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On Page SEO Strategy Guide PDF

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On-Page SEO

Strategy Guide
How To Optimise And Improve
Your Content’s Ranking
Table of Contents

01 / Introduction ............................................................................................................ 3

02 / History of SEO ........................................................................................................ 4

03 / How To Get Started With On-Page SEO .............................................................. 7

04 / Topic Clusters Site Architecture ............................................................................ 15

05 / Analyse Results ....................................................................................................... 22

06 / Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 23


01 /

The last few years have been especially exciting in the SEO industry with a series
of algorithm updates and search engine optimisation developments escalating in
increased pace.

Keeping up with all of these changes can be difficult, but proving return on investment
can be even harder.

The world of SEO is changing. This ebook provides you with a brief history of the
SEO landscape, introduces strategies for on- and off-page SEO, and shares reporting
tactics that will allow you to track your efforts and identify their return.


02 /
History of SEO

Search engines are constantly improving the search experience and therefore SEO is
in a nonstop transformation. Google have had several broad core algorithm updates
just in 2018 focusing on content relevance.

Changing search behaviour urges search engines to continuously improve algorithm

to be able show more relevant search results. To process the search results better
Google has made a machine-learning artificial intelligence system called RankBrain as
part of their search algorithm.

There have been several major disrupting factors in organic search in recent years such
as local search, mobile search and voice search. Local search results have been rapidly
growing in significance ever since Pigeon update in 2014. In addition, Google’s mobile
update of April 2015 gave a boost to mobile friendly websites as all non-mobile-
friendly websites started getting lower rankings.

In 2015 alone, voice search increased from 0% to 10% of all search volume globally and
is expected to grow to 50% by 2020. Voice search has further increased the importance
of localisation in SEO. This is a great opportunity for local businesses to optimise SEO
for local results and SERP features.

Google rolls out several broad core algorithm updates a year as well as smaller focused
updates even several times a day.


Google Pigeon Update in
Google Payday Update July was aimed to improve
in June was aimed to distance and location
clean up search results for ranking parameters for
heavily spammed queries. local search results.

2013 2014 2015

Google Hummingbird Google Mobile Friendly

update in September Update in April was
was designed to take the designed to give a boost
full query into account to mobile-friendly pages
so results would match in Google’s mobile search
the meaning of the full results.


Google introduced Google Penguin Update
RankBrain in October (2012) is part of the core In August, Google
which is a machine algorithm in September released the Medic
learning algorithm that which evaluates websites Update to resolve the
filters search results to and links in real time and large ranking fluctuation
give users the best answer devalues link rather than of websites in the medical
to their query. page rank. and health industries.

2016 2017 2018

Google Mobilegeddon In January, Google rolled In March 2018, Google

(Mobile-Friendly Update out a penalty to punish rolled out mobile-first
#2) launched in May aggressive interstitials indexing and ranking to
increased the ranking and pop-ups that might better help mobile users
signal to show more damage the mobile user find what they’re looking
pages that are relevant experience. for.
and mobile friendly.


03 /
How To Get Started With On-Page SEO

1. Keyword Research

What might have worked for SEO just a few years ago, no longer applies today. You
have to cater to the user and search engines, that are constantly updating algorithms
to provide better search results. Long-tail keywords are increasingly valuable as search
engines are being advanced more and more to match the user’s specific queries as
precisely as possible looking at phrases instead of single keywords.

Long-tail keywords are longer keyword phrases usually containing three or more words.
In addition, long-tail keywords tend to be easier to rank for as the search volume is
lower. Search volume of the selected keywords should be high enough to generate a
good amount of traffic to your website but selecting keywords with very high search
volume may present a challenge due to high competition for those keywords.

A good rule of thumb is to go for the low hanging fruits - the keywords that with little
effort can make your site rank higher.


What’s a long-tail keyword?

Here’s an example that shows the difference between long-tail keywords and the
corresponding head term.

