c)(3)
South Caroline Street Baltimore Empowerment 375,333
Baltimore, MD 21231 Zone residents with criminal

Livingston Huaxia Chinese SchoolPO

501 (c)(3) matching gift volunteer
Box 2097 1,000
public ch program
Livingston, NJ 07039

to support the Louisiana

Budget Project, which will
develop an independent
Louisiana Association of Nonprofit fiscal policy analysis and
Organizations700 North 10th Street 501 (c)(3) public education initiative
Suite 250 public dealing with transparency
Baton Rouge, LA 70802 and accountability of
government, with a specific
emphasis on the impact of
fiscal policies on low

Ekaterina Lukichevamicroregion 12
33-53 to study Social Work in the
Individual 12,895
Bishkek 720049 United States

to research and write a book

that will call for a re-think of
Rebecca MacKinnonJournalism and
the way activists and
Media Studies Centre
Individual policymakers in the West 107,670
Hong Kong, Ho
advocate for free expression
in China, and by extension

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

to support study in social

Fayez MahamidPO Box 242
work as part of the
Jenin Individual 165,063
WE Palestinian Faculty
Development Program

to complete a book about

Jonathan Mahler27 Sherman Street
Individual the case of Guantanamo 1,500
Brooklyn, NY 11215
detainee Salim Harridan

Tamar M akharadzeGamsakhurdia to spend one semester at a

Avenue 42 Apt 15 U S University as part of
Individual 4,014
Tbilisi 160 the Faculty Development
GG Fellowship Program

Alisher MamadzhanovA Navoi St 37 fl

to obtain a graduate degree
Individual in Economics from 109,896
Dushanbe 734064
Washington State University

Askarbek MambetalievAlamedin-1 to spend a semester at a US

House 69 Apt 20 University as part of the
Individual 6,067
Bishkek 720083 Faculty Development
KG Fellowship Program

Askarbek MambetalievAlamedin-1 to spend a semester at a

House 69 Apt 20 U S university as part of the
Individual 2,534
Bishkek 720083 Faculty Development
KG Fellowship Program

to spend a semester at a US
Nijat MammadliMatbuat av 36/5
university as part of the
Baku AZ1100 Individual 14,736
Faculty Development
Fellowship Program

Rayiha MammadliZ KhalilovStr 50A to spend a semester at a

Apt 36 U S university as part of the
Individual 3,690
Baku Az-1073 Faculty Development
AJ Fellowship Program

to educate and inform the

public about the crisis of
JoAnn Mar1200 Virginia Street
Individual California's overcrowded 1,065
Berkeley, CA 94702
prisons and solutions for
alleviating the crisis

Ion MarandiciGradinilor 21 Apt 43 to obtain a graduate degree

Chisinau 2001 Individual in Political Science from 117,172
MD Rutgers University

Diana Marian3l August str-la 1 nr 10

at provide support to study
Calarasi 4401 Individual 1,165
at Bard College

Marlboro School of Music Inc1616

501 (c)(3)
Walnut Street Suite 1600 matching gift program 7,500
public ch
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Shadd MarunaSchool of Law Q ueens

to write a popular book on
28 University
Individual the state of redemption in 24,000
Belfast BT7 1NN
the United States

Maryland Addiction Directors Council to convert from an all

501 (c)(3)
Inc3643 Woodland Avenue volunteer to a staffed 84,000
Baltimore, MD 21215 organization

Maryland Citizens Health Initiative

501 (c)(3)
Education Fun2600 Saint Paul Street to provide general support 25,000
Baltimore, MD 21218

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Maryland Food Bank2200 Halethorpe

501 (c)(3)
Farms Road matching gift program 150
public ch
Baltimore, MD 21227

Marys Center for Maternal and Child

501 (c)(3)
Care Inc2333 Ontario Road NW matching gift program 300
public ch
Washington, DC 20009

Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee

Advocacy Coali105 Chauncy Street 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 300
Suite 402 public ch
Boston, MA 02111

Mariam MatevosyanSari-tag 8th Shark to spend a semester at a US

N183 university as part of the
Individual 7,303
Yerevan 375017 Faculty Development
AM Fellowship Program

to develop and promote

Johonna McCants3102 Bunker Hill community-based solutions
Road Apartment 2 Individual to violence against women 1,938
Mount Rainier, MD 20712 and children as alternatives
to incarceration

McKim Community Association1120

501 (c)(3)
East Baltimore Street matching gift program 150
public ch
Baltimore, MD 21202

to support the Media and

Media and Democracy Coalition1133 Coalition in its
19th Street NW 9th Floor efforts to ensure that media 100,000
Washington, DC 20036 policy serves the public

Media Development Loan Fund Inc37

501 (c)(3) to support the New Media
West 20th Street Suite 801 1,000,000
public Fund
NewYork,NY 10011

Catalina MesesanSplaiul
Independentei nr 204 Groz to support your studies at
Individual 688
Bucharest 60024 Bard College

to support MALDEF's
Mexican American Legal Defense and
national efforts to combat
Educational Fun634 South Spring 501 (c)(3)
hate groups in the U 5 100,000
Street 11th Floor public
through communication,
Los Angeles, CA 90014
litigation and advocacy

MFY Legal Services299 Brodway 501 (c)(3)

matching gift program 750
New York, NY 10009 public ch

Michigan State University300 Spartan

501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 150
Way public ch
East Lansing, Ml 488241315

Migration Policy Institute1400 16th

501 (c)(3)
Street NW Suite 300 to provide general support 100,000
Washington, DC 200362257

Migration Policy Institute1400 16th

501 (c)(3) to support the Mobility and
Street NW Suite 300 100,000
public Security Program
Washington, DC 200362257

Stefan MilovanovicVojvode Stepe

259/5 to provide support to study
Individual 12,697
Belgrade 11000 at the University ofVermont

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Saw Aye MinRoom 402 Bld 5 Lam 1

to provide additional support
Onnut 36
Individual to study at Mahidol 328
Bangkok 10330

to support access to free

Republic of Liberia Ministry of primary school education for
EducationMinistry of Education Foreign all children in Liberia and to
Monrovia equivalen assist the Government of
LI Liberia to rebuild its
education system

to use art as a tool to

engage Native American
youth in a structured out of
school, community-based
Ashley Minner3517 Sollers Point Road arts program The program
Individual 42,952
Baltimore, M D 21222 will be used to connect the
youth to their culture as well
as educate the broader
community about the Native
American community

Aleksandar Mitovski32 Isa Eminov

to support study at the
Kratovo 1360 Individual 100
University of Arkansas

to support emergency
meetings with Burmese
MoeMaKa MultimediaPO Box 320207 501 (c)(3) writers, artists, and
San Francisco, CA 941320207 public intellects from inside Burma
and in exile while they are in
the U S

to replace 0 hio's indigent

defense service system with
Janet Moore215 East Ninth Street
a state-wide, standard-
Suite 601 Individual 26,828
driven, independent and fully
Cincinnati,OH 45202
funded system providing
top-quality legal services

to study the possible

negative threats that the
Evgeny MorozovStargarderstrasse 66
Internet poses to the future
Berlin 10437 Individual 23,822
of open society in
authoritarian and semi-
authoritarian states

Mount Holyoke College50 College to support the Mount

501 (c)(3)
Street Holyoke College Veterans 87,500
South Hadley, MA 01075 Fund

Ms Dali Khomerikill George

Balanchine St US Embassy to study education in the
Individual 623
Tbilisi 131 U S

Ms Foundation for Women Inc12

501 (c)(3)
MetroTech Center 26th Floor matching gift program 5,281
public ch
Brooklyn, NY 11201

Natia Mzhavanadzel Nutsubidze

Plateau block 16 Apt to study education in the
Individual 18,357
Tbilisi 183 U S

to support LDF's Criminal

Justice Program as it
challenges racially
NAACP Legal Defense and Educational
501 (c)(3) discriminatory enforcement
Fund Inc99 Hudson Street Suite 1600 100,000
public of criminal laws through
New York, NY 100132897
litigation, policy research
and advocacy, and public

Andreea Melania NagyPta 1 Dec bl 24

ap 37 to support study at Slippery
Individual 1,276
Caras Severin Resita 1700 Rock University

Doaa NakhalaPO Box 358 House 51

to support a PFDP
Individual Fellowship in the field of 31,998
Gaza City
Political Science

Nail Nasritdinov30/10 Toktonaliev Str

to study Social Work at a
Bishkek 720040 Individual 49,078
U S university

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

to expand the NAACP's

National Association for the
research and
Advancement ofColore4805 Mt Hope 501 (c)(3)
communications capacity, 250,000
Drive public
so that it may establish a
Baltimore, MD 212153297
new policy agenda

National Association of Service and to continue programmatic

Conservation C1100 G Street NW 501 (c)(3) and technical assistance to
Suite 1000 public fifteen Civic Justice Corps
Washington, DC 20005 demonstration sites

National Center for Science Education

501 (c)(3)
Inc420 40th Street Suite 2 to provide general support 100,000
Oakland, CA 946092509

to provide renewed support

in assisting state judiciaries,
National Center for State Courts300 judicial organizations, and
501 (c)(3)
Newport Avenue other concerned groups to 175,000
Williamsburg, VA 23185 anticipate and respond to
measures that politicize the
state courts

to support a national
National Center for State Courts300
501 (c)(3) campaign to ensure the
Newport Avenue 88,500
public racial and ethnic fairness of
Williamsburg,VA 23185
America ' s state courts

National Congress of American Indians

501 (c)(3) to support the Project on the
Fund1516 P Street NW 125,000
public Judiciary
Washington, DC 20005

to stop widespread and

discriminatory credit pricing
practices and obtain relief
for those victimized, as well
National Consumer Law Center Inc7
501 (c)(3) as to strengthen the
Winthrop Square 4th floor 250,000
public community of lawyers and
Boston, MA 021101245
advocates who are fighting
mortgage lending and other
types of credit

to support work on
immigration efforts aimed at
National Council of La Raza1126 16th
501 (c)(3) strengthening the
Street NW 75,000
public effectiveness of immigration
Washington, DC 20036
policy while supporting and
sustaining civil rights

to strengthen and expand its

National Council on Alcoholism and
education and advocacy
Drug Dependence28 East Ostend 501 (c)(3)
efforts in Maryland on behalf 150,000
Street Suite 303 public
of drug dependent and
Baltimore, M D 21230
recovering citizens

National Democratic Institute for

International Af2030 M Street NW 5th 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 5,000
Floor public
Washington, DC 200363306

to continue engaging labor

National Employment Law Project Inc unions in efforts to reduce
501 (c)(3)
80 Maiden Lane Suite 509 unfair barriers to 90,000
New York, NY 10038 employment faced by people
with criminal records

National Hispana Leadership Institute

501 (c)(3)
1601 North Kent Street Suite 803 matching gift program 750
public ch
Arlington,VA 22209

National Immigration Forum Inc50 F

501 (c)(3)
Street NW Suite 300 to provide general support 75,000
Washington, DC 20001

National Immigration Law Center3435

501 (c)(3)
Wilshire Boulevard Suite 2850 to provide general support 75,000
Los Angeles, CA 90010

National Juvenile Defender Center

501 (c)(3)
1350 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 3 to provide general support 300,000
Washington, DC 20036

