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X-Ray Diffraction

Part 2

Asep Ridwan S
X-Rays are Light … they can help you
• The electromagnetic moment of X-ray photons
interacts with the electrons in matter
• The X-rays can be:
– Attenuated
• absorbed
• fluoresced
• incoherently scattered
– coherently scattered
• refracted
• reflected
• diffracted
• The change in X-ray photons due to interaction with
electrons can be used to discern information about the
X-rays can diffract from a periodic array of
coherent scatterers, such as atoms in a crystal
• Diffraction occurs when

objects in a periodic array

scatter radiation coherently,
producing concerted c

constructive interference at
specific angles.
• Crystalline materials are
characterized by orderly a b

periodic arrangements of
– The electrons in an atom
coherently scatter light.
• The distance between atoms
Fm3m (225): 5.64/5.64/5.64 <90.0/90.0/90.0> NaCl

is such that they diffract light

in the X-ray spectrum.
Each diffraction peak is produced by specific
parallel planes of atoms in the crystal
The (200) planes The (220) planes
of atoms in NaCl of atoms in NaCl

• The basic repeating unit that defines a crystal is the unit cell.
• Parallel planes of atoms intersecting the unit cell are used to define
directions and distances in the crystal.
• Each diffraction peak is produced by a family of atomic planes.
Bragg’s law is a simplistic model to describe the
conditions that are required for diffraction.

l  2d hkl sin q q q

dhkl dhkl
• For parallel planes of atoms, with a space dhkl between
them, constructive interference only occurs when
Bragg’s law is satisfied.
• In our diffractometers, the X-ray wavelength l is fixed.
– Each plane of atoms produces a diffraction peak at a specific
angle q.
• The direction perpendicular to the planes must bisect
the incident and diffracted beams.
Diffraction peak positions and intensity contain information
about the crystal structure of a material
• Each diffraction peak is produced
by a family of atomic planes.
• The position of the diffraction
peak indicates the length dhkl
between those atomic planes
– this ultimately correlates to the (200)
bond distances between atoms
• The intensity of the diffraction

Intensity (a.u.)
peak is determined by what
atoms are present and where on (220)

the atomic plane

25 30 35 40 45 50
2q (deg.)
Our powder diffractometers typically use the
Bragg-Brentano parafocusing geometry.



• The incident angle between the X-ray source and the sample is w.
• The diffraction angle, between the incident beam and the detector angle, is 2q.
• The Bragg-Brentano geometry constrains w to be always ½ of the detector angle 2q
– This constraint results in the incident angle the detector angle being equal to q
– Do not get confused: this is an artificial constraint. Diffraction does not rely on the
incident and detector angles being equal.
The diffraction pattern consists of a record of
photon intensity versus detector angle 2q.
• The position, intensity, width, and shape of the observed diffraction peaks
tells us about the crystal structure and, in some cases, microstructure of
the sample.
A single crystal in a Bragg-Brentano diffractometer produces one
family of peaks in the diffraction pattern.

A polycrystalline sample should contain thousands of crystallites.
All diffraction peaks should be observed.

2q 2q 2q

• For every set of planes, there will be a small percentage of crystallites that
are properly oriented to diffract (the plane perpendicular bisects the
incident and diffracted beams).
Diffraction patterns are best reported using dhkl and relative
intensity rather than 2q and absolute intensity.

