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The document outlines typical developmental benchmarks for fine motor, gross motor, emotional, social and intellectual skills from ages 2 to 6.

At age 2, children develop skills like turning book pages, imitating drawings, and constructing puzzles. At age 3, they can cut paper, pour from a pitcher, and use scissors. Socially, they start to take turns and share with friends.

Between ages 4 and 5, children's vocabulary grows to over 2000 words. They can identify letters, count to 10, and tell original stories. Emotionally, they develop friendships and a sense of fairness.

Developmental Benchmarks* for Young Children

Ages Fine Motor Skills Gross Motor Skills

Two-Year-Olds Turns pages in a book singly Kicks large ball

Imitates drawing a circle, vertical, and Jumps in place
horizontal line Runs without falling
Fingers work together to scoop up small Throws ball without falling
objects Walks up and down stairs alone
Constructs simple two- and three-piece Marches to music
puzzles Tends to use legs and arms as pairs
Enjoys short, simple fingerplay games Usually uses whole arm to paint or color
Strings large beads on shoelace Balances on one foot for 5 seconds
Builds tower of up to eight blocks

Three-Year-Olds Cuts paper Catches ball with arms extended forward

Builds tower of nine small blocks Throws ball underhand
Pastes using a finger Completes forward somersault
Pours from a pitcher Walks up stairs with alternating feet
Copies a circle from a drawing Rides a tricycle skillfully
Draws a straight line Runs, walks, jumps, and gallops to music
Uses fingers to pick up small objects Throws ball without losing balance
Draws a person with three parts Hops on one foot
Strings beads and can arrange by color Balances on one foot for 8 seconds
and shape
Uses a plastic knife to spread at meal or
snack time

Four-Year-Olds Buttons or unbuttons buttons Walks up and down stairs one foot
Cuts on a line with scissors per step
Completes a six- to eight-piece puzzle Skips on one foot
Copies a “t” Rides a bicycle with training wheels
Buckles a belt Throws ball overhand
Zips separated fasteners Builds elaborate structures with blocks
Adds five parts to an incomplete man

Five-Year-Olds Uses a plastic knife Tries roller and ice skating

Copies most letters Catches ball with hands
Traces objects Attempts to jump from table heights
Draws crude objects Jumps rope
Colors within lines Walks on stilts
Copies square, triangle, and diamond Skips
shape Climbs fences
Models objects from clay Laces shoes Walks backward, forward, and sideways on a
Prints first name balance beam

Six-Year-Olds Ties bows Plays hopscotch

Hand preference established Enjoys ball play
Reverses letters while printing Plays simple, organized games such as “hide-
Paints houses, trees, flowers, and clouds and-seek”
Prefers running over walking
Is constantly active

*Developmental changes occur in a sequence which is more important than the exact age behavior occurs. Some children will progress through these
sequences faster, others will be slower.

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for the
Early Childhood
Sixth Edition

Judy Herr,
University of Wisconsin–Stout

Australia • Brazil • Japan • Korea • Mexico • Singapore • Spain • United Kingdom • United States

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Creative Resources for the Early Childhood © 2013, 2009 Wadsworth, Cengage Learning
Classroom, Sixth Edition
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Brief Table of Contents
Table of Contents organized by Subject v Theme 40 Fruits and Vegetables 379
Preface xxiii Theme 41 Gardens 390
Introduction xxvii Theme 42 Halloween 400
Theme 1 Ants 1 Theme 43 Hanukkah (Chanukah) 410
Theme 2 Apples 10 Theme 44 Hats 419
Theme 3 Art 19 Theme 45 Health 427
Theme 4 Birds 31 Theme 46 Homes 435
Theme 5 Blue 42 Theme 47 Insects and Spiders 443
Theme 6 Breads 53 Theme 48 Kwanzaa 452
Theme 7 Brushes 63 Theme 49 Mail Carrier 461
Theme 8 Bubbles 71 Theme 50 Mice 468
Theme 9 Buildings 80 Theme 51 Music 476
Theme 10 Camping 89 Theme 52 Numbers 489
Theme 11 Caring for Our Earth 98 Theme 53 Nursery Rhymes 498
Theme 12 Cars, Trucks, and Buses 107 Theme 54 Occupations 512
Theme 13 Cats 116 Theme 55 Pets 521
Theme 14 Chinese New Year 126 Theme 56 Plants 529
Theme 15 Christmas 138 Theme 57 Puppets 538
Theme 16 Cinco de Mayo 151 Theme 58 Purple 545
Theme 17 Circus 160 Theme 59 Rain 554
Theme 18 Clothing 169 Theme 60 Ramadan 562
Theme 19 Communication 179 Theme 61 Red 570
Theme 20 Construction Tools 187 Theme 62 Safety 579
Theme 21 Containers 196 Theme 63 Scissors 588
Theme 22 Creative Movement 205 Theme 64 Shapes 595
Theme 23 Dairy Products 215 Theme 65 Sports 605
Theme 24 Dentist 224 Theme 66 Spring 613
Theme 25 Diwali (pronounced Theme 67 Summer 624
“di-vahl-ee”) 232 Theme 68 Thanksgiving 634
Theme 26 Doctors and Nurses 241 Theme 69 Trees 643
Theme 27 Dogs 249 Theme 70 Valentine’s Day 653
Theme 28 Easter 259 Theme 71 Water 662
Theme 29 Eggs 269 Theme 72 Wheels 672
Theme 30 Fall 279 Theme 73 Winter 680
Theme 31 Families 288 Theme 74 Worms 690
Theme 32 Farm Animals 300 Theme 75 Yellow 698
Theme 33 Feelings 310 Theme 76 Zoo Animals 706
Theme 34 Feet 324 Appendix A Overview of the NAEYC Early
Theme 35 Firefighters 333 Childhood Program Standards 715
Theme 36 Fish 341 Appendix B Multicultural Materials for the
Theme 37 Flowers 351 Early Childhood Classroom 719
Theme 38 Friends 360 Appendix C International Holidays and
Theme 39 Frogs 370 Celebrations 727
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Table of Contents organized
by Subject
ART ACTIVITIES Make a Valentine, 658 Collages
Making Puppets, 542 Balls, 630
Arts and Crafts
Masks, 404 Collages, 35
Basket Prints, 200
Milk Carton Easter Baskets, 263 Collage, 57
Blueprints, 84
Muffin Cup Flowers, 355 Camping, 93
Butterfly Wings, 617
Nature Tree, 533 Collages, 263
Candleholders (Diyas), 236
Newspaper Skirts, 173 Coupon Collages, 493
Caterpillars, 617
Occupation Vests, 516 Dairy Product Paint
Cat Mask, 120
Officer Hats and Badges, 583 Containers, 219
Chinese Red and Yellow Paper
Our Home, 84 Easter, 263
Chains, 131
Painting Fireworks, 131 Eggshell, 35
Christmas Chains, 142
Paper Plate Flowers, 355 Eggshell Mosaic, 273
Chunk Crayons, 23 Paper Plate Hats, 423 Fall, 283
Circus Wagons, 164 Paper Plate Lions, 710 Family, 292
Clown Face Masks, 164 Paper Wreaths, 142 Flowers, 357, 396
Colored Salt Jars, 200 Plastic Bottle Prints, 102 Glitter Pictures, 574
Crayon Bundles, 23 Plastic Easter Baskets, 263 Mkeka Mat Collages, 56
Creating Structures, 84 Pumpkin Play Dough, 404 My Shape Book, 599
Cymbals, 480 Pumpkin Seed Pictures, 404 New Clothes Group Collage, 566
Dancing Wands, 155 Puppet Stages, 542 Package Worm, 694
Decorating Pinecones, 647 Rainbow Mobiles, 558 Paper Plate Meals, 431
Doghouse, 254 Rainstick, 484 Popcorn, 480
Dog Masks, 253 Recyclable 3D Art, 102 Pumpkin Seed, 283
Dog Puppets, 253 Red Door Hangers, 131 Rainbow Yarn, 558
Drums, 482 Red Envelopes, 131 Salt Dough, 23
Egg-Carton Ants, 5 Red Play Dough, 131 Seed, 355, 472
Egg Carton Caterpillars, 447 Rhythm Sticks, 480 Seed Pictures, 14
Egg Carton Flowers, 355, 533 Rubber Band Instruments, Seeds, 383, 395
Egg Carton Frog, 374 480 Shape, 599
Experimenting, 23 Rudolph, 142 Shape Homes, 439
Festival Coin Bank, 566 Sailboats, 628 Stamps, 465
Firefighters’ Hats, 337 Salt Dough Collage, 23 Texture, 304
Fish Rubbings, 345 Salt Painting, 23 Thanksgiving, 638
Foil Moons, 566 Scrap Paper Collage, 102 Wheel, 676
Frames, 23 Shakers, 14, 480 Yarn, 304
Friendship Chain, 364 Shape Mobiles, 599 Yellow, 702
Frosted Pictures, 684 Shape Stamps, 599
Grass Hair, 533 Shape Stencil Painting, 599 Cutting
Hand and Foot Flowers, 533 Shaving Cream Fingerpainting, 574 Building Shapes, 84
Happy Diwali Banner, 236 Shoebox Art, 328 Cutting, 592
Insects, 447 Soap Painting, 23 Scissor Snip, 592
Kwanzaa Candle Pictures, 456 Sock Puppets, 328 Snowflakes, 684
Kazoos, 480 Squeeze-Bottle Painting, 23 Vegetable and Fruit
Kites, 617, 638 Stationery, 183 Shapes, 383
Lanterns, 131 Tackle Box, 93
Leaf Rubbings, 102, 283, 394, 533 Tambourines, 480 Dough and Clay
Mailboxes, 465, 467, 658 Team Pennants, 609 Ants, 5
Mail Pouch, 516 Traffic Lights, 583 Baker’s Clay, 702
Mail Truck, 465, 516 Unity Chain, 456 Clay Eggs, 273
Make a Tree, 647 Wrapping Paper, 142 Cookie Cutters, 710

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Cookie Cutters and Play Hats, 426 Fish Sponge, 345
Dough, 525 Easel Ideas, 46, 164, 173, 228, Foot Painting, 328, 628
Cornmeal Play Dough, 638 263, 423, 533, 599, 609, 684 Footprints, 314
Crescent moon Play Dough Insects Arts and Crafts, 447 Frog Sponge, 374
Shapes, 66 Musical Painting, 209, 480 Gadget, 599
Favorite Play Dough, 142 Outdoor Painting, 628 Glittery Pinecones, 142
Gingerbread Play Dough, 142 Painting, 25, 47 Golf Ball, 609
Green Play Dough Frogs, 374 Robin Eggs, 35 Ice Cream Cone Sponge
Lemon Play Dough, 383 Shaving Cream Painting, 219
Mold with Play Dough, 383 Fingerpainting, 574 Ice Cube Art, 684
Numeral Cookie Cutter, 493 Spooky, 404 Kwanzaa Finger Painting,
Play Dough, 314, 320, 593 Sports, 609 456
Play Dough Animals, 164 Winter Shape Painting, 684 Liquid, 666
Play Dough Cookies, 142 Marble, 142
Play Dough Doughnuts, 414 Gifts and Decorations Mouse Sponge Painting,
Pumpkin Pie Play Dough, 638 Chinese New Year Gift Bags, 131 472
Pumpkin Play Dough, 404 Classroom Valentine, 657 Muffin Tin Paint Trays, 57
Purple Glitter Dough, 549 Decorating Vases, 394 Musical, 209, 480
Purple Play Dough Grapes, 553 Dreidel, 414 Outdoor, 628
Red Play Dough, 131 Firefighters’ Hats, 337 Paint Blots, 574
Sawdust Play Dough, 647 Flower Mobile, 355 Paint Over Design, 574
Silly Clay, 23 Friendship Exchange Art, 364 Pet Sponge, 525
Spiders, 502 Heart Materials, 657 Pine Bough, 142
Yellow Play Dough, 702 Star of David Mobile, 414 Pine Needle Brushes, 647
Stationery, 183 Pompon, 120
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Red Fingerpaint, 574
Drawing Media and Tools
Stars, 502, 505 Red Paint, 574
Aquarium Crayon Resist, 345
Arm Dancing, 46 Root Painting, 394
Materials, 661 Shake Painting, 628
Buttermilk Chalk Pictures, 219
Chalk Drawings, 628, 657 (special boxed feature) Shoelace, 328
Charcoal Drawings, 337 Snow, 684
Colored Chalk Rangolis, 236 Modeling Mediums Spider Webs, 502
Crayon Melting, 337 Mold with Play Dough, 383 Sponge, 46
Crayon Wash, 404 Stencil Shapes, 599
Designing Cars, 111 Paint Containers Textured Paint, 647
Drawing to Music, 314 Dairy Product, 219 Thunder, 558
Leaf Rubbings, 102, 283, Tackle Box, 345 Tile, 439
394, 533 Toothbrushes and Splatter
Painting Screen, 228
License Plate Rubbings, 111
Aquarium Crayon Resist, 345 Twig, 647
Marker Sets, 493
Bone, 253 Wacky Watercolors, 549
Melted Crayon Design, 46
Box House Painting, 67 Whipped Soap, 219
Postcards, 465
Bread Sponge Painting, 57 Worm, 694
Red Crayon Rubbings, 574
Brush, 67 Yellow Paint, 702
Ruler Design, 493
Bug Rocks, 102 Zipper-Seal Plastic Bag
Rulers, 191
Candy Cane Marble, 142 Painting, 200
Snow Drawings, 684
Car, 676
Tree Rubbing, 647
Car Track, 111
Waxed Paper Rainbows, 558 Painting Surfaces, 28
Celery Leaves, 383
Wet Chalk Drawings, 666 (special boxed feature)
Color Mixing, 263, 560, 669
Wet Chalk Eggs, 263
Cookie Cutter, 142
Corncob Painting, 702 Patterns
Easel Cotton Swab Painting, 245 Body Tracing, 245, 431
Brushes, 67 Dental Floss Painting, 228 Cookie Cutters, 710
Building Shapes, 84 Dyeing Eggs, 35, 266 Cotton Ball Snowman, 684
Cutting Flower Shapes, Eyedropper, 245, 558 Dress the Paper Doll, 173
355 Feather Painting, 35 Hand Turkey, 638
Easter, 263 Fingerpainting, 46 Household Tracings, 439


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Lily Pads, 374 Zip Code Special, 465 Orange Raisin Cookies, 647
My Body, 292, 432 Zippy Drink, 628 Painted Egg Cookies, 273
New Crescent Moons, 566 Sand Dollar Cookies, 628
Rabbit Ears, 263 Breads Sugar, 84
Spider Webs, 502 Alphabet Toast, 58 Valentine, 657
Stencils, 209, 394 Bag Bread, 57
Tracing Wheels, 676 Blueberry Muffins, 46 Ethnic Recipes
Bran Muffins, 502 Berry “Happy” Shake—
Printing Cheesey Puff Bread, 58 Finland, 314
Ants, 5 Corn Bread, 304, 702 Chapatis, 58
Apples, 15 Cracker Wheels, 111 Charoses, 15
Basket Prints, 200 Foot French Toast, 328 Chinese Moon Cake, 132
Biscuit Cutter Prints, 57 French, 35 Chocolate Cereal Diyas
Blueprints, 84 Happy Rolls, 314 (Candleholders), 236
Bone, 253 Homestyle Pizza, 439 Cinco de Mayo Salad, 155
Bubble Prints, 75, 666 Hush Puppies, 254 Coconut Treats, 237
Cookie Cutter Painting, 142 Indian Flat Bread, 209 Danish Smile Berry
Grape Prints, 549 Irish Gingerbread, 173 Pudding, 314
Hanukkah Handprints, 414 Muffins, 638 Easy Guacamole, 155
Heart Prints, 657 Pita or Pocket Bread, 173 Egg Foo Young, 35, 273
Jar Prints, 200 Pita Pocket Sandwiches, 200 Finnish Strawberry
Paw Prints, 120 Pretzels, 57, 592 Shake, 384
Popsicle Stick Prints, 702 Pumpkin Patch Muffins, 404 Floating Cake—
Potato Prints, 383 Raisin Bran Muffins, 292 Philippines, 666
Pussy Willow Fingerprints, Worm Pretzels, 694 French Bread, 35
617 Fu Fu—West Africa, 638
Shoe Prints, 328 Candy and Cakes Greek Honey Twists, 111
Sponge Prints, 304 Candy Canes, 142 Hamantaschen from
Tool Print, 191 Caramel Apple Slices, 14 Israel, 423
Winter Shape, 684 Cupcakes, 46 Hanukkah Cookies, 414
Yogurt Cup Prints, 219 Cupcake Cones, 364 Hanukkah Honey and Spice
Decorating Cupcakes, 263 Cookies, 414
Dirty Worm Snack, 694 Hummus, Pita, and
COOKING PROJECTS Friendship Vegetables, 566
Beverages Brownies, 364 Indian—Cucumbers
Apple Banana Frosty, 283 Fruit Candy, 355 and Tomatoes with
Berry “Happy” Shake from Irish Gingerbread, 173 Yogurt, 394
Finland, 314 Mud Cake, 694 Indian Flat Bread, 209
Bubbly Beverage, 75 Non-bake Pumpkin Pie, 405 Indian Vegetable Rice, 236
Cranberry Freeze, 639 Pumpkin Pie, 404 Indian Yogurt Dessert, 628
Eggnog, 143 Worm and Dirt Irish Gingerbread, 173
Finnish Strawberry Shake, 384 Cupcakes, 694 Italian Pizza Muffins, 364
Frog Floats, 374 Kabbat Hamudth, 292
Fruit Ice, 666 Cookies Latkes, 414, 533
Hot Chocolate, 684 Animal Cookies, 525 Life Long Noodles, 132
Jungle Juice, 394 Animal Crackers, 304 Mexican Hot Chocolate, 155
Lemonade, 617 Basic Sugar Dough for Cookie Mexican Wedding Cakes, 156
Milk Shake, 219 Cutters, 143 Persian Apple Dessert, 15
Orange Buttermilk Carrot, 394 Pineapple Basundi, 236
Smoothie, 209 Container Cookies, 200 Polvorones, 156
Purple Cow Drink Mix, 304 Decorating, 24 Quesadillas, 156
Raspberry Slush, 574 Dirty Worm Snack, 694 Rice Pudding (Kheer), 236
Root Beer, 75 Drop Sugar, 24 Rice Pudding with
Vegetable Juice, 245 Favorite Icing, 24 Dates, 566
Venezuela Breakfast Frog, 374 Southwestern Eggs, 273
Cocoa, 93 Gingerbread Families, 292 Spiced Pears and
Witches’ Brew, 404 Mouse, 472 Pomegranate, 566


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Swedish Pancakes, 600 Dirty Worm Snack, 694 Miss Muffet’s Curds and
Tacos, 155 Firehouse Baked Beans, 337 Whey, 502
Toasted Tortilla Triangles, 58 Fish Mix Snack, 345 Tartar Sauce for Fish
Venezuela Breakfast Cocoa, 93 Fruit Cutouts, 599 Sticks, 345
Fruit Flavored Yogurt, 24
Salads Fruit Leather, 15
Anthill Slaw, 5 Graham Crackers, 173 DRAMATIC PLAY
Apple, 283 Graham Cracker Treat, 24 Animals
Bird’s Nest, 35 Guacamole Dip, 647 Animal Clinic, 245
Broccoli Trees, 648 Happy Teeth Snacks, 228 Animal Trainers, 164
Bunny, 263 Healthy Dog Biscuits, 253 Barn, 305
Caribbean Banana Salad, 702 Healthy Popsicles, 384 Birdhouse, 36
Carrot and Raisin, 263 Homemade Vanilla Bird Nest, 36, 264
Cat Face, 120 Pudding, 219 Birds, 648
Dog Puppet, 542 Hot “Dog” Kebabs on a Bird Store, 274
Fruit Kabobs, 102, 456 Stick, 253 Block Play, 710
Fruit Salad, 395, 566 Italian Pizza Muffins, 364 Cat Grooming, 120
Fruit Tree, 431 Jungle Juice, 394 Cats!, 120
Lettuce or Spinach Roll-Ups, 394 Macaroni and Cheese, 472 Circus, 120
Pudding Fruit Salad, 355 Mashed Sweet Potato, 457 Circus or Zoo, 120
Purple Coleslaw, 550 Mighty Mixture, 245 Doghouse, 254
Tuna Salad, 345 Nachos, 599 Dramatizing, 480
Noodle Nests, 273 Egg Center, 264
Sandwiches Pizza Rounds, 676 Frogs, 374
Banana, 384 Popcorn, 480 Hatching, 36
Cheese Cat, 120 Popsicles, 628 Mouse House, 472
Egg Salad, 35 Pretzels, 592 Pet Show, 254
Egg Sandwiches, 263 Purple Cow, 550 Pet Store, 254, 346, 472, 525
Grilled Cheese, 219 Purple Popcorn, 549 Saddle, 305
Heart-Shaped, 657 Purple Pops, 549 Spider Sac, 447
Jelly, 292 Purple Pudding, 550 Spider Web, 502
Pita Pocket Sandwiches, 200 Rainbow Fruits, 558 Veterinarian Prop Box,
Puppet Faces, 542 Rice Crispy Treats, 493 305, 525
Shaped Bread, 599 Roasted Pumpkin Seeds, 404 Veterinarian’s Office, 120
Shape, 600 The Zoo, 710
S’Mores, 93
Snack Ideas, 298–299 Dramatic Play Clothes, 178
Animals on Grass, 710
Snow Cones, 684
Ants on a Log, 383, 447
Spider Snacks, 447 Home and Family
Applesauce, 14, 384
Sprouts, 533 Baby Clothing, 293
Banana Bobs, 702
Stop Signs, 583 Cardboard Houses, 439
Banana Rounds, 384, 583
Strawberry Yogurt Surprise, 219 Cleaning House, 132, 439
Banana Snowpeople, 684
Sweet Potato Pie, 456 Clean Up for Diwali, 237
Bird Nest Treat, 36
Swimming Fish Snack, 345 Colored Hats, 574
Blueberries, 46
Valentine Mints, 657 Costume Shop, 264, 457
Bunny Food, 263
Vegetable Dip, 383 Decorate for Kwanzaa, 457
Cheese Balls, 609
Vegetable Soup, 394 Decorate for Ramadan, 567
Cheese Crunchies, 423
Vegetable-Tasting Party, 533 Doll Baths, 666
Cheese Wheels, 676
Watermelon Popsicles, 617, 628 Dollhouse, 293
Cleaning Vegetables, 67
Yield Signs, 583 Dress Up, 685
Clown, 164
Colored Yogurt, 24 Easter Clothes, 264
Cottage Cheese, 502 Spreads Family Celebration, 414
Cracker Wheels, 111 Animals on Grass, 710 Family Picnic, 293
Cream Cheese and Butter in a Jar, 200 Feast for Eid, 567
Crackers, 46 Cream Cheese and Crackers, 46 Fruit and Vegetable
Dog Biscuits—for Dogs!, 253 Hungry Cheese, 304 Basket, 457
Dried Apples, 17 Make Butter, 304 Gift Wrapping, 143


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Gift-Wrapping Center, 414, 457 Fitness Gym, 209 Fall Wear, 283
Hanging Clothes, 174 Florist, 316, 356, 534, 658 Going to the Beach, 93
House, 274 Flower Shop, 264, 315, 355, 395, North Pole, 143
Housekeeping, 75 550, 617 Rainy Day Clothing, 558
Jewelry Shop, 237 Greenhouse, 102, 503, 533, Spring Cleaning, 617
Mexican Clothing, 156 534, 703 Weather Station, 558
Mouse House, 472 Grocery Store, 59, 201, 220, 254,
New Clothes, 566 274, 305, 384, 493 Sports and Hobbies
North Pole, 143 Hairstylist, 67, 75, 516, 592 Baseball, 609
Party Clothes, 174 Hat Shop, 264, 516 Camping, 93
Picnic (with ants, of Hat Store, 423, 424 Canoeing, 666
course!), 5 Health Club, 431 Clown Makeup, 164
Sandbox, 395 Ice Cream Shop, 220 Dragon Dance, 133
Shopping, 132, 639 Ice Cream Stand, 629 Fishing, 617
Tea Party, 364 Ice-Skating Palace, 684 Football, 283, 609
Telephoning, 493 Indian Shops, 237 Garden, 355, 617
Television, 183 Juice Stand, 629 Going Fishing, 93, 610
Tent Living, 439 Laundromat, 174 Gone Fishing, 346
Wrapping Station, 237 Library, 84 Letters, 465
Mailboxes, 465, 467, 658 Make a Valentine, 658
Our Community Paint Store, 46, 47, 550, Parade, Parade, 132
Animal Clinic, 245 702, 703 Puppet Center, 315
Apple Stand, 15 Pet Store, 254, 346, 472, Puppets, 93, 503, 600
Art Gallery, 24 525, 710 Puppet Show, 183, 364, 542,
Artist, 24 Post Office, 183 543, 630
Art Store, 24, 574 Prop Boxes, 516, 583 Skating, 609
Bait and Tackle Shop, 346 Puppet Shop, 542 Skiing, 609
Baker, 61, 503, 600 Radio Station, 183, 481 Sports Hats, 423, 425
Bakery, 58, 59 Recycling Center, 102 Tennis, 609
Bake Shop, 592 Restaurant, 59, 431 Water Painting, 67
Band, 480 Scientist, 447 Workbench, 85, 192, 516
Beauty Shop, 592 Shining Shoes, 67
Bird Store, 274 Shoemaker Store, 191 Transportation
Buildings, 84 Shoe Store, 328 Airplane, 516
Card Shop, 658 Tailor/Dressmaking Bus, 111
The Carpenter, 191, 517 Shop, 592 Car Mechanic, 676
Classroom Cafe, 516 Uniforms, 174 Fire Truck, 111, 112, 337
Clock Shop, 493 Veterinarian’s Office, 120 Floats, 676
Clothing Store, 174 Seat Belts, 583
Construction Site, 84, 423, 439, Plants Taxi, 111
516, 648 Flower Arranging, 355 Traveling by Air, 629
Costume Shop, 264, 457 Flower Shop, 264, 315, 355, 395,
Dairy Farm, 220 550, 617 FEATURES
Dance Studio, 209 Fruit Stand, 395 Cooking Vocabulary, 389
Dental Office, 228 Garden, 355, 617 Decorating a Pumpkin, 409
Disc Jockey, 480 Gardener, 355 Dramatic Play Clothes, 178
Doctors and Nurses, 245 Gardening Center, 395 Easter Eggs, 266, 268
Doctor’s Office (Hospital), Garden Planting, 534 Excursions, 520
431 Greenhouse, 102, 503, 533, Fingerpaint Recipes, 29–30
Dog Groomer, 592 534, 703 Gifts for Families and Friends,
Eye Doctor Clinic, 245 Jack and the Beanstalk, 533 148–150
Farmer, 305 Vegetable-Fruit Stand, 534 Hats, 426
Fast- Food Restaurant, 516 Manipulatives for Math
Filling Station, 111 Seasons and Weather Activities, 497
Firefighter, 337 Beach, 629, 666 Materials to Collect for the Art
Firefighter Jackets, 583 Camping Fun, 629 Center, 661
Fire Station, 337, 574, 575 Costumes, 405 Movement Activities, 214


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Multicultural Songs, 487–488 Drugstore, 431 Pond, 374
Nature Recipes, 287 Farm, 59, 274, 305, 534, 618 Post Office, 183, 465, 658
Paint Applicators, 70 Farmer’s Market, 102 Pumpkin Patch, 283, 405
Painting Surfaces, 28 Fire Station, 337, 574, 575 Rabbit Visit, 264
Pastes, 594 Fire Truck, 111, 112, 337 Radio Station, 183, 481
Recipes for Doughs and Clays, Floral Shop, 574 Recycling Center, 102
320–323 Florist, 102, 316, 356, 534, 658 Reflection, 558
Science Activities, 622–623 Flower and Garden Shop, 550 Reserve Park, 710
Science Materials and Flower Garden, 395 Restaurant, 59, 431
Equipment, 195 Flower Shop, 264, 315, 355, 395, Shape Walk, 600
Snack Ideas, 298–299 550, 617 Shoe Repair Store, 191
To Teach Math Football Field, 609 Shoe Store, 328
Concepts, 604 4-H Agent, 274 Sledding Hill, 685
Transition Activities, 368–369 Go Fishin’, 694 Sports Store, 424
Transitions: Dismissal of Greenhouse, 102, 503, 533, Stadium, 609
Children, 51–52 534, 703 State or National Fish
Water Play and Sensory Grocery Store, 59, 201, 220, 254, Hatchery, 346
Experiences, 671 274, 305, 384, 493 Swimming Pool, 609
Gymnasium, 209 Taping, 481
FIELD TRIPS AND Hairstylist, 67, 75, 516, 592 Television Station, 183
Hatchery, 264 Tennis Court, 609
Hat Store, 423, 424 Turkey Farm, 639
Field Trips Health Care Facility, 431 Variety Store, 254
Airport, 517 Health Club, 431 Vegetable Garden, 386
Ambulance, 112 Helping Others, 567 Veterinarian’s Office, 120
Apple Orchard, 15, 283 Hospital, 245 Weather Person, 558
Artist’s Studio, 67 Ice Cream Shop, 220 Yellow in Our World, 703
Art or Paint Store, 550 Ice-Skating Rink, 685 Zoo, 36, 274, 374, 710
Art Store, 24, 574 Indian Shops, 237
Bait and Tackle Shop, 346 Kennel, 254
Bakery, 58, 59
Resource People
Lake, Pond, or Stream, 346 Aerobics Instructor,
Band Director, 480 Laundromat, 174 210, 431
Bank, 517 Library, 84 African-American Visitor, 457
Barber, 517 Litter Pick Up, 102 Ambulance Driver, 112
Baseball Field, 609 Machine Shop, 676 Animal Groomer, 68
Beauty Shop, 592 Mexican American Cultural Architect, 439
Bird Sanctuary, 36 Center, 156 Artist, 24
“Blue” Watching, 47 Milk Station, 305 Beekeeper, 447
Browsing at the Mall, 85 Mouse Walk, 472 Bird Owner, 37
Building Site, 84 Museum, 24, 36 Birdwatcher, 37
Caroling, 143 Natural Food Store, 395 Botanist/Florist, 102
Christmas Tree Farm, 143 Nature Walk, 617, 648 Builder, 439
Circus, 164 Neighborhood Walk, 84, 264, Butterfly Collector, 447
City Bus, 112 283, 294, 439 Camp Counselor, 629
Clothing Store, 174 Nursing Home, 364 Camper Salesperson, 94
Conservatory, 395 Orchard, 384 Candlemaker, 503
Construction Site, 84, 423, 439, Paint Store, 46, 47, 550, Carpenter, 85, 191, 517
516, 648 702, 703 Cat Groomer, 120
Courthouse, 517 Park, 629 Clown, 316
Cycle Shop, 676 Pet Groomer, 75, 525, 529 Construction Worker, 85, 439
Dairy Farm, 220 Pet Store, 36, 120, 254, 346, 472, Cycle Specialist, 676
Dance Studio, 209 525, 710 Dancer or Dance
Dentist’s Office, 68, 228 Pet Supply, 120 Instructor, 210
Department of Natural Picnic, 5, 94 Decorator/Designer, 85
Resources, 5 Podiatrist’s Office, 328 Dentist, 228
Department Store, 94 Police Car, 583 Dietician, 431
Doctor’s Office, 245 Police Station, 517 Doctor, 246, 517


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Dog Groomer, 592 FINGERPLAYS AND Five Little Monkeys Swinging
Dog Trainer, 254 from a Tree, 493
Electrician, 85, 439
CHANTS Five Little Puppies, 255
Family Day, 295 All about Me Five Little Robins, 294
Farmer, 305 Body Talk, 183 Frisky’s Doghouse, 254
Firefighter, 337 Brushing Teeth, 228, 431 Going to the Circus, 165
Fish Sportsman or Clap, Two, Three, Four!, 210 Hatching Chickens, 275
Sportswoman, 346 Hands on Shoulders, 210 Here Is the Beehive, 629
Florist, 316, 356, 534, 658 Hands: One, Two, Three Houses, 37
4-H Agent, 274 Four, 494 I Love Little Kitty, 121
Gardener, 355 I Am A Cobbler, 329 If I Were, 526
Glassblower, 25 I Can Even Count Some If I Were a Bird, 37
Gymnast, 210 More, 493 Kitten Is Hiding, 121
Host a Visitor, 237 Ice Cream, 220 Lion, 710
Humane Society I Clap My Hands, 328 Little Ants, 5
Representative, 120, 254 If I Could Play, 481 Little Frog, 374
Hygienist, 228 If I Were, 526 Little Green Frog, 375
Insect Specialist, 5 I Looked Inside My Looking Little Mouse, 473
Janitor/Custodian, 365 Glass, 315 Little Turkey, 639
Librarian, 517 I Want to Lead a Band, 481 Little Worm, 695
Lifeguard, 629 Listening Time 503 The Monkey, 710
Machinist, 676 My Friend the Toothbrush, 228 Mouse, 473
Mail Carrier, 465, 516, My Hands, 183 Mr. Bullfrog, 374
Mechanic, 676 My Toothbrushes, 68 Mrs. Kitty’s Dinner, 121
Chinese Resource Person, 133 My Wiggles, 210 My Puppy, 525
Musician, 316 Night Time, 329 My Rabbit, 264
Nurse, 245, 364, 431 Open, Shut Them, 592 My Turtle, 275
Ornithologist, 37 Shiny Shoes, 329 Not Say a Single Word, 526
Painter, 25, 439 Stand Up Tall, 315 On a Spider Web, 502
Person in Wheelchair, 678 Taller, Smaller, 210 A Robin, 694
Person with Guide Dog, 254 Ten Little Fingers, 494 A Roly-Poly Caterpillar, 629
Pet Groomer, 75, 525 Two Little, 329 Sammy, 526
Pet Show, 254, 525 See, See, See, 618
Pet Store Owner, 37, 120, 254 Animals Silly Teddy Bear, 584
Plumber, 85, 439 Alligator, 710 Six Yellow Chickadees, 703
Police Officer, 112, 583 Anthill, 5 Speckled Frogs, 542
Potter, 25 Ants, 383 Stretch, Stretch, 37
Principal or Director, 365 Bear Hunt, 711 Tadpole, Tadpole, 375
Puppeteer, 542 The Big Turkey, 639 Tap Tap Tap, 37
Rabbi, 416 Bird Feeder, 39 Ten Fluffy Chickens, 703
Ramadan Visitor, 567 Bumblebee, 448 Ten Little Froggies, 375
Sculptor, 25 The Bunny, 526 There Was a Little Turtle, 201
Semi-Truck Driver, 112 Caterpillar, 448, 617 This Little Calf, 618
Sign Language Caught an Ant, 6 This Little Cow, 220
Demonstration, 183 Chickadees, 542 This Little Piggy, 329
Snowplow Operator, 685 Creepy Crawly Caterpillar, 618 Three Cats, 121
Street Sweeper, 67 The Duck, 264 Three Little Monkeys, 493
Tailor/Seamstress, 174 Eggs in a Nest, 274 Two Little Blackbirds, 37
Taxi Driver, 112, 517 Elephants, 165 Two Little Kittens, 121
Trash Collector, 365 Farm Chores, 517 Where Are the Baby Mice?, 472
Truck Driver, 517 Fish Story, 346 Zoo Animals, 711
Veterinarian, 37, 120, 254, 525 Five Little Baby Mice, 473 The Zoo, 711
Weaver, 25 Five Little Bear Cubs, 94
Who Can Play?, 481 Five Little Birds, 493 Holidays
Wildlife Management Person, 37 Five Little Ducks, 666 Chinese New Year Story, 133
Woodworker, 191 Five Little Fishes, 667 Diwali Candles, 237
Zoologist, 447 Five Little Frogs, 375 Five Little Christmas Cookies, 143


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Five Little Jack-O’-Lanterns, The Firefighter, 337 Leaves, 284
405 Five Little Children, 246 Little Leaves, 284
Five Little Valentines, 658 Five Little Clowns, 165 Making a Snowperson, 685
Five Little Witches, 405 Five Little Donuts, 59 The Snowperson and the
The Friendly Ghost, 406 Five Little Friends, 365 Bunny, 685
Gobble, Gobble, 639 Five Little Letters, 466 Twirling Leaves, 284
Halloween Fun, 405 Five Police Officers, 584 Walking in the Snow, 329
Halloween Witches, 406 Friends, 365
Hanukkah Lights, 415 Grandma’s and Grandpa’s Shapes and Colors
Here Is the Chimney, 143 Glasses, 293 A Circle, 600
I’ve a Jack-O’-Lantern, 406 Hands, 52 Draw a Bubble, 76
Jack-O’-Lantern, 405 Helpful Friends, 183 Draw a Circle, 601
Little Turkey, 639 Letter to Grandma, 466 Draw a Square, 600
The Menorah Candle, 414 Little Mail Carrier, 465 Draw a Triangle, 601
My Dreidel, 415 The Mail Carrier, 466 Here Is a Bubble, 75
My Pumpkin, 406 Miss Polly’s Dolly, 245 Lines, 600
One, Two, Three Little Ten Little Firemen, 337 Purple Lollipop, 550
Candles, 457 Traffic Policeman, 517 The Red Balloon, 575
Presents, 144 Right Circle, Left Square, 600
Santa’s Workshop, 143 Plants Three Buttons, 174
Seven Days of Kwanzaa, 457 An Apple, 16 What Am I Making?, 601
Ten Little Stars, 567 The Apple, 16
Thanksgiving Dinner, 639 Apple Chant, 16
Witches’ Cat, 406 Sports and Hobbies
The Apple Tree, 648
Clay, 25
Apple Tree, 15, 16, 385
Football Players, 610
Home and Family Bananas, 385
Here Is a Ball, 610
Children, 294 Daisies, 356
Musical Instruments, 481
Cookie Jar, 294 Dig a Little Hole, 385
Painting, 25
Grandma’s and Grandpa’s Five Red Apples, 575
Swimming, 667
Glasses, 293 Flowers, 356
Two Little Puppets, 543
Home Sweet Home, 294 Flower Play, 356
Knocking, 440 Flowers, Seeds, Leaves, and
My Chores, 440 Roots, 103 Tools
My Family, 293 Green Leaf, 629 Brushes In My Home, 68
My House, 85, 440 How It Happens, 395 Carpenter’s Hammer, 191
Where Should I Live?, 440 I Am a Tall Tree, 649 The Carpenter’s Tools, 85
Leaves, 284 Johnny’s Hammer, 191
Nursery Rhymes Little Flowers, 396
Hickory Dickory Dock, Little Leaves, 284 Transportation
473, 504 Mr. Carrot, 396 The Car Ride, 112
Humpty Dumpty, 274 My Apple, 575 The Crossing Guard, 584
Jack-in-the-Box, 481 My Garden, 356, 384, 534, 618 Crossing Streets, 584
Little Boy Blue, 503 One Grape and One Grape, Here Is a Car, 112
Little Jack Horner, 503 550 My Bicycle, 676
Little Miss Muffet, 220, 448 Orange Tree, 648 Red Light, 584
One, Two, Buckle My Picking Apples, 15 School Bus, 112
Shoe, 174 Plants, 534 Wheels, 676
Old King Cole, 504 Relaxing Flowers, 395 Windshield Wiper, 112
Pat-a-Cake, 503 Seeds, 395
Wee Willie Winkle, 503 Tulips, 575 Weather
Twirling Leaves, 284 Little Raindrop, 559
People Vegetables and Fruits, 385 Rain, 559
Carpenter, 85, 517 Raindrops, 618
Children, 294 Seasons Rainy Day Fun, 559
Circus Clown, 165 Autumn, 283 Thunderstorm, 559
The Cobbler, 192 Build a Snowperson, 685 The Wind, 649
The Crossing Guard, 584 Five Little Snowpeople, 685 Zippers, 685


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GROUP TIME Listen Carefully, 122 Who Took the Wheel?, 677
Little Birds, 37 Year of the Chinese Zodiac, 133
Games Look Closely, 175
Ant Partners, 6
The Lost Dog, 255 Language Arts/Discussions
Balloon Bounce, 210
Mail It, 518 Art Gallery Display, 24
Bean Toss, 157
Matching Insects, 448 Bread-Tasting Party, 59
Benito Juarez Says, 158
Match Them, 494 Brushes as Tools, 517
Block from Board, 494
Mouse, Mouse, Where’s Your Brush of the Day, 68
Bluebird, Bluebird, 47
Cheese?, 473 Campfire Story, 94
Bread Basket Upset, 59
Movement Activity—“Happy Camping Safety, 94
Brush Hunt, 68
Leaves,” 649 Caps for Sale, 414
My Favorite Hat Day, 424 Cheese-Tasting Party, 220
Dramatics, 76
My Home Is Special Child-Created Stories, 255
Carrot, Carrot, Corn, 385
Because …, 440 Circus Pictures, 165
Clown Lotto, 165
Mystery Box, 201 Colored Jars, 575
Cobbler, Cobbler, Mend My
Nice Kitty, 121 Dairy Charts, 220
Shoe, 330
Old Mother Hubbard’s Doggie Dog Chart, 255
Cookie Jar, 201
Bone Game, 504 Egg Habitats, 275
Copycats, 121
One, Two, Buckle My Exploring a Watermelon, 630
Costume Fun, 567
Shoe, 329 Exploring Our Center, 85
Costume Parade, 406
Outdoor Egg Hunt, 265 Favorite Bubble Gum Chart, 76
Doctor, Doctor, Nurse, 246
Pass the Hot Pepper, 157 Happy Feeling, 315
Decorate for Diwali, 237
Pass the Toothpaste, 229 Hat Chart, 686
Drum and Flower Game, 133
Pin the Tail on the Household Objects Sound
The Dog Catcher, 255
Donkey, 157 Like …, 184
Doggie, Doggie, Where’s Your
Puppet Show, 543, 630 Identifying Buildings, 85
Bone?, 255
Purple Shapes “Hokey Pokey,” Insects and Spiders, 448
Dreidel Game, 415
551 Language Chart, 473
Drop the Wishbone, 640
Rag Doll, 211 Little Red Hen, 38
Drop the Worm, 695
The Red Color Game, 133 The Little Red Hen, 59
Duck, Duck, Goose, 305
Red Color Games, 133 Machines as Helpers Chart, 518
Egg, Egg, Who’s Got the Egg?, 275
Red Envelope Hunt, 133 Pack the Backpack, 94
Farmer in the Dell, 122
Red Light, Green Light, Picking Apples,15
Feast, 640
113, 575 Purple Color Bag or Box, 550
Feltboard Fun, 534
Shape Hunt, 601 Safety Rules, 338
Find the Christmas Bell,
Sombrero Bean Toss, 157 Scissors Safety, 593
Squirrels in the Park, 494 Shape Day, 601
Fish Memory Game, 346
Tasting Party, 386 Thank-You Note, 112
Follow the Teacher, 494
Telephone, 184 Tool of the Day, 192
Fruit Basket Upset, 385
Toy Movements, 210 Toy Safety, 584
Gelt Hunt, 415
Transition Activity, 16 Tree Chart, 649
Go Fish!, 347
Turkey Chase, 639 Yeast Experiment, 59
Going on a Nature Hike, 103
Turkey Keeper, 640 Movement Activities, 214
Guess What’s Inside, 144
Turkey Waddle, 640
Hide the Flower, 356
Twister, 601
Hide the Worm, 695
Valentine March, 658 LARGE-MUSCLE
Hiding Game, 201
Water Fun, 667 ACTIVITIES
Hot Sweet Potato, 458
What Am I?, 711 Indoor Activities
Hot Potato, 385, 415
What Is It?, 16 Animal Movement, 211
Huckle Buckle Bean Stalk, 396
What’s Inside?, 619 Avion, 156
A Hundred Ways to Get
What’s Missing?, 76, 94, 184, Balance Beam, 211
There, 294
246, 610, 703 Balloon Ball, 659
Insect Movement, 619
Who Has the Mitten?, 686 Balloon Racket Ball, 630
I Spy, 47
Who Is Inside?, 38 Bat Tag, 448
Jump in Puddles, 559
Who Stole the Pear?, 567 Bean Bag Bones, 256
The Last Bunny, 264
Who Is the Frog?, 375 Bean Bag Toss, 122, 165, 175
La Lotería, 157
Who Took My Nose?, 165 Bird Nest Search, 38


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Blue Ribbon Dance, 47 Musical Freeze, 482 Fill ’Er Up, 113
Body Movement Obstacle Course, 211, 338 Flower Hopscotch, 534
Rhythms, 481 Penguin Waddle, 38 Foot Art, 25
Body Percussion, 481 Pin the Nose on the Going Fishing, 610
Boom Boom Firecrackers, 238 Puppet, 543 Golfing, 610
Bowling Game, 365 Popping Corn, 640 Hopscotch, 601
Box Obstacle Course, 201 Puddles, 619 Kickball, 610
Bread Trail, 59 Purple Shape March, 551 Leaf Jumping, 396, 534
Break the Piñata, 157 Raindrops, 667 Mini-Olympics, 432
Bunny Trail, 265 Red Bird, Red Bird, 576 Neighborhood Walk, 84
Can Stilts, 166 Ribbon Dance, 576 Obstacle Course, 211
Catching Balloons, 630 Road Map Shower Curtain, 113 Outdoor Scavenger Hunt, 103
Catch Me, 667 Roly-Poly, 211 Painting, 25, 47
Caterpillar Crawl, 619 Scarf Dancing, 482 Parachute Play, 630
Cat Pounce, 122 Simon Says, 315 Rabbit Tag, 265
Charades, 184 Spinning Hula Hoops, 601 Raking and Hoeing, 534
Cinco de Mayo Freeze, 156 Sports Charades, 610 Raking Leaves, 103, 284
Climbing Cats, 122 Stop, Drop, and Roll, 585 Safety Walk, 584
Clothespin Drop, 175 Streamer/ Music Activity, 211 Scent Walk, 256
Clothes Race, 175 Sugar, Sugar, Toothbrush, 229 Shovel, 686
Canicas, 156 Tightrope Transition, 166 Sidewalk Brushing, 68
Creative Movement, 543 Tightrope Walker, 165 Sidewalk Chalk, 25
Dancing Cloud, 211 Unwrapping a Present, 202 Snowball Target, 686
Dancing Elephants, 165 Vegetable, Vegetable, Plant, 534 Snowpeople, 686
Do As I Say, 211 Walk and Balance, 601 Snowperson, 686
Double Balance Beam, 365 Walk Like the Animals, 711 Squad Cars, 518
Dreidel Dance, 415 Wall Building, 504 Tracks, 256
Drop the Toothbrush, 229 Weight Awareness, 432 Traffic Light, 585
Egg Drop, 38 Wiggle Worms, 695 Tricycles, 59
Egg Hunt, 38 Windmills, 619 Trikes, 305
Egg Maze, 275 Wooden Balance Beam, 649 Wagons, 677
Egg Rolling, 265 Wooden Climber, 649 Wash a Car, 113
Eggs in the Basket, 265 Workbench, 85, 516 Wheelbarrow, 677
Firefighter’s Workout, 338 The Workbench, 192 Wooden Climber, 649
Follow the Footprints, 330 Worm Wiggle, 559
Freeze, 686 Yarn Balls, 122
Frying Donuts—Dramatic Zookeeper, May I?, 711
Play, 415 Classification
Ghost, Ghost, Witch, 407 Outdoor Activities Animal Sets, 712
Hat Beanbag Toss, 424 Anthill Walk, 6 Dog Biscuits, 257
Hey, Diddle Diddle Jump, 504 Balance, 211 Friend Charts, 365
Hug Tag, 658 Balance Beam, 365 Items Made from Trees, 649
Insect Movement, 619 Balls, 630 Parts and Wholes, 386
Jack Be Nimble’s Barefoot Walk, 630 Seeds, 395
Candlestick, 504 Barn, 305 Stamp Sort, 184
Jumping Bean Freeze, 157 Bat Tag, 448 Trace Walk, 649
Kitty, Kitty, Cat, 112 Beach Volleyball, 610 Which Is Bigger?, 712
Large Puppets, 543 Boom Boom Firecrackers, 238
Leapfrog, 375 Bug Hunt, 103 Counting and Numerals
London Bridge, 504 Car, Car, Truck, 113 The Ants Go Marching
March, 482 Catching Balloons, 630 One by One, 6
Mexican Hat Dance, 157 Cat Movements, 122 Bubble Count, 76
Mexican Jumping Beans, 157 Caves, 95 Campers, 95
Mirrors, 315 Climbing Cats, 122 Cars and Garages, 113
Monkey, Monkey, Clown, 166 Dog Hoops, 256 Charity Jar, 568
Movin’ Through, 202 Egg Relay, 275 Colors, Shapes, and
Musical Chairs, 238 Feet Movement, 330 Numbers, 482


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Constructing Numerals, 494 Twinkle, Twinkle, Star Count, Vegetables, 385
Container Stack, 202 505 Weighing Acorns and
Counting Cans, 26 Unicycle Riders, 166 Pinecones, 284
Count to Eid, 568 Whisker Count, 123 Weighing Apples, 17
Count Off, 238 Wipe-off Windows, 86 Weighing Biscuits, 256
Counting Pumpkin Seeds, 407 Weighing Bricks, 86
Counting Nature, 103 Matching Weighing Brushes, 68
Counting Raindrops, 668 Bandage Lotto, 246 Weighing Pumpkin
Cracked Eggs, 38 Broken Hearts, 659 Seeds, 407
Cube Tower, 47 Butterfly Match, 448 Weighing Tools, 192
Dairy Lids, 221 Campers, 95
Dot to Dot, 686 Candleholder and Candle Match, Patterning
Drops of Water, 668 416 Block Patterning, 703
Drum Beats, 482 Cat Matching Game, 118 Soccer Ball Pattern, 611
Egg Carton Math, 275 Clown Hat Match, 166 Zebra Stripes, 712
Egg Numerals, 265 Colored Craft Sticks, 47
Emergency Number, 338 Dominoes, 466
Examine a Puppet, 543 Face Matching, 315 Sequencing
Family Member Chart, 294 Favorite Ice Cream Graph, 221 Apples, 10
Fishbowl Math, 347 Flower Match, 356 Bead Stringing, 576
Flower Petal Math, 356 Flower Petal Math, 356 Car, Truck, or Bus, 113
Frog Board Game, 376 Flowerpot Match Game, 535 Clipping Raindrops, 667
Giraffe Math, 712 Fruit and Vegetable Match, 386 Color Cards, 576
Group Pictures, 365 Giraffe Math, 712 Dog Bones, 256
How Many?, 202 Hat Match, 424 Families—Biggest to
How Many Footsteps?, 330 Hen and Chick Match, 306 Smallest, 294
How Many Paper Clips?, 123 Humpty Dumpty Egg Match, Flower Growth, 356
How Many Stamps?, 466 505 Following Steps, 211
How Many Wheels?, 677 Insect Lotto, 449 Frogs—Biggest to Smallest,
Items Made from Trees, 649 Ladybug Houses, 449 376
Kites, 630 Leaf Math, 284 Hats, 426
Light Walk, 238 Leotards to Hangers, 211 Line ’Em Up, 175
Little Bo Peep Sheep, 505 License Plate Match, 113 Paintbrushes, 68
Muffin Man Math Game, 505 Mitten Match, 505 Rubber Tubing, 338
Muffin Math, 47 Nursery Rhyme, 498, 499 Shape Sequence, 686
Muffin Tin Math, 60 Rainbow Match, 559 Wheel Sequence, 677
Music Calendar, 482 Seed Match, 535 Which Is Bigger?, 238, 712
My House, 85, 439, 440 Sock Match, 175
Number Chain, 494 Unicycle Riders, 166 Seriation
Number Rhyme, 482 Wallpaper Shape Match, 601 Clothesline Birds, 38
Numeral Caterpillar, 449 Winter Dominoes, 686 Breadstick, 60
Pick-Up Sticks, 103 Clothes, 175
Phone Numbers, 184 Easter, 265
Pocket Count, 202 Fish, 347
Art Tools, 26
Puppet Dot-to-Dot, 543 Fruits, 386
Balancing Eggs, 275
Rote Counting, 505 Hat, 424
Car Ramp, 113
Safety Items, 585 Heart, 659
Charting Growth, 535
Sand Numbers and Shapes, 630 Insect, 619
Fish, 341
Seeds, 383, 395 Package, 466
Growing Chart, 166
Set of Worms, 695 Plant Growth, 535
Height and Weight
Sets of Frogs, 375 Shoe, 330
Chart, 432, 495
Seven Giant Steps, 458 Vegetables, 386
How Many Paper Clips, 123
Sliding Drops, 668 How Many Worms?, 695
Spanish Counting, 158 Inchworm Measuring, 396 Shapes and Colors
Ten in the Bed, 482 Measuring Cups, 667 Ballet Puzzle, 211
Tongue Depressor Dominoes, 246 Seed Growth, 356 Block Patterning, 703
Toothbrush Counting, 68 Use of Rulers, 192 Blocks, 86


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Chinese New Year Puzzle, 134 Sock Sort, 330 Did You Ever See a Wiggly
Christmas Card Puzzles, 144 Sort the Stars, 416 Worm?, 695
Colored Bags, 576 Sorting Caps, 103 Dragon, Dragon, 135
Color Cards, 576 Sorting Hearts, 659 Eensy Weensy Spider, 543, 449
Colored Craft Sticks, 47 Zoo Sort Hula Hoops, 712 The Elephant Song, 449
Color Sort, 576 Find the Mouse, 474
Colors, Shapes, and Numbers, Five Green Speckled Frogs,
Farm Animal Transition, 305
Full Moon, 568 Five Little Monkeys Jumping on
Instrument of the Day, 482
Geometric Bubble Shapes, 76 the Bed, 712
Hanukkah Puzzles, 416 Goldfish, 347
Heart Sort, 659 MUSIC Have You Ever Seen a
Purple Chain, 551 Rabbit?, 527
All about Me
Puzzles, 305. 505, 686 Here’s a Little Birdie, 276
ABC Song, 483
Sand Numbers and Shapes, 630 Here’s a Little Worm, 696
Are You Sleeping, 508
Shape Completion, 601 Hey, Diddle Diddle, 509
A Tisket, A Tasket, 202
Sorting Shapes, 703 Hickory Dickory Dock, 505, 482,
Brushing Teeth, 229
Turkey Shapes, 640 494
Brush Your Teeth, 432
Wallpaper Shape Match, 601 I’m a Little Fish, 347
Catch One If You Can, 619
Zebra Stripes, 712 I’m a Little Worm, 695
Clean Teeth, 229
The Insects and Spiders, 449
Do Your Ears Hang Low?, 483
Jumping Frogs, 376
Sorting Head, Shoulders, Knees, and
Just a Little Worm, 696
Animal Sort, 712 Toes, 483
Kitty, 123
Anthill Math, 6 I Have Something in My Pocket,
Little Black Ant, 7
Ant Sort, 6 202, 316
Little Bo-Peep, 506
Art Supplies, 26 I Have Something Very Special,
The Little White Duck, 483
Ball Sort, 610 330
Mary Had a Little Lamb,
Beans, 396 I’m a Little Bubble, 76
482, 507
Bubble Wand Sort, 76 I’m a Little Mail Carrier, 184
One Elephant, 495, 712
Candle Sort, 238 I Am Special, 483
One Little Mouse, 474
Camping Scavenger Hunt, 95 Johnny Works with One
Pretty Birds, 39
Cars, Trucks, or Buses, 113 Hammer, 192
Rags, 526
Christmas Card Sort, 144 Let’s Pretend, 446, 26, 60
Red Hen, Red Hen, 276
Circus Sorting, 116 Looby Loo, 506
Shoo Fly, 449
Colored Bags, 576 Mailing Letters, 466
Six Little Ants, 7
Colored Popcorn, 640 The More We Get Together, 366
Six Little Dogs, 256
Container Sort, 202 My Body, 432
Six Little Ducks, 483
Dairy Sort, 221 This Is the Way We Build Our
Six Little Fish, 347
Egg Sort, 275 House, 440
Six Little Pets, 526
Farm Animals, 305 Using Brushes, 69
Ten Little Froggies, 375
Favorite Bread Graph, 60
Ten Little Mice, 473
Feather, 38
Animals This Little Piggy, 306
Fish, 347
Animals at the Zoo, 712 Three Brown Mice, 474
Fish Cracker Sort, 347
The Animals on the Farm, Three Little Kittens, 123
Flatware Set, 494
306 Two Little Black Bears, 95
Food Group, 432
Ants, 7 Two Little Blackbirds,
Fruit and Vegetable Match, 386
The Ants Go Marching, 6 494, 506
Grouping Pictures, 386
The Bear Went Over the Two Little Bluejays, 47
Gummi Worm Candy Sort, 695
Mountain, 712 Two Little Brown Mice, 473
Hanger Sort, 175
The Bees Are Buzzing All Two Little Kittens, 123
Hat, 611
Around, 449 Wiggle, Wiggle Little Worm, 696
Items Made from Trees, 649
Bingo, 256 Zoo Animals, 712
Leaf Sorting, 103
Birds, 38
Pretzel Sort and Count, 60
Circus, 166 Clothing
Shades of Purple Sort, 551
Cows, 222 Mitten Song, 687
Shapes, 703
Did You Ever See a Rabbit, 265 My Hat, 424
Shape Sort, 593


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Summer Clothing, 630 Peppermint Stick Song, 144 Family Helper, 294
Tie Your Shoes, 330 Ramadan Is Coming Soon, 568 The Farmer in the Dell, 221, 306,
Tony Has Three Pockets, 202 Rudolph the Red-Nosed 535
What Are You Wearing on Your Reindeer, 144 Happy Children Tune, 284
Feet?, 330 S-A-N-T-A, 144 Johnny Works with One
Winter Clothes, 687 Santa Claus Is Coming to Hammer, 192
Town, 144 Mary Had a Little Lamb, 482,
Feelings Santa’s in His Shop, 145 507
Come Join the Fun, 158 Ten Little Valentines, 659 The More We Are Together, 366
Feelings, 316 The Twelve Days of Old MacDonald Had a Farm,
For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow, 316 Christmas, 144 221, 306, 482
If You’re Happy and You Know Time to Celebrate, 158 The Ringmaster, 166
It, 316, 483 Two Little Cupids, 659 The Seed Cycle, 535
If You’re Thankful, 641 Up on the House Top, 144 What Is My Job?, 518
I Have Something in My Pocket, We Wish You a Merry
202, 316 Christmas, 144
The More We Get Together, 366 Will You Be My Valentine?, 659
A Camping We Will Go, 95
Will You Be My Valentine?, 659 Campfire Songs, 95
Nursery Rhymes Circus, 120
Foods Here We Go Around the Down by the Station, 338
A Little Seed, 397 Mulberry Bush, 38 To the Hospital, 246
Apples Off My Tree, 17 Hey, Diddle Diddle, 509
Down at the Bakery, 60 Hickory Dickory Dock, 473,
Drink Your Milk, 222 Seasons
494, 504
Egg Choices, 276 A Lilac, a Lilac, 551
Jack and Jill, 506
Foods That Grow on Trees, 650 Flowers, 355
Jack Be Nimble, 506
Here’s a Grape, 551 Little Leaves, 284, 650
Little Miss Muffet, 506
If I Had a Bagel, 60 Mitten Song, 687
London Bridge Is Falling
Little Apples, 17 Pretty Leaves Are Falling
Down, 506
Little Donuts, 60 Down, 284
Miss Polly Had a Dolly,
My Apple Tree, 17 Rain, Rain, Go Away, 560
432, 507
Popcorn Song, 640 Raindrops, 618
The Muffin Man, 368
Vegetables, 386 Old King Cole, 504, 507 Signs of Spring, 619
The Vegetable Garden, 386 Open, Shut Them, 507 Snowperson, 686
We Like Ice Cream, 221 Pat-a-Cake, 507 Summer Activities, 630
A Peanut Sat on a Railroad Summer Clothing, 630
Holidays Track, 506 Winter Clothes, 687
Christmas Chant, 145 Pop! Goes the Weasel, 507
Circle Christmas Verse, 145 Rock-a-Bye, Baby, 508 Shapes and Colors
Easter Bunny, 266 Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, 508 Colors, Shapes, and Numbers, 482
Easter Eggs, 266 There Was an Old Woman, 508 Different Shapes, 601
Flying Witches, 407 Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, Here’s a Bubble, 77
For Chinese New Year, 134 602 Purple Things, 551
Gung Hay Fat Choy—Chinese Two Little Blackbirds, 494, 506
New Year Song, 134 Where is Thumbkin?, 509 Things To Do
Hanukkah Oh Hanukkah, 416 Can You Blow a Big Bubble?, 76
Have You Made a Jack-O’- Finding Colors, 48
Lantern?, 407 Go In and Out the Window, 86
Beth Met a Friend, 366
Jingle Bells, 144 Instrument of the Day, 482
Call a Friend, 184
Kwanzaa’s Here, 458 Johnny Works with One
The Doctor in the Clinic, 246
Kwanzaa Light, 458 Hammer, 192
Do You Know The Muffin
Little Lamps, 239 Pick Up Litter, 104
Man?, 518
Menorah Candles, 412 Pop! Goes the Bubble, 76
Do You Know The Police
Mexican Hat Dance, 158 Ten Little Bubbles, 77
Officer?, 585
My Valentine, 659 This Is the Way, 192
Do You Know This Friend of
One Little, Two Little, Three This Is the Way We Rake the
Mine?, 365
Little Pumpkins, 407 Garden, 535


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Transportation Observing Tadpoles, 376 Weighing Items from Trees
Row, Row, Row Your Boat, Pet Foods, 527 Nuts, 650
482, 508 Pinecone Bird Feeders, 650 Weighing Scissors, 593
Twinkle, Twinkle Traffic Light, Sheep Wool, 306
184, 585 Worm Farm, 348, 397, 696 Observation and Exploration
The Wheels on the Bus, 677 Worm Hunt, 696 Acid on Our Teeth, 229
African Dwarf Frogs, 376
Weather Classification Ant Farm, 7, 620
Let’s Be Windmills, 619 All about Me, 585 Anthills, 450
Oh, the Sun Is Shining Color Change Sequence, Ball Bounces, 611
Brightly, 631 285 Balls, 611
Raindrops, 668 Objects, 602 Binoculars, 95
Raindrops Falling, 668 Puppets, 543 Bird, 38
Sorting for Safety, 585 Birds I Have Seen, 39
Bird’s Nest, 38
SCIENCE Bubble Jar, 77
Activities, 622–623 Colors
Bubbling Raisins, 77
Blue Color Paddles, 48
Building Materials, 86, 441
Blue Windows, 48
Air Casts, 247
Button Box, 544
Air Bubbles in Food, 77 Chase the Pepper, 668
Carnation Coloring, 703
Bubble Gadgets, 77 Cleaning Fabric, 175
Color Mixing, 560, 669
Bubble Solutions, 77 Communication without
Colored Celery Stalks, 387
Circus Balloons, 167 Words, 317
Coloring Snow, 687
Clown Makeup, 164 Corn Display, 458
Dyeing Carnations, 48
Flying Kites, 631 Dancing Shoes, 212
“Fire” Painting, 338
Purple Bubble Prints, 551 Dog-Related Materials,
Flowers, 357
Sizzle Fun, 167 257
Just One Drop, 48
Water and Air Make Dried Apples, 17
Kaleidoscopes, 211
Bubbles, 631 Dwarf Frogs, 376
Mixing, 669
Worm Farm, 696 Eggs, 307
Paper Towel Dip, 703
Yellow Paint Mixing, 704 Egg Hatching, 307
Seal and Ball Color/Word Match,
Egg to Frog or Toad, 276
Animals Valentine’s Day Colors, 659
Evaporation, 560, 602
Animal Families, 295 Examine Snowflakes, 687
Yellow Soap Crayons, 704
Animal Friends, 366 Explore an Apple, 17
Animal Skins, 713 Exploring Bristles, 69
Animal Tracks, 331 Exploring Levels, 192
Compost Stew, 104
Ant Farm, 450, 620 Feathers, 306
Decomposition Predictions, 104
Ant Watch, 7 Fingerprints, 366
Lantern Light, 135
Aquarium, 347 “Fire” Painting, 338
Light, 416
Bird Feathers, 527 Flashlight Fun, 95
Recycling Bins, 104
Bird Feeders, 40 Flossing Teeth, 229
Shade versus Sun, 650
Bird’s Nest, 35, 149 Flowers, 355
Sunlight Experiment, 536
Cats, 120 Foot X-Rays, 331
Sunlight Power, 416
Eggs, 307 Freezing Water, 668
Materials and Equipment, 195
Egg to Frog or Toad, 276 Hatching Chicken Eggs,
Feed the Hummingbirds, 39 277
Fish in a Bottle, 203 High-Wire Balancers, 167
Balance Scale, 347
Frog Metamorphosis, 376 Identifying Brushes, 69
Height and Weight Chart, 432
Grapefruit Cup Feeders, 39 Ice Cubes Observation 560
Measuring Rainfall, 668
Habitat, 713 Insects, 450
Observing and Weighing
Hatching Chicken Eggs, 277 Jack and Jill’s Pail, 509
Bulbs, 357
Incubate and Hatch Eggs, 266 Jumping Seeds, 484
Testing Volume, 668
Insect Keeper, 203 Leaf Observation, 285
Using a Scale, 495
Make Bird Feeders, 687 License Plates, 113
Weighing Bread Grains, 61
Mice, 474 Magnet Dancers, 211
Weighing Mail, 467
Nesting Materials, 620 Magnifying Glasses, 95


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Metamorphosis, 376 Planting Pumpkin Seeds, 407 Sound Shakers, 185
Microscopes, 357 Planting Seeds, 357, 397, 650 Sound Tape, 317
Moon Chart, 568 Plants Contain Water, 397 Water Music, 483
Oxidation of an Apple, 17 Plants Use Water, 668
Paper Cup Telephones, 484 Potato Sprouts, 416 Substance Changes
Purple Carnation, 551 Pussy Willows, 266 Baking Bread, 61
Purple Glasses, 552 Root a Vegetable, 536 Carnation, 357
Road Materials, 113 Rooting an Organically Grown Dyeing Eggs, 35, 266
Scavenger Hunt, 95 Sweet Potato, 397 Evaporation, 560, 602
Shadow Profiles, 593 The Science Table, 397 Freezing Water, 668
Sheep Wool, 306 Sprouting Carrots, 620 Fruit Dehydration, 387
Sink/Float, 95 Sunflower Seeds, 345 Making Butter, 222
Soap Pieces, 432 Sunlight Experiment, 536 Making Candles, 145
Sprouting Sweet Potato, 459 Tasting Plants, 536 Making Ice Cream, 222
Stethoscope, 247, 611 Types of Grass, 611 Making Paper, 422
Sugar on Our Teeth, 229 A Tree’s Age, 104 Making Raisins, 552
Tadpoles, 376 Terrarium, 104 Making Toothpaste, 229, 247
Take-Apart Table, 104 Valentine’s Day Flowers, 659 Mixing Cement, 86
Telephone Parts, 185 Watch Seeds Grow, 536 Roasting Pumpkin Seeds, 407
Telephones, 185 Yellow Paint Mixing, 704
Tire Rubber, 677 Senses
Valentine’s Day Flowers, 659 Art Tools, 26 Temperature
Vibrations, 185 Basket Guessing, 266 Temperature, 495
Vinegar and Eggs, 276 Cheese Types, 307 Temperature Watch, 285
Watch Seeds Grow, 536 Feels Like the Farm, 307 Thermometer, 247, 620, 687
Water and Vinegar Fun, 669 Feely Box, 113, 145, 185, 295,
Wave Jar, 203 536, 602, 611 Time
Wet and Dry, 77 Fish Tasting Party, 348 Hickory Dickory Dock Clock, 509
What Shape Is It?, 602 High-Wire Balancers, 167
What’s It Made Of?, 424 How Does It Feel?, 317 Tools
Wheels, 676 How Does the Mail Feel?, 467 Art Tools, 26
Will an Egg Float?, 276 Identify by Smelling, 386 Building Tools, 86
Wishbone, 641 Pumpkin Tasters, 509 Charcoal, 26
Worm Farm, 696 Tasting Center, 386 Dental Products, 229
Tasting Dairy Products, 306 Doctors’ Tools, 247
Plants Tasting Eggs, 307 Gears, 677
Alfalfa Sprouts, 620 Tasting Party, 386 Hammers, 193
Beans, 536 Texture Clown, 167 Pulley, 677
Bread Grains, 61 Throats, 484 Rock Writing, 26
Budding Branches, 536 Vibrations, 185, 484 Scissor Show, 593
Carnation, 357 Wool, 509 Stethoscope, 247, 611
Carnation Coloring, 703 Thermometer, 247, 620, 687
Carve Pumpkins, 407 Sounds Wheels and Axles, 677
Colored Celery Stalks, 387 Bells, 145 The Wide World of Rulers, 193
Corn, 641 Comparing Heartbeats, 366
Cut and Draw, 386 Cricket, 444 Water
Eggshell Garden, 276 Family, 295 Carrot Tops in Water, 387
Eggshell Plants, 104 Friends’ Voices, 366 Catching, 560
Feely Box, 113, 145, 185, 295, Identifying Instruments, 484 Catching Snowflakes, 687
536, 602, 611 Matching, 484 Chase the Pepper, 668
Grow an Avocado Tree, 650 Musical Jars, 203 Coloring Snow, 687
Grow a Bean, 104 Musical Scale, 668 Evaporation, 560, 602
Growing Bean Plants, 536 Pop Bottle Music, 483 Fabric Sink and Float, 175
Growing Grass, 397, 620 Rubber Band Guitar, 203 Freezing, 668
Leaf Book, 650 Signs and Sounds of Winter, 687 Make Frost, 687
Leaf Observation, 285 Sound Jars or Boxes, 203 Making Rainbows, 631
Mary’s Garden, 509


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Measuring Rainfall, 668 Identifying Sounds, 441 Trucks, 585
Painting Sidewalks, 668 Kool-Aid Smell, 631 Vegetable Wash, 387
Plants Use Water, 668 Leaves, 284 Wash Dolls, 78
Rooting an Organically Grown Making Rain, 669 Washing Clothes, 176
Sweet Potato, 397 Measuring Grains, 61 Washing Dishes, 295
Snow, 687 Measuring Mud and Water and Pails, 509
Soak Beans, 536 Sand, 611 Water Play and Sensory
Tasting, 560 Measuring Seeds, 408 Experiences, 671
Warm Water/Cold Water, 668 Minnows, 348, 527 Water Toys, 704
Water and Air Make Bubbles, 631 Moving Water, 669 Water with Blue Food
Water and Vinegar Fun, 669 Package “Worms,” 696 Coloring, 48
Water Music, 483 Pinecones, 650 Weighing Balls, 611
Wave Machine, 669 Plastic Boats, 348 Wet Sand, 86
Plastic Fish, 348 Wet Sand and Sand Mold
Weather Plastic Frogs, 376 Containers, 26
Catching Snowflakes, 687 Plastic Insects, 450 Wood Shavings, 86, 193, 651
Chart, 620 Plastic Plants, 397 Yellow Goop, 704
Coloring Snow, 687 Plastic Worms, 696
Dress the Mail Carrier, 467 Play Dough, 593 SOCIAL STUDIES
Measuring Rainfall, 668 Popcorn, 638 Animal Babies, 620
Signs and Sounds of Winter, 687 Pollution, 105 Animal Sounds, 527
Snow, 687 Preparing Food, 135 Ant Jobs, 7
Weather Calendar, 285 Preparing Fruits and Baker, 58
Weather Doll, 687 Vegetables, 387 Bird Feeders, 39
Pumpkins, 285 Body Parts, 167
Pumps and Hoses, 585 Brothers and Sisters, 239
SENSORY ACTIVITIES Pumps and Water, 78 Brushes Chart, 69
Acorns, 651 Puppet Materials, 542 Buenos Amigos, 159
Ants and Anthills, 7 Purple Goop, 552 Buildings in Our Town, 86
Apple-Tasting Party, 17 Purple Shaving Cream, 552 Camping Experiences, 96
Aquarium Rocks, 348 Purple Water, 552 Caring for Birds, 39
Blue Goop, 48 Rain, 559 Cat Chart, 123
Boating, 669 Rain Stick, 484 Cat Displays, 123
Bubble Bath, 78 Red Funny Putty, 576 Cat Safety, 124
Bubble Solution, 78 Red Goop, 576 Celebration Collage, 239
Bubble Wrap, 239, 484 Red Shaving Cream, 576 Chinese New Year
Clay Chinese Zodiac Animals, Red Water, 576 Photographs, 135
135 Sand Castles, 441 Circus Life, 167
Clay Cutters, 266 Sand Temples, 416 Color Chart, 577
Colored Ice, 669 Scented Play Dough, Colored Balloons, 577
Cork Frogs, 376 86, 193 Community Helpers, 425
Corn Kernels, 704 Scrubbing Plastic Fruit, Dairy Allergies, 222
Dish Detergent, 432 69, 135 Diwali around the
Dishwashing, 78 Secret Smells, 450 World, 239
Dusting, 135 Seeds, 383, 395 Discussion about Colors, 576
Easter Materials, 263 Sensory Walk, 331 Discussion on Safety, 114
Eggs, 265 Shampoo, 432 Dog Biscuits, 257
Face Paint, 167 Shaving Cream Fun, 704 Dog Bulletin Board, 257
Farm Animal Sound Bingo, 307 Silly Putty, 26 Dog Chart, 255
Farm Materials, 307 Sink and Float, 669 Dogs, 257
Feeling Turf, 611 Soap, 659 Dressing for Spring, 620
Flowers, 355 Swimming, 611 Eye Color, 48
Fruit and Vegetable Bag, 457 Texture Feelings, 317 Family Easter Traditions, 266
Fruit and Vegetable Scrub, 387 Texture Rubbings, 527 Family Pictures, 295
Goop, 26, 408, 552, 576, 704 Tissue Paper Coloring, 158 Family Tree, 537, 651
Holiday Cubes, 145 Toothbrushes and Water, 230 Farm Animal of the Day, 307


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Feeding Chart, 527 Safety Pictures and Signs, 586 Winter Happenings, 688
The Feel of Color, 27 Safety Rules, 338 Zodiac Signs, 135
Field Trip to a Garden, 387 Safety Signs, 586
Fire Drill, 339 Salad and Soup Party, 398
Fire Inspection Tour, 339 Share Your Cat, 123
Painting Surfaces, 28
Footwear of Long Ago, 331 Share Your Dog, 256
Fingerpaint Recipes, 29–30
Friends Bulletin Board, 367 Sharing, 459
Transitions: Dismissal of
Fruit and Vegetable Sharing a Treat, 222
Children, 368–369
Book, 387 Sharing Baskets, 267
Paint Applicators, 70
Hang Pictures, 387 Sharing Breads, 61
Gifts for Families and
Hanukkah Celebration, 417 Shoe House, 509
Friends, 148–150
Helper Chart, 69, 193 Sign Language, 185, 660
Dramatic Play Clothes, 178
Helpful Zoo Animals, 713 Social Dancing, 212
Science Materials and
Helping Hands, 459 Sorting Feelings, 660
Equipment, 195
Human Menorah, 417 Sound Tapes, 317, 484
Movement Activities, 214
Insect Hunt, 450 Spanish Color Words, 158
Easter Eggs, 226, 268
Job Chart, 518 Sports Hats, 423, 425
Fall Nature Recipes, 287
Kwanzaa Symbols, 459 Spring Clothing, 620
Snack Ideas for Young
Mailboxes, 465 Stop-and-Go Light, 586
Children, 298–299
Making Floats, 631 Summer at School, 631
Recipes for Doughs and
Map It, 135 Summer Fun Book, 631
Clays, 320–323
Menorah, 417 Table Setting, 509
Transition Activities, 368–369
Occupation: Painter, 552 Tasting Party, 386, 432, 704
Cooking Vocabulary, 389
Occupation Match Game, 87 Thank-You Notes, 61,
Decorating a Pumpkin, 409
Occupation Pictures, 518 Tool Safety, 193
Hats, 426
Occupation Puppets, 544 Travel, 688
Multicultural Songs, 487–488
Our Own Songs, 484 Tree Bulletin Board, 651
Manipulatives for Math
Pictures, 96, 247, 317, 484 Unusual Buildings, 87
Activities, 497
Pictures of Dogs, 256 Weather Clothing, 176
Excursions, 520
Plant Hunt, 398 “Weather” or Not to Wear a
Pastes, 594
Planting Trees, 536 Hat, 424
To Teach Math Concepts, 604
Plant Walk, 536 Weekend Visitor, 527
Science Activities, 622–623
Play Yard Plants, 536 Wheelchair, 678
Materials to Collect for the
Ramadan Greetings, 568 Who Wears It?, 176
Art Center, 661
Role of the Dairy Farmer, 222 Winter Book, 688
Water Play and Sensory
Room Match, 441 Winter Clothing Match, 688
Experiences, 671


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activities in this book. It is the teacher’s re-
Why I Wrote This Book sponsibility to thoughtfully select, plan, and
Many years ago, while reviewing early child- introduce developmentally appropriate themes
hood curriculum resources, it became appar- and culturally responsive learning experiences
ent that few books were available that used a to promote positive outcomes for all children.
thematic approach for teaching young children. Specifically, the teacher must tailor the cur-
Moreover, an expanded resource that contained riculum to reflect the children’s needs, inter-
all of the curriculum areas for teaching pre- ests, abilities, disabilities, experiences, and
school or kindergarten was nonexistent background. Consequently, all teachers need
As a result, my university students, colleagues, to be encouraged to carefully select, adapt, or
and alumni convinced me of the importance of change any of the activities in this book to meet
such a book. Likewise, they convinced me of the the needs, abilities, interests, cultural back-
significant contribution the book could make to ground, and experiences of individuals as well
early childhood teachers and, subsequently, the as the group of children to ensure developmen-
lives of young children. Teachers want to work tal appropriateness. The inside covers of this
smarter, not harder, by having one comprehensive book should be used as handy references for
book at their fingertips. checking developmental milestones, sometimes
Before preparing the first manuscript, hun- referred to as emerging competencies.
dreds of early care and education, preschool, As you use this curriculum guide, you will
and kindergarten teachers were surveyed to note that some themes readily lend themselves
ascertain their curriculum needs. In response, to particular curriculum areas. As a result, the
this reference book was designed, written, and number of activities listed under each curricu-
tailored to their teaching needs using a thematic lum area will vary from theme to theme.
approach for use with two- through six-year- The detailed “Introduction” that follows is
old children. Each theme contains a flowchart, designed to help teachers use the book most
theme goals, concepts for the children to learn, effectively. It includes:
theme-related vocabulary words, music, fin-
1. A discussion on how to develop the
gerplays, science, social studies, dramatic play,
curriculum using a thematic approach
creative art experiences, sensory, large-muscle
2. A list of possible themes
activities, science, music, mathematics, cook-
3. Suggestions for writing family letters
ing experiences, technology and multimedia,
4. Methods for constructing and evaluating
books, songs, field trips, and resource people.
creative interactive bulletin boards
In addition, creative ideas for designing child-
5. Criteria for selecting children’s books
involvement bulletin boards and family letters
6. The importance of documentation boards
have been included. Some of these resources
were identified by the teachers included in
the survey as being critical components that
have been lacking in other curriculum guides.
As the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth What’s New in This Edition?
editions were developed, input was continu-
1. Brand-new activities and resources. Over
ously sought from colleagues, teachers in train-
2500 new activities, books, and songs enrich
ing, and other individuals using the book.
this sixth edition. These activities are spread
throughout the book, complement the existing
themes, and are included in the new themes.
Each theme begins with a curriculum web. This
How to Use This Book webbing helps teachers in recording possible
In addition to the themes included in this book, ideas in an organized way. Webbing is a helpful
other themes can and should be developed for tool designed to inform teachers of the major
teaching young children by integrating the subconcepts that can be included under each
Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Due to electronic rights, some third party content may be suppressed from the eBook and/or eChapter(s).
Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
theme. It is the teacher’s responsibility to tailor providing a quality early childhood curriculum.
the curriculum to make it developmentally ap- Included under the section on assessment, there
propriate, and linguistically and culturally en- are forms for assessing young children’s growth
gaging and challenging. and development. The charts for emerging compe-
2. New multicultural themes. Five new multi- tencies can be used for assessment as well as for
cultural themes have been added to this new family conferences. In addition, examples of docu-
edition: Chinese New Year, Cinco de Mayo, mentation boards are available that you can emu-
Diwali, Kwanzaa, and Ramadan. The themes late for your classroom These colorful boards will
for Hanukkah, Christmas, and Thanksgiving show you many ways of documenting children’s
have also been refined and updated. learning and development. Documentation should
3. New “going green” theme. “Caring for Our play an important role in the assessment process.
Earth” has been added as a brand-new theme in Hung throughout the classroom, these boards can
this edition. It complements the existing themes also add beauty. Families and other visitors will
of “Flowers,” “Gardens,” “Rain,” and “Water.” enjoy observing class activities recorded through
4. Brand-new color insert on using the digital camera photographs and the printed word.
in the early childhood classroom. The brand-new col- The following is a list of the specific re-
ored insert in the middle of the book contains a sources and documents that you will find on
wide variety of teacher-made materials and arti- the Herr 6/e companion website—accessible
facts that illustrate how teachers can utilize the through
digital camera. Each artifact is aligned with the
National Association for the Education of Young Assessing Young Children’s Growth and
Children’s (NAEYC) Teaching Standards.
Development Website Resources
5. Expanded multicultural materials appendix. This
special appendix (Appendix B) has been ex- • Activity Preferences: Self-Selected Play
panded to include new books and other impor- • Anecdotal Record
tant multicultural resources. • Documentation Boards/Panels
6. New and expanded reference and resource ma- • Evaluating Documentation Boards/Panels
terials in each theme. The sections on children’s • Emerging Competencies: Two-Year-
books that appear at the end of each theme Olds–Six-Year-Olds
have been carefully researched and updated • Emerging Competencies: Two-Year-Olds
to reflect the new publications related to each • Emerging Competencies: Three-Year-Olds
theme. All award-winning books related to the • Emerging Competencies: Four-Year-Olds
themes have been added. Likewise, many books • Emerging Competencies: Five-Year-Olds
that are no longer in print have been deleted. • Emerging Competencies: Six-Year-Olds
7. Introduction of additional recordings and songs • Evaluation of an Activity
for the themes. A recording and song section con- • Evaluating Documentation Boards/Panels
taining music with related concepts has been • Individual Child Profile
revised and expanded for each theme where • Play Patterns Assessment Form
8. New technology and multimedia resources. The Curriculum-Planning Website Resources
former multimedia section for each theme has
been updated. This section now contains com- • Block Plan Form
puter software for young children and stories • Bulletin Board Letters: Lowercase
on DVDs. • Bulletin Board Letters: Uppercase
• Bulletin Board Numbers
Brand New Companion Website to • Curriculum Area Planning Web
• Evaluation of an activity
Accompany the Text!
• Lesson Plan
A new website accompanies this sixth edition of
Creative Resources for the Early Childhood Class- Teacher Resources Website Resources
room—accessible via On
the website, you will find invaluable materials • Parent Letter
on child assessment, curriculum planning, and • Rainy Day Activities
other teacher resources that will assist you in • Teacher-Made Materials
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
original artwork that graces the sixth
Acknowledgments edition cover!
During the years between the first and sixth edi- • I also want to extend my special thanks
tions of this book, there were many individuals and dedicate this book to the three talented
whose creative ideas, support, and encouragement individuals who teach in the Child and
helped me. My sincere thanks to all of them: Family Study Center at the University
of Wisconsin–Stout whose support and
• My colleagues in early childhood education
contributions made this book possible:
who have worked with me at the
Jamie Lynch, Kathy Preusse, and Maggie
University of Wisconsin–Stout, nationally
and internationally.
• All students who have majored in early
childhood education at the University of Reviewers
Wisconsin–Stout, the children who have
participated in programs at the Child and I am also grateful to my colleagues nationwide
Family Study Center, their families, and who served as reviewers during the develop-
all children who have enjoyed the themes ment process:
and activities presented in this book. Laurel Anderson, Palomar College
• And, finally, to my grandchildren Carson,
Jeffrey, Eva, Madelyn, Marena, Vivian, Laurel Bongiorno, Champlain College
and Evan, as well as all of the children Fredalene Bowers, Indiana University of
throughout the world who have made my Pennsylvania
efforts worthwhile.
• My special thanks to individuals at Susan Christian, Patrick Henry
Cengage Learning whose assistance and Community College
hard work made this book possible: Mark Bessie Davis Cooke, South Carolina State
Kerr, Kara Kindstrom, Beth Kaufman, University
Jennifer Sacon, Genevieve Allen, Greta
Lindquist, Elizabeth Momb, and Dewanshu Leanna Manna, Villa Maria College;
Ranjan. Vicki Milstein, Principal, Brookline
• Special thanks to Amy Schoenblum, an Massachusetts Early Education Program
educator and multicultural consultant who
assisted with the compilation of the new Jennifer Volkers, Baker College
multicultural themes.
• Special thanks to Vicki Milstein, Min-
Jen Wu Taylor, and the students of the Min-Jen Wu Taylor, Early Childhood
Brookline Massachusetts Early Childhood Educator, Brookline Massachusetts Early
Education Program for the beautiful Education Program.

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Why Use Thematic for bulletin boards, documentation boards,
teacher-made materials, family letters, and a
Curriculum Planning wide variety of classroom learning experiences.

with Young Children?

The purpose of this introduction is to explain
the process involved in curriculum planning
Curriculum Planning
for preschool and kindergarten children us- As you use this resource, remember that chil-
ing the thematic, or unit, approach. Why use dren learn best when they can self-select ac-
themes? Children’s learning does not occur in tivities and interact with their environment
naturally defined subject areas, so learning using materials that are relevant to their lives.
and development are integrated. Activities Therefore, many opportunities should be avail-
that stimulate one area of development and able for active learning—seeing, hearing, touch-
learning affect other areas as well. By organiz- ing, tasting, self-expression, inquiry, discovery,
ing the curriculum around a theme, teachers and problem solving. Children need an invit-
can plan a meaningful child-centered curricu- ing, enriched environment with an abundance
lum that focuses on children’s real life expe- of hands-on, minds-on, and feelings-on learn-
riences and emerging interests, which makes ing experiences. They also need many artifacts,
the curriculum more meaningful. The theme materials, equipment, and choices to stimulate
represents a concept for children to investi- their curiosity and promote their creativity. To
gate and provides a central focus that lends construct knowledge, they need to actively in-
itself to the integration of curriculum areas. vestigate and manipulate their environment.
It also helps keep the curriculum interest- To provide these opportunities, the teacher’s
ing. With each new theme, the environment primary role is first to assess the children’s
changes. New activities, props, books, music, needs, interests, abilities, experiences, learning
songs, and other activities are introduced to styles, family values, and backgrounds. Using
stimulate the child’s curiosity, imagination, this assessment data, the teacher’s next step is
and involvement. to create a stimulating, engaging environment
A child’s brain, like an adult’s, is chal- where children can explore materials and dis-
lenged by novelty, challenge, and feedback. cover relationships. To be meaningful, these ex-
Listening and speaking are the primary ways periences should be responsive and consistent
that preschool and kindergarten children with the child’s development and culture.
learn new concepts and express their feelings Children learn by doing, and play is their
and thoughts. Themes provide a language-rich work. Development proceeds when children
environment through a variety of engaging, have appropriate tools to develop new skills.
“hands-on,” “minds-on,” and “feelings-on” activi- For this, they need large blocks of time and
ties. When children are exposed to new themes, flexible schedules. As a result, it is the author’s
they gain new words and concepts more read- intention that this book be used as a resource
ily than when working individually or in small to help you design and carry out a child-cen-
groups. Themes also provide concept develop- tered curriculum. Specifically, the ideas in this
ment through a variety of engaging “hands-on,” book should help you to enrich, organize, and
“minds-on,” and “feelings-on” activities. The structure the children’s environment, providing
curriculum is more interesting when children them an opportunity to make choices among a
encounter something they already know and wide variety of activities that stimulate their
care about. Themes also help children integrate natural curiosity.
skills and knowledge in meaningful ways. More- Knowledge of child development and cur-
over, themes also encourage parents to contrib- riculum must be interwoven. To illustrate, play
ute to the curriculum. To support each theme, in the classroom should be child-centered and
planning and construction ideas are included self-initiated. To provide an environment that
Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Due to electronic rights, some third party content may be suppressed from the eBook and/or eChapter(s).
Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
promotes these types of play, it is the teacher’s There are many methods for planning a cur-
role to provide unstructured time, space, ma- riculum other than using themes. In fact, you
terials, and support. Using a theme-based ap- may prefer not to use a theme during parts of
proach to plan curriculum is one way to ensure the year. If this is your choice, you might want
that a wide variety of classroom experiences is to use the book as a source of ideas, integrating
provided. Successful early childhood programs activities and experiences from a variety of the
have interesting, challenging, and engaging en- themes outlined in the book.
vironments that are developmentally appropri- Planning an emergent child-centered cur-
ate. Children need to learn to think, question, riculum using a theme approach involves sev-
reason, and become active decision makers. eral steps. Based upon assessment, the first
They also need to reflect on and document what step involves selecting a theme that is appro-
they are learning. priate for the developmental level and emerg-
It is important that all curricula be adapted ing interests of your group of children. Themes
to match the developmental needs of children based on the children’s conversations and in-
at a particular age or stage of development. An terests provide intrinsic motivation for explora-
activity that is appropriate for one group of chil- tion and learning. Meaningful experiences are
dren may be inappropriate for another. To de- more easily comprehended and remembered,
velop an appropriate curriculum, knowledge of and lead to new understandings. Moreover,
the typical development of children is needed. curiosity, enjoyment of participation, and self-
For this reason, the inside covers of this book direction are heightened.
contain such information and may be helpful After selecting a theme, the next step is de-
in making predictions about a child’s develop- veloping a flowchart which is often referred to
mental stage. Review these developmental mile- as webbing. From the flowchart, goals, concep-
stones, or emerging competencies as they are tual understandings, and vocabulary words can
often called, before selecting a theme or specific easily be extracted. The final step in curricu-
activities. The inside and back covers of this book lum planning is selecting hands-on activities
contain forms that should be helpful in assess- based on the children’s stages of development,
ing the children’s needs, interest, and abilities. interests, and available resources. While doing
this, the covers of this book should be used as
a reference to review emerging milestones for
children of different ages. Depending upon the
Theme Planning children’s interests and the available teaching
resources, themes may vary in length. A theme
A developmentally appropriate curriculum fo-
may be a day, three weeks, a week, a month, or
cuses on the emerging interests of the children.
even longer.
It integrates the children’s needs, interests,
To help you understand the theme ap-
abilities, and experiences and focuses on the
proach to curriculum development, each step of
whole child. Cognitive, social, emotional, and
the process will be discussed. Included are as-
physical development are all included. Before
sessing the children to identify themes related
planning aq curriculum, use the forms on the
to the children’s interests, needs, abilities, and
website to assess the children’s development
experiences. After selecting a theme, the next
and interests. Record your observations. At the
step is developing a flowchart, theme goals,
same time, note the children’s interests and lis-
concepts, vocabulary, and activities. In addition,
ten carefully. Children’s informal conversations
suggestions are given for writing family letters,
provide clues; this information is vital in select-
designing bulletin boards, creating teacher-
ing a theme that follows the direction of the
made materials, and selecting children’s books.
children’s interests and is personally meaning-
ful to the children. After this, review your ob-
servations by discussing them with other staff
members. A developmentally appropriate cur-
riculum for young children cannot be planned
without understanding their development. The Assessment is important for planning cur-
curriculum must be relevant to their lives and riculum, identifying children with special
emerge from their interests. needs, and communicating a child’s progress to

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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
families. Assessment provides a child’s devel- and their families in your program and com-
opment status at a given time. It also provides munity. Therefore, it is important to seek input
information on a child or group of children’s from families regarding holiday themes. Ask
progress over time. Authentic assessment needs families how they feel. If some families object,
to be a continuous process of evaluating chil- respect those objections. In some cases, you can
dren’s growth through their daily play activi- talk about a holiday rather than celebrate it.
ties. It involves a process of observing children Then, too, the intent of a holiday can be en-
during activities and engaging in thoughtful compassed in another theme. For example, Val-
dialogue. Assessment is a process of observing entine’s Day could be included in a theme on
children, recording their behaviors, and docu- friendship. Remember, if used, a holiday theme
menting their work. It involves showing what should not be the focus of the curriculum for an
the children can do and have learned. extended period.
Assessment also involves records and Three-year-old children primarily view
descriptions of what you observe, see, and holiday celebrations in terms of their own fami-
hear while the behavior is occurring. Logs and lies. They need to learn about holiday activities
journals can be developed. The emerging de- that are concrete with simple information that
velopmental milestones on the inside covers of is connected to their own familial experiences.
this text can be used as a checklist of behavior. Like three-year-old children, four-year-olds view
For your convenience, samples of these forms holidays from the experiences they have had in
can be downloaded from the website. This will their own families. Often, children these ages
help you create a profile of each child’s indi- can remember a celebration from the previ-
vidualized progress in developing skills. Your ous year. Five- and six-year-olds enjoy learning
observations should tell what the child likes, about holidays and understand the reasons they
doesn’t like, has discovered, knows, and wants are celebrated. They particularly enjoy prepar-
to learn. ing decorations, foods, and even invitations.
Samples of the children’s work should be
maintained in an individual portfolio collection.
A portfolio is a purposeful collection that docu- Flowcharts and Webbings
ments the children’s progress, achievements,
Once you have identified a theme that emerges
and efforts. Included should be samples of the
out of the children’s interests and you have
children’s paintings, drawings, storytelling ex-
available resources to use as support materi-
periences, and oral and written language. Thus,
als, the next step is to develop a flowchart. The
the portfolio will include products and evidence
flowchart is a simple way to record all possible
of the children’s accomplishments. The portfolio
subconcepts that relate to the major concept
can also be used to communicate with parents
or theme. It includes a graphic picture of what
and to demonstrate teacher accountability. The
may be included in the theme. To illustrate,
website contains documentation boards that
plan a theme on apples. Begin this process by
can be used to showcase the children’s or child’s
printing a copy of the Curriculum Area Plan-
thinking and work.
ning Web form provided on the website. In the
center on this form, print the word “apple.”
Then, using an encyclopedia as a resource, re-
cord the subconcepts that are related. Include
Selecting a Theme origin, parts, colors, tastes, sizes, textures, food
By reviewing the assessment materials, you can preparation, and nutrition. The following ap-
identify the children’s emerging milestones and ples flowchart (from Theme #2, “Apples,” within
interests. This information will be important in the text) includes these concepts. In addition,
selecting a theme that interests the children under each subconcept, list factual content
and in selecting developmentally appropriate that could be included. For example, apples
learning experiences. A theme can be any topic may be colored green, yellow, or red. By using a
of interest to young children. thematic approach, we teach children the way
When selecting a theme, remember that that environments and humans interconnect.
celebrating holidays can be controversial. You This process helps children make sense out of
need to respect the diversity of the children the human experience.

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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Tastes Forms Parts Sizes Origin
sweet raw seed large orchard
sour cooked core small seeds
dried meat soil, sunshine
baked skin water
stem trees
Preparation Colors
juice jellies red
pie butter yellow
cake muffins green
tarts bread
sauce pudding

Theme Goals 6. The tastes of apples

7. The sizes of apples
Once you have prepared a flowchart webbing, 8. The texture of apples
abstracting the theme goals is a simple pro-
cess. Begin by reviewing the chart. Notice the
subheadings listed. For the unit on apples, the Concepts
subheadings include preparation, tastes, parts, The concepts must be related to the goal; how-
sizes, forms, origin, texture, and colors. Writing ever, they are more specific. To write the con-
each of these subheadings as a goal is the next cepts, study the goals. Then prepare sentences
step of the process. that are written in a simple form that children
Because there are eight subheadings, each can understand. Examples of concepts for a
of these can be included as a goal. In some unit on apples may include the following:
cases, subheadings may be combined. For ex-
ample, note the fourth goal listed. It combines 1. Apples grow on trees.
several subheadings. 2. Seeds are planted in the soil to grow an
Through participation in the experiences apple tree.
provided by using apples as a curriculum 3. A group of apple trees is called an orchard.
theme, the children may learn: 4. Water and sunshine are needed to make
apple trees grow.
1. Parts of an apple 5. The flower on the apple tree is called a
2. Preparation of apples for eating blossom.
3. Forms of apples 6. An apple is a fruit.
4. The colors of apples 7. An apple has five parts: seed, core, meat,
5. The origin of an apple skin, and stem.
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8. Apples can be colored green, yellow, or red. science table, eating apples at lunch time, sort-
9. Apples can be large or small. ing colored apple cards, and listening to apple-
10. Bread, pies, puddings, and applesauce can related stories.
be prepared from apples. The five parts of an apple could also be in-
11. Cake, sauce, muffins, tarts, and juice may troduced through participation in a tasting or
also be prepared from apples. cooking experience, on a bulletin board, or even
in a discussion on a field trip or at the snack
table. Always remember that children need to
Vocabulary observe and manipulate the concrete object
The vocabulary should include new words that while engaged in child-initiated or child-di-
you want to informally introduce to the children. rected play that is teacher supported. For that
Vocabulary words need to be tailored to meet reason, fresh apples could be cut horizontally
the specific needs of your group of children. The and placed on the science table with a magnify-
number of vocabulary words will vary, depending ing glass. Likewise, simultaneously, apple seeds
on the theme and the developmental level of the and paper could be available on the art table to
children. For example, it might be assumed that construct a collage. Always remember that the
the children know the word sweet, but not tart. best activities for young children are hands-on,
So, the definition of the word tart is included. open-ended, and exploratory. That is, focus on
Collectively, the following words could be intro- the process, rather than the product. Children
duced in this unit: apple, apple blossom, apple need to learn to think, reason, and become
butter, core, and texture. Definitions for these problem solvers. As a teacher, you should take
words could include the following: the ideas in this book and use and adapt them
for planning and preparing the environment.
1. Apple—a fruit that is grown on a tree. Always remember that successful early child-
2. Apple blossom—a flower on the apple tree. hood programs provide interesting, challeng-
3. Apple butter—a spread for bread made ing, and engaging environments that stimulate
from apples. the child’s curiosity and minds.
4. Core—the part of the apple that contains
the seeds.
5. Texture—how something feels.

Family Letters
Communication between the child’s home and
Now that you have learned how to develop school is important. It builds mutual under-
goals related to a theme using a flowchart, you standing, cooperation, and partnerships with
will need to learn how to select developmen- families. With the efficiency of modern technol-
tally appropriate, engaging, hands-on activities. ogy, family letters are a form of written commu-
You will discover that many theme goals can be nication that can be shared on a weekly basis.
accomplished by additions to the environment, These letters should always convey that par-
bulletin boards, field trips, music, science, social ents and families are always welcome. Families
studies, stories, and resource people or family can be invited to provide support and critical
members at large-group time. Your major role resources to the theme. Many have ideas, ma-
as an adult, or teacher, is that of a facilitator, terials, stories, and expertise to share. By shar-
planning and preparing the environment to ing, they can expose us to their culture and
stimulate the child’s natural curiosity. teach us about diversity. Chances are that they
To begin this process, review each goal also have community connections for resource
and determine how it can be introduced in the people, field trips, and materials.
classroom. For example, review the goals if Samples of family letters that you can
you were going to develop a theme on apples. adapt for each theme have been included in
A bulletin board or game could introduce the this book. The most interesting family letters
three colors of apples. The children could also are written in the active voice. It states the
learn these colors through cooking experiences. subject did something. To illustrate, “Mark’s fa-
Other vehicles for teaching the colors of apples vorite activities today were playing with blocks
would be placing the three colors of apples on a and listening to stories on a DVD player.”
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When writing the family letter, consider the and skills. Included may be size, shape, color,
family’s educational level and home language. visual discrimination, hand-eye coordination,
Then write the letter in a clear, friendly, concise problem-solving skills, and so on.
style. To do this, eliminate all words that are Carefully study the bulletin boards included
not needed. Limit the length of the letter to a for each theme in this book. They are simple,
page or two. To assist you with the process, an containing a replica of objects from the child’s
example of a family letter is included for each immediate environment. Each bulletin board
theme. has a purpose. It teaches a skill or concept.
Family letters can be divided into three As you prepare the bulletin boards provided
sections. Included should be a general introduc- in this book, you will become more creative.
tion, school activities, and home activities. One Gradually, you will combine ideas from sev-
way to begin the letter is by introducing new eral bulletin boards as you develop new themes
children or staff, or sharing something that for curriculum. Rather than making bulletin
happened the previous week. After this, intro- boards, some teachers have reported that they
duce the theme for the coming week by explain- use the ideas to make charts.
ing why it was chosen. Some craft stores sell small projectors that
The second section of the family letter could enlarge images. This projector can be a useful
include some of the goals and special activities tool for individuals who feel uncomfortable with
for the theme. Share with the families all of the their drawing skills. Using the projector, you
interesting things you will be doing at school can enlarge images from storybooks, coloring
throughout the week. By having this informa- books, greeting cards, wrapping paper, and so
tion, families can initiate verbal interaction on. Follow the directions for enlarging objects
with their child. that accompany the projector, Using a pencil,
The third section of the family letter color marker, or crayon, trace the outline of the
should be related to home activities. Suggest image onto the paper or tagboard.
developmentally appropriate activities that A digital camera is another useful tool
the families can provide in the home. These for preparing bulletin boards. Photographs
activities may or may not relate to the theme. of young children support cognitive, social-
You may also want to include the words of emotional development and language devel-
new songs, fingerplays, and chants. This sec- opment. Children love to have pictures taken
tion can also be used to provide parenting in- during a field trip, or on special occasions, that
formation such as the developmental value of can be posted on a bulletin board or tagboard.
specific activities for young children. A format Parents also enjoy looking at the pictures. How-
for writing family letters is introduced on the ever, digital pictures do not need to be limited
website. Also review the family letter that has to taking the children’s pictures for bulletin
been enhanced with a digital photograph in boards. They can be effectively used to make
the center colored insert. books, sequencing materials, charts, match-
ing games, labeling lockers in the classroom,
and so on. Pictures you take to make bulletin
boards and teacher-made materials may be
more meaningful than purchasing commer-
Bulletin Boards cially prepared materials. The colored section
Bulletin boards add color, decoration, and in- of this book provides you with other ways that
terest to the classroom. They also communicate you can use a digital camera.
what is happening in the classroom to families To make your bulletin board pieces more
and other visitors. The most effective bulletin durable, laminate them. If your center does not
boards are interactive, involve the children, and have a laminating machine, use clear contact
are placed at their eye level. That is, the child paper. This process works just as well, but it
will manipulate some pieces of the board. As can be more expensive. Otherwise, some school
a result, they are called interactive or involve- specialty and office supply stores provide this
ment bulletin boards. Through the concrete ex- service.
perience of interacting with the bulletin board Titles for bulletin boards can be made from
materials, children learn a variety of concepts stencils, with plastic lettering, or by using a

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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
word processor. Using a word processor, you adventure is a preference for three-year-olds.
can use Microsoft software to prepare titles or They like to listen to things that could happen
labels. To do this, click on boldface first. Then, to them, including stories about community
select a lettering size that would be in propor- helpers. Four-year-old children are not as self-
tion to the size of the bulletin board and figures. centered. These children do not have to be part
After this, select a font. The font “Placard Con- of every situation that they hear about. Many
densed” is recommended because it represents are ready for short and simple fantasy stories.
a manuscript style that young children see in Five-year-olds like stories that add to their
books. Uppercase and lowercase manuscript knowledge—that is, books that contain new in-
letters and numbers have been included on formation and take them beyond the here and
the website that can be used for bulletin board now. They also enjoy books with humor and
titles. Prepare lettering for bulletin boards by exaggeration.
using these letters and placing colored con-
struction paper in the printer.
In addition to providing these letters and
numbers on the website, the simple art objects Documentation Boards
that are shown in the suggested bulletin boards
in each theme are also included. You should be and Panels
able to recreate these bulletin boards with very Documentation boards can illustrate the
little effort or artistic skills. process and progress of learning. They can
Finally, the materials you choose to use on articulate the philosophy of the classroom and
a bulletin board should be safe and durable. provide tangible evidence that the children
Careful attention should be given when select- are actively engaged in learning. Visual evi-
ing attachments. For two-, three-, and four- dence such as photographs, work samples, and
year-old children, adhesive Velcro and staples teacher’s reflections can all be used. Documen-
are preferred attachments. Caution: Pushpins tation boards can communicate the theme,
may be used with older children under careful child development, celebration, skill acquisi-
supervision. tion, special events, and curricular milestones.
To view some sample documentation boards,
visit the Herr 6/e companion website at www.
Selecting Books

Books for young children need to be selected

with care. Before selecting books, once again,
refer to the covers and review the typical de- Curriculum-Planning Guide
velopment for your group of young children.
We hope you find this book to be a valuable
This information can provide a framework for
guide in planning curriculum for preschool and
selecting appropriate books.
kindergarten children. The ideas should help
There are some general guidelines for se-
you build a curriculum based on the children’s
lecting books. First, children enjoy books that
natural interests. The book should also give you
relate to their experiences. They also enjoy ac-
ideas so that your program will provide a wide
tion. The words written in the book should be
variety of choices for children.
simple, descriptive, and within the child’s un-
In planning a developmentally valid cur-
derstanding. The pictures should be large, be
riculum, consult the “Table of Contents by
colorful, and closely represent the actions.
Subject.” It has been prepared to allow you
A book that is good for one group of children
easy selection from all the themes. So pick and
may be inappropriate for another. You must
choose and make it your own! The various sub-
know the child or group of children for whom
jects included are shown in the following table:
the story is being selected. Consider their inter-
ests, attention span, and developmental level. Caution: Check for children’s allergies when
Developmental considerations are impor- any food products will be used. As a safety pre-
tant. Two-year-olds enjoy stories about familiar caution, none of the recipes in this book contain
things they do, know, and enjoy. Commonplace nuts or nut flavorings.

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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Table of Contents by Subject

2+3 =
Arts and Crafts

Cooking Music

Dramatic Play
Field Trips and
Resource People

Fingerplays and Chants Social Studies

Group Time Books

(Games, Language)

Large Muscle Multimedia


Other Sources
Early childhood educators should refer to other 1. Charlesworth, Rosalind. Experiences in
Wadsworth/ Cengage Learning publications at Math for Young Children (6th ed.). when developing appropri- 2. Charlesworth, Rosalind, and Karen Lind.
ate curricula, including the following: Math and Science for Young Children.

Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Due to electronic rights, some third party content may be suppressed from the eBook and/or eChapter(s).
Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
3. Charlesworth, Rosalind. Understanding 10. Herr, Judy. Creative Learning Activities for
Child Development (8th ed.). Young Children.
4. Dolinar, Kathleen, Candace Boser, and 11. Herr, Judy, and Terri Swim. Creative
Eleanor Holm. Learning through Play: Resources for Infants and Toddlers.
Curriculum and Activities for the Inclusive 12. Kaster, Jean Bouza. Growing Artists:
Classroom. Teaching the Arts to Young Children.
5. Essa, Eva L. A Practical Guide to Solving 13. Mayesky, M. Creative Activities for Young
Preschool Behavior Problems (5th ed.). Children.
6. Essa, Eva L. Introduction to Early 14. Machado, Jeanne M. (2010). Early
Childhood Education (5th ed.). Childhood Experiences in Language Arts:
7. Gargiulo, R., and Jennifer Kilgo. An Early Literacy (9th ed.).
Introduction to Young Children with 15. Nelson, Barbara A. (2011). Week by
Week: Plan for Documenting Children’s
Special Needs: Birth through Eight
Development (5th ed.).
(3rd ed.). 16. Ramirez, Gonzalo, Jr., and Jan
8. Gestwicki, Carol. Home, School, and Lee Ramirez. Multiethnic Children’s
Community Relations: A Guide to Working Literature: A Comprehensive Resource
with Parents (6th ed.). Guide.
9. Jackman, Hilda. Early Childhood 17. Schirrmacher, Robert. (2009). Art and
Curriculum: A Child’s Connection to the Creative Development for Young Children.
World (4th ed.).

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Developmental Benchmarks* for Young Children
Ages Fine Motor Skills Gross Motor Skills

Two-Year-Olds Turns pages in a book singly Kicks large ball

Imitates drawing a circle, vertical, and Jumps in place
horizontal line Runs without falling
Fingers work together to scoop up small Throws ball without falling
objects Walks up and down stairs alone
Constructs simple two- and three-piece Marches to music
puzzles Tends to use legs and arms as pairs
Enjoys short, simple fingerplay games Usually uses whole arm to paint or color
Strings large beads on shoelace Balances on one foot for 5 seconds
Builds tower of up to eight blocks

Three-Year-Olds Cuts paper Catches ball with arms extended forward

Builds tower of nine small blocks Throws ball underhand
Pastes using a finger Completes forward somersault
Pours from a pitcher Walks up stairs with alternating feet
Copies a circle from a drawing Rides a tricycle skillfully
Draws a straight line Runs, walks, jumps, and gallops to music
Uses fingers to pick up small objects Throws ball without losing balance
Draws a person with three parts Hops on one foot
Strings beads and can arrange by color Balances on one foot for 8 seconds
and shape
Uses a plastic knife to spread at meal or
snack time

Four-Year-Olds Buttons or unbuttons buttons Walks up and down stairs one foot
Cuts on a line with scissors per step
Completes a six- to eight-piece puzzle Skips on one foot
Copies a “t” Rides a bicycle with training wheels
Buckles a belt Throws ball overhand
Zips separated fasteners Builds elaborate structures with blocks
Adds five parts to an incomplete man

Five-Year-Olds Uses a plastic knife Tries roller and ice skating

Copies most letters Catches ball with hands
Traces objects Attempts to jump from table heights
Draws crude objects Jumps rope
Colors within lines Walks on stilts
Copies square, triangle, and diamond Skips
shape Climbs fences
Models objects from clay Laces shoes Walks backward, forward, and sideways on a
Prints first name balance beam

Six-Year-Olds Ties bows Plays hopscotch

Hand preference established Enjoys ball play
Reverses letters while printing Plays simple, organized games such as “hide-
Paints houses, trees, flowers, and clouds and-seek”
Prefers running over walking
Is constantly active

*Developmental changes occur in a sequence which is more important than the exact age behavior occurs. Some children will progress through these
sequences faster, others will be slower.

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Theme 1

Colors Foods Growth Kinds Roles
black insects Stages carpenter queen
brown fruit egg weaver worker
rust plants larva leaf cutter
gray pupa fire
red adult cornfield

Homes Body Parts Importance

underground head eat a large number
earthen mounds antennae of insects
inside trees eyes food source for birds,
inside hollow mouth parts frogs, and other animals
plants trunk
six legs
wings (males and
young queens)

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Kinds of ants 5. Ant growth stages
2. Ant body parts 6. Foods ants eat
3. Colors of ants 7. Ant homes
4. Roles of ants 8. Importance of ants

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. An ant is a small insect with six legs.
2. There are many kinds of ants: carpenter, weaver, leaf cutter, fire,
cornfield, thief, and army.
3. Ants can be black, brown, rust, gray, or red colored.
4. An ant’s body has three main parts: head, trunk, and legs.
5. Ants have mouth parts, antennae, eyes, and mouth parts on their head.
6. Ants use their mouth parts to grasp food, carry their young, and fight
7. Ants use their antennae to smell, touch, taste, and hear.
8. Ants build homes inside trees, underground, and in hollow plants.
9. Ants eat other insects, plants, and fruits.
10. The queen ant lays the eggs.
11. Worker ants can carry things larger than their bodies.
12. Ants are a food source for birds, frogs, and other animals.

1. ant—a type of small insect.
2. antennae—feelers on the head of an insect.
3. colony—a community or group of ants.
4. mandibles—pair of jaws that move from side to side.
5. queen—female ant that lays eggs.
6. soldiers—largest worker ants.
7. workers—female ants that build the nest, search for food, care for the
young, and fight enemies.

2 Theme 1
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to promote mathematical skills. To create
the bulletin board, sketch anthills on heavy construction paper or tagboard. As
illustrated, on each anthill make a dot to represent each ant. Using a felt-tip magic
marker, print a numeral on each hill that represents a number of dots. If desired for
durability, laminate each anthill or cover with transparent contact paper. If desired,
small rubber or plastic ants may be purchased commercially; otherwise, they can be
constructed out of black construction paper.

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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Another week has quickly come and gone. Before we know it, summer will be here again! Have you
noticed the grass getting greener and the birds in the trees? Nature is full of small wonders. This
week in school, we will be learning about a group of “small wonders”—ants! We will learn many
things about ants, those small picnic-joining insects! The children will learn about ant body parts,
types of ants, the foods that ants eat, and the places where ants make homes, just to name a few!

At School
Learning experiences planned for this week include:
• Finding ants to create an ant farm for the classroom
• Going on a pretend picnic in the dramatic play area—ants included!
• Using small plastic ants as game pieces for classroom games

At Home
Try some of these ant activities at home this week.
• Create egg-carton ants! Cut a cardboard egg carton into three-cup sections. Paint as desired.
Use chenille stems or yarn pieces to represent six legs and antennae. Add small pompons,
pebbles, or seeds for the eyes, or use purchased craft eyes. Fun!
• Check out books about ants from the library. Some titles to look for are Ant Cities by Arthur
Dorros and Two Bad Ants by Chris Van Allsburg.
• Take a slow walk around your home or neighborhood with your child and look for ants. Are
they all the same size? Color? Can you figure out where their homes are? What do you think
they eat?

Have a f-ant-astic week!

4 Theme 1
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Arts and Crafts Dramatic Play
1. Ant Prints Picnic (With Ants, of Course!)
Set out several washable black and red ink Provide picnic props such as child-sized picnic
pads and white paper. To create an ant, table, backpack, tablecloth, picnic basket,
have each child press his or her index finger cooler, thermos, plastic plates, and silverware.
on the ink pad, and then make three prints Plastic food items can be added. Have
in a row on the paper. Repeat process to children assist in the preparation of paper
make more ants. Provide black and red pens ants that can be placed in the picnic area.
so children can add six legs and antennae.

2. Egg-Carton Ants
Cut cardboard egg cartons into three-
Field Trips and
section pieces. Children can paint their Resource People
section as desired with “ant color” paints—
black, brown, red, or gray. When dry, Insect Specialist
chenille stems or yarn pieces can be added Contact your local Department of Natural
to represent six legs and antennae. Eyes Resources or county 4-H agent to find out if
can be made by attaching small pompons, there are any insect specialists in your area
pebbles, seeds, or purchased small craft who could talk about ants or show examples
eyes. of types of ants.

3. Clay Ants
Provide clay or play dough as a medium
for the children to create ants. Three
small balls or circle shapes can be pushed
together to create an ant body. Chenille
stem pieces can be used for legs and Fingerplays and Chants
Little Ants
One little ant, two little ants,
(point to a finger for each number)
Three little ants I see.
Cooking Four little ants, five little ants,
Anthill Slaw Lively as can be.
3 carrots, coarsely grated Six little ants, seven little ants,
3/4 cup raisins Eight in a bowl of glass.
1/2–3/4 cup mayonnaise Nine little ants, ten little ants,
Juice from 1/2 lemon Entertain our class.
Dash of salt and pepper
In a mixing bowl, combine carrots, raisins, Once I saw an anthill,
and mayonnaise. Add more mayonnaise if (make fist with one hand)
needed. Add lemon juice, salt, and pepper. With no ants about.
Mix again. Chill in the refrigerator for an So I said, “Dear little ants,
hour. Won’t you please come out?”
Then as if the little ants
Had heard my call,

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One, two, three, four, five came out.
(extend fingers one at a time) 2+3 =
And that was all. Math
1. Ant Sort
Caught an Ant Draw and cut out various-sized ants from
One, two, three, four, five, different colors of paper. Laminate pieces to
(extend a finger for each number) make them durable. Children can use the ant
I caught an ant alive. pieces for counting activities, as well as for
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, sorting by attributes such as color and size.
(extend fingers of other hand)
I let it go again. 2. Anthill Math
Why did I let it go? Create several anthills from cardboard.
(shrug shoulders) Place a numeral on each anthill. Have the
It bit my finger so. children place a corresponding number of
Which one did it bite? ants on each hill. The numerals you place
(shrug shoulders) on each anthill can vary depending on the
The little one on the right. developmental abilities of the children in
(hold up right pinkie finger) your classroom.

Group Time
(Games, Language)
Ant Partners Music
Draw and cut out small matching ants from 1. “The Ants Go Marching”
different colors of construction paper. Place (Sing to the tune of “When Johnny Comes
the ants in a paper bag and have each child Marching Home”)
take one. Play music and let the children
crawl around the room to find their “ant The ants go marching one by one.
partners” by matching up their ants. Then Hurrah, hurrah.
have them hold hands with their partners The ants go marching one by one.
and sit to the side of the group until all Hurrah, hurrah.
have found a partner. Collect the ants and The ants go marching one by one.
start the game again. The little one stopped to wiggle its thumb.
They all go marching,
Marching to escape the rain.
Continue with:
Large Muscle The ants go marching two by two.
The little one stopped to tie its shoe.
Anthill Walk
Cut at least one large anthill shape out The ants go marching three by three.
of brown construction paper for each The little one stopped to disagree.
child. Also cut several circles out of white The ants go marching four by four.
construction paper. Mix up the shapes and The little one stopped to shut the door.
tape them to the floor in a circle or trail.
Play music and let the children walk, skip, The ants go marching five by five.
or hop around the shape circle or trail. The little one stopped to learn to dive.
Stop the music and have each child find an The ants go marching six by six.
anthill to stand on. Continue the game as The little one stopped to do some tricks.
long as there is interest.
The ants go marching seven by seven.
The little one stopped to wait for Devon.

6 Theme 1
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The ants go marching eight by eight. clear container that has a lid or cover with
The little one stopped to shut the gate. holes punched in it. Next, search for some
ants. Select ants from the same area so they
The ants go marching nine by nine.
will likely be from the same colony. Scoop
The little one stopped to walk a line.
the ants into a separate collecting jar and
The ants go marching ten by ten. transfer them to the viewing container.
The little one stopped to shout, “The End!” Place a small piece of damp sponge into the
container so the ants will have something
2. “Six Little Ants” to drink. Every three days or so, use an
(Sing to the tune of “Six Little Ducks”) eyedropper to add a teaspoon of water to the
Six little ants that I once knew, sponge. Put a little food into the jar. Try to
Black ants, brown ants, gray ants, too. see what the ants are eating. Some ants like
But the busiest ants are the workers of the sweets, some like other insects, and some
bunch. like seeds. Keep the ant farm in a dark place
They feed the babies with a munch, munch, or cover it with a cloth when the ants are
munch. not being viewed. Ants will tend to dig deep
Munch, munch, munch. Munch, munch, tunnels, away from the light. You could also
munch. purchase an ant farm for classroom use.
They feed the babies with a munch, munch,
munch. 2. Ant Watch
Place a cut piece of fruit or candy outside
3. “Ants” as ant bait. Check on the food piece
(Sing to the tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb”) periodically with the children to observe
if ants have found it. Similarly, cracker
There’s an ant trail underground, or bread crumbs could be placed outside.
Underground, underground. Children may then be able to watch ants
There’s an ant trail underground. attempt to carry pieces to their nest.
An ant colony lives down there.
The job of the queen is to lay the eggs,
Lay the eggs, lay the eggs.
The job of the queen is to lay the eggs.
That’s all she has to do.
Additions to the Sensory Table
The worker ants have many jobs,
Many jobs, many jobs. • Sand and small plastic ants with plastic
The worker ants have many jobs, jars and spoons
They do all the work. • Play dough, rolling pins, and circle
cookie cutters (to create ants and
4. “Little Black Ant” anthills)
(Sing to the tune of “I’m a Little Teapot”)
I’m a little black ant on the ground.
I’m so tiny I can hardly be found.
Look very closely, then you’ll see.
I’m scurrying around—just look at me!
Social Studies
Ant Jobs
Ants work together to keep the ant colony
alive. Each ant has work to do. Talk about
the various roles or jobs that ants have in
the colony.
Science Queen: The queen ant lays thousands and
1. Ant Farm thousands of eggs. There is usually only
If you and the children would like to watch one queen in a colony.
ants close up, try making an ant farm.
Begin by sifting soil or sand into a clean,
Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Due to electronic rights, some third party content may be suppressed from the eBook and/or eChapter(s).
Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Workers: Workers are all females. They do Nelson, Kristin L. (2004). Busy Ants.
the work in the ant city. They find food, Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publications.
store food, and take care of the ant eggs. Nickle, John. (1999). The Ant Bully. New York:
They will also fight to protect the nest. Scholastic.
New Queens: New queens have wings.
They use them to fly away to start new Owen, Ann. (2003). The Ants Go Marching.
ant colonies. Their wings drop off, and Illus. by Sandra D’Antonio. Minneapolis,
then the queens lay eggs. MN: Picture Window Books.
Poole, Amy Lowry. (2000). The Ant and the
Grasshopper. Aesop fable retold and illus.
by Amy Lowry Poole. New York: Holiday
Books House.
Prince, Joshya. (2007). I Saw an Ant in
The following books can be used to complement a Parking Lot. Illustrated by Macky
this theme: Pamintuan. New York: Sterling.
Becker, Bonny. (2003). An Ant’s Day Off. Sayre, April Pulley. (2002). Army Ant Parade.
Illustrated by Nina Laden. New York: Illustrated by Rick Chrustowski. New York:
Simon and Schuster Books for Young Henry Holt.
Sayre, April Pulley. (2005). Ant, Ant, Ant! (An
Brenner, Barbara. (1997). Thinking about Ants. Insect Chant). Illustrated by Trip Park.
Illustrated by Carol Schwartz. Greenvale, Minnetonka, MN: Northword Press
NY: Mondo.
Tagliaferro, Linda. (2004). Ants and Their
Fowler, Allan. (1998). Inside an Ant Colony. Nests. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Chicago: Children’s Press.
Vantrease, Norma. (2004). Ants in My Pants.
Hall, Margaret. (2005). Ants. Mankato, MN: Illustrated by Steve Cox. New York:
Capstone Press. Children’s Press.
Hall, Margaret. (2007). Hormigas/Ants. Young, Ed. (1995). Night Visitors. New York:
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. Philomel Books.
Hartley, Karen, and Chris Marco. (2001). Ant.
Des Plaines, IL: Heinemann Library.
Hodge, Deborah. (2004). Ants. Illustrated by
Julian Mulock. Toronto: Kids Can Press. Technology and
Hoose, Hannah, and Phillip M. Hoose (1998).
Hey Little Ant. Illustrated by Debbie Tilley.
Berkeley, CA: Tricycle Press. The following technology and multimedia
Kenney, Karen Latchana. (2010). March products can be used to complement this
the Ants. Illustrated by Lisa Hedicker. theme:
Minneapolis, MN: Magic Wagon. “The Ants Go Marching” [CD]. (2002). In Ants
Kline, Suzy. (2009). Horrible Harry and the Ant Go Marching. Wallingford, CT: Madacy
Invasion. Illustrated by Frank Remkiewicz. Kids.
New York: Penguin Group. “Ants in My Pants” [CD]. (2001). In Ants in My
Lockwood, Sophie. (2008). Ants. Mankato, MN: Pants. Wallingford, CT: Madacy Kids.
Child’s World. “Ants Wear Underpants” [CD]. (2001). In Ants
Loewen, Nancy. (2004). Tiny Workers: Ants in Wear Underpants. New York: BizzyBum.
Your Backyard. Illustrated by Brandon The Ant Who Thought He Could Fly [audio
Reibeling. Minneapolis, MN: Picture book]. (2008). Scottsvalley, CA: CreateSpace.
Window Books. “Farmer Brown Had Ten Green Apples” [CD].
McDonald, Megan. (2005). Ant and Honey Bee, (2002). In Growing Up with Ella Jenkins.
What a Pair! Illustrated by G. Brian Karas. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Folkways.
Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.
8 Theme 1
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
“Little Ants” [CD]. (2006). In Start Smart Songs “Rocks and Flowers” [CD]. (2009). In More
for 1’s, 2’s & 3’s. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo Please. Olympia, WA: Aurora Elephant
Educational. Music.
“Little Ant’s Hill” [CD]. (2004). In Laugh N
Learn Silly Songs. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo. Additional teaching resources to accompany this
NOVA: Ants—Little Creatures Who Run the
Theme can be found on the book’s companion
World [DVD]. (2007). Boston: WGBH website. Go to to
Boston. access the site for a variety of useful resources.

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Theme 2

Tastes Forms Parts Sizes Origin
sweet raw seed large orchard
sour cooked core small seeds
dried meat soil, sunshine
baked skin water
stem trees

Preparation Colors
juice jellies red
pie butter yellow
cake muffins green
tarts bread
sauce pudding

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Parts of an apple
2. Preparation of apples for eating
3. Apple tastes
4. Colors of apples
5. Sizes of apples
6. The origin of apples

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. An apple is a fruit.
2. An apple has five parts: seed, core, meat, skin, and stem.
3. Apples grow on trees; a group of apple trees is an orchard.
4. Trees need sunshine and water to blossom and grow fruit.
5. Apples can be eaten raw, cooked, dried, or baked.
6. Bread, butter, cakes, pies, pudding, applesauce, dumplings, butter,
tarts, cider, bread, juice, muffins, and jelly can be prepared from apples.
7. Some apples taste sweet; others apples taste sour.
8. Apples can be green, yellow, or red.
9. Apples can be large or small.

1. apple—a fruit that is grown on a tree. Apples can be colored red, green,
or yellow.
2. apple blossom—a flower on the apple tree.
3. apple butter—a spread for bread made from apples.
4. core—the part of the apple that contains seeds.
5. texture—how something feels.

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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to develop the mathematical concept of sets, as
well as to visually identify written numerals. Construct apples from red, green, and
yellow tagboard. The number will depend on the developmental level of the children.
Laminate the apples. Collect containers for baskets, such as large cottage cheese or
pint berry containers. Cover the containers with paper if necessary. Affix numerals
on baskets, beginning with 1. Staple the baskets to the bulletin board. The object is
for the children to place the appropriate number of apples in each basket.

12 Theme 2
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Is it true that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”? There are studies to support the nutritional
value of apples and, therefore, the importance of including them in our diet. Next week a unit on
apples will be introduced to the children. They will make many discoveries. Through active exploration
and interaction, they will learn about the origin of apples, different flavors of apples, parts of apples,
colors of apples, and ways apples can be prepared and eaten.

