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Hurom Juice: Recipe Book

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that stays
close to nature
Today, everything is outdated even after a day, just like fast
food. In such a fast-paced society , our lives become extremely
difficult because we need to keep pace to survive.

This is why Hurom believes in a slower but more proper pace.

It is in Hurom’s ethos to preserve the natural nutrients in all
ingredients, because we believe that being close to the nature is
the healthiest way of living.

To support healthy eating habits of people around the world,

Hurom shares the benefit of the nature as it is.
Leaf/stem vegetables
(Wheatgrass, leeks, water parsleys, Angelica Utilis Makino, celeries, kales, etc.)

Ingredients preparation 1. Cut ingredients into smaller pieces with about 3-4cm in length.

2. After adding all selected ingredients into this appliance, press [juice extraction/
ON] button when ready to begin.

& juicing tips 3. If ingredients are not pushed down properly or wrapped around the inner part of
the appliance, reverse for 2-3 second and then, turn it in a normal rotation.

To ensure maximum durability of your juicer, please prepare your ingredients as 4. Place a juice cup in front of the juice cap and then open the cap to pour out juice.
recommended. Please refer to the manual and recipe books for the recommendations on TIP In case of certain vegetables (e.g. kales, spinaches, wheatgrass, leeks, water parsleys, Angelica Utilis Makino,
celeries, etc.), the fibers are so long and tough that they are not convenient for extraction or could easily get
proper ingredient preparation. wrapped around the inner part of the appliance. Thus, we recommend to chop such ingredients in 3-4cm in
length for an optimized juicing experience.
Follow these steps!
1. Do not apply the following ingredients that may damage the product : (i) ingredients that are
Citrus fruits and fruits with thick or solid rinds
not extractable (e.g. sesame seeds, coffee beans, Chinese peppers, barks, roots, etc.); (ii) fruits (e.g. lemons, oranges, grapefruits, pomegranates, dragon fruits, etc.)
and enzymes that are preserved in alcohol, honey, sugar, etc.; and (iii) ingredients that cannot
be extracted due to their natural characteristics (e.g. oleasters, cactus, aloes, etc.). 1. After removing rinds, cut the flesh into pieces that fit into the feeding tube of a
2. Do not insert large-sized ingredients or those with extremely large content of fiber. Remove
seeds that cannot be chewed with teeth from stone fruits (e.g. mangoes, sweet persimmons, 2. After putting all selected ingredients into this appliance, press [juice extraction/
plums, peaches, cherries, etc.) These ingredients may lead to the risk of product damage. ON] button when ready to begin.

3. When pushing ingredients in a juicer, only use the pusher provided in the original package. 3. If ingredients are not pushed down properly or wrapped around the inner part of
Do not put your fingers, chopsticks or other objects into the juice outlet of this appliance. the appliance, reverse for 2-3 second and then, turn it in a normal rotation.
This may lead to the risk of product damage or personal injury.
4. Place a juice cup in front of the juice cap and then, open the cap to pour out juice.
4. If ingredients are juiced above the capacity indicated on the chamber while the juice cap is TIP Thick or tough rinds must be removed from fruits before juicing. Otherwise, it
closed, juice may overflow. Open the juice cap every time the chamber is filled up to 400mL to may lead to the risk of product damage.
pour out juice and prevent overflow.