• The peak position as 2q depends on instrumental characteristics such as

– The peak position as dhkl is an intrinsic, instrument-independent, material
• Bragg’s Law is used to convert observed 2q positions to dhkl.
• The absolute intensity, i.e. the number of X rays observed in a given peak,
can vary due to instrumental and experimental parameters.
– The relative intensities of the diffraction peaks should be instrument
• To calculate relative intensity, divide the absolute intensity of every peak by the
absolute intensity of the most intense peak, and then convert to a percentage. The
most intense peak of a phase is therefore always called the “100% peak”.
– Peak areas are much more reliable than peak heights as a measure of
Powder diffraction data consists of a record of
photon intensity versus detector angle 2q.
• Diffraction data can be reduced to a list of peak positions and intensities
– Each dhkl corresponds to a family of atomic planes {hkl}
– individual planes cannot be resolved- this is a limitation of powder diffraction versus
single crystal diffraction
Raw Data Reduced dI list
Position Intensity hkl dhkl (Å) Relative
[°2q] [cts] Intensity
25.2000 372.0000 (%)
25.2400 460.0000
25.2800 576.0000
{012} 3.4935 49.8
25.3200 752.0000 {104} 2.5583 85.8
25.3600 1088.0000
25.4000 1488.0000
{110} 2.3852 36.1
25.4400 1892.0000
{006} 2.1701 1.9
25.4800 2104.0000
25.5200 1720.0000 {113} 2.0903 100.0
25.5600 1216.0000
{202} 1.9680 1.4
25.6000 732.0000
25.6400 456.0000
25.6800 380.0000
25.7200 328.0000
What can we do with XRD?
• Identify phase composition
• Measure unit cell lattice parameters
• Estimate crystallite size, microstrain, and defect
• Measure residual stress
• Measure texture and/or epitaxy
• Evaluate thin film quality
• Measure multilayer thin film thickness, roughness, and
• Determine orientation of single crystals
• Solve or refine crystal structures
• Analyze ordered meso- and nanostructures
Aplikasi XRD

Asep Ridwan S
Teknik Material
• Why do analysis using diffraction?
• The powder diffraction file
• The Hanawalt index
• Identifying a single phase using the Hanawalt
• Identifying the components of a mixture
• Computerized search match
• Problems in phase identification
Mengapa menggunakan XRD?
• Powder XRD is a rapid method that can be used to routinely assess
the nature of a sample.
• Can be used for qualitative phase ID – What is in the sample?
And quantitative phase analysis. How much is in the sample?
• Each crystalline phase has a unique powder diffraction pattern
• You can distinguish between mixtures and compounds as the
diffraction method is sensitive to structure not just composition
• The powder pattern for the spinel MgAl2O4 looks different from
the powder pattern of a MgO, Al2O3 mixture
• You can distinguish between different polymorphic forms of the
same compound
The diffraction pattern of every phase is a unique ‘fingerprint’

Cristobalite, SiO2
Intensity (a.u.)

Beta-Quartz, SiO2

Alpha-Quartz, SiO2

SiO2 Glass

10 20 30 40 50
2 q (deg.)
Phase ID is often used for Quality Control and Analyses
of Processes
• what did I make?
• did I make what I was trying to make?
• are my raw materials pure?

In the example below, the nanocrystalline Y2O3 did not match the reference pattern for yttria
00-041-1105> Y2O3 - Yttrium Oxide

15 20 25 30 35
2q (deg.)
Not only can the PDF provide phase matching, but it
can also be a useful data-mining source
• the sample contained a large fraction of monoclinic Y2O3
• the PDF card pointed to a reference describing this as a metastable phase
previously observed only in thin films of Y2O3
00-041-1105> cubic Y2O3
00-044-0399> monoclinic Y2O3

15 20 25 30 35
2q (deg.) B. Chivas and T.F. Morse, Boston University
We can use these phase analysis techniques to
study reactions ex situ
• we revisit the sample of nanocrystalline Y2O3, now comparing the results of
annealing the original sample
• we see that annealing converted all of the monoclinic Y2O3 into cubic Y2O3
original, as-made
after annealing

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
2q (deg.)
XRD can discern between isostructural compounds as
well as between polymorphs
• we can map differences in electron density because X-rays scatter proportionally to
• the cubic phases of CaTiO3 and SrTiO3 have identical crystal structures, with the A
cation replaced by Ca or Sr respectively
CaTiO3 cubic perovskite
SrTiO3 cubic perovskite

