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Shre Pump System - en PDF

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SHRE Pump System

Surface Helical Rotor Evolution Pump

Additional Manual for Installation and Operation

The Solar Water Pumping Company


Table of Contents

1 Naming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

2 Pump System Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

3 Operating Conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

4 SHRE Pump Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

4.1 Pump Motor Wiring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.2 Installation and Handling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.2.1 Placement and Foundation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.2.2 Suction Head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.2.3 Maximum Internal Pressure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.2.4 Initial Start-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Thank you for purchasing a LORENTZ pump system. LORENTZ has set a new standard for quality, efficiency and
durability in solar pumping.

Before you begin: All pump systems are equipped with nameplates, which contain all important data. Check the model
numbers of all the components of your system, verify that they are the items that you ordered and ensure that the packaging
is undamaged and complete. To allow best system performance and to avoid damage read and follow the installation
instructions carefully.

How to use this guide: This manual for the installation of SHRE surface pumps is meant to be a supplement to our PS2
solar pumping system manual. The PS2 manual is required to install the SHRE surface pump system. The PS2
manual can be found on partnerNET.

PumpScanner: PumpScanner, the LORENTZ Android™ App, is needed to configure advanced functions and data logging in
the PS2. PumpScanner will also assist in the day to day operation of the PS2 controller and add value to your customers.

PumpScanner can be downloaded from the Google Play store, search for LORENTZ PumpScanner. If you do not have access
to a Play store in your country, please download the app from

Further information on use of PumpScanner including detailed functions and installation are available in the PumpScanner
manual on partnerNET.
4 Naming

1 Naming
Pump model definition for SHRE pumps:

S/HR/E - 23 H/HH/L - 1

temperature class

high lift / very high lift /

long rotor

rated flow (cm³/revolution)

surface/helical rotor/

2 Pump System Layout

CAUTION – This graphic illustrates an example of a
pump system layout. For system installation and wiring
read and follow the detailed instructions given in the
PS2 manual and the SHRE additional manual.

PV generator Sun Sensor module PV disconnect PS2 controller float switch

surge protector

water meter
grounding rod filler
pressure sensor

well probe SHRE pump

or float switch
water sensor
gate valve

non-return valve

filter cage
Operating Conditions 5

3 Operating Conditions
Ambient requirements: PS2 pump systems can be oper- Temp. class 1: 5-25°C (41-77°F)
ated up to 3000 meters above sea level and at an ambient Optimum operating temp.: 15°C (59°F)
temperature of up to 50°C. When the temperature reaches
the limit the power will be reduced automatically. The PS2 Temp. class 2: 15-35°C (59-95°F)
controller is designed for use in environments classified as Optimum operating temp.: 25°C (77°F)
pollution degree 3 in accordance with IEC-664-1: Conduc-
tive pollution occurs, or dry non-conductive pollution, which Temp. class 3: 25-45°C (77-113°F)
becomes conductive due to condensation, is to be expected. Optimum operating temp.: 35°C (95°F)

PS2 SHRE pump - The maximum water temperature at Temp. class 4: 35-55°C (95-131°F)
which the surface pump can start is varying for different Optimum operating temp.: 45°C (113°F)
temperature classes:
The pumps have a tolerance range of ±2°C (±3.6°F) regard-
Temp. class 1: max. 30°C (86°F) ing the respective temperature ranges.
Temp. class 2: max. 40°C (104°F)
Temp. class 3: max. 50°C (122°F) CAUTION – The above temperature ran-
Temp. class 4: max. 60°C (140°F) ges are only valid for SHRE surface pumps
and not for HR submersible pumps.
The pumps have a tolerance range of ±2°C (±3.6°F) regard-
ing the respective temperatures. CAUTION – Operating the pump outside
of the specified temperature range can
CAUTION – If the SHRE surface pump is lead to reduced efficiency and/or damage
operated outside the specified water the pump and can void the warranty.
temperature, the pump will not be able to
start. INFORMATION – Due to the precise
tolerances within LORENTZ HR pumps
Fluid: LORENTZ PS2 Helical Rotor (HR) and Centrifugal there may be situations where a higher
pumps can be used for drinking water supply, livestock temperature class pump than the actual
watering and irrigation applications not containing solid or water temperature is recommended.
long fibred particles larger than sand grains, with a max. These recommendations are based on prior
grain size of 2 mm. The max. permitted sand content is 50 experience of local water impurities and
ppm. A higher sand content will reduce the pump life con- particulates within the water.
siderably due to wear. The max. salt content is 300-500 ppm
at max. 30°C / 86°F. Defects due to pumping other liquids
are not covered by the warranty.

Fluid temperature: Depending on the type of your

LORENTZ pump system, different requirements for fluid
temperatures apply.

PS2 SHRE pump – Designing and building helical rotor

pumps for a narrow range of fluid temperature is important
to ensure the best possible efficiency. LORENTZ PS2 helical
rotor surface pumps are available in four different temper-
ature classes:
6 SHRE Pump Installation

4 SHRE Pump Installation

The ECDRIVE is water lubricated and therefore prefilled with CAUTION – The pump must be mounted
water. If the motor is stored for more than three months, the horizontally.
water will have been pressed out. The rotor must be turned
by hand before use to ensure that the rotor is not stuck. CAUTION – The pump must be installed
in the shade.
4.1 Pump Motor Wiring
CAUTION – Helical rotor pumps (HR
For motor wiring please refer to „8.3.1 Wiring the Pump“ in pumps) have an eccentric rotor that cau-
the PS2 manual. ses vibration when the pump is running.
This vibration is normal and will not dam-
CAUTION – The wiring for the HR age the pump. Plumbing equipment such
surface pumps has to be done very as pipe connectors, pipes, etc. must be
carefully and accurate. Due to the hidden able to withstand vibrations and should
motor in the pipe housing, the wrong be made of decent quality.
rotation cannot be detected quickly and
can lead to damage.
Dry-run protection
Figure 1: Example of a LORENTZ SHRE surface pump
To protect the pump from being damaged by dry running
a Liquid Level Switch has been installed inside the pump