5. When juicing more than 400mL multiple times, clean or remove the pulp from inside the
chamber in between consecutive usages. Otherwise, it may cause pressure to build inside the Soft fruits and vegetables (e.g. bananas, strawberries, kiwis, tomatoes, etc.)
chamber which may lead to stuck hopper or parts damage. 1. Bananas must be peeled; unpeeled fruits are cut into pieces that fit into the
feeding tube of a hopper.
6. Ingredients that are strongly fibrous or contain seeds should be used after being separately
cleaned per 1kg. 2. After putting all selected ingredients into this appliance, press [juice extraction/
ON] button when ready to begin.
7. Close supervision is necessary to prevent children from using this appliance unsupervised.
3. If ingredients are not pushed down properly or wrapped around the inner part of
the appliance, reverse for 2-3 second and then, turn it in a normal rotation.
Roots & Bulb Vegetables 4. Place a juice cup in front of the juice cap and then, open the cap to pour out juice.
(sweet potatoes, potatoes, gingers, carrots, garlics, etc.) TIP It should be much better to mix soft fruits and vegetables with other ingredients than to juice soft fruits and
vegetables themselves. After putting other ingredients into this appliance, add soft fruits and vegetables.
1. Always use ingredients after washing them and eliminating
debris, including soil. (it is possible to use them unpeeled).
Ginger should be peeled and chopped. Other root vegetables
should be cut into 3-4 cm in length.
Stone fruits (e.g. mangos, persimmons, plums, peaches, cherries, etc.)
2. Add prepared ingredients into the appliance. 1. Seeds from stone fruits must be removed before juicing and only the flesh may
Press [juice extraction/ON] button when ready to begin. be used. The flesh needs to be cut into pieces that fit into the feeding tube of a
3. If ingredients are not pushed down properly or wrapped around
the inner part of the appliance, reverse for 2-3 second and then, 2. After putting all selected ingredients into this appliance, press [juice extraction/
turn it in a normal rotation. ON] button when ready to begin.

4. Place a juice cup in front of the juice cap and then open the cap 3. If ingredients are not pushed down properly or wrapped around the inner part of
to pour out juice. the appliance, reverse for 2-3 second and then, turn it in a normal rotation.
TIP Unless debris including soil is eliminated completely, residues 4. Place a juice cup in front of the juice cap and then, open the cap to pour out juice.
may remain in juice or may lead to the risk of product damage.
TIP Seeds from stone fruits must be removed before juicing. Otherwise, it may
lead to the risk of product damage. The smaller the size of the ingredient is, the
better it is for juicing.
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How to
customize juice
Customize your juice with Hurom every day.

You can make your own Hurom juice based

on your condition or choice of seasonal ingredients.

Hurom juice adds fun to your daily life and takes care of
your loved ones’ health.
To support healthy eating habits of people around the world,
Hurom shares the benefit of the nature as it is.

08 5 brilliant colors, the 7th nutrient called ‘phytochemical’
10 Efficacy of each fruit and vegetable

customized juice
During its growth process, plants are easily exposed to external damages.
To defend itself against such external damage, plants produce a defensive
substance called “phytochemical.”
This substance represents the color of vegetables and fruits, and when
consumed by humans, this magnificent substance leads to several
efficacies: (i) strong antioxidant effect; (ii) inhibition effect on the formation
of cancer cells; (iii) enhancement of the immune system; and (iv) aging
prevention. Therefore, “phytochemical” is known for being the 7th
nutrient, which is classified as one of essential nutrients for adults.

COLOR Main Nutrient Main Efficacy Food

red Lycopene inhibition effect on the Tomatoes, watermelons,

formation of cancer cells, pomegranates, strawberries,
Cardioprotective action beets, etc.

yellow Beta-carotene boosting the immune Oranges, carrots, , lemons,

system, Skincare pineapples, etc.

1. Phytochemicals green Lutein hematogenesis, Green grapes, kiwis, kales,

Eye care spinaches, broccolis, celeries,
Angelica Utilis Makino,
5 brilliant colors, the 7th nutrient called
wheatgrass, etc.

purple Anthocyanin Antioxidant effect, Grapes, berries, purple carrots,

protection of eyesight red cabbages, etc.

white Quercetin elimination of wastes/toxins Pears, apples, bananas,

from the body, cabbages, bellflowers, ginsengs,
boosting the immune system garlics, etc.

*Food and beverages (including juice) are not regarded as medicine or medical supplies, so they
do not have a direct effect in treating diseases. Instead of consuming single nutrient or food
continuously, it’s recommended to incorporate a variety of nutrients and foods in your diet.

*The above table shows efficacy of vegetables and fruits.