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

National Legal Aid and Defender

to support the National
Association1140 Connecticut Avenue 501 (c)(3)
Indigent Defense 325,000
NW Suite 9 public
Infrastructure Initiatives
Washington, DC 20036

to identify the critical

National Quality Forum601 13th components of standards
501 (c)(3)
Street NW Suite 500 Nort that define high quality 94,000
Washington, DC 20005 continuing care in drug
addiction treatment

to support the Center for

National Security Archive Fund Inc National Security Studies'
501 (c)(3)
Gelman Library 2130 H Street NW S work to restore civil liberties 500,000
Washington, DC 20037 and human rights in U S
counterterrorism policies

National Training and Information

501 (c)(3)
Center810 North Milwaukee Avenue matching gift program 750
public ch
Chicago,IL 60642

to train and mentor lawyers

Natural Resources Defense Council40 interested in pursuing
501 (c)(3)
West 20th Street environmental litigation 168,883
New York, NY 10011 cases through a two-year
fellowship program

Natural Resources Defense Council40

501 (c)(3) to support the China Public
West 20th Street 490,000
public Participation Program
NewYork,NY 10011

Nay Kyar Pann Sunflowerl2/ O o Ka Ta

9 Naing Foreign to support expansion of the
Yangon 0 rganizat HIV/AIDS Program

Aloviddin Nazarov33 Uchastok to spend one semester at a

Jdanova U S University as part of the
Individual 5,023
Leninsky 735119 Faculty Development
TI Fellowship Program

to provide support to
Alexander Ndaula2546 Stillwell immigration detainees and
Avenue 2A Individual raise public awareness about 1,500
Brooklyn, NY 11223 immigrants in the criminal
justice system

Valentina NedevaStudentski grad bl

42b room 544 to study at the University of
Individual 1,326
Sofia 1734 Arkansas

Neighborhood Defender Services Inc

501 (c)(3)
317 Lenox Avenue 10th Floor matching gift program 1,500
public ch
NewYork,NY 10027

New America Foundation1899 L Street

501 (c)(3) to support the Wireless
NW Suite 400 200,000
public Future program
Washington, DC 20036

New America Foundation1899 L Street

501 (c)(3) to renew support for the Next
NW Suite 400 250,000
public Social Contract Initiative
Washington, DC 20036

to use advocacy and

communications to drive an
efficiency and a financing
New Futures Inc8 Continental Drive
501 (c)(3) strategy that will increase
Unit G 200,000
public resources for addiction
Exeter, N H 03833
treatment and demonstrate
approaches to Closing the
Addiction Treatment Gap

to provide ongoing support of

the Israel-US Civil Liberties
New Israel Fund1101 14th Street NW
501 (c)(3) Law Fellows Program and to
6th Floor 135,000
public cover expenses marking the
Washington, DC 200055639
25th anniversary of the

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

to use advocacy and

communications to drive an
New Jersey Council on Alcoholism and efficiency and a financial
Drug Dependen360 Corporate 501 (c)(3) strategy that will increase
Boulevard public resources for addiction
Robbinsville, NJ 08691 treatment and demonstrate
approaches to Closing the
Addiction Treatment Gap

to provide general support

New Jersey Policy
New Jersey Policy Perspective137
501 (c)(3) Perspective ' s various
West Hanover Street 75,000
public activities, including its State
Trenton, NJ 08618
Fiscal Analysis Initiative

New York Abortion Access FundFDR

501 (c)(3)
Station Box 7569 matching gift program 150
public ch
NewYork,NY 10150

New York City Ballet IncNew York

501 (c)(3)
State Theater 20 Lincoln C matching gift program 2,400
public ch
NewYork,NY 10023

New York Civil Liberties Union

501 (c)(3)
Foundation125 Broad Street 19th Floor matching gift program 3,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 100042000

to provide operational
New York UniversityOffice of the support to the Afghan
501 (c)(3)
Treasurer PO Box 8 Reconstruction Project of 50,000
New York, NY 100090837 the Center on International

New York University40 Washington to support the Arthur

501 (c)(3)
Square South 406D Garfield Hays Civil Liberties 55,000
NewYork,NY 10012 Program

New York UniversityOffice of the

501 (c)(3)
Treasurer PO Box 8 matching gift program 150
public ch
NewYork,NY 100090837

to expand the evaluation of

treatment outcomes of a
New York Presbyterian Fund Inc425 novel effort to provide HIV
501 (c)(3)
East 61st Street Suite 211 treatment to IDU and other 24,000
New York, NY 10065 marginalized persons in
Russia to include qualitative

New York Presbyterian Fund Inc425

501 (c)(3)
East 61st Street Suite 211 to provide general support 30,000
NewYork,NY 10065

to promote policies
responding to the needs of
children with incarcerated
Dee Ann Newell5414 Edgewood Road
Individual parents and produce a 1,500
Little Rock,AR 72207
toolkit noting key strategies
and changes implemented in

Dmitry NikitinCheluskinzev street 23-

A app46 to provide support to study
Individual 10,066
Pavlograd of Dnepropet 51404 at the University of Georgia

Yelena Norakidze8 Buryl

to study social work at
Taraz 80000 Individual 1,769
Columbia University

Oyunbat NyamgerelBaga Teiruu 14 PO to spend a semester at a US

Box 189 university as part of the
Individual 8,486
Ulaanbaatar UB 48 Faculty Development
MG Fellowship Program

Oyunbat NyamgerelBaga Teiruu 14 PO to spend one semester at a

Box 189 U S University as part of the
Individual 4,504
Ulaanbaatar UB 48 Faculty Development
MG Fellowship Program

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

to provide project support

Ohio State University Foundation for the Kirwan Institute's
501 (c)(3)
Office of Corporate and Foundation c framing racial justice 200,000
Columbus, O H 432213938 through emotive strategies

One to World Inc285 West Broadway

501 (c)(3)
Suite 450 matching gift program 7,500
public ch
NewYork,NY 10013

to support educational and

Opening Possibilities Asia OPA113-
Other infrastructural resources for
12 Jewel Avenue 20,000
organizatio the Paung DawOo school,
Forest Hills,NY 11375

to provide general support

Oregon Center for Public Policy2O4 for O regon Center for Public
501 (c)(3)
North First Street Suite C PO c Policy ' s various activities, 75,000
Silverton,OR 973810007 including its State Fiscal
Analysis Initiative work

to improve the quality of

Orleans Public Defenders2601 Tulane
Governmental indigent defense
Avenue Suite 700 100,000
unit representation for adults and
New O rleans, LA 70119
juveniles in Orleans Parish

M unkhbat 0rolmaalkh Surguuliin to spend a semester at a

Gudanj Bldg not 46 U S University as part of
Individual 805
Ulaanbaatar 210646 the Faculty Development
MG Fellowship Program

to spend one semester at a

Rahat Orozova63-20 Chui Prospect
U S University as part of
Bishkek 720022 Individual 4,625
the Faculty Development
Fellowship Program

Ossining Food PantryPO Box 869 501 (c)(3)

matching gift program 3,000
Ossining, NY 10562 public ch

Okhidoi OtgonjargalPO Box 436

Ulaanbaatar 46A Individual to study education 8,050

Alma OthmanRoujeeb Compound 108 to support study in urban

PO Box 1721 planning as part of the
Individual 67,214
Nablus Palestinian Faculty
WE Development Program

Oxfam America Inc226 Causeway

501 (c)(3)
Street 5th Floor matching gift program 1,500
public ch
Boston, MA 021142206

Mimoza PacukuAnton Popov 85/2-2

to support your studies at
Skopje 1000 Individual 173
Slippery Rock University

Seng N u Pan19 Kho 3 Baaw Boh Fai to provide additional support

Hua Hin, Ba 77110 Individual to study at Webster 4,663
TH U niversity

Parents Association of the Bronx High

501 (c)(3)
School of 5c75 West 205th Street matching gift program 1,500
public ch
Bronx, NY 10468

Parent Teacher Association of the

501 (c)(3)
Earth School600 East 6th Street matching gift program 6,000
public ch
NewYork,NY 10009

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Park School of Baltimore Inc PO Box

501 (c)(3)
8200 2425 Old Court Road matching gift program 600
public ch
Brooklandville,MD 21022

to create the Interfaith

Garden Art Project in
partnership with the Historic
East Baltimore Community
Ivy ParsonsPO Box 38656 Action Coalition, Dr Rayner
Individual 41,181
Baltimore, M D 21231 Brown Elementary - Middle
School, and the interfaith
community as a place to
honor the school's champion
chess players and a

Partners In Health a Nonprofit

Corporation641 Huntington Avenue 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 39,000
1st Floor public ch
Boston, MA 02115

Partnership for Working Families2525

501 (c)(3)
West Alameda to provide general support 175,000
Denver, CO 80219

Amra PasanovicNusreta Sisica Dede 9

at provide support to study
Sarajevo 71000 Individual 9,648
at the University of Georgia

to provide matching bridge

PEN American Centerlnc588 for the PEN Prison
501 (c)(3)
Broadway Suite 303 Writing Program as the 20,000
public )
New York, NY 10012 organization works to expand
and diversify its funding

to support Campaign for

Core Freedoms, a
PEN American Centerlnc588 comprehensive advocacy
501 (c)(3)
Broadway Suite 303 initiative to address post- 75,000
New York, NY 10012 9/11 threats to freedom of
expression and human rights
in the U S

to coordinate systemic
Joshua Perry1020 Pleasant Street
Individual litigation at the Orleans 23,609
New O rleans, LA 70115
Public Defenders

Ridvan Peshkopia175 North Locust to provide additional support

Hill Apartment 12 Individual to study at University of 118
Lexington, KY 40509 Kentucky

Ann PetriashviliNutsubidze 3 M/R 2kv

House 4 Ap to study social work in the
Individual 103
Tbilisi 183 U S

to write a book about the

federalization of gang crime
Susan Phillips5610 Aldama Street in an era of drug war policy
Individual 49,000
Los Angeles, CA 90092 failure, through an analysis
of a single gang sweep in Los

to monitor the development

and implementation of sound
U S policy that assures
Physicians for Human Rights2 Arrow universal access to HIV
501 (c)(3)
Street Suite 301 prevention and treatment for 75,020
Cambridge, MA 02138 injection drug users and
their partners, especially in
heavily AIDS-burdened

Physicians for Human Rights2 Arrow

501 (c)(3) to assist the "Colleagues at
Street Suite 301 27,267
public Risk" program campaign
Cambridge, MA 02138

Ina PislaruFeroviara 27 Apt 35 to obtain a graduate degree

Ungheni MD-3600 Individual in Sociology from Rutgers 124,510
M D University

to provide $ 250,000 in
Planned Parenthood Federation of
501 (c)(3) general support and $
America Inc434 West 33rd Street 300,000
public 50,000 to support
NewYork,NY 100012601
international programs

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

to spend a semester at a
Masis Poghoyan48 Melkonyan
U S university as part of the
Jrvej /Kotayk Marz 374089 Individual 395
Faculty Development
Fellowship Program

to spend a semester at a US
Masis Poghoyan48 Melkonyan
University as part ofthe
Jrvej /Kotayk Marz 374089 Individual 4,756
Faculty Development
Fellowship Program

Nargiza Polvanova2a15 kvartal

Bofanda to study social work in the
Individual 1,004
Khujand 735702 U S

Alexandru Florin PopaStr Farului nr 32

bl AL6 ap 1 to support your studies at
Individual 286
Constanta 8700 the University of Arkansas

