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Yoelish Kraus with some of his 16 children at home in Jerusalem. ‘He is like the king of the family,’ says his wife.
Credit: Michal Fattal

Anti-Zionist Hasidic
Father of 16 Pays Hefty
Price for Rejecting
The ironic fate of an ultra-Orthodox
vegetarian who ran a Jerusalem
community slaughterhouse
By Shany Littman |  May 15, 2017
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At the beginning of the week in which Israel celebrated its independence,

Yoelish Kraus was set, for the first time in his life, to lose the extreme
freedom he’s pursued all his life. He was about to start serving a five-
month prison term. Kraus, who in the past was dubbed by the media the
“operations officer of the Eda Haredit” ultra-Orthodox communal 1/16
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organization in Jerusalem – a nonexistent position from which he

disassociated himself – was convicted of failing to report the revenues
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from a slaughterhouse he ran in Jerusalem. In addition to being ordered to
New pay
cabinet Netanyahu-Gantz
250,000 shekels (about Coronavirus 1-minute
$70,000) in arrears, hetest
was Pompeo
to a S-300 - Israel Bible

short prison term. He was also convicted of not having an Israeli ID card.

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A few days before his scheduled incarceration date, Kraus looked a bit
worried, but also somewhat bemused at the looming change of
atmosphere. There’s never a dull moment in his small apartment – two
connecting rooms and a mini-kitchen – in Jerusalem’s Mea She’arim
neighborhood. Doors open and shut as the 16 children of Kraus and his
wife, Rachel, ranging in age from 3 to 22, come and go, along with visitors
from here and there: neighbors, local children, daughters-in-law, sons-in-
law and two or three toddler grandchildren – Kraus doesn’t exactly
remember whose. In comparison to the constant melee of home, prison
will be a vacation, Kraus says, and will give him time to write his
autobiography. Since 2011, when the slaughterhouse ceased operations,
Kraus has worked long daily shifts in a catering firm, as a vegetable peeler
and slicer, in order to provide for the large family that he and Rachel are
raising. He’s 44, she’s 43.

According to Kraus, the local abattoir had existed for a century, but lacked
the necessary permits. “I tried to get the permits, and in the meantime
slaughtering went on once or twice a week for the community,” he
explains. Under the rules of kashrut as set forth in the Shulhan Arukh, the
16th-century code of Jewish law, a fowl slated for slaughter must be
capable of walking about two meters, as proof that it is healthy and fit for
human consumption. Sticklers about Jewish law are concerned that the big
plants, where hundreds of birds are slaughtered hourly, have no time to
ensure that the birds meet this athletic criterion. Thus, the community
needs its own slaughterhouse. By the way, Kraus himself is a vegetarian.

“One day the tax authorities, the police and municipal inspectors showed
up, demolished the slaughterhouse and did investigations,” Kraus relates.
“After a five-year trial I [was convicted of a] failure to report. It doesn’t 2/16
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matter whether you have a profit or a loss – not reporting is an offense.”

He was ordered to pay 100,000 shekels (about $28,000) in back taxes and
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80,000 shekels to the VAT authorities, and was slapped with a 50,000-
New shekel
for not reportingCoronavirus 1-minute
income. He was test Pompeo
also sentenced MBS
to five S-300 - Israel
months Bible

in prison.

In comparison to the constant melee

of home, prison will be a vacation,
Kraus says, and will give him time to
write his autobiography.
Why didn’t you file tax reports?

“The slaughterhouse didn’t belong to me, it was run by a company. After

the municipality told them to stop, I went on operating the place: I thought
I would sort out the permit, and then it would revert to the previous owner.
Getting a permit is very tough bureaucratically. There was no intent to
evade taxes. The rent and the salary to the slaughterer cost me more than
what people paid [for the service], and many people didn’t pay at all,
because they don’t have money. Our ideology is not to not pay the state,
it’s not to take from the state. I don’t want favors from them.”

The court agreed to defer the start of Kraus’ prison term to allow him to
appear before a committee that decides who is eligible to be incarcerated
in the prison’s Orthodox ward. He started his term on May 10. He will pay
the money he owes in installments, which he hopes he will be able to meet.
“I don’t think that anyone in the country has gotten a sentence like mine –
both the fine and prison. After all, they didn’t say I evaded taxes, only that
I didn’t report. There’s a singer who evaded tax of 2.5 million shekels and
was sentenced to four months of community service. [He’s referring to
Eyal Golan.] The judge wrote that it’s because he has three children – and
I, who have 16 children, get a punishment.”