*This product does not guarantee a medical treatment effect.

2. Efficacy of Super food that is good for eliminating wastes/toxins from the body
each fruit and vegetable Ingredient Nutrient Efficacy
Cucumber Vitamin K, potassium Diuretic action, relief of edema,
Efficacy of each fruit and vegetable, and nutritive components elimination of wastes from the body

Broccoli Folic acid, glucosinolate Inhibition effect on the formation of cancer cells,
antioxidant effect

Today, people suffer from chronic diseases caused Bok choy Vitamin A, glucosinolate, beta- Inhibition effect on the formation of cancer cells,
carotene increasing metabolism
by environmental pollution and stress.
Kale Vitamin B(B1, B2, B6), glucosinolate Inhibition effect on the formation of cancer cells,
Cultivate a healthy lifestyle with fresh Hurom juice. antioxidant effect
Although it might be slow, Hurom believes that slow juicing will help us Cauliflower Vitamin C, glucosinolate Inhibition effect on the formation of cancer cells
stay close to the nature, which is the healthiest way of living. Cabbage Vitamin C, glucosinolate Inhibition effect on the formation of cancer cells,
prevention of constipation

Tomato Vitamin C, lycopene Activation of intestinal motility, prevention of


Apple Quercetin, pectin Decline in cholesterol, intestinal regulation

Banana Vitamin B6, Potassium Relief of edema, prevention of constipation

Wheatgrass Folic acid, beta-carotene, Prevention of constipation, deintoxication


Super food that is good for brain health

Ingredient Nutrient Efficacy

Broccoli Folic acid, glucosinolate Antioxidant effect, inhibition of thrombogenesis

Paprika Vitamin C, folic acid, beta-carotene Antioxidant effect, protection of brain function

Carrot Vitamin A, beta-carotene Antioxidant effect, improvement of blood


Eggplant Vitamin A, folic acid, anthocyanin Improvement of blood circulation, memory


Spinach Iron, lutein, beta-carotene Memory improvement

Asparagus Folic acid, lutein Concentration and memory improvement,

antioxidant effect

Kale Vitamin B(B1, B2, B6), glucosinolate Antioxidant effect, activation of brain activity

Almond Vitamin E, fatty acid, catechin Memory improvement, activation of brain activity

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Customize your juice with Hurom every day.
Vegetables/fruits that contain rich nutrients in seeds
You can make your own Hurom juice based on your condition or choice of seasonal Ingredient Nutrient Efficacy
ingredients. Red bell pepper Vitamin C, vitamin E, carotinoid Skincare

Paprika Folic acid, lycopene, beta- Antioxidant effect, boosting the immune
carotene, zeaxanthin system
Hurom juice adds fun to your daily life and takes care of your loved ones’ health.
Tomato Vitamin C, lycopene Protection of prostate function, antioxidant
To support healthy eating habits of people around the world, effect
Hurom shares the benefit of the nature as it is.
Watermelon Potassium, lycopene, citrulline Recovery from fatigue, diuretic action

Strawberry Vitamin C, folic acid, ellagic acid Antioxidant effect, skincare

Blueberry Resveratrol, anthocyanin Antioxidant effect, eye care

Vegetables/fruits that have plenty of nutrients in peels Grapes Resveratrol, proanthocyanidins, Antioxidant effect, protection of liver
(Grapes/green catechin(green grapes) function
Ingredient Nutrient Efficacy grapes)
Pumpkin Vitamin C, vitamin E, carotinoid Aging prevention, relief of edema
Kiwi Folic acid, lutein, actinidain Decline in cholesterol, activation of a
Potato Vitamin C, chlorogenic acid Antioxidant effect digestive process

Sweet potato beta-carotene(yellow sweet Prevention of constipation Dragon fruit Potassium Improvement of blood pressure
potato), anthocyanin(purple
sweet potato) Pomegranate Vegetable estrogen, ellagic acid Relief of menopausal symptom