At School
Some classroom activities for this unit include:
• Preparing applesauce for Thursday’s snack
• Drying apples in the sun
• Creating apple-shaped sponge prints in the art area
• Visiting the apple orchard! Arrangements have been made for a tour of the apple orchard on
Wednesday morning. We will be leaving the center at 10:00 a.m. We would love to have families
join us on this activity.

At Home
Apples are a tasty and nutritious food—and most children enjoy eating them. Try a variety of apple
recipes for meals or snacks. Many people particularly like caramel apples.
Participating in cooking activities is a great way for children to learn.

Enjoy an apple with your child today!

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Arts and Crafts
1. Apple Printing
Cut apple shapes from sponges. Have
available individual shallow pans of red,
yellow, and green tempera paint. Provide
paper. The apple can be used as a painting
tool. To illustrate, the children can place
an apple half in the paint. After removing
the excess paint, the apple can be placed on
paper to create a print.

2. Seed Pictures
Collect: Apple seeds along with other
Colored paper

Each child who chooses to participate

should be provided with a small number of
seeds. As they are distributed, discuss the
seeds’ similarities and differences. Provide
uninterrupted time for the children to glue
seeds onto paper and create pictures.

3. Shakers
Collect: Apple seeds 1. Caramel Apple Slices
Paper plates (two per child) Prepare the following recipe, which should
Glue or stapler serve 12 to 14 children.
Color crayons or felt-tip markers 1 pound caramels
2 tablespoons water
The children can decorate the paper Dash of salt
plates with color crayons or felt-tip 6 crisp apples
markers. After this, the seeds can
be placed between the two plates. Melt caramels with water in the microwave
To create the shakers, staple or glue oven or double boiler, stirring frequently
the two plates together by securing until melted. Stir in the salt. Pour the
the outer edges of the plates. The melted caramel over the sliced apples and
children can use the shakers as a cool before serving.
means of self-expression during
music or self-directed play. 2. Applesauce
30 large apples
2 1/2 cups water
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 tablespoon Red Hots

14 Theme 2
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1. Clean apples by peeling, coring, and
cutting into small pieces.
2. Place the apples in a large kettle
containing water.
Dramatic Play
3. Simmer the apples on low heat, Set Up an Apple Stand
stirring occasionally until soft. Prepare an apple stand by providing the
4. Add the remaining ingredients. children with bags, plastic apples, a cash
5. Stir and simmer a few minutes. register, money, a stand, and bushel baskets.
6. Cool before eating. Encourage buying, selling, and packaging.

3. Persian Apple Dessert

3 medium apples, cut up
2 to 3 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons lemon juice Field Trips
Dash of salt
1. Visit an Apple Orchard
Place half the apples and the remaining Observe the workers picking, sorting, and
ingredients in a blender. Cover and blend selling the apples. Call attention to the
until coarsely chopped, about 20 to 30 colors and types of apples.
seconds. Add remaining apples and repeat.
Makes 3 servings. 2. Visit a Grocery Store
Observe all the forms of apples sold
4. Charoseths in a grocery store. Also, in the produce
6 medium apples, peeled or unpeeled department, observe the different colors and
1/2 cup raisins sizes of apples. To show children differences
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon in weight, take a large apple and place it on
1/2 cup chopped nuts (optional) a scale. Note the weight. Then take a small
1/4 cup white grape juice apple and repeat the process.
Chop the apples. Add the remaining
ingredients. Mix well and serve.

5. Fruit Leather
2 cups applesauce
Vegetable shortening or oil
Fingerplays and Chants
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Pour Apple Tree
applesauce onto greased, shallow pan. Way up high in the apple tree
Spread to 1/8 inch in thickness. Place pan in (stretch arm up high)
oven and lower temperature to 180 degrees. Two little apples smiled at me.
Cook for approximately 3 hours until the (hold up two fingers)
leather can be peeled from the pan. Cut I shook that tree as hard as I could
with scissors to serve. (make shaking motion)
Down came the apples.
6. Dried Apples (make downward motions)
5 or 6 apples Mmmm—they were good.
2 tablespoons salt (smile and rub stomach)
Peel, core, and cut apples into slices or Picking Apples
rings 1/8 inch thick. Place apple slices in Here’s a little apple tree.
saltwater solution (2 tablespoons per 1 (left arm up, fingers spread)
gallon water) for several minutes. Remove I look up and I can see
from the water. Place in 180-degree oven (look at fingers)
for 3 to 4 hours until dry. Turn apples Big red apples, ripe and sweet,
occasionally. (cup hands to hold apple)

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Big red apples, good to eat! Apple Tree
(raise hands to mouth) This is the tree
Shake the little apple tree. With leaves so green.
(shake tree with hands) (make leaves with fingers outstretched)
See the apples fall on me. Here are the apples
(raise cupped hands and let fall) That hang in between.
Here’s a basket, big and round. (make fist)
(make circle with arms) When the wind blows
Pick the apples from the ground. (blow)
(pick and put in basket) The apples will fall.
Here’s an apple I can see. (falling motion with hand)
(look up to the tree) Here is the basket to gather them all.
I’ll reach up. It’s ripe and sweet. (use arms to form basket)
(reach up to upper hand)
That’s the apple I will eat!
(hands to mouth) Group Time
(Games, Language)
An Apple
An apple is what I’d like to be. 1. What Is It?
My shape would be round. Collect a variety of fruits such as apples,
(fingers in circular shape) bananas, and oranges. Begin by placing one
My color would be green. fruit in a bag. Choose a child to touch the
(point to something green) fruit, describe it, and name it. Repeat with
Children could eat me each and every day. each fruit, discussing the characteristics.
I’m good in tarts and pies and cakes. During the activity, each child should have
(make these food shapes) an opportunity to participate.
An apple is good to eat or to bake. 2. Transition Activity
(make stirring motion) The children should stand in a circle. As a
record is played, the children pass an apple.
Apple Chant When the record stops, the child holding
Apples, apples, good to eat. the apple can get up to get a snack, put
Apples, apples, juicy and sweet. on outdoor clothes, clean up, and so on.
Pick them off the tree. Continue until all children have a turn. For
Buy them at the store. older children, more than one apple may be
Apples, apples, successfully passed at a time.
We want more.
3. Picking Apples
Draw or paste a tree on a piece of tagboard
The Apple or large piece of cardboard. Cut out apples
Within its polished universe from tagboard and place an alphabet letter
The apple holds a star. on each apple. Laminate and attach Velcro
(draw design of star with index finger) to the backside of the apple. Place apples
A secret constellation (letter-side down) on the tree with Velcro.
To scatter near and far. Invite children to pick an apple and then
(point near and far) try to identify the letter name.
Let a knife discover
Where the five points hide. Sing the following song while the child picks
Split the shiny ruby the apple:
And find the star inside. Pick an apple from the apple tree,
(After introducing the fingerplay, the Say the letter (number, shape, color) name
teacher can cut an apple crosswise to for me.
find a star.)
Note: Shapes, colors, or numbers can be
substituted for the alphabet letters on the
16 Theme 2
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mixing a tablespoon of salt in a gallon of
2+3 =
Math water. Place the apples in this solution for
several minutes. Remove from the solution.
1. Cut apple shapes of various sizes from Place the apples in an 180-degree oven for
construction paper. Let the children 3 to 4 hours or until dry. Turn the apples
sequence the shapes from smallest to occasionally.
2. Place a scale and various-sized apples 2. Oxidation of an Apple
on the math table. The children can Cut and core an apple into sections. Dip
experiment by weighing the apples. half the apple into lemon juice and place it
on a plate. Place the remaining sections of
apple on another plate. What happens to
each plate of apples? Discuss the effects of
the lemon juice coating, which keeps oxygen
Music from the apples. As a result, they do not
discolor as rapidly.
1. “Little Apples”
(Sing to the tune of “Ten Little Indians”)
3. Explore an Apple
One little, two little, three little apples, Discuss the color, size, and shape of an
Four little, five little, six little apples, apple. Then discuss the parts of an apple.
Seven little, eight little, nine little apples, Include the skin, stem, core, meat, and so
All fell to the ground. on. Feel the apple. Then cut the apple in
half. Observe the core and seeds. An apple is
A variation for older children would
a fruit because it contains seeds.
be to give each child a number card
(with a numeral from 1 through 9).
When that number is sung, that
child stands up. At the end of the
fingerplay, all the children fall down.

2. “Apples off My Tree”

(Sing to the tune of “Skip to My Lou”) 1. Cut different varieties of apples for a
tasting party. This activity can easily
Pick some apples off my tree, be extended. On another day, provide
Pick some apples off my tree, the children applesauce, apple pie,
Pick some apples off my tree, apple juice, or apple cider to taste
Pick them all for you and me. during snack or lunch.
2. Place several different kinds of seeds
3. “My Apple Tree” on the sensory table. In addition, to
(Sing to the tune of “The Muffin Man”) create interest, provide scoops, bowls,
Did you see my apple tree, and bottles to fill.
Did you see my apple tree,
Did you see my apple tree,
Full of red apples?
The following books can be used to complement
this theme:
Science Aliki. (1991). The Story of Johnny Appleseed.
New York: Simon & Schuster.
1. Dried Apples
Using plastic knives, peel, core, and cut Berry, Lynne. (2010). Ducking for Apples.
apples into slices or rings about 1/8 inch Illustrated by Hiroe Nakata. New York:
thick. Prepare a saltwater solution by Henry Holt.

Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Due to electronic rights, some third party content may be suppressed from the eBook and/or eChapter(s).
Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Esbaum, Jill. (2009). Apples for Everyone. Rickert, Janet Elizabeth. (1999). Russ and
Washington, DC: National Geographic. the Apple Tree Surprise. Photos by Pete
Farmer, Jacqueline. (2007). Apples. Illustrated McGahan. Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House.
by Phyllis Limbacher Tildes. Watertown, Robbins, Ken. (2002). Apples. New York:
MA: Charlesbridge. Atheneum Books for Young Readers.
Fleming, Maria. (2005). Five Shiny Apples. Slade, Suzanne. (2009). From Seed to Apple
Illustrated by Brenda Sexton. New York: Tree: Following the Life Cycle. Illus. by
Scholastic. Suzanne Slade. Minneapolis, MN: Picture
Gibbons, Gail. (2000). Apples. New York: Window Books.
Holiday House. Snyder, Inez. (2005). Apples to Applesauce.
Hall, Zoe. (1996). The Apple Pie Tree. Illustrated by Inez Snyder. New York:
Illustrated by Shari Halpern. New York: Children’s Press.
Scholastic. Tagliaferro, Linda. (2007). The Life Cycle of an
Harris, Calvin. (2008). Apple Harvest. Mankato, Apple Tree. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
MN: Capstone Press. VanHecke, Susan. (2009). An Apple Pie for
Herman, Emmi S. (2003). We All Fall for Apples. Dinner. Illustrated by Carol Baicker-McKee.
New York: Scholastic. Tarrytown, NY: Marshall Cavendish.
Hodges, Margaret. (1997). The True Tale of Wallace, Nancy Elizabeth. (2000). Apples, Apples,
Johnny Appleseed. New York: Holiday House. Apples. Delray Beach, FL: Winslow Press.
Holub, Joan. (2003). Apples and Honey. Wellington, Monica. (2001). Apple Farmer
Illustrated by Cary Pillo-Lassen. New York: Annie. New York: Dutton Books.
Puffin Books.
Hubbell, Will. (2002). Apples Here! Morton
Grove, IL: Albert Whitman and Company.
Hutchins, Pat. (2000). Ten Red Apples. New
Technology and
York: Greenwillow. Multimedia
LeSieg, Theo. (1961). Ten Apples Up on Top!
The following technology and multimedia
Illustrated by Roy Mc Kie. New York:
products can be used to complement this
Beginner Books.
Lipson, Eden Ross. (2009). Applesauce Season.
“Aa Apple Song” [CD]. (2003). In Fingerplays
Illustrated by Mordicai Gerstein. New York:
and Fun! Buena Park, CA: Barbara Milne.
Roaring Brook Press.
“Apples and Bananas” [CD]. (1996). In One
Marzollo, Jean. (1997). I Am an Apple.
Light, One Song. Cambridge, MA: Rounder/
Illustrated by Judith Moffatt. St. Paul, MN:
Cartwheel Books.
“Five Green Apples” [CD]. (2008). In School
McNamara, Margaret. (2009). Picking Apples.
Days. Toronto: Casablanca Kids.
Illustrated by Mike Gordon. New York:
Aladdin Paperbacks. “I Love Apples” [CD]. (2002). In Cousins
Jamboree. Richmond, VA: Holcomb Rock
Miller, Virginia. (2002). Ten Red Apples.
Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.
“Way Up High in the Apple Tree” [CD]. (2004).
Murphy, Patricia J. (2005). A Visit to the Apple
In Toddler Twosome. Redway, CA: Music for
Orchard. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Little People.
Naslund, Gorel Kristina. (2005). Our Apple
Tree. Illustrated by Kristina Digman. New
Milford, CT: Roaring Brook Press. Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw. (1998). Apple Trees.
Photos by William Munoz. Minneapolis,
website. Go to to
MN: Lerner Publications. access the site for a variety of useful resources.

18 Theme 2
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Theme 3

Occupations Tools Places
artist paintbrushes felt-tip markers art studios
weaver paper needles museums
designer crayons scissors parks
potter pencils sewing machine stores
painter paint pottery wheel homes
glassblower chalk schools
watercolors craft shops

Uses Kinds Surfaces

expressions of feelings folk art paper
and thoughts impressionist canvas
beauty modern wood
decoration romantic metal
communication child created fabric
enjoyment crafts yarn

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. The uses of art
2. Places where works of art can be found
3. Tools used for creating art
4. Surfaces used for art
5. Occupations associated with art
6. Kinds of art

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Art is an expression of feelings and thoughts.
2. Art can be used for decoration and beauty.
3. An artist uses art tools to make designs, pictures, or sculptures.
4. Brushes, scissors, paints, pencils, felt-tip markers, crayons, watercolors,
chalk, needles, and paper are all tools for creating art.
5. Artists work in parks, stores, homes, schools, craft shops, and studios
and at historical sites.
6. There are many kinds of art: folk, impressionistic, modern, crafts,
romantic, and child created.
7. There are many surfaces that can be used for creating art.
8. Paper, canvas, wood, metal, fabric, yarn, glass, ceramic, plastic, and
cement can all be used for art surfaces.
9. Artwork can be used for decorating our homes.

1. art—a form of beauty. Paintings, drawings, and statues are kinds of art.
2. artist—a person who creates art.
3. chalk—a soft stone used as a tool for writing or drawing.
4. crayon—an art tool made of wax that comes in many colors.
5. gallery—a place that displays works of art.
6. paint—a colored liquid used for coloring and decorating objects.
7. paintbrush—a special type of brush that is a tool for applying paint.

20 Theme 3
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to reinforce color-matching skills and develop
visual perceptual skills. Construct a crayon-match bulletin board by drawing 16
crayons on white tagboard. Divide the crayons into pairs. Color each pair of crayons
a different color. Include the colors pink, red, blue, yellow, purple, orange, brown,
and green. Hang one from each pair on the top of the bulletin board and attach a
corresponding colored string from the crayons. Hang the second set of crayons on the
lower end of the bulletin board. A pushpin can be added to the bottom set of crayons,
and the children can match the top crayons to their corresponding match on the
bottom of the bulletin board.
Adjust the bulletin board to match the developmental needs and level of the
children. For younger children, use fewer color choices. Let the children use the
bulletin board during self-directed and self-initiated play periods. Repetition of this
activity, providing it is initiated by the child, is important for assimilation.

ART 21
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Art is an expressive and aesthetic activity that can be enjoyed throughout life. It is also a curriculum
theme that children always enjoy. During our focus on art this month, the children will be exploring
many different types of art tools and surfaces. They will also be learning places where works of art
can be found. Moreover, the artwork that they create will be displayed in an outdoor art gallery. You
are invited to browse the gallery when you pick up your child from the center.

At School
Some of the artistic experiences planned include:
• Creating chalk murals on the sidewalk
• Staging an art gallery in the dramatic play area, and an outdoor art gallery
• Visiting on Tuesday with Bob Jones, a tour guide at the city museum. Mr. Jones will be sharing
several art objects with us in our classroom.
• Exploring art tools
• Participating in a wide variety of art activities and exploring different types of painting

At Home
You can introduce the concepts of this theme into your home by collecting art tools and supplies and
exploring them with your child. A fun art activity is applying tempera paint on paper using kitchen
tools as applicators. Forks, potato mashers, and slotted spoons all work well. By participating in this
activity, your child will be discovering interesting and creative ways for using kitchen tools as paint
applicators. Art activities also provide opportunities for experimenting with color.

Have fun exploring art with your child!

22 Theme 3
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4. Salt Painting
Premeasure 4 cups of salt and 1 cup of
liquid starch. Let the children mix these
Arts and Crafts two ingredients and add liquid food
1. Frames coloring. The mixture can be used to paint
During the course of this unit, with your on an easel, paper, paper bags, newsprint,
assistance the children can frame their paper plates, or even large cardboard boxes
works of art by mounting them on sheets outside on the play yard.
of colored tagboard. Using washable felt-
tip markers, they can create a frame-like 5. Squeeze-Bottle Painting
border. Older children may be able to do Pour liquid tempera paint into ketchup
this unassisted. Display the works of art dispensers. Provide the children paper, and
in the lobby or classroom—or outdoors, if let them squeeze paint on paper.
weather permits.
6. Salt Dough Collage
2. Experimenting Premeasure 1 cup salt, 4 cups flour, 3 T
In a unit on art, many kinds of art media cooking oil, and 2 cups of cold water into a
need to be explored. Include the following large, unbreakable bowl. The children take
art experiences: turns mixing the ingredients. If desired, add
food coloring to the mixture. Then sprinkle
• Felt-tip washable markers (both jumbo a small amount of flour on a flat, washable
and skinny) surface. Demonstrate how to knead the
• Chalk (both wet and dry) dough, and let the children assist in the
• Charcoal process. The dough can be molded into
• Pencils (both colored and lead) different shapes. When finished, the shapes
• Crayons (jumbo, regular sized, and need to dry.
• Paint (watercolors, tempera, and 7. Crayon Bundles
fingerpaint) Using thick rubber bands, wrap three
• Paper (colored construction, white, crayons together. Some bundles can contain
typing, tissue, newsprint, and tagboard) the same color. Other bundles can contain
• Other (tin foil, cotton, glitter, glue and three different colors. Provide paper and
paste, lace, scraps, crêpe paper, bags, invite the children to color using the
waxed paper, yarn, and string) bundles.
• Tools for painting (marbles, string,
fingers, brushes of all sizes, straws, and 8. Chunk Crayons
sponges) Save ends of old crayons. Remove the paper
• Play dough and clay covers and place in muffin tins. Turn the
• Printing tools (stamps and ink pads, oven on and set at 300 degrees. Place the tin
kitchen tools, sponges, potatoes, apples, in the oven, carefully monitoring the
and carrot ends) melting process. Remove the warm, melted
• Seeds crayons from the oven. Cool until set and
remove from the tins. Provide the children
3. Soap Painting the chunks of crayons and paper.
Pour two cups of soap flakes in a bowl. Then
add two cups of water and beat until the 9. Silly Clay
mixture appears frothy. Let the children Add 2 cups of white glue to 1 cup of liquid
participate and point out how the mixture starch. Mix all of the ingredients in a bowl.
changes in appearance as it is beaten. Knead until smooth. If desired, food coloring
Provide the children with large pieces can be added. After use, store in an airtight
of black or dark construction paper and container.
painting brushes to use as tools to apply the

ART 23
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5. Colored Yogurt
Provide each child with a carton of vanilla
Cooking yogurt. Then let them each select a bottle
of their favorite color of food coloring. After
1. Graham Cracker Treat
adding a drop or two into their yogurt, they
Give each child a graham cracker, honey,
can stir it.
and a brush to spread the honey. Top with
grated cheese, raisins, or coconut.
6. Fruit-Flavored Yogurt
2. Cookie Decorating Provide each child with a carton of plain
Sugar cookies can be purchased yogurt and a small cereal bowl. Encourage
commercially or baked and decorated. them to empty the yogurt into the small
Recipes for the cookies and frosting follow. bowl. Then provide them blueberries,
bananas, or raspberries to add to the yogurt.
3. Drop Sugar Cookies
2 eggs
2/3 cup vegetable oil
2 teaspoons vanilla
3/4 cup sugar
2 cups flour Dramatic Play
2 teaspoons baking powder
1. Artist
1/2 teaspoon salt
Smocks, easels, and paint tables can be
Beat eggs with fork. Stir in oil placed in the dramatic play area. The
and vanilla. Blend in sugar until children can use the materials to pretend
mixture thickens. Add flour, baking they are artists.
powder, and salt. Mix well. Drop
dough by teaspoons about 2 inches 2. Art Gallery
apart on an ungreased baking Mount pictures from magazines on sheets of
sheet. Flatten with the bottom of a tagboard. Let the children hang the pictures
plastic glass dipped in sugar. Bake around the classroom. A cash register and
at 400 degrees for 8 to 10 minutes play money for buying and selling the
or until delicate brown. Remove paintings can extend the play.
from baking sheet immediately.
Makes about 4 dozen cookies that
are 2 1/2 inches in diameter.

4. Favorite Icing
1 cup sifted confectioners’ sugar
Field Trips and
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
Resource People
1 tablespoon water 1. Museum
Food coloring Take a field trip to a museum, if one is
available. Observe art objects. Point out and
Blend salt, sugar, and vanilla. Add discuss color and form.
enough water to make frosting easy
to spread. Tint with food coloring. 2. Art Store
Allow children to spread on cookie Take a walk to a nearby art store. Observe
with spatula or paintbrush. the many kinds of pencils, markers, crayons,
paints, and other art supplies that are

24 Theme 3
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3. Resource People
Invite the following people to show the Group Time
children their artwork. (Games, Language)
• Painter Toward the end of the unit, collect all
• Potter art projects and display them in an
• Weaver art gallery at your center. The children
• Glassblower can help hang their own projects and
• Sculptor decide where to have the gallery. If
weather permits, the art gallery can
be set up on the playground using
low clotheslines and easels to display
the art. If weather does not permit, a
gallery can be set up in the classroom
or center lobby, using walls and tables
to display the art.
Fingerplays and Chants
I stretch it.
(pulling motion)
I pound it.
(pounding motion)
I make it firm. Large Muscle
(pushing motion) 1. Sidewalk Chalk
I roll it. Washable colored chalk can be provided
(rolling motion) for the children to use outside on the
I pinch it. sidewalk. After the activity, the designs can
(pinching motion) be removed with a hose. The children may
I make a worm. even enjoy using scrub brushes to remove
(wiggling motion) the designs.

Painting 2. Painting
Hands are blue. Provide large paintbrushes or rollers
(look at outstretched hands) and buckets of water for the children to
Hands are green. paint the sidewalks, walls, and fences
Fingers are red, surrounding your center or school.
In between.
(wiggle fingers) 3. Foot Art
Paint on my face. Prepare a thick tempera paint and pour
(touch face) a small amount in a shallow pan. Roll out
Paint on my smock. long sheets of paper. The children can take
(touch smock) off their shoes and socks, step into the
Paint on my shoes. tempera paint, and walk or dance across the
(touch shoes) sheets of paper. Provide buckets with soapy
Paint on my socks. water and towels at the end of the paper for
(touch socks) the children to wash their feet. Dry the foot
paintings, and send them home with the

ART 25
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2+3 =
1. Counting Cans Science
Counting cans for this unit can be made 1. Art Tools
from empty soup cans with filed edges. A variety of art tools can be placed on the
On each can, write a numeral. The science table. Included may be brushes,
number prepared will depend on the pencils, felt-tip markers, crayons, and chalk.
developmental needs of the children. Then The children can observe, smell, and feel
provide an equal number of the following the difference in the tools.
objects: pencils, pens, felt-tip markers,
paintbrushes, crayons, chalk sticks, and 2. Charcoal
sponges. The object is for the children to Place charcoal pieces and magnifying
relate the number of objects to numerals glasses on the science table.
on the can.
3. Rock Writing
2. Measuring Art Tools Provide the children with a variety of soft
Art tools come in all different lengths. rocks. The children can experiment drawing
Provide a variety of art tools and rulers, on the sidewalks with them.
or a tape measure that has been taped to
the table. The children can measure the
objects to find which one is the longest.
Make a chart showing the longest tool and
continuing to the shortest.

3. Sorting Art Supplies Sensory

A large ice cream pail can be used to hold Additions to the Sensory Table
pencils, pens, markers, crayons, glue bottles,
1. Goop
and other supplies that can be sorted into
Mix together food coloring, 1 cup cornstarch,
and 1 cup water in the sensory table. If a
larger quantity is desired, double or triple
the recipe.

2. Silly Putty
Mix food coloring, 1 cup liquid starch, and
2 cups of glue together. Stir constantly until
Music the ingredients are well mixed. Add more
“Let’s Pretend” starch as needed.
(Sing to the tune of “Here We Are Together”)
Let’s pretend that we are artists, 3. Wet Sand and Sand Mold
are artists, are artists. Containers
Let’s pretend that we are artists Add sand to the sensory table. Then
How happy we’ll be. dampen the sand with water and add the
We’ll paint with our brushes, sand molds and containers.
and draw with our crayons.
Let’s pretend that we are artists
How happy we’ll be.

26 Theme 3
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Ericsson, Jennifer. (2007). A Piece of Chalk.
Illustrated by Michelle Shapiro. New
Milford, CT: Roaring Brook Press.
Social Studies Gutman, Anne, and Georg Hallensleben. (2001).
The Feel of Color Gaspard & Lisa at the Museum. New York:
This activity can be introduced at Knopf.
large-group time. Begin by collecting Heide, Iris Van Der. (2006). The Red Chalk.
colored construction paper. Individually Illustrated by Marije Tolman. Asheville, NC:
hold up each color and ask the children Front Street.
how that particular color makes them Hubbard, Patricia. (1996). My Crayons Talk.
feel. Adjectives that may be used Illustrated by G. Brain Karas. New York:
include hot, cold, cheerful, warm, sad, Henry Holt.
tired, happy, and clean.
Lynn, Sara. (1993). Play with Paint.
Minneapolis, MN: Carolrhoda Books.
McArthur, Meher. (2010). An ABC of What
Art Can Be. Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty
Books McDonnell, Patrick. (2006). Art. New York:
Little, Brown.
The following books can be used to complement
this theme: Micklethwait, Lucy. (2004). I Spy Shapes in Art.
New York: Greenwillow Books.
Anholt, Laurence. (1994). Camille and the
Sunflowers: A Story about Vincent Van Gogh. Mills, Claudia. (2005). Ziggy’s Blue-Ribbon Day.
Hauppauge, NY: Barron’s Educational Series. Illustrated by R. W. Alley. New York: Farrar,
Straus and Giroux.
Arnold, Katya. (2005). Elephants Can Paint
Too! New York: Atheneum Books for Young Munoz, Isabel. (2005). Es Mio / It’s Mine.
Readers. Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali. New York:
Auch, Mary Jane. (1996). Eggs Mark the Spot.
New York: Holiday House. Nikola, Lisa W. (2004). Setting the Turkeys Free.
Illustrated by Ken Wilson-Max. New York:
Beaumont, Karen. (2005). I Ain’t Gonna Paint
Hyperion Books for Children.
No More! Illustrated by David Catrow.
Orlando, FL: Harcourt. Rex, Michael. (2002). Where Can Bunny Paint?
New York: Scholastic.
DeRolf, Shane. (1997). The Crayon Box That
Talked. Illustrated by Michael Letzig. New Reynolds, Peter. (2005). The Dot. Denton, TX:
York: Random House. BrailleInk.
Dodd, Emma. (2001). Dog’s Colorful Day: A Rusch, Elizabeth. (2007). A Day with No
Messy Story about Colors and Counting. Crayons. Illustrated by Chad Cameron.
New York: Dutton Children’s Books. Flagstaff, AZ: Rising Moon.
Eckler, Rebecca. (2010). The Mischievous Mom Scieszka, Jon. (2005). Seen Art? Illustrated by
at the Art Gallery. Illustrated by Carrie Lane Smith. New York: Viking.
Hartman. Toronto: Key Porter Kids. Snyder, Inez. (2003). Wax to Crayons. New York:
Edwards, Pamela Duncan. (2001). Warthogs Paint: Children’s Press.
A Messy Color Book. Illustrated by Henry Cole. Thomson, Bill. (2010). Chalk. New York:
New York: Hyperion Books for Children. Marshall Cavendish Children.
Ehlert, Lois. (1997). Hands. San Diego, CA:
Harcourt Brace.

ART 27
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Watson, A., and the Staff of the Abby Aldrich
Rockefeller Folk Art Center. (1992). Folk Art
Counting Book. New York: Abrams.
Technology and
Watt, Melanie. (2007). Chester. Toronto: Kids Multimedia
Can Press. The following technology and multimedia
Watt, Melanie. (2010). Chester’s Masterpiece. products can be used to complement this theme:
Toronto: Kids Can Press. Art House, Vol. 1: Basic Shapes and Animals
Whatley, Bruce. (2001). Wait! No Paint! New [DVD]. (2009). Marina del Rey, CA::
York: HarperCollins. Clamorhouse Kids.
Wiesner, David. (2010). Art and Max. Boston: Harold and the Purple Crayon and More
Clarion Books. Harold Stories [DVD]. (2009). New York:
Wing, Natasha. (2007). Go to Bed, Monster! Scholastic.
Illustrated by Sylvie Kantorovitz. Orlando, “Paint the Day Away” [CD]. (2009). In For Those
FL: Harcourt. about to Hop. Burbank, CA: Walt Disney
Winter, Jeanette. (1996). Josefina. Orlando: Records.
Harcourt Brace.
Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Ziefert, Harriet. (2003). Lunchtime for a Purple
Snake. Paintings by Todd McKie. Boston: Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Houghton Mifflin. website. Go to to
access the site for a variety of useful resources.

Painting Surfaces
There are many types of interesting surfaces that children can successfully use for painting.
The list of possibilities is limited only by one’s imagination. Included are:
• Construction paper • Paper tablecloths • Plexiglass
• Newsprint (plain or printed) • Paper place mats • Paper bags
• Tissue paper • Waxed paper • Cookie sheets
• Tracing paper • Boxes • Meat trays (plastic or styrofoam)
• Tin foil • Leather scraps • Table surfaces
• Clear or colored acetate • Sandpaper • Shopping bags
• Wood • Paper towels • Wrapping paper
• Cardboard (sheets or boxes) • Mirror • Shelf paper

28 Theme 3
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Fingerpaint Recipes
Liquid Starch Method Flour and Salt I Cooked Starch Method
1 cup flour 1 cup laundry starch
Liquid starch
1 1/2 cups salt dissolved in a small
(put in squeeze bottles)
3/4 cup water amount of cold water
Dry tempera paint in shakers
Coloring 5 cups boiling water added
Put about 1 tablespoon of slowly to dissolve starch
Combine flour and salt. Add
liquid starch on the surface 1 tablespoon glycerin
water. This has a grainy
to be painted. Let the child (optional)
quality, unlike the other
shake the paint onto the
fingerpaints, providing a Cook the mixture until it is
starch. Mix and blend the
different sensory experience. thick and glossy. Add 1 cup
paint. Note: If this paint
Some children enjoy the mild soap flakes. Add color
becomes too thick, simply
different touch sensation in separate containers. Cool
sprinkle a few drops of water
when 1 1/2 cups of salt are before using.
onto the painting.
added to the other recipes.
Cornstarch Method
Soap Flake Method
Flour and Salt II
Gradually add 2 quarts water
Soap flakes 2 cups flour
to 1 cup cornstarch. Cook
A small amount of water 2 teaspoons salt
until clear and add 1/2 cup
Mix soap and water in a 3 cups cold water
soap flakes (like Ivory Snow).
small bowl. Beat until stiff 2 cups hot water
A few drops of glycerin or oil
with an eggbeater. Use white Coloring
of wintergreen may be added.
soap on dark paper, or add Add salt to flour, then pour in
colored tempera paint to cold water gradually and beat Flour Method
the soap and use it on light- mixture with egg beater until Mix 1 cup flour and 1 cup
colored paper. This gives a it is smooth. Add hot water cold water. Add 3 cups boiling
slight three-dimensional and boil until it becomes water and bring all to a boil,
effect. clear. Beat until smooth, then stirring constantly. Add 1
mix in coloring. Use 1/4 cup tablespoon alum and coloring.
Wheat Flour Paste food coloring to 8 to 9 ounces Paintings from this recipe
3 parts water of paint for strong colors. dry flat and do not need to be
1 part wheat flour ironed.
Coloring Instantized Flour:
Uncooked Method Tips
Stir flour into water. Add
coloring. 1 pint water (2 cups) 1. Be sure you have running
1 1/2 cups instantized flour water and towels nearby
Uncooked Laundry Starch (the kind used to thicken or provide a large basin of
gravy; regular flour may water where children can
A mixture of 1 cup laundry be lumpy)
or liquid starch, 1 cup cold rinse off.
Put the water in the bowl, 2. Fingerpaint on smooth
water, and 3 cups soap and stir the flour into the
flakes will provide a quick table, oilcloth, or cafeteria
water. Add color. tray. Some children prefer

ART 29
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Fingerpaint Recipes (Continued)
to start fingerpainting sprinkled on top of the he or she wants sprinkled
with shaving cream on a paint. on top of the paint.
sheet of oilcloth.
4. Sometimes reluctant 4. Sometimes reluctant
3. Food coloring or powdered children are more easily children are more easily
paint may be added to the attracted to the paint table attracted to the paint
mixture before using, or if the fingerpaints are table if the fingerpaints
allow each child to choose already colored. the colors are already colored.
the colors he or she wants

30 Theme 3
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Theme 4

Origin Body Colors Types
eggs feathers blue turkeys
wings brown ducks
tails black chickens
beaks red wild
legs gray pets
eyes orange

Foods Sizes Help Homes

seeds small eat insects nests
insects medium create beauty trees
crumbs large houses
berries cages
small animals

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. The bird’s body parts 5. Ways birds help
2. Types of birds 6. Sizes of birds
3. Bird homes 7. Colors of birds
4. Foods that birds eat 8. Origins of birds

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. There are many types of birds.
2. Turkeys, ducks, and chickens are birds.
3. Birds hatch from eggs.
4. Birds have feathers, wings, tails, legs, eyes, and beaks.
5. Birds live in nests, trees, houses, and cages.
6. Birds eat seeds, insects, crumbs, berries, and worms.
7. Some birds eat fish and small animals.
8. Some birds help us by eating insects.
9. Birds come in many sizes and colors.

1. bird—an animal that has wings, feathers, and a beak.
2. beak—the part around a bird’s mouth.
3. bird feeder—a container for bird food.
4. birdwatching—watching birds.
5. feathers—cover the skin of a bird.
6. hatch—to come from an egg.
7. nest—bed or home prepared by a bird. Birds make nests from leaves,
small twigs, straw, and other things.
8. perch—a pole for a bird to stand on.
9. wing—movable body part that helps most birds fly.

32 Theme 4
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to develop skills in eye-hand coordination,
problem solving, and matching. To construct the board, cut 10 bird nests out of
brown-colored tagboard. Draw a set of dots, beginning with 1, on each bird nest.
Tack the nest on the bulletin board. Next, construct the same number of birds out of
tagboard. Write a numeral on each bird beginning with 1. By matching the numeral
on each bird to the number of dots on the nests, the children can help each bird
find a home. The number of birds and nests on this bulletin board should match the
children’s developmental abilities.

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Family Letter


Dear Families,
The children will be discussing our “feathered friends”—birds—during our next unit. They will be
introduced to birds kept as pets and birds in the wild. In addition, they will discover the unique body
parts of birds and the homes in which they live. By participating in class activities, the children will
learn that birds are more similar than they are dissimilar.

At School
Some of the activities planned for the unit on birds include:
• Observing different types of bird nests with a magnifying glass at the science table
• Visiting with Jodi’s pet canary on Wednesday
• Creating collages using birdseed and glue in the art area
• Making bird feeders to hang outdoors in our play yard
• Building birdhouses

At Home
Whether you live in the city or country, chances are there are birds nearby. If you have birds in
your yard, the following game may be fun to play with your child. Set an egg or kitchen timer for
3 to 5 minutes. Then look out the window and see how many birds you can see. For each bird,
drop a button in a jar. When the timer goes off, count how many buttons are in the jar. This game
will strengthen your child’s observation skills and increase his or her understanding of number
concepts. Variations of this game would be to observe for cars, squirrels, or any other object that
can be counted.

Happy birdwatching!

34 Theme 4
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2. French Bread Recipe
1/2 cup water
2 packages fast-rising yeast
Arts and Crafts 1 tablespoon salt
1. Feather Painting 2 cups lukewarm water
On the art table, place feathers, thin paper, 7 to 7 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
and paint. Let the children experiment with
different paint consistencies and types of Soften the yeast in 1/2 cup lukewarm water.
feathers. Suggestion: Inexpensive feather Be careful that the water isn’t too warm or
dusters from discount stores are a good the activity of the yeast will be destroyed.
source of feathers. Individual feathers can Add salt to 2 cups of lukewarm water in a
be cut off as needed. large bowl. Gradually, add 2 cups of flour
and beat well. Add the softened yeast and
2. Birdseed Collages gradually add the remaining flour, beating
Birdseed, paper, and white glue are needed well after each addition. Turn the soft
for this activity. Apply glue to paper and dough out on a lightly floured surface and
sprinkle birdseed over the glue. For a knead until elastic. Lightly grease a bowl
variation, use additional types of seeds such and place the dough into it, turning once to
as corn and sunflower seeds. grease surface. Let rise until double. Divide
into 2 portions. Bake in a 375-degree oven
3. Eggshell Collage until light brown, about 35 minutes. Serve
Save eggshells and dye them. Crush the at lunch or snack time. If any bread is left,
dyed shells into small pieces. Using glue, place on a bird feeder.
apply the eggshells to paper.
3. Bird’s Nest Salad
4. Robin Eggs 1 grated carrot
Cut easel paper into the shape of an egg. 1/2 cup canned Chinese noodles
Provide light blue paint with sand for Mayonnaise to moisten
speckles. Peas or grapes

5. Dyeing Eggs Have the children grate a carrot. Next,

Boil an egg for each child. Then let the have them mix the carrot with 1/2 cup
children paint the eggs with nontoxic paint canned Chinese noodles and mayonnaise
and easel brushes. The eggs can be eaten at to moisten. Put a mound of this salad on a
snack time or taken home. plate and push in the middle with a spoon
to form a nest. Peas or grapes can be added
to the nest to represent bird eggs. The nest
could also be set on top of a lettuce leaf.
Cooking Makes 2 salads.
1. Egg Salad Sandwiches Note: From Super Snacks, by J. Warren,
Eggs 1982, Alderwood Manor, WA: Warren.
Bread Reprinted with permission.
Dry mustard (just a pinch) 4. Egg Foo Young
Salt 12 eggs
Pepper 1/2 cup finely chopped onion
1/3 cup chopped green pepper
Boil, shell, and mash the eggs, adding 3/4 teaspoon salt
enough mayonnaise to provide a consistent Dash of pepper
texture. Add salt, pepper, and dry mustard 2 16-ounce cans bean sprouts, drained
to flavor. Spread on the bread. Sauce:
2 tablespoons cornstarch
2 teaspoons sugar

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2 cubes or 2 teaspoons chicken bouillon 3. Hatching
Dash of ginger Here is a general idea of what you can say
2 cups water to create the hatching experience with
3 tablespoons soy sauce young children. Say, “Close your eyes. Curl
up very small, as small as you can. Lie on
Heat oven to 300 degrees. Beat eggs in a your side. Think of how dark it is inside
large bowl. Add remaining ingredients, your egg. Yes, you’re in an egg! You’re tiny
except sauce ingredients; mix well. Heat and curled up and quiet. It’s very dark. Very
2 tablespoons of oil in a large skillet. Drop warm. But now, try to wiggle a little—just
egg mixture by tablespoons into skillet and a little! Remember, your eggshell is all
fry until golden. Turn and brown other side. around you. You can wiggle your wingtips
Drain on a paper towel. Continue to cook the a little, and maybe your toes. You can
remaining egg mixture, adding oil to skillet shake your head just a little. Hey! Your
if necessary. Keep warm in a 300-degree beak is touching something. I think your
oven while preparing sauce. Combine the beak is touching the eggshell. Tap the shell
first four sauce ingredients in a saucepan. gently with your beak. Hear that? Yes,
Add water and soy sauce. Cook until mixture that’s you making that noise. Keep tapping.
boils and thickens, stirring constantly. A little harder. Something is happening.
The shell has cracked—oh, close your eyes.
5. Bird Nest Treat It’s bright out there. Now you can wiggle
1/4 cup butter or margarine (1/2 stick) a little more. The shell is falling away. You
6–10 oz. regular marshmallows (about 40) can stretch out, stretch to be as long as
or 4 cups miniature marshmallows you can make yourself. Stretch your feet.
Stretch your wings. Doesn’t that feel good,
6 cups Rice Krispies
after being in that little egg? Stretch! You’re
brand new—can you stand up slowly? Can
Melt butter in 3-quart saucepan. Add
you see other new baby birds?”
marshmallows and cook over low heat,
stirring constantly, until marshmallows are
melted and mixture is syrupy. Remove from
Add Rice Krispies and stir until well coated. Field Trips and
Before cooling, shape into a bird’s nest. Resource People
1. Pet Store
Take a field trip to a pet store. Arrange to
have the manager show the children birds
and birdcages. Ask the manager how to care
Dramatic Play for birds.
1. Birdhouse
Construct a large birdhouse out of 2. Bird Sanctuary
cardboard. Place in the dramatic play area, Take a field trip to a bird sanctuary, nature
allowing the children to imitate birds. area, pond, or park. Observe where birds
Unless adequate room is available, this live.
may be more appropriate for an outdoor
activity. Bird accessories such as teacher- 3. Museum
made beaks and wings may be supplied to Arrange to visit a nature museum or
stimulate interest. taxidermy studio to look at stuffed birds.
Extend the activity by providing magnifying
2. Bird Nest glasses.
Place several bales of hay in the corner of
a play yard, confining the materials to one 4. Zoo
area. Let the child rearrange the straw to Visit the birdhouse. Observe the colors and
simulate a bird nest. sizes of birds.
36 Theme 4
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5. Resource People If I Were a Bird
Invite resource people to visit the If I were a bird, I’d sing a song
classroom. Suggestions include And fly about the whole day long.
• Wildlife management people (twine thumbs together and move hands
• Ornithologists like wings)
• Veterinarians And when the night comes, go to rest,
• Bird owners (tilt head and close eyes)
• Birdwatchers Up in my cozy little nest.
• Pet store owners (cup hands together to form nest)

Tap Tap Tap

Tap, tap, tap goes the woodpecker
(tap with right pointer finger on inside
of left wrist)
As he pecks a hole in a tree.
Fingerplays and Chants (make hole with pointer finger and
He is making a house with a window
Here is a nest for a robin.
To peep at you and me.
(cup both hands)
(hold circle made with finger and thumb
Here is a hive for a bee.
in front of eye)
(fists together)
Here is a hole for the bunny.
Stretch, Stretch
(finger and thumb make circle)
Stretch, stretch way up high:
And here is a house for me!
On your tiptoes, reach the sky.
(fingertips together to make roof)
See the bluebirds flying high.
(wave hands)
Two Little Blackbirds
Now bend down and touch your toes.
Two little blackbirds sitting on a hill,
Now sway as the North Wind blows.
(close fists, extend index fingers)
Waddle as the gander goes!
One named Jack. One named Jill.
(talk to one finger; talk to other finger)
Fly away, Jack. Fly away, Jill.
(toss index fingers over shoulder Group Time
separately) (Games, Language)
Come back, Jack. Come back, Jill.
(bring back hands separately with index 1. Little Birds
fingers extended) This is a movement game that allows for
activity. To add interest, the teacher may
Bird Feeder use a tambourine for rhythm. One child can
Here is the bird feeder. Here are seeds and be the mother bird, and the remainder of
crumbs. the children can act out the story.
(left hand out flat, right hand cupped) All the little birds are asleep in their nest.
Sprinkle them on and see what comes. All the little birds are taking a rest.
(sprinkling motion with right hand over They do not even twitter, they do not even
left hand) tweet.
One cardinal, one chickadee, one junco, Everything is quiet up and down the street.
one jay, Then came the mother bird and tapped
(join fingers of right hand and peck at them on the head.
the bird feeder once for each bird) They opened up one little eye and this is
Four of my bird friends are eating today. what was said,
(hold up four fingers of left hand) “Come little birdies, it’s time to learn to fly,
Come little birdies, fly way up in the sky.”

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Fly fly, oh fly away, fly, fly, fly
Fly fly, oh fly away, fly away so high. 2+3 =
Fly fly, oh, fly away, birds can fly the best. Math
Fly fly, oh, fly away, now fly back to your
1. Feather Sorting
During the self-directed activity period,
place a variety of feathers on a table.
2. Who Is Inside?
Encourage the children to sort them
The purpose of this game is to encourage
according to attributes such as color, size,
the child to develop listening skills. To
and texture. This activity can be followed
prepare for the activity, find a piece of large-
with other sorting activities, including egg
muscle equipment such as a jungle gym
shapes and pictures of birds.
to serve as the birdhouse. Cover it with a
large blanket. To play the game, one child 2. Cracked Eggs
looks away from the group or covers his Cut tagboard egg shapes. Using scissors,
or her eyes. A second child should go into cut the eggs in half, making a jagged line.
the birdhouse. The first child says, “Who Record a numeral on one side of the egg and
is inside?” The second child replies, “I am corresponding dots on the other side. The
inside the birdhouse.” Then the first child number of eggs prepared should reflect the
tries to guess who is in the birdhouse by children’s developmental level.
recognizing the voice. Other clues may be
asked for, if voice alone does not work. 3. Clothesline Birds
Create a clothesline stand by placing
3. Little Red Hen two wooden dowels into opposite ends of
Tell the story of the Little Red Hen. After a board. Drill holes through each dowel
they have heard the story, let the children near the top. Tie a rope from one dowel to
help make bread. another. Make birds in a variety of sizes.
Have the children clip the birds onto the
clothesline with clothespins, in order from
smallest to largest or largest to smallest.

Large Muscle
1. Bird Nest Search
Hide strips of brown fabric around the Music
room. Invite the children to search for 1. “Birds”
“twigs” for a bird nest. When strips are (Sing to the tune of “Here We Go ’round the
found, glue onto a small plastic pool and Mulberry Bush”)
place the “nest” in the dramatic play area.
(The first verse remains the same, with the
children walking around in a circle holding
2. Penguin Waddle
Explain to children how a penguin waddles.
Place a small rubber ball between the knees This is the way we scratch for worms,
of the children, so they can imitate the scratch for worms, scratch for worms.
waddle of a penguin. This is the way we scratch for worms so
early in the morning.
3. Egg Drop (children move foot in a scratching
Have the children walk while balancing a motion like a chicken)
plastic egg on a large wooden spoon. This is the way we peck our food . . .
(children peck)
4. Egg Hunt This is the way we sit on our eggs . . .
Hide plastic eggs on the outdoor playground (children squat down)
or in the classroom. Ask children to search This is the way we flap our wings . . .
for eggs. (bend arms at elbows and put thumbs
under armpits, then flap)
38 Theme 4
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This is the way we fly away . . . 5. Feed the Hummingbirds
(children can “fly” anywhere they want, Hang a hummingbird feeder near a
but return to the circle at the end of the classroom window. Encourage the children
verse) to help you mix the liquid to fill the
hummingbird feeder. The recipe is as
2. “Pretty Birds” follows:
(Sing to the tune of “Ten Little Indians”)
One pretty, two pretty Hummingbird Food
Three pretty birdies. 2 cups water
Four pretty, five pretty, 1 cup sugar
Six pretty birdies. Stir until dissolved. Pour liquid into feeder
Seven pretty, eight pretty, and encourage the children to watch for
Nine pretty birdies, hummingbirds. Be sure to clean the feeder
All sitting in a tree. between refills.

6. Birds I Have Seen

Prepare a chart with all of the children’s
names and birds that can be identified in
the local area. Title the chart “Bird Watch.”
Place a pair of binoculars and the chart on
Science the science shelf. Encourage children to look
1. Bird Feeders outside for birds. If they see a bird, they
Make bird feeders. Suet can be purchased can mark “yes” or place their picture on the
from a butcher shop or the meat corresponding bird chart behind their name.
department of a supermarket. For each
feeder, purchase 1/2 pound of suet, a
12-inch 3 12-inch piece of netting, and
birdseed. Begin by rolling the suet in
birdseed. Place the seeded suet in the Sensory
netting. Tie the four corners of the netting Additions to the Sensory Table
together, and hang in a tree or set outside
on a window ledge for children to observe. • Feathers and sand
• Eggshells
2. Grapefruit Cup Feeders • Sticks and twigs for nests
Place seeds in an empty grapefruit half. If • Worms and soil
possible, place the feeder in an observable • Water, rubber ducks, and other water
location for the children. Some children may toys
wish to take their feeders home. • Birdseed and measuring tools

3. Science Table
On the science table, provide magnifying
glasses and the following items:
• Feathers Social Studies
• Eggs 1. Caring for Birds
• Nests Arrange for a pet canary to visit the
classroom. The children can take
4. Observing a Bird turns feeding and caring for the bird.
Arrange for a caged parakeet to visit the Responsibilities include cleaning the cage
classroom. A parent may volunteer, or a pet and providing water and birdseed. Also, a
store may lend a bird for a week. Encourage cuttlebone should be inserted in the bars of
the children to note the structure of the the cage within reach of the bird’s bill. This
cage, the beauty of the bird, the food eaten, bone will help keep the bird’s bill sharp and
and the behavior of the bird. clean, providing the bird uses it.
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
2. Bird Feeders Grobler, Piet. (2005). Little Bird’s ABC.
Purchase birdseed and small paper cups. Asheville, NC: Front Street.
The children can fill a cup with a small Henkes, Kevin. (2009). Birds. Illustrated by
amount of seed. After this, the teacher can Laura Dronzek. New York: Greenwillow
attach a small string to the cup for use as a Books.
handle. The bird feeders can then be hung in
Horacek, Petr. (2005). Bird, Fly High.
bushes outdoors. If bushes are not available,
Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.
they can be placed on windowsills.
Inches, Alison, and Cheryl Mendenhal. (2001).
Dizzy’s Bird Watch. New York: Simon
Jarkins, Sheila. (2008). Marco Flamingo/
Books Marco Flemenco. McHenry, IL: Raven Tree.
The following books can be used to complement Jarkins, Sheila. (2009). The Adventures of
this theme: Marco Flamingo under the Sea. McHenry,
IL: Raven Tree.
Aardema, Verna. (1995). How the Ostrich Got
Its Long Neck: A Tale from the Akamba of Johnson, Angela. (1994). Mama Bird, Baby
Kenya. Illustrated by Marcia Brown. New Birds. Illustrated by Rhonda Mitchell. New
York: Scholastic. York: Orchard Books.
Appelt, Kathi, and Jane Dyer. (2000). Oh My Lopez, Blanca. (1995). The Harvest Birds.
Baby, Little One. San Diego, CA: Harcourt Illustrated by Enrique Flores. Emeryville,
Brace. CA: Children’s Book Press.
Arnold, Caroline. (2010). A Bald Eagle’s World. Maslowski, Steve. (2002). Birds in the Fall.
Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window Books. North Mankato, MN: Smart Apple Media.
Asch, Frank. (1999). Baby Bird’s First Nest. San Maslowski, Steve. (2002). Birds in the Spring.
Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace. North Mankato, MN: Smart Apple Media.
Bates, Ivan. (2006). Five Little Ducks. Illustrated Maslowski, Steve. (2002). Birds in the Summer.
by Ivan Bates. New York: Scholastic. North Mankato, MN: Smart Apple Media.
Brenner, Barbara, and Julia Takaya. (1996). Maslowski, Steve. (2002). Birds in the Winter.
Chibi: A True Story from Japan. Illustrated North Mankato, MN: Smart Apple Media.
by June Otani. New York: Clarion Books. Massie, Diane Redfield, and Steven
Carle, Eric. (2005). 10 Little Rubber Ducks. New Kellogg. (2000). The Baby BeeBee Bird.
York: HarperCollins. Illustrated by Steven Kellogg. New York:
Earlry, Chris G. (2009). Birds A to Z. Richmond
Hill, Ontario: Firefly Books. McMillan, Bruce. (1995). Nights of the Pufflings.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Edwards, Richard. (1996). Fly with the Birds.
Illustrated by Satoshi Kitamura. New York: Meddaugh, Susan. (1990). Tree of Birds. Boston:
Orchard Books. Houghton.
Ehlert, Louis. (1997). Cuckoo: A Mexican Morrison, Gordon. (1998). Bald Eagle. Boston:
Folktale. Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace. Houghton Mifflin.
Ezra, Mark. (1997). The Frightened Little Owl. Murphy, Mary. (2002). I Like It When. San
Illustrated by Gavin Rowe. New York: Diego, CA: Red Wagon Books.
Crocodile Books. Owens, Mary Beth. (1993). Counting Cranes.
Gibbons, Gail. (1998). Soaring with the Wind: Boston: Little, Brown.
The Bald Eagle. New York: William Morrow. Polacco, Patricia. (2001). Mr. Lincoln’s Way.
Giganti, Paul. (2005). How Many Blue Birds New York: Philomel Books.
Flew Away? A Counting Book with a Rau, Dana Meachen. (1995). Robin at Hickory
Difference. Illustrated by Donald Crews. Street. Illustrated by Joel Snyder. Norwalk,
New York: Greenwillow Books. CT: Soundprints/Smithsonian Institution.
40 Theme 4
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Rawson, Katherine. (2006). If You Were a “The Little House” [CD]. (1996). In Everything
Parrot. Illustrated by Sherry Rogers. Mt. Grows. Cambridge, MA: Rounder/UMGD.
Pleasant, SC: Sylvan Dell Publishing. “Little Parrot” [CD]. (2010). In Funnier Little
Reed, Lynn Rowe. (2010). Basil’s Birds. New Fellas. Portland, OR: Matt Clark.
York: Marshal Cavendish. “Robin in the Rain” [CD]. (1996). In Singable
Ritz, Karen. (2010). Windows with Birds. Songs for the Very Young. Cambridge, MA:
Honesdale, PA: Boyds Mills Press. Rounder/UMGD.
Runton, Andy. (2005). Just a Little Blue. “Robin on a Wire” [CD]. (2009). In More Please.
Marietta, GA: Top Shelf. Olympia, WA: Aurora Elephant Music.
Ryder, Joanne. (2003). Wild Birds. Illustrated
by Susan Estelle Kwas. New York:
HarperCollins Publishers. Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Tagliaferro, Linda. (2004). Birds and Their
Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Nests. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. website. Go to to
access the site for a variety of useful resources.
Witte, Anna. (2004). The Parrot Tico Tango.
Cambridge, MA: Barefoot Books.

Technology and
The following technology and multimedia
products can be used to complement this
“Baby Chickie” [CD]. (1994). In So Big.
Sherman Oaks, CA: Hap-Pal Music.
“Bold Little Bird” [CD]. (2009). In More Please.
Olympia, WA: Aurora Elephant Music.

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Theme 5

Flowers Objects Color Mixing
iris cars blue 1 yellow 5 green
lupine bikes blue 1 red 5 purple
Texas bluebonnets sky
crocus paint
colored carnations blocks
lobelia toy trucks
magic markers

Food Symbolic
blueberries cold
grapes sad

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Blue is the color of many objects.
2. Some foods are a blue color.
3. Some flowers are colored blue.
4. Blue can be mixed with other colors.
5. The color blue can be symbolic.

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Blue is the name of a color.
2. Mixing blue with yellow makes green.
3. Mixing blue and red makes purple.
4. Many objects are colored blue.
5. Cars, bikes, blocks, and toy trucks can be colored blue.
6. Magic markers, paint, and crayons can be colored blue.
7. On sunny, clear days, the sky is a blue color.
8. Blueberries and grapes are examples of blue-colored foods.
9. Flowers can be colored blue.
10. Irises, Texas bluebonnets, lupines, crocuses, colored carnations, and
lobelias are flowers that can be colored blue.
11. Blue is symbolic for being cold or sad.

1. blue—a primary color.
2. primary colors—red, yellow, and blue.

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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to develop hand-eye coordination, visual
discrimination, and problem-solving skills. A blue bulletin board can be constructed
by focusing on familiar objects. Draw pictures of many familiar objects on tagboard.
Color them various shades of blue. Cut out the objects and laminate. Next, trace
the pictures, allowing 1/4-inch borders, on black construction paper. Cut out shadow
pieces and hang on the bulletin board. Add a magnet piece to each shadow and
picture. The children can match each picture to its corresponding shadow.

44 Theme 5
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Colors! Colors! Colors! Colors are all around us. In our curriculum, we will be focusing our activities
on the color blue. The children will learn that blue can be mixed with red to make purple. When the
color yellow is mixed with blue, green is created. The children will also become aware that many
familiar objects are blue in color. Moreover, they will learn that the color blue has many associations,
including sadness, cold, and music.

At School
Some of the learning experiences planned for this unit include:
• Singing a song called “Two Little Bluejays”
• Looking out our blue windows in the classroom
• Playing a paint store in the dramatic play area
• Fingerpainting with blue paint
• Eating blueberries for a snack

At Home
You can make almost any meal entertaining by occasionally adding a small amount of food
coloring to one of your food items. Children often find this amusing. The food coloring adds interest
to your food, and mealtimes become fun! Try adding a drop or two to milk, vanilla pudding, mashed
potatoes, scrambled eggs, or cottage cheese. Does the color of a food affect its taste? (Try drinking
green milk!) You be the judge! To further develop an awareness of color, identify foods that are
red, blue, yellow, and so on. This improves memory, classification, and receptive and expressive
language skills.

Have a great time helping your child discover the color blue!

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Arts and Crafts 1. Blueberries
1. Arm Dancing Wash and prepare fresh or frozen
Provide each child with two blue crayons blueberries for snack. Blueberry muffins are
and a large sheet of paper. Play music, also appropriate for this theme.
encouraging the children to color using
both arms. Because of the structure of 2. Blueberry Muffins
this activity, it should be limited to older 2 tablespoons sugar
children. 1 3/4 cups flour
2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
2. Sponge Painting 3/4 teaspoon salt
Collect sponge pieces, thick blue tempera 1 egg
paint, and sheets of light blue paper. If 1/2 cup milk
desired, clothespins can be clipped on the 1/3 cup vegetable oil
sponges and used as handles. To use as a
tool, dip the sponge into blue paint and Spray a muffin tin with a nonstick spray
print on light blue paper. or line it with paper liners. Mix all of the
ingredients together. Add 2 tablespoons of
sugar to 1 cup frozen or fresh blueberries.
3. Easel Ideas Mix slightly and gently add to the batter.
• Feature different shades of blue paint at Bake at 400 degrees for approximately
the easel. 25 minutes.
• Use blue paint on aluminum foil.
• Add whipped soap flakes to blue paint. 3. Cream Cheese and Crackers
• Add a container of yellow paint to the Tint cream cheese blue with food coloring
easel. Allow the children to mix the and spread on crackers.
yellow and blue paints at the easel. This
activity can be extended by providing
red and blue tempera paint. 4. Cupcakes
Add blue food coloring to a white cake mix.
Fill paper cupcake holders with the batter
4. Fingerpainting and bake as directed.
Blue fingerpaint and large sheets of paper
should be placed in the art area.

5. Melted Crayon Design

Grate broken blue crayons. Place the
shreddings on one square of waxed paper
6 inches 3 6 inches. On top of the shreddings,
Dramatic Play
place another 6-inch 3 6-inch piece of Paint Store
waxed paper. Cover with a dish towel or Provide paintbrushes, buckets, and paint
old cloth. Apply heat with a warm iron for sample books. The addition of a cash
about 30 seconds. Let the sheets cool, and register, play money, and pads of paper will
the child can trim them with scissors. These extend the children’s play.
melted crayon designs can be used as nice
sun catchers on the windows. Caution:
This activity needs to be supervised closely.
Only the teacher should handle the hot iron.

46 Theme 5
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Field Trips Large Muscle
1. Painting
1. “Blue” Watching Provide a bucket of blue-colored water and
Walk around your center’s neighborhood large paintbrushes. Encourage the children
and observe blue items. Things to look to paint the sidewalks, building, fence,
for include cars, bikes, birds, houses, and sandbox, and so on.
flowers. When you return, have the children
dictate a list. Record their responses. 2. Blue Ribbon Dance
Make blue streamer ribbons by attaching
2. Paint Store blue crêpe paper to unsharpened pencils.
Visit a local paint store. Observe all Play lively music and encourage the
the different shades of blue paint. Look children to move to the music.
carefully to see if they look similar. Ask the
store manager for discarded sample cards.
These cards can be added to the materials
to use in the art area.
2+3 =
1. Muffin Math
Make muffin cutouts on white or brown
Group Time construction paper. Print a numeral on the
(Games, Language) top of each muffin. Use blue fingerpaint
1. Bluebird, Bluebird to place the corresponding number of
The children should join hands and stand in a “blueberries” on each muffin.
circle. Construct one bluebird necklace out of
yarn and construction paper. Choose one child 2. Cube Tower
to be the first bluebird. This bluebird weaves Place blue Unifix cubes on a table. Roll a
in and out of the children’s arms while the die and stack the corresponding number of
remainder of the children chant the song: cubes. Continue rolling and stacking until
the tower falls over.
Bluebird, bluebird through my window
Bluebird, bluebird through my window 3. Colored Craft Sticks
Bluebird, bluebird through my window Purchase a pack of colored craft sticks (or
Who will be the next bluebird? color your own). Have children sort the
At this time, the child takes off the necklace sticks into a matching colored cup.
and hands it to a child he or she would like
to be the next bluebird.

2. I Spy
The teacher says, “I spy something blue that
is sitting on the piano bench,” or other such
statements. The children will look around
and try to figure out what the teacher has
spied. Older children may enjoy taking 1. “Two Little Bluejays”
turns repeating, “I spy something on the (Sing to the tune of “Two Little Blackbirds”)
__________.” (To add interest, you can substitute names
after the song has been sung several times. The
children will enjoy hearing their names.)

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Two little bluejays 3. Blue Windows
sitting on a hill Place blue-colored cellophane or acetate
One named Sue sheets over some of the windows in the
One named Bill. classroom. It is fun to look out the windows
and see the blue world.
Fly away, Sue
Fly away, Bill. 4. Dyeing Carnations
Come back, Sue On the science table, place the stem of a
Come back, Bill. white carnation in a bottle of water with
blue food coloring added. Observe the
change of the petal colors.
Two little bluejays
sitting on a hill
One named Sue
One named Bill.

2. “Finding Colors”
(Sing to the tune of “The Muffin Man”) Sensory
Oh, can you find the color blue, Additions to the Sensory Table
The color blue, the color blue?
Oh, can you find the color blue,
1. Water with Blue Food Coloring
Add a few drops of blue food coloring to
Somewhere in this room?

2. Blue Goop
Mix together blue food coloring, 1 cup
cornstarch, and 1 cup of water.

1. Just One Drop
Each child will need a smock for this
activity. Provide a glass of water and blue
food coloring. Encourage the children to add
a drop of blue food coloring to the water. Social Studies
Watch as the water becomes a light blue. Eye Color
Add a few more drops of food coloring, Prepare an eye color chart with the
observing as the blue water turns a darker children. Colors on the chart should
shade. include blue, brown, and green. Under each
category, record the names of children who
2. Blue Color Paddles have that particular eye color. Extend the
Construct blue color paddles out of stiff activity by adding the number of children
tagboard and blue overhead transparency with each color.
sheets. Make a form for the paddle out of
tagboard, leaving the inside empty. Put the
sheet of blue transparency paper on the
back, glue, and trim. The children can hold
the paddle up to their eyes and see how the
colors have changed.

48 Theme 5
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Lionni, Leo. (1995). Little Blue and Little
Yellow. New York: Mulberry Books.
Books Martin, Bill, Jr. (1992). Brown Bear, Brown
Bear, What Do You See? Illustrated by Eric
The following books can be used to complement
Carle. New York: Henry Holt.
this theme:
Mills, Claudia. (2005). Ziggy’s Blue-Ribbon Day.
Anderson, Derek. (2006). Blue Burt and
Illustrated by R. W. Alley. New York: Farrar,
Wiggles. New York: Simon & Schuster Books
Straus and Giroux.
for Young Readers.
Onyefulu, Ifeoma. (1997). Chidi Only Likes
Averbeck, Jim. (2008). In A Blue Room.
Blue: An African Book of Colors. New York:
Illustrated by Tricia Tusa. Orlando, FL:
Ostheeren, Ingrid, et al. (1996). The Blue
Banks, Kate. (2005). The Great Blue
Monster. New York: North South Books.
House. Illustrated by George
Hallensleben. New York: Farrar, Straus Ransom, Candice F. (2009). The Old Blue
and Giroux. Pickup Truck. Illustrated by Jenny
Mattheson. New York: Walker Book &
Barnett, Mac. (2009). Billy Twitters and
His Big Blue Whale Problem. Illustrated
by Adam Rex. New York: Disney Hyperion Runton, Andy. (2005). Just A Little Blue.
Books. Marietta, GA: Top Shelf.
Bogacki, Tomek, and Tomasz Bogacki. (1998). Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth. (2000). Blue
Story of a Blue Bird. New York: Farrar, (Sandcastle I: What Color Is It?).
Straus and Giroux. Minneapolis, MN: Abdo Publishing.
Braun, Sebastien. (2010). Meeow and the Blue Schertle, Alice. (2008). Little Blue Truck.
Table. London: Boxer. Illustrated by Jill McElmurry. Orlando, FL:
Childress, Mark. (1996). Joshua and the Big
Bad Blue Crabs. Illustrated by Mary Schertle, Alice. (2009). Little Blue Truck
B. Brown. Boston: Little, Brown. Leads the Way. Illustrated by Jill
McElmurry. Boston: Harcourt Children’s
Chrustowski, Rick. (2004). Blue Sky Bluebird.
New York: Henry Holt.
Smallman, Steve. (2009). The Monkey
Davies, Nicola. (1997). Big Blue Whale.
with a Bright Blue Bottom. Illustrated by
Illustrated by Nick Maland. Cambridge,
Steve Smallman. Intercourse, PA: Good
MA: Candlewick Press.
Dunbar, Polly. (2004). Dog Blue. Cambridge,
Smee, Nicola. (2010). What’s the Matter, Bunny
MA: Candlewick Press.
Blue? London: Boxer.
Fine, Edith Hope, and Judith Pinkerton
Smith, Molly. (2007). Blue Whale: The World’s
Josephson. (2007). Armando and the Blue
Biggest Mammal. New York: Bearport
Tarp School. Illustrated by Hernan Sosa.
New York: Lee & Low Books.
Stephans, Helen. (2001). Blue Horse. New York:
Hausman, Gerald. (1998). The Story of Blue
Elk. Illustrated by Kristina Rodanas.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Stewart, Joel. (2007). Dexter Bexley and
the Big Blue Beastie. New York: Holiday
Inkpen, Mick. (1996). The Blue Balloon (Vol. 1).
Boston: Little, Brown.
Stewart, Melissa. (2009). Why Are Animals
Jones, Christianne C. (2007). Splish, Splash,
Blue? Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow
and Blue. Illustrated by Christianne
C. Jones. Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window
Books. Stockland, Patricia M. (2009). Blue.
Illustrated by Julia Woolf. Edina, MN:
Magic Wagon.
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Tafuri, Nancy. (2008). Blue Goose. “Playing Blues” [CD]. (2002). In Dancin’ in the
New York: Simon & Schuster for Young Kitchen. New York: BizzyBum.
Readers. The Blue Elephant [DVD]. (2008). NY: The
Winne, Joanne. (2000). Blue in My World. New Weinstein Company.
York: Children’s Press.
Wood, Audrey. (2005). The Deep Blue
Sea: A Book of Colors. New York: Blue Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Sky Press. Theme can be found on the book’s companion
website. Go to to
access the site for a variety of useful resources.

Technology and
The following technology and multimedia
products can be used to complement this
“Little Boy Blue” [CD]. (2010). In No Fret
Alphabet. Buena Park, CA: Barbara Milne.

50 Theme 5
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Transitions: Dismissal of Children
Smooth transitions are important when moving children from one activity to another.
They help prevent disruptions and potential behavioral problems. By having the
children move in groups assists in this process. The following strategies help support
smooth transistions:
• Colors of clothing, types of the children are to go • Singing “Where, oh, Where
clothing, and patterns of next Is My Friend?”:
fabrics (stripes, polka dots, • Singing “Two Little Where, oh, where is my
and plaid) Blackbirds”: friend Travis?
• Shoes (boots, shoes with Where, oh, where is my
Two little blackbirds sitting
buckles, shoes with ties, friend Travis?
on a hill
shoes with Velcro, slip-on Where, oh, where is my
One named Jack, one named
shoes, and jelly shoes); friend Travis?
also, number of eyelets Please come to the door.
Fly away Jack, fly
on shoes, and number of
away Jill.
buckles • Singing “How Did You
Come back Jack, come back
• Ages in years Come to School Today?”:
• Number of brothers or Two little blackbirds sitting How did you come to school
sisters on a hill, today,
• Hair and eye color One named Jack, one named How did you come on Monday?
Jill. (Child responds)
• Birthdays in certain
He came in a blue car,
months • Singing “I Have a Very Came in a blue car on
• Name cards Special Friend” (Sing to the Monday.
• First letter of names Tune of “Bingo”):
• Last names • Singing “One Elephant
I have a very special
Went out to Play”:
• Rhyming names friend,
• Picking an animal or Can you guess his name-o? One elephant went out
word that starts with the J-A-R-E-D, J-A-R-E-D, J-A- to play
same sound as your name R-E-D, Upon a spider’s web
(Tiger-Tom) And Jared is his name-o. one day.
He had such enormous fun
• Giving each child a turn at • Singing “I’m Looking for That he called for another
something while putting Someone”: elephant to come.
rugs away (blowing
a bubble, strumming I’m looking for someone
• Singing Goodbye Song
a guitar, or hugging a named Kristen,
(Sing to the tune of
puppet) I’m looking for someone
“Yankee Doodle”):
named Kristen,
• Playing “I Spy” by saying, If there is someone named Now it’s time to say
“I spy someone wearing Kristen here now, goodbye,
blue pants and a Dora Stand up and take a bow. We’ve had a lot of fun.
sweatshirt” (Or “Stand up and go to Goodbye (child’s name)
• Playing a quick game of lunch.”) goodbye (child’s name)
“Simon Says” and then and goodbye (child’s name).
having Simon tell where We had a lot of fun!

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Transitions: Dismissal of Children (Continued)
Goodbye (child’s name) Matthew, get on board. Toot! Toot! Peanut butter!
goodbye (child’s name) and Zachary, get on board.
The words peanut and
goodbye (child’s name). Afton, get on board.
peanut butter in the song
Our time at school is done.
can be substituted. Examples
of other words include the
Group Dismissal • “One Potato” following:.
Opposed to having children One potato, two potato, three • apple—applesauce
move in groups, the entire potato, four
group can be move from • banana—banana split
Five potato, six potato, seven
one activity to another. The potato, more. • orange—orange juice
following strategies are • “Lickety Lick”
effective for moving the • “And One and Two”
entire group of children at (You can change “carrot” to
And one and two and three
one time: any kind of cake.)
and four,
Lickety lick, lickety lick,
• Hop like a bunny. And five and six and seven
The batter is getting all
• Walk as quiet as a and eight.
thickety thick.
mouse. (Repeat faster)
What shall we bake?
• Tiptoe. • “Colors Here and There” What shall we bake?
• Walk backward. A great, big beautiful carrot
Colors here and there, cake.
• Count steps as you walk. Colors everywhere.
• “I Clap My Hands”
• Have footsteps for the What’s the name of this color
group to walk on or a winding here? I clap my hands. (Echo)
trail to follow. I stamp my feet. (Echo)
• “This Is What I Can Do” I turn around. (Echo)
• Sing “This Train” (Sing to
the tune of “This Train Is This is what I can do, And it’s really neat. (Echo)
Bound for Glory”): Everybody do it, too. I touch my shoulders.
This is what I can do, (Echo)
(You can change “lunchroom” I touch my nose. (Echo)
Now I pass it on to you.
to other words to fit the I touch my knees. (Echo)
situation.) • “A Peanut Sat on a And that’s how it goes.
This train is bound for the Railroad Track” (Echo)
This train is bound for the A peanut sat on a railroad
lunchroom, track,
This train is bound for the Its heart was all a-flutter.
lunchroom, Engine Nine came down the
Katie, get on board. track,

52 Theme 5
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Theme 6

Purpose Places Flatbreads Sizes
foods—meals and Prepared taco shells many
snacks homes pita bread
good health restaurants tortilla
bakeries lefse
supermarkets oblong

Basic Ingredients Yeast Breads Quick Breads

flour Danish pastries cornbread
water croissants biscuits
milk rolls coffee cakes
yeast breads muffins
shortening bagels popovers
sweet rolls scones

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. The purpose of bread 5. Types of flatbread
2. The basic ingredients of bread 6. Types of quick bread
3. Places where bread is prepared 7. Shapes of bread
4. Types of yeast bread 8. Sizes of bread

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Bread is a healthy food.
2. The basic ingredients used in preparing bread are flour, water or milk,
yeast, and shortening.
3. Bread can be prepared in homes, bakeries, supermarkets, and
4. Breads come in many sizes.
5. Taco shells, pita bread, tortillas, and lefse are flatbreads.
6. Cornbread, biscuits, coffee cakes, muffins, popovers, scones, pancakes,
and waffles are called quick breads.
7. Croissants, rolls, bagels, breads, Danish pastries, and sweet rolls are
called yeast breads.
8. Breads can be shaped into different forms: round, twisted, and oblong.
9. Breads can be part of a meal or snack.

1. bread—a food prepared by mixing flour or grain meal, water or milk,
and shortening.
2. crust—the outside part of the bread.
3. flour—wheat that has been ground to a soft powder.
4. yeast—a food that makes the bread dough rise.

54 Theme 6
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to promote hand-eye coordination, visual
discrimination, and problem-solving skills, and call attention to various types
of baked goods. Create this bulletin board by drawing baked goods on a piece of
tagboard as illustrated. Pictures from magazines or computer-generated clip art
could also be used. If drawn, color and add detail to the bakery items with felt-tip
markers, cut out, and laminate. Trace these pieces onto black construction paper.
Count out the pieces and attach to the bulletin board. Use map tacks or adhesive
magnet pieces for children to match the corresponding baked good to its shadow.

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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Did you know that bread is one of the most widely eaten foods? It is often called the “staff of life,”
and it provides a large share of people’s energy and a small amount of plant protein. Special breads
are also used in different cultural ceremonies. Our curriculum next week will focus on a theme
related to breads. Activities will help your child learn the different types of bread and the ingredients
of bread, including the purpose of yeast. Your child will also participate in making bread.

At School
Some of the curriculum activities related to the theme will include:
• Tasting many different kinds of breads
• Taking a field trip to the bakery
• Baking bread on Thursday and observing the action of yeast
• Making and selling baked goods in the bakery shop located in the dramatic play area

Family Involvement
If you prepare any special ethnic breads, we invite you to share them with our class. Please contact
me so a time can be arranged. The children will enjoy having you in our class and learning about
other types of breads.

At Home
We encourage you to participate in our celebration of bread. The next time you and your child are
in the grocery store, find the bakery or bread department. Point out the different types and sizes of
breads. Ask questions to help your child recognize similarities and differences.

Enjoy eating and discussing different types of bread with your child!

56 Theme 6
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In a gallon-size, heavy plastic, zipper-seal
freezer bag, place 1 1/2 cups flour, dry yeast,
and salt. Close. Let the children mix the
Arts and Crafts ingredients by shaking and working the bag
1. Bread Collage with their fingers.
Provide magazines for the children to find Add the oil and warm water to the
and cut out pictures of different types of ingredients in the bag. Reseal the bag, and
breads. These pictures can be glued or demonstrate to the children how to mix the
pasted to a piece of construction paper or a ingredients. Gradually add the remaining
paper plate, creating a bread collage. flour until the mixture forms a stiff ball.
Grease your hands with a solid vegetable
2. Play Dough oil. Remove the dough from the bag and
The children can assist in preparing play place on a lightly floured surface. Knead
dough. If the mixture is left uncolored, about 5 minutes. Small air pockets that
it will resemble bread dough and have a appear as bubbles will form under the
similar consistency. Place three cups of flour surface of the dough when it has been
and one cup of salt in a mixing bowl. Add sufficiently kneaded. When they appear, let
3/4 cup of water and stir. Keep adding small the children observe them.
amounts of water and mix until the dough Let the dough rest for 5–10 minutes.
is workable but not sticky. Grease two bread pans. Divide the dough
in half. Shape into two loaves. Place each
3. Muffin Tin Paint Trays loaf in a greased bread pan. Cover with a
Fill muffin tins with various colors of kitchen towel. Let rise for an hour. Bake at
paint in the art area for the children to 375 degrees for 25–30 minutes.
use. Pastry brushes could be used as paint
2. Pretzels
1 teaspoon salt
2 1/2 teaspoons sugar
4. Biscuit Cutter Prints
1 package of fast-rising yeast
Place biscuit cutters and a shallow pan of
1 cup warm water (125 to 130 degrees)
paint out at the art table. The children can
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
dip the biscuit cutter into the paint. After
1 egg yolk, beaten with 1 tablespoon water
this, the biscuit cutter can be placed on a
3–3 1/2 cups flour
piece of construction paper. The children
can repeat the process as desired.
Combine 1 1/2 cups of flour, the dry yeast,
5. Bread Sponge Painting sugar, and salt in a large bowl. Add the
Cut sponges into different shapes and types warm water and vegetable oil, and mix at
of bread. Place the sponges and shallow low speed with an electric mixer for
trays of tempera paint on the art table. The 3 minutes. Add an additional 1/2 cup flour
children can dip a sponge into the paint and and beat at high speed for 2–3 minutes. Stir
then press it onto a piece of paper to create in the remaining flour to form a soft dough.
a bread-shaped print. Caution: Use of the electric mixer needs to
be carefully supervised.
Lightly flour a surface. Place the soft
dough on the floured surface and knead for
approximately 10 minutes. Grease a bowl
Cooking with vegetable oil and place the dough in
1. Bag Bread it to rise. Cover with a dish towel for 30–45
3 cups of bread flour minutes.
2 packages of fast-rising yeast Punch the air out of the dough and divide
1/4 cup sugar into 20 equal pieces. Demonstrate to the
1 1/2 teaspoon salt children how to roll a piece into a rope
1 1/2 cup warm water (125 to 130 degrees) 12–14 inches long. Form the rope into a
4 teaspoons vegetable oil pretzel. Place on a greased baking sheet.
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Cover again and let rise in a warm place for mixer. Add 1/2 cup of the flour and the eggs.
about 25 minutes. Beat at high speed for 2–3 minutes. Stir in
Brush each of the pretzels with the egg the cheese and enough flour to make a soft
yolk mixture. Preheat the oven to 375 dough.
degrees. Bake for 15 minutes and remove On a lightly floured surface, knead
from pan. Place on a wire rack to cool. the dough until it is elastic and smooth.
Typically this will take 6–10 minutes. Place
3. Chapatis (pronounced the dough in a greased bowl and let rise for
“cha-PAH-tees”) 15–30 minutes.
This recipe, which comes from India, serves Grease the entire inner surface of two 1 lb.
six; consequently, it will need to be adjusted coffee cans. Divide the dough into two equal
to accommodate the number of children who pieces. Place each piece in a can. Cover the
need to be served. top of the can with a piece of aluminum foil.
Let the dough rise for 35 minutes.
1 1/2 cups of whole wheat flour
Bake for 30 minutes in a 375-degree
1/2 teaspoon salt
oven. Remove from cans and cool on a wire
2/3 cup warm water
A small amount of cooking oil
5. Alphabet Toast
Mix the flour and salt together in a bowl.
Pour milk into a small container and color
Stir in water a small amount at a time until
with food coloring. (Make as many colors as
the mixture forms a ball.
desired.) Give each child a piece of bread
On a floured surface, knead dough for
and alphabet cookie cutters.
5–10 minutes until it is a smooth, sticky ball.
Encourage them to find the letter that
Let rise in a covered bowl for 30 minutes.
their name begins with. Press the cutter
Cut the dough into six pieces. Roll each
lightly into the bread. Use a cotton swab to
piece out into a circle that is about 8 inches
spread the colored milk on the letter. Place
in diameter.
in toaster. The toast will come out brightly
Lightly oil a frying pan and heat until
it smokes. Caution: This portion of the
activity needs to be carefully supervised to
6. Toasted Tortilla Triangles
promote a safe environment.
Cut corn tortillas into eight triangles.
Cook each circle of dough until it is brown
Place the wedges on cookie sheets. Sprinkle
and puffy on both sides. The chapatis are
with grated Parmesan cheese. Bake at
more flavorful when eaten warm.
350 degrees for 12–15 minutes until lightly
browned and crisp.
4. Cheesy Puff Bread
3 3/4 cups bread flour
1 package fast-rising dry yeast
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup milk Dramatic Play
2 tablespoons margarine 1. Bakery
2 eggs Prepare the housekeeping area to resemble
1 cup grated cheddar cheese a bakery where the children can pretend
1/2 cup warm water to make breads and baked goods to sell to
3 tablespoons sugar their classmates as customers. Provide the
following items: aprons, baker’s hats, bowls,
Combine the dry yeast, sugar, salt, and mixing spoons, pans, rolling pins, muffin
1 1/2 cups of the flour in a large mixing tins, measuring cups, egg cartons, empty
bowl. Heat the milk, water, and margarine bread and roll mix boxes, oven mitts or hot
on the stove or in the microwave oven until pads, a cash register, and posters or pictures
warm to the touch. Add the dry ingredients. depicting baked goods.
Then beat at low speed with an electric

58 Theme 6
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2. Restaurant and place these samples on paper plates for
Prepare the housekeeping area as a the children to taste. Discuss the types of
restaurant. Provide props such as a breads, textures, flavors, and scents.
tablecloth, dishes, cooking utensils, and
a cash register with play money. Create 2. Yeast Experiment
menus by cutting pictures from magazines To demonstrate the effects of yeast, try
and gluing them onto construction paper. this experiment. Pour 1 package of dry
Include pictures of different baked goods. yeast, ½ cup of sugar, and 1 cup of warm
water into an empty soda bottle. Cover the
bottle opening with a balloon and watch it

Field Trips 3. The Little Red Hen

Read the story of The Little Red Hen by
1. Bakery Paul Galdone. After reading the story
Arrange a visit to a local bakery. Observe the several times so that the children are
process of bread and baked goods production. familiar with the content, it can be acted
Discuss a baker’s job and uniform. out. Simple props can be provided to assist
the children in creative dramatics and re-
2. Farm creating the story.
Take a trip to a farm where grains
are grown. Notice the equipment and 4. Bread Basket Upset
machinery used to plant and harvest the This game is played in a circle formation
crops. on chairs or carpet squares. One child is
asked to sit in the middle of the circle as
3. Grocery Store the baker. Hand a picture of a different
Tour a grocery store and find the bakery type of bread—a bagel, a roll, a muffin, and
department. The children can look at the others—to each of the other children. To play
many types of breads and ways they are the game, the baker calls out the name of a
packaged. bread. The children holding that particular
bread exchange places. The game continues.
When the baker calls out, “Bread Basket
Upset,” all of the children must exchange
places, including the baker. The child who is
unable to find a place is the new baker.
Fingerplays and Chants
Five Little Donuts
Down around the corner, at the bakery shop
There were five little donuts with sugar on top.
(hold up five fingers)
Large Muscle
Along came _________ (child’s name), all alone. 1. Tricycles
And she (he) took the biggest one home. During outdoor play, encourage children
to use the tricycles for making bakery
(Continue the verses until all the donuts are gone.) deliveries.

2. Bread Trail
Group Time Set up a bread trail in the classroom. Tape
(Games, Language) pictures of the bread on the floor, creating a
trail. Have the children follow the trail by
1. Bread-Tassting Party walking or hopping.
Bake or purchase various types and flavors
of breads. Cut the bread into small pieces,

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2+3 =
1. Favorite Bread Graph Music
After tasting various types of breads, the
children can assist in making a class graph 1. “If I Had a Bagel”
of their favorite types of breads. Across (Sing to the tune “If I Had a Hammer”)
the top of a piece of tagboard, print the If I had a bagel.
caption “Our Favorite Breads.” Draw or I’d eat it in the morning,
paste pictures of different types or flavors I’d eat it in the evening,
of breads along the left-hand side of the All over this land.
tagboard. I’d eat it for breakfast,
On the chart, place each child’s name I’d eat it for supper,
or picture next to the picture of his or her I’d eat it with all my friends and sisters and
favorite bread. The results of the graph can brothers,
be shared with the children using math All, all over this land.
vocabulary words such as most, more, fewer,
least, and so on. Display the graph for 2. “Ten Little Donuts”
future reference. (Sing to the tune of “Ten Little Indians”)
One little, two little, three little donuts
2. Muffin Tin Math
Four little, five little, six little donuts
Muffin tins can be used for counting and
Seven little, eight little, nine little donuts
sorting activities based on the children’s
Ten donuts in the bakery shop.
developmental level. For example, numerals
can be printed in each cup, and the children
3. “Let’s Pretend”
can place the corresponding set of corn or
(Sing to the tune of “Here We Are Together”)
toy pieces in each cup. Likewise, colored
circles can be cut out of construction paper Let’s pretend that we are bakers,
and glued to the bottom of the muffin cups. Are bakers, are bakers
The children then can place objects of Let’s pretend that we are bakers,
matching colors in the corresponding As busy as can be.
muffin cups. We’ll knead all the dough out
And bake loaves of bread.
3. Pretzel Sort and Count Let’s pretend that we are bakers
Provide each child with a cup containing As busy as can be.
various sizes and shapes of pretzels.
Encourage the children to empty the cup 4. “Down at the Bakery”
onto a clean napkin or plate and sort the Down at the bakery what did I see?
pretzels by size or shape. If appropriate, the Five little cookies smiling at me.
children can count how many pretzels they Along came (child’s name) with a nickel
have of each shape. Upon completion of the one day.
activity, the pretzels can be eaten by the He bought the (color) one and took it
children. away.
(Continue singing until all cookies are gone.)
4. Breadstick Seriation Note: Make five different-colored cookies
Provide breadsticks or pictures of breadsticks
from construction paper. Laminate them,
of varying lengths. The children can place the
and attach Velcro or magnets to the back.
breadsticks in order from shortest to longest.
Place on either a magnet board or a flannel
board. Give five children a nickel each. As
you call their name, invite them to take the
corresponding color of cookie off the flannel
or magnet board.

60 Theme 6
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2. Sharing Breads
Bake breads or muffins to give to a home
for the elderly, the homeless, or some other
organization. If possible, take a walk and
Science have the children deliver them.
1. Bread Grains
On the science table, set out containers of 3. Visitor
grains used to make bread for the children Invite people from various cultural
to examine. Examples include wheat, corn, backgrounds to bake or share breads
oats, and rye. Provide magnifying glasses originating from their native countries. As
for children to explore the grains. a follow-up activity, assist the children in
writing thank-you notes.
2. Weighing Bread Grains
The property of mass can be explored by
providing a balance scale and bread grains
at the science table. Scoops and spoons
could be available to assist the children. The Books
children can compare the grains. Encourage
the use of vocabulary words such as heavier, The following books can be used to complement
lighter, more than, and less than. this theme:
Anderson, Catherine. (2005). Bread Bakery.
3. Baking Bread Chicago: Heinemann Library.
The process of bread baking is definitely a
science activity. The children can observe Asch, Frank. (2004). Monsieur Saguette and His
changes in substances and make predictions Baguette. Toronto: Kids Can Press.
about the final outcome. Choose a bread Brett, Jan. (1999). Gingerbread Baby. New
recipe listed under the cooking section of this York: G. P. Putnam.
theme. Prepare a recipe chart for classroom Carle, Eric. (1995). Walter the Baker. New York:
use. Stress cooking safety with the children. Simon & Schuster.
Czernecky, Stefan, et al. (1992). The Sleeping
Bread. New York: Hyperion.
De Las Casas, Diane. (2009). The Cajun
Sensory Cornbread Boy: A Well-Loved Tale Spiced
1. Different types of grains can be placed Up. Illustrated by Marita Gentry. Gretna,
in the sensory table. Examples include LA: Pelican Publishing.
corn, rice, wheat, barley, and oats.
De Paola, Tomie. (1989). Tony’s Bread: An
Provide pails, scoops, measuring cups,
Italian Folktale. New York: Putnam.
flour sifters, and spoons to encourage
active exploration. De Paola, Tomie. (1997). Antonio the Bread Boy.
2. Place play dough in the sensory table New York: G. P. Putnam.
with rolling pins, measuring cups, Dooley, Norah. (1995). Everybody Bakes
muffin tins, and plastic knives. Bread. Illustrated by Peter J. Thornton.
3. Cooking utensils used for preparing Minneapolis, MN: Carolrhoda Books.
baked goods can be placed in the sensory Edelman, Julie, and Omar H. Davis. (2000).
table with soapy water and dishcloths. Once upon a Recipe: Favorite Tales, Food
The children can “wash” the items. and FUNtivities. Illustrated by Omar
H. Davis. Maplewood, NJ: Once Upon A
Recipe Press.
Flanagan, Romie, and Alice K. (1998).
Social Studies Mr. Santizo’s Tasty Treats. Chicago:
1. Baker Children’s Press.
The occupation of baker can be examined Gershator, David, et al. (1995). Bread Is for
through books and discussion. Eating. New York: Holt.
Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Due to electronic rights, some third party content may be suppressed from the eBook and/or eChapter(s).
Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Granowsky, Alvin. (1996). Help Yourself, Little
Red Hen! (Another Side to the Story).
Illustrated by Wendy Edelson and Jane
Technology and
K. Manning. Austin, TX: Raintree/Steck Multimedia
The following technology and multimedia
Greeley, Valerie. (1990). Where’s My Share?
products can be used to complement this
New York: Macmillan.
Head, Honor. (2010). Bread. Mankato, MN:
“The Donut Song” (2004). In Laugh N Learn
Smart Apple Media.
Silly Songs. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo.
Kleven, Elisa. (2001). Sun Bread. New York:
“Five Brown Buns” [CD]. (2008). In Great Big
Dutton Children’s Books.
Hits. Toronto: Casablanca Kids.
Levenson, George. (2004). Bread Comes to
Greg and Steve. (2007). “Muffin Man” [CD].
Life: A Garden of Wheat and a Loaf to Eat.
In We All Live Together (Vol. 2). Acton, CA:
Photography by Shmuel Thaler. Berkeley,
Youngheart Records.
CA: Tricycle Press.
“Hot Cross Buns” [CD]. (2004). In Toddler
Lindman, Maj. (1995). Snipp, Snapp, Snurr
Twosome. Redway, CA: Music Little People.
and the Buttered Bread. Morton Grove, IL:
A. Whitman. “I Got a Job” [CD]. (2002). In Growing Up with
Ella Jenkins. Washington, DC: Smithsonian
Linn, Dennis, Sheila Faabricant, and Francisco
Miranda. (2006). Making Heart-Bread.
Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press. “I’m a Pretzel” [CD]. (1994). In So Big. Sherman
Oaks, CA: Hap-Pal Music.
Millen, C. M. (2004). Blue Bowl Down.
Illustrated by Holly Meade. Cambridge, “The Muffin Man” [CD]. (1995). In Toddler
MA: Candlewick Press. Tunes: 26 Classic Songs for Toddlers.
Franklin, TN: Cedarmont Music, distributed
Morris, Ann. (1993). Bread, Bread, Bread.
by Benson Music Group.
Illustrated by Ken Heyman. New York:
Scholastic. “The Pretzel Store” [CD]. (2002). In Buzz Buzz.
New York: Razor and Tie Music.
Rosenthal, Betsy R. (2006). It’s Not Worth
Making a Tzimmes Over! Illustrated by Shortnin’Bread” [CD]. (2002). In Under a
Ruth Rivers. Morton Grove, IL: Albert Shady Tree. New York: Two Tomatoes.
Snyder, Inez. (2005). Grains to Bread. New Additional teaching resources to accompany this
York: Children’s Press. Theme can be found on the book’s companion
website. Go to to
Teevin, Toni. (2006). What to Do? New York:
Clarion Books. access the site for a variety of useful resources.

62 Theme 6
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Theme 7

Parts Users Kinds
handle all people paintbrush
bristles hairstylists scrub brush
janitors and maids toothbrush
dentists hairbrush
artists clothes brush
painters vegetable brush
animal groomers pastry brush
manicurists pet brush
eyebrow brush
makeup brush

Uses Materials
cleaning plastic
grooming and hygiene wood
painting nylon
cooking hair

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Parts of a brush
2. Kinds of brushes
3. Uses of brushes
4. Materials used to make brushes
5. Community helpers who use brushes for their work

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. A brush is a tool.
2. A brush has two parts: handles and bristles
3. Brushes can be made from plastic, wood, nylon, and hair.
4. Everyone uses brushes.
5. Janitors, maids, and painters use brushes.
6. Hairstylists, manicurists, and animal groomers use brushes.
7. Brushes can be used for cleaning, grooming, painting, and cooking.
8. Scrub brushes are used for cleaning in our homes.
9. Toothbrushes help clean our teeth.
10. Hairbrushes, eyebrow brushes, and makeup brushes are used for
11. Vegetable brushes are used to clean vegetables.
12. Pastry brushes are used for baking and cooking.
13. Some people use brushes while working.
14. Animal groomers use pet brushes to groom dogs and horses.
15. Janitors and maids use scrub brushes.
16. Dentists use toothbrushes.
17. Hairstylists use hairbrushes.
18. Manicurists use nailbrushes.
19. Makeup brushes are used to apply powder and coloring to the face.
20. Painting brushes are tools to apply paint to surfaces.

1. bristle—a short, stiff hair or threadlike object.
2. brush—a tool made of bristles or wires attached to a handle.
3. dog brush—a brush used to clean a dog’s hair.
4. groom—to clean.
5. handle—the part of a brush that is held.
6. powder brush—a brush that is used to apply facial powder.
7. toothbrush—a small brush used to clean teeth.
8. vegetable brush—a stiff brush used to clean vegetables.

64 Theme 7
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to promote the development of color identification
and color-matching skills. Construct paint palettes and brushes out of tagboard. Use a
different colored marker to draw paint spots on each palette and to “paint” the bristles
of each brush. Laminate all the pieces. Attach the palettes to the bulletin board. Map
tacks, putty, or Velcro may be used to place the brushes next to the corresponding color
of paint palette.

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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Did you ever stop to think about the number and types of brushes we use in a day? Brushes will be
the next subject that we will explore. Each one has a different function and helps us do a different
job. Through the activities related to the theme, the children will become aware of the many types
and uses of brushes. In addition, they will be exposed to materials used in constructing brushes.

At School
Some of the learning experiences this week will include:
• Setting up a hairstylist shop in the dramatic play area (and discussing different hairstyles and
• “Painting” outside with buckets of water and brushes
• Observing teeth being cleaned with electric and handheld brushes as we visit Dr. Smith’s dental
office on Thursday morning
• Painting with a variety of brushes at the easel each day

At Home
With your child, go through your home and locate brushes. Examples include toothbrushes,
hairbrushes, paintbrushes, fingernail polish brushes, pastry brushes, and makeup brushes. Compare
and sort the various brushes. This will help your child discriminate among weights, colors, sizes,
textures, and shapes. The brushes can also be counted to determine which room contains the most
and which contains the least number of brushes, which will promote the understanding of number

Paint a picture with your child today!

66 Theme 7
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Mix the flour, cinnamon, baking soda,
sugar, baking soda, nutmeg and salt in a
large bowl. In another bowl, combine the
Arts and Crafts shredded zucchini, lemon peel, egg, and
1. Brush Painting cooking oil. Add to the flour mixture and
Place various brushes such as hairbrushes, stir until just moistened. The batter should
makeup brushes, toothbrushes, and clothes be lumpy. Pour into the loaf pan and bake
brushes on a table in the art area. In at 350 degrees for 55 to 60 minutes. Let
addition, thin tempera paint and paper cool for 8–10 minutes and removed from
should be provided. Let the children explore the pan. Zucchini bread is best wrapped
the painting process with a variety of and stored overnight before slicing as it will
brushes. be easier for the children to handle while
2. Easel Ideas
Each day, change the type of brushes the
children can use while painting at the easel.
Variations may include sponge brushes, Dramatic Play
discarded toothbrushes, nail polish brushes,
vegetable brushes, and makeup brushes.
1. Hairstylist
Collect hair spray bottles, brushes, empty
shampoo bottles, chairs, mirrors, hair
3. Box House Painting
dryers, and curling irons, and place in the
Place a large cardboard box outside. To
dramatic play area. Caution: Cut the cords
decorate it, provide smocks, house-painting
off the electrical appliances.
brushes, and tempera paint for the children.
2. Water Painting
In an outdoor area, provide children with
buckets of water and house paintbrushes.
Cooking They can pretend to “paint” the building,
1. Cleaning Vegetables sidewalks, equipment, and fence.
Place several washtubs filled with water
in the cooking area. Then provide children 3. Shining Shoes
with fresh carrots and brushes. Encourage In the dramatic play area, place clear shoe
the children to clean the carrots using a polish, shoes, brushes, and shining cloths
vegetable brush. The carrots can be used to for the children to use to polish shoes.
make carrot cake or muffins, or they can be Caution: This activity needs to be carefully
added to soup. supervised.

2. Zucchini Bread
1 1/2 cups flour
3/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Field Trips and
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
Resource People
1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1. The Street Sweeper
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg Contact the city maintenance department.
1 large egg, beaten Invite them to clean the street in front
1 1/4 cups unpeeled zucchini, finely shredded of the center or school for the children to
4 tablespoons corn oil observe.
1/4 teaspoon lemon peel shredded
Heat oven to 350 degrees and grease an 2. Artist’s Studio
8 3 4 3 2 loaf pan. Visit a local artist’s studio. Observe the
various brushes used.

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3. Dentist’s Office I spread the polish on the shoes.
Visit a dentist’s office. Ask the dentist to And then I let it dry.
demonstrate and explain the use of various I brush the shoes until they shine.
brushes. And sparkle in my eye.

4. Animal Groomer
Invite an animal groomer to school. Ask
the groomer to show his or her equipment, Group Time
emphasizing the importance of brushes. (Games, Language)
1. Brush Hunt
Hide several brushes in the classroom. Have
one child search for the brushes. When she
or he gets close to them, clap loudly. When
she or he is farther away, clap quietly.
Fingerplays and Chants 2. Brush of the Day
Brushes in My Home At group time each day, introduce a new
These brushes in my home brush. Discuss the shape, color, materials,
Are simply everywhere. and uses. Then allow the children to use the
I use them for my teeth each day, brush in the classroom during self-selected
(brushing teeth motion) play period.
And also for my hair.
(hair-brushing motion)
We use them in the kitchen sink
(scrubbing motion)
And in the toilet bowls, Large Muscle
(scrubbing motion) Sidewalk Brushing
For putting polish on my shoes Place buckets of water and paintbrushes
(touch shoes and rub) for use outdoors on sidewalks, fences, and
And to waterproof the soles. buildings.
Brushes are used to polish the floors
(polishing motions)
And also paint the wall, 2+3 =
(painting motion) Math
To clean the charcoal barbecue, 1. Sequencing
(brushing motion) Collect various-sized paintbrushes.
It’s hard to name them all. Encourage the children to sequence them by
height and width.
My Toothbrushes
I have a little toothbrush. 2. Weighing Brushes
(use pointer for toothbrush) Place a balance scale and several brushes
I hold it very tightly. in the math area. Encourage the children to
(make tight fist) weigh and balance the brushes.
I brush my teeth each morning
(pretend to brush teeth) 3. Toothbrush Counting
And then again at night. Collect toothbrushes and cans. Label
each can with a numeral. The children
Shiny Shoes can place the corresponding number of
First I loosen mud and dirt, brushes into each labeled can. If desired,
My shoes I then rub clean. the toothbrushes can be constructed out of
For shoes in such a dreadful sight, tagboard.
Never should be seen.

68 Theme 7
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2. Helper Chart
Design a helper chart. Include tasks such
as sweeping floors, cleaning paintbrushes,
and putting away brushes and brooms. This
Music chart can encourage the children to use
“Using Brushes” brushes every day in the classroom.
(Sing to the tune of “Mulberry Bush”)
This is the way we brush our teeth,
brush our teeth, brush our teeth.
This is the way we brush our teeth
So early in the morning.
The following books can be used to complement
this theme:
• This is the way we brush our hair . . .
Arnold, Katya. (2005). Elephants Can Paint
• This is the way we polish our nails . . .
Too! New York: Atheneum Books for Young
• This is the way we paint the house . . .
Act out each verse, and allow the children to
Beaumont, Karen. (2005). I Ain’t Gonna Paint
make up more verses.)
No More! Illustrated by David Catrow.
Orlando, FL: Harcourt Children’s Books.
Brown, Margaret. (2001). The Dirty Little
Boy. Illustrated by Steven Salerno. Delray
Beach, FL: Winslow Press.
Science DeGezelle, Terri. (2006). Taking Care of My
1. Identifying Brushes Hair. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Inside the feely box, place various small
brushes. The children can reach into the Demi. (2000). Liang and the Magic
box, feel each object, and try to identify it by Paintbrush / Liang Hab Tug Cwg Mem
name. Pleev Kws muaj Yeeg Siv. Saint Paul,
MN: Minnesota Humanities Commission,
2. Exploring Bristles Motheread/Fatheread.
Add to the science table a variety of brushes De Paola, Tomie. (1988). The Legend of the
and magnifying glasses. Allow the children Indian Paintbrush. New York: G. P. Putnam.
to observe the bristles up close, noting De Paola, Tomie. (1998). Bill and Pete to the
similarities and differences. Rescue. New York: Putnam’s.
Edwards, Pamela Duncan. (2001). Warthogs
Paint: A Messy Color Book. Illustrated by
Henry Cole. New York: Hyperion Books for
Sensory Children.
Place play plastic fruits and vegetables in Ehrlich, Fred. (2002). Does a Lion Brush?
the sensory table. Provide scrub brushes for Illustrated by Emily Bolam. Brooklyn, NY:
the children to “clean and scrub” the fruits Blue Apple Books.
and vegetables. Fox, Lee. (2010). Ella Kazoo Will Not Brush Her
Hair. Illustrated by Jennifer Plecas. New
Langreuter, Jutta, and Vera Sobat. (1997).
Little Bear Brushes His Teeth. Illustrated by
Social Studies Vera Sobat. Brookfield, CT: Millbrook Press
1. Brushes Chart
Manning, Nick. (2001). Wash, Scrub, Brush!
Design a “Brushes in Our Classroom” chart.
Illustrated by Mick Manning. Morton
Encourage the children to find all that are
Grove, IL: Albert Whitman & Co.
used in the classroom.
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Rex, Michael. (2002). Where Can Bunny Paint?
New York: Scholastic. Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Whatley, Bruce. (2001). Wait! No Paint! New Theme can be found on the book’s companion
York: HarperCollins. website. Go to to
access the site for a variety of useful resources.

Technology and
The following technology and multimedia
products can be used to complement this
“Brush Your Teeth” [CD]. (1996). In Singable
Songs for the Very Young. Cambridge, MA:

Paint Applicators
Brushes are one of the primary ways to apply paint to a surface. Provide the children
with a wide variety of brushes to use during this theme. Since there are many ways
to apply paint. The size and shape of the following applicators produce unique results.
Although some are recyclable, others are disposable.

Recyclable Examples String or yarn Disposable Applicators to

Paintbrushes, varying Roll-on deodorant bottles Use with Paint
sizes and widths Squeeze bottles (such as Twigs and sticks
Whisk brooms plastic ketchup containers) String or yarn
Fingers and hands Marbles and beads Feathers
Tongue depressors or craft Styrofoam shapes Pinecones
sticks Sponges Rocks
Potato mashers Feet Cloth
Forks and spoons Spools Cardboard tubes
Toothbrushes Rollers Straws
Aerosol can lids Rags Leaves
Cookie cutters Gauze Cotton balls
Spray bottles Cotton swabs

70 Theme 7
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Theme 8

Coloring Purpose Places Found
food coloring bathing foods
cleaning bath
playing water and drinks

Tools for Making Sizes Ingredients

straws large soap
bubble rings medium water
strings small
coat hangers
berry baskets
six-pack rings

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Purposes of bubbles
2. Bubble ingredients
3. Tools for making bubbles
4. Colors of bubbles
5. Sizes of bubbles
6. Places bubbles are found

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Bubbles are formed from soap and water.
2. Bubbles have a skin that holds air inside.
3. Bubbles are in foods, baths, water, and drinks.
4. Food coloring can be used to add color to bubbles.
5. Bubbles can be made with straws, bubble rings, strings, and funnels.
6. Coat hangers, pipes, berry baskets, and six-pack rings can also be used
to make bubbles.
7. Bubbles can be many sizes—large, medium, and small.
8. Bubbles can be used for bathing, cleaning, and playing.

1. bubble—a circle that has a skin and contains air.
2. bubble skin—the outside of the bubble that holds the air.
3. bubble solution—a mixture of water and liquid soap.
4. bubble wand—a tool used to make bubbles.

72 Theme 8
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to promote the active exploration of household
items that can be used to make bubbles. Collect items such as chenille stems
(chenille stems are made of a fine wire that is flexible and easy to bend. They can
be purchased at craft stores or from early childhood catalogs that sell art and craft
supplies), funnels, spools, six-pack rings, berry baskets, and scissors. Construct and
label boxes or pockets to hold items on the bulletin board. Containers of bubble
solution should be placed near the bulletin board for the children to experiment with
to make bubbles with household items. Provide towels in the area to encourage the
children to assist in wiping up spills.

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Family Letter


Dear Families,
What do you get when you mix water and soap? Bubbles! The children will make many fascinating
discoveries as we focus on a bubbles theme. Through the experiences provided, the children will learn
the ingredients used in making bubbles, the sizes of bubbles, and tools for making bubbles.

At School
Some of the learning experiences planned to highlight bubble concepts include:
• Washing dolls and dishes in the sensory table
• Testing many bubble solution recipes
• Making bubbles with common household items such as plastic berry baskets, funnels, straws,
chenille stems, spools, and scissors
• Creating prints of bubbles in the art area

At Home
Try the following activities with your child to reinforce bubble concepts at home.
• Allow your child to assist in washing dishes after a meal. This experience will give your child a
sense of responsibility and promote self-esteem, as well as heighten his or her awareness of the
purpose of bubbles for cleaning.
• Prepare the following bubble solution with your child, then blow some bubbles with straws,
bubble wands, and funnels! You need 1 cup of water, 2 tablespoons of liquid dish soap, and 1
tablespoon of glycerin (optional). Enjoy!

Have a good time with your child!

74 Theme 8
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Arts and Crafts Dramatic Play
Bubble Prints 1. Housekeeping
For each bubble-print color desired, mix one Fill the sink in the dramatic play area with
part liquid tempera paint with two parts soapy water. Provide dishes, sponges, dish
liquid dish soap in a small container. Place towels, and a dish rack for the children to
a straw in the solution and blow until the wash the dishes.
bubbles rise above the rim of the container.
Remove the straw and place a piece of paper 2. Hairstylist
over the bubbles. As the bubbles break, Set up a hairstylist studio in the dramatic
they will leave a print on the paper. (Each play area. Include props such as a cash
child will need a straw for this activity. A register, empty shampoo and hair spray
pin may be used to poke holes near the top containers, mirrors, brushes, combs,
of the straws to prevent the children from barrettes, curlers, discarded hair dryers and
accidentally sucking in the paint mixture.) curling irons, towels, and smocks. Display
Variation: Small bubble wands can be pictures of hairstyles and hair products.
dipped into the paint bubble solution and Caution: Cut the electric cords off the hair
blown so the bubbles will land on a piece of dryers and curling irons to prevent possible
paper, either at the easel or on the ground injuries.

Field Trips and

Cooking Resource People
1. Bubbly Beverage 1. Hairstylist
6 oz. can frozen orange juice Visit a hairstylist to watch a customer
6 oz. can frozen lemonade receive a shampoo.
6 oz. can frozen limeade
6 oz. can frozen pineapple juice (optional) 2. Pet Groomer
1 liter lemon-lime soda, chilled Invite a pet groomer to demonstrate giving
1 liter club soda, chilled a dog a bath.

Combine ingredients in a punch bowl

or other large bowl. Stir to blend the
ingredients. Serve over ice, if desired.

2. Root Beer
5 gallons cold water Fingerplays and Chants
5 lb. white sugar
Here Is a Bubble
3 oz. bottle root beer extract
Here is a bubble
5 lb. dry ice
(make a circle with thumb and index
In a large stone crock or plastic container
And here is a bubble
(do not use metal), mix sugar with 1 gallon
(make a bigger circle with two thumbs
of water. Add the remainder of the water
and index finger)
and the root beer extract. Stir. Carefully add
And here is a great big bubble I see.
the dry ice. After the ice melts, the root beer
(make a large circle with arms)
can be transferred into other containers to
Let’s count the bubbles we’ve made.
store for 2–3 days.
One, two, three.
(repeat prior actions)
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Draw a Bubble
Draw a bubble, draw a bubble. 2+3 =
Make it very round. Math
(make a shape in the air with index
1. Bubble Count
If appropriate, encourage the children to
Draw a bubble, draw a bubble.
blow a set of bubbles that you specify. For
No corners can be found.
example, if you say the number “three,” the
(repeat actions)
children would try to blow three bubbles.

2. Bubble Wand Sort

Collect small commercially manufactured
Group Time bubble wands and place them in a small
(Games, Language) basket. These wands can be sorted by size
1. What’s Missing? (Game) or color. They could also be counted or
Place several items used to prepare bubbles placed in order by size.
on a tray. At group time, show and discuss
the items. To play the game, cover the 3. Geometric Bubble Shapes
tray with a towel and carefully remove Attach the ends of two straws together
one item. Have children then identify the with duct tape or paper clips, creating the
missing item. The game can be made more desired shapes. Six straws will be needed
challenging by adding more items to the to make a pyramid, and 12 to make a cube.
tray, or by removing more than one item at The frames can be dipped into bubble
a time. solutions and observed.

2. Bubbles (Creative Dramatics)

Guide the children through a creative
dramatics activity as they pretend to be
bubbles. They can act out being:
• A tiny bubble
• A giant bubble 1. “Pop! Goes the Bubble”
• A bubble floating on a windy day (Sing to the tune of “Pop! Goes the Weasel”)
• A bubble landing on the grass Soap and water can be mixed.
• A bubble floating high in the air To make a bubble solution.
• A bubble in a sink Carefully blow,
• A bubble in a piece of bread Now, watch it go!
Pop! Goes the bubble!
3. Favorite Bubble Gum Chart
At the top of a piece of tagboard, print 2. “Can You Blow a Big Bubble?”
the caption “Our Favorite Bubble Gum.” (Sing to the tune of “The Muffin Man”)
Along the left-hand side, glue bubble gum Can you blow a big bubble?
wrappers representing different brands A big bubble, a big bubble?
or flavors. Present the chart at group Can you blow a big bubble,
time, and ask each child to choose one as With your bubble gum?
his or her favorite. Record the children’s
names or place their pictures next to the 3. “I’m a Little Bubble”
response. If appropriate, count the number (Sing to the tune of “I’m a Little Teapot”)
of “votes” each brand or flavor received and
I’m a little bubble, shiny and round.
print them on the chart. Display the chart
I gently float down to the ground.
in the classroom and refer to it throughout
The wind lifts me up and then I drop.
the unit.
Down to the dry ground where I pop.

76 Theme 8
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4. “Ten Little Bubbles” • Six-pack holders
(Sing to the tune of “Ten Little Indians”) • Egg poacher trays
• Funnels
One little, two little, three little bubbles.
• Children’s scissors—hold the blades and
Four little, five little, six little bubbles.
dip the finger holders into the bubble
Seven little, eight little, nine little bubbles.
Ten bubbles floating to the ground.
• Tin cans—open at both ends.
• Paper cups—poke a hole in the bottom
5. “Here’s a Bubble”
of a paper cup. Dip the rim into a bubble
(Sing to the tune of “Frère Jacques”)
solution and blow through the hole.
Here’s a bubble, here’s a bubble. • Plastic straws—use a single straw or
Big and round; big and round. tape several together in a bundle.
See it floating gently, • Straws and string—thread 3 feet of thin
See it floating gently, thread through two plastic straws. Tie
To the ground; to the ground. the string together. Hold the straws and
pull them to form a rectangle with the
string. Dip into a bubble solution and
pull upward. As you move the frame, a
bubble will form. Bring the two straws
together to close off the bubble. This
Science •
technique requires practice.
Hula hoop—fill a small wading pool
1. Bubble Solutions with 2 inches of bubble solution. The
Encourage the children to assist in preparing hula hoop can be used as a giant wand
the following bubble solutions. Note: The use by dipping the hoop in the solution and
of glycerin in preparing the bubble solution lifting it up carefully.
is optional. It helps to provide a stronger
skin on the bubble, but the solutions can be 3. Wet and Dry
prepared without this ingredient. While blowing bubbles with the children,
try touching a bubble with a dry finger.
Recipe #1 Repeat using a wet finger. What happens?
1/4 cup liquid dish soap You will observe that bubbles break when
1/2 cup water they touch an object that is dry.
1 teaspoon sugar
4. Bubble Jar
Recipe #2 (for Outdoor Use) Fill a small plastic bottle half-full of water.
3 cups water Add a few drops of food coloring, if desired.
2 cups liquid dish soap (such as Joy Add baby oil or mineral oil to completely
detergent) fill the jar. Secure the bottle tightly. Then
1/2 cup light corn syrup slowly tilt the bottle from side to side. When
this occurs, the liquid in the jar resembles
Recipe #3 waves. Bubbles can be created by shaking
2/3 liquid dish soap the bottle. Encourage the children to
1 gallon of water observe these reactions.
1 tablespoon glycerin
5. Air Bubbles in Food
2. Bubble Gadgets Examine the air bubbles in pieces of bread,
Prepare a bubble solution and make some Swiss cheese, and carbonated drinks.
bubbles! Use the following to make great
bubbles. 6. Bubbling Raisins
• Plastic berry baskets Place two or three raisins in a small bottle
• Chenille stems or thin electrical wire of sparkling mineral water. Secure the cap
shaped into wands and watch the bubbles form as the raisins
sink and float.
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Brown, Monica. (2010). Chavela and the Magic
Bubble. Illustrated by Magaly Morales.
Boston: Clarion Books.
Sensory De Paola, Tomie. (1996). The Bubble Factory.
1. Wash Dolls New York: Grosset & Dunlap.
Fill the sensory table with warm water and De Paola, Tomie. (2000). Strega Nona Takes a
add a few tablespoons of dish soap. Provide Vacation. Edited by Margaret Frith and
plastic dolls, washcloths, and towels. illustrated by Tomie De Paola. New York:
2. Dishwashing Esbaum, Jill. (2006). Estelle Takes a Bath.
Place plastic dishes and dishcloths in a
Illustrated by Mary Newell DePalma. New
sensory table filled with warm soapy water.
York: Henry Holt.
A dish-drying rack could be set up nearby,
or towels could be provided to dry the Gerver, Jane E. (2004). Bath Time. Illustrated
dishes. by Laura Ovresat. New York: Children’s
3. Bubble Bath Goodman, Joan Elizabeth. (1996). Bernard’s
Purchase or make bubble bath soap to put Bath. Illustrated by Dominic Catalano.
at the sensory table along with scoops, Honesdale, PA: Boyds Mills Press.
measuring cups, and pails. Hitchcock, Coleen A. (2001). Bubbly Bubble.
Illustrated by Jason Yoh. Aurora, OH:
4. Bubble Solution Greenleaf Book Group.
The sensory table can be used to hold a
bubble solution and bubble-making tools. Hobbs, Leigh. (2004). Fiona the Pig.
Philadelphia: Running Press Kids.
5. Pumps and Water Hulme, Joy N. (1999). Bubble Trouble.
Fill the sensory table with water. Add water Illustrated by Mike Cressy. New York:
pumps, turkey basters, and siphons to Children’s Press.
create air bubbles in the water. Krensky, Stephan. (2004). Bubble Trouble.
Illustrated by Jimmy Pickering. New York:
Aladdin Paperbacks.
Krosoczka, Jarret J. (2003). Bubble Bath
Books Pirates. New York: Viking.
The following books can be used to complement Mahy, Margaret. (2009). Bubble Trouble.
this theme: Illustrated by Polly Dunbar. New York:
Arnold, Tedd. (1995). No More Water in the Tub. Clarion Books.
New York: Dial Books. Mayer, Mercer. (1973). Bubble, Bubble. New
Bergen, Stuart. (1996). Fozzie’s Bubble Bath. York: Parents’ Magazine Press.
Illustrated by Rick Brown. New York: Mayer, Mercer. (1997). Just a Bubble Bath.
Grosset & Dunlap. Utica, NY: Good Times Publishing.
Bourgeois, Paulette. (2006). Franklin and the Mooney, E. S., and Brothers Thompson. (2001).
Bubble Gum. Toronto: Kids Can Press. Bubbles’ Best Adventure Ever. Illustrated by
Bradbury, Judy. (1997). Double Bubble Trouble! Brothers Thompson. New York: Scholastic.
Illustrated by Cathy Trachok. Hightstown, O’Connor, Jane. (1997). Benny’s Big Bubble.
NJ: McGraw-Hill. Illustrated by Tomie De Paola. New York:
Bradley, Kimberly Brubaker, and Margaret Price Stern Sloan.
Miller. (2001). Pop: A Book about Bubbles. Packard, Mary. (1995). Bubble Trouble.
Illustrated by Margaret Miller. New York: Illustrated by Elena Kuckarik. New York:
HarperCollins. Scholastic.

78 Theme 8
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Wells, Rosemary. (2002). Bubble-Gum Radar. “Tiny Tim” [CD]. (1998). In Silly Songs. Redway,
Illustrated by Jody Wheeler. New York: CA: Music Little People.
Hyperion Books for Children. The Tots and the Lovely Bubbly Surprise
Wheeler, Lisa. (2004). Bubble Gum, Bubble [video]. (1997). Troy, MI: Ragdoll
Gum. Illustrated by Laura Huliska-Beith Productions, distributed by Anchor Bay
and Harriet Kasak Portfolio. New York: Entertainment.
Little, Brown.
Woodruff, Elvira. (1990). Tubtime. New York:
Holiday. Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Theme can be found on the book’s companion
website. Go to to
access the site for a variety of useful resources.
Technology and
The following technology and multimedia
products can be used to complement this
“Bubbles” [CD]. (2000). In Parachute Express.
Glendale, CA: Trio Lane.
“I’m Forever Blowing Bubbles” [CD]. (2009). In
Kids: Traditional Sing-Alongs! Minneapolis,
MN: C&B Productions.

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Theme 9

Materials Purpose Types Parts Construction
brick shelter homes basement Workers
wood storage schools rooms carpenters
cement offices windows electricians
steel stores doors architects
glass malls roof masons
hospital or walls plumbers
clinic chimney
police station ceilings
fire station floors
library frame

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Types of buildings
2. Purposes of buildings
3. Materials used to make buildings
4. Parts of a building
5. Workers who construct buildings

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. A building has walls and a roof.
2. There are many types of buildings: homes, offices, stores, hospitals,
malls, and clinics.
3. Police stations, fire stations, libraries, churches, banks, and restaurants
are also buildings.
4. Buildings can be made of brick, wood, cement, steel, and glass.
5. Many workers help construct buildings: architects, carpenters,
electricians, plumbers, and masons.
6. Buildings can be used for shelter and storage.
7. Most buildings have a frame, roof, walls, ceilings, windows, doors, and
a floor.
8. Some buildings have a basement and chimney.

1. architect—a person who designs a building.
2. building—a structure with walls and a window.
3. carpenter—a person who builds.
4. ceiling—the top “wall” of a room.
5. electrician—a person who wires a building for light, heat, and cooking.
6. mall—a building containing many stores.
7. mason—a person who lays cement, blocks, and bricks.
8. plumber—a person who installs water pipes, toilets, and sinks.
9. roof—the top covering of a building.
10. room—a part of a building set off by walls.
11. skyscraper—a very tall building.

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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to develop awareness of size as well
as visual discrimination skills and hand-eye coordination. Construct house
shapes out of tagboard ranging in size from small to large. Color the shapes
and laminate. Punch a hole in the top of each house. Trace each house shape
on black construction paper and cut out. Hang the shadow pieces on the
bulletin board with a pushpin inserted in the top of each. During self-directed
and self-initiated play, the children can match each colored house to the
corresponding shadow piece by hanging it on the pushpin.

82 Theme 9
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Your home, the library, our school . . . these are all buildings with which your child is familiar.
Buildings will be our next theme. Discoveries will be made regarding different kinds and parts of
buildings, materials used to construct buildings, and construction workers who erect buildings.

At School
A sampling of the learning experiences includes:
• Building with various materials—such as cardboard boxes and milk cartons
• Working at the woodworking bench to practice supervised hammering,
drilling, and sawing
• Weighing and balancing bricks
• Taking a walk to a construction site and observing the building process
• Identifying different types of buildings

At Home
You can reinforce building concepts on your way to and from the center by pointing out any buildings
of interest, such as the fire station, police station, hospital, library, shopping mall, and restaurants.
Children are naturally curious about why and how things happen. If you pass any construction
sites, point out the materials and equipment used, as well as the jobs of the workers. This will help
your child develop receptive and expressive language skills as well as stimulate his or her interest.
Concepts of time can also be fostered if you are able to visit the construction site over an extended
period of time. You and your child will be able to keep track
of progress in the development of the building.

Enjoy your child as you reinforce concepts related to buildings.

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diamonds, rectangles, and circles. Sprinkle
with sugar. Place on a lightly greased cookie
sheet. Bake until lightly browned, about 7
Arts and Crafts to 8 minutes. Give each child 3 to 5 cookies.
1. Our Home Allow them to make buildings with their
Provide paper, crayons, and markers for shapes before eating.
each child to draw his or her home. Collect
all of the drawings and place them in mural
fashion on a large piece of paper to create
a town. To extend this activity, have the
children also draw buildings in the town
Dramatic Play
to extend the mural. (This activity may be 1. Library
limited to kindergarten children or children Rearrange the dramatic play area to
who have reached the representational resemble a library. Include books, library
stage of art development.) cards, book markers, tables, and chairs for
the children’s use.
2. Blueprints
Blueprint paper, pencils, and markers 2. Buildings
should be placed in the art area. The Collect large cardboard boxes from an
children will enjoy marking on it. Older appliance dealer. The children can construct
children may also enjoy using rulers and their own buildings and paint them with
straight edges. tempera paint.

3. Building Shapes 3. Construction Site

Cut out building shapes from easel paper. Place cardboard boxes, blocks, plastic pipes,
Place at the easel, allowing children to wheelbarrows, hard hats, paper, and pencils
paint their buildings. in the dramatic play area to represent a
construction site.
4. Creating Structures
Save half-pint milk cartons. Rinse well
and allow the children to paint, color, and
decorate the cartons to look like buildings. Field Trips and
Resource People
1. Building Site
Visit a local building site if available.
Cooking Observe and discuss the people who are
Sugar Cookies working, note how buildings look, and
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar talk about safety. Take pictures. When the
1 cup margarine or butter pictures are developed, post them in the
1 egg classroom.
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 2. Neighborhood Walk
1 teaspoon baking soda Take a walk around the neighborhood.
1 teaspoon cream of tartar Observe the various kinds of buildings. Talk
Granulated sugar about the different sizes and colors of the
Mix the powdered sugar, margarine, egg,
and vanilla together. Stir in the flour, 3. Library
baking soda, and cream of tartar. Chill Visit a library. Observe how books are
to prevent sticking while rolling out the stored. Read the children a story while
dough. Heat the oven to 375 degrees. Roll there. If possible, allow the children to
out the dough. Cut into squares, triangles, check out books.

84 Theme 9
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4. Browsing at the Mall With chimney tall and curling smoke
Visit the shopping mall. Talk about the mall (show tall chimney with hands)
being a large building that houses a variety Drifting out of sight.
of stores. Visit a few of the stores that (shade eyes with hands to look)
may be of special interest to the children. In winter when the snowflakes fall
Included may be a toy store, a pet store, and (use fingers to make the motion of snow
a sporting goods store. falling downward)
Or when I hear a storm,
5. Resource People (place hand to ear)
Invite people to visit the classroom, such as a I’ll go sit in my little house
• Construction worker (draw house again)
• Carpenter Where I’ll be snug and warm.
• Electrician (hug self)
• Architect
• Decorator or designer
• Plumber
Group Time
(Games, Language)
1. Identifying Buildings
Collect several pictures of buildings that
are easily identified such as a school, fire
station, hospital, and home. Talk about
Fingerplays and Chants each picture. Ask, “How do you know
The Carpenter’s Tools this is a school?” Discuss the function of
The carpenter’s hammer goes rap, rap, rap each building. To help the children,
(make hammering motion with fist) pictures of buildings in their community
And his saw goes see, saw, see. can be used.
(make sawing motion with arm and hand)
He planes and hammers and saws 2. Exploring Our Center
(make motions for each) Explore your center. Walk around the
While he builds a building for me. outside and observe walls, windows, the
(point to yourself) roof, and so on. Explore the inside also.
Check out the rooms, floor, walls, ceiling,
Carpenter and stairs. Colors, materials, and size are
This is the way he saws the wood some things you can discuss. Allow the
(make sawing motion) children to help make an “Our Center
Sawing, sawing, sawing. Has …” chart.