Mircea PopaSos Mihai Bravu 107-119

BI El S to support study at Duke
Individual 100
Bucharest 21333 University

Biljana PopovicKneza Milosa 17

to study at the University of
Novi Sad 21 000 Individual 1,044

Doina Postica6 Prieteniei str apt7 to provide support to study

Ialoveni MD 6800 Individual at the University of 7,901
M D Arkansas

President and Fellows of Harvard to give renewed support to a

CollegeOffice for Sponsored Programs 501 (c)(3) global disability law and
Holy public policy project, implemented
Cambridge, MA 02138 by Professor William Alford

to enable the Charles

President and Fellows of Harvard Hamilton Houston Institute
CollegeOffice for Sponsored Programs 501 (c)(3) to provide technical
Holy public assistance to the Baltimore
Cambridge, MA 02138 Student Attendance Work

to investigate reports of
abuse and the neglect of
inmates in the Orleans
Ursula Price636 Baronne Street Parish Prison following
Individual 1,500
New Orleans, LA 70133 Huricane Katrina to
influence the rebuilding of
the New Orleans prison and
justice system

Sholpan Primbetova5 Bekmanov street

to S tudy social work in the
Shymkent 160021 Individual 21,234

Princeton in Asia194 Nassau Street

501 (c)(3)
Suite 212 matching gift program 13,500
public ch
Princeton, NJ 08542

to continue research, public

education, and policy
advocacy to reform the
Prison Policy Initiative IncPO Box 127 501 (c)(3) current Census Bureau
Northampton, MA 01061 public practice of counting
incarcerated people as
residents of the towns in
which they are imprisoned

to provide re-entry and

Prisoners Aid Association of Maryland reintegration services to
501 (c)(3)
Inc204 East 25th Street Baltimore Empowerment 375,333
Baltimore, MD 21218 Zone residents with criminal

Progressive America Fund2-4 Nevins

501 (c)(3) to support the Center for
Street 3rd Floor 75,000
public Working Families
Brooklyn, NY 11217

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Progressive States Network101

5 01 (c)(3)
of the Americas 3rd Flo to provide general support 300,000
NewYork,NY 10013

Project Bread the Walk for Hunger145

501 (c)(3)
Border Street matching gift program 300
public ch
East Boston, MA 02128

Project Vote Voting for America Inc

5c)(3) to support the Voter
739 8th Street SE Suite 202 200,000
public Participation Program
Washington,DC 20003

Project Vote Voting for America Inc to support Project Vote's

501 (c)(3)
739 8th Street SE Suite 202 Election Administration 200,000
Washington, DC 20003 program

to support the Media

Democracy Fund, a
Proteus Fund Inc101 University Drive
501 (c)(3) collaborative grantmaking
Suite A2 250,000
public project in support of a just
A mherst, MA 01002
media environment and
democratic media policy

Proteus Fund InclOl University Drive

501 (c)(3) to support the Civil Marriage
Suite A2 245,000
public Collaborative
Amherst,MA 01002

Protex A Network for Progressive

Texas DBA Texas C510 S Congress 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 140,000
Suite 104 public
Austin,TX 78704

Nino Pruidze6 Miminoshvili Str

to tudy Education in the
Tbilisi 108 Individual 20,018

PS 58 Parent Teacher Association330

501 (c)(3)
Smith Street matching gift program 300
public ch
Brooklyn, NY 11231

Public Interest Projects80 Broad to support the Funders'

501 (c)(3)
Street Suite 1600 c Committee for Civic 50,000
NewYork,NY 100042209 Participation

initiate a sub-fund of the

U S Human Rights Fund to
support human rights
Public Interest Projects80 Broad
501 (c)(3) advocacy and
Street Suite 1600 100,000
public communications work on the
New York, NY 100042209
elimination ofjuvenile life
without parole sentencing in
the United States

to provide renewal support to

Public Interest Projects80 Broad the Four Freedoms Fund for
501 (c)(3)
Street Suite 1600 core grantmaking and the 350,000
NewYork,NY 100042209 Strategic Communications

Public Interest Projects80 Broad to support the International

p ub c c)(3)
Street Suite 1600 Human Rights Funders 150,000
NewYork,NY 100042209 Group

Public Knowledge1875 Connecticut

501 (c)(3)
Avenue NW Suite 6 to provide general support 100,000
Washington, DC 20009

to provide technical
assistance to re-entry/re-
Public Private Ventures122 East 42nd
501 (c)(3) integration organizations
Street 42nd Floor 74,500
public that serve Empowerment
New York, NY 10168
Zone residents with criminal

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

to protect the rights of

Puerto Rican Legal Defense and
immigrants through impact
Education Fund Inc99 Hudson Street 501 (c)(3)
litigation, community 100,000
14th Floor public
engagement work, and
New York, NY 10013
engagement with the media

Munkhselenge PurevdorjPO Box to spend a semester at a US

46/985 university as part of the
Individual 14,490
Ulaanbaatar 210646 Faculty Development
MG Fellowship Program

Jamal Joudeh RabeeEducational

to study education as part of
Science Faculty College
Individual the Palestinian Faculty 1,951
WE Development Program

Iva RadicAleksinackih rudara 53/7

to support your studies at
Belgrade 11070 Individual 630
Ithaca College

Lilia RaileanuCP 2979 to obtain a graduate degree

Chisinau MD-2071 Individual in Sociology from Rutgers 117,489
M D University

Tamerlan RajabovDemiryolu street 12

house 3 to study Social Work at a
Individual 49,089
Baku AZ1154 U S university

Wael RamadanAI Jerashy Building to support study in public

Jamal Abdel Na administration as part of the
Individual 48,602
Bethlehem Palestinian Faculty
WE Development Program

Jonathan Rapping150 Klondike Street to develop a training center

SW Individual for public defenders in the 1,204
Atlanta,GA 30331 South

Regents of the University of Minnesota to support the research

200 Oak Street SE Suite 450 activities of the Institute on 100,000
Minneapolis, MN 55455 Race and Poverty

Rehema Ministries Inc1117 3rd Street 501 (c)(3)

matching gift program 3,505
Anacortes,WA 98221 public ch

Nino Revishvili48 Tevdore Mgvdeli St

fl 52 to study education in the
Individual 30,015
Tbilisi 154 U S

Wilbert Rideau975 North Leighton

to finish writing an
Drive Individual 1,500
Baton Rouge, LA 70806

Right to the City Alliance81 to support an organizational

Willoughby Street 701 assessment and strategic 100,000
New York, NY 11201 planning process

Tijana Ristic67 Camurlija Street

to support study at Bard
Nis 18211 Individual 356

Elchin Rizayev7 Microrayon Home 3A to spend a semester at a US

Apt 77 University as part of the
Individual 9,344
Baku 1116 Faculty Development
AJ Fellowship Program

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

O ksana Romaniukl8 Bulvar Slavy apt

60 to provide support to study
Individual 2,924
Dnipropetrovsk 49100 at Ithaca College

to make research useful,

accessible and accountable
to directly affected
Robert Rooks439 Ramblewood Circle
Individual communities for the purpose 1,500
of increasing civic
participation in criminal
justice policy-making

to attend the 2008 Soros

Robert Rooks439 Ramblewood Circle
Individual Justice Fellowship 112

Ruckus Society Inc369 15th Street 501 (c)(3)

to provide general support 50,000
Oakland, CA 946123303 public

Nana Rukhadze3l K Gamsakhurdia

Street to study social work in the
Individual 3,795
Ozurgeti 3500 U S

Sabina Rustamova5 Radjabli str apt14

to study social work in the
Baku AZ1052 Individual 19,073

to support study in political

Ihab SaadAlmazraa Sharkeh Village
science as part of the
Ramallah, We Individual 97,129
WE Palestinian Faculty
Development Program

Claudia Cristina SadeanSos Constantei

2 BI P4A Sc C to support study at Slippery
Individual 756
Mangalia 905500 Rock University

Najwa SafadiAl-Sadeyah Street Old to support study in social

City work as part of the
Individual 94,570
Jerusalem Palestinian Faculty
IS Development Program

to increase the number,

quality, and funding of after-
Safe and Sound Baltimores Campaign
501 (c)(3) school opportunities in
for Children2 East Read Street 150,000
public Baltimore, particularly for
Baltimore, MD 212022407
middle and high school aged

to create a statewide
network dedicated to
Safe and Sound Baltimores Campaign
501 (c)(3) increasing the resources,
for Children2 East Read Street 67,000
public number, and quality of
Baltimore, MD 212022407
Maryland ' s after-school

to support the Public Safety

Compact, an innovative
Safe and Sound Baltimores Campaign
501 (c)(3) policy and financing
for Children2 East Read Street 325,000
public mechanism to facilitate
Baltimore, MD 212022407
former prisoner re-entry and
reduce incarceration costs

to conduct public education,

organize constituent
communities, and advocate
Safe StreetsStrong Communities 1600 for criminal justice policies
501 (c)(3)
Oretha Castle Haley Boulevard and practices in New 100,000
New O rleans, LA 70113 Orleans that are smart and
just and responsive to
constituent community
interests and needs

Inga Saitadze4/6 Melashvili str apt 25

to study Social Work at a
Batumi,Ad 6000 Individual 48,071
U S university

Albina Salimbayeva8 St Spartak to spend one semester at a

apartment 29 US university as part of the
Individual 14,570
Almaty 50011 Faculty Development
KZ Fellowship Program

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Tanzilya Salimdjanova2301 Ocean

to study social work at
Avenue Apartment 4F Individual 1,152
Columbia University
Brooklyn,NY 11229

to support the educational

intervention and technical
San Diego Hospice Foundation Inc
501 (c)(3) assistance in four countries
4311 Third Avenue 241,070
public to help meet the urgent
San Diego,CA 92103
demand for culturally
appropriate palliative care

Tatiana Sanina27 0 nests str to provide support to study

Chisinau MD 2009 Individual at the University of 9,423
MD Wisconsin - Eau Claire

to organize with other

families who have been
Luissana Santibanez2501 Wickersham directly affected by
Lane 1823 Individual detention and deportation to 23,874
Austin,TX 78741 fight against the expansion
of immigrant detention

Amela SaricDonji Hadzici 13

at provide support to study
Hadzici 71240 Individual 9,184
at the University of Montana

Maja SavevskaUL 3 BR 3 Cresevo

to support your studies at
Skopje 1000 Individual 321
the University of Washington

Cristina Schiopu Sheppard2100 North

to support your studies at
Leverett Avenue Apartme Individual 256
the University of Arkansas
Fayetteville,AR 727032233

to write a book, titled "Sex

and Blood A Tale of Two
Epidemics", about AIDS in
Russia and South Africa,
Mark Schoofs3418 Huxley Street showing how these two
Individual 112,500
Los Angeles, CA 90027 starkly different epidemics
have been shaped by
historical forces such as
economics, politics, culture,
and individual people

to use strategic grantmaking

- through the Black Male
Schott Foundation for Public Education
501 (c)(3) Donor Collaborative - to
678 Massachusetts Avenue Suite 301 150,000
public raise the academic
Cambridge, MA 02139
performance of Black Males
in New York City

Catalina Scortescu79 Bucuresti Street to spend a semester at a US

apt 1 university as part of the
Individual 14,636
Chisinau 2012 Faculty Development
MD Fellowship Program

Ivana SekolVI Mestrovica 96 to provide additional support

Osijek 31000 Individual to study at University of 124
H R Cambridge

Sia Sam Phoon Sengs Saw Bwar Lane

to provide additional support
9th Mile Mayango
Individual to study at State University 5,000
Yangon,My 11061
of New York - Plattsburg