Cucumber Vitamin K, potassium Elimination of wastes from the body, Oriental melon Iron, beta-carotene, folic acid Boosting the immune system,
antioxidant effect deintoxication

Apple Quercetin, pectin Antioxidant effect, intestinal regulation

Pear Luteolin, quercetin Intestinal regulation, protection of

*Food and beverages (including juice) are not regarded as medicine or medical supplies, so they
bronchial tubes do not have a direct effect in treating diseases. Instead of consuming single nutrient or food
continuously, it’s recommended to incorporate a variety of nutrients and foods in your diet.
Persimmon Vitamin A, vitamin C, carotene Recovery from fatigue

Peach Vitamin A, beta-carotene Skincare

*The above table shows efficacy of vegetables and fruits.

Watermelon Potassium, lycopene, citrulline Recovery from fatigue, diuretic action *This product does not guarantee a medical treatment effect.
Grapes Resveratrol, proanthocyanidins, Antioxidant effect, protection of liver
(Grapes/green catechin(green grapes) function

Kiwi Folic acid, lutein, actinidain Decline in cholesterol, activation of a

digestive process, antioxidant effect

Tangerine Vitamin C, naringin, hesperidin Antioxidant effect, skincare

Oriental melon Iron, beta-carotene, folic acid Decline in blood pressure, deintoxication

Eggplant Vitamin A, vitamin C, anthocyanin Decline in cholesterol, improvement of

blood circulation

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Today’s busy lifestyle heavily involves high-calorie diet and cooked food.

Here are 15 Hurom juices that are good for health symptoms that
many people suffer today, including stress and chronic diseases.

Enjoy a cup of relaxation amid your busy life.

Improve your diet with Hurom and maintain wellness.

Health Plus 16 Wheatgrass / carrots / beets
Clear Eyes 17 Purple carrots / blueberries / grapes / pears
A Glass of Juice after Meals 18 Pineapples / Kiwis
Green Energy 19 Boiled beans / spinaches / apples
Power-up 20 Broccolis / oranges / celeries / lemons

Life Care
Relaxing Day 21 Yams / cabbages / pears
Blood Care 22 Celeries / kiwis / Angelica Utilis Makino / apples / kales
Still Young Today 23 Blueberries / blackberries / oranges / pears
GreenBio 24 Broccolis / kales / pineapples / pears
Popeye Juice 25 Celeries / spinaches / apples

Light Day 26 Apples / bananas / kiwis
The Skinny 27 Cherry tomatoes / kiwis / pears
Young Looking Skin 28 Paprika / kiwis / strawberries / oranges / lemons
Super Juice 29 Carrots / walnuts / almonds
Secret Woman 30 Boiled soybeans / pomegranates / grapes

*Food and beverages (including juice) are not regarded as medicine or medical supplies, so they
do not have a direct effect in treating diseases. Instead of consuming single nutrient or food
continuously, it’s recommended to incorporate a variety of nutrients and foods in your diet.
Hurom juice
*This product does not guarantee a medical treatment effect.
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Wheatgrass detox Power of the purple color!

Health Plus Wheatgrass is a gemmule of wheat
that has plenty of dietary fibers, so it is
Clear Eyes Purple carrot
Purple carrots are full of purple
effective in relieving constipation. It also anthocyanins which are superior
contains a great quantity of chlorophyll in antioxidant effect, eye care and
which increases the level of immunity and loweringcholesterol.
helps to eliminate wastes from the body.

Ingredient Order of juicing Ingredient Order of juicing

Wheatgrass 30g / carrots 330g / 1. Cut wheatgrass into smaller pieces Purple carrots 230g / blueberries 80g / 1. Chop purple carrots into smaller pieces
beets 100g with about 3-4cm in length. Chop grapes 80g / pears 120g with about 4 cm in length. Grapes are
carrots and beets into smaller pieces washed after taking them off one by
with about 4 cm in length. one. Slice unpeeled pears in half and
divide into 6 parts.
2. Put wheatgrass, carrots and beets into
Hurom and juice. 2. Put purple carrots, blueberries, grapes
and pears into Hurom and juice.

