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Rural Development Infrastructure - Decesive Factor For A Sustainable Rural Development

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MAN Teodor Eugen1, MATEOC-SÂRB Nicoleta2, HĂLBAC-COTOARĂ Rareş3

Abstract: Romania’s actual situation indicate the necessity About the component elements which were
to accelerate the organization, systematization and studied from inland and outland, as integrant parts of
modernization from agricultural, rural development and rural space infrastructure, we take in consideration,
forestry sectors taking in consideration their importance
more than others, for inland the green spaces, and for
for a social and economical sustainable development of
rural space.
outland the hydroameliorative works (or land
This paper presents the role of inland and outland reclamation and improvement: dammed works, river
infrastructure for a sustainable rural development, in arrangements, surface drainage and subsurface drainage
encouraging non-agricultural investments, with a and soil erosion control), waste deposits. [2, 3, 9, 13]
significant general impact upon rural development. Outland includes the agricultural field (arable
Keywords: rural development, sustainable, infrastructure, land, grapes plantations, fruit tree plantations, pastures
inland, outland and hays), forests, land occupied by water, roads,
constructions for agriculture. Inland contains the
I. INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL PROBLEMS construable land and the streets. [3]
Sustainable rural development constitutes one The adhering and after that the integration in
of the Romania’s priorities in her way to the adherence European Union doesn’t mean only obligations for our
in the European Union structures. The dimension of country in developing the infrastructure and the rural
rural space, characterized through occupied surface but space. For touching these targets, a lot of European
also through the population percent involved in different funds were allocated and are waiting to be used in a
rural activities, impose the adoption of a development sustainable and efficient manner. This problem, of
strategy having as a target, beside the Romania’s tackling European money for rural development is a
integration in E.U., the rise of life standard of very actual one and deserves a special attention from
inhabitants with direct implications in economical grow local authorities, farmers, investors, etc.
of all activity sectors.
Starting from current problems of agriculture II. INLAND INFRASTRUCTURE ROLE IN
and rural areas and considering the connection between SUSTAINABLE RURAL DEVELOPMENT
them, we must apply a model of sustainable rural and Romanian rural space is an agrarian space in which
agricultural development. The development of dominate the familial private property with a rural
agricultural functions will be accompanied by an equal density of property, with a social-cultural life,
development of non-agricultural functions from the traditional for the specific area and which do not
respective areas. This model will resolve the dispose of a proper infrastructure. The strategies for
compatibility with the policies of European Union, territory arrangement follow the alignment to the
respecting the principles of reducing the disparities principles of European Directives through the
between regions. [1] connection to continental scheme of spatial
The rural space infrastructure, from inland development, infrastructure and environment protection,
(inside villages territory) but also from outland (outside to the programmes of regional development and specific
villages territory), represent the base on which were projects of cooperation in transborder programmes. Two
builds the measures for a sustainable rural development. important documents in rural development are: The
The social and economical role of infrastructure is arrangement plan for national territory (A.P.N.T) and