By “our ideology,” Kraus is referring to the Haredi sects that do not

recognize Israel’s existence and oppose the state and Zionism. Thus, Kraus
and his wife do not have ID cards – in fact, he doesn’t even have an ID
number, due to a bureaucratic snafu shortly after his birth. After being
charged with not being in possession of an ID card, Kraus says, he tried to
obtain one, but unsuccessfully, as the Interior Ministry has no
documentation attesting to his identity. Kraus says he filed an
administrative petition to the District Court to obtain an ID card, “but for
10 months they’ve rejected the request. On the one hand I’m charged with
not having an ID card, and on the other hand they don’t give me one.” 3/16
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Riots in Jerusalem following the police raid on Kraus’ slaughterhouse in 2011. Credit: Tomer Appelbaum

According to Kraus, he’s never needed the document. “My father didn’t
want me to get an ID card,” he says. (All Israelis must carry an ID card
from the age of 16.) “He was afraid that I would get a driving license, that
I would flee the country. I’m also an only son – I have one older sister. My
father said: One misfit is enough, I won’t have more. I said I would have
22 children, so maybe one would come out okay. In the meantime I have
16, and there’s more where they came from.”

Unmarried mother

Kraus is a member of the Jerusalem-based, Hasidic and anti-Zionist Toldos

Aharon sect. He and his wife decline to accept National Insurance Institute
monthly child allowances (which could be of significant assistance,
considering that they have 13 children of eligible age) and do not belong to
a health maintenance organization. (Nevertheless, income tax, NII and
health insurance payments are mandatorily deducted from Kraus’ salary in
the catering service.)

What do you do when a child is sick?

Kraus: “Statistics show that people who don’t use HMOs are sick a lot
less. If we have an occasional need, we go to a private doctor. All the
children were born in Bikur Holim Hospital [in Jerusalem], and we paid
privately each time. Each birth cost between 9,000 and 12,000 shekels.”

If you pay anyway, why not use what the state offers? 4/16
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“If I take money, I’ll be theirs. If I’m theirs, tomorrow they’ll tell me to
take [the Education Ministry’s] core subjects, and I’ll have to, because I’m
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taking money from them. There’s no such thing as them giving to you and
New not
for something in Coronavirus
return.” 1-minute test Pompeo MBS S-300 - Israel Bible

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Yoelish and Rachel (nee Epstein) are married according to halakha but are
not registered in the Chief Rabbinate. As a result, all 16 of their children
are registered as having an unmarried mother. The children have ID
numbers (at least, 13 of them do, because the bureaucracy somehow
overlooked three of them), but they are not registered under their names in
the Interior Ministry. When the boys receive a first army call-up notice –
which they ignore – they are noted as “son of Bat Miriam Epstein.”
(Miriam Epstein is Rachel’s mother.)

Bat Miriam Epstein – that is, Rachel – Kraus’ wife, a pleasant, sociable,
charismatic woman, is a significant figure in the neighborhood. During our
conversation, people arrived with various requests and the phone rang
nonstop. “This is an open home, flowing,” Rachel says.

Rachel Kraus with some of her children. Credit: Michal Fattal

The children, too, enjoy the action, occasionally listening in on

conversations and laughing at their father’s jokes. They go rocketing from
the house when they hear a rumor that a police van has dared to enter the
neighborhood, because of a neighbors’ quarrel. The adolescents want to 5/16
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throw stones, the little ones want to shout “Nazis!” at the officers. The
girls return amused: one of the officers was a policewoman, who was
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branded a “pritzeh” – Yiddish for slut.
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Rachel, like her husband, is from Mea She’arim, a large Haredi quarter in
central Jerusalem. Her family belongs to Neturei Karta, another anti-
Zionist sect. She used to run a day nursery, but at the moment doesn’t
work outside the home, as she is caring for her aged parents, who live
nearby. She’s the youngest of four children. Her father, who grew up in
Argentina, ran a yeshiva in Jerusalem that Yoelish attended, after he
crossed the lines from the Hasidic world to an institution associated with
Neturei Karta, whose origins lie in non-Hasidic Lithuanian Jewry. Hence
the match between Yoelish and Rachel.

Is it usual for Hasidim to marry Lithuanian Jews?

Rachel: “It happens, though not very often, because usually Hasidim take
genuine Hasidim, even though Toldos Aharon and Neturei Karta have the
same approach. Yoelish and I each took a little from the other. We are
educating the children in institutions that don’t belong to Toldos Aharon,
but whose customs are Hasidic. For example, Hanukkah candles are lit
after sunset, like Hasidim – with Lithuanians it’s before sunset. But we
don’t belong to a specific Hasidic dynasty such as Toldos Aharon, because
Yoelish felt that we want to be more on a middle path.”

