Bacterial Chemotaxis
Bacterial Chemotaxis
Bacterial Chemotaxis
One flagellum at one Spirochaetes The periplasmic flagella cause the cell to bend and
end, one or more gyrate. The cells exhibit smooth swimming,
flagella reversals, flexing and pausing. When the flagellar
subterminally at bundles at both cell poles rotate in opposite
each end. All the directions (one pulls and one pushes), the cell
flagella are swims in a rather straight line. When both bundles
contained within switch synchronously, the cell reverses. When
the periplasmic both bundles rotate in the same direction, the cell
space flexes
Table 3 Known stimuli and behavioural responses in bacteria been found only in mycoplasma gliding upstream in a
moving fluid. Some behavioural responses (e.g. chemo-
Stimulus Behavioural response taxis, thermotaxis, phototaxis and osmotaxis) apparently
Chemical Chemotaxis share, at least partially, a common molecular mechanism.
Electrical field Galvanotaxis The chemical stimuli for bacteria are diverse, and
Gravity Geotaxis or gravitaxis depend on the habitat in which the bacteria live. Sometimes
Light Phototaxis
a certain stimulant may act as a chemoattractant for one
Magnetic field Magnetotaxis bacterial species and as a chemorepellent for another. A
Moving fluid Rheotaxis few examples are listed in Table 4.
Osmolarity Osmotaxis This entry mainly concentrates on chemotaxis of E. coli
Temperature Thermotaxis and S. typhimurium, the most studied bacterial species.
Touch Thigmotaxis
Common chemical stimuli for E. coli are listed in Table 5.
Alcohols Ethanol, isopropanol
Polyalcohols Glycerol, ethylene glycol
Hydrophobic amino acids l-Leucine, l-valine
Inorganic ions Co2 1 , Ni2 1
Energy-linked chemicals Oxygen at 1 mmol L 2 1
Weak organic acids Acetate, benzoate
pH Acid, alkali
Others S2 2 , mercaptans (e.g. 2-propanethiol), indole
Structure of flagella
Bacterial flagella consist of three major parts (Figure 2): a
basal body, a hook and a filament. Although the structure
of bacterial flagella may vary in some respects between
species and families (e.g. Gram-positive and Gram-
negative bacteria), the main structural aspects are common
to all.
Basal body
The basal body of E. coli and S. typhimurium is composed
of a central rod surrounded by four rings: an M ring (M for
membrane, as this ring is located in the cytoplasmic
Figure 1 Flagella of Escherichia coli observed in transmission electron membrane), an S ring (S for supramembrane, as this ring is
microscope. Bar, 1 mm. located above the cytoplasmic membrane), a P (for
on which the functional components of the motor are
mounted. The P ring is built from the FlgI protein, and it is
linked by a cylindrical wall to the L ring, built from the
FlgH protein. (The L and P rings are apparently missing in
Gram-positive bacteria.) Another ring, the C ring (C for
cytoplasm), which contains the proteins FliM and FliN, is
attached via the FliG protein to the MS ring from beneath,
on the cytoplasmic side.
The hook, built of a single protein – FlgE, is a short (only
130 FlgE subunits, 55 nm long), curved structure that
connects the basal body to the flagellar filament (Figure 2).
Junction It is believed to serve as a flexible joint that converts the
torque, generated by the flagellar motor in the plane of the
cell surface, into a force having both vertical and
Central channel horizontal components.
L ring
Bushing The filament – built from 20 000 subunits of a single
P ring PL protein, flagellin (FliC) – is a highly rigid, helical structure,
MotB Periplasm
10–15 mm long, 23 nm in diameter. It is connected to the
body S ring (FliF) hook via a short junction composed of two hook-
M ring (FliF) CM associated proteins, HAP1 and HAP3. At the other end
of the filament there is a cap-like structure, composed of the
FliG Motor protein HAP2. The filament can be in a number of helical
Switch FliN
C ring
forms (nine such forms have been observed experimen-
FliM In tally), depending on the conditions. The default physiolo-
gical form is a left-handed helix. It can be converted to one
Figure 2 Escherichia coli or Salmonella typhimurium flagellum. The actual
of the other forms by a mechanical force (for example,
diameters of the rod, L, P, M, S and C rings are 15, 33, 26, 29, 27 and 47
nm, respectively. CM, cytoplasmic membrane; OM, outer membrane; PL, when the direction of flagellar rotation is changed – see
peptidoglycan layer. below) or by changing the pH or the ionic strength of the
suspending medium. The filament is passive and its
rotation is totally dependent on the flagellar motor
peptidoglycan) ring, and an L (for lipopolysaccharide) (Figure 2).