30 35 40 45 50
2q (deg.)
–*the cubic phase of CaTiO3 is not normally stable at RT– we stabilized this phase by quenching the sample
Identifikasi Fasa
• Using powder X-ray diffraction for phase identification
• – this can be done by calculating the unit cell and then
search the NIST crystal data database for known
compounds with the same or similar unit cells
• Not very easy to do, but does not require that compound is in the
ICDD powder diffraction file
• – usually done by comparing the measured pattern
against the ICDD/JCPDS powder diffraction file data
• This contains powder patterns for a very large number
of compounds.
Langkah2 Identifikasi Fasa
• Collect the XRD pattern over a range that is suitable for the material we
are studying
– typically 20 to 70 °2θ for inorganic specimens
– typically 5 to 40 °2θ for organic specimens
– data collection time ranges from 5 min to 1 hour for our instruments
• in the “real world”, these times are typically 30 min to 2 hours
• Compare the experimental data to a reference database of powder
diffraction patterns
– Subscribe to the Powder Diffraction File
• 172,360 inorganic diffraction patterns
• 107,507 inorganic crystal structures
• 30,728 organic diffraction patterns
– We also have the Cambridge Structural Database
• ~400,000 organic crystal structures
Index untuk PDF
• There are several different types of indices
available for the powder diffraction file in
addition to software for doing computer
• – Alphabetical index gives card number of a
given composition, or mineral name
• – Hanawalt and other search indices can be
used to find a card that matches a diffraction
pattern that you have measured
Indeks Hanawalt
• The Hanawalt index can be used to identify components in your sample
based on the d-spacings of the three most intense lines arising from a
• Index is organized by d-spacing of the strongest lines
» Index contains 8 strongest lines for each phase, but search itself is
initially based on only the three strongest
» As this index makes use of intensity information, the search procedure
can be impaired if the intensities that you measure are different from
those in the PDF due to absorption, changes in wavelength, preferred
orientation etc.
Prosedur menentukan fasa
• Locate d-spacing group for most intense line
• In second column, find best match to the d-spacing of the
second strongest line (agreement should be ±0.01 Å
• Look in column three to find match for third line
• Compare relative intensities of the strongest lines for you
best match and for you data
• If things look good, compare all lines on PDF card with what
you observed. All lines that are on the PDF card should
appear in you pattern and the relative intensities should be
• – Note agreement of d-spacings for high angle lines should
be better than those at low angle as they are in general
measured more accurately
When is a match a match?
• If you sample is a pure phase, every line that you
recorded should match well with one on the PDF card
– However, you may have a second phase in you
– You may have some kb lines in you pattern
– The PDF card may not have any high angle lines on it
– A line may be very weak
– Intensity differences may arise due to absorption,
wavelength differences, preferred orientation etc.
Identification of components in a mix
• Identification of components in a mixture can be
difficult as the three strongest lines in your
powder pattern may not all come from the same
• – Need to examine different combinations of
strong lines when using the Hanawalt index until
a phase is tentatively identified. One one
component is identified, ignore the lines from
that phase a look for a match to the remaining
Computerized search match
• Identification of components in a mix is often
done using computerized matching algorithms.
They are not fool proof. The results depend on
the data quality, the data base quality and the
criteria used in the search
• – Matches are usually ranked using a figure of
• – Large figure of merit would indicate a good
match using the definition below
• Phase in your sample may not be in PDF
• – Not common, but you have a big problem!
• Intensities in your pattern may be poor due to grainy sample, preferred
orientation etc
• – Try multiple packings of sample. If you see intensity variations consider
using a different sample preparation method or grinding the sample.
• Positions in you pattern may be wrong
• – Collect your data with an internal standard present so that you can
correct any angular errors
• Your sample is a solid solution with a composition that does not
correspond to a pattern in the database. Some software will contract or
expand a lattice during the search match procedure to try and find
matches in cases like this
• Data base pattern may be of poor quality
Quantitative Phase ID
Not only can we identify what phases are present, we can also
determine how much of each phase is present

