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Jenkins PPT

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Jenkins is an open source automation tool written in Java with plugins
built for Continuous Integration purpose.

Used to build and test your software projects continuously.

Continuously deliver your software by integrating with a large number

of testing and deployment

Jenkins integrates development life-cycle processes of all kinds,

including build, document, test, package, stage, deploy, static analysis
and much more.

Jenkins achieves Continuous Integration with the help of plugins

Example plugins: Git, Maven 2 project, Amazon EC2, HTML publisher
Jenkins integrating various DevOps stages




Continues Continues
Testing Deployment

Advantages of Jenkins
Its an open source tool with great community support.

It is easy to install.

It has around 900+ plugins to ease your work. If a plugin

does not exist, just code it up and share with the

It is free of cost

Its built with Java and hence, it is portable on all major

What can Jenkins Do
Can associate Jenkins with a version control server.
Can trigger builds by polling, Periodic etc.
Can execute bash scripts, shell scripts
Can trigger ANT and Maven Targets
Can trigger testing jobs
Can create sequence and pipeline jobs
Can Publish results and send email notifications
Can triggers CD system for deployment
Can do lot more stuffs…
uses of the Jenkins
Building snapshot and release artifacts for your application.

Deployment of the released artifact with custom scripts.

Continuous integration pipeline support for establishing software

development life cycle work flow for your application.

Support for scheduled builds & automation test execution.

What is Continuous Integration?
Continuous Integration is a development practice in which the
developers are required to commit changes to the source code in a
shared repository several times a day or more frequently.

Every commit made in the repository is then built.

This allows the teams to detect the problems early.

There are several other functions like deploying the build application
on the test server, providing the concerned teams with the build and
test results etc.
Benefits of CI
Catch issue fast and hip them in the bud

Everyone can see what is happening

Automate the build

Keep the build fast

Stop waiting to find out if your codes going to work

CI Leeds to continuous deployment allowing you to deliver software

more rapidly
Continuous Integration

Code is pulled over

every commit made in
source code
Git Repository CI Server

Ever Change made in the

Commit Changes to source code is build
Source code continuously

Continuous Integration With Jenkins :
Build and test results are
feedback to developers

Shared Production
Jenkins server Selenium
Developers Server
Jenkins check the Jenkins deploy the After successful test
shared repository build application on the build
and every check-in the test server application is then
is pulled and hen deployed to the
build production server

Continuous Integration With Jenkins
First, a developer commits the code to the source code repository.
Meanwhile, the Jenkins server checks the repository at regular
intervals for changes.

Soon after a commit occurs, the Jenkins server detects the changes
that have occurred in the source code repository. Jenkins will pull
those changes and will start preparing a new build.

If the build fails, then the concerned team will be notified.

If built is successful, then Jenkins deploys the built in the test server.

After testing, Jenkins generates a feedback and then notifies the

developers about the build and test results.

It will continue to check the source code repository for changes made
in the source code and the whole process keeps on repeating.
Before and After Jenkins

Before Jenkins After Jenkins

The entire source code was built Every commit made in the source
and then tested. code is built and tested.

Developer have to wait for test Developer know the test result of
result. every commit made in the source
code on the run.

No feed back Feedback is present

Jenkins Architecture
Jenkins uses a Master-Slave architecture to manage distributed
In this architecture, Master and Slave communicate through TCP/IP

Jenkins Master :
Scheduling build jobs.
Dispatching builds to the slaves for the actual execution.
Monitor the slaves (possibly taking them online and offline as
Recording and presenting the build results.
A Master instance of Jenkins can also execute build jobs directly.
Jenkins Architecture
Jenkins slave:
A Slave is a Java executable that runs on a remote machine.
It hears requests from the Jenkins Master instance.
Slaves can run on a variety of operating systems.
The job of a Slave is to do as they are told to, which involves executing
build jobs dispatched by the Master.
You can configure a project to always run on a particular Slave machine,
or a particular type of Slave machine, or simply let Jenkins pick the next
available Slave.
Jenkins Architecture

Jenkins Master

Jenkins Slave Jenkins Slave Jenkins Slave

Jenkins Enterprise Architecture

Jenkins Slave

Jenkins Operation
Jenkins Slave

Jenkins Elastic search

Jenkins Slave

Jenkins Master Jenkins Master

Jenkins Build Pipeline
It is used to know which task Jenkins is currently executing.