This is the way she nails a nail

(make hammering motion)
Nailing, nailing, nailing.
This is the way he paints a building
(make brushing motion) Large Muscle
Painting, painting, painting. Workbench
Call attention during group time to the
woodworking bench, and explain the
My House activities that can occur there. Try to
I’m going to build a little house. encourage the children to practice pounding
(draw house with fingers by outlining in nails, sawing, drilling, and so forth during
the air) self-initiated play. Caution: This activity
With windows big and bright, needs constant supervision.
(spread out arms)

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children to observe the various materials
2+3 = up close.
1. Weighing Bricks 2. Mixing Cement
Set out a heavy-duty balance scale and Make cement using a small amount of
small bricks. The children can weigh and cement and water. Mix materials together
balance the bricks. in a large plastic ice cream bucket. Allow
the children to help. The children can also
2. Wipe-Off Windows observe and feel the wet cement. Caution:
Cut out and laminate a variety of buildings If a quick-dry-cement is used, the children
with varying numbers of windows. Provide shouldn’t touch it because it can be harmful
children with grease markers or watercolor for their skin.
markers. Encourage the children to count
the number of windows of each building 3. Building Tools
and print the corresponding numeral on Collect and place various tools such as a
the building. The numerals can be wiped hammer, level, wedge, and screwdriver
off with a damp cloth. (This activity would on the science table for the children
be most appropriate for kindergarten to examine. Discuss each tool and
children.) demonstrate how it is used. Then place
the tools in the woodworking area.
3. Blocks Provide wood and styrofoam so that the
Set out blocks of various shapes, including children are encouraged to use the tools
triangles, rectangles, and squares, for the as a self-selected activity with close adult
children to build with. supervision.

Music Sensory
1. Wet Sand
“Go In and Out the Window” Fill the sensory table with sand and
Form a circle with the children and hold hands. add water. Provide cups, square plastic
While holding hands, have the children raise containers, bowls, and so forth for children
their arms up to form windows. Let each child to create molds with the sand.
have a turn weaving in and out the windows.
Use the following chant as you play, and fill in a 2. Wood Shavings
child’s name in the blank space. Place wood shavings in the sensory table.
_______ goes in and out the windows,
In and out the windows, 3. Scented Play Dough
In and out the windows. Prepare scented play dough and place in
_______ goes in and out the windows, the sensory table.
As we did before.

Social Studies
Science 1. Buildings in Our Town
Make a chart with the children’s names
1. Building Materials
listed vertically on the right-hand side.
Collect materials such as wood, brick,
Across the top of the chart, draw buildings
cement, metal, and magnifying glasses, and
or glue pictures of buildings that the
place on the science table. Encourage the

86 Theme 9
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children have visited. Suggestions include a Hospital? Tarrytown, NY: Marshall
theater, supermarket, clinic, museum, post Cavendish Benchmark.
office, fire station, and so on. At group time, Hautzig, David. (1994). At the Supermarket.
ask the children what buildings they have New York: Orchard Books.
visited. Mark the sites for each child.
Hennessy, B. G. (2003). Corduroy Goes to the
2. Unusual Buildings Fire Station. Illustrated by Lisa McCue.
Show pictures of unusual buildings cut New York: Viking.
from various magazines, travel guides, Hoban, Tana. (1997). A Construction Zone. New
and so on. Allow the children to use their York: Greenwillow Books.
creative thinking by asking them the use of Keats, Ezra Jack. (1999). Apt. 3. New York:
each building. All answers and possibilities Viking.
should be acknowledged.
Kemper, Bitsy. (2007). Out and about at the
Dentist. Illustrated by Zachary Trover.
3. Occupation Match
Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window
Cut out pictures of buildings and the people
who work in them. Examples would include
a hospital and a nurse, or a fire station Kemper, Bitsy. (2007). Out and about at the
and a firefighter. Glue these pictures to a Greenhouse. Illustrated by Zachary Trover.
tagboard and laminate. The children should Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window Books.
be encouraged to match each worker to the Korman, Justine, Jan Gerardi, Justine
appropriate building. Dorman-Fontes, and Jeffrey Scott. (2000).
Emmy’s Dream House. Jellybean Books
Just for Preschoolers. Illustrated by
Jan Gerardi. New York: CTW Books/
Random House.
Books Macken, JoAnn Early. (2008). Building a
The following books can be used to complement Skyscraper. Mankato, MN: Capstone
this theme: Press.
Ackerman, Karen. (1995). The Sleeping Porch. Mayer, Mercer. (2005). My Trip to the Hospital.
Illustrated by Elizabeth Sayles. New York: New York: HarperFestival.
William Morrow. Miller, Marilyn. (1996). Behind the Scenes at
Adamson, Heather. (2008). Homes in Many the Shopping Mall. Illustrated by Ingo Fast.
Cultures. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. Austin, TX: Raintree/Steck Vaughn.
Attebury, Nancy Garhan. (2006). Out and about Rey, Margret, and Alan J. Shalleck. (1985).
at the Hospital. Illustrated by Zachary Curious George at the Fire Station. Boston:
Trover. Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window Houghton Mifflin.
Books. Rounds, Glen. (1995). Sod Houses on the Great
Barasch, Lynne. (2004). A County Schoolhouse. Plains. New York: Holiday House.
New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Shelby, Anne. (1996). The Someday House.
Barton, Byron. (1997). Machines at Work. New Illustrated by Rosanne Litzinger. New York:
York: HarperCollins. Orchard Books.
Cooper, Elisha. (1999). Building. New York: Smith, Alex T. (2009). Once There Was a House,
Greenwillow Books. a House That Was a Home. Wilton, CT: Tiger
Dahl, Michael. (2004). One Big Building: Tales.
A Counting Book about Construction. Tarsky, Sue. (1998). The Busy Building Book.
Illustrated by Todd Ouren. Minneapolis, Illustrated by Alex Ayliffe. New York: G. P.
MN: Picture Window Books. Putnam’s.
Gordon, Sharon. (2007). What’s inside a Teague, Mark. (2010). Firehouse! New York:
Hospital? / Que Hay Dentro De Un Orchard Books.

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Tolman, Marije, and Ronald Tolman. The Tree The Man Who Walked between the Towers
House. Honesdale, PA: Lemniscaat. [DVD]. (2006). New York: Scholastic.
Yeoman, John. (1995). The Do-It-Yourself House “There’s No Place Like Home” [CD]. (2009). In
That Jack Built. Illustrated by Quentin Kids: Traditional Sing-Alongs! Minneapolis,
Blake. Colchester, CT: Atheneum. MN: C&B Productions.

Additional teaching resources to accompany this

Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Technology and website. Go to to
access the site for a variety of useful resources.
The following technology and multimedia
products can be used to complement this theme:
“The Corner Grocery Store” [CD]. (1996). In
The Corner Grocery Store. Cambridge, MA:

88 Theme 9
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Theme 10

Places Equipment Transportation
woods tent camper
campgrounds camper car, pickup truck
parks lantern or flashlight motorcycle
lakes sleeping bag van, canoe
backyards bicycle, horse

Activities Foods
boating hot dogs
waterskiing marshmallows
hiking beans
cooking outdoors fish
horseback riding hamburgers
telling stories
observing wild animals

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Places where people camp
2. Equipment used for camping
3. Camping transportation
4. Camping activities
5. Foods we eat while camping

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Camping is living outdoors in a tent or trailer.
2. A tent is used as a shelter when camping.
3. We can camp in the woods or at a campground.
4. We can also camp in a park, at a lake, or in our backyard.
5. Hot dogs, fish, hamburgers, marshmallows, and beans are all foods
people eat while camping.
6. Foods often are cooked outdoors while camping.
7. Some people sleep in a camper instead of a tent.
8. A camper can be driven or attached to the back of a car or pickup
9. Lanterns and flashlights are light sources used for camping.
10. A sleeping bag is a blanket used for camping.
11. Some people camp by a lake to waterski and go boating and fishing.
12. Some people take their bicycles and canoes on camping trips.
13. Birdwatching, hiking, and observing wild animals can be camping
14. Some people enjoy storytelling while camping.

1. backpack—a zippered bag worn on one’s back to carry objects.
2. campfire—a fire that is made and carefully watched at a campground.
3. camping—living outdoors in sleeping bags, tents, cabins, or campers.
4. campsite—a place for tents and campers to park.
5. hiking—taking a long walk.
6. lantern—a covered light used for camping.
7. recreational vehicle—a living and sleeping area on wheels.
8. sleeping bag—a zippered blanket used for camping.
9. tent—a movable shelter made out of material.
10. woods—an area with many trees.

90 Theme 10
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to develop color recognition skills and learn
color words. In addition, visual discrimination, hand-eye coordination, and problem-
solving skills are promoted. Construct several tents out of tagboard as illustrated.
Make an identical set out of white tagboard. Color the first set of tents using the
primary colors. Print the color names using corresponding colored markers onto the
second set of tents. Laminate the materials. Staple the tents with color names to the
bulletin board. Punch holes in the colored tents. Children can attach the tent to a
pushpin on the corresponding color word tent.

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Family Letter


Dear Families,
With summer approaching, we will begin focusing on a fun family activity—camping! The children
will become aware of camping activities. They will also learn about items and equipment that are
commonly used while camping. From listening to the children’s conversations, it sounds as if
many have already been camping with their families. It should be fun to hear the camping
stories they share!

At School
Some of the learning experiences planned include:
• Setting up the dramatic play area with a tent, sleeping bags, and other camping items
• Singing songs around a pretend campfire
• Going on a “bear hunt” (a rhythmic chant)
• Preparing foods that are eaten while camping
• Cleaning up after camping

At Home
Help your child create a tent by draping a sheet over a table. Provide a flashlight and a blanket or
sleeping bag, and your child will be prepared for hours of indoor camping fun! Through dramatic play
experiences, children relive and clarify situations and roles. They act out how they see the world and
how they view relationships among people.
If you have any photographs or slides of family camping trips, we would be delighted if you would
share them with us. Contact me and we can work out a time that would be convenient for you.

Plan a camping trip with your child today!

92 Theme 10
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3. Slowly pour the milk into the saucepan
with the cocoa mixture. Stir steadily to
keep the mixture from burning. Continue
Arts and Crafts cooking the mixture over low heat for
1. Easel Ideas about 2 minutes. Do not let it boil or skin
will form on the top.
• Paint with leaves, sticks, flowers, and
4. When the cocoa is hot, remove it from the
stove and stir in the vanilla.
• Paint with colors seen in the forest such
5. Carefully pour the cocoa into the cups.
as brown, green, yellow, and orange.
Serve warm.
• Cut easel paper into the following
shapes: tent, rabbits, chipmunks, and Note: From Many Hands Cooking, by
fish. Terry Touff and Marilyn Ratner, 1974, New
York: Thomas Y. Crowell. Reprinted with
2. Camping Collage permission.
Collect leaves, pebbles, twigs, pine cones,
and so on. Provide glue and sturdy
tagboard. Encourage the children to
create a collage on the tagboard using the
materials found while camping.
Dramatic Play
3. Tackle Box 1. Camping
Make two holes approximately 3 inches Collect various types of clothing and
apart in the center of the lid of an egg camping equipment, and place them in the
carton. To form the handle, thread a cord dramatic play area or outdoors. Include
through the holes and tie. Paint the box. items such as hiking boots, sweatshirts,
In the box, place paper clips for hooks and raincoats, sleeping bags, backpacks, cooking
S-shaped styrofoam pieces for worms. tools, and a tent.

2. Puppets
Develop a puppet corner in the dramatic
Cooking play area, including various animal puppets
that would be seen while camping.
1. S’Mores
Place a large marshmallow on a square
3. Going Fishing
graham cracker. Next place a square of
Set up a rocking boat or a large box in the
sweet chocolate on top of the marshmallow.
classroom or outdoors. Prepare paper fish
After this, place the graham cracker on a
with paper clips attached to them. Include a
baking sheet, and put into a 250-degree oven
fishing pole made from a wooden dowel and
for about 5 minutes or until the chocolate
a long string with a magnet attached to the
starts to melt. Remove the s’more and press
a second graham cracker square on top of
the chocolate. Let cool for a few minutes, and
4. Going to the Beach
serve while still slightly warm.
In the dramatic play area, set up
lawn chairs, beach towels, buckets,
2. Venezuela Breakfast Cocoa
shovels, sunglasses, and so on. Weather
1/4 cup water
permitting, these items could also be
3 tablespoons cocoa
placed outdoors.
2 tablespoons sugar
2 cups milk
1 teaspoon vanilla

1. Bring the water to a boil in a saucepan.

2. Stir in the cocoa and sugar until they are
blended. Turn the heat very low.
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Group Time
(Games, Language)
Field Trips 1. What’s Missing
1. Department Store Have different pieces of camping equipment
Visit a department store or a sporting available to show the children. Include
goods store where camping tents and other a canteen, portable stove, sleeping bag,
equipment are displayed. cooking tools, lantern, and the like. Discuss
each item, and then have the children close
2. Picnic their eyes. Take one of the objects away and
Pack a picnic lunch or snack, and take it to then have the children guess which object is
an area campground. missing.

3. Camper Salesperson 2. Camping Safety

Visit a recreational vehicle dealer, and tour Discuss camping safety. Include these
a large mobile home. points:
• Always put out fires before going to
• Swim in safe areas and with a partner.
• When walking, or hiking away from
your campsite, always have an adult
with you.
Fingerplays and Chants • Always wear a life jacket in the boat.
Five Little Bear Cubs
3. Pack the Backpack
Five little bear cubs Bring a large backpack into the classroom.
Eating an apple core. Also have many camping items available
One had a sore tummy such as sweatshirts, flashlights, lanterns,
And then there were four. food, raincoats, and so on. The teacher
gives the children instructions that they
Four little bear cubs are going to pretend to go on a hike to
Climbing in a tree. the beach. What is one thing they will
One fell out need to bring along? Why? Continue until
And then there were three. all of the children have had a chance to
Three little bear cubs
Playing peek-a-boo. 4. Campfire Story
One was afraid Build a “campfire” by gluing empty toilet
And then there were two. paper tubes or paper towel tubes together.
(These will represent the logs.) Glue red,
Two little bear cubs orange, and yellow tissue paper to the tops
Sitting in the sun. of the “logs” to represent the fire. Spread
One ran away out a large blanket and place the “fire” in
And then there was one. the middle. Turn off the lights and use a
flashlight to read a camping story.
One little bear cub
Sitting all alone.
He saw his mommy
And then he ran home.

94 Theme 10
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2. “Two Little Black Bears”
(Sing to the tune of “Two Little Blackbirds”)
Two little black bears sitting on a hill,
Large Muscle One named Jack, one named Jill.
Caves Run away, Jack,
Using large packing boxes or barrels placed Run away, Jill.
horizontally on the playground, allow the Come back, Jack,
children to pretend to be wild animals in Come back, Jill.
caves. Two little black bears sitting on a hill,
One named Jack, one named Jill.

3. Campfire Songs
2+3 =
Math Pretend that you are sitting around a
campfire. Explain to the children that often
1. Camping Scavenger Hunt people sing their favorite songs around a
Before the children go outdoors, instruct campfire. Encourage the children to name
them to find things on your playground that their favorite songs, and then sing some of
you would see while camping. Sort them them.
and count them when they bring them into
the classroom (five twigs, three rocks, etc.).

2. Campers
Draw or paste tents onto the outside of a
milk carton. Place a numeral on each tent.
The children will place the corresponding 1. Scavenger Hunt
number of campers into the tent. Use While outside, have the children find plants
small people figurines for the campers. growing, insects crawling, insects flying,
(If none are available, make people from a plant growing on a tree, a vine, a flower,
construction paper.) bird feathers, a root, a seed, and so on.

2. Sink or Float
Collect various pieces of camping
equipment. Fill the water table with water,
and let the children test which objects sink
Music or float. If desired, make a chart.
1. “A Camping We Will Go”
(Sing to the tune of “The Farmer and the Dell”) 3. Magnifying Glasses
(The names in the song can be changed to Provide magnifying glasses for looking at
different children’s names.) objects seen on a camping trip.

A camping we will go. 4. Binoculars

A camping we will go. Make binoculars by gluing or stapling
Hi ho, we’re off to the woods. toilet paper tubes together. If desired,
A camping we will go. children can decorate their binoculars with
paint. Encourage children to find specific
Saba will bring the tent. camping items by looking outside with their
Oh, Saba will bring the tent. binoculars.
Hi ho, we’re off to the woods.
A camping we will go. 5. Flashlight Fun
Give children flashlights to experiment with
Juan will bring the food. during naptime or when the lights have
Oh, Juan will bring the food. been dimmed. Encourage them to try to
Hi ho, we’re off to the woods. create shadows by holding their hands or
A camping we will go. other objects in front of the light.
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Denton, P. J. (2007). Camping Out. Illustrated
by Julia Denos. New York: Aladdin
Sensory Duffey, Betsy. (1996). Camp Knock Knock.
Sensory Table Additions Illustrated by Fiona Dunbar. New York:
Delacorte Press.
• Leaves
• Rocks Eastman, Peter. (2005). Fred and Ted Go
• Pebbles Camping. New York: Beginner Books.
• Mud and sand Gifaldi, David. (2001). Ben, King of the River.
• Twigs Morton Grove, IL: Albert Whitman &
• Evergreen needles and branches Company.
• Water
Giff, Patricia Reilly. (1995). Ronald Morgan
Goes to Camp. New York: Viking.
Hanson, Dave. (2006). We’re Going Camping.
Mankato, MN: Sea-to-Sea.

Social Studies Henkes, Kevin. (1997). Bailey Goes Camping.

New York: Mulberry Books.
1. Pictures
Hermes, Patricia. (2009). Emma Dilemma
Collect pictures of different campsites.
and the Camping Nanny. Illustrated
Share them by displaying them in the
by Abby Carter. New York: Marshall
classroom at the children’s eye level.
2. Camping Experiences Huneck, Stephen. (2001). Sally Goes to the
At group time, ask if any of the children Mountains. New York: Harry N. Abrams.
have been camping. Let them tell the rest of James, Helen Foster. (2007). S Is for S’Mores:
the children what they did while they were A Camping Alphabet. Illustrated by Lita
camping. Ask where they slept, what they Judge. Chelsea, MI: Sleeping Bear Press.
ate, where the bathroom was, and so on.
Jones, Christianne. (2007). Camping in Green.
Illustrated by Todd Ouren. Minneapolis,
MN: Picture Window Books.
Lakin, Patricia. (2009). Camping Day.
Books Illustrated by Scott Nash. New York: Dial
Books for Young Readers.
The following books can be used to complement
this theme: London, Jonathan. (2008). Froggy Goes to
Camp. Illustrated by Frank Remkiewicz.
Bauer, Marion Dane. (1995). When I Go New York. Viking Children’s Books.
Camping with Grandma. Illustrated by
Allen Garns. Morago, CA: Bridgewater Lyon, Tammie. (2010). Katie Goes Camping.
Books. Mankato, MN: Picture Window Books.

Birdseye, Tom. (2003). Oh Yeah! Illustrated by Meyer, Susan. (2008). Matthew and Tall
Ethan Long. New York: Holiday House. Rabbit Go Camping. Illustrated by Amy
Huntington. Camden, ME: Down East
Brillhart, Julie. (1997). When Daddy Took Us Books.
Camping. Niles, IL: Albert Whitman.
Parish, Peggy. (1985). Amelia Bedelia Goes
Brooks, Walter R. (2001). Freddy Goes Camping. Camping. Illustrated by Lynn Sweat. New
Illustrated by Kurt Wiese. Woodstock, NY: York: Greenwillow Books.
Overlook Press.
Parr, Todd. (2004). Otto Goes to Camp. New
Brown, M. K. (1995). Let’s Go Camping with Mr. York: Little, Brown.
Sillypants. New York: Crown.
Polacco, Patricia. (2005). The Graves Family
Christelow, Eileen. (1998). Jerome Camps Out. Goes Camping. New York: Philomel Books.
New York: Clarion.
96 Theme 10
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Rand, Gloria. (1996). Willie Takes a Hike.
Illustrated by Ted Rand. Orlando, FL:
Harcourt Brace.
Technology and
Rey, H. A., & Margret Rey. (2007). Curious Multimedia
George Goes Camping. Boston: Houghton The following technology and multimedia
Mifflin. products can be used to complement this
Rosen, Michael. (1989). We’re Going on a Bear theme:
Hunt. Illustrated by Helen Oxenbury. New “I Love Camping” [CD]. (2009). In We Are the
York: Margaret K. McElderry Books. Not-Its! Seattle, WA: Little Loopy Records.
Shaw, Nancy E. (1994). Sheep Take a Hike. Mercer Mayer’s Just Me and My Dad [CD-
Illustrated by Margot Apple. Boston: ROM]. (1996). New York: GT Interactive
Houghton Mifflin. Software.
Spohn, Kate. (2000). Turtle and Snake Go “Sleeping Bag” [CD]. (2009). In For Those about
Camping. New York: Viking/Puffin. to Hop. Burbank, CA: Walt Disney Records.
Van Dusen, Chris. (2003). A Camping Spree
with Mr. Magee. San Francisco: Chronicle
Books. Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Wolff, Ashley. (1999). Stella and Roy Go Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Camping. New York: Dutton Children’s website. Go to to
Books. access the site for a variety of useful resources.

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Theme 11


Picking Up Recycling Reuse Reducing
Litter cans paper bags Garbage
aluminum cans plastic cardboard books plant a garden
paper cups newspaper catalogs reuse paper and
plastic bags computer paper books plastic bags, reuse
paper wrapping paper, toys cardboard boxes,
paper bags use both sides of
cardboard paper,
books use washable
catalogs dishes

Making Save Energy Being Kind

Compost turn off water sharing books
apple cores leaves turn off lights planting a tree
bruised bananas kitchen scraps turn off electronics,
coffee grounds laundry lint close refrigerator
(used) paper shreds door,
fruit pulp wiggly worms walk
vegetable peelings ride bike
grass clippings carpool

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Picking up litter 4. Making compost
2. Recycling items 5. Saving energy
3. Reducing garbage 6. Being kind

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Earth is our home, so we must care for it.
2. Reuse paper and plastic bags.
3. Use both sides of a piece of paper.
4. Use washable containers to reduce the amount of trash.
5. Plant a garden to reduce garbage.
6. Recycle cans, plastic bags, paper, magazines, wrapping paper, paper
bags, computer paper, cardboard boxes, magazines, and catalogs.
7. Reuse paper, plastic, and cardboard boxes.
8. Compost can be made of apple cores, bruised bananas, coffee grounds,
fruit pulp, vegetable peelings, and grass clippings.
9. Kitchen scraps, laundry lint, leaves, paper shreds, and wiggly worms
can also be used to make compost.
10. You help the earth stay healthy when you save water.
11. Save water by turning the water off while you brush your teeth and by
taking short showers.
12. Fill the bathtub only half full of water when taking a bath.
13. Turn off the lights if no one is in the room.
14. Turn off the television if no one is watching it.
15. Keep the refrigerator door closed.
16. Walk, ride your bike, or carpool to help keep air clean.
17. Pick up litter—aluminum cans, paper cups, plastic bags, and paper.

1. garbage—food or items thrown away if they are not needed.
2. compost—vegetables, fruits, coffee grounds, and rotten leaves that are
used to make the soil rich.
3. pollute—to make our earth unclean and unsafe.
4. reuse—to use items again so they are not put in the garbage. Paper
bags can be reused.
5. waste—to throw away or make poor use of
6. water—a colorless liquid that people, plants, and animals need to live.
We need water to drink, cook, and bathe.
7. recycle—to make new items from old items. Newspapers can be recycled
to make paper plates, paper cups, cereal boxes, bags, and wrapping paper.


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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to promote an awareness of recycling as
well as to promote visual discrimination and hand-eye coordination skills. At the
bottom of the bulletin board, place four different felt bins labeled Glass, Aluminum,
Plastic, and Paper. Above the bins, include pictures of a variety of recyclable items.
Encourage the children to place the items into the appropriate bins.

100 Theme 11
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
With the beautiful weather outside, we could not have asked for a better time to introduce our new
theme, Taking Care of Our Earth. By participating in the activities related to this theme, the children
will learn about the “3 R’s,” which are reduce, reuse, and recycle. One interesting activity will be
making “compost stew.” The children will become “environmental chefs” and learn how to make
a compost stew. They will learn what materials can be included in compost and which ones won’t
break down and need to be recycled.
At School
Learning experiences for this week include:
• Sorting different recyclables
• Going on a “litter hunt” on our playground
• Making drums from reused yogurt containers
• Creating compost stew
At Home
Reducing and reusing are important. Every ton of recycled paper saves more than 3.3 cubic yards of
landfill space. This is about the same amount of space as a small refrigerator. If you are not already
recycling, begin now. Set aside a place to store your recyclable paper, plastic, and glass. Encourage
your child to help gather and deposit these items in the right containers. Also, try incorporating some
of the following ways of keeping our earth healthy into your home.
• Turn off lights and electronics that are not being used.
• Save water by turning off the faucet while brushing teeth.
• Replace regular light bulbs with energy-efficient ones.
• Fill the bathtub only one-half full.
• Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle!
Have a “green” week!


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children by asking them to make a pattern
using the fruit.
Arts and Crafts
Plastic Bottle Prints
Collect clean plastic bottles in different
sizes and shapes. Provide the children with
Dramatic Play
different colors of paint in shallow paint Recycling Center
trays. The children can dip one end of the Gather different bins and label them with
plastic bottle into the paint and then onto different pictures that represent plastic,
paper. aluminum, glass, and paper. Collect clean
items that fit under each category (plastic
Scrap Paper Collage bottles, soup cans, and newspaper). For the
Begin a collection of scrap paper in your safety of the children, use pictures of glass
classroom. Encourage the children to use items. Provide the children with a variety of
the scrap paper to make a collage. Children clothing and gloves.
can cut or tear paper into smaller pieces,
and then glue it onto a larger piece of Greenhouse
paper. Provide aprons, gardening gloves, artificial
flowers, flower pots, shovels, and watering
Bug Rocks cans to create a greenhouse in dramatic
Take children out for a walk and have them play.
choose a large rock. Provide children with
paint and paintbrushes, and allow them to
paint their rock to look like the bug of their

Recyclable 3D Art
Field Trip and
Collect different types of recyclables, glue, Resource People
and tape for the children to use to turn into
Litter Pickup
3D art.
Give children gloves to wear and take
them for a walk to pick up litter on their
Leaf Rubbings
playground or around the neighborhood.
Collect leaves, paper, and crayons, and show
the children how to place several leaves
under a sheet of paper. Using the flat edge Farmer’s Market
of crayon color, rub over paper. The image of Take children to a local farmer’s market so
leaves will appear. they can see locally grown produce.

Botanist or Florist
Invite a botanist or florist to class to discuss
the different parts of plants.
Fruit Kabobs Recycling Center
Gather different kinds of fruits such Visit a recycling center and bring items
as bananas, strawberries, or peaches. from school that can be recycled.
Encourage the children to cut up the fruit
using plastic knives. Then have them put
the fruit onto kabob sticks. Challenge the

102 Theme 11
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bugs to put into the containers. Allow them
to use magnifying glasses to look closely at
the bugs they catch.

Outdoor Scavenger Hunt

Fingerplays and Chants Take pictures of items from nature within
Flowers, Seeds, Leaves, and Roots the school playground. Add the pictures to
(Sing to the tune of “Head, Shoulders, Knees, a checklist of what the children have to find
and Toes”) on their scavenger hunt. Take the children
outside, and have them cross out each
Flowers, seeds, leaves, and roots.
picture as they find it.
(Make circle above head, wiggle fingers
down low, extend arms out from body,
and touch toes.)
Raking Leaves
Provide child-sized rakes for the children.
Leaves and roots.
They can rake leaves into different
Flowers, seeds, leaves, and roots.
piles or make a maze to make their way
Leaves and roots.
The parts of a plant are growing everyday.
(Get down low and gradually grow
Flowers, seeds, leaves, and roots.
Leaves and roots. 2+3 =
Sorting Caps
Collect different colored caps from plastic
bottles. Encourage the children to sort the
Group Time caps by colors and sizes. They can also make
patterns using the caps.
Going on a Nature Hike
In a large-group setting, talk about the
many things you would need to go on a Leaf Sorting
nature hike such as hiking boots, a hat, bug Collect different types of leaves varying in
spray, food, water, or a walking stick. Then sizes and colors. Encourage the children to
sing the following song: sort the leaves by colors, sizes, and number
of points.
Going on a nature hike, leaving right away.
If it doesn’t rain, we’ll stay all day! Counting Nature
Did you bring the ______? Collect 10 different containers, and label
(Have child fill in something they would each container with a number from 1 to 10.
bring on a nature hike.) Gather items from nature such as rocks,
Yes, I brought ______! shells, flowers, leaves, or twigs. Encourage
(Repeat what the child said.) children to look at the number on the
Repeat until each child gets a turn to say container and then count out that number
something he or she would bring. of items from nature.

Pick-Up Sticks
Make cards for the children with different
numbers. Collect twigs, similar in size, for
Large Muscle the children to pick up, and count according
to which number card they draw.
Bug Hunt
Give the children nets and containers to
catch and store bugs in. Encourage them
to use the nets to chase and catch different


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Decomposition Predictions
Explain the concept of decomposing.
Introduce the children to three to five
Music different items, and have them predict
which of them will decompose the fastest.
Pick Up Litter Graph the children’s predictions on a chart.
(Sing to the tune of “If You’re Happy and You
Know It”)
Grow a Bean
If you see a piece of litter, pick it up! Wrap a bean in a wet paper towel. Place
If you see a piece of litter, pick it up! the paper towel inside a plastic bag. Place
You will make the world look better, the bag in a sunny window. Have children
if you pick up all the litter. make predictions on how many days it
If you see a piece of litter, pick it up! will take for their bean to sprout. Children
can draw pictures on how their bean plant
Recycle for Our Earth changes.
(Sing to the tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb”)
Hear the cans go crunch, crunch, crunch.
Collect two liter bottles with caps to make
Crunch, crunch, crunch. Crunch, crunch,
into individual terrariums. Remove the
label from the bottle. Cut the bottles about
Hear the cans go crunch, crunch, crunch.
two inches from the bottom of the bottle.
Recycle for our earth.
Fill the bottom of the bottle with soil, plant
Hear the paper go crinkle, crinkle, crinkle.
a seed, and add a bit of water. Put the top
Crinkle, crinkle, crinkle. Crinkle, crinkle,
back on top of the base of the bottle. Place
the terrarium in a sunny spot so the seeds
Hear the paper go crinkle, crinkle, crinkle.
can sprout.
Recycle for our earth.
(Add verses for glass or plastic.)
A Tree’s Age
Collect different cross sections of trees
Cleaning Up All the Litter
in which the middle of the tree is visible.
(Sing to the tune of “Hokey Pokey”)
Give the children magnifying glasses so
Put your litter bag in. Take your litter bag out. they can count how many rings are in the
Put your litter bag in and then you shake it middle of the tree to determine its age. Tell
all about. the children each ring signifies one year of
You clean up all the litter and you turn growth in the tree.
yourself around.
That’s what it is all about! Take-Apart Table
Collect old clocks, phones, cameras, and so
on, and place them on the table for fixing
and taking apart.

Eggshell Plants
Science Wash empty eggshells and fill with soil.
Compost Stew Then add a seed. When the plant grows,
Encourage the children to help you start a the entire shell and plant can be planted
compost pile. Designate a covered bucket as outdoors.
a place for children to throw scraps of their
food. Add worms to the compost bucket Recycling Bins
and encourage children to check in on the Create three recycling bins from sturdy
compost to see how it changes. After some cardboard boxes. Label each box with
compost has been made, add it to soil and a picture and the word paper, metal, or
plant a flower. plastic. Then collect paper, metal, and

104 Theme 11
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plastic items and place in a bushel basket. Colombo. San Diego, CA: Jonas Publishing/
Encourage the children to sort the items Worthwhile Books.
into the appropriate bin. (In the parent Cherry, Lynne. (1990). The Great Kapok Tree.
letter, you could ask parents to contribute Orlando, FL: Harcourt Books.
items for your recycling activity.)
Glaser, Linda. (2010). Garbage Helps
Our Garden Grow: A Compost Story.
Minneapolis, MN: Millbrook Press.
Green, Jen. (2005). Why Should I Recycle?
Illustrated by Mike Gordon. Hauppauge,
Sensory NY: Barron’s Educational Series.
Outdoor Collage Green, Jen. (2005). Why Should I Save Water?
Take the children outside. Draw a square or Illustrated by Mike Gordon. Hauppauge,
rectangle on a sidewalk, and tell them that NY: Barron’s Educational Series.
is their “paper.” You could also use a rope
Hodgkins, Fran. (2005). If You Were My
to outline a square or rectangle. Encourage
Baby: A Wildlife Lullaby. Illustrated by
the children to find things from nature to
Laura J. Bryant. Nevada City, CA: Dawn
add to a collage.
Inches, Alison. (2008). I Can Save the Earth!
One Little Monster Learns to Reduce, Reuse,
and Recycle. Illustrated by Viviana Garofoli.
New York: Little Simon.
Social Studies Koontz, Robin. (2002). Composting: Nature’s
Pollution Recyclers. Illustrated by Matthew Harrad.
Collect either snow or rainwater. Run Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window Books.
through a coffee filter. Then have the children
Kowalski, Gary. (2009). Earth Day: An Alphabet
observe what is left in the filter using both
Book. Illustrated by Rocco Baviera. Boston:
the naked eye and a magnifying glass.
Skinner House Books.
Explain in developmentally appropriate
terms the impact of vehicle exhaust. Kroll, Steven. (2009). Stuff! Reduce, Reuse,
Recycle. New York: Marshall Cavendish.
Martin, Bill, Jr., and Michael R. Sampson.
(2006). I Love Our Earth. Photographs by
Dan Lipow. Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge.
Books Mayer, Mercer. (2008). It’s Earth Day! New
The following books can be used to complement York: HarperFestival.
this theme: Mockford, Caroline. (2007). What’s This? A Seed’s
Asch, Frank. (2004). The Earth and I. San Story. Cambridge, MA: Barefoot Books.
Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace & Company. Murphy, Stuart J. (2004). Earth Day: Hooray!
Bass, Jules. (2008). Herb, The Vegetarian Illustrated by Renee Andriani. New York:
Dragon. Illustrated by Debbie Harter. HarperCollins.
Cambridge, MA: Barefoot Books. Parr, Todd. (2010). The Earth Book. New York:
Bergen, Lara. (2009). Don’t Throw That Away! Hachette Book Group.
Illustrated by Betsy Snyder. New York. Pfeffer, Wendy. (2003). Wiggling Worms at Work.
Little Simon. Illustrated by Steve Jenkins. New York:
Bethel, Ellie. (2008). Michael Recycle. Illustrated HarperCollins.
by Alexandra Colombo. San Diego, CA: Roca, Nurica. (2007). The Three R’s: Reuse,
Jonas Publishing/Worthwhile Books. Reduce, Recycle. Illustrated by Rosa
Bethel, Ellie. (2009). Michael Recycle Meets M. Curto. Hauppauge, NY: Barron’s
Litterbug Doug. Illustrated by Alexandra Educational Series.


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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Scanlon, Liz Garton. (2009). All the World. Corr, Christopher, and Fred Penner. (2007).
Illustrated by Marla Frazee. La Jolla, CA: Whole World [CD and book]. Cambridge,
Simon & Schuster. MA: Barefoot Books.
Siddals, Mary McKenna. (2010). Compost Every Day Is Earth Day [CD]. (2004). Portland,
Stew. Illustrated by Ashley Wolf. New York: OR: Crispy Records.
Tricycle Press. Little Green CD: 31 Exciting Earth Songs to
Spinelli, Eileen. (2009). Miss Fox’s Class Goes Sing and Do! [CD]. (2008). London: TMa.
Green. Illustrated by Anne Kennedy. Morton Reduce, Reuse, Recycle [CD]. (2010). London:
Grove, IL: Albert Whitman & Company. CYP Limited.
Wallace, Nancy Elizabeth. (2003). Recycle Every
Day. New York: Marshall Cavendish.
Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Theme can be found on the book’s companion
website. Go to to
Technology and access the site for a variety of useful resources.
The following technology and multimedia
resources can be used to complement this theme:
Around the World with Earth Mama [CD].
(1997). Kennewick, WA: Rouse House.

106 Theme 11
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Theme 12

Inside Outside Safety Kinds
Parts Parts speed Trucks taxi
horn wheels seat belts dump ambulance
steering wheel hood noise fire Buses
seats headlights activities pickup school
blinkers trunk air bags tank city
seat belts mirrors gasoline semi tour
radio windshield handicapped Cars
mirrors wipers accessible, compact
clock antenna number of van
motor people, station wagon
sit until convertible
stopped police
Colors Uses Sizes Care
white move objects small wash
black move people medium wax
blue large vacuum
green repair
silver, red

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Kinds of cars, trucks, 4. Inside and outside parts of vehicles
and buses 5. Colors and sizes of vehicles
2. Care of vehicles 6. Safety factors
3. Uses of vehicles

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Cars, trucks, and buses are used to move people.
2. There are many kinds of cars, trucks, and buses.
3. Trucks and buses are usually bigger than cars.
4. Trucks can be used to haul objects.
5. There are dump, fire, pickup, tank, and semi trucks.
6. Compact vans, station wagons, and convertibles are kinds of cars.
7. Special cars include police cars, taxis, and ambulances.
8. There are several kinds of buses, such as a city bus.
9. Cars, trucks, and buses come in many colors and sizes.
10. Cars, trucks, and buses can be white, black, green, blue, yellow, silver,
and red.
11. Cars, trucks, and buses have inside and outside parts.
12. The horn, steering wheel, seats, blinkers, seat belts, mirror, clock, and
motor are inside parts.
13. The wheels, hood, headlights, trunk door, mirrors, and windshield
wipers are outside parts.
14. Seat belts help keep people safe; so does remaining seated until the
vehicle stops.
15. Vehicles need care.
16. Vehicles need to be vacuumed, washed, waxed, and repaired.

1. bus—a big machine that carries many people. Buses move people from
place to place.
2. car—a machine used for moving people. Most cars have a motor and
four wheels. Automobile is another word for cars.
3. driver—the person who drives a bus, car, or truck
4. fuel—gas used in the machine to produce power
5. gas—a liquid put in machines to make them move
6. motor—a machine that makes buses, cars, and trucks move
7. passenger—people who ride in buses, cars, and trucks
8. truck—a wheeled machine used to move people and big objects

108 Theme 12
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of the bulletin board is to reinforce color-recognition and -matching
skills, as well as to develop one-to-one correspondence concepts. In addition, visual
discrimination, problem solving, and hand-eye coordination are promoted. Construct
garage shapes out of tagboard. Color each garage a different color and hang on the
bulletin board. Hang a pushpin or attach a Velcro piece in the center of each garage.
Next, construct the same number of cars as garages from tagboard. Color each car
a different color to correspond with the colors of the garages. Use a paper punch to
make a hole in each car. The children can park each car in its corresponding colored
garage. Note: Carefully supervise the use of pushpins.


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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Cars, trucks, and buses—these are all transportation vehicles that your child sees daily. Because
of the children’s interest, we are beginning a unit on cars, trucks, and buses. Through participating
in the planned activities, the children will learn that there are many colors, sizes, and kinds of cars,
trucks, and buses. They will also learn the care of the inside and outside parts of a car.

At School
Some of the activities planned for this unit include:
• Painting with small cars at the art table
• Looking at and listening to many books and stories about trucks, buses, and cars
• Setting up a gas station in the dramatic play area
• Visiting with Officer Lewis from the police department, who will show the children his squad car
at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday

At Home
You can foster the concepts of this unit at home by taking your child with you the next time you need
to buy gas for your vehicle. There are many different types of trucks and cars to observe at the filling
station. Also, provide soapy water and a sponge, and let your child help you wash the family vehicle.
Children enjoy taking part in grown-up activities, and this helps build a sense of responsibility and

Enjoy your child as you explore concepts related to cars, trucks, and buses.

110 Theme 12
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1 tablespoon water
Ground cinnamon to taste
Arts and Crafts Mix eggs, 2 tablespoons oil, baking powder,
1. License Plate Rubbings and salt in a large bowl. Gradually stir in
Place paper on top of a license plate. Using enough flour to make a very stiff dough.
the side of a large crayon, rub across the top Knead 5 minutes. Roll half the dough at
of the license plate. a time as thin as possible on well-floured
surface with a stockinet-covered rolling pin.
2. Car Track Painting Cut into wheel shapes. Twist into the shape
Provide several small plastic cars and trucks of the numeral eight. Cover with a damp
and large sheets of white paper. Also, have towel to prevent drying.
available low, flat pans of thin tempera paint. Heat 2 to 3 inches of oil to 375 degrees.
Encourage the children to take the cars and Fry three to five twists at a time until
trucks and roll the wheels in the paint. They golden brown, turning once, about 45
can then transfer the car to their own paper seconds on each side. Drain on paper towels.
and make car or truck tracks on the paper. Heat honey and water to boiling; boil 1
minute. Cool slightly. Drizzle over twists;
3. Designing Cars sprinkle with cinnamon. Makes 32 twists.
Provide the children with large, appliance-
Note: From Betty Crocker’s International
sized cardboard boxes. To protect the
Cookbook, 1980, New York: Random House.
floor surface, place a large sheet of plastic
Reprinted with permission.
underneath. Provide the children with paint,
markers, and collage materials to decorate
the boxes as cars. When the cars dry, they
can be moved into the block building,
dramatic play area, or outdoor area.
Dramatic Play
1. Filling Station
Provide cardboard boxes for cars and hoses
Cooking for the gas pumps. Also, make available
play money and steering wheels.
1. Cracker Wheels
For this recipe, each child will need:
2. Bus
4 round crackers Set up a bus situation by lining up chairs
1/2 hot dog in one or two long rows. Provide a steering
1/2 a slice of 4-inch 3 4-inch cheese wheel for the driver. A money bucket and
play money can also be provided. If a
Slice hot dogs and place on a cracker. Place steering wheel is unavailable, heavy round
cheese over the top. Place in oven at 350 pizza cardboards can be used to improvise.
degrees for 3 to 5 minutes, or microwave for
30 seconds. Let cool and eat. 3. Taxi
Note: Due to choking concerns, young Set up two rows of chairs side by side to
children require careful supervision when represent a taxi. Use a pizza cardboard, or
eating hot dogs. other round object, as the steering wheel.
Provide a telephone, dress-up clothes for
2. Greek Honey Twists the passengers, and a hat for the driver.
3 eggs, beaten A TAXI sign can also be placed by the chairs
2 tablespoons vegetable oil to invite play.
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt 4. Fire Truck
1 3/4 to 2 cups all-purpose flour Contact the local fire chief and ask to use
Vegetable oil old hoses, fire hats, and firefighter clothing.
1/4 cup honey
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Back and forth, back and forth
(continue back and forth motion)
Field Trips and In the rain and snow.
Resource People (continue back and forth motion)

1. City Bus Here Is a Car

Take the children for a ride around town on Here is a car, shiny and bright.
a city bus. When boarding, allow each child (cup one hand and place on other palm)
to place his or her own money in the meter. This is the windshield that lets in the light.
Observe the length of the bus. While inside, (hands open, fingertips touching)
watch how the bus driver operates the bus. Here are wheels that go round and round.
Also, have a school bus driver visit and tell (two fists)
about the job and the importance of safety I sit in the back seat and make not a sound.
on a bus. (sit quietly with hands in lap)

2. Taxi Driver The Car Ride

Invite a taxi driver to visit and show the (The left arm, held out with a bent elbow and
features of the taxi. open palm, is the road; the right fist is a car.)
3. Patrol Car “Vroom!” says the engine
Invite a police officer to bring a squad car (place car on left shoulder)
to the center. The radio, siren, and flashing As the driver starts the car.
lights can be demonstrated. Let the children (shake car)
sit in the car. “Mmmm,” say the windows
As the driver takes it far.
4. Fire Truck (travel over upper arm)
Invite a local firefighter to bring a fire truck
to the center. Let the children climb in the “Errr,” say the tires
truck and observe the parts. As it rounds the final bend,
(turn at elbow, proceed over forearm)
5. Semi Truck Driver “Ahhh,” says the driver
Invite a semi truck driver to bring the As the trip comes to an end.
truck to school. Observe the size, number (stop car on left flattened palm)
of wheels, and parts of the cab. Let the
children sit in the cab. School Bus
I go to the bus stop each day
6. Ambulance (walk one hand across table)
Invite an ambulance driver to bring the
Where the bus comes to take us away.
vehicle to school. Let the children inspect
(stop, have other hand wait also)
the contents.
We stand single file
(one behind the other)
And walk down the aisle
(step up imaginary steps onto bus)
When the bus driver talks, we obey.

Fingerplays and Chants

Windshield Wiper Group Time
I’m a windshield wiper
(bend arm at elbow with fingers (Games, Language)
pointing up) 1. Thank-You Note
This is how I go Write a thank-you note to a resource person.
(move arm to left and right, pivoting at Allow the children to dictate and sign it.

112 Theme 12
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2. Red Light, Green Light carefully wash the milk cartons. Cut out
Select one child to pretend to be a traffic one side and write a numeral, starting
light. The traffic light places his or her back with 1, on each carton. Next, collect a
to children lined up at the other end of the corresponding number of small miniature
room. When the traffic light says, “Green cars. Attach a strip of paper with a numeral
light,” or holds up green paper, the other from 1 to the appropriate number on each
children attempt to creep up on the traffic car’s top. The children can drive each car
light. At any time the traffic light can say, into the garage with the corresponding
“Red light,” or hold up a red paper, and numeral.
quickly turn around. Creeping children
must freeze. Any child caught moving 2. License Plate Match
is sent back to the starting line. Play Construct two sets of identical license
continues until one child reaches the traffic plates. Print a pattern of letters or
light. This child becomes the new traffic numerals on each set. Mix them up.
light. Children can try to match the pairs.

3. Car, Truck, or Bus Sequencing

Cut out various-sized cars, trucks, or buses
and laminate. Children can sequence them
from largest to smallest and vice versa.
Large Muscle
1. “Fill ’Er Up” 4. Sorting
Tricycles, wagons, and scooters can be used Construct cars, trucks, and buses of
outside on the playground. A gas pump can different colors and laminate. Children can
be constructed out of an old cardboard box sort according to color.
with an attached hose.
5. Car Ramp
2. Car, Car, Truck Roll a bus, car, and truck toy down a wooden
Play this simple variation of “Duck, Duck, ramp. Encourage children to determine
Goose” by substituting the words “Car, Car, which vehicle went the farthest or shortest
Truck.” distance.

3. Wash a Car
If possible, wash a compact-size car.
Provide a hose, sponges, brushes, a bucket,
and soapy water. If an actual car is not Science
available, children can wash tricycles, 1. License Plates
bicycles, scooters, and wagons. Collect license plates from different states
and different vehicles, and place them on a
4. Road Map Shower Curtain table for the children to explore.
Use permanent markers to color roads,
trees, train tracks, buildings, and other 2. Feely Box
landmarks on a shower curtain. Place the Put transportation toys in a feely box.
curtain on the floor, and encourage children Include cars, trucks, and buses. Individually,
to drive cars, trucks, or buses on the roads. let the children feel inside the box and
identify the type of toy.

2+3 = 3. Road Materials

Math Place pieces of dirt, blacktop, and concrete
1. Cars and Garages in containers, and place them on a table for
Car garages can be constructed out of the children to explore.
empty half-pint milk cartons. Collect and


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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Hamilton, Kersten R. (2008). Red Truck.
Illustrated by Valeria Petrone. New York:
Viking Children’s Books.
Sensory Hort, Lenny. (2000). The Seals on the Bus.
Sensory Table Additions Illustrated by G. Brian Karas. New York:
• Cars and trucks with wet sand Henry Holt.
Hubbell, Patricia. (2006). Cars: Rushing!
Honking! Zooming! Illustrated by Sean
Addy and Megan Halsey. New York:
Marshall Cavendish.
Social Studies Hurd, Thacher. (1998). Zoom City. New York:
Discussion on Safety HarperCollins Publishers.
Have a group discussion on safety when Katz, Bobbi. (1997). Truck Talk: Rhymes on
riding in a car. Allow children to come Wheels. St. Paul, MN: Cartwheel Books.
up with suggestions. Write them down Kirk, David. (1999). Miss Spider’s New Car.
on a chart, and display the chart in the New York: Scholastic.
classroom during the unit. The addition of
pictures or drawings would be helpful for Lindeen, Carol K. (2005). Fire Trucks. Mankato,
younger children. MN: Capstone Press.
Lindeen, Carol K. (2005). Police Cars. Mankato,
MN: Capstone Press.
London, Jonathan. (2010). I’m a Truck Driver.
Books Illustrated by David Parkins. New York:
Henry Holt.
The following books can be used to complement
Maccarone, Grace. (1995). Cars! Cars! Cars!
this theme:
Illustrated by David A. Carter. New York:
Barton, Byron. (2001). My Car. New York: Scholastic.
McCarthy, Meghan. (2005). The Adventures of
Bingham, Caroline. (1996). Race Car. Mighty Patty and the Big Red Bus. New York: Alfred
Machine series. New York: Dorling A. Knopf.
McMullan, Kate. (2002). I Stink! Illustrated by
Bingham, Caroline. (1998). Monster Machines. Jim McMullan. New York: Joanne Cotler
Mighty Machine series. New York: Dorling Books.
Mills, J. Elizabeth. (2010). The Spooky Wheels
Bloom, Suzanne. (2001). The Bus for Us. on the Bus. New York: Scholastic/Cartwheel
Honesdale, PA: Boyds Mills Press. Books.
Bowman, Crystal. (2010). The Boy on the Yellow Mitton, Tony, and Ant Parker. (2005). Cool Cars.
Bus. Cincinnati, OH: Standard Publishing. Boston: Kingfisher.
Cuyler, Margery. (2009). The Little Dump Truck. Oxlade, Chris. (1997). Car (Take It Apart).
Illustrated by Bob Kolar. New York: Henry Morristown, NJ: Silver Burdett.
Potts, Professor. (2009). The Smash! Smash!
Dale, Penny. (2007). The Boy on the Bus. Truck. New York: David Fickling Books.
Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.
Radford, Derek. (1997). Harry at the Garage.
DeGezelle, Terri. (2006). Garbage Trucks. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Ransom, Candice F. (2009). The Old Blue
Haldane, Elizabeth. (2005). Truck. New York: Pickup Truck. Illustrated by Jenny
DK Publishing. Matheson. New York: Walker Book &

114 Theme 12
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Rex, Michael. (2004). Truck Duck. New York:
G.P. Putnam. Technology and
Rooney, Ronnie. (2009). The Wheels on the Bus.
Mankato, MN: Child’s World. Multimedia
Scarry, Richard. (1997). Richard Scarry’s Cars The following technology and multimedia
and Trucks and Things That Go. New York: products can be used to complement this
Golden Book. theme:
Schertle, Alice. (2009). Little Blue Truck Leads “Car, Car Song” [CD]. (1999). In Five Little
the Way. Illustrated by Jill McElmurry. Monkeys. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo
Boston: Harcourt Children’s Books. Educational.
Schuh, Mari. (2009). Fireboats in Action. Cars, Trucks, and Trains [CD]. (1997). Long
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. Branch, NJ: Kimbo Educational.
Schuh, Mari. (2009). Fire Trucks in Action. “Drive My Car” [CD]. (2002). In Under a Shady
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. Tree. New York: Two Tomatoes.
Singer, Marilyn. (2009). I’m Your Bus. New “Driving in My Car” [CD]. (2003). In
York: Scholastic Press. Fingerplays and Fun! Buena Park, CA:
Skultety, Nancy. (2005). From Here to There. Barbara Milne.
Illustrated by Tammie Lyon. Honesdale, “Hooray for Farm Machines” [CD]. (1999). In
PA.: Boyds Mills Press. On the Farm with RONNO. Long Branch,
Spangler, Brie. (2009). The Grumpy Dump NJ: Kimbo Educational.
Truck. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. “Motoring” [CD]. (1996). In People in Our
Stoeke, Janet Morgan. (2007). The Bus Stop. Neighborhood. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo
New York: Dutton Children’s Books. Educational.
Strickland, Paul. (2000). Truck Jam: A Pop-Up Murphy, Jane Lawliss. (1997). Cars, Trucks
Book. Brooklyn, NY: Ragged Bear. and Trains [CD]. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo
Thompson, Kate. (2009). Ten Little Racing Cars.
Illustrated by Charles Reasoner. Columbus, “Racecars” [CD]. (2009). In People, Place and
OH: School Specialty Publishing. Things. Coconut Grove, FL: In the Nick of
Walton, Rick. (2002). Cars at Play. Illustrated
by James Lee Croft. New York: G.P. “Seatbelt Buckled” [CD]. (2002). In Cousins
Putnam’s Sons. Jamboree. Richmond, VA: Holcomb Rock
Williams, Linda D. (2005). Dump Trucks.
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. Silly Car Songs [CD]. (2006). Columbus, OH:
Tree House Entertainment.
“Truck Driver’s Song” [CD]. (1999). In We’re on
Our Way. Sherman Oaks, CA: Hap-Pal Music.
“Wheels on the Bus” [CD]. (2002). In Early
Childhood Classics. Sherman Oaks, CA:
Hap-Pal Music.
“The Wheels on the Bus” [CD]. (2006). In The
Big Silly with Mr. Eric. Atlanta, GA:
Mr. Eric.

Additional teaching resources to accompany this

Theme can be found on the book’s companion
website. Go to to
access the site for a variety of useful resources.


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Theme 13

Food Body Parts Care Colors
water fur food black
cat food legs water brown
paws and claws grooming white
tail exercise gray
whiskers shelter yellow
eyes medical care calico
ears gentle handling

Places Cats Live Types Communication

homes long haired purring
barns short haired meowing
outdoors different colors

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Types of cats 5. Places where cats live
2. Body parts of a cat 6. Colors of cats
3. Special care for cats 7. How cats communicate
4. Foods that cats need

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. A cat is an animal with soft fur.
2. There are many different colors of cats.
3. Cats can be black, brown, white, gray, yellow, or calico.
4. Cats have legs, eyes, ears, a mouth, a nose, whiskers, paws, and claws.
5. Cats have fur on their skin.
6. Cats can have long or short fur.
7. Cats need to be cared for.
8. Cats need food, water, and exercise every day.
9. Cats also need shelter.
10. Cats can live in homes, barns, or outdoors.
11. Cats need to be handled gently.

1. cat—an animal with soft fur that often is kept as a pet.
2. calico—a cat that has fur of many colors.
3. coat—hair or fur covering the skin.
4. collar—a band worn around the cat’s neck.
5. kitten—a baby cat.
6. leash—a rope, chain, or cord that attaches to a collar.
7. paw—the cat’s foot.
8. pet—an animal kept for pleasure.
9. veterinarian—an animal doctor.
10. whiskers—stiff hair growing around the cat’s nose, mouth, and eyes.

CATS 117
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to promote visual discrimination, pattern-
matching, problem-solving, and hand-eye coordination skills. Construct cats’
bodies and heads out of tagboard, coloring each a different color and fur pattern.
Laminate all pieces. Attach cats’ bodies to the bulletin board. Children then
match the heads to the corresponding body.

118 Theme 13
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
We have many exciting activities planned at school as we begin our study on cats. We will be
learning about a cat’s body structure, how to care and feed our cats, and different types of cats.

At School
Some of the learning experiences planned include:
• Taking field trips to the veterinarian’s office and pet store
• Making a chart of different types of cats
• Setting up a cat-grooming area in dramatic play
• Listening to stories about cats
• Looking at pictures of cats

At Home
We will be learning the fingerplay “Two Little Kittens.” You may want to try it with your child at home:
Two little kittens found a ball of yarn
(hold up two fingers … cup hands together to form a ball)
As they were playing near a barn.
(bring hands together, pointed upward for barn)
One little kitten jumped in the hay,
(hold up one finger … make jumping, then wiggling, motions)
The other little kitten ran away.
(make running motion with other hand)
Fingerplays and rhymes help children develop language vocabulary and sequencing skills.
The actions that often accompany fingerplays develop fine motor development.

Have fun with your child!

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ribbons, collars, plastic bathtub, towels, and
stuffed animal cats.

Arts and Crafts 2. Veterinarian’s Office

1. Pompon Painting Provide various medical supplies such as a
Set out several different colors of tempera stethoscope, bandages, and thermometers
paint. Using pompon balls, let children along with stuffed cats.
create their own designs on construction
paper. 3. Cats!
Let children pretend they are cats by using
2. Cat Mask cat masks or costumes. Also, you may want
Using paper plates or paper bags along with to try using yarn balls, boxes to curl up in,
paper scraps, yarn, crayons, scissors, and and empty cat food boxes. Allow the
paint, let the children design cat masks. children to act out the story “The Three
Little Kittens” or other cat stories.
3. Paw Prints
Encourage the children to pretend they are 4. Circus or Zoo
cats, using their hands and paint to make Lions, cheetahs, panthers, leopards, and
prints. tigers are also cats. Use large boxes for

1. Cheese Cat Field Trips and
English muffins
Cheese slices
Resource People
1. Pet Store
Encourage the children to cut out a cat face Take a field trip to a pet store. Ask the
on their own slice of cheese. Heat an oven or manager how to care for cats. Observe
toaster oven to 300 degrees. Put the cheese the different types of cats, cages, collars,
on top of the English muffin, and bake long leashes, and food.
enough to melt the cheese.
2. Veterinarian’s Office
2. Cat Face Take a field trip to a veterinarian’s office or
1/2 peach (head) animal hospital. Compare the similarities to
Dried prunes (ears) and differences from a doctor’s office.
Red Hots (eyes)
Raisin (nose) 3. Pet Supply Store
Stick pretzels (whiskers) Visit a pet supply store and observe pet
Create a cat face using the ideas above or a
variety of other items. 4. Resource People
Invite resource people. Suggestions include:
• Cat groomer
• Humane Society representative
Dramatic Play •

Pet store owner
1. Cat Grooming • Parents to bring in pet cats
Provide the children with empty shampoo
and conditioner bottles, brushes, combs,

120 Theme 13
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Under the table and under the bed,
(pretend to look)
I looked in the corner and then I said,
“Come Kitty, come Kitty, I have milk for
Fingerplays and Chants (cup hands to make dish and extend)
Mrs. Kitty’s Dinner Kitty came running and calling, “Mew,
Mrs. Kitty, sleek and fat, mew.”
(put thumb up with fingers folded on (run fingers up arm)
right hand)
With her kittens four. Two Little Kittens
(hold up four fingers on right hand) Two little kittens found a ball of yarn
Went to sleep upon the mat (hold up two fingers … cup hands
(make a fist) together to form a ball)
By the kitchen door. As they were playing near a barn.
(bring hands together, pointed upward for
Mrs. Kitty heard a noise. barn)
Up she jumped in glee. One little kitten jumped in the hay,
(thumb up on right hand) (hold up one finger … make jumping,
“Kittens, maybe that’s a mouse? then wiggling, motions)
(all five fingers on right hand up) The other little kitten ran away.
Let’s go and see!” (make running motion with other hand)
Creeping, creeping, creeping on.
(slowly sneaking with five fingers on I Love Little Kitty
floor) I love little kitty,
Silently they stole. Her coat is so warm.
But the little mouse had gone And if I don’t hurt her,
(mouse is thumb on left hand) She’ll do me no harm.
Back into his hole. So I’ll not pull her tail,
Nor drive her away.
Three Cats But kitty and I,
One little cat and two little cats Very gently will play.
went out for a romp one day.
(hold up one finger and then two fingers
with other hand)
One little cat and two little cats Group Time
make how many cats at play? (Games, Language)
(ask how many that makes)
1. Copycats
Three little cats had lots of fun
Have one child be the cat, and clap a
till growing tired away ran ________?
rhythm for the group. The other children
(take one finger away and ask how many
listen and then act as copycats. They clap
ran away)
the same rhythm as the cat did. Another
I really think that he was most unkind
child now becomes the cat and creates a
to the ________ little cats that were left
rhythm for the copycats to imitate.
(ask how many are left)
2. Nice Kitty
One child is chosen to be the kitty. The
Kitten Is Hiding
rest of the children sit in a circle. As the
A kitten is hiding under a chair,
kitty goes to each child in the circle, he or
(hide one thumb in other hand)
she pets the kitty and says, “Nice kitty,”
I looked and looked for her everywhere.
but the kitty makes no reply. Finally, the
(peer about with hand on forehead)

CATS 121
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kitty meows in response to one child. That The rat takes the cheese,
child must run around the outside of the The rat takes the cheese,
circle as the kitty chases him or her. If the Heigh-ho, the derry-o,
child returns to his or her original place Heigh-ho, the derry-o,
before the kitty can catch him or her, the The rat takes the cheese.
child becomes the new kitty. This activity is The cheese stands alone,
appropriate for four-, five-, and six-year-old The cheese stands alone,
children. Heigh-ho, the derry-o,
The cheese stands alone.
3. Listen Carefully
The children can play “Farmer in the Dell.”
The children should sit in a circle. One
child is selected to be the mother cat. After
mother cat has left the room, choose several
other children to be kittens. All of the other
children cover their mouths with both
hands, and the kittens start saying, “Meow,
Large Muscle
meow, meow.” When the mother cat returns, 1. Bean Bag Toss
she should listen carefully to find all of Make a cat shape on plywood with holes of
her kittens. When she has found them all, different sizes cut out. The children can try
another child should be chosen to be mother from varying distances to throw bean bags
cat, and the game can continue. through the holes.

4. Farmer in the Dell 2. Yarn Balls

The children stand in a circle. And one child Set up baskets at varying distances from
is chosen to be the farmer who is told to a masking tape line on the floor. Toss yarn
move in the middle of the circle. The farmer balls into the baskets.
then selects a wife and brings her into
the circle. This same pattern of selection 3. Cat Pounce
continues throughout the song. Children pretend to be cats and pounce
from one tape line to another.
The farmer takes a wife,
The farmer takes a wife, 4. Climbing Cats
Heigh-ho, the derry-o, Bring a wooden climber into the classroom
The farmer takes a wife. or set it up outside. The children can
The wife takes a child, pretend to be cats and climb on the climber.
The wife takes a child,
Heigh-ho, the derry-o, 5. Cat Movements
The wife takes a child. Write down all the words that describe
The child takes a nurse, how cats move. Allow the children to
The child takes a nurse, demonstrate the movements. Also, use
Heigh-ho, the dry-o, music in the background.
The child takes a nurse.
The nurse takes a dog, 6. Kitty, Kitty, Cat
The nurse takes a dog, Play a variation of “Duck, Duck, Goose” by
Heigh-ho, a derry-o, saying “Kitty, Kitty, Cat.”
The nurse takes a dog.
The dog takes a cat,
The dog takes a cat,
2+3 =
Heigh-ho, a derry-o,
The dog takes a cat.
The cat takes a rat, 1. Matching Game
The cat takes a rat, Have the children match the number of
Heigh-ho, the derry-o, cats on a card to the correct numeral. (Cat
The cat takes a rat. stickers work well.)

122 Theme 13
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2. How Many Paper Clips? Now you shall have some pie.”
Make several different sizes of cats out of “Purr, purr, purr, purr,
tagboard. Children measure each cat with Purr, purr, purr.”
the paper clips.

3. Whisker Count
Make several cat faces with one numeral
on each face. Children attach the correct
number of whiskers (chenille stems, felt,
paper strips, etc.) according to the numeral
on the cat. 1. Provide a scale and different cat items (such
as cat toys, a collar, a food dish, etc.) to
2. During the social studies activity “Share
Your Cat,” arrange for a cat and a kitten
to be in the classroom at the same time.
Music With the help of parents, weigh the cats or
1. “Two Little Kittens” kittens and discuss the differences with the
(Sing to the tune of “Two Little Blackbirds”) children.
Two little kittens sitting on a hill 3. Set out a magnifying glass to observe
One named Jack, one named Jill different kinds of dry cat food.
Run away, Jack, run away, Jill 4. Talk about a cat that has claws and one
Come back, Jack, come back, Jill that is declawed. Ask various questions
Two little kittens sitting on a hill such as “Why do cats have claws?” “Why are
One named Jack, one named Jill. cats declawed?” and “Where do cats go to be
2. “Kitty” 5. Discuss the various parts of a cat’s body and
(Sing to the tune of “Bingo”) how they can protect the cat (for example,
fur and whiskers).
I have a cat. She’s very shy. 6. Discuss what a cat’s body does when the cat
But she comes when I call Kitty. senses danger.
And Kitty is her name-o.
Variation: Let children think of other names. Social Studies
3. “Three Little Kittens” 1. Chart
With the children, make a chart of different
Three little kittens lost their mittens;
types of cats.
And they began to cry,
“Oh, mother dear, we very much fear
Our mittens we have lost.”
2. Displays
Display different pictures of cats around the
“What! Lost your mittens! You naughty
Then you shall have no pie.”
“Mee-ow, mee-ow, mee-ow, mee-ow.”
3. Share Your Cat
Invite the children and the parents to bring
“No, you shall have no pie.”
in a pet cat on specified days. (Have your
The three little kittens they found their
camera ready! Take pictures and display
them on a bulletin board.) Encourage the
And they began to cry,
children to talk about their cat’s colors,
“Oh, Mother dear, see here, see here!
likes, body, and so on.
Our mittens we have found.”
“What! Found your mittens! You good little
CATS 123
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
4. Cat Safety Martin, Bill, and Michael Sampson. (2008).
Discuss cat safety with the class. Items that Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat, Are You Waking Up?
may be discussed include why cats use their Illustrated by Laura J. Bryant. New York:
claws, what to do if you find a stray cat, and Marshall Cavendish.
the uses of collars and leashes. Nishizuka, Koko. (2009). The Beckoning Cat:
Based on a Japanese Folktale. Illustrated by
Rosanne Litzinger. New York: Holiday House.
Nodset, Joan L. (2008). Come Back, Cat.
Books Illustrated by Steven Kellogg. New York:
Harper Collins Children’s Books.
The following books can be used to complement
this theme: Numeroff, Laura Joffe. (2009). If You Give a Cat
a Cupcake. Illustrated by Felicia Bond. New
Bottner, Barbara. (2002). The Scaredy Cats.
York: Laura Geringer Books.
Illustrated by Victoria Chess. New York:
Simon & Schuster for Young Readers. Picayo, Mario. (2008). A Very Smart Cat /
Una Gata Muy Inteligente. Illustrated by
Brown, Margaret Wise, Alice Provensen,
Yolanda V. Fundora. New York: Editorial
and Martin Provensen. (2000). The Color
Campanita Books.
Kittens. Illustrated by Alice Provensen and
Martin Provensen. New York: Golden Books. Rylant, Cynthia. (2006). Mr. Putter and Tabby
Spin the Yarn. Illustrated by Arthur
Carle, Eric. (1991). Have You Seen My Cat?
Howard. Orlando, FL: Harcourt.
Saxonville, MA: Picture Book Studio.
Scotton, Rob. (2008). Splat the Cat. New York:
Dodd, Emma. (2010). I Don’t Want a Cool Cat.
New York: Little, Brown.
Scotton, Rob. (2010). Scaredy-Cat, Splat! New
Doering, Amanda. (2005). Cats ABC: An
York: Harper.
Alphabet Book. Mankato, MN: Capstone
Press. Simon, Seymour. (1991). Big Cats. New York:
Gag, Wanda. (1996). Millions of Cats. New York:
Putnam. Smith, Linda. (2006). Mrs. Crump’s Cat.
Illustrated by David Roberts. New York:
Gallup, Tracy. (2006). King Cat. Traverse City,
MI: Mackinac Island Press.
Spinelli, Eileen. (2007). Callie Cat, Ice Skater.
Gorbachev, Valeri. (2010). The Best Cat.
Illustrated by Anne Kennedy. Morton Grove,
Somerville, MA: Candlewick Press.
IL: Albert Whitman.
Hogrogian, Nonny. (2009). Cool Cat. New York:
Spinelli, Eileen, and Anne Mortimer. (2001).
Roaring Brook Press.
Kittycat Lullaby. Illustrated by Anne
Huseby, Victoria. (2009). Cat. Mankato, MN: Mortimer. New York: Hyperion Press.
Black Rabbit Books.
Tan, Amy, and Gretchen Shields. (2001).
Ipcizade, Catherine. (2008). Lions. Mankato, SAGWA, the Chinese Siamese Cat.
MN: Capstone Press. Illustrated by Gretchen Shields. New York:
Kwon, Yoon-duck. (2007). My Cat Copies Me. Aladdin Paperbacks.
La Jolla, CA: Kane/Miller. Teckentrup, Britta. (2008). Grumpy Cat.
Lakin, Patricia. (2007). Clarence the Copy Cat. London: Boxer.
Illustrated by John Manders. New York: Thomson, Ruth. (2008). The Life Cycle of a Cat.
Dragonfly Books. New York: Powerkids Press.
Lewis, J. Patrick. (2009). The Kindergarten Varon, Sara. (2006). Chicken and Cat. New
Cat. Illustrated by Ailie Busby. New York: York: Scholastic.
Schwartz & Wade Books.
Walton, Rick. (2006). The Remarkable Friendship
Litwin, Eric. (2010). Pete the Cat: I Love My of Mr. Cat and Mr. Rat. Illustrated by Lisa
White Shoes. Illustrated by James Dean. McCue. New York: Putnam.
New York: Harper.

124 Theme 13
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Weaver, Tess. (2007). Cat Jumped In! “Pete the Cat and His White Shoes” [CD].
Illustrated by Emily Arnold McCully. (2006). In The Big Silly with Mr. Eric.
New York: Clarion Books. Atlanta, GA: Mr. Eric.
“Three Little Kittens” [CD]. (1999). In Sounds
Like Fun. Buena Park, CA: Barbara Milne.
“Three Little Kittens” [CD]. (2007). In Nursery
Technology and Rhymes and Good Ol’ Times. Oklahoma
Multimedia City, OK: Melody House.

The following technology and multimedia

products can be used to complement this Additional teaching resources to accompany this
theme: Theme can be found on the book’s companion
“Itty Bitty Kitty in NYC” [CD]. (2001). In Ants website. Go to to
Wear Underpants. New York: BizzyBum. access the site for a variety of useful resources.

CATS 125
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Theme 14


Foods Sounds Symbols
puffed rice cakes (sweet drums oranges (wealth)
new year) cymbals tangerines with leaves
steamed buns (good luck) firecrackers and fireworks (good luck),
shrimp (wealth and plenty) flowers (rebirth)
beef (strength) dragon (strength)
fried rice (harmony) twelve animals of the
long noodles (long life) Chinese zodiac,
duck (happiness) red envelopes called
pan-fried fish (luck) “lai see”
cakes and candies (peace
and togetherness) Animals in Zodiac Celebration
rat celebrate for two weeks
Preparation ox welcomes spring,
cleans the house tiger greets bright moon
shops for new clothes and rabbit watches dragon parade
shoes, dragon fireworks,
decorates with red banner ram (sheep) plays drums and cymbals,
brings flowers and candy horse receive presents and money
to extended family, monkey brings gifts to family and
cooks for the feast rooster friends,
dog wear bright clothing
Color pig, snake say, “may you prosper”,
red eats, sings, talks, and

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Chinese New Year celebrations
2. Preparation for Chinese New Year
3. Special foods prepared for Chinese New Year
4. Chinese New Year sounds
5. Red is the color that symbolizes Chinese New Year
6. Other symbols of Chinese New Year

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Chinese New Year is a holiday celebrated the first two weeks in January or
February by Chinese people all over the world.
2. There are many symbols that are used for Chinese New Year.
3. Oranges are a symbol of wealth and flowers are symbols of rebirth.
4. Tangerines and leaves are symbols of good luck.
5. A dragon is a symbol of strength.
6. Chinese New Year is a time to welcome the beginning of spring.
7. Families prepare by cleaning, shopping and cooking.
8. Puffed rice, steamed buns, shrimp, beef, fried rice, long noodles, duck, pan-
fried fish, cakes, and candies are eaten.
9. Special foods are eaten to bring luck, health, harmony, strength, happiness,
peace, togetherness, and wealth in the new year.
10. Everyone gets new clothing or shoes and a haircut.
11. On New Year’s Eve, there is a big dancing dragon parade and people wear
bright clothing.
12. Doors and windows are opened to let the old year out and the new year in.
13. Children play drums and cymbals.
14. Firecrackers and fireworks are set off.
15. Some people dance together in a dragon costume at the parade.
16. Lanterns are used to greet the bright moon.
17. People eat, sing, talk, and laugh.
18. Children are given money in red envelopes.
19. Candy, flower, melon seeds, and cakes are given to family and friends.
20. Every person is born in a year of a particular animal—the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit,
dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, or pig.

1. celebrate—to observe a holiday and have a good time.
2. cymbals—two pieces of metal you can bang together to make music.
3. feast—a big, delicious meal.
4. festival—a party or celebration that usually happens every year.
5. fireworks—bright lights and loud noises.
6. lai see—red envelopes given to children during Chinese New Year.
7. lantern—a light usually used outside.
8. parade—people walking all together to celebrate.
9. symbol—something that stands for something else. For example, a heart can
be a symbol of Valentine’s Day.


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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to develop hand-eye coordination, visual-
matching, and counting skills. Create this bulletin board by making and
hanging five red envelopes numbered from 1 to 5. Cut out 15 gold circles for
coins. Let your children take turns filling the envelopes with coins to match the
numbers on the outside of each envelope.

128 Theme 14
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Our next theme will focus on the exciting and colorful holiday of Chinese New Year. Many learning
experiences have been planned to promote an awareness of the colors, sounds, and symbols of
Chinese New Year. We are aware that many families do not celebrate this holiday, but we feel it is
important for children to learn about and respect a diversity of customs.
The Chinese New Year is celebrated for two weeks to prepare for the arrival of spring. Everyone
cleans out their homes and workplaces. Families go shopping for new clothing and shoes. Oranges
are given as a symbol of money or wealth, along with tangerines, flowers, and sweets. Red banners
with sayings and poems are hung on doorways and given to friends and family. A big parade on the
last night features bright lanterns, firecrackers, drums, cymbals, and a huge dragon dance. There is
always a big feast featuring symbolic foods to welcome the new year.
The Chinese calendar is based around the moon and divides the years into groups of 12. Each year is
named for an animal in the zodiac. Every person is born in the year of a particular animal—the rat,
ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, or pig. The belief is that people
born in the year of a particular animal have traits or characteristics of that animal. You can find your
animal and your child’s animal on the chart on the back of this letter!

At School
Some of the Chinese New Year activities planned include:
• Making red envelopes and stuffing them with money made from tin foil
• Preparing traditional Chinese foods for snack
• A parade with cymbals, drums, and noisemakers

Gung hay fat choy—may you prosper!


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The Chinese Zodiac
Tiger: 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
Tiger people are brave, powerful, loyal, and proud. Tigers make great friends.

Rabbit: 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

Rabbit people are lucky, happy, independent, affectionate, and gentle.

Dragon: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

Dragon people are bold, successful, full of energy, and incredibly lucky.

Snake: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

Snake people are wise and focused, and they trust their own judgment.

Horse: 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

Horse people are popular, cheerful, clever, and shy.

Ram (Black or Gray Sheep): 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
Sheep people are elegant, wise, sincere, and artistic.

Monkey: 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

Monkey people are quick, funny, original, clever, witty, and successful.

Rooster: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Rooster people are early risers, proud, alert, deep thinkers, and adventurous.

Dog: 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

Dog people are loyal friends, quick learners, and eager to please.

Pig: 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

People born in the Year of the Pig are intelligent, trustworthy, brave, and kind.

Rat: 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020

People born in the Year of the Rat are loving, cheerful, charming, and hard-

Ox: 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

Ox people are easygoing, slow to anger, and self-assured.

130 Theme 14
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money” to children. The money, which can
vary from a small, new coin to a substantial
sum, is always presented in a red envelope.
Arts and Crafts Have the children make money out of foil
1. Red Play Dough and paper to put in the envelopes. Give
Make play dough and use red food coloring them squares of red paper. Have them fold
to make it red—the color of happiness. in the corners to meet in the middle and
Animal-shaped cookie cutters (such as the seal it with a gold sticker. If they wish, they
animals in the Chinese zodiac) and rolling can decorate the envelope to make it more
pins can extend this activity. special. The envelopes could be given to
friends or family members.
2. Chinese Red and Yellow Paper
Chains 5. Painting Fireworks
In advance, cut strips of red and yellow Explain fireworks to the children and show
paper 2 inches wide (thinner if you want pictures if you have them. Hand out pieces
a daintier bracelet) and approximately of black paper. Have the children put small
5 inches long. Teach the children to make drops of paint on their picture and then
a chain alternating red and yellow strips. blow these drops with a straw. Before the
First take a yellow strip, shape it into a paint is dry, have them sprinkle glitter on
ring, and tape the ends together. Then put a the pictures. Have the children see if they
red strip through the yellow ring and tape can think of other ways to paint fireworks.
the ends of the red strip together to form
another ring. Continue this process until 6. Lanterns
you have a chain. Hang the chains around Provide a piece of 9-inch 3 12-inch
the room or connect them all together to construction paper already folded in half
form one long chain. in either direction. Using a pair of scissors,
help them cut slits from the fold to within
3. Red Door Hangers 1 inch of the opposite edge all along the fold
In advance, cut out red construction paper (approximately 1 inch apart). Be sure to stop
lengthwise (each strip will be 4.25 3 11 1 inch before the edge. You may need to draw
inches). Also prepare smaller white paper cutting lines before they begin. Then bend the
with New Year’s wishes or sayings typed on paper into a cylinder and tape flaps together
them, such as these: at the top and bottom. Punch two holes at
the top of the lantern, and tie short strings to
You are amazing
hang the lantern. The lanterns can be strung
Good luck!
across your room on a string, or attached to a
Happy New Year!
pole for holding a lantern parade.
Health and happiness
Have the children glue a saying on their red 7. Chinese New Year Gift Bags
door hanger. Punch a hole near the top center Provide the children with paper bags and
of the hanger. Put some red yarn through the red washable magic markers. Encourage
hole, and tie it in a knot. Make the yarn loop them to use the markers to create gift bags.
big enough to hang on a doorknob.

4. Red Envelopes
At Chinese New Year, it is traditional for
parents and elders to give gifts of “lucky


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2 teaspoons cornstarch mixed with 4 teaspoons
Cooking 2 eggs, lightly beaten
1. Chinese Moon Cakes 3 green onions (spring onions), finely chopped
1/4 cup sugar 1/2–2/3 cup chopped cooked ham or chicken
2 egg yolks (optional).
1/2 cup salted butter Bring the salted water to a boil and parboil
1 cup all-purpose flour the noodles, using chopsticks to separate
1 cup strawberry jam (or use a traditional them. Rinse the noodles repeatedly in cold
can of red bean paste) water and drain thoroughly. Divide the
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Combine noodles equally among soup bowls. Bring
the butter, sugar, and 1 egg yolk and stir. the broth or stock to a boil over medium
Mix in the flour. Form the dough into one heat. Stir in the soy sauce, sesame oil, and
large ball and wrap it in plastic wrap. pepper. Give the cornstarch and water a
Refrigerate dough for half an hour. Unwrap quick restir, and stir it in with the broth
the chilled dough and form small balls in or stock. Remove the saucepan from the
the palms of your hand. Make a hole with heat. Add the beaten egg, pouring it slowly
your thumb in the center of each moon cake through the tines of a fork and stirring
and fill with about half a teaspoon of jam. rapidly in one direction for about 1 minute.
Brush each cake with the other beaten egg Pour the hot broth over the noodles. Garnish
yolk (optional) and place on a cookie sheet. with the chopped ham or chicken and green
Bake for about 20 minutes or just until the onion. Cool and serve for snack or lunch.
outside edges are slightly brown. Makes 24.

2. Egg Fried Rice

1 1/2 cups uncooked instant rice
1 tablespoon sesame oil
Dramatic Play
Soy sauce to taste 1. Shopping
2 eggs, beaten Set up a grocery store in the dramatic play
1 teaspoon finely chopped fresh ginger root area. If possible, include oranges, tangerines,
1/4 cup finely chopped green onions cakes, and candies—foods that are eaten
1 cup frozen peas and carrots (optional) during the holiday. To stimulate play,
provide a cash register, shopping bags, and
Bring water to a boil in a medium saucepan. empty containers such as boxes, packages,
Stir in rice and cover. Remove from heat and and plastic bottles. Invite everyone to “go
let stand 5 minutes. Fluff with a fork and shopping” for the New Year’s feast.
drain any excess water. Heat oil in a large
skillet over medium heat. Stir in rice, peas 2. Cleaning House
and carrots (optional), and soy sauce; heat Put on some music and provide cleaning
for 5 minutes, then transfer rice to a bowl. supplies such as short brooms, dustpans,
Scramble the eggs in the same skillet, then mops, plastic toy vacuums, and dust rags.
stir in rice. Stir in ginger and green onions; Invite everyone to dust, wipe, and sweep to
heat through and serve for lunch or snack. get the classroom ready for New Year.

3. Long Life Noodles 3. Parade, Parade

8 cups lightly salted water Give children drums, shakers, cymbals,
1/2 pound dried thin egg noodles or spaghetti and animal masks. Invite them to march
3 cups chicken broth or stock together and make a parade.
1 tablespoon soy sauce, or to taste 1 teaspoon
sesame oil

132 Theme 14
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4. Dragon Dance
Paint a large dragon’s head on a grocery
bag. Attach a long piece of butcher paper for
Group Time
the body. Decorate it with glitter, sequins,
(Games, Language)
and feathers to make it fancy. Have the 1. Drum and Flower Game
children make up dances and take turns You will need a drum (traditional) or CD
being the head and the body. player, and a flower (real or paper). Have
players sit in a circle. The person with the
drum sits just outside the circle. As the
drum beats, players pass the flower to the
Field Trips and next person. When the drum stops, whoever
is holding the flower must get up, go to the
Resource People center of the circle, and do a crazy dance
Invite someone of Chinese descent, or or bow. When the performer is finished, the
someone who has visited China or been game starts over, only this time the person
involved in a Chinese New Year celebration. who just performed gets to be the drummer!
Have them share with the children the
things they heard, saw, and did during a 2. Hot Orange Potato
Chinese New Year celebration. Encourage Play hot potato with an orange (an
the visitor to bring any artifacts and important symbol in Chinese New Year).
pictures to share.
3. Red Envelope Hunt
Remind children that red envelopes with
money are given as gifts for the Chinese
New Year. Hide a red envelope in the
classroom and play a hide-and-seek game.
For younger children, hide the envelope in
Fingerplays and Chants an obvious place.
Chinese New Year Story
Five strong dragons marching out the door,
4. Year of the ______
Provide the children with verbal and visual
(hold up five fingers)
clues to act like the animal of the current
One ran away and then there were four.
year, according to the Chinese zodiac. For
(running motion with hand)
example, 2011 = rabbit, 2012 = dragon,
Four strong dragons waving to you and me,
2013 = snake, 2014 = horse, 2015 = snake,
(four fingers)
2016 = monkey, 2017 = rooster, 2018 = dog,
One climbed a tree, and then there were
and so on. For example, for the year of the
monkey (2016), you might try these:
(climbing motion with fingers)
Three strong dragons breathing fire on your • Happy monkey
shoe, • Sneaky monkey
(three fingers) • Hungry monkey
One joined the lion dance and there were • Silly monkey
two. • Sad monkey
(say “roar”) • Tired monkey
Two strong dragons starting to run, • Excited monkey
(two fingers)
One got lost and then there was one. 5. Red Color Games
(one finger) Since red is seen everywhere at Chinese
One strong dragon laughing having fun, New Year’s time, use the celebration to
He fell asleep and then there were none! review the color with your children. Here
(make motions as if to fall asleep, and are a few things to try.
then put hands in lap) • Select items of red clothing to wear, and
encourage your children to do the same.


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• Play an “I Spy” game with your children
looking for red objects.
• Go for a “red walk” to find things that
are red.
1. “For Chinese New Year”
(Sing to the tune of “Skip to My Lou”)

2+3 = Sweep, sweep, sweep the floor.

Math Sweep, sweep, sweep the floor.
Sweep, sweep, sweep the floor.
1. Chinese New Year Puzzle
Sweep the floor for New Year’s.
Mount pictures of oranges and flowers
on tagboard. Cut into pieces. Laminate. Snip, snip, get a haircut.
The number of pieces will depend on the Snip, snip, get a haircut.
children’s developmental age. Snip, snip, get a haircut.
Get a haircut for New Year’s.
2. Lion Dance Shop, shop, shop for new clothes.
Write the numbers 1 through 5 on pieces
Shop, shop, shop for new clothes.
of paper, and hang them around the room
Shop, shop, shop for new clothes.
where children can see them. Have the
Shop for new clothes on New Year’s.
children hop, dance, or jump from 1 to 2 to 3
and so on all the way to 5 as they count and Light, light, light the lanterns.
sing aloud: Light, light, light the lanterns.
Light, light, light the lanterns.
(Sing to the tune of “If You’re Happy and You
Light the lanterns for New Year’s.
Know It”)
Beat, beat, beat the drums.
If you’re in the lion dance, sing a 1
Beat, beat, beat the drums.
If you’re in the lion dance, sing a 1
Beat, beat, beat the drums.
If you’re in the lion dance, and you really
Beat the drums for New Year’s!
want to dance, if you’re in the lion
dance, sing a 1
2. “Gung Hay Fat Choy—Chinese New
If you’re in the lion dance, sing a 2
Year Song”
If you’re in the lion dance, sing a 2
(This song wishes you good fortune and
If you’re in the lion dance, and you really
happiness. Sing as a fingerplay with the
want to dance, if you’re in the lion
simple hand motions, or pass out rhythm
dance, sing a 2
instruments and have children play on the
If you’re in the lion dance, sing a 3
chorus. Keep a rhythm by patting hands
If you’re in the lion dance, sing a 3
together with one hand up, then the other.)
If you’re in the lion dance, and you really
want to dance, if you’re in the lion Chorus: Gung Hay Fat Choy, Gung Hay Fat
dance, sing a 3 Choy Sing Happy New Year, Gung Hay Fat
If you’re in the lion dance, sing a 4 Choy
If you’re in the lion dance, sing a 4 1. The new moon tells us, exactly when
If you’re in the lion dance, and you really (hold up one hand in C shape for crescent
want to dance, if you’re in the lion moon) To celebrate with family and
dance, sing a 4 friends (clap hands in rhythm) (Sing
If you’re in the lion dance, sing a 5 chorus.)
If you’re in the lion dance, sing a 5 2. Clean up the house and get out the broom
If you’re in the lion dance, and you really (pretend to sweep) Sweep out the old
want to dance, if you’re in the lion year, bring in the new (Sing chorus.)
dance, sing a 5 3. Bring out the apples, the oranges too
(hold out one fist, then the other) Their
colors bring us joy and good luck too
(Sing chorus.)
134 Theme 14
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4. The dragon dances, the lanterns light (to clean up) to get ready for Chinese New
(place hands together, and snake around) Year.
The firecrackers light up the night
(alternate right and left fist out with 3. Clay Chinese Zodiac Animals
fingers opening quickly to mimic shooting Make red clay. Place it in the sensory table
fireworks) (Sing chorus.) with animal cookie cutters that match the
animals of the Chinese New Year zodiac—
Source: From
such as the monkey, snake, rabbit, horse,
rooster, and dog. Encourage the children
3. “Dragon, Dragon”
to use these during self-directed or self-
(Sing to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle Little
initiated play.
Dragon, dragon, dance around.
Dragon, dragon, touch the ground.
Dragon, dragon, shake your head.
Dragon, dragon, tongue so red.
Dragon, dragon, stamp your feet.
Social Studies
Dragon, dragon, coming down the street! 1. Chinese New Year Photographs
Display various pictures of the Chinese
Source: Heather McPhail.
New Year traditions at the children’s eye
level. Examples would include pictures
of the dragon dance, the parade, the red
envelopes, the lanterns lit up at night, or a
family gathered around the feast table or an
Science altar of oranges and red envelopes.
1. Planting Seeds
Put small amounts of soil in small paper 2. Map It
cups. Distribute seeds for flowers that Show a globe or world map and point to
are easy to grow, such as marigolds or where you are. Then show the children
sunflowers. Place the cups in the sun, water where China is so they can understand that
regularly, and watch the seeds grow. many Chinese people live in China, and this
is where the holiday originates. Also explain
2. Lantern Light that there are Chinese people now living all
Light a lantern. Show the children how a over the world—including right in the area
lantern works. Talk about other sources where you live.
of light (such as the sun, a lamp, a candle,
traffic lights, and so on). 3. Zodiac Signs
Prepare a piece of tagboard with zodiac
signs and pieces with each child’s name
and birth date. Talk about the signs. Then
encourage each child to place his or her
Sensory picture under the correct sign.
1. Preparing Food
Place play plastic fruits and vegetables in
the sensory table. Provide scrub brushes for
the children to clean and prepare the fruits Books
and vegetables for a Chinese New Year
Ada, Alma F., and F. Isabel Campoy. (2006).
Celebrate Chinese New Year with the Fong
Family (Stories to Celebrate). Madrid:
2. Dusting
Alfaguara Infantil.
Place small, soft rags in the sensory table.
Invite children to use them to dust the area Bouchard, David. (1999). The Dragon New
Year: A Chinese Legend (Chinese Legends


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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Trilogy). Illustrated by Zhong-Yang Huang. Marx, David E. (2002). Chinese New Year.
Atlanta, GA: Peachtree Publishers. Rookie Read-Aloud Holidays. Danbury, CT:
Chinn, Karen. (1997). Sam and the Lucky Children’s Press
Money. Illustrated by Cornelius Van Wright Morrissey, Tricia. (2006). Hiss! Pop! Boom!
and Ying-Hwa Hu. Logan, IA: Perfection Celebrating Chinese New Year. St. Paul, MN:
Learning. Things Asian Press.
Compestine, Ying Chang. (2011). The Runaway Otto, Carolyn. (2009). Celebrate Chinese
Wok: A Chinese New Year Tale. New York: New Year with Fireworks, Dragons, and
Dutton Juvenile. Lanterns. National Geographic Holidays
Demi. (1999). Happy New Year / Kung-his fa- Around the World series. Washington, DC:
ts’ai! New York: Dragonfly Books. National Geographic.
Demi. (2003). Happy, Happy Chinese New Roberts, Cindy. (2002). Chinese New Years for
Year. New York: Crown Books for Young Kids. New York: Chinasprout.
Readers. Simonds, Nina, and Leslie Swartz. (2002).
Dougherty, Terri. (2006). Chinese New Year: Moonbeams, Dumplings and Dragon Boats:
Festival of New Beginnings. Mankato, MN: A Treasury of Chinese Holiday Tales,
Capstone Press. Activities and Recipes. Illustrated by Meilo
So. Boston: Harcourt Children’s Books.
Drew, Rosa, and Heather Phillips. (1999).
Celebrating Chinese New Year: Nick’s New Thong, Roseanne. (2008). Red Is a Dragon.
Year. Illustrated by Cheryl Kirk Noll. Illustrated by Grace Lin. San Francisco:
Huntington Beach, CA: Creative Teaching Chronicle Books.
Press. Vaughan, Marcia K. (1996). The Dancing
Flannagan, Alice K. (2004). Chinese New Dragon. Illustrated by Stanley Wong Hoo
Year. Illustrated by Svetlana Zhurkina. Foon. New York: Mondo Publishing.
Minneapolis, MN: Compass Point Books. Waters, Kate. (1991). Lion Dancer: Ernie Wan’s
Gleason, Carrie. (2008). Chinese New Year Chinese New Year. Reading Rainbow Books.
(Celebrations in My World). New York: New York: Scholastic Press.
Crabtree Publishing Company. Wong, Janet S. (2000). This Next New Year.
Holub, Joan, and Benrei Huang. (2003). Dragon Illustrated by Yangsook Choi. New York:
Dance: A Chinese New Year Lift-the-Flap Frances Foster Books/Farrar, Straus and
Book. New York: Puffin. Giroux.
Hoyt-Goldsmith, Diane. (1999). Celebrating Zucker, Jonny. (2003). Lanterns and
Chinese New Year. Illustrated by Lawrence Firecrackers: A Chinese New Year Story
Migdale. New York: Holiday House. (Festival Time). Illustrated by Jan
Barger Cohen. Hauppauge, NY: Barron’s
Jango-Cohen, Judith. (2004). Chinese New Year. Educational Series.
On My Own: Holidays. Minneapolis, MN:
Carolrhoda Books.
Katz, Karen. (2004). My First Chinese New Year.
New York: Henry Holt. Technology and
Lin, Grace. (2003). Dim Sum for Everyone. New
York: Dragonfly Books. Multimedia
Lin, Grace (2004). Kite Flying. New York: The following technology and multimedia
Dragonfly Books. resources can be used to complement this theme:
Lin, Grace. (2008). Bringing in the New Cooking with Kids: Celebrating Chinese New
Year. New York: Knopf Books for Young Year [video]. (2009). San Francisco: Ni Hao
Readers. Productions.

136 Theme 14
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Hanukkah and Chinese New Year [CD]. (2002). [CD]. (2000). Washington, DC: Smithsonian
Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo. Folkways.
Heart of the Dragon Ensemble. (2007). Chinese
New Years Music [CD with book]. London:
Arc Music. Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Holiday Times: Songs, Stories, Rhymes and
Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Chants for Christmas, Kwanza, Hanukkah, website. Go to to
Chinese New Year and St. Patrick’s Day access the site for a variety of useful resources.


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Theme 15

Sounds Colors Foods
songs (carols) red cookies
bells green eggnog
white candy canes
Symbols Activities Plants
ornaments decorating tree trees
lights, gifts hanging wreath poinsettias
stockings shopping mistletoe
Christmas cards wrapping holly
Santa Claus giving gifts
star, garland sending cards
piñata, elves visiting families and
wreaths, reindeer friends

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Christmas colors 4. Christmas symbols
2. Christmas foods 5. Christmas sounds
3. Christmas plants 6. Christmas activities

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Christmas is a special time of the year for many people.
2. Red, green, and white are Christmas colors.
3. People make special foods during Christmas.
4. Cookies, eggnog, candy, and candy canes are Christmas foods.
5. Santa Claus, reindeer, stockings, and Christmas trees are symbols of
6. Decorating Christmas trees and hanging a wreath are Christmas activities.
7. Christmas ornaments, lights, and garlands are hung on Christmas trees.
8. There are special Christmas songs.
9. A star is an ornament that can be placed on the top of the tree.
10. Bells and Christmas carols are sounds heard at Christmas.
11. Poinsettias, evergreen trees, holly, and mistletoe are Christmas plants.
12. Many people spend Christmas visiting their families and friends.
13. Some people hang special stockings that get filled with candy and
small gifts.
14. Christmas is a time for giving and receiving gifts for some people.
15. Christians believe that Jesus was born on Christmas day.
16. People shop for gifts and wrap them in bright, pretty papers.
17. People send Christmas cards to their family and friends.

1. Christmas—a special time of the year for some families.
2. carol—a Christmas song.
3. evergreen tree—a tree decorated for the Christmas holidays.
4. ornament—a decoration for the home or tree.
5. piñata—a brightly colored papier-mâché figure that is filled with candy
and gifts.
6. present—a gift.
7. reindeer—animals used to pull Santa’s sleigh.
8. Santa Claus—a jolly man who wears a red suit and symbolizes Christmas.
9. star—a treetop decoration.
10. stocking—a large Christmas sock.
11. wreath—a decoration made from evergreen branches.

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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to foster a positive self-concept, as well as
name-recognition skills. Construct a stocking out of tagboard for each child in your
class. Print the name across the top, and punch a hole in the top with a paper punch.
Hang a Christmas poster or teacher-made poster in the center of the bulletin board.
Next, attach pushpins to the bulletin board, allowing enough room for each stocking
to hang on a pin. The children can hang their own stockings on the bulletin board as
they arrive each day.

140 Theme 15
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
The holiday season is approaching. As we drive through our neighborhoods, we are beginning to see
decorations. Holiday songs are heard, and Santa is in the thoughts and sentences of many children.
At school we will be participating in many Christmas activities. The children will learn the colors,
plants, and symbols that are associated with the Christmas season. Perhaps not all children and
families in our program celebrate this holiday, but we feel it is very important for children to learn
about and respect others’ beliefs. A general understanding and acceptance of other cultures can be
interesting and fun.

At School
A few of the Christmas learning experiences planned include:
• Creating ornaments to decorate the classroom Christmas tree
• Painting with pine boughs at the easel
• Making Christmas cookies
• Designing Christmas cards in the art area
• Practicing songs for our holiday program.

At Home
Music and singing are wonderful ways to communicate our feelings, and we often have many
feelings this time of year!

Our last day of school will be December 23. School will open again on January 3 of the new year.

Enjoy singing Christmas carols with your child!

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8. Paper Wreaths
Purchase green muffin tin liners. To make
the paper wreaths, cut out a large ring
Arts and Crafts from light tagboard or construction paper
1. Christmas Chains for each child in the class. The children can
Cut sheets of red, green, and white glue the green muffin tin liners to the ring,
construction paper into strips. Demonstrate adding small pieces of red yarn, crayons, or
how to form the links. The links can be felt-tip marker symbols to represent berries
pasted, taped, or stapled, depending on the if desired.
developmental level of the children.
9. Play Dough Cookies
2. Cookie Cutter Painting Using red, green, and white play dough and
Provide Christmas cookie cutters, paper, Christmas cookie cutters, the children can
and shallow pans containing red and green make play dough cookies.
paint. The children can apply the paint
to the paper using the cookie cutters as 10. Favorite Play Dough
printing tools. 2 cups water
1/2 cup salt
3. Rudolph Food coloring or tempera
Begin the activity by encouraging the 2 tablespoons salad oil
children to trace their shoe. This will be 2 tablespoons alum
used for Rudolph’s face. Then the children 2 cups flour
should trace both of their hands, which
will be used as the reindeer’s antlers. Combine and boil the water, salt, and food
Finally, cut out a red circle to be used as the coloring until dissolved. Mix in the salad
reindeer’s nose. Have the children paste all oil, alum, and flour while very hot. Knead
the pieces together on a sheet of paper and approximately 5 minutes until smooth.
add facial features. Store in an airtight covered container.

4. Designing Wrapping Paper 11. Gingerbread Play Dough

The children can design their own wrapping 1 1/4 cup flour
paper using newsprint, ink stampers, felt- 1/2 cup salt
tip colored markers, tempera paint, and so on. 3 teaspoons cream of tartar
Glitter can also be glued onto the paper. 1 cup water
1 1/2 teaspoon vegetable oil
5. Pine Bough Painting 2 tablespoons ground cinnamon
Collect short pine boughs to use as painting 1 teaspoon ground ginger
tools. The tools can be placed at the easel or
used with a shallow pan of tempera paint at Mix all ingredients and cook in a saucepan
tables. over medium heat while stirring frequently.
When mixture begins to pull away from
6. Candy Cane Marble Painting the sides of the pan, remove from heat and
Cut red construction paper into candy cane knead until smooth. Store in an airtight
shapes. Marble paint with white tempera container.

7. Glittery Pinecones
Paint pinecones with tempera paint, Cooking
sprinkle with glitter, and allow the paint to 1. Candy Canes
dry. The glittery pinecones can be used for Prepare the basic sugar dough recipe for
classroom decorations, given as presents, or cookie cutters (below). Divide the recipe in
taken home. half. Add red food coloring to one-half of the
dough. Show the children how to roll a piece

142 Theme 15
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of red dough in a strip about 3 inches long
by 1/2 inch wide. Repeat this process using
the white dough. Then twist the two strips
together, shaping into a candy cane. Bake
the cookies in a 350-degree oven for 7 to 10 Field Trips
minutes. 1. Christmas Tree Farm
Plan a trip to a Christmas tree farm so the
2. Basic Sugar Dough for Cookie children can cut down a Christmas tree.
Cutters Check your state’s licensing requirements
1/2 cup butter regarding the use of fresh Christmas trees
1 cup sugar and decorations in the center or classroom.
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon salt 2. Caroling
2 teaspoons baking powder Plan to go Christmas caroling at a local
2 cups flour nursing home or even for another group of
1/2 teaspoon vanilla children. After caroling, Christmas cookies
could be shared.
Cut into desired shapes. Place on lightly
greased baking sheets. Bake 8 minutes
at 400 degrees. This recipe makes
approximately three to four dozen cookies.

3. Eggnog
4 eggs (pasteurized) Fingerplays and Chants
2 teaspoons vanilla
Santa’s Workshop
4 tablespoons honey
Here is Santa’s workshop.
4 cups milk
(form peak with both hands)
Here is Santa Claus.
Beat all of the ingredients together until (hold up thumb)
light and foamy. Pour into glasses or cups, Here are Santa’s little elves
and shake a little nutmeg on the top of the (wiggle fingers)
eggnog. This adds color and flavor. The recipe Putting toys upon the shelves.
makes one quart. Eggnog should always be
served immediately or refrigerated until Here Is the Chimney
snack or lunch. It should not be served to Here is the chimney.
children who are allergic to eggs. (make fist and tuck in thumb)
Here is the top.
(cover with hand)
Open it up quick
(lift hand up)
Dramatic Play And out Santa will pop.
1. Gift Wrapping (pop out thumb)
Collect and place in the dramatic play area
empty boxes, scraps of wrapping paper, Five Little Christmas Cookies
comic paper, wallpaper books, and scraps. (Hold up five fingers, take one away as
Scissors, tape, bows, and ribbon should also directed by poem)
be provided.
Five little Christmas cookies on a plate by
the door,
2. North Pole
One was eaten and then there were four.
Create a sleigh out of cardboard or wood.
Make reindeer headbands for the children Four little Christmas cookies, gazing up at me,
to wear and pretend to pull the sleigh. Cover One was eaten and then there were three.
the floor with white felt or a white sheet.

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Three little Christmas cookies, enough for
me and you, 2+3 =
One was eaten and then there were two. Math
Two little Christmas cookies sitting in the sun, 1. Christmas Card Sort
One was eaten and then there was one. Place a variety of Christmas cards on a
table in the math area. During self-selected
One little Christmas cookie, better grab it
or self-initiated periods, the children can
sort by color, pictures, size, and so on.
As you can see, the others surely didn’t last.

Presents 2. Christmas Card Puzzles

Collect two sets of identical Christmas cards.
See all the presents by the Christmas tree? Cut the covers off the cards. Cut one of each
(hand shades eyes) of the identical sets of cards into puzzle
Some for you, pieces. The matching card can be used as a
(point) form for the children to match the pieces.
And some for me—
Long ones,
(extend arms)
Tall ones,
(measure hand up from floor)
Short ones, too. 1. “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”
(hand to floor—low) (traditional)
And here is a round one
(circle with arms) 2. “Jingle Bells”
Wrapped in blue. (traditional)
Isn’t it fun to look and see
(hand shades eyes) 3. “The Twelve Days of Christmas”
All of the presents by the Christmas tree? (traditional)
(arms open wide)
4. “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”
Group Time 5. “Peppermint Stick Song”
(Games, Language) Oh I took a lick of my peppermint stick
1. Find the Christmas Bell And I thought it tasted yummy.
For this activity the children should be Oh it used to hang on my Christmas tree,
standing in a circle. One child is given a But I like it better in my tummy.
bell. Then the child should hide, while the
remainder of the children cover their eyes. 6. “S-A-N-T-A”
After the child has hidden, he or she begins (Sing to the tune of “B-I-N-G-O”)
to ring the bell, signaling the remainder There was a man on Christmas Day
of the children to listen for the sound and And Santa was his name-o.
identify where the bell is hidden. Turns S-A-N-T-A
should be taken, allowing each child an S-A-N-T-A
opportunity to hide and ring the bell. S-A-N-T-A
And Santa was his name-o.
2. “Guess What’s Inside?”
Place a familiar object inside a box. Let the 7. “Up on the House Top”
children shake, feel, and try to identify the (traditional)
object. After this, open the box and show the
children the object. This activity works well 8. “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town”
in small groups as well as large groups. (traditional)

144 Theme 15
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9. “Circle Christmas Verse” In the bottom of each paper cup mold,
Two, four, six, eight. place a wick. Wicks can be made by tying a
Santa Claus don’t be late; piece of string to a paper clip and a pencil.
Here’s my stocking, I can’t wait! Then lay the pencil horizontally across the
Two, four, six, eight. cup, allowing the string to hang vertically
into the cup. When the wax is melted, the
10. “Christmas Chant” teacher should carefully pour the wax into
With a “hey” and a “hi” and a “ho-ho-ho,” the cup. After the wax hardens, the candles
Somebody tickled old Santa Claus’s toe. can be used as decorations or presents.
Get up ol’ Santa, there’s work to be done, Caution: This activity should be restricted
The children must have their holiday fun. to four- and five-year-old children. Constant
With a “hey” and a “hi” and a “ho-ho-ho,” supervision of this activity is required for
Santa Claus, Santa Claus, safety.
2. Add to the Science Area
11. “Santa’s in His Shop”
(Sing to the tune of “The Farmer in the Dell”) • Pine needles and branches with
(Pictures could be constructed for use singing magnifying glasses
about each toy.) • Pinecones with a balance scale
• Red, green, and white materials
Santa’s in his shop representing different textures
Santa’s in his shop
What a scene for Christmas 3. Bells
Santa’s in his shop. Collect bells of various shapes and sizes.
Other verses: Listen for differences in sounds in relation
Santa takes a drum to the sizes of the bells.
The drum takes a doll
The doll takes a train 4. Feely Box
The train takes a ball A feely box containing Christmas items
The ball takes a top such as bows, cookie cutters, wrapping
They’re all in the shop paper, nonbreakable ornaments, stockings,
The top stays in the shop bells, candles, and so forth can be placed on
the science table.

Science Sensory
1. Making Candles 1. Add to the Sensory Table
Candles can be made for Christmas gifts. • Pine branches, needles, and cones
This experience provides an opportunity • Scented red and green play dough
for the children to see how a substance can • Icicles or snow (if possible) with
change from solid to liquid and back to a thermometers
solid form. The children can place pieces of • Water for a sink-and-float activity,
paraffin in a tin can that is bent at the top, adding different Christmas objects such
forming a spout. A red or green crayon piece as bells, plastic stars, and cookie cutters
can be used to add color. • Scents such as peppermint and ginger
The bottom of the tin cans should be added to water
placed in a pan of water and heated on
the stove until the paraffin is melted. 2. Holiday Cubes
Meanwhile, the children can prepare small Prepare ice cube trays using water that
paper cups. is colored with red or green food coloring.
Freeze. Place in the sensory table.

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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Horacek, Petr. (2009). Suzy Goose and
the Christmas Star. Somerville, MA:
Books Candlewick Press.
Huckabee, Mike. (2010). Can’t Wait Till
The following books can be used to complement
Christmas. Illustrated by Jed Henry. New
this theme:
York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons.
Allen, Jonathan. (2008). “I’m Not Santa!” New
Lewis, Anne Margaret. (2008). Santa Goes
York: Hyperion Books for Children.
Green. Illustrated by Elisa Chavarri.
Ammon, Richard. (1996). An Amish Christmas. Traverse City, MI: Mackinac Island Press.
Illustrated by Pamela Patrick. New York:
Martin, David. (2009). Christmas Tree.
Illustrated by Melissa Sweet. Somerville,
Balfe, Kevin, Glenn Beck, and Jason F. Wright. MA: Candlewick Press.
(2010). The Christmas Sweater. New York:
McGinley, Phyllis. (2010). The Year without a
Santa Claus. Illustrated by John Manders.
Banks, Kate. (2009). What’s Coming for New York: Marshall Cavendish.
Christmas? Illustrated by Georg
Milgrim, David. (2008). Santa Duck. New York:
Hallensleben. New York: Farrar, Straus
G.P. Putnam’s Sons.
and Giroux.
Moore, Clement Clarke. (2009). The Night
Brett, Jan. (1990). Christmas Reindeer. New
before Christmas. Illustrated by Mary
York: G. P. Putnam.
Engelbreit. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons.
Brett, Jan. (2001). Jan Brett’s Christmas
Obed, Ellen Bryan. (2009). Who Would Like
Treasury. New York: G. P. Putnam.
a Christmas Tree? Illustrated by Anne
Bright, Paul. (2009). Grumpy Badger’s Hunter. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Books for
Christmas. Illustrated by Jane Chapman. Children.
Intercourse, PA: Good Books.
Pulver, Robin. (2010). Christmas Kitten, Home
Brown, Margaret Wise. (1996). On Christmas at Last. Illustrated by Layne Johnson.
Eve. Newly illustrated by Nancy Edwards Chicago: Albert Whitman.
Calder. New York: HarperCollins.
Radar, Laura. (2008). When Santa Lost His
Carle, Eric. (2000). Dream Snow. New York: Ho! Ho! Ho! New York: HarperCollins
Philomel Books. Publishers.
Ciavonne, Jean. (1995). Carlos, Light the Rawlinson, Julia. (2010). Fletcher and the
Farolito. Illustrated by Donna Clair. New Snowflake Christmas. Illustrated by
York: Clarion Books. Tiphanie Beeke. New York: Greenwillow
Cummings, E. E., and Chris Raschka. (2001). Books.
Little Tree. Illustrated by Chris Raschka. Rustad, Martha E. H. (2009). Christmas.
New York: Hyperion Press. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Davis, Rebecca. (1995). The 12 Days of Rustad, Martha E. H. (2009). Christmas in
Christmas. Illustrated by Linnea Asplind Many Cultures. Mankato, MN: Capstone
Riley. New York: Simon & Schuster. Press.
Frazee, Marla. (2005). Santa Claus: The World’s Rylant, Cynthia. (1997). Silver Packages: An
Number One Toy Expert. Orlando, FL: Appalachian Christmas Story. Illustrated
Harcourt. by Chris K. Soentpiet. New York: Orchard
Hobbie, Nathaniel. (2008). Priscilla and the Books.
Great Santa Search. Illustrated by Jocelyn Scotton, Rob. (2009). Merry Christmas, Splat.
Hobbie. New York: Little, Brown. New York: HarperCollins.
Hoffman, Mary. (1997). An Angel Just like Me. Shannon, David. (2010). It’s Christmas, David!
Illustrated by Cornelius Van Wright. New New York: Blue Sky Press.
York: Dial Books.
Smith, Maggie. (2010). Christmas with the
Mousekins. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
146 Theme 15
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Spirin, Gennady. (2009). The Twelve Days The Berenstain Bears: Christmas Tree [DVD].
of Christmas. New York: Marshall (2008). Los Angeles: Sony Wonder.
Cavendish. A Children’s Christmas [CD]. (2000).
Stevens, Kathryn. (2010). Christmas Trees. The Learning Station. Long Branch, NJ:
Mankato, MN: Child’s World. Kimbo Educational.
Stevenson, James. (1996). The Oldest Elf. New Children’s Christmas Favorites [CD]. (1996).
York: William Morrow. Hollywood, CA: Warner Bros.
Tillman, Nancy. (2009). The Spirit of Christmas. Holiday Magic [CD]. (1996). Sherman Oaks,
New York: Feiwel and Friends. CA: Hap-Pal Music.
True, Kelley. (2008). The Dog Who Saved Santa. “Must Be Santa” [CD]. (1996). In Singable
New York: Holiday House. Songs for the Very Young. Cambridge, MA:
Van Allsburg, Chris. (1985). The Polar Express. Rounder/UMGD.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin. The Night before Christmas and More
Waldron, Jan L. (1997). Angel Pig and the Christmas Stories [DVD]. (2002). New York:
Hidden Christmas. Illustrated by David Scholastic.
M. McPhail. New York: Dutton. Raffi’s Christmas Album [CD]. (2002).
Cambridge, MA: Rounder/UMGD.
Sing ‘n’ Sign Holiday Time [CD]. (2007). Long
Branch, NJ: Kimbo Educational.
Technology and 60 Christmas Carols for Kids [CD]. (2005).
Multimedia Wallingford, CT: Madacy Kids.

The following technology and multimedia

products can be used to complement this Additional teaching resources to accompany this
theme: Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Arthur’s Perfect Christmas [DVD]. (2000). Los website. Go to to
Angeles: Sony Wonder. access the site for a variety of useful resources.

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Gifts for Families and Friends
Wax Paper Placemats Service Certificate a patchwork design. Let dry
Wax paper that is heavily Paper Lace overnight.
waxed Crayons Ribbon
Crayon shavings Pencils Snapshot Magnet
Paper designs Snapshot
Dish towel Plastic lid
Have the children write and Scissors (preferably pinking
decorate a certificate that states shears)
Use at least one of the some service they will do for Glue
following: their parents (for example, “This Magnet
Yarn Lace certificate is good for washing
Fabric Dried leaves the dishes [or sweeping the floor, Trace the outline of the lid
onto the back of the picture.
Cut the wax paper into 12-inch 3 picking up my toys, etc.]”).
Cut out the picture, and glue it
20-inch sheets (two per mat).
onto the lid. Glue the magnet
Place crayon shavings between Ornaments
Plaster of Paris Yarn to the underside of the lid.
the wax paper. Then decorate
with other items. Place towel Any mold Straw
Glitter Holiday Pin
on wax paper and press with
Outline of a heart, wreath,
warm iron until crayon melts. Pour the plaster of Paris into and so forth, cut out of
Fringe the edges. the mold. Decorate with glitter tagboard
and let dry. If so desired, place Glue
Craft Stick Picture a straw into the mold and Sequins, beads, buttons, and
Frames string with yarn or thread. yarn
Craft sticks (10 per frame)
Purchased backing for a pin
Glue Refrigerator Clothespin
Picture Clothespins Let the children decorate the
Glue cardboard figure with glue
Make a background of sticks
Sequins, glitter, and beads and other decorating items.
and glue the picture in place.
Small magnet Glue onto purchased backing
Add additional sticks around
for a pin.
the edges, front, and back for Let the children put glue on
the frame and for support. For one side of the clothespin.
Flowers with Vase
a freestanding frame, add more Sprinkle this area with glitter,
Styrofoam egg carton
craft sticks to both the front sequins, or beads. Then assist Chenille stem
and the back at the bottom. the child in gluing the magnet Scissors
to the other side. Glass jar or bottle
Refrigerator Magnets
Liquid starch
Small magnets Patchwork Flower Pot Colored tissue paper (cut into
Glue Precut fabric squares squares)
Any type of decoration (paper Glue Glue
cutouts, plaster of Paris Tins (for glue) Yarn
molds, yarn, styrofoam Flower pots Paintbrush
pieces, buttons, etc.)
Let the children soak the Cut individual sections from
Glue the decorations to the fabric squares one at a time in the egg carton, and punch
magnet. the glue. Press onto the pot in

148 Theme 15
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a hole in the bottom of each. chosen and give it to their 3 to 4 cups powdered milk
Insert a chenille stem through parents as a present. 1 cup confectioners’ sugar
the hole as a stem. Use the Yellow food coloring
scissors to cut the petals. Soap Balls
Mix all the ingredients
For the vase: Using the 1 cup Ivory Snow detergent
together and add food coloring
paintbrush, cover a portion 1/8 cup water
to tint the mixture to a yellow-
of the jar with liquid starch. Food coloring
brown color. Give each child
Apply the tissue paper Colored nylon netting
a portion, and let him or her
squares until the jar is Ribbon
mold a bird’s nest. Chill for
covered. Add another coat of Add the food coloring to the 2 hours. If so desired, green-
liquid starch. Dip the yarn water, and then add the Ivory tinted coconut may be added
into the glue, and wrap it Snow detergent. Shape the for grass and put in the nest.
around the jar. Insert the mixture into balls or any Add small jellybeans for bird’s
flower for a decoration. shape. Wrap in colored netting eggs.
and tie with a ribbon.
Pinecone Ornament Flower Pots
Pinecones Glue Closet Clove Scenter Plaster of Paris
Paint Glitter Orange 1/2-pint milk containers
Paintbrush Yarn Cloves Straws (three to four for each
Paint the pinecones. Then roll Netting container)
the pinecones in the glue, and Ribbon Scissors
then into a dish filled with Construction paper
Have the children push the
glitter. Tie a loop of yarn for Paint
pointed ends of the cloves into
hanging. Paintbrush
an orange. Cover the orange
completely. Wrap netting around
Paperweights the orange and tie it with the Cut the cartons in half and
Glass furniture glides ribbon. These make good closet use the bottom half. Pour 1
Crêpe paper or dresser-drawer scenters. to 3 inches of plaster into the
Crayons containers. Stick three or four
Glue Handprint Wreath straws into the plaster and
Plaster of Paris Colored construction paper let harden. After plaster has
Felt piece Scissors hardened, remove the plaster
Scissors Glue very carefully from the milk
Children decorate a picture and Pencil carton. Let the children paint
then cut it to fit the glide. Place Cardboard or tagboard circle the plaster pot, make flowers
the picture face down into the approximately 12 inches wide. from construction paper,
recessed part of the glide. Pour Let the children trace their and staple the flowers to the
plaster of Paris over the top of straws.
hand and cut it out. Glue
the picture and let it dry. Glue the palm of the hand to the
a felt piece over the plaster. Cookie Jar
cardboard circle. Using a
Coffee can with lid or oatmeal
pencil, roll the fingertips of
Rock Paperweight box
the hand until curly.
Large rocks Construction paper
Crayons or felt-tip markers
Paint Bird’s Nest
Let the children paint a 1 can sweetened condensed milk
design on a rock they have 2 teaspoons vanilla

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Gifts for Families and Friends (continued )
Cover the can with 1 cup salt paint Crayons or felt-tip markers
construction paper, and glue Paintbrush Glue
to seal. Let the children Scissors
Combine flour, water, and salt.
decorate their cans with
Knead for 5 to 10 minutes. Cover the can with construction
crayons or felt-tip markers.
Roll and cut dough into or contact paper. Decorate with
For an added gift, make
figures. (Cookie cutters work crayons or markers, and use as
cookies in the classroom to
well.) Make a hole at the a pencil holder.
send home in the jars.
top of the figure. Bake in a
250-degree oven for 2 hours or
Felt Printing Plaster Handprints
until hard. When cool, paint to
Felt Plaster of Paris
Glue 1-inch-deep square container
Wood block Paint
Key Holder
Tempera paint Paintbrush
8 craft sticks
Construction paper or a Pour plaster of Paris into
Let the children cut the felt cutout from a greeting card the container. Have the child
pieces into any shape. Glue Self-adhesive picture hanger place his or her hand in the
the shape onto the wood Yarn plaster to make a mold. Let
block. Dip into a shallow pan the mold dry, and remove it
Glue five sticks together
of tempera paint. Print on from the container. Let the
edge to edge. Cut one
newspaper to test. child paint the mold and give
3/4-inch piece of stick and
glue it across the five sticks. it as a gift with the following
Napkin Holder poem:
Glue two sticks across the top
Paper plates
parallel to the five sticks. Turn
the sticks over. Cut paper or
Yarn My Hands
a greeting card to fit between
Paper hole punch Sometimes you get
the crossed sticks. Place on the
Crayons discouraged
self-adhesive hanger and tie
Clear shellac Because I am so small
yarn to the top for hanging.
And always have my
Cut one paper plate in half.
Place the inside together and
Planter Trivets On furniture and walls.
punch holes through the lower
7 craft sticks But every day I’m growing up
half only. Use yarn to lace the
Glue And soon I’ll be so tall
plates together. Punch a small
Glue four craft sticks That all those little
hole at the top for hanging.
into a square, the top two handprints
Decorate with crayons or
overlapping the bottom ones. Will be hard for you to recall.
felt-tip markers. Coat with
Fill in the open space with the So here’s a little handprint
shellac. May be used as a
remaining three, and glue into Just for you to see
potholder, napkin, or card
place. Exactly how my fingers
holder. Caution: This needs
to be carefully supervised.
When I was little me.
Pencil Holder
Clay Figures Empty soup cans
4 cups flour Construction paper or contact
1 1/2 cup water paper

150 Theme 15
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Theme 16

Foods Sounds Symbols Colors
tacos caramel mariachi music flag of Mexico Colors of the
fajitas custard flan, popular Mexican flag:
guacamole Mexican sugar Spanish music, red
salsa cookies, parade noises green
Mexican quesadillas maracas white
meatball soup, Mexican Spanish
enchiladas wedding cakes language

Clothes Celebration
sombrero parades dancing
poncho fiestas (festivals) language
colorful dresses food
serape music

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Activities for celebrating Cinco de Mayo
2. Colors of Cinco de Mayo
3. Symbols of Cinco de Mayo
4. Foods eaten during Cinco de Mayo
5. Cinco de Mayo sounds
6. Clothing that may be worn during Cinco de Mayo

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Tacos, enchiladas, meatball soup, guacamole, salsa, fajitas, sugar cookies,
Mexican wedding cakes, quesadillas, and caramel custard flan are enjoyed.
2. Parades are used to celebrate Cinco de Mayo.
3. Fiestas are celebrations that are fun and colorful, with live music, dancing,
performances, and tasty foods.
4. Spanish music and mariachi music are played during Cinco de Mayo.
5. Some people play maracas (shakers) to celebrate.
6. Spanish is the dominant language spoken at Cinco de Mayo celebrations.
7. There are a lot of bright colors at Cinco de Mayo celebrations.
8. The colors red, green, and white are the colors of the Mexican flag.
9. People can be seen wearing sombreros, ponchos, and colorful clothing.

1. cape—a piece of material that hangs loosely over the shoulders.
2. Cinco de Mayo—a holiday celebrating Mexican history.
3. Mexico—a country just south of the United States.
4. fiesta—a party linked to a holiday. Fiestas are used to celebrate Cinco de Mayo.
5. piñata—an empty papier-mâché object in the shape of an animal or person. It
is filled with small toys or candy.
6. serape—a large, colorful blanket-like cape worn over a shirt.
7. sombrero—a hat that comes from Mexico with a large brim. Sombrero is the
Spanish word for “hat.”
8. taco—a corn shell filled with meat, lettuce, cheese, and salsa.
9. guacamole—a dip made out of a mashed avocado with tomato, onion, and garlic.
10. mariachi—a small Mexican band with guitars and singers.
11. maracas—instruments made from a hollow gourd and filled with small pebbles.
Maracas are usually shaken in pairs to make music.
12. quesadilla—a toasted tortilla with melted cheese inside.
13. poncho—a piece of colorful fabric with a center opening for the head.
14. tortilla—a simple piece of flatbread made with corn and flour. In Spanish,
tortilla means “little cake.”

152 Theme 16
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to promote visual discrimination, problem
solving, and hand-eye coordination skills. To prepare the bulletin board, construct
two of each item out of construction paper: guitars (any color), sombreros (tan),
Mexican flags (green, white, and red), chili peppers (red or green), and maracas (any
color). Hang one item of each pair on the left side of the bulletin board, and attach
a red, green, or white piece of yarn to each shape. On the right side of the bulletin
board, hang the matching picture shape. See illustration. Attach a pushpin to each of
these picture shapes. The child can match the pictures by winding the correct string
around the correct pushpin.


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Family Letter


Dear Families,
It is May and spring is in the air! At school we are about to celebrate a new theme—the holiday of
Cinco de Mayo. Spanish for the “fifth of May,” Cinco de Mayo is a festive holiday celebrating Mexican
pride and patriotism.The origin of the holiday is that on May 5, 1862, an outnumbered army of
Mexican soldiers defeated an army of French and Mexican rebel soldiers in Mexico.The Mexican soldiers
demonstrated great courage, unity, and patriotism—a deep love for their families, home, and country.
Today, Cinco de Mayo is celebrated in Mexico and by Mexican Americans in the United States. Big
multiday festivals or “fiestas” are held with music, dancing, parades, and Mexican food. Whenever and
however it is celebrated, the holiday is a celebration of Mexican culture.
Your children may not understand the history of the celebration, but they can help celebrate the day.
At school, we will be immersed in activities related to Cinco de Mayo—everything from the foods, to
the music, games, art projects, and, of course, a parade!

At School
A few of the learning experiences planned include:
• Listening to stories about Cinco de Mayo
• Cooking and tasting Mexican foods, such as tacos and guacamole
• Making Mexican flags, maracas, and piñatas
• Playing jumping bean games

At Home
If you’d like to integrate this curriculum unit into your home, consider making or eating Mexican
foods such as tacos, enchiladas, quesadillas, Mexican hot chocolate (hot chocolate with cinnamon),
and Mexican wedding cakes.

Ask your child about Cinco de Mayo!

154 Theme 16
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Arts and Crafts 1. Easy Guacamole
1. Maracas 2 ripe avocados
Set out two small paper cups for each child 1 small onion
to decorate with marking pens, or supply 1 clove garlic
glue, glitter, and confetti to decorate with. 1 small tomato
Have children place 10–15 small dry beans 1 1/2 tbsp. lime juice (or juice of 1
into one of their cups. Help children place fresh lime)
the empty cup on top of the bean cup and Salt and pepper to taste
tape around the middle of the two cups.
Small tissue paper streamers can also be Peel avocados and remove the pit. Peel and
taped to the two ends. mince the onion and the garlic. Chop the
Have the children fingerpaint using red, tomato. Mash the avocado in a bowl (fun
white, and green paints—the colors of the for the kids) and then stir in the remaining
Mexican flag. ingredients. Serve cold with tortillas or
tortilla chips.
2. Dancing Wands
You will need an empty paper towel tube Tacos
for each child, plus green, white, and red Taco shells (hard or soft)
tissue paper. Cut the tissue paper into 1" 1 lb ground beef
strips. Set out the tubes and some glue. 1 package taco seasoning
Have children cover their tube with glue, Lettuce
then wrap a green, white, and red strip Tomato
around the outside of their tube. When dry, Grated cheese
have children tape or glue multiple strips Sour cream
of tissue paper coming out of one end of Guacamole
their tube. These can be used for a dance or Salsa
Prepare ground beef according to the taco
seasoning package directions. Shred lettuce.
3. Construction Paper Tacos Chop tomato. Put everything into separate
Cut out circle-shaped “tortillas” from a bowls and let the children put together
manila folder (approximately 6 inches in their own tacos. Demonstrate first by
diameter). Cut out paper shapes like tomato making your own taco in a taco shell.
pieces, shredded cheese, lettuce, and brown
for meat. Let children glue them onto the 3. Mexican Hot Chocolate
“tortilla.” Children can leave it flat like a 2 ounces unsweetened chocolate (two
soft taco (pizza style) or fold it over like a 1-ounce squares)
crispy taco. 1/2 tsp. vanilla
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
4. Ponchos 4 tbsp. heavy cream
Collect large paper grocery bags. Cut a 2 cups milk
whole in the top of each bag large enough 2 egg yolks
for the child to put his or her head through. 2 tbsp. sugar
Provide the children with washable, colorful Optional: cinnamon sticks to stir
markers for decorating.
In a saucepan, stir together chocolate,
vanilla, cinnamon, and cream. Cook over
low heat! Heat, stirring constantly, until
chocolate melts. Slowly add the two cups


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of milk, while stirring. Mix well. Let warm butter. Place one large flour tortilla in the
over low heat—DON’T LET IT BOIL! Beat pan and sprinkle cheese over it. Encourage
egg yolks and sugar until foamy. Slowly the children to observe the tortillas as they
pour about 1/4 of the chocolate mixture into are cooking.
the egg mixture, stirring constantly (we do
this so the eggs heat slowly and you don’t
end up with scrambled eggs in your hot
chocolate). Pour the egg-chocolate mixture
back into the saucepan. Beat until mixture
Dramatic Play
is frothy. Serve immediately with cinnamon Mexican Clothing
sticks or spoons to stir with. Place sombreros, ponchos, and serapes in
the dramatic play area.
4. Polvorones (Mexican Sugar Cookies)
2 cups flour
3/4 cups sugar
1/2 tsp. cinnamon Field Trips and
1 cup butter or margarine
Resource People
Preheat oven to 300 degrees. In a bowl, 1. Mexican American Cultural
stir together flour, sugar, and cinnamon. Center
Cream butter with a beater. Add flour If you live in an area with a large Mexican
mixture 1/2 cup at a time to the butter American population, arrange a visit to a
while still beating until it’s mixed together. Mexican American cultural center. Visit
Spoon 1 tsp. dough and shape into a cookie. during a puppet show, performance, or other
Repeat to make 2 dozen cookies. Place event that might be appropriate for your
on ungreased cookie sheets and bake 25 children.
minutes. (Optional: Sprinkle warm cookies
with sugar and cinnamon.) 2. Hispanic Volunteer
Invite a parent, a grandparent, or another
5. Mexican Wedding Cakes person with a Hispanic background to share
1 cup butter his or her clothing or instruments, read a
1/2 cup powdered sugar story, or help prepare Cinco de Mayo foods.
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
Large Muscle
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Cream
the butter and sugar until smooth. Add the 1. Avion (Hopscotch)
salt, flour, and vanilla, which will make the Using a piece of chalk, draw a hopscotch
mixture stiff. Show the children how to pinch grid on an outdoor sidewalk. Each player
off small pieces of dough and roll into a ball. takes a turn. They are not to step on a line
Place on an ungreased cookie sheet. Bake while playing.
for 12 minutes. When the cakes are removed
from the oven and slightly cool, have the 2. Canicas (Marbles)
children roll them in powdered sugar. Using a piece of chalk, draw a large circle
on the sidewalk. This game may be played
6. Quesadillas by two or more children. The players put
Large flour tortillas several marbles inside the circle. The object
Grated cheese (Monterey Jack or sharp or of the game is to try to roll a marble from
mild cheddar) outside into the circle and hit other player’s
marbles. If they are successful, they take
Heat a large frying pan to a medium-high the marble. Taking turns, the winner is the
heat. Add about 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil or person who takes the most marbles.