As HubSpot article “6 ways to do keyword research using HubSpot” suggests, you need
to put yourself in the shoes of your potential customers and create buyer personas.
These personas will help you to understand what your audience is searching for. Don´t
forget to speak to your customer support and sales teams as they have valuable insight
of topics your customers care about.

Look at the top blogs in your industry and see what topics and keywords you can
use in planning your content. There are many ways to do keyword research such as
Google Ads Keyword Planner and Ubersuggest as mentioned in AccuRanker blog
article “How to get started with SEO”. If you run out of ideas when adding keywords
in AccuRanker, you can also get keyword suggestions in AccuRanker itself.


2. Mobile and Desktop Keywords

Do you know from which devices your online traffic is coming from? You can use
Google Analytics to see what percentage of your audience uses desktop versus mobile.
With mobile search continuing to increase its market share over desktop, we always
recommend tracking on both device types. It is vital to have a detailed overview of
how your website ranks in mobile versus desktop search queries, such as shown in the
image below.

3. Optimise Page Titles and Meta Descriptions

Optimise the website´s content for search engines by using your primary keywords in
the URL, title, header, meta description, and body.

Let’s start by understanding what meta tags are and which are the most important for
improving your site’s SEO. Using meta tags is a good way for you to provide search
engines with information about your site.

Meta tags basically are snippets of text that provide information about a page’s content.
Meta tags don’t appear on the page itself, but only in the page’s code. Meta tags are
added to the <head> section of your HTML page. Google is able to read both HTML
and XHTML-style meta tags, regardless of the code used on the page.


Make sure to create descriptive page titles and ensure that every page on your site has
a title specified in the <title> tag. The goal of the snippet and title is to best represent
and describe each result and explain how it relates to the user’s query. You want to be
sure to include the keywords you want to rank for. Include your primary keywords but
avoid keyword stuffing (including a long list of keyword synonyms).

Make sure your titles are distinct and descriptive so both, search engines and visitors,
can easily understand and navigate your site. You can test your page title by optimising
page title and seeing if it gets more traffic within a month.

Every page on your site should have a meta

description. Meta description tag provides a
short description of the page. However, Google
sometimes tends to pick a snippet of text from
the page itself, meaning that description tag
won’t always show up in the results for a Google
search, but it’s useful in other ways.

Google has also stated that keywords in meta descriptions won’t affect your rankings.
However, a compelling meta description tag could encourage searchers to click
through from the SERP to your site, especially if the description includes the keywords
they were searching for.

Meta description length has been changing. After Google increated meta title
description in 2017, it has been reduced again in 2018 and is now recommended to be
between 120 and 158 characters for Google. This is due to different maximum lengths
for mobile and desktop. Make sure to include to most important information first.

Are you wondering what a good meta description looks like? Check out the examples
on the next page.


SERPs that we love


4. Optimise Page Content

It is also crucial to add your primary keyword in headings, content, image titles, alt text,
and URLs. Image alt tags or alt attributes are used to describe an image so that search
engines can understand the image’s subject matter. The ultimate aim for adding more
context around images is to provide a great user experience and use visuals to be
found in Google Images as more and more people search for visual information. The
alt and title attributes of an image are commonly referred to as alt tag or alt text and
title tag – even though they’re not technically tags. Note that the alt image tag should
only provide information that is present in the photo.

In 2017 Google started showing badges (such as “recipe” or “ingredients”) on certain

results to aid users in the search process. In addition, Google also added the website’s
domain URL for each result to show users where the image is coming from. This
presents you with an opportunity to increase high quality organic traffic to your site
by adding context around images, like image captions, prominent badges, and AMP

See Google’s image publishing guidelines here.

HTML has six different heading tags (H1, H2 etc.) and they are used to tell your web
browser how to display the content. Heading tags help describe what the content
is about. The H1 tag should be around 20 to 70 characters long, but much more
important than length is the content. SEO is shifting its focus to providing a better
user experience as organic search matches user queries more intelligently, taking on
a conversational approach. It is a good idea to use keywords and especially long tail
keywords in H1 tags to describe the topic so crawlers will better understand what
content is on the page.