ring. The M and S rings constitute essentially one ring,
composed of a single protein, FliF. The MS ring is a
structural part of the flagellar motor (Figure 2; see below),
Link Between Flagellar Rotation and the destabilizes the left-handed helix. Consequently, the
flagella undergo a transition from a left-handed helix to a
Bacterial Swimming Behaviour right-handed one, and the transition propagates from the
flagellar junction with the cell body towards the distal end
Modes of swimming behaviour of the filament. However, because the periods of clockwise
Bacteria such as E. coli and S. typhimurium have two main rotation are relatively short and because of the occasional
swimming patterns: smooth swimming in a rather straight pauses, the transformation from left- to right-handed helix
line (a run) and a brief but abrupt turning motion (a is usually not complete. The consequence is that some
tumble). In the absence of stimuli the tumbles usually occur flagella have segments of opposite handedness within the
once every 1–5 s (depending on the bacterial strain). very same filament, resulting in a large angle between the
Consequently, the bacterial cells execute a random walk, segments (Figure 3a). This angle, which provides angular
composed of runs and tumbles with essentially no net motion to the bacterial cell, prevents bundle formation and
vectorial movement (Figure 3a). forces each flagellum to act separately (each exerts force in
a different direction), thus causing tumbling. In view of the
A run lack of synchrony between the flagella, tumbling possibly
occurs when only a few flagella on a given cell reverse to
The run is the consequence of counterclockwise rotation of
clockwise rotation. It is also possible that nearby flagella
the flagella. Because of the flagellar left-handed helicity,
mutually affect each other, but this is still an open question.
counterclockwise rotation exerts a pushing force on the
cell. Since the flagella around the cell have different lengths
and their distribution is not symmetric, the net force is not Swimming behaviour under stimulated
zero. Consequently the cell moves in the direction of the net
force and, due to the viscous drag of the medium, the
flagella are swept to the rear of the cell, amplify the net Positive stimulation decreases the probability of clockwise
force in the direction of movement, and form a left-handed rotation, whereas negative stimulation increases it. Con-
bundle (aligned with the long axis of the cell) that pushes sequently, positive stimulation suppresses the frequency of
the cell forward. tumbles, whereas negative stimulation increases it, and the
bacterial cells execute a random walk biased towards the
A tumble chemoattractant (Figure 3b) or away from the chemorepel-
The tumble is the consequence of clockwise rotation of the lent. (Runs in the ‘right’ direction are prolonged, and runs
flagella. Unlike counterclockwise rotation, which stabilizes in the ‘wrong’ direction are very short.) The end result is
the left-handed form of the flagella, clockwise rotation migration towards higher chemoattractant concentrations
Figure 3 Swimming behaviour of Escherichia coli cells. (a) nonstimulated conditions; (b) stimulated conditions.
and avoidance of chemorepellents. Thus the question of counterclockwise in the case of E. coli and S. typhimurium.
how the chemotaxis process is carried out in bacteria can be This means that the motor always rotates counterclock-
reduced to the regulation of the direction of flagellar wise (in the temperature range 20–378C), unless it receives
rotation. a signal to do otherwise. This also means that the function
of chemoattractants and chemorepellents is to inhibit and
activate the clockwise signal, respectively. The chemotactic
excitatory signal is transduced very fast: the response delay
Genes Controlling Chemotaxis time of the flagella is 120 ms or 50 ms in response to a
step increase in the concentration of a chemoattractant or a
The genes involved in controlling chemotaxis are listed in chemorepellent, respectively.
Table 7. The function of each of them is indicated in the
table and described in more detail below.
