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Population Dynamics of The White Spotted Rabbitfish (Siganus Canaliculatus Park, 1797) in Panguil Bay, Philippines

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Volume 5, Issue 9, September – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Population Dynamics of the White Spotted

Rabbitfish (Siganus canaliculatus Park, 1797) in
Panguil Bay, Philippines
Alejandro M. Gonzaga, Jr.
Assistant Professor IV, College of Fisheries, Mindanao State University
Marawi City, Lanao del Sur, 9700, Philippines

Abstract:- The white spotted rabbitfish (Siganus Visayan Sea, Lingayen Gulf and in Lagonoy Gulf [35]. S.
canaliculatus Park, 1797) is a commercially important canaliculatus inhabits inshore and reef areas dominated by
commodity occurring in the northern coast and algae. It is also known to occur in estuaries and in large
southern coast of Panguil Bay. This fish was reported to lagoons where there are algae-rubble habitats. This species
be caught by fishing gears like filter net, fish corral, is mainly common on rocky substrates. It can tolerate in
bottom set gill net, stationary lift net, motorized scissors turbid waters occurring within the vicinity of river mouths
net, and spear. To understand the population dynamics especially around seagrass beds. It also occurs several
and associated status of white spotted rabbitfish in kilometers offshore in deep clear waters. Juveniles of S.
Panguil Bay, the growth, mortality, exploitation and canaliculatus form very large schools in shallow bays and
recruitment pattern were determined from June 2002 to coral reef flats. School size of S. canaliculatus reduces
May 2003. A total of 1,513 samples of white spotted with size, with adults occurring in groups of 20 individuals
rabbitfish were collected from the four sampling or so [43].
stations established in Panguil Bay. Growth was
estimated using the FiSAT II and the estimated In Panguil Bay, studies on S. canaliculatus inhabiting
parameters were L∞ = 33.20 cm and K = 0.54 yr-1. the bay were very few. Only the work on the taxonomic
Total, natural and fishing instantaneous rate of identification of different fish species of the bay are
mortality values were Z = 3.80 yr-1, M = 1.18 yr-1, F = available [14], [43]. Panguil Bay is one of the most
2.62 yr-1 and the exploitation rate value was E = 0.69 yr- important shallow water fishing grounds in all of
. Projected recruitment pattern of S. canaliculatus Mindanao, Southern Philippines. The bay is an important
suggests that this species spawns all year round. Based trading link between the provinces of Lanao del Norte,
on the results, S. canaliculatus caught by fish corral in Zamboanga del Sur and Misamis Occidental and,
Panguil Bay from June 2002 to May 2003 was indirectly, the combined coastal population of 451,362
overexploited and that management strategies of this people is affected by the stability of the coastal
resource must be promulgated and implemented to environment [2].
address the depleting fishery.
The bay is the source of some of the most valuable
Keywords:- Growth, mortality, exploitation rates, species of shrimps and crustaceans. The bay has supported
recruitment, population dynamics, White Spotted superior quality of Penaeus monodon and the mud crab,
Rabbitfish, Siganus canaliculatus Park, 1797, Panguil Bay. Scylla serrata which had spawned a backyard industry for
crab fattening. The rivers and tributaries of the inner bay
I. INTRODUCTION are known to host a mature population of the giant
freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbeergii, as well as
The white-spotted rabbitfish (Siganus canaliculatus mullets, eels and spadefish [2]. Moreover, the bay is home
Park, 1797) belongs to the Family Siganidae. This species to various important finfish species like gobies, anchovies,
is almost all marine and is widely distributed throughout mullets, pony fishes, blue crabs, therapons, carangids,
the world. It thrives all over the Indo-West Pacific regions: lantern fishes, and hairtails. In addition, there are two
Persian Gulf, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Burma, Thailand, species of commercially important mollusks, Modiolus
Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Cambodia, Viet metcalfei and M. elongates and at least three species of
Nam, South China, Taiwan [43], Gulf of Oman [32], India seaweeds that provide alternative sources of income to
[19], [41], [22], Philippines [14], [23], [35], [38], Great fishermen [2]. Likewise, the bay supports a fishery
Barrier Reef of Western Australia [33]. It is also consisting of different species including that of S.
distributed in Japan [15], [20], Palau and Yap, Micronesia canaliculatus [14], [43].
[25], [3], [13] Hong Kong [44], [30] and in the southern
Arabian Gulf [11]. Fishing is an important source of livelihood among
the population living in the coastal barangays of Panguil
In the Philippines, S. canaliculatus is Bay. Fishing in the bay is artisanal and subsistence in
geographically distributed in Panguil Bay [14], Southern nature. Fishermen in the coastal barangays used different
Negros [23], Northwestern Sulu Sea, Southern Sulu Sea, types of fishing gears in exploiting the pelagic stocks of the
Samar Sea, Bohol Strait, San Miguel Bay, Davao Gulf, bay. Filter net was the most abundant gear type in the area