156 Theme 16
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3. Cinco de Mayo Parade
Let your children help you plan a holiday Group Time
parade to share with others. Put Mexican (Games and Language)
flags on sticks to carry. Let children shake
1. Bean Toss
their maracas. Let some children pretend
Set out a large Mexican hat (sombrero)
to play guitars as they march. Make and
with the opening face down. Let children
wear ponchos by cutting head holes in large
take turns tossing a small bean bag at
squares of material (or paper bags). Play or
the hat. See how many beanbags they can
sing Mexican music as you march.
get to land on the brim or top of the hat.
Alternatively, place the hat face up and toss
4. Jumping Bean Freeze! the bean bags into the hat.
Play Spanish music and have the children
jump around like jumping beans. Then stop
2. Pass the Hot Pepper
the music suddenly and have them “freeze”
Explain to the children that sometimes
in place. Start the music and the fun begins
Mexican food is made with hot, spicy
again. Repeat until your group of jumping
peppers. Use a plastic pepper from your
beans is tired out.
kitchen play area, or buy one in a craft
store. Have the children sit on the floor in
5. Mexican Hat Dance a circle. One player goes somewhere else in
Place a Mexican hat (sombrero) on the floor.
the room (or just outside the door) to hide
Have your children stand in a circle around
his or her eyes. Pass the pepper quickly (it’s
the hat. Choose one child to be “it.” Have
hot!) around the circle until you say stop.
this child put on the hat and do a special
The child holding the pepper hides it in his
dance movement. The rest of the children
or her hands, lap, or under a leg. The other
try to imitate the dancer in the middle.
child comes back and tries to guess who has
Variation: Children take turns dancing
the pepper.
around the hat while others watch.
3. Pin the Tail on the Donkey
6. Mexican Jumping Beans Pin up a large illustration of a donkey.
Explain to your children that Mexican
Prepare a tail and add sticky tack to the
jumping beans are beans that have a
back. Using a bandana, blindfold the
small caterpillar pupa inside. When the
children one at a time and have them try to
caterpillar gets warm, it twitches or jumps
pin the tail on the donkey. Write the child’s
and makes the bean move. Have children
name on the tail to see who wins.
roll up into small beans. Have them
pretend they are getting hotter and hotter.
4. La Lotería
Finally, have them start twitching, and
Prepare two sets of identical cards using
then when they are really hot, have them
different pictures, stickers, or hand
start jumping around. Variation: Play some
drawings (two beans, two chili peppers,
Mexican music for your children to twitch
two flowers, two tacos, etc.). You will need
and jump to. When the music stops, have
to have as many sets of cards as children
them roll back up into quiet beans.
in the group. Deal out the cards, one to
each child. The child can look at his or her
7. Break the Piñata card. Shuffle your cards and turn them
Purchase or make a piñata filled with
upside down. Choose a card. Then try to
candies or small toys. One at a time,
have the children guess who has the same
blindfold a child and turn her or him
around a couple of times. Then encourage
the child to hit the piñata with a large stick.
Caution: Make sure that the other children
are standing back and out of the way of the
child with the stick.


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5. Benito Juarez Says 3. Mexican Hat Dance
“Benito Juarez Says” is played the same Encourage the children to stand around a
way as “Simon Says.” The child who is the sombrero. Play Mexican music and dance
leader says “Benito Juarez says hop on one around the sombrero, clapping as you go. (If
foot.” Until the leader says “Benito Juarez you do not have a sombrero, make one out
says stop” the children are to continue the of construction paper or cardboard.)

2+3 =
Math Sensory
1. Counting in Spanish 1. Colored Water
Teach the children to count in Spanish. Play Change the color of the water in the sensory
games using the Spanish numbers, or use table each day, alternating between the
your fingers to play counting games with colors red, white, and green. Provide the
numbers 1–5 or 1–10. children with sponges, basters, unbreakable
measuring cups, and measuring spoons.
1. uno (oo-no)
2. dos (doss) 2. Tissue Paper Coloring
3. tres (trace) Add strips of red or green tissue paper to
4. cuatro (kwah-tro) the water in the sensory table. Encourage
5. cinco (seen-ko) the children to observe what happens to the
6. seis (say-ees) water. Then add water table toys.
7. siete (see-ay-tay)
8. ocho (oh-cho)
9. nueve (nuay-vay)
10. diez (dee-ace)

Social Studies
1. Spanish Language
Make a list of Spanish words your children
Music already know on a large chart. Each day,
add a new word or two with pictures if
1. “Come Join the Fun” possible. Use the number and color words
(Sing to the tune of “Frère Jacques”) listed in the activities above and below.
Cinco de Mayo, Cinco de Mayo,
Is lots of fun, for everyone. 2. Color Words
Many celebrations, Teach your children how to say the names
Loved ones get together. of colors in Spanish:
Come join the fun, with everyone. red = rojo (ROE-ho)
orange = naranja (nah-RAHN-hah)
2. “Time to Celebrate” yellow = amarillo (ah-maw-REE-yo)
(Sing to the tune of “Three Blind Mice”) green = verde (VAIR-day)
Cinco de Mayo, blue = azul (ah-SOOL)
Cinco de Mayo. purple = morado (morr-AH-doe)
Don’t be late white = blanca (BLAHN-kah)
To celebrate! black = negro (NAY-grow)
Time to dance around the square.
Time for flowers in your hair.
Time for lanterns everywhere.
Cinco de Mayo.
Cinco de Mayo.

158 Theme 16
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3. Buenos Amigos (Good Friends) de Mayo (Spanish edition). On My Own
For this activity, you will need a timer, Holidays. Minneapolis, MN: Ediciones
paper, and pen. Set the timer and encourage Lerner.
the children to say as many things they can McKissack, Fredrick, and Lisa Beringer
think about their peers. Comments can be McKissack. (2009). Cinco de Mayo, Count
related to how they look, act, play, think, and Celebrate! Holidays—Count and
and so on. Record the comments for each Celebrate! Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow
child, and let him or her take them home. Elementary Publishers.
Otto, Caroline. (2008). Holidays around the
World: Celebrate Cinco de Mayo: with
Fiestas, Music, and Dance. Washington, DC:
National Geographic Children’s Books.
Books Riehecky, Janet, and Krystyna Stasiak. (2004).
Ada, Alma Flor Ada, and F. Isabel Campoy. Cinco de Mayo. Circle the Year with
(2006). Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with the Holidays. Danbury, CT: Children’s Press.
Mexican Hat Dance. Stories to Celebrate. Rissman, Rebecca. (2010). Cinco de Mayo.
Buenos Aires, Argentina: Alfaguara Infantil. Holidays and Festivals. Portsmouth, NH:
Cox, Judy. (2010). Cinco de Mouse-o! Illustrated Heinemann Educational Books.
by Jeffrey Ebbeler. New York: Holiday Schaefer, Lola M. (2000). Cinco de Mayo.
House. Holidays and Celebrations. Mankato, MN:
Doering, Amanda. (2006). Cinco de Mayo: Day Capstone Press.
of Mexican Pride. First Facts, Holidays and Wade, Mary Dodson, and Nanci R. Vargus.
Culture. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. (2003). Cinco de Mayo. Rookie Read-About
Hall, M. C. (2010). Cinco de Mayo. Little World Holidays. Danbury, CT: Children’s Press.
Holidays and Celebrations. Vero Beach, FL: Worsham, Adria F. (2008). Max Celebrates
Rourke Publishing. Cinco de Mayo. Read It! Readers. Illustrated
Hill, Sandi. (1999). Celebrating Cinco de Mayo: by Mernie Gallagher-Cole. Mankato, MN:
Fiesta Time! Learn to Read: Read to Learn Picture Window Books.
Holiday Series. Illustrated by Claude
Martinot. Huntington Beach, CA: Creative
Teaching Press. Technology and Multimedia
Hoyt-Goldsmith, Diane. (2008). Cinco de
Mayo: Celebrating the Traditions of Mexico. DJ’s Choice: Cinco de Mayo Party Music [CD].
Photography by Lawrence Migdale. New 2002. Edison, NJ: Turn up the Music.
York: Holiday House. Maya & Miguel: Cinco de Maya [DVD]. 2006.
Levy, Janice. (2007). Celebrate! It’s Cinco de Los Angeles: Lion’s Gate.
Mayo! ¡Celebramos! ¡Es el Cinco de Mayo! Various artists [CD]. 2002. Cinco de Mayo. Los
(English and Spanish edition). Illustrated Angeles: RCA International.
by Lorreta Lopez and translated by Miguel
Arisa. Park Ridge, IL: Albert Whitman &
Company. Additional teaching resources to accompany
this Theme can be found on the book’s
Lowery, Linda, and Barbara Knutson. (2005).
companion website. Go to www.cengagebrain.
Cinco de Mayo. On My Own Holidays.
Minneapolis, MN: First Avenue Editions.
com to access the site for a variety of useful
Lowery, Linda, Barbara Knutson, and Julia
Cisneros Fitzpatrick. (2005). El Cinco


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Theme 17

Foods Places Acts
popcorn tents trapeze
peanuts wagons high wire
snow cones parks animal shows
cotton candy parades clown

People Animals
ringmaster lions
trapeze artist horses
tumblers elephants
animal trainer tigers
clowns dogs
high-wire walker seals
makeup artist bears
costume designer

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Different circus acts 4. Places to watch a circus
2. People who work for a circus 5. Foods eaten at a circus
3. Animals that perform in a circus

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. The circus is a traveling show with people and animals.
2. The circus is fun.
3. Many adults and children enjoy the circus.
4. The circus can be performed under a big tent.
5. Often there are circus parades.
6. An animal trainer teaches animals tricks.
7. There are many circus animals.
8. Lions, horses, elephants, tigers, dogs, seals, and bears are all circus
9. Circus wagons, people, and animals are in the parade.
10. Circus shows have colorful clowns.
11. Clowns wear makeup.
12. Clowns often do tumbling, juggling, and bicycle acts.
13. Music is played at the circus.
14. People and animals do special tricks in the circus.
15. Many people work at the circus.
16. The circus has a ringmaster, trapeze artist, animal trainers, high-wire
walkers, makeup artists, and costume designers.
17. Popcorn, peanuts, snow cones, and cotton candy are foods that can be
eaten at a circus.

1. circus—traveling show with people and animals.
2. circus parade—a march of people and animals at the beginning of the
3. clowns—people who wear makeup, act silly, and dress in silly clothes.
4. makeup—colored face paint.
5. ringmaster—person in charge of the circus performance.
6. stilts—long sticks that a performer stands on to be taller.
7. trapeze—short bar used for swinging.

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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to develop color recognition and matching
skills. Construct eight clown faces with collars out of tagboard. Color each collar
a different color using felt-tip markers. Hang these pieces on the bulletin board.
Next, construct eight hat pieces out of tagboard. Color each one a different color,
to correspond with the colors of the clowns’ collars. Punch holes in the hats, and
use pushpins to hold the hats above the appropriate clown. The children can
match the colored hats to the clown wearing the same-colored collar.

162 Theme 17
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
We are starting a unit that will be fun and exciting for everyone—the circus! Developing an
awareness of special people and animals enhances an appreciation of others. It also stimulates
children’s curiosity to learn more about other people and people’s jobs. The children will be learning
about the many acts and performances of circus people and animals.
At School
Some of the many fun and exciting things we will be doing include:
• Listening to the story Harriet Goes to the Circus by Betsy and Giulio Maestro
• Dressing up in clown suits and applying makeup in the dramatic play area
• Acting out a small circus of our own
• Making clown face puppets
• Imitating circus clowns
• Looking at books containing circus animals
• Viewing the video Circus
We will have a very special visitor come to our room on Friday—a clown! He will show us how he
applies his makeup and will perform for us. You are invited to join us for the fun at 3:00 p.m. to
share in this activity.
At Home
It has been said that the circus is perhaps the world’s oldest form of entertainment. Pictures of circus
acts drawn over 3000 years ago have been discovered on walls of caves. Most children enjoy clowns
and dressing up as clowns. Prepare clown makeup with your child by adding a few drops of food
coloring to cold cream. Have your child use his or her fingers or a clean paintbrush to paint his or
her face. This activity will help develop an awareness of colors, as well as help him or her realize that
appearances can change but the person remains the same!
Enjoy your child!

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Arts and Crafts Dramatic Play
1. Easel Ideas 1. Clown Makeup
Prepare clown makeup by mixing 1 part
• Clown face–shaped paper cold cream with 1 drop food coloring. Place
• Circus tent–shaped paper clown makeup by a large mirror in the
dramatic play area. The children apply
2. Circus Wagons makeup to their faces. Clown suits can also
Collect old cardboard boxes and square food be provided if available. (Some programs
containers. The children can make circus may require parental permission slips for
wagons by decorating the boxes. When each activities such as this.)
child is through making his or her wagon,
all of the boxes can be placed together for a
circus train. 2. Circus
Set up a circus in your classroom. Make
3. Clown Face Masks a circle out of masking tape on the floor.
Provide paper plates and felt-tip markers The children can take turns performing
to make paper plate clown masks. Glue the in the ring. The addition of hula hoops,
plate to a tongue depressor. The children animal and clown costumes, tickets, and
can use the masks as puppets. chairs would extend the children’s play in
this area.
4. Play Dough Animals
Prepare play dough by combining the 3. Animal Trainers
following ingredients: Each child can bring in his or her
2 cups flour favorite stuffed animals on an assigned
1 cup salt day. The children can pretend to be
1 cup hot water animal trainers for the circus. They
2 tablespoons oil may choose to act out different animal
4 teaspoons cream of tartar performances.
Food coloring

Mix the ingredients. Then knead the

mixture until smooth. This dough may be
kept in a plastic bag or covered container.
Field Trips and
If the dough becomes sticky, add additional Resource People
1. Clown Makeup
Invite a clown to demonstrate putting on
makeup. Then have the clown put on a
small skit and talk about the circus.
Clown Snack 2. The Circus
Place a pear in the middle of a plate. If possible, go to a circus or circus parade in
Sprinkle grated cheese on the pear for hair. your area.
Add raisin eyes, a cherry nose, and a raisin
mouth. Finally, make a ruffle collar from a
lettuce leaf.

164 Theme 17
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Group Time
(Games and Language)
1. Circus Pictures
Fingerplays and Chants Place pictures of clowns and circus things
Going to the Circus around the room at the children’s eye level.
Going to the circus to have a lot of fun. Introduce the pictures at group time and
(hold closed fist, and raise fingers to discuss each picture.
indicate number)
The animals parading one by one. 2. Who Took My Nose?
Now they are walking two by two, Prepare red circles from construction paper.
A great big lion and a caribou. Seat the children in a circle. Give each child
Now they are walking three by three, a red circle to tape on his or her nose. Then
The elephants and the chimpanzee. have everyone close their eyes. Tap one child.
Now they are walking four by four, This child should get up and go to another
A striped tiger and a big old bear. child and take his or her nose. When the
Now they are walking five by five, child returns to his or her place, the teacher
It makes us laugh when they arrive. claps her or his hands, and all the children
open their eyes. The children then try to
identify the child who took the nose.
Elephants walk like this and like that. 3. Clown Lotto
(sway body back and forth) Adhere clown face stickers, or draw simple
They’re terribly big; they’re terribly fat. clown faces, on several 2-inch 3 2-inch pieces
(spread arms wide in a circular motion) of tagboard. Also, prepare lotto boards using
They have no hands, they have no toes, the same stickers or drawings. To play, turn
And goodness gracious, what a NOSE! all cards face down. Children take turns
(put arms together and sway for choosing a card from the table and seeing if
elephant nose) it matches a picture on their game boards.

Five Little Clowns

Five little clowns running through the door.
(hold up one hand, put down one finger
at each verse)
One fell down and then there were four. Large Muscle
Four little clowns in an apple tree. 1. Tightrope Walker
One fell out and then there were three. Provide a balance beam and a stick for the
Three little clowns stirring up some stew. children to hold perpendicular to their bodies.
One fell in and then there were two.
Two little clowns having lots of fun. 2. Dancing Elephants
One ran away and then there was one. Provide each child with a scarf and play
One little clown left sitting in the sun. music. The children can pretend to be
He went home and then there were none! dancing elephants.

3. Bean Bag Toss

Circus Clown Make a large clown or other circus person
I’d like to be a circus clown or animal bean bag toss out of thick
And make a funny face, cardboard. Cut the eyes, nose, and mouth
(make a funny face) holes all large enough for the bean bags
And have all the people laugh at me to go through. For older children, assign
As I jump around the place. each hole a certain number of points and
(act silly and jump around) maintain a score chart or card.

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4. Can Stilts
Provide large tin cans with pre-bored
holes on sides and thick string or twine
for the children to make can stilts. Once
completed, the children stand on the cans Music
and walk around the room. Caution: 1. “Circus”
Children need to be able to balance on (Sing to the tune of “Did You Ever See
the can tops for this to be a safe activity; a Lassie?”)
therefore, this game is more appropriate for
Let’s pretend that we are clowns, are
older children—four-, five-, six-, and seven-
clowns, are clowns.
year-old children.
Let’s pretend that we are clowns.
We’ll have so much fun.
5. Tightrope Transition
We’ll put on our makeup and make people
As a transition, place a 10-foot line of
laugh hard.
masking tape on the floor. The children can
Let’s pretend that we are clowns.
pretend to tightrope walk over to the next
We’ll have so much fun.
Let’s pretend that we are elephants, are
6. Monkey, Monkey, Clown elephants, are elephants.
Play “Duck, Duck, Goose,” but change the Let’s pretend that we are elephants.
words to “Monkey, Monkey, Clown.” We’ll have so much fun.
We’ll sway back and forth and stand on just
two legs.
Let’s pretend that we are elephants.
2+3 =
Math We’ll have so much fun.
Let’s pretend that we are on a trapeze, a
1. Clown Hat Match trapeze, a trapeze.
Make sets of matching colored hats. On Let’s pretend that we are on a trapeze.
one set, print a numeral. On the matching We’ll have so much fun.
hats, print an identical number of dots. We’ll swing high and swoop low and make
The children match the dots to the people shout, “Oh!”
numbers. Let’s pretend that we are on a trapeze.
We’ll have so much fun!
2. Circus Sorting
Find several pictures of symbols that
represent a circus. Also include other 2. “The Ringmaster”
pictures. Place all pictures in a pile. The (Sing to the tune of “The Farmer and the Dell”)
children can sort pictures into two piles.
One pile will represent circus objects. The ringmaster has a circus.
The ringmaster has a circus.
3. Growing Chart Hi-ho the clowns are here.
Make a growing chart in the shape of a The ringmaster has a circus.
giraffe. If desired, another animal can be The ringmaster takes a clown.
substituted. Record each child’s height The ringmaster takes a clown.
on the chart at various times during the Hi-ho the clowns are here.
year. The ringmaster takes a clown.

4. Unicycle Riders The clown takes an elephant …

Make unicycle cutouts, and write numerals (Use clowns, elephants, lions, tigers,
on them. Have children stack the tight-rope walker, trapeze artist,
corresponding number of cutout clowns on acrobat, etc.)
each unicycle with Velcro.

166 Theme 17
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2. Make face paint to have the children
practice painting on their cheeks or a
friend’s cheek. (Be sure to get parental
permission first!) Encourage them to paint
Science shapes or letters.
1. Circus Balloons
Cut several pieces of tagboard into circles. If Face Paint Recipe
desired, cover the balloons with transparent 2 tsp. shortening
contact or lamination paper. On each table, 1 tsp. flour
have three cups of colored water—red, Food coloring
yellow, and blue—with a brush in each cup. 5 tsp. cornstarch
The children can mix all or any two colors 3–4 drops glycerin
and see which colors they can create for Fragrance-free cream or lotion
their circus balloons.

2. Seal and Ball Color-Word Match

Cut several seals out of different-colored
tagboard. Out of the same colors, cut several
balls. Write the correct color on each ball.
Social Studies
The children match each ball with the word 1. Circus Life
on it to the correct seal. Read You Think It’s Fun to Be a Clown! by
David A. Adler. When finished, discuss the
3. Sizzle Fun lives of circus people.
Pour 1 inch of vinegar in a soda or catsup
bottle. Put 2 teaspoons of baking soda inside 2. Body Parts
a balloon. Quickly slip the open end of the Make a large clown out of tagboard. Make
balloon over the soda bottle. Watch the corresponding matching body parts such as
balloon fill with gas created by the interaction arms, legs, ears, shoes, hands, and fingers.
of the vinegar with the baking soda. The children can match the parts.

4. Texture Clown
Construct a large clown from tagboard. Use
different textured materials to create the
clown’s features. Make two sets. Place the
extra set in a box or a bag. The children The following books can be used to complement
may pick a piece of textured material this theme:
from the bag and match it to the identical
Argent, Kerry. (2005). India the Showstopper.
textured piece used as a clown feature.
Crows Nest, NSW Australia: Allen & Unwin.
5. High-Wire Balancers Bardhan-Quallen, Sudipta. (2006). Tightrope
Cut out the outline of a person, resembling Poppy the High-Wire Pig. Illustrated by
an “X” shape with legs and arms apart, Sarah Dillard. New York: Sterling Pub.
on tagboard or light cardboard. Tape a Bond, Michael. (1992). Paddington at the
penny to the back of each foot. This will Circus. Illustrated by John Lobban. New
help the “high-wire walker” balance almost York: HarperCollins.
Bronson, Linda. (2001). The Circus Alphabet.
New York: Henry Holt.
Chwast, Seymour. (1993). The Twelve Circus
Rings. Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace.
Sensory Dahl, Michael, and Lucie Papineau. (2006).
1. Provide rubber or plastic animal figurines Gilda the Giraffe and Marvin the
for the children to play with in the water Marmoset. Illustrated by Marisol Sarrazin.
table. Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window Books.

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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Damjan, Mischa. (2002). The Clown Said No. Romanelli, Serena. (2005). Little Bobo’s Circus
Illustrated by Gian Casty. New York: North- Adventure. Illustrated by Hans de Beer.
South Books. New York: North-South Books.
Dodds, Dayle Ann. (2003). Where’s Pup? Schumaker, Ward. (1997). Sing a Song of
Illustrated by Pierre Pratt. New York: Dial Circus. Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace.
Books for Young Readers. Slate, Joseph. (2002). Miss Bindergarten Plans
Downs, Mike. (2005). You See a Circus: I See. a Circus with Kindergarten. Illustrated by
Illustrated by Anik McGrory. Watertown, Ashley Wolff. New York: Dutton Children’s
MA: Charlesbridge. Books.
Duncan, Lois. (2002). Song of the Circus. Van Dusen, Chris. (2009). The Circus Ship.
Illustrated by Meg Cundiff. New York: Somerville, MA: Candlewick Press.
Philomel Books. Villeneuve, Anne. (2010). The Red Scarf.
Ehlert, Lois. (1992). Circus. New York: Toronto: Tundra Books.
HarperCollins. Whitford Paul, Ann. (2003). Little Monkey Says
Flaconer, Ian. (2001). Olivia Saves the Circus. Good Night. Illustrated by Ann Whitford
New York: Atheneum. Paul. New York: Melanie Kroupa Books.
Fleischman, Paul, and Kevin Hawkes. (2004). Wright, Johanna. (2009). The Secret Circus.
Sidewalk Circus. Illustrated by Kevin New York: Roaring Brook Press.
Hawkes. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press. Ziefert, Harriet. (2005). Circus Parade.
Gordon, Lynn. (2010). Circus Fantastico: Illustrated by Tanya Roitman. Maplewood,
A Magnifying Mystery. Illustrated by Molly NJ: Blue Apple Books.
Idle. Denver, CO: Accord Publishing.
Gottfried, Maya. (2003). Last Night I Dreamed
a Circus. Illustrated by Robert Rahway
Zakanitch. New York: Alfred Knopf.
Technology and
Hartland, Jessie. (2005). Clementine in the City. Multimedia
New York: Viking.
The following technology and multimedia
Klise, Kate. (2010). Little Rabbit and the products can be used to complement this
Meanest Mother on Earth. Illustrated by theme:
M. Sarah Klise. Boston: Harcourt Children’s
Books. Alphabet Circus [DVD]. (2004). Conroe, TX:
Rock ’N Learn.
Langen, Annette, Constanza Droop, and Laura
Lindgren. (2000). Felix Joins the Circus. Bridwell, Norman. 2010. Clifford at the Circus
Illustrated by Constanza Droop. New York: [audio book]. New York: Scholastic.
Abbeville Press. Circus Calyope [CD]. (2006). Sikeston, MO:
McFarlane, Sheryl. (2006). What’s That Sound? Carlisle Music.
At the Circus. Illustrated by Kim LaFave. ”Clown Song” [CD]. (1997). In Turn on the
Ontario: Fitzhenry & Whiteside. Music. Sherman Oaks, CA: Hap-Pal Music.
Millman, Issac. (2003). Moses Goes to the “Three Ring Circus” [CD]. (2009). In People,
Circus. New York: Frances Foster Books. Place and Things. Coconut Grove, FL: In the
Munro, Roxie. (2006). Circus. San Francisco: Nick of Time.
Chronicle Books.
Paxton, Tom. (1997). Engelbert Joins the Circus. Additional teaching resources to accompany
Illustrated by Roberta Wilson. New York: this Theme can be found on the book’s
William Morrow. companion website. Go to www.cengagebrain.
Rex, Adam. (2006). Tree-Ring Circus. Orlando, com to access the site for a variety of useful
FL: Harcourt. resources.

168 Theme 17
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Theme 18

Colors and Sizes Workers Uses
many tailor ceremonial
seamstress protection
salesperson decoration
laundromat assistant identification
shoe repair person costumes

Kinds Care Equipment

pants, uniforms wash sewing machine
dresses, sweaters dry washing machine
skirts, shirts mend dryer
shoes, boots press iron
socks, hats steam ironing board
gloves, coats polish brushes
pajamas, scarves brush steamer
kilts, ponchos needle
turbans, kaftans clothespins
kimonos hangers

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Kinds of clothing 4. Care of clothing
2. Clothing workers 5. Clothing equipment
3. Uses of clothing 6. Colors and sizes of clothing

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Clothing is a covering for our body.
2. Pants, dresses, shirts, skirts, coats, pajamas, uniforms, kilts, ponchos,
kimonos, kaftans, and sweaters are some of the clothing we wear on
our bodies.
3. Shoes, socks, and boots are clothing for our feet.
4. Gloves and mittens are coverings for our hands.
5. Hats, turbans, and scarves are coverings for our head.
6. Protection, decoration, and identification are uses for clothing.
7. Clothes identify workers.
8. Policemen and firefighters wear uniforms.
9. There are many colors and sizes of clothing.
10. Clothing needs to be taken care of.
11. Clothing can be washed, dried, steamed, pressed, and mended.
12. Clothing needs to be cleaned.
13. Tailors and seamstresses help make and mend clothing.
14. Sewing machines are used to make clothing.
15. People wear clothing for ceremonies.
16. Brides may wear a bridal gown for a wedding ceremony.
17. Costumes, such as those worn for Halloween, are also clothing.
18. A shoe repair person mends shoes.
19. Clothespins and hangers are used to hang clothes.
20. Needles and thread, brushes, and irons are needed to care for clothing.

1. clothespin—a clip used to hang clothes on a clothesline or a hanger.
2. clothing—a covering for the body.
3. coat or jacket—a piece of clothing that is often used for warmth and is
worn over other clothing.
4. dryer—an appliance that dries clothes.
5. hat—clothing that covers our head.
6. laundromat—a place to clean clothes.
7. shirt—clothing that covers the chest and sometimes the arms.
8. shoes—clothing for our feet.
9. skirt—clothing that hangs from the waist.
10. washing machine—an appliance used to clean clothes.

170 Theme 18
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to develop visual perception and discrimination
skills. A “Sort the Clothes” bulletin board can be an addition to the clothing unit.
Construct shorts and shirt pieces out of tagboard. The number used will depend
on the size of the bulletin board and the developmental appropriateness for the
children. Draw a pattern on a pair of shorts and the same pattern on one of the
shirts. Continue by drawing a different pattern for each shorts and shirt set. Hang
the shorts on the bulletin board, and hang a pushpin on top of the shorts, so the
children can hang the corresponding patterned shirt on top of the shorts.

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Family Letter


Dear Families,
We will be beginning a unit on clothing. Through participation in this unit, the children will learn about
many different kinds of clothing. They will also become aware of the uses, purposes, and care of clothing.

At School
Some of the learning experiences planned for this unit include:
• Sorting clothes hangers by color
• Going to a laundromat in the dramatic play area
• Making newspaper skirts at the art table
• Washing doll clothes in the sensory table
We will also be taking a walk to the Corner Laundromat on Tuesday afternoon. We will be looking
at the big laundry carts, washers and dryers, and folding tables. If you would like to join us, please
contact me. We will be leaving the center at 3:00 p.m.

Parent Involvement
If you have any special clothes worn for celebrations or ceremonies, we invite you to share them with
our class. Please contact me so a time can be arranged for your visit. The children will enjoy having
you in the class and learning about the significance of the apparel.

At Home
You can foster the concepts introduced in this unit by encouraging your child to select what he or she
will wear to school each day. To promote independence, begin by placing your child’s clothes in a low
drawer, allowing easy access to the clothing. To make mornings more enjoyable, encourage your child
to select clothes at night that can be worn the next day. Find a location to place the clothes. Also, if
your child has doll clothes, fill the kitchen sink or a tub with soapy water, and let your child wash the
doll clothes. This will help your child learn how to care for clothing.

Have fun exploring clothing concepts with your child!

172 Theme 18
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lightly browned. This recipe should produce
a sufficient quantity for eight children.

Arts and Crafts 2. Irish Gingerbread

1. Dress the Paper Doll 1 or 2 teaspoons butter
Prepare clothing out of construction paper 2 cups flour
scraps to fit paper dolls. For younger 1 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
children, the dolls can be precut. Older 1 teaspoon cinnamon
children may be able to cut their own dolls 1 teaspoon ground ginger
if the lines are traced on paper and a simple 3/4 teaspoon salt
pattern is provided. 1 egg
2 egg yolks
2. Newspaper Skirts 1 cup molasses
Depending on the developmental level 1/2 cup soft butter
of the children, newspaper skirts can be 1/2 cup sugar
constructed in the classroom. Begin by 1/2 cup quick-cooking oatmeal
stapling about 10 sheets of newspaper 1 cup hot water
across at the top. Draw a bold line about
2 inches from the staples. Then instruct the Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Grease
children to vertically cut from the bottom the bottom of the baking pan with 1 or 2
edge of the paper, all the way up to the bold teaspoons of butter. Measure the flour, baking
line, creating strips. String pieces can be soda, cinnamon, ginger, and salt; sift them
attached by stapling to the top of both sides together onto a piece of waxed paper. In a
to enable the skirt to be tied in the back. mixing bowl, combine the butter with the
sugar by stirring them with the mixing spoon
3. Easel Ideas until they are blended. Add the egg and
egg yolks. With the mixing spoon, beat the
• Feature clothes-shaped easel paper. mixture until it is fluffy. Stir in the molasses.
• Paint using tools created by attaching Add the sifted dry ingredients, the
small sponges to a clothespin. oatmeal, and the hot water one-fourth at
a time to the egg and molasses mixture,
stirring after each addition. Pour the
mixture into the greased pan. Bake 50 to
Cooking 55 minutes. Test with a toothpick. Make
gingerbread people with cookie cutters.
1. Graham Crackers
Decorate: Make clothes for the gingerbread
Wear chef uniforms, and make your own
people using coconut, nuts, raisins, and
graham crackers for a snack.
other tasty items.
1/2 cup margarine
2/3 cup brown sugar Note: From Many Hands Cooking, by
1/2 cup water Terry Touff and Marilyn Ratner, 1974, New
2 3/4 cups graham flour York: Thomas Y. Crowell. Reprinted with
1/2 teaspoon salt permission.
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon 3. Pita or Pocket Bread
1 package of yeast
Beat margarine and sugar till smooth 1/4 cup lukewarm water
and creamy. Add the remainder of the 3 cups flour (white, whole wheat, or any
ingredients and mix well. Let the mixture combination)
sit for 30 to 45 minutes. Sprinkle flour on a 2 teaspoons salt
board or tabletop. Roll out dough to 1/8 inch
thick. Cut the dough into squares, logs, or Dissolve the yeast in the water, and add
other shapes. Place on an oiled cookie sheet. the flour and salt. Stir into a rough sticky
Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes until ball. Knead on a floured board or table until

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smooth, adding more flour if necessary.
Divide the dough into six balls, and knead
each ball until smooth and round. Flatten Field Trips and
each ball with a rolling pin until 1/4 inch
thick and about 4 to 5 inches in diameter. Resource People
Cover the dough with a clean towel, 1. Clothing Store
and let it rise for 45 minutes. Arrange the Visit a children’s clothing store. Look at the
rounds upside down on baking sheets. Bake different colors, sizes, and types of clothing.
in a 500-degree oven for 10 to 15 minutes
or until brown and puffed in the center. 2. Tailor or Seamstress
The breads will be hard when they are Invite a tailor or seamstress to visit your
removed from the oven but will soften and classroom to show the children how he or
flatten as they cool. When cooled, split or she makes, mends, and repairs clothing. The
cut the bread carefully and fill with any seamstress can demonstrate tools and share
combination of sandwich filling. some of the clothing articles he or she has

3. Laundromat
Take a walk to a local laundromat. Observe
Dramatic Play the facility. Point out the sizes of the
different kinds of washing machines and
1. Clothing Store
dryers. Explain the use of the laundry carts
Place dress-up clothing on hangers and a
and folding tables.
rack. A cash register, play money, bags, and
small shopping carts can also be provided to
extend the play.

2. Party Clothes
Provide dressy clothes, jewelry, shoes, hats,
and purses.
Fingerplays and Chants
3. Uniforms Three Buttons
Collect occupational clothing and hats, Here’s a button
such as police officer shirts and hats, a (make circle shape with thumb and
firefighter’s hat, nurse and doctor lab coats, index finger)
and artist smocks. High school athletic And here’s a button
uniforms can also be provided. After use, (make circle shape with other thumb
store this box so the uniforms are available and index finger)
upon request for other units. A great big button, I see.
(make circle shape with arms above head)
4. Hanging Clothes Shall we count them?
String a low clothesline in the classroom Are you ready?
or outdoors. Provide clothespins and doll One, two, three!
clothes for the children to hang up. (make all three circles in succession)
5. Laundromat One, Two, Buckle My Shoe
Collect two large, appliance-sized boxes. One, two, buckle my shoe.
Cut a hole in the top of one to represent a Three, four, shut the door.
washing machine, and cut a front door in Five, six, pick up sticks.
the other to represent a dryer. A laundry Seven, eight, lay them straight.
basket, empty soap box, and play clothing Nine, ten, a big fat hen.
may be welcome additions to extend the Nine, ten, say it again.

174 Theme 18
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2. Line ’Em Up
Group Time Print numerals on clothespins. The
children can attach the clothespins on a low
(Games and Language) clothesline and sequence them in numerical
Look Closely order.
While the children are sitting on the floor
in a circle, call out the clothes items that 3. Hanger Sort
one child is wearing. For example, say, “I Colored hangers can be sorted into laundry
see someone who is wearing a red shirt and baskets or on a clothesline by color.
pants.” The children can look around the
circle and say the name of the child who is 4. Sock Match
wearing those items. Collect many different pairs of socks.
Combine in a laundry basket. The children
can find the matching pairs and fold them.

Large Muscle
1. Clothespin Drop
Collect clothespins and a series of jars with
mouth openings of varying widths. The
children can stand near the jar and drop 1. Fabric Sink and Float
the clothespins into it. To ensure success, Provide various kinds of clothing and fabric
the younger children should be guided to on the science table along with a large tub
try the jar with the largest opening. of water. The children can test the different
types of clothing to see which will sink and
2. Bean Bag Toss which will float. Some clothing articles will
Bean bags can be tossed into empty laundry sink, whereas other clothing articles float
baskets. until they become saturated with water.
After a test has been made, the clothes can
3. Clothes Race be hung to dry.
Fill bags with large-sized clothing items.
Give a bag to each child. Signal the children 2. Cleaning Fabric
to begin dressing up with the clothing. Give each child a piece of fabric. Set a
The object is to see how quickly they can bowl of mud, paint, ketchup, and markers
put on all of the clothes items in the bag on the table. Ask them to get their fabric
over their own clothing. This activity is dirty. After the children have gotten their
more appropriate for five-, six-, and seven- fabric dirty, give them a brush and water
year-olds, who have better large motor and ask them to try to clean it. After a few
coordination and development. minutes of trying with water, ask them to
report their progress and ask what they
think might help clean it. Provide laundry
soap for the children to rub into the fabric.
2+3 = Discuss the difference in cleaning the fabric.
Math What changes do they see? Why?
1. Clothes Seriation Note: This activity will require the table to
Provide a basketful of clothes for the be covered and should be completed near
children to line up from largest to smallest. the sink and on noncarpeted floors.
Include hats, sweatshirts, shoes, and pants.
Use clothing items whose sizes are easily

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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Bae, Hyun-Joo. (2007). New Clothes for New Year’s
Day. La Jolla, CA: Kane/Miller. – Korean.
Beaton, Claire. (1996). Clothes/La Ropa.
Sensory Hauppauge, NY: Barron’s.
1. Washing Clothes Bechtold, Lisze. (2008). Sally and the Purple
Fill the sensory table with soapy water and Socks. New York: Philomel Books.
let the children wash doll clothing. After
Blankenship, Lee Ann. (2005). Mr. Tuggle’s
being washed, the clothes can be hung on a
Troubles. Illustrated by Karen Dugan.
low clothesline.
Honesdale, PA: Boyds Mills Press.
2. Add to the Sensory Table Blessing, Charlotte. (2009). New Old Shoes.
Place a variety of clothespins in the sensory Illustrated by Gary R. Philips. Raynham
table. Encourage the children to clip the Center, MA: Pleasant St. Press.
pins together to create various forms. Cullen, Catherine Ann. (2001). The
Magical, Mystical, Marvelous Coat.
Illustrated by David Christiana. Boston:
Little, Brown.
Davidson, Susannah. (2006). The Emperor’s
New Clothes. Illustrated by Mike Gordon.
Social Studies Tulsa, OK: EDC Publishing.
1. Weather Clothing Dodd, Dayle Ann. (2002). The Kettles Get New
Bring in examples of clothing worn in each Clothes. Illustrated by Jill McElmurry.
of the four seasons. Provide four laundry Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.
baskets. Label each basket with a picture
representing a hot sunny day, a rainy day, Ehrlich, Fred. (2005). Does a Chimp Wear
a cold day, and a fall or spring day. Then Clothes? Illustrated by Emily Bolam.
encourage the children to sort the clothing Maplewood, NJ: Blue Apple Books.
according to the weather label on the Emberley, Rebecca. (2002). My Clothes/Mi
basket. Ropa. Boston: Little, Brown.
Emery, Joanna. (2005). Stinky Clothes.
2. Who Wears It? Illustrated by Richard Rossi. New York:
At group time, hold up clothing items and Children’s Press.
ask the children who would wear it. Include
baby clothes, sports uniforms, occupational Goode, Diane. (1999). The Dinosaur’s New
clothing, ladies clothes, men’s clothes, and Clothes. New York: Blue Sky Press.
others. Keller, Holly. (1995). Rosata. New York:
Lacome, Julie. (2000). Ruthie’s Big Old Coat.
Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.
Lasky, Kathryn. (1999). The Emperor’s Old
Books Clothes. Illustrated by David Catrow. San
The following books can be used to complement Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace.
this theme: Lewis, J. Patrick, and Chris Sheban. (2000). The
Adamson, Heather. (2008). Clothes in Many Shoe Tree of Chagrin: A Christmas Story.
Cultures. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. Illustrated by Chris Sheban. Mankato, MN:
Creative Editions.
Ahlberg, Allan. (2001). The Man Who Wore
All His Clothes. Illustrated by Katharine Lucas, David. (2004). Halibut Jackson.
McEwan. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick New York: Knopf, distributed by Random
Press. House.

176 Theme 18
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Murphy, Stuart. (1996). A Pair of Socks.
Illustrated by Lois Ehlert. New York:
Technology and
Nelson, Robin. (2003). From Cotton to T-Shirt. Multimedia
Minneapolis, MN: Lerner. The following technology and multimedia
Parnell, Robyn. (2005). My Closet Threw a products can be used to complement this theme:
Party. Illustrated by Jimmy Pickering. New “Blue Suede Shoes” [CD] (2000). In Bean Bag
York: Sterling Pub. Rock & Roll. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo
Reidy, Hannah. (2005). All Sorts of Clothes. Educational.
Illustrated by Emma Dodd. Minneapolis, “Boots” [CD]. (2010). In Best of Laurie Berkner
MN: Picture Window Books. Band. New York: Two Tomatoes.
Rosenthal, Betsy R. (2010). Which Shoes Would “Bring Your Clothes” [CD]. (2001). In Whaddaya
You Choose? Illustrated by Nancy Cote. New Think of That? New York: Two Tomatoes.
York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons.
The Day Jimmy’s Boa Ate the Wash and More
Salas, Laura Purdie. (2006). Whose Coat Back to School Stories [DVD]. (2005). New
Is This? Illustrated by Amy Bailey York: Scholastic.
Muehlenhardt. Minneapolis, MN: Picture
Window Books. “Dressin’ Up” [CD]. (2009). In We Are the Not-
Its! Seattle, WA: Little Loopy Records.
Shea, Bob. (2007). New Socks. New York: Little,
Brown. “Mary Wore Her Red Dress” [CD]. (1996).
In Everything Grows. Cambridge, MA:
Slegers, Liesbet. (2009). Clothes. New York: Rounder/UMGD.
Clavis Pub.
“Running Shoes” [CD]. (2010). In Lots of Fun.
Small, David. (1996). Fenwick’s Suit. New York: Atlanta, GA: Mr Greg’s Musical Madness.
Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
“Shoes” (2004). In Circle Time Activities. Long
Spinelli, Eileen. (2001). In My New Yellow Branch, NJ: Kimbo Educational.
Shirt. Illustrated by Hideko Takahashi.
New York: Henry Holt. “Sneakers” [CD]. (2009). In People, Place and
Things. Coconut Grove, FL: In the Nick of
Szekeres, Cyndy. (2000). Toby’s Rainbow Time.
Clothes. New York: Little Simon.
“This Hat” [CD]. (2002). In Under a Shady Tree.
Thiesing, Lisa. (2006). The Scarecrow’s New New York: Two Tomatoes.
Clothes: A Silly Thriller with Peggy the Pig.
New York: Dutton Children’s Books. “Tina Took Her Tap Shoes” [CD]. (1999). In
We’re on Our Way. Sherman Oaks, CA: Hap-
Wollman, Jessica. (2002). Andrew’s Bright Blue Pal Music.
T-Shirt. Illustrated by Ana Lopez Escriva.
New York: Doubleday Book for Young
Readers. Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Woods, Samuel G. (2001). Kid’s Clothes: From Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Start to Finish. Woodbridge, CT: Blackbirch website. Go to to
Press. access the site for a variety of useful resources.

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Dramatic Play Clothes
The following list contains names of male and female clothing articles to save for use
in the dramatic play area:
aprons scarves slippers suspenders
boots leotards robes billfolds
pajamas swimsuits slacks ties
shirts socks sweaters belts
dresses purses ponchos tutus
skirts jewelry: coats turbans
kaftans rings earmuffs bridal veils
kilts bracelets raincoats capes
kimonos necklaces snow pants
hats clip-on earrings shorts
gloves and mittens shoes sweatsuits

178 Theme 18
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Theme 19

Written Verbal Alarm
books talking flashing lights
newspapers singing car horns
magazines sounds fire alarms
letters sirens
greeting cards
printed words

Equipment Nonverbal Visual

telephone listening letters
television body movements numbers
telegraph sign language greeting cards
fax machine dancing signs
radio, CDs pantomime pictures
video recorder drawings art
DVDs, computer artifacts
compact disc player
cell phone

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Visual communication skills
2. Nonverbal communication skills
3. Verbal communication skills
4. Communication equipment
5. Types of written communication
6. Ways of communicating alarm

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Talking, singing, and making sounds are forms of communication.
2. Listening is a way to hear.
3. Our hands and face can communicate our feelings.
4. Sign language is a way of communication.
5. Body movements, dancing, drawing, and pantomiming are forms of
nonverbal communication.
6. There are many types of equipment used for communicating.
7. Telephones, cell phones, televisions, faxes, radios, video recorders,
computer disks, and computers are equipment used for communicating.
8. Letters and greeting cards are ways of communicating.
9. Machines can transmit messages.
10. Using letters, numbers, and signs are ways of communicating.
11. Books, magazines, letters, greeting cards, and printed words are forms
of written communication.
12. Pictures, artifacts, and art are forms of visual communication.
13. Flashing lights, car horns, fire alarms, and sirens communicate alarm.

1. alphabet—letter symbols that are used to write a language.
2. card—a piece of folded paper with a design. Cards are sent to people on
special occasions: birthdays, holidays, celebrations, or when they are ill.
3. communication—sharing information. There are many ways to share
information. The telephone, computer, a book, or a letter can all be
used to share information.
4. computer—a machine that stores and gets information.
5. fax machine—a machine that copies a message and sends it to another
person or place.
6. letter—a paper with a written or typed message.
7. newspaper—words printed on paper.
8. sign language—making symbols with our hands to communicate.
9. signs—symbols.
10. cell and telephones—devices used to talk to someone in another place.

180 Theme 19
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to help children learn their home telephone
number. Construct two telephone handsets for each child. See the illustration. Affix
each child’s telephone number to the handset. Laminate this cards. The children can
practice dialing their home phone numbers by “pressing” the appropriate pad on the

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Family Letter


Dear Families,
We will begin talking about communication next week and emphasizing how we share our feelings
and ideas with others. Through this unit, the children will become aware of the different ways we
communicate: through our voices, letters, using hand signals, and body language. They will also
become familiar with machines that are used to help us communicate, such as the television, radio,
computer, cell phone, and telephone.

At School
Some of the learning experiences planned for this unit include:
• A sign language demonstration
• A phone booth in the dramatic play area
• A computer in the writing center
• Songs and books about communication
• A wireless telephone on the science table

At Home
It is important for children to learn their telephone number for safety purposes. Help your children
learn your home telephone number. (This is also something we will be practicing at school.) To make
practicing more fun, construct a toy telephone with your child. Two paper cups or empty tin cans and
a long piece of rope, string, or yarn are needed to make a telephone. Thread the string through the
two cups and tie knots on the ends. Have two people hold the cups and pull the string taut. Take
turns talking and listening. The sound vibrations travel through the string—and you won’t hear a
busy signal!

Enjoy your children as you share concepts and experiences related to communication.

182 Theme 19
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2. Radio Station
Visit a local disc jockey at the radio station.
Arts and Crafts 3. Television Station
1. Easel Idea If available, visit a local television station.
Cut easel paper in the shape of a book, Observe the cameras, microphones, and
CD, radio, or other piece of communication other communication devices.
4. Sign Language Demonstration
2. Stationery Invite someone to demonstrate sign
Provide the children with various stencils or language.
stamps to make their own stationery. It can
be used as a gift for a parent or a special
person. Children could then dictate a letter
to a relative or friend.

Fingerplays and Chants

Dramatic Play Body Talk
1. Post Office When I smile, I tell you I’m happy.
In the dramatic play area, place a mailbox, (point at the corner of mouth)
envelopes, old cards, paper, pens, old When I frown I tell you that I’m sad.
stampers, ink pads, hats, and mailbags. (pull down corners of mouth)
During self-selected or self-initiated play When I raise my shoulders and tilt my head
periods, the children can play post office. I tell you “I don’t know.”
(raise shoulders, tilt head, raise hands,
2. Television and shake head)
Obtain an older discarded television console
(from before the digital era) to use for Helpful Friends
puppetry or storytelling experiences. Mail carriers carry a full pack
Remove the back and set, leaving just the Of cards and letters on their backs.
wooden frame. If desired, make curtains. (hold both hands over one shoulder)
Step, step, step! Now ring, ring, ring!
3. Radio Station (step in place and pretend to ring bell)
Place an old microphone, or one made from What glad surprises do they bring?
a styrofoam ball and cardboard, with CDs
in the dramatic play area.
My Hands
4. Puppet Show My hands can talk
Place a puppet stand and a variety of In a special way.
puppets in the dramatic play area for the These are some things
children to use during the self-selected or They help me to say:
self-directed play period. “Hello”
“Come Here”
(beckon toward self)
“It’s A-OK”
Field Trips and (form circle with thumb and pointer)
Resource People “Now Stop”
(hand out, palm up)
1. Post Office “Look”
Visit a local post office. Encourage the (hands shading eyes)
children to observe how the mail is sorted.

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“Listen” group of children then identifies the
(cup hand behind ear) demonstrated feeling.
Or “It’s far, far away”
(point out into the distance)
And “Glad to meet you, how are you today?”
2+3 =
(shake neighbor’s hand) Math
1. Phone Numbers
Make a list of the children’s names and
Group Time telephone numbers. Place the list by a toy
(Games and Language) telephone.
1. Telephone
Play the “telephone” game by having the 2. Stamp Sort
children sit in a circle. Begin by whispering Paste a variety of samples of different
a short phrase into a child’s ear. Then that shapes and colors onto construction paper.
child whispers your message to the next Laminate and cut out. Encourage the
child. Continue until the message gets children to sort the stamps by size and
to the last child. The last child repeats color.
the message out loud. It is fun to see how
much it has changed. (This game is most
successful with older children.)

2. What’s Missing?
Place items that are related to communication Music
on a tray. Include a stamp, a telephone, a
1. “Call a Friend”
CD, a portable radio, and other items. The
(Sing to the tune of “Row, Row, Row Your
children can examine the objects for a few
minutes. After this, they should close their
eyes while you remove an object. Then let Call, call, call a friend.
the children look at the tray and identify Friend, I’m calling you.
which object is missing. Hi, hello, how are you?
Very good, thank you!
3. Household Objects Sound Like . . .
Make a tape of different sounds around
the house. Include a radio, television, 2. “Twinkle, Twinkle Traffic Light”
alarm clock, telephone, vacuum cleaner, (Sing to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle Little
flushing toilet, door bells, egg timer, and Star”)
other sounds. Play the tape for the children,
Twinkle, twinkle traffic light
letting them identify the individual sounds.
Standing on the corner bright.
Green means go, we all know
Yellow means wait, even if you’re late.
Red means STOP!
Large Muscle (pause)
Twinkle, twinkle traffic light
Charades Standing on the corner bright.
Invite children one at a time to come
to the front of the group. Then whisper
something in the child’s ear, such as 3. “I’m a Little Mail Carrier”
“You’re very happy.” The child then (Sing to the tune of “I’m a Little Teapot”)
uses his or her hands, face, feet,
I’m a little mail carrier, short and stout.
arms, and so forth to communicate
Here is my hat, and here is my pouch.
this feeling to the other children. The
(point to head, point to side)

184 Theme 19
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I walk around from house to house,
Delivering mail from my pouch.
(pretend to take things out of a bag)
Social Studies
1. Thank You
Let the children dictate a group thank-you
letter to one of your resource visitors or field
trip representatives. Before mailing the
Science letter, provide writing tools for children to
1. Telephones sign their names.
Place telephones, real or toy, in the classroom
to encourage the children to talk to each 2. Sign Language
other. Also, make your own telephones Learn some simple sign language to teach
by using two large empty orange juice the children in your classroom. Some ideas
concentrate cans. After washing the cans, include thank you (touch hand to chin and
connect with a long string. The children pull down), please (rub chest), and friend
can pull the string taut. Then they can take (cross pointer fingers).
turns talking and listening to each other.

2. Sound Shakers
Using identical small orange juice cans,
pudding cups, or empty film containers, fill Books
pairs of the containers with different objects.
The following books can be used to complement
Included may be sand, coins, rocks, rice, salt,
this theme:
and the like. Replace the lids. Make sure to
secure the lids with glue or heavy tape to Aliki. (1996). Hello! Good-Bye. New York:
avoid spilling. To make the containers self- Greenwillow.
correcting, place numbers or like colors on Austin, Margot, and David McPhail. (1999).
the bottoms of the matching containers. A Friend for Growl Bear. Illustrated by
David McPhail. New York: HarperCollins.
3. Feely Box Bakur-Weiner, Marcella, and Jill Neimark.
Prepare a feely box that includes such
(2010). I Want Your Moo. Illustrated by Jairo
things as a CD, a pen, a pencil, block letters,
Barragan. Washington, DC: Magination Press.
an envelope, and anything else that is
related to communication. The children can Banks, Kate. (2006). Max’s Words. Illustrated
place their hand in the box and identify by Boris Kulikov. New York: Farrar, Straus
objects using their sense of touch. and Giroux.
Borlenghi, Patricia. (1992). From Albatross to
4. Vibrations Zoo: An Alphabet Book in Five Languages.
Encourage the children to gently place Illustrated by Piors Harper. New York:
their hand on the side of a piano, guitar, Scholastic.
CD player, radio, television, and so forth Brown, Marc Tolon. (1997). Arthur’s TV Trouble.
in order to feel the vibrations. Then Boston: Little, Brown.
have the children feel their own throats
vibrate as they speak. A tuning fork can Buck, Nola. (1996). Sid and Sam. Illustrated by
also be a teaching aid when talking about G. Brian Karas. New York: HarperCollins.
vibrations. Button, Lana. (2010). Willow’s Whispers.
Illustrated by Tania Howells. Toronto: Kids
6. Telephone Parts Can Press.
Dismantle an old telephone, and put it on Cheng, Andrea. (2000). Grandfather Counts.
the science table for the children to discover Illustrated by Ange Zhang. New York: Lee
and explore the parts. and Low Books.

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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Cronin, Doreen. (2000). Click, Clack, Moo: Schotter, Roni. (2006). The Boy Who Loved
Cows That Type. Illustrated by Betsy Words. Illustrated by Giselle Potter. New
Lewin. New York: Simon & Schuster for York: Schwartz & Wade Books
Young Readers. Shapiro, Arnold. (1997). Mice Squeak, We
Dodds, Dayle Ann. (1992). Do Bunnies Talk? Speak. Illustrated by Tomie de Paola. New
Illustrated by Arlene Dubanevich. New York: G. P. Putnam.
York: HarperCollins. Showers, Paul. (1991). Listening Walk (revised
Donaldson, Julia. (2010). What the Ladybug edition). New York: HarperCollins.
Heard. Illustrated by Lydia Monks. New Weinstein, Ellen. (2008). Everywhere the
York: Henry Holt. Cow Says “Moo!” Illustrated by Kenneth
Evans, Lezlie. (1999). Can You Count Ten Anderson. Honesdale, PA: Boyds Mills
Toes? Illustrated by Denis Roche. Boston: Press.
Houghton Mifflin. Wheeler, Cindy. (1998). More Simple Signs.
Finn, Carrie. (2007). Manners on the Telephone. New York: Viking.
Illustrated by Chris Lensch. Minneapolis, Ziefert, Harriet. (1999). Talk, Baby! Illustrated
MN: Picture Window Books. by Emily Bolam. New York: Henry Holt.
Gibbons, Gail. (1993). Puff—Flash—Bang: A
Book about Signals. New York: William
Hubbard, Patricia. (1996). My Crayons Talk. Technology and
Illustrated by G. Brian Karas. New York:
Henry Holt. Multimedia
Isadora, Rachel. (2010). Say Hello! New York: The following technology and multimedia
G.P. Putnam’s Sons. products can be used to complement this theme:
King, Mary Ellen. (1997). A Good Day for “Bananaphone” [CD]. (1996). In Bananaphone.
Listening. Harrisburg, PA: Morehouse Cambridge, MA: Rounder/UMGD.
Publishing. Click Clack Moo: Cows That Type and More
Law, Diane. (2006). Count around the World in Fun on the Farm [DVD]. (2009). New York:
5 Languages. New York: North-South. Scholastic.
Lester, Helen. (1995). Listen, Buddy. Illustrated “Run Baby Run” [CD]. (2009). In More Please.
by Lynn Munsinger. Boston: Houghton Olympia, WA: Aurora Elephant Music.
Mifflin. “Telephone” [CD]. (2002). In Buzz Buzz. New
Ljungkvist, Laura. (2001). Toni’s Topsy-Turvy York: Razor and Tie Music.
Telephone Day. New York: Harry N. Abrams. Tossing, Gaia. (1995). Sing ’n Sign for Fun!
Peterson, Jeanne Whitehouse. (1994). My [CD]. Glenview, IL: Heartsong.
Mama Sings. Illustrated by Sandra Speidel.
New York: HarperCollins.
Additional teaching resources to accompany
Pleau-Murissi, Marilyn. (2003). The Phone Call. this Theme can be found on the book’s
Montreal: Chouette.
companion website. Go to www.cengagebrain.
Prezler, June. (2007). Why Do Birds Sing? com to access the site for a variety of useful
A Book about Animal Communication. resources.
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.

186 Theme 19
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Theme 20

Safety Types Names Uses
storage electric drill clamping
use hand-powered wrench drilling holes
care screwdriver measuring
electrical saw, hammer cutting
childproof pliers, clamp pounding
goggles level, wedge building
handle with care nails, screws
ruler, plane
pencil, chalk
plane, scissors

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Types of tools 3. Uses of tools
2. Names of common tools 4. Tool safety

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. A tool is something that helps you do work.
2. Tools can be electric or hand-powered.
3. Tools are helpful when building.
4. Pliers, tweezers, and clamps hold things.
5. Tools can be used for measuring, cutting, pounding, and building.
6. Tools can also be used for drilling holes and clamping.
7. Drills, nails, and screws make holes.
8. Planes, saws, and scissors cut materials.
9. Hammers and screwdrivers are used to put in and remove nails and
10. A level and plane are tools to help make wood straight.
11. A wrench is used to open or tighten things.
12. A wedge is used to split materials.
13. Rulers are used for measuring.
14. To be safe, tools need to be handled with care.
15. Goggles should be worn to protect our eyes when using tools.
16. Pencils and chalk are marking tools.
17. After use, tools need to be put away and stored.

1. tool—a device for doing work. Hammers and screwdrivers are tools.
2. clamp—a tool used to join or hold things.
3. drill—a tool that cuts holes.
4. hammer—a tool used to insert or remove objects such as nails.
5. plane—a tool used for shaving wood.
6. pliers—a tool used for holding objects.
7. ruler—a measuring tool.
8. saw—a cutting tool with sharp edges.
9. screwdriver—a tool used to turn screws.
10. wedge—a tool used for splitting.
11. wrench—a tool that opens and tightens things.

188 Theme 20
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to develop awareness of tool types, as well as
to foster visual discrimination skills. A shadow tool match bulletin board can be
constructed by drawing six or seven tool pieces on tagboard. See the illustration.
These pieces can be colored and then cut out. Next, trace the tools on black
construction paper to make shadows of each piece. These shadow pieces can be
attached to the bulletin board. Magnet pieces can be applied to both the shadows
and the colored tool pieces. Otherwise, a pushpin can be placed above the shadow
and a hole can be punched in the colored tool piece. The children can match the
colored tool piece to its corresponding-shaped shadow.


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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Construction tools will be the focus of our next curriculum unit. This unit will help your child
become more aware of many kinds of tools, their purposes, and tool safety. While exploring
the classroom activities, the children will have opportunities to use many hand tools at the
woodworking bench.

At School
Some of the activities the children will participate in include:
• Painting with screwdrivers and wrenches
• Exploring wood shavings in the sensory table
• Setting up a mechanic’s shop where the children can pretend to fix cars
• Visiting with Mr. Smith, a local shoe repairman, on Wednesday. Mr. Smith will show us the tools
and techniques he uses to repair shoes.
• Exploring woodworking tools with Bob the builder, who will show us how to use
woodworking tools

At Home
To promote the development of language skills, recall with your child the tools you use in your
home—from cooking and cleaning tools to gardening tools. Count the number of tools that are
in each room of your house. Which room contains the most tools? This activity can promote the
mathematical concepts of rational counting and the vocabulary concepts of most and least.

Have fun with your child!

190 Theme 20
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Field Trips and
Arts and Crafts
1. Rulers
Resource People
Set rulers and paper on the table. The 1. Shoe Repair Store
children can then experiment with creating Visit a shoe repair store. Observe a shoe
lines and geometric shapes. being repaired.

2. Tool Print 2. Woodworker

Pour a small amount of thick, colored Invite into the classroom a parent or other
tempera paint in a flat pan. Also, provide person who enjoys woodworking as a hobby.
the children with miniature tools such as
wrenches, screwdrivers, and paper. The
children then can place the tools in the
paint pan, remove them, and make prints
with them on paper.

Fingerplays and Chants

Cooking Carpenter’s Hammer
The carpenter’s hammer goes rap, rap, tap
3 cups brown sugar (make hammer motion)
3 cups margarine or butter And his saw goes see, saw, see.
6 cups oatmeal (make saw motions)
1 tablespoon baking soda He planes and measures and
3 cups flour hammers and saws
Place all of the ingredients in a bowl. Let (act out each one)
the children use clean, child-size wooden While he builds a house for me.
hammers to mash and knead. Form into (draw house with index fingers)
small balls and place on an ungreased
cookie sheet. Butter the bottom of a glass. Johnny’s Hammer
Dip the bottom of the glass into a saucer (Say the same words, adding one hammer
with sugar. Use the glass to flatten the each time. Children are to pretend to hammer
balls. Bake in an oven preheated to 350 using various body parts:
degrees for 10 to 12 minutes. Makes 15 Verse 1: one hand hitting leg.
dozen. Verse 2: two hands hitting legs.
Verse 3: use motions for verses 1 and 2,
plus tap one foot.
Verse 4: verses 1, 2, and 3, plus tap other
Dramatic Play foot.
Verse 5: verses 1 to 4, plus nod head. At
1. The Carpenter
the end of verse 5, say, “Then he
Place a carpentry box with scissors, rulers,
goes to sleep,” and place both
and masking tape in the woodworking area.
hands by the side of your head.
Also, provide large cardboard boxes and
paint, if desired. You can also change the name used in the
fingerplay to include names of children in
2. Shoemaker Store your classroom.)
Set up a shoemaker’s store. Provide the
children with shoes, toy hammers, smocks, Johnny works with one hammer,
cash registers, and play money. The children one hammer, one hammer.
can act out mending, buying, and selling Johnny works with one hammer, then he
shoes. works with two.
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The Cobbler 2. Weighing Tools
Cobbler, cobbler, mend my shoe. Place scales and a variety of tools on
(point to shoe) the math table. Let the children explore
Get it done by half past two. weighing the tools.
(hold up two fingers)
Half past two is much too late.
Get it done by half past eight.
(hold up eight fingers)

1. “This Is the Way”
Group Time (Sing to the tune of “Mulberry Bush”)
(Games, Language)
This is the way we saw our wood, saw our
1. Tool of the Day wood, saw our wood.
Each day of this unit, introduce a “tool of This is the way we saw our wood, so early in
the day.” Explain how each tool is used and the morning.
who uses it. If possible, leave the tool out for
children to use on the woodworking bench. (Other verses: Pound our nails
Caution: The use of tools needs to be Drill a hole
closely supervised. Use a screwdriver)

2. Thank-You Letter 2. “Johnny Works with One Hammer”

Using a pencil as a tool, let the children Johnny works with one hammer,
dictate a thank-you note to any resource One hammer, one hammer.
person or field trip site coordinator who has (make hammering motion with right
contributed to the program. hand)
Johnny works with one hammer
Then he works with two.
Johnny works with two hammers …
(motion with left and right hands)
Johnny works with three hammers …
Large Muscle (motion with both hands and right foot)
The Workbench Johnny work with four hammers …
In the woodworking area, place various (motion with both hands and both feet)
tools, wood, and goggles for the children Johnny works with five hammers …
to use. It is very important to discuss (motion with both hands and feet and
the safety and limits used when at the with head)
workbench before this activity. An extra Then he goes to bed.
adult is helpful to supervise this area.

2+3 = Science
1. Use of Rulers 1. Exploring Levels
Discuss how rulers are used. Provide Place levels and wood scraps on a table for
children with rulers so that they may the children to explore while being closely
measure various objects in the classroom. supervised.
Allow them to compare the lengths. Also,
measure each child and construct a chart
including each child’s height.

192 Theme 20
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2. Hammers
Collect a variety of hammers, various-sized
nails, and wood scraps or styrofoam. Allow Books
the children to practice pounding using the
different tools and materials while closely The following books can be used to complement
supervising them. this theme:
Adamson, Heather. (2004). A Day in the Life
3. The Wide World of Rulers of a Construction Worker. Mankato, MN:
Set up a display with different types and Capstone Press.
sizes of rulers. Paper and pencils can also be Araki, Mie. (2003). The Magic Toolbox. San
added to create interest. Francisco: Chronicle Books.
Barton, Byron. (1995). Tools. New York:
Boekhoff, Patti Marlene. (2006). What Does a
Construction Worker Do? Berkeley Heights,
Sensory NJ: Enslow Elementary.
1. Scented Play Dough Boelts, Maribeth. (1997). Little Bunny’s Cool
Prepare play dough and add a few drops Tool Set. Illustrated by Kathy Parkinson.
of extract such as peppermint, anise, or Morton Grove, IL: A. Whitman.
vanilla. Also, collect a variety of scissors,
Brady, Peter. (1996). Bulldozers. Mankato, MN:
and place in the art area with the play
Bridgestone Books.
Caution: The use of scissors needs to be Fleming, Denise. (2002). Alphabet under
closely supervised. Construction. New York: Henry Holt.
Hoban, Tana. (1997). Construction Zone. New
2. Wood Shavings York: Greenwillow.
Place wood shavings in the sensory table Kilby, Don. (2003). At a Construction Site.
along with scoops and pails. Tonawanda, NY: Kids Can Press.
Klinting, Lars. (1996). Bruno the Carpenter.
New York: Holt.
Macken, JoAnn Early. (2008). Construction
Crew. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Social Studies Macken, JoAnn Early. (2008). Construction
1. Tool Safety Tools. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Discuss the safe use of tools. Allow the Macken, JoAnn Early. (2009). Building a House.
children to help decide what classroom Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
rules are necessary for using tools. Make a
chart containing these rules to display in Miura, Taro. (2006). Tools. San Francisco:
the woodworking area. Chronicle Books
Neitzel, Shirley. (1997). The House I’ll Build
2. Helper Chart for the Wren. Illustrated by Nancy Winslow
Design a helper chart for the children Parker. New York: Greenwillow.
to assist with the cleanup and care of Olson, K. C. (2004). Construction Countdown.
the classroom tools. Each day select new Illustrated by David Gordon. New York:
children to assist, assuring that everyone Henry Holt.
gets a turn. To participate, the children can
be responsible for cleaning the dirty tools Pallotta, Jerry. (2006). The Construction
and putting them away. Alphabet Book. Illustrated by Rob Bolster.
Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge.


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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Parish, Herman. (2006). Amelia Bedelia under
Construction. Illustrated by Lynn Sweat.
New York: Greenwillow Books.
Technology and
Schaefer, Lola. (2006). Toolbox Twins. Multimedia
Illustrated by Melissa Iwai. New York: The following technology and multimedia
Henry Holt. products can be used to complement this theme:
Schomp, Virginia. (1998). If You Were a “A Bulldozer Operator I Will Be” [CD]. (2007).
Construction Worker. New York: Benchmark In 50 Learning Songs. Stow, OH: Twin
Books. Sisters Productions.
Shulman, Lisa. (2002). Old McDonald Had a “Cement Mixer” and “Ding Dong Digger (The
Woodshop. Illustrated by Ashley Wolff. New Power Shovel)” [CD] (1997). In Cars, Trucks
York: G.P. Putnam. and Trains. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo
Singer, Marilyn. (2006). Let’s Build a Educational.
Clubhouse. Illustrated by Timothy Bush. “The Community Helper Hop” [CD] (1996).
New York: Clarion Books. In People in Our Neighborhood. Long
Sobel, June. (2006). B Is for Bulldozer: A Branch, NJ: Kimbo Educational. (This song
Construction ABC. Illustrated by Melissa discusses construction workers—builders,
Iwai. Orlando, FL. Harcourt. carpenters, bricklayers, plasterers, painters,
Sturges, Philemon. (2006). I Love Tools! plumbers, and electricians.)
Illustrated by Shari Halpern. New York: “Fix it Up” [CD]. (2009). In For Those about to
HarperCollins. Hop. Burbank, CA: Walt Disney Records.
Wallace, John. (1997). Building a House with “If I Had a Hammer” [CD]. (2006). In Train
Mr. Bumble. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Songs and Other Tracks. Mission Viejo, CA:
Press. Stargazer Productions.
Williams, Linda D. (2005). Dump Trucks.
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Winne, Joanne. (2001). A Day with a Carpenter. Theme can be found on the book’s companion
New York: Children’s Press. website. Go to to
access the site for a variety of useful resources.

194 Theme 20
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Science Materials and Equipment
Teachers need to continuously provide science materials for the classroom. Materials
that can be collected include:
acorns and other nuts locks and keys rocks
aluminum foil magnets (varying strengths rubber tubing
ball bearings and sizes) rulers
balloons magnifying glasses with good safety goggles (child size)
binoculars lenses sandpaper
bird nests marbles scales
bones measuring cups and spoons scissors (assorted sizes)
bowls and cups microscopes screen wire
clock milk cartons sieves, sifters, and funnels
cocoons mirrors (all sizes) seeds
corks moths spatulas
dishpans musical instruments sponges
drinking straws newspapers stones
drums nails, screws, and bolts string
egg cartons paper bags styrofoam
eggbeaters paper of various types tape
eyedroppers and basters paper rolls and spools thermometers
fabric scraps plants tongs and tweezers
filter paper plastic bags tools such as hammer and
flashlights plastic containers with lids pliers
flowers (many sizes) tuning forks
gears plastic tubing waxed paper
insect nests pots, pans, trays, and muffin weeds
insects tins wheels
jacks prisms wood and other building
kaleidoscopes pulleys materials


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Theme 21

Uses Types Materials
packaging liquids and boxes glass
solids jars aluminum
carrying items cans steel
bags cardboard
bottles paper
baskets plastic
bowls fabric

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Types of containers
2. Materials used to make containers
3. Container uses

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. There are many kinds of containers.
2. Boxes, jars, cans, bags, and bottles are containers.
3. Bowls, baskets, and pockets are containers.
4. Containers are used to hold and carry things.
5. Containers can be made from many materials.
6. Boxes are usually made from cardboard and paper.
7. Cans are made from aluminum or steel.
8. Fruit juice, soup, and paint are stored in cans.
9. Jars are usually made from glass or plastic.
10. Bags can be paper, plastic, or fabric.
11. Bottles are made from glass or plastic.
12. Bottles usually have caps on them.
13. Baskets can be made from wood or plastic.
14. Many items are sold in containers.

1. bag—a container made of paper, cloth, or plastic that can be closed at
the top. Bags are used to carry objects and food.
2. basket—a container used to hold objects and foods. Baskets come in
many sizes.
3. bottle—a container made of glass or plastic for holding liquids such as
milk and juice. Most bottles have caps.
4. bowl—a deep dish. Bowls can hold soup, cereals, and other food.
5. can—a container that can hold food or paint.
6. container—a box, jar, or can that is used to hold food or objects.

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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to promote the development of visual
discrimination, hand-eye coordination, problem-solving, and memory skills.
Create the containers by sketching them onto heavy tagboard. Use felt-tip
markers to add color and details. Laminate and cut out the containers. Trace
the cutout container pieces onto black construction paper. Cut out these pieces
and attach to the bulletin board. A magnet strip should be attached to the
containers and the shadow pieces. The children can match each container shape
to its shadow on the bulletin board.

198 Theme 21
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Try to imagine a world without boxes, jars, bags, baskets, or bowls. It’s hard to do! There are so many
kinds of containers—we use them every day and probably never realize it. This week at school,
we will focus on the subject of containers. The children will learn about types of containers, typical
materials used to make containers, and items that come in containers.

At School
As we learn about containers this week at school, the children will be:
• Making prints with plastic berry baskets and paint in the art area.
• Playing in our classroom grocery store set up in the dramatic play area. We could use your help.
Please save and send empty, clean food containers to school. We will use the boxes, bottles, and
jars as grocery items in the dramatic play area. Thank you.
• Sorting various containers by type and materials.

Parent Involvement
If you have special containers reflecting your culture or heritage, we invite you to share them with
our class. Please contact me so a time can be arranged for your visit. The children will enjoy having
you share with us!

At Home
You can help your child make discoveries about containers. A few things to try include the following:
• Look in your refrigerator or kitchen and find containers. How many are boxes, cans, bottles, and
so on?
• Make a milk carton bird feeder. Cut a large rectangle in the side of a clean half-gallon milk carton. Fill
the bottom of the carton with birdseed. Hang the bird feeder outside where it can be observed.

Have a good week!

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1/2 teaspoon vanilla
2 1/4 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
Arts and Crafts 1/2 teaspoon salt
1. Basket Prints Filling choices:
Collect plastic berry baskets, construction Pie filling—any flavor
paper, and paints. Pour paint(s) into shallow Jam or jelly
trays. Have the children dip the bottom of Chocolate chips
the plastic berry baskets in paint, and then Raisins
press them on construction paper. Toasted coconut
2. Jar Prints
Save and clean baby food jars. Provide Beat butter (or shortening) in a large
the jars, construction paper, and paint(s). mixing bowl with an electric mixer on
Pour the paint(s) into individual trays, just medium speed, about 30 seconds. Add sugar
covering the bottoms. Children can turn the and beat until fluffy. Add egg, milk, and
jars over and dip the tops of the baby food vanilla. Beat well. In a medium mixing
jars in the paint, then press them on their bowl, combine flour, baking soda, and salt.
paper to create prints. With the electric mixer on low, gradually
add the flour mixture to the butter mixture,
3. Zipper-Seal Plastic Bag Painting beating well. Cover and chill dough in the
Materials needed include tempera paints freezer about 20 minutes or until firm to
and small zipper-seal plastic bags—one handle. Divide dough in half. Shape each
per child. Ask each child which two colors half into a roll 3 inches thick and 3 inches
of paint he or she would like. Put a small long. Wrap in plastic wrap. Freeze at least
amount of the two colors of paint into a 6 hours or up to 6 months.
zipper-seal plastic bag. Carefully seal the When ready to bake the cookies, preheat
bags. Apply cellophane or masking tape for oven to 375 degrees. Unwrap one roll of
added safety. The children can then squeeze dough. Slice the roll crosswise to make
their bags to mix the colors. The bag can be 16 slices about 1/8-inch thick. Repeat with
placed on a table, and fingers can be used to the other roll. Place half of the slices 2 inches
fingerpaint without getting messy. apart on ungreased cookie sheets. In the
center of the circles, place 2 teaspoons of
4. Colored Salt Jars desired filling(s). Top each with a plain slice of
Create several colors of salt (or sand) by dough. Press a floured fork around the edges
adding teaspoons of tempera paint powder to seal well. Sprinkle with a little sugar.
to bowls of salt. Stir well. Collect baby food Bake for 12 to 15 minutes or until edges are
jars and lids. To create a colored salt jar, the golden brown. Place cookies on rack to cool.
children spoon different colors of salt into
the jar, creating layers of beautiful colors. 2. Butter in a Jar
Fill jars to the top and secure lids tightly. Pour 1/3 cup of whipping cream in a clean
If desired, squeeze glue around the jar rim small jar. Secure lid tightly. Allow children
before placing the lid on. to take turns shaking the jar until a lump
of butter forms. This will take several
minutes. Pour off liquid, add a dash of salt,
and stir. Spread butter on crackers to enjoy.
Cooking 3. Pita Pocket Sandwiches
1. Container Cookies Use pita bread to create yummy pocket
1/2 cup butter or margarine sandwiches. Cut rounds of pita bread in
1/2 cup shortening half, creating pocket-shaped pieces. Fill
1 cup sugar with favorite sandwich ingredients. Try
1 egg sloppy joes, tuna salad, or ham and cheese.
2 tablespoons milk
200 Theme 21
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Group Time
Dramatic Play (Games, Language)
Grocery Store 1. Mystery Box
To create a grocery store in the dramatic Collect a box with a lid. Color or decorate as
play area, provide props such as a cash desired. Secretly place an object inside the
register, posters of various foods, smocks or box. At group time, begin by saying, “There
shirts, paper and plastic grocery bags, and is something in my box. What do you think
empty, clean food containers. A note can be it might be?” Give identifying clues until
sent home requesting help with this project. the children guess what the object is.
Set food containers on shelves or in baskets
to resemble a grocery store. 2. Cookie Jar
Have the children sit on the floor, with
their legs crossed, in a circle formation. The
children should repeat this rhythmic chant
with the teacher while clapping their hands
together and then clapping their hands on
their thighs:
Fingerplays and Chants Someone took a cookie from the cookie jar.
There Was a Little Turtle Who took a cookie from the cookie jar?
by Vachel Lindsay Mara took a cookie from the cookie jar.
(Mara): Who me?
There was a little turtle, (All): Yes, you!
(make small circle with hands) (Mara): Couldn’t be!
He lived in a box. (All): Then who?
(make box with both hands) (Mara, naming another child): ——— took a
He swam in a puddle, cookie from the cookie jar.
(wiggle hands) Use each child’s name.
He climbed on the rocks.
(climb fingers of one hand up over the
other) 3. Hiding Game
Collect three small boxes. Set out the boxes
He snapped at a mosquito, in a row, and place a bean or button under
(clap hands) one of the boxes. While the children watch,
He snapped at a flea, move the order of the cups several times.
(repeat) Ask the children to guess which cup the
He snapped at a minnow, bean is under. The bean or button can be
(repeat) hidden again, and the game repeated.
He snapped at me!
(point to self)
He caught the mosquito,
(catching motion with hands and arms)
He caught the flea,
(repeat) Large Muscle
He caught the minnow,
1. Box Obstacle Course
Collect large cardboard boxes. Open the tops
But he didn’t catch me!
and bottoms, and lay boxes on their sides to
(shake head from side to side)
create tunnels. Place the boxes in a maze-
type course and let children discover ways to
complete the course. They could run, walk,
crawl, or hop from beginning to end.

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2. Inside a Barrel 3. How Many?
Say, “You are outside a big barrel. Now get Place a number of small objects (such as
in it. You are inside the barrel—now get out paper clips, dice, marbles, and buttons) in a
of it. You are underneath the barrel—now clear plastic bag or a jar. Let children guess
get out from under it. You are on top of the how many of the objects are in the bag.
barrel—now get down from it.” Count the objects together. Repeat with a
different number of objects.
3. Unwrapping a Present
Say, “It is your birthday, and you are going 4. Container Stack
to get a present. Show me the shape of the Roll a die. The number that is rolled is
box. How big is the box? Feel the box. Hold the number of containers to be stacked.
the box. Shake the box. Unwrap the box. Continue rolling and stacking. See how
Take the present out. Put the present back many containers can be stacked before the
into the box. Rewrap the box.” containers fall.

4. Movin’ Through
Providing there is sufficient space, this
activity can be successfully introduced
indoors or outdoors. Ask the children to
show you with their body how they would
move to get through: 1. “I Have Something in My Pocket”
• Sand
• Mud I have something in my pocket that belongs
• Ice cream across my face.
• The ocean I keep it very close at hand in a most
• Peanut butter convenient place.
• Paste I’m sure you couldn’t guess it if you’d take a
• Tempera paint long, long while.
• Mashed potatoes So, I’ll take it out and put it on,
• Pudding It’s a great, big, happy smile.
• Chocolate chip cookies
• Apple sauce
2. “Tony Has Three Pockets”
(Sing to the tune of “Mary Wore a Red Dress”)
2+3 = (Insert individual children’s names and
Math substitute articles of clothing that could have
pockets, such as a dress, pants, a jacket, etc.)
1. Container Sort
Collect various containers and place in a Tony has three pockets,
laundry basket. Encourage children to find Three pockets, three pockets.
ways to sort the containers. Containers Tony has three pockets,
could be sorted by type, size, or construction On his shirt today.

2. Pocket Count 3. “A Tisket, a Tasket”

During a group time, have the children (Traditional)
individually stand up and take note of the A tisket, a tasket, a green and yellow basket.
pockets on their clothes. Assist in counting I wrote a letter to my love
the number of pockets each child has. And on the way I dropped it.
If appropriate, the information could be I dropped it, I dropped it
recorded and put on a graph to be displayed. And on the way I dropped it.
Repeat the activity on a different day and I wrote a letter to my love
compare the results. And on the way I dropped it.

202 Theme 21
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children may be able to arrange the jars
from lowest to highest sounds.

Science 6. Fish in a Bottle

Save and clean a 2-liter plastic soda bottle.
1. Insect Keeper
Fill the bottle one-quarter full with water.
Collect milk cartons or similar-sized
Add a few drops of blue food coloring to
cardboard boxes. For each insect keeper, cut
the water and swirl to mix. Barely blow up
a rectangle out of each side of a clean carton
some small balloons and tie ends closed.
or box. Glue or tape the top closed. Decorate
Use a permanent marker to draw eyes, gills,
if desired. After an insect or two are found,
and mouths on balloons to make them look
put the insects, along with a twig and grass,
like fish. Push the balloons into the bottle,
in the carton. Quickly insert box in the leg
and securely fasten the cap of the bottle.
portion of an old nylon stocking (or cover
Hold the bottle on its side, and it will look
with netting), and use a twist tie or rubber
like fish in the water. Gently rock the bottle
band to fasten the top.
back and forth to create waves.
2. Rubber Band Guitar
Each child will need a small box or carton,
such as an individual cereal box, check
box, or half-pint milk carton. For each
“guitar,” cut a rectangle in one side of a box
or carton. Decorate as desired. Wrap each
container with four or five rubber bands. The following materials can be added
The children can pluck or strum the rubber to the sensory table:
bands to create sounds. • Plastic bottles, funnels, and colored
3. Wave Jar • Plastic jars, animals, and sand
Fill a clear jar half full with water. Add a • Berry baskets, plastic zoo animals, and
few drops of food coloring, if desired. Pour grains
mineral oil to fill the jar. Secure the lid • Zipper-seal plastic bags, scoops, and
tightly. Watch what happens as the jar is sand
gently tilted back and forth. Individual
wave jars can be made using baby food jars.

4. Sound Jars or Boxes

Collect 10 identical small boxes. Fill the
containers, as pairs, with five different
materials such as popcorn kernels, pennies, The following books can be used to complement
sand, nails, cotton balls, rubber bands, this theme:
paper clips, and the like. Secure caps or lids,
Battle-Lavert, Gwendolyn. (2000). The Shaking
and place containers on a table. Encourage
Bag. Illustrated by Aminah Brenda Lynn
children to shake the containers to find the
Robinson. Morton Grove, IL: A. Whitman.
matching sound containers.
Boyd, Lizi. (1991). Willy and the Cardboard
5. Musical Jars Boxes. New York: Viking.
Fill five or six identical-sized jars with Braun, Sebastien. (2009). Meeow and the Big
varying amounts of water. Add drops of Box. London: Boxer Books.
food coloring to water if desired. Encourage Brimmer, Larry Dance. (2001). The Big,
children to gently tap the sides of the jars Beautiful, Brown Box. Illustrated by
with a metal spoon to create sounds. The Christine Tripp. New York: Children’s Press.
jars will produce low to high sounds. Some

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Burningham, John. (1996). The Shopping Tibo, Gilles. (1995). Simon and His Boxes.
Basket. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press. Plattsburgh, NY: Tundra Books.
Cleminson, Katie. (2009). Magic Box: A Magical Young, Ed. (2004). I, Doko: The Tale of a Basket.
Story. New York: Hyperion Books. New York: Philomel Books.
Craig, Helen. (2003). Susie and Alfred in
the Night of the Paper Bag Monsters.
Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.
De Varennes, Monique. (2007). The Jewel Box Technology and
Ballerinas. Illustrated by Ana Juan. New
York: Schwartz & Wade Books.
Fitzgerald, Ella. (2003). A-Tisket, A-Tasket. The following technology and multimedia
Illustrated by Ora Eitan. New York: products can be used to complement this
Philomel Books. theme:
Jeffries, Alison. (2004). Sam and the Bag. “A Tisket, A Tasket” [CD]. (2004). In Toddler
Illustrated by Dan Andreasen. Orlando, FL: Twosome. Redway, CA: Music Little People.
Harcourt. “Buckets and Cans” [CD]. (2009). In For Those
McAllister, Angela. (2003). Harry’s Box. about to Hop. Burbank, CA: Walt Disney
Illustrated by Jenny Jones. New York: Records.
Bloomsbury Children’s Book. “I’m a Little Teapot” [CD]. (2007). In Nursery
Miller, Sara Swan. (2001). Cat in the Bag. Rhymes and Good Ol’ Times. New
Illustrated by Ben Mahan. New York: Oklahoma City, OK: Melody House.
Children’s Press. “Ten Green Bottles” [CD]. (2002). In Growing
Neitzel, Shirley. (1995). The Bag I’m Taking to Up with Ella Jenkins. Washington, DC:
Grandma’s. Illustrated by Nancy Winslow Smithsonian Folkways.
Parker. New York: Greenwillow Books. “Who Stole the Cookies from the Cookie Jar?”
Patricelli, Leslie. (2007). The Birthday Box: [CD]. (1998). In Silly Songs. Redway, CA:
Happy Birthday to Me! Cambridge, MA: Music Little People.
Candlewick Press.
Ruzzier, Sergio. (2010). Hey, Rabbit! New York: Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Roaring Brook Press. Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Spiegelman, Art. (2008). Jack and the Box. New website. Go to to
York: Raw Junior. access the site for a variety of useful resources.

204 Theme 21
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Theme 22

Accessories Feelings Types of Dance
ballet shoes happy ballet
tap shoes sad tap
costumes angry jazz
makeup surprised social
street dancing
line dancing

Sound Sources Body Movements

CD player twist
digital music (MP3) player slide
DVD player wave arms
drums yoga
guitar alone
rhythm sticks with partner
band in group

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Creative movement accessories
2. Creative movement sound sources
3. Body movements used in creative movement
4. Expression of feelings through creative movement
5. Types of dance

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. People can dance to the sound of music.
2. The CD player, MP3 player, DVD player, and drums are all sound
sources used for dance.
3. The guitar, rhythm sticks, and a band are also sound sources for
creative movement.
4. Dancing and moving can be done alone, with a partner, or in a group.
5. Our bodies can move in many different ways to the sound of music
6. There are many types of dance.
7. Ballet, tap, jazz, and social are some types of dances.
8. Folk, modern, street, and line are other types of dances.
9. Happy, sad, angry, and surprised are feelings that can be expressed
through dance.
10. There are many types of dancers.
11. Some dancers wear special costumes and makeup.
12. Ballet and tap dancers wear special shoes.
13. Our bodies can move to the sound of drums, guitars, and rhythm
14. We can twist, slide, and wave our arms during dance.

1. ballet—movement that usually tells a story.
2. dance—a pattern of body movements to the sound of music.
3. movement—change in body position.
4. music—sounds made by instruments or voices.

206 Theme 22
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to promote the development of one-to-one
correspondence skills and to match a set to a written numeral. Construct tank
tops, each of a different color, from a sheet of tagboard. See the illustration. Print
a numeral that would be developmentally appropriate for the group of children on
each tank top. Draw a corresponding number of black dots below each numeral.
Construct a tutu ruffle from white tagboard for each top. Place colored dots on
each ruffle. Trace ruffles onto black construction paper. Laminate all pieces. Staple
tank tops and shadow ruffles to the bulletin board. The children can match the
ruffles with dots to the corresponding tank top, using holes in the white ruffles and
pushpins in the shadow ruffles.


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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Children love to dance, and they are constantly on the move. We will begin a curriculum unit on
creative movement. Throughout the classroom activities, the children will discover the different ways
our bodies move, and also learn about various forms of dance. Some of the activities include:
• Singing songs and moving to music
• Dancing in the dance studio that will be set up in the dramatic play area
• Watching other people move
• Participating in an aerobics class

Parental Involvement
If you have any special ethnic dances you enjoy, we invite you to share them with our class. Please
contact me so a time for your visit can be arranged. The children will enjoy having you visit our class
and learning new types of dances.

Field Trip
On Thursday, at 2:30 p.m., we will be taking a bus to a dance studio. At the studio, we will observe
dancers and learn a few steps from a dance instructor. To assist with the trip, we need several parents
to accompany us. Please call the school if you are available.

At Home
As your child develops, you will observe increased control and interest in perfecting and improving
motor skills. To foster the development of large muscle skills, balance, and body coordination, provide
opportunities each day for vigorous play. Give suggestions such as “How fast can you hop?”, “How far
can you hop on one foot?”, and so on. Also, ask your child to walk on a curved line, a straight line, or
a balance beam.

Enjoy your child!

208 Theme 22
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Lightly f lour the children’s hands and let
them take turns creatively kneading the
bread. Add just enough flour to keep the
Arts and Crafts dough from sticking while kneading. When
the dough is elastic, smooth and no longer
1. Stencils
sticky it has been kneaded enough. Then
The teacher can construct stencils from
place in a container or large bowl that has
tagboard. Shapes such as shoes, ballerinas,
a top. Grease the inside of the container.
circles, and so forth can be made and added
Cover and let rest in a warm place for
to the art table for use during self-selected
3 hours.
activity periods.
Divide the dough into 6 or 8 equal parts.
Flatten each part on a lightly f loured
2. Musical Painting
surface, rolling it into a 6-inch 3 4-inch
Provide a CD, DVD, or MP3 player with
leaf shape about 1/4 inch thick. Brush with
headphones and a CD, DVD, or playlist of
vegetable oil; sprinkle with poppy seeds.
children’s music or classical music at the
Place 2 cookie sheets in oven; heat oven
easel. The children can listen and move
to 450 degrees. Remove hot cookie sheets
their brushes to the music if desired.
from oven; place breads on cookie sheets.
Bake until firm, 6 to 8 minutes. Makes 6 to
8 breads.
Cooking Note: From Betty Crocker’s International
1. Orange Buttermilk Smoothie Cookbook, 1980, New York: Random House.
1 quart buttermilk Reprinted with permission.
3 cups orange juice
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 cup honey
Dramatic Play
This recipe serves 14 children. Mix the 1. Dance Studio
ingredients for fifteen seconds. Then pour Add to the dramatic play area tap shoes,
1/2 cup into plastic cups or containers with tutus, ballet shoes, tights, and leotards.
lids. Let the children creatively shake their Provide a CD player with CDs, a DVD
smoothie and drink at snack time. player with music- or dance-related DVDs,
or an MP3 player.
2. Indian Flatbread
2 cups all-purpose flour 2. Fitness Gym
1/4 cup unflavored yogurt Add to the dramatic play area a small
1 egg, slightly beaten mat, headbands, wristbands, sweatshirts,
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder sweatpants, leotards, and music.
1 teaspoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 cup milk
Vegetable oil Field Trips and
Poppy seeds
Resource People
Mix all ingredients except milk, vegetable 1. Field Trips
oil, and poppy seeds. Stir in enough milk to • Dance studio
make a soft dough. Turn dough onto lightly • Health club
f loured surface. Demonstrate kneading the • Gymnasium
bread by folding the outside edge of the
dough over onto itself and then pushing the
dough away with the heels of your hands.
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2. Resource People And then my toes. (touch toes)
Invite the following people to class to talk I’ll wiggle my fingers. (move fingers)
with the children: And touch them, too. (touch fingers)
• A dancer or dance instructor I’m having fun. (point to self)
• A gymnast And so are you! (point to another person)
• An aerobics instructor We’ll stretch up to the ceiling. (stretch up
And reach out to the wall. (reach arms to
the side)
We’ll bend to touch our knees and toes.
(touch knees, then toes)
Then stand up straight and tall. (stand up
Fingerplays and Chants
Hands on Shoulders Taller, Smaller
(Follow actions described for each line) When I stretch up, I feel so tall. (stand up
Hands on shoulders and reach hands up into the air)
Hands on knees. When I bend down, I feel so small. (crouch
Hands in front of you, if you please. down)
Touch your shoulders, Taller, taller, taller, taller.
Now your nose, (slowly stand and raise arms)
Now your head and now your toes. Smaller, smaller, smaller, smaller.
Hands go up high in the air, (slowly crouch down)
Now touch your ears, Into a tiny ball. (tuck in arms and head)
Then touch your hair.
Hands way up high just like before.
Now clap your hands,
One, two, three, four! Group Time
(Games and Language)
Clap, Two, Three, Four! 1. Balloon Bounce
Blow up balloons for the children to
Clap, two, three, four, five, six, seven. use at group time. Play music and have
(clap hands) children bounce the balloons up in the
Shake, two, three, four, five, six, seven. air. Let the balloons f loat to the ground
(shake fingers) when the music ends. Supervision is
Slap, two, three, four, five, six, seven. required for this activity. Broken balloons
(slap knees) should be immediately removed from the
Roll, two, three, four, five, six, seven. environment.
(rotate hands over each)
Snap, two, three, four, five, six, seven. 2. Toy Movements
(snap fingers) Form a circle and move like different toys.
Tap, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Try to include as many actual toys as you
(pound fists) can, so that the children can observe each
Push, two, three, four, five, six, seven. toy moving, and then can more easily
(push hands forward) pretend to be that toy.
Clap, two, three, four, five, six, seven. • Jack-in-the-box
(clap hands) • Wind-up dolls
• Roll like a ball
My Wiggles • Skates
I can reach high. (stretch up high)
I can reach low. (touch the ground)
I’ll touch my head. (touch head)

210 Theme 22
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3. Rag Doll
Repeat the following poem as the child 2+3 =
creates a dance with a rag doll: Math
If I were a rag doll 1. Matching Leotards to Hangers
And I belonged to you, Using plastic hangers, prepare a numeral
Whenever I would try to dance, on each of the hangers. Provide the children
This is what I’d do. with a box of leotards. Have a printed
numeral on each. Encourage the children
to match the numbered leotard with the
identically numbered hanger.

2. Following Steps
Large Muscle Using tagboard, cut out some left feet
1. Streamer and Music Activity and right feet. Write the numerals from
In the music area provide streamers. Play 1 to 10 on the feet and arrange them in
a variety of music, allowing the children, if numerical order. Place the footprints on
desired, to move to the different rhythms. the floor, securing them with masking tape.
Encourage the children to begin the walk on
2. Do As I Say the numeral 1 and continue in the correct
Provide the children verbal cues for moving. sequence.
For example, say, “Move like you are sad,”
“Show me that you are tired,” “You just 3. Ballet Puzzle
received a special present,” and “Show me Purchase a large poster of a ballet dancer.
how you feel.” Laminate the poster or cover it with clear
contact paper. Cut the poster into several
3. Animal Movement large shapes. Place the puzzle in the
Ask a child to act out the way a certain manipulative area. During self-selected
animal moves. Examples include frog, play periods, the children can reconstruct
spider, caterpillar, butterfly, and so on. the puzzle.

4. Balance
Add a balance beam or balance strip to the
indoor or outdoor environment.
5. Roly-Poly 1. Magnet Dancers
The children can stretch their bodies out on On a piece of tagboard, draw pictures of
the f loor. When touched by a teacher, the 3-inch dancers. Stickers or pictures from
child rolls into a tight ball. magazines can also be used. Cut out the
dancers, and attach paper clips to the back
6. Dancing Cloud side. Use a small box and a magnet to make
Using an inflated white balloon or ball, let these dancers move. Hold up the dancers on
the children stand in a circle and bounce or one side of the box, and move up the dancer
hit it to each other. by holding and moving a magnet on the
other side of the box.
7. Obstacle Course
Set up an obstacle course indoors or 2. Kaleidoscopes
outdoors depending on the weather. Let On the science table, put a number of
the children move their bodies in many kaleidoscopes. The tiny figures inside
different ways. They can run or crawl appear to be dancing.
through the course. Older children may
enjoy hopping or skipping.


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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
3. Dancing Shoes Durango, Julia. (2006). Cha-Cha Chimps.
Place various types of dancing shoes at the Illustrated by Eleanor Taylor. New York:
science table. Let the children compare the Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers.
shape, size, color, and texture of the shoes. Duvall, Jill D. (1997). Meet Rory Hohenstein, a
The children may also enjoy trying on the Professional Dancer. Photography by Lili
shoes for size and dancing in them. S. Duvall. Chicago: Children’s Press.
Esbensen, Barbara Juster. (1995). Dance with
Me. Illustrated by Megan Lloyd. New York:
Evans, Nate, and Laura Joffe Numeroff.
Social Studies (2008). The Jellybeans and the Big Dance.
Illustrated by Lynn Munsinger. New York:
Social Dancing
Abrams Books for Young Readers.
Let each child choose a partner. Encourage
the children to hold hands. Play music as Felix, Monique, and Jan Wahl. (2008). Bear
a background, so the partners can move Dance. Mankato, MN: Creative Editions.
together. French, Jackie. (2007). Josephine Wants to
Dance. Illustrated by Bruce Whatley. New
York: Abrams Books for Young Readers.
Gray, Libba Moore. (1995). My Mama Had a
Dancing Heart. Illustrated by Raul Colon.
Books New York: Orchard Books.
The following books can be used to complement Grimm, Jakob. (1996). The Twelve Dancing
this theme: Princesses. Retold by Jane Ray. New York:
Applegate, Katherine. (2009). Don’t Tap Dance
on Your Teacher. Illustrated by Brian Briggs. Hakala, Marjorie. (2009). Mermaid Dance.
New York: HarperTrophy. Illustrated by Mark Jones. Maplewood, NJ:
Blue Apple Books.
Asher, Sandy, and Kathryn Brown. (2001).
Stella’s Dancing Days. Illustrated by Holabird, Katharine, and Helen Craig. (2000).
Kathryn Brown. San Diego, CA: Harcourt Angelina and the Princess. Illustrated
Brace. by Helen Craig. Middleton, WI: Pleasant
Barrows, Annie. (2009). Ivy & Bean Doomed to
Dance. Illustrated by Sophie Blackall. San Howells, Tania, and Tera Johnson. (2008).
Francisco: Chronicle Books. Berkeley’s Barn Owl Dance. Toronto: Kids
Can Press.
Boynton, Sandra. (2008). Let Us Dance, Little
Pookie. New York: Robin Corey Books. Hudson, Cheryl Willis. (2010). My Friend
Maya Loves to Dance. Illustrated by Eric
Capucilli, Alyssa Satin. (2010). Katy Duck Goes
Velasquez. New York: Abrams Books for
to Dance Class. Illustrated by Henry Cole.
Young Readers.
New York: Little Simon.
Hueston, M. P. (2010). The All-American Jump
Clay, Kathryn. (2010). Ballet Dancing.
and Jive Jig. Illustrated by Amanda Haley.
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
New York: Sterling.
Clay, Kathryn. (2010). Jazz Dancing. Mankato,
Hutchins, Pat. (2007). Barn Dance! New York:
MN: Capstone Press.
Greenwillow Books.
Clay, Kathryn. (2010). Tap Dancing. Mankato,
Isadora, Rachel. (1997). Lili Backstage. New
MN: Capstone Press.
York: G.P. Putnam.
Cocca-Leffler, Maryann. (2009). My Dance
Kroll, Virginia L. (1996). Can You Dance,
Recital. New York: Robin Corey Books.
Dalila? Illustrated by Nancy Carpenter.
Craig, Lindsey. (2010). Dancing Feet! Illustrated New York: Simon & Schuster.
by Marc Brown. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.

212 Theme 22
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Loredo, Elizabeth. (1997). Boogie Bones. Illustrated Dance with the Animals [DVD]. (2006). Conroe,
by Kevin Hawkes. New York: G.P. Putnam. TX: Rock ’N Learn.
Manning, Maurie J. (2008). Kitchen Dance. New “The Freeze Dance” [CD]. (2009). In People,
York: Clarion Books. Places and Things. Coconut Grove, FL:
Pinkwater, Daniel. (2006). Dancing Larry. In the Nick of Time.
Illustrated by Jill Pinkwater. New York: Gotta Dance [CD]. (1996). Long Branch, NJ:
Marshall Cavendish. Kimbo Educational.
Sauer, Tammi. (2009). Chicken Dance. Illustrated “The Hokey Pokey” [CD]. (2006). In Josh Levine
by Dan Santat. New York: Sterling. for Kids. New York: Josh Levine.
Schomp, Virginia. (1997). If You Were a … Ballet Joining Hands in Other Lands [CD]. (1993).
Dancer. Tarrytown, NY: Marshall Cavendish. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo Educational.
Sis, Peter. (2001). Ballerina! New York: “Let Me See You Boogaloo” [CD]. (2007). In
Greenwillow. Keep on Singing and Dancing. Oklahoma
Stutson, Caroline. (2010). Cats’ Night Out. City, OK: Melody House.
Illustrated by J. Klassen. New York: Simon & “Mexican Hat Dance” [CD]. (2001). In Jack
Schuster Books for Young Readers. in the Box. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo
Thomas, Peggy. (2008). Snow Dance. Illustrated Educational.
by Paul Fracklam. Gretna, LA: Pelican. “Monkey Dance” [CD]. (2010). In Lots of Fun.
Thomassie, Tynia. (1996). Mimi’s Tutu. Atlanta, GA: Mr Greg’s Musical Madness.
Illustrated by Jan Spivey Gilchrist. New Motown Dances [CD]. (1998). Long Branch, NJ:
York: Scholastic. Kimbo Educational.
Troupe, Thomas Kingsley. (2010). If I Were a Moving with Mozart [CD]. (1997). Long Branch,
Ballerina. Illustrated by Heather Heyworth. NJ: Kimbo Educational.
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. Physical Ed [CD]. (2000). Melbourne, FL: The
Willems, Mo. (2009). Elephants Cannot Dance! Learning Station.
New York: Hyperion Books for Children. “Shake, Rattle and Roll” [CD]. (2001). In
Dance Party Fun. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo
“Shake, Rattle and Roll,” “Peppermint Twist,”
Technology and and “Whole Lotta Shakin’” [CD]. (2000). In
Multimedia Bean Bag Rock & Roll. Long Branch, NJ:
Kimbo Educational.
The following technology and multimedia “Stretch,” “Stomp and Clap,” “Side Slide,”
products can be used to complement this theme: “Musical Hula Hoops,” and “Can You Keep
“Alligator Stomp” [CD]. (2001). In Jack in the Your Balance?” [CD]. (2000). In Physical Ed.
Box. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo Educational. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo Educational.
Building Better Bodies and Brains: Creative “When I’m Down I Get Up and Dance” [CD].
Movements [CD]. (2010). Oklahoma City, (1994). In So Big. Sherman Oaks, CA: Hap-
OK: Melody House. Pal Music.
“Cho, Cho, Cho” [CD]. (2001). In Jack in the A World of Parachute Play [CD]. (1997). Long
Box. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo Educational. Branch, NJ: Kimbo Educational.
Come Play Yoga [CD]. (2008). New York: Karma
Kids Yoga. Additional teaching resources to accompany
“Dance & Sing” [CD]. (2010). In Lots of Fun. this Theme can be found on the book’s
Atlanta, GA: Mr Greg’s Musical Madness. companion website. Go to www.cengagebrain.
Dance Party Fun (2001). Long Branch, NJ: com to access the site for a variety of useful
Kimbo Educational. resources.


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Movement Activities
Encourage the children to creatively explore and express themselves by moving to
music of various tempos and sounds.

Listen to the Drum To Become Aware of Weight You’re outside of something—

(Accessory: drum) To feel the difference between now get into it.
Fast heavy and light, the child You’re inside of something—
Slow should experiment with his now get out of it.
Heavy or her own body force. You’re underneath something.
Soft You’re on top of something.
Punch down to the floor hard. You’re beside or next to
Lift up your arms slowly something.
and gently. You’re surrounded by it.
Stomp on the floor.
Choose a Partner
Walk on tiptoe. Pantomime
Make a big shape. Kick out one leg as hard as
Go over. 1. You’re going to get a
you can.
Go under. present. What is the shape
Very smoothly and lightly,
Go through. of the box? How big is
slide one foot along the
Go around. the box? Feel it. Hold it.
Unwrap it. Take it out. Put
To Become Aware of Time it back in.
Moving Shapes
Run very fast. 2. Think about an
1. Try to move like occupation. How does the
Walk very slowly. something huge and
Jump all over the f loor quickly. worker act?
heavy: an elephant, 3. Show me that it is cold
Sit down on the f loor slowly. tugboat, or bulldozer.
Slowly grow up as tall as (or hot).
2. Try to move like 4. You are two years old
you can. something small and
Slowly curl up on the floor (or 16, 80, etc.).
heavy: a fat frog, or a 5. Show me: It’s very early in
as small as possible. heavy top. the morning (or late in the
3. Try moving like something afternoon).
To Become Aware of Space big and light: a beach ball, 6. Show me: What is the
Lift your leg up in front of you. a parachute, or a cloud. weather like?
Lift it up backward or 4. Try moving like something 7. Pretend you are driving,
sideways. small and light: a feather, typing, or raking leaves.
Lift your leg and step a snowf lake, a flea, or a 8. Take a partner. Pretend
forward, backward, butterf ly. you’re playing ball.
sideways, and around and
around. Put Yourself Inside
Reach up to the ceiling. Something
Stretch to touch the walls. (Examples could include a
Punch down to the floor. bottle, box, or barrel.)

214 Theme 22
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Theme 23

Value Forms Sources
healthy food choice fresh cows
builds strong bones frozen goats
canned sheep
processed llamas

Containers Types Places

for Storing butter to Purchase
cartons cream cheese supermarkets
bottles cottage cheese minimarts
pails cheddar cheese cheese factories
bags mozzarella cheese restaurants
boxes colby cheese
ice cream

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Sources of dairy products
2. Types of dairy products
3. Forms of dairy products
4. Places to purchase dairy products
5. Containers used to store dairy products
6. Value of dairy products

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Cows, goats, sheep, and llamas provide milk.
2. Milk can be used to make butter, cheese, ice cream, and yogurt.
3. There are many kinds of cheese, such as cottage cheese, cream cheese,
cheddar cheese, mozzarella, and colby.
4. Dairy products can be purchased fresh, frozen, canned, or processed.
5. We can buy dairy products at supermarkets, minimarts, cheese
factories, and restaurants.
6. Cartons, bottles, pails, bags, and boxes are used to store dairy products.
7. Dairy products are good, healthy choices.
8. Dairy products help build strong bones and bodies.

1. can—to prepare food for future use.
2. carton—a box or container to hold food or other objects.
3. cheese factory—a place where cheese is made or sold.
4. cream—the fatty part of milk. Cream is a yellowish-white color.
5. dairy product—a product made from milk.
6. frozen—food that is kept very cold. It is frozen so it can be eaten at a
later time.
7. minimart—a very small store that sells food.
8. yogurt—a milk product that can be sweetened and flavored with fruit.

216 Theme 23
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to help children identify ice cream as a dairy
product, as well as recognize the printed word. This is designed as a check-in or
attendance bulletin board. Each child is provided a bulletin board piece with his
or her name on it. When the children arrive each day at school, they should be
encouraged to place their names on the bulletin board.
To create the bulletin board, cut an ice cream cone out of tagboard or construction
paper for each child in the class. Color or decorate each cone as desired. Print the
child’s name on the ice cream cone. Laminate the pieces, or cover with clear contact
paper. Use pushpins or adhesive magnet pieces to attach the ice cream cones to the
bulletin board.


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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Did you know that the average person in the United States consumes about 550 pounds of dairy
products each year? Dairy products provide us with one of our main sources of protein. We will be
learning about dairy products in our classroom. The children will learn sources of dairy products,
values of dairy products, types of dairy products, forms of dairy products, places dairy products can
be purchased, and containers used to hold dairy products.

At School
Some of the learning activities the children will participate in include:
• Preparing milkshakes, homemade vanilla pudding, and strawberry yogurt in the cooking area
• Creating a dairy collage, yogurt print cups, and ice cream cone sponge paints in the art area
• Hearing stories related to the dairy theme
• Visiting the dairy department of a grocery store
• Looking at books featuring dairy products
• Identifying foods prepared with dairy products

At Home
At home, to reinforce the dairy product concepts, you can:
• Encourage your child to prepare instant pudding with you for a snack or a dessert.
• Have your child identify the foods being served at mealtimes that are dairy products.
• Browse through newspaper ads or magazines and have your child identify dairy products.
• Take your child grocery shopping and have him or her show you where the dairy section of the
store is located.

Enjoy your child!

218 Theme 23
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2. Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Assist the children in making cheese
sandwiches. Provide plastic knives for the
Arts and Crafts children to spread soft butter or margarine
1. Buttermilk Chalk Pictures on the outside of sandwiches. Turn over and
Dip colored chalk into a small container place a cheese slice between the two pieces
of buttermilk, or brush construction paper of bread.
with buttermilk. Use the chalk to create Under adult supervision, place the
designs on construction paper. sandwiches on a heated skillet or electric
grill until golden brown, turning once.
2. Dairy Product Paint Containers
Use empty dairy product containers to 3. Homemade Vanilla Pudding
hold paint for use at the art table or easel. 1/8 teaspoon salt
Examples include milk cartons, yogurt cups, 2 cups milk
and cottage cheese containers. 3 tablespoons cornstarch
1/2 cup white granulated sugar
3. Whipped Soap Painting 2 slightly beaten egg yolks
The following mixture can be made to 1 tablespoon softened butter or margarine
represent ice cream or cottage cheese. Mix 2 teaspoons vanilla
one cup of Ivory Snow flakes with 1/2 cup
of warm water in a bowl. The children can Combine cornstarch, sugar, and salt in a
beat the mixture with a hand eggbeater medium saucepan. Stir in the milk. Over
until it is fluffy. Add more water, if medium heat, cook and stir constantly
necessary. Apply mixture with paintbrushes until the mixture thickens and comes to
or fingers to construction paper. For a a boil. Stir and boil 1 minute. In a small
variation, food coloring can be added to the bowl, blend half of the hot mixture into
paint mixture. the egg yolks. Pour the egg mixture back
into the saucepan and cook until the
4. Ice Cream Cone Sponge Painting mixture boils, stirring constantly. Remove
Cut sponges into shapes of ice cream cones the pan from the heat and add the butter
and scoops of ice cream. Provide shallow and vanilla. Allow the pudding to cool
trays of various colors of paints. Designs slightly, and spoon into a serving bowl or
are created by dipping the sponge in the individual dishes. Refrigerate. This recipe
paint and then pressing it onto a piece of makes 4 servings.
construction paper.

5. Yogurt Cup Prints 4. Strawberry Yogurt Surprise

Collect empty yogurt cups of various shapes 3 oz. package strawberry-flavored gelatin
and sizes. Wash them thoroughly. Prepare 1 cup boiling water
shallow trays of paint. Create designs by 1/2 cup cold water
inverting a yogurt cup, dipping it into the 1 cup strawberry yogurt
paint, and then applying it to construction
paper. Repeat the process as desired. Dissolve gelatin in the boiling water. Stir in
cold water. Chill until thickened but not set.
Beat gelatin and fold in yogurt. Pour into
serving dish. Refrigerate until firm. This
recipe makes 4 servings.
1. Milk Shake
For each shake, combine 1/2 cup of vanilla
ice cream and 1 cup of milk in a blender. If
desired, f lavor the shake with one of the
following: 1/2 cup fresh berries, 1/2 banana,
or 2 tablespoons chocolate syrup.
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Dramatic Play
1. Ice Cream Shop
Clothes and props for an ice cream shop Fingerplays and Chants
can be placed in the dramatic play area. Ice Cream
Include items such as empty, clean ice I’m licking my ice cream.
cream pails and cartons; ice cream scoops; I’m licking it fast.
plastic parfait glasses and bowls; plastic It’s dripping down my arm.
spoons; empty ice cream cone boxes; It’s disappearing fast.
napkins; aprons; and a cash register with
play money. Prepare and display posters Little Miss Muffet
in the area that portray various ice cream Little Miss Muffet
products and flavors. Sat on a tuffet
Eating her curds and whey.
2. Dairy Farm Along came a spider
Turn the dramatic play center into a dairy And sat down beside her
farm where the children can pretend to do And frightened Miss Muffet away!
chores. Display pictures of farms and cows
and provide overalls, boots, hats, pails, This Little Cow
hoses, and other appropriate props. This little cow eats grass.
(hold up fingers of one hand, bend down
3. Grocery Store: Dairy Department one finger)
Set up the dramatic play area to resemble This little cow eats hay.
the dairy department of a grocery store. (bend down another finger)
Include props such as milk cartons, cottage This little cow drinks water.
cheese containers, yogurt cups, sour cream (bend down another finger)
containers, ice cream pails and cartons, And this little cow does nothing
butter boxes, cheese packages, and a cash (bend down another finger)
register. Display pictures of dairy foods. but lie and sleep all day.

Group Time
Field Trips (Games and Language)
1. Dairy Charts
1. The Grocery Store
Print the caption “Foods Made from Milk”
Visit a grocery store and locate the dairy
across the top of a piece of tagboard. During
section. Look at the types of dairy products
group time, present the chart and record
the children’s responses. Display the chart
and refer to it throughout the theme.
2. Ice Cream Shop
Additional language charts could be
Take a trip to an ice cream shop. Count the
made about types of cheeses, ice cream,
flavors of ice cream available. Purchase a
and yogurt.
cone for each of the children.
2. Cheese-Tasting Party
3. Dairy Farm
Cut various types of cheese into small slices
Visit a dairy farm. Ask the farmer to show
or pieces. Place the cheese pieces on paper
the housing, equipment, and food supplies
plates for the children to taste. Discuss
needed to care for dairy cows.
types of cheeses, textures, flavors, and colors.

220 Theme 23
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(Final verse)
2+3 = The cheese stands alone.
Math The cheese stands alone.
1. Dairy Sort Hi-ho, the dairy-o,
Collect different types of food-product The cheese stands alone.
containers, including dairy products. Place
all of the containers in a basket. Encourage 2. “Old MacDonald Had a Farm”
the children to sort out the containers (Traditional)
representing dairy products from the other
Old MacDonald had a farm,
food-product containers.
Ee i ee i oh!
And on his farm he had some chicks,
2. Dairy Lids
Ee i ee i oh!
Collect lids and caps from milk jugs. They
With a cluck-cluck here,
can be recycled and used for game pieces,
And a cluck-cluck there
creating patterns, and counting activities.
Here a cluck, there a cluck,
Everywhere a cluck-cluck
3. Favorite Ice Cream Graph
Old MacDonald had a farm
The children can assist in making a graph
Ee i ee i oh!
of their favorite ice cream flavors. Begin
by printing the caption “Our Favorite Ice Old MacDonald had a farm,
Cream Flavors” across the top of a piece Ee i ee i oh!
of tagboard. Draw or paste pictures of And on his farm he had some cows,
different flavors of ice cream along the Ee i ee i oh!
left-hand side of the tagboard. Each child’s With a moo-moo here,
name or picture is placed next to the picture And a moo-moo there
of his or her favorite ice cream flavor. The Here a moo, there a moo,
results of the graph should be shared with Everywhere a moo-moo
the children using math vocabulary words:
Old MacDonald had a farm
most, more, fewer, least, and so on. Display
Ee i ee i oh!
the graph for further reference.
Old MacDonald had a farm,
Additional graphs could be made
Ee i ee i oh!
depicting the children’s favorite flavors of
And on his farm he had some pigs,
yogurt, cheese, or milk.
Ee i ee i oh!
With an oink-oink here,
And an oink-oink there
Here an oink, there an oink,
Everywhere an oink-oink,
Music Old MacDonald had a farm
1. “The Farmer in the Dell” Ee i ee i oh!
(Continue after the first verse with
additional verses: 3. “We Like Ice Cream”
(Sing to the tune of “Are You Sleeping?”)
The farmer takes the wife/husband.
The wife/husband takes the nurse. We like ice cream, we like ice cream.
The nurse takes the dog. Yes, we do! Yes, we do!
The dog takes the cat. Vanilla and strawberry,
The cat takes the rat. Chocolate and mint.
The rat takes the cheese. Yum, yum, yum.
Yum, yum, yum!
The final verse is at the bottom.)
The farmer in the dell,
The farmer in the dell,
Hi-ho, the dairy-o
The farmer in the dell.
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4. “Drink Your Milk” In a saucepan, combine milk, sugar, salt,
(Sing to the tune of “My Darling Clementine”) and egg yolks. Stir constantly over medium
heat until bubbles appear around the
Drink your milk.
edge of the pan. Cool mixture at room
Drink your milk.
temperature. Stir in vanilla and whipping
Drink your milk every day.
cream. Pour into an ice cream maker, and
It is good for your teeth and bones.
follow the manufacturer’s directions. Recipe
Drink your milk every day.
makes 1 quart of ice cream.

3. Science Table Additions

5. “Cows” Additions to the science table may include:
(Sing to the tune of “Mulberry Bush”)
• Pictures of dairy cows
This is the way we feed the cows, • Books about milking cows and dairy
Feed the cows, feed the cows. animals
This is the way we feed the cows, • Containers of grain, corn, and hay along
On the dairy farm each day. with magnifying glasses
This is the way we milk the cows, • Pictures of goats, sheep, and llamas
Milk the cows, milk the cows.
This is the way we milk the cows,
On the dairy farm each day.

Additions to the Sensory Table
• Sand, scoops, and empty milk cartons
Science • Water and empty, clean yogurt and
cottage cheese containers
1. Making Butter
• Cotton balls, spoons, ice cream scoops,
Fill baby food jars half-full with whipping
bowls, and empty, clean ice cream pails
cream and replace lids. The children can
take turns shaking the jars until the cream
separates. (The mixture will first look like
whipping cream, then like overwhipped
cream, and finally it will be obvious that
separation has occurred.) Pour off the Social Studies
remaining liquid. Rinse the butter in cold 1. Sharing a Treat
water several times and drain. Add salt to Prepare a dairy food with the children and
taste. Let the children spread the butter on share it with another class, a senior citizens’
crackers or bread. group, or another community group.
Caution: Supervise this activity carefully
because of the use of glass jars. 2. Role of the Dairy Farmer
Invite a dairy farmer to the classroom
2. Making Ice Cream to discuss his or her occupation. The
Collect the following ingredients: equipment and tools used to farm could also
1 cup milk be shown and discussed.
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt 3. Dairy Allergies
3 beaten egg yolks Discuss dairy allergies. Provide dairy-free
1 tablespoon vanilla alternatives for the children to sample.
2 cups whipping cream Differences in taste and smell can be
discussed. Some ideas include soymilk and
rice milk.

222 Theme 23
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Nolan, Lucy. (2003). A Fairy in a Dairy.
Illustrated by Laura J. Bryant. New York:
Books Marshall Cavendish.
Parker, Victoria. (2010). All about Dairy.
The following books can be used to complement
Mankato, MN: QEB Pub.
this theme:
Pinkwater, Daniel. (1999). Ice Cream Larry.
Cazet, Denys. (2000). Minnie and Moo and the
Illustrated by Jill Pinkwater. New York:
Thanksgiving Tree. New York: DK.
Marshall Cavendish.
Clifford, Rowan. (2005). Rodeo Ron and His
Rey, Margret, and Alan J. Shalleck. (1989).
Milkshake Cows. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Curious George Goes to an Ice Cream Shop.
Daly, Kathleen N., and Tibor Gergeby. (2001). Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
The Good Humor Man. Illustrated by Tibor
Santoro, Scott. (1999). Isaac the Ice Cream
Gergeby. New York: Golden Books.
Truck. New York: Henry Holt.
Emberley, Ed. (2003). Thanks, Mom! Boston:
Schuh, Mari C. (2006). The Milk Group.
Little, Brown.
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Foskett-Cordsen, Carol. (2005). The Milkman.
Shaw, Charles Green. (2000). It Looked Like
Illustrated by Douglas B. Jones. New York:
Spilt Milk. New York: HarperCollins
Dutton Children’s Books.
French, Vivian. (2001). Oliver’s Milk Shake.
Simmons, Toni. (2003). The Cheese Chase: Why
Illustrated by Alison Bartlett. New York:
Dogs Chase Cats: An African-American
Orchard Books.
Folktale. Edina, MN: Beaver’s Pond Press.
Green, Emily K. (2007). Milk, Yogurt, and
Sokol, Edward. (2000). Meet Stinky Magee. New
Cheese. Minneapolis, MN: Bellwether
York: HarperCollins Publishers.
Godfrey, Neale S. (1995). Here’s the Scoop:
Follow an Ice-Cream Cone around the
World. Illustrated by Randy Verougstraete.
Morristown, NJ: Silver Burdett Press.
Technology and
Head, Honor. (2010). Milk, Cheese, and Eggs. Multimedia
Mankato, MN: Smart Apple Media.
The following technology and multimedia
Howe, James. (2009). Horace and Morris Say products can be used to complement this
Cheese (Which Makes Delores Sneeze!). theme:
Illustrated by Amy Walrod. New York:
Alphabet Road: “F” Is for Farm: Do You Know
Atheneum Books for Young Readers.
Where Milk Comes From? [DVD]. (2006).
Johnson, Christian, and Spencer Johnson. Herndon, VA: Go Babies.
(2003). Who Moved My Cheese? Illustrated
“Milkshake” [CD]. (2007). In Bottle of Sunshine.
by Steve Pileggi. New York: G.P. Putnam’s
Baltimore: Milkshake Music.
“Milkshake Song” [CD]. (2010). In Songs for
Katz, Jill. (2003). Dairy Products. Mankato,
Wiggleworms. Chicago: Bloodshot Records.
MN: Smart Apple Media.
Mahy, Margaret. (1999). Simply Delicious!
Illustrated by Jonathan Allen. New York: Additional teaching resources to accompany
Orchard Books. this Theme can be found on the book’s
Malachy, Doyle. (2002). Cow. Illustrated by companion website. Go to www.cengagebrain.
Angelo Rinaldi. New York: Margaret K. com to access the site for a variety of useful
McElderry Books. resources.
Murphy, Andy. (2003). Out and about at the
Dairy Farm. Illustrated by Anne McMullen.
Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window Books.


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Theme 24

Hygienist’s Tools Purpose Dentist’s Tools
dental floss keeping teeth healthy lights
toothbrush checks teeth X-ray machine
mirror treats teeth drills
toothpaste fills cavities picks
toothpick medical treatment file
fluoride rinse prevention training
pulls teeth

Helpers Office Furnishings

hygienist chairs
receptionist desk
patient’s chair
file cabinets

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. The dentist’s purpose 4. The hygienist’s tools
2. How the dentist helps us 5. Dental office furnishings
3. The dentist’s tools

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. The dentist is a doctor who helps keep our teeth healthy.
2. Teeth are used to chew food.
3. Teeth should be brushed with toothpaste after each meal.
4. A hygienist helps the dentist.
5. The dentist checks teeth, treats teeth, fills cavities, and pulls teeth.
6. The dentist places braces on some people to straighten their teeth.
7. A dentist has helpers.
8. A receptionist makes a time for people to see the dentist.
9. A hygienist cleans and X-rays people’s teeth.
10. A dentist removes decay from our teeth with a drill.
11. Pictures of our teeth are called X-rays.
12. Dental f loss, toothpicks, and a f luoride rinse help clean between teeth.
13. The dentist’s office has special machines and special chairs.
14. The dentist has an office with furniture.
15. Chairs, desks, a telephone, computer, and file cabinets are office

1. cavity—decay on the tooth.
2. dental floss—a string used to clean between the teeth.
3. dentist—a person who helps to keep our teeth healthy.
4. hygienist—the dentist’s assistant who cleans teeth.
5. teeth—small white structures in our mouth used to chew food.
6. toothbrush—a brush to clean our teeth.
7. toothpaste—a paste to clean our teeth.
8. toothpick—a stick-like tool used for removing food particles between our
9. X-ray—to take a picture.

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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to promote the development of a positive
self-concept and assist in developing name recognition skills. Prepare an
attendance bulletin board by constructing a toothbrush out of tagboard for
each student and teacher. See the illustration. Color the toothbrushes with
colored felt-tip markers, and print the children’s and teachers’ names on them.
Laminate. Punch holes in each toothbrush. Check who has brushed their teeth
by observing the toothbrush hung on the bulletin board.