Often several different changes are made by several developers at once

so it is useful to know which change is getting tested or which change is

sitting in the queue or which build is broken.

The Jenkins Pipeline gives you an overview of where tests are up to

In build pipeline the build as a whole is broken down into sections, such as the
unit test, acceptance test, packaging, reporting and deployment phases.

if one phase is successful, it automatically moves on to the next phase

Jenkins Build Pipeline
Jenkins projects
By default 4 Projects are available

• Freestyle Project
• Multiconfiguration Job
• Monitor an External Job
• Maven Project

Freestyle Project
Freestyle build jobs are general-purpose build jobs, which provides
maximum flexibility.

The freestyle build job is the most flexible and configurable option
can be used for any type of project.

It is relatively straightforward to set up

Jenkins projects
Multi-configuration Job
It allows you run the same build job on different environments.
It is used for testing an application in different environments
with different databases.

Monitor an External Job

The “Monitor an external job” build job lets you keep an eye on non-
interactive processes, such as cron jobs.

Maven Project
The “maven2/3 project” is a build job specially adapted to Maven projects
Jenkins understands Maven pom files and project structures
Can use the information gleaned from the pom file to reduce the work you
need to do to set up your project.
Jenkins Pipeline
Jenkins Pipeline is written into a text file (called a Jenkinsfile) which in
turn is checked into a project’s source control repository.This is the
foundation of "Pipeline-as-Code"; treating the continuous delivery
pipeline a part of the application to be versioned and reviewed like
any other code. Creating a Jenkinsfile provides a number of
immediate benefits:

• Automatically create Pipelines for all Branches and Pull Requests

• Code review/iteration on the Pipeline
• Audit trail for the Pipeline
• Single source of truth [3] for the Pipeline, which can be viewed and
edited by multiple members of the project.

While the syntax for defining a Pipeline, either in the web UI or with a
Jenkinsfile, is the same, it’s generally considered best practice to
define the Pipeline in a Jenkinsfile and check that in to source control.
Jenkins Pipeline
Jenkinsfile (Declarative Pipeline)
pipeline {
agent any

stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
sh 'make'
steps {
sh 'make check'
junit 'reports/**/*.xml'
stage('Deploy') {
steps {
sh 'make publish'
Jenkins Pipeline
• agent indicates that Jenkins should allocate an executor and workspace
for this part of the Pipeline.

• stage describes a stage of this Pipeline.

• steps describes the steps to be run in this stage

• sh executes the given shell command

• junit is a Pipeline step provided by the JUnit plugin for aggregating test
Why Pipeline
Jenkins is, fundamentally, an automation engine which supports a number of
automation patterns. Pipeline adds a powerful set of automation tools onto
Jenkins, supporting use cases that span from simple continuous integration
to comprehensive continuous delivery pipelines. By modeling a series of
related tasks, users can take advantage of the many features of Pipeline:

• Code: Pipelines are implemented in code and typically checked into

source control, giving teams the ability to edit, review, and iterate upon
their delivery pipeline.
• Durable: Pipelines can survive both planned and unplanned restarts of the
Jenkins master.
• Pausable: Pipelines can optionally stop and wait for human input or
approval before continuing the Pipeline run.
• Versatile: Pipelines support complex real-world continuous delivery
requirements, including the ability to fork/join, loop, and perform work in
• Extensible: The Pipeline plugin supports custom extensions to its DSL and
multiple options for integration with other plugins.

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