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Volume 5, Issue 9, September – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
with 1,600 units, followed by fish corral with 683 units,  Data Gathering
bottom set gill net with 300 units, stationary lift net with 60 Sampling was done twice a month. A total of 1,513
units and the motorized scissor net with 12 units [2]. samples of S. canaliculatus were collected from fish corral
catches (Figs. 2-4) from each station from June 2002 to
In Panguil Bay, persistent violations of fishery laws May 2003. From the landing site, the samples were stored
are commonplace. From 1990 to 1991, the law in styrofoam box preserved at very low temperature. After
enforcement of the Panguil Bay Development Council collecting samples from each station, the same were then
confiscated and destroyed some 1,600 filter nets, brought at the MSU-IFRD laboratory for length-weight
apprehended more than 60 violators, seized some 30 scissor determinations. At the laboratory, the total length (TL) of
nets and uprooted more than 200 net posts in the bay. each sample S. canaliculatus was measured to the nearest
Despite these efforts, fishermen continued to circumvent cm from the tip of the snout to tip of the upper caudal lobe
the laws. The popular fish corrals, a legitimate gear in the using a graduated measuring board. Whole wet weight
Philippines, have been modified to include double netting (WW) of each sample was measured to the nearest 0.1 g
of legal mesh size but which stretch to almost nil when using a Nagata weighing scale [19].
oriented towards the current, in the process straining
everything but the water [2].

The capacity of fisheries resources to sustain such

exploitation is a function of demographic characteristics
such as growth and mortality rates of the respective fish
species populations. Estimation of these parameters is a
paramount measure to understand the population dynamics
and associated status of exploited species. Furthermore,
these will provide the key reference points required for the
development of rational fisheries management regimes

This study aims to determine the population dynamics

Fig 2:- Fish corral in Malaubang, Ozamiz City.
of white spotted rabbitfish in Panguil Bay. Specifically,
this study seeks to estimate the population parameters such
as the asymptotic length (L∞), growth coefficient (K) and
the total, natural and fishing mortalities (Z, M and F), and
describe the state of exploitation and recruitment pattern.


 Study area
Panguil Bay lies in 7o56’ – 8o04’N, 123o36’ –
123 46’E. It is in the southern island of Mindanao and

bordered by the provinces of Lanao del Norte in the east

and Zamboanga del Sur and Misamis Occidental in the
West. Four sampling stations were established in Panguil
Bay. The four stations (S) monitored from catches of S. Fig 3:- Fish corral in Tubod, Lanao del Norte.
canaliculatus were San Antonio, Gango, Ozamiz City (S1),
Malaubang, Ozamiz City (S2), Maigo, Lanao del Norte
(S3) and Tubod, Lanao del Norte (S4) (Fig. 1). These
respective stations were landing areas of various fishery
resource caught in Panguil Bay.

Fig 4:- The operational view of a simple type of fish corral.