226 Theme 24
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
We are continuing our study of community helpers with a unit on the dentist. The dentist is an
important helper for us because our teeth are very important. Children are very aware of their teeth
at this age. Many of the older five-year-olds will soon begin losing their baby teeth. Through the
experiences provided in this curriculum unit, the children may learn that the dentist is a person who
helps us keep our teeth healthy. They will also spend some time learning about the importance and
techniques of proper tooth care.

At School
Some of the experiences planned for the unit include:
• Making toothpaste
• String painting with dental floss at the art table
• Painting with discarded toothbrushes at the easel
• Exploring tools that a dentist uses

Special Visitor
On Tuesday, we will meet Mrs. Jones, the dental hygienist at Dr. Milivitz’s dental clinic. Mrs. Jones will
discuss proper toothbrushing and will pass out toothbrush kits. You are invited to join our class at
10:00 a.m. for her visit.

At Home
Good habits start young! Dental cavities are one of the most prevalent diseases among children. It
has been estimated that 98 percent of school-aged children have at least one cavity. You and your
child can spend some time each day brushing your teeth together. Sometimes a child will brush more
effectively if someone else is with him or her. It is important for children to realize that they are the
primary caretakers of their teeth!
Have fun with your child!

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Field Trips and
Arts and Crafts Resource People
1. Easel Ideas 1. The Dentist
• Paint with discarded toothbrushes. Visit the dentist’s office. Observe the
• Paint on tooth-shaped easel paper. furnishings and equipment.

2. Toothbrushes and Splatter Screen 2. The Hygienist

Provide construction paper, splatter screens, Invite a dental hygienist to visit the
and discarded toothbrushes. The children classroom. Ask the hygienist to discuss
can splatter paint onto the paper using the tooth care and demonstrate proper brushing
toothbrush as a painting tool. techniques. After the discussion, provide
each child with a disclosing tablet which
3. Dental Floss Painting contains a dye that highlights bacterial
Provide thin tempera paint, paper, and plaque on tooth surfaces. Let each child look
dental floss. The child can spoon a small into a mirror to see where more brushing
amount of paint onto the paper and can and flossing are needed.
hold on to one end of the dental floss while
moving the free end through the paint to
make a design.

Fingerplays and Chants

Cooking My Toothbrush
Happy Teeth Snacks I have a little toothbrush.
(use pointer finger)
• Apple wedges I hold it very tight.
• Orange slices (make hand into fist)
• Asparagus I brush my teeth each morning,
• Cheese chunks and then again at night.
• Milk (use pointer finger and pretend to brush)
• Cucumber slices
• Cauliflower pieces Brushing Teeth
I move the toothbrush back and forth.
(pretend to brush teeth)
I brush all of my teeth.
I swish the water to rinse them and then,
(puff out cheeks to swish)
Dramatic Play I look at myself and smile.
Dental Office (smile at one another)
Provide white shirts, cotton balls, paper and
pencils, a phone, clipboards, and chairs in My Friend the Toothbrush
the dramatic play area. Set up as a dental My toothbrush is a tool.
office with a front desk, waiting area, and I use it every day.
examination office. I brush and brush and brush and brush
Note: Remind children to not put cotton to keep the cavities away.
balls or fingers in each other’s mouths. (pretend to brush teeth)

228 Theme 24
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Brush, brush, brush your teeth
Group Time Brush them every day.
We put some toothpaste on our brush
(Games and Language) To help stop tooth decay.

Pass the Toothpaste

Play music and pass a tube of
toothpaste around the circle. When
the music stops, the person who is
holding the toothpaste stands up Science
and claps his or her hands three 1. Tools
times (or some similar action). Place some safe dental products on the
Repeat the game. sensory table. Include a mirror, dental floss,
toothbrush, toothpaste, and so on. A dentist
may even lend you a model of a set of teeth.

2. Acid on Our Teeth

Show the children how acid weakens the
Large Muscle enamel of your teeth. Place a hard-boiled
egg in a bowl of vinegar for 24 hours.
1. Drop the Toothbrush
Observe how the eggshell becomes soft as
Set a large, plastic, open-mouth bottle on the
it decalcifies. The same principle applies
floor. Encourage the children to try to drop
to our teeth if the acid is not removed by
the toothbrushes into the mouth of the bottle.
brushing. (This activity is most appropriate
with older children.)
2. Sugar, Sugar, Toothbrush
Play like “Duck, Duck, Goose.” The
“toothbrush” tries to catch the “sugar”
3. Making Toothpaste
In individual plastic bags, place 4 teaspoons
before it gets around the circle to where
of baking soda, 1 teaspoon salt, and 1
the “toothbrush” was sitting. Game can
teaspoon water. Add a drop of food-flavoring
continue until interest diminishes.
extract such as peppermint or orange. The
children can mix their own toothpaste.

4. Sugar on Our Teeth

Sugar found in sweet food can cause
cavities on tooth enamel if it is not removed
by rinsing or brushing. To demonstrate the
Music effect of brushing, submerge white eggshells
1. “Brushing Teeth” into a clear glass of cola for 24 hours.
(Sing to the tune of “Mulberry Bush”) Observe the discoloration of the eggshell.
This is the way we brush our teeth, Apply toothpaste to the toothbrush. Brush
brush our teeth, brush our teeth. the eggshell, removing the stain. Ask the
This is the way we brush our teeth, children, “What caused the stain?”
so early in the morning.
5. Flossing Teeth
Use empty egg cartons to represent
2. “Clean Teeth” teeth. Cut pieces of yarn for the children
(Sing to the tune of “Row, Row, Row Your to practice “f lossing” teeth. Discuss the
Boat”) importance of f lossing teeth daily.

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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
London, Jonathan. (2004). Zack at the Dentist.
Illustrated by Jack Medoff. New York:
Sensory MacDonald, Amy. (1996). Cousin Ruth’s Tooth.
Additions to the Sensory Table Illustrated by Marjorie Priceman. Boston:
• Toothbrushes and water Houghton Mifflin.
• Peppermint extract added to water Mayer, Mercer. (2003). Just Going to the
Dentist. New York: Goler Books.
McGhee, Alison. (2004). Mrs. Watson Wants
Your Teeth. Illustrated by Harry Bliss.
Books Orlando, FL: Harcourt.
The following books can be used to complement Mercier, Johanne. (2004). Caillou at the Dentist.
this theme: Montreal: Chouette.
Adler, David A. (1997). A Young Cam Jansen Moffat, Julia. (2005). My Dentist Is Not a
and the Lost Tooth. Illustrated by Susanna Monster. Illustrated by Anni Axworthy.
Natti. New York: Viking. Worthington, OH: Brighter Child.
Barber, Tom. (2004). Open Wide. Illustrated Murkoff, Heidi Eisenberg. (2002). What
by Lynne Chapman. London: Chrysalis to Expect When You Go to the Dentist.
Children’s. Illustrated by Laura Rader. New York:
DeGezelle, Terri. (2006). Taking Care of My
Teeth. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. Murphy, Patricia J. (2005). A Visit to the Dentist’s
Office. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Finnegan, Evelyn M. (1995). My Little Friend
Goes to the Dentist. Illustrated by Diane Ready, Dee. (1997). Dentists. Chicago:
R. Houghton. Scituate, MA: Little Friend Children’s Press.
Press. Rosenberry, Vera. (2002). Vera Goes to the
Frost, Helen. (1999). Brushing Well. Mankato, Dentist. New York: Henry Holt.
MN: Pebble Books. Sage, Angie. (2001). Molly at the Dentist.
Frost, Helen. (1999). Going to the Dentist. Atlanta, GA: Peachtree.
Mankato, MN: Pebble Books. Schuh, Mari C. (2008). At the Dentist. Mankato,
Gomi, Taro. (1994). The Crocodile and the MN: Capstone Press.
Dentist. Brookfield, CT: Millbrook Press. Simms, Laura. (1998). Rotten Teeth. Illustrated
Hall, Kirsten. (1994). The Tooth Fairy. by David Catrow. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Illustrated by Nan Brooks. Chicago: Steig, William. (1997). Doctor De Soto. New
Children’s Press. York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Hallinan, P. K. (2002). My Dentist, My Friend. Stockham, Jess. (2011). Dentist. Auburn, ME:
Nashville, TN: Ideals Publishing. Child’s Play International.
Hoban, Lillian. (1987). Arthur’s Loose Tooth: Swanson, Diane. (2002). Dentist and You.
Story and Pictures. New York: Harper Toronto: Annick Press.
Thaler, Mike. (2000). Fang the Dentist. Illustrated
Keller, Laurie. (2000). Open Wide: Tooth School by Jared Lee. Mahwah, NJ: Troll Press.
Inside. New York: Holt.
Thaler, Mike. (2005). The Dentist from the Black
Kemper, Bitsy. (2007). Out and about at the Lagoon. Illustrated by Jared Lee. New York:
Dentist. Illustrated by Zachary Trover. Scholastic.
Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window Books.
Thomas, Pat. (2008). Do I Have to Go to the
Klein, Adria F. (2006). Max Goes to the Dentist. Dentist? A First Look at Healthy Teeth.
Illustrated by Mernie Gallagher-Cole. Hauppauge, NY: Barron’s Educational
Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window Books. Series.

230 Theme 24
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Tourville, Amanda Doering. (2009). Brush, “Doctor, Doctor” [CD]. (1996). In People in Our
Floss, and Rinse: Caring for Your Teeth Neighborhood. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo
and Gums. Illustrated by Ronnie Rooney. Educational.
Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window Books.
“I Got a Job” [CD]. (2002). In Growing Up with
Ziefert, Harriet. (2008). ABC Dentist. Ella Jenkins. Washington, DC: Smithsonian
Maplewood, NJ: Blue Apple Books. Folkways.
Open Wide, Tooth School Inside and 4 More
Fantastic Children’s Stories [DVD]. (2007).
New York: Scholastic.
Technology and “Tiger with a Toothbrush” [CD]. (1999). In We’re
Multimedia On Our Way. Sherman Oaks, CA: Hap-Pal
The following technology and multimedia
products can be used to complement this theme:
“Brush Your Teeth.” [CD]. (1996). In Singable Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Songs for the Very Young. Cambridge, MA: Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Rounder/UMGD. website. Go to to
“A Bulldozer Operator I Will Be” [CD]. (2007). access the site for a variety of useful resources.
In 50 Learning Songs. Stow, OH: Twin
Sisters Productions.

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Theme 25

(pronounced “di-vahl-ee”)

Foods Sounds Symbols

cakes fireworks and firecrackers tiny lights
candies clay lamps called “diya”
lassi (yogurt shakes) rangoli patterns
kheer (rice pudding) Hindu gods and goddesses
vegetable curry

five days long every autumn decorate shrines in homes
candy and sweets rangoli patterns
gifts oil lamps
cards feasts
new clothes card games
gold and jewelry fireworks, firecrackers, and sparklers
clean homes Lakshmi

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. How Diwali is celebrated
2. Foods prepared and eaten during Diwali
3. Sounds of Diwali celebrations
4. Symbols of this important holiday

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Diwali is a holiday celebrated for five days in October and/or November.
2. People who follow the Hindu religion (and some other religions) in
India and throughout the world celebrate Diwali.
3. The holiday shows respect to Hindu gods and goddesses.
4. Shrines are decorated in peoples’ homes.
5. Families feast for lunch or dinner.
6. At home, everyone prepares by cleaning and decorating.
7. People wear new clothes and dress up for the holiday.
8. Some people wear gold jewelry.
9. Families send cards to each other.
10. People give sweets such as cakes, cookies, and candy for gifts.
11. Colorful patterns (rangoli) are painted on the ground outside.
12. People feast on vegetable curry dishes, yogurt shakes (lassi), and rice
pudding (kheer).
13. Clay lamps (diya) and candles are lit up to make everything bright.
14. Fireworks and firecrackers are set off.
15. Children believe that when they are sleeping, they are visited by a
goddess (Lakshmi) who brings them candy and presents.
16. Children play card games and other games together.

1. candle—a wax shape with a string wick that is burned to give off light.
2. celebrate—to observe a holiday and have a good time.
3. curry—a spice from the curry leaf used in Indian foods.
4. Diwali—a five-day holiday celebrated by Hindus all over the world.
5. diya lamp—a small oil lamp made from baked clay.
6. feast—a big, delicious meal.
7. festival—a party or celebration that usually happens every year.
8. fireworks—bright lights and loud noises.
9. Hindu—a religion with origins in India.
10. rangoli pattern—decorative designs made using powdered stone and
created during festivals.

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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to promote name recognition, visual
discrimination, and hand-eye coordination skills. Trace and cut a candle for
each child in the class from tagboard, and print each child’s name on the flame
section of the candle (all in plain tagboard). Cut out the candle pieces. Trace and
cut out a f lame for each child in the class in red construction paper. Then print
each child’s name on a f lame. Laminate and cut out the flame pieces. Have the
children match each red f lame with name to the matching candle.

234 Theme 25
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Our next theme is the holiday of Diwali (pronounced “di-vahl-ee”). Depending upon the position of the
moon each year in October or November, Diwali is celebrated by people who follow the Hindu religion, as
well as people who are Sikh or Jain.
Officially, Diwali marks the time when Lord Rama and his wife Sita return to Ayodhya after 14 years of
exile, having been sent away by his father, the king of Ayodhya. Today, the holiday is celebrated in India and
around the world as the “Festival of Light.” People light candles and clay lamps called “diya” to light the path
for Rama and Sita and to show the power of good over evil.
Diwali celebrations—which last for five days—also include dazzling fireworks displays, sweets and
other mouthwatering dishes, prayers to gods and goddesses, new clothing, and gift giving. Families clean
their homes and decorate with lights and flowers. Brightly colored rangoli patterns (decorative designs)
are drawn outside on floors and pavement as a sign of welcome, usually with rice flour and water.
For children, the magic of Diwali happens at night while they are sleeping.The belief is that a
goddess named Lakshmi visits homes on Diwali and leaves presents and candies for the children to find
in the morning. The more lamps they light, the more likely it is that Lakshmi will be tempted to visit.
At School
Some of the Diwali activities planned include:
• Preparing traditional Indian shakes and rice pudding
• Cleaning up and dressing up to get ready for Diwali
• Coloring rangoli patterns with colored chalk
• Making the sounds of firecrackers
At Home
If you or anyone you know celebrates Diwali at home, you might want to make and send Diwali cards,
make a curry dish, eat in an Indian restaurant, or light candles and lamps to display in your windows.
Parent Involvement
If you have special knowledge or experience celebrating Diwali, we would love to have you share it
with our class. Please contact me so a time can be arranged for your visit.
Enjoy learning about Diwali with your child!

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2. Pineapple Basundi
2 1/2 cups low-fat warm milk
3/4 cup pineapple (grated)
Arts and Crafts 5 teaspoons sugar
1. Happy Diwali Banner A few strands of saffron
Cut a large piece of butcher paper and paint 1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder
the words “Happy Diwali!” on it. Once it is 1/4 cup pineapple (cubed)
dry, invite the children to make handprints
using fingerpaint. You might want to add Soak the saffron in a bowl with 2 tablespoons
the outline of a few candles so children of warm milk. In a nonstick pan, boil the milk.
can color these in too. Hang the banner for Stir continuously until the milk reduces to
everyone to see and enjoy. half its original volume. Add the saffron and
cardamom powder, and mix well. Refrigerate.
2. Colored Chalk Rangolis In a nonstick pan, mix the pineapple
Show a picture or two of rangoli patterns and sugar. Cook for 6 minutes, stirring
from a book about Diwali (or on the continuously. Set to cool. Add the pineapple
Internet). Draw some shape outlines or mixture to the chilled milk and then mix.
designs on the pavement outside. Invite Garnish with pineapple cubes.
the children to work together to color and
decorate the designs using colored chalks. 3. Indian Vegetable Rice
(Or, draw an 8–10-inch circle for each 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
child to color his or her own rangoli on the 1 onion, thinly sliced
pavement outside.) You can also provide 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
some colored sand to decorate the rangoli. 1 cup basmati rice
Variation: You can also sketch an easy-to- 2 cups water
color rangoli design on an 8 1/2 3 11 piece of 3/4 tsp salt
paper and photocopy for each child to color. 3/4 cup frozen mixed vegetable

3. Candleholders (Diyas) In a pan, heat oil and sauté onion and

Give children some modeling clay or play cumin. Stir-fry the onions until tender.
dough in different colors. Show them how to Rinse the rice and add it to the pan, along
make “Diwali lamps” or “diyas” by molding with 2 cups of water. Add salt and frozen
the clay into small bowl shapes. Add pieces vegetables. Cover the pan and boil over
of yarn for pretend wicks. Line up the lamps high heat. Reduce the heat and cook for
on a windowsill for a festive look. approximately 30 minutes, stirring after
10 minutes to mix the spices evenly.

4. Chocolate Cereal Diyas

Cooking 1 cup chocolate chips
1. Rice Pudding (Kheer) 2 tablespoons butter
3 cups cooked white rice 2 cups rice crispy cereal
3 cups 2% milk Mini-cupcake pan and liners or
1/2 cup granulated sugar aluminum foil
1/4 teaspoon salt (optional)
2 tablespoons butter or margarine Prepare diya molds by lining the mini-
1 teaspoon vanilla extract cupcake pan with liners or foil. Set aside.
Fill a large pot or double boiler with water.
Combine rice, milk, sugar, salt, and butter Bring to boil. Add chocolate chips and butter
in saucepan. Cook over medium heat until to a small bowl and place over the boiling
thickened, 25 to 30 minutes, stirring often. water, or add to top of double boiler. Melt,
Add vanilla. Pour into serving dishes. Serve stirring gently. (Note: A microwave can also
warm or cold. be used on low to melt the chocolate.) When

236 Theme 25
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smooth, add the cereal. Remove from heat Diwali candles just for me!
and mix well. Cool slightly. (Point to self)
Pour a small amount of the mixture into Candles to the left, candles to the right
the prepared diya molds. Press into shape (Hold up fingers on left hand and then
with the back of a spoon. Allow to cool hold up fingers on the right)
and harden in the refrigerator. When cool, Diwali candles, burn all night!
gently remove from molds. (Hold up and wiggle 10 fingers like
burning f lames)
5. Coconut Treats
1 cup sweet (f lavored) cream cheese 2. One Little, Two Little, Three Little
1/2 cup flaked coconut Candles
Dried apricot halves One little, two little, three little candles
(Hold up 1, 2, then 3 fingers)
Mix sweetened cream cheese with f laked Four little, five little, six little candles
coconut and roll into small balls. Use fingers (Hold up 4, 5, then 6 fingers)
to soften dried apricot halves. Stuff the Seven little, eight little, nine little candles
apricots with the coconut-cheese balls. (Hold up 7, 8, then 9 fingers)
Ten little candles burning!
(Hold up and wiggle all 10 fingers)

Dramatic Play
1. Clean Up for Diwali
Remind children that everyone cleans their Field Trips and
house to get ready for the special holiday of
Diwali. Have the children do a big “cleanup”
Resource People
in their preschool room. 1. Host a Visitor
Invite someone who celebrates Diwali
2. Jewelry Shop to come visit. Have them share with the
Remind children that everyone dresses up for children the things they enjoy about
the special holiday of Diwali. Set out materials celebrating Diwali. Encourage the visitor to
your children can use to make jewelry, such bring any artifacts and pictures to share.
as aluminum foil or sparkly pipe cleaners.
You might also include paper shapes that can 2. Indian Shops
be decorated with glitter glue or sequins and If you live in an area where there is a
then strung on yarn for a necklace. strong Indian community, consider visiting
some Indian shops during the time when
3. Wrapping Station people are preparing for Diwali. An Indian
Place tissue paper, wrapping paper scraps, market would expose the children to the
tape, and ribbons on a table. Provide a many different spices, colors, ingredients,
variety of little objects such as blocks, and smells there are. A sari shop would give
pretend food, and small toys for children to the children a colorful look at dressing up
wrap as pretend gifts for Diwali. for the holiday. Teach them to greet others
with “Happy Diwali.”

Group Time
Fingerplays and Chants (Games and Language)
1. Diwali Candles One—Two—Three 1. Decorate for Diwali
Diwali candles one—two—three. Clean and decorate your space together.
(Hold up fingers on the count) Invite children to sweep, dust, put away

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toys, and use wipes to clean surfaces. circle. Start them singing the following
Then hang streamers, paper chains, flower song, and walking one step at a time to
garlands (string flower shapes cut from the right as they say each number (1, 2, 3,
colored paper onto pieces of yarn), and other 4, etc.). Encourage the child whose name
decorations together. is called to pretend to eat! Then repeat
the song and have the children continue
2. Flashlight Jamboree walking with the count. If walking around a
Hand out small flashlights and have the circle is challenging, have the children hold
children explore using the beams of light to hands as they walk.
find things, light up dark spaces (cubbies One, two, three, four
and closets), and make shadows or patterns (child’s name) at the kitchen door.
on the walls or f loor. Five, six, seven, eight.
Eating (curry, kheer, or rice pudding) off her
It’s Diwali!
Variation: The same activity can be done
inside or outside without circles.
Large Muscle
1. Boom Boom Firecrackers 2. Candle Sort
Roll out a few long strips of large bubble Sort various candles by size, shape, and
wrap (the largest bubble size available) and color.
have the children run, jump, or dance down
the strip, making firecracker sounds with 3. Light Walk
their feet. Take a walk with the children and record
the number of lights (lamps, candles, and
2. Musical Chairs 1 1 light fixtures) observed on the walk. If
This is a noncompetitive version of appropriate, the lights might be classified
a popular game that you can play to into categories such as “lamps” and
celebrate Diwali. Place a group of chairs in “fixtures.”
a double row with the chairs back-to-back.
The total number of chairs for preschoolers 4. Which is bigger?
can be the same number as the number Collect a variety of stick (taper) candles in
of children playing. Play a fun musical different sizes. Encourage the children to
track, and have the children walk around order from biggest to smallest.
the chairs in a single line. When you stop
the music, the children have to rush to
find the nearest seat and sit down. Repeat
again and again. Continue the game in this
way till all the players are tired out and

1. The People at Diwali
(Sing to the tune of “The Wheels on the
2+3 = Bus”)
Math Oh, the people at Diwali light the lights
1. Count Off light the lights, light the lights
With chalk, draw a circle of 10-inch circles (Children wave fingers to show f lickering
on the pavement outside with the same light)
number of 10-inch circles as the number of Oh, the people at Diwali light the lights,
children in your group. Have your children All over town.
stand in the circle, each one on a 10-inch Oh, the sounds at Diwali, boom boom boom

238 Theme 25
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boom boom boom, boom boom boom
(Children close and open their fingers)
Oh the sounds at Diwali, boom boom boom,
All over town. Sensory
Oh, the sweets at Diwali, yum yum yum
1. Bubble Wrap
Yum yum yum, yum yum yum
Fill the sensory table with pieces of bubble
(Children rub their belly)
wrap (or Styrofoam packing pieces) for the
Oh, the sweets at Diwali, yum yum yum
children to make the sounds of firecrackers.
All over town.

2. Little Lamps
(Sing to the tune of “London Bridge”) Books
Little lamps are burning bright, Das, Prodeepta. (2004). I Is for India. World
Burning bright, burning bright. Alphabets. London: Frances Lincoln
Little lamps are burning bright, Children’s Books.
Happy Diwali.
See them lighting up the night, Dickmann, Nancy. (2011). Diwali. Fiestas.
Up the night, up the night. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Raintree.
See them lighting up the night, Gardeski, Christina Mia. (2000). Diwali. Rookie
Happy Diwali. Read-About Holidays. New Haven, CT:
Children’s Press.
Gilmore, Rachna. (2000). Lights for Gita.
Illustrated by Alice Priestley. Gardiner, ME:
Tilbury House Publishers.
Heiligman, Deborah. (2008). Celebrate Diwali:
With Sweets, Lights, and Fireworks.
Holidays around the World. Washington,
Social Studies DC: National Geographic Children’s Books.
1. Celebration Collage Jordan, Denise M. (2002). Diwali. Heinemann
Cut pictures of people getting together, Read and Learn. Portsmouth, NH:
smiling, and laughing. Include pictures of Heinemann.
older people, middle-aged people, children, Kumar, Manisha, and Monica Kumar.
and babies. You might want to seek out (2006). Diwali: A Festival of Lights and
pictures of people eating together. Provide Fun/Diwali: Kushiyon Ka Tyohaar.
glue sticks and 8 1/2-inch 3 11-inch paper. Illustrated by Sona and Jacob. San Jose,
Invite children to make collages of families CA: MeeraMasi.
and friends celebrating together.
Makhijani, Pooja. (2007). Mama’s Saris.
2. Diwali around the World Illustrated by Elena Gomez. New York:
Show pictures in a children’s book of Diwali Little Brown & Company Books for Young
celebrations. Invite the children to tell you Readers.
what they see. Preszler, June. (2006). Diwali: Hindu Festival of
Lights. First Facts. Mankato, MN: Capstone
3. Brothers and Sisters Press.
On the last (fifth) day of Diwali, brothers Sandhu, Rupi K. (2008). Twinkling Lights,
and sisters get together to strengthen their Diwali Nights. Bloomington, IN: Trafford
bonds. Invite children to tell you about their Publishing.
brothers and sisters. Ask, “What do you like
Somaiah, Rosemarie, and Ranjan Somaiah.
to play together?” “How do you take care of
(2006). Indian Children’s Favourite Stories.
your brothers or sisters?” and “How do your
North Clarendon, VT: Tuttle Publishing.
brothers and sisters take care of you?”

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Strain Trueit, Trudi. (2006). Diwali. Rookie
Read-About Holidays. New Haven, CT:
Children’s Press.
Technology and
Torpie, Kate, Chester Fisher, and Susan Multimedia
Labella. (2008). Diwali. Celebrations in My Global Wonders: India [DVD]. 2008. Hollywood,
World. New York: Crabtree Publishing. CA: Paramount Pictures.
Zucker, Jonny. (2004). Illustrated by Jan Barger
Cohen. Lighting a Lamp: A Diwali Story.
Hauppauge, NY: Barron’s Educational Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Series. Theme can be found on the book’s companion
website. Go to to
access the site for a variety of useful resources.

240 Theme 25
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Theme 26

Tools Kinds Clothing
rubber hammer eye white lab coat
stethoscope ear gloves
thermometer feet masks
scale teeth
medicine animal

Purposes Places of Work

community helpers hospitals
help people clinics
help animals home care

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. The purpose of doctors and nurses
2. Kinds of doctors and nurses
3. Places doctors and nurses work
4. Tools used by doctors and nurses
5. Clothing worn by doctors and nurses

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Doctors and nurses are community helpers.
2. Doctors and nurses help to keep people and animals healthy.
3. Doctors and nurses work in clinics, hospitals, schools, and homes.
4. Lab coats, gloves, and masks are clothing doctors and nurses may wear.
5. Special doctors and nurses care for our eyes, ears, feet, and teeth.
6. An animal doctor is called a veterinarian.
7. A pediatrician is a children’s doctor.
8. Doctors and nurses use many tools.
9. A stethoscope is a tool used to check heartbeats and breathing.
10. Thermometers are used to check body temperature.
11. A scale is used to check people’s weight.
12. A rubber hammer is used to check people’s reflexes.
13. Sometimes doctors give people medicine to make them feel better.

1. doctor—a man or woman who helps keep our bodies healthy.
2. nurse—a man or woman who usually assists the doctor.
3. ophthalmologist—an eye doctor.
4. patient—a person who goes to see a doctor.
5. pediatrician—a children’s doctor.
6. stethoscope—a tool for checking heartbeat and breathing.
7. thermometer—a tool for checking our body temperature.
8. veterinarian—an animal doctor.

242 Theme 26
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to develop skills in identifying written numerals
and matching sets to numerals. Construct bandages out of manila tagboard as
illustrated, or use purchased adhesive bandages. Laminate. Collect small boxes and
cover with white paper if necessary. The number of boxes will be dependent on the
developmental age of the children. Plastic bandage boxes or 16-count crayon boxes
may be used. On each box, place a numeral. Affix the box to a bulletin board by
stapling. The children can place the proper number of bandages in each box.


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Family Letter


Dear Families,
I hope everyone in your family is happy and healthy! Speaking of healthy, we are starting a unit on
doctors and nurses. The children will be learning about the different types of doctors and nurses and
how they help people. They also will be introduced to some of the tools used by doctors and nurses.

At School
A few of the learning experiences planned include:
• Listening to the story Tommy Goes to the Doctor
• Taking our temperatures with forehead strips and recording them on a chart in the science area
• Dressing up as doctors and nurses in the dramatic play area
• Experimenting with syringes (no needles!) and water at the sensory table
• Listening to and looking at books related to doctors and nurses

At Home
There are many ways to integrate this curriculum unit into your home. To begin, discuss the role of
your family doctor. Talk about your child’s visit to a physician. This will help to alleviate anxiety and
fears your child may have about the procedures and setting. Let your child help you prepare this
nutritious snack at home. We will be making it for Wednesday’s snack as well.

Fruit Smoothie
1 cup lowfat yogurt
2 cups fresh or frozen berries
2 tablespoons frozen orange juice concentrate
Combine all of the ingredients and blend. Process the mixture until smooth. If desired, thin by adding
additional orange juice.

Model positive attitudes toward health for your child.

244 Theme 26
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forehead strip thermometer, gauze, tape,
masks, eyedroppers, an eye chart, cots,
blankets, pencils and paper, empty and
Arts and Crafts washed medicine bottles, a stethoscope, a
1. Cotton Swab Painting scale, and syringes without needles. A first-
Place cotton swabs, cotton balls, and aid kit including gauze and tape, adhesive
tempera paint on a table in the art area. bandages, a sling, and Ace bandages can be
The cotton swabs and balls can be used as placed in this box. Place the prop boxes in
painting tools. the dramatic play area.

2. Body Tracing 2. Animal Clinic

Trace the children’s bodies by having them Place stuffed animals with the doctor tools
lie down on a large piece of paper. The body in the dramatic play area.
shape can be decorated at school by the
child with crayons and felt-tip markers. 3. Eye Doctor Clinic
The shapes could also be taken home and Ask a local eye doctor for discontinued
decorated with parental assistance. eyeglass frames. Place the frames with a
wall chart in the dramatic play area.
3. Eyedropper Painting
Provide eyedroppers, thin tempera paint,
and absorbent paper. Designs can be made
by using the eyedropper as a painting tool. Field Trips and
Another method is to prepare water colored
with food coloring in muffin tins. Using
Resource People
heavy paper towels with construction paper 1. Doctor’s Office
underneath for protection, the children will Visit a doctor’s office.
enjoy creating designs with the colored water.
2. Resource Person
Invite a nurse or doctor to visit the
classroom. Encourage him or her to talk
Cooking briefly about his or her job. He or she
can also share some of the tools with the
1. Mighty Mixture children.
Mix any of the following:
A variety of dried fruit (apples, apricots, 3. The Hospital
pineapple, and raisins) Visit a local hospital.
A variety of seeds (pumpkin and sunflower)

2. Vegetable Juice
Prepare individual servings of vegetable
juice in a blender by adding 1/2 cup of cut-
up vegetables and 1/4 cup of water. Add salt
to taste. Vegetables that can be used include
Fingerplays and Chants
celery, carrots, beets, tomatoes, cucumbers, Miss Polly’s Dolly
and zucchini. Miss Polly had a dolly that was sick, sick, sick.
(cradle arms and look sad)
She called for the doctor to come quick,
quick, quick.
(clap hands three times)
Dramatic Play The doctor came with his coat and his hat.
1. Doctors and Nurses (point to your shirt and head)
Make a prop box for a doctor and nurse. And rapped on the door with a rap, rap, rap.
Include a white coat, rubber gloves, a (pretend to knock three times)


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He looked at the dolly and he shook his head
(shake head) 2+3 =
And he said, “Miss Polly, put her straight to Math
bed.” 1. Weight and Height Chart
(shake finger) Prepare a height and weight chart out of
Then he wrote on a paper for some pills, tagboard. Record each child’s height and
pills, pills. weight on this chart. Repeat periodically
(hold left hand out flat, pretend to write throughout the year to note physical
with right hand) changes.
I’ll be back in the morning with my bill, bill,
bill. 2. Tongue Depressor Dominoes
(hold left hand out flat, wave it up and Make a set of dominoes by writing on
down as if waiting to be handed cash) tongue depressors. Divide each tongue
Note: The doctor may be male or female. depressor in half with a felt-tip marker.
Substitute pronouns. On each half place a different number of
dots. Consider the children’s developmental
Five Little Children level in determining the number of dots
Five little children, playing in a tree. (hold to be included. Demonstrate to interested
up five fingers) children how to play dominoes.
One fell out and broke his knee. (touch
knee) 3. Bandage Lotto
Mommy (Daddy) called the doctor, (hold Construct a bandage lotto game using
f ist to ear) various sizes and shapes of bandages. Trace
And the doctor said, each bandage onto a piece of tag board
“No more children playing in a tree!” (shake using a permanent felt-tip marker. The
pointed index finger) bandages can be matched to the shapes on
Four little children . . . (repeat actions as the tagboard.
Three little children . . .
Two little children . . .
One little child . . .
1. “The Doctor in the Clinic”
(Sing to the tune of “Farmer in the Dell”)
Group Time
(Games and Language) The doctor in the clinic.
The doctor in the clinic.
1. Doctor, Doctor, Nurse Hi-ho the derry-o,
Play “Duck, Duck, Goose” inserting the The doctor in the clinic.
words, “Doctor, Doctor, Nurse.”
The doctor takes a nurse . . .
2. What’s Missing? The nurse takes a patient . . .
Place a variety of doctors’ and nurses’ tools The patient gets help . . .
on a large tray. Tell the children to close The patient gets better . . .
their eyes. Remove one item from the tray.
Then have the children open their eyes
and guess which item has been removed. 2. “To the Hospital”
Continue playing the game using all of the (Sing to the tune of “Frére Jacques”)
items as well as providing an opportunity To the hospital, to the hospital,
for each child. We will go, we will go.
We will see the doctors,
And we’ll see the nurses,
Dressed in scrubs, dressed in scrubs.

246 Theme 26
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Science The following books can be used to complement
1. Thermometer this theme:
Place a variety of unbreakable Beatty, Andrea, and Pascal Lemaitre. (2008).
thermometers on the science table. Doctor Ted. New York: Simon & Schuster.
Include a candy, a meat, and an outdoor
thermometer. Also include a strip Bennett, Howard J. (2006). Lions Aren’t Scared
thermometer that can be safely used on of Shots: A Story for Children about Visiting
children’s foreheads. the Doctor. Illustrated by M. S. Weber.
Washington, DC: Magination Press.
2. Casts Bond, Michael, Karen Jankel, and R. W. Alley.
Ask personnel at a local hospital to save (2001). Paddington Bear Goes to the Hospital.
clean, discarded casts. Place the casts on Illustrated by R. W. Alley. New York:
the science table, allowing the children to HarperCollins.
observe the materials, try them on for size, Brazelton, T. Berry. (1996). Going to the Doctor.
as well as feel their weight. The children Photos by Alfred Womack. Reading, MA:
may also enjoy decorating the casts. Addison Wesley.
Charlip, Remy, and Burton Supree. (2001).
3. Stethoscope
Mother Mother I Feel Sick Send for the
Place a stethoscope on the science table for
Doctor Quick Quick Quick. Illustrated by
the children to experiment with. After each
Remy Charlip. Berkeley, CA: Tricycle Press.
child uses it, wipe the ear plugs with alcohol
to prevent the transmission of disease. Civardi, Anne. (2005). Going to the Doctor.
Illustrated by Stephen Cartwright. Tulsa,
4. Doctors’ Tools OK: EDC Pub.
In a feely box, place several tools that a Cole, Joanna. (2005). My Friend the Doctor.
doctor uses. Include a thermometer, gauze, Illustrated by Maxie Chambliss. New York:
a stethoscope, a rubber hammer, and tongue HarperCollins.
Cousins, Lucy. (2001). Doctor Maisy. Cambridge,
MA: Candlewick Press.
5. Making Toothpaste
Mix 4 teaspoons baking soda, 1 teaspoon Davison, Martine. (1992). Robby Visits the
salt, and 1 teaspoon peppermint flavoring. Doctor. Illustrated by Nancy Stevenson.
Then add just enough water to form a thick New York: Random House.
paste. Dooley, Virginia. (1996). Tubes in My Ears: My
Trip to the Hospital. Illustrated by Miriam
Katin. Greenvale, NY: Mondo Publications.
Ehrlich, H. M. (2005). Dr. Duck and the
New Babies. Illustrated by Laura Rader.
Social Studies Maplewood, NJ: Blue Apple Books.
Pictures Fiedler, Sonja. (2006). Say Ahh! New York:
Display various health-related pictures North-South.
in the room at the children’s eye level. Gordon, Sharon. (2007). What’s inside a
Include doctors and nurses. Pictures Hospital?/Que Hay Dentro De Un Hospital?
should depict males and females in Tarrytown, NY: Marshall Cavendish
both of these health-related fields. Benchmark.
Hoena, B. A. (2004). A Visit to the Doctor’s
Office. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.


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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Kottke, Jan. (2000). A Day with a Doctor. New Schomp, Virginia. (1998). If You Were a
York: Children’s Press. Veterinarian. Tarrytown, NY: Marshall
Liebman, Daniel. (2000). I Want to Be a Doctor. Cavendish.
Toronto: Firefly Books. Seligmann, Jean H. (1975) Tommy Visits the
Lloyd, Sam. (2007). Doctor Meow’s Big Doctor. NY: Random House.
Emergency. New York: Henry Holt. Thaler, Mike. (1995). The School Nurse from
London, Jonathan. (2002). Froggy Goes to the the Black Lagoon. Illustrated by Jared Lee.
Doctor. Illustrated by Frank Remikiewicz. New York: Scholastic.
New York: Viking. Wells, Rosemary. (2001). Felix Feels Better.
Marx, David F. (2000). Hello, Doctor. Illustrated Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.
by Mark A. Hicks. New York: Children’s Press.
Marzollo, Jean. (2001). Shanna’s Doctor Show.
Illustrated by Shane Evans. New York: Jump
at the Sun/Hyperion Books for Children. Technology and
Mayer, Mercer. (2005). My Trip to the Hospital. Multimedia
New York: HarperFestival.
The following technology and multimedia
McCue, Lisa. (2005). Corduroy Goes to the
products can be used to complement this
Doctor. New York: Viking.
Miller, Marilyn. (1996). Behind the Scenes
“Doctor Knickerbocker” [CD]. (2008). In Name
at the Hospital. Illustrated by Ingo Fast.
Games. Toronto: Casablanca Kids.
Austin, TX: Raintree/Steck Vaughn.
“I Got a Job” [CD]. (2002). In Growing Up with
Moses, Amy. (1997). Doctors Help People.
Ella Jenkins. Washington, DC: Smithsonian
Mankato, MN: Child’s World.
Murkoff, Heidi E. (2001). What to Expect
When You Go to the Doctor. New York:
HarperFestival. Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Murphy, Liz. (2007). ABC Doctor. Maplewood, Theme can be found on the book’s companion
NJ: Blue Apple Books. website. Go to to
Sanschagrin, Joceline. (2008). Caillou: The access the site for a variety of useful resources.
Doctor. Illustrated by Pierre Brignaud.
Montreal: Chouette Publishing.

248 Theme 26
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Theme 27

Body Parts Food Communicate Supplies
fur water growling collars
four legs dog food barking bones
paws dog treats wagging tail leashes
tail pawing brushes
ears Safety licking
eyes diseases
nose rabies

Colors Care Occupational Sizes

yellow exercise Uses large
brown food police and medium
black water security dog small
white sleep Seeing Eye dog
mixed grooming hunting Homes
farming doghouses
ranching kennels

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Dog’s body parts 6. Dog homes
2. Sizes of dogs 7. Dog safety
3. Foods dogs eat 8. Colors of dogs
4. Supplies dogs need 9. Special care of dogs
5. Occupational uses of dogs 10. How dogs communicate

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. A dog is an animal.
2. There are many different sizes of dogs.
3. Dogs have keen senses of smell and hearing.
4. Dogs growl, paw, lick, wag their tail, and bark to communicate.
5. Dogs may bark at strangers to protect their owners and their space.
6. Children should not pet strange dogs.
7. Dogs have four legs, eyes, ears, a mouth, a nose, paws, and a tail.
8. Dogs have fur on their skin.
9. Dogs need water and dog food.
10. Police dogs help police officers.
11. Seeing Eye dogs help people who are blind and cannot see.
12. Hunting dogs help hunters.
13. Some dogs, like herding dogs, help farmers or ranchers.
14. There are many different kinds of dogs.
15. Dogs need care.
16. Dogs need food, water, sleep, and exercise.
17. Dogs need to have their toenails clipped.
18. Some dogs need to be groomed.
19. Dogs can live in doghouses, in kennels, or in a house.
20. Dogs can be many different colors.

1. dog—a domesticated animal that usually lives with humans.
2. bone—an object a dog chews on.
3. coat—hair or fur covering the skin.
4. collar—a band worn around the dog’s neck.
5. doghouse—a place for dogs to sleep and keep warm.
6. guide dog—a dog trained to help people who are blind or need help.
7. leash—a rope, chain, or cord that attaches to a collar.
8. obedience school—a school where dogs are taught to obey.
9. paw—the dog’s foot.
10. pet—an animal kept for pleasure.
11. puppy—a baby dog.
12. veterinarian—an animal doctor.
13. whiskers—stiff hair growing around the dog’s nose, mouth, and eyes.

250 Theme
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to develop visual discrimination, problem-
solving, color recognition, and matching skills. Prepare the bulletin board by cutting
dog shapes out of tagboard or construction paper. Add details using felt-tip markers.
Use rubber cement to attach a different colored paper collar to each dog’s neck. Also,
cut out dog dishes from colored construction paper. Attach the pieces to the bulletin
board as illustrated. Attach lengths of yarn or string for children to match the color
of each dog’s collar to the corresponding dog dish.

DOGS 251
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
We will begin a curriculum unit on a favorite subject of children of all ages—dogs! Through the
classroom activities, we will be learning about a dog’s basic physical features such as the coat and
body parts. We will also learn about caring for a dog, the roles of dogs in people’s lives, dog training,
as well as factors families need to consider when choosing a dog. This curriculum unit is designed to
encourage the children to develop an awareness of and respect for dogs as pets.

At School
Some of the learning experiences planned include:
• Creating paw prints at the art table (dipping paw-shaped sponges into paint and applying them
to paper)
• Sorting various-sized dog biscuits
• Listening to the children’s stories about their own dogs
• Setting up a “pet store” in the dramatic play area, complete with stuffed animals and many dog
• Baking dog biscuits

At Home
To foster parent-child interaction and reinforce some of the concepts we are working on at school, try
some of the following ideas:
• Look through magazines to find pictures of dogs and puppies. Help your child tear out some of the
pictures. This activity is good for the development of fine motor and visual discrimination skills. An
interesting collage can be made by gluing these pictures onto a piece of paper.
• If you don’t have access to a dog, visit a pet shop to observe the puppies. At the same time, note
all of the dog supplies available.

Enjoy your child!

252 Theme 27
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dough to a half-inch thickness on a lightly
oiled cookie sheet. Cut with cutters and
remove scraps. Bake 25 to 30 minutes at 350
Arts and Crafts degrees. This recipe may be varied by adding
1. Dog Puppets pureed soup greens, protein powder, and so on.
Provide socks, paper bags, or paper plates to
make dog puppets. 3. Healthy Dog Biscuits
1 3/4 cups beef or chicken broth
2. Dog Masks 1 package dry yeast
Use fake fur ears and chenille stems for 2 cups whole wheat flour
whiskers. 1/2 cup cornmeal
1 teaspoon salt
3. Bone Printing 1/3 cup safflower oil
Provide different meat bones, a tray of 1/3 cup finely chopped fresh mint
tempera paint, and paper to make prints. 1 egg, lightly beaten with 1 teaspoon of water

4. Bone Painting To proof yeast:

Cut easel paper in bone shapes. Heat broth in a small saucepan to 105
degrees. Sprinkle in yeast, stir to dissolve,
and remove from heat. Let the mixture
stand at room temperature for 5 minutes.
Caution: If the broth is too hot, it will kill
Cooking the yeast.

1. Hot “Dog” Kebabs on a Stick To make biscuits:

1 package hot dogs, cut up Pour the yeast mixture into the bowl of
2 green peppers, cut up a standing mixer fitted with a paddle
Cherry tomatoes attachment. Add the whole wheat flour,
Paper plates and napkins cornmeal, salt, oil, and mint. Mix on
Skewers medium speed until a soft dough is formed.
Remove to a well-floured surface. Knead
Place two pieces of green pepper, two cherry 10–12 times, or just until the texture is
tomatoes, and two hot dog pieces on each smooth. Cover the dough with a kitchen
child’s plate. Show the children how to towel. Let stand for 20 minutes.
thread the ingredients on skewers. Bake the
kabobs in a preheated oven for 15 minutes To shape biscuits:
at 350 degrees. Due to choking hazards, Roll out into a 1/4-inch-thick rectangle.
children should be watched carefully when Using a bone-shaped cookie cutter, cut
eating hot dogs. shapes starting from the edge of the dough
and working toward the center so that
2. Dog Biscuits—for Dogs! fewer scraps remain. Gather up scraps.
2 1/2 cups whole wheat flour Knead together until smooth. Reroll to cut
1/2 cup powdered dry milk additional biscuits. Place 1/2 inch apart on
1/2 teaspoon salt parchment-linked baking sheets.
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
6 tablespoons margarine, shortening, or To bake biscuits:
meat drippings Brush the tops with the egg mixture.
1 egg Place on the center oven rack. Bake in
1 teaspoon brown sugar a 400-degree oven for 45–50 minutes or
1/2 cup ice water until lightly browned, reversing the baking
sheets halfway through the baking time.
Combine flour, milk, salt, and garlic powder. Turn off the oven. Keep the biscuits inside
Cut in the shortening. Mix in egg. Add enough the oven for 30 minutes to crisp. Remove.
water so that mixture forms a ball. Pat the Cool. Store in plastic bags.
DOGS 253
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When finished:
Dog biscuits can be sent home with children
or donated to a local animal shelter. Field Trips and
Makes 30 six-inch biscuits. Resource People
4. Hush Puppies 1. Pet Store
Vegetable oil Take a field trip to a pet store. While there,
2 1/4 cups yellow cornmeal ask the manager how to care for dogs.
1 teaspoon salt Observe the different types of cages, collars,
2 tablespoons finely chopped onion leashes, food, and toys.
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 1/2 cups buttermilk 2. Veterinarian’s Office
Take a field trip to a veterinarian’s office or
animal hospital. Compare its similarities
Heat oil (about 1 inch deep) in a deep
and differences with a doctor’s office.
frying pan to 375 degrees. Mix cornmeal,
salt, onion, and baking soda in a bowl. Add
buttermilk. Drop the mixture by spoonfuls
3. Kennel
Visit a kennel and observe the different
into hot oil. Fry until brown, about 2
sizes of cages and dogs.
minutes. Caution: This activity should be
carefully supervised.
4. Variety Store
Visit a variety store and observe pet

5. Grocery Store
Dramatic Play Take a field trip to the grocery store and
purchase the ingredients needed to make
1. Pet Store
dog biscuits.
Simulate a pet store using stuffed animals.
Include a counter complete with a cash
6. Dog Trainer
register and money. Post a large “Pet Store”
Invite an obedience trainer to talk about
sign. Set out many stuffed dogs with collars
teaching dogs.
and leashes. Children will enjoy pretending
they have a new pet.
7. Additional Resource People
2. Veterinarian’s Office • Veterinarian
Use some medical equipment and stuffed • Pet store owner
dogs to create a veterinarian’s office. • Parents (bring in family dogs)
• Humane Society representative
3. Pet Show • Representative from a kennel
Encourage the children to bring a stuffed • Dog groomer
animal to school. Children can pretend that • Person with a Seeing Eye dog (guide dog)
their stuffed animals can do tricks. Have
ribbons available for them to look at and
award to each other.

4. Doghouse
Construct a doghouse from a large
cardboard box. Provide dog ears and tails Fingerplays and Chants
for the children to wear as they imitate Frisky’s Doghouse
the pet. This is Frisky’s doghouse;
(pointer fingers touch to make a roof)
This is Frisky’s bed;
(motion of smoothing)

254 Theme 27
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Here is Frisky’s pan of milk; each child speaks, record the words. Place
(cup hands) the story in the book corner.
So that he can be fed.
3. Dog Chart
Frisky has a collar
Make a chart listing the color of each
(point to neck with fingers)
child’s dog. A variation would be to have
With his name upon it, too;
the children state their favorite color of dog.
Take a stick and throw it,
This activity can be repeated using size.
(motion of throwing)
He’ll bring it back to you.
4. Doggie, Doggie, Where’s Your Bone?
(clap once)
Bring in a clean bone or a bone cut from
construction paper. Sit the children in a
Five Little Puppies Playing in the Sun
circle. Choose one child to be the dog. Have
Five little puppies were playing in the sun.
the child pretending to be the dog sit in the
(hold up hands, fingers extended)
middle. The doggie closes his or her eyes. A
This one saw a rabbit, and he began to run.
child from the circle sneaks up and takes
(bend down first finger)
the bone. Children call, “Doggie, doggie,
This one saw a butterfly, and he began to
where’s your bone? Someone stole it from
your home!” The “dog” gets three guesses to
(bend down second finger)
find out who has the bone.
This one saw a cat, and he began to chase.
(bend down third finger)
5. The Lost Dog
This one tried to catch his tail, and he went
(This is a variation of the “Dog Catcher”
round and round.
game.) Using the children’s stuffed animals
(bend down fourth finger)
from home, have the children trade dogs
This one was so quiet, he never made a
so that each is holding another’s pet. One
child begins by hiding the dog he or she is
(bend down thumb)
holding while the other children cover their
eyes. He or she tells the owner, “Your dog is
Five Little Puppies Jumping
lost, but we can help you find it.” As the dog
on the Bed
owner looks, he or she can put the pet he or
Five little puppies jumping on the bed,
she is holding on his or her carpet square to
(hold up five fingers)
free both hands. The group gives “hot” and
One fell off and bumped his head,
“cold” clues to indicate whether the child is
(hold up one finger—tap head)
close to or far away from the pet. When the
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
child finds his or her pet, he or she is the
“No more puppies jumping on the bed.”
next one to hide a pet.
(shake index finger)
6. Doggy, Doggy, Where is Your Bone?
Sit the children in a circle formation. Then
Group Time place a chair in the center of the circle.
Place a block under the chair. Select one
(Games and Language) child, the dog, to sit on the chair and close
1. The Dog Catcher his or her eyes. Then point to another child.
Hide stuffed dogs or those cut from This child must try to get the dog’s bone
construction paper around the classroom, from under the chair without making a
and have children find them. noise. After the child returns to his or her
place in the circle, all of the children place
2. Child-Created Stories their hands behind them. Then, in unison,
Bring in a picture of a dog or a stuffed dog. the children say, “Doggy, Doggy, where’s
Encourage the children to tell you a story your bone?” During the game, each dog has
about the picture or the stuffed dog. While three guesses about who has the bone.

DOGS 255
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Large Muscle Music
1. Pretending
1. “Bingo”
Encourage the children to dramatize the
There was a farmer who had a dog
following movements:
And Bingo was his name-o.
• A big dog • A loud dog B-I-N-G-O
• A tiny dog • A quiet dog B-I-N-G-O
• A dog with heavy steps • A hungry dog B-I-N-G-O
• A dog with light steps • A tired dog And Bingo was his name-o.
• A happy dog • A curious dog
• A sad dog • A sick dog 2. “Six Little Dogs”
• A mad dog (Sing to the tune of “Six Little Ducks”)

2. Dog Hoops Six little dogs that I once knew,

Provide hoops for the children to jump fat ones, skinny ones, fair ones too.
through as they imitate dogs. But the one little dog with the brown curly fur,
He led the others with a grr, grr, grr.
3. Scent Walk Grr, grr, grr
Place prints of dog paws on the play yard Grr, grr, grr
leading to different activities. Encourage He led the others with a grr, grr, GRR!
the child to crawl to each activity.

4. Tracks
If snow is available, make tracks with
boots that have different treads. Encourage
children to follow one track. Science
5. Bean Bag Bones 1. Additions to the science table or area may
Provide round bean bags or make special bone-
shaped bean bags. Encourage the children to
throw them into a large dog food bowl. • A magnifying glass with bones, dog hair,
and dog food
• Dog toys of different sizes, including
some with squeakers
• A balance scale and dry dog food
2+3 =
Math 2. During a cooking activity, prepare dog
1. Dog Bones biscuits. Biscuit recipes are listed under
Cut dog bone shapes of four different sizes “Cooking.”
from tagboard. Encourage the children to
sequence them.

2. Classifying Dog Biscuits

Purchase three sizes of dog biscuits. Using Social Studies
dog dishes, have the children sort them
according to size and type.
1. Share Your Dog
Individually invite the parents to bring
their child’s pet to school.
3. Weighing Biscuits
Using the scale, encourage the children to
weigh different sizes and amounts of dog
2. Pictures of Dogs
Display pictures of different types of dogs.
256 Theme 27
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3. Bulletin Board Calmenson, Stephanie. (2007). May I Pet Your
Prepare a bulletin board with pictures of Dog? Illustrated by Jan Ormerod. New
the children’s dogs. York: Clarion Books.
Dodd, Emma. (2008). I Don’t Want a Posh Dog.
4. Digital Photographs New York: Little, Brown.
Take digital photographs of dog-related field
Gal, Susan. (2010). Please Take Me for a Walk.
trips and of resource people who helped
New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
teach the class about dogs. Share them at
group time. (These digital photographs can Garcia, Cristina. (2008). The Dog Who Loved the
be posted on the family bulletin board or Moon. Illustrated by Sebastia Serra. New
inserted into family letters.) York: Atheneum Books for Young Readers.
Gutman, Anne, and Georg Hallensleben. (2001).
5. Dog Biscuits Gaspard and Lisa at the Museum. New
Prepare dog biscuits and donate them to York: Knopf.
the local animal shelter. (See the “Cooking”
Harper, Isabelle. (1996). Our New Puppy.
section of this theme.)
Illustrated by Barry Moser. New York:
6. Chart
Make a chart, including each child’s name Herman, R. A. (2005). Gomer and Little Gomer.
and the type, size, and name of his or her Illustrated by Steve Haskamp. New York:
pet. Count the number of dogs, cats, birds, Dutton Children’s Books.
and other pets. Discuss the most popular Hest, Amy. (2008). The Dog Who Belonged to No
names. One. Illustrated by Amy Bates. New York:
Abrams Books for Young Readers.
7. Dogs Jarka, Jeff. (2009). I Love That Puppy! New
Using pictures or a real dog, talk about a York: Henry Holt.
dog’s body. Some dogs have long noses so
they can smell things very well; others have Jenkins, Emily. (2008). Skunkdog. Illustrated
short hair to live in hot climates. Discuss by Pierre Pratt. New York: Farrar, Straus
why some dogs are good guard dogs. Discuss and Giroux.
how dogs’ tongues help them to cool off on Katz, Bobbi. (2010). Nothing but a Dog.
hot days. Also talk about what else a dog’s Illustrated by Jane Manning. New York:
rough tongue is used for. Dutton Children’s Books.
Kennedy, Marlane. (2009). The Dog Days of
Charlotte Hayes. New York: Greenwillow
Books King, Stephen Michael. (2005). Mutt Dog!
The following books can be used to complement Orlando, FL: Harcourt.
this theme: Koontz, Dean Ray. (2009). I, Trixie Who Is Dog.
Baek, Matthew J. (2008). Be Gentle with the Illustrated by Janet Cleland. New York:
Dog, Dear! New York: Dial Books for Young Putnam’s Sons.
Readers. LeFrak, Karen. (2008). Jake the Ballet Dog.
Bansch, Helga. (2009). I Want a Dog! New York: Illustrated by Marcin Baranski. New York:
North-South. Walker and Co.
Boland, Janice, and Brian G. Karas. (1998). A Masurel, Claire. (1997). No, No, Titus!
Dog Named Sam. New York: Puffin. Illustrated by Shari Halpern. New York:
North South Books.
Braeuner, Shellie. (2009). The Great Dog Wash.
Illustrated by Robert Neubecker. New York: McDonnell, Christine. (2009). Dog Wants to
Simon & Schuster. Play. Illustrated by Jeff Mack. New York:

DOGS 257
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Moore, Eva. (1996). Buddy: The First Seeing
Eye Dog. Illustrated by Don Bolognese.
New York: Scholastic.
Technology and
Pinkwater, Daniel. (2010). I Am the Dog. Multimedia
Illustrated by Jack E. Davis. New York: The following technology and multimedia
Harper. products can be used to complement this
Ries, Lori. (2009). Good Dog, Aggie! Illustrated theme:
by Frank W. Dormer. Watertown, MA: “Alice the Beagle” [CD]. (2005). In Sing-a-Move-
Charlesbridge. a-Dance. Eau Claire, WI: North Side Music.
Rylant, Cynthia. (2006). Mr. Putter and Tabby Bark, George [DVD]. (2009). New York:
Spin the Yarn. Illustrated by Arthur Scholastic.
Howard. Orlando, FL: Harcourt.
“BINGO” [CD]. (2002). In Early Childhood
Saenz, Benjamin Alire. (2009). The Dog Who Loved Classics. Sherman Oaks, CA: Hap-Pal
Tortillas / La Perrita Que Le Encantaban Las Music.
Tortillas. Illustrated by Geronimo Garcia. El
Paso, TX: Cinco Puntos Press. “Dog Gone Gone Dog Gone” [CD]. (2009). In
More Please. Olympia, WA: Aurora Elephant
Slade, Suzanne. (2009). From Puppy to Dog: Music.
Following the Life Cycle. Illustrated by Jeff
Yesh. Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window Harry the Dirty Dog and More Terrific Tails
Books. [DVD]. (2003). New York: Scholastic.
Stevens, Janet, and Susan Stevens-Crummel. “How Much Is That Doggie in the Window?”
(2009). My Big Dog. New York: Dragonfly [CD]. (2008). In Great Big Hits. Toronto:
Books. Casablanca Kids.
Stuve-Bodeen, Stephanie. (2010). A Small, “I’ve Got a Little Dog” [CD]. (2009). In People,
Brown Dog with a Wet, Pink Nose. Place and Things. Coconut Grove, FL: In the
Illustrated by Linzie Hunter. New York: Nick of Time.
Little, Brown. “I Want to Be a Dog” [CD]. (2000). In 10 Carrot
Tagliaferro, Linda. (2004). Dogs and Their Diamond. Vancouver, BC: Hug Bug Records.
Puppies. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. “My Dog Rags” (2004). In Laugh N Learn Silly
Waber, Bernard. (2010). Lyle Walks the Dogs: A Songs. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo.
Counting Book. Illustrated by Paulis Waber. “Snuggle with Your Puppy” [CD]. (2000). In
Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Charlotte Diamond’s World. Vancouver, BC:
Wahman, Wendy. (2009). Don’t Lick the Dog: Hug Bug Records.
Making Friends with Dogs. New York: “Where Has My Little Dog Gone?” [CD]. (1999).
Henry Holt. In Sounds Like Fun. Buena Park, CA:
Wells, Rosemary, and Susan Jeffers. (2001). Barbara Milne.
McDuff Goes to School. Illustrated by Susan “Who Let the Dogs Out?” (2001). In Dance Party
Jeffers. New York: Hyperion Press. Fun. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo Educational.
Willems, Mo. (2010). City Dog, Country Frog.
New York: Hyperion Books for Children.
Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Theme can be found on the book’s companion
website. Go to to
access the site for a variety of useful resources.

258 Theme 27
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Theme 28

Symbols Special Foods
baskets colored eggs
rabbits hot cross buns
eggs candies
chicks and ducklings

Celebrations Spring Holiday

egg hunts new life
parades religious for some people*

* Some center personnel may elect to include an Easter theme with an emphasis on the spring holiday as opposed to the traditional
religious emphasis.

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Easter celebrations
2. Easter symbols
3. Special foods served at Easter
4. Easter as a spring holiday

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Easter is a holiday celebrated on a Sunday.
2. Many families celebrate Easter.
3. At Easter time, eggs are colored and decorated.
4. There are many symbols of Easter, including baby animals, baskets,
rabbits, and eggs.
5. Colored eggs and plastic eggs filled with candy may be hidden.
6. Baby animals born in the spring are a sign of new life.
7. Bonnets (hats) may be worn at Easter time.
8. Easter is often celebrated with egg hunts and parades.

1. basket—a woven container.
2. bonnet—a kind of hat that ties under the chin and is worn by a girl or
3. bunny—a baby rabbit.
4. chick—a baby chicken.
5. duckling—a baby duck.
6. dye—to change the color of something.
7. Easter—a holiday in spring that always is on a Sunday.
8. hatch—to break out of a shell.
9. holiday—a day of celebration.
10. spring—the season of the year when plants begin to grow.

260 Theme 28
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to promote the correspondence of sets to written
numerals. Construct baskets out of stiff tagboard. Write a numeral beginning with
the number 1 on each basket as illustrated. Carefully attach these to the bulletin
board by stapling all the way around the bottom of the baskets. Construct many
small Easter eggs. Encourage the children to deposit the corresponding number of
Easter eggs in the numbered baskets. Care needs to be taken when removing the
eggs. The number of baskets provided should reflect the developmental level of the
children. If available, you might want to try using lightweight Easter baskets. They
are harder to hang up but may prove to be more sturdy.

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Family Letter


Dear Families,
“Here comes Peter Cottontail, hopping down the bunny trail. . . .” Easter is on its way and is the
next curriculum theme we will explore. This is an exciting holiday for children. Through the planned
learning experiences, the children will learn ways that families celebrate Easter and the symbols
representing Easter. Included will be customs such as the Easter bunny, Easter baskets, and foods
that are usually associated with Easter. Perhaps not all children and families celebrate this holiday,
but we feel it is very important for children to learn about and respect others’ beliefs.

At School
Learning experiences planned to reinforce concepts of Easter include:
• A special visitor for the week—a rabbit! The children will assist in taking care of the rabbit.
• A hat shop in the dramatic play area with materials to create Easter bonnets
• Easter grass and plastic eggs in the sensory table
• An egg hunt! On Friday, we will search our play yard for hidden eggs and place them in our
• Listening to Easter stories

At Home
Be adventurous and try some dyes from natural materials. Natural dyeing is not new; natural dyes
were the original Easter egg colors the world over. To make purple eggs, purchase a box of frozen
blackberries. Thaw and place in a saucepan. Add eggs and cover with water plus 1 tablespoon of
vinegar. Bring the water to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes. Afterward, take the pan off the heat
source and let stand for approximately 20 minutes.

Enjoy the holiday with your children!

262 Theme 28
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can use medicine droppers to apply color to
the paper. Observe what happens when the
colors blend together.
Arts and Crafts
1. Easter Collages 8. Rabbit Ears
Collect eggshells, straw, Easter grass, or Construct rabbit ears out of heavy paper.
plant seeds for making collages. Place on Attach them to a band that can be worn
the art table with sheets of paper and glue. around the head, fitting it for size. These
ears may stimulate creative movement as
2. Colorful Collages well as dramatic play.
Use pastel-colored sand and glue to make

3. Wet Chalk Eggs Cooking

Use wet chalk to decorate paper cut in the
shape of eggs in pastel colors. Show the 1. Decorating Cupcakes
children the difference between wetting the Let the children use green frosting,
chalk in vinegar and in water. The vinegar dyed coconut, and jellybeans to decorate
color will be brighter. cupcakes that they can put into their Easter
baskets. Cake mixes can be used to make
4. Easel Ideas the cupcakes. Follow the directions on the
Cut egg-shaped easel paper or basket- box. Place paper liners in a muffin pan to
shaped paper. Clip to the easel. Provide ensure easy removability.
pastel paints at the easel. To make the
paint more interesting, add glitter. 2. Bunny Food
Carrot sticks, celery, and lettuce can be
5. Milk Carton Easter Baskets available for snack.
Cut off the bottom 4 inches from milk
cartons. Provide precut construction paper 3. Egg Sandwiches
or wallpaper and yarn to cover the baskets. Use the boiled eggs the children have
Include small bits of paper or bright cloth decorated to make egg salad or deviled eggs
to glue on the cartons. Make a handle using for snack time.
a thin strip of paper that is stapled to the
carton. Use the baskets for the children’s 4. Carrot and Raisin Salad
snack. 4 cups grated carrots
1 cup raisins
6. Plastic Easter Baskets 1/2 cup mayonnaise or whipped salad
Easter baskets can be made by using the dressing
green plastic baskets that strawberries Place ingredients in a bowl and mix
and blueberries come in from the grocery thoroughly.
store. Cut thin strips of paper that children
can practice weaving through the holes. 5. Bunny Salad
This activity is most successful with older For each serving, place one lettuce leaf on
children. a plate. Put one canned pear half with the
cut side down on top of the lettuce leaf. Add
7. Color Mixing sections of an orange to represent the ears.
Provide red-, yellow-, and blue-dyed water Decorate the bunny face by adding grated
in shallow pans. Provide the children with carrots, raisins, or maraschino cherries to
medicine droppers and absorbent paper make eyes, a nose, and a mouth.
cut in the shape of eggs. Also, the children

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4. Rabbit Visit
Bring some rabbits to school for the
Dramatic Play children to observe.
1. Flower Shop
Plan a flower shop for the dramatic play
area. Include spring plants, baskets, and
Easter lilies.

2. Egg Center Fingerplays and Chants

Create a colored egg center to be used
during self-directed play. Some children put The Duck
stickers on plastic eggs, some sell the eggs, I waddle when I walk.
and others buy them. (hold arms elbow high and twist trunk
side to side, or squat down)
3. Costume Shop I quack when I talk.
Place costumes for bunny use, Easter (place palms together and open and close)
baskets, and Easter eggs in the dramatic And I have webbed toes on my feet.
play area. The children can take turns (spread fingers wide)
hiding the eggs and going on hunts. Rain coming down
Makes me smile, not frown
4. A Bird Nest (smile)
Place a nest with eggs in the dramatic play And I dive for something to eat.
area. Also provide bird masks, a perch, and (put hands together and make diving
other bird items in the area for use during motion)
self-initiated play.
My Rabbit
5. Easter Clothes My rabbit has two big ears
Bring in Easter clothes for the children to (hold up index and middle fingers for
dress up in. Suits, dresses, hats, purses, gloves, ears)
and dress-up shoes should be included. And a funny little nose.
(join other three fingers for nose)
6. Hat Shop He likes to nibble carrots
Make a hat shop. Place hats, ribbons, (move thumb away from other two
flowers, netting, and other decorations in fingers)
the dramatic play area. The children can And he hops wherever he goes.
decorate the hats. If appropriate, plan an (move whole hand jerkily)
Easter parade.

Group Time
(Games and Language)
Field Trips
1. The Last Bunny
1. The Farm
This is a game for 10 or more players. It is
Take a trip to a farm to see baby animals.
more fun with a large number. An Easter
rabbit is chosen by counting out or drawing
2. The Hatchery
straws. All the other players stand in a
Visit a hatchery on a day that they are
circle. The Easter rabbit walks around
selling chicks.
the circle and taps one player on the back,
asking, “Have you seen my bunny helper?”
3. Neighborhood Walk
“What does it look like?” asks the player.
Take a walk around the neighborhood and
look for signs of new life.

264 Theme 28
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The Easter rabbit describes the bunny the beanbag on his or her head and follow
helper. He or she may say, “She is wearing the rabbit around the circle once. Each
a watch and blue shoes.” The player tries to child must keep the beanbag balanced—if
guess who it is. When he or she names the it drops, it must be picked up and replaced
right person, the Easter rabbit says, “That’s on the head. If the rabbit is tagged, he or
my helper!” and the other player chases the she chooses the next rabbit. If the rabbit
bunny helper outside and around the circle. returns to the empty spot in the circle, the
If the chaser catches the bunny helper second child becomes the rabbit. This is an
before he or she can return to his or her unusual game in that the action is fairly
place, the chaser becomes the Easter rabbit. slow but it’s still very exciting.
If the bunny helper gets there first, then
the first Easter rabbit must try again. The 4. Egg Rolling
Easter rabbit takes the place in the circle of Place mats on the floor and have children
whoever is the new Easter rabbit. roll across with their arms at their sides.
For older children, you can place the mat on
Note: From Games and How to Play Them,
a slightly inclined plane and have children
by Anne Rockwell, 1973, New York: Thomas
roll down, and then have them try to roll
Y. Crowell.
back up, which is more challenging.
2. Outdoor Egg Hunt
Plan an egg hunt outdoors, if possible.
Hide the boiled eggs that the children have
decorated, candy eggs in wrappers, or small 2+3 =
Easter candies in clear plastic bags. The Math
children can use the baskets they have
made to collect their eggs, then, weather 1. Egg Numerals
permitting, eat the boiled eggs for a snack Collect five small boxes. Put numerals
outdoors. from 1 to 5 (or 1 to 10, for older children) on
the eggs. Let the children place the correct
number of cotton balls or markers into each

2. Easter Seriation
Cut different-sized tagboard eggs, chicks,
Large Muscle ducklings, and rabbits. The children can
1. Bunny Trail place the items in a row from the smallest
Set up a bunny trail in the classroom. Place to the largest.
tape on the floor, and have children hop over
the trail. To make it more challenging, add a
balance beam to resemble a bridge.

2. Eggs in the Basket

The children can practice throwing egg-
shaped or regular beanbags into a large
basket or bucket.
1. “Did You Ever See a Rabbit?”
3. Rabbit Tag (Sing to the tune of “Did You Ever See a
Make egg-shaped beanbags to play rabbit Lassie?”)
tag. To play the game, the children stand Did you ever see a rabbit, a rabbit, a rabbit?
in a circle, with one child being the rabbit. Did you ever see a rabbit, a rabbit, on
The rabbit walks around the circle with a Easter morn?
beanbag balanced on his or her head and He hops around so quietly
drops a second beanbag behind the back of And hides all the eggs.
another child. The second child must put Did you ever see a rabbit, on Easter morn?

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2. “Easter Bunny” Chant crayons before dyeing, you can show how the
Where, oh, where is the Easter Bunny, wax keeps liquid from getting on the egg.
Where, oh, where is the Easter Bunny,
Where, oh, where is the Easter Bunny, 3. Science Table Additions
Early Easter morning? • Bird nests
Find all the eggs and put them in a basket, • Empty bird eggs
Find all the eggs and put them in a basket, • Different kinds of baskets
Find all the eggs and put them in a basket, • An incubator
Early Easter morning. • Newly planted seeds
• Flowers still in bud (place the stems
3. “Easter Eggs” in water, and children can watch them
(Sing to the chorus of “Jingle Bells”) open)
Easter eggs, Easter eggs, • Pussy willows
Hidden all around.
Come my children look about 4. Basket Guessing
And see where they are found. Do reach-and-feel using a covered basket.
Place an egg, a chick, a rabbit, a doll’s hat,
Easter eggs, Easter eggs, some Easter grass, and so on in a large
They’re a sight to see. Easter basket. Let the children place their
One for Tom and one for Ann hands into the basket individually and
And a special one for me! describe the objects they are feeling.
Insert names of children in your classroom.

4. “Easter Eggs” Chant

Easter eggs here and there,
Easter eggs everywhere. Sensory
What’s the color of the 1. Sensory Table Activities
Easter egg here? Add to the sensory table:
• Cotton balls with scoops and measuring
• Birdseed or beans
• Straw or hay and plastic eggs
Science • Plastic chicks and ducklings with water
• Easter grass, eggs, and small straw mats
1. Incubate and Hatch Eggs
• Dirt with plastic flowers and leaves
Check the yellow pages of your telephone
• Dyed, scented water, and water toys
book to see if any hatcheries are located in
• Sand, shovels, and scoops
your area.

2. Dyeing Eggs 2. Clay Cutters

Make scented clay. Place on the art table
Use natural products to make egg dye. Beets
with rabbit, duck, egg, and flower cookie
make deep red dye, cranberries make light
cutters for the children to use during self-
red dye, spinach leaves make green dye,
directed or self-initiated play.
and blackberries make blue dye. To make
dyed eggs, pick two or three colors from the
list. Make the dye by boiling the fruit or
vegetable in small amounts of water. Let
the children put a cool hard-boiled egg in a
nylon stocking and dip it into the dye. Keep Social Studies
the egg in the dye for several minutes. Pull 1. Family Easter Traditions
out the nylon and check the color. If it is During large-group discussion, ask the
dark enough, place the egg on a paper towel children what special activities their
to dry. If children want to color the eggs with families do to celebrate Easter. Their

266 Theme 28
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
families may go to church, eat together, Garland, Michael. (2005). The Great Easter Egg
have egg hunts, or do other things that are Hunt. New York: Dutton Children’s Books.
special on this day. Haley, Amanda. (2008). Easter Has Eggs. New
York: Sterling Pub.
2. Sharing Baskets
Decorate eggs or baskets to give to a home Haugen, Brenda. (2004). Easter. Illustrated
for the elderly. If possible, take a walk and by Sheree Boyd. Minneapolis, MN: Picture
let the children deliver them. Window Books.
Hulme, Joy N. (2010). Easter Babies: A
Springtime Counting Book. Illustrated by
Dan Andreasen. New York: Sterling Pub.
Books Katz, Karen. (2008). Where Are Baby’s Easter
Eggs? New York: Little Simon.
The following books can be used to complement
Kroll, Steven. (2008). The Biggest Easter Basket
this theme:
Ever. New York: Scholastic.
Adams, Adrienne. (1991). Easter Egg Artists.
Maccarone, Grace. (2006). Peter Rabbit’s Happy
Madison, WI: Demco Media.
Easter. Illustrated by David McPhail. New
Anderson, R. P. (2009). Happy Easter Curious York: Scholastic.
George. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Mercer, Mayer. (2007). It’s Easter, Little Critter!
Auch, Mary Jane. (1996). Eggs Mark the Spot. New York: HarperFestival.
New York: Holiday House.
Merrick, Patrick. (2010). Easter Bunnies.
Berenstain, Jan. (2008). The Berenstain Bears’ Mankato, MN: The Child’s World.
Baby Easter Bunny. Illustrated by Jan
Milich, Melissa. (1997). Miz Fannie Mae’s Fine
Berenstain. New York: HarperFestival.
New Easter Hat. Illustrated by Yong Chen.
Brett, Jan. (2010). The Easter Egg. New York: Boston: Little, Brown.
G. P. Putnam’s Sons.
Mortimer, Anne. (2010). Bunny’s Easter Egg.
Bryant, Megan. (2010). A Surprise for the New York: Katherine Tegen Books.
Easter Bunny. Illustrated by Ivanka and
Numeroff, Laura Joffe. (2010). Happy Easter,
Lola. New York: Price Stern Sloan.
Mouse! New York: HarperCollins.
Chaconas, Dori. (2008). Looking for Easter.
Potter, Beatrix. (2009). Peter Rabbit Easter Egg
Illustrated by Margie Moore. Morton Grove,
Hunt. London: Frederick Warne.
IL: Albert Whitman & Co.
Stalder, Paivi. (2009). Ernest’s First Easter.
Church, Caroline. (2010). Here Comes Easter.
Illustrated by Frauke Weldin. New York:
London: Scholastic.
North-South Books.
Dunrea, Olivier. (2009). Ollie’s Easter Eggs.
Tegen, Katherine Brown. (2005). The Story of
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Books for
the Easter Bunny. Illustrated by Sally Anne
Lambert. New York: HarperCollins.
Elschner, Geraldine. (2004). The Easter Chick.
Tudor, Tasha. (2001). A Tale for Easter. New
Illustrated by Alexandra Junge. New York:
York: Simon & Schuster.
North-South Books.
Walburg, Lori, and James Bernadin. (1999).
Engelbreit, Mary. (2006). Queen of Easter. New
The Legend of the Easter Egg. Illustrated
York: HarperCollins.
by James Bernadin. Grand Rapids, MI:
Fisher, Aileen Lucia. (1997). The Story of Easter. Zondervan.
Illustrated by Stefano Vitale. New York:
Wilhelm, Hans. (2004). Quacky Ducky’s Easter
Egg. New York: HarperCollins Publishers.
Garfield, Valarie, and Julie Durrell. (2001).
Zolotow, Charlotte. (1998). The Bunny Who
Sergeant Sniff’s Easter Egg Mystery.
Found Easter. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Illustrated by Julie Durrell. New York:

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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
“Easter Time Is Here Again” [CD]. (1997). In
Technology and Holiday Songs and Rhythms. Freeport, NY:
Activity Records and Educational Activities.
Multimedia “So Early Easter Morning,” “Bunny-Pokey,”
The following technology and multimedia products and “Like a Bunny Would” [CD]. (1993). In
can be used to complement this theme: Holiday Piggyback Songs. Long Branch, NJ:
Kimbo Educational.
A Bunnyland Easter [CD]. (2002). Wallingford,
CT: Madacy Kids.
The Easter Bunny Is Coming to Town [DVD].
(2008). Los Angeles: Warner Bros.
Additional teaching resources to accompany this
The Easter Egg Adventure [DVD]. (2005).
Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Century City, CA: First Look Pictures.
website. Go to to
“The Easter Rabbit” [CD]. (2003). In Teddy and access the site for a variety of useful resources.
Friends. LaCrosse, WI: Platinum Disc.

Easter Eggs
Where did the custom of coloring Easter eggs come from? No one knows for sure. In
any case, the Easter holiday centers around eggs for young children. Here are some
projects you might like to try.
• To hard-cook eggs: Place dyeing it. The dye will not pompons can be used with
eggs in a saucepan and stay on the areas with the glue to decorate eggs.
add enough cold water to crayon marks, and the • Apply lengths of yarns,
cover at least 1 inch above design will show through. string, or thread to the
the eggs. Heat rapidly to • Wrap rubber bands, string, eggs with glue, creating
boiling and remove from yarn, or narrow strips of designs, and allow these to
heat. Cover the pan and masking tape around an dry.
allow to stand for 22 to 24 egg to create stripes and
minutes. Immediately cool • Egg creatures can be
other designs. Dip the egg in created by using markers,
the eggs in cold water. dye and allow to dry before construction paper,
• Make a vegetable dye removing the wrapping. feathers, ribbon, lace,
solution by adding a • Draw a design on the egg cotton balls, fabric, and
teaspoon of vinegar to 1/2 using a piece of wax. Place buttons. To make an
cup of boiling water. Drop the egg in dye. Repeat the egg holder, make small
in food coloring and stir. process again, if desired, cardboard or construction
The longer the egg is kept dipping the egg in another paper cylinders. A toilet
in the dye, the deeper the color of dye. Caution: The paper or paper towel tube
color will be. lighted candle is to be used can be cut to make stands
• Add a teaspoonful of by an adult only. as well.
salad oil to a dye mixture • Felt-tip markers can be • Save the shells from the
and mix in the oil well. used to decorate dyed or eggs to use for eggshell
This results in a dye that undyed eggs. collages. Crumble the
produces swirls of color. shells and sprinkle over
Immerse the egg in the dye • Small stickers can be used
on eggs. a glue design that has
for a few minutes. been made on paper or
• Draw a design on an • Craft items such as sequins, cardboard.
egg with a crayon before glitter, ribbons, and small

268 Theme 28
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Theme 29

Sizes Shapes Colors
small (insect) round (toad, frog, and fish) clear, white
large (ostrich) oval (bird) tan, black
spherical (tortoise) blue, speckled

Uses Kinds Locations

food for humans bird, insect nests, trees
(bird eggs) spider, toad grass, rock ledges
food for animals frog, fish sand, lakes
preparation of vaccines reptiles (snakes, lizards, ponds, oceans
(bird eggs) turtles, alligators, and grocery stores
cosmetics (bird eggs) crocodiles)

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Animals that produce eggs 4. Shapes of eggs
2. Colors of eggs 5. Places to find eggs
3. Sizes of eggs 6. Uses of eggs

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. There are many kinds of eggs.
2. Birds, insects, spiders, toads, frogs, fish, and reptiles (including snakes,
lizards, turtles, and alligators) lay eggs.
3. Eggs can be found in many locations.
4. Eggs can be found in nests, trees, grass, and rock ledges.
5. Eggs can also be found in the sand, in lakes, in ponds, in oceans, and in
grocery stores.
6. An egg is the first stage in the development of an animal.
7. Eggs are made by the female.
8. Birds are the only animals that sit on their eggs to keep them warm.
9. Eggs can be different colors, including white, tan, black, blue, speckled,
and clear.
10. Eggs range in size from tiny eggs, such as insects’ eggs, to very large
eggs, like those of an ostrich.
11. Birds lay only a few eggs at a time. Other animals may lay thousands
of small eggs.
12. Bird eggs are generally oval in shape. Other animals have eggs that
are different shapes.
13. Some people eat chicken eggs.
14. Chicken eggs can be prepared to be eaten in many ways (such as
boiled, scrambled, fried, or poached).
15. Chicken eggs are sold in grocery stores by the dozen.
16. Chicken eggs are also used to prepare vaccines, animal feeds,
fertilizers, and some cosmetics.
17. Eggs have many uses.
18. Bird eggs can be food for humans or other animals.

1. egg—a roundish object covered with a shell or membrane that is laid
by the female of birds, reptiles, fish, and amphibians.
2. hatch—to come out of an egg.
3. incubate—to sit on eggs in order to hatch them.
4. incubator—a machine-type box for keeping bird eggs at a certain
temperature so that they will hatch.
5. shell—the outer covering of most eggs.

270 Theme 29
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to promote correspondence skills. To prepare
the bulletin board pieces, trace and cut the nests from yellow tagboard. Then trace
and cut the eggs from white tagboard. Attach dots and print numerals on each
nest as illustrated. The number of nests prepared and numerals utilized should be
developmentally appropriate for the group of children.

EGGS 271
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
We will be having an “egg-stra” special week as we make discoveries about eggs. We usually think of
chicken eggs when we hear the word “egg”—but there are so many different kinds of animals that
lay eggs. Your child will learn about many animals that lay eggs, places eggs can be found, and uses
of eggs during our week focusing on the theme of eggs.

At School
A few of the week’s highlights include:
• Going on an egg walk! Weather permitting, we plan on walking through the park to look for
various types of eggs, looking underneath logs and leaves. Care to join us?
• Creating mosaic designs with eggshells. You can help us by saving and cleaning eggshells. Please
bring them to school by Friday morning.
• Observing chicken eggs in an incubator. Mr. Johnson (Matt’s dad) will be bringing an incubator and five
fertilized eggs for us to watch. Chicken eggs hatch in about 21 days. We’ll keep you posted!

At Home
There are many ways to bring our egg unit into your home. Some ideas to try include:
• Preparing a meal or snack with your child that uses eggs as an ingredient
• Comparing the sizes of small, medium, large, and extra-large eggs while at a grocery store with
your child
• Going to the library and checking out children’s books about eggs. Some titles to look for include
the following:
Scrambled Eggs by Dr. Seuss
Hedgie’s Surprise by Jan Brett
Egg: A Photographic Story of Hatching by Robert Burton

Have an “egg-cellent” week!

272 Theme 29
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1/2 teaspoon salt
Dash of pepper
16 ounces of bean sprouts (if canned, be
Arts and Crafts sure to drain)
1. Eggshell Mosaic Sauce:
Save and clean eggshells. Children can 1 tablespoon cornstarch
color eggshells with markers or paint. Then, 2 teaspoons sugar
have children spread glue on a piece of 1 cube chicken bouillon
cardboard, tagboard, or construction paper. Dash of ginger
Eggshells can be broken into smaller pieces 1 cup water
and placed in the glue to create a design. 2 tablespoons soy sauce

2. Egg Carton Caterpillar Heat oven to 300 degrees. In a large

Collect cardboard egg cartons, chenille bowl, beat eggs well. Add the remaining
stems, crayons, black felt-tip washable ingredients, except sauce ingredients.
markers, green tempera paint and brushes. Mix well. Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a
Cut egg cartons in half lengthwise. Help large skillet. Drop the egg mixture by
children fold a chenille stem in half and tablespoonfuls into the skillet. Fry until
poke it into the top of the first section of golden. Turn and brown the other side.
the egg carton to represent the antennas. Drain on a paper towel. If necessary, add
Children can then use the other materials additional oil to the skillet and cook the
as desired to to draw the eyes and mouth remaining egg mixture. Keep warm in a
and decorate their caterpillar. 300-degree oven while preparing the sauce.
Combine the first four ingredients in a
3. Painting with Feathers small saucepan. Add water and soy sauce.
Provide construction paper, feathers Cook until the mixture boils and thickens,
(available at craft stores), and paint. stirring constantly.
Children can use the feathers to apply the
paint to the paper. 3. Southwestern Eggs
1 pound bulk chorizo or pork sausage
4. Clay Eggs 1/2 cup chopped onion
Children can use clay or play dough to 1 1/4 cups mild salsa
create various sizes and colors of eggs. 4 eggs
Allow to dry if desired. 3/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
Cook the sausage and onion in a 10-inch
skillet until the sausage is brown; drain.
Stir in the salsa and heat. Spread the
Cooking mixture evenly in a skillet. Make four
indentations in the mixture with the
1. Noodle Nests back of a spoon. Break one egg into each
12 ounces butterscotch chips indentation. Cover and cook over low heat
3 cups chow mein noodles, cooked about 12 minutes or until whites are set
Optional: jellybeans and yolks have thickened. Sprinkle with
Melt butterscotch chips in microwave or cheese. Serve with sour cream if desired.
saucepan over low heat. Stir in noodles.
Drop by teaspoonfuls onto waxed paper. 4. Painted Egg Cookies
Immediately top with jellybeans if desired. Cookies:
Let stand until firm. Makes about 36 pieces. 1/3 cup butter or margarine
1/4 cup sugar
2. Egg Foo Young 1 egg
6 eggs 2/3 cup honey
1/4 cup instant minced onion 3/4 teaspoon vanilla
2 tablespoons chopped green pepper 2 3/4 cups flour

EGGS 273
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1 teaspoon baking soda bird books from the library, and include
1/2 teaspoon salt them in the area.
1 egg yolk
1/4 teaspoon water
Food coloring
Field Trips and
Resource People
In a large mixing bowl, beat the butter
1. Farm
and sugar until fluffy. Add the egg, honey,
Plan a field trip to a farm where children
and vanilla. Beat well. Combine the flour,
can observe young chickens, turkeys, or
baking soda, and salt. Gradually add the
flour mixture to the butter mixture. Beat
well. Cover and chill for 1 hour.
2. Zoo
Set oven to 350 degrees. Grease the
Eggs of many reptiles, amphibians, and
cookie sheets if necessary. Divide the dough
birds may be observed at some zoos.
in half, keeping one-half chilled. Roll the
dough on a lightly floured surface to a
3. 4-H Agent
1/4-inch thickness. Cut with an egg-shaped
Contact your local 4-H agent for
(oval) cookie cutter. Place 1 inch apart on
information regarding area people involved
cookie sheets. Repeat with the remaining
in hatcheries. Invite one to talk to the
children about eggs and incubators.
Beat the egg yolk and water in a small
mixing bowl. Divide the yolk mixture
4. Grocery Store
between three or four small bowls. Add
While at the grocery store, observe the egg
two to three drops of different food colors
to each bowl and mix well. With a clean
small paintbrush, pastry brush, or cotton
swab, paint cookies as desired. Bake 6 to 8
minutes or until golden.

Fingerplays and Chants

Eggs in a Nest
Dramatic Play Here’s an egg in a nest up in a tree.
(make fist with right hand and place in
1. Grocery Store palm of cupped left hand)
Ask parents to save empty, clean food What’s inside? What can it be?
containers (boxes, jars, plastic bottles, (shrug shoulders)
etc.) to be used as props and supplies for Peck, peck, peck,
a grocery store. Include empty, clean egg Peep, peep, peep.
cartons of various-sized eggs. Out hatches a little bird,
(wiggle fingers or fisted hand)
2. House Cute as can be!
Provide empty, clean egg cartons; egg
beaters; wire whisks; bowls; small frying Humpty Dumpty
pans; and turners as additional props to the Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
housekeeping area. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men,
3. Bird Store Couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty together
Create a bird store in the dramatic play again.
area. Display posters and pictures of birds.
Provide clean bird cages, stuffed toy and
craft birds, and plastic bird eggs. Check out

274 Theme 29
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My Turtle their hands behind their backs and call,
This is my turtle, “Egg, egg, who’s got the egg?” The “chicken”
(make fist and extend thumb) then has three chances to guess who is
He lives in a shell. holding the egg.
(hide thumb in fist)
He likes his home very well.
He pokes his head out when he wants to eat
(extend thumb)
And pulls it back in when he wants to sleep.
(hide thumb in fist) Large Muscle
Hatching Chickens 1. Egg Maze
Five eggs and five eggs Create a maze on the floor using classroom
(hold up one hand and then the other) blocks. Older children may be able to help!
Are underneath a hen. Then, encourage children to roll and push
Five eggs and five eggs a hard-boiled or plastic egg through the
(hold up all fingers) maze as quickly as possible. Tools such as
And that makes 10. brushes, small brooms, or spoons could be
The hen keeps the eggs warm for three long used to roll the egg.
(hold up three fingers) 2. Egg Relay
Snap go the shells with tiny little beaks. In this activity, a spoon is used to transport
(snap fingers) a hard-boiled egg from one location
Crack, crack, the shells go. to another. The game can be played
(clap four times) individually or children can be in teams, if
The chickens, every one, appropriate.
Fluff out their feathers
In the warm spring sun.
(make circle of arms)
2+3 =
1. Balancing Eggs
Group Time Provide a balance scale and a hard-boiled
(Games and Language) egg. If appropriate, children can estimate
1. Egg Habitats how many of a specific object (crayons,
Ask the children, “If you could go looking for cubes, or blocks) they think will equal the
an egg right now, where would you look?” egg in weight. Then the children can count
Have children name places eggs can be (and possibly record) the actual number it
found—nests, grass, water, sand, ponds, sea, takes to balance the egg. The activity can be
or trees. Record the children’s responses on repeated with various objects. Results can
a large sheet of paper or tagboard. Display be compared.
the sheet in the classroom.
2. Egg Sort
2. Game: “Egg, Egg, Who’s Got the Egg?” Create and cut various egg shapes out of
For this game, a plastic, paper, or hard- construction paper or tagboard. Decorate
boiled egg can be used. The children sit in pieces as desired. Laminate pieces for
a circle formation. One child is chosen to be durability. Encourage children to sort the
the chicken or bird and sits in the center of eggs by various attributes such as size,
the circle with the egg in front of him or her. color, and patterns.
The “chicken” closes his or her eyes. A child
from the circle is silently chosen to sneak 3. Egg Carton Math
up and take the egg. All children then put Using a permanent marker, randomly
number the egg cups in an egg carton from
EGGS 275
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1 to 12 (or use fewer numerals or sets of Another one to fry.
dots, if appropriate). Put a button or bread One to scramble.
tag in the carton and close the lid. Children And Easter eggs to dye.
shake the carton, open the lid, and identify Red hen, red hen, have you eggs for me?
the number the piece landed on. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. A lot as you can see.

Music Science
1. “Here’s a Little Birdie” 1. Eggshell Garden
(Sing to the tune of “I Know a Little Kitty”) Save and clean eggshell halves. Provide
potting soil and seeds (such as radish or
Here’s a little birdie marigold). Have children fill each shell
Hatching from its shell. with soil and a few seeds. Add a spoonful
First comes its beak, of water to each shell. Place eggshell
Then comes its head. halves in the cups of an empty egg carton.
He’s working very, very hard, Once the plants have grown, they can be
His wings he gives a flap. transplanted into the ground or a larger
Then he lies down to rest and dry off, container after crushing the eggshells.
Now what do you think of that?!
Peck, peck, peck, peck, peck, peck, peck, 2. Will an Egg Float?
peck, All fresh, raw chicken eggs sink in water.
Peep! However, salt mixed or dissolved in water
can make an egg float. Place a raw egg in a
2. “Egg Choices” clear glass filled with water. If appropriate,
(Sing to the tune of “If You’re Happy and You older students can count and record how
Know It”) many individual teaspoons of salt are mixed
If you like your eggs scrambled, in the water to make the egg float.
Clap your hands.
(clap, clap) 3. Vinegar and Eggs
If you like your eggs scrambled, Gently place a raw egg in a clear glass
Clap your hands. or jar filled with vinegar. Observe what
(clap, clap) happens to the egg over a period of three
If you like your eggs scrambled, to four days. (After two days, the shell
And it’s your favorite way to make ’em, will soften and begin to disappear. After
If you like your eggs scrambled, three days, most of the calcium will have
Clap your hands. dissolved, leaving only a bladder.)
(clap, clap)
Additional verses: 4. Egg to Frog (or Toad)
Hatching frog or toad eggs is a great way
If you like your eggs fried,
to observe eggs. In the spring, search local
Touch your toes . . .
ponds for jelly-like masses of eggs. They are
If you like your eggs hard-boiled, usually found underwater among weeds or
Snap your fingers . . . grasses near shore. Prepare a tank or glass
jar for the eggs and tadpoles. Changes occur
3. “Red Hen, Red Hen” fast, and children will be able to observe
(Sing to the tune of “Baa, Baa, Black Sheep”) them. (If ponds are not locally accessible,
check a biological supply house or ask a
Red hen, red hen, have you eggs for me?
high school biology teacher.)
Yes, sir. Yes, sir. A lot as you can see.
One to hard-boil.

276 Theme 29
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5. Hatching Chicken Eggs Baines, Rebecca. (2009). What’s in That Egg?
Contact a chicken farmer or your local A Book about Life Cycles. Washington, DC:
high school’s biology department to National Geographic.
find out about borrowing an incubator Battut, Eric. (2010). The Fox and the Hen.
and obtaining fertilized eggs. Follow London: Boxer Books.
the directions closely for setting up the
Brett, Jan. (2000). Hedgie’s Surprise. New York:
incubator and maintaining its temperature
G. P. Putnam.
and humidity. Temperature is critical for
the first few days and weeks. Stress to the Brett, Jan. (2010). The Easter Egg. New York:
children the importance of not disturbing G. P. Putnam’s Sons.
the incubator. Keep a camera handy to Bunting, Eve. (2007). Hurry! Hurry! Illustrated
record the hatching process. Baby chicks by Jeff Mack. Orlando, FL: Harcourt
can be purchased from an online hatchery Children’s Books.
or a local farm or feed store.
Burg, Sarah Emmanuelle. (2006). One More
Caution: Once hatched, the children need Egg. New York: North-South.
to be careful to gently handle the chicks. Burton, Robert. (1994). Egg: A Photographic
Story of Hatching. Photography by Kim
Taylor. New York: Dorling Kindersley.
Butrum, Ray. (1998). I’m Sorry You Can’t Hatch
Sensory an Egg. Sisters, OR: Multnomah Press.
Additions to the Sensory Table De Bourgoing, Pascale. (1992). The Egg.
Illustrated by René Mettle. New York:
• Grains, egg cartons, and plastic eggs Scholastic.
• Water, plastic fish, and strainers
• Water, plastic frogs and toads, and berry Dunrea, Olivier. (2009). Ollie’s Easter Eggs.
baskets Boston: Houghton Mifflin Books for
• Sand and plastic reptile and amphibian Children.
toys Ernst, Lisa Campbell. (1992). Zinnia and Dot.
New York: Viking.
Fowler, Allan. (1993). The Chicken or the Egg!
Chicago: Children’s Press.
Fox, Mem. (2005). Hunwick’s Egg. Illustrated by
Social Studies Pamela Lofts. Orlando, FL: Harcourt.
Bulletin Board Additions Garland, Michael. (2005). The Great Easter Egg
Post pictures of eggs and foods made Hunt. New York: Dutton Children’s Books.
from eggs on a bulletin board. When Gill, Shelley, and Jo-Ellen Bosson. (2001). The
children approach the board ask them Egg. Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge.
questions such as: Golson, Terry Blonder. (2009). Tillie Lays an
• What do you see? Egg. New York: Scholastic.
• How do we get eggs? Graham, Bob. (2007). Dimity Dumpty: The
• How can eggs be prepared? Story of Humpty’s Little Sister. Cambridge,
• How do eggs taste? MA: Candlewick Press.
• How do eggs smell?
• What happens when a egg is boiled? Gravett, Emily. (2009). The Odd Egg. New York:
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers.
Grey, Mini. (2002). Egg Drop. New York: Alfred
A. Knopf.
Books Haley, Amanda. (2008). Easter Has Eggs. New
York: Sterling Pub.
The following books can be used to complement
this theme:

EGGS 277
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Humphrey, Paul. (1996). Frog’s Eggs. Austin, Stoeke, Janet Morgan. (2006). Minerva Louise
TX: Raintree/Steck Vaughn. and the Colorful Eggs. New York: Dutton
Jenkins, Priscilla Belz. (1995). A Nest Full of Children’s Books.
Eggs. Illustrated by Lizzy Rockwell. New Sykes, Julie. (1997). Dora’s Eggs. Illustrated by
York: HarperCollins. Jane Chapman. Wilton, CT: Tiger Tales.
Johnson, Sylvia A. (1992). Inside an Egg. Tafuri, Nancy. (2007). Whose Chick Are You?
Photography by Kiyoshi Shimizu. New York: Greenwillow Books.
Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publishing. Waddell, Martin. (2005). It’s Quacking Time.
Joyce, William. (1992). Bently and Egg. New Illustrated by Jill Barton. Cambridge, MA:
York: HarperCollins. Candlewick Press.
Katz, Karen. (2008). Where Are Baby’s Easter Wilhelm, Hans. (2004). Quacky Ducky’s Easter
Eggs? New York: Little Simon. Egg. New York: HarperCollins Publishers.
Krauss, Ruth. (2005). The Happy Egg.
Illustrated by Crockett Johnson. New York:
HarperCollins Publishers.
Lukas, Catherine. (2008). What’s Hatching? Technology and
New York: Simon Spotlight. Multimedia
Marzollo, Jean. (2004). Ten Little Eggs. New
York: HarperCollins. The following technology and multimedia
products can be used to complement this
Mortimer, Anne. (2010). Bunny’s Easter Egg.
New York: Katherine Tegen Books.
The Easter Egg Adventure [DVD]. (2005).
Polacco, Patricia. (1988). Rechenka’s Eggs. New
Century City, CA: First Look Pictures.
York: G.P. Putnam.
“Humpty Dumpty” [CD]. (2007). In Nursery
Polhemus, Coleman. (2007). The Crocodile
Rhymes and Good Ol’ Times. Oklahoma
Blues. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.
City, OK: Melody House.
Reasoner, Charles. (1994). Who’s Hatching?
“The Humpty Rap” [CD]. (2001). In The Big
A Sliding Surprise Book. New York: Price
Silly with Mr. Eric. Atlanta, GA: Mr. Eric.
Stern Sloan.
“I Know a Chicken” [CD]. (2010). In Best of
Ruurs, Margriet. (1997). Emma’s Eggs.
Laurie Berkner Band. New York: Two
Illustrated by Barbara Spurll. New York:
Stoddart Kids.
Sata, Wakiko. (2004). Grandma Baba’s
Birthday Party. Boston: Tuttle. Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Seuss, Dr. (1992). Scrambled Eggs Super! New Theme can be found on the book’s companion
York: Random House. website. Go to to
Seuss, Dr. (1968). Horton Hatches the Egg. New access the site for a variety of useful resources.
York: Random House.

278 Theme 29
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Theme 30

Changes Clothing
leaves turn color and fall sweaters
temperature cooler coats
darker earlier scarves
days are shorter long-sleeved shirts
long pants

Holidays Activities
Columbus Day football
Halloween raking leaves
Thanksgiving walks
bike rides
harvesting foods

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Changes in fall
2. Fall holidays
3. Fall clothing
4. Fall activities

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Fall is one of the four seasons; it comes after summer and before
2. There are many changes in the fall.
3. Leaves turn color in the fall.
4. It gets dark outside earlier in the day.
5. In some places, the weather becomes cooler in the fall.
6. The days become shorter in the fall.
7. Leaves fall from some trees in the fall.
8. Columbus Day, Halloween, and Thanksgiving are some fall holidays.
9. Scarves and sweaters may need to be worn in the fall to keep warm.
10. Long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and coats may also need to be worn in
the fall.
11. Pumpkins and apples can be harvested in the fall.
12. Football and soccer are fall sports.
13. People take walks, ride bikes, and camp in the fall.
14. Leaves may also be raked in the fall.

1. fall—the season between summer and winter.
2. Halloween—the holiday when people wear costumes and go trick-or-
3. Columbus Day—a holiday to honor explorer Christopher Columbus’s
arrival in America.
4. season—a time of the year.
5. Thanksgiving—a holiday to express thanks.

280 Theme 30
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to foster a positive self-concept as well as develop
name recognition skills. Construct an acorn for each child. Print the children’s names
on the acorns. See illustration. Laminate and punch holes in the acorns. Children can
hang their acorns on pushpins on the bulletin board when they arrive.

FALL 281
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Where we live, the days are getting shorter, the temperature is getting colder, and the leaves
are changing color. It’s the perfect time to introduce our next unit—fall. By participating in the
experiences provided throughout this unit, children will become more aware of changes that take
place in the fall. They will also learn about fall holidays, clothing, and activities.
At School
A few of this week’s learning experiences include:
• Recording the temperature and the changing colors of the leaves
• Making leaf rubbings in the art area
• Raking leaves on our playground during outdoor time
We will also be taking a fall walk around the neighborhood to observe the trees in their peak
changes. We will be leaving Thursday at 10:00 a.m. Please feel free to join us. It will be a scenic tour.
At Home
To develop classification skills, help your child sort leaves by their color, type, or size.
Fingerplays promote language and vocabulary skills. This fingerplay is one we will be learning this
week. Enjoy it with your child at home!
Autumn winds begin to blow.
Colored leaves fall fast and slow.
(make fast and slow motions with hands)
Twirling, whirling all around,
(turn around)
’Til at last, they touch the ground.
(fall to the ground)
Enjoy your child as you explore experiences related to the unit on fall.

282 Theme 30
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Peel and chop the apples. Mix well and
add the remaining ingredients. Serves 10
Arts and Crafts
1. Fall Collage
After taking a walk to collect objects such
as grass, twigs, leaves, nuts, and weeds,
collages can be made in the art area.
Dramatic Play
1. Fall Wear
2. Leaf Rubbings Set out warm clothes such as sweaters,
Collect leaves, paper, and crayons, and show coats, hats, and blankets to indicate cold
the children how to place several leaves weather coming. The children can use the
under a sheet of paper. Using the flat edge clothes for dressing up.
of the crayon, rub over paper. The image of
the leaves will appear. 2. Football
Collect football gear, including balls,
3. Pumpkin Seed Collage helmets, and jerseys, and play on the
Wash and dry pumpkin seeds, and place outdoor playground.
them in the art area with glue and paper.
The children can make pumpkin seed

4. Leaf Screen Painting

Use a lid from a box that is approximately
Field Trips
9 inches × 12 inches × 12 inches. Cut a 1. Neighborhood Walk
rectangle from the lid top, leaving a 1 Take a walk around the neighborhood when
1/2-inch border. Invert the lid and place a the leaves are at their peak of changing
wire screen over the opening. Tape the screen colors. Discuss differences in color and size.
to the border. Arrange the leaves on a sheet
of paper. Place the lid over the arrangement. 2. Apple Orchard
Dip a toothbrush into thin tempera paint and Visit an apple orchard. Observe the apples
brush across the screen. When the tempera being picked and processed. If possible, let
paint dries, remove the leaves. children pick their own apples from a tree.

3. Pumpkin Patch
Visit a pumpkin patch. Discuss and observe
how pumpkins grow and their size, shape,
Cooking and color. Let the children pick a pumpkin
1. Apple Banana Frosty to bring back to the classroom.
1 golden delicious apple, diced
1 peeled, sliced banana
1/4 cup milk
3 ice cubes

Blend all the ingredients in a blender.

Serves four children.
Fingerplays and Chants
2. Apple Salad Autumn winds begin to blow.
6 medium apples (blow)
1/2 cup raisins Colored leaves fall fast and slow.
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon (make fast and slow falling motions with
1/4 cup white grape juice hands)

FALL 283
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Twirling, whirling all around
(turn around) 2+3 =
’Til at last, they touch the ground. Math
(fall to the ground) 1. Weighing Acorns and Pinecones
A scale, acorns, and pinecones for the
Leaves children to weigh can be added to the
Little leaves fall gently down science table.
Red and yellow, orange and brown.
(flutter hands like leaves falling) 2. Leaf Math
Whirling, whirling around and around. Out of construction paper or tagboard,
(turn around) prepare pairs of various-shaped leaves.
Quietly without a sound. The children can match the identical
(put finger to lips) leaves.
Falling softly to the ground
(begin to fall slowly)
Down and down and down and down.
(lie on floor)

Little Leaves Music

The little leaves are falling down 1. “Little Leaves”
(use hands to make falling motion) (Sing to the tune of “Ten Little Indians”)
Round and round, round and round.
(turn around) One little, two little, three little leaves.
The little leaves are falling down, Four little, five little, six little leaves.
(use hands to make falling motion) Seven little, eight little, nine little leaves.
Falling to the ground. Ten little leaves fall down.
(fall to ground)
2. “Happy Children Tune”
Twirling Leaves (Sing to the tune of “Did You Ever See a
The autumn wind blows—Oooo Oooo Oooo. Lassie?”)
(make wind sounds) (While singing the song, children can keep
The leaves shake and shake, then fly into time by pretending to rake leaves, jump in the
the sky so blue. leaves, etc.)
(children shake) Happy children in the autumn,
They whirl and whirl around them, twirl In the autumn, in the autumn.
and twirl around. Happy children in the autumn
(turn around in circles) Do this way and that.
But when the wind stops, the leaves sink
slowly to the ground. 3. “Pretty Leaves Are Falling Down”
Lower, lower, lower, and land quietly (Sing to the tune of “London Bridge”)
without a sound.
(sink very slowly and very quietly) Pretty leaves are falling down, falling down,
falling down.
Pretty leaves are falling down, all around
the town.
(wiggle fingers)
Let’s rake them up in a pile, in a pile, in a
Large Muscle pile.
Let’s rake them up in a pile, all around the
Raking Leaves town.
Child-sized rakes can be provided. The (make raking motions)
children can be encouraged to rake leaves Let’s all jump in and have some fun,
into piles.

284 Theme 30
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have some fun, have some fun.
Let’s all jump in and have some fun, all
around the town.
(jump into circle) Social Studies
Bulletin Board
Construct a bulletin board using bare
branches to represent a tree. Cut out leaves
from colored construction paper and print
one child’s name on each. At the beginning
Science of the day, children can hang their name on
1. Leaf Observation the tree when they arrive.
Collect leaves from a variety of trees. Place
them and a magnifying glass on the science
table for the children to explore.

2. Temperature Watch
Place a thermometer outside. A large
cardboard thermometer can also be The following books can be used to complement
constructed out of tagboard with movable this theme:
elastic or ribbon for the mercury. The
Arnosky, Jim. (1993). Every Autumn Comes the
children can match the temperature on
Bear. New York: G.P. Putnam.
the cardboard thermometer with the
outdoor one. Berger, Carin. (2008). The Little Yellow Leaf.
New York: Greenwillow Books.
3. Weather Calendar Bullard, Lisa. (2010). Leaves Fall Down:
Construct a calendar for the month. Learning about Autumn Leaves. Illustrated
Record the changes of weather each day by by Nadine Takvorian. Mankato, MN:
attaching a symbol to the calendar. Symbols Picture Window Books.
should include clouds, sun, snow, rain, and
Bunting, Eve, and James Ransome. (2001).
so on.
Peepers. Illustrated by James Ransome. San
Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace.
4. Color Change Sequence
Laminate or cover with contact paper several Cocca-Leffler, Maryann. (2010). Let It Fall. New
leaves of different colors. The children can York: Cartwheel Books.
sort, count, and classify the leaves. Curry, Don L. (2004). Fall Leaves. Illustrated
by Don L. Curry. New York: Children’s
Ehlert, Lois. (1991). Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf.
Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace.
Sensory Ehlert, Lois. (2005). Leaf Man. Orlando, FL:
1. Leaves Harcourt.
Place a variety of leaves in the sensory Emmett, Jonathan. (2009). Leaf Trouble. New
table. Try to include moist and dry York: Chicken House.
examples for the children to compare. Fowler, Allan. (1992). How Do You Know It’s
Fall? Chicago: Children’s Press.
2. Pumpkins
Place pumpkins, hammers, and golf tees in Fowler, Allan. (1993). It Could Still Be a Leaf.
the sensory table. The children can practice Chicago: Children’s Press.
pounding the golf tees into the pumpkins. George, Lindsay Barrett. (1995). In the
Note: This activity must be carefully Woods: Who’s Been Here? New York:
supervised. Greenwillow.

FALL 285
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Glaser, Linda. (2001). It’s Fall! Illustrated by Russo, Marisabina. (1994). I Don’t Want to Go
Susan Swan. Brookfield, CT: Millbrook Back to School. New York: Greenwillow.
Press. Rustad, Martha E. H. (2008). Animals in Fall.
Hall, Zoe, and Shari Halpern. (2000). Fall Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Leaves Fall! Illustrated by Shari Halpern. Rustad, Martha E. H. (2008). Leaves in Fall.
New York: Scholastic. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Harshman, Marc, Cheryl Ryan, and Wade Rylant, Cynthia. (1999). Poppleton in Fall.
Zahares. (2001). Red Are the Apples. Illustrated by Mark Teague. New York: Blue
Illustrated by Wade Zahares. San Diego, Sky Press.
CA: Gulliver Books.
Rylant, Cynthia, and Jill Kastner. (2000). In
Hawk, Fran. (2009). Count Down to Fall. November. Illustrated by Jill Kastner. San
Illustrated by Sherry Neidigh. Mount Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace.
Pleasant, SC: Sylvan Dell Publishing.
Saunders-Smith, Gail. (1997). Autumn Leaves.
Hunter, Anne. (1996). Possum’s Harvest Moon. Mankato, MN: Pebble Books.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Schuette, Sarah L. (2007). Let’s Look at Fall.
Hutchings, Amy. (1994). Picking Apples Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
and Pumpkins. Illustrated by Richard
Hutchings. St. Paul, MN: Cartwheel Spafford, Suzy. (2003). Fall Is for Friends. New
Books. York: Scholastic.

Kelley, Marty. (1998). Fall Is Not Easy. Madison, Spetter, Jung-Hee. (1998). Lily and Trooper’s
WI: Zino Press Children’s Books. Fall. Asheville, NC: Front Street,
Lee, Huy Voun. (2005). In the Leaves. New York:
Holt. Thompson, Lauren. (2006). Mouse’s First
Fall. Illustrated by Buket Erdogan. New
Maass, Robert. (1990). When Autumn Comes. York: Simon & Schuster Books for Young
New York: Holt. Readers.
Maestro, Betsy C. (1994). Why Do Leaves Wallace, Nancy Elizabeth. (2003). Leaves!
Change Color? Illustrated by Loretta Leaves! Leaves! New York: Cavendish
Krupinski. New York: HarperCollins. Children’s Books.
Marzollo, Jean. (1998). I Am a Leaf. Zagwyn, Deborah Turney. (1997). The
Illustrated by Judith Moffatt. New York: Pumpkin Blanket. Berkeley, CA: Tricycle
Scholastic. Press.
O’Malley, Kevin. (2004). Lucky Leaf. New York:
Walker & Co.
Raczka, Bob. (2007). Who Loves the Fall?
Illustrated by Judy Stead. Morton Grove, Technology and
IL: Albert Whitman.
Rawlinson, Julia. (2006). Fletcher and the
Falling Leaves. Illustrated by Tiphanie The following technology and multimedia
Beeke. New York: Greenwillow Books. products can be used to complement this
Robbins, Ken. (1998). Fall Leaves. New York: theme:
Scholastic. “Autumn,” “Season Song,” and “Leaves” [CD].
Roca, Nuria. (2004). Fall. Hauppauge, NY: (1995). In Piggyback Songs. Long Branch,
Barron’s Educational Series. NJ: Kimbo Educational.
Rockwell, Anne F. (1989). Apples and “Five Little Pumpkins” [CD]. (1996). In
Pumpkins. Illustrated by Lizzy Rockwell. Singable Songs for the Very Young.
New York: Simon & Schuster. Cambridge, MA: Rounder/UMGD.

286 Theme 30
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“It’s Fall Again” [CD]. (2001). In Seasonal Songs White, Linda. (1997). Too Many Pumpkins
in Motion. Melbourne, FL: The Learning [video]. Somers, NY: Live Oak Productions.
Seasonal Songs in Motion [CD]. (2001).
Melbourne, FL: The Learning Station. Additional teaching resources to accompany this
“What Falls in the Fall” [CD]. (2001). In
Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Whaddaya Think of That? New York: Two website. Go to to
Tomatoes. access the site for a variety of useful resources.

Fall Nature Recipes

Cattails flowers by their stems with Pressing Wildflowers
Use them in their natural color string and hang them with When gathering specimens,
or tint by shaking metallic pow- the heads down in a cool, include the roots, leaves,
der over them. Handle carefully. dry place away from the flowers, and seed pods.
The cattail is dry and feels light. Darkness is essential Place between newspapers,
crumbly. It will fall apart easily. for preserving their color. laying two layers of blotters
Thorough drying takes about underneath the newspaper
Crystal Garden* two weeks. and two on top to absorb
Place broken pieces of brick the moisture. Change the
or terra-cotta clay in a glass Preserving Fall Leaves newspapers three times
bowl or jar. Pour the following Place alternate layers of during the week. Place
solution over this: powdered borax and leaves between two sheets of
4 teaspoons water in a box. The leaves must be corrugated cardboard and
1 teaspoon ammonia completely covered. Allow press. It usually takes 7 to
4 teaspoons bluing them to stand for four days. 10 days to press specimens.
1 teaspoon Mercurochrome Shake off the borax, and wipe Cardboard covered with
4 teaspoons salt each leaf with liquid floor cotton batting is the
wax. Rub a warm iron over a mounting base. Lay the
Add more of this solution cake of paraffin, then press flower on the cotton and
each day until the crystal the iron over the front and cover with cellophane or
garden has grown to the back of each leaf. plastic wrap to preserve
desired size.
the color.
Note: Adult supervision is Preserving Magnolia
required. Leaves Treating Gourds
* This activity should be Mix two parts of water with Soak gourds in water for two
carefully observed if in a one part of glycerin. Place hours. Scrape them clean
classroom with preschool stems of the magnolia leaves with a knife. Rub with fine
children. in the mixture and let them sandpaper. While still damp,
stand for several days. The cut an opening to remove
Drying Plants for Winter leaves will turn brown and seeds.
Bouquets last several years. Their sur-
Strip the leaves from the face may be painted or sprayed
flowers immediately. Tie the with silver or gold paint.

FALL 287
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Theme 31

Activities Purpose Members
celebrations care mothers, fathers
eating protect stepparents, sisters
reading love brothers, grandmothers
playing teach grandfathers, aunts
working uncles, nephews
reunions nieces, cousins
vacationing adopted members
camping deceased members

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. The members in a family
2. Purpose of families
3. Family activities

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. A family is a group of people who usually live together.
2. Mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers are family members.
3. Grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces,
and stepparents are family members.
4. Eating, working, reading, and playing are all family activities.
5. Families often vacation together.
6. Families may often have reunions.
7. Families teach us about our world.
8. Family members care for and protect us.
9. There are many different types of families: one-parent, two-parent,
blended, and extended.

1. aunt—sister of a parent.
2. blended—people from two or more families living together.
3. brother—a boy having the same parents as another person.
4. children—young people.
5. cousin—son or daughter of an uncle or aunt.
6. extended—includes aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins.
7. family—people living together.
8. father—male parent.
9. grandfather—father of a parent.
10. grandmother—mother of a parent.
11. love—feeling of warmth toward another.
12. mother—female parent.
13. nephew—son of a brother or sister.
14. niece—daughter of a brother or sister.
15. one-parent family—a child or children who lives with only one parent, a
father or mother.
16. sister—a girl having the same parents as another person.
17. uncle—brother of a parent.

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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to foster an awareness of various family
sizes, as well as to identify family members. Construct a name card for each
child from tagboard. Print each child’s name on one of the tagboard pieces. Then
cut people figures as illustrated. Laminate the name cards and people. Staple
the name cards to a bulletin board as illustrated. Individually, the children can
affix the people in their family after their name using tape, sticky putty, or a

290 Theme 31
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Our next unit will focus on families. Through this unit, the children will develop an understanding of
various types of families—nuclear, extended, blended, and step. They will also discover what family
members do for each other, as well as activities that families can participate in together.

At School
A few of this unit’s highlights include:
• Creating pictures of our families on a bulletin board
• Looking at photographs of classmates’ families. To assist us with this unit, please send a picture
of your family to school with your child. We will place the photograph in a special photo album
to look at in the reading area.

At Home
There are several activities you can do at home to foster the concepts of this unit. Begin by looking
through family photographs with your child. While doing this, discuss family traditions or customs. You
can also encourage your child to dictate a letter to you to write to a grandparent or other relative.
Plan and participate in a family activity. This could be as simple as taking a walk together or going
on a picnic.
We invite you and your family to visit us. This includes moms, dads, brothers, sisters, grandparents,
and other relatives! If you are interested in coming, please let me know!

Enjoy your family this week!

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3. Raisin Bran Muffins
4 cups raisin bran cereal
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
Arts and Crafts 1 cup sugar
1. Family Collage 2 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
The children can cut out pictures of 1 teaspoon salt
people from magazines. The pictures can 2 eggs, beaten
be pasted on a sheet of paper to make a 2 cups buttermilk
collage. 1/2 cup cooking oil

2. My Body Stir the cereal, flour, sugar, baking soda,

Trace each child’s body on a large piece and salt together in a large mixing bowl. In
of paper. The children can use crayons a separate bowl beat the eggs, buttermilk,
and felt-tip markers to color their own and oil together. Add this mixture to the
body picture. When finished, display the dry ingredients, and stir until moistened.
pictures around the room or in the The batter will be thick. Spoon the batter
center’s entrance. into greased or lined muffin cups, filling 3/4
full. Bake in a 375-degree oven for 20 to 25
minutes, and remove from pans.

4. Kabbat Hamudth
Cooking (This is a meatball soup served during
1. Jelly Ramadan, a Muslim family celebration)
Cut whole-wheat bread into house shapes
for a snack one day. Put raisins and jelly on For the meatballs:
the table with plastic knives. Let children 1 pound choice ground beef
choose their own topping. 14 oz. box cream of rice cereal
1/2 teaspoon salt
2. Gingerbread Families
1 1/2 cups whole-wheat pastry flour Combine ingredients and mix well. Add a little
1 teaspoon baking soda water if necessary. Puree in small batches.
1/2 teaspoon salt Divide mixture into 30 balls. Cover and chill.
1/2 teaspoon ginger
1 teaspoon cinnamon For the stuffing:
1/4 cup oil 1 medium onion, chopped
1/4 cup maple syrup 1/2 pound choice ground beef
1/4 cup honey 1/2 cup drained chickpeas
1 large egg 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
1 scant teaspoon ground allspice
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Measure all
of the dry ingredients into a bowl and mix Brown onions and beef in a 10-inch skillet.
well. Measure all wet ingredients into a Drain fat, and add remaining stuffing
second bowl and mix well. Add the two ingredients. Set aside.
mixtures together. Pour the combined To form meatballs, flatten each ball with
mixture into an 8-inch-square pan and your fingertips. Place 2–3 teaspoons of the
bake for 30 to 35 minutes. When cool, roll stuffing in the center, and re-form beef into
the gingerbread dough into thin slices and a ball around the stuffing. Cover and chill.
provide cookie cutters for children to cut
out a gingerbread family. Decorate the For the soup:
figures with standard icing, candies, cookie 2–3 medium onions, quartered
decorations, or sprinkles or jimmies. Enjoy 1 pound turnips, chopped
for snack time. 2 tablespoons olive oil

292 Theme 31
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16 cups beef broth 2. Family Picnic
1 pound Swiss chard, coarsely chopped Collect items to make a picnic basket.
1/2 cup drained canned chickpeas Include paper napkins, cups, plates, plastic
1 teaspoon ground allspice (optional) eating utensils, and so on.
Salt and pepper to taste
3–4 tablespoons finely chopped fresh mint 3. Dollhouse
leaves, or 2 teaspoons dried mint leaves Set up a large dollhouse for children to
1/2 cup lemon juice play with. These can be constructed from
cardboard. Include dolls to represent
Sauté onions and turnips in olive oil until several members of a family.
onions are translucent. Bring broth to boil,
lower heat, and add onions, turnips, Swiss
chard, and chickpeas. Season with allspice,
salt, and pepper. Simmer until turnips are
soft. Add mint and lemon juice. About 20
minutes before serving, add meatballs.
Serve in bowls with two to three meat- Fingerplays and Chants
balls per serving. Caution must be taken 1. Grandma’s and Grandpa’s
regarding the temperature of the soup. Glasses
Here are Grandma’s glasses.
5. Mexican Salad for a Family (make small circles with fingers over
Gathering eyes)
1 pound hamburger Here is Grandma’s hat.
I head of lettucre (fold hands over head)
1 8 ounce bag of taco chips This is the way she folds her hands
1 package of taco seasoning mix (fold hands)
3 large tomatoes And lays them in her lap.
1 cup chopped onion (place hands in lap)
8 ounces of grated cheddar cheese Here are Grandpa’s glasses.
1 15-ounce can of rinsed and drained dark (make bigger circles with fingers over
red kidney beans eyes)
1 bottle of Thousand Island dressing. Here is Grandpa’s cap.
(pretend to put baseball cap on head)
Brown the hamburger in a skillet. Add the This is the way he folds his arms
taco seasoning to the hamburger, add the (fold arms across chest)
beans, and stir well. Then cut the tomatoes, Just like that!
chop the onion, and tear the lettuce into
bite-sized pieces. Mix. Crumble the chips, 2. My Family
and place on top of this mixture. Then add This is the mother, kind and dear
the browned hamburger. Pour the dressing (begin with hands clasped, and then
on top, and mix. Sprinkle the grated cheese show thumbs)
on top of the salad. This is father, sitting near
(show forefingers)
This is the brother, strong and tall
(show middle finger)
This is my sister who plays with her ball
Dramatic Play (show ring finger)
1. Baby Clothing This is baby, the smallest of all
Arrange the dramatic play area for washing (show little finger)
baby dolls. Include a tub with soapy water, See my whole family, large and small
washcloths, drying towels, play clothes, a (show all fingers)
brush, and a comb.

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3. Cookie Jar
(This is a rhythmic chant. You could introduce Group Time
an alternating leg-hand clap to emphasize the (Games and Language)
A Hundred Ways to Get There
Someone ate the cookies in the cookie jar. During outdoor or group play, form a large
Who ate the cookies in the cookie jar? circle. Begin the game by choosing a child
(Sung Jee) ate the cookies in the cookie jar. to cross the circle by skipping, hopping,
(Sung Jee) ate the cookies in the cookie jar? jumping, crawling, running, and so on.
Who, me? Once the circle has been crossed, the child
Yes, you. takes the place of another person, who
Couldn’t be. then goes across the circle in another
Then who ate the cookies in the cookie jar? manner. Each child can try to think of
(Repeat using another child’s name) something new.

4. Children
“It’s time for my children to go to bed,”
The nice and happy mother (father) said.
“Now I must count them up to see,
If all my children are home with me.” Large Muscle
One child, two children, three children, dear, Neighborhood Walk
(hold up three fingers in succession) Take a walk through a neighborhood and
Four children, five children, YES, they are have children identify different homes.
all here. Observe the colors and sizes of the homes.
(hold up remaining fingers in succession)
They’re the dearest little children alive,
One, two, three, four, five.
(hold up each finger in succession) 2+3 =
5. Five Little Robins 1. Families: From Biggest to Smallest
Five little robins lived in a tree. Cut out pictures of several members of a
A father, mother, and babies three. family from magazines. The children can
(hold up fingers of one hand) place the members from largest to smallest,
Father caught a worm, and then from smallest to largest. They can
(point to thumb) also identify which family member is the
Mother caught a bug, biggest and which is the smallest.
(point to index finger)
This one got the bug, 2. Family Member Chart
(point to middle finger) Graph the number of family members for
This one got the worm, each child’s family on a chart.
(point to ring finger)
And this one sat and waited his turn.
(point to pinky finger)

6. Home Sweet Home

A nest is a home for a blue jay. Music
(cup hands to form a nest)
A hive is a home for a bee.
“Family Helper”
(Sing to the tune of “Here We Are Together”)
(turn cupped hands over)
A hole is a home for a rabbit. It’s fun to be a helper, a helper, a helper.
(make a hole shape with hands) It’s fun to be a helper, just any time.
And a house is a home for me. Oh, I can set the table, the table, the table.
(make roof shape with peaked hands) Oh, I can set the table at dinner time.

294 Theme 31
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Oh, I can dry the dishes, the dishes, the dishes. 4. Cars and houses placed on top of several
Oh, I can dry the dishes, and make them inches of sand

Field Trips and Social Studies

Resource People Family Pictures
Family Day 1. Display posters of all types of families.
Invite moms, dads, sisters, brothers, At group time, discuss ways that
grandfathers, grandmothers, and other families help and care for each other.
family members to a tea at your early 2. Ask each child to bring in a family
childhood center. picture. Label each child’s picture and
place on a special bulletin board with
the caption “Our Families.”
3. Discuss different family holidays
and celebrations. One example is the
Muslim celebration of Ramadan. Each
Science year. Muslims around the world observe
1. Sounds the religious period of Ramadan by
Record different sounds from around the refraining from food, water, television,
house that families hear daily, such as a and other activities from sunrise to
crying baby, teeth being brushed, telephone sunset. The fasting lasts for 28 days.
ringing, toilet flushing, doorbell ringing, Fasting teaches patience, discipline,
water running, electric shaver, alarm and humility. Families and friends
clock, and so on. Play the recording for the gather before sunrise (Suhour) and
children to identify the correct sound. after sunset for meals. Children learn
that the Prophet Mohammed broke
2. Feely Box his fast on dates. Families then mostly
Place objects pertaining to a family into a have soup, because it is easy on the
box. Include items such as a baby rattle, a stomach and also helps rehydrate the
toothbrush, a comb, a baby bottle, and so thirsty.
on. The children feel the objects and try to
identify them.