primordial, because the intensity and especially the the arrangement plan for county territory (A.P.C.T.).
quality of it are indicators of inhabitant’s life standard
from rural space and not only.
Prof. Dr. Eng., m.a. ASAS, ”Politehnica” University Timişoara,, 2Prof. Dr. Eng., University of Agricultural Science and
Veterinary Medicine Timişoara,, 3PhD. Stud. Eng., ”Politehnica” University Timişoara,
One section from A.P.N.T. is referring to the network 28.8% from private system), 0.6% with warm water
localities and which had as objective the development in supply installation from public network and 14.3% with
a coordinated conception of this network basing on the sewage water installation (2.8% from public network).
economical, social and cultural connexion analysis of The role of these networks is reflected in the population
localities. [1, 4, 5, 6] health degree. Together with the development degree of
In order to understand the necessity of developing social infrastructure, as are medical and education
inland infrastructure and the role of it in sustainable services, they are influencing the migration level. [3, 7,
rural development, we must defined first this term, of 12, 13]
inland infrastructure. Even do not had straight and immediate effects in rural
Inland infrastructure includes familial houses with development, educational problem will influence the
annexes, constructions of local authorities, buildings sustainability of this process. A modern and competitive
with public destination, agricultural constructions, agriculture (and also other economical branches) can be
roads, water supply and sewage water networks, realized only with the support of specialists groups, with
telephone network, gas network, electricity network and a good equipment and motivation.
green spaces. Each of them has a role in rural life and, Communication network from rural space is still
of course, in rural development. [3, 4] inefficient. This problem may constitute an obstruction
Roads represent the circulatory system of economic and for business opportunities and for real-time information.
social life and impose to be maintained in a proper Even the telecommunication market present a fast
shape. The absence of an adequate physical growing, we continue to have a high level of disparity
infrastructure, as it is the road network, encloses the between rural space and urban space. The strategy for
economical system by limiting the access to markets 2007 – 2013 has as objective to touch 11.500.000
and reducing the labour force mobility. Unfortunately, internet users in 2015, now being only 4.400.000 users.
last few years remarked through low percents of Rural space will represent an important percent, because
modernized counties and villages roads. This problem almost all activities from rural space need a proper
influenced the local activities as commercial communications infrastructure. [12, 14]
capitalization of agricultural products by enclosing the
possibility to collect and transport them to the markets, III. THE ROLE OF OUTLAND INFRASTRUCTURE
with direct impact upon production development, labour IN SUSTAINABLE RURAL DEVELOPMENT
force migration and business opportunities. Regarding Through outland infrastructure we can understand all
the water supply and sewage water networks, their the land reclamation and improvement works: dammed,
development degree is also much reduced in river arrangements, surface drainage and subsurface
comparison with urban space. In 2002, according to drainage arrangements, irrigations, soil erosion control,
National Institute of Statistics, from 3.85 million houses fisheries, thickets, exploitation roads, agrozootechnical
from rural space, only 42.8% were equipped with cold constructions and farms, other constructions with
water supply installation (14% from public network and agricultural or forest use, waste deposits. [2, 3]
Figure 1. Land reclamation and improvement arrangements map [16]