Fig 1:- The location of the established stations in Panguil

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Volume 5, Issue 9, September – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Population parameters estimation  Recruitment pattern
 Growth The ELEFAN software package also provides a
Siganus canaliculatus growth parameters L∞ and K of description of the recruitment pattern using the final growth
the Von Bertalanffy equation for growth in length were parameters obtained. The recruitment pattern was obtained
estimated using the ELEFAN I available in the FAO- by projecting a set of length-frequency data backward onto
ICLARM Stock Assessment Tools (FiSAT) software [8]. a one-year time axis [18].
The method restructures the length- frequency data and the
growth curve which have the best fit to the peaks is III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
identified. The input data used were the length-frequency
data of S. canaliculatus caught by fish corral in Panguil  Growth parameters
Bay from June 2002 to May 2003. The growth curves fitted by ELEFAN I estimated
different values of asymptotic length L∞ and growth
The ELEFAN I (Electronic Length Frequency coefficient K for the length-frequency data of S.
Analysis) program was developed by [28]. The idea behind canaliculatus with a 1 cm class interval. The best estimated
the method is to split a composite distribution into peaks value obtained for the parameter L∞ was 33.20 cm and for
and troughs, and to find the best growth curve passing K was 0.54 yr-1 from June 2002-May 2003. Given the
through the maximum number of peaks and avoiding above estimates, the peaks in the length-frequency data
troughs as far as possible. Goodness of fit is assessed by were more clearly outlined and this enabled a good fit of
the ratio of ESP/ASP, where ESP (Explained Sum of the growth curves to be obtained. The parameters obtained
Peaks) is the number of peaks accumulated by a growth were later utilized as an input data for the subsequent
curve while ASP (Available Sum of Peaks) is the highest estimation of the mortality and exploitation rate and for the
number of peaks that the best growth curve can accumulate derivation of the recruitment pattern. The length-frequency
for a given value of length-frequency data. data and superimposed growth curve for S. canaliculatus
showed that peaks being hit by the growth curve from the
 Mortality months of June, July, August, September, November,
 Total mortality (Z) December 2002 and January 2003 were sample of bigger
The annual instantaneous rate of total mortality (Z) sizes (Fig. 5). Peaks from October 2002 to May 2003 hit by
was derived from the length converted catch-curve analysis the growth curve were samples dominated by smaller
utilizing the ELEFAN II routine [8]. Pooled length length groups. However, peaks which were not hit by the
frequency samples were converted into relative age growth curve were left unexplained. This may be possibly
frequency distributions by means of the inverse of the von caused by the heterogeneity of the sizes of the samples
Bertalanffy function for the species. The natural logarithm collected.
of the number of fish in each group divided by the change
in relative age was plotted against the relative age. The
annual instantaneous rate of total mortality was estimated
from the slope of the best fit line through the descending
data points using least-squares linear regression. Initial
ascending points representing fish not fully recruited to the
fishery or too small to be vulnerable to the gear were
excluded from the regression.

 Natural mortality (M)

Estimates of annual natural mortality rate (M) was Fig 5:- Restructured length-frequency data (ELEFAN I) and
obtained using the empirical formula derived by [29]: superimposed growth curve of Siganus canaliculatus Park
log M = -0.0066 – 0.279 log L∞ + 0.6453 log K + 0.4634 using a class interval of 1 cm. Estimated values are L∞ =
log T 33.20 cm, K = 0.54 y-1 with starting sample (SS) = 5 and
starting length (SL) = 31.45 cm.
K and L∞ are derived from the von Bertalanffy growth In the Rayong Gulf of Thailand, S. canaliculatus was
function estimated to have an L∞ and K values of 28.1 cm and 2.0 yr -1,
T is the annual mean temperature of 290C respectively [43]. In Hong Kong, this species had estimated
L∞ = 28.40 cm and K = 0.43 yr -1 [30], in the southern
 Fishing mortality (F) Arabian Gulf, L∞ = 24.8 cm and K = 1.0 yr -1 [11], and in
The annual estimates of fishing mortality (F) was Lagonoy Gulf of the Philippines, L∞ = 28.5 cm and K =
calculated by subtracting the natural mortality (M) from the 0.58 yr -1 [38]. The estimated value of L∞ for S.
total mortality Z (F = Z – M). canaliculatus in Panguil Bay was higher compared to those
obtained by [43], [30], [11] and [38]. The growth
 Exploitation rate (E) coefficient K value for S. canaliculatus estimated in
The existing exploitation rate (E) was calculated as Panguil Bay was lower than those estimates of [43], [11]
the proportion of the fishing mortality relative to the total and [38]. However, the estimated K was higher than the
mortality (E = F/Z). result of [30]. The high rate at which size is attained is a