3. Animal Families
Gerbils or hamsters with young babies in Books
a cage can be placed on the science table.
Observe daily to see how they raise their The following books can be used to complement
babies. Compare the animal behavior with this theme:
that of the children’s own families. Aubrey, Annette. (2007). Flora’s Family.
Illustrated by Patrice Barton. Laguna Hills,
Bailey, Debbie. (1999). Families. Illustrated by
Susan Huszar. Toronto: Annick Press.
Sensory Bee, William. (2005). Whatever. Cambridge, MA:
1. Washing baby dolls in lukewarm, soapy Candlewick Press.
water Berenstain, Stan. (2009). The Berenstain
2. Washing dishes in warm water Bears’ Family Reunion. Illustrated by
3. Washing doll clothes and hanging them Jan Berenstain. New York: HarperCollins
up to dry Publishers.

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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Brown, Margaret Wise. (2005). The Runaway Garden, Nancy. (2004). Molly’s Family.
Bunny. Illustrated by Clement Hurd. Illustrated by Sharon Wooding. New York:
New York: HarperCollins Publishers. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Bruchac, Joseph. (2010). My Father Is Gutman, Anne, and Georg Hallensleben. (2005).
Taller Than a Tree. Illustrated by Wendy Daddy Cuddles. San Francisco: Chronicle
Haperin. New York: Dial Books for Young Books.
Readers. Gutman, Anne, and Georg Hallensleben. (2005).
Buckley, Helen E. (1994). Grandmother and Mommy Loves. San Francisco: Chronicle
I. Illustrated by Jan Ormerod. New York: Books.
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard.
Hest, Amy. (2001). Kiss Good Night. Illustrated
Bullard, Lisa. (2003). My Family: Love and by Anita Jeram. Cambridge, MA:
Care, Give and Share. Illustrated by Candlewick Press.
Brandon Reibeling. Minneapolis, MN:
Homel, David. (2006). Travels with My Family.
Picture Window Books.
Illustrated by Marie-Louise Gay. Toronto:
Buller, Jon, and Susan Schade. (2006). I Love Groundwood Books.
You, Good Night. Illustrated by Bernadette
Isadora, Rachel. (2006). What a Family! A
Pons. New York: Little Simon.
Fresh Look at Family Trees. New York: G.P.
Bunting, Eve. (2010), Will It Be a Baby Brother? Putnam’s Sons.
Illustrated by Beth Spiegel. Honesdale, PA:
Boyds Mills Press. Joosse, Barbara. (2005). Nikolai, the Only Bear.
Illustrated by Renata Liwska. New York:
Carle, Eric. (2000). Does a Kangaroo Have Philomel Books.
a Mother, Too? New York: HarperCollins
Publishers. King-Smith, Dick. (2008). The Mouse Family
Robinson. Illustrated by Nick Bruel. New
Carlson, Nancy. (2004). My Family Is Forever. York: Roaring Brook Press.
New York: Viking.
Kingsbury, Karen. (2008). Let’s Go on a Mommy
Clements, Andrew. (2005). Because Your Daddy Date. Illustrated by Dan Andreasen. Grand
Loves You. Illustrated by Andrew Clements. Rapids, MI: Zonderkidz.
New York: Clarion Books.
Leedy, Loreen. (1995). Who’s Who in My Family.
Cole, Joanna. (2010). I’m a Big Brother.
New York: Holiday House.
Illustrated by Maxie Chambliss. New York:
HarperCollins. Lish, Ted. (2002). It’s Not My Job. Illustrated
by Charles Jordan. Victorville, CA:
Cole, Joanna. (2010). I’m a Big Sister.
Munchweiler Press.
Illustrated by Maxie Chambliss. New York:
HarperCollins. Long, Sylvia. (2002). Hush Little Baby. San
Francisco: Chronicle Books.
Combs, Bobbie, Desiree Keane, and Brian
Rappa. (2001). ABC: A Family Alphabet Mayer, Mercer. (2004). Bye-Bye, Mom and Dad.
Book. Illustrated by Desiree Keane and New York: HarperFestival.
Brian Rappa. Ridley Park, PA: Two Lives. Medearis, Angela. (2004). Snug in Mama’s
Cox, Judy. (2003). My Family Plays Music. Arms. Illustrated by John Sandford.
Illustrated by Elbrite Brown. New York: Columbus, OH: Gingham Dog Press.
Holiday House. Meyers, Susan. (2004). Everywhere Babies.
De Paola, Tomie. (2010). My Mother Is So Illustrated by Marla Frazee. San Diego, CA:
Smart. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons. Harcourt.
Downey, Roma, and Justine Gasquet. (2001). Morris, Ann. (1995). The Daddy Book.
Love Is a Family. Illustrated by Justine Photography by Ken Heyman. Parsippany,
Gasquet. New York: HarperCollins. NJ: Silver Press.
Edmonds, Barbara Lynn. (2000). When Morris, Ann. (1995). The Mommy Book.
Grown-Ups Fall in Love. Eugene, OR: Photography by Ken Heyman. Parsippany,
Barby’s House Books. NJ: Silver Press.

296 Theme 31
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Murphy, Mary. (2003). I Kissed the Baby! Luthardt. Minneapolis, MN: Carolrhoda
Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press. Books.
Norac, Carl. (2005). My Daddy Is a Giant. Willis, Jeanne. (2008). Mommy, Do You
Illustrated by Ingrid Godon. New York: Love Me? Illustrated by Jan Fearnley.
Clarion Books. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.
Ohi, Ruth. (2005). Me and My Sister. Toronto: Winthrop, Elizabeth. (2005). Squashed in the
Annick Press. Middle. Illustrated by Pat Cummings. New
Pellegrini, Nina. (1991). Families Are Different. York: Henry Holt.
New York: Holiday House. Wolff, Ashley. (2004). Me Baby, You Baby. New
Penn, Audrey. (2006). The Kissing Hand. York: Dutton Children’s Books.
Illustrated by Ruth Harper and Nancy Zamorano, Ana. (1997). Let’s Eat! Illustrated by
Leak. Terre Haute, IN: Tanglewood Press. Julie Vivas. New York: Scholastic.
Perl, Erica S. (2006). Ninety-Three in My Zemach, Margot. (2005). Eating Up Gladys.
Family. Illustrated by Mike Lester. New Illustrated by Kaethe Zemach. New York:
York: Abrams Books for Young Readers. Arthur A. Levine Books.
Polacco, Patricia. (2005). The Graves Family
Goes Camping. New York: Philomel Books.
Porter-Gaylord, Laurel. (2004). I Love My
Daddy Because. Illustrated by Ashley Wolf. Technology and
New York: Dutton Children’s Books. Multimedia
Porter-Gaylord, Laurel. (2004). I Love My
Mommy Because. Illustrated by Ashley Wolf. The following technology and multimedia
New York: Dutton Children’s Books. products can be used to complement this
Rathmann, Peggy. (2003). The Day the Babies
Crawled Away. New York: G.P. Putnam’s “Cousins Jamboree” [CD]. (2002). In Cousins
Sons. Jamboree. Richmond, VA: Holcomb Rock
Rau, Dana Meachen. (2007). Family Photo.
Illustrated by Mike Gordon. New York: “Down on Grandpa’s Farm” [CD]. (1996). In One
Children’s Press. Light, One Song. Cambridge, MA: Rounder/
Schindel, John. (1995). Dear Daddy. Illustrated
by Dorothy Dononue. Niles, IL: Albert “Helping Mommy in the Kitchen” [CD]. (1997).
Whitman. In Turn on the Music. Sherman Oaks, CA:
Hap-Pal Music.
Schuette, Sarah L. (2009). Families. Mankato,
MN: Capstone Press. Is Your Mama a Llama? And More Stories
about Growing Up [DVD]. (2009). New York:
Schwartz, Amy. (1994). A Teeny Tiny Baby. New
York: Orchard Books.
“My Grandpa” [CD]. (2002). In Dancin’ in the
Shapiro, Jody Fickes. (2007). Family Lullaby.
Kitchen. New York: BizzyBum.
Illustrated by Cathie Felstead. New York:
Greenwillow Books. “The Family” [CD]. (2003). In Teddy and
Friends. LaCrosse, WI: Platinum Disc.
Smith, Lane. (2003). The Happy Hocky Family
Moves to the Country. New York: Viking. “Why Did I Have to Have a Sister?” [CD].
(2000). In 10 Carrot Diamond. Vancouver,
Sullivan, Sarah. (2010). Once upon a Baby
BC: Hug Bug Records.
Brother. Illustrated by Tricia Tusa. New
York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Vigna, Judith. (1997). I Live with Daddy. Niles, Additional teaching resources to accompany this
IL: Albert Whitman. Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Walker, Sally M. (2008). The Vowel Family: A website. Go to to
Tale of Lost Letters. Illustrated by Kevin access the site for a variety of useful resources.
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Snack Ideas for Young Children
Milk 5. Egg as a part of other squash, potatoes, and
1. Dips (yogurt, cottage recipes tomatoes
cheese, and cream cheese) 6. Eggnog 7. Vegetable spreads
2. Cheese (balls, wedges, 8. Sandwiches
cutouts, squares, faces, Fruits
etc.) 1. Use standard fruits, Dried Peas and Beans
3. Yogurt and fruit but be adventurous: 1. Kidney beans, garbanzos,
4. Milk punches made with pomegranates, limas, lentils, yellow and
fruits and juices cranberries, pears, green peas, pintos, and
5. Conventional cocoa peaches, apricots, plums, black beans
6. Cottage cheese (add berries, pineapples, 2. Beans and peas mashed
pineapple, peaches, etc.) melons, grapes, as dips or spreads
7. Cheese fondues grapefruit, and tangerines 3. Bean, pea, or lentil soup
(preheated—no open 2. Kabobs and salads in a cup
flames in classroom) 3. Juices and juice blends 4. Roasted soybeans
8. Shakes (mix fruit and 4. In muffins, yogurt, and 5. Three-bean salad
milk in a blender) milk beverages
5. Fruit “sandwiches” Pastas
Meats 6. Stuffed dates, prunes, and 1. Different shapes and
1. Meat strips, chunks, and so on thicknesses
cubes (beef, pork, chicken, 7. Dried fruits (raisins, 2. Pasta with butter and
turkey, ham, and fish) currants, prunes, apples, poppy seeds
2. Meatballs and small peaches, apricots, dates, 3. Cold pasta salad
kabobs and figs) 4. Lasagna noodles (cut for
3. Meat roll-ups (cheese small sandwiches)
spread, mashed potatoes, Vegetables 5. Chow mein noodles
spinach, lettuce leaves, or 1. Variety—sweet and white (wheat or rice)
tortillas) potatoes, cherry tomatoes,
broccoli, cauliflower, Breads
4. Meat salads (tuna, other
fish, chicken, turkey, etc.) radishes, peppers, 1. Use a variety of grains—
as spreads for crackers, mushrooms, zucchini, whole wheat, cracked
as stuffing for celery, all squashes, rutabaga, wheat, rye, cornmeal,
and rolled in spinach or avocados, eggplant, oatmeal, bran, grits, and
lettuce okra, pea pods, turnips, so on
5. Sardines pumpkin, sprouts, and 2. Use a variety of breads—
6. Stuffing for potatoes, spinach tortillas, pocket breads,
tomatoes, and squash 2. Almost any vegetable can crêpes, pancakes,
be served raw with or muffins, biscuits, bagels,
Eggs without dip popovers, and English
1. Hard-boiled 3. Salads, kabobs, and cutouts muffins
2. Deviled (use different 4. Juices and juice blends 3. Toast—plain, buttered,
flavors) 5. Soup in a cup (hot or cold) cinnamon, and with
3. Egg salad spread 6. Stuffed—celery, spreads
4. Eggs any style that can be cucumbers, zucchini, 4. Homemade yeast and
managed spinach, lettuce, cabbage, quick breads

298 Theme 31
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5. Fill and roll-up crêpes, and 3. Dry cereal mixes (not pre- roll-ins, as toppings, or as
pancakes sweetened) finger mix
6. Waffle sandwiches 4. Seed mixes (pumpkin, 6. Popcorn with toppings of
sunflower, sesame, poppy, grated cheese or flavored
Cereals, Grains, and Seeds caraway, etc.) butters
1. Granola 5. Roasted wheat berries, 7. Stir into muffins or use as
2. Slices of rice loaf or rice wheat germ, and bran as a topping

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Theme 32

Shelters Kinds Sounds Uses Food
barns horses hee-haw transportation corn
stables cows moo milk hay
sheds chickens cluck food oats
pigs oink silage
goats baa water

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Kinds of farm animals
2. Uses for farm animals
3. Farm animal shelters
4. Food for farm animals
5. Sounds of farm animals

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. A farm animal lives on a farm.
2. Barns, stables, and sheds are homes for farm animals.
3. Horses are farm animals that can be used for transportation.
4. Cows, chickens, pigs, sheep, and goats are farm animals that can be
used for food.
5. Some cows and goats give milk.
6. Some chickens give eggs.
7. Farm animals eat corn, hay, oats, and silage.
8. Farm animals can be recognized by the sounds they make.

1. barn—building used to house farm animals and store grain.
2. farmer—person who cares for farm animals.
3. herd—a group of animals.
4. stable—building for horses and cattle.


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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to foster visual discrimination, problem-
solving, perceptual, and numeral recognition skills. Out of tagboard, construct
red barns as illustrated. The number of barns constructed will depend on the
developmental level of your group of children. Place a numeral on each red barn.
Construct the same number of black barns by tracing around the red barns onto
black construction paper. After cutting out, place small white circles (dots from a
paper punch) onto the black barns. Laminate all barns. Staple black barns to the
board. Punch a hole in each red barn window. During self-selected activity periods,
the children can hang red barns on pushpins of corresponding black barns.

302 Theme 32
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Farm animals will be the focus of our next curriculum unit. The children will be learning the many
different ways that farm animals help us. They will become aware of the difference between pets and
farm animals. The children will also discover that farm animals need homes and food.

At School
Some of the learning activities scheduled for this week include:
• Making a barn out of a large cardboard box for the dramatic play area
• Tasting different kinds of eggs, milk, and cheese for breakfast one day
• At the science table, observing and comparing the many grains and seeds that farm animals eat
• Dressing up like farmers and farm animals
• Making buttermilk chalk pictures
• Listening to stories about farm animals
• Reciting fingerplays representing farm animals
At Home
There are many ways you can integrate this unit into your family life. To stimulate imagination
and movement skills, ask your child to imitate different farm animals by walking and making that
animal’s noise. Also, your child will be learning this rhyme at school. You can also recite it at home to
foster language skills.
If I Were a Horse
If I were a horse, I’d gallop all around.
(slap thighs and gallop in a circle)
I’d shake my head and say, “Neigh, neigh.”
(shake head)
I’d prance and gallop all over town.
Enjoy your child as you explore experiences related to farm animals.


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you wash. Add salt to taste. Let the children
spread the butter on crackers or bread.
Note: Carefully supervise the use of glass
Arts and Crafts jars in this activity.
1. Yarn Collage
Provide the children with several types and 2. Purple Cow Drink Mix
lengths of yarn. Include clipped yarn, yarn 1/2 gallon milk
fluffs, and frayed yarn in several different 1/2 gallon grape juice
colors, along with paper. 6 ice cubes
Mix the ingredients in a blender for one
2. Texture Collage minute. Drink. Enjoy! This recipe will serve
On the art table, provide several colors, approximately 20 children.
shapes, and types of fabric for creating a
texture collage during the self-selected 3. Animal Crackers
activity period for the children. Serve animal crackers for snack.

3. Buttermilk Chalk Picture 4. Corn Bread

Brush a piece of cardboard with 2 to 3 2 cups cornmeal
tablespoons of buttermilk, or dip chalk in 1 teaspoon salt
buttermilk. Create designs using colored 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
chalk as a tool. 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 tablespoon sugar
4. Eggshell Collages 2 eggs
Collect eggshells and crush into pieces. 1 1/2 cups buttermilk
Place the eggshells in the art area for the 1/4 cup cooking oil
children to glue on paper. Let dry. If desired,
the shells can be painted. If preparation Heat oven to 400 degrees. Sift cornmeal,
time is available, eggshells can be dyed salt, soda, baking powder, baking soda,
with food coloring by the teacher before the and sugar into a bowl. Stir in unbeaten
activity. eggs, buttermilk, and cooking oil until all
ingredients are mixed. Pour the batter into
5. Sponge Prints a greased 9-inch 3 9-inch pan or cob-shaped
Cut farm animal shapes out of sponges. If a pans. Bake for 30 minutes until lightly
pattern is needed, cut out of a coloring book. browned.
Once cut, the sponge forms can be dipped
into a pan of thick tempera paint and used 5. Hungry Cheese Spread
as a tool to apply a design. 8 ounces of goat cheese or soft cream cheese
1/4 cup soft butter
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon paprika
Cooking 1 teaspoon dry mustard
1. Make Butter 1 1/2 tablespoons caraway seeds
Fill baby food jars half-full with whipping
cream. Allow the children to take turns Blend the cheese and butter in the mixing
shaking the jars until the cream separates. bowl. Add the remaining ingredients. Mix
First it will appear like whipping cream, them well. Put the blended cheese into a
then like overwhipped cream, and, finally, small serving bowl. Chill in the refrigerator
an obvious separation will occur. Pour off for at least 30 minutes before serving.
the liquid and taste. Wash the butter in Note: From Many Hands Cooking, by Terry
cold water in a bowl several times. Drain Touff Cooper and Marilyn Ratner, 1974,
off milky liquid each time. Taste, and then New York: Thomas Y. Crowell.
wash again until nearly clear. Work the
butter in the water with a wooden spoon as

304 Theme 32
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Group Time
Dramatic Play (Games, Language)
1. Farmer 1. Duck, Duck, Goose
Clothes and props for a farmer can be Ask the children to squat in a circle
placed in the dramatic play area. Include formation. Then ask one child to walk
items such as hats, scarves, overalls, boots, around the outside of the circle, lightly
and so on. touching each child’s head and saying,
“Duck,” for each one. When he or she
2. Saddle touches another child and says, “Goose,”
A horse saddle can be placed on a bench in the that child chases him or her around the
classroom. The children can take turns sitting circle. If the child who was “it” returns to
on it, pretending they are riding a horse. the “goose’s” place without being tagged,
the tapped child becomes “it.” This game
3. Barn is appropriate for older four-, five- and six-
A barn and plastic animals can be added to year-old children.
the classroom. The children can use blocks as
accessories to make pens, cages, and the like. 2. Thank You
Write a thank-you note as a follow-up
4. Veterinarian activity after a field trip or a visit from a
Collect materials to make a veterinarian resource person.
prop box. Stuffed animals can be used as

5. Transition Time Dramatic Play

During transition time, encourage the
children to imitate different farm animals. Large Muscle
They may gallop like a horse, hop like a 1. Tricycles
bunny, waddle like a duck, move like a During outdoor play, encourage children to
snake, and so on. use tricycles and wagons for hauling.

2. Barn
Construct a large barn out of a large
Field Trips and cardboard box. Let all the children help
paint it outdoors. When dry, the children
Resource People can play in it.
1. Farmer
Invite a farmer to talk to the children. If
possible, have him or her bring a small
farm animal for the children to touch and 2+3 =
observe. Math
1. Puzzles
2. The Farm
Laminate several pictures of farm animals;
Visit a farm. Observe the animals and
coloring books are a good source. Cut the
pictures into puzzles for the children.
3. Milk Station
2. Grouping and Sorting
Visit a milk station if there is one in your area.
Collect plastic farm animals. Place in a
basket, and let the children sort them
4. Grocery Store
according to size, color, where they live, how
Visit the dairy section of a grocery store.
they move, and so on.
Look for dairy products.


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3. Hen and Chick Match The dog takes the cat
Make 10 hen cutouts, and place a numeral The cat takes the rat
from 1 to 10 and corresponding dots on each The rat takes the cheese.
hen. Give each child one hen cutout. Make (The final verse:)
10 chick cutouts that will fit inside a plastic The cheese stands alone.
Easter egg, and again place a numeral from The cheese stands alone.
1 to 10 and corresponding dots on each Hi-ho the dairy-o
chick. Place chicks inside eggs, and place The cheese stands alone.
eggs in a basket. The children will take
turns picking an egg and determining if 4. “This Little Piggy”
the chick matches the number on their hen. This little piggy went to market,
The children should continue taking turns (wiggle big toe)
picking eggs until they find a match. This little piggy stayed home,
(wiggle second toe)
This little piggy had roast beef,
(wiggle third toe)
This little piggy had none,
(wiggle fourth toe)
Music And this little piggy cried, “Wee-wee-wee!”
1. “Old MacDonald Had a Farm” all the way home. (wiggle little toe)

2. “The Animals on the Farm”

(Sing to the tune of “The Wheels on the Bus”)
The cows on the farm go moo, moo, moo.
Moo, moo, moo, moo, moo, moo. Science
The cows on the farm go moo, moo, moo all 1. Sheep Wool
day long. Place various types of wool on a table for
The horses on the farm go neigh, neigh, the children to observe. Included may be
neigh. wool clippings, lanolin, dyed yarn, yarn
Neigh, neigh, neigh, neigh, neigh, neigh. spun into thread, wool cloth, and wool
The horses on the farm go neigh, neigh, articles such as mittens and socks.
neigh all day long.
2. Feathers
(Additional verses: pigs—oink; chicken—cluck; Examine various types of feathers. Use a
sheep—baa; and turkeys—gobble) magnifying glass. Discuss their purposes,
such as keeping birds warm and helping
3. “The Farmer in the Dell” ducks to float on water. Add the feathers to
(Traditional) the water table to see if they float. Discuss
why they float.
The farmer in the dell,
The farmer in the dell, 3. Tasting Dairy Products
Hi-ho the dairy-o Plan a milk-tasting party. To do this,
The farmer in the dell. taste and compare the following types
The farmer takes a wife (husband). of milk products: cow milk, goat milk,
The farmer takes a wife (husband). cream, skimmed milk, whole milk, cottage
Hi-ho the dairy-o cheese, sour cream, butter, margarine,
The farmer in the dell. and buttermilk. Caution: Check for
children’s allergies before all food-related
(The other verses are as follows) activities.
The wife (husband) takes the child
The child takes the nurse
The nurse takes the dog

306 Theme 32
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4. Eggs
Taste different kinds of eggs. Let children
choose from scrambled, poached, deviled, Books
hard-boiled, and fried eggs. This could also
be integrated as part of the breakfast menu. The following books can be used to complement
this theme:
5. Cheese Types Aliki. (1992). Milk from Cow to Carton (revised
Observe, taste, and compare different kinds edition). New York: HarperCollins.
of cheese. Examples include Swiss, cheddar, Baker, Keith. (1994). Big Fat Hen. San Diego,
colby, cottage cheese, and cheese curds. CA: Harcourt Brace.
6. Egg Hatching Bates, Ivan. (2006). Five Little Ducks.
If possible, contact a hatchery to borrow Illustrated by Ivan Bates. New York:
an incubator. Watch the eggs hatch in the Scholastic.
classroom. Battaglia, Aurelius. (2005). Animal Sounds.
Illustrated by Aurelius Battaglia. New York:
7. Feels like the Farm Random House.
Construct a feely box containing farm items. Beaumont, Karen. (2004). Duck, Duck,
Examples may include an ear of corn, hay, Goose! A Coyote’s on the Loose! New York:
sheep wool, a turkey feather, a hard-boiled HarperCollins.
egg, and so on.
Beshara, Crystal. (2009). When I Visit the Farm.
Montreal: Lobster Press.
Blackstone, Stella. (2006). There’s a Cow in the
Cabbage Patch. Cambridge, MA: Barefoot
Sensory Books.
1. Farm Animal Sound Bingo Brown, Margaret Wise. (2002). Big Red Barn.
Record a child making a farm animal sound New York: Rayo.
or download the sound from the Internet. Bruss, Deborah, and Tiphanie Beeke. (2001).
Find photographs or clipart of the animal, Book! Book! Book! Illustrated by Tiphanie
and glue them onto a cardboard bingo card. Beeke. New York: Arthur A. Levine.
Play each sound, and ask the child to put a
button over the corresponding animal. Bunting, Eve. (2007). Hurry! Hurry! Illustrated
by Jeff Mack. Orlando, FL: Harcourt
2. Additions to the Sensory Table Children’s Books.
• Different types of grain, such as oats, Church, Caroline Jayne. (2008). Ping Pong Pig.
wheat, barley, and corn, and measuring New York: Holiday House.
devices Cooper, Elisha. (2010). Farm. New York:
• Wool and feathers Orchard Books.
• Sand and plastic farm animals Cowley, Joy. (2003). Mrs. Wishy-Washy Makes a
• Provide materials to make a barnyard. Splash. Illustrated by Elizabeth Fuller.
Include soil, hay, farm animals, barns, New York: Philomel Books.
farm equipment toys, and so on
Cronin, Doreen, and Betsy Lewin. (2000). Click,
Clack, Moo: Cows That Type. Illustrated by
Betsy Lewin. New York: Simon & Schuster.
Crum, Shutta. (2009). Thunder-Boomer!
Social Studies Illustrated by Carol Thompson. New York:
Clarion Books.
Farm Animal of the Day
Throughout the week, let children take Davidson, Susanna. (2006). The Little Red Hen.
care of and watch baby farm animals. Illustrated by Daniel Postgate. London:
Suggestions include a piglet, chicks, small Usborne.
ducks, a rabbit, or a lamb.
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
DeSeve, Randall. (2010). Mathilda and the Smee, Nicola. (2006). Clip-Clop. London: Boxer
Orange Balloon. Illustrated by Jen Corace. Books.
New York: Balzer & Bray. Spinelli, Eileen. (2009). Princess Pig. Illustrated
Duffield, Katy. (2003). Farmer McPeepers and by Tim Bowers. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
His Missing Milk Cows. Illustrated by Stohner, Anu. (2005). Brave Charlotte.
Kathy Duffield. Flagstaff, AZ: Rising Moon. Illustrated by Henrike Wilson. New York:
Elliot, David. (2008). On the Farm. Illustrated Bloomsbury Children’s Books.
by Holly Meade. Somerville, MA: Sturghes, Philemon. (1999). The Little Red Hen
Candlewick Press. Makes a Pizza. New York: Dutton Children’s
Henderson, Kathy. (1996). Counting Farm. Books.
Cambridge, MA: Shaw’s Candlewick Press. Sykes, Julie. (1997). Dora’s Eggs. Illustrated by
Himmelman, John. (2010). Pigs to the Rescue. Jane Chapman. Wilton, CT: Tiger Tales.
New York: Henry Holt. Teague, Mark. (2009). Funny Farm. New York:
Hoena, B. A. (2004). A Visit to the Farm. Orchard Books.
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. Thomas, Jan. (2008). A Birthday for Cow!
Hutchins, Pat. (1994). Little Pink Pig. Orlando, FL: Harcourt.
New York: Greenwillow. Van Petter, Bruce. (2010). Tucker Took It!
Jackson, Ellen. (1995). Brown Cow, Green Honesdale, PA: Boyds Mills Press.
Grass, Yellow Mellow Sun. Illustrated by Waring, Richard. (2001). Hungry Hen.
Victoria Raymond. New York: Hyperion. Illustrated by Caroline Jayne Church.
Kasza, Keiko. (2003). My Lucky Day. New York: New York: HarperCollins.
G.P. Putnam’s Sons. Weinstein, Ellen. (2008). Everywhere the
Landstrom, Lena. (2005). Four Hens and a Cow Says “Moo!” Illustrated by Kenneth
Rooster. New York: Douglas & McIntyre. Anderson. Honesdale, PA: Boyds Mills
Lesser, Carolyn. (1995). What a Wonderful Day Press. (Different languages)
to Be a Cow. Illustrated by Melissa Bay Wild, Margaret. (2009). Piglet and Granny.
Mathis. New York: Knopf. Illustrated by Stephen Michael King.
Martin, Bernard, Bill Martin Jr., and New York: Abrams Books for Young
Michael Sampson. (2005). Chicken Chuck. Readers.
Illustrated by Steven Salerno. New York: Wilson, Karma. (2010). The Cow Loves Cookies.
Marshall Cavendish. Illustrated by Marcellus Hall. New York:
Milord, Susan. (2005). Three about Thurston. Margaret K. McElderry Books.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Minne, Brigitte. (2004). The Best Bottom.
New York: Milk & Cookies Press.
Newton, Jill. (2010). Crash Bang Donkey!
Technology and
Chicago: Albert Whitman. Multimedia
Palatini, Margie, and Richard Egielski. (2001).
The following technology and multimedia
The Web Files. Illustrated by Richard
products can be used to complement this
Egielski. New York: Hyperion Press.
Perl, Erica S. (2004). Chicken Bedtime Is Really
Alphabet Road: “F” Is for Farm—Do You Know
Early. Illustrated by George Bates.
Where Milk Comes From? [DVD]. (2006).
New York: Abrams.
New York: GoBabies.
Scarry, Richard. (2004). The Rooster Struts.
“Baby Chickie” [CD]. (1994). In So Big.
New York: Golden Books.
Sherman Oaks, CA: Hap-Pal Music.
Schubert, Leda. (2010). Feeding the Sheep.
“Barnyard Boogie” [CD]. (2005). In Sing-a-
Illustrated by Andrea U’Ren. New York:
Move-a-Dance. Eau Claire, WI: North Side
Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
308 Theme 32
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
“BINGO” [CD]. (2002). In Early Childhood “Neat Nanny Goat,” “Piggly, Wiggly, Pizza Pig,”
Classics. Sherman Oaks, CA: Hap-Pal Music. and “Skiing Sheep” [CD]. (1994). In A to
“The Color Farm?” [CD]. (2007). In Sing to Z: The Animals and Me. Long Branch, NJ:
Learn with Dr. Jean. Oklahoma City, OK: Kimbo Educational.
Melody House. “Old MacDonald Had a Farm,” “Six Little
Dance with the Animals. [DVD]. (2006). Conroe, Ducks,” “Little White Duck,” and “B-I-N-
TX: Rock ‘N Learn Inc.. G-O” [CD]. (1997). In Six Little Ducks. Long
Branch, NJ: Kimbo Educational.
“Down on Grandpa’s Farm” [CD]. (1996). In One
Light, One Song. Cambridge, MA: Rounder/ “Old McDonald” [CD]. (2002). In Early
UMGD. Childhood Classics. Sherman Oaks, CA:
Hap-Pal Music.
“Farmer in the Dell” [CD]. (2007). In Nursery
Rhymes and Good Ol’ Times. Oklahoma “Old McDonald” [CD]. (2007). In Nursery
City, OK: Melody House. Rhymes and Good Ol’ Times. Oklahoma
City, OK: Melody House.
“Giddyup Pony” [CD]. (2000). In Charlotte
Diamond’s World. Vancouver, BC: Hug Bug On the Farm [CD]. (1999). Long Branch, NJ:
Records. Kimbo Educational.
Giggle, Giggle, Quack and More Stories by
Doreen Cronin [DVD]. (2009). New York: Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Scholastic. Theme can be found on the book’s companion
“Here Comes the Cow” and “Hop Like a Bunny” website. Go to to
[CD]. (1974). In It’s Fun to Clap. Long access the site for a variety of useful resources.
Branch, NJ: Kimbo Educational.
“I Know a Chicken” [CD]. (2010). In Best of
Laurie Berkner Band. New York: Two


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Theme 33

Verbal Nonverbal
yelling smiling
crying frowning
talking jumping
singing hitting
laughing petting
whispering hugging

Types Causes
happy, sad people
lonely, tired situations
surprised, angry sickness
excited, friendly
afraid, hungry
sorry, depressed

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Types of feelings
2. Verbal expressions of feelings
3. Nonverbal expressions of feelings
4. Causes for our feelings

Concepts for the Children to Learn

Everyone has feelings.
Feelings show how we feel.
Feelings change.
Feelings are caused by people, situations, and sickness.
Loved, happy, sad, excited, sorry, and surprised are types of feelings.
Lonely, tired, angry, afraid, hungry, and depressed are feelings.
Friendliness and love are also feelings.
People can share their feelings verbally.
Yelling, crying, talking, singing, and laughing are ways to verbally
express feelings.
10. People show their feelings nonverbally.
11. Kissing, hugging, and petting are examples of showing feelings
12. Frowning, jumping, and hitting are other ways people can show
feelings nonverbally.

1. afraid—the feeling of being unsure of or frightened about something.
2. feelings—the way you feel about something in your mind. Happiness
and love are feelings.
3. happy—a feeling of being glad.
4. sad—the feeling of being hurt or unhappy.
5. smile—a facial expression of pleasure or happiness.
6. surprise—a feeling from something unexpected.

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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to help the children become aware of
happy, sad, and mad feelings, as well as recognize their printed names. Prepare
individual name cards for each child. Then prepare different expressive faces
such as happy, sad, and angry. Staple faces to top of bulletin board. See the
illustration for an example. If available, magnetic strips may be added to the
bulletin board under faces and pieces affixed to name cards, or pushpins may be
placed on the board and holes punched in name cards. The children may place
their names under the face they decide they feel like when arriving at school.
Later, during large-group time, the board can be reviewed to see if any of the
children’s feelings have changed.

312 Theme 33
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Emotions and feelings will be the focus of our next curriculum unit. Throughout each day, the children
experience many feelings, ranging from happiness to sadness. The purpose of this unit is to have the
children develop an understanding of feelings. Feelings are something we all share, and feelings are
acceptable. We will also be exploring ways of expressing different feelings.

At School
Some of the learning experiences planned for this unit include:
• Listening to and discussing the book Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
by Judith Viorst
• Singing songs about our feelings
• Drawing and painting to various types of music
• Expressing feelings through music

Our Special Visitor

“Clancy the Clown” will be visiting the children on Thursday at 3:00 p.m. The children are all looking
forward to this special visitor. You are encouraged to join us and share their excitement.

At Home
To help your child identify situations that elicit feelings, have your child cut or tear pictures from
discarded magazines that depict events or situations that make your child feel happy or sad. These
pictures can then be glued or pasted on paper to create a feelings collage.
Talking with your child about your feelings will encourage parent-child communication. Tell your child
what things make you feel various ways. Then ask your child to share some feelings.

Make your child happy today!

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top of the dough should have blisters on it.
Cover the bowl and put in the sun or near
heat. Let it rise for about an hour or until
Arts and Crafts doubled. Take the dough out of the bowl.
1. Drawing to Music Punch it down, knead for several more
Play various types of music, including jazz, minutes, and then divide the dough into
classical, and rock, and let the children 12 to 15 pieces. Roll each piece of dough
draw during the self-selected activity into a ball. Place each ball on a greased
period. Different tunes and melodies might cookie sheet. Let the dough rise again until
make us feel a certain way. doubled. Bake at 450 degrees for 10 to 12
minutes. A happy face can be drawn on the
2. Play Dough roll with frosting.
Using play dough is a wonderful way to
vent feelings. Prepare several types and 2. Berry “Happy” Shake from Finland
let the children feel the different textures. 10 fresh strawberries or 6 tablespoons
Color each type a different color. Add a frozen sliced strawberries in syrup,
scent to one, and to another add a textured thawed
material such as sawdust, rice, or sand. A 2 cups cold milk
list of play dough recipes can be found later 1 1/2 tablespoons sugar or honey
in this theme.
Wash the strawberries (if fresh) and cut
3. Footprints out the stems. Cut the strawberries into
Mix tempera paint. Pour the paint into small pieces. (If you are using frozen
a shallow jelly roll pan approximately strawberries, drain the syrup into a small
1/4-inch deep. The children can dip their bowl or cup and save it.) Pour the milk into
feet into the pan. After this, they can step the mixing bowl. Add the strawberries. If
directly onto paper. Using their feet as an you are using fresh strawberries, add the
application tool, footsteps can be made. This sugar or honey. If you are using frozen
activity could be used to create a mural to strawberries, add 3 tablespoons of the
hang in the hall or lobby. strawberry syrup instead of sugar. Beat
with the egg beater for 1 minute. Pour the
drink into glasses.
Note: From Many Hands Cooking, by Terry
Cooking Touff Cooper and Marilyn Ratner, 1974,
New York: Thomas Y. Crowell.
1. Happy Rolls
1 package fast-rising dry yeast 3. Danish Smile Berry Pudding
1 cup warm water 1 10-ounce package frozen raspberries,
1/3 cup sugar thawed
1/3 cup cooking oil 1 10-ounce package frozen strawberries,
3 cups flour thawed
Dash of salt 1/4 cup cornstarch
2 tablespoons sugar
Measure the warm water and pour it into a 1/2 cup cold water
bowl. Sprinkle the yeast on top of the water. 1 tablespoon lemon juice
Let the yeast settle into the water. Mix all
of the ingredients in a large bowl. Place Puree berries in blender or press through
the dough on a floured board to knead it. sieve. Mix cornstarch and sugar in
Demonstrate how to knead, letting each 1 1/2-quart saucepan. Gradually stir in
of the children take turns kneading the water; add puree. Heat to boiling, stirring
bread. This is a wonderful activity to work constantly. Boil and stir 1 minute. Remove
through emotions. After kneading it for from heat. Stir in lemon juice. Pour into
about 10 minutes, put the ball of dough into dessert dishes or serving bowl. Cover and
a greased bowl. If kneaded sufficiently, the
314 Theme 33
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refrigerate at least 2 hours. Serve with half- Clap your hands
and-half if desired. Makes 6 servings. (clap hands)
And make a frown.
Note: From Betty Crocker’s International
Cookbook, 1980, New York: Random House.
Smile and smile.
Hop like a clown.
(stand up and hop)
Dramatic Play
1. Flower Shop
Plastic flowers, vases, and wrapping paper
can be placed in the dramatic play area.
Group Time
(Games and Language)
Make a sign that says “Flower Shop.” The
children may want to arrange, sell, deliver,
and receive flowers. Happy Feeling
Discuss happiness. Ask each child to name
2. Post Office one thing that makes him or her happy.
Collect discarded greeting cards and Record each answer on a “Happiness
envelopes. The children can stamp and Chart.” Post the chart for the parents to
deliver the cards to one another. observe as they pick up their children.

3. Puppet Center
A puppet center can be added to the
dramatic play area. Include a variety of
puppets and a stage.
Large Muscle
1. Mirrors
The children should sit as pairs facing each
other. Select one child to make a “feeling
face” at the partner. Let the other child
guess what feeling it is. A variation of this
Fingerplays and Chants activity would be to have partners face each
other. When one child smiles, the partner is
I Looked inside My Looking Glass to imitate his or her feelings.
I looked inside my looking glass
(pinch index finger and thumb together 2. Simon Says
to form a circle) Play “Simon Says” using emotions:
To see what I could see. “Simon Says walk in a circle feeling
(hold a circle over each eye) happy . . .”
It looks like I’m happy today, “Simon Says walk in a circle feeling sad . . .”
Because that smiling face is me.
(continue smiling and point to oneself)

Stand Up Tall 2+3 =

Stand up tall Math
(stand up straight) Face Match
Hands in the air. Collect two small shoe boxes. On one shoe
(hold hands over head in the air) box, draw a happy face. On the other box,
Now sit down draw a sad face. Cut faces of people from
In your chair. magazines. The children can sort the
(sit on chair) pictures accordingly.

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If you guessed a long, long while
So I’ll take it out and put it on,
It’s a great big happy SMILE!
Music 4. “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow”
1. “Feelings” For he’s a jolly good fellow,
(Sing to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle Little For he’s a jolly good fellow,
Star”) For he’s a jolly good fellow,
I have feelings. Which nobody can deny.
You do, too. Which nobody can deny,
Let’s all sing about a few. Which nobody can deny,
For he’s a jolly good fellow,
I am happy. For he’s a jolly good fellow,
(smile) For he’s a jolly good fellow,
I am sad. Which nobody can deny.
I get scared. We won’t go home until morning,
(wrap arms around self) We won’t go home until morning,
I get mad. We won’t go home until morning,
(make a fist and shake it) ’Till daylight doth appear.
’Till daylight doth appear,
I am proud of being me. ’Till daylight doth appear,
(hands on hips) We won’t go home until morning,
That’s a feeling, too, you see. We won’t go home until morning,
I have feelings. We won’t go home until morning,
(point to self) ’Till daylight doth appear.
You do, too.
(point to someone else)
We just sang about a few.

2. “If You’re Happy and You Know It”

(For additional verses, change the emotions
and actions)
Resource People
1. A Clown
If you’re happy and you know it Invite a clown to the classroom. You may
Clap your hands. ask the clown to dress and apply makeup
(clap twice) for the children. After the clown leaves,
If you’re happy and you know it provide makeup for the children.
Clap your hands.
(clap twice) 2. Musician
If you’re happy and you know it Invite a musician to play a variety of music
Then your face will surely show it. for the children to express feelings.
If you’re happy and you know it
Clap your hands. 3. Florist
(clap twice) Invite a florist to visit your classroom and
show how flowers are arranged. Talk about
3. “I Have Something in My Pocket” why people send flowers. If convenient, the
I have something in my pocket. children could visit the florist, touring the
It belongs across my face. greenhouses.
I keep it very close at hand.
In a most convenient place.
I bet you could guess it,

316 Theme 33
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firefighters, beauticians, florists, nurses,
bakers, and so on. Discuss how these
individuals help us and how they make us feel.
1. Sound Tape
Tape various noises that express emotions;
suggestions include sounds such as
laughter, cheering, growling, shrieking, Books
crying, and so on. Play these sounds for The following books can be used to complement
the children, letting them identify the this theme:
emotion. They may also want to act out the
emotion. Aboff, Marcie. (2010). Everyone Feels Scared
Sometimes. Illustrated by Damian Ward.
2. Communication without Words Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Hang a large screen or sheet with a Brisson, Pat. (2010). Sometimes We Were Brave.
bright light behind it. The children can Illustrated by France Brassard. Honesdale,
go behind the screen and act out various PA: Boyds Mills Press.
emotions. Other children guess how they Brown, Laurie Krasny. (1996). When Dinosaurs
are feeling. Die: A Guide to Understanding Death.
Illustrated by Marc Tolon Brown. Boston:
3. How Does It Feel? Little, Brown.
Add various pieces of textured materials to
the science table. Include materials such Cabrera, Jane. (2005). If You’re Happy and You
as soft fur, sandpaper, rocks, and cotton. Know It! New York: Holiday House.
Encourage the children to touch each object Carle, Eric. (1995). The Very Lonely Firefly. New
and explain how it feels. York: Philomel Books.
Carlson, Nancy L. (1997). ABC I Like Me. New
York: Viking.
Crary, Elizabeth. (1992). I’m Frustrated.
Dealing with Feelings series. Illustrated
Sensory by Jean Whitney. Seattle, WA: Parenting
Texture Feelings
Various textures can create feelings. Let the Crary, Elizabeth. (1992). I’m Mad. Dealing with
children express their feelings by adding Feelings series. Illustrated by Jean Whitney.
the following to the sensory table: Seattle, WA: Parenting Press.
• Cotton Crary, Elizabeth. (1992). I’m Proud. Dealing
• Water (warm or with ice) with Feelings series. Illustrated by Jean
• Black water Whitney. Seattle, WA: Parenting Press.
• Blue water Crary, Elizabeth. (1996). I’m Excited. Dealing
• Sand with Feelings series. Illustrated by Jean
• Pebbles Whitney. Seattle, WA: Parenting Press.
• Dirt with scoops Crary, Elizabeth. (1996). I’m Furious. Dealing
• Plastic worms with water with Feelings series. Illustrated by Jean
Whitney. Seattle, WA: Parenting Press.
Crary, Elizabeth. (1996). I’m Scared. Dealing
with Feelings series. Illustrated by Jean
Social Studies Whitney. Seattle, WA: Parenting Press.
Curtis, Munzee. (1997). When the Big Dog
Barks. Illustrated by Susan Ayishai. New
Share pictures of individuals engaged
York: Greenwillow.
in different occupations such as doctors,

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Cusimano, Maryann K., and Satomi Ichikawa. McGhee, Alison. (2006). A Very Brave Witch.
(2001). You Are My I Love You. New York: Illustrated by Harry Bliss. New York: Simon &
Philomel Books. Schuster Books for Young Readers.
Danneberg, Julie, and Judith Dufour Love. Murphy, Mary. (2000). I Feel Happy, and Sad,
(2000). First Day Jitters. Illustrated by Judith and Angry, and Glad. New York: Dorling
Dufour Love. Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge. Kindersley.
Dunbar, Polly. (2008). Happy Hector. Cambridge, Raffi. (2005). If You’re Happy and You Know It.
MA: Candlewick Press. Illustrated by Cyd Moore. New York: Alfred
Emberley, Ed. (1997). Glad Monster, A. Knopf, distributed by Random House.
Sad Monster: A Book about Feelings. Seeger, Pete, and Paul DuBois Jacobs. (2005).
Illustrated by Anne Miranda. Boston: Some Friends to Feed: The Story of Stone
Little, Brown. Soup. Illustrated by Michael Hays. New
Freymann, Saxton, and Joost Elffers. (1999). York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons.
How Are You Feeling? New York: Arthur Seuss, Dr. (1996). My Many Colored Days.
A. Levine. Edited by Lou Fancher and illustrated by
Genechten, Guido Van. (2005). The Cuddle Steve Johnson. New York: Knopf.
Book. New York: HarperCollins. Smee, Nicola. (2006). Funny Face. New York:
Grover, Lorie Ann. (2008). Hug Hug! Illustrated Bloomsbury Children’s Books.
by Rebecca Malone. New York: Little Simon. Spelman, Cornelia Maude. (2002). When I
Harper, Charise Mericle. (2010). Cupcake: A Feel Sad. Illustrated by Kathy Parkinson.
Journey to Special. New York: Disney- Morton Grove, IL: A. Whitman.
Hyperion. Spelman, Cornelia. (2004). When I Miss You.
Heling, Kathryn. (2009). I Wish I Had Illustrated by Kathy Parkinson. Morton
Freckles Like Abby. McHenry, IL: Raven Grove, IL: Albert Whitman.
Tree Press. Spinelli, Eileen. (2006). When You Are Happy.
Henkes, Kevin. (2000). Wemberly Worried. New Illustrated by Geraldo Valerio. New
York: Greenwillow. York: Simon & Schuster Books for Young
Hills, Tad. (2009). Duck and Goose, How Are
You Feeling? How Are You Feeling? New Stamp, Jorgen. (2009). Flying High. New York:
York: Schwartz & Wade Books. Enchanted Lion Books.
Hodgkinson, Leigh. (2010). Smile! New York: Stanley, Mandy. (2006). How Do You Feel? New
Balzer & Bray. York: Little Simon.
Isadora, Rachel. (2009). Happy Belly, Happy Stohner, Anu. (2009). Brave Charlotte and the
Smile. Boston: Harcourt Children’s Books. Wolves. Illustrated By Henrike Wilson. New
York: Bloomsbury.
Julian, Alison. (2001). Brave as a Bunny Can
Be. Minneapolis, MN: Waldman House. Tankard, Jeremy. (2007). Grumpy Bird. New
York: Scholastic.
Klise, Kate. (2006). Why Do You Cry? Not a Sob
Story. Illustrated by M. Sarah Klise. New Thompson, Colin. (2008). The Big Little Book of
York: H. Holt. Happy Sadness. La Jolla, CA: Kane/Miller.
Lachner, Dorothea. (1995). Andrew’s Angry Verdick, Elizabeth. (2010). Calm-Down Time.
Words. Illustrated by Tjong-Khing The. New Illustrated by Marieka Heilen. Minneapolis,
York: North South Books. MN: Free Spirit.
Markes, Julie. (2001). Good Thing You’re Not an Verroken, Sarah. (2009). Feeling Sad. Brooklyn,
Octopus! Illustrated by Maggie Smith. New NY: Enchanted Lion Books.
York: HarperCollins. Viorst, Judith (1972). Alexander and the
McAllister, Angela. (2006). Brave Bitsy and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.
Bear. Illustrated by Tiphanie Beeke. New Illustrated by Ray Cruz. New York: Simon
York: Clarion Books. and Schuster.

318 Theme 33
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Wagenbach, Debbie. (2010). The Grouchies. “Hang on Friend” [CD]. (2002). In Cousins
Washington, DC: Magination Press. Jamboree. Richmond, VA: Holcomb Rock
Wilson, Karma. (2008). Bear Feels Scared. Road.
Illustrated by Jane Chapman. New York: “Happy” [CD]. (2004). In Circle Time Activities.
Margaret K. McElderry Books. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo Educational.
Yolen, Jane. (2008). Sad, Mad, Glad Hippos. “Happy Days” [CD]. (2000). In Bean Bag
Illustrated by Steve Mack. Toronto: Key Rock and Roll. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo
Porter Books. Educational.
“Happy Rappy” [CD]. (1994). In Yes, I Can
Songs (with RONNO). Long Branch, NJ:
Kimbo Educational.
Technology and “How Are You Today—Please?” [CD]. (1995). In
Multimedia Piggyback Songs. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo
The following technology and multimedia “I Can Do It” [CD]. (2002). In Cousins Jamboree.
products can be used to complement this Richmond, VA: Holcomb Rock Road.
“If You’re Happy and You Know It” [CD]. (2006).
“A Friend in Need,” “It’s a Great Day,” “It’s All In Josh Levine for Kids. New York: Josh
Right,” and “Squabbles Hugs” [CD]. (1994). Levine.
In Get Up and Grow. Long Branch, NJ:
“Out of Green Paint Blues” [CD]. (2009). In
Kimbo Educational.
People, Place and Things. Coconut Grove,
“A Little Bit Afraid” [CD]. (2002). In Cousins FL: In the Nick of Time.
Jamboree. Richmond, VA: Holcomb Rock
“Smile” [CD]. (2002). In Under a Shady Tree.
New York: Two Tomatoes.
“Angry,” “Sad,” and “Scared.” (1986). In Singing,
“Talking Sharing Blues” [CD]. (2010). In Funnier
Moving and Fun. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo
Little Fellas. Portland, OR: Matt Clark.
“When I’m Down I Get Up and Dance” [CD].
“Celebrate Your Courage” [CD]. (2010). In Lots
(1994). In So Big. Sherman Oaks, CA: Hap-
of Fun. Atlanta, GA: Mr Greg’s Musical
Pal Music.
“Everyone’s Afraid of Something” [CD]. (2009).
In People, Place and Things. Coconut Grove, Additional teaching resources to accompany this
FL: In the Nick of Time. Theme can be found on the book’s companion
“Friends” [CD]. (1992). In Nelson Gill/Friends. website. Go to to
Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo Educational. access the site for a variety of useful resources.

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Recipes for Doughs and Clays
Clay Dough 1/2 cup water Cloud Dough
3 cups flour 3 cups flour
Combine ingredients. Knead
3 cups salt 1 cup oil
well. This dough has a very
3 tablespoons alum Scent (oil of peppermint,
different texture, is easily
wintergreen, lemon, etc.)
Combine ingredients and manipulated, and looks
Food coloring
slowly add water, a little at a different. Finished projects
time. Mix well with spoon. As can be painted when dry. Combine ingredients.
mixture thickens, continue Add water until easily
mixing with your hands until Baker’s Clay #1 manipulated (about 1/2 cup).
it has the feel of clay. If it 1 cup cornstarch
feels too dry, add more water. 2 cups baking soda Sawdust Dough
If it is too sticky, add equal 1 1/2 cups cold water 2 cups sawdust
parts of flour and salt. 3 cups flour
Combine ingredients. Stir 1 cup salt
until smooth. Cook over
Play Dough Combine ingredients. Add
medium heat, stirring
2 cups flour water as needed. This dough
constantly until mixture
1 cup salt becomes very hard and is not
reaches the consistency
1 cup hot water easily broken. It is good to use
of slightly dry mashed
2 tablespoons cooking oil for making objects and figures
4 teaspoons cream of tartar that one desires to keep.
Turn out onto plate or
Food coloring
bowl, covering with damp
Mix well. Knead until cloth. When cool enough to Salt Dough
smooth. This dough may handle, knead thoroughly 4 cups salt
be kept in a plastic bag or until smooth and pliable on 1 cup cornstarch
covered container and used cornstarch-covered surface. Water
again. If it gets sticky, more Store in tightly closed Combine salt and cornstarch
flour may be added. plastic bag or covered with sufficient water to form
container. a paste. Cook over medium
Favorite Play Dough heat, stirring constantly.
2 cups water Baker’s Clay #2
1/2 cup salt 4 cups flour Cooked Clay Dough
Food coloring or tempera paint 1 1/2 cups water 1 cup flour
2 tablespoons cooking oil 1 cup salt 1/2 cup cornstarch
2 tablespoons alum 4 cups water
Combine ingredients.
2 cups flour 1 cup salt
Mix well. Knead 5 to 10
Combine and boil water, salt, minutes. Roll out to 1/4- 3 or 4 pounds flour
and food coloring or paint inch thickness. Cut with Food coloring if desired
until dissolved. While very decorative cookie cutters or Stir slowly and be patient
hot, mix in oil, alum, and with a knife. Make a hole at with this recipe. Blend the
flour. Knead (approximately 5 the top. 1 cup flour and cornstarch
minutes) until smooth. Store Bake at 250 degrees for with cold water. Add salt
in covered, airtight containers. 2 hours or until hard. When to the water, and boil. Pour
cool, paint with tempera the boiling salt and water
Oatmeal Dough paint and spray with clear solution into the flour and
2 cups oatmeal varnish or paint with acrylic cornstarch paste, and cook
1 cup flour paint. over high heat until clear.

320 Theme 33
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Add the additional flour Combine ingredients and figures. Save the figures on a
and coloring to the cooked add enough water to make plate for the next bath time.
solution and knead. After the pliable. Children like to work
clay has been in use, if it is with this mixture. It has a Best Play Dough Ever
too moist, add flour; if dry, nice texture and is easy to 1 cup flour
add water. Keep in covered use. This cannot be picked 1 cup water
container. Wrap dough with up easily to save for finished 2 teaspoons cream of tartar
damp cloth or towel. This products. It can be used for 1/2 cup salt
dough has a very nice texture rolling and cutouts. 1 tablespoon oil
and is very popular with all Food coloring (optional)
age groups. May be kept 2 or Soap Modeling
Stir all ingredients together,
3 weeks. 2 cups soap flakes
and cook over medium-high
heat for 5 minutes or until
Play Dough Add enough water to moisten the right consistency. Store
5 cups flour and whip until consistency is in a plastic bag or airtight
2 cups salt right for molding. Use soap container.
4 tablespoons cooking oil such as Ivory Snow, Dreft,
Water Lux, or the like. Mixture Changes in Your Hands
Mix ingredients, adding will have very slight flaky Play Dough
water to right consistency. appearance when it can be 2 cups baking soda
Powdered tempera may be molded. It is very enjoyable for 1/2 cup water
added in with flour, or food all age groups and is easy to 1 cup cornstarch
coloring may be added to work. Also, the texture is very Add soda and starch to
finished dough. This dough different from other materials water. Mix with fork until
may be kept in a plastic ordinarily used for molding. smooth. Boil mixture over
bag or covered container for It may be put up to dry, but medium heat for 1 minute
approximately 2 to 4 weeks. articles are very slow to dry. or until it thickens. Spoon
It is better used as play onto wax paper or plate
dough rather than leaving Soap and Sawdust
until it cools. This dough will
objects to harden. 1 cup whipped soap
respond to the warmth of the
1 cup sawdust
hands and will change as the
Used Coffee Grounds child works with it. If the
2 cups used coffee grounds Mix ingredients well together. play dough is still soft and
1/2 cup salt This gives a very different feel a little sticky, it is too fresh.
1 1/2 cups oatmeal and appearance. It is quite Provide time for it to cool
easily molded into different slightly.
Combine ingredients and
shapes by all age groups.
add enough water to moisten.
May be used for 2 to 3 days if Easy Play Dough
Children like to roll, pack, and
stored in a tight plastic bag. 3/4 cup water
pat this mixture. It has a very
1/4 cup salt
different feel and look, but it’s
Bath Time Soap Flake 1 1/2 teaspoons oil
not good for finished products.
Play Dough 1 tablespoon alum
It has a very nice texture.
4 cups soap flakes Food coloring
1 cup water 1 cup flour
Mud Dough
2 cups sterile potting soil Put the soap flakes into a Mix salt and water and
2 cups sand large bowl. Gradually add bring to full rolling boil. Set
1/2 cup salt the water, mixing constantly on a cooling rack. Stir in
Water until the mixture is dough- oil, alum, and food coloring.
like. Make a variety of

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Recipes for Doughs and Clays (Continued)
Quickly mix in flour and 1 cup warm water work into a smooth ball.
knead. 1/2 to 2/3 cup non-self-rising This hardens in the air but
wheat flour keeps pliable indefinitely
Cookie Cutter Play Dough in a plastic bag in the
Cut crêpe paper very finely.
2 cups flour refrigerator. It can be formed
Place clippings in bowl
1/2 cup salt into shapes and painted
and cover with water. Set
1/2 plus 1/4 cup water when hard.
aside for several hours until
Mix flour and salt in a bowl. soft. Pour off excess water.
Add 1/2 cup water and stir Add 1/2 cup flour and stir Kool-Aid Play Dough #1
for a few minutes. Slowly add thoroughly. Pour onto floured 1 cup sifted flour
1/4 cup water while turning board and knead. Add flour 3 tablespoons oil
dough in a bowl. Form until mixture is like a 1/2 cup salt
dough into a ball. Knead piecrust. 1 package Kool-Aid
for 5 minutes. Shape dough (unsweetened)
into desired shapes, adding 1 cup boiling water
Fun Play Dough
enough water to join pieces 2 cups water Mix flour, salt, oil, and Kool-
together, or use cookie cutters. 1/2 cup salt Aid. Add boiling water. Stir
Bake at 250 degrees for 15–30 Food coloring or tempera together. Knead mixture
minutes until hard. Let cool paints until it forms into a soft
completely. Paint with acrylic 2 tablespoons oil dough.
paints. 2 cups flour
2 tablespoons alum Kool-Aid Play Dough #2
Cornstarch Play Dough
Combine water, salt, and 2 1/2 cups flour
1/2 cup salt
coloring, and boil until salt 2 packages unsweetened
1/4 cup water
is dissolved. While very hot, Kool-Aid
1 cup cornstarch
mix in oil, alum, and flour. 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
Food coloring
Knead until smooth. Store in 1/2 cup salt
Mix ingredients thoroughly airtight container. 1/2 teaspoon alum
and cook over low heat, 2 cups boiling water
stirring constantly until Indefinitely Pliable Play Mix flour, Kool-Aid, salt,
it forms a lump. Add food Dough oil, and alum. Stir in water.
coloring of desired color. 1 cup salt Knead.
3/4 cup water
Creamy Play Dough
1/2 cup cornstarch Microwave Play Dough
2 cups flour
Mix cold ingredients on top 2 cups flour
of a double boiler, preferably 1 cup salt
2 cups salt
with a wooden spoon. For 1/2 cup cornstarch
Mix flour and salt. Add enough 1 tablespoon alum
colored play dough, add a
water to make a creamy 2 cups water
few drops of food coloring.
consistency. Add powdered Food coloring
Heat over boiling water;
paint or other coloring. 1 tablespoon cooking oil
keep stirring until balls form
around the spoon. Cover Add the oil, water, and food
Crêpe Paper Clay
with a damp cloth until coloring and mix thoroughly.
1 cup crêpe paper clippings
cool enough to handle, then Microwave 4 1/2 to 5 minutes
(one color)

322 Theme 33
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until thick, stirring every Sand and Cornstarch Play Mix ingredients in a bowl.
minute. Cool mixture. Knead Dough Knead with hands until
on table, knead in color. 1 cup sand smooth. Food coloring may be
1/2 cup cornstarch added with starch. Store in
Salt Modeling Clay 1 teaspoon powdered alum covered container.
1 cup non-self-rising wheat 3/4 cup hot water
flour Food coloring if desired Goop
1/2 cup salt 2 cups salt
Mix sand, cornstarch, and
1 teaspoon powdered alum 1 cup cornstarch
alum. Add hot water, stirring
1/3 to 1/2 cup water 1 cup water
vigorously. Add food coloring
Food coloring
if desired. Cook over medium Cook salt and 1/2 cup water
Combine flour, salt, and alum heat until thick, stirring for 4–5 minutes. Remove
in a bowl. Add water a little constantly. from heat. Add cornstarch
at a time, and stir into the and 1/2 cup water. Return
flour mixture until it is like to heat. Stir until mixture
Stretch Play Dough
piecrust dough. Knead until thickens. Store goop in
1 cup liquid starch
dough is thoroughly mixed plastic bag.
2 cups white glue
and has a smooth consistency.
Food coloring
This clay is white.

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Theme 34

Purpose Parts Care
walking toes keep feet clean and dry
hopping toenails cut toenails when needed
running sole wear correctly fitting
jumping heel footwear
skipping bones
balance ligaments

shoes socks boots slippers sports
sandals rain roller skates, roller blades
slip-on shoes snow ice skates, golf shoes
Velcro® closure shoes hiking water shoes, football shoes
tie shoes cowboy baseball shoes
buckle shoes ski tennis shoes
ballet shoes

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Parts of the foot
2. Ways to take care of feet
3. Coverings worn on the feet
4. Purpose of feet

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Our feet help us balance while standing.
2. Our feet also help us to walk, hop, skip, run, jump, and dance.
3. There are six parts to our feet.
4. Toe, toenails, sole, heel, bones, ligaments, and muscles are all
parts of our feet.
5. Feet need special care.
6. Our feet need to be kept clean and dry.
7. Toenails need to be cut.
8. Footwear should fit the feet.
9. There are many types of coverings for our feet.
10. Socks, slippers, shoes, boots, and sports shoes are all coverings
for our feet.
11. There are many types of shoes.
12. Sandals, slip-on, Velcro closure, tie, and buckled are different
types of shoes.
13. Cowboy, hiking, snow, and rain are types of boots.
14. Special footwear is worn for some sports and activities.
15. Roller skates and ice skates can also cover our feet.
16. Golf, water, football, tennis, and ballet shoes are also coverings
for our feet.

1. cobbler—a person who mends shoes.
2. foot—end part of the leg, on which a person stands.
3. footwear—covering for the feet. Shoes, slippers, boots, and sandals are
3. podiatrist—foot doctor.
4. shoe—a covering for the foot.
5. sole—bottom of the foot.
6. toe—a digit at the end of the foot.
7. toenail—a nail that grows on the end of each toe.

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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to develop beginning graphing skills.
Create this bulletin board by drawing a buckle shoe, slip-on shoe, Velcro closure
shoe, and tie shoe. Decorate each shoe as desired. Cut out tagboard squares
and print a child’s name on each one. Laminate all pieces. Staple each shoe to
the left side of the bulletin board. Attach a row of pushpins to the right of each
shoe. As each child arrives, he or she can hang a name card in the row that
corresponds with the shoe type he or she is wearing that day. After all name
cards have been placed on the bulletin board, count the number of shoes in each
row. Which has more? Which has less?

326 Theme 34
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Did you know that the human foot has 26 bones—14 of which are in the toes? No wonder your feet
can ache at the end of a long day! This week we will learn the purpose and parts of our feet. We will
also learn about foot care and coverings.

At School
During this busy week, we will:
• Make prints of our feet with paint!
• Find matching pairs of socks (sounds like doing laundry, doesn’t it?)
• Experiment with various shoe fasteners—such as laces, buckles, and Velcro
• Look at footwear worn for different activities, including relaxing, sports, and cold weather

At Home
To reinforce the concepts of this unit at home, go on a “shoe hunt” with your child. Count the number
of shoes each family member has. Count the total number of shoes and boots in your house. How
many have laces? How many are slip-on shoes? Do any have Velcro® or buckles? How many are
worn indoors? Which ones are worn outdoors? Also, have your child help with the laundry. He or she
can help by finding matching pairs of socks and distributing them to the person who wears them!

Have a nice week!

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heat (340 degrees). Combine the first
five ingredients in a shallow bowl. Melt
margarine on griddle. Dip bread in egg
Arts and Crafts mixture, coating both sides. Cook about
1. Foot Painting 4 minutes on each side or until golden brown.
Set out different colors of tempera paint Serve with maple syrup or powdered sugar.
in trays on the floor. The children can take
turns dipping a bare foot (or feet) in the
paint and then stepping on butcher or
construction paper, creating footprints. Have
buckets of warm soapy water and towels Dramatic Play
nearby to assist in the clean-up process. Shoe Store
Collect a variety of shoes, shoeboxes,
2. Sock Puppets pictures of shoes, rulers, a cash register, and
Collect clean discarded socks, yarn, buttons, play money. Arrange materials and chairs
fabric scraps, pompons, and glue. Place in the dramatic play area to resemble a
materials on the art table. Children can use shoe store.
the supplies to design sock puppets.

3. Shoebox Art
Save shoeboxes of various sizes. Place the
boxes on the art table with construction
Field Trips and
paper, markers, crayons, glue, and craft Resource People
odds and ends. Children can use the
materials to design creations of their choice.
1. Shoe Store
Plan a trip to a shoe store. Note the
selection and variety of sizes. Which shoes
4. Shoelace Painting
are worn for special activities or sports?
Provide containers of paint, paper, and
shoelaces. The children can apply the paint to
the paper using the shoelaces as painting tools.
2. Podiatrist
Make arrangements for the children to visit
a podiatrist’s office. What special equipment
5. Shoe Prints
does the doctor have to take care of feet?
On the art table, place a few discarded
shoes, trays of paint, and construction
paper. Children can dip the soles of the
shoes in the paint and then press on paper,
creating a print of the shoe.

Fingerplays and Chants

Cooking I Clap My Hands
I clap my hands,
Foot French Toast (clap)
2 eggs, slightly beaten I touch my feet,
1 tablespoon sugar (touch feet)
1/2 teaspoon salt I jump up from the ground.
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon (jump)
1/2 cup milk I clap my hands,
2 tablespoons margarine or butter (clap)
6 slices of bread I touch my feet,
(touch feet)
Cut slices of bread into sock or foot shapes. And turn myself around
Heat griddle or frying pan to medium (turn around)

328 Theme 34
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I clap my hands, Walking, walking, on tiptoe.
(clap) (tiptoe)
I touch my feet, Lift your one foot way up high,
(touch feet) (lift one foot)
I sit myself right down, Then the other to keep it dry.
(sit on floor) (lift other foot)
I clap my hands, All around the yard we skip,
(clap) (skip)
I touch my feet, Watch your step or you might slip.
(touch feet) (pretend to slip)
I do not make a sound.
Two Little
I Am a Cobber Two little feet go tap, tap, tap.
I am a cobbler, (tap feet on floor)
(point to self) Two little hands go clap, clap, clap.
And this is what I do: (clap)
Rap-tap-a-tap A quiet leap up from a chair,
To mend my shoe. (jump)
(pound fist into palm of other hand) Two little arms reach high in the air.
(raise hands above head)
Night Time Two little feet go jump, jump, jump.
Before I jump into my bed, (hop)
(jump) Two little fists go thump, thump, thump.
Before I dim the light, (pound fists)
(pretend to turn light off) One little body goes round, round, round.
I put my shoes together, (turn around)
(put hands together) And one little child sits quietly down.
So they can talk at night. (sit down)
I’m sure they would be lonesome,
If I tossed one here and there, This Little Piggy
(move one hand to right—one hand to left) This little piggy went to market.
So I put them close together, (touch big toe)
(put hands together) This little piggy stayed home.
For they’re a friendly pair. (touch second toe)
This little piggy had roast beef.
Shiny Shoes (touch third toe)
First I loosen mud and dirt, This little piggy had none.
(pretend to brush off dirt) (touch fourth toe)
My shoes I then rub clean. And this little piggy cried, “Wee, wee, wee,”
(rubbing motion) All the way home.
For shoes in such a dreadful sight, (touch little toe)
Never should be seen.
(move hands behind back)
Next I spread the polish on,
(slow, rubbing motion)
And then I let it dry. Group Time
I brush, and brush, and brush, and brush. (Games and Language)
(brushing motion)
How those shoes shine! Oh, my! 1. “One, Two, Buckle My Shoe”
(extend hand and smile) (Using teacher-made materials or
commercially available pictures, teach or
Walking in the Snow review this nursery rhyme with the children.
Let’s go walking in the snow, Upon mastery of the rhyme, encourage
(walking motion with legs) children to act it out.)

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One, two, buckle my shoe. 2. Shoe Seriation
Three, four, shut the door. Collect shoes of various sizes. Encourage
Five, six, pick up sticks. the children to put the shoes in order by
Seven, eight, lay them straight. size from smallest to largest.
Nine, ten, a big fat hen.
3. How Many Footsteps?
2. “Cobbler, Cobbler, Mend My Shoe” Have the children count how many
(To play the game, have the children sit in footsteps it takes to get from a designated
a circle formation. Select one child to be the beginning spot (such as a chair) to the
cobbler and sit in the center with his or her window. How many footsteps does it take
eyes closed. The children in the circle pass to reach the door? The sink? The calendar?
a shoe around as they chant the following If appropriate, record the information on a
nursery rhyme.) chart and compare results.
Cobbler, cobbler, mend my shoe.
Have it done by half past two.
Stitch it up and stitch it down.
Now see with whom the shoe is found.
(When the chant is finished, the shoe is no
longer passed. At this point, all children in the Music
circle put their hands behind their backs. Then 1. “Tie Your Shoes”
the “cobbler” opens his or her eyes and tries to (Sing to the tune of “Row Your Boat”)
guess who has the shoe.)
Tie, tie, tie your shoes.
Pull the laces tight.
Make two loops and twist them ’round.
Until you’ve got it right!

2. “What Are You Wearing on Your

Large Muscle Feet?”
1. Feet Movement (Sing to the tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb”)
Have the children think of movements and (Insert child’s name and footwear as
activities that require their feet, such as appropriate)
walking, running, skipping, hopping (on one What are you wearing on your feet,
foot, two feet), and jumping. Practice these On your feet, on your feet?
movements outdoors or in a large indoor What are you wearing on your feet,
area. On your feet today?
Tony is wearing tie shoes,
2. Follow the Footprints Tie shoes, tie shoes.
Cut foot shapes out of construction paper. Tony is wearing tie shoes
Place them on the floor, and have children On his feet today.
follow the paper footprint trail. Suzanne is wearing buckle shoes …
Chandler is wearing hiking boots …

3. “I Have Something Very Special”

(Sing to the tune of “She’ll Be Coming ‘Round
2+3 = the Mountain”)
1. Sock Sort I have something very special on my legs,
Collect pairs of clean socks of a variety of They are right at the very end of my legs.
sizes, materials, and colors. Place the socks They help me walk and run,
in a laundry basket. Children can find They help me jump and hop.
matching pairs of socks. Have you guessed what’s very special?
They’re my feet!

330 Theme 34
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Science Books
1. Foot X-Rays The following books can be used to complement
Contact the local hospital radiation this theme:
department and ask to borrow X-rays of Badt, Karin Luisa. (1994). On Your Feet!
feet. In the classroom, hold the X-rays up to Chicago: Children’s Press.
a light source and let the children observe Binch, Caroline. (2001). Silver Shoes. New York:
the many bones of a foot. DK Publishing.
2. Animal Tracks Blessing, Charlotte. (2009). New Old Shoes.
With the children, look for animal tracks in Illustrated by Gary R. Phillips. Raynham
the soil, sand, or snow. Use reference books Center, MA: Pleasant St. Press.
to try to identify the animal that created Brown, Jonathan A. (2007). Animal Feet and
the prints. Legs. Milwaukee, WI: Weekly Reader Early
Burgard, Anna Marlis. (2005). Flying Feet:
A Story of Irish Dance. San Francisco:
Chronicle Books.
Carle, Eric. (1997). From Head to Toe. New
York: HarperCollins.
Sensory Cleary, Beverly. (1997). The Growing-Up Feet.
Sensory Walk New York: Mulberry Books.
Collect several plastic washtubs. Fill each
with a few inches of various materials such Craig, Lindsey. (2010). Dancing Feet! Illustrated
as water, dry oats, cornmeal, rocks, sand, by Marc Brown. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
birdseed, cotton balls, and so on. Have the Daniels, Teri, and Travic Foster. (1999). The
children remove their shoes and socks and Feet in the Gym. New York: Winslow Press.
get in a line formation. Place the buckets Defelice, Cynthia C., and Robert Andrew
on the floor, and have the children follow Parker. (2000). Cold Feet. New York: DK
the “leader” as he or she walks carefully Publishing.
through the tubs of materials. How did each
DeGezelle, Terri. (2006). Taking Care of My
feel on their feet?
Hands and Feet. Mankato, MN: Capstone
Dolenz, Micky. (2006). Gakky Two-Feet.
Illustrated by David Clark. New York:
Ellis, Sarah. (2006). The Queen’s Feet.
Social Studies Illustrated by Dusan Petricic. Calgary, AB:
Red Deer Press.
Footwear of Long Ago
Borrow old shoes and boots from a local Emerson, Scott, and Howard Post. (1999). The
museum, historical society, or theater Magic Boots. Layton, UT: Gibbs Smith.
group. Have the children make comparisons Hall, Peg. (2003). Whose Feet Are These? A Look
of footwear worn long ago and today’s at Hooves, Paws, and Claws. Illustrated by
footwear. What materials were used to Ken Landmark. Minneapolis, MN: Picture
make the boots and shoes? What kinds of Window Books.
fasteners were used? Hayles, Marsha. (2009). Bunion Burt.
Illustrated by Jack E. Davis. New York:
Margaret K. McElderry.

FEET 331
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Hess, Nina. (2004). Whose Feet? Illustrated by Souza, D. M. (2007). Look What Feet Can Do.
John Kanzler. New York: Random House. Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publications.
Keeler, Patricia. (2006). Drumbeat in Our Feet. Stevenson, James. (2004). Flying Feet: A Mud
New York: Lee & Low Books. Flat Story. New York: Greenwillow Books.
Knowlton, Laurie Lazzaro. (1995). Why Stower, Adam. (2004). Two Left Feet. Illustrated
Cowboys Sleep with Their Boots On. Gretna, by Graham Howells. New York: Bloomsbury
LA: Pelican. Children’s Books.
Lynch, Wayne. (2003). Whose Feet Are These? Vail, Rachel. (2007). Righty and Lefty: A Tale of
Milwaukee, WI: Gareth Stevens. Two Feet. Illustrated by Matthew Cordell.
May, Kara, and Jonathon Allen. (2000). Joe New York: Scholastic.
Lion’s Big Boots. New York: Larousse Verdick, Elizabeth. (2004). Feet Are Not for
Kingfisher Chambers. Kicking. Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit.
Morris, Ann. (1998). Shoes, Shoes, Shoes. New
York: Mulberry Books.
Murphy, Stuart. (1996). A Pair of Socks. Illustrated
by Lois Ehlert. New York: HarperCollins. Technology and
O’Brien, Claire. (1997). Sam’s Sneaker Search. Multimedia
Illustrated by Charles Fuge. New York:
Simon & Schuster. The following multimedia products can be used
to complement this theme:
Pearson, Susan. (2005). Hooray for Feet!
Illustrated by Roxanna Baer-Block. “Boots” [CD]. (2010). In Best of Laurie Berkner
Maplewood, NJ: Blue Apple Books. Band. New York: Two Tomatoes.
Pearson, Susan. (2008). Feet Are Neat! “Meet De Feet” [CD]. (2001). In Fittersitters.
Maplewood, NJ: Begin Smart Books. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo Educational.
Perkins, Wendy. (2007). Let’s Look at Animal “Running Shoes” [CD]. (2010). In Lots of Fun.
Feet. Mankato, MN: Pebble Plus. Atlanta, GA: Mr Greg’s Musical Madness.
Posner, Pat. (2002). Princess Fidgety Feet. Bel “Shake a Toe” [CD]. (1996). In Rise and Shine.
Air, CA: Brighter Child. Cambridge, MA: Rounder/UMGD.
Quinlan, Patricia, and Linda Hendry. (1996). “Something in my Shoe” [CD]. (1996). In Rise
Baby’s Feet. Willowdale, ON: Annick Press. and Shine. Cambridge, MA: Rounder/
Rayner, Catherine. (2008). Harris Finds His
Feet. Intercourse, PA: Good Books. “Ten Fingers and Toes” [CD]. (2001). In Ants
Wear Underpants. New York: BizzyBum.
Rosenthal, Betsy R. (2010). Which Shoes Would
You Choose? Illustrated by Nancy Cote. “Tina Took Her Tap Shoes” [CD]. (1999). We’re
New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons. on Our Way. Sherman Oaks, CA: Hap-Pal
Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth. (2008). What Has
Webbed Feet? Edina, MN: ABDO. “Walk, Walk, Walk” [CD]. (1996). In Rise and
Shine. Cambridge, MA: Rounder/UMGD.
Sayre, April Pulley, and Jeff Sayre. (2003).
One Is a Snail, Ten Is a Crab: A Counting
by Feet Book. Illustrated by Randy Cecil.
Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.
Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Seuss, Dr. (1996). Foot Book. New York: website. Go to to
Random House.
access the site for a variety of useful resources.
Simmons, Jane. (2001). Daisy: The Little Duck
with Big Feet. Boston: Little, Brown.

332 Theme 34
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Theme 35

Clothing Job Vehicles
hats fight fires fire trucks
coats inspect buildings water trucks
mask teach fire safety rescue vehicles
boots provide medical treatment

Safety Fire Station Equipment

fire drills garage fire hydrant
smoke detectors workroom fire extinguisher
kitchen hoses
sleeping room nozzles
bathrooms axes
communication radio

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. The firefighter’s job 4. Firefighting equipment
2. Clothing worn by firefighters 5. Areas inside a fire station
3. Vehicles used by firefighters 6. Fire safety

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Men and women who fight fires are called firefighters.
2. Firefighters help keep our community safe.
3. Firefighters fight fires, inspect buildings, teach fire safety, and provide
medical treatment.
4. Firefighters wear special hats and clothing.
5. Firefighters wear hats, coats, boots, masks, gloves, and uniforms.
6. The fire station has a garage, kitchen, workroom, bathrooms, and
sleeping rooms.
7. The fire station has a special telephone number.
8. Firefighters have special equipment.
9. Ladders, hoses, and water are needed to fight fires.
10. Nozzles control the water.
11. The hoses are connected to the fire hydrant.
12. Firefighters have special vehicles.
13. Rescue vehicles assist in accidents.
14. Fire and water trucks are driven to fires.
15. Firefighters check buildings to make sure they are safe.
16. Firefighters teach us fire safety and may provide medical safety.
17. Fire extinguishers can be used to put out small fires.
18. Fire drills teach us what to do in case of a fire.
19. Smoke detectors warn people about fires.
20. Call 911 to report a fire.

1. firefighter—a person whose work is to put out fires.
2. fire alarm—a sound that warns people about fire.
3. fire drill—practice for teaching people what to do in case of a fire.
4. fire engines—trucks carrying tools and equipment needed to fight fires.
5. fire extinguisher—equipment that puts out fires.
6. fire station—a building that provides housing for firefighters and fire
7. helmet—a protective hat.
8. hose—a tube that water flows through.

334 Theme 35
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to develop an awareness of clothing worn by
firefighters and to reinforce color-matching skills. Likewise, this board promotes the
development of hand-eye coordination, visual discrimination, and problem-solving
skills. From tagboard, construct five firefighter hats. Color each hat a different color.
Then construct five firefighter boots from tagboard. Color-coordinate boots to match the
hats. Laminate all of the pieces. Staple hats in two rows across the top of the bulletin
board as illustrated. Staple boots in a row across the bottom of the bulletin board. Affix
matching yarn to each hat. Children can match each hat to its correspondingly colored
boot by winding the string around a pushpin in the top of the boot.

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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Because next week is Fire Prevention Week, we have decided that it would be fun and educational to
focus on some very important community helpers—firefighters. The children will become more aware
of the role of the firefighter, the clothing worn by firefighters, and the fire station. We will also learn
how to use the telephone to call the emergency fire number.

At School
We have many activities planned for this unit! On Monday, we will paint a large box to create our
own fire engine to use during the week in the dramatic play area. On Tuesday, a real fire engine will
visit the parking lot so the children can see how many tools firefighters need to take along on the
job. We’ll also be making fire helmets and practicing our fire drill procedures.

At Home
To ensure your family’s safety, talk with your child about what would happen in the event of
a fire in your house. You can do this calmly, without frightening your child. Practice taking a
fire escape route from the child’s bedroom, the playroom, the kitchen, and other rooms of your
house. Establish a meeting place so that family members can go to the same location in the
event of a fire.

Enjoy your child as you share the importance of safety in the event of a fire.

336 Theme 35
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to paint the box yellow or red. A steering
wheel and chairs may be added.

Arts and Crafts

1. Firefighters’ Hats
Provide materials for the children to make Field Trips and
fire hats. The hats can be decorated with
foil, crayons, or paint. The emergency
Resource People
number 911 may be printed on the crown. 1. Fire Station
Take a trip to a fire station. Observe the
2. Charcoal Drawings clothing worn by firefighters, the building,
Provide real charcoal at the easels to be the vehicles, and the tools.
used as an application tool.
2. Firefighter
3. Crayon Melting Invite a firefighter to bring a fire truck to
Place wax crayons and paper on the art your school. Ask the firefighter to point out
table for the children to create a design the special features such as the hose, siren,
during self-initiated or self-directed play. ladders, light, and special clothing kept on
Place a clean sheet of paper over the the truck. If permissible and safe, let the
picture. Apply a warm iron. Show the children climb onto the truck.
children the effect of heat. This activity
needs to be carefully supervised. The
caption “crayon melting” may be printed
on a bulletin board. On the board, place
the children’s pictures, identifying each by
name in the upper-left corner.
Fingerplays and Chants
The Firefighter
This brave firefighter is going to bed.
(hold up right thumb)
Cooking Down on the pillow he lays his head.
Firehouse Baked Beans (place right thumb on left palm)
Purchase canned baked beans. To the beans, He wraps himself in a blanket tight
add cut-up hot dogs, cut lengthwise, and (curl fingers around thumb)
extra ketchup. Heat and serve for snack. And wants to sleep this way all night.
(close eyes)
But the fire alarm rings! He opens his eyes!
(open eyes wide)
Quickly he’s dressed and down the pole he
Dramatic Play slides.
1. Firefighters (right hand slides down left arm in a
Place firefighting clothes such as hats, grip motion)
boots, and coats for children to wear. Then he climbs on the truck, to the fire
Sometimes fire station personnel will allow he goes. (hands grip imaginary steering
schools to borrow some of their clothing and wheel)
equipment. Also, provide a bell to use as an Out goes the fire with water from a hose.
alarm. To extend play, a vacuum cleaner (pretend to hold hose and spray)
hose or a length of garden hose can be
included to represent a water hose.
Ten Little Firefighters
2. Fire Truck Ten little firefighters
A fire truck can be cut from a cardboard Sleeping in a row:
refrigerator box. The children may want (extend both hands, showing fingers)
Ding, dong, goes the fire bell,
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(shake fire bell with one hand) 2. Emergency Number
And down the pole they go. If developmentally appropriate, teach the
(make fists and place on top of each children how to dial a local emergency
other to slide down the pole) number using play telephones. Above the
Turn the engine on, oh, oh, oh phones, post a large chart containing the
(pretend steering the fire truck) emergency number(s) .
Using the big hose, so, so, so.
(pretend holding hosing and aiming
at fire)
When the fire is out, home so slow.
(pretending steering fire truck)
Back to bed, all in a row. Music
(extend both hands, showing fingers “Down by the Station”
again) Down by the station early in the morning
See the great big fire trucks all in a row.
Hear the jangly fire bell sound a loud alarm
Group Time now—
Chug chug, clang clang, off we go!
(Games and Language)
Language Experience
Review safety rules. Write the rules on
a large piece of paper. These rules can
also be included in a family letter as
well as posted in the classroom.
“Fire” Paintings
Provide red and yellow paint. Invite
children to experiment mixing the colors
with their hands. What did they observe?
The finished paintings can be “fires.”
Large Muscle
1. Firefighter’s Workout
Lead children in a firefighter’s workout.
Do exercises such as jumping jacks, knee
bends, leg lifts, and running in place. Ask
children why they think firefighters need to
be in good physical condition for their job. 1. Fill the sensory table with water. Provide
cups and rubber tubing to resemble hoses
2. Obstacle Course and funnels.
Make an obstacle course. Let children 2. Place sand in the sensory table. Add fire
follow a string or piece of tape under chairs engines, firefighter dolls, craft sticks to
or tables, over steps, and across ladders. make fences, and blocks to make buildings
This activity can be planned for indoors or or houses.

2+3 = Social Studies

Math 1. Safety Rules
1. Sequencing Discuss safety rules dealing with fire. Let
Cut a piece of rubber tubing into various children generate ideas about safety. Write
lengths. The children can sequence the their ideas on chart paper and display.
pieces from shortest to longest. Discuss why fire drills are a good idea.
Practice “Stop, drop, and roll” procedures.

338 Theme 35
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2. Fire Inspection Tour Hayward, Linda. (2001). A Day in a Life of a
Tour the classroom or building looking for Firefighter. New York: Dorling Kindersley.
fire extinguishers, emergency fire alarm Hubbell, Patricia. (2007). Firefighters!
boxes, and exits. Speeding! Spraying! Saving! Tarrytown,
NY: Cavendish Children.
3. Fire Drill
Jacobs, Paul DuBois, and Jennifer Swender.
Schedule a fire drill. Before the drill, talk to
(2010). Fire Drill. Illustrated by Huy Voun
the children about fire drill procedures.
Lee. New York: Henry Holt.
Johnson, Stephen. (2009). My Little Red Fire
Truck. New York: Simon & Schuster Books
Books for Young Readers.
Klein, Adria F. (2009). Max Goes to the Fire
The following books can be used to complement Station. Illustrated by Mernie Gallagher-
this theme: Cole. Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window
Armentrout, David, and Patricia Armentrout. Books.
(2009). The Fire Department. Vero Beach, Kole MacLean, Christine. (2002), Even
FL: Rourke Publishing. Firefighters Hug Their Moms. New York:
Bingham, Caroline. (2003). Fire Truck. New Dutton Children’s Books.
York: DK Publishing. Kottke, Jan (2000). A Day with Firefighters.
Boelts, Maribeth, and Terry Widener. (2004). New York: Children’s Press.
The Firefighters’ Thanksgiving. New York: Liebman, Dan, (1999). I Want to Be a
Putnam’s. Firefighter. Buffalo, NY: Firefly Books.
Bond, Felicia. (2003). Poinsettia and the Lindeen, Carol K. (2005). Fire Trucks. Mankato,
Firefighters. New York: HarperCollins. MN: Capstone Press.
Clemesha, David, and Andrea Griffing MacLean, Christine Cole. (2002). Even
Zimmerman. (2007). Fire Engine Man. New Firefighters Hug Their Moms. New York:
York: Henry Holt. Dutton Children’s Books.
Clemson, David, and Wendy Clemson. (2007). Meyer, Sandra E. (2005). Buddy Goes to the
Firefighters to the Rescue. Milwaukee, WI: Fire Station. Illustrated by Deanne Hooker.
Gareth Stevens. Bloomington, IN: Trafford Publishing.
Cuyler, Margery, and Arthur Howard. (2001). Murphy, Stuart J. (2003). 3 Little Firefighters.
Stop, Drop, and Roll (A Book about Fire Illustrated by Bernice Lum. New York:
Safety). Illustrated by Arthur Howard. New HarperCollins.
York: Simon & Schuster.
Owen, Ann. (2004). Protecting Your Home: A
Demarest, Chris L. (2000). Firefighters A to Z. Book about Firefighters. Illustrated by Eric
New York: Margaret K. McElderry Books. Thomas. Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window
Gergoli, Tibor. (2003). The Great Big Fire Books.
Engine Book. New York: Random/Golden. Rey H. A., and Margret Rey. (2004). Curious
Goodwin, Laura. (2009). This Is the Firefighter. George and the Firefighters. Boston:
New York: Disney Hyperion Books. Houghton Mifflin.
Graham, Thomas. (2008). Five Little Schuh, Mari. (2009). Fireboats in Action.
Firefighters. New York: H. Holt. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Grambling, Lois G. (2007). My Mom Is a Schuh, Mari. (2009). Fire Safety in Action.
Firefighter. New York: HarperCollins. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Hamilton, K. R. (2005). Firefighters to the Rescue! Schuh, Mari. (2009). Fire Stations in Action.
Illustrated by Rich Davis. New York: Viking. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Harper, Jamie. (2009). Miss Mingo and the Fire Schuh, Mari. (2009). Fire Trucks in Action.
Drill. Somerville, MA: Candlewick Press. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.

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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Slater, Dashka. (2006). Firefighters in the Dark. Fire Songs and Safety Tips [DVD]. (2008).
Illustrated by Nicoletta Ceccoli. Boston: Barrington, ILL: Marshall Publishing and
Houghton Mifflin. Promotions.
Spanyol, Jessica. (2008). Clemence and His Lights and Ladders [DVD]. (2007). Dallas, TX:
Noisy Little Fire Engine. Cambridge, MA: NCircle Entertainment.
Candlewick Press. Spend a Day with Firefighters [DVD]. (2003).
Tourville, Amanda Doerring. (2009). Fire Century City, CA: First Look Home
Trucks. Edina, MN: Magic Wagon. Entertainment.
Wax, Wendy, and Naomi Wax. (2008). Even “Stop, Drop and Roll” [CD]. (2006). In The Big
Firefighters Go to the Potty. Illustrated Silly with Mr. Eric. Atlanta, GA: Mr. Eric.
by Stephen Gilpin. New York: Simon & What I Want to Be! [DVD]. (2002). Los Angeles,
Schuster. CA: Image Entertainment.
Whiting, Sue. (2008). The Firefighters.
Illustrated by Donna Rawlins. Cambridge,
MA: Candlewick Press. Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Theme can be found on the book’s companion
website. Go to to
access the site for a variety of useful resources.
Technology and
The following multimedia products can be used
to complement this theme:
“Drive the Fire Truck” [CD]. (2010). In Songs
for Wiggleworms. Chicago: Bloodshot
“Firefighter” [CD]. (2008). In Songs for the
Whole Day. Nashville, TN: Lamon Records.

340 Theme 35
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Theme 36

Size Habitat Foods Colors
small lakes insects blue
medium oceans snails brown
large ponds worms gray
very large rivers other fish black
fish farms fish food orange
aquariums cornmeal white

Kinds Parts Importance

northern pike eyes food
sea horse fins entertainment
salmon gills sports
trout scales pets
lobster mouth
guppy tail

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Homes for fish 5. Kinds of fish
2. The importance of fish 6. Sizes of fish
3. Colors of fish 7. Parts of fish
4. Foods for fish

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. A fish is an animal that lives in the water.
2. Most fish have two eyes, fins, gills, scales, a mouth, and a tail.
3. Fish vary in size.
4. There are small, medium-sized, large, and very large fish.
5. There are many colors of fish.
6. Blue, brown, gray, white, black, red, yellow, green, and orange are some
of the colors of fish.
7. Fish may live in lakes, oceans, ponds, rivers, fish farms, and
8. Fish need food and water to live.
9. Insects, snails, plants, worms, fish food, smaller fish, and cornmeal are
foods fish eat.
10. There are many kinds of fish.
11. Some kinds include northern pike, sea horse, guppy, catfish, shark,
salmon, trout, lobster, and eel.
12. Fish are important to people.
13. Fish provide food and entertainment.
14. Fishing can be a sport.

1. fish—a fish is an animal that lives in the water.
2. fin—the part that moves to help fish swim.
3. fish farm—a place to raise fish for food.
4. gills—the part of the fish’s body that helps it get air.
5. scales—skin covering of fish and other reptiles.
6. school—a group of fish.
7. tail—the end body part that helps fish move.

342 Theme 36
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to promote identification of written numerals,
as well as match a set to a written numeral. To prepare the bulletin board, begin
by drawing and cutting fish shapes from construction paper. Decorate the fish as
desired, and print a numeral on each fish. Make another set of identical fish shapes
from black construction paper to create fish “shadows.” Cut small circles out of white
construction paper to represent the fishes’ air bubbles. Staple the fish shadows to the
bulletin board. Above each fish shadow, staple a set of air bubbles. Children can then
match the numerals on the fish to the corresponding set of air bubbles. The fish can
be attached to the bulletin board with pushpins or small adhesive magnet pieces.

FISH 343
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Our next theme will focus on fish. Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme,
the children will learn the color, size, kinds, and parts of a fish. They will also learn where fish live and
the role fish play in our lives.

At School
Learning experiences that have been planned to complement this theme include:
• Visiting a pet store to observe different types and colors of fish. We will also purchase fish to
bring back to our classroom.
• Listening to the story Fish Eyes by Lois Ehlert
• Sorting, counting, and eating various fish-shaped crackers
• Fishing in the dramatic play area
• Observing minnows at the sensory table

At Home
• Prepare a tuna salad using a favorite recipe with your child.
• Point out fishing gear in the sports section of a department store or in a catalog.
• Check out children’s books about fish from the library. Look for:
Fishes by Brian Wildsmith
Fish Is Fish and Swimmy by Leo Lionni
Gone Fishing by Earlene R. Long
A Million Fish . . . More or Less by Patricia C. McKissack

Enjoy your child as you explore experiences related to fish!

344 Theme 36
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Add a few drops of blue food coloring to the
cream cheese and stir. For each serving,
spread cream cheese on a large, rectangular
Arts and Crafts cracker. Place a few fish-shaped crackers on
1. Aquarium Crayon Resist top of the cream cheese.
After observing fish or listening to stories
about them, encourage the children to use 2. Fish Mix Snack
crayons to draw fish on a piece of white 2 cups toasted oat cereal
construction paper. Then, the children can 2 cups pretzel sticks
paint over their crayon drawing with a thin 2 cups small fish-shaped crackers (any
wash of blue tempera or water color. The f lavor)
wax will repel the water paints, leaving an 1/4 cup melted margarine
interesting effect. 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce

2. Fish Sponge Painting Combine oat cereal, pretzels, and

Cut sponges into fish shapes. Place the fish-shaped crackers in a bowl. In a
sponges on the art table with paper and small bowl, stir together melted
several shallow trays of paint. Use thick margarine and Worcestershire sauce.
tempera paint the color of fish. Also provide Drizzle over cereal mixture and toss to
paper. The children can make prints by coat evenly. Transfer into a 13" 3 9" baking
dipping the sponges into the paint and then pan and bake in a 300-degree oven for
pressing them onto paper. 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove
from oven and cool. Makes approximately
3. Fish Rubbings six cups.
Cut fish shapes out of tagboard, adding
details as desired. Place the fish shapes on 3. Tuna Salad
the art table along with paper and crayons. 1 can of tuna (3 1/4 ounces), drained
The children can create designs by placing 1/4 cup mayonnaise, salad dressing, or plain
a tagboard fish beneath a piece of paper yogurt
and rubbing over the top of the paper with a 1/4 cup finely chopped apple
crayon. Repeat as discussed. 3 tablespoons sunf lower seeds
4 slices of bread or 2 English muffins
4. Tackle Box Paint Container
Use a discarded, clean tackle box as Combine the tuna, mayonnaise, apple, and
a container to hold paints at the art sunf lower seeds in a bowl. Chill if desired.
table. Paints can be placed in individual Toast the bread or English muffins. Spread
compartments, providing several choices for tuna mixture on toasted muffins. Makes
the children. four servings.

4. Tartar Sauce for Fish Sticks

1/2 cup mayonnaise or salad dressing
1 tablespoon finely chopped pickle or pickle
Cooking 1 teaspoon dried parsley
1. Swimming Fish Snack 1/2 teaspoon grated onion or onion f lakes
8 ounces soft cream cheese
Blue food coloring Combine all ingredients and chill.
1 box rectangular-shaped crackers Bake frozen fish sticks as directed on
2 cups small fish-shaped crackers (any the package, and serve with tartar
f lavor) sauce.

FISH 345
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4. State or National Fish Hatchery
These make a wonderful field trip. They
also have coloring books and other activities
Dramatic Play for the children.
1. Gone Fishing
Set up a fishing area in the dramatic play 5. Fish Sportsman or Sportswoman
center. Provide props such as a wooden Invite a parent or another person who
rocking boat, a small wading pool, life vests, enjoys fishing to come talk with the
hats, tackle boxes, nets, and fishing poles. children. Ask the person to bring fishing
Fishing poles can be made by attaching gear and pictures of fishing trips and fish
string to a short dowel or paper towel tube. caught.
Tie a small magnet to the end of the string.
Attach paper clips to the construction paper
fish. Then, go fishing!

2. Bait and Tackle Shop

Provide props to simulate a bait and tackle
shop in the dramatic play area. Items
can include a cash register, play money,
plastic or paper fish of varying sizes, nets,
Fingerplays and Chants
fishing lures (remove hooks), tackle boxes, Fish Story
coolers, fishing poles, and life vests. Display One, two, three, four, five
pictures of fish and people fishing. (hold up fingers while counting)
Once I caught a fish alive.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten
(hold up additional fingers)
Then I let it go again.
Why did I let it go?
Field Trips and Because it bit my finger so.
Which finger did it bite?
Resource People The little finger on the right.
1. Lake, Pond, or Stream (hold up pinky on the right hand)
If possible, visit a small body of water to
observe a fish habitat. Watch for people
fishing. (For safety purposes, the body of
water will have to be carefully chosen.
Likewise, additional supervision may be
Group Time
required.) (Games and Language)
1. Fish Memory Game
2. Pet Store Collect items associated with fish and place
Visit a pet store to see many types of fish on a tray. At group time, show the tray
as well as aquariums and fish supplies. containing the items and name them. To
Purchase one or more goldfish to take back play the game, cover the tray with a towel.
to your classroom. Then ask the children to recall the names
Note: Water needs to be dechlorinated of items on the tray. To vary the game, play
before placing goldfish in it. again, this time removing an item from the
tray while covered. The children then try
3. Bait and Tackle Shop to name the item missing from the tray. To
Make arrangements to visit a bait and ensure success, begin the activity with few
tackle shop. Observe the many types of objects. Additional objects can be added
fishing poles and lures as well as boat depending on the developmental maturity
safety items. of the children.

346 Theme 36
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2. Go Fish!
Cut fish shapes out of various colors of
construction paper. Attach a paper clip
to each fish. Make a fishing pole by
tying a string to a short dowel. Attach a Music
small magnet to the end of the string. At 1. “I’m a Little Fish”
group time, present the fishing pole and (Sing to the tune of “I’m a Little Teapot”)
fish. Place the fish on the f loor and allow
I’m a little fish in the lake so blue,
the children to take turns fishing. As a
There are so many things that I can do.
fish is caught, the child removes it from
I can swim around with my tail and fin.
the magnet and names the color. Repeat
The water’s fine—just jump right in.
until all of the children have had a turn.
The game can be varied by drawing a
basic shape and printing a numeral or
2. “Goldfish”
(Sing to the tune of “Have You Ever Seen a
a letter on each fish for the children to
Have you ever seen a goldfish, a goldfish, a
Have you ever seen a goldfish, just
swimming all around?
2+3 = He swims this way and that way,
Math And this way and that way.
1. Sort the Fish Have you ever seen a goldfish, just
Purchase a variety of small plastic fish or swimming all around?
construct some out of tagboard. Put them in
a large pail. The children can sort the fish 3. “Six Little Fish”
by size, color, and type. (Sing to the tune of “Six Little Ducks”)
Six little fish that I once knew,
2. Fish Seriation and Measurement Fat ones, skinny ones, fair ones, too.
Trace and cut fish shapes out of But the one little fish who was the leader of
construction paper. Encourage the children the crowd.
to place them in order from smallest to He led the other fish around and around.
largest. If developmentally appropriate,
provide rulers and yardsticks for the
children to measure the fish.

3. Fishbowl Math
Print numerals or sets of dots on small Science
plastic fish. Place the fish in a clean bowl or
1. Aquarium
container. The children can use small nets
Set up an aquarium to place on the science
to take turns scooping out a fish and stating
table. Let the children take turns feeding
the numeral or counting the dots.
the fish. Provide pictures and books about
4. Fish Cracker Sort
Purchase a variety of f lavors of small, fish-
2. Balance Scale
shaped crackers. For each child, place a
On the science table, place a balance scale
few of each kind of cracker in a paper cup.
and clean aquarium rocks. The children can
Before eating the crackers, encourage the
use spoons and measuring cups to transfer
children to sort the crackers. If appropriate,
the rocks into the scale containers. After
the children can count the number of each
this, they can experiment with the balance.
cracker f lavor.

FISH 347
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3. Fish-Tasting Party Barner, Bob. (2000). Fish Wish. New York:
Plan a tasting party. Prepare fish using Holiday House.
different methods, such as baked, broiled, Bright, Paul. (2008). Fidgety Fish and Friends.
fried, and prepared in a casserole. The results Illustrated by Ruth Galloway. Wilton, CT:
of the children’s favorite fish preparation Tiger Tales.
method can be discussed and charted.
Bunting, Eve. (2001). Gleam and Glow.
Illustrated by Peter Sylvada. San Diego,
4. Worm Farm
CA: Harcourt.
Fill a transparent plastic container with
soil. Place 6–12 worms in the container. Butterworth, Chris. (2006). Sea Horse: The
Then wrap black paper around the Shyest Fish in the Sea. Illustrated by John
container. Sprinkle corn meal or grated Lawrence. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick
carrots on top of the soil. Press.
Carle, Eric. (2004). Mister Seahorse. New York:
Philomel Books.
Carney, Margaret, and Janet Wilson. (2001).
The Biggest Fish in the Lake. Illustrated by
Janet Wilson. Toronto: Kids Can Press.
Cole, Joanna. (1997). Magic School Bus
1. Aquarium Rocks Goes Upstream: A Book about Salmon on
Place a bag of clean aquarium rocks at the
Migration. Illustrated by Bruce Degen. New
sensory table. Provide cups, bowls, and pails
York: Scholastic.
for the children’s use. Add water, if desired.
Cousins, Lucy. (2005). Hooray for Fish!
2. Plastic Fish Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.
Purchase small plastic fish and place at the Cronin, Doreen. (2006). Click, Clack, Splish,
sensory table with water, strainers, and pails. Splash: A Counting Adventure. Illustrated
by Betsy Lewin. New York: Atheneum
3. Minnows Books for Young Readers.
Purchase minnows from a bait store. Place Diesen, Deborah. (2008). The Pout-Pout Fish.
the minnows in a sensory table filled with Illustrated by Dan Hanna. New York:
cold water. Stress the importance of being Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
gentle with the fish and follow through with
limits set for the activity. After participating Donaldson, Julia. (2008). The Fish Who Cried
in this activity, the children need to wash Wolf. New York: Arthur A. Levine.
their hands. Donovan, Gail. (2001). A Fishy Story. New York:
Night Sky Books.
4. Plastic Boats Ehlert, Lois. (1990). Fish Eyes: A Book You Can
Place small plastic boats in a sensory table Count On. New York: Harcourt Brace.
filled with water. Also provide small plastic
people to ride in and fish from the boats. Frazier, Craig. (2006). Stanley Goes Fishing.
San Francisco: Chronicle Books.
Gall, Chris. (2006). Dear Fish. New York: Little,
Geist, Ken. (2007). The Three Little Fish and
the Big Bad Shark. New York: Cartwheel
Books Books/Scholastic.
The following books can be used to complement Grant, Joan. (2005). Cat and Fish. Illustrated
this theme: by Neil Curtis. Vancouver, BC: Simply Read
Babin, Claire. (2008). Gus Is a Fish. Illustrated Books.
by Olivier Tallec. New York: Enchanted Lion Knox, Barbara. (2003). Under the Sea: Counting
Books. Ocean Life. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.

348 Theme 36
Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Due to electronic rights, some third party content may be suppressed from the eBook and/or eChapter(s).
Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Kreloff, Elliot. (2007). Harry Bear and Friends Scillian, Devin. (2010). Memoirs of a Goldfish.
Count Fish. Maplewood, NJ: Blue Apple Illustrated by Tim Bowers. Ann Arbor, MI:
Books. Sleeping Bear Press.
McMissack, Patricia C. (1996). A Million Fish Sill, Cathryn P. (2002). About Fish: A Guide for
More or Less. (1996). New York: Random Children. Illustrated by John Sill. Atlanta,
House Children’s Books. GA: Peachtree Publishers.
Lindeen, Carol K. (2005). Clown Fish. Mankato, Stockdale, Susan. (2008). Fabulous Fishes.
MN: Capstone Press. Atlanta, GA: Peach Tree Publishers
Lindeen, Carol K. (2004). Life in a Ocean. Sullivan, Jody. (2006). Parrotfish. Mankato,
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. MN: Capstone Press.
Lionni, Leo. (2005). Fish Is Fish. New York: Sullivan, Jody. (2007). Puffer Fish. Mankato,
A. A. Knopf. MN: Capstone Press.
Lionni, Leo. (1973). Swimmy. New York: A. A. Wildsmith, Brian. (1987). Fishes. London:
Knopf. Oxford University Press.
London, Jonathan. (2002). Where the Big Fish Wood, Audrey. (2004). Ten Little Fish.
Are. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press. Illustrated by Bruce Wood. New York: Blue
Long, Earlene R. (1987). Gone Fishing. Sky Press.
Illustrated by Richard Brown. Boston, MA: Yoo, Taeeun. (2007). The Little Red Fish. New
Houghton Miff lin Harcourt. York: Dial Books for Young Readers.
MacDonald, Suse. (2007). Fish, Swish! Splash,
Dash! New York: Little Simon.
Martin, David. (2005). Piggy and Dad Go
Fishing. Illustrated by Frank Remkiewicz.
Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.
Technology and
Parker, Steve. (2005). Fish. New York: DK Multimedia
The following multimedia products can be used
Pfister, Marcus. (1992). The Rainbow Fish. to complement this theme:
Translated by J. Alison James. New York:
North South Books. “Baby Fish” [CD]. (2007). In Dr. Jean’s Silly
Songs. Oklahoma City, OK: Melody House.
Pfister, Marcus. (1995). Rainbow Fish to the
Rescue. Translated by J. Alison James. New Fish [DVD]. (2007). New York: DK Publishing.
York: North South Books. “Five Little Fish” [CD]. (2007). In Dr. Jean’s
Pfister, Marcus. (2000). The Adventures of Silly Songs. Oklahoma City, OK: Melody
Rainbow Fish. New York: North South Books. House.
Pully Sayer, Apri. (2004). Trout, Trout, Trout! “The Goldfish” [CD]. (2010). In Best of Laurie
A Fish Chant. Illustrated by Trip Park. Berkner Band. New York: Two Tomatoes.
Chanhassen, MN: Northword Press. “Have You Ever Been Fishing?” [CD]. (2007). In
Rosen, M. J. (2005). Fishing with Dad: Lessons Keep on Singing and Dancing. Oklahoma
of Love and Lure from Father to Son. New City, OK: Melody House.
York: Artisan. “Octopus’ Garden” [CD]. (1999). In Five
Ryder, Joanne. (1997). Shark in the Sea. Little Monkeys. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo
Illustrated by Michael Rothman. New York: Educational.
William Morrow. The Rainbow Fish: Dazzle the Dinosaur [DVD].
Rylant, Cynthia, and Arthur Howard. (2001). (1997). Los Angeles: Sony Wonder.
Mr. Putter and Tabby Feed the Fish. “Slippery Fish” [CD]. (1985). In 10 Carrot
Illustrated by Arthur Howard. San Diego, Diamond. Vancouver, BC: Hug Bug
CA: Harcourt Brace. Records.

FISH 349
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
“Splishin’ and Splashin’ ” [CD]. (2000). In What’s in the Sea? (1990). Long Branch, NJ:
Charlotte Diamond’s World. Vancouver, BC: Kimbo Educational.
Hug Bug Records. Who Lives in the Sea? [DVD]. (2007). Annie
Swimmy—and More Classic Leo Lionni Stories Crawley. Seattle, WA: Dive Into Your
[DVD]. (2005). New York: Scholastic. Imagination.
“Three Little Fishies” [CD]. (2009). In A Frog
Named Sam. Milwaukee, WI: Bartlett Ave.
Records. Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Theme can be found on the book’s companion
What Makes a Fish a Fish? [DVD]. (2007).
website. Go to to
Annie Crawley. Seattle, WA: Dive Into Your
Imagination. access the site for a variety of useful resources.

350 Theme 36
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Theme 37

Containers Uses Plant Parts
vases beauty petals
pots decoration stem
window boxes perfume leaves
planters dye for clothing roots
gifts buds
ceremonial seeds

Names Places Care

violet, tulip wild water
carnation soil soil
rose, lilac, lily water sunshine
sunflower greenhouses air
orchid, magnolia gardens pollination (bees)
petunia, marigold homes

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Parts of the flower 4. Uses of flowers
2. Names of flowers 5. Containers that hold flowers
3. Places flowers grow 6. Care of flowers

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. A flower is a plant.
2. Flowers add beauty to our world.
3. Flowers can be used for decoration.
4. Most flowers have a smell.
5. Vases, pots, window boxes, and planters are all flower containers.
6. Flowers need soil, water, sunshine, and air to grow.
7. Bees pollinate flowers.
8. Sometimes flowers are given to people for special reasons, such as
holidays, birthdays, or if someone goes to the hospital.
9. Flowers are used at weddings.
10. Some flowers are used to make perfume.
11. Dye for clothing can be made from flowers.
12. There are many parts to flowers.
13. Seeds, roots, stem, leaves, buds, and petals are all parts of a flower.
14. Flowers need water to grow in the soil.
15. Flowers can be grown in the wild, in greenhouses, in gardens, and in
16. Violets, tulips, carnations, roses, lilacs, lilies, sunflowers, orchids,
magnolias, petunias, marigolds, and pansies are all names of flowers.

1. flower—the colored part of a plant that blossoms.
2. greenhouse—a glass house for growing plants. Plants that need light,
heat, and protection from the weather are grown in a greenhouse.
3. leaves—growth from the stem of a plant. Most leaves are green.
4. petal—colored part of a flower.
5. root—the part of the plant that usually grows under the ground.
6. seed—the part of the plant that produces a new plant.
7. stem—the stalk of the plant that bears buds and shoots.
8. shoot—a newly grown plant part.

352 Theme 37
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to develop visual discretion, problem-solving,
and color-matching skills, as well as to foster the correspondence of sets to written
numerals. Cut large numerals out of tagboard. Color each number a different color.
Next, create tulips out of tagboard. The number will depend on the maturity of the
children. Color each tulip the same color as its corresponding numeral: for example,
three blue tulips for a blue numeral 3. The children can hang the appropriate
number of tulips on the bulletin board next to each numeral. Moreover, the children
can match the colored tulips to the corresponding colored numeral to make this
activity self-correcting.

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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Hello! As spring arrives and all the flowers begin to bloom, we will begin a unit on flowers. Through
this unit the children will learn about the care, uses, and parts of a flowering plant. They will also
learn about places where flowers are grown as well as the names of flowers and their containers.

At School
Some of the learning experiences planned to help the children make discoveries about flowers
• Listening to the story Quiet in the Garden by Aliki
• Planting seeds and observing and measuring the growth of various flowers
• Visiting a floral shop
• Reciting fingerplays

At Home
If you are planning to plant a garden in your yard this spring, let your child help you. Another activity
would be to examine the plants and flowers you have growing in your house.
To develop language skills, we will be learning this fingerplay in school. Let your child teach it to you.

One, two, three, four, five
(pop up fingers, one at a time)
Yellow daisies all alive.
Here they are all in a row.
(point to fingers standing)
The sun and the rain will help them grow.
(make a circle with fingers, flutter
fingers for rain)
Enjoy your child!

354 Theme 37
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Put fruit and 2 cups of oats through a food
grinder. Press into a buttered 9-inch 3
13-inch pan. Chill and enjoy!
Arts and Crafts
1. Muffin Cup Flowers 2. Pudding Fruit Salad
For younger children, prepare shapes of 2 boxes sugar-free instant vanilla pudding
flowers and leaves. The older children may be 3 bananas, sliced into 1/4-inch pieces
able to do this themselves. Attach the stems 2 oranges, peeled and sectioned
and leaves to muffin tin liners. Add a small 1 30-ounce can fruit cocktail
amount of perfume to the flower for interest. 1 11-ounce can mandarin oranges

2. Easel Combine all of the ingredients and mix

Cut easel paper into flower shapes. until the pudding is dissolved. As the
pudding absorbs the juices from the canned
3. Seed Collages fruit, it will thicken. Cool two hours before
Place a pan containing a variety of seeds serving.
in the middle of the art table. In addition,
supply glue and paper for the children to
form a collage.

4. Egg Carton Flowers

Cut the sections of an egg container apart. Dramatic Play
Attach chenille stems for stems, and 1. Garden
decorate with watercolor markers. Aprons, small garden tools, a tin of soil,
seeds, watering cans, pots, and vases
5. Flower Mobile can all be provided. Pictures of flowers
Bring in a tree branch and hang from the with names on them can be hung in the
classroom ceiling. Let the children make classroom.
flowers and hang them on the branch for
decoration. 2. Gardener
Gather materials for a gardener prop
6. Paper Plate Flowers box. Include gloves, seed packets, sun hat,
Provide snack-sized paper plates, markers, handheld spade or hoe, stakes for marking,
crayons, and colored construction paper. The watering cans, and so on.
children may use these materials to create
a flower. 3. Flower Shop
In the dramatic play area, set up a flower
shop complete with plastic flowers, boxes,
containers, watering cans, a misting bottle,
and a cash register. Artificial corsages
Cooking would also be a fun addition.
1. Fruit Candy
4. Flower Arranging
Fruit grows on trees and plants. A flower
Artificial flowers and containers can be
blossom grows on the trees or plants. The
placed in the dramatic play area. The
flowers produce fruit.
children can make centerpieces for the
1 pound dried figs
lunch table. Also, a centerpiece can be made
1 pound dried apricots
for the science table, the lobby, and the
1/2 pound dates
secretary, director, or principal.
2 cups oats
1/2 cup raisins

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I’d raise my head and grow and grow
(raise head and begin to grow)
Field Trips and And stretch my arms and grow and grow
(stretch arms)
Resource People And nod my head and say,
1. Florist (nod head)
Arrange to visit a local floral shop. Observe “I’m glad to see you all today.”
the different kinds of flowers. Then watch
the florist design a bouquet or corsage.

2. Walk
Walk around the neighborhood, observing
Group Time
different types and colors of flowers. (Games and Language)
Hide the Flower
Choose one child to look for the flower. Ask
him or her to cover his or her eyes. Ask
another child to hide a flower. After the
flower is hidden and the child returns to
the group, instruct the first child to uncover
his or her eyes and find the flower. Clues
Fingerplays and Chants can be provided. For example, if the child
approaches the area where the flower is
My Garden hidden, the remainder of the children can
This is my garden clap their hands.
(extend one hand forward, palm up)
I’ll rake it with care
(raking motion with fingers)
And then some flower seeds
(planting motion) 2+3 =
I’ll plant in right there. Math
The sun will shine 1. Flower Growth
(make circle with hands) Prepare sequence cards representing
And the rain will fall flowers at various stages of growth.
(let fingers flutter down to lap) Encourage the children to sequence them.
And my garden will blossom
(cup hands together, extend upward 2. Flower Match
slowly) Cut pictures of flowers from magazines or
And grow straight and tall. seed catalogs. If desired, mount the pictures.
The children can match them by kind, size,
Daisies color, and shape.
One, two, three, four, five
(pop up fingers, one at a time) 3. Measuring Seed Growth
Yellow daisies all alive. Plant several types of seeds. At determined
Here they are all in a row. intervals, measure the growth of various
(point to fingers standing) plants and flowers. Maintain a chart
The sun and the rain will help them grow. comparing the growth.
(make a circle with fingers, flutter
fingers for rain) 4. Flower Petal Math
Make a flower stem and place a circle
Flower Play on it. Place a number in the circle. The
If I were a little flower children should glue the corresponding
Sleeping underneath the ground, number of petals onto the circle to create
(curl up) a flower.

356 Theme 37
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Music Sensory
Additions to the Sensory Table
(Sing to the tune of “Pop! Goes the • Soil and plastic flowers
Weasel”) • Water and watering cans

All around the forest ground

There’s flowers everywhere.
There’s pink, yellow, and purple, too.
Here’s one for you.
The following books can be used to complement
this theme:
Aliki. (2009). Quiet in the Garden. New York:
Greenwillow Books.
Science Ashman, Sarah, and Nancy Parent. (2004).
1. Flowers Holly Bloom’s Garden. Illustrated by Lori
Place a variety of flowers on the science Mitchell. New York: Flashlight Press.
table. Encourage the children to compare Barry, Frances. (2008). Big Yellow Sunflower.
the color, shape, size, and smell of each Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.
flower. Bodach, Vijaya Khisty. (2007). Flowers.
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
2. Planting Seeds
Plant flower seeds in a styrofoam cup. Bodach, Vijaya Khisty. (2007). Leaves. Mankato,
Save the seed packages and mount on MN: Capstone Press.
a piece of tagboard. Place this directly Bodach, Vijaya Khisty. (2007). Roots. Mankato,
behind the containers, on the science table. MN: Capstone Press.
Encourage the children to compare their Brenner, Barbara. (2004). Good Morning,
plants. When the plant starts growing, Garden. Illustrated by Denise Ortakales.
compare the seed packages to the plant Chanhassen, MN: NorthWord Press.
Bruce, Lisa. (2000). Fran’s Flowers. Illustrated
by Rosalind Beardshaw. New York:
3. Carnation
Place a white carnation in a vase
containing water with red food coloring Burrowes, Adjoa J. (2000). Grandma’s Purple
added. Watch the tips of the carnation Flowers. New York: Lee & Low Books.
petals gradually change colors. Repeat the Cheng, Andrea. (2003). Goldfish and
activity using other flowers and colors of Chrysanthemums. Illustrated by Michelle
water. Cheng. New York: Lee & Low Books.
Davis, Nancy. (2009). A Garden of Opposites.
4. Observing and Weighing Bulbs New York: Schwartz & Wade Books.
Collect flower bulbs and place on the science
table. Encourage the children to observe the Ehlert, Lois. (2003). Planting a Rainbow. San
similarities and differences. A balance scale Diego, CA: Harcourt.
can also be added. Ehlert, Lois. (2001). Waiting for Wings. San
Diego, CA: Harcourt.
5. Microscopes
Elschner, Geraldine. (2007). Max’s Magic Seeds.
Place petals from a flower under a
Illustrated by Jean-Pierre Corderoch. New
microscope for the children to observe.
York: Penguin Young Readers Group.

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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Fausch, Karen, and Laura Jane Coats. (2001). Rawlinson, Julia. (2009). Fletcher and the
The Window Box Book. Illustrated by Laura Springtime Blossoms. Illustrated by Tiphanie
Jane Coats. New York: Little Bookroom. Beeke. New York: Greenwillow Books.
Greenstein, Elaine. (2004). One Little Seed. Reynolds, Peter. (2009). Rose’s Garden.
New York: Viking. Somerville, MA: Candlewick Press.
Gunderson, Jessica. (2008). Friends and Rockwell, Anne F. (1999). Bumblebee,
Flowers. Illustrated by Cori Doerrfeld. Bumblebee, Do You Know Me? A Garden
Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window Books. Guessing Game. New York: HarperCollins.
Helbrough, Emma, and Maggie Silver. Svatos, Ladislav. (1976). Dandelion. New York:
(2007). How Flowers Grow. Illustrated by Doubleday Co.
Catherine-Anne MacKinnon. Eveleth, MN: Schaefer, Lola M. (2003). Pick, Pull, Snap.
Usborne Books. Illustrated by Lindsay Barrett George. New
Henkes, Kevin. (2010). My Garden. New York: York: Greenwillow Books.
Greenwillow Books. Schaefer, Lola M. (2000). This is the Sunflower.
Hickman, Pamela, and Heather Collins. Illustrated by Donald Crew. New York:
(2000). Plant Book (Starting with Nature). Greenwillow Books.
Illustrated by Heather Collins. Toronto: Stanley, Mandy. (2006). Lettice the Flower Girl.
Kids Can Press. New York: Simon & Schuster Books for
Howard, Fran. (2005). Bumble Bees. Mankato, Young Readers.
MN: Capstone Press. Stoker, Joann, and Gerald Stoker. (1999).
Lach, William. (2010). My Friend the Flowers. ABC Book of Flowers for Young Gardeners.
Illustrated by Doug Kennedy. New York: Columbia, SC: Summerhouse Press.
Abrams Books for Young Readers. Sun, Chyng-Feng. (1996). Cat and Cat-Face.
Lerner, Carol. (2002). Butterflies in the Garden. Illustrated by Lesley Liu. Boston: Houghton
New York: HarperCollins. Mifflin.
Love, Pamela. (2004). Lighthouse Seeds. Wade, Mary Dodson. (2009). Flowers Bloom!
Illustrated by Linda Warner. Camden, ME: Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Elementary.
Down East Books. Wade, Mary Dodson. (2009). Seeds Sprout!
Lucht, Irmgard. (1995). The Red Poppy. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Publishing.
Illustrated by Frank Jacoby-Nelson. New Wellington, Monica. (2005). Zinnia’s Flower
York: Hyperion. Garden. New York: Dutton Children’s Books.
Marzollo, Jean. (1996). I’m a Seed. Madison, WI: Wojtowicz, Jennifer. (2005). The Boy Who
Demco Media. Grew Flowers. Illustrated by Steve Adams.
Milne, A. A. (2000). The Magic Hill. Illustrated Cambridge, MA: Barefoot Books.
by Isabel Bodar Brown. New York: Dutton
Children’s Books.
Murphy, Mary. (2002). Koala and the Flower.
Brookfield, CT: Roaring Brook Press.
Noda, Takayo. (2006). Song of the Flowers. New
Technology and
York: Dial Books for Young Readers. Multimedia
Park, Linda Sue. (2005). What Does Bunny See?
A Book of Colors and Flowers. Illustrated by The following technology and multimedia
Maggie Smith. New York: Clarion Books. products can be used to complement this theme:
Parker, Kim. (2005). Counting in the Garden. Chrysanthemum and More Kevin Henkes
New York: Orchard Books. Stories [DVD]. (2009). New York: Scholastic.
Pomeroy, Diana. (1997). Wildflower ABC: An “Each of Us Is a Flower” [CD]. (2000). In 10
Alphabet of Potato Prints. Orlando, FL: Carrot Diamond. Vancouver, BC: Hug Bug
Harcourt Brace. Records.

358 Theme 37
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
“Flower Garden” [CD]. (1995). In Piggyback “In Grandma’s Garden” [CD]. (1988). In
Songs. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo Rainbow of Songs. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo
Educational. Educational.
Flowers and Seeds [video]. (1994). Princeton, Plant [DVD]. (2006). New York: DK Publishing .
NJ: Films for the Humanities. Raffi. (1994). “Spring Flowers” [CD]. In
“Flowers in the Snow” [CD]. (2006). In Train Bananaphone. Cambridge, MA: Shoreline.
Songs and Other Tracks. Mission Viejo, CA: Available from Kimbo Educational, Long
Stargazer Productions. Branch, NJ.
Flowers, Plants and Trees [video]. (1987). Reading Rainbow. My Little Island [DVD].
Tell Me Why series. Marina del Rey, CA: Lincoln, NE: GNP Educational Media.
Penguin Productions.
Flowers, Plants and Trees [DVD]. (2008). Dallas,
TX: NCircle Entertainment. Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Theme can be found on the book’s companion
“The Garden Song” [CD]. (2000). In 10 Carrot
Diamond. Vancouver, BC: Hug Bug Records. website. Go to to
access the site for a variety of useful resources.
“Gardener at Home” and “The Seed Song” [CD].
(1999). In On the Farm with RONNO. Long
Branch, NJ: Kimbo Educational.

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Theme 38

Who Activities Places Why
self play school to help
mothers share neighborhood to enjoy
fathers learn home
brothers talk park
sisters listen
cousins work
aunts, uncles
boys, girls
neighbors, pets

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Who friends are
2. Why we have friends
3. Activities we can do with our friends
4. Places we can make friends

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. A friend is someone who I like and who likes me.
2. My friends are special to me.
3. We can have friends at school, in our neighborhood, in our homes, and
at the park.
4. Our brothers and sisters can be our friends.
5. Friends can help us with our work.
6. We enjoy playing with our friends.
7. We share and learn with friends.
8. Friends talk and listen to us.
9. A pet can be a friend.
10. Friends can be boys or girls.
11. Mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, and
cousins can be our friends.

1. cooperating—working together to help someone.
2. friend—a person we enjoy.
3. giving—sharing something of your own with others.
4. like—feeling good about someone or something.
5. pal or buddy—other words for “friend.”
6. sharing—giving and taking turns.
7. togetherness—being with one another and sharing a good feeling.

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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to call attention to print. It will help the
children recognize their own and their friends’ names. The bulletin board
can also be used by the teacher as an attendance check. Prepare the board by
constructing name cards for each child as illustrated. Then laminate and punch
holes in each card. When the children arrive at school, they can attach their
name cards to the bulletin board with pushpins.

362 Theme 38
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
We will be starting a curriculum unit on friends, which will include discovering people of all ages
and even animal friends. The children have made many new friends at school, with whom they
are learning to take turns, cooperate, work, and play. Through this unit, the children will become
more aware of what a friend is and activities friends can do together. Moreover, they will learn the
importance of prosocial behavior.
At School
Highlights of the learning experiences in this unit include:
• Making cookies for our friends
• Sending notes to pen pals
• Creating a friendship chain with strips of paper
• Looking at pictures of our friends at school in our classroom photo album
• Reciting fingerplays related to friendships
• Singing songs related to friendships
At Home
Your child may enjoy looking at photo albums of family and friends. Perhaps a friend could be invited
to come and play with your child. We will be learning a poem about friends to promote an enjoyment
of language and poetry.
I like my friends,
So when we are at play,
I try to be very kind,
and nice in every way.
Be your child’s best friend!