Two additional genes of E. coli and S. typhimurium, flhC How is a gradient of a stimulant sensed?
and flhD, are indirectly involved in controlling chemotaxis Bacteria like E. coli and S. typhimurium sense temporal
in the sense that they regulate the synthesis of the gradients of stimuli (gradients over time), as opposed to
chemotaxis machinery. These genes form a master operon spatial gradients (gradients over space). This means that
whose gene products control the expression of the genes bacteria compare, between sequential time points, the
involved in flagellar synthesis, motility and chemotaxis. occupancy of their chemotaxis receptors, i.e. they possess
This master operon is itself positively regulated by the kind of a short-term memory. This arrangement is optimal
intracellular levels of cyclic adenosine monophosphate for bacteria of this size and shape, taking into considera-
(cAMP) and its receptor. In this manner the metabolic tion that a change in receptor occupancy as small as 0.4%
state of the cell is linked to the expression of the motility elicits a detectable chemotactic response. It is not
and chemotaxis components. Thus, when the level of impossible, however, that bacterial species with larger
cAMP goes up (e.g. when glucose availability goes down), dimensions or different shapes sense spatial gradients.
the flhDC operon is rapidly transcribed, the motility and
chemotaxis machineries are synthesized, and the bacteria
can navigate themselves to better locations. The conventional signal transduction
pathway in E. coli
The components
Signal Transduction Pathways of The components of the conventional signal transduction
Chemotaxis pathway are chemotaxis receptors, proteins involved in
signal transduction and adaptation, and switch proteins
The locations of the chemotaxis receptors and the flagella that determine the direction of flagellar rotation. In
are different. For example, in E. coli the receptors are addition, there are components (e.g. Ca2 1 and fumarate)
clustered at the bacterial poles, whereas the flagella are that may be required for signal transduction, but it is not
randomly distributed around the cell. This prevents direct yet known how. There are two kinds of receptors:
interaction between the receptors and the flagella, and the chemotaxis-specific receptors, and dual-function receptors
communication between them is carried out by a sophis- involved in both chemotaxis and transport of the ligand.
ticated signal transduction system (Figure 4), which belongs
to the large family of two-component regulatory systems. Chemotaxis-specific receptors
The end result of this signal transduction is a change in the The chemotaxis-specific receptors, dipeptides termed
direction of flagellar rotation. The flagellar motor has a MCPs (for methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins), are
preferred direction of rotation, a default direction, expressed by the aer, tap, tar, tsr and trg genes (Table 7).
They are clustered at the bacterial poles (one or both of
CCW CW them). The MCPs are closely related to each other both in
amino acid sequence and in structure. They are, however,
CheY different with respect to their abundance (Table 7), the
the presence of Tsr and Tar to function in adaptation. linker protein, CheW (Figure 4). CheY is thus one part of
Therefore, to be functional in adaptation, the minor MCPs the quaternary complex receptor: CheW:CheA:CheY.
must interact with major MCPs, and this may be one of the
reasons for the organization of the receptors in clusters. Signal transduction in response to negative stimulation
Under nonstimulated conditions, the phosphorylation
Dual-function receptors level of CheY is relatively low. Accordingly, the extent of
Chemoattractant sugars do not bind to the MCPs directly. CheY P binding to the switch and, consequently, the
They either bind to a specific periplasmic binding protein probability of clockwise rotation are low. This situation
involved in both chemotaxis and transport of the sugar results in predominant counterclockwise rotation and
(e.g. the galactose-, maltose- and ribose-binding proteins), occasional clockwise rotation, and the bacterial swimming
or they bind to a specific Enzyme II (for glucose, mannose, behaviour mainly consists of runs with occasional tumbles.