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
manifestation of the general feature of the growth
characteristics for members of this species and is one of the
reasons for their mariculture potential [21]. Siganus
canaliculatus grows to a mean standard length of 8 cm in
about 3 months, 10 cm in about 4 months and 14 cm in 7-8
months [23].

This results obtained in Panguil Bay varies with that

of [43], [30], [11], and with [38]. The longer asymptotic
length L∞ value, however, had lower growth coefficient K
value obtained for S. canaliculatus which was typical value
for short-lived tropical fishes with fast biomass turn-over Fig 6:- Length-converted catch curve of Siganus
[27] This suggests that individuals of S. canaliculatus in canaliculatus Park caught by fish corral in Panguil Bay
Panguil Bay had a long, thin and slender body or it had an from June 2002 to May 2003.
intermediate size similar to those found in Lagonoy Gulf.
The observation made from the previous length-weight The length converted catch curve method was used in
relationship analysis showed that this species had a estimating the annual instantaneous rate of total mortality
negative allometric growth. Moreover, the variation in the (Z). It is based on the assumption that all of the relative
estimation of the growth parameters of the fish was age groups used in the analyses were equally vulnerable to
attributed to the prevailing environmental condition, the fishing gear and equally abundant at recruitment.
availability of food, water temperature fluctuation, water Violations of these assumptions may introduce errors [10].
current [11] and season [39]. In the southern Arabian Gulf,
the deposition of growth increments observed follows the A reported total mortality of 1.51 yr -1, natural
general pattern and formations of the opaque band appeared mortality of 0.66 yr -1 and a fishing mortality of 0.85 yr-1 for
to be closely associated with the increase in seawater S. canaliculatus was reported in the Southern Arabian Gulf
temperature [11]. [11]. In Hong Kong, [33] had reported a total mortality of
4.17 yr -1 for this species. In Lagonoy Gulf of the
Other factors that affect the variations in the Philippines, this species was reported to have a total
estimation of growth parameters were attributed to the mortality of 3.0 yr -1, natural mortality of 1.29 yr -1 and a
application of the methods that were used in analyzing the fishing mortality 1.71 yr -1. The derived value of total
length-frequency data from the respective studies (i.e., mortality from this study was higher compared to those of
Shepherd’s and Powell-Wetheral). The variation of the [11] and [38].
estimates was also caused by the manipulation of the
ELEFAN routine, that is in selecting the starting sampling The higher value of total mortality (Z) obtained is an
points. In addition, there was a wide range of possible indicative of the greater fishing mortality as effected by
combinations for the parameters L∞ and K of the von fishing pressure exerted to the individuals of S.
Bertalanffy growth function to select with given by similar canaliculatus in Panguil Bay. Siganus canaliculatus
score functions (Rn) for the non-parametric scoring using mostly caught by fish corral were of smaller length groups.
ELEFAN I [10]. The absence of larger individuals of S. canaliculatus in the
catch suggests that the larger length groups may have been
 Mortality and exploitation affected by fishing pressure of other fishing gears
The annual instantaneous rate of total mortality (Z) commonly used in the area like the underground filter nets
derived from the length converted catch curve was 3.80 yr-1 and bottom set gill nets. It was observed that juveniles and
(Fig. 6). Annual instantaneous rate of natural mortality mature individuals co-occurred. Their simultaneous co-
(M) was estimated at 1.18 yr -1 after using the empirical occurrence was attributed to the spawning time among
formula derived by [29]. The annual instantaneous rate of adults. This collective behaviour of the fish renders both
fishing mortality (F) was estimated at 2.62 yr -1. The the young and adults simultaneously vulnerable to high
estimated exploitation rate (E) was 0.69 yr -1. The exploitation [38]. Such value for Z, however, signifies very
correlation coefficient R2 value of 0.99 obtained in the low annual survival rates, typical for most short-lived
length converted catch curve analysis suggests strong tropical fish species but relatively imply a fast turnover
relationship between points selected in the catch curve. ratio [37]. It is also possible that the size and age
compositions and associated estimates of Z may have been
biased by ontogenetic or spawning migrations [11]. The
natural mortality (M) was lower compared to those
obtained by [38]. However, the fishing mortality (F) was
higher than the rate obtained by [38] and [11].