MunirSerhanPO Box 214 to pursue a short-term

Ramallah Individual fellowship in environmental 10,750
WE science

Anass ShabanPO Box 55269

to pursue an LLM degree at
Jerusalem Individual 13,077
Wake Forest University

A beer ShaheenBirzeit University PO

to receive the Fellowship
Box 1
14 Individual award in the field of Political 56,990
WE Science

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Najeh ShahinPO Box 1059 to receive the Fellowship

Ramallah Individual award in the field of Political 78,488
WE Science

Manizha Sharifovaapt 31 Building 6

to obtain a PhD in
Mi crodistrict
Individual Economics at the University 122,868
rod d 735718
of California - Santa Cruz

Faten Sheikh 0marAl Terah

to pursue an internship with
Ramallah Individual 810
WE the UNDP in Brussels

Faten Sheikh 0 marAl Terah to pursue an internship with

Ramallah Individual the Arab Women's Solidaity 7,500
WE Association (AWSA)

Aytan ShirinovaVidadi str bliend 6

apt3 to study Social Work at a
Individual 58,679
Baku Az1009 U S university

Halla ShoaibiAl-Isral St
to pursue an LLM degree at
Ramallah Individual 15,369
WE the University of Michigan

Khuvaydo Shoinbekov80 Dehi Bolo

street to study social work in the
Individual 15,218
Dushanbe 734026 U S

to sustain and extend the

citizen engagement in public
safety and criminal justice in
New Orleans, engagement
SilencelsV iolence520 Port Street Other that was initiated at the time
New Orleans, LA 70117 organizatio of the January 11, 2007
March For Survival to City
Hall and which marked the
founding of the
SilencelsViolence pro

Ana Simon28 Mihail Sadoveanu str

apt85 to provide support to study
Individual 8,674
Chisinau MD 2075 at the University of Montana

Tamar SiradzeApt 47 No 10/12 26 to spend a semester at a US

Maisi Street university as part of the
Individual 6,404
Batumi 6010 Faculty Development
GG Fellowship Program

Mate) SkaroTomislavgradska 16
to study at the University of
Sesvetski Kraljevec 10361 Individual 136
Wisconsin Eau Claire

Slope Street Cats Inc325 A 22nd

501 (c)(3) matching gift volunteer
Street Apartment 3 500
public ch program
Brooklyn, NY 11215

Alexandra Smith426 Park Place 3 to eliminate SHU for persons

Individual 46,477
Brooklyn, NY 11238 with psychiatric disabilities

to develop a Health and

Nutrition Awareness
Initiative for southwest
Baltimore residents You will
Joyce Smith1532 Penrose Avenue educate low income
Individual 35,438
Baltimore, MD 21223 residents to access
nutritional food as well as
develop innovative activities
and projects that create
healthy lifestyles

Smokey House Project426 Danby

501 (c)(3)
Mountain Road matching gift program 3,000
public ch
Danby,CT 05739

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

to create a business plan for

a sustainable enterprise in
Society for Organizational Learning Inc
501 (c)(3) one or more high-reentry
25 First Street 414 125,000
public communities through a
Cambridge, MA 02141
process of collaborative
investment planning

Society of American Law Teachers Inc to provide capacity building

501 (c)(3)
Touro Law Center Public Advocacy C c support for an expansion 200,000
Central Islip, NY 11722 plan

Boimahmad Soliev2 Zaraphshon Street to spend a semester at a US

M3 H1 Apt 2 university as part of the
Individual 6,142
Dushanbe 734010 Faculty Development
TI Fellowship Program

to write a narrative book

about the dealth penalty and
William Sothern933 Jackson Ave
Individual edit an anthology on culture 6,043
New O rleans, LA 70130
related to capital

to work for fairer sentencing

Patricia Soung533 W Belmont 2 and racial justice for youth,
Individual 46,786
Chicago, IL 60657 and abolish juvenile life
without parole in Illinois

South Brooklyn Legal Services105

501 (c)(3)
Court Street matching gift program 750
public ch
Brooklyn, NY 11201

Southern Center for Human Rights83

501 (c)(3)
Poplar Street NW to provide general support 500,000
Atlanta,GA 303032122

to conduct opinion leader

research on effective
communications messaging
Spitfire Strategies1800 M Street NW for indigent defense reform,
US for-profit
Suite 300 North and to provide media training 81,825
Washington, DC 20036 and technical assistance to
indigent defense reform
advocates in targeted

Niksa SpremicMitrovici 16 Vitaljina

at provide support to study
Plocice 20218 Individual 8 597
at Duke University

St Jude Childrens Research Hospital

501 (c)(3)
501 St Jude Place matching gift program 3,000
public ch
Memphis,TN 38105

Dalibor StajikjNaroden Front 27/1

to provide support to study
Skopje 1000 Individual 9,234
at the University of Georgia

State Voices719 Griswold Street Suite

501 (c)(3)
600 to support State Voices 100,000
Detroit,MI 48226

to write an ethnography of a
Liberian refugee community
in New York, exploring its
response to the collection of
Jonathan Steinberg597 Carroll Street
testimony in its ranks by the
Apartment 1 Individual 39,234
Liberian Truth and
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Reconciliation Commission,
and to ask whether a
transitional justice initiative
can mitigate

Stephen Gaynor School148 West 90th

501 (c)(3)
Street matching gift program 900
public ch
NewYork,NY 10024

Miljana StojanovicTrg Feher Ferenca

6/2 to provide support to study
Individual 16,516
Novi Sad 21000 at George Mason University

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Stonehedge Gardens IncRD 3 Box 190

501 (c)(3)
Dairy Road matching gift program 30,000
public ch
Tamaqua, PA 182529453

Students for a Free Tibet6O2 East

501 (c)(3) matching gift volunteer
14th Street 2nd Floor 1,000
public ch program
NewYork,NY 10009

Students for a Free Tibet6O2 East

501 (c)(3)
14th Street 2nd Floor matching gift program 1,500
public ch
NewYork,NY 10009

Students for Sensible Drug Policy

to build program capacity
Foundation101 Townsend Street Suite 501 (c)(3)
and to increase diversity of 50,000
312 public
student membership
San Francisco, CA 94107

YousefSubuhPO Box 14 to pursue a short-term

Hebron Individual fellowship in environmental 11,000
WE science

Sudan Social Development

OrganizationBuilding No 17 Block 4
Foreign to host a O pen Society
West Ed -D 18,000
Organization Justice Initiative Fellow
Kartoum 11111

to pursue a multi-pronged
approach to criminal justice
reform that uses capital
Lauren Sudeall83 Poplar Street NW litigation as a means to
Individual 2,473
Atlanta, GA 30303 highlight the system ' s flaws
and to organize communities
into political force capable of
demanding structural reform

Ena SulcTrokut XV 1c c/o Dolovic to provide support to study

Zagreb 10000 Individual at the University of 7,579
H R Washington

Summer Learning Professional

501 (c)(3)
ServicesPO Box 381 matching gift program 900
public ch
Hamstead,MA 21074

Ioana Sumurducan30 Grigore

Alexandrescu bl A 3 a to study at the University of
Individual 184
Cluj Napoca,Cl 400525 Wisconsin - Eau Claire

Sylvia Rivera Law Project Inc322 8th

501 (c)(3)
Avenue 3rd Floor to provide general support 60,000
NewYork,NY 10001

T A G Treatment Action Group Inc611

501 (c)(3)
Broadway Suite 608 matching gift form 375
public ch
NewYork,NY 10012

Tappantown Historical SocietyPO Box

501 (c)(3)
71 matching gift program 150
public ch
Tappan, NY 10983

to use advocacy and

communications to increase
awareness and drive
Tarrant County Challenge226 Bailey efficiency and financial
501 (c)(3)
Avenue Suite 105 c strategies that will increase 400,000
Fort Worth, TX 76107 resources for addiction
treatment and demonstrate
approaches to Closing the
Addiction Treatment Gap

Gainiya Tazhina98-a Pyatnickogo str To spend a semester at a US

Apt 3 university as part of the
Individual 14,240
Almaty 50042 Faculty Development
KZ Fellowship Program

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Zhyldyz TegizbekovaTunguch to spend one semester at a

microdistrict 36-53 US university as part of the
Individual 14,736
Bishkek 720048 Faculty Development
KG Fellowship Program

to expand and nationally

replicate the Inside-Out
Temple University406 University
501 (c)(3) Exchange, a model strategy
Services Building 08 100,000
public for increasing access to
Philadelphia, PA 191226099
education for people in

Texas Defender Service510 South

501 (c)(3)
Congress Avenue Suite 30 to provide general support 200,000
Austin,TX 78704

to provide support for the

Texas Defender Service to
add a lawyer and paralegal to
its post conviction project,
Texas Defender Service510 South
501 (c)(3) and a lawyer to its trial
Congress Avenue Suite 30 220,000
public project, in order to confront
Austin,TX 78704
the anticipated surge in
executions and increase the
pace of trial-level

to support the Voter

Protection Program, aimed at
The Advancement ProJect1220 L eliminating legal and
501 (c)(3)
Street NW Suite 850 structural barriers to voting 200,000
Washington, DC 20005 for potential voters in
minority and low income

The Advancement Project1220 L

501 (c)(3)
Street NW Suite 850 to provide general support 300,000
Washington, DC 20005

The Alliance for Climate Protection

501 (c)(3)
800 El Camino Real Suite 400 to provide general support 5,000,000
Menlo Park, CA 94025

The American Constitution Society for

Law and Poli1333 H Street NW 11th 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 2,500,000
Floor public
Washington, DC 20005

The American Constitution Society for

Law and Poli1333 H Street NW 11th 501 (c)(3) to support the Constitution
Floor public in 2020 project
Washington, DC 20005

to provide training on access

to medicines and the right to
health to legal practitioners,
government officials and
The American Universityc/o Office of
501 (c)(3) Southern African
Sponsored Programs 4 50,824
public Development Community
Washington, DC 20016
(SA DC) parliamentarians,
and to build research and
advocacy projects toward
shadow reporting to Afri

to support the Collaboration

The American Universityc/o Office of
501 (c)(3) on Government Secrecy in
Sponsored Programs 4 100,000
public its efforts to increase
Washington, DC 20016
transparency in government

The Asia Society725 Park Avenue 501 (c)(3)

to support US-Iran Dialogue 150,000
NewYork,NY 100215088 public

The Associated Jewish Community

Federation ofBal101 Mount Royal 501 (c)(3)
matching gift program 42,750
Avenue public ch
Baltimore, MD 21201

The Baltic American Partnership Fund

501 (c)(3)
Inc400 West 59th Street to provide general support 75,866
NewYork,NY 10019

The Campaign for Youth Justice1012

501 (c)(3)
14th Street NW Suite 610 to provide general support 600,000
Washington, DC 20005

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

The Carter Center IncO ne

5 01 ( c)(3)
)(3) in s tr engthen the rule of law
Freedom Parkway 600,000
public n Liberia
Atlanta,GA 30307

The Chapin School100 East End

501 (c)(3)
Avenue matching gift program 750
public ch
NewYork,NY 10028

to engage in grassroots
organizing and legal
The Coalition oflmmokalee Workers
501 (c)(3) education to remove
IncPO Box 603 41,000
public employment barriers faced
Immokalee, FL 34143
by Baltimore residents with
criminal histories

to advance the objectives of

the human rights/liberty and
security and criminal justice
advocacy communities
The Constitution ProJect1200 18th
501 (c)(3) during the transition period
Street NW Suite 1000 50,000
public by providing policymakers
Washington, DC 20036
with a collaborative
catalogue of policy
objectives, and to advance
reforms designed to pro