mannitol and others) of the phosphoenolpyruvate-depen- A negative stimulus shifts the receptor to an active form
dent sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS). The re- that, together with CheW, stimulates the autophosphor-
sponses to both types of sugar chemoattractants are, ylation of CheA. This activation of CheA appears to
however, mediated by MCPs. The periplasmic binding involve a high-order interaction between receptor dimers
proteins bind to a specific MCP (Tar or Trg) and thus elicit in a structure that involves 7 receptor dimers per each
a chemotactic signal. In the case of a PTS sugar, the PTS CheA dimer. When CheA autophosphorylates, it instan-
Enzyme I modulates the kinase activity of the complex taneously phosphorylates CheY which, in turn, dissociates
MCP-CheW-CheA. Like the MCPs, at least some of the from the quaternary complex. CheY P has a relatively
dual-function receptors (e.g. the periplasmic maltose- high affinity for the switch protein FliM and for the
binding protein) are clustered at the bacterial poles, phosphatase CheZ. Binding to the switch results in
probably in order to allow direct interaction with the increased probability of clockwise rotation and, therefore,
MCPs. the cell tumbles frequently (Figure 4). Binding to CheZ
sequentially results in CheZ oligomerization and delayed
Switch proteins activation of its phosphatase activity. Consequently
The switch, a complex of three proteins – FliG, FliM and CheY P is dephosphorylated after a delay and the
FliN (Figure 2) – is the target of the signal from the clockwise signal is terminated. This termination may be
receptors. It is known that each protein in the complex required to avoid lengthy tumbling events (a brief tumble is
interacts with the other two proteins, but the structure of sufficient for reorientation), to avoid persistent clockwise
the complex is still obscure. The complex is linked to the rotation (persistent clockwise rotation leads to formation
MS ring of the flagellar motor via FliG, forming the of a bundle of right-handed flagella, resulting in a run), or
switch–motor complex. for adaptation (see below).
It should be pointed out that it is not known how a
Proteins mediating receptor–switch communication within chemorepellent activates the receptor. No binding of any
the cell chemorepellent to any chemotaxis receptor has been
demonstrated although, in vivo, the responses to most
The molecule that delivers the clockwise signal to the chemorepellents are mediated by one or more MCPs. It
switch–motor complex is the chemotaxis protein CheY was proposed that the MCPs are low-affinity receptors for
(Figure 4). This protein – a response regulator of a two- chemorepellents.
component regulatory system – can be in two main states,
phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated. The phosphory- Signal transduction in response to positive stimulation
lated site is Asp57. CheY is phosphorylated by CheA, an
autophosphorylatable histidine kinase. The autopho- Positive stimulation (e.g. binding of a chemoattractant to
sphorylation site on CheA is His48. It is only present in the receptor) shifts the receptor to a form that, together
the long form of CheA, CheAL (Table 7). Phosphorylated with CheW, inhibits the autophosphorylation of CheA.
CheY (CheY P) is dephosphorylated spontaneously or (Under these conditions the complex unit is thought to
in enhanced manner by a specific phosphatase, CheZ involve an MCP dimer per each CheA dimer.) Therefore,
(Figure 4). (The term phosphatase is used here in the the steady-state level of CheY P drops down, and the
broader sense and it does not imply a specific mechanism of probability of clockwise rotation decreases. The outcome
CheZ action.) The short form of CheA, CheAS, forms of this situation is prolonged runs and rare tumbles. Under
complexes with CheW and CheZ and activates the latter, at certain conditions, CheZ might be involved in lowering the
least in vitro. CheY can also be phosphorylated by small CheY P level.
phosphodonors that reside in the cell (e.g. acetyl phos-
phate), but their contribution is negligible relative to that Signal transduction in response to multiple inputs
of CheA. When nonphosphorylated, CheY is bound to Generally speaking, when a cell is exposed to a number of
CheA, which itself is bound to the MCP receptor via a chemotactic stimuli, there appears to be only one type of
response, i.e. the different inputs are integrated (though Variations on signal transduction pathways in
they are not necessarily additive). This applies also to cases other bacterial species
in which bacteria are exposed to a chemoattractant and a
chemorepellent together; however, when the response is More than one signal transduction pathway
analysed in fast kinetics, the response to the chemorepel- As the genome sequences of more and more bacterial
lent precedes the response to the chemoattractant. species become available, it turns out that, unlike E. coli,
The mechanism by which all the stimulated receptors which has only one set of che genes, a significant
function in concert is still a mystery. Thus, at least in vitro, proportion of the bacterial strains have two or more sets
the kinase CheA is linked to an MCP receptor at a ratio of of che genes. This suggests that these strains possess at least
1:1 when the former is not active, and at a ratio of 1: 7 two signal transduction pathways. For example, R.