Leafy vegetables will be juiced easily As carrots and grapes have plenty of
when they are cut in 3-4cm in length. nutrients in peels and seeds (grapes),
they should be used without peeling after

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Kiwi aids in digestion The highest vegetable protein,

A Glass of ‘Actinidain’ found abundantly in Kiwis
is an enzyme that helps breaking down
Green Energy Soybean
As a high-protein source, soybeans
Juice after proteins. It comforts stomach and
intestines, thereby aiding in digestion.
have plenty of essential amino acids
and are effective in a child’s growth and
development. It also contains a great
Meals quantity of isoflavone which relieves
menopausal symptoms.

Ingredient Order of juicing Ingredient Order of juicing

Pineapples 280g / Kiwis 180g 1. Slice kiwis into 4 parts without peeling. Boiled beans 120g / spinaches 60g / 1. Soak soybeans in water for about a day
Remove pineapple rinds and divide the apples 320g and boil; spinaches are cut in 3-4cm; and
fruit into 4 parts. Slice pineapples into apples(remove seeds) are cut in half and
smaller pieces with about 4cm in length. divided into 4 parts.
2. Put pineapples and kiwis into Hurom and 2. Put boiled soybeans, spinaches and
juice. apples into Hurom and juice them.

When washed thoroughly, kiwis can be While soaking in water, soybeans may
used unpeeled. go bad. Thus, they should be soaked in
cold water at room temperature during
the winter season; during summer, we
recommend to soak soybenas in cold water
inside a refrigerator.

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Broccolis contain plenty Cabbage,

Power-up of vitamin C
Lack of vitamin C may contribute to
Relaxing Day #1 for healthy gut
Vitamin U, a special component of
fatigue or even depression. Eat broccolis, cabbages, is effective in protecting and
which contains a plenty of vitamin C, strengthening the gastric/duodenal
to recover from fatigue and boost energy. mucous membrane. Accordingly, eating
cabbages contributes to making your
stomach healthy.

Ingredient Order of juicing Ingredient Order of juicing

Broccolis 70g / oranges 280g / 1. Chop celeries and broccolis into smaller Yams 80g / cabbages 160g / 1. Slice pears in half and divide into 6 parts
celeries 70g / lemons 70g pieces with about 3-4cm in length. Slice pears 240g without pealing; chop cabbages and
peeled oranges and lemons into 4 parts. yams into smaller pieces with about
4 cm in length.
2. Put broccolis, oranges, celeries and
lemons into Hurom and juice them. 2. Put yams, cabbages and pears into
Hurom and juice.
The roots of broccolis may be too firm, so Yams can be used with the skin after
they should be chopped into smaller pieces washing.
for use.

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Angelica aids with blood Anti-aging blueberries,

Blood Care circulation
As Angelica Utilis Makino contains
Still Young blackberries
One of the 10 superfoods selected by
plenty of chalcone and coumarin,
The Time Magazine, blueberries are
it prevents blood coagulation, thus full of anthocyanin that are superior in
improving blood circulation. antioxidant effect. Thus, they help you
to keep cells from aging and improve
eyesight by inhibiting active oxygen.
Ingredient Order of juicing Blackberries are also full of vegetable
estrogen, thereby contributing to
Celeries 50g / kiwis 50g / kales 60g / 1. Chop celeries, Angelica Utilis Makino antioxidant effect, in particular relieving
Angelica Utilis Makino 80g / apples 140g and kales into smaller pieces with about Ingredient
3-4cm in length; slice kiwis into 4 parts menopausal symptoms.
without peeling. Remove seeds from Blueberries 50g / blackberries 50g /
apples and slice into 4 parts. oranges 220g / pears 50g 1. Chop orange in half and divide into 4
parts after peeling. Slice pears in half and
2. Put celeries, kiwis, Angelica Utilis Makino, divide into 6 parts with the skin.
apples and kales into Hurom and juice
them. 2. Put blueberries, blackberries, oranges
and pears into Hurom and juice.
In case of Angelica Utilis Makino, the upper TIP
part of its stem is thick and hard, so it is cut If frozen blueberries and blackberries are
in pieces for use. used, slightly thaw the ingredients before