5. Optimise for Featured Snippets

Google first introduced featured snippets in January 2014 and new featured snippet
types appear often to aid users to find the best answers to their questions. Snippets
are designed to showcase the page content that best relates to a user’s specific search
and drives traffic as a result. This means that a page might show different snippets for
different searches to better match user´s query.

Google uses different sources for this information, including descriptive information
in the title and meta tags for each page. Google sometimes uses <meta> tag content
to generate snippets, if it give users a more accurate description that can be taken
directly from the page content. Google may also use publicly available information, or
create rich results based on markup on the page.

Snippets are automatically created from page content so all the above mentioned
attributes are important for being shown as featured snippets. So in short, you have to
follow the SEO guidelines to have valuable content with unique and descriptive text
to have a chance of appearing in featured snippets. Featured snippets are gaining
importance especially in mobile and voice-only searches.


By answering a specific question with your content and being seen as a thought leader
in a particular field, Google with reward you with featured snippets. Check out the
example below for HubSpot’s featured snippet on keyword research.

How to do keyword research


04 /
Topic Clusters Site Architecture

Website navigation should help guide the user through the website. Internal links
provide more clear hierarchy and improve website navigation. One of the purposes for
internal linking is to distribute page authority and ranking power among pages. Inner
linking provides clear paths for search engines as well as prolonged sessions for users
that increases dwell time and therefore also aids in ranking higher in search results.

Of course to start creating many internal links, you will need to create a lot of insightful
and engaging content. A lot of linkable content will give the opportunity to structure
the content in topic clusters. HubSpot has been known to successfully implement
topic clusters content strategy to maximize the content ROI.

Tracking the performance and progress of each topic cluster helped make changes
where it is most needed. HubSpot uses AccuRanker to track keyword rankings for each
topic cluster. You can structure your AccuRanker account and replicate how HubSpot
tracks the progress of their content strategy.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to implement HubSpot’s topic cluster strategy

using AccuRanker.


1. Content Audit

First you need to carry out a content audit of your website and take a look at your
existing content. Your to do list:
• Begin considering which of the longer pieces can be used as ‘pillar pieces’.
• Consider combining a few shorter pieces if you don’t yet have any long form
• Repurpose and update any of your older content that could still add value.
• Look for themes amongst your content pieces.

2. Identify Topics

Start thinking in terms of which topics you want to own, not just keywords. If you
already have lists of keywords associated with your content then begin organising
those according to your new topic cluster structure (shown below). If you do not then
consider the options highlighted below to begin your initial keyword research.


3. Track Keyword Rankings with AccuRanker

Log in to your AccuRanker account or set up your AccuRanker account here. Start
by adding your domains and keywords. There are several ways that you can upload
your keywords into your AccuRanker account. You can enter keywords manually, use
keyword suggestions, or import keywords from Google Search Console or from third

If your business has a physical location or if you are present in several markets and
want to track keywords in a specific location - location feature will be very useful for
you. It can be any specific region, city or even an address. This comes in handy if your
focus is on local SEO, as you can add as many locations as you only wish. You can also
track your keyword in both Google and Bing search engines, as well as track both
mobile and desktop keywords. Mobile and desktop keywords are tracked separately
to show you a more detailed overview of how your website ranks in mobile versus
desktop search queries.


4. Add Tags to your Keywords

To put it simply – tags enable you to put your keywords into different categories. Once
you have added your keywords you can tag the keywords. Tags represent the topic
cluster to which the keywords are allocated. Once you click ‘Add keywords’ then all
of these keywords will have this tag. You can also add tags to keywords that you are
already tracking. Adding tags will help you keep your keywords organised relating to
your topic clusters. It will also help you monitor progress of each topic cluster.

Bonus tip: add notes to your keywords to keep track of your content optimisation process.