when active (Figure 4). It is not at all clear how signalling by sphaeroides has 12 MCPs (some of which are in the
receptors, which constitute only a small fraction of the cytoplasm), three CheA, two CheR, three CheW and four
total number of receptors, can affect a sufficient number of CheY (but only one CheB and no CheZ). By studying
kinase molecules so that the observed swimming response proper mutants of R. sphaeroides it was demonstrated that
is extreme, rather than in proportion to the receptor this species indeed has two (or more) pathways. It is not yet
abundance. The same question holds for partial occupancy known whether the different pathways work in parallel or
of any chemotaxis receptor, bearing in mind that whether each is functional (or expressed) under different
occupancy as small as 0.4% is sufficient to elicit a conditions.
detectable chemotactic response. It is reasonable that the
receptor clustering provides an amplification mechanism, Lack of CheZ
or that it enables interreceptor communication, which
Many bacterial species do not contain CheZ. Such species
temporarily stops conflicting signalling from nonstimu-
usually have more than one CheY, one of which may fulfil a
lated receptors.
role analogous to that of CheZ. This was demonstrated in
the case of S. meliloti, where one of the CheY proteins may
assume the role of a ‘phosphatase’ by acting as a phosphate
Nonconventional signal transduction Different inputs
pathways in E. coli In contrast to E. coli, where chemoattractants are sensed
It was recently found that E. coli strains, lacking most of on the bacterial surface, there are bacterial species in which
the MCPs and the known chemotaxis machinery but chemoattractants or their metabolites are detected intra-
containing high levels of CheY, have a chemotactic-like cellularly. For example, in the case of R. sphaeroides the
response to conventional chemoattractants and chemor- sugars mannitol and fructose have to be transported into
epellents. These findings raise the possibility that, at least the cell and perhaps metabolized to be detected. This may
when the conventional signal transduction components are explain the finding that in this species some of the MCPs
missing, a nonconventional chemotactic signal transduc- reside intracellularly.
tion pathway might be functional in E. coli. The identity of
Different outputs
the components involved in this pathway is not known.
In other studies it was found that E. coli strains, lacking In some species the outcome of CheY P interaction with
most of the conventional signal transduction components the switch is different from the outcome in E. coli. In H.
but expressing CheY, are able to respond to the salinarium, for example, CheY P appears to increase the
chemorepellents indole and benzoate. This phosphoryla- switching probability rather than the clockwise probability
tion-independent signal transduction involves inhibition of the motor. In Bacillus subtilis, phosphorylation of CheY
of the enzyme fumarase by these chemorepellents, resulting apparently decreases (rather than increases) the clockwise
in elevation of the intracellular level of fumarate. Fumarate probability. In S. meliloti, an interaction of CheY P with
interacts with the switch–motor complex and, by an the flagellar motor appears to slow down the rotation
unknown mechanism, reduces the free energy difference instead of changing its direction (the flagella of S. meliloti
of the counterclockwise-to-clockwise transition. Thereby rotate only in one direction; Table 1).
it increases the probability of the clockwise state.
Other studies demonstrated that CheY can undergo Signal transduction in large bacterial species
acetylation (on lysine residues 92 and 109) by the enzyme The signal transduction pathways discussed above are
acetyl coenzyme A (AcCoA) synthetase and directly by essentially networks of interacting enzymes, resulting in a
AcCoA. The physiological role of this acetylation, which relatively short signalling range. They are, therefore, not
results in CheY activation probably at a postswitch- suitable for large (longer than 20 mm) bacterial species.
binding step, is not known. Indirect evidence suggests that in such species (e.g.
Spirillium volutans, Rhodospirillum rubrum, Thiospirillum consequent increased methylesterase (demethylation) ac-
jenense and cyanobacteria) the signal is electrical in nature. tivity.