The Liquid Level Switch contains a mechanical float with a

magnet inside. When enough water is available in the pump
enclosure, the float rises, and the magnet actuates a switch.
The switch closes (makes contact) to indicate the presence
4.2 Installation and Handling of water. If the water level drops below the float, the float
drops, and the switch opens (breaks contact). The controller
WARNING – Fix the support feet on will stop the pump. When the water level recovers and the
the pump stator. One support foot must switch closes again, the controller will delay the restart for
be fixed near the Non-Return Valve (NR 15 minutes for the water level to recover. To force a quick
Valve) to avoid bending forces and dam- restart, turn the controller off, then on again.
ages on the pump end. A wrong installa-
tion position can void the warranty. Figure 3: Liquid Level Switch

Figure 2: SHRE surface pump scheme Liquid Level Switch

Pipe enclosure Non-return valve

Front end cap
Rear end

Support feet
Rubber feet
The Liquid Level Switch must be wired to the controller at
terminal 1 and 2, cf. „7.6.3 Pump Accessories Wiring“ in the
PS2 manual.
SHRE Pump Installation 7

Always make sure that the pump inlet window is not facing Pipe system
to the liquid level switch. The inlet window should show to
the top to prevent wrong triggering of the sensor by the We advise that pipe expansion joints are used close to the
water flow. pump on both inlet and outlet to reduce noise and vibration.
It is recommended that you install a gate valve in the
Figure 4: Liquid Level Switch position suction and discharge pipeline close to the pump to avoid
draining of the pipe while cleaning (e.g. filters), repairing,
servicing or replacing the pump system.

WARNING – Inlet and outlet pipes must

be mounted to the pump housing free of

CAUTION – Make sure that the suction

pipe is sealed with no leaks, otherwise
the pump will lose priming and eventually
run dry.

Check valve
CAUTION – Never let the pump run dry.
Dry running will damage the pump and If the pump is used as a suction pump, a check valve at the
void the warranty. LORENTZ requires a dry inlet pipe is needed to assure that the pump and its suction
run protection for every pump system. pipeline remains completely water filled during the time the
pump is switched OFF. Always install a check valve with one
CAUTION – The pump unit must be inch (1”) larger diameter than the suction pipe in order to
positioned horizontally. Otherwise the dry avoid too much suction pressure drop. For example, if the
running protection will not work. suction pipe size is 3”, then a 4” check valve should be

If pipelines are welded together metal pieces might be

present in the pipeline. Before pump installation, the inlet
pipeline must be carefully cleaned. It is recommended to
install a strainer about 1m/3 ft in front of the pump inlet
to avoid pump damage due to any kind of impurities.The
pressure drop of the strainer must be considered in the
suction lift calculation.
8 SHRE Pump Installation

4.2.1 Placement and Foundation 4.2.3 Maximum Internal Pressure

Rain and weather protection In case the SHRE surface pump is used as a booster pump
the maximum pressure inside the pump enclosure should
If the pump is installed outside, it must be installed in a not exceed 2.5 bar. Please contact LORENTZ if higher
shaded location and protected from direct sunlight. Please pressure inside the pipe is required.
refer to „3 Operating Conditions“ on page 5 for the
maximum allowed water temperature at which the pump is 4.2.4 Initial Start-up
still able to start.
CAUTION – Never start the pump if it
CAUTION – If the pump is not in the is not filled with water and has not been
shade, it cannot be guaranteed that the vented. The pump and suction pipe must
pump can start when standing under the be fully filled with clean water otherwise
sun for a long time. the pump will be damaged.

Foundation The wiring has to be done very carefully

and accurate. Due to the hidden motor
It is recommended to install the pump on a concrete foun- in the pipe housing, the wrong rotation
dation. The foundation must be level and stable enough to cannot be detected quickly and can cause
carry and support the whole pump unit and the connected damages.
Make sure that the Liquid Level Switch
Connecting the pump to the foundation is connected to the controller before
starting the pump.
If required, rubber dampers with double end M5 bolts can
be used to avoid any movement and sliding of the pump Filling the Pump with Water
unit on the foundation.
The pump and the whole suction pipe must be fully filled
Figure 5: Rubber damper with double end bolts with clean water. For this purpose:

Step 1: Close the gate valve in the outlet pipe and loosen
the air vent screw.

Step 2:
For Suction pump: fill clean water into the pump through
the filler pipe which is located before the pump inlet on the
suction side until the pump and the suction pipeline are
completely filled with water.

For Booster pump: open the gate valve in the suction pipe
4.2.2 Suction Head slowly until the water streams out continuously.

The maximum suction head is 3.5 m. Please contact Step 3: Fasten the air vent screw.
LORENTZ for specific suction head requirements.
SHRE Pump Installation 9

Figure 6: Vent Screw HR surface pump

CAUTION – Installing a suitable filler

pipe is highly recommended for proper
priming of the pump system. A pump sys-
tem which is not primed completely will
likely get damaged when it is switched

A non-return valve must be installed at

the start of the inlet pipeline, otherwise
it is impossible to prime the pump suc-

WARNING – Do not start the pump until

it has been filled completely with water.

Make sure that the installed shutoff

valves in the suction and pressure lines
are completely open during operation, the
pump must never run with shutoff valves

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