Land reclamation and improvement - reversible (irrigation – surface drainage) pumping

arrangements had as component parts the following stations: 41
types of constructions: pumping stations and/or b) Surface drainage arrangements – 2.950.451 ha, from
gravitational evacuation, canals network, drainage which:
networks, pipes networks, bridges and/or small bridges, - gravitational: 1.521.268 ha
underground crosses, aqueducts [2, 3, 11]. - with pumping: 1.429.183 ha
Romanian land reclamation and improvement works are - surface drainage pumping stations: 699
organized according (2004) to the following list [8, 11, c) Drainage – 246.539 ha
16]: d) Soil erosion control arrangements: 2.210.234 ha
a) Irrigation arrangements – 3.077.069 ha, from which: e) Surfaces with work defence against flooding:
- sprinkler irrigation: 2.761.803 ha - dams at Danube river and interior rivers: 821.204 ha
- furrow irrigation: 263.026 ha - barrages for fast flooding attenuation: 190.904 ha
- irrigation by flooding (rice arrangements): 52.240 ha The evolution of these works till 2004 is presented in
- pumping stations for irrigations: 3.210 the next table:

Table 1: The dynamic of areas with land reclamation works in Romania [2, 3, 16]
Year Dammed Irrigated Drainage Preventing soil erosion
1944 622.0 18.0 358.0 -
1950 642.0 42.5 368.1 2.0
1955 668.8 93.1 404.4 9.4
1960 827.1 199.6 505.7 100.0
1965 856.7 229.9 587.0 197.5
1970 1331.9 731.3 1111.4 435.3
1975 1455.2 1474.2 1965.5 983.1
1980 1545.0 2301.0 2462.5 1609.7
1985 - 2965.3 2948.8 2095.5
1990 - 3168.7 3168.7 2222.3
1991 - 3125.8 3194.1 2282.4
1992 - 3197.2 3182.1 2264.4
1993 - 3202.3 3188.5 2253.4
1994 - 3202.8 3191.7 2267.9
1995 - 3205.2 3196.2 2267.8
1996 - 3211.1 3199.5 2279.1
1997 - 3190.6 3198.8 2276.2
1998 - 3184.0 3198.8 2276.5
1999 - 3179.8 3201.5 2276.9
2004 - 3077.1 2950.5 2210.2

1. General flood control plan A good flood risk management is the result of
A sustainable and competitive agriculture some interjectorily activities, interdisciplinary which
cannot exist without these kinds of arrangements, given containing waters management, territory and
been the climatic conditions from Romania. As an arrangement and the urban development, nature
example, the activity of defence against flooding is protection, the agricultural and forestry development,
primordial. The arguments for sustainability in this transport infrastructure protection, the protection
domain are based on economical, human, social constructions and tourist zones protection,
principles. Also, we must take in consideration the communitarian and individual protection, every sector
necessity of a quick removal regarding the negative having his attributions in the realization of a specific
effects and the reestablishment of the normal works activities. [2, 11]
exploitation. 2. Humidity excess removal
According to Government Decision (G.D.) From the last researches made by Romanian
1.854, flooding risk managements means the appliance Academy of Soil Science, more than 8.6 million
of some policies, procedures and practices having as hectares are affected by humidity excess, so we can
objectives risk identification, their analysis and understand the importance of surface drainage and
evaluation, the risk monitoring and re-evaluation in subsurface drainage works. Through surface-drainage is
order to assure for the human communities a sustainable apprehended the first stage of the water excess evacuate
environment from physical and social point of view. drainage from the agricultural grounds, through
Flooding risk about human life and activities can be leakages at surface, with help of surface drainage open
reduced by creating and implementing the risk maps at channels, the drainage representing the second stage of
flooding. They were decided as a primordial necessity surface drainage for lowering high water table level (0.0
on the basis of H.G. no. 1854/2005, published in M.O. to 0.5 m) level imposed by agricultural cultures requests
no. 72/2006. Their creation was started by Romanian towards the air-water regime from the soil profile where
Government having from E.U. final term of realization these develop their radial system.
being 2013.
Figure 2. Drainage arrangements in Romania [16]

Unfortunately, on many situations, these works be individual systems. The soil erosion manifests
are not sufficient for humidity excess removal being intensely and below different forms, facts which can
necessary the completion with other specific works as: lead to a continuously impoverishment and soil
deep loosening, land shaping, soil levelling and mole destruction and implicit to the agricultural production
drainage. Another supplementary and completion decrease, sometimes catastrophic. Therefore, the
exploitation works are: the surface leakages assurance regularization of the versants leakages, soil erosion
from depression zones in channels network, through the control and the grounds economic capitalization from
execution of leakages gutters; agro-technical works the hills zones constituted and constitute an important
executed for soil humidity decrease; clearing surfaces preoccupation in agricultural area and respective in the
invaded by reeds; increase the arable horizon humidity land improvements sector. At country level, the total
in the droughty periods through irrigations; descent the surface arranged with works and measures for the soil
water table level through supplementary drainage erosion control is of 2.2 millions ha. Among the main
works. [2, 8, 11] technical works which do the mentioned surface object,
3. Soil erosion control we mention: coastal and marginal channels (14.000
Other works from outland infrastructure are km), terraces (25.000 km), markets (6.000 km), concrete
represented by soil erosion control arrangements. They drops (35.000 km), drain tubes, terraced drain (30.000
may complete another land reclamation and km), plantations against erosion (35.000 ha). [2, 3, 16]
improvements works (as irrigation or drainage) or can
Figure 3. Map with the irrigation arrangements from Romania [16]