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Kale is effective in inhibiting Spinach, the king of vegetables

GreenBio the formation of cancer cells
Among green & yellow vegetables, kale Popeye Juice As seen in the classic cartoon "Popeye",
spinach has plenty of different nutrients
has the highest content of betacarotene and is known as the 'king of vegetables.'
which is effective in antioxidation. It Rich in folic acid and iron, spinach is
is also rich in indole and sulforaphane, effective in making skin healthy as well as
which can prevent cancerous cell preventing anemia and gastrointestinal
cormation. disturbance.
Ingredient Order of juicing Ingredient Order of juicing
Broccolis 130g / kales 100g / 1. Chop broccoli and kale into smaller Celeries 70g / spinaches 100g / 1. Chop celeries and spinaches into smaller
pineapples 80g / pears 180g pieces with about 3-4cm in length. apples 230g pieces with about 3-4cm in length.
Remove seeds from apples; cut in half
2. Slice pears in half and divide into 6 parts and divide into 4 parts.
with the skin. Peel pineapples; divide
into 4 parts; and slice into smaller pieces 2. Put celeries, spinaches and apples into
with about 3-4cm in length. Hurom and juice.
3. Put broccoli, kale, pineapples and pears TIP
into Hurom and juice.
Celery’s stems and leaves are
TIP all appropriate for juicing.
As kale is strongly fibrous, chop into smaller
pieces with about 3-4cm in length for use.

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Apples for colonic health Cherry tomatoes for weight loss

Light Day With plenty of organic acid, apples
help with recovery from fatigue and The Skinny Cherry tomatoes are low-calorie fruit
vegetables and contain pectin that
strengthen immune system . A great are filling. They not only prevent
quantity of pectin in apples are effective constipation, but are also apt for a low-
in preventing constipation and making calorie diet.
intestines healthy.

Ingredient Order of juicing Ingredient Order of juicing

Apples 150g / bananas 140g / 1. Remove seeds from apples first; cut in Cherry tomatoes 250g / kiwis 100g / 1. Remove the stalk ends of cherry
kiwis 100g half and divide into 4 parts. Slice kiwis pears 60g tomatoes. Slice kiwis into 4 parts with
into 4 parts without peeling. Slice peeled the skin. Slice pears in half and divide
bananas into smaller pieces with about into 6 parts without peeling.
3-4cm in length
2. Put cherry tomatoes, kiwis and pears
2. Put apples, kiwis and bananas (in this into Hurom and juice.
order) into Hurom and juice.
The nutritive components of tomatoes
Soft fruits like banana and kiwi are easy to and cherry tomatoes are similar, but
juice and good to chew when used with a cherry tomatoes contain more nutrients in
smoothie strainer (with larger holes). amount.

26 / / 27

Paprika for a youthful glow Almond, a super food

Young Widely known for of its abundance in
carotenoid, Paprika eliminates active
Super Juice that is good for brain development

Looking Skin
oxygen that accelerates aging and is selected as one of the 10 superfoods!
superior in antioxidant effect. It is also As Almonds are full of fatty acid and
full of vitamin C, which helps with your vitamin E, they have an excellent
skin health. antioxidant effect and are effective
in promoting heart health and brain
Ingredient Order of juicing
Paprika 100g / kiwis 80g / lemons 10g / 1. Remove the stalk ends of strawberries.
Chop paprika into smaller pieces with Ingredient Order of juicing
strawberries 100g / oranges 160g
about 4 cm in length. Slice kiwi into 4 Carrots 470g / walnuts 30g / 1. Chop carrots into smaller pieces with
parts with the skin. almonds 30g about 4 cm in length. Prepare walnuts
and almonds.
2. Peel oranges and lemons; slice in half
and divide into 4 parts. 2. Put carrots, walnuts and almonds into
Hurom and juice.
3. Put paprika, kiwis, strawberries, oranges
and lemons into Hurom and juice.
If walnuts and almonds are roasted in a dry
TIP pan or in an oven, it will be more savory.
Acidic fruits like kiwis, oranges and lemons
accelerate the secretion of gastric acid,
which may lead to heartburn. Accordingly,
avoid taking them on an empty stomach or
before sleeping.
28 / / 29