Red Paint Pigment Mixture

28 wt% Hematite, 21 wt%

Fe2O3 Anatase, TiO2

51 wt% Rutile, TiO2

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
2q (deg.)
From the ratio of peak intensities, we can
determine how much of each phase there is
• The ratio of peak intensities I X
varies linearly with the ratio of K
weight fractions I X
• K is not easily determined if we 1000
do not know the mass MgSiO3:Al2O3
absorption coefficients of all 800

phases in our sample 600
• We can determine K:
– empirically, by building calibration
– by using published values (I/Ic)
– by simulating the diffraction 0
pattern: whole pattern refinement 0 20 40 60 80 100
X (Al2O3)
Estimating Crystallite Size
Crystallite Size Broadening
0.94 l
B 2q  
L cosq
• Peak Width B(2q) varies inversely with crystallite size
• The constant of proportionality, K (the Scherrer constant) depends
on the how the width is determined, the shape of the crystal, and
the size distribution
– the most common values for K are 0.94 (for FWHM of spherical crystals with
cubic symmetry), 0.89 (for integral breadth of spherical crystals with cubic
symmetry, and 1 (because 0.94 and 0.89 both round up to 1).
– K actually varies from 0.62 to 2.08
– For an excellent discussion of K, refer to JI Langford and AJC Wilson, “Scherrer
after sixty years: A survey and some new results in the determination of
crystallite size,” J. Appl. Cryst. 11 (1978) p102-113.
Factors that contribute to peak
• Instrumental Broadening
• Crystallite Size
• Microstrain (lattice distortions)
• Faulting
• Dislocations
• Antiphase Domain Boundaries
• Grain Surface Relaxation
• Solid Solution Inhomogeneity
• Temperature Factors

• The peak profile is a convolution of the

profiles from all of these contributions
Measuring peak positions at different tilts
allows us to quantify residual strains
• Measuring the same diffraction
peak at different tilts allows us to
measure the d-spacing between
planes (hkl) at different

orientations within the physical
• With no strain, (hkl) planes have 103.0 103.5 104.0 104.5 105.0 105.5
2 q (deg.)
106.0 106.5 107.0

a d-spacing d0
• With a uniaxial in-plane stress,

planes (hkl) that are parallel to
the sample surface (tilt=0°) have
a dhkl distorted by Poisson’s ratio
103.0 103.5 104.0 104.5 105.0 105.5 106.0 106.5 107.0

• With the same uniaxial in-plane 2 q (deg.)

stress, planes (hkl) that are tilted

with respect to the sample
surface are strained by a greater

amount determined by Young’s

modulus and Poisson’s ratio
103.0 103.5 104.0 104.5 105.0 105.5 106.0 106.5 107.0
2 q (deg.)
Pd deposited on Hastelloy substrate at 300°C
has as tensile stress when cooled to RT

Temp Hastelloy

• When cooled, the Pd coating wants to contract more than the Hastelloy substrate
• The much thicker substrate constrains the Pd coating, producing a tensile stress
• We can quantify the strain in the Pd coating using the sin2Psi tilting method
Stresses produced by cycling temperature and P(H2)
eventually lead to cracking of the Pd coating

Pd in H2
40 Pd in He

Stress (MPa)
Stress (MPa)




Hastelloy Temp
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Temp (°C)
High Resolution Diffraction is used to evaluate
epitaxial multilayer thin films
• In a single layer epitaxial thin film, high resolution XRD
(HRXRD) can be used to evaluate the quality of the thin film
• Rocking curves compare the distribution of intensity of a
diffraction peak as a function of the tilt of the sample

Poor Epitaxial Thin Film

Good Epitaxial Thin Film
Intensity (a.u.)

Horrible Quality, Not

Epitaxial At All, Thin Film

Perfect Single Crystal Substrate

30.6 30.7 30.8 30.9 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 31.4
2q (deg.)
Terima Kasih

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