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2. Cupcake Cones
Purchase a cake mix and ice cream cone.
Follow the directions on the back of the
Arts and Crafts cake mix box. Pour 1/4 cup of batter in an
1. Friendship Chain ice cream cone. Place the cones in muffin
Provide strips of paper for the older tins. Bake 15–18 minutes at 400 degrees.
children to print their names on. For those Cool and serve for dessert.
children who are not interested or unable,
print their names for them. When all 3. Italian Pizza Muffins
the names are on the strips of paper, the 24 ounces of canned tomato sauce
children can connect them to make a chain. 1 1/2 teaspoons Italian seasoning
The chain can symbolize that everyone in 1 teaspoon garlic powder
the class is a friend. 12 whole-wheat English muffins
24 ounces of grated mozzarella cheese
2. Friendship Exchange Art
Provide each child with a piece of Heat the over to 425 degrees. Mix the
construction paper with “To: _______” tomato sauce, Italian seasoning, and
printed in the upper-left corner and garlic powder, and heat. Spread the
“From: _______” printed on the bottom. muffins on a baking sheet and toast. On
The teacher assists the children in printing each muffin half, spread 2 teaspoons of
their names on the bottom of the paper and tomato sauce. Then sprinkle the
the name of the person to their right on mozzarella cheese on each muffin. Return
the top of the paper. Using paper scraps, to the oven, observing closely, until the
tissue paper squares, fabric scraps, and cheese melts.
glue, each child will construct a picture for
a friend. When finished, have each child
pass the paper to the friend for whom it
was made.
Dramatic Play
1. Puppet Show
Set up a puppet stage with various types
Cooking of puppets. The children can share puppets
and act out friendships using the puppets in
1. Friendship Brownies various situations.
3/4 cup butter or margarine, softened
1 cup sugar 2. A Tea Party
3 eggs Provide dress-up clothes, play dishes, and
2 1-ounce squares unsweetened chocolate, water in the dramatic play area.
melted and cooled
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt Field Trips and
Cream butter and sugar; beat in eggs. Blend Resource People
in chocolate and vanilla. Stir flour with 1. The Zoo
baking powder and salt. Add to creamed Take a trip to the zoo to observe animals.
mixture. Mix well. Spread in a greased 9- 3
9- 3 2-inch baking pan. Bake at 350 degrees 2. The Nursing Home
for 25 to 30 minutes. Cool. If desired, sift Visit a nursing home, allowing the children
powdered sugar over the top. Cut into bars. to interact with elderly friends.
Yields 24 bars.

364 Theme 38
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3. Resource People 2. Bowling Game
Invite the following community helpers into Set up pins or plastic bottles. With a ball,
the classroom because young children would have the children take turns knocking down
consider them our friends: the pins.
• Police officer
• Trash collector 3. Outdoor Obstacle Course
• Janitor or custodian Design an obstacle course outdoors that
• Firefighter is specifically designed for two children to
• Doctor, nurse, or dentist go through at one time. Use balance
• Principal or director beams, climbers, slides, and so on. Short
and simple obstacle courses seem to work
the best.

2+3 =
Fingerplays and Chants 1. Group Pictures
Friends Take pictures of the children in groups of
I like my friends. two, three, four, and so on. Make separate
So when we are at play, corresponding number cards. The children
I try to be very kind then can match the correct numeral to the
and nice in every way. picture card.

Five Little Friends 2. Friend Charts

(Hold up five fingers; subtract one with each Take individual pictures of the children
action) and chart them according to hair color, eye
Five little friends playing on the floor, color, and so on. Encourage the children to
One got tired and then there were four. compare their looks to the characteristics of
Four little friends climbing in a tree, their friends.
One jumped down and then there were
Three little friends skipping to the zoo,
One went for lunch and then there were two.
Two little friends swimming in the sun,
One went home and then there was one. Music
One little friend going for a run, 1. “Do You Know This Friend of
Decided to take a nap and then there were Mine?”
none. (Sing to the tune of “The Muffin Man”)
Do you know this friend of mine,
This friend of mine,
This friend of mine?
Do you know this friend of mine?
Large Muscle His name is _________.
Yes, we know this friend of yours,
1. Double Balance Beam This friend of yours,
Place two balance beams side by side, and This friend of yours.
encourage two children to hold hands and Yes, we know this friend of yours.
cross together. His name is _________.

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2. “The More We Are Together” 2. Fingerprints
(Sing to the tune of “Have You Ever Seen a Ink pads and white paper can be provided
Lassie?”) for the children to make fingerprints.
(Insert names of children in your classroom) Also, a microscope can be provided to
encourage the children to compare their
The more we are together, together, together,
The more we are together, the happier
we’ll be.
3. Friends’ Voices
For your friends are my friends, and my
Tape the children’s voices throughout
friends are your friends.
the course of the day. The following day,
The more we are together, the happier
leave the tape recorder at the science
we’ll be.
table. The children can listen to the tape
We’re all in school together, together,
and try to guess which classmate is
We’re all in school together, and happy
we’ll be.
4. Animal Friends
There’s Ali and Keisha and Jenny and Ben,
Prepare signs for the animal cages
There’s ____ and _____ and _____ and _____.
listing the animals’ daily food intake
We’re all in school together and happy
and care.
we’ll be.

3. “Beth Met a Friend”

(Sing to the tune of “The Farmer in the
(Insert names of children in your classroom
for each verse) Sensory
Beth met a friend, The sensory table is an area where two
Beth met a friend, to four children can make new friends
When she came to school today, and share. Materials that can be added
Beth met a friend. to the sensory table include:
• Shaving cream
4. The More We Get Together • Play dough
The more we get together, • Sand with toys
Together, together. • Water with boats
The more we get together, • Wood shavings
The happier we’ll be. • Silly Putty
For your friends are my friends, • Dry pasta with scoops and a balance
And my friends are your friends. scale
The more we get together, • Goop:
The happier we’ll be.
Mix equal parts of white glue and liquid
starch. Food coloring can be added for color.
Store in an airtight container.
Mix water and cornstarch. Add cornstarch
to the water until you get the consistency
Science that you want.
1. Comparing Heartbeats Caution: Carefully supervise children
Provide stethoscopes for the children to while playing with sensory materials.
listen to their friends’ heartbeats.

366 Theme 38
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Fuchs, Diane Marcial. (1995). A Bear for All
Seasons. Illustrated by Kathryn Brown.
New York: Holt.
Social Studies Fucile, Tony. (2009). Let’s Do Nothing.
Friends Bulletin Board Somerville, MA: Candlewick Press.
Ask the children to bring pictures of Gorbachev, Valeri. (2005). That’s What Friends
their friends into the classroom. Set up a Are For. New York: Philomel Books.
bulletin board in the classroom where these
Hatkoff, Craig, Isabella Hatkoff, and Paula
pictures can be hung for all to see. Remind
Kahumba. (2006). Owen and Mzee: The True
the children that friends can be family
Story of a Remarkable Friendship. Illustrated
members and animals too.
by Peter Greste. New York: Scholastic.
Heide, Florence Parry, and Sylvia Van Clief.
(2003). That’s What Friends Are For.
Illustrated by Holly Meade. Cambridge,
MA: Candlewick Press.
Books Hutchins, Pat. (1996). Titch and Daisy.
The following books can be used to complement New York: Greenwillow.
this theme: Joosse, Barbara M. (2010 ). Friends (Mostly).
Agee, Jon. (2005). Terrific. New York: Hyperion Illustrated by Tomaso Milian. New York:
Books for Children. Greenwillow Books.
AlAbdullah, Raina, and Kelly DiPucchio. (2010). Keller, Holly. (2007). Help! A Story of
The Sandwich Swap. Illustrated by Tricia Friendship. New York: Greenwillow Books.
Tusa. New York: Disney-Hyperion Books. Klein, Tali, and Corey Rosen Schwartz. (2006).
Aliki. (1995). Best Friends Together Again. New Hop! Plop! Illustrated by Olivier Dunrea.
York: Greenwillow. New York: Walker.
Anderson, Derek. (2006). Blue Burt and Kroll, Virginia. (2005). Forgiving a Friend.
Wiggles. New York: Simon & Schuster Books Illustrated by Paige Billin-Frye. Morton
for Young Readers. Grove, IL: Albert Whitman.
Berger, Carin. (2010). Forever Friends. New Kruusval, Catarina. (2008). Franny’s Friends.
York: Greenwillow Books. Stockholm, NY: R&S Books.
Blabey, Aaron. (2008). Pearly Barley and Charlie Lionni, Leo. (1996). It’s Mine! New York:
Parsley. Asheville, NC: Front Street. Dragonfly Books.
Brett, Jan. (2008). Gingerbread Friends. New Miller, J. Phillip, and Sheppard Greene. (2001).
York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons. We All Sing with the Same Voice. Illustrated
Bruna, Dick. (2001). Dick Bruna’s 1st Picture by Paul Meisel. New York: HarperCollins.
Books: Miffy’s Animal Friends. New York: Monson, A. M. (1997). Wanted: Best Friend.
Kodansha International. Illustrated by Lynn Munsinger. New York:
Chapman, Jane, and Claire Freedman. (2009). Dial Books.
When We’re Together. Intercourse, PA: Good Reiser, Lynn. (1997). Best Friends Think Alike.
Books. New York: Greenwillow.
Cohn, Aden, and Dan Sullivan. (1999). Friends Seeger, Laura Vaccaro. (2007). Dog and Bear:
of a Feather. Illustrated by Dan Sullivan. Two Friends, Three Stories. New Milford,
Denver, CO: Accord Publishing. CT: Roaring Brook Press.
Cousins, Lucy. (2010). I’m the Best. Somerville, Seeger, Pete, and Paul DuBois Jacobs. (2005).
MA: Candlewick Press. Some Friends to Feed: The Story of Stone
Davidson, Susanna. (2006). The Little Red Hen. Soup. Illustrated by Michael Hays.
Illustrated by Daniel Postgate. London: New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons.

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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Shaw, Hannah. (2008). Sneaky Weasel. “Friends” [CD]. (1997). In Turn on the Music.
New York: Alfred A. Knopf. Sherman Oaks, CA: Hap-Pal Music.
Spinelli, Eileen. (1994). Lizzie Logan Wears “Make New Friends” [CD]. (2004). In Toddler
Purple Sunglasses. Illustrated by Melanie Twosome. Redway, CA: Music Little People.
Hope Greenberg. New York: Simon & “Mary and Her Friends” [CD]. (2009). In More
Schuster Books for Young Readers. Please. Olympia, WA: Aurora Elephant
Teckentrup, Britta. (2008). Grumpy Cat. Music.
London: Boxer. “The Sharing Song” [CD]. (1996). In Singable
Valckx, Catharina. (2005). Lizette’s Green Sock. Songs for the Very Young. Cambridge, MA:
New York: Clarion Books. Rounder/UMGD.
Willems, Mo. (2008). I Will Surprise My Friend! “We Go Together” (2000). In Bean Bag Rock
New York: Hyperion Books for Children. and Roll. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo
Willems, Mo. (2010). Let’s Say Hi to Friends Educational.
Who Fly! New York: Balzer & Bray. “Will You Be My Friend?” [CD]. (2001).
Yerrid, Gable. (2007). Marley’s Treasure. In Ants Wear Underpants. New York:
Illustrated by Jennifer Fitzgerald. BizzyBum.
Scottsdale, AZ: Yorkville Press.
Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Theme can be found on the book’s companion
website. Go to to
Technology and access the site for a variety of useful resources.
The following technology and multimedia
products can be used to complement this

Transition Activities
Clean-Up Time “Clean-Up Time” Pick up our toys, pick up our
(Sing to the tune of “London toys.
“Do You Know What Bridge”) This is the way we pick up
Time It Is?” our toys,
(Sing to the tune of “The Clean-up time is already here, At clean-up time each day.
Muffin Man”) Already here, already here.
Clean-up time is already “Oh, It’s Clean-Up Time”
Oh, do you know what time here, (Sing to the tune of “Oh, My
it is, Already here.
What time it is, what time it Darling Clementine”)
is? “This Is the Way” Oh, it’s clean-up time,
Oh, do you know what time (Sing to the tune of “Mulberry Oh, it’s clean-up time,
it is? Bush”) Oh, it’s clean-up time right now.
It’s almost clean-up time. (Or It’s time to put the toys away,
“It’s time to clean up.”) This is the way we pick up It is clean-up time right now.
our toys,

368 Theme 38
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“A Helper I Will Be” Routines We’re going for a walk.
(Sing to the tune of We’re going for a walk.
“The Farmer in the Dell”) “Passing Around” Hi-ho, the dairy-o,
(Sing to the tune of “Skip to We’re going for a walk.
A helper I will be. My Loo”) Additional verses:
A helper I will be.
I’ll pick up the toys and put (Fill in appropriate child’s What will we wear? …
them away. name and substitute the napkin What will we see? …
A helper I will be. for any object that needs to be How will we go? …
passed at mealtime) Who knows the way? …
“We’re Cleaning Up Our
Room” Brad, take a napkin and pass “Find a Partner”
(Sing to the tune of them to Sara. (Sing to the tune of “Oh, My
“The Farmer in the Dell”) Sara, take a napkin and pass Darling Clementine”)
them to Tina.
We’re cleaning up our room. Tina, take a napkin and pass Find a partner, find a partner,
We’re cleaning up our room. them to Eric, Find a partner right now.
We’re putting all the toys away. Passing around the napkins. We are going for a walk.
We’re cleaning up our room. Find a partner right now.
“Put Your Coat On”
“It’s Clean-Up Time”
(Sing to the tune of “Oh, My “Walk Along”
(Sing to the chorus of “Looby
Darling Clementine”) (Sing to the tune of
(You can change coat to any “Clap Your Hands”)
It’s clean-up time at school. article of clothing) (Change walk to any other
It’s time for boys and girls types of movement—jump,
To stop what they are doing Put your coat on.
Put your coat on. hop, skip, crawl)
And put away their toys.
Put your winter coat on now. Walk, walk, walk along,
“Time to Clean Up” We are going to play outside. Walk along to the bathroom.
(Sing to the tune of “Are You Put your coat on right now. ____ and ____ walk along,
Sleeping?”) Walk along to the bathroom.
“Time to Go Outside”
(Specific toys can be (Sing to the tune of “When “We’re Going …”
mentioned in place of “toys”) Johnny Comes Marching (Sing to the tune of “Go in
Time to clean up. Home”) and out the Window”)
Time to clean up. When it’s time for us to go We’re going to the bathroom,
Everybody help. outside We’re going to the bathroom,
Everybody help. To play, to play, We’re going to the bathroom,
Put the toys away, put the We find a place to put our toys And then we’ll wash our hands.
toys away. Away, away.
Then sit down. (Or, “Then We’ll march so quietly to the “It’s Time to Change”
come here.”) door. (Sing to the tune of “Hello,
We know exactly what’s in Everybody”)
“Clean-Up Time”
(Sing to the tune of It’s time to change, yes
When we go outside to play
“Hot Cross Buns”) for a little while. indeed,
Clean-up time. Yes indeed, yes indeed.
Clean-up time. “We’re Going on a Walk” It’s time to change, yes indeed
Put all of the toys away. (Sing to the tune of “The Time to change groups. (Or,
It’s clean-up time. Farmer in the Dell”) “Time to go outside.”)

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Theme 39

Colors Foods Life Stages
green insects egg
brown earthworms tadpole
spiders adult frog

Body Parts Movement Places

eyes swim water
mouth jump trees
tongue walk ground
skin climb

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Life stages of frog development
2. Body parts of frog development
3. Ways frogs move
4. Places frogs live
5. Foods frogs eat
6. Colors of frogs

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. A frog is an animal with two long back legs.
2. Frogs have eyes, a mouth, a tongue, legs, and skin covering their body.
3. Frogs may live in many places.
4. Frogs can live in water, in trees, and on the ground.
5. Frogs can swim, climb, walk, and jump.
6. Frogs eat insects, earthworms, spiders, and minnows.
7. Frogs are colored green and brown.
8. The three life stages of a frog are egg, tadpole, and adult frog.

1. frog—a frog is an animal with two long back legs.
2. amphibian—an animal that begins its life in the water, and then grows
to live on land.
3. frog—a small animal with bulging eyes and long back legs.
4. metamorphosis—change, such as when a tadpole changes into a frog.
5. tadpole—a tiny, fishlike baby frog.

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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to foster a positive self-concept as well as
name recognition skills. Construct a frog and lily pad shape out of tagboard for
each child in your class. Print a child’s name on each frog. Laminate all pieces.
Staple the lily pads to the board. Punch a hole in the top of each frog piece
with a paper punch. Attach a pushpin several inches above each lily pad. The
children can hang their own frogs on the bulletin board as they arrive each day.

372 Theme 39
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
What is usually green, has four legs, and jumps? You’ve guessed it—a frog! As we head into spring,
we will begin a unit to discover many fascinating things about frogs. As you know, a frog is an
amphibian, which means it spends part of its life in water and part on land. Frogs are related to
toads, but they are not the same animal. The children will learn the life stages, body parts, and
movements of a frog.

At School
A few of the week’s learning experiences include:
• Watching tadpoles! Mr. Larson (Scott’s dad) has volunteered to bring in some tadpoles, which we
will place in an unused aquarium for maximum viewing. We will be able to observe the tadpoles’
growth and development into frogs. Stop in our classroom and take a look!
• Listening to books about frogs, including Jump, Frog, Jump! by Robert Kalan and The Wide-
Mouthed Frog by Keith Faulkner
• Playing leapfrog—a jumping game

At Home
You can foster the concepts of this unit at home by going to the library with your child and checking
out books about frogs. Also, when you are near a lake or pond with your child, look for frogs or frog

Have a hoppin’ good week!

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Dramatic Play
Arts and Crafts Frogs
1. Lily Pads Use green tagboard, markers, scissors, and
Cut large lily pad shapes out of construction 1-inch-wide elastic to create frog masks. Cut
paper. Children can decorate the shapes a large lily pad shape out of green tagboard,
with green crayons, markers, tempera paint, butcher paper, or fabric. Place items in
or watercolor paint. A small, white flower the dramatic play area. The children can
shape can be added, if desired. pretend to be frogs in a pond or act out
favorite frog songs and fingerplays.
2. Frog Sponge Painting
Cut new sponges into simple frog and lily
pad shapes. Children can use the sponges to
dip in green paint and press on construction
paper to create designs.
Field Trips
3. Green Play Dough Frogs
Use a play dough recipe in this book to 1. Zoo
make green play dough. Encourage the Visit the amphibian section of a zoo.
children to make frog shapes. If desired, the Observe many kinds of colors of frogs. How
frog shapes can be set out to dry, creating a are they the same? How are they different?
permanent object.
2. Pond
4. Egg Carton Frog If available, visit a pond area in the spring or
Collect cardboard egg cartons, construction summer. Look for tadpoles and frog habitat.
paper, markers, small pompons, and paint.
Cut egg carton cups apart. Children can
then use the materials as desired to create
a frog, using the pompons to represent eyes.

Fingerplays and Chants

Cooking Mr. Bullfrog
1. Frog Cookies Here’s Mr. Bullfrog,
With the children, prepare a batch of sugar (left hand in fist position, thumb
cookie dough. Demonstrate how to roll three upright)
balls (one large and two smaller) and place Sitting on a rock.
on a cookie sheet so that they will resemble Along comes a little boy (or girl),
a frog head with two large eyes when baked. (walking motion with fingers of right
The frog cookies can be decorated with green hand)
frosting, chocolate chips, and string licorice. Mr. Bullfrog jumps, kerplop!

2. Frog Floats Little Frog

Lime sherbet A little frog in a pond am I,
Mini marshmallows (make fist with hand)
Lemon-lime soda Hippity, hippity, hop.
Place a scoop of sherbet in a clear cup or (move fist up and down)
bowl. Pour a small amount of soda in a cup. And I can jump in the air so high,
Add two small marshmallows on top of (raise fist into the air)
the sherbet to resemble the eyes of a frog. Hippity, hippity, hop.
Enjoy! (move fist up and down)

374 Theme 39
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Five Little Frogs Tadpole, Tadpole
Five little frogs sitting on a log. Tadpole, tadpole, swimming all around.
(extend fingers on one hand) (use hands to make swimming
This little frog is still a pollywog. motion)
(point to thumb) Swishing your tail without a sound.
This little frog wears a happy grin. (continue using hands to make
(point to index finger) swimming motion)
This little frog is tall and thin. Soon you will change into a little frog.
(point to middle finger) (make one hand into a tight fist to
This little frog can jump very high. represent frog)
(point to ring finger) Tadpole, tadpole, little polliwog.
This little frog wants to fly. (maintain hand in the tight fist)
(point to little finger)
So he calls out, “Ribbit!” and a bird flies by,
And takes him for a ride way up to the sky!
(make wings with both hands) Group Time
(Games and Language)
Little Green Frog Who Is the Frog?
A little green frog once lived in a pool. The purpose of this game is to promote the
(hold up fist) development of listening skills. The children
The sun was hot and the water cool. sit in a circle formation. Begin by choosing
He sat in the pool the whole day long, one child to sit in the middle with his or
And sang a dear little, funny little song. her eyes closed. Another child is silently
“Jaggery do, quaggery dee, chosen to be the “frog” and say the word
No one was ever as happy as me!” “ribbit” three times. Afterward, the child in
the middle tries to identify who the “frog”
is. Continue playing the game until all
Ten Little Froggies
children have had a turn to play or until the
Ten little froggies sitting on a lily pad.
group begins to lose interest.
(all fingers up)
The first one said, “Let’s catch a fly.”
(right pinkie down)
The second one said, “Let’s go hide.”
(right ring finger down)
The third one said, “Let’s go for a swim.” Large Muscle
(right middle finger down)
The fourth one said, “Look, I’m in!”
Have each child find a partner. Child number
(right pointer down)
one squats down on his or her hands and
The fifth one said, “Let’s dive.”
knees, while child number two straddles and
(right thumb down)
jumps over the first child. Then, the children
The sixth one said, “There went five!”
switch roles and the action continues!
(left thumb down)
The seventh one said, “Where did they go?”
(left pointer down)
The eighth one said, “Ho, ho.” 2+3 =
(left middle finger down) Math
The ninth one said, “I need a friend.” 1. Sets of Frogs
(left ring finger down) Cut out frog shapes from green tagboard or
The tenth one said, “This is the end.” felt. Children can use the frog shapes for
(left pinkie down) counting activities or frog-counting songs.

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2. Frogs: From Biggest to Smallest
Cut out frog shapes of various sizes from
construction paper, tagboard, or felt. The
children can place the pieces in order from Science
largest to smallest and then from smallest
1. Observing Tadpoles
to largest.
In the spring, carefully collect tadpoles from
a pond or lake area. Place tadpoles in a
3. Frog Board Game
clean aquarium filled with water obtained
Cut out lily pads from green construction
from the pond or lake. The aquarium can be
paper, and arrange in a row on a piece of
placed on the science table for the children
tagboard. Decorate remaining tagboard to
to observe. Occasionally, add fresh pond or
resemble a pond (cattails, grass, etc.). Have
lake water. When the tadpoles begin to grow
children roll a die and make the frog “hop”
legs, place a piece of wood in the aquarium.
on the corresponding number of lily pads.
(The young frogs will soon need a place to
The game is over when a frog reaches the
rest out of the water.) Eventually, return the
last lily pad.
frogs to their habitat.

2. Metamorphosis
Draw or collect pictures from children’s
science magazines that depict the life cycle
of a frog. Pictures should include frog eggs,
a tadpole, a tadpole with its tail shrinking
Music and legs sprouting, and a frog. Discuss the
1. “Ten Little Froggies” word metamorphosis. Check the library for
(Sing to the tune of “Ten Little Indians”) books that show frogs at various stages of
One little, two little, three little froggies. development.
Four little, five little, six little froggies.
Seven little, eight little, nine little froggies. 3. African Dwarf Frogs
Ten frogs in the pond. Place African dwarf frogs in an aquarium
that is filled with water. These frogs are
swimmers and do not need time out of
2. “Five Green Speckled Frogs”
the water. Place magnifying glasses near
Five green speckled frogs
the aquarium and encourage children to
Sitting on a speckled log,
observe the characteristics of the frogs.
Eating the most delicious bugs. Yum! Yum!
One jumped into the pool,
Where it was nice and cool.
Now there are four green speckled frogs.
(continue with additional verses,
counting down to zero/none)
1. Plastic Frogs
3. “Jumping Frogs” Place purchased plastic frogs in a water-
(Sing to the tune of “Jingle Bells”) filled sensory table. Add small strainers
and nets.
Jumping frogs, jumping frogs, jumping all
2. Cork Frogs
Looking for worms and bugs to eat,
Using permanent markers, color several
They make a croaking sound. Oh!
corks green. Insert a green chenille
Jumping frogs, jumping frogs, in the pond
stem in the center of each cork and bend
they go,
it to resemble frog legs. Add details to
Splishing, splashing, and swimming around,
frogs using markers. Place frogs in a sensory
Moving to and fro.

376 Theme 39
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
table that has been filled with water. If French, Vivian. (2000). Growing Frogs.
desired, attach a string to the cork frogs so Illustrated by Alison Bartlett. Cambridge,
they can be pulled around in the water. MA: Candlewick Press.
Fridell, Ron. (2001). The Search for Poison-Dart
Frogs. New York: Franklin Watts.
Gibbons, Gail. (2002). Tell Me, Tree: All about
Books Trees for Kids. Boston: Little, Brown.
The following books can be used to complement James, Betsy. (1999). Tadpoles. New York:
this theme: Dutton Children’s Books.
Anderson, Judith. (2009). Once There Was Kalan, Robert. (2003). Jump Frog Jump. New
a Tadpole. Illustrated by Mike Gordon. York: Greenwillow Books.
Hauppauge, NY: Barron’s. Kelly, Martin. (2000). Five Green and Speckled
Arnosky, Jim. (2002). All About Frogs. New Frogs. Brooklyn, NY: Handprint.
York: Scholastic. Lechner, John. (2005). A Froggy Fable.
Asher, Sandy. (2005). Too Many Frogs! Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.
Illustrated by Keith Graves. New York: Lindeen, Carol K. (2004). Life in a Pond.
Philomel Books. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Barkan, Joanne. (2007). Frogs and Lionni, Leo. (1996). It’s Mine! New York:
Friends. Illustrated by Claudine Gevry. Dragonfly Books.
Pleasantville, NY: Reader’s Digest Lionni, Leo. (2005). Fish Is Fish. New York:
Children’s Books. A. A. Knopf.
Barry, Frances. (2008). Little Green Frogs. Lobel, Arnold. (2009). The Frogs and Toads All
Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press. Sang. Color by Adrienne Lobel. New York:
Bauer, Marion Dane. (2005). If Frogs Made the HarperCollins.
Weather. Illustrated by Dorothy Donohue. London, Jonathan. (2002). Froggy Goes to the
New York: Holiday House. Doctor. New York: Viking Children’s Press.
Behler, John L. (2005). Frogs: A Chorus of Color. London, Jonathan. (2006). Froggy Rides a Bike.
New York: Sterling Publishing. New York: Viking Children’s Press.
Bentley, Dawn, and Salina Yoon. (1999). The London, Jonathan. (2007). Froggy Loves Books.
Icky Sticky Frog. Santa Monica, CA: Piggy New York: Scholastic.
Toes Press.
London, Jonathan. (2007). Froggy Plays T-Ball.
Bishops, Nic. (2008). Nic Bishop Frogs. New New York: Viking Children’s Press.
York: Scholastic.
London, Jonathon, and Frank Remkiewicz.
Burris, Priscilla. (2002). Five Green and (2000). Froggy Bakes a Cake. New York:
Speckled Frogs. New York: Scholastic. Grosset & Dunlap.
Calmenseon, Stephanie, and Denise Brunkus. London, Jonathon, and Frank Remkiewicz.
(2001). The Frog Principal. New York: (2000). Froggy Goes to Bed. New York: Viking.
London, Jonathon, and Frank Remkiewicz. (2000).
Carney, Elizabeth. (2009). Frogs! Washington, Froggy’s Best Christmas. New York: Viking.
DC: National Geographic.
London, Jonathon, and Frank Remkiewicz.
Florian, Douglas. (2001). Lizards, Frogs, and (2000). Froggy’s First Kiss. New York: Puffin.
Polliwogs. San Diego, CA: Harcourt.
London, Jonathon, and Frank Remkiewicz.
Franco, Betsy. (2009). Pond Circle. Illustrated (2001). Froggy Eats Out. New York: Viking.
by Stefano Vitale. New York: Margaret
K. McElderry Books. London, Jonathon, and Frank Remkiewicz.
(2001). Froggy Plays Soccer. New York: Puffin.
Faulkner, Keith. (1996). The Wide Mouth Frog.
Illustrated by Jonathan Lambert. New London, Jonathon, and Frank Remkiewicz.
York: Dail Publisher. (2001). Froggy’s Halloween. New York: Puffin.

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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Lunis, Natalie. (2010). Green Tree Frogs:
Colorful Hiders. New York: Bearport
Technology and
Markle, Sandra. (2006). Slippery, Slimy Baby Multimedia
Frogs. New York: Walker and Company. The following multimedia products can be used
Milbourne, Anna, and Patricia Donaera. (2007). to complement this theme:
Tadpoles and Frogs. Illustrated by Zoe Amphibian [DVD]. (2008). New York: DK
Wray. Eveleth, MN: Usborne Books. Publishing.
Moffett, Mark. (2008). Face to Face with Frogs. “Can You Leap Like a Frog?” [CD]. (2000). In
Washington, DC: National Geographic. Kids in Action: Greg and Steve. Acton, CA:
Netherton, John. (2001). Red-Eyed Tree Frogs. Greg and Steve Productions.
Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publications. “Five Little Frogs” [CD]. (1996). In Singable
Novak, Matt. (2008). My Froggy Valentine. New Songs for the Very Young. Cambridge, MA:
Milford, CT: Roaring Brook Press. Rounder/UMGD.
Parenteau, Shirley. (2007). One Frog Sang. “The Foolish Frog” [CD]. (1998). In
Illustrated by Cynthia Jabar. Cambridge, Birds, Beasts, Bugs and Fishes Little
MA: Candlewick Press. and Big. Washington, DC: Smithsonian
Parker, Steve. (1999). It’s a Frog’s Life. Folkways.
Illustrated by Philip Bishop, Robin Carter, “A Frog Named Sam” [CD]. (2009). In A Frog
and Robert Morton. Pleasantville, NY: Named Sam. Milwaukee, WI: Bartlett Ave.
Reader’s Digest Children’s Books. Records.
Prelutsky, Jack. (2002). The Frogs Wore Red The Frog Prince [DVD]. (2005). Burbank, CA:
Suspenders. New York: Greenwillow Books. Walt Disney Home Entertainment.
Riches, Sara. (2000). Fat Frogs on a Skinny Log. “Frogs Eat Butterflys” [CD]. (2010). In What
New York: Scholastic. Are the Odds? New York: Monkey Monkey
Simon, Francesca. (1999). Hugo and the Music.
Bully Frogs. Illustrated by Caroline Frog Song [CD]. (2000). Toronto: Dan Gibson
Jayne Church. London: David & Charles Solitudes.
Children’s Books. “Frog Went a Courtin” [CD]. (2007). In
Sweeney, Alyse. (2010). Frogs. Mankato, MN: Nursery Rhymes and Good Ol’ Times. New
Capstone Press. Oklahoma City, OK: Melody House.
Talley, Linda, and Itoko Maeno. (2001). Toad in Miss Spider’s Froggy Day in Sunny
Town. Kansas City, MO: MarshMedia. Patch [DVD]. (2007). Los Angeles:
Willems, Mo. (2010). City Dog, Country Frog. Lionsgate.
Illustrated by Jon J. Murth. New York: Really Wild Animals: Totally Tropical Forest
Hyperion Books for Children. [DVD]. (2005). Washington, DC: National
Willis, Jeanne. (2003). Tadpole’s Promise. Geographic.
Illustrated by Tony Ross. New York: Totally Tropical Rain Forest [DVD]. (2004).
Atheneum Books for Young Readers. Washington, DC: National Geographic.
Wilson, Karma. (2007). A Frog in the Bog.
Illustrated by Joan Rankin. New York:
McElderry Books. Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Winer, Yvonne. (2002). Frogs Sing Songs.
Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Illustrated by Tony Oliver. Watertown, MA: website. Go to to
Charlesbridge. access the site for a variety of useful resources.
Yang, Belle. (2009). Foo: The Flying Frog of
Washtub Pond. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick

378 Theme 39
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Theme 40

Characteristics Forms Care Needs Names of
seeds fresh sunlight Fruits
fruits frozen water banana
vegetables canned plants mango
shapes raw seeds apricot
size cooked cherry
colors peeled grape

Places Grown Names of Preparation

yard Vegetables peeled
garden carrot raw
trees radish cooked
vines potato frozen
underground bean canned
corn dried

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Names of common fruits and vegetables
2. Care needs of fruits and vegetables
3. Places fruits and vegetables are grown
4. Preparation of fruits and vegetables
5. Forms in which fruits and vegetables can be served
6. Fruit or vegetable seeds
7. Characteristics of fruits and vegetables

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. A fruit is usually the sweet-tasting part of a plant.
2. A vegetable is a plant used for food to eat.
3. Fruits and vegetables are grown from seeds and plants.
4. Fruits and vegetables come in many shapes, sizes, and colors.
5. Fruits and vegetables need sunlight and water to grow.
6. Apples, apricots, oranges, grapefruits, cherries, and mangoes are fruits
that are grown on trees.
7. Grapes are grown on vines and bananas are grown on trees.
8. Carrots, radishes, and potatoes are vegetables that are grown in the
ground. Beans and corn are grown on plants.
9. Fruits and vegetables can be bought fresh, frozen, or canned.
10. Some people grow fruits and vegetables in home gardens.
11. Most fruits and vegetables can be eaten raw or cooked.
12. We eat some fruits and vegetables with their skin; some we need to
peel first. Some fruits have seeds.

1. cook—to prepare food by heating.
2. frozen—chilled or refrigerated to make solid.
3. fruit—usually a sweet-tasting part of a plant.
4. garden—ground used to grow plants.
5. produce—agriculture products such as fruits and vegetables.
6. ripe—ready to be picked and eaten.
7. roots—part of a plant that grows downward into the soil and is edible in
some plants (potatoes, turnips, radishes, onions, and carrots).
8. seeds—part of a plant used for growing a new crop and edible in some
plants (sunflower and pumpkin).
9. soil—portion of earth; dirt used for growing.
10. sprout—to begin to grow.
11. stems—part of a plant used for transporting food and water and edible
in some plants (celery).
12. vegetable—part of a plant that can be eaten.
13. vine—plant with a long, slender stem.

380 Theme
heme 40
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to observe the growth of a lima bean seed.
Prepare by placing a moist paper towel in a small plastic bag, along with a lima bean
(seed). Sprouting will occur faster if the seeds have been presoaked overnight. Staple
each bag to the bulletin board as illustrated and place a child’s name beside each
one. Additional watering may be needed throughout this unit.


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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Hello again! We hope that everyone in your family is healthy and happy. Speaking of health, we are
starting a new curriculum unit on fruits and vegetables. Through the experiences planned for this
unit, the children will learn the names of many fruits and vegetables, their forms, and places they are
grown. Also, they will discover ways many different fruits and vegetables can be prepared and how
they taste.

At School
Some of the many fun-filled learning activities scheduled for this unit include:
• Planting lima beans (seeds) to sprout. Take a look at our bulletin board this week.
• Playing the role of a gardener or farmer in the dramatic play area
• Matching pictures of vegetables to where they are grown (trees, vines, underground, etc.)
• Having a fruit- and vegetable-tasting party during a snack
• Visiting a produce section at the grocery store
• Listening to a story called Strego Nona’s Garden by Tomie De Paola.

At Home
There are many ways you can integrate this unit’s concepts into your family life. To help develop
memory and language skills, ask your child which vegetables or fruits he or she tried during the
week. Then let your child help you prepare them at home. Cooking often tempts a child to try
new foods.

Enjoy your child!

382 Theme 40
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6. Lemon Play Dough
2 cups water
3 teaspoons liquid food coloring
Arts and Crafts 2 tablespoons cooking oil
1. Seeds 2 1/2 cups flour
Save several seeds from fruits and 5 tablespoons cream of tartar
vegetables for the children to make a 2 or 3 drops lemon oil
seed collage. When seeds are securely In a large pot, combine water, food coloring,
glued, children can also paint them if and oil. Add flour, salt, and cream of tartar.
desired. The collage can be secured to a Over medium heat, cook and stir for about 5
bulletin board. minutes, until a ball of dough forms. Cool the
dough for 5 minutes, and then knead it with
2. Cutting Vegetable and Fruit Shapes your hands until smooth. Add additional
Cut easel paper into a different shape of flour if necessary. Store in an airtight
fruit or vegetable every day. Dry Kool-Aid container in the refrigerator when not using.
mix can be added to the paint to give it a
“fruity” smell.

3. Mold with Play Dough

The children can mold and create fruits
and vegetables out of clay and play dough. 1. Vegetable Dip
Another option would be to color and scent 1 cup plain yogurt
the play dough. Examples might include 1 cup mayonnaise
orange-scented orange, lemon-scented 1 tablespoon dill weed
yellow, and banana-scented yellow. 1 teaspoon seasoned salt
Mix all the ingredients together and chill.
4. Potato Prints Serve with fresh, raw vegetables.
Cut potatoes in half. The children can dip
them in paints and stamp the potatoes on a 2. Ants on a Log
large sheet of paper. Cut celery into pieces and spread with
cream cheese. Top with raisins, coconut, or
5. Paint with Celery Leaves grated carrots.
Mix some thin tempera paint. Use celery
Note: Celery is difficult for younger
leaves as a painting tool.
children to chew.
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3. Applesauce Mix all of the ingredients in a blender, and
4 apples freeze in popsicle or ice cube trays.
1 tablespoon water
2 tablespoons brown sugar or honey

Wash the apples and cut into small pieces.

Dip the pieces into water and roll in brown Dramatic Play
sugar or honey. Serves eight. Grocery Store
Plan a grocery store containing many
4. Banana Rounds plastic fruits and vegetables, a cash register,
4 medium bananas grocery bags, and play money if available.
1/2 cup yogurt The children can take turns being a produce
3 tablespoons honey clerk, cashier, and price tagger.
1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 cup wheat germ

The children can participate by peeling

the bananas and slicing them into
Field Trips
“rounds.” Measure the spices, wheat germ, 1. Grocery Store
and honey. Blend this mixture with yogurt Take a trip to the grocery store to visit the
and bananas. Chill before serving. Serves produce department. Ask the clerk to show
eight. the children how the food is delivered.

2. Visiting a Farm
5. Finnish Strawberry Shake Visit a farm. Ask the farmer to show the
20 fresh strawberries
children the fruits and vegetables grown on
4 cups milk
the farm.
3 tablespoons sugar
3. Visit a Farmers’ Market
Wash strawberries and remove stems. Cut Visit a farmers’ market. Purchase fruits and
strawberries into small pieces. Combine vegetables that can be used for snacks.
milk, sugar, and strawberries in a large
mixing bowl or blender. Beat with an 4. Visit an Orchard
eggbeater or blend for 2 minutes. Pour Visit an apple or fruit orchard. Observe how
strawberry shakes into individual glasses. the fruit is grown. If possible, pick some
Makes four to eight servings. fruit to bring back to the classroom.
Variation: Raspberries or other sweet fruit
may be used instead.

6. Banana Sandwiches
1/2 or 1 banana per child
Fingerplays and Chants
Peel the bananas and slice them in half My Garden
lengthwise. Spread honey on one-half of the This is my garden
banana and top with the other half. (extend one hand forward, palm up)
I’ll rake it with care
7. Healthy Popsicles (make raking motion on palm with three
16 ounces unflavored yogurt fingers of other hand)
6 bananas And then some seeds
2 6-ounce cans of orange juice concentrate (planting motion)

384 Theme 40
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I’ll plant in there. Bananas are my favorite fruit.
The sun will shine (rub tummy)
(make circle with arms) To me they’re so much fun!
And the rain will fall (point to self and smile)
(let fingers flutter down to lap)
And my garden will blossom Vegetables and Fruits
(cup hand together, extend upward The food we like to eat that grows
slowly) On vines and bushes and trees
And grow straight and tall. Are vegetables and fruits, my friends,
Like cherries, grapes, and peas.
Dig a Little Hole Apples and oranges and peaches are
Dig a little hole. fruits
(dig) And so are tangerines,
Plant a little seed. Lettuce and carrots are vegetables,
(drop seed) Like squash and beans.
Pour a little water.
Pull a little weed.
(pull and throw)
Chase a little bug. Group Time
(chasing motion with hands) (Games and Language)
Heigh-ho, there he goes.
(shade eyes) 1. Carrot, Carrot, Corn
Give a little sunshine Play “Duck, Duck, Goose,” but substitute
(circle arms over head) “Carrot, Carrot, Corn.”
Grow a little bean!
(hands grow upward) 2. Hot Potato
The children sit in a circle, and the teacher
Apple Tree gives one child a potato. Teacher then plays
Way up high in the apple tree lively music and the children pass the
(hold arms up high) potato around the circle. When the music
Two little apples smiled at me. suddenly stops, the child with the potato
(look at two hands up high) must stand up and say the name of a fruit
I shook that tree as hard as I could. or vegetable. Encourage children to think
(shake arms) of a fruit or vegetable that hasn’t been
Down came the apples, named yet.
(arms fall)
Mmm, were they good! 3. Fruit Basket Upset
(rub tummy) Ask the children to sit in a circle formation
on chairs or on carpet squares. Then ask
Bananas one child to sit in the middle of the circle
Bananas are my favorite fruit. as the chef. Hand pictures of various fruits
(make fists as if holding banana) to the rest of the children. Continue the
I eat one every day. game by asking the chef to call out the
(hold up one finger) name of a fruit. The child holding that
I always take one with me particular fruit exchanges places. If the
(act as if putting one in pocket) chef calls out, “Fruit basket upset,” all
When I go out to play. of the children must exchange places,
(wave good-bye) including the chef. The child who fails to
It gives me lots of energy find a place is the new chef. A variation
(make a muscle) of this game would be vegetable or bread
To jump around and run. basket upset. This game is appropriate for
(move arms as if running) older children.


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Other verses:
This is the way we pull the weeds …
This is the way we water the plants …
Large Muscle This is the way we eat the vegetables …

Place child-sized plastic hoes, shovels, 2. “Vegetables”

rakes, and watering cans around the (Sing to the tune of “Mary Had a Little
outdoor sand area. Lamb”)
I’m a tomato, red and round,
Red and round, red and round.
2+3 = I’m a tomato, red and round,
Math Seated on the ground.
1. Fruit and Vegetable Match I’m a corn stalk, tall and straight,
Cut out various fruits and vegetables Tall and straight, tall and straight.
from a magazine. Trace their shapes onto I’m a corn stalk, tall and straight
tagboard. Have children match the fruit And I taste just great.
or vegetable to the correct shape on the

2. Seriation
Make five sizes of each vegetable or fruit
you want to use. Have children place in
order from smallest to largest, or from
largest to smallest. 1. Cut and Draw
Cut out or draw many different fruits and
3. Measuring vegetables from tagboard or construction
The children can measure their bean paper scraps. Also make a tree, a vine, and
sprouts. Maintain a small chart of their some soil. Have children classify the fruit
measurements. by where it’s grown—on a tree, on a vine, or
4. Parts and Wholes
Cut apples in half at snack time to 2. Tasting Center
introduce the concepts of parts and wholes. Cut small pieces of various fruits and set
up a tasting center. Include apple slices,
5. Grouping Pictures banana slices, melon balls, peach slices,
Cut pictures of fruits and vegetables for the and so on. Encourage the children to
children to sort according to color, size, and taste and compare different fruits and
shape. vegetables.

3. Tasting Party
Plan a vegetable-tasting party. Cut small
pieces of vegetables. Also, have children
taste raw vegetables and compare them to
the same vegetable cooked.
1. “The Vegetable Garden” 4. Identify by Smelling
(Sing to the tune of “Mulberry Bush”) Place one each of several fruits and
vegetables in small cups and cover with
Here we go ’round the vegetable garden, aluminum foil. Punch a small hole in the
The vegetable garden, the vegetable garden, top of the aluminum foil. Then have the
Here we go ’round the vegetable garden, children smell the cups and try to identify
So early in the morning. each fruit or vegetable.

386 Theme 40
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5. Carrot Tops in Water 3. Fruit and Vegetable Book
Cut off the top of a carrot and place it in The children can make a fruit and vegetable
a shallow dish of water. Observe what book. Possible titles include “My Favorite
happens day to day. Given time, the top of Fruit Is . . . ,” “My Favorite Vegetable Is . . . ,”
the carrot should sprout. “I Would Like to Grow . . . ,” and “I Would
Most Like to Cook . . .” The children can
6. Colored Celery Stalks paste pictures or adhere stickers to the
Place celery stalks into water colored with individual pages.
food coloring. Observe what happens to the
leaves of celery.

7. Fruit Dehydration
Provide plastic knives and a variety of
fruit for the children to slice. Discuss with
children how the fruit looks and feels. Place The following books can be used to complement
the sliced fruit in a dehydrator. Dry fruit this theme:
overnight. The next day, invite the children Alda, Arlene. (2006). Did You Say Pears?
to discuss the differences in how the fruit Toronto: Tundra Books.
looks and feels. Introduce the concept
of dehydration (taking the liquid out). Aston, Dianna Hutts. (2007). A Seed Is Sleepy.
Strawberries, bananas, pineapple, apples, Illustrated by Sylvia Long. San Francisco:
and grapes usually have a significant Chronicle Books.
change after dehydrating. Bodach, Vijaya Khisty. (2007). Fruits. Mankato,
MN: Capstone Press.
Bosca, Francesca. (2001). The Apple King.
Illustrated by Giuliano Ferri. New York:
North-South Books.
Sensory Bunting, Eve. (2006). One Green Apple.
1. Preparing Fruits and Vegetables Illustrated by Ted Lewin. New York: Clarion
Wash vegetables and fruits to prepare for Books.
eating at snack time. Chandler, Lynda E. (2001). Fruits and
Vegetables. New York: Dover Publishers.
2. Fruit and Vegetable Scrub De Paola, Tomie. (2009). Strega Nona’s Garden.
Place play fruits and vegetables in the New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons.
sensory table. Provide scrub brushes for the
Ehlert, Lois. (1994). Eating the Alphabet: Fruits
children to clean and scrub the fruits and
and Vegetables from A to Z. Orlando, FL:
Harcourt Brace.
Fowler, Allan. (1996). It’s a Fruit, It’s a
Vegetable, It’s a Pumpkin. Illustrated by
Robert L. Hillerich. Chicago: Children’s
Social Studies Gaiman, Neil. (2009). Blueberry Girl.
1. Field Trip to a Garden Illustrated by Charles Vess. New York:
Plan a field trip to a large garden. Point out HarperCollins Publishers.
different fruits and vegetables. If possible, Gibbons, Gail. (2007). The Vegetables We Eat.
have the children pull radishes and carrots. New York: Holiday House.
Gordon, Elizabeth, and M. T. Ross. (2000).
2. Hang Pictures Mother Earth’s Children: The Frolics of the
On a bulletin board in the classroom, hang Fruits and Vegetables. Illustrated by M. T.
pictures of fruits and vegetables. Ross. New York: Derrydale Books.


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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Gourley, Robin. (2009). Bring Me Some Apples
and I’ll Make You a Pie: A Story about Edna
Lewis. New York: Clarion Books. Technology and
Hall, Zoe. (1996). The Apple Pie Tree. Illustrated Multimedia
by Shari Halpern. New York: Scholastic.
The following technology and multimedia
Lin, Grace. (2009). The Ugly Vegetables. products can be used to complement this
Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge. theme:
Mcky, Katie. (2006). Pumpkin Town! Or, “All Kinds of Farms,” “Hello Harvest Moon,”
Nothing Is Better and Worse Than and “Gardener at Home” [CD]. (1999). In On
Pumpkins. Illustrated by Pablo Bernasconi. the Farm with RONNO. Long Branch, NJ:
Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Kimbo Educational.
Miranda, Anne. (2001). To Market, to Market. “Apples and Bananas” [CD]. (1985). In One
Illustrated by Janet Stevens. San Diego, Light, One Sun. Cambridge, MA: Rounder/
CA: Harcourt Brace. UMGD
Ray, Deborah Kogan. (2002). Lily’s Garden. “Apples and Bananas” and “Aikendrum” [CD].
Brookfield, CT: Roaring Brook Press. (1999). In Five Little Monkeys. Long Branch,
Ray, Jane. (2008). The Apple-Pip Princess. NJ: Kimbo Educational.
Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press. “Let’s Sing about Food” [CD]. (1994). In Get
Rockwell, Anne. (2005). Apples and Pumpkins. Up and Grow. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo
Illustrated by Lizzy Rockwell. New York: Educational.
Simon & Schuster. Reading Rainbow. (2007). Gregory, the Terrible
Rosa-Mendoza, Gladys. (2002). Fruits and Eater [DVD]. Lincoln, NE: GNP Educational
Vegetables 5 Frutas y Vegetales. Illustrated Media.
by Linda Holt Ayriss. Wheaton, IL: Me1mi “Rhubarb Pie” [CD]. (2010). In Laurie Berkner:
Publishing. Under a Shady Tree. New York: Two
Rubel, Nicole. (2002). No More Vegetables. New Tomatoes.
York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. “Vegetable Soup Song” and “Vegetables” [CD].
Schaefer, Lola M. (2003) Pick, Pull, Snap. (1995). In Piggyback Songs. Long Branch,
Illustrated by Lindsay Barrett George. New NJ: Kimbo Educational.
York: Greenwillow Books. “Veggie Power” [CD]. (1994). In Fun ‘n’ Friendly
Schuette, Sarah. (2003). An Alphabet Salad: (RONNO). Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo
Fruits and Vegetables from A to Z. Mankato, Educational.
MN: A1 Books. “Vixen Who Makes Vegetable Soup” [CD].
Schuette, Sarah L. (2003). The Alphabet Soup: (1994). In A to Z: The Animals and Me. Long
Fruits and Vegetables from A to Z. Mankato, Branch, NJ: Kimbo Educational.
MN: Capstone Press. Where Food is Grown [DVD]. (2001).
Schuette, Sarah L. (2003). Eating Pairs: Wynnewood, PA: Schlessinger Media.
Counting Fruits and Vegetables by Twos.
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Schuh, Mari C. (2006). The Fruit Group. Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Schuh, Mari C. (2006). The Vegetable Group. website. Go to to
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. access the site for a variety of useful resources.
Sloat, Teri, and Betty Huffmon. (2004). Berry
Magic. Anchorage: Alaska Northwest Books.
Tagliaferro, Linda. (2007). The Life Cycle of an
Apple Tree. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.

388 Theme 40
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Cooking Vocabulary
The following vocabulary words can be introduced through cooking experiences:
bake cube grate mince scrub stir
beat cut grease mix shake strain
boil dice grill pare shred stuff
broil dip grind peel sift tear
brown drain heat pit simmer toast
chop freeze knead pour slice toss
cool frost mash roast spread whip
core fry marinate roll sprinkle
cream garnish measure scrape squeeze


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Theme 41

Type Purpose Place
rock food window box
vegetable beauty indoor
flower hobby community
terrarium rooftop

Plants Tools Care

bulbs hoe sunshine
seeds rake water
plants spade fertilizer
roots hose warmth
watering can soil

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Purposes of gardens 4. Care of gardens
2. Places of gardens 5. Types of plants grown in a garden
3. Tools used for gardening 6. Types of gardens

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Gardens produce vegetables, fruits, and beautiful flowers.
2. Gardens need care.
3. Plants need sunshine, water, soil, fertilizer, and warmth to grow.
4. Plants are living things.
5. Some people garden for a hobby.
6. We plant gardens by placing bulbs, seeds, plants, or roots in the
7. Fruits, vegetables, and flowers can be planted in our gardens.
8. Many tools are needed for gardening.
9. A watering can or hose can be used for watering gardens.
10. A hoe, rake, and spade are gardening tools.
11. There are many places where gardens can be planted.
12. Gardens can be housed on rooftops, in window boxes, and in terrariums.
13. Rock, flower, vegetable, and terrarium are types of gardens.

1. bulb—a type of seed.
2. flower—part of the plant that has colored petals.
3. garden—a place to grow plants.
4. greenhouse—building for growing plants and flowers.
5. leaf—flat, green part of a plant.
6. rake—a tool with teeth or prongs.
7. root—part of the plant that grows into the ground.
8. seed—part of the plant from which a new plant will grow.
9. soil—top of the ground.
10. stem—part of the plant that holds the leaves and flowers.
11. vegetable—a plant that can be eaten.
12. weed—a plant that is not needed.

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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to foster visual discrimination skills.
To prepare the bulletin board, construct five or six watering cans out of tagboard.
Color each one a different color with felt-tip markers and hang on the bulletin
board. Attach a string to each watering can. Next, construct the same number
of small rakes out of tagboard. Color each one using the same colors you used
for the watering cans. Attach a pushpin to the top of each rake. The children
can match each watering can to the corresponding colored rake by winding the
string around the correct pushpin.

392 Theme 41
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
“Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow?” That familiar nursery rhyme sums up our
next curriculum unit—gardens! We will be exploring the purposes, types, and places for flower and
vegetable gardens. We will also learn the names of garden tools and the care that gardens need.

At School
Some of the learning experiences planned to foster concepts related to gardens include:
• Enjoying a flower shop set up in the dramatic play area
• Dramatizing the story of The Big Turnip
• Preparing a section of our play yard for a garden. The children will help decide which seeds
to plant.
• Playing with mud in the sensory table

At Home
If you have a garden, ask your child to help you water, weed, and care for it. If you don’t have a
garden, take a walk and observe how many plants you can find that are cared for by people. What
are the plants? What colors are they? How are they cared for?
Help your child plant seeds such as corn, beans, and pumpkin that sprout quickly. Then help them
develop a vocabulary for describing plant growth: plant, sprout, unfold, bloom, blossom, and flower.
Carrot tops make attractive plants. Cut the tops of carrots off 1/4 inch from the stem to make a
carrot-top garden. Place carrot tops in a shallow pie tin and pour 1/4 inch of water in the tin. Soon
roots will appear, the greens will grow, and your child will be able to observe the growth.

Enjoy your child!

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2. Indian Cucumbers and Tomatoes
with Yogurt
2 medium cucumbers
Arts and Crafts 2 green onions with tops, chopped
1. Leaf Rubbings 1 teaspoon salt
Take the children on a leaf walk. The 2 tomatoes, chopped
children choose a couple of large leaves 1/2 clove garlic, finely chopped
to bring back to school. Place the leaves 2 tablespoons snipped parsley
between two sheets of paper, and rub with 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
flat, large crayons across the top sheet of 1/8 teaspoon pepper
paper. 1 cup unflavored yogurt

2. Stencils Cut cucumbers lengthwise into halves.

Cut stencils out of tagboard of various- Scoop out seeds. Chop cucumbers. Mix
shaped leaves or vegetables (see patterns). cucumbers, green onions, and salt. Let stand
Laminate the stencils. The children can use 10 minutes. Add tomatoes. Mix remaining
crayons, pencils, or marking pens to make ingredients except yogurt. Toss with
the leaf or vegetable outlines. These stencils cucumber mixture. Cover and refrigerate at
can be used as the front of the “Salad and least 1 hour. Drain thoroughly. Just before
Soup Party” invitations listed under the serving, fold in yogurt. Makes 6 servings.
“Social Studies” activities. Note: From Betty Crocker’s International
Cookbook, 1980, New York: Random House.
3. Decorating Vases
Collect tin cans or milk cartons for 3. Lettuce or Spinach Roll-Ups
the children to use as vases. If cans are On clean lettuce or spinach leaves, spread
used, file the sharp edges or cover them softened cream cheese or cottage cheese. If
with masking tape. The children can desired, sprinkle with grated carrots. Roll
decorate the containers with colored them up. Chill and serve.
paper, gift wrapping paper, or wallpaper.
Greeting cards may also be useful for this 4. Carrot Cookies
activity. 1/2 cup honey
1 egg
1/2 cup margarine
4. Root Painting 1 cup whole-wheat flour
Dig up old plants (nontoxic), and save the 1 1/4 teaspoons baking powder
roots and stems. Put paint in containers 1/4 teaspoon salt
and take the children, roots, paper, 1/2 cup rolled oats
and paint outside to create a painting. 1/2 cup wheat germ
The children will use the roots as 1/2 cup grated raw carrots
“paintbrushes.” 1/2 cup raisins
1 teaspoon vanilla

Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Drop mixture

by spoonfuls onto a lightly greased cookie
Cooking sheet. Flatten each ball slightly. Bake in
1. Vegetable Soup a 350-degree oven for approximately 12
Begin with a consommé or soup base. minutes.
Add whatever vegetables, such as beans
that children want to add and can help to 5. Jungle Juice
prepare. Make the soup a day ahead so Place one banana, 2 cups of orange juice,
that all of the vegetables will be cooked and a pinch of ginger into an electric
thoroughly. blender. Then blend until smooth and serve.

394 Theme 41
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6. Fruit Salad • A conservatory
In a large bowl combine 1 cup of small • A park
marshmallows, 1 cup of crushed pineapple, • The produce section of a grocery store
1 cup of mandarin oranges, 1 cup of • A natural food store
shredded coconut, and 1 cup of plain
or vanilla yogurt. Serve immediately; 2. Resource People
otherwise, chill until served. • Gardeners
• Florist to demonstrate flower arranging

Dramatic Play
1. Flower Shop
Create a flower shop by gathering plastic
flowers and plants. If desired, flowers can be
made from tissue paper and chenille stems. Fingerplays and Chants
Collect different kinds of vases and also Seeds
styrofoam or sponge blocks so the children Some little seeds have parachutes
can make flower arrangements. A cash To carry them around
register, aprons, money, and sacks can also (cup hand downward)
be provided to encourage play. The wind blows them swish, swish, swish.
(flip fingers outward from parachute)
2. Gardening Center Then gently lays them on the ground.
Gather tools, gloves, hats, seeds, and plastic (let hand gently float down and rest on
flowers or plants. The children can pretend lap)
to plant and grow seeds. Provide seed
catalogs and order blanks for children to
Relaxing Flowers
choose seeds to order.
Five little flowers standing in the sun
(hold up five fingers)
3. Fruit Stand
See their heads nodding, bowing one by one?
Set up a fruit stand by using plastic fruits
(bend fingers several times)
and vegetables. Aprons, a cash register,
Down, down, down comes the gentle rain
market baskets or bags, and play money can
(raise hands, wiggle fingers, and lower
also be used to encourage play. The children
arms to simulate falling rain)
can take turns being the owner and the
And the five little flowers lift their heads up
(hold up five fingers)
4. Sandbox
The children can experiment with
gardening tools in the sandbox. How It Happens
A muddy hump,
(make a fist using both hands)
A small green lump,
Field Trips/ (poke up thumbs together as one)
Two leaves and then
Resource People Two leaves again
(raise forefinger of each hand from fist,
1. Field Trips then middle fingers)
Take a field trip to the following places: And shooting up, a stem and cup.
• A flower garden (put elbows, forearms, and hands
• A vegetable garden together, fingers slightly curved)
• A flower shop
• A farmers’ market
• A greenhouse
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One last shower,
(rain movements with spread arms and Group Time
fingers) (Games and Language)
Then a flower.
(elbows, forearms together with hands Huckle Buckle Bean Stalk
wide apart, palms up) A small object such as a plastic flower
or acorn may be used for hiding. All the
players cover their eyes, except the one
Little Flowers who hides the object. After it is hidden, the
The sun comes out and shines so bright players stand up and begin to look for it.
(join hands over head in circle) When one locates it, he or she doesn’t let
Then we have a shower. others know the placement. Instead, he or
(wiggle fingers coming down) she quietly takes a seat, saying, “Huckle
The little bud pushes with all its might buckle bean stalk.” The game continues
(one hand in fist, other hand clasped until all players have located the object. The
over; move hands up slowly) first child to find the object usually hides it
And soon we have a flower. the next time. This game is appropriate for
(join thumbs and spread fingers for older children.

Mr. Carrot
Nice Mr. Carrot
Makes curly hair. Large Muscle
(hand on head)
His head grows underneath the ground, Leaf Jumping
(bob head) This is an active skill game that can be
His feet up in the air. played indoors or outdoors. Cut out large
(raise feet) cardboard leaves, and arrange them in an
And early in the morning irregular line, as they might appear on
I find him in his bed a stem. The closer they are together, the
(close eyes, lay head on hands) harder the game will be. Beginning at one
And give his feet a great big pull end, each player tries to jump over the leaves
(stretch legs out) without touching them. Older children may
And out comes his head. try to skip or hop over the leaves.

Flowers 2+3 =
Flowers tall,
(hands held high)
Flowers small, 1. Sorting Beans
(hands held low) Mix together several shapes and colors of
Growing by the garden, wall large, dried beans. The children can sort the
Flowers red beans by size and color.
(cup both hands to form a flower)
Nod each head 2. Inchworm Measuring
(move cupped hands in a forward A good introduction for this activity is the
motion) story Inch by Inch by Leo Lionni. Cut two or
Flowers gay three dozen inchworms out of felt. Then cut
Seem to say, out flowers of various heights—with long
(cupped hands sway back and forth) or short stems. Encourage the children to
Come and join us in our play. place worms along each stem from bottom
to top of the flower. How many inchworms
tall is each flower? After this, have the
children count the inchworms.

396 Theme 41
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5. Rooting an Organically Grown
Sweet Potato
To root an organically grown sweet potato
in water, push toothpicks halfway into the
Music potato. Then place the potato in a glass of
“A Little Seed” water with the toothpicks resting on the
(Sing to the tune of “I’m a Little Teapot”) top rim. Make sure the end of the potato is
Here’s a little seed in the dark, dark ground. immersed in water. Place the glass where
Out comes the warm sun, yellow and round. it will receive adequate light. Maintain
Down comes the rain, wet and slow. the water level so that the bottom of the
Up comes the little seed, grow, grow, grow! potato is always immersed. Note that in a
few weeks, roots will grow out of the sides
and bottom of the potato, and leaves will
grow out of the top. The plant can be left in
the water or replanted in soil. This activity
provides the children an opportunity to
Science observe root growth.

1. Growing Grass 6. Worm Farm

Germinate grass seeds by placing a damp Collect the following materials: a large clear
sponge in a pie tin of water and sprinkling jar with a wide mouth, soil, earthworms,
seeds on the sponge. The children will gravel, and food for the worms (lettuce,
notice tiny sprouts after a few days. cornmeal, and cereals). Place the gravel and
Experiment by putting one sponge in the soil in the jar. Add the worms. Add food on
freezer, one near a heat source, and one in a the top of the dirt and keep the soil moist,
dark closet. Discuss what happens to each but not wet. Tape black construction paper
group of seeds. around the outside of the jar. The paper
can be temporarily removed to observe the
2. Plants Contain Water worms and see their tunnels.
Cut off 1/4 inch from the bottom of a
celery stalk. Fill a clear vase with water 7. Sunflower Seeds
containing food coloring. Place the celery Place a sunflower seed in a damp napkin and
stalk in the vase. Encourage the children place in a Ziploc bag. Hang in a window. After
to observe color changes in the celery stalk. a few days, you will see roots and eventually
This activity can be repeated using a white a sprout. Invite the children to look at the
carnation. bags daily and observe any changes.

3. Planting Seeds
Purchase bean and radish seeds. If space
permits, plant outdoors. Otherwise, place
soil in planters indoors. Plant the seeds Sensory
with the children. Identify the plants by
1. Place the following items in the
pasting the seed packages on the planters.
sensory table:
This will help the children to recognize the
plants as they emerge from the soil. • Soil
• Seeds
4. The Science Table • Plastic plants
Place a magnifying glass with different • Beans
types of seeds and bulbs on the science • Measuring cups
table. During the week, add fresh flowers, • Balance scales
plant leaves, and dried plants. • Worms
• Miniature garden tools
• Cut grass or hay

Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Due to electronic rights, some third party content may be suppressed from the eBook and/or eChapter(s).
Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
2. Fill and Guess De Paola, Tomie. (2009). Strega Nona’s Garden.
After showing and discussing several kinds of New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons.
fruits or vegetables with the children, place Ehlert, Lois. (2001). Waiting for Wings.
the fruits or vegetables in a bag. Individually San Diego, CA: Harcourt.
let children reach in and touch one item. See
Ehlert, Lois. (2003). Planting a Rainbow.
if they can guess what it is before pulling it
San Diego, CA: Harcourt.
out of the bag. Older children may also be
able to describe the item. Fine, Edith Hope. (2010). Water, Weed, and
Wait. Illustrated by Colleen Madden.
Berkeley, CA: Tricycle Press.
Flemming, Candace. (2002). Muncha! Muncha!
Muncha! Illustrated by G. Brian Karas.
Social Studies New York: Atheneum Books for Young
1. Salad and Soup Party
The children can plan and participate in a Florian, Douglas. (1991). Vegetable Garden.
salad and soup party for their parents. The New York: Harcourt Brace.
groceries will need to be purchased, cleaned, French, Vivian. (2010). Yucky Worms.
and prepared. Illustrated by Jessica Ahlberg. Somerville,
MA: Candlewick Press.
2. Plant Hunt Gordon, Elizabeth, and M. T. Ross. (2000).
Go on a hunt to discover how many Flower Children: The Little Cousins of the
nonflowering plants, such as algae, fungi, Field and Garden. Illustrated by M. T. Ross.
lichens, mosses, and ferns, are found in the New York: Derrydale Books.
school yard. Make a display. How are these
Henkes, Kevin. (2010). My Garden. New York:
plants different from garden plants?
Greenwillow Books.
Krauss, Ruth. (1973). The Carrot Seed.
Illustrated by Crockett Johnson. New York:
Books Levenson, George. (2002). Pumpkin Circle: The
The following books can be used to complement Story of a Garden. Illustrated by Shmuel
this theme: Thaler. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press/
Aston, Dianna Hutts. (2007). A Seed Is Sleepy.
Illustrated by Sylvia Long. San Francisco: Levenson, George. (2004). Garden of Wheat
Chronicle Books. and a Loaf to Eat. Photography by Shmuel
Thaler. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press/
Ayres, Katherine. (2007). Up, Down, and Tricycle.
Around. Illustrated by Nadine Bernard
Westcott. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick. Lionni, Leo. (2010). Inch by Inch. New York:
Knof. Books for Young Readers.
Bodach, Vijaya Khisty. (2007). Seeds. Mankato,
MN: Capstone Press. Prelutsky, Jack. (2007). In Aunt Giraffe’s Green
Garden. Illustrated by Petra Mathers. New
Brorstrom, Gay Bishop, and Kathy Geotzel. York: Greenwillow/HarperCollins.
(2000). A Class Trip to Miss Hallberg’s
Butterfly Garden. Illustrated by Kathy Ray, Deborah Kogan. (2002). Lily’s Garden.
Geotzel. Sebastopol, CA: Pipevine Press. Brookfield, CT; Roaring Brook Press.
Brown, Peter. (2008). The Curious Garden. Richards, Jean, and Anca Hariton. (2002). A
New York: Little, Brown Books for Young Fruit Is a Suitcase for Seeds. Minneapolis,
Readers. MN: Millbrook Press.
Bunting, Eve. (2000). Flower Garden. Rockwell, Anne F. (1999). One Bean. New York:
Illustrated by Kathryn Hewitt. San Diego, Walker and Co.
CA: Harcourt Brace.

398 Theme 41
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Schaefer, Lola M. (2003) Pick, Pull, Snap. “In Grandma’s Garden” [CD]. (2006). In We’ve
Illustrated by Lindsay Barrett George. New Got Harmony. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo
York: Greenwillow Books. Educational.
Schatzer, Jeffery L., and Jeffrey Ebbeler. (2007). “In My Garden” [CD]. (1985). In One Light, One
The Runaway Garden. Ann Arbor, MI: Sun. Cambridge, MA: Rounder/UMGD
Mitten Press. “In the Garden” [CD]. (2010). In What Are the
Shories, Pat. (1996). Over Under in the Garden: Odds? New York: Monkey Monkey Music.
An Alphabet Book. New York: Farrar, Straus “Oats and Beans and Barley” [CD]. (1980). In
and Giroux. Baby Beluga. Cambridge, MA: Rounder/
Stewart, Sarah. (2007). The Gardener. New UMGD.
York: Square Fish. Planting a Rainbow [DVD]. (2005). New York:
Wellington, Monica. (2005). Zinnia’s Flower Weston Woods Studios/Scholastic.
Garden. New York: Dutton Children’s Raffi. (1992). “Roots and Shoots Everywhere”
Books. [CD]. In Let’s Play. Cambridge, MA:
Wojtowicz, Jen. (2005). The Boy Who Grew Rounder/UMGD.
Flowers. Illustrated by Steve Adams. Whose Garden Is It? [DVD]. (2006). Guilford,
Cambridge, MA: Barefoot Books. CT: Nutmeg Media, LLC.

Additional teaching resources to accompany this

Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Technology and website. Go to to
Multimedia access the site for a variety of useful resources.

The following technology and multimedia

products can be used to complement this
Bread Comes to Life (A Garden of Wheat and
a Load to Eat) [DVD]. (2003). A Project of
Informed Democracy. Berkeley, CA: Ten
Speed Press/Tricycle.
“The Garden Song” [CD]. (1985). In 10 Carrot
Diamond. Vancouver, BC: Hug Bug Records.

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Theme 42

Symbols Colors Costumes and Activities
jack-o’-lantern orange Masks trick-or-treating
(pumpkin) black goblin bobbing for apples
witch witch parties
ghost ghost costume parades
skeleton television character making costumes
black cat clown wearing makeup
animal safety
cartoon character
funny people

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Halloween colors
2. Halloween costumes and masks
3. Halloween activities
4. Halloween symbols

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Orange and black are Halloween colors.
2. Costumes and masks are worn by some people on Halloween.
3. Some children make their costumes and wear makeup.
4. A costume is clothing put on for pretending.
5. A mask is a decorative covering we put over our face.
6. Sometimes people wear makeup instead of a mask.
7. A pumpkin can be carved to look like a face.
8. Ghosts, goblins, pumpkins, skeletons, black cats, and witches are
symbols of Halloween.
9. People go trick-or-treating on Halloween.
10. A costume parade is a march with many children who are dressed in
11. Bobbing for apples is an activity at Halloween parties.
12. People often dress in costumes, such as goblins, witches, ghosts, or
gypsies, on Halloween.
13. Funny people such as clowns are often seen on Halloween.
14. Costumes that are like cartoon, movie, television, and story book
characters are often seen on Halloween.

1. costume—clothing worn to pretend.
2. ghost—a make-believe being who wears all white.
3. goblin—a Halloween character.
4. Halloween—a day when children dress in costumes and go trick-or-
5. jack-o’-lantern—a pumpkin cut to look like a face.
6. mask—face covering worn when pretending.
7. pretending—acting like something or someone else.
8. trick-or-treating—walking from house to house to ask for candy or treats.
9. witch—a make-believe being who wears black.

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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to have the children practice visual
discrimination, problem-solving, and hand-eye coordination skills. To prepare the
bulletin board, construct pumpkins out of orange-colored tagboard. The number
prepared will be dependent on the developmental appropriateness for the group of
children. An alternative would be to use white tagboard colored orange with paint or
markers. Divide the pumpkins into pairs. Draw a different kind of face for each pair
of pumpkins. Hang one pumpkin from each pair on the left side of the bulletin board
as illustrated. Attach an orange string to each pumpkin. On the right side of the
bulletin board, hang the matching pumpkins. (See illustration.) Attach a pushpin to
each of these pumpkins. The child can match the faces on the pumpkins by winding
the correct string around the correct pushpin.

402 Theme 42
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
The month of October has a special holiday for children—Halloween! Therefore, our next theme
will center on Halloween. Many learning experiences have been planned to promote an awareness
of colors that are associated with Halloween, as well as symbols that represent Halloween such
as costumes, pumpkins, black cats, bats, and witches. Perhaps not all children and families in our
program celebrate this holiday, but we feel it is very important for children to learn about and respect
others’ beliefs. A general understanding of other cultures is also interesting and fun.
At School
Some of the Halloween activities planned include:
• Discussing Halloween safety procedures, especially while trick-or-treating
• Carving a jack-o’-lantern for the classroom
• Roasting pumpkin seeds and baking a pumpkin pie
• Trying on a variety of costumes in the dramatic play area
• Creating designs with pumpkin seeds and glue on paper
At Home
To get into the spirit of Halloween and to help your child develop language skills, practice the
following Halloween rhyme:
“Five Little Pumpkins”
Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate.
The first one said, “Oh my, it’s getting late.”
The second one said, “There are witches in the air.”
The third one said, “But we don’t care.”
The fourth one said, “Let’s run. Let’s run.”
The fifth one said, “It’s Halloween fun!”
“Wooooooooo,” went the wind,
And out went the lights.
And the five little pumpkins rolled out of sight.
Have a safe and happy Halloween.

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1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice

Arts and Crafts Blend all of the ingredients in a large

1. Spooky Easel mixing bowl. Pour the mixture into the pie
Provide orange and black paint at the paint shell. Bake the pie in an oven preheated to
easels. 375 degrees for 50 to 55 minutes or until a
sharp knife blade inserted near the center
2. Pumpkin Seed Pictures of the pie is clean when removed. Cool and
Dye pumpkin seeds many colors. Place the refrigerate the pie for 1 hour before serving.
seeds with paste and paper on a table in the Top with whipped cream if desired.
art area. The children then can create their
own pictures. 2. Pumpkin Patch Muffins
3 cups flour
3. Crayon Wash 1 cup sugar
On the art table, place paper, light-colored 4 teaspoons baking powder
crayons, tempera paint, and brushes. The 1 teaspoon salt
children can draw on paper with light- 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
colored crayons. After this, they can paint 1 cup milk
over the entire picture. 1 cup canned pumpkin
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter or margarine, melted
4. Masks 2 eggs, beaten
Yarn, paper plates, felt-tip markers, and
any other accessories needed to make Sift the flour, sugar, baking powder, salt,
interesting masks can be placed on a table and pumpkin pie spice into a large mixing
in the art area. If desired, yarn can be used bowl. Add the milk, pumpkin, melted butter,
as hair on the mask. and eggs. Mix with a wooden spoon just
until flour is moist. (Batter will be lumpy.)
5. Pumpkin Play Dough Place paper liners in the muffin tins and
3 cups flour fill two-thirds full with batter. Bake in a
1 cup salt preheated 400-degree oven for 20 minutes
3 1/2 teaspoons cream of tarter or until muffins are golden. Cool in muffin
4 tablespoons of pumpkin pie spice tins 10 minutes on a wire rack. Remove
2 cups water muffins from muffin tins, and finish cooling
on wire racks. Pile into serving baskets and
Mix all of the ingredients together in a serve warm for a snack.
kettle. Cook over medium heat until all
ingredients are mixed. Then knead 3. Witches’ Brew
until the mixture is smooth. Store in a 5 cups cranberry juice
plastic bag; otherwise, place in an airtight 5 cups apple cider
container. 1 or 2 cinnamon sticks
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg

Place ingredients in a large saucepan.

Cover, heat, and simmer for 10 minutes.
Serve warm.
1. Pumpkin Pie 4. Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
1 unbaked pie shell Soak pumpkin seeds for 24 hours in
2 cups (16–17 ounces) pumpkin saltwater (1/4 cup salt to 1 cup water).
1 can sweetened condensed milk Spread on cloth-covered cookie sheet, and
1 egg roast at 100 degrees for 2 hours. Turn oven
off and leave seeds overnight.

404 Theme 42
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5. Nonbake Pumpkin Pie Five Little Jack-o’-Lanterns
1 can prepared pumpkin pie filling Five little jack-o’-lanterns sitting on a gate.
1 package vanilla instant pudding The first one said, “My, it’s getting late.”
1 cup milk The second one said, “There are witches in
the air.”
Mix and pour into a baked pie shell or
The third one said, “But we don’t care.”
graham cracker pie shell.
The fourth one said, “Let’s run, let’s run.”
The fifth one said, “It’s really Halloween
Puff went the wind, out went the light.
And off ran the jack-o’-lanterns on
Dramatic Play Halloween night.
Add Halloween costumes to the dramatic Five Little Witches
play area. (Some teachers purchase Five little witches standing by the door.
these at thrift stores or sales. From year (hold up five fingers)
to year, they are stored in a Halloween One flew out and then there were four.
prop box.) (flying motion with hand)
Four little witches standing by a tree.
(four fingers)
One went to pick a pumpkin and then there
were three.
Field Trips and (picking motion, then three fingers)
Three little witches stirring their brew.
Resource People (stir)
1. Pumpkin Patch One fell in and then there were two.
Visit a pumpkin patch. During the tour, (two fingers)
point out various-sized pumpkins. Discuss Two little witches went for a run.
how the pumpkins grow, as well as their (run with fingers)
shapes, sizes, and so on. One got lost and then there was one.
(one finger)
2. Halloween Safety One little witch, yes, only one.
A police officer can be invited to talk with (one finger)
the children about Halloween safety. She cast a spell and now there are none.
(make motions as if to cast spell and
then put hands in lap)

Halloween Fun
Goblins and witches in high-pointed hats,
(hands above head to form hat)
Riding on broomsticks and chasing black
Fingerplays and Chants cats.
Jack-o’-Lantern (ride broomstick)
I am a pumpkin, big and round. Children in costumes might well give a
(show size with arms) fright.
Once upon a time, I grew on the ground. (look frightened)
(point to ground) Get things in order for Halloween night.
Now I have a mouth, two eyes, and a nose. We like our treats
(point to each) (nod head)
What are they for, do you suppose? And we’ll play no mean pranks.
(point to forehead and “think”) (shake head)
Why—I’ll be a jack-o’-lantern on Halloween We’ll do you no harm and we’ll only say,
night. “Thanks!”

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The Jack-o’-Lantern And then call “scat” to you.
Three little pumpkins growing on a vine. (uncover face quickly and call out,
(three fingers) “Scat!”)
Sitting in the sunlight, looking just fine.
(arms up like sun) Witches’ Cat
Along came a ghost who picked just one I am the witches’ cat.
(one finger) (make a fist with two fingers extended
To take on home for some Halloween fun. for cat)
(smile) Meoow. Meoow.
He gave him two eyes to see where he goes. (stroke fist with other hand)
(paint two eyes) My fur is black as darkest night.
He gave him a mouth and a big handsome My eyes are glaring green and bright.
nose. (circle eyes with thumb and forefingers)
(point to mouth and nose) I am the witches’ cat.
Then he put a candle in. (make a fist again with two fingers
(pretend to put in candle) extended, and stroke fist with other
Now see how he glows. hand)
(wiggle fingers from center of body out
until arms are extended) My Pumpkin
See my pumpkin round and fat.
I’ve a Jack-o’-Lantern (make circle with hands, fingers spread
I’ve a jack-o’-lantern wide, touching)
(make a ball with open fist, thumb at See my pumpkin yellow.
top) (make a smaller circle)
With a great big grin. Watch him grin on Halloween.
(grin) (point to mouth, which is grinning
I’ve got a jack-o’-lantern wide)
With a candle in. He is a very funny fellow.
(insert other index finger up through
bottom of first)

Halloween Witches Group Time

One little, two little, three little witches, (Games and Language)
(hold up one hand, nod fingers at each
count) 1. Thank-You Note
Fly over the haystacks Write a thank-you note to any resource
(fly hand in up-and-down motion) person on a large sheet of paper. Encourage
Fly over ditches all of the children to participate by
Slide down moonbeams without any hitches sharing what they liked or saw. After the
(glide hand downward) note is finished, provide the children
Heigh-ho! Halloween’s here! with orange and black crayons to decorate
the note.
The Friendly Ghost
I’m a friendly ghost—almost! 2. Costume Parade
(point to self) On Halloween day, the children can dress
And I chase you, too! up in costumes and march around the
(point to child) room and throughout the school to music.
I’ll just cover me with a sheet If available, a walk to a local nursing home
(pretend to cover self, ending with hands may be enjoyed by the children as well as
covering face) the nursing home residents.

406 Theme 42
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It will be Halloween night,
When the witches come flying by.

Large Muscle 2. “One Little, Two Little, Three Little

Ghost, Ghost, Witch Pumpkins”
This game is played like “Duck, Duck, (Sing to the tune of “One Little, Two Little,
Goose.” Form a circle and kneel. Choose Three Little Indians”)
one child to be “it” and to walk around the One little, two little, three little pumpkins,
outside of the circle, chanting, “Ghost, ghost, Four little, five little, six little pumpkins,
ghost.” When the child taps another child Seven little, eight little, nine little
and says, “Witch,” the tapped child chases pumpkins,
the initiator around the circle, attempting Ready for Halloween night!
to tag “it.” If the child who is “it” returns to
the empty child’s spot before being tagged, 3. “Have You Made a Jack-o’-Lantern?”
he or she can sit in the circle. If not, the (Sing to the tune of “Muffin Man”)
child continues walking around the circle,
repeating the same procedure. Have you made a jack-o’-lantern,
A jack-o’-lantern, a jack-o’-lantern?
Have you made a jack-o’-lantern
For Halloween night?
2+3 =
1. Counting Pumpkin Seeds
Cut circles from construction paper.
The number needed will depend on the
developmental level of the children. Write
a numeral on each paper circle, and place 1. Carve Pumpkins
each into a pie tin. The children may count Purchase several pumpkins. Carve them
enough pumpkin seeds into each tin to and save the seeds for roasting. An
match the numeral on the circle. alternative activity would be to use a black
felt-tip marker to draw facial features on
2. Weighing Pumpkin Seeds the pumpkin. Pumpkins can also have
In the math area, place a scale and added accessories. For example, a large
pumpkin seeds. The children may elect to carrot can be used for a nose, parsley for
experiment by balancing the scale with the hair, cut green peppers for ears, radishes
pumpkin seeds. for eyes, and a small green onion in a cut
mouth for teeth.

2. Roasting Pumpkin Seeds

Wash and dry pumpkin seeds. Then spread
the seeds out on a cookie sheet to dry.
Bake the seeds in a preheated oven at 350
Music degrees until brown. Salt if desired, cool,
and eat at snack time.
1. “Flying Witches”
(Sing to the tune of “When the Saints Come 3. Plant Pumpkin Seeds
Marching In”) Purchase a packet of pumpkin seeds. Plant
Oh, when the witches the pumpkin seeds in small paper cups. Set
Come flying by. the paper cups with the pumpkin seeds in a
Oh, when the witches come flying by, sunny place. Water as needed. Observe daily
to see if there is growth.

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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Greene, Carol. (2004). The Story of Halloween.
Illustrated by Linda Bronson. New York:
Sensory Hall, Zoe. (1994). It’s Pumpkin Time!
1. Measuring Seeds Illustrated by Shari Halpern. New York:
Pumpkin seeds and measuring cups can be Scholastic.
added to the sensory table. The children will Heiligman, Deborah. (2007). Celebrate
enjoy feeling and pouring seeds. Halloween. Illustrated by Jack Santino.
Washington, DC: National Geographic
2. Goop Society.
Add dry cornstarch to the sensory table.
Kessel, Joyce K. (2004). Halloween. Illustrated
Slowly add enough water to make it a
by Nancy Carlson. Minneapolis, MN:
“goopy” consistency. If desired, add coloring
Carolrhoda Books.
to make it black or orange.
Levenson, George. (2002). Pumpkin Circle: The
Story of a Garden. Illustrated by Shmuel
Thaler. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press/
Mayr, Diane. (2001). Littlebat’s Halloween
Books Story. Illustrated by Gideon Kendall.
Morton Grove, IL: Albert Whitman and
The following books can be used to complement Company.
this theme:
McCann, Jesse Leon. (1999). Scooby-Doo and
Agran, Rick. (2003). Pumpkin Shivaree. the Halloween Hotel Haunt: A Glow in the
Illustrated by Sara Anderson. Brooklyn, NY: Dark Mystery. New York: Scholastic.
Handprint Books.
Mcky, Katie. (2006). Pumpkin Town! Or,
Brenner, Tom. (2009). And Then Comes Nothing Is Better and Worse Than
Halloween. Illustrated by Holly Meade. Pumpkins. Illustrated by Pablo Bernasconi.
Somerville, MA: Candlewick Press. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Brown, Margaret Wise. (2003). The Fierce Meddaugh, Susan. (2005). The Witch’s Walking
Yellow Pumpkin. New York: HarperCollins. Stick. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Carlson, Nancy L. (2002). Harriet’s Halloween Moler, Robert E. (2000). If I Were a Halloween
Candy. Minneapolis, MN: Carolrhoda Books. Monster: A Mirror-Mask Book with Pop-Up
Cooper, Helen. (1998). Pumpkin Soup. Surprises! Boston: Little, Brown.
New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Murray, Marjorie Dennis. (2008). Halloween
Donaldson, Julia. (2001). Room on the Broom. Night. Illustrated by Brandon Dorman.
Illustrated by Alex Scheffler. New York: Dial New York: Greenwillow Books.
Books for Young Readers. Poydar, Nancy. (2001). The Perfectly Horrible
Duval, Kathy. (2007). The Three Bears Halloween. New York: Holiday House.
Halloween. Illustrated by Paul Meisel. Prelutsky, Jack. (2002). Halloween Countdown.
New York: Holiday House. New York: HarperFestival.
Fleming, Denise. (2001). Pumpkin Eve. Rau, Dana Meachen. (2001). Halloween. New
New York: Holt. York: Children’s Press.
Gibbons, Gail. (1999). The Pumpkin Book. Robbins, Ken. (2007). Pumpkins. New York:
New York: Holiday House. Square Fish.
Gordon, Lynn, and Karen Johnson. (2000). Rylant, Cynthia. (2003). Moonlight: The
52 Tricks and Treats for Halloween. Halloween Cat. New York: HarperCollins
Illustrated by Karen Johnson. New York: Publishing.
Chronicle Books.

408 Theme 42
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Schulman, Janet. (2005). 10 Trick-or-Treaters: Holiday Facts and Fun: Halloween [DVD].
A Halloween Counting Book. New York: (2004). Chicago: SVE & Churchill Media.
Random House. “It Must Be Halloween” [CD]. (1996). In
Spohn, Kate. (2002). Turtle and Snake’s Spooky Halloween Howls. Canoga Park, CA:
Halloween. New York: Viking. Andrew Gold/QBRAIN Studios.
Stoeke, Janet Morgan. (2009). Minerva Louise It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown [DVD].
on Halloween. New York: Dutton Children’s (2008). Los Angeles: Warner Home Video.
Books. “Monster Boogie” [CD]. (2010). In The Best of
Stutson, Caroline. (2009). By the Light of the Laurie Berkner Band. New York: Two
the Halloween Moon. Illustrated by Tomatoes.
Kevin Hawkes. Tarrytown, NY: Marshall “Monster Mash” [CD]. (2001). In Dance
Cavendish Children. Party Fun. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo
Williams, Linda. (1998). The Little Old Lady Educational.
Who Was Not Afraid of Anything. Illustrated Palmer, Hap. (1997). “Have a Good Halloween
by Megan Lloyd. New York: Harper and Row. Night.” In Holiday Songs and Rhythms
[CD]. Freeport, NY: Educational Activities.
Yo Gabba Gabba! Halloween! [DVD].
(2009). Los Angeles: Paramount Home
Technology and
Additional teaching resources to accompany this
The following technology and multimedia Theme can be found on the book’s companion
products can be used to complement this theme: website. Go to to
“Halloween Song,” “Halloween Is Here,” and access the site for a variety of useful resources.
“Pumpkin Song” [CD]. (1998). In Holiday
Piggyback Songs. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo

Decorating a Pumpkin
While carving or decorating a pumpkin with the children, you can discuss:
• The physical properties of pumpkins— Accessories:
color, texture, size, and shape (both 1 bunch parsley (hair)
outside and inside) 1 carrot (nose)
• The food category to which pumpkins 2 string beans (eyebrows)
belong 2 radishes (eyes)
• What other forms pumpkins can be made 1 green pepper (ears)
into after the shell is scooped out 1 stalk celery (teeth)
• Where pumpkins grow (plant some of the 1 large pumpkin (head)
• What size and shape to make the features Prepare the pumpkin in the usual manner;
of the pumpkin, including eyes, nose, and that is, cut off the cap and scoop out the seeds
mouth, and what kind of expression to inside. Save the seeds for roasting. If desired,
make individual vegetable pieces may be attached
by carving or inserting toothpicks.

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Theme 43

Foods Symbols
latkes menorah
jelly doughnuts Star of David
chocolate coins (gelt) dreidel
Hanukkah cookies

lighting the menorah
gift giving
family togetherness
playing the dreidel game

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Foods eaten during Hanukkah
2. Symbols of Hanukkah
3. Hanukkah celebrations

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday celebrated for eight days.
2. Families celebrate together during Hanukkah.
3. Families and friends eat together, play dreidel, sing Hanukkah songs,
and tell stories.
4. Hanukkah is a time for exchanging gifts and sharing with others.
5. The menorah and the dreidel are symbols of Hanukkah.
6. Some foods eaten during Hanukkah include latkes (potato pancakes),
jelly doughnuts, chocolate coins, and Hanukkah cookies.

1. dreidel—four-sided toy that spins like a top. Each side of the dreidel
bears a letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
2. Hanukkah—eight-day Jewish festival of lights. A celebration of the
Jewish people’s fight long ago to keep the right to practice their
religion. One candle on the menorah is lighted each day.
3. latkes—potato pancakes eaten during Hanukkah.
4. menorah—eight-branched candlestick. The middle or ninth candle is
taller than the other eight and is called the “shammash.”
5. Star of David—a six-pointed star that is a Jewish symbol.

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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to develop an awareness of the passage of time
as well as the math concept of sets. This bulletin board starts out with the base of the
menorah. Each day of Hanukkah, the children work together to construct a candle and
a f lame to add to the menorah. Candles and f lames are most interesting when made
using a wide variety of media: sequins, feathers, cut construction paper, yarn, and so on.

412 Theme 43
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
For the next eight days, we will be celebrating Hanukkah. Hanukkah commemorates the victory of the
Jews over the Syrians, and it is a celebration of religious freedom. Also known as the Festival of Lights,
Hanukkah is observed for eight nights and days, starting on the 25th day of Kislev according to the
Hebrew calendar, which may occur at any time from late November to late December. Legend states that,
when the Jewish Temple was destroyed by the Syrians and rebuilt, there was only enough sacred oil to light
the Temple lamp (an eternal flame) for one day. Miraculously, it burned for eight days and eight nights!
Hanukkah is celebrated by the lighting of a special candelabra called a menorah. On the menorah
there is one holder for each of the eight nights and one for the shammash. “Shammash” means
“helper” in Hebrew; this is the candle that is used to light the others. The candles are lit beginning on
the right side and moving to the left.
Each night, after the lighting of the menorah, the children are given small gifts. Traditionally this
gift was “gelt”: money or chocolate money to be used while playing the dreidel game. Families get
together for big dinners with friends and relatives. After dinner, everyone usually enjoys playing
dreidel, singing Hanukkah songs, and telling stories.
Unlike most Jewish holidays, work and schooling continue during the eight-day celebration. Perhaps not
all children and families in our program celebrate this holiday, but we feel it is very important for children
to learn about and respect others’ beliefs. A general understanding of other cultures is also interesting
and fun. However, if you wish that your child not participate in this theme, please let us know.

At School
Some of the learning experiences the children will participate in include:
• Playing a game with a dreidel, which is similar to a toy top
• Preparing latkes (potato pancakes) for a snack
• Creating wax-resist drawings at the art table

Happy Hanukkah!

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Drop by spoonfuls into hot cooking oil in a
frying pan. Brown on both sides. Drain on
paper towels. Latkes may be served with a
Arts and Crafts spoonful of applesauce or sour cream.
1. Menorahs
Provide the children with candles cut from 2. Hanukkah Cookies
different colored construction paper, along 1 cup butter
with f lames cut out of red. Demonstrate to 1 cup white sugar
the children how to glue a candle onto the 1 egg
paper, and how to glue a f lame on top of 2 2/3 cups all-purpose f lour
each candle. 1/4 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2. Play Dough Doughnuts
Give the children tan or yellow play dough, In a large bowl, cream together the butter
and a little bit of red play dough. Show and sugar until light and f luffy. Beat in the
them how you can make a jelly doughnut egg, then the vanilla. Combine the f lour
by putting a small ball of red play dough in and salt; stir into the butter mixture. Cover
the middle and putting tan or yellow play dough, and chill for at least one hour. Roll out
dough in a bigger ball all around it. and press onto wax paper. Have the children
use Hanukkah-themed cookie cutters in the
3. Hanukkah Handprints shapes of dreidels, the Star of David, and
Provide the children with construction menorahs. Bake in a preheated 400-degree
paper, brushes, and tempera paint in oven for 8–10 minutes. Cool. Once the cookies
shallow pans. Paint each of the children’s are cooked and cooled, children can ice the
hands with a brush that has been dipped cookies and decorate with sprinkles. Blue and
in tempera paint. The children then may white would be traditional colors to use for
place their hands on the construction paper, Hanukkah, but are not essential.
creating handprints.

4. Dreidel
Collect and wash out half-pint milk
containers. Tape the top down so that the Dramatic Play
carton forms a square. Provide construction 1. Family Celebration
paper squares for the children to paste to the Collect materials for a special family meal.
sides of the milk carton. The children may These may include dresses, hats, coats,
decorate with crayons or felt-tip markers. plates, cups, plastic food, napkins, and so on.
Upon completion, punch an unsharpened The children can have a holiday meal.
pencil through the milk container so that the
children may spin it like a top. 2. Gift Wrapping Center
Collect various-sized boxes, wrapping paper,
tape, and ribbon. The children can wrap
presents for Hanukkah.
1. Latkes
6 medium-sized potatoes, washed, pared,
and grated
1 egg
3 tablespoons f lour Fingerplays and Chants
1/2 teaspoon baking powder The Menorah Candle
I’m a menorah candle
In a large bowl, mix the egg and the grated (stand, point at self)
potatoes. Add the f lour and baking powder. Growing shorter you can see
(bend down slowly)
414 Theme 43
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Melting all my wax is spun by one of the players, while the
(go down more) following verse is chanted:
Until there’s nothing left to see.
I have a little dreidel.
(sit down)
I made it out of clay.
And when it’s dry and ready
Hanukkah Lights
Then with it I will play.
One light, two lights, three lights, and four
(hold up four fingers, one at a time) Whether the spinning player wins or loses
Five lights, six lights, and three more, depends on which side of the dreidel lands
(hold up five fingers on other hand) upward when it falls. Each side of the dreidel
Twinkle, twinkle nine pretty lights, bears a letter of the Hebrew alphabet: n (Nun),
(move fingers) g (Gimel), h (Hei), and ? (Shin). The following
In a golden menorah bright! may be used as a guide:
(make cup with palm of hand) Nun (n) means nothing: player receives
nothing from the pot.
My Dreidel Gimmel (g) means all: player receives
I have a little dreidel. everything from the pot.
(cup hands to form a square) Hei (h) means half: player takes half
I made it out of clay. of the pot.
(move fingers in a molding motion) Shin (?) means put in: player adds two
And when it’s dry and ready objects to the pot.
(f latten hands as if to hold in hand—
palm up, pinkies together) When one player has won all of the objects,
Then with it I will play. the game is completed.
(pretend to spin dreidel on the f loor)
3. Gelt Hunt
(Additional verses) Make a silver coin by cutting out a 4-inch
It has a lovely body. round piece of cardboard and covering it
With legs so short and thin. with aluminum foil. Hide the coin (gelt) in
And when it is tired the classroom, and play a hide-and-seek
It drops and then I win! game. For younger children, hide the gelt in
My dreidel’s always playful. an obvious place.
It loves to dance and spin. (“Gelt” is the Yiddish word for money.
A happy game of dreidel. Traditionally, small amounts of gelt are
Come and play now, let’s begin. given to children each night of Hanukkah.)

Group Time
(Games and Language)
1. Hot Potato
Large Muscle
Ask the children to sit in a circle. Provide one 1. Dreidel Dance
child with a real potato, a plastic potato, or a The children can dance the dreidel dance
potato constructed from tagboard. Play music. by standing in a circle and spinning as they
As the music is playing, the children pass the sing this song to the tune of “Row, Row, Row
potato around the circle until the music stops. Your Boat.”
The one holding the potato is out of the circle. Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel,
The game continues until one child is left or A-spinning I will go.
the children no longer wish to play. Speed it up and slow it down,
And on the ground I’ll go!
2. Dreidel Game
Each player starts with 10 to 15 pennies, 2. Frying Donuts: Dramatic Play
nuts, or raisins. Each player places an Children can act out frying donuts as they sing
object in the center of the circle. The dreidel this song to the tune of “I Have a Little Turtle.”

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I have a little donut,
It is so nice and light,
And when it’s all done cooking,
I’m going to take a bite!
Resource People
Frying donuts usually pop up and out of the
Invite a rabbi or parent of the Jewish
frying oil when they are finished cooking.
faith to come and talk about Hanukkah
The children can act out these motions. The
and how it is celebrated.
oil used in frying the donuts is significant in
the Hanukkah celebration. It signifies the
oil burned in the Temple lamp.

1. Potato Sprouts
2+3 =
Math Provide each child with a clear plastic
cup. Fill the plastic cup half-full with
1. Sort the Candles water. Place a potato partway in the water
Provide children with various-colored supported by toothpicks to keep it from
candles. The children can match the colors. dropping into the jar. Put the end with
A variation would be to have candles of tubers into the water. The other end should
various sizes. The children could sequence stick out of the water. Refill with fresh
the candles from largest to smallest. water as it evaporates, and watch the roots
begin to grow and leaves start to sprout.
2. Hanukkah Puzzles
Mount pictures of a menorah and the Star 2. Light
of David on tagboard. Cut into pieces. Light a f lashlight. Discuss other sources of
Laminate. The number of pieces will depend light. Examples can include the sun, a lamp,
on the children’s developmental age. a candle, and traffic lights.

3. Candle Holder and Candle Match 3. Sunlight Power

Have a variety of candle holders set out Fill two glasses half-full of warm water.
with candles. The children will have to Stir some f lour into one glass. In the other,
match the candles to the correct-sized dissolve a little yeast in the water, then add
candle holder. f lour. Now set them both in a warm place
for an hour and watch the results.

“Hanukkah Oh Hanukah”
Hanukkah oh Hanukkah Sand Temples
come light the menorah, Fill the sensory table with sand and
we’ll have a party, moisten until the sand is wet enough to
we’ll all dance the hora, form shapes. The children may pack sand
Gather round the table, into cans to mold into desired shapes and
we’ll give you a treat, build sand temples from the molded forms.
Dreidels to play with
and latkes to eat.

416 Theme 43
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Chwast, Seymour. (2006). The Miracle of
Hanukkah. Maplewood, NJ: Blue Apple
Social Studies Conway, Diana Cohen. (1994). Northern Lights:
1. Menorah A Hanukkah Story. Rockville, MD: Kar-Ben
Glue eight wooden or styrofoam spools of Copies.
equal size to a piece of wood, leaving a space Da Costa, Deborah. (2007). Hanukkah Moon.
in the middle. Glue a larger spool in the Illustrated by Gosia Mosz. Minneapolis,
middle, thus making four smaller spools MN: Kar-Ben Publishing.
on each side. Spray with gold or silver Edwards, Michelle. (2004). Papa’s Latkes.
paint. The menorah can be lit during the Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.
eight days of Hanukkah during group time.
Explain the meaning of the menorah to the Glaser, Linda. (1997). The Borrowed Hanukkah
group as well. Latkes. Illustrated by Nancy Cote. Park
Ridge, IL: Albert Whitman & Company.
2. Hanukkah Celebration Glaser, Linda. (2004). Mrs. Greenberg’s Messy
Display pictures at the children’s eye level Hanukkah. Illustrated by Nancy Cote. Park
of the Hanukkah celebration. Examples Ridge, IL: Albert Whitman & Company.
would include such pictures as lighting the Goldin, Barbara Diamond. (2007). The Best
menorah, a family meal, and playing with Hanukkah Ever. Illustrated by Avi Katz.
dreidels. Tarrytown, NY: Marshall Cavendish.
Heiligman, Deborah. (2006). Celebrate
3. Human Menorah
Hanukkah. Washington, DC: National
The children can make a human menorah
by positioning themselves to resemble a
menorah. A menorah is a lamp with nine Holub, Joan. (2000). Light the Candles: A
f lames that is used to celebrate Hanukkah. Hanukkah Lift the Flap Book. Illustrated by
Two children can lie head-to-toe on the f loor Lynne Avril Cravath. New York: Puffin.
to form the base. Have nine children stand Howland, Naomi. (2004). Latkes, Latkes,
behind the base to form the candles. The Good to Eat: A Chanukah Story. London:
tallest child can stand in the middle and Sandpiper.
be the shammash. The shammash is the
Kimmel, Eric A. (1992). The Channukah Guest.
center candle that lights the other candles.
Illustrated by Giora Carmi. New York:
The children can make pretend f lames out
Holiday House.
of construction paper for the candles to hold
over their heads as if they were lit. Kimmel, Eric A. (1996). The Magic Dreidels:
A Hanukkah Story. Illustrated by Katya
Krenina. New York: Holiday House.
Kroll, Steven. (2008). The Hanukkah Mice.
Books Illustrated by Michelle Shapiro. Tarrytown,
NY: Marshall Cavendish.
The following books can be used to complement Martin, David. (2009). Hanukkah Lights.
this theme: Illustrated By Melissa Sweet. Somerville,
Adler, David A. (1997). Chanukah in Chelm. MA: Candlewick Press.
Illustrated by Kevin O’Malley. New York: Newman, Leslea. (2002). Runaway Dreidel!
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard. New York: Henry Holt.
Baum, Maxie. (2006). I Have a Little Dreidel. Oberman, Sheldon. (1997). By the Hanukkah
Illustrated by Julie Paschkis. New York: Light. Illustrated by Neil Waldman.
Scholastic. Honesdale, PA: Boyds Mills Press.
Bledsoe, Karen E. (2004). Hanukkah Crafts. Penn, Malka. (1994). The Miracle of the Potato
Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Publishers. Latkes: A Hanukkah Story. Illustrated by
Giora Carmi. New York: Holiday House.
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Rosen, Michael J. (1992). Elijah’s Angel: A Story “Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel” [CD]. (2001). In
for Chanukah and Christmas. Illustrated Seasonal Songs in Motion. Long Branch,
by Aminah B. L. Robinson. Orlando, FL: NJ: Kimbo Educational.
Harcourt Brace. “The Dreidel Song.” (1991). Children of
Roth, Susan. (2004). Hanukkah Oh Hanukkah. the World. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo
New York: Dial Books for Young Readers. Educational.
Rouss, Sylvia A. (1993). Sammy Spider’s Elmo’s World: Happy Holidays! [DVD]. (2002).
First Hanukkah. Illustrated by Katherine Los Angeles: Sony Wonder.
Janus Kahn. Minneapolis, MN: Kar-Ben “Hanukkah, Hanukkah,” “Hanukkah Menorah,”
Publishing. “Dreidel Song,” and “The Latkes Are
Schnur, Steven. (1995). The Tie Man’s Miracle: Frying in the Pan” [CD]. (1998). In Holiday
A Chanukah Story. Illustrated by Stephen Piggyback Songs. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo
Johnson. New York: William Morrow. Educational.
Schwartz, Linda, and Beverly Armstrong. “Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah,” “Dreidel,” and
(1998). The Hanukkah Happenings. “How Many Candles?” [CD]. (2001). In Sing
Illustrated by Beverly Armstrong. Santa ‘N Sign Holiday Time (Gaia). Long Branch,
Barbara, CA: Learning Works. NJ: Kimbo Educational.
Smith, Dian G. (2001). Hanukkah Lights. “The Hanukkah Song” [CD]. (2002). In
Illustrated by JoAnn Kitchel. San Francisco: Hanukkah and Chinese New Year. Long
Chronicle Books. Branch, NJ: Kimbo.
Sper, Emily. (2001). Hanukkah. New York: “Have Nagila” [CD]. (2002). In Hanukkah and
Scholastic. Chinese New Year. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo.
Stillerman, Marci. (1998). Nine Spoons: A Lambchop’s Chanukah and Passover Surprise
Chanukah Story. Brooklyn, NY: Hachai [DVD]. (2002). New York: Sony Wonder.
Publishers. “My Dreydel” [CD]. (1976). In Singable Songs
Wax, Wendy, ed. (1993). Hanukkah, Oh for the Very Young. Cambridge, MA:
Hanukkah! A Treasury of Stories, Songs, Rounder/UMGD.
and Games to Share. Illustrated by John Palmer, Hap. (1997). “Hanukkah” [CD]. In
Speirs. New York: Bantam Doubleday. Holiday Songs and Rhythms. Baldwin, NY:
Educational Activities.
Rosenthal, Margie. (1997). Just in Time for
Chanukah! [CD]. Portland, OR: Sheera
Technology and Recordings.
The following technology and multimedia Additional teaching resources to accompany this
products can be used to complement this Theme can be found on the book’s companion
theme: website. Go to to
Arthur’s Perfect Christmas [DVD]. (2002). New access the site for a variety of useful resources.
York: Random House Home Video.

418 Theme 43
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Theme 44

Parts Materials Sizes Types
crown felt small baseball hat helmet
brim plastic medium top hat hood
canvas large hard hat derby
wool bonnet graduation
fur stocking cap birthday
yarn ski hat yarmulke
leather cowboy hat headdress
straw sombrero veil
fleece turban

Colors Uses
red black ceremonial
blue pink occupational
yellow protection
green identification
white decoration
brown religious
purple fraternal

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Types of hats
2. Uses for hats
3. Materials used to make hats
4. Parts of a hat
5. Colors of hats
6. Sizes of hats

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Hats are coverings worn on our heads for protection, warmth, and
2. Most hats have a crown and a brim.
3. Stocking and ski hats keep us warm.
4. Felt, plastic, wool, fur, straw, leather, cloth, plastic, fleece, and yarn are
all materials used to make hats.
5. Hats come in many different sizes.
6. Hats come in different colors.
7. Hats can be red, blue, green, yellow, white, pink, brown, purple, or black.
8. Some hats have special names.
9. Some hats can keep us cool.
10. Hats can be worn for fun.
11. Some people wear hats when they are working.
12. Baseball hats can be worn for decoration and protection.
13. Motorcyclists, bicycle riders, and skiers should wear helmets for
14. Construction workers and firefighters should wear hard hats for
15. Police officers, train conductors, and airplane pilots wear hats for
16. Brides often wear a headdress or veil at a wedding ceremony.
17. Cowboys wear cowboy hats for protection from the sun.
18. Bonnets can be worn for decoration.

1. brim—the part of a hat that surrounds the crown.
2. crown—the top part of the hat.
3. hat—a covering for the head.

420 Theme 44
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to have the children match the colored pieces
to their corresponding shadow, thereby promoting the development of visual
discrimination, hand-eye coordination, and problem-solving skills. To construct the
bulletin board, draw different types of hats on white tagboard. Color the hats with
watercolor markers, and cut them out. Trace the cut-out hats onto black construction
paper to create shadows. Then cut out the shadows and attach to the bulletin board.
A magnet piece or a pushpin can be fastened to the shadow. A magnet piece or a hole
can be applied to the colored hats.

HATS 421
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Hats will be the focus of our next curriculum unit. Through this theme the children will become
familiar with types, colors, and sizes of hats. They will also learn the materials used to construct hats,
and the uses of hats, such as for protection, decoration, and identification.

At School
Some of the learning activities planned include:
• Playing in the hat store located in the dramatic play area
• Making paper plate hats at the art table
• Listening to and dramatizing the story Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina

Special Request!
On Friday, we will have a Hat Day. The children will show and wear hats that they have brought
from home. If your child wishes to share a special hat, please label it and send it to school with
your child in a paper bag. This will help us to keep track of which hat belongs to each child. Thank
you for your help.

At Home
Ask your child to help you search the closets of your home for hats. To develop classification skills,
discuss the colors and types of hats with your child. Are there more seasonal hats or sports hats?
What are the hats made from? Why were those materials used?

Hats off to a fun unit!

422 Theme 44
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in costumes, parade in the streets, and have
parties on Purim.
7 tablespoons butter or margarine
Arts and Crafts 1/3 cup sugar
1. Easel Ideas 2 eggs
• Top hat–shaped paper 2 1/2 cups flour
• Baseball cap–shaped paper 1/4 cup orange juice
• Football helmet–shaped paper 1 teaspoon lemon juice
• Graduation cap–shaped paper 1 jar prune or plum jam

2. Paper Plate Hats Cream the butter or margarine and sugar

Decorate paper plates with many different together in a large mixing bowl. Separate
kinds of scraps, glitter, construction paper, the eggs, and discard the whites. Add the
and crêpe paper. Punch a hole, using a yolks to the mixture and stir. Add the flour
paper punch, on each side of the hat. Attach and juices to the mixture, and mix to form
strings so that the hat can be tied on and dough. On a floured board, roll the dough
fastened under the chin. to about 1/8-inch thickness. Use a cookie
cutter to cut into 4-inch circles. Spoon a
tablespoon of jam into the center of each
circle, and fold up three edges to create a
Cooking triangle shape. Leave a small opening at
the center. (Other fillings, such as poppy
The children may enjoy wearing seeds or apricot jam, can be used.) Place the
baker’s hats for the cooking shaped dough on a cookie sheet, and bake
experiences! Ask a bakery or fast-food for 20 minutes in a 350-degree preheated
restaurant to donate several paper oven. Serve for a snack.
hats for classroom use.

1. Cheese Crunchies
1/2 cup butter or margarine
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
Dramatic Play
Pinch of salt 1. Sports Hats
1 cup rice cereal bits Provide football helmets and jerseys,
baseball hats, batters’ helmets, and
Cut the butter into six or eight slices, and uniforms. Encourage the children to pretend
mix together with the flour, cheese, and they are football and baseball players.
salt. Use fingers or a fork to mix. Knead in
the cereal bits, and then roll the dough into 2. Construction Site
small balls or snakes. Press them down flat, Provide the children with toy tools, blocks,
and place onto an ungreased cookie sheet. and construction hard hats.
Bake at 325 degrees for approximately 10
minutes. Cool and serve for a snack. 3. Hat Store
Firefighter hats, bonnets, top hats, hard
2. Hamantaschen from Israel hats, bridesmaids’ hats, baby hats, and
Children in Israel eat hamantaschen on so on can all be made available in the hat
the holiday of Purim. A hamantasche is store. Encourage the children to buy and
a pastry that represents the hat worn by sell hats using a cash register and play
the evil Haman, who plotted against the money.
ancient Jews. Today, Israeli children dress

HATS 423
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2. Hat Seriation
Collect a variety of hats. The children can
arrange them from smallest to largest and
from largest to smallest. Also, they can
Field Trips classify the hats by colors and uses.
1. Hat Store
Visit a hat store or the hat department of
a store. Examine the different kinds, sizes,
and colors of hats.

2. Sports Store
Visit a sporting goods store. Locate the hat
section. Observe the types of hats used for “My Hat”
different sports. (traditional song)
My hat it has three corners.
(point to head, hold up three fingers)
Three corners has my hat.
Group Time (hold up three fingers, point to head)
(Games and Language) And had it not three corners
1. “My Favorite Hat Day” (hold up three fingers)
Encourage the children to share their It wouldn’t be my hat.
favorite hats with the class on a specific day. (shake head, point to head)
Talk about each hat, and ask where it was Variation: Make three-cornered paper hats
bought or found. Colors, sizes, and shapes to wear while acting out this song.
can also be discussed.

2. Dramatization
Read the story Caps for Sale by Esphyr
Slobodkina (see the “Books” section at the
end of this chapter). After the children are
familiar with the storyline, they may enjoy
acting out the story. What’s It Made Of?
Hats representing a variety of styles and
materials can be placed on the science table.
Magnifying glasses can also be provided to
allow the children to explore. They can look
Large Muscle at, feel, and try on the hats.
Caution: Before letting the children try on
Hat Beanbag Toss
the hats, make sure the children do not
Lay several large hats on the floor.
have head lice.
Encourage the children to stand about 2
feet from the hats and try to throw the
beanbags into the hats.

2+3 =
Social Studies
Math Many of these activities lend themselves to
group time situations.
1. Hat Match
Construct pairs of hat puzzles out of
1. “Weather” or Not to Wear a Hat
tagboard. On each pair, draw a different
Discuss the different kinds of hats that are
pattern. Encourage the children to mix up
worn in cold weather. Ask questions such
the hats and sort them by design.

424 Theme 44
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as “What parts of our body does a hat keep Fox, Mem. (2002). The Magic Hat. Illustrated
warm?” “What kinds of hats do we wear by Tricia Tusa. San Diego, CA: Harcourt.
when it is warm outside?” and “How does a Kalman, Bobbie. (1998). Bandanas, Chaps, and
hat help to keep us cool?” Ten-Gallon Hats. New York: Crabtree.
2. Sports Hats Karon, Jan. (2002). Miss Fannie’s Hat. New
Make an arrangement of different sports York: Puffin.
hats. Place a mirror close by. The children Katz, Cooper, and Sharon Muelenardt. (2007).
can try on the hats. Whose Hat Is This? Illustrated by Amy
Bailey. Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window
3. Community Helpers Book.
Many people in our community wear hats Katz, Karen. (2002). Twelve Hats for Lena. New
as part of their uniform. Collect several of York: Margaret K. McElderry Books.
these hats, such as those for a firefighter,
Keats, Ezra Jack. (2003). Jennie’s Hat. New
police officer, mail carrier, baker, and so on,
York: Puffins
and place in a bag for a small-group activity.
Identify one child at a time to pull a hat Kuskin, Karla. (2010). A Boy Had a Mother
out of the bag. Once the hat is removed, Who Bought Him a Hat. New York:
the children can identify the worker. HarperCollins.
Older children may be able to describe the Mayer, Mercer. (2004). Good for Me and You.
activities of the identified worker. New York: HarperFestival.
Rumford, James. (2007). Don’t Touch My Hat.
New York: A. A. Knopf Books for Young
Books Slobodkina, Esphyr. (1947). Caps for Sale. New
The following books can be used to complement York: W. R. Scott.
this theme: Weeks, Sarah. (2005). Who’s under That Hat?
Adams, Pam. (2000). Mrs. Honey’s Hat: Giant San Diego, CA: Harcourt.
Lap Book. Auburn, ME: Child’s Play.
Barroux, Stephanie. (2003). Where’s Mary’s
Hat? New York: Viking.
Berenstain, Stan, and Jan Berenstain. (1999).
Technology and
Old Hat, New Hat: The Berenstain Bears.
Illustrated by Jan Berenstain. New York:
Random House. The following technology and multimedia
Bogdanowicz, Basia. (1999). Yellow Hat, Red products can be used to complement this
Hat. Brookfield, CT: Millbrook Press. theme:
Brett, Jan. (1997). The Hat. New York: “I Got a Hat” [CD]. (2001). In Seasonal Songs
G. P. Putnam. in Motion. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo
Carlson, Laurie. (1998). Boss of the Plains: The
Hat That Won the West. Illustrated by Holly
Meade. New York: Dorling Kindersley. Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Carter, David A. (2005). Who’s under That Hat?
website. Go to to
San Diego, CA: Red Wagon Books.
access the site for a variety of useful resources.
Dunrea, Olivier. (2004). Peedie. New York:
Houghton Mifflin.

HATS 425
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A variety of hats can be collected for use in the dramatic play area. Some examples are:
Firefighter Railroad engineer Cowboy
Police officer Motorcycle helmet Stocking cap
Visor Cloche Mail carrier
Sunbonnet Chef Bicycle helmet
Sombrero Sailor Pillbox
Straw Hard Sports hats:
Mantilla Ski cap Football
Party (birthday) Beret Baseball
Nurse’s cap Top Skiing

426 Theme 44
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Theme 45

Occupations Exercise Exercise Clothing
doctors running shorts
dentists aerobics sweatshirts
nurses walking rubber-soled shoes
excerise teachers bicycling swimming suits
nutritionist swimming T-shirts

Foods Tools and Supplies Personal Habits

fruits hairbrushes taking baths
vegetables toothbrushes brushing teeth
meats shampoo washing hair
dairy products soap taking naps
beans toothpaste night sleep
legumes vitamins

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Importance of exercise and good health
2. Healthy foods
3. Exercise clothing
4. Health tools and supplies
5. Personal habits related to health
6. Health occupations

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. We need to take good care of our bodies to keep healthy.
2. Vitamins, shampoo, soap, and toothpaste are health aids.
3. Doctors, nurses, and dentists, nutritionists, exercise teachers provide
health checkups.
4. Running, aerobics, and walking are all forms of exercise.
5. Bicycling, swimming, and skiing are other forms of exercise.
6. Fruits, vegetables, dairy products, beans, legumes, meat, breads, and
cereals keep our bodies healthy.
7. Our bodies need rest, so we need to sleep and take naps.
8. Different types of clothing are worn during exercise.
9. Shorts, sweatshirts, T-shirts, and swimming suits are exercise clothing.
10. Rubber-soled shoes are exercise footwear.
11. Brushing teeth, washing hair, and bathing are ways to keep our bodies
12. Hairbrushes and toothbrushes are health tools.
13. Taking naps, sleeping, and eating good foods are ways to have healthy

1. checkup—a visit to a doctor to make sure you are healthy.
2. cleanliness—keeping our body parts free from dirt.
3. diet—the food we eat.
4. exercise—moving body parts.
5. health—feeling good.
6. nutrition—eating foods that are good for our body.

428 Theme 45
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to have the children develop visual
discrimination, hand-eye coordination, and problem-solving skills by matching the
health aids to their corresponding shadow. Construct the health aid pieces from
white tagboard. Include a toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, brush, and soap. Color the
objects with colored felt-tip markers and laminate. Trace each of the health aids onto
black construction paper to construct shadows as illustrated. Staple the shadow aids
on the bulletin board by either affixing magnets or using pushpins. Punch a hole in
each of the health aid pieces, allowing the children to hang them on the appropriate

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Family Letter


Dear Families,
We will be starting a theme on health. We will be discussing foods that are good for us, important
personal habits, and exercise. Through this theme, the children will develop an awareness of the
importance of keeping their bodies healthy.

At School
Some of the learning experiences planned for the week include:
• Tracing our bodies at the art center
• Visiting Dr. Thomas, the dentist, at her office
• Having a visit by an aerobics instructor
• Creating healthy snacks
• Weighing and measuring ourselves

Field Trip
Arrangements have been made to visit Dr. Thomas’s office on Thursday of this week. Dr. Thomas will
give us a tour of the dental clinic and show us various pieces of dental equipment. We will walk to
her office, leaving school at 10:00 a.m., and return just in time for lunch. Please have your child at
school by 10:00 a.m. if he or she wishes to participate. Parents, please feel free to join us.

At Home
Help your child stay healthy by teaching and encouraging proper handwashing techniques. Preschool
children need to be reminded to wash their hands after playing outside, before handling food and
eating, after using the toilet, and after coughing, sneezing, rubbing the nose, or handling a handkerchief
or tissue. They may also need supervision. Provide them liquid soap since germs can grow on bar soap.
Then show them how to rub their hands together to create a soapy lather, washing both the fronts and
backs of each hand. After this, the area between the fingers needs to be washed. Finally, the hands
should be rinsed under warm, running water. The hands need to be kept below the wrists to prevent
recontamination. While washing the hands, sing the song “Happy Birthday” twice to avoid rushing!

430 Theme 45
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sheets, and plastic syringes without needles
can be placed in the dramatic play area to
represent a hospital.
Arts and Crafts
1. Paper Plate Meals 3. Restaurant
Magazines for the children to cut food Tables, tablecloths, menus, and tablets for
pictures from the five food groups taking orders can be placed in the dramatic
should be provided. The pictures can be play area. Paste pictures of food on the
pasted on a paper plate to represent a menus. A sign for the area could be “Eating
balanced meal. Plates from microwave for Health.”
dinners, if thoroughly cleaned, work
well, too.

2. Body Tracing Field Trips and

Instruct each child to lie on a large piece of
paper. Trace the child’s body, and let him or Resource People
her take the tracing home and decorate it 1. Take a field trip to the following
with his or her family. After this, it can be places:
returned to school for display. This activity
should help the children become aware of • Hospital
individual uniqueness and fosters parent- • Health care facility
child interaction. • Doctor’s office
• Dentist’s office
• Health club
• Drugstore

Cooking 2. Invite the following resource

people to visit the classroom:
Fruit Tree Salad
• Doctor
On a plate, place a lettuce leaf. On the
• Nurse
lettuce, place a pineapple slice. Peel
• Dentist
and slice a banana horizontally into
• Dietician
2-inch pieces, and place the pieces on the
• Aerobics instructor
pineapple. Slice fresh strawberries or
peaches. Spoon the fruit over the

Fingerplays and Chants

Dramatic Play Brushing Teeth
1. Health Club I jiggle the toothbrush again and again.
Mats, fake weights (made from large tinker (pretend to brush teeth)
toys), headbands, and music to represent a I scrub all my teeth for a while.
health club can be placed in the dramatic I swish the water to rinse them and then
play area. (puff out cheeks to swish)
I look at myself and I smile.
2. Doctor’s Office (Hospital) (smile at one another)
White clothing or scrubs, stethoscopes, strip
thermometers, magazines, bandages, cots,

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Group Time
(Games and Language)
Tasting Party Music
Prepare for a tasting party. Collect a wide 1. “Brush Your Teeth”
variety of foods. For example, the children by Raffi on Get Up and Grow (see
could experiment by dipping banana pieces “Technology and Multimedia” section at the
in honey and then rolling them in wheat end of this chapter)
germ. To extend this activity, charts can be
prepared listing the children’s favorite foods. 2. “My Body”
(Sing to the tune of “Where Is Thumbkin?”)
This is my body.
This is my body.
It’s the only one I’ve got.
Large Muscle It’s the only one I’ve got.
1. Weight Awareness I’m going to take good care of it.
The object of this activity is to become I’m going to take good care of it.
aware of weight and to feel the difference Yes I am. Yes I am.
between heavy and light. To do this, the
child should experiment with body force.
Exercise in the following ways: lift arms 3. “Miss Polly Had a Dolly”
slowly and gently, stomp on the floor, walk Miss Polly had a dolly
on tiptoes, kick out one leg as hard as Who was sick, sick, sick,
possible, and very smoothly and lightly slide So she called for the doctor
one foot along the floor. Music can be added To be quick, quick, quick.
to imitate aerobics. The doctor came
With his bag and his hat,
2. Mini-Olympics And he knocked at the door
Set up various areas for jumping jacks, With a rat-a-tat-tat.
jogging, relays, and a “beanbag launch.” For He looked at the dolly
the “launch,” put a beanbag on the top edge And he shook his head,
of a child’s foot and have the child launch And he said, “Miss Polly,
it by kicking. Observe the distance each Put her straight to bed.”
beanbag goes. Yes, I will, will, will!

2+3 =
1. Food Group Sorting
Create a food group display. To do this, Soap Pieces
encourage the children to bring empty Add different kinds of soaps and a
food containers. The food containers can magnifying glass to the science area. Talk
be sorted into food groups. This could be a about what each one is used for.
small-group activity or a choice during the
self-selected play period.

2. Height and Weight Chart

Weigh and measure each of the children at
various times throughout the year. Record
the data on a chart. This chart can be Add child safe shampoo or dish
posted in the classroom. detergent to the sensory table.

432 Theme 45
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Miller, Edward. (2009). The Tooth Book:
A Guide to Healthy Teeth and Gums.
New York: Holiday House.
Books Owen, Ann. (2004). Keeping You Healthy:
The following books can be used to complement A Book about Doctors. Illustrated by Eric
this theme: Thomas. Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window
April, Elyse. (2007). We Like to Move. Books.
Illustrated by Diane Iverson. Prescott, AZ: Redmond, E. S. (2009). Felicity Visits the Zoo.
Hohm Press. Somerville, MA: Candlewick Press.
Barron, Rex. (2004). Showdown at the Food Ricci, Christine. (2005). Show Me Your Smile!
Pyramid. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons. A Visit to the Dentist. Illustrated by Robert
Carle, Eric. (1994). The Very Hungry Roper. New York: Simon Spotlight/ Nick Jr.
Caterpillar. New York: Philomel/Penguin Rockwell, Lizzy. (2009). Good Enough to Eat.
Young Readers. New York: HarperCollins Publishers.
Carlson, Nancy. (2006). Get Up and Go! New Savadier, Elivia. (2005). No Haircut Today. New
York: Puffin Books. Milford, CT: Roaring Brook Press.
Cousins, Lucy. (2002). Maisy Takes a Bath. Shuette, Sarah L. (2003). Eating Pairs:
Cambridge MA: Candlewood Press. Counting Fruits and Vegetables by Twos.
Davis, Lambert. (2004). Swimming with Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Dolphins. New York: Blue Sky Press. Schuette, Sarah L. (2003). The Alphabet Soup:
DeGezelle, Terri. (2006). Taking Care of My Fruits and Vegetables from A to Z. Mankato,
Hair. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. MN: Capstone Press.
DeGezelle, Terri. (2006). Taking Care of My Schuh, Mari C. (2006). Being Active. Mankato,
Hands and Feet. Mankato, MN: Capstone MN: Capstone Press.
Press. Schuh, Mari C. (2006). Drinking Water.
DeGezelle, Terri. (2006). Taking Care of My Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Teeth. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. Schuh, Mari C. (2006). Healthy Snacks.
Durant, Alan. (2006). Burger Boy. Illustrated by Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Mei Matsuoka. New York: Houghton Mifflin. Schuh, Mari C. (2006). The Milk Group.
Edwards, Pamela Duncan. (2003). Miss Polly Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Has a Dolly. Illustrated by Elicia Castaldi. Schuh, Mari C. (2007). Mantenerse activo /
New York: Putnam’s. Being Active. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Ehrlich, Fred. (2005). Does an Elephant Take a Schuh, Mari C. (2007). Meriendas saludables /
Bath? Maplewood, NJ: Blue Apple Books. Healthy Snacks. Mankato, MN: Capstone
Emberley, Rebecca. (2002). My Food = Mi Press.
Comida. Boston: Little, Brown. Showers, Paul. (1997). Sleep Is for Everyone.
Freymann, Saxton. (2006). Fast Food. New Illustrated by Wendy Watson. New York:
York: Arthur A. Levine Books. HarperCollins.
Gordon, Sharon. (2003). Exercise. Chicago: Teague, Mark. (1994). Pigsty. New York:
Children’s Press. Scholastic.
Hopman, Ellen Evert, and Steven Foster. Thomas, Pat. (2001). My Amazing Body.
(2000). Walking the World in Wonder: A Illustrated by Lesley Harker. Hauppauge,
Children’s Herbal. Photography by Steven NY: Barron’s Educational Series.
Foster. Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press. Thompson, Carol. (1997). Piggy Washes Up.
Lotu, Denize. (1996). Running the Road to New York: Candlewick Press.
ABC. Illustrated by Reynold Ruffins. New Van Cleave, Janice. (1998). Janice Van Cleave’s
York: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Play and Find Out about the Human Body.
Readers. New York: Wiley.

