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Fact Sheet Adhd

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FACT SHEET – ADHD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder)

Introduction to ADHD

All people, whether they are old or young, male or female, sometimes have difficulty sitting still,
paying attention, and controlling impulsive acts. But when these problems occur so often that
they get in the way of day-to-day life, they may be signs of a neurodevelopmental condition
called ADHD. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common condition that
causes inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, or both.

ADHD interferes with a person’s ability to:

 regulate activity level (hyperactivity)

 inhibit behaviour (impulsivity)
 attend to the task at hand (inattention)

ADHD affects many areas of functioning, including:

 self-control of behaviour
 school achievement
 development of social skills and positive relationships

Unless ADHD is identified and properly treated, persons with ADHD are at higher risk for:

 school failure
 depression
 problems with relationships
 substance abuse
 delinquency
 risk for accidental injuries
 job failure

For these reasons, it is very important to identify and treat ADHD early.

How common is ADHD?

ADHD is very common. On average, it affects 5% of school-aged children around the world, or
about one in every 20 children. This means that in many countries, there may be one or two
children with ADHD in every classroom. ADHD is about three times more common in boys than
in girls. However, ADHD is often easier to recognize and diagnose in boys, so the ratio of boys
to girls in clinical practice is often higher still – about seven to nine boys for every girl. Girls with
ADHD are more likely to be overlooked. ADHD also affects about 4% of adults, or about one
adult in 25.

ADHD is called a disorder, suggesting that people either do or do not have ADHD. In fact,
though, ADHD symptoms occur on a continuum, like blood pressure. A child may have some

Deborah Galama, Disability Services, May 2009

inattentive or hyperactive symptoms without actually meeting the criteria for ADHD. These
children may also be at risk for poor school outcomes such as poor grades and grade

ADHD and school

Learning problems are a key feature of ADHD. Students with ADHD are at risk for:
 low scores on schoolwork and standardized achievement tests
 repeating a grade
 dropping out of high school

People with ADHD often have problems with:

 concentration
 working memory
 self-regulation and staying focused on a task
 processing speed

All these can cause problems with school work. In addition, people with ADHD often have one
or more learning disabilities as well.

Medication can help with the symptoms of ADHD, but it usually does not address the other
problems that can interfere with learning. Medication also cannot make up for gaps in learning
that may have occurred before the person started receiving treatment. It is very important that
children with ADHD get the right support at home and in school to help them reach their full

ADHD and college or university

Many students with ADHD do graduate from high school and enroll in college and university. A
recent survey of university students showed that 2.9% of male students and 3.9% of female
students have ADHD symptoms.

These findings are encouraging; they show that many students with ADHD go on to higher
education. On the other hand, college life is challenging to students with ADHD. They may
continue to have social, academic, and behaviour problems.

ADHD and other conditions

ADHD rarely occurs by itself. People with ADHD often have:

 other types of co-existing mental health problems, such as oppositional defiant

behaviour, aggression, or high levels of anxiety
 learning disabilities, such as reading disability (dyslexia) and language impairments

These problems may further increase the risk for poor outcomes.

Excerpted from:

Deborah Galama, Disability Services, May 2009

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