5. Filter your Data

You can add as many tags as you wish as some of your keywords will have several tags
as they might belong to several topic clusters. You can take your segmentation a step
further by adding a second tag to denote which are the primary keywords for each
topic cluster.


Tag filtering in AccuRanker allows you to show or ignore specific tags. In this way you
can monitor the keyword list of a specific topic cluster. Simply select the ‘Tag filtering’
icon and select the tag. This technique enabled HubSpot to track the overall progress
of each topic cluster. It does so by monitoring the progress of all keywords associated
with a specific topic cluster tag, and those which were marked ‘Primary’ with priority.

By using the Tag Cloud feature you can track multiple metrics associated with the
performance of your Topic Cluster. The number of tags that you can use to filter and
segment your data is unlimited. Filter your view to see only the Topic Cluster Keywords,
the Primary Keywords and the corresponding in-depth data such as Share of Voice
and analytics data. You can also see:

• Combined CPC for all keywords at each tag

• Average time spent on the URLs the keywords in each tag point towards
• Average load time of the URLs that each keyword in the tag point at
• Bounce rate
• How much revenue each tag has generated
• How many times a URL has fulfilled a Goal in Google Analytics.


To have an easy access to the overview of keyword rankings for the specific topic
clusters and work more efficiently with your team, you can save your segmented data
with the ‘Saved Segments’ function in AccuRanker. Your segments can also be easily
shared with team members to ensure you are all working from the same view of your
topic cluster data.

6. Reporting

Once you have set your segments, it is simple to use the AccuRanker reporting system
to ensure that you and your team are kept regularly up to date.

Use the extensive reporting functions to not only keep track of your topic cluster’s
progress but to share these with various teams and colleagues who will also use the

You can do this in two ways. Either download a report direct from your Keywords
section once you have applied your filters, by clicking the reports icon next to the
‘Add keywords’ button. Select the dates you want to compare, and filters you want to
add to your report, and download the report. This can be very useful if you need up
to date data for a meeting – so you can download the report with live data in seconds.

Use the reporting template with the drag and drop report template builder to configure
your report exactly how you want it. All reports are highly customizable and can be
emailed to all team members directly. By scheduling daily reports the content team
can monitor the performance of each topic cluster and identify which topic clusters
need to be optimised.


Some keywords are more important to you than others (e.g. your primary keywords).
To keep track of your primary keywords, all you have to do is go to your keywords
overview in AccuRanker and star-mark your primary keywords.

Bonus tip: changes in your starred keywords ranking will be shown in your notifications.


05 /
Analyse Results

Constantly analysing results and optimising content is the key to maximising content
ROI. When looking at changes in organic traffic, pay extra attention to non-branded
keywords and primary keywords in each cluster (this is made easier with filtering by
keyword tags). One of the most important questions you have to ask yourself is - have
I increased the number of pages that generate traffic?

Here’s a list of additional metrics to use to measure the return on investment of your
on-page SEO strategy:
• Search volume
• Share of Voice (this is AccuRankers way of showing visibility score as an indicator
on how your organic market is progressing compared to your competitors)
• Cost value (combined CPC for all keywords at each tag)
• Avergae time spent on the URLs the keywords in each tag point towards
• Average load time
• Bounce rate
• How many times a URL has fulfilled a goal in Analytics


06 /

The SEO industry is changing in a fast pace and in order to keep up with it you need
to stay updated with the latest algorithm updates and cater content to your audience.
Maximising content ROI is all about applying the right content strategy that takes SEO
and site infrastructure into account, as well as monitoring your progress and constantly
optimising your website. Advanced filtering and segmentation, historical insights, and
exclusive Landing Page and Tag Cloud features allow you to analyse and monitor
SERP activity on keywords for both you and your competitors. By tracking these SEO
efforts over time you’ll have a full understanding of your audience, how they interact
with your site, and which areas are most impactful on your content ROI.

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With tools to make every part of your process more human and a Get started today with AccuRanker, the world’s fastest SEO rank

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