4. Irrigation arrangements territories near Danube water with big irrigation systems
Humidity excess is not the only problem for allowed this type of water distribution. National
Romanian agriculture. Drought periods, which appear Administration of Land Reclamation and Improvement
more and more often, must be struggled, the most and National Society “Land Reclamation and
important option being the appliance of irrigation. The Improvement” are the juridical persons which must
irrigation has the role to complete the water deficit from apply an efficient management for the mentioned works.
soil profile, realizing in this way normal condition for Also, an important contribution, especially in irrigation
agricultural development in drought periods. The management, belongs to the private sector where was
irrigation types practiced in Romania are: sprinkler created a special organism for the efficient exploitation
irrigation, furrow irrigation (furrow and border strip), of irrigated areas, The Organization of Irrigation Water
drip irrigation, underground irrigation (drainage - Users. [2, 3, 11, 16]
subirrigation reversible areas), special irrigations
(fertilization, against frozen). The choosing of irrigation 5. Forestry sector
method depends by the source and water quality, the The total surface of national forestry fund is about 6.4
land topography, soil textures, the cultures which will million hectares from which national public property are
be irrigated etc. The most of the irrigation areas from 4.2 million hectares (65.6%). Fields with forest covers
our country use the sprinkler irrigation, with big 6.2 million hectares (4.1 million hectares are national
energetic costs for water pumping, that why only the public property, representing 66.1%). Forests are spread
on 26.7% from land territory with the following social and economical functions of forestry ecosystems
distribution: 53% in mountains region, 27% on hills and in comparison with society requests about forest,
10% on plain. Forestry sector has many functions as: superior capitalization of wood and another forestry
ecological, social and economical. Forests represent one products accordingly with principles and exigencies of
of the main obstacles against desertification and are the sustainable rural development in special and sustainable
main source for air purification. From social point of development in general. Forestry sector was, it is, and it
view, they may represent a source of funds for local will continue to be the green heart of rural space from
communities from rural space. The sustainable many points of view. Source of materials for
management of forestry includes the following constructions, for heating, for tourism (agrotourism in
principles: conservation and amelioration of forestry special), for a clean environment, we must assure a
ecosystems biodiversity, emphasizing and diverting the proper and sustainable strategy to protect it. [18, 19]

Table 2: Property structure of national forestry fund [20]

ROMANIA Public property Private property
Year thousand ha thousand ha % Thousand ha %
2000 6366,7 6011 94,4 355,7 5,6
2001 6366,7 5867,5 92,1 499,2 7,9
2002 6373,5 5397,4 84,7 976,1 15,3
2003 6384,7 5200,4 81,5 1184,3 18,5
2004 6382,2 4933,8 78,9 1348,4 21,1

The evolution of Romania's forestry fund



Thousand ha

4000 Romania

3000 Public
2000 Private

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Figure 4 The evolution of Romania’s forestry fund 2000 – 2004
Figure 5 Romania’s forestry map [21]

IV ACTIVITIES GENERATED BY LOCAL represented by guest-houses with all facilities and