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암 억제 식품 사전 / 니시노 호요쿠 (편저) [ISBN : 9788997484355]
Dictionary of cancer-fighting foods / Edited by Nishino Hoyoku

이해하기 쉬운 식품 재료학 / 조경련, 김미리, 김옥선, 손정우, 송미란, 최향숙, 최해연 [ISBN : 9788981602536]
Easy understanding of food materials science /
Kyung-ryon Cho, Mi-ri Kim, Ok-sun Kim, Jung-woo Sohn, Mi-ran Song, Hyang-sook Choi, Hae-yeon Choi

암 환자를 위한 간식과 주스 이야기 / 대한암예방학회 [ISBN : 9788993991161]

A story of snack and juice for cancer patients / Korean Society of Cancer Prevention

한국영양학회가 제안하는 매일 매일 건강 주스 / 한국영양학회 [ISBN : 9788926399859]

Daily healthy juice suggested by the Korean Nutrition Society / The Korean Nutrition Society

주스 생식요법으로 병을 치료하는 109가지 / 한방생활연구회 편 [ISBN : 9788976763914 ]

109 treatments with raw food diet / Chinese Medicine Life Research Society

건강을 위한 식품 선택 / 박원기 편저 [ISBN : 9788970434995]

Your choice of food for health / Edited by Won-gi Park

99세까지 팔팔한 몸 살림 설명서 / 박은서 [ISBN : 9788969336293]

How to become healthy until 99 years old / Eun-seo Park
Pomegranate for women’s health
Secret Woman As pomegranates are full of vegetable
오색섭생 / 홍영재 [ISBN : 9791185104041]
Care of health with five colors / Young-jay Hong

estrogen which is similar to the 자연을 그대로 말린 음식으로 건강 요리하기 / 조애경 [ISBN : 9788965842941]
female hormone, they are one of the Healthy cooking with food dehydrating nature intactly / Ae-kyung Cho
essential fruits that all women need. In 내 몸을 살리는 식물영양소 / 한국영양학회 [ISBN : 9788975276675]
addition to delaying menopause, they Vegetable nutrient to invigorate my body / The Korean Nutrition Society
relieve menopausal symptoms. The
pomegranate seeds help you to remove 내 몸을 살리는 야채 과일 / 도쿠에 치요코 [ISBN : 9788985933889]
Vegetables & fruits to invigorate my body / Tokue Chiyoko
dark spots on your skin, thus helping
Ingredient with maintaining youthful skin. 암 없이100세 살기 / 박천수 [ISBN : 9788973812721]
Boiled soybeans 150g / How to live until 100 years old without cancer / Chun-soo Park
1. Soak soy benas in water for about a day
pomegranates 190g / grapes 150g and boil; pomegranates and grapes are
taken off one by one.
2. Put pomegranates, boiled soy beans and
grapes (in this order) into Hurom and juice *Food and beverages (including juice) are not regarded as medicine or medical supplies, so they do not
have a direct effect in treating diseases. Instead of consuming single nutrient or food continuously, it’s
TIP recommended to incorporate a variety of nutrients and foods in your diet.
The 2 easiest ways to peel a pomegranate
① Slice off the top and the bottom of a *The above table shows efficacy of vegetables and fruits.
pomegranate. Score around the sides six
times, scrape the rind and remove white *This product does not guarantee a medical treatment effect.
skin particles.
② Cut a pomegranate in half horizontally
and turn the seeds over. With a spoon, tap
30 / on the peel to release the seeds.
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