The Doe Fund Inc232 East 84th Street 501 (c)(3)

matching gift program 300
NewYork,NY 10028 public ch

The Environmental Law Institute2000

501 (c)(3) to support the Endangered
L Street NW Suite 620 150,000
public Environmental Laws Program
Washington, DC 20036

The Gamaliel Foundation203 North

501 (c)(3) to support the Faith and
Wabash Avenue Suite 808 150,000
public Democracy Campaign
Chicago,IL 60601

The Innocence Project Inc100 Fifth

501 (c)(3)
Avenue 3rd Floor to provide general support 150,000
NewYork,NY 10011

The International Center in New York to support the Andrew

501 (c)(3)
Inc 50 West 23rd Street 7th Floor Romay Immigrant Support 121,642
New York, NY 100105205 Fund

The International Coalition of Historic

5 01 (c)(3)
Museu333 7th Avenue 14th Floor to provide general support 200,000
NewYork,NY 10001

to increase the
The International Legal Foundation68 organization's centralized
501 (c)(3)
Jay Street Suite 404 capacity to support program 100,000
Brooklyn, NY 11201 development and engage in
research and advocacy

to use advocacy and

communications to drive an
efficiency and a financial
The Miriam HospitalDevelopment
501 (c)(3) strategy that will increase
Office PO Box H 400,000
public resources for addiction
Providence, RI 02901
treatment and demonstrate
approaches to Closing the
Addiction Treatment Gap

The Moving Image Inc209 West

501 (c)(3)
Houston Street matching gift program 7,500
public ch
NewYork,NY 10014

The New York Womens Foundation434

501 (c)(3)
West 33rd Street 8th Floor matching gift program 750
public ch
NewYork,NY 10001

The Open Door Community910 Ponce

501 (c)(3)
de Leon Avenue NE matching gift program 1,500
public ch
Atlanta,GA 30306

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Churchwardens and Vestrymembers of

501 (c)(3)
the The Rector487 Hudson Street matching gift program 1,500
public ch
NewYork,NY 10014

to support the UC Berkeley

Center for Labor Research
and Education's research on
The Regents of the University of the quality of Jobs held by
CaliforniaSponsored Projects Office 501 (c)(3) black males in certain
2150 Sha public industries, development of a
Berkeley, CA 947045940 Los Angeles-based worker
center, and a convening of
black labor leaders to
strategize how the

to support the Justice

Strategies project's efforts
The Tides CenterPO Box 29907 to conduct work research
501 (c)(3)
Presidio Building and technical assistance in 63,750
San Francisco, CA 94129 Colorado on the
costs/consequences of
expansive prison policies

The Tides CenterPO Box 29907

501 (c)(3) to support the Break the
Presidio Building 75,000
public Chains project
San Francisco, CA 94129

The Tides CenterPO Box 29907

501 (c)(3) to support the Opportunity
Presidio Building 200,000
public Agenda
San Francisco, CA 94129

The Tides CenterPO Box 29907

501 (c)(3) to support the We Are
Presidio Building 200,000
public America Alliance
San Francisco, CA 94129

to support the International

Treatment Preparedness
Coalition (ITPC) in
The Tides CenterPO Box 29907
501 (c)(3) implementing its new
Presidio Building 49,894
public strategic plan and to
San Francisco, CA 94129
strengthen ITPC ' s
governance and management

to support the HIV

Collaboration Fund in its
work on community
The Tides CenterPO Box 29907 mobilization to provide
501 (c)(3)
Presidio Building education, advocacy, and 48,000
San Francisco, CA 94129 awareness about HIV and TB
treatment and prevention in
Eastern Europe and Central

The Tides CenterPO Box 29907 provide project support for

501 (c)(3)
Presidio Building the Center on Social 25,000
public )
San Francisco, CA 94129 Inclusion

to support the Treatment

Monitoring and Advocacy
Project (TMAP) to establish
civil society research and
The Tides CenterPO Box 29907
501 (c)(3) advocacy teams in six
Presidio Building 90,000
public countries to do independent
San Francisco,CA 94129
research on the quality and
accessibility of HIV services
for women and children and
identify barrier

The Tides CenterPO Box 29907

501 (c)(3)
Presidio Building matching gift program 609
public ch
San Francisco, CA 94129

to provide project support for

the The Center for Research
on Fathers, Children, and
The Trustees of Columbia University in Family Well-Being's
the City of1210 Amsterdam Avenue 501 (c)(3) research on the impact of the
Engineering public Non-Custodial Earned
New York, NY 10027 Income Tax Credit on low to
moderate income African
American men, and to
support the development o

The Trustees of Columbia University in

the City of1210 Amsterdam Avenue 501 (c)(3) to support the Columbia
Engineering public Journalism Review
NewYork,NY 10027

The Trustees of Columbia University in

to support a Visiting Scholar
the City of1210 Amsterdam Avenue 501 (c)(3)
at the Center for the Study of 10,000
Engineering public
Human Rights
NewYork,NY 10027

The University of Maryland Baltimore

to support the Calverton
Foundation In660 West Redwood 501 (c)(3)
School Mental Health 37,500
Street Room 021 public
Baltimore, MD 21201

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

to support the launch and

implementation of Cohort II
of the International Pain
Policy Fellowship (IPPF) with
The University ofWisconsin2l North
501 (c)(3) the aim to empower Fellows
Park Street Suite 6401 281,422
public with the knowledge and skills
Madison, WI 537151218
that will help them to
improve patient access to
opioid analgesics for pain
management i

to illuminate the problem

with eyewitness testimony
(and, by extension, the
Jennifer Thompson Cannino221
carrying out of the death
Plymouth Avenue Individual 2 208
penalty), through a narrative
Winston Salem, NC 27104
rendering of the true story of
Jennifer Thompson-Cannino
and Ronald Cotton

Tides FoundationThe Presidio PO Box to support the Death Penalty

501 (c)(3)
29903 Mobilization State Strategies 100,000
San Francisco, CA 94129 Fund

Tobin Project IncOne Mifflin Place

501 (c)(3)
Suite 240 to provide general support 225,000
Cambridge, MA 02138

Katerina Todorovskast Dame Gruev

3/2-17 to study at the University of
Individual 1,441
Skopje 1000 Arkansas

DaniyarTokobaev65 Timiryazeva Str to spend a semester at a US

apt 16 university as part of the
Individual 14,556
Bishkek 720001 Faculty Development
KG Fellowship Program

to illuminate the problem

with eyewitness testimony
(and, by extension, the
Erin Torneo263 W Olive Ave PMB 298 carrying out of the death
Individual 502
Burbank, CA 91502 penalty), through a narrative
rendering of the true story of
Jennifer Thompson-Cannino
and Ronald Cotton

Venerahan TorobekovaAyni street No to spend a semester at a US

201-151 university as part of the
Individual 15,000
Bishkek 720047 Faculty Development
KG Fellowship Program

to launch the University

Partnership Schools, an
alternative governance
Towson University Foundation Inc initiative that provides
501 (c)(3)
8000 York Road greater autonomy in the 18,625
Towson, MD 212520001 management of five Pre-K
through 8th grade public
schools in southwest

to support two national

conferences aimed at
publicizing and
Treatment Research Institute600
501 (c)(3) demonstrating the National
Public Ledger Building 150 Sou 125,000
public Quality Forum ' s 11
Philadelphia, PA 19106
standards of addiction
treatment to measure, track
and reward performance

Nyamsuren TserennadmidChoidog to spend a semester at a US

Street 3 University as part of the
Individual 14,556
Ulaanbaatar 210648 Faculty Development
MG Fellowship Program

Bulganzaya Tumurbaatarl3th Door 1st to spend a semester at a US

Street 11th KhorooB University as part of the
Individual 8,486
Ulaanbaatar Faculty Development
MG Fellowship Program

Thinn Thinn Tun59/1 Charat Maung Rd to provide additional support

Bangkok 10330 Individual to study at Chulalongkorn 328
TH University

to partner with The Dirty

Truth Campaign to curate
photographs taken by
residents of six
Lisa Tuttle1088 Amsterdam Avenue neighborhoods in Atlanta,
NE Individual Georgia and create street 23,000
Atlanta, GA 303063543 corner installations within
these neighborhoods in order
to organize local residents
around issues of

Twenty First Century Foundation132 to advance the work of the

501 (c)(3)
West 112 Street Lower Level Black Men and Boys 125,000
New York, NY 10026 Initiative

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

to establish the HIV/AIDS

Outreach and Prevention
Campaign in northwest
Baltimore You will target
Shirell Tyner2525 Boarman Avenue women most vulnerable to
Individual 38,188
Baltimore, MD 21215 the HIV/AIDS virus by
targeting the most difficult to
reach-the ex-offenders,
substance abusers and
distributors, prostitutes, and

Union for Reform Judaism633 Third

501 (c)(3) to support the Deborah
Avenue 75,000
public Project
New York, NY 100176778

to restore the integrity of the

U nion of Concerned Scientists IncTwo processes through which
501 (c)(3)
Brattle Square scientific knowledge is 250,000
Cambridge, MA 02238 factored into federal policy

United States Student Association

Foundation1211 Connecticut Avenue 501 (c)(3) to provide general operating
NW Suite 4 public support
Washington, DC 20036

to conduct two case studies

in Kenya and South Africa to
examine 1) how HIV testing
policy implementation is
University of North Carolina at Chapel
501 (c)(3) affecting testing uptake and
Hi11104 Airport Drive Suite 2200 CB1 30,000
public health outcomes among
Chapel Hill,NC 275991350
pregnant women, 2) the ways
in which HIV testing
practice reflects national
testing policy, an

to use advocacy and

communications to drive an
University of Puerto Rico Medical efficiency and a financial
Sciences CampusCenter for Evaluation 501 (c)(3) strategy that will increase
and Sociomedi public resources for addiction
San Juan, PR 009365607 treatment and demonstrate
approaches to Closing the
Addiction Treatment Gap

to educate and sensitize

decision-makers and
Urban Justice Center123 William
501 (c)(3) activists on global health
Street 16th Floor 7,500
public policy regarding the negative
NewYork,NY 10038
impacts of the A nti-
Prostitution Pledge

Gulnara Usubalieval Microrayon dom to spend a semester at a US

27 kvartira 26 University as part of the
Individual 6,217
Kyzyl-kya, Batken Ob 715200 Faculty Development
KG Fellowship Program

Gulnara Usubalieval Microrayon dom to spend a semester at a

27 kvartira 26 U S university as part of the
Individual 3,700
Kyzyl-kya, Batken Ob 715200 Faculty Development
KG Fellowship Program

to counteract the push of

special need youth out of the
Shantel Vachan13767 Mentone Ave public education system and
411 Individual into the juvenile corrections 47,623
Los Angeles, CA 90034 system through alternative
sentencing and educational

Alexandra VasileStr Emil Botta nr 1 bl

109 sc to support your studies at
Individual 298
Bucharest 31073 the U niversity of A rkansas

to work with local

government and community
leaders in New Orleans,
Louisiana, to 1) develop and
Vera Institute of Justice Inc233
501 (c)(3) implement pilot programs
Broadway 12th Floor 200,000
public that expedite case charging
NewYork,NY 10279
and disposition, rationalize
and increase pretrial
release, and expand the use
of alternative sanctions,

Ivan VlajicMile Jevtovic 007

Belgrade 11000 Individual University of Washington 7,174

W Haywood Burns Institute180 Howard

501 (c)(3)
Street Suite 320 to provide general support 75,000
San Francisco,CA 94105