The neighborhood here isn’t considered friendly to secular women, or in

general. How is it that your house is open to everyone?

'Our ideology is not to not pay the

state and not to take from the state. I
don’t want favors from them.'
Rachel: “We are Jews, we are hospitable to everyone. There are homes that
are more closed, but if you knock at the door they’ll let you in, provided
you’re dressed modestly. We don’t accept the state, we are against the idea
of Zionism. But each person is distinctive. Every Jew is a soul created by
the Lord. Every Jewish soul is a diamond. When Jew meets with Jew there
is an inner closeness, a root or a bond. Only the burden of the exile caused
the separation. Unity builds the Jewish people.”

In contrast to Kraus, who was trying to be positive about his looming

“vacation,” his wife and children were worried. They hung a note on the
refrigerator reminding him not to forget to pray for the reversal of the
judgment. “It struck us like a bolt from the blue,” Rachel says. “It’s a 6/16
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trauma for the children. They pray all day, make segulot [benevolent
charms or rituals] and are preparing a thanksgiving meal [believing] it
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won’t happen. I tell them that if it happens, it’s all divinely ordained.
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“We do not manage the world, you have to look at the positive side – it’s
not a hospital or an illness – but it will be very hard in every way. He is the
head of the family. At night, when he comes home from work, the children
gather around him. He is like the king of the family, especially as I’m at
my parents’ home a lot. We will have to cope with it, especially because
he’s not someone who leaves the house much. I don’t remember the last
time he went to a wedding, for example.”

Rachel also has concerns of a technical nature: Yoelish is so strict about

kashrut that he doesn’t eat anything that’s not prepared at home. Rachel
bakes bread for the family, and makes her own cheese. Things will be
somewhat different in prison. “The prison rabbi said he would get him
matzos,” Rachel says, to guarantee kashrut.

Queen mother

Though 16 children (9 boys and 7 girls, none of them twins) is not a

neighborhood high – a nearby family has 21 children – it’s not something
you see every day. “If someone imagines beforehand getting into such a
project, it doesn’t look realistic,” Rachel says, referring to childbearing.
“When I had my fifth child, I met a woman with 15 children. I asked her
how you do it, it didn’t seem reasonable. She told me, ‘Don’t think. When
you get to birth number 15, you won’t have to do anything anymore,
everyone will be around you, you’ll be like a queen.’ I didn’t believe it.
And now I look, and 16 children doesn’t seem like so many. We fulfill our
task. It’s with the help of God. It’s not our powers. I don’t think that a
mother who has fewer children has more strength or more time.”

The children attend independent schools not funded by the state, and
which are geared to the family’s ideology. According to Kraus, about
40,000 children in Israel attend similar institutions, the great majority of
them in Jerusalem. No precise official data about them exist, but in 2015
the Jerusalem Municipality estimated that about 10,000 children in the city
were attending these institutions. Core subjects such as math and English
are not taught. The girls’ curriculum consists mainly of religious studies,
including prayer and Shabbat precepts. There’s also a little arithmetic and
basic geometry, Jewish history and geography, along with sewing, cooking
and, for those who want, there’s a class in painting. Except for religious
studies, teaching is in Yiddish. 7/16
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Yoelish Kraus with some of his 16 children at home in Jerusalem. Credit: Michal Fattal

Rachel: “The purpose is to prepare for being a housewife. Afterward,

many girls learn how to be teachers, but without a certificate. When they
complete the 12th grade, many of them marry, and some become teachers
or kindergarten teachers, or seamstresses who work at home. Or they
might work a little outside the home. If a girl is interested in specific work,
she learns it on her own.”

It’s terrific being the mother of 16 children, she says, now that most of
them are older. “One girl likes to do laundry more, and one likes to cook
more, but they all do everything, they all want the house to run like
clockwork. The mother looks down from above. I see who needs a break,
and I give it. Mother has a special wisdom; extra intelligence was given to
women. If I see that a child needs more attention, I take him with me when
I go to my parents, to talk a little. That way I listen to them, hear their

Rachel is proud of her children’s education. In fact, her eldest daughter,

who was married half a year ago, rejected a candidate for a match because
she heard he intended to take National Insurance allowances. “Sometimes
the children are more determined than the parents, they think the parents
are compromising,” she notes. “I myself would not have interfered over
the NII thing, but Simcha insisted. It was also very satisfying for my father
that I continued on his path. It’s in our blood. For me it’s more of a
punishment to take than not to take.” 8/16
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Is it usual in your community not to use HMOs, or are you the exceptions?