Perhaps the most convincing evidence was obtained in Thus, negative stimulation results in enhanced autopho-
spirochaetes, where neurotoxins, which affect the action sphorylation of CheA, which, in turn, increases the steady-
potential in excitable eukaryotic cells, were found to inhibit state phosphorylation level of CheY and, more slowly, of
chemotaxis, and where clamping the membrane potential CheB. Upon phosphorylation, CheB is activated, the
at 0 mV had a similar inhibiting effect. MCPs are demethylated, and the probability of clockwise
rotation decreases to the prestimulus level. Positive
stimulation inhibits CheA autophosphorylation. CheR,
more slowly, methylates the MCP. The methylated MCP
enhances CheA autophosphorylation and the end result is
Adaptation increased probability of clockwise rotation and restoration
of the prestimulus level. (In B. subtilis, in contrast to E. coli
Adaptation is the process of recovery from a stimulated and S. typhimurium, the methyltransferase CheR is
behaviour when the stimulus is still present. Adaptation is involved in adaptation to negative stimulation and the
essential for every behavioural system because it allows methylesterase CheB in adaptation to positive stimula-
detection of small changes in the stimulus level on top of a tion.)
constant stimulation level. In the case of bacterial
chemotaxis, adaptation enables bacteria to respond to
new stimuli in the presence of constant levels of chemoat- Methylation-independent adaptation
tractants and/or chemorepellents. Bacterial adaptation is
There is evidence that, although methylation-defective
precise, in the sense that the postadaptation swimming
mutants (cheB cheR mutants) of E. coli are defective in
behaviour is exactly like the prestimulus behaviour.
adaptation, they can still adapt to a certain extent. This
Furthermore, this precision is robust; namely, it is
suggests that there is an additional, methylation-indepen-
independent of the exact level of the proteins involved in
dent adaptation mechanism. Such a mechanism may be
adaptation. However, the steady-state tumbling frequency
provided by CheZ. As indicated above, both the activation
and the adaptation time do vary with the protein
and deactivation of the phosphatase function of CheZ are
concentrations. In E. coli, there appear to be at least two
delayed. The apparent consequence of the delay is that the
adaptation mechanisms: methylation-dependent and
modulation of the phosphatase activity occurs only after
the excitatory signal is complete. Therefore, the delayed
activation and deactivation appear to constitute an
Methylation-dependent adaptation adaptation mechanism, which ensures that the phosphor-
ylation level is partially set back close to the prestimulus
The cytoplasmic domain of each MCP contains 4–6 level. Accordingly, cheZ mutants adapt slower than wild-
methylatable glutamate residues. The side-chain of each type mutants. It is not known whether the delayed
of these glutamate residues can be methylated by CheR – a activation and deactivation of CheZ is actually the
specific methyltransferase. (Some of these methylation methylation-independent adaptation mentioned above.
sites are encoded as glutamine residues which, posttran- One of the possibilities is that CheZ mediates the first step
slationally, are converted to glutamate residues by CheB.) of adaptation, while the second, slower step, which
The formed methyl ester bond can be hydrolysed by CheB includes the precise tuning of the direction of flagellar
– a specific methylesterase. A methylated MCP transmits a rotation, is mediated by the methylation system.
clockwise signal to the flagella, whereas demethylated
MCP transmits a counterclockwise signal. These signals
are presumably caused by conformational changes in the Further Reading
cytoplasmic, signalling domain of the MCP.
Adler J (1976) The sensing of chemicals by bacteria. Scientific American
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methylation reaction is enhanced by chemoattractants Eberl L, Molin S and Givskov M (1999) Surface motility of Serratia
and inhibited by chemorepellents, but the mechanism liquefaciens MG1. Journal of Bacteriology 181: 1703–1712.
underlying these effects is not known. Conversely, the Eisenbach M (1991) Signal transduction in bacterial chemotaxis.
demethylation reaction is enhanced by chemorepellents Modern Cell Biology 10: 137–208.
and inhibited by chemoattractants. This is mainly the Eisenbach M (1996) Control of bacterial chemotaxis. Molecular
Microbiology 20: 903–910.
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