Jr National M Washington DC Martin

501 (c)(3)
Luther King401 F Street NW Suite 334 matching gift program 150
public ch
Washington, DC 20001

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Washington Office on Latin America to provide institutional

501 (c)(3)
1666 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 4 c support for the Washington 500,000
Washington, DC 20009 Office on Latin America

Washington Office on Latin America

501 (c)(3)
1666 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 4 matching gift program 3,000
public ch
Washington, DC 20009

to broaden the access of

women and children with
disabilities to health care
Wellesley College106 Central Street 501 (c)(3) including counseling and
Wellesley, MA 02481 public mental health resources,
education, employment and
participation in all areas of
public and private life

Wesleyan University318 High Street 501 (c)(3) to support the Service

Middletown, CT 06459 public Career Fellowships

Wesleyan University318 High Street 501 (c)(3) to support the Military

Middletown, CT 06459 public Veterans Scholarship

Wildlands Conservancy Inc3701

501 (c)(3)
Orchid Place matching gift program 3,000
public ch
Emmaus, PA 18049

William J Brennan Jr Center for Justice

Inc161 Avenue of the Americas 12th 501 (c)(3)
to provide general support 700,000
Fl public
NewYork,NY 10013

support the Community

Oriented Defender Network,
a national network of public
defenders that is dedicated
William J Brennan Jr Center for Justice
to strengthening the
Inc161 Avenue of the Americas 12th 501 (c)(3)
relationship between 75,000
Fl public
defenders and their
NewYork,NY 10013
communities and securing
fair and equal access to
justice through systemic

to partner with the American

Medical Student Association
to utilize photographs from
Arthur Williams4229 Regent Square the "My Right Self" project
Individual 12,500
Philadelphia, PA 19104 to educate healthcare
students and professionals
about transsexual and
gender-variant individuals

to study re-entry
Brackette F Williams6720 N Montrose experiences of persons and
Drive Individual their families who spent 1-5 27,196
Tucson, AZ 85741 years in solitary confinement
or in maximum security units

Wired on Wheels Inc National Coalition

to provide renewal support
for Disab601 Pennsylvania Avenue NW 501 (c)(3)
for the Campaign for Fair 150,000
Suite 9 public
Washington, DC 20004

Wisconsin Council on Children and

Families555 West Washington Avenue 501 (c)(3) to support the Wisconsin
Suite 2 public Budget Project
Madison, WI 53703

to support WTI's TOO Ls

Project to recruit, train, and
support exonerated ex-death
Witness to InnocencePO Box 34725 Other row prisoners and their
Philadelphia, PA 19101 organizatio family members to become
effective leaders and public
spokespersons forthe anti-
death penalty movement

to increase women's role as

decision-makers and leaders
Women for Women4455 Connecticut within their own community,
501 (c)(3)
Avenue NW Suite 2 and to provide a forum for 66,399
Washington, DC 20008 collective engagement in
civic action and political

Women for Women4455 Connecticut

501 (c)(3)
Avenue NW Suite 2 matching gift program 5,340
public ch
Washington, DC 20008

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

to establish an employment
law hotline to provide low-
income women information
Womens Law Center Inc305 West
501 (c)(3) and advice and to track
Chesapeake Avenue Suite 2 15,000
public patterns of discrimination or
Towson,MD 21204
abuse that require
remediation through impact
litigation or policy change

Woodrow Wilson International Center to support the project,

for ScholarsO ne Woodrow Wilson 501 (c)(3) "Promoting Citizen Security
Plaza1300 Pennsy public in Latin America An
Washington, DC 200043027 Analysis of Public Policy"

to generate a dialogue on
energy issues in Kyrgyzstan
World Resources Institute 10 G Street to improve transparency and
501 (c)(3)
NE Suite 800 enhance governance 12,494
Washington, DC 20002 accountability during the
privatization and regulation
of the energy sector

to support the National

Yale UniversityPO Box 208337 501 (c)(3)
Litigation Project at Yale 38,038
New Haven, CT 065208337 public
Law School

Feda YaseenAn-Najah National

to receive the Fellowship
University PO Box
Individual award in the field of Urban 49,924
WE Planning

Gulmira Yemkulova6 Lasarev Street

at spend one academic term
Taraz 484011 Individual 4,820
at Indiana University

A rdak Yesdauletova70th Street Dom to spend one semester at a

31 Apt 50 US university as part of the
Individual 9,139
Astana 473021 Faculty Development
KZ Fellowship Program

to support study in
Bilal YounisYatta Main Street
education as part of the
Yatta Individual 62,305
WE Palestinian Faculty
Development Program

Youth INC Improving Non Profits for

501 (c)(3)
Children825 3rd Avenue Suite 210 to provide general support 2,500
NewYork,NY 10022

Faridun Yusufjonovl9/2 Gissarskaya to spend a semester at a US

St Apt 10 university as part of teh
Individual 6,197
Dushanbe 734000 Faculty Development
TI Fellowship Program

Irena ZaburannaChukarina Boulevard

1B Apt 40 to support study in the field
Individual 65
Lviv 79070 of public policy

Ziad ZaghroutBirzeit University PO

to receive the Fellowship
Box 1
14 Individual award in the field of Public 56,087
WE Policy Administration

Hakim Zainiddinov4 Aini Street to obtain a graduate degree

Vahdat 735400 Individual in Sociology from Rutgers 117,741
TI University

to support study in
Muhammad ZayyadPO Box 7022
education as part of the
Jerusalem Individual 61,805
WE Palestinian Faculty
Development Program

Bazargur Zoljargalbazargur zoljargal

P021 PBox 1177 to support your studies at
Individual 1,331
U laanbaatar 211121 Duke University

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual,

show any relationship to Purpose of grant or
status of Amount
any foundation manager contribution
Name and address (home or business) recipient
or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

to spend a semester at a US
Mikayel ZolyanParpetsi 9B Apt 32
University as part of the
Yerevan Individual 15,000
Faculty Development
Fellowship Program

Tamaz Zubiashvilil5 Tsabadze to spend a semester at a US

Streetm Apt 43 university as part of the
Individual 14,736
Tbilisi 112 Faculty Development
GG Fellowship Program

to spend a semester at a US
Tamara Zurabishvilil8 Bagrationi St
university as part of the
Telavi 2200 Individual 14,556
Faculty Development
Fellowship Program

Tinatin Zurabishvilil8 Bagrationi to support professional

Street development ofjunior faculty
Individual 11,875
Telavi 2200 from the countries of the
GG former Soviet Union

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b 70,843,685
l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491338003019

TY 2008 Accounting Fees Schedule


EIN: 13-7029285

Disbursements for
Net Investment Adjusted Net
Category Amount Charitable
Income Income
ACCOUNTING FEES 182,440 188,940
l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491338003019

TY 2008 All Other Program

Related Investments Schedule


EIN: 13-7029285

Category Amount
l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491338003019

TY 2008 Compensation Explanation


EIN: 13-7029285


Compensation is for services performed as an employee The amount in Column (d) includes $56,666 for benefits available to all
ARYEH NEIER employees, $138,794 for benefits available to employees with ten years service and $28,500 for deferred compensation plans
See Notes 1 and 2 in General Explanation section

Compensation is for services performed as an employee The amount in Column (d) includes $57,520 for benefits available to all
employees, $90,014 for benefits available to employees with ten years service and $5,072 for deferred compensation plans
See Notes 1 and 2 in General Explanation section

Compensation is for services performed as an employee The amount in Column (d) includes $48,066 for benefits available to all
employees, $40,671 for benefits available to employees with ten years service and $750 for deferred compensation plans See
Notes 1 and 2 in the General Explanation section

MAIJA Compensation is for services performed as an employee The amount in Column (d) includes $64,625 for benefits available to all
ARBOLINO employees, and $57,734 for benefits available to employees with ten years service See Note 1 in General Explanation section

Time indicated represents time devoted to Foundation matters as an Officer Compensation is for services performed for the
STEPHEN Foundation Finance Department, which averages 22 hour per week The amount in Column (d) includes $18,016 for benefits
GUTMANN available to all retirees and $45,353 for benefits avalable to all consultants with ten years of service See note 1 in General
Explanation section
defile GRAPHIC print - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491338003019

Note : To capture the full content of this document, please select landscape mode (11" x 8 .5") when printing.

TY 2008 Depreciation Schedule


EIN: 13-7029285
Rate /
Description of Date Cost or Other Prior Years' Computation Current Year's Depreciation Net Investment Adjusted Net Cost of Goods Sold Not
Life (# of
Property Acquired Basis Depreciation Method Expense Income Income Included
defile GRAPHIC print - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491338003019

Note: To capture the full content of this document, please select landscape mode (11" x 8.5") when printing.

TY 2008 Expenditure Responsibility Statement


EIN: 13-7029285
Grant Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of
Grantee ' s Name Grantee ' s Address Grant Date Grant Purpose Expended By By Grantee?
Amount By Grantee Verification Verification

600 Townsend Street to support The Visitor Social Action Campaign as

Active Voice
San Francisco, CA 2008-07-16 100,000 an edu cation and advocacy tool on immigration 49,215 NO 10/12/2009
94103 deten

No 4 Street 49 Off Pio

Al Khatim Adlan Centre Yokwann Ro
for Enlightenment Khartoum West 2007-07-26 100,000 to enhance institutional capacity 100,000 NO 9/9/2008

American Bar Association 740 15th Street NW to support the Standing Committee on Judicial
Fund for Justic Washington, DC 2007-12-06 175,000 Independe nce in working with the Justice at 175,000 NO 4/3/2009
200051009 Stake camp

American Bar Association 740 15th Street NW

to support the work of the ABA Commission on
Fund for Justic Washington, DC 2007-12-13 200,000 41,801 NO 9/4/2008
Effective Criminal Sanctions

555 New Jersey

American Federation of
Avenue NW to support the Free Exchange on Campus
Teachers Educatio 2007-02-07 150,000 0 NO 2/2/2009
Washington, DC coalition

Association for Self Bleiweissova 15 to ensure that the Croatian government revises
Advocacy Zagreb 10 000 2008-09-09 52,350 its inco rrect translation of the UN Convention, in 28,448 NO 1/15/2009
HR pa

600 First Avenue

Babble Company
Suite 217 2007-11-30 2,000 to support the Burmese study abroad website 2,000 NO 12/10/2008
Seattle, WA 98104

PO Box 57
Back Pack Health Worker to support the provision of primary health care
Mae Sot Tak
Team BPHWT 2008-05-12 20,000 among I nternally displaced people and 20,000 NO 7/29/2009
vulnerable pop
Grant Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of
Grantee ' s Name Grantee ' s Address Grant Date Grant Purpose Expended By By Grantee?
Amount By Grantee Verification Verification

71 Aliovsat Guliyev
Baku Educational
Information Center Foun 2008-04-10 23,794 to support educational advising services in Eurasia 23,198 NO 1/30/2009
Baku AZ1009

2707 East Fayette

Baltimore Curriculum
Street to support a project to infuse the cultures of two
Project 2006-07-10 42,000 Balt amore City public charter schools with restor 26,692 NO 10/7/2008
Baltimore, MD

Burma Medical Association PO Box 156

to support primary health care and strengthen
BMA Mae Sot, Tak 63110 2008-05-12 20,000 16,032 NO 7/28/2009
existing local health infrastructure in the ethnic are

2099 Pennsylvania
Capital Litigation
Avenue NW to support the Capital Litigation Communications
Communications Projec 2008-11-05 230,000 29,187 NO 8/14/2009
Washington, DC Project