'The singer who evaded tax of 2.5

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million shekels was sentenced to four

New cabinet Netanyahu-Gantz Coronavirus 1-minute test Pompeo MBS S-300 - Israel Bible

months of community service because

he has three children – and I, who
have 16 children, get a punishment.'
Rachel: “Many people today say that the HMOs are private, no longer
state bodies. I couldn’t do it even if I wanted, because I don’t have an ID
card. There’s an HMO doctor whom we see privately for 80 shekels [$22].
My parents don’t have an HMO, and they don’t get NII funds, so we look
after them alone. We don’t rush to the hospital for every little thing. When
you’re in an HMO, you go to the doctor and to hospitals more. Patients in
hospitals are also neglected a lot, and at home everyone is around you. It’s
also important for the children’s education – they see that granddad is not
being dumped in an old-age home. He is respected, he is the head of the

Rachel Kraus doesn’t feel that their contrariness makes life harder – just
the opposite, in fact. “We don’t have a bank account, and anyway we don’t
have extra money to put into it. If I need a check for something, I take one
from friends. For the installment payments to repay a debt, our son took
out an ID card and we are doing it through his bank account. In a certain
sense, it’s true that we look at many things from the side, but we are also in
it and see things very well.”

What does the Israeli condition look like from the side?

“The state denies the Lord and his Torah. That hurts us very much.”

Secular people feel that the state is becoming increasingly religious.

“That does not solve the problem. Even if it were a Haredi state, having a
state here would still be prohibited.”

A scapegoat? 9/16
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Yoelish Kraus. Credit: Michal Fattal

Surprisingly, the slaughterhouse case is only the second time Kraus has
been arrested, even though he has led many violent struggles by the Haredi
community on issues of religion and state. Kraus believes he was targeted
in order to silence him, as he likes to give media interviews. His lawyer, 10/16
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Jonatan Kivel, from the Public Defenders’ Office, thinks the authorities are
trying to make Kraus a scapegoat in order to deter others. “For example,
Israel News All
the state refuses to issue him an ID card, claiming there’s no proof that he
New is
cabinet Netanyahu-Gantz
Yoel Kraus, but they’re Coronavirus
ready 1-minute
to imprison test that
him under Pompeo
That’sS-300 - Israel Bible


“Kraus was convicted of tax offenses,” he continues, “but the court found
that he acted solely for ideological reasons and not for monetary gain.
After he was acquitted in Magistrate’s Court of all aspects of fraud, and the
court stated that his motives were ideological, the state prosecution
naturally said that it’s a typical case of tax evasion by Haredim and

A spokesperson for the Jerusalem district attorney’s office told Haaretz:

“Yoel Kraus was convicted of failing to report income of 1.5 million
shekels and sentenced to five months in prison and a fine. The court
accepted the prosecution’s argument and found that Kraus and his partner
systematically ignored the tax laws and the obligation to file reports. The
two ran a slaughterhouse in Jerusalem’s Mea She’arim neighborhood
without having a business permit, without keeping books properly and
without reporting their revenues to the tax authorities. The Magistrate’s
Court sentenced the accused to seven months in prison, and on appeal the
District Court reduced it to five months and a fine, while reiterating the
severity of the accused’s deeds.”

Kraus’ only previous arrest occurred in 2009, in the wake of

demonstrations held in Jerusalem over the episode of “the mother who
starved her child.” The woman, a mother of five and also from Toldos
Aharon, was accused of maltreating her toddler son, including
disconnecting him from a feeding device in Hadassah Medical Center. The
welfare authorities and psychiatrists found her to be a menace to her
children. The children were removed from her custody and she was
indicted. The Toldos Aharon community branded this a “blood libel” and
launched fierce demonstrations that ended with several people injured and
several dozen arrested. Kraus says he spend a night in custody because the
police wanted to distance him from the demonstrations. The charges
against him were dropped within a few hours.