RESOURCES AND INFRASTRUCTURE annexes, roads, handicraft workshop, public
Probably the most important activity which deserves to construction with role in agrotourism activity and
be mentioned is represented by agrotourism, a brand of agrotourism development. In this category, we can also
Romanian tourism. Agrotourism is now an industry, in include the factories for local resources collection and
just a few years passing from the classical programs processing and of course, the markets for natural or
which include accommodation and meals to an entire finished products capitalization. Outland agrotourism
parcel of different services. infrastructure had in its composition roads network,
Agrotourism include many activities generated by local special constructions for bird-hunting or fishing, ancient
resources starting with natural products obtained from conserved constructions as isolated castles or industrial
private farms and finishing with transport services facilities (mines, furnaces, railways). [10, 15]
(using the traditional wagon pulled by horses during the The sustainability principles must be respected in this
summer or the sleigh in the winter) or markets with sector of activity, because agrotourism, at this hour,
handicraftware or specific textures. The traditional sustained by programmes as SAPARD or FERMIERUL
activities from rural space as are shepherding, millering (the farmer) is one of the most important pillars for the
or weaving mill continue to exist but are influenced by Romanian rural space development attracting many
new modern improvements. Still, they are representing investments. [7]
a rural tourism source and with a good and sustainable
management will bring important sums of money, V FINANCING PROGRAMS FOR SUSTAINABLE
necessary for other investments. Agrotourism can be RURAL DEVELOPMENT
developed and practiced only if are realized some National Development Plan 2007 – 2013 foresees
conditions: the existence of a clean environment, natural important sums for “Development and modernization of
and traditional products obtained from local resources, a transport infrastructure” and “Rural economy
proper infrastructure able to support a large flux of development and productivity growing in agricultural
tourists and without negative impacts about sector”. Both of these priorities are considered pillars
environment. It is spread in inland but also in the for rural space sustainable development.
outland. Agrotourism infrastructure from inland is
The sources for touching these targets are: European National Delelopment Plan global financing for
Union contribution from Structural Instruments, rural development 2007 - 2013
Structural Type Funds of European Union for
Agriculture, Rural Development and Fishery, Funds 3.000,00

Million Euro
from National Public Sources and External Credits for 2.000,00
Investments. Each of these sources is formed from 1.500,00 N.D.P. financing
different funds with specific destination. 1.000,00
Measures of Common Agricultural Policy are financed 0,00
from communitarian budget, through the European
0 7 008 009 01 0 011 01 2 01 3
Fund of Agricultural Orientation and Guaranty. The 20 2 2 2 2 2 2
guaranty section is dedicated to the following measures: Year
rural development measures, veterinary measures, while
the orientation section is for investments in agricultural
exploitations and in activities of agricultural products Rural space infrastructure can be included in the first
capitalization, for trainings, for stimulating the three priorities. Programs as SAPARD or FERMIERUL
development of not agricultural activities but from rural (The Farmer) can be accessed for improving the social
space. This second section support and the Leader+ and economical aspect of life in rural environment.
program (program which was created to encourage, at
European level, good practices for a sustainable VI CONCLUSIONS
agriculture). SAPARD is the Romanian correspondent Rural space infrastructure has multiple roles and can
for F.E.A.D.R. (European Funds for Agriculture and influence in a major manner the sustainable
Rural Development), which is part of Structural Type development. Economical and social sectors depend on
Funds of European Union for Agriculture. infrastructure because they cannot deploy there activity
The measures for rural development request co- without the support of it. [9, 10]
financing from member states. The outland infrastructure represented and by land
Regarding the development of rural space, in National reclamation and improvement works can be a solution
Development Plan for 2007 – 2013, are foreseen 5 for struggle the effects of climatic changes, effects
priorities: quality life improvement in rural zones and which prevent the sustainable rural development. The
encouragement of economic activities diversification necessity of developing inland infrastructure continues
through supporting the ones which activate in rural to be a priority in Romania. With direct impact upon
space, sustainable economical development of farms human health and environment protection, water supply
and forestry exploitations, agricultural and forestry networks and water sewage networks must increase in
competitiveness growing and the offer adaptation to the close future, respecting the actual legislation and
market requests, local initiatives promoting by standards.
encouraging Leader activities, sustainable fisheries The financial sources exist and are waiting to be used.
assurance. [14, 22, 23] Important sums were foreseen for the following period
in programs dedicated to sustainable rural development.
A problem which still appears here is represented by the
very complicated methodology of tackling these funds.
Still, this is not a major problem and shouldn’t stop the
development process.
From all of these we can draw a very clear conclusion:
A sustainable rural infrastructure is the way to a
sustainable rural development.

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