1779 Massachusetts
Carnegie Endowment for
Avenue NW to support the continuation of an initiative of the
International Pea 2008-04-14 13,550 13,550 NO 7/31/2008
Washington, DC Car negie Moscow Center to bring together researc

1779 Massachusetts
Carnegie Endowment for
Avenue NW to support the Comprehensive Nuclear Security
International Pea 2008-05-15 20,000 20,000 NO 4/22/2009
Washington, DC Budget Project

1779 Massachusetts
Carnegie Endowment for to support an initiative of the Carnegie Moscow
Avenue NW
International Pea 2007-11-01 7,200 Center to convene a seminar on issues of social 2,691 NO 3/4/2009
Washington, DC

1779 Massachusetts
Carnegie Endowment for to support research to be conducted by the
Avenue NW
International Pea 2008-11-12 10,500 Carnegie Mos cow Center within the long-term 8,975 NO 4/22/2009
Washington, DC
initiative, F
Grant Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of
Grantee ' s Name Grantee ' s Address Grant Date Grant Purpose Expended By By Grantee?
Amount By Grantee Verification Verification

1779 Massachusetts
Carnegie Endowment for to support three research directions of the
Avenue NW
International Pea 2006-11-22 550,000 Carnegie Mo scow Center's two-year civil society 85,515 NO 10/22/2009
Washington, DC

1779 Massachusetts
Carnegie Endowment for to support the annual expenses of the East East
Avenue NW
International Pea 2008-12-02 142,995 Partne rship Beyond Borders Program's 0 NO 10/26/2009
Washington, DC

1779 Massachusetts
Carnegie Endowment for to support the Shanghai Cooperation
Avenue NW
International Pea 2007-12-17 9,420 Organization In Search of a New Understanding 3,758 NO 3/14/2008
Washington, DC
of Security,

1779 Massachusetts
Carnegie Endowment for
Avenue NW to support the East East Partnership Beyond
International Pea 2007 - 12 - 17 136,476 115,290 NO 4/24/2009
Washington, DC Borders Program at the Carnegie Moscow Center

Catholic Legal The McCormick Pavilion

to support advocacy, public education and
Immigration Network Inc 415 Michigan 2008-09-09 200,000 35,363 NO 6/29/2009
capacity building project
Washington, DC 20017

Center for International 10 Chovelidze Street

to support educational advising services in
Education Tbilisi 380008 2008-04-11 18,483 18,443 NO 1/30/2009

1611 Telegraph Avenue

Center for Media Justice
Suite 510 2008-11-17 250,000 to support the Center for Media Justice 0 NO 9/8/2009
Oakland, CA 94612

Bulevardul Stefan cel

Centrul de Informatu
Mare si Sfnt
Universitare 2008-04-11 31,008 to support educational advising centers in Eurasia 30,808 NO 1/30/2009
Chisinau MD-2012
Grant Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of
Grantee ' s Name Grantee ' s Address Grant Date Grant Purpose Expended By By Grantee?
Amount By Grantee Verification Verification

Coalition for 6201 Riverdale Road

to support the Coalition for Homeownership
Homeownership Suite 200
2008-11-25 85,000 Preservation in Prince George's County's hiring of 0 NO 5/22/2009
Preservation Riverdale, MD
an exe

Dactyl Foundation for the 64 Grand Street

Arts and Human Ground Floor 2006-10-03 50,000 to revitalize media production in Iraq 27,645 NO 10/15/2008
New York, NY 10013

27 chemin des Crts-

Darfur Relief and de-Pregny to support the development of a course that
Documentation Centre Geneva 1218 2007-11-16 30,000 seeks to preserve the cultural and linguistic 30,000 NO 12/1/2008
Grand-Saco heritage

1015 18th Street NW

Death Penalty Information to support efforts in public education, media
Suite 704
Center 2006-07-31 160,000 outreach, and sharing of communications skills 20,819 NO 8/22/2008
Washington, DC
and res

1015 18th Street NW

Death Penalty Information to support the Death Penalty Information Centers
Suite 704
Center 2008-11-24 200,000 commu nications and public education projects 56,538 NO 8/25/2009
Washington, DC
and i

83 Masanchi Street
Educational Development
corner Abai Ave
Center BIIJM Ce 2008-02-27 25,437 to support educational advising services in Eurasia 25,437 NO 1/30/2009
Almaty 50022

8 Mohamed Ali Jinna

Egyptian Initiative for
Street Garden
Personal Rights 2007-11-30 100,000 to support the Health and Human Rights Program 49,626 NO 6/1/2009

Foundation to Promote
400 West 59th Street to support charitable activities and programs
Open Society 2008-12-17 1,000,000 10,000 NO 10/30/2009
New York, NY 10019 promoting open, democratic societies
Grant Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of
Grantee ' s Name Grantee ' s Address Grant Date Grant Purpose Expended By By Grantee?
Amount By Grantee Verification Verification

1875 K Street NW
France and Henry
Suite 700 to support a training of trainers for local project
Riecken Foundation Inc 2008-05-15 3,226 3,226 NO 7/18/2008
Washington, DC coo rdinators, and a planning session to coordina

116 West 23rd Street to secure marriage equality in the U S through

Freedom to Marry
Suite 500 2007-09-21 100,000 public education, training and outreach, and 50,000 NO 8/15/2008
New York, NY 10011 regrant

11108 Ophir Drive

Gold Films LLC to support a film on the late Anna Politkovskaya
Los Angeles, CA 2008-05-15 50,000 29,700 NO 11/15/2008
and Karinna Moskalenko

Main Road
Intensive English to provide support for instructor salaries, the
Mai Ja Yang, Loi Je,
Program Mai Ja Yang 2008-05-13 5,000 library , computer maintenance, and financial aid 3,978 NO 1/26/2009
Kachin State
BM to

Karen Department of PO Box 189

Health and Welfare Maesot, Tak 63110 2008-05-12 7,500 to support salaries for health workers 4,213 NO 3/23/2009

Karen Teacher Working PO Box 39

Group Mae Sariang 58110 2008-05-12 10,000 to support the Summer Vacation Teacher Training 10,000 NO 8/2/2008

Louisiana Justice PO Box 19403 to support the Fairness in the Courts Project as it
Coalition New Orleans, LA 2006-12-07 200,000 eng ages in public education, media outreach, 100,000 NO 10/28/2009
70179 mov

PO Box 67
Mae Tao Clinic
Mae Sot, Tak 63110 2008-05-12 20,000 to support primary health care 20,000 NO 9/12/2009
Grant Amount Expended Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of
Grantee ' s Name Grantee ' s Address Grant Date Grant Purpose By Grantee
Amount By Grantee? By Grantee Verification Verification

Magyar Soros Oktober 6 utca 12

to provide painted works of art by 20th Century
Alapitvany Budapest H-1051 2008-03-31 450,500 96,063 NO 11/2/2009
Hungarian artists

c/o National YWCA

Myanmar AIDS Net Bogalay Bazaar St to support trainings and the creation of a support
2007-06-04 9,500 9,500 NO 7/13/2008
Yangon 11162 network for people living with HIV/AIDS

PO Box 4 Klong Luang

Myanmar Digital
Mailbox 90 to support IT and professional trainings for Burmese
Solutions 2008-05-13 8,000 6,740 NO 2/2/2009
Bangkok youth

119 Bogalayzay Street

National YWCA of
Botataung to provide support for a community development
Myanmar 2007-06-01 10,000 9,800 NO 6/20/2008
Yangon 11161 training course and a generator

Nay Kyar Pann 12/ Oo Ka Ta 9 Naing

Sunflower Yangon 2008-08-14 20,000 to support expansion of the HIV/AIDS Program 10,000 NO 3/9/2009

New Orleans 526 Dauphine Street

to support Greater New Orleans residents through
Community Network New Orleans, LA 2006-05-04 200,000 110,000 NO 12/8/2008
the cr eation of the New Orleans-specific section of

Building 4 Room 2
OpenMM Net Myanmar Info-Te to support bypassing Burma internet censorship by
2007-11-30 4,000 4,000 NO 8/6/2008
Yangon, Myanmar the military, and translation of a guide, " Everyon

187/ 3A 34th Street

Padauk Pwint Thit
Kyauktada, Rangoon
Magazine 2007-11-16 3,000 to support monthly publication of the magazine 3,000 NO 9/28/2009
Grant Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of
Grantee's Name Grantee's Address Grant Date Grant Purpose Expended By By Grantee?
Amount By Grantee Verification Verification

Penal Reform 1025 Vermont Avenue

International The NW 3rd floor to renew support for U S -based criminal justice
2007-08-06 50,000 36,988 NO 10/14/2008
America Washington, DC reform work

1140 Connecticut
to support a project of restoring due process and
Rights Working Group Avenue NW Suite 1
2008-11-05 100,000 human rights protections to the U S immigration 0 NO 9/24/2009
Washington, DC
20036 sy

Soros Foundation 55A Logvinenko Street

Kyrgyzstan Bishkek 720040 2008-02-27 24,533 to support educational advising services in Eurasia 24,533 NO 1/30/2009

Soros Humanitarian to provide general support for Soros Humanitarian

400 West 59th Street
Foundation 1998-06-08 39,134,554 Found ation's charitable purposes of promoting 26,544,276 NO 11/6/2009
New York, NY 10019

1800 M Street NW
to conduct opinion leader research on effective
Spitfire Strategies Suite 300 North
2008-04-22 200,000 commune cations messaging for indigent defense 118,185 NO 4/3/2009
Washington, DC

University of
Street Law to cover additional expenses associated with the
Howard 2007-02-14 4,035 4,035 NO 12/2/2008
Irania ns' visit to the South African law clinic
Durban 4041

Sudan Social Building No 17 Block 4

Development West Ed-D
2007-12-11 18,000 to host a Open Society Justice Initiative Fellow 12,000 NO 10/25/2008
Organization Kartoum 11111

OVH 140 Quai du

Sudan Tribune Sartel to enhance the capacity of the online news
2007-07-23 64,600 54,550 NO 9/6/2008
Roubaix 59100 publication
Grant Amount Expended Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of
Grantee ' s Name Grantee's Address Grant Date Grant Purpose By Grantee
Amount By Grantee? By Grantee Verification Verification

PO Box 21798
to continue its legal aid program for poor and
The Advocacy Forum Pabitrapyara Marg-1
2008-09-09 60,000 marginal ized people who are detained in different 60,000 NO 3/21/2009

2565 8th Avenue

The ATHENA Network to produce and disseminate a daily newsletter at the
West 2008-07-23 19,950 19,950 NO 9/15/2008
20 08 International AIDS Conference highlighting
Seattle, WA 98119

1444 N Street NW
US Campaign for to increase awareness of Burma's democracy
Suite A2
Burma 2008-05-13 40,000 movement and advocacy effort to press for binding 40,000 NO 7/23/2009
Washington, DC
UN Secu

Urban Leadership 2437 Maryland to support forums, which would convene in

Institute Avenue 2008-11-19 100,000 Baltimore, Washington D C , Philadelphia, and 0 NO 5/15/2009
Baltimore, MD 21218 Newark, to

W Eugene Smith c/o The International

Memorial Fund Inc Center of Pho 2008-08-06 15,000 to support the annual grant competition 15,000 NO 7/30/2009
New York, NY 10036

PO Box 34725
Witness to Innocence to support the TOOLS Project to recruit, train, and
Philadelphia, PA 2008-12-05 70,000 0 NO 9/4/2009
support exonerated ex death row prisoners and