“They arrested me for one night, even though they knew it was not right.
They were always looking for something, until they latched onto the
slaughterhouse. Today no one from our communities talks to the media. At
the time, I was doing well and I talked a lot.” 11/16
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Kraus views the case of the mother – who eventually agreed to a plea
bargain and was not jailed – as a victory for the Eda Haredit. “It was a hard
Israel News All
blow for Hadassah,” he says. “They’ve suffered since then, because people
New don’t
cabinet Netanyahu-Gantz
go there Coronavirus
anymore. Haredim 1-minute
hardly go – onlytest Pompeo
if they have noMBS
otherS-300 - Israel Bible

choice. When that mother was arrested, all I did was hang up a single
announcement in the street. Everyone laughed at me. I wrote that everyone
who had a complaint against Hadassah should send a fax. I received
hundreds of letters. We printed them, and people started to see what the
hospital was doing. And since then – you can laugh, but it’s true – I claim
that life expectancy in Israel is rising. People started to ask what was being
done to them in the hospital, they are more afraid and ask questions, and
the doctors can’t do whatever they want anymore.”

Are you involved in the current struggle against the draft for Haredim?

Kraus: “That doesn’t interest me. I say that whoever takes money [from
the state] and votes in the elections, should also do army service. That’s
my personal opinion. I won’t demonstrate over that. Anyway, I’m not a
figure anymore, I’m forgotten. I am not in the forefront of the struggle.”

Do you miss it?

“Yes. But the army doesn’t interest me, so I’m glad I’m not available for

If there were a Palestinian state, would it be simpler to live here?

“For the Haredim? Of course. And by the way, by Haredim, I mean us, not
Gur and not Vizhnitz [two large Hasidic dynasties]. Just so you’ll
understand the difference: They vote in the elections and take money from
the state, they are part of the state. It’s only when it comes to the army that
they say: Let secular folk be killed. We, the Eda Haredit, number 10,000
families. We don’t take anything from the state. We had the issue with
buses where men and women sit separately. The state said it didn’t want to
fund that, so we did it ourselves. There was one [bus] line, from our areas.
They removed all the buses from the road, they fined us. The state doesn’t
let us live. A couple of weeks ago, they arrested 25 people for pedophilia
and harassment. What came of it? Nothing. They were all released –
maybe one was still held. They keep trying. The police need publicity and
they look for all kinds of nonsense, because they know that no one will sue
them. It’s very hard for Haredim to live here.”

Despite his anarchism, Kraus contributes to the state in a sense, in ways he

chooses carefully. For example, he donated his collection of 20,000 Haredi
pashkevilim, or wall posters, to the National Library. “I have no problem 12/16
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giving,” Kraus notes. “The pashkevilim were here and no one was getting
anything out of them and no research could be done on them. So I scanned
Israel News All
the collection for the National Library. People call with questions and I
New instruct
cabinet them
Netanyahu-Gantz Coronavirus
on the phone where to look1-minute
for what.test Pompeo
There’s MBS
50 years S-300
of for - Israel Bible

and against there. About demonstrations, graves, Shabbat, autopsies,

daylight saving time and other issues – we boycotted Pepsi for sponsoring
a Michael Jackson concert here. There were small struggles and major
ones. Election posters: it’s interesting to read the notices of the previous
election each time, to see what promises weren’t kept. I, of course, don’t

Is the state the enemy for you?

“Obviously. No doubt of it. They can’t bear to see us here. It pains them
that we’re not part of them, so they try to force us in all kinds of ways. But
they won’t succeed.”

Yoelish Kraus with some of his 16 children at home in Jerusalem. ‘He is like the king
of the family,’ says his wife. Credit: Michal Fattal

Shany Littman
Haaretz Contributor 13/16
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9 Jane |  01:15 09.01.2018 0 0

Off the Grid

DCJ |  01:15 09.01.2018 0 0

So True About the 'Off the Grid' Cults, Jane

10 Peter Cohen |  01:15 09.01.2018 0 0


11 Benjy |  01:15 09.01.2018 0 0

What a naive person. Really

2 Moshe Ben Avraham |  01:15 09.01.2018 0 0


3 Alan Weberman |  01:15 09.01.2018 0 0

Kraus 14/16
16/5/2020 Anti-Zionist Hasidic father of 16 pays hefty price for rejecting Israel - Israel News -

4 Ben Alofs |  01:15 09.01.2018 0 0

Very interesting article

Israel News All

New cabinet 5 Great Dane |  01:15Coronavirus

Netanyahu-Gantz 09.01.2018 1-minute test Pompeo
0 0
MBS S-300 - Israel Bible
Kudos to Shany Littman for a great unbiased article

6 Julie |  01:15 09.01.2018 0 0

Pirke Avos states. . .

7 Carol |  01:15 09.01.2018 0 0

Religious cults

8 Saty |  01:15 09.01.2018 0 0

Non-participation in army

1 Saty |  01:15 09.01.2018 0 0

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