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
In the Gulf of Lagonoy, fishers exploited the IV. CONCLUSION
immature fish by capitalizing on their indigenous
knowledge of siganid settlement [38]. The “runs” or The best growth parameters estimated for S.
migration of juveniles toward the coast [43], [38], which canaliculatus were L∞ = 33.20 cm and K = 0.54 yr-1. The
fishers observed through the years, determine the timing of annual instantaneous rate of total mortality (Z) derived
fishing activities. Bagnets and seine nets were operated on from the length converted catch curve was 3.80 yr -1.
the same day juveniles occurred, particularly during new Annual instantaneous rate of natural mortality (M) was
moons. estimated at 1.18 yr -1. The annual instantaneous rate of
fishing mortality (F) was estimated at 2.62 yr -1.
In Panguil Bay, fishing is an important source of
livelihood among the population living in the coastal The higher value of total mortality (Z) obtained was
barangays. In 1980, a total about 4,000 persons comprised indicative of the greater fishing mortality as effected by
the fishing population in the coastal area, either part time or fishing pressure exerted to the individuals of S.
full time fishermen. Moreover, the number of fishing craft canaliculatus in Panguil Bay. S. canaliculatus mostly
was reported to increase from 2,033 in 1984 to 5,609 in caught by fish corral were samples belonging to the smaller
1991 [2] length groups. The absence of larger S. canaliculatus in the
catch may suggest that the larger length groups may have
The high estimated exploitation rate was a result of been affected by fishing pressure of other fishing gears like
the high levels of annual instantaneous rate of both fishing the underground filter nets and bottom set gill net
and total mortality. The fish stock to be optimally commonly used in the area.
exploited, fishing mortality (F) should be equal to natural
mortality (M), or Foptimum ≈ M, which corresponds to The estimated exploitation rate (E) of 0.69 yr-1
Eoptimum ≈ 0.5 (Pauly, 1984). The specified precautionary exceeded the Eoptimum = 0.5 was a result of the high levels of
target (Foptimum = 0.5 * M) and limit (Flimit = 2/3 * M) values annual instantaneous rate of both fishing and total
were considered to be appropriate biological reference mortality. The fishing mortality (F) of 2.62 yr -1 was
points, in particular given current management objectives greater than both the target (Foptimum ≈ 0.59 yr -1) and limit
which aimed at stock re-building and resource conservation (Flimit = 0.79 yr-1) biological reference points. This study
(Grandcourt, et al., 2007). The fishing mortality (F) of 2.62 revealed that white spotted rabbitfish (Siganus
yr -1 was greater than both the target (Foptimum ≈ 0.59 year -1) canaliculatus Park, 1797) in Panguil Bay are overexploited.
and limit (Flimit = 0.79 yr -1) biological reference points in Thus, fishery resource management interventions and
Panguil Bay. The results indicate that there is overfishing strategies for this species must be promulgated and
of S. canaliculatus in Panguil Bay. implemented.

 Recruitment The recruitment pattern derived for S. canaliculatus in

In Panguil Bay, there was only one pulse of annual Panguil Bay showed that there was only one pulse of
recruitment for S. canaliculatus (Fig. 7). This suggests annual recruitment. This demonstrates that recruitment of
that recruitment of new stock into the fishery is all year new stock of S. canaliculatus into the fishery is all year
round. round.


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