PO Box 34725
Witness to Innocence
Philadelphia, PA 2006-12-07 50,000 to support the TOOLS Project 25,000 NO 4/1/2009

Mon Dhama Yon

Ye Township Mon
Youth Organization Bogyoke Road 2008-05-13 714
to support a Leadership and Organization
714 NO 9/12/2009
Ye, Mon State Management training
Grantee ' s Grant Amount Expended Any Diversion By Dates of Reports Date of Results of
Grantee ' s Address Grant Date Grant Purpose By Grantee
Name Amount Grantee? By Grantee Verification Verification


ALLAFRICA INC 920 M STREET SE Provide working capital to a developer and

2006-09-01 2,500,000 450,000 NO 04/30/2009
WASHINGTON, DC 20003 aggregator of independent news about Africa

Burma PO Box 83 Mae Sod

To support the project entitled "Strengthening
Partnership Tak 63110 2007-12-06 100,000 69,000 NO 11/06/2009
APPPB Burma Regional & Intl Campaign Activities
l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491338003019

TY 2008 General Explanation Attachment


EIN: 13-7029285

Identifier Explanation

Effective October 1, 2007, the Foundation established a Group Long Term Care Insurance Pla n covering
employees with ten years of service, consultants with ten years of service as a n employee and their
spouses and domestic partners The plan provides, among other things, that after premiums have been paid
for ten years for an employee and the employees spouse or domestic partner, their coverage w ill be
PART V1 11-1 automatically renewed for the rest of their lives without any further premium payments Effective October 1,
INFORMATION 2008, the foundation establ ished a Group Life Insurance Plan covering employees with ten years of service
Note 1 - ABOUT and their s pouses and domestic partners The benefit for the employee is a permanent individual life
Parts VIII-1 OFFICERS, insurance policy of $500,000 ($250,000, if compensation is less than $100,000), while the benefit for the
DIRECTORS, spouse or domestic partner is an individual universal life insurance polic y of $250,000 The individual policies
TRUSTEES are ow ned by the employee and are issued under the group plan Each individual permanent life insurance
policy is designed to be fully funded after the payment of five annual premiums by the Foundation (10 years
as to each individu al universal life insurance policy) The design of the plan also calls for a second, ident ical,
benefit to be provided to the employee and the spouse or domestic partner upon the s ixth anniversary of plan
Identifier Return Reference Explanation

Effective October 1, 2007 , the Foundation established two related, unfunded deferred compe
Note 2 nsation plans which provide an annual benefit equal to the excess, if any, of 15% of the p
Parts VIII-2 articipants salary over the maximum contribution allowed by the Internal Revenue Code for the
Foundations Tax Sheltered Retirement Plan
Identifier Explanation

For the grants to individuals paid during the year and the grants approved for future payment to
NOTE 3 - Part XV,
individuals, none of the individuals have any relationship to any foundation manage r or substantial
Questions 3a and 3b
Identifier Explanation

TED, NO EIN, A SIGNIFICANT TRANSFEROR (1) Transferor and Transferee Corporations Open Soc iety Institute
Section 351
Form 5471 Management Services Limited, no EIN , paid $3 , 159,799 to Open Society Instit ute Sofia and received an equity
- Bulgarian
Schedule 0 interest in Bulgarian Building Fund Ltd in exchange Ope n Society Institute Management Services Limited owns
Section 351 100% of Bulgarian Building Fund Ltd after the transaction The transaction qualified for the nonrecognition of
gain or loss pu rsuant to Section 351 for U S tax purposes (2) The payment to Open Society Institute Sof is
occurred on December 18, 2008 (3) The aggregate fair market value of the cash paid was $3,159,799 (4)
There w ere no private letter rulings issued by the IRS in connection with this section 351 exchange
Identifier Explanation

029285 , A SIGNIFICANT TRANSFEROR ( 1) Transferor and Transferee Corporations Open Society Institute, EIN
13-7029285 , paid $1,650,000 to Open Society Institute Management Services Limited, no EIN, and received an
Section 351 - Form 5471
equity interest in exchange The transaction constituted a Section 351 transfer to Open Society Institute
Open Society Schedule 0
Management Services Limited for U S tax p urposes ( 2) The payment to Open Society Institute Management
Institute Section 351
Services Ltd occurred on De cember 31, 2008 (3) The aggregate fair market value of the cash paid was
$1,650,000 ( 4) There were no private letter rulings issued by the IRS in connection with this section 351
Identifier Explanation

TED, NO EIN, A SIGNIFICANT TRANSFEROR ( 1) Transferor and Transferee Corporations Open Soc iety Institute
Section 351 Form 5471 Management Services Limited, no EIN , paid $1 to Open Society Institute Sofi a and received an equity interest in
- Remis BG Schedule 0 Remis BG EOOD in exchange Open Society Institute Man agement Services Limited owns 100% of Remis BG
EOOD Section 351 EOOD after the transaction The transaction qualified for the nonrecognition of gain or loss pursuant to Section
351 for U S tax pur poses (2) The payment to Open Society Institute Sofia occurred on December 18, 2008 (3)
The aggregate fair market value of the cash paid was $1 (4) There were no private letter rulings issued by the
IRS in connection with this section 351 exchange
l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491338003019

TY 2008 Investments Corporate

Stock Schedule


EIN: 13-7029285

End of Year Book End of Year Fair

Name of Stock
Value Market Value
l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491338003019

TY 2008 Investments - Land Schedule


EIN: 13-7029285
l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491338003019

TY 2008 Investments - Other Schedule


EIN: 13-7029285

Listed at Cost or End of Year Fair

Category / Item Book Value
FMV Market Value
QUANTUM INDUSTRIAL HLDGS, LTD. 1,362,495 1,362,495
QUANTUM ENDOWMENT FUND "C" SHS 1,695,899,997 1,695,899,997
SEARS COLLAR 77,059,063 77,059,063
l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491338003019

TY 2008 Land, Etc. Schedule


EIN: 13-7029285
l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491338003019

TY 2008 Legal Fees Schedule


EIN: 13-7029285

Disbursements for
Net Investment Adjusted Net
Category Amount Charitable
Income Income
LEGAL FEES 728,144 727,674
l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491338003019

TY 2008 Other Assets Schedule


EIN: 13-7029285
Beginning of Year - End of Year - Book End of Year - Fair
Book Value Value Market Value

PREPAID AND OTHER ASSETS 2,237,530 980,953 980,953

CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVABLE 2,010,004 3,175,170 3,175,170

ARTWORK 500,000 49,500 49,500

OSI MANAGEMENT SERVICES, LTD 14,855,944 17,144,467 17,144,467

INVESTMENT IN QEF/IMAP ENDOWME 9,928,609 8,884,292 8,884,292


BALTIMORE FUND, LLC INVESTMENT 1,260,027 781,002 781,002

MEDIA DEVELOPMENT LOAN FUND 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000



l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491338003019

TY 2008 Other Decreases Schedule


EIN: 13-7029285

Description Amount
l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491338003019

TY 2008 Other Expenses Schedule


EIN: 13-7029285
Revenue and Expenses Net Investment Disbursements for
Description Adjusted Net Income
per Books Income Charitable Purposes

OFFICE SUPPLIES 336,784 309,074

OFFICE SERVICES 1,609,683 -1,188 1,574,160


221,795 219,099

BANK CHARGES 1,386,251 1,386,251

CERIDIAN 156,950 172,771






MEMBERSHIP FEES 134,729 130,301

OTHER EXPENSES 81,993 76,579

l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491338003019

TY 2008 Other Income Schedule


EIN: 13-7029285
Revenue And Net Investment
Description Adjusted Net Income
Expenses Per Books Income



OTHER INCOME 315,422 -321,400

l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491338003019

TY 2008 Other Increases Schedule


EIN: 13-7029285

Description Amount
l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491338003019

TY 2008 Other Liabilities Schedule


EIN: 13-7029285

Beginning of Year - End of Year - Book

Book Value Value
DEFERRED EXCISE TAX PAYABLE 10,818,191 14,983,342
l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491338003019

TY 2008 Other Professional Fees Schedule


EIN: 13-7029285

Disbursements for
Net Investment Adjusted Net
Category Amount Charitable
Income Income
8 , 921,647 320,212 8,778,120
l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491338003019

TY 2008 Taxes Schedule


EIN: 13-7029285

Disbursements for
Net Investment Adjusted Net
Category Amount Charitable
Income Income
FEDERAL EXCISE TAX 1,865,415 261,068



l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491338003019

TY 2008
Tra nsfersToControlled Entities


EIN: 13-7029285

us /
Name Foreign Address
EIN Description Amount
AVENUE to increase OSI's
INSTITUTE MGMT 99-9999999 1,650,000
LARNACA 6021 investment in share
CY capital of OSIMS

Tota 1 1,650,000
l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491338003019

TY 2008 Category 3 filer statement


EIN: 13-7029285

Amount Type
Identifying Number
Of Of Name Address
Number Of Shares
Indebtedness Indebtedness
400 West 59th Street
1 None Open Society Institute 13-7029285 100
New York, NY 10019
l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491338003019

TY 2008 Category 3 filer statement


EIN: 13-7029285

Amount Type
Identifying Number
Of Of Name Address
Number Of Shares
Indebtedness Indebtedness
400 West 59th Street
1 None Open Society Institute 13-7029285 100
New York, NY 10019
l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491338003019

TY 2008 Earnings and Profits Other

Adjustments Statement


EIN: 13-7029285

Description Amount

Provision for Litigation 859,780

l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491338003019

TY 2008 Investment in Subsidiaries Statement


EIN: 13-7029285

Description Beginning Amount Ending Amount

Investment in Subsidiary Companies 2,753,312 5,913,112

l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491338003019

TY 2008 Itemized Other Current Liabilities Schedule


EIN: 13-7029285

Corporation Beginning Ending

Corporation Name Description
EIN Amount Amount
Provision for Litigation 859,780

Accrued Expenses 309,288 524,006

Other Current Liabilities 10,000 74,250

l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491338003019

TY 2008 Itemized Other Current Assets



EIN: 13-7029285

Corporation Beginning Ending

Corporation Name Other Current Assets Description
EIN Amount Amount
Dividend Receivable 167,000

Prepayments 47,390 39,754

l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491338003019

TY 2008 Other Deductions Schedule


EIN: 13-7029285

Foreign Amount
(should only be used
Description when attached to Amount
5471 Schedule C
Line 16)
Administration Expenses 557,440
Provision for Litigation 859,780
Bank Charges 3,090
l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491338003019

TY 2008 Itemized Other Investments Schedule


EIN: 13-7029285

Corporation Beginning Ending

Corporation Name Other Investments Description
EIN Amount Amount
Investment Property 6,911,358 9,692,419
l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491338003019

TY 2008 Itemized Other Liabilities Schedule


EIN: 13-7029285
l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491338003019

TY 2008 Other Income Statement


EIN: 13-7029285

Description Foreign Amount Amount

Insurance Claims Received 800,000
Income From Disposal of Building 491,000
Foreign Exchange Gain/(Loss) -294,926
l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491338003019

TY 2008 Paid-In or Capital Surplus Reconciliation Statement


EIN: 13-7029285

Description Beginning Amount Ending Amount

Open Society Institute
For the year ending 12/31/2008

Open Society
Services Lid

Bulgarian Building Otvoiena Spolochost Ospatn Dooel,

Fund Ltd spol s 1 o
(Bulgaria) (Slovak Republic)



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