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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Whitford, Rebecca, and Martina Selway. (2005). Preschool Power! Jacket Flips and Other Tips
Little Yoga: A Toddler’s First Book of Yoga. [video]. (1991). Laguna Woods, CA: Concept
New York: Henry Holt. Associates.
Yolen, Jane. (2005). How Do Dinosaurs Eat Raffi. (1987). “Bathtime” [CD]. In Everything
Their Food? Illustrated by Mark Teague. Grows. Cambridge, MA: Rounder/UMGD.
New York: Blue Sky Press. Raffi. (1988). “Bathtime” [video]. In Raffi in
Concert with the Rise and Shine Band.
Hollywood, CA: Troubadour Records.
Raffi. (1994). “Brush Your Teeth,” “I’m in the
Technology and Tub,” and “Let’s Sing about Food” [CD]. In
Multimedia Get Up and Grow. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo
The following technology and multimedia Reading Rainbow. (2007). Gregory, the Terrible
products can be used to complement this Eater [DVD]. Lincoln, NE: GNP Educational
theme: Media.
“Brush Your Teeth” [CD]. (1976). In Singable Rock ‘n’ Roll Fitness Fun [CD]. (1989). Long
Songs for the Very Young. Cambridge, MA: Branch, NJ: Kimbo Educational.
“Say No to Drugs” and “Please Don’t Smoke”
Chef Combo’s Fantastic Adventures in Tasting [CD]. (1989). In Make the Right Choice.
and Nutrition [kit]. (1996). Rosemont, IL: Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo Educational.
National Dairy Council.
Stewart, Georgiana. Good Morning Exercises
Come See What the Doctor Sees [video]. (1994). for Kids [cassette]. (1987). Long Branch, NJ:
Half Moon Bay, CA: Visual Mentor. Kimbo Educational.
“Doctor, Doctor” [CD]. (1994). In People in Our “Sticky, Sticky” [CD]. (1994). In Positively
Neighborhood. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo Singable Songs. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo
Educational. Educational.
“Good Grooming” [CD]. (1995). In Piggyback “Victor Vito” [CD]. (2010). In The Best of the
Songs. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo Laurie Berkner Band. New York: Two
Educational. Tomatoes.
Goofy over Dental Health [video]. (1991). Los “We Need Water” [CD]. (2000). In Charlotte
Angeles: Disney Educational Productions. Diamond’s World. Vancouver, BC: Hug Bug
“Hygiene” and “Respiration” [CD]. (1977). In Records.
Science in a Nutshell. Long Branch, NJ: The Wiggles. (2007). Getting Strong [DVD]. Los
Kimbo Educational. Angeles: Warner Home Video.
K–6 Classroom Gallery [CD]. (1997). Lancaster,
PA: Classroom Connect.
The Magic School Bus: Human Body [DVD]. Additional teaching resources to accompany this
(2005). Los Angeles: Warner Home Video. Theme can be found on the book’s companion
“Physical Ed” and “Twelve Days of Gym Class” website. Go to to
[CD]. (2000). In Physical Ed. Long Branch, access the site for a variety of useful resources.
NJ: Kimbo Educational.

434 Theme 45
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Theme 46

Rooms Sizes Workers
living room many carpenters
kitchen architects
bathroom painters
bedroom plumbers
den, dining room electricians
closet, family room masons
office or study cabinet makers
garage, basement decorators

Parts Types Materials

roof, garage apartments brick
basement, toilets houseboats straw
stairs, ceiling trailers, houses stone
floors, walls condominiums wood
doors, windows duplexes cement
cupboards cabins, tents
sinks, bathtubs huts
showers townhouses

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn about:
1. Home workers
2. Parts of a home
3. Rooms in a home
4. Types of homes
5. Materials for building a home
6. Sizes of homes

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. A home is a place to live.
2. Apartments, condominiums, townhouses, duplexes, trailers, and houses
are all kinds of homes.
3. Cabins, huts, tents, and houseboats are other types of homes.
4. Most homes have a kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, living room, and
5. Some homes have a dining room, den, family room, garage, basement,
and office or study.
6. Most homes have toilets, sinks, a bathtub, and a shower.
7. Homes come in many sizes.
8. Homes can be built from brick, stone, wood, and cement.
9. The ceiling, floor, roof, windows, doors, walls, and stairs are parts of a
10. Construction workers build houses.

1. apartment—a building including many homes.
2. architect—a person who designs homes.
3. bedroom—a room for sleeping.
4. construction worker—a person who builds.
5. duplex—a house divided into two separate homes.
6. house—a place to live.
7. kitchen—a room for cooking.
8. bathroom—a room containing a sink and a toilet. Some bathrooms have
a bathtub and shower.
9. living room—a room containing sofas and chairs where people can sit,
talk, play, and relax.

436 Theme 46
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to promote the development of classification
skills. Begin by drawing an unfurnished model of a home on a large sheet of
tagboard as illustrated. Include the basic rooms such as the kitchen, bedroom, and
living room. Draw and cut furnishings to add to the home. Laminate home and
furnishings. The children can place the furnishings in the proper room by using “fun
tack” or magnetic strips on the furnishings.

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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Homes will be the focus of our next curricular theme. Since everyone’s home is unique, we will be
discussing how homes differ. We will also be discussing home workers, materials for building a home,
and the rooms in our homes.

At School
Some of our activities will include:
• Constructing homes out of cardboard boxes and paper in the art area
• Acting out the story of The Three Little Pigs in the dramatic play area
• Building at the workbench
A special activity will include making placemats, but we need your help. For our placemats, we will
need a few pictures of your family, home, or both. These will be glued to construction paper and
laminated during our project. They will not be returned in their original form. Thank you!
This week we will also be taking a neighborhood tour to observe the various types of homes in the
area. We will be taking our walk at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday. Please feel free to join us!

At Home
To develop observation skills, take your child on a walk around your neighborhood to look at the
houses in your area. Talk about the different colors and sizes of dwellings.

Enjoy the time you spend with your child!

438 Theme 46
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If desired, tempera paint can be used for
painting the homes. Wallpaper may also be
Arts and Crafts
1. Shape Homes 3. Cleaning House
An assortment of construction paper shapes Housecleaning tools such as a vacuum
such as squares, triangles, rectangles, and cleaner, a dusting cloth, sponges, mops, and
circles should be placed on a table in the art brooms can be placed in the dramatic play
area. Glue and large pieces of paper should area. During the self-selected play periods,
also be provided. the children may choose to participate in
2. Tile Painting
Ask building companies to donate cracked,
chipped, or discontinued tiles. The children
can paint the tiles. Field Trips and
3. Household Tracings Resource People
Several household items such as a spatula, 1. Neighborhood Walk
wooden spoon, or cookie cutter can be Walk around the neighborhood. Observe the
placed on the art table. Also include paper, construction workers’ actions and tools.
scissors, and crayons. These items can be
traced. Some of the older children may color 2. Construction Site
and cut their tracings. If available, visit a local construction site.
Discuss the role of the construction worker.

3. Resource People
Cooking The following resource people could be
Homestyle Pizza invited to the classroom:
English muffins • Builder • Painter
Grated mozzarella cheese • Architect • Electrician
Pizza sauce • Plumber

Spread a tablespoon of sauce on each muffin

half. Sprinkle the top with grated cheese.
Bake in a preheated oven at 375 degrees
until the cheese melts.

Fingerplays and Chants

My House
Dramatic Play I’m going to build a little house
(fingers make roof)
1. Tent Living With windows big and bright
A small tent can be set up indoors or (stand with arms in air)
outdoors depending upon weather and Drifting out of sight.
space. Accessories such as sleeping bags, In winter when the snowflakes fall
flashlights, rope, cooking utensils, and (hands flutter down)
backpacks should also be provided if Or when I hear a storm
available. (hand cupped to ear)
I’ll go sit in my little house
2. Cardboard Houses (sit down)
Collect large cardboard boxes. Place Where I’ll be snug and warm.
outdoors or in an open classroom area. (cross arms over chest)
The children may build their own homes.
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Where Should I Live?
Where should I live?
In a castle with towers and a moat?
Group Time
(make a point with arms over head) (Games and Language)
Or on a river in a houseboat? Construct a “My home is special
(make wavelike motions) because . . .” chart. Encourage the
A winter igloo made of ice may be just the children to name a special thing about
thing their homes. Display the chart at the
(pretend to pack snow) children’s eye level in the classroom for
But what would happen when it turned to the week.
(pretend to think)
I like tall apartments and houses made of
(stretch up tall)
But I’d also like to live in a blue mobile
Large Muscle
(shorten up) Roofing Nails
A cave or cabin in the woods would give me Collect building materials such as soft pine
lots of space scraps and styrofoam for the workbench.
(stretch out wide) Provide safety goggles, a child-sized
But I guess my home is the best place! hammer, and roofing nails.
(point to self) Caution: Adult supervision is always
required with this activity.
Look at __________ knocking on our door.
(knock) 2+3 =
Look at __________ knocking on our door.
Come on in out of the cold My House
(shiver) Construct a “My House” book for each
Into our nice, warm home. child. On the pages, write things like the
(rub hands together to get warm) following:
My house has _________ steps.
My Chores My house is the color _________.
In my home, I wash the dishes My house has _________ windows.
(pretend to wash) There are _________ doors in my house.
Vacuum the floor My house has _________ keyholes.
(push vacuum)
And dust the furniture. Other ideas could include the number of
(dust) beds, people, pets, and so on. Send this
Outside my home, I rake the leaves home with the child to complete with family.
Plant the flowers
And play hard all day.
(wipe sweat from forehead)
When the day is over Music
I eat my supper,
(eat) “This Is the Way We Build Our House”
Read a story (Sing to the tune of “Here We Go ’Round the
(read) Mulberry Bush”)
And go to sleep.
(put head on hands) This is the way we build our house,
Build our house, build our house.
440 Theme 46
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This is the way we build our house, the appropriate boxes. For example, dishes,
So early in the morning. silverware, and a coffeepot would be placed
in the box labeled “kitchen.”
(Other suggestions:)
This is the way we paint the house.
This is the way we wash the car.
This is the way we rake the leaves.
The following books can be used to complement
this theme:
Adamson, Heather. (2008). Homes in Many
Science Cultures. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Building Materials Baker, Jeannie. (2004). Home. New York:
Building materials and magnifying glasses Greenwillow Books.
should be placed in the science area.
The children may observe and examine Brown, Margaret Wise. (2010). The Fathers
materials. Included may be wood, brick, Are Coming Home. Illustrated by Stephen
canvas, tar paper, shingles, and so on. Savage. New York: Margaret K. McElderry.
Burns, Marilyn. (2008). Spaghetti and
Meatballs for All! New York: Scholastic.
Carle, Eric. (2005). A House for Hermit Crab.
New York: Aladdin Paperbacks.
Sensory Chaconas, Dori. (2010). Don’t Slam The Door!
1. Identifying Sounds Illustrated by Wil Hullenbrand. Cambridge,
Record several sounds found in the home MA: Candlewick Press.
such as a vacuum cleaner, a television, Cowley, Joy, and Elizabeth Fuller. (2005). Mrs.
water running, and a toilet flushing. Wishy-Washy’s Scrubbing Machine. New
Encourage children to name sounds. For York: Philomel Books.
older children, this could also be played as a
Doering, Amanda. (2005). Homes around the
lotto game. Make cards containing pictures
World ABC: An Alphabet Book. Mankato,
of sounds, and vary pictures from card to
MN: Capstone Press.
card. When a sound is heard, cover the
corresponding picture with a chip. Doss, Dayle Ann. (2009). Full House.
Illustrated by Abby Carter. Cambridge, MA:
2. Sand Castles Candlewick Press.
Add wet sand to the sensory table. Provide George, Lindsay Barrett. (2004). Inside Mouse,
forms to create buildings, homes, and the Outside Mouse. New York: Greenwillow
like. Books.
Note: Examples may include empty cans, Gregorie, Elizabeth. (2004). Whose House Is
milk cartons, plastic containers, and so on. This? Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window
Grimshaw, Caroline. (2000). Our Homes.
London: Two-Can.
Social Studies Johnston, Tony. (2000). The Barn Owls.
Illustrated by Deborah Kogan Ray.
Room Match Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge.
Collect several boxes. On one box, print
Kleven, Elisa. (2010). Welcome Home, Mouse.
“kitchen”; on another, print “bathroom”; on
Berkeley, CA: Tricycle Press.
another, print “living room”; and on another,
print “bedroom.” Cut out objects related Lehman, Barbara. (2007). Rainstorm. Boston:
to each of these rooms from catalogs. The Houghton Mifflin.
children may sort objects by placing them in

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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Lewiston, Wendy Cheyette. (2010) There’s a
Mouse in the House! New York: Cartwheel
Books. Technology and
Masural, Claire. (2003). Two Homes. Illustrated Multimedia
by Kady MacDonald Denton. Somerville,
MA: Candlewick Press. The following technology and multimedia
products can be used to complement this
Morris, Ann. (1992). Houses and Homes. theme:
Photography by Ken Heyman. New York:
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard. “All Around My Room” [CD]. (2008). In
Rocketship Run. New York: Two Tomatoes.
Raffi. (1999). Down by the Bay. Illustrated by
Nadine Bernard Westcott. New York: Crown “Down by the Bay” [CD]. (1976). In Singable
Books for Young Children. Songs for the Very Young. Cambridge, MA:
Roemer, Heidi. (2009). Whose Nest Is This?
Illustrated by Connie McLennan. Lanham, Exploring Communities: Alike and Different
MD: North World. [DVD]. (2007). Southington, CT: Mazzarella
Rylant, Cynthia. (2000). The Old Woman Who
Named Things. Illustrated by Kathryn “Hungry Caterpillar” [CD]. (2001). In Seasonal
Brown. San Diego, CA: Voyager Books. Songs in Motion. Melbourne, FL: Learning
Rylant, Cynthia. (2002). Let’s Go Home.
Illustrated by Wendy Anderson Halperin. Really Wild Animals: Totally Tropical Rain
New York: Simon & Schuster Books for Forest [DVD]. (2005). Washington, DC:
Young Readers. National Geographic.
Schuh, Mari C. (2006). In My Home. Mankato, Safety Smart at Home! [DVD]. (2008). Los
MN: Capstone Press. Angeles: Disney Educational Productions.
Smith, Alex T. (2009). Once There Was a House “This Little House” [CD]. (1987). In Raffi,
That Was a Home. Wilton, CT: Tiger Tales. Everything Grows. Cambridge, MA:
Squire, Ann O. (2002). Animal Homes. New
York: Children’s Press.
Taback, Simms. (2004). This Is the House That Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Jack Built. New York: Puffin. Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Wood, Audrey. (2004). The Napping House. website. Go to to
Illustrated by Don Wood. Orlando, FL: access the site for a variety of useful resources.
Zweibel, Alan. (2005). Our Tree Named Steve.
New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons.

442 Theme 46
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Theme 47

Insects Spiders Origin Uses
Types Types eggs pest control
ants, beetles daddy longlegs pollination
bees, butterflies tarantula food
moths garden
crickets Body Parts
mosquitoes, flies eight legs
two parts
Body Parts
six legs, three parts
feelers, wings

Homes Movement Sounds

hives (bees) hop chirp
hills (ants) crawl creak
webs (spiders) fly buzz
water, grass swim
ground, trees

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Types and body parts of insects and spiders
2. Homes for insects and spiders
3. Movements of insects and spiders
4. Uses for insects and spiders
5. Sounds of insects and spiders
6. The origins of insects and spiders

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Ants, beetles, bees, butterflies, moths, grasshoppers, crickets,
mosquitoes, and fleas are all insects.
2. Insects are different in many ways: size, shape, color, eyes, mouths, and
number of wings.
3. Insects have six legs (three pairs) and, if winged, four wings.
4. Daddy longlegs, tarantula, and garden are types of spiders.
5. Spiders have two parts to their bodies, eight legs and no wings.
6. Insects and spiders come from eggs.
7. Insects can help us by making honey and pollinating flowers for fruit
and vegetables.
8. Types of spiders include daddy longlegs, tarantulas, and garden-variety.
9. Some insects move by flying, others by walking.
10. Spiders spin a web to catch insects to eat.
11. Spiders and insects make sounds by chirping, creaking, or buzzing.
12. Bees live in hives, and ants live in hills.
13. Some insects and spiders may live in water, grass, the ground,
trees, or plants.

antennae—feelers on an insect that stick out from the head.
caterpillar—the wormlike larva of a butterfly or moth.
cricket—small leaping insect known for its chirping.
insect—small animal with six legs.
moth—night-flying insect with four wings, related to the butterfly.
pollinate—the way insects help flowers to grow.
pupa—intermediate stage of an insect; sometimes called a chrysalis.
spider—small animal with eight legs. Spiders have no wings. Spiders
are not insects.
9. spiderling—a baby spider.
10. wasp—winged insect with a poisonous sting.

444 Theme 47
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to develop visual discrimination as well as to
promote problem-solving, matching, and hand-eye coordination skills. Construct
several butterflies, each of a different shape, out of tagboard. Trace the butterfly
figures onto black construction paper to create shadows. Cut out and laminate the
butterfly figures and shadows. Staple shadow butterflies to bulletin board. Punch
holes in colored butterflies for children to hang on the pushpin of the corresponding
shadow butterfly.


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Family Letter


Dear Families,
We are continuing our study of animals. We are introducing a new category—insects and spiders. The
children will become aware of the difference between insects and spiders and the ways that those
creatures are helpful. Do you know the difference between insects and spiders? Most insects have
three body parts and six legs. Spiders have two body parts and eight legs.

At School
Some of the learning experiences planned include:
• Singing and acting out the song “One Elephant Went out to Play.” It’s about an elephant that
plays on a spiderweb!
• Listening to a flannel board version of the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
• Watching and observing an ant farm set up in the science area
• Creating spiders and insects out of a variety of materials in the art area

At Home
There are many ways to bring this unit into your home. Take a walk with your child and see how
many spiders and insects you can find. Avoid touching unknown types of insects or spiders with
your fingers. Instead, use a clear jar with a lid to observe the creature close up. Release the insect or
spider after the observation.
We will be having a snack this week called ants on a log. Let your child make some for you! Spread
cream cheese on pieces of celery. Top with raisins. Enjoy!

Enjoy your child!

446 Theme 47
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2. Spider Snacks
Use chow mein noodles to place eight
“spider legs” into a prune.
Arts and Crafts
1. Make insects and spiders out of clay. Use
toothpicks, straws, and chenille stem
segments for the appendages.
2. Make insects and spiders with thumbprints. Dramatic Play
Children can draw crayon legs to make 1. Scientist
prints look like insects and spiders. The children can dress up in white lab
3. Egg carton caterpillars. Cut egg cartons in coats and observe spiders and insects with
half, lengthwise. Each child paints a carton magnifying glasses.
half. When dry, children can make a face
on the end of the carton and insert chenille 2. Spiderweb
stems or straws for feelers. Tie together a big piece of rope to resemble
a spiderweb. Have children pretend they
4. Have children make spiders from black are spiders playing on their web.
construction paper—one large black circle Caution: Closely supervise this activity.
for a body and eight strips for legs. Children
can paste on two yellow circles for eyes. 3. Spider Sac
Hang by a string around the room. Tape a 10-foot by 25-foot piece of plastic
5. Make ladybug shapes out of red and orange together on the sides. Blow it up with a
construction paper. Have children sponge fan to make a big bubble. Make a slit in
paint dots and legs on the bugs. the plastic for the entrance. The children
6. Sprinkle crayon shavings between two can pretend to be baby spiders coming out
pieces of waxed paper, and iron. Put a of the spider sac when they are hatching.
butterfly template over the waxed paper, and Caution: Closely supervise this activity.
glue it on. A pretty butterfly will be the final
product! 4. The children can act out “Little Miss
7. Make tissue paper butterflies. Have children
lightly paint white tissue paper or use
colored tissue paper. Fasten a chenille stem
around the middle. Add circles on the ends
for antennae. Field Trips and
8. Make balloon bugs. Blow up several long
balloons. Cover them with strips of paper Resource People
dipped in wallpaper paste. Put on three 1. Go on a walk to a nearby park to find bugs.
to four layers of this sticky paper. Let dry Look under rocks, in cracks in sidewalks, in
for 2 to 3 days. Then paint your own giant bushes, and so on.
bug! 2. Have someone who has a butterfly
collection come in.
3. Visit a pet store. Ask them to show you
what kind of insects they feed to the
Cooking animals in the store. Do they sell any
1. Ants on a Log
Cut celery pieces into 3-inch strips. Fill 4. Invite a zoologist to come in and talk about
the cavity of the celery stick with cream insects and how important they are.
cheese. Garnish with raisins. (As with all 5. Invite an individual who raises bees to talk
recipes calling for celery, this might be more to the children. Ask him or her to bring in a
appropriate for older children.) honeycomb for the children to taste.


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They crawled and they crawled and they
crawled around.
(wiggle fingers)
Then one little spider fell down, down, down.
Fingerplays and Chants (put one finger down)
Repeat, reducing the number of spiders by
Ants one each time.
Once I saw an anthill, with no ants about.
So I said “Little ants, won’t you please come
Then, as if they heard my call, one, two, Group Time
three, four, five came out. (Games and Language)
And that was all!
1. Matching Insects
Divide children into two groups. For each
Bumblebee group, hand out pictures of different spiders
Brightly colored bumblebee and insects that match pictures in the other
Looking for some honey. group. Point to a child from one group and
Flap your wings and fly away have that child act out his or her insect in
While it still is sunny. some way (movement or noises). The child
that has the same insect from the other
The Caterpillar group must go and meet the first child in
A caterpillar crawled to the top of a tree. the middle and act out the insect also.
(index finger of left hand moves up right 2. Have many pictures of insects and spiders
arm) on display. Talk about a different insect or
“I think I’ll take a nap,” said he. spider every day. Include where it lives, how
So under a leaf, he began to creep it walks, what it might eat, and so on.
(wrap right hand over left fist)
To spin his chrysalis and he fell asleep.
All winter long he slept in his chrysalis bed,
(keep right hand over left fist)
Till spring came along one day, and said,
“Wake up, wake up little sleepy head.”
Large Muscle
(shake left fist with right hand). 1. Have children pretend to walk as different
“Wake up, it’s time to get out of bed!” insects when in transition from one activity
So, he opened his eyes that sunshiny day to another.
(shake fingers and look into hand) 2. Explain to the children how bats eat
Lo—he was a butterfly and flew away! insects. Play a version of “tag” where
(move hand into flying motion) one child is the “bat” trying to catch the
“insects.” Make a bat headband out of black
Little Miss Muffet construction paper for the “bat” to wear.
Little Miss Muffet
Sat on a tuffet
Eating her curds and whey.
2+3 =
Along came a spider
And sat down beside her
And frightened Miss Muffet away! 1. Butterfly Match
Spiders can be prepared in the art area. Make several triangles of different colors.
On one triangle, put the numbers 1 to 10;
on the other, make dots to correspond to
On a Spiderweb the numbers 1 to 10. Have the children
On a spiderweb that once I saw. match the dots to the numbers and clip the
Ten little spiders did creep and crawl. triangles together with a clothespin to form
(show ten fingers) a butterfly.

448 Theme 47
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2. Ladybug Houses 3. “The Insects and Spiders”
Paint several half-pint milk cartons red. (Sing to the tune of “The Wheels on the Bus”)
Write the numerals 1 to 10 on each. Make
The bugs in the air fly up and down,
50 small ladybugs, dotting 5 sets of 1 to 10.
up and down, up and down.
Have children put ladybugs in their correct
The bugs in the air fly up and down all
houses by matching dots to numerals.
through the day.
3. Numeral Caterpillar The spiders on the bush spin a web.
Make a caterpillar with 10 body segments The crickets in the field hop up and down.
and a head. Have the children put The bees in their hive go buzz, buzz, buzz.
the numbers in order to complete the
caterpillar’s body.
4. “The Bees Are Buzzing All Around”
4. Sing the song “The Ants Go Marching One
(Sing to the tune of “The Ants Go Marching”)
by One,” and have the children act out the
song using their fingers as numbers. The bees are buzzing all around,
buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz.
5. Make an insect and spider lotto or
The bees are buzzing all around,
concentration game with stickers for
buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz.
children to play.
The bees are buzzing all around,
they’re buzzing up and buzzing down.
Oh, the bees are buzzing all around.
Buzz, buzz, buzz.

Music 5. “Shoo Fly”

1. “The Eensy Weensy Spider” Shoo fly, don’t bother me,
(Traditional) (walk in a circle to the left)
Shoo fly, don’t bother me,
The eensy weensy spider crawled up the (walk in a circle to the right)
water spout. Shoo fly, don’t bother me,
(walk fingers of one hand up other hand) (walk in a circle to the left)
Down came the rain and washed the For I belong to somebody.
spider out. (place hands on hips and shake head no)
(lower hands to make rain, wash out
spider by placing hands together in Flies in the buttermilk,
front and extending out to either side) (walk around shooing flies)
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain, Shoo fly, shoo,
(form sun with arms in circle over head) Flies in the buttermilk,
And the eensy weensy spider went Shoo fly, shoo,
up the spout again. Flies in the buttermilk,
(walk fingers up other arm) Shoo fly, shoo,
Please just go away.
2. “The Elephant Song” (place hands on hips and shake head no)
(Chant) Shoo fly, don’t bother me,
One elephant went out to play (walk to the left in a circle)
On a spider’s web one day. Shoo fly, don’t bother me.
He had such enormous fun, (walk to the right in a circle)
That he called for another elephant to come. Shoo fly, don’t bother me,
(walk to the left in a circle)
Elephant! Elephant! Come out to play! Come back another day.
Elephant! Elephant! Come out to play! (wave goodbye)
Two elephants …


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3. Discuss what it is like to be a member of a
family. Ask the children if each member of
their family has a certain job. Then focus on
Science ant colonies as families. Ants live together
much like people do, except that ants live in
1. Observe an Ant Farm
a larger community. Each ant has a certain
The children can watch the ants dig
task within the community. Some of the jobs
tunnels, build roads and rooms, eat and
are as follows:
store food, and so on. (Ant farms are
available in some commercial play catalogs.) • Nurse: look after the young
• Soldier: defend colony and attack
2. Go outside and observe anthills in the
playground area.
• Others: search for food, and enlarge and
3. Observe deceased flies and ants under a clean the nest (house)
4. Observe insects and spiders in a caged bug
keeper or plastic jars with holes in the lids.
5. Listen to a cricket during quiet time. Books
6. Capture a caterpillar and watch it spin a The following books can be used to complement
chrysalis and turn into a butterfly. this theme:
Allen, Judy, and Tudor Humphries. (2000). Are
You a Spider? New York: Kingfisher.
Allen, Judy, and Tudor Humphries. (2001). Are
Sensory You a Bee? Illustrated by Tudor Humphries.
1. Add soil and plastic insects to the sensory New York: Larousse Kingfisher Chambers.
table. Allen, Judy, and Tudor Humphries. (2003). Are
You a Butterfly? New York: Kingfisher.
2. Secret Smells
Discuss with children how bees use their Allen, Judy, and Tudor Humphries. (2003). Are
sense of smell to find nectar. Prepare You a Ladybug? New York: Kingfisher.
“secret smells” by placing cotton balls Allen, Judy, and Tudor Humphries. (2004). Are
inside empty yogurt containers. Add a You a Dragonfly? New York: Kingfisher.
variety of fruit extracts to each canister. Allen, Judy, and Tudor Humphries. (2004). Are
Use enough to soak the cotton ball. Ask the You a Grasshopper? New York: Kingfisher.
children to guess the flavor of the smell.
Caution: Empty food containers need to be Allen, Judy, and Tudor Humphries. (2004). Are
thoroughly washed in warm, soapy water You an Ant? New York: Kingfisher.
before using them for classroom activities. Aylesworth, Jim. (1992). Old Black Fly.
Illustrated by Stephen Gammell. New York:
H. Holt.
Brennan-Nelson, Denise. (1999). Buzzy the
Bumblebee. Illustrated by Michael Glenn
Social Studies Monroe. Ann Arbor, MI: Sleeping Bear Press.
1. Take the children on an insect hunt near Carle, Eric. (1969). The Very Hungry
your school. When the children are finished, Caterpillar. Harlow, NY: Longman.
have everyone show the rest of the class
Carle, Eric. (1984). The Very Busy Spider. New
what they found. Talk about where they
York: Philomel Books.
found the insects (on a tree, under a log, etc.).
Carle, Eric. (1990). The Very Quiet Cricket. New
2. Have children make homes for all the
York: Philomel Books.
insects they found. They can put dirt, grass,
twigs, and small rocks in plastic jars and Carle, Eric. (1995). The Very Lonely Firefly. New
cans. York: Philomel Books.

450 Theme 47
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Carle, Eric. (1999). The Very Clumsy Click Tagliaferro, Linda. (2004). Ants and Their
Beetle. New York: Philomel Books. Nests. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Cronin, Doreen. (2005). Diary of a Spider. Ziefert, H. (1999). Daddies Are for Catching
Illustrated by Harry Bliss. New York: Fireflies. New York: Puffin.
J. Cotter Books.
Cronin, Doreen. (2007). Diary of a Fly.
Illustrated by Harry Bliss. New York:
J. Cotter Books. Technology and
Dodd, Emma. (2010). I Love Bugs! New York:
Holiday House.
Edwards, Pamela Duncan. (2004). Clara The following technology and multimedia
Caterpillar. Illustrated by Henry Cole. New products can be used to complement this
York: HarperCollins. theme:
Ehlert, Lois. (2001). Waiting for Wings. San “Bumblebee” [CD]. 2010. In The Best of Laurie
Diego, CA: Harcourt. Berkner. New York: Two Tomatoes Records.
Gibbons, Gail. (1993). Spiders. New York: Butterfly and Moth [DVD]. (2007). New York:
Holiday House. DK Publishing.
Gibbons, Gail. (1997). The Honey Makers. New City of Bees [DVD]. (2005). Choices. Chicago,
York: William Morrow. ILL: Moody Publishers. JH
Gran, Julia. (2007). Big Bug Surprise. New Critter Quest [DVD]. (2006). New York: DK
York: Scholastic. Publishing.
Hall, Margaret. (2005). Ants. Mankato, MN: “Eensy Weensy Spider” [CD]. (2002). In Raffi,
Capstone Press. Let’s Play. Cambridge, MA: Rounder/
Hall, Margaret. (2005). Ladybugs. Mankato,
MN: Capstone Press. “Eensy Weensy Spider,” “Be My Little Baby
Bumblebee/Bringing Home a Baby
Hall, Margaret. (2006). Fireflies. Mankato, MN:
Bumblebee,” and “Shoo! Fly, Don’t Bother
Capstone Press.
Me” [CD]. (2001). In Four Baby Bumblebees.
Hall, Margaret. (2007). Hormigas/Ants. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo Educational.
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
“Firefly” [CD]. (2002). In Night Time! Dan
Howard, Fran. (2005). Bumble Bees. Mankato, Zanes and Friends. Brooklyn, NY: Festival
MN: Capstone Press. Five Records.
Howard, Fran. (2005). Butterflies. Mankato, Reading Rainbow. (2007). Bugs [DVD]. Lincoln,
MN: Capstone Press. NE: GPN Educational Media.
O’Flatharta, Antoine. (2005) Hurry and the “Spider on the Floor” [CD]. (1976). In Singable
Monarch. New York: Knopf/Random House. Songs for the Very Young. Cambridge, MA:
Sayre, April Pulley. (2005). The Bumblebee Rounder/UMGD.
Queen. Illustrated by Patricia J. Wynne. “Spiders” [CD]. (2008). In Songs for the Whole
Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge. Day. Nashville, TN: Lamon Records.
Sill, Cathryn. (2003). About Insects: A Guide for
Children. Illustrated by John Sill. Atlanta,
GA: Peachtree Publishing. Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Singer, Marilyn. (2003). Fireflies at Midnight. Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Illustrated by Ken Robbins. New York: website. Go to to
Atheneum Books for Young Readers. access the site for a variety of useful resources.
Sturges, Philemon. (2005). I Love Bugs!
Illustrated by Shari Halpern. New York:


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Theme 48

Foods Colors Symbols and Preparation
banana fritters red Decorations making drums,
coconut biscuits black red, black, and rattles, and rain
collard greens green green candles sticks, practicing
and kale kinara drumming and
cornbread (candleholder) dancing
hoppin’ John mkeka (straw mat) buying or making
(black-eyed peas fruits and vegetable gifts for friends and
and rice) basket families
fried chicken unity cup usually beading colored
sweet potato dishes filled with water necklaces
ears of dried corn weaving mats
African baskets decorating homes
cloth patterns

Principles Celebration Clothing

working together candle lighting kaftans
helping others storytelling keife
making good choices drumming dashiki
sharing singing, dancing
reading poetry

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Kwanzaa preparations 4. Special foods for Kwanzaa
2. How people celebrate Kwanzaa 5. Kwanzaa colors
3. Kwanzaa principles 6. Symbols of Kwanzaa

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Kwanzaa is an African-American holiday celebration that lasts for
seven days.
2. The colors of Kwanzaa are red, green, and black.
3. Children and families prepare for Kwanzaa by decorating their houses,
practicing drumming and dancing, and making gifts.
4. Special foods for Kwanzaa include fried chicken, black-eyed peas,
greens, cornbread, banana fritters, coconut biscuits, and sweet potatoes.
5. Each night a new candle is lit on the kinara, a seven-candle candlestick.
6. The kinara is placed on a woven mat called the mkeka.
7. A unity cup is placed on the mkeka and a fruit and vegetable basket
near it.
8. An ear of dried corn is placed in front of each child as they gather each
night to celebrate Kwanzaa.
9. During Kwanzaa, we think about how to work together, help others,
make good choices, and share.
10. People are singing, dancing, telling stories, reading poetry, and
drumming during Kwanzaa.
11. People give and receive homemade gifts during Kwanzaa.
12. Kaftans, dashikis, and keifes are special clothing that may be worn
during Kwanzaa.

1. dashiki—a brightly-colored and loose-fitting shirt without buttons.
2. harvest—when you pick and collect ripe fruits and vegetables.
3. jambo—hello (in Swahili).
4. kaftan—a dress worn by women during a Kwanzaa celebration.
5. keife—a cap worn during Kwanzaa celebrations.
6. kinara—a candleholder for seven candles.
7. Kwanzaa—a special holiday to celebrate African-American history.
8. mkeka—a mat woven with black, green, and red.

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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to foster a positive self-concept as well as
name recognition skills and visual-matching skills. Construct rectangle strips
(approximately 2 3 8 inches) out of an assortment of red, black, and green
construction paper so you have one for each child in your class. Print a child’s
name on each strip using black marker. Laminate all pieces. Staple 2- 3 8-inch
tagboard strips to the board to form a large rectangular shape so that you have
a tagboard strip for each child and the strips are no more than 1/4 inch apart.
Print each child’s name on one of the tagboard strips. Punch a hole in the top of
each colored piece with a paper punch. Attach a pushpin several inches above
each tagboard strip. The children can hang their colored strips on the bulletin
board as they arrive each day. When hung together, they will form the shape
of an mkeka mat to welcome everyone to Kwanzaa. You can also point out how
everyone is part of the whole, working together, sharing, and helping each other.

454 Theme 48
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
It’s the big season for holidays—Hanukkah, Christmas, and now Kwanzaa, which is our next theme.
Kwanzaa is an African-American holiday celebrated during the week between December 26 and
January 1 each year. Kwanzaa is a harvest holiday, not a religious holiday. It was established in 1966
to help African-Americans remember and celebrate their cultural heritage.
The word “Kwanzaa” comes from the Swahili language and means “first fruits.” The celebration is
organized around the number seven. Families and friends get together each night to light candles,
eat together, play music, dance, and tell stories.

At School
Some of the Kwanzaa activities planned include:
• Making rain sticks and mkeka mats
• Gathering fruit for fruit baskets
• Cooking sweet potato pie and black-eyed peas
• Talking about how we work together, help each other, and make choices

Parent Involvement
If you have special knowledge or experience celebrating Kwanzaa, we would love to have you share
it with our class. Please contact me so a time can be arranged for your visit.

You can learn more about Kwanzaa by doing a computer search!

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goes in the center, the red candles are on
one side, and the green candles are on the
other side.) Help them “light” the candles
Arts and Crafts by dipping a finger into yellow finger paint
1. Rain Sticks and making a fingerprint flame at the top of
Encourage the children to decorate empty each candle.
paper towel or wrapping paper tubes with
African colored tissue paper (or paint)—red, 6. Beaded Necklaces
green, and black. Cover one end of the tube On the art table, lay out beads and cording
with waxed paper and attach the paper that is cut in the lengths needed for a
tightly with a rubber band. Put a handful of necklace. Make sure that the cording is
small stones, sand, or pebbles into the open stiff enough so the children easily thread
end. Seal the opening with waxed paper and the beads and create their own Kwanzaa
a rubber band. Poke holes in the tube with a necklaces.
pushpin. Children can turn the tube slowly
or shake it to listen to different sounds they
can make. (Small dried pasta makes a rat-
a-tat-tat sound; dried beans go tap tap tap; Cooking
and rice makes a shushhhh sound.) 1. Fruit Kabobs
Since Kwanzaa means “fresh fruits,” this is
2. Kwanzaa Finger Painting the perfect time for children to make fruit
Place green and red fingerpaints on the art kabobs.
table with black paper or tagboard for the Banana chunks
children to create designs. Apple chunks
Orange segments
3. Mkeka Mat Collages Pineapple chunks
Give the children black construction paper Miniature marshmallows (optional)
and square shapes cut out of red and
green construction paper. Have them glue Place each fruit on a plate. Give each child
the square shapes onto their black paper a plastic drinking straw, a beverage stirrer,
to make a collage (similar to a woven or red or green toothpicks. Show them how
Kwanzaa mat called the mkeka). to thread fruit onto the stick to make fruit
kabobs for their snack.
4. Unity Chains
Cut out strips of red, green, and black paper 2. Sweet Potato Pie
(each approximately 1–2 inches wide and 2 large eggs
6–8 inches long). Teach the children how 1/2 cup sugar
to make a chain by making links with the Dash salt
paper strips using tape. As each link of the 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
paper chain is made, write the children’s 1/4 tsp. allspice
names on them to show how you are all 1/8 tsp. nutmeg
united in friendship. (Unity is one of the 1/4 tsp. lemon juice
principles of Kwanzaa.) Hang the long 1/2 tsp. vanilla
paper chain for decoration. 1/2 cup heavy cream
1 1/2 cups cooked, mashed sweet potatoes
5. Kwanzaa Candle Pictures 1 unbaked pie shell
On a piece of heavy paper, draw and
reproduce a template of a simple seven-
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Beat eggs
holed Kwanzaa candleholder. For candles,
well. Add sugar, salt, spices, lemon juice,
give your children three strips of red paper,
and vanilla to the eggs. Mix thoroughly. Add
three strips of green paper, and one strip
cream and stir. Add mashed sweet potatoes
of black paper. Help them glue the candles
and mix thoroughly. Turn into pie shell and
on the candleholder. (The black candle
bake for 1 hour or until firm. Let pie cool.
456 Theme 48
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3. Mashed Sweet Potatoes 4. Gift-Wrapping Center
6–8 sweet potatoes Collect boxes, wrapping paper, construction
3–4 tablespoons butter paper, and ribbon (black, red, and green).
1/4 cup brown sugar The children can wrap presents for
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Peel the
sweet potatoes and poke them with a fork
to make air holes. Bake them in a baking
dish with a little water for 50–60 minutes,
depending on the size. (Cutting the potatoes Field Trips and
in half will allow them to bake more
quickly.) The potatoes are done when soft. Resource People
Mash the potatoes in a bowl with butter 1. African-American Visitor
and brown sugar. Yum! Invite someone who is African-American
and celebrates Kwanzaa to come visit
4. Coconut Biscuits your school site. Have them talk with the
3 cups flour children about how they and their family
1 tablespoon and 1 teaspoon baking powder celebrate Kwanzaa. Encourage the visitor to
4 tablespoons of butter bring any artifacts and pictures they
3 tablespoons of sugar may have.
1 1/3 teaspoon salt
1 1/3 cup milk
1/2 cup toasted coconut

Combine the first four ingredients—flour,

baking powder, sugar, and salt. Add butter,
and cut into the mixture until pea sized.
Add milk and coconut. Stir. Drop onto a
Fingerplays and Chants
greased cookie sheet. Bake for 10 minutes 1. “One, Two, Three Little Candles”
at 450 degrees. Serve warm. Makes 20 (Sing to the tune of “Ten Little Indians”)
biscuits. One little, two little, three little candles
(hold up fingers as you count on left
four little, five little, six little candles
(hold up fingers as you count on right
Dramatic Play hand)
1. Fruit and Vegetable Baskets seven little candles shine for Kwanzaa
Set up a Kwanzaa fruit and vegetable (hold up a seventh finger)
basket center. Put out a few baskets (or shining in the kinara
platters), along with a variety of plastic (wiggle all seven fingers)
fruits and vegetables. Invite the children to
create fruit and vegetable baskets. 2. Seven Days of Kwanzaa
(Sing to the tune of “Three Blind Mice”)
2. Decorate for Kwanzaa Seven days of Kwanzaa, seven days of
Put on some African music and provide Kwanzaa
black, green, and red streamers. Invite the (hold up seven fingers)
children to help hang and decorate with the Here they are, here they are
streamers. (wiggle your seven fingers)
Each night we light a candle
3. Costume Shop (hold up one finger on the left hand)
Bring in black, red, and green clothes for Each night we light a candle
Kwanzaa. If available, include African fabric (hold up one finger on the right hand)
strips for headbands, belts, and skirts.

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Black, red, green
(make a gentle fist and splay your
fingers three times)
Black, red, green
(make a gentle fist and splay your Music
fingers three times) 1. “Kwanzaa Light”
(Sing to the tune of “Twinkle Twinkle”)
Seven candles in a row,
Wait to join the bright bright glow.
Group Time We will light them one by one,
(Games and Language) Until all seven join the fun.
1. Hot Sweet Potato Seven candles burning bright,
Play hot potato with a sweet potato (a Fill the world with Kwanzaa light.
favorite food enjoyed during Kwanzaa).

2. Black, Red, and Green 2.“Kwanzaa’s Here”

Color Games (Sing to the tune of “Three Blind Mice”)
Since black, red, and green are the colors of Red, green, black
Kwanzaa, use the celebration to review the Red, green, black.
colors with your children. Here are a few Kwanzaa’s here,
things to try. Kwanzaa’s here.
• Select items of red, green, or black The colors are quite a sight,
clothing to wear, and encourage your We light a candle every night,
children to do the same. The holiday is filled with light,
• Play an “I Spy” game with your Kwanzaa’s here.
children looking for red, green, and
black objects.
• Go for a “red, green, and black walk” to 3. Drums, Shakers, and Rain Sticks
find things that are these colors. Provide drums, shakers, and rain sticks for
the children to create music.

2+3 =
1. Seven
Make a mat with circles on it numbered 1 Science
through 7. Draw one circle-shaped smiley
1. Corn Display
face in the number 1 circle, two smiley faces
Place all types of corn, including corn on
in the number 2 circle, and so on. Put out
the cob, popcorn, fresh cooked corn, canned
a bowl of pennies, dried pasta, or beans.
corn, or frozen corn, on the science table.
Children can count to seven by putting the
Provide a magnifying class for the children
objects in the circles.
to closely observe each type.
2. Seven Giant Steps
2. Unity Cup Color Experiment
Using colored chalk, draw seven large
Put water in a unity cup (a plastic wine
circles (in a line or a circle) on the yard
glass or goblet). Add yellow food coloring.
or walkway, and number them from one
Ask the children what they think will
to seven. The children can march, dance,
happen if you add blue food coloring. Show
or hop while counting out the days of
them how it makes green. Repeat the
experiment with blue and red (to make
purple) or yellow and red (to make orange).

458 Theme 48
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3. Sprout a Sweet Potato
Fill a jar halfway with cool water. Stick
four toothpicks in a long, thin sweet potato,
evenly spaced, about halfway between the
top and bottom (roughly where 12, 3, 6, and The following books can be used to complement
9 would be on a clock). Place the potato in this theme:
the jar so the bottom inch or two is covered
Ada, Alma Flor, and F. Isabel Campoy. (2007).
in water, but the potato bottom doesn’t rest
Celebrate Kwanzaa con Botitas y sus
on the bottom of the jar. Keep the bottom
gatitos / Celebrate Kwanzaa with Boots
of the potato covered with water and put in
and Her Kittens (Spanish edition).
the sun. The eyes of the potato will begin to
Illustrated by Valeria DoCampo. Madrid,
sprout, and purple vines will grow.
Spain: Alfaguara Infantil.
Anderson, Sheila. (2009). Kwanzaa. Cultural
Holidays. Edina, MN: Magic Wagon.
Burden-Patmon, Denise. (1993). Imani’s Gift
at Kwanzaa. Illustrated by Floyd Cooper.
Sensory Fullerton, CA: Aladdin Books.
The following items can be added to Chocolate, Deborah. (1996). A Very Special
the sensory table: Kwanzaa. New York: Scholastic Paperbacks.
• Small wax candles Chocolate, Deborah. (1999). My First Kwanzaa
• Red, green, and black colored streamers Book. Illustrated by Cal Massey. New York:
• Colored water Scholastic Paperback.
Cooper, Melrose. (2007). The Seven Days of
Kwanzaa. New York: Cartwheel Books.
Dickman, Nancy. (2011). Kwanzaa. Mankato,
MN: Heinemann Publishers.
Social Studies Doering, Amanda. (2006). Kwanzaa: African
1. Kwanzaa Symbols American Celebration of Culture. First
Place a decorative mat on a table. Then Facts, Holidays and Culture. Illustrated by
place other Kwanzaa symbols such as corn, Robert Williams. Mankato, MN: Capstone.
candleholders, children books, African Ford, Juwanda G. (2000). Together for Kwanzaa.
baskets, and a red, black, and green flag on Illustrated by Shelly Hehenberger. New
the decorative mat. York: Random House Books for Young
2. Sharing Ford, Juwanda G. (2003). K Is for Kwanzaa.
Tell the children that Kwanzaa is a time to Illustrated by Ken Wilson-Max. New York:
think about how we share. Give an example Cartwheel Books.
of how you share, and ask children about
how they share—at home with siblings and Gayle, Sharon Shavers. (1996). A Kwanzaa
at school with friends. Miracle. Illustrated by Frank Norfleet. New
York: Troll Communications.
3. Helping Hands Goss, Linda, and Clay Goss. (2002). It’s
Remind children that Kwanzaa is a time Kwanzaa Time. New York: Putnam
to think about how we help each other as Juvenile.
a community. Draw outlines of two large Grier, Ella. (2005). Seven Days of Kwanzaa.
hands on butcher paper. Have the kids Illustrated by John Ward. New York:
dip their hands in fingerpaint and make Sterling Publishers.
handprints in the hand. Ask, “How do we
help each other?” and write some examples Holub, Joan. (2002). Kwanzaa Kids. A Lift-the-
around the hands. Flap Book. Illustrated by Ken Wilson-Max.
New York: Puffin.

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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Katz, Karen. (2003). My First Kwanzaa. New Washington, Donna. (2010). Lil’ Rabbit’s
York: Henry Holt. Kwanzaa. Illustrated by Shane W. Evans.
Kotunbu, Dimitrea. (2009). The Sound of New York: Katherine Tegen Books.
Kwanzaa. New York: Scholastic Press. Williams, Nancy. (1995). A Kwanzaa
Otto, Carolyn. (2010). Celebrate Kwanzaa: Celebration Pop-Up Book: Celebrating the
With Candles, Community, and the Fruits Holiday with New Traditions and Feasts.
of the Harvest. Holidays around the World. Illustrated by Robert Sabuda. New York:
Washington, DC: National Geographic Little Simon.
Children’s Books.
Pinkney, Andrea Davis. (1998). Seven Candles
for Kwanzaa. Illustrated by Brian Pinkney.
New York: Puffin. Technology and
Porter, A. P. (1991). Kwanzaa. Carolrhoda On Multimedia
My Own Books. Illustrated by Janice Lee
Porter. Minneapolis, MN: Carolrhoda Books The following technology and multimedia
products can be used to complement this
Ross, Kathy. (2006). All New Crafts for
Kwanzaa. Illustrated by Sharon Lane Holm.
Minneapolis, MN: First Avenue Editions. Kwanzaa Music [CD]. (1994). Boston: Rounder/
Saint James, Synthia. (1994). The Gifts
of Kwanzaa. Park Ridge, IL: Albert Kwanzaa Party! A Celebration of Black
Whitman & Company. Cultures in Song [CD]. (1996). Boston:
Saint James, Synthia. (2001). It’s Kwanzaa Time.
A Lift-the-Flap Story. New York: Little Simon. Smallwood, Frank. (2010). Let’s Celebrate
Kwanzaa Sing-Along [CD]. Newark, NJ:
TK. (2004). It’s Beginning to Look a Lot
Peter Pan Records.
like Kwanzaa. JATS Holiday Classics.
Illustrated by Rex Perry. New York:
Hyperion Books.
Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Trueit, Trudi Strain. (2006). Kwanzaa. Rookie Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Read-About Holidays. Danbury, CT: website. Go to to
Children’s Press.
access the site for a variety of useful resources.
Washington, Donna. (1990). The Story of
Kwanzaa. Illustrated by Stephen Taylor.
New York: Harper Collins.

460 Theme 48
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Theme 49

Symbols Objects Delivered Post Office Contents
hat letters post office boxes
mailbag postcards stamp machines
mail truck boxes address books
badge magazines scales, mailboxes
cards envelopes
books shelves
rubber stamps

Duties of Mail Mailing Address Types of

Carrier name Transportation
delivers mail house number trucks
picks up mail street name walking
sorts mail city name bicycles
stamps mail state name cars
zip code, stamp

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Duties of a mail carrier 4. Parts of a mailing address
2. Symbols identifying a mail carrier 5. Types of transportation
3. Contents found in a post office 6. Objects delivered by mail

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. A man or woman who delivers mail is a mail carrier.
2. The mail carrier usually wears a badge and a hat for identification.
3. A mail carrier walks, rides a bicycle, or drives a car or truck to deliver
4. Mail carriers deliver cards, letters, postcards, boxes, books, and
5. Mail carriers sort, stamp, pick up, and deliver mail.
6. Stamps are placed on objects for mailing.
7. Names, house numbers, street names, city names, state names, and zip
codes are on mailing labels.
8. A post office has stamp machines, scales, address books, and
9. Envelopes and boxes can be purchased at the post office.
10. Scales are used to weigh mail.
11. Some mail carriers use mailbags to carry the mail.

1. address—directions for the mail carrier.
2. envelope—a cover for a letter.
3. letter—a printed message that contains alphabet letters.
4. mail—letters, cards, postcards, and packages.
5. mailbag—a bag that holds letters and postcards.
6. mail carrier—a person who delivers mail.
7. post office—a place where mail is sorted.
8. stamp—a sticker put on mail.
9. zip code—the last numbers on a mailing address.

462 Theme 49
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to reinforce the mathematical skill of matching
a set to its written numeral. Construct mailboxes out of tagboard. Each mailbox
should include a red flag and contain a numeral. The number will depend on
developmental appropriateness. A set of dots, corresponding to the numeral on the
flag, should be placed on the mailbox. Hang the mailboxes on the bulletin board.
Next, construct letters by using small cards with sets of dots on them. The children
can match the dots on the cards to the dots and numerals on the mailboxes. If
desired, magnet pieces can be attached to both the mailboxes and the cards.


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Family Letter


Dear Families,
During the past several weeks, we have been busy discussing the roles of a variety of community
helpers. Next, we will focus the curriculum on the role of the mail carrier. The children will learn
about letters, stamps, and addresses, and will be able to identify objects found in a post office. They
will also become aware of what needs to be included on a letter or package before it is delivered.
Moreover, they will learn the types of transportation used for delivering.

At School
Some of the many learning activities scheduled include:
• Listening to the story Adventures of a Letter by G. Warren Schloat
• Playing in a post office set up in the classroom
• Making mailboxes and postcards
• Weighing letters and packages
• Delivering mail to our friends in our room

At Home
Let your children help or watch you open the mail. Give your child the “junk mail” to play with.
Show your child where your address is on your house and mailbox. You may also enjoy having your
children dictate a letter to a grandparent, favorite aunt, or cousin. As you write the letter, show your
child the printed alphabet letters to develop an awareness of alphabet letters. After you finish the
letter, address an envelope. Let your child show the proper placement of the stamp. Then it’s off to
the post office!

Enjoy your child!

464 Theme 49
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2. Letters
Provide a variety of writing materials.
Include different colors of paper, writing
Arts and Crafts tools, and envelopes. The children can
1. Postcards dictate a letter to a friend or a family
Have children make postcards at school to member. After all interested children have
send to family and friends. Provide index completed dictation, apply stamps and
cards. Let the children design the postcards. walk to the nearest mailbox or post office.
(Contact a local printer, office supply store,
2. Mailboxes or card shop and ask for discontinued
Make mailboxes out of old shoeboxes. Each samples or misprinted envelopes.)
child can decorate his or her own box.
Names can be added by the child or teacher.
Include a home address for older children.

3. Mail Truck
Field Trips and
Construct a mail truck out of a large Resource People
cardboard box. Provide paint for the
children to decorate it. When dried, place 1. Post Office
chairs and, if available, a steering wheel Plan a field trip to the local post office.
inside for the children to use. Observe the mailboxes, stamp machines,
address books, scales, and rubber stamps
4. Stamps with the children. Mail a postcard back
Collect assorted stamps or stickers. to the center. Count the number of days it
Cancelled stamps can be reglued. The takes to arrive.
children can make a stamp collage.
2. Mail Carrier
Invite the mail carrier who delivers mail or
the local postmaster to your center or school
to visit in the classroom. Ask the mail
Cooking carrier to show his or her mailbag, hat, and
so on to the children.
Zip Code Special
1 1/2 cups nonfat dry milk
2 cups fresh or frozen berries
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup water
1 tray ice cubes
Blend all ingredients in a blender. Serve
and enjoy.
Fingerplays and Chants
Little Mail Carrier
I am a little mail carrier
(point to self)
Who can do nothing better.
I walk.
Dramatic Play (walk in place)
1. Post Office I run.
Develop the dramatic play area into a post (run in place)
office. Provide a mailbox, mail carrier hats, I hop to your house.
a mailbag, stamps, a cash register, rubber (hop in place)
date stamps, and a letter scale. The children To deliver your letter.
may enjoy acting out the role of a mail
carrier or a post office worker.


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Five Little Letters
Five little letters lying on a tray. 2+3 =
(extend fingers of right hand) Math
Mommy came and took the first one away.
(bend down thumb) The number of items and numerals used
Daddy said, “This one’s for me!” in these activities needs to be adjusted
I counted them twice, now there are three. to reflect children’s level of development.
(bend down pointer finger)
Brother Bill asked, “Did I get any mail?” 1. Dominoes
He found one and cried, “A letter from Gail.” Create dominoes out of envelopes. Have the
(bend down middle finger) children match the numbers and dots.
My sister Jane took the next to the last
And ran upstairs to open it fast. 2. How Many Stamps?
(bend down ring finger) Write an individual numeral on an envelope.
As I can’t read, I am not able to see, Make or collect many stamps. The children
Whom the last one is for, but I hope it’s for me! can place the correct number of stamps
(wiggle last finger, clap hands) in the envelope with the corresponding
numeral. A variation of this activity is to
The Mail Carrier make mailboxes from shoeboxes. Again,
I come from the post office write a numeral on each box. Make or collect
(walk from post office) many different envelopes. The children can
My mail sack on my back. put the correct number of letters in the
(pretend to carry sack on back) corresponding mailboxes.
I go to all the houses
(pretend to go up to a house) 3. Package Seriation
Leaving letters from my pack. Prepare several packages and letters of
(pretend to drop letters into mailbox) different sizes. The children can place the
One, two, three, four letters and packages in order from largest
(hold up fingers as you count) to smallest or from smallest to largest.
What are these letters for?
(pretend to hold letters as you count)
One for John. One for Lou.
(pretend to hand out letters)
One for Tom and one for you!
(pretend to hand out letters to others)
1. “Mailing Letters”
Letter to Grandma (Sing to the tune of “The Mulberry Bush”)
Lick them, stamp them This is the way we mail a letter,
(make licking and stamping motions) Mail a letter, mail a letter.
Put them in a box. This is the way we mail a letter,
(extend arms outward) So early in the morning.
Hope that Grandma
Loves them a lot! 2. “Let’s Pretend”
(hug self) (Sing to the tune of “Did You Ever See a
Let’s pretend that we are mail carriers,
Group Time Are mail carriers, are mail carriers.
Let’s pretend that we are mail carriers,
(Games, Language) We’ll have so much fun.
Thank You We’ll carry the letters and put them in
Write a thank-you note to the boxes.
postmaster or mail carrier after Let’s pretend that we are mail carriers,
visiting. We’ll have so much fun.

466 Theme 49
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Gibbons, Gail. (1987). The Post Office Book:
Mail and How It Moves. New York:
Science Keats, Ezra Jack. (1998). A Letter to Amy
(reprint edition). New York: Viking.
1. Dress the Mail Carrier
Place flannel board pieces representing Kottke, Jan. (2000). A Day with a Mail Carrier.
seasonal clothing for a mail carrier. Let the Hard Work. New York: Children’s Press.
children select the appropriate clothing for Owen, Ann. (2003). Delivering Your Mail: A
the weather. This may be an interesting Book about Mail Carriers. Illustrated by
activity to introduce daily during group Eric Thomas. Minneapolis, MN: Picture
time. Window Books.
Schaefer, Lola M. (1999). We Need Mail
2. Weighing Mail Carriers. Mankato, MN: Pebble Books.
A variety of letters, boxes, and stamps,
Scholat, G. Warren. (1949). Adventures of a
and a scale, can be placed in the science
Letter. New York: Schriber. JH
area. The children can weigh letters and
packages. This activity can be extended by Scott, Ann Herbert. (1994). Hi. Illustrated by
placing materials in the boxes and weighing Glo Coalson. New York: Philomel Books.
them, noting the difference. Steffensmeier, Alexander. (2007). Millie Waits
for the Mail. New York: Holzbrinck.
3. How Does the Mail Feel?
Teague, Mark. (2002). Dear Mrs. La Rue:
Place different types of envelopes and
Letters from Obedience School. New York:
stationery on the sensory table for the
children to explore. Include airmail paper,
onionskin, bond paper, computer paper, and
different kinds of stationery. Also, provide a
magnifying glass.
Technology and
The following technology and multimedia
products can be used to complement this
Social Studies theme:
Mailboxes “The Community Helper Hop” [CD]. (1996). In
Plan a walk around the neighborhood. People in Our Neighborhood. Long Branch,
Observe the different types of NJ: Kimbo Educational.
mailboxes and addresses.
“Mail Carrier” [CD]. (2008). In Songs for the
Whole Day. Nashville, TN: Lamon Records.
There Goes the Mail [video]. (1997). New York:
The following books can be used to complement
Additional teaching resources to accompany this
this theme:
Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Cuneo, Mary Louise, and Pamela Paparone. website. Go to to
(2000). Mail for Husher Town. Illustrated by access the site for a variety of useful resources.
Pamela Paparone. New York: Greenwillow.
Flanagan, Alice K., and Christine Osinski. (1999).
Here Comes Mr. Eventoff with the Mail. Our
Neighborhood. Photography by Christine
Osinski. New York: Children’s Press.


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Theme 50

Foods Size Homes Noises Types
insects small barns squeaking house
leaves attics scratching American
roots basements chattering harvest
seeds fields grasshopper
leather nests deer

Needs Enemies Body Parts Colors

food people head white
water dogs body black
shelter hawks tail brown
foxes ears
snakes eyes
owls mouth
rats teeth
other mice whiskers

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Body parts of mice 6. Foods mice eat
2. Size of mice 7. Homes mice make
3. Needs of mice 8. Enemies of mice
4. Color of mice 9. Types of mice
5. Noises mice make

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. A mouse is a small animal with four legs.
2. Mice is the word to use when you refer to more than one mouse.
3. There are four main types of mice: house, American harvest,
grasshopper, and deer.
4. The body of a mouse is 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 inches long. The tail is almost as
long as the body.
5. The body of a mouse is covered with fur.
6. Mice may have white-, brown-, or black-colored fur.
7. Mice need water, food, and shelter to live.
8. Mice eat plants, insects, leaves, roots, seeds, leather, fruits, cheese,
plants, and nuts.
9. Barns, attics, basements, fields, and nests are homes for mice.
10. Mice need food and shelter to live.
11. Mice have good hearing but poor sight.
12. Mice have strong, sharp front teeth that keep growing.
13. Mice have a head, a body, a tail, ears, eyes, a mouth, and whiskers.
14. A house mouse has a brown back and white belly.
15. People can sometimes hear mice squeaking, chattering, and scratching.
16. People, cats, dogs, hawks, foxes, snakes, owls, rats, and other mice can
be enemies of mice.

1. mouse—a small furry animal that has a head, ears, eyes, a mouth,
whiskers, four legs, a body, and a tail.
2. scratching—a noise a mouse makes by rubbing its nails against a
3. squeaking—a clear, sharp sound made by a mouse.
4. chewing—mice chew by crushing with their teeth.

MICE 469
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to promote the identification of written
numerals as well as match a set to a written numeral. Construct cheese and
mice shapes out of construction paper or tagboard. Draw a set of dots on each
piece of cheese. The number of dots used should correspond to the developmental
level of the children. Print a corresponding numeral on each mouse. Staple the
cheese pieces to the bulletin board along the side edges and the bottom, creating
a pocket. The children should be encouraged to match the written numeral of
each mouse to the corresponding set of dots on the cheese pieces and place the
mice in the pockets.

470 Theme 50
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! We will be enjoying a new theme that will provide us with discoveries
about small animals called mice. The children will be learning about the types, colors, care, needs,
and enemies of mice. They will also learn about foods mice eat and the homes they make.

At School
Learning experiences planned for this unit include:
• Visiting the pet store to observe mice
• Pretending to be mice in the dramatic play area
• Listening to the stories titled Mouse Paint and Mouse Count by Ellen Stoll Walsh

At Home
Go to the library and check out some children’s books about mice. Some titles to look for include:
• If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Numeroff
• Mouse Poems by John Foster
Enjoy the following fingerplay titled “Where Are the Baby Mice?” with your child.
Where are the baby mice?
(hide fists behind back)
Squeak, squeak, squeak.
I cannot see them.
Peek, peek, peek.
(show fists)
Here they come out of their hole in the wall.
One, two, three, four, five and that is all!
(show fingers one at a time)
Enjoy helping your child learn more about mice!

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of dough onto a cookie sheet so that it will
resemble a mouse head with two ears when
baked. The mouse cookies can be frosted, or
Arts and Crafts details can be added with raisins, chocolate
1. Mouse Sponge Painting chips, and string licorice.
Cut sponges into mice shapes. Place on the
art table with paper and a shallow pan of
thick tempera paint. The children can make
designs by pressing the sponge into the
paint and then on a piece of paper. Dramatic Play
1. Mouse House
2. Seed Collage The children can pretend to be mice!
Place a variety of seeds, glue, and paper Construct mouse ears out of fabric
on a table in the art area. The children can or construction paper, and attach to
create designs with the materials. headbands. Provide large cardboard boxes
to represent houses for the mice.

2. Pet Store
Cooking Arrange the dramatic play area as a pet
store. Provide props such as a cash register,
1. Macaroni and Cheese play money, stuffed animals, animal cages,
Purchase prepackaged macaroni and animal toys, and empty pet food boxes.
cheese. Prepare following the directions Display posters of pets, including mice.
provided on the container. Compare the
flavor to that of the recipe that follows.
3–3 1/2 cups cooked macaroni
1/4 cup butter or margarine
1/4 cup chopped onion (optional)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
Field Trips
1/4 cup flour 1. Pet Store
1 1/2 cups milk Visit a pet store to observe the colors of pet
1/2 pound of Swiss or American cheese cut mice and animal accessories. Photographs
into small cubes can be taken during the trip and later
displayed in the classroom.
Combine butter, onion, salt, and pepper in
a saucepan; cook over medium heat until 2. Mouse Walk
onion is tender. Blend in the flour. Lower Take a walk around your school and look for
heat and stir constantly until the mixture places mice might live.
is smooth and bubbly. Add milk and heat to
boiling, stirring constantly. Stir and boil one
minute. Remove from heat. Add cheese, and
stir until melted.
Place macaroni in ungreased 1 1/2
quart casserole. Stir cheese sauce into the
macaroni. Bake in an oven heated to Fingerplays and Chants
375 degrees for 30 minutes. Makes five Where Are the Baby Mice?
servings. Where are the baby mice?
(hide fists behind back)
2. Mouse Cookies Squeak, squeak, squeak!
With the children, prepare a batch of I cannot see them.
drop cookie dough according to the recipe. Peek, peek, peek.
Demonstrate how to drop three spoonfuls (show fist)

472 Theme 50
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Here they come out of their hole in the wall.
One, two, three, four, five, and that is all!
(show fingers one at a time)
Group Time
(Games and Language)
Five Little Baby Mice 1. “Mouse, Mouse, Where’s Your
Five little mice on the kitchen floor. Cheese?”
(hold up five fingers) This game is played in a circle formation.
This little mouse peeked behind the door. Arrange the chairs and place one in
(point to thumb) the center of the circle. Place a block to
This little mouse nibbled at the cake. represent the cheese under the chair.
(point to index finger) Select one child, the “mouse,” to sit on
This little mouse not a sound did he make. the chair and close his or her eyes. Then
(point to middle finger) point to another child. This child must
This little mouse took a bite of cheese. try to remove the cheese without making
(point to ring finger) a sound. After the child returns to his or
This little mouse heard the kitten sneeze. her chair in the circle, instruct all of the
(point to pinky) children to place their hands behind
“Ah-choo!” sneezed the kitten, their backs. Then, in unison, the children
And “squeak” they cried. say, “Mouse, Mouse, where is your
As they found a hole and ran inside. cheese?” The mouse then opens his or
(move hand behind back) her eyes and tries to guess who is
holding the cheese.
Little Mouse
See the little mousie, 2. Language Chart
(place index and middle finger on thumb Across the top of a piece of tagboard, print
to represent a mouse) the question “Where would you like to
Creeping up the stair, live if you were a mouse?” During group
(creep mouse slowly up the forearm) time, introduce the chart and record the
Looking for a warm rest. children’s responses. Display the chart in
There—Oh! There! the classroom.
(spring mouse into an elbow corner)

Hickory Dickory Dock

Hickory, dickory, dock.
(bend arm at elbow; hold up and open
The mouse ran up the clock.
(run fingers up the arm)
The clock struck one, 1. “Ten Little Mice”
(hold up index finger) (Sing to the tune of “Ten Little Indians”)
The mouse ran down, One little, two little, three little mice.
(run fingers down arm) Four little, five little, six little mice.
Hickory, dickory, dock. Seven little, eight little, nine little mice.
Ten little mice, all played nice.
Here is a mouse with ears so funny, 2. “Two Little Brown Mice”
(place index and middle finger on thumb (Sing to the tune of “Baa Baa Black Sheep”)
to represent a mouse)
And here is a hole in the ground. Two little brown mice,
(make a hole with the other fist) Scampering through the hall.
When a noise he hears, he pricks up his ears. One named Sarah.
And runs to his hole in the ground. One named Paul.
(jump mouse into hole in other fist)

MICE 473
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Run away, Sarah.
Run away, Paul.
Come back, Sarah.
Come back, Paul. Sensory
Two little brown mice, Additions to the Sensory Table
Scampering through the hall. • Grains with scoops, cups, and spoons
One named Sarah. • Seeds with pails and shovels
One named Paul. • Clean cedar chips (animal bedding) with
measuring cups, scoops, and pails
3. “Find the Mouse”
(Sing to the tune of “The Muffin Man”)

Oh, can you find the little mouse,

The little mouse, the little mouse.
Can you find the little mouse,
He’s somewhere in the house.
The following books can be used to complement
4. “One Little Mouse” this theme:
(Sing to the tune of “Six Little Ducks”) Brett, Jan. (1994). Town Mouse, Country Mouse.
New York: G. P. Putnam.
One little brown and whiskery mouse
Lived in a hole in a cozy house. Cousins, Lucy. (1998). Maisy on the Farm.
When the cat came along to Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.
Take a little peek, Cousins, Lucy. (2000). Maisy Takes a Bath.
The mouse ran away with a “Squeak, Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.
squeak, squeak.” Cousins, Lucy. (2002). Maisy Cleans Up.
“Squeak, squeak, squeak.” Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.
“Squeak, squeak, squeak.”
“The mouse ran away with a “Squeak, Cousins, Lucy. (2010). Maisy Goes to Preschool.
squeak, squeak.” Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.
De Paola, Tomie. (1997). Mice Squeak, We
5. “Three Brown Mice” Speak (poem by Arnold Shapiro). New York:
(Sing to the tune of “Three Blind Mice”) Putnam.
Donofrio, Beverly. (2007). Mary and the Mouse.
Three brown mice, three brown mice.
Illustrated by Barbara McClintock. New
See how they run. See how they run.
York: Schwartz & Wade Books.
They were chased through the house
by the big black cat. Dunbar, Joyce. (2006). Where’s My Sock?
Lucky for them, she was lazy and fat. Illustrated by Sanja Rescek. New York:
Did you ever see such a sight as that? Chicken House.
Three brown mice, three brown mice. Fleming, Denise. (1992). Lunch. New York:
Henry Holt.
Foster, John. (1990). Mouse Poems. Oxford,
England: Oxford University Press.
George, Lindsay Barrett. (2004). Inside Mouse,
Science Outside Mouse. New York: Greenwillow
Iwamura, Kazuo. (2010). Hooray for Summer.
Purchase or borrow mice from a pet store
Fitzgerald, GA: North South.
to keep as classroom pets. Place the cage on
the science table for the children to observe. King-Smith, Dick. (1999). A Mouse Called Wolf.
Allow the children to assist in caring for the New York: Yearling.

474 Theme 50
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Kirk, Daniel. (2010). Library Mouse: A World to Wood, Don. (1990). The Little Mouse, the Red
Explore. New York: Abrams Books for Young Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear.
Readers. New York: Child’s Play.
Lewiston, Wendy Cheyette. (2010). There’s a Yee, Wong Herbert. (2009). Mouse and Mole,
Mouse in the House! New York: Cartwheel Fine Feathered Friends. Boston: Houghton
Books. Mifflin Books for Children.
Numeroff, Laura (2007). If You Give A Mouse
A Cookie. Illustrated by Felicia Bond. New
York: Harper Collins Publisher.
Pinkney, Jerry. (2009). The Lion and the Mouse.
New York: Little Brown Books for Young Technology and
Ryan, Pam Munoz, and Joe Cepeda. (2001).
Mice and Beans. Illustrated by Joe Cepeda. The following technology and multimedia
New York: Scholastic. products can be used to complement this
Rylant, Cynthia. (2008). In November. Orlando, theme:
FL: Voyager Books. If You Give a Mouse a Cookie [CD]. (1995). New
Scarry, Richard. (2001). Is This the House of York: HarperCollins Interactive.
Mistress Mouse? New York: Golden Books. Mabela the Clever (an African Folktale of
Shapiro, Arnold. (2000). Mice Squeak, We the Limba People of Sierra Leone) [DVD].
Speak. Illustrated by Tomie de Paola. New (2005). Guilford, CT: Nutmeg Media.
York: Penguin. “Mouse in My Toolbox” [CD]. (2008). Rocketship
Smith, Jeff. (2009). Little Mouse Gets Ready. Run. New York: Two Tomatoes.
New York: RAW Junior. Palmer, Hap. (1995). “The Mice Go Marching”
Stoll, Ellen Walsh. (1991). Mouse Count. San [CD]. In Rhythms on Parade. Baldwin, NY:
Diego, CA: Harcourt Children’s Books. Educational Activities.

Stoll, Ellen Walsh. (1989). Mouse Paint. New Play Time Maisy [DVD]. (2004). Burbank, CA:
York: Harcourt Brace and Company. Universal Studios.

Stoll, Ellen Walsh. (2007). Mouse Shapes. San Reading Rainbow. (2007). If You Give a
Diego, CA: Harcourt Children’s Books. Mouse a Cookie [DVD]. Lincoln, NE: GPN
Educational Media.
Thompson, Lauren. (2004). Mouse’s First
Summer. Illustrated by Buket Erdogan
New York: Simon and Schuster. Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Urban, Linda. (2009). Mouse Was Mad. Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Illustrated by Henry Cole. Orlando, FL: website. Go to to
Harcourt Children’s Books. access the site for a variety of useful resources.
Wallace, Nancy Elizabeth. (2006). Look! Look!
Look! New York: Marshall Cavendish

MICE 475
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Theme 51

Body Sounds Tempo Equipment Language
stamping fast compact disc player Concepts
clapping slow computer numbers
whistling radio colors
marching iPod letters
snapping MP3 player shapes
singing DVD player animals

Sounds Instruments Kinds

high piano rock and roll
low autoharp classical
loud tambourine jazz
soft drum country
sandpaper blocks

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Kinds of music 5. Names of many musical instruments
2. Music tempos 6. Body sounds
3. Language concepts 7. Equipment used for playing
4. Different sounds and recording music

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Music is a language made up of sounds.
2. Music is a way of expressing ideas and feelings.
3. The piano, autoharp, tambourine, drum, shakers, sandpaper blocks,
bells, sticks, triangle, and guitar are all musical instruments.
4. Each instrument has its own sound.
5. Music sounds can be high, low, loud, and soft.
6. Music can express different moods.
7. Music can be played in different rhythms.
8. Songs can tell stories.
9. Children’s songs can be about numbers, colors, letters, shapes, animals,
and people.
10. Our bodies can be used as musical instruments to produce songs.
11. We can clap our hands, stamp our feet and snap our fingers.
12. Our mouths can whistle and sing.
13. The piano, autoharp, and guitar are played with our fingers.
14. Sticks are used on the triangle, drum, xylophone, and bells to create music.
15. We shake bells, shakes, tambourines and rub sandpaper blocks.
16. We can record music on DVDs.
17. Rock and roll, classical, jazz, and country are kinds of music.
18. We can play music with a compact disc player, computer, radio, iPod,
and MP3 player.

1. body sounds—sounds made by moving one or more body parts.
2. instrument—a device that makes musical sounds.
3. mallets—special sticks used to play the xylophone and bells.
4. music—a way of expressing ideas and feelings through sound.
The sounds made by instruments or by people singing are music.
5. tempo—the speed of music.

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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to promote the development of visual
discrimination and visual memory skills. Create a musical bulletin board by drawing
musical instruments on tagboard as illustrated. Color the instruments with markers,
cut out, and laminate. Trace these pieces onto black construction paper. Cut out
the pieces and attach to the bulletin board. A magnet strip should be attached to
both the colored pieces and the black shadow pieces. The children can match the
appropriately shaped instrument piece to its shadow on the bulletin board.

478 Theme 51
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
We will be singing and playing instruments during our curriculum theme on music. Music is a
universal language. It is a way of communicating and expressing oneself. Throughout the unit, the
children will make interesting discoveries about the many sounds that we can make with our voices,
body parts, and musical instruments.
At School
A few highlights of our scheduled musical learning activities include:
• Making musical instruments
• Painting at the easel while listening to music with headphones
• Trying on band uniforms (courtesy of Mead School) in the dramatic play area
• Forming a rhythm band outside in the play yard
Family Involvement
If you enjoy any special cultural or ethnic music or instruments, we invite you to share them with our
class. Please contact me so a time for your visit can be arranged. The children, especially your own,
will enjoy having you visit our class and learning more about music.
At Home
To stimulate creativity and language, create verses with your child for this song to the tune of “Old
MacDonald Had a Farm”:
Mr. Roberts had a band,
And in his band he had a drum
With a boom, boom here, and a boom, boom, there,
Here a boom, there a boom,
Everywhere a boom, boom.
Mr. Roberts had a band,
And in his band he had a horn …
Continue adding instruments that your child can think of.
Keep a song in your heart!

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and secure it with a rubber band. Poke two
or three small holes into the waxed paper,
allowing sound to be produced.
Arts and Crafts
1. Drums 8. Rhythm Sticks
Create drums out of empty coffee cans with Two wooden dowels should be given to each
plastic lids, plastic ice cream pails, or oatmeal interested child. The sticks can be decorated
boxes. The children can decorate as desired with paint or colored felt-tip markers.
with paper, paint, felt-tip markers, or crayons.

2. Shakers
Collect a variety of empty yogurt cups and
caps. Fill each yogurt cup with varying
amounts of sand, peas, or rice, and securely Popcorn
tape or glue the covers shut. To compare Make popcorn and have the children listen
sounds, empty cottage cheese containers to the sounds of the oil and corn popping.
can also be filled. Caution: Supervise this activity closely
because the corn popper will become hot.
3. Cymbals This activity is most appropriate for older
Make cymbals out of old tinfoil pans. Attach children—younger children may choke on
a string for the handles. popcorn.

4. Tambourines
Two paper plates can be made into a
tambourine. Begin by placing pop bottle
caps or small stones between the plates. Dramatic Play
Staple the paper plates together. Shake to
produce sound.
1. Band
Collect materials for a band prop box,
which may include band uniforms, a baton,
5. Rubber Band Instruments
a music stand, a CD player, and CDs
Select several small cardboard boxes.
with marching music. The children can
Remove the covers. Then provide the
experiment with instruments.
children with rubber bands of different
widths and lengths. Demonstrate how to
wrap the rubber bands around the box.
2. Dramatizing
Add a cassette recorder and a small
After the children make their rubber band
microphone to the dramatic play area. The
instrument, show them how to pluck the
children may enjoy using it for singing and
different bands and tell them to listen.
recording their voices.
Discuss the different sounds, and encourage
the children to pluck the rubber bands. Note
the differences in sounds.
3. Disc Jockey
In the music area, provide a CD player and
CDs or an MP3 player for the children.
6. Musical Painting
On a table in the art area, place a tape
recorder with headphones. The children can
listen to music as they paint.

7. Kazoos
Field Trips and
Kazoos can be made with empty paper Resource People
towel rolls and waxed paper. The children
1. Band Director
can decorate the outside of the kazoos with
Visit a school band director. Observe the
colored felt-tip markers. After this, place a
different instruments available to students.
piece of waxed paper over one end of the roll
Listen to their sounds.
480 Theme 51
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2. Who Can Play? Musical Instruments
Invite parents, grandparents, brothers, This is how a horn sounds
sisters, relatives, friends, and so on to visit Toot! Toot! Toot!
the classroom and demonstrate their talent. (play imaginary horn)
This is how guitars sound
3. Radio Station Vrrroom, vrrroom, vrrroom
Visit a local radio station. (strum imaginary guitar)
4. Taping This is how the piano sounds
Use a digital recorder to record the children Tinkle, grumble, brring.
singing and using rhythm instruments. (run fingers over imaginary keyboard)
Replay the video for the children. Save this This is how the drum sounds
for a future open house, parent meeting, or Rat-a-tat, grumble, brring.
holiday celebration. (strike drum, including cymbal)

Jack-in-the-box all shut up tight
(fingers wrapped around thumb)
Not a breath of air, not a ray of light.
Fingerplays and Chants (other hand covers fist)
How tired he must be all down in a heap.
I Want to Lead a Band (lift off)
I want to lead a band I’ll open the lid and up he will leap!
With a baton in my hand. (thumbs pop out)
(wave baton in air)
I want to make sweet music high and low.
Now first I’ll beat the drum
(drum-beating motion)
With a rhythmic tum-tum-tum,
And then I’ll play the bells Large Muscle
1. Body Movement Rhythms
(bell-playing motion)
Introduce a simple body movement. Then
And next I’ll blow the flute
have the children repeat it until they develop
With a cheery toot-a-toot.
a rhythm. Examples include the following:
(flute-playing motion)
Then I’ll make the violin sweetly sing. • Stamp foot, clap hands, stamp foot, clap
(violin-playing motion) hands
Now I’m leading a band • Clap, clap, stamp, stamp
With a baton in my hand. • Clap, stamp, clap, stamp
(wave baton in air again) • Clap, clap, snap fingers
• Clap, snap, stamp, clap, snap, stamp
If I Could Play • Clap, clap, stamp, clap, clap, stamp
If I could play the piano
This is the way I would play. 2. Body Percussion
(move fingers like playing a piano) Instruct the children to stand in a circle.
Repeat the following rhythmic speech:
If I had a guitar
We walk and we walk and we stop
I would strum the strings this way.
(hold guitar and strum)
We walk and we walk and we stop
If I had a trumpet (rest)
I’d toot to make a tune. We walk and we walk and we walk and we
(play trumpet) walk
But if I had a drum We walk and we walk and we stop.
I’d go boom, boom, boom. (stop)
(pretend to play a drum)
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3. March “Roll over, roll over.”
Play different rhythm beats on a piano So they all rolled over and one fell out.
or another instrument. Examples include (Continue until there is only one left. The last
hopping, skipping, gliding, walking, line will be “… and the little one said, ‘Good
running, tiptoeing, galloping, and so on. night!’”)
The children can move to the rhythm.
4. Music Calendar
4. Scarf Dancing Design a calendar for the month of your
Give each child a scarf or streamer and play music unit. The different days of the week
a variety of music. Encourage the children can be made out of musical notes and
to move the scarf or streamer fast or slow different instruments.
according to the tempo of the music.
5. Drum Beats
5. Musical Freeze Arrange children in a circle and ask them
Arrange children in a circle. Pass around a to close their eyes. Have them listen for the
beanbag as you play music. When the music number of times you beat the drum. (If it is
stops, whoever is holding the beanbag too difficult for them to count in their heads,
“freezes” with it. When the music restarts, count out loud as you beat the drum.)
the child begins passing it again. Whoever names the correct number gets to
beat the drum next.

2+3 =
1. Colors, Shapes, and Numbers
Sing the song “Colors, Shapes, and
Numbers” that is mentioned in the “Shapes”
unit, or make up a song about shapes. Hold
up different colors, shapes, and numbers Instrument of the Day
while you sing the song for the children to Focus on a different instrument each
identify. day. Talk about its construction, and
demonstrate the instrument’s sound.
2. Number Rhyme
(Say the following song to reinforce numbers)
One, two, three, four
Come right in and shut the door.
Five, six, seven, eight
Come right in. It’s getting late. Music
Nine, ten, eleven, twelve
Put your books upon the shelves. Music for this unit should consist of
Will you count along with me? the children’s favorite and well-known
It’s as easy as can be! songs. The children will enjoy singing
these songs, and you will be able to
focus on the sound of the music. Here
3. Ten in the Bed
are some suggestions of traditional
(Chant the following words to reinforce
songs that most children enjoy:
There were 10 in the bed and the little one 1. “Old MacDonald Had a Farm”
said, 2. “Five Green Speckled Frogs”
“Roll over, roll over.” 3. “The Farmer in the Dell”
So they all rolled over and one fell out. 4. “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”
There were nine in the bed and the little 5. “Mary Had a Little Lamb”
one said, 6. “Hickory Dickory Dock”

482 Theme 51
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7. “If You’re Happy and You Know It” This is the way we scrub the floor,
8. “ABC Song” So early Tuesday morning.
9. “The Little White Duck” This is the way we mend our clothes.
10. “Six Little Ducks” Mend our clothes,
11. “Do Your Ears Hang Low?” Mend our clothes.
Do your ears hang low? This is the way we mend our clothes,
Do they wobble to and fro? So early Thursday morning.
Can you tie them in a knot? This is the way we sweep the floor.
Can you tie them in a bow? Sweep the floor,
Can you throw them over your Sweep the floor.
shoulder? This is the way we sweep the floor,
Do your ears hang low? So early Friday morning.
12. “Old King Cole” This is the way we bake our bread,
13. “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Bake our bread,
Toes” Bake our bread.
14. “I Am Special” This is the way we bake our bread,
So early Saturday morning.
(Sing to the tune of “Are You Sleeping?”)
This is the way we get dressed up,
I am special, I am special. Get dressed up,
(child points to him or herself) Get dressed up.
If you look, you will see. This is the way we get dressed up,
(place a mirror in front of the So early Sunday morning.
child’s face) Here we go ’round the mulberry bush,
Someone very special, someone very The mulberry bush,
special. The mulberry bush.
That is me, that is me. Here we go ’round the mulberry bush,
(child points to him or herself) So early in the morning.

15. Here We Go ’round the Mulberry

Here we go ’round the mulberry bush.
The mulberry bush,
The mulberry bush.
Here we go ’round the mulberry bush, 1. Water Music
So early in the morning. Fill four identically sized crystal glasses
These are the chores we’ll do this week, each with a different amount of water.
Do this week, Supervise the children tracing their
Do this week. wet finger around the rim of each glass.
These are the chores we’ll do this week, Each glass will have a different tune.
So early in the morning. Older children may enjoy reordering the
This is the way we wash our clothes, glasses from the highest to the lowest
Wash our clothes, tone.
Wash our clothes.
This is the way we wash our clothes, 2. Pop Bottle Music
So early Monday morning. Fill six 12-ounce pop bottles, each with a
This is the way we iron our clothes, different amount of water. For effect, in
Iron our clothes, each bottle place a drop of food coloring,
Iron our clothes. providing six different colors. Younger
This is the way we iron our clothes, children can tap the bottles with a spoon
So early Tuesday morning. as they listen for the sound. Older children
This is the way we scrub the floor, may try blowing directly into the opening
Scrub the floor, for sound production.
Scrub the floor.

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3. Throats
Show the children how to place their
hands across their throat. Then have them
whisper, talk, shout, and sing while feeling Sensory
the differences in vibration.
1. Rain Stick
Ask the children to close their eyes as you
4. Jumping Seeds slowly turn a rain stick upside down. Ask
Set seeds or other small objects on top of a
the children to try to identify the sound they
drum. Then beat the drum. What happens?
hear. Once they have guessed the correct
Why? This activity can be extended by
sound, see if they can name the instrument.
having the children jump to the drum beat.
Allow time for children to experiment with
the rain stick. (Rain sticks can easily be
5. Identifying Instruments made with any cardboard roll and pebbles.
Prepare a CD of classroom musical
Be sure to securely cap both ends before
instruments. Play the CD, encouraging the
giving the rain stick to children.)
children to identify the correct instrument
related to each sound.
2. Bubble Wrap
Give each child a piece of bubble wrap. Let
6. Matching Sounds them experiment with making it pop. Sing
Collect 12 containers, such as milk cartons
“Pop Goes the Weasel,” and ask the children
or covered potato chip cans, that would
to try to keep a beat or pop a bubble when
be safe to use with the children. Fill two
the word “pop” is sung in the song.
containers with rice, two cans with beans,
two cans with pebbles, two cans with water,
and the remaining cans with dry pasta.
Coins, such as pennies, could be substituted.
Color code each pair of containers on
the bottom. Let the children shake the Social Studies
containers, listening to the sounds, in an
1. Our Own Songs
attempt to find the matching pairs.
Encourage the children to help you write
a song about a common class experience.
7. Musical Vibrations Substitute the words into a melody that
Tie two pieces of string to a wire hanger
everyone knows (“Twinkle, Twinkle, Little
near both ends. Hold the strings to your
Star” or “The Mulberry Bush”).
ears, and swing the hanger on the back of a
chair or table. The vibration from the metal
2. Pictures
hanger will travel up the strings. Discuss
Put up pictures of instruments and band
with children the musical instruments that
players in the room to add interest and
also make a vibration (triangles, drums,
stimulate discussion.
tone blocks, etc.).
Note: Supervise the children carefully when
3. Sound Tapes
they are using hangers.
Make a special CD of sounds heard in a
home. Homes are full of different sounds.
8. Paper Cup Telephones The following may be included:
For each telephone, you will need two
large paper cups and a piece of string • People knocking on doors
approximately 18 feet long. In the bottom • Wind chimes
of each cup, punch a hole. Then thread the • Telephone ringing
ends of the string through the holes. Tie the • Teakettle whistling
string around a pipe cleaner or toothpick • Clock ticking
to keep it from pulling through the holes. • Toilet flushing
Encourage the children to listen to each • Popcorn popping
other from about 18 feet away. • Vacuum cleaner

484 Theme 51
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
• Doorbell Feierabend, John M. (2004). The Book of
• Running water Movement Exploration. Illustrated by Tim
• Car horn Caton. Chicago: Gia Publications.
• Hands clapping Garriel, Barbara S. (2004). I Know a Shy Fellow
• Snapping fingers Who Swallowed a Cello. Illustrated by John
• Alarm clock ticking O’Brien. Honesdale, PA: Boyds Mills Press.
• Toast popping out of toaster
• Animal sounds Johnson, Angela. (2004). Violet’s Music.
• Balls bouncing Illustrated by Laura Huliska-Beith. New
• Bells ringing York: Dial Books for Young Readers.
• Baby crying Krull, Kathleen. (2003). M Is for Music.
• Siren Illustrated by Stacy Innerst. Orlando, FL:
• Door slamming Harcourt.
Play the CD and have the children listen Lach, William, and the Metropolitan Museum
carefully to identify the sounds. of Art. (2006). Can You Hear It? New York:
Abrams Books for Young Readers.
McPhail. David. (1999). Mole Music. New York:
Miller, J. Philip, and Sheppard Greene. (2001).
Books We All Sing with the Same Voice. Illustrated
by Paul Meisel. New York: HarperCollins.
The following books can be used to complement
this theme: Morgan, Cindy, and Philomena O’Neil. (2009).
Dance Me Daddy. Grand Rapids, MI:
Agell, Charlotte. (1994). Dancing Feet. San
Diego, CA: Gulliver/Harcourt.
Moss, Lloyd. (2000). Zin! Zin! A Violin: A Violin.
Aliki. (2003). Ah, Music. New York:
Illustrated by Margorie Priceman. New
York: Aladdin Paperbacks.
Bradley, Kimberly. (2006). Ballerina Nate. New
Parenteau, Shirley. (2007). One Frog Sang.
York: Dial.
Illustrated by Cynthia Jabar. Cambridge,
Cox, Judy. (2003). My Family Plays Music. MA: Candlewick Press.
Illustrated by Elbrite Brown. New York:
Raschka, Chris. (1997). Charlie Parker Played
Holiday House.
Be Bop. New York: Scholastic.
Curtis, Gavin. (2001). The Bat Boy and His
Reynolds, Marilynn, Laura Fernandez, and
Violin. New York: Aladdin.
Rick Jacobson. (2001). The Magnificent
Edwards, Richard. (1994). Moles Can Dance. Piano Recital. Illustrated by Laura
Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press. Fernandez and Rick Jacobson. Custer, WA:
Ehrhardt, Karen. (2006). This Jazz Man. Orca Book Publishers.
Illustrated by R. G. Roth. New York: Ryder, Joanne. (2007). Dance by the Light of
Harcourt. the Moon. Illustrated by Guy Francis. New
Feierabend, John M. (2003). The Book of York: Hyperion Books for Young Children.
Children’s Song Tales. Illustrated by Tim Shields, Carol Diggory, and Svjetlan Junakovic.
Caton. Chicago: Gia Publications. (2000). Animagicals: Music. Illustrated
Feierabend, John M. (2003). The Book of Echo by Svjetlan Junakovic. Brooklyn, NY:
Songs. Illustrated by Tim Caton. Chicago: Handprint Books.
Gia Publications. Wargin, Kathy-Jo. (2004). M Is for Melody: A
Feierabend, John M. (2003). The Book of Finger Music Alphabet. Illustrated by Katherine
Plays and Action Songs. Illustrated by Tim Larson. Chelsea, MI: Sleeping Bear Press.
Caton. Chicago: Gia Publications. Weaver, Tess. (2002). Opera Cat! Illustrated by
Andrea Wesson. New York: Clarion Books.

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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Weaver, Tess. (2009). Encore, Opera Cat! Reading Rainbow. (2006). Music, Music,
Illustrated by Andrea Wesson. New York: Everywhere [DVD]. Lincoln, NE: Distributed
Clarion Books. by Educate Products.
West, Jim, and Marshall Izen. (2004). The Dog “Shake It Loud” [CD]. (2010). In What Are the
Who Sang at the Opera. New York: H.N. Odds? New York: Monkey Monkey Music.
Abrams. “Song in My Tummy” [CD]. (2010). In The Best
of the Laurie Berkner Band. New York: Two
Songs about America [CD]. (2003). Long
Technology and Branch, NJ: Kimbo Educational.
Multimedia Stewart, Georgiana. (1992). Multicultural
Rhythm Stick Fun [CD]. Long Branch, NJ:
The following technology and multimedia Kimbo Educational.
products can be used to complement this
“Time to Sing” [CD]. (1985). In One Light, One
Sun. Cambridge, MA: Rounder/UMGD.
“Fast Slow” [CD]. (2010). In The Best of the
“The Toy Symphony II” [CD]. (1998). In Thye
Laurie Berkner Band. New York: Two
Mozart Effect. Toronto: Children’s Group.
“Twist! Stop! Hop!” “I Can Dance,” “I Like Me,”
Get Your Passport [DVD]. (2003). Washington,
“Pelican Polka,” and “My Chance to Dance”
DC: National Geographic.
[CD]. (2002). In Jump-Start Action. Long
Grunsky, Jack. (2001). Playground [CD]. Branch, NJ: Kimbo Educational.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Jack Grunsky
“We Sing Out” [CD]. (2010). In Pete Seeger,
Tomorrow’s Children. Westchester, PA:
I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing [DVD]. Appleseed Records.
(2002). Ashville, NC: Video Master Video.
“You’ll Sing a Song and I’ll Sing a Song” [CD].
“I Really Love to Dance” [CD]. (2010). In The (2004). In Celebration: A Tribute to Ella
Best of the Laurie Berkner Band. New York: Jenkins. Washington, DC: Smithsonian
Two Tomatoes. Folkways.
Jenkins, Ella. (1994). This Is Rhythm [CD].
Washington, DC: Smithsonian Folkways.
“Let’s All Sing a Yodeling Song” [CD]. (2004). Additional teaching resources to accompany this
In Celebration: A Tribute to Ella Jenkins. Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Washington, DC: Smithsonian Folkways. website. Go to to
Music [DVD]. (2003). Suwanee, GA: Brainy Baby. access the site for a variety of useful resources.

486 Theme 51
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Multicultural Songs
Children’s Folk Dances 18. Russia (“Trepak” from Tchaikovsky’s
By Georgiana Stewart ballet in the Nutcracker”)
The following list includes excellent 19. Brazil (“Tico Tico”)
multicultural songs and folk dances 20. France (“Alouette”)
for young children: 21. Vietnam (“Chu Ech On”)
22. Italy (instrumental)
1. Polly Wolly Doodle 23. Russia (instrumental)
2. Walking Song
3. Go round and round the Village Joining Hands with Other Lands
4. Jump Jim Jo Kimbo Educational
5. Mi Jachol Lassim
6. Sma Grodorna 1. Joining Hands with Other Lands
7. Unite Unite/Hobby Horse Parade 2. Mi Casa, My House
8. The French Musician 3. Sasha and Natasha
9. Where, Oh Where 4. You Are Super the Way You Are
10. Schottische 5. The Yodeling Song
11. Troika 6. How Do YOU Say Yes?
12. Everyone Likes Calypso 7. Many Ways to Say Hello
13. Ulili E 8. The Friendship Game
14. Cielito Lindo 9. The Food Song
15. Goodbye, Mrs. Durkin 10. Let’s Have a Party
16. Sur Le Pont D’Avignon 11. The Caribbean Mango Song
17. Die Hammerschiedsgesellen 12. Chinese New Year
18. Tarantella Doll 13. Lady of the Light
19. Carousel 14. Birthdays around the World
20. Fado 15. Uno, Uno, Dos, Dos
21. Tant Hessie 16. Native American Names

Multicultural Rhythm Stick Fun Folk Dance Fun

By Georgiana Stewart By Georgiana Stewart

1. Puerto Rico (“Ambos a Dos”) Tracks 1–9 (Vocals and Music)

2. Caribbean (“Calypso”) 1. Hi to You
3. Ireland (“Piper Piper”) 2. Mexican Hat Dance
4. Israel (“Zum Gali Gali”) 3. Irish Jig
5. Greece (“Children’s Song”) 4. German Clapping Dance
6. Germany (“Hansel and Gretel 5. Hawaiian Hukilau Dance (“Hukilau
Polka”) Song”)
7. Span (“España Cani”) 6. Italian Tarantella
8. Australia (“Waltzing Matilda”) 7. American Virginia Reel (“Pop Goes
9. India (“Daysie”) the Weasel”)
10. Puerto Rico (instrumental) 8. Greek Zorba Dance
11. Caribbean (instrumental) 9. So Long, Farewell (from The Sound
12. Israel (instrumental) of Music)
13. West Africa (“Kourilengay”) Tracks 10–18 (Music Only)
14. Mexico (“La Cucaracha”) 10. Hi To You
15. China (“Show Ha Mo”) 11. Mexican Hat Dance
16. Japan (“Haru Ga Kita”) 12. Irish Jig
17. Italy (“Tarantella”) 13. German Clapping Dance

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Multicultural Songs (Continued)
14. Hawaiian Hukilau Dance (“Hukilau 12. Wonderful Copenhagen
Song”) 13. Love Makes the World Go Round
15. Italian Tarantella 14. It’s a Small World
16. American Virginia Reel (“Pop Goes 15. I’d Like to Teach the World to
the Weasel”) Sing
17. Greek Zorba Dance 16. Somewhere Out There
18. So Long, Farewell (from The Sound
of Music) Songs about Native Americans
By Lois Skiera-Zucek
Childern of the World 1. America Honors You
By Georgiana Stewart 2. The Circle of Life
1. Children of the World 3. Indians Live Today
2. Brazilian Carnival 4. Sun and Rain
3. A Visit to My Friend 5. Food for My Family
4. Yolanda 6. The Tepee
5. The Wonders of the World 7. Beautiful Music
6. Haitian Alphabet Song 8. Wake, Little Children
7. The Dreidel Song 9. A Work of Art
8. Lullabies around the World 10. Cradleboard Lullaby
9. Polka Party 11. An Indian Village
10. Funiculi, Funicula 12. A Place Called Home
11. Pata Pata 13. Many, Many Tribes

488 Theme 51
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Theme 52

Sources Recording Tools Uses
clocks, rulers calculator, pens communication
telephones markers, pencils identification
calendars computers time
games cash registers age
computers phones address
store scanners telephone number

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Uses of numbers
2. Sources of numbers
3. Number names
4. Tools for recording numbers

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. A number is a word that tells how many.
2. Each number has a name.
3. Pencils and computers are tools used to make numbers.
4. Numbers can be found on clocks, rulers, telephones, calendars,
computers, and games.
5. We can communicate our age with numbers.
6. Numbers are used to tell time.
7. Telephones, calculators, and cash registers have numerals.
8. Pens and markers can be used to make numbers.
9. House numbers are used to show where people live.
10. Numbers are on clocks to help us tell time.
11. Numbers are used to make telephone calls.

1. number—a symbol used to represent an amount. A number tells how
2. numeral—a symbol that represents a number.

490 Theme 52
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Bulletin Board
The objective of this bulletin board is to promote the concept of set. The children are
to match the numeral to the set by winding the string around the other pushpin next
to the items. Construct the numerals out of tagboard. Construct objects familiar to
the children, and make one type of object correspond to each numeral. The number
of objects and numerals should be developmentally appropriate for the group of
children. Laminate. Staple the numbers down the left side of the bulletin board.
Staple the sets of objects in random order down the right side of the bulletin board
as illustrated. Affix a pushpin with an attached string of sufficient length next to
each numeral. Affix a pushpin in front of each set row.

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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Our next theme will focus on numbers. The curriculum will expose the children to the uses and
sources of numbers. They will learn the names of numbers and use tools for recording numbers.
At School
Some of the play-related activities include:
• Measuring with scales and rulers at the science table
• Charting our weight and height
• Listening to the book titled 10 Little Rubber Ducks by Eric Carle.
• Using number cookie cutters with play dough
• Bowling with numbered pins
• Learning to dial 911 on a toy telephone.
At Home
Cooking provides a concrete foundation for mathematical concepts. It involves amounts, fractions,
and measures. While you are cooking, have your child help. Count how many spoonfuls it takes to fill
a 1-cup measurer.
Your child can help you make this simple no-bake recipe for rice crispy treats.
Rice Crispy Treats
6 1/2 cups crispy rice cereal
1 package miniature marshmallows
3 tablespoons butter or margarine
1 teaspoon vanilla
Pour the crispy rice cereal in a large bowl. Melt the butter and marshmallows in the microwave. Stir
vanilla into the butter and marshmallows. Pour this mixture over the rice cereal. Mix and pat into a
9-inch × 12-inch pan. Cool before cutting and serving.

Enjoy counting with your child!

492 Theme 52
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and play money can also be added to create

Arts and Crafts 2. Clock Shop

1. Marker Sets Collect a variety of clocks for the children
Using rubber bands, bind two watercolor to explore. Using discarded clocks, with the
markers together. Repeat this procedure, glass face removed, is an interesting way
making several sets. Set the markers, to let the children explore numerals and
including an unbound set, on the art table. internal mechanisms.
The children can use the bound marker sets
for creating designs on paper. 3. Telephoning
Prepare a classroom telephone book
2. Coupon Collage with all the children’s names and
Clipped coupons, paste, and paper can be telephone numbers. Place either toy or
placed on a table in the art area. real telephones out on a table with the
classroom telephone book.The children can
3. Ruler Design practice dialing their own numbers as well
Collect a variety of rulers that are of as their classmates’.
different colors, sizes, and types. Using
paper and a marking tool, the children can
create designs.

4. Numeral Cookie Cutter

Numeral cookie cutters should be provided Fingerplays and Chants
with play dough.
I Can Even Count Some More
One, two, three, four
I can even count some more.
Five, six, seven, eight
Cooking All my fingers stand up straight
Rice Crispy Treats Nine, ten are my thumb men.
6 1/2 cups crispy rice cereal
1 package miniature marshmallows Five Little Monkeys Swinging from a
3 tablespoons butter or margarine Tree
1 teaspoon vanilla Five little monkeys swinging from the tree,
Teasing Mr. Alligator, “You can’t catch me.”
Pour the crispy rice cereal in a large bowl. Along comes Mr. Alligator as sneaky as
Melt the butter and marshmallows in the can be . . .
microwave. Stir vanilla into the butter and SNAP
marshmallows. Pour this mixture over the Four little monkeys swinging from the tree.
rice cereal. Mix and pat into a 9-inch 3 Three little monkeys swinging from the tree.
12-inch pan. Cool before cutting and serving. Two little monkeys swinging from the tree.
One little monkey swinging from the tree.
No more monkeys swinging from the tree!

Dramatic Play Five Little Birds

Five little birds without any home.
1. Grocery Store (hold up five fingers)
In the dramatic play area, arrange a Five little trees in a row.
grocery store. To do this, collect a variety of (raise hands high over head)
empty boxes, paper bags, sales receipts, and Come build your nests in our branches tall.
so on. Removable stickers can be used to (cup hands)
indicate the grocery prices. A cash register We’ll rock them to and fro.

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Ten Little Fingers be developmentally appropriate for the
I have 10 little fingers and 10 little toes. children.
(children point to portions of body as
they repeat words)
Two little arms and one little nose. 2+3 =
One little mouth and two little ears.
Two little eyes for smiles and tears.
One little head and two little feet. 1. Number Chain
One little chin, that makes ________ complete. Cut enough strips of paper to make a
number chain for the days of the month.
Hands During group time each day, add a link
Hands on shoulders, hands on knees to represent the passage of time. Another
Hands behind you, if you please option is to use the chain as a countdown
Touch your shoulders, now your nose by removing a link per day until a special
Hands up high in the air day. This is an interesting approach to an
Down at your sides, now touch your head upcoming holiday.
Hands up high as before
Now clap your hands, one, two, three, four. 2. Flatware Set
Provide a flatware set. The children can sort
the pieces according to sizes, shapes, or use.

3. Constructing Numerals
Group Time Provide each interested child with a ball
(Games and Language) of play dough. Instruct children to form
1. Squirrels in the Park some numerals randomly. It is important
Choose five children to be squirrels. The for the teacher to monitor work and correct
children should sit in a row while one reversals. Then children can add the proper
child pretends to go for a walk in the park corresponding number of dots for the
carrying a bag of raisins or dried fruit. numeral just formed.
When the child who is walking approaches An extension of this activity would be to
the squirrels, provide directions. These may make cards with numerals. The children
include feeding the first squirrel, the fifth, roll their play dough into long ropes that
the third, and so on. can be placed over the lines of the numerals.

2. Block Form Board

On a large piece of cardboard, trace around
one of each of the shapes of the blocks in the
block area. Let children match blocks to the Music
shape on the board.
1. “Hickory Dickory Dock”
3. Match Them
Show the child several sets of identical Hickory dickory dock.
picture cards, squares, objects, or flannel The mouse ran up the clock.
board pictures. Mix the items. Then have the The clock struck one,
children find matching pairs. One method of The mouse ran down.
doing this is to hold up one item and have Hickory dickory dock.
the children find the matching one.
2. “Two Little Blackbirds”
4. Follow the Teacher (Traditional)
At group time, provide directions containing Two little blackbirds sitting on a hill
a number. For example, say, “One jump,” One named Jack,
“Two hops,” “Three leaps,” “Four tiptoe One named Jill.
steps,” and so on. The numbers used should Fly away, Jack,

494 Theme 52
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Fly away, Jill.
Come back, Jack,
Come back, Jill. Books
Two little blackbirds sitting on a hill
One named Jack, The following books can be used to complement
One named Jill. this theme:
Andreasen. Dan. (2007). The Baker’s Dozen.
3. “One Elephant” New York. H. Holt.
One elephant went out to play
Bajaj, Varsha. (2004). How Many Kisses Do You
Out on a spider’s web one day.
Want Tonight? Illustrated by Ivan Bates.
He had such enormous fun,
New York: Little Brown.
He called for another elephant to come.
Bates, Ivan. (2006). Five Little Ducks. Illustrated
(Additional verses:)
by Ivan Bates. New York: Scholastic.
Two elephants went out to play . . .
Burns, Marilyn. (2008). Spaghetti and
Three elephants went out to play . . .
Meatballs for All! New York: Scholastic.
Four elephants went out to play . . .
Five elephants went out to play . . . Carle, Eric. (2005). 10 Little Rubber Ducks. New
York: HarperCollins.
Cotton, Cynthia. (2002). At the Edge of the
Woods. Illustrated by Reg Cartwright. New
York: Henry Holt.
Science Davis, Rebecca Fjelland. (2007). 10, 9, 8 Polar
Animals! A Counting Backward Book.
1. Height and Weight Chart
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Design a height and weight chart for
the classroom. The children can help by Doss, Dayle Ann. (2009). Full House.
measuring each other. Record the numbers. Illustrated by Abby Carter. Cambridge, MA:
Later in the year, measure the children and Candlewick Press.
record their progress. Note the differences. Fjelland-Davis, Rebecca. (2007). Counting Pets
by Twos. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
2. Using a Scale
Fjelland-Davis, Rebecca. (2007). Zoo Animals,
Collect a variety of small objects and place
1, 2, 3. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
on the science table with a balancing scale.
The children can measure with the scale, Flemming, Candace. (2010). Seven Hungry
noting the differences. Babies. Illustrated by Eugene Yelchin. New
York: Atheneum Books for Young Readers.
3. Temperature Flemming, Denise. (1992). Count! New York:
Place an outdoor thermometer on the Holt.
playground. Encourage the children to Franco, Betsy. (2009). Zero Is the Leaves on the
examine the thermometer. Record the Trees. Berkeley, CA: Tricycle Press.
temperature. Mark the temperature on the
thermometer with masking tape. Bring Jandl, Ernst, and Norman Junge. (2003). Next
the thermometer into the classroom. Please. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons.
Check the thermometer again in half an Jonas, Ann. (1995). Splash! New York:
hour. Show the children the change in Greenwillow.
temperature. Knox, Barbara. (2003). Baby Animals 1, 2, 3.
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Knox, Barbara. (2003). Under the Sea 1, 2, 3:
Counting Ocean Life. Mankato, MN:
Sensory Capstone Press.
Add colored water and a variety of Marino, Gianna. (2010). One Too Many: A Seek
measuring tools to the sensory table. and Find Counting Book. San Francisco:
Chronicle Books.
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Martin, Bill, Jr., and Michael Sampson. (2004). Chicka Chicka 1, 2, 3 [DVD]. (2006). Danbury,
Chick, Chicka, 1, 2, 3. Illustrated by Lois CT: Weston Woods.
Ehlert. New York: Simon & Schuster Books Counting and Sorting [CD]. (1997). New York:
for Young Readers. DK Multimedia.
McGhee, Alison. (2002). Countdown to “Counting Together” [CD]. In Children Love to
Kindergarten. Illustrated by Harry Bliss. Sing and Dance. The Learning Station. Long
San Diego, CA: Silver Whistle/Harcourt. Branch, NJ: Kimbo Educational.
Miller, Virginia. (2002). Ten Red Apples. “Five Days Old” [CD]. (2010). In The Best of
Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press. the Laurie Berkner Band. New York: Two
Moerbck, Kees. (2001). Numbers. Swindon, UK: Tomatoes.
Child’s Play International. “Hey Ducky” [CD]. 2010. In Rock and Roll
Murphy, Stuart. (2003). Double the Ducks. Garden. New York: Bari Koral Family Rock
Illustrated by Valeria Petrone. New York: Band.
HarperCollins. Learning about Numbers [DVD]. (2004). Los
Newman, Leslea. (2002). Dogs, Dogs, Dogs! New Angeles: Sony Wonder.
York: Simon & Schuster Books for Young “Numba Rhumba.” (1998). In Sing, Dance
Readers. ’N Sing (Gaia). Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo
Pallotta, Jerry. (2003). Apple Fractions. Educational.
Illustrated by Rob Bolster. New York: “One Two Buckle My Shoe” [CD]. (2000). In
Cartwheel Books. Early Childhood Classics: Old Favorites
Parenteau, Shirley. (2007). One Frog Sang. with a New Twist. Sherman Oaks, CA: Hap-
Illustrated by Cynthia Jabar. Cambridge, Pal Music.
MA: Candlewick Press. “One, Two, Buckle My Shoe,” “Five Green and
Shuette, Sarah L. (2003). Eating Pairs: Speckled Frogs,” “Four Leaf Clover,” and
Counting Fruits and Vegetables by Twos. “Five Little Monkeys” [CD]. (1999). In Five
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. Little Monkeys. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo
Smith, Danna. (2009). Two at the Zoo. New Educational.
York: Clarion Books. “One, Two, Buckle My Shoe” and “Five Little
Stoll, Ellen Walsh. (1991). Mouse Count. San Monkeys” [CD]. (1997). In Tony Chestnut.
Diego, CA: Harcourt Children’s Books. The Learning Station. Long Branch, NJ:
Kimbo Educational.
Thong, Roseanne. (2004). One Is a Drummer.
San Francisco: Chronicle Books. “One, Two, Buckle My Shoe” and “Three
Little Kittens” [CD]. (1986). In Singable
Tufuri, Nancy. (2006) Five Little Chicks. New Nursery Rhymes. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo
York: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Educational.
“123” [CD]. (2001). In Whaddaya Think of That,
Wadsworth, Olive. (2002). Over in the Meadow: Laurie Berkner. New York: Two Tomatoes.
A Counting Rhyme. Illustrated by Anna
Vojtech. New York: North-South Books. Reader Rabbit’s Preschool [CD]. (1997).
Cambridge, MA: Learning Company.
“Rocketship Run” [CD]. (2010). In The Best of
the Laurie Berkner Band. New York: Two
Technology and Tomatoes.
Multimedia Tell Me Why [DVD]. (2007). Venice, CA: TMW
Media Group.
The following technology and multimedia
“There Are Seven Days in the Week” and
products can be used to complement this
“My Five Senses” [CD]. (2004). In Circle

496 Theme 52
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Time Activities. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo
Educational. Additional teaching resources to accompany this
“This Old Man,” “Five Little Monkeys,” and Theme can be found on the book’s companion
“Six Little Ducks” [CD]. (1997). In Six website. Go to to
Little Ducks. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo access the site for a variety of useful resources.

Manipulatives for Math Activities

Buttons Toothpicks Golf tees Poker chips
Beads Pennies Stickers Paper clips
Bobbins Checkers Fishing bobbers Clothespins
Craft pompons Crayons Keys Erasers
Spools Plastic caps from Small toy cars
Shells markers, milk Plastic bread ties
Seeds (corn, containers, Marbles
soybeans) or plastic Cotton balls
bottles Bottle caps

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Theme 53

Uses Forms Characters
enjoyment written animals
learning words spoken people
learning numbers sung
bedtime rituals

Little Bo Peep Jack Be Nimble
Mary Had a Little Lamb Rub-a-Dub-Dub
Old Mother Hubbard The Muffin Man
Hey, Diddle Diddle Little Jack Horner
Little Miss Muffet Old MacDonald Had a Farm
Humpty Dumpty Two Little Blackbirds
Jack and Jill Hickory Dickory Dock
Mary Mary Quite Contrary Three Kittens’ Mittens

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Favorite nursery rhymes
2. Uses of nursery rhymes
3. Forms of nursery rhymes
4. Characters portrayed in nursery rhymes

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Nursery rhymes are short, simple poems or rhymes.
2. Nursery rhymes are fun to listen to and say.
3. Nursery rhymes help us learn new words.
4. Nursery rhymes can be said at bedtime.
5. Nursery rhymes can be written, spoken, or sung.
6. Nursery rhymes can contain real or pretend words.
7. Nursery rhymes can be about animals, people, or objects.
8. Some nursery rhymes help us learn numbers and counting.
9. Some nursery rhymes teach us about different people.
10. There are many favorite nursery rhymes, such as Little Bo Beep, Mary
Had a Little Lamb, Old Mother Hubbard, and many more that will be
explored in this Theme.

nursery rhyme—a short, simple poem or rhyme.


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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to promote visual discrimination and name
recognition skills, and call attention to the importance of the printed word. If
desired, this can be used as an attendance bulletin board. Each child should
be provided a bulletin board piece with his or her name printed on it. To assist
children who cannot recognize their name, a digital photograph can also be
added to the name tag. When the children arrive each morning at school, they
should be encouraged to hang their name on the bulletin board. To create a
“Find Your Mitten” bulletin board, cut a mitten out of tagboard for each child
in the class. Use a paper punch to cut a hole in the top of each mitten. Three
kittens can be constructed and attached to the bulletin board to represent the
three little kittens who lost their mittens. Hang pushpins on the bulletin board
for the children to hang their mittens.

500 Theme 53
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Nursery rhymes will be the focus of our next theme. These rhymes can serve as a bridge between
the home and school. I’m sure many of you have shared favorite nursery rhymes with your child at
home. Nursery rhymes are an easy introduction to poetry, as well as to the concept of rhyming words.

At School
We have a fun-filled curriculum planned for our unit on nursery rhymes. A few highlights include:
• Acting out various rhymes with puppets that represent different characters from familiar nursery
• Unraveling the riddle of the “Humpty Dumpty” nursery rhyme. (Why couldn’t Humpty be put
back together? Because Humpty was an egg!)
• Creating “Little Miss Muffet” spiders in the art area
• Taking turns being nimble and quick as we jump over a “candlestick” to dramatize the rhyme of
“Jack Be Nimble”

At Home
To foster concepts of the unit at home, try the following:
• Let your child help you crack eggs open to make scrambled eggs. Children like to feel that they
have accomplished a grown-up task when they crack the eggs.
• Sing or recite some of the many rhymes your child already knows, such as “Jack and Jill” and
“Mary Had a Little Lamb.” These also develop an enjoyment of music and singing.

Share a nursery rhyme with your child today!


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2. Cottage Cheese
2 quarts pasteurized skim milk (to make
1 to 3/4 pounds of cottage cheese)
Arts and Crafts Salt
1. Spiders Liquid rennet or a junket tablet
Add black tempera paint to a play dough
mixture. In addition to the play dough, Heat the water to 80 degrees Fahrenheit
provide black chenille stems or yarn. Using in the bottom part of a double boiler. Use
these materials, spiders or other objects can a thermometer to determine the water
be created. temperature—do not guess.
Pour the skim milk into the top of the
2. Spider Webs double boiler. Dilute 1 or 2 drops of liquid
Cut circles of black paper to fit in the rennet in a tablespoon of cold water,
bottom of a pie tin. Mix thin silver or white and stir it into the milk. If rennet is not
tempera paint. Place a marble and two available, add 1/8 of a junket tablet to a
teaspoons of paint on the paper. Gently tablespoon of water and add it to the milk.
tilt the pie tin, allowing the marble to roll Allow the milk to remain at 80 degrees until
through the paint, creating a spider web it curdles, about 12 to 18 hours. During this
design. period, no special attention is necessary.
If desired, the milk may be placed in a
3. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Stars warm oven overnight. Place the curd in
The children can decorate stars with glitter a cheese cloth over a container to drain
and sequins. The stars can be hung from the the whey. Occasionally, pour out the whey
ceiling. During group time, sing “Twinkle, that collects in the container so that the
Twinkle, Little Star.” draining will continue. In 15 to 20 minutes,
the curd will become mushy and will drain
more slowly. When it is almost firm and the
whey has nearly ceased to flow, the cheese is
ready for salting and eating. Salt the cheese
Cooking to taste. The cottage cheese can be spread
1. Bran Muffins on crackers for a snack.
(Use with the “Muffin Man” rhyme) Note: This activity is time-consuming.
3 cups whole-wheat bran cereal It may be more appropriate for older
1 cup boiling water children.
1/2 cup shortening or oil
2 eggs 3. Miss Muffet’s Curds and Whey
2 1/2 cups unbleached flour 2 cups whole milk
1 1/2 cups sugar 1 teaspoon vinegar
2 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
2 cups buttermilk Heat the milk to lukewarm and add vinegar.
Stir as curds separate from the whey. Curds
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Line the are the milk solids, and whey is the liquid
muffin tins with paper baking cups. In a that is poured off. You can let your children
large bowl, combine the cereal and boiling taste the whey, but they probably will not
water. Stir in the shortening and eggs. Add be thrilled by it. Strain the curds from
the remaining ingredients. Blend well. the whey, and then dump the curds onto a
Spoon the batter into cups about 3/4 full. paper towel and gently press the curds with
Bake at 400 degrees for 18 to 22 minutes or more towels to get out the liquid. Sprinkle
until golden brown. Eat at snack and sing with salt and refrigerate. Eat as cottage
the “Muffin Man” song. cheese. You can also serve the curds at

502 Theme 53
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room temperature. Stir them until they are Humpty Dumpty
smooth. Add different flavorings (such as Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
cinnamon, orange flavoring, vanilla, etc.). Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
Use as a spread on crackers. Serves 12 (two All of the king’s horses and all of the king’s
crackers each). men,
Couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty together again.

Little Boy Blue

Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn.
Dramatic Play The sheep’s in the meadow, the cow’s in the
1. Baker corn.
Baking props such as hats, aprons, cookie Where is the little boy that looks after the
cutters, baking pans, rolling pins, mixers, sheep?
spoons, and bowls can be placed in the He is under the hay stack, fast asleep.
dramatic play area. Will you wake him? No, not I.
For if I do, he’ll be sure to cry.
2. Puppets
A puppet theater can be placed in the Little Jack Horner
dramatic play area for the duration of the Little Jack Horner
unit. To add variety, each day a different set Sat in a corner
of puppets can be added for the children. Eating a Christmas pie.
(pretend you’re eating)
He put in his thumb,
(thumb down)
And pulled out a plum
Field Trips and (thumb up)
Resource People And said, “What a good boy am I!”
(say out loud)
1. Candle Making
Invite a resource person to demonstrate Pat-a-Cake
candle making, or take a field trip to a craft Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man.
center so that the children can view candles Bake me a cake as fast as you can!
being made. (clap hands together lightly)
Roll it
2. Greenhouse (roll hands)
Visit a florist or greenhouse to observe And pat it
flowers and plants. (touch hands together lightly)
And mark it with a “B”
(write “B” in the air)
And put it in the oven for baby and me.
(point to baby and to yourself)

Wee Willie Winkie

Fingerplays and Chants Wee Willie Winkie runs through the town
Listening Time (pretend to run)
(Follow the actions for each phrase) Upstairs, downstairs in his nightgown,
(point up, point down, then point to
Sometimes my hands are at my side
Then they hide behind my back.
Rapping at the window, crying through the
Sometimes I wiggle my fingers,
Shake them fast, shake them slow.
(knock in the air, peek through a hole)
Sometimes my hands go clap, clap, clap.
“Are the children all in bed, for now it’s
Then I rest them in my lap,
eight o’clock!”
Because it’s listening time, you see.
(shake finger)
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Old King Cole
Old King Cole was a merry old soul
(lift elbows up and down)
And a merry old soul was he. Large Muscle
(nod head)
He called for his pipe. 1. Jack Be Nimble’s Candlestick
(clap two times) Make a candlestick out of an old paper
He called for his bowl. towel holder and tissue paper for the flame.
(clap two times) Repeat the rhyme by substituting each
And he called for his fiddlers three. child’s name.
(clap two times then pretend to play Jack be nimble. Jack be quick.
violin) Jack jump over the candlestick.

Hickory Dickory Dock 2. Hey, Diddle Diddle Jump

Hickory dickory dock Make cow headbands for the children to
(swing arms back and forth together, wear. Create a large moon and tape it to the
bent down low) floor. Encourage children to jump over the
The mouse ran up the clock. moon while saying the rhyme.
(run fingers up your arm)
The clock struck one Hey, Diddle Diddle,
(clap, and then hold up one finger) the cat and the fiddle.
The mouse ran down. The cow jumped over the moon.
(run fingers down your arm) The little dog laughed to see such a sport,
Hickory dickory dock. And the dish ran away with the spoon.
(swing arms back and forth together,
bent down low) 3. Wall Building
Encourage the children to create a large
wall out of blocks for Humpty Dumpty. Act
out the rhyme.
Group Time 4. London Bridge
(Games and Language) Play London Bridge game while chanting
Old Mother Hubbard’s Doggie the rhyme:
Bone Game London Bridge is falling down,
Save a bone or construct one from tagboard. falling down, falling down.
Ask one child to volunteer to be the doggie. London Bridge is falling down,
Seat the children in a circle with the doggie my fair lady.
in the center and the bone in front of him
or her. The doggie closes his or her eyes. Build it up with needles and pins,
A child from the circle quietly comes and Needles and pins, needles and pins.
steals the bone. When the child is reseated Build it up with needles and pins,
with the bone out of sight, the children My fair lady.
will call, Pins and needles rust and bend,
“Doggie, doggie, where’s your bone? Rust and bend, rust and bendf.
Someone took it from your home!” Pins and needles rust and bend,
My fair lady.
The doggie gets three chances to guess who
has the bone. If he or she guesses correctly, Build it up with silver and gold,
the child who took the bone becomes the Gold and silver I’ve not got,
doggie. Here is a prisoner I have got.

504 Theme 53
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7. Little Bo Peep Sheep
2+3 = Make sheep cutouts. Place a numeral on
Math each sheep and have children glue the
corresponding number of cotton balls on the
1. Puzzles
Draw or cut out several pictures of different
nursery rhymes (“Jack and Jill,” “Jack
Be Nimble,” etc.) and mount on tagboard.
8. Twinkle, Twinkle Star Count
Write numerals 1 through 10 on cutout
Laminate and cut each picture into five
stars. Have children arrange the stars
to seven pieces. The children can match
in the correct order. Dots may also be
nursery rhyme puzzle pieces.
placed beneath the numeral if more
2. Rote Counting
Say or sing the following nursery rhyme to
help the children with rote counting.
1, 2 buckle my shoe
3, 4 shut the door
5, 6 pick up sticks
7, 8 lay them straight Music
9, 10 a big fat hen. 1. “Hickory Dickory Dock”
3. Matching Hickory dickory dock
Draw from 1 to 10 simple figures from a
The mouse ran up the clock.
nursery rhyme (mittens, candlesticks,
The clock struck one, the mouse ran down,
pails, etc.) on the left side of a sheet of
Hickory dickory dock.
tagboard and the corresponding numeral
on the right side. Laminate the pieces and
2. “Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater”
cut each in half, creating different-shaped
puzzle pieces. The children can match the
number of figures to the corresponding Peter Peter pumpkin eater,
numeral. Had a wife and couldn’t keep her!
He put her in a pumpkin shell,
4. Mitten Match And there he kept her very well!
Collect several matching pairs of mittens.
Mix them up, and have children match the 3. “The Muffin Man”
pairs. (Traditional)
Oh, do you know the muffin man,
5. Muffin Man Math Game
The muffin man, the muffin man?
Place several empty muffin tins on the
Oh, do you know the muffin man
table. Place one large die on the table.
Who lives on Drury Lane?
Each child takes turns rolling the die
and placing the corresponding number of Yes, I know the muffin man . . .
chips into the muffin tin. The game is
over when one player has filled his or her 4. “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”
muffin tin. (Traditional)
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
6. Humpty Dumpty Egg Match
How I wonder what you are!
On the bottom of a devil egg dish, paint
Up above the world so high,
different colors that correspond to
Like a diamond in the sky.
painted Easter Eggs. Encourage the
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
children to match the colored Easter
How I wonder how you are!
Eggs with the color of the painted slots
on the dish.


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5. “Two Little Blackbirds” Then up she took her little crook,
(Traditional) Determined for to find them;
She found them indeed, but it made her
Two little blackbirds sitting on a hill
heart bleed,
One named Jack. One named Jill.
For they left all their tails behind them.
Fly away, Jack. Fly away, Jill.
Come back, Jack. Come back, Jill.
Two little blackbirds sitting on a hill.
10. “Little Miss Muffet”
Little Miss Muffet sat on her tuffet,
One named Jack. One named Jill.
Eating her curds and whey.
6. “Jack and Jill” Along came a spider,
(Traditional) And sat down beside her,
And frightened Miss Muffet away.
Jack and Jill went up a hill
To fetch a pail of water. 11. “London Bridge Is Falling Down”
Jack fell down and broke his crown London Bridge is falling down,
And Jill fell tumbling after. Falling down, falling down.
London Bridge is falling down,
7. “A Peanut Sat on a Railroad Track” My fair lady.
A peanut sat on a railroad track,
His heart was all a-flutter, Build it up with needles and pins,
Round the bend came number ten. Needles and pins, needles and pins.
Toot! Toot! Peanut butter! Build it up with needles and pins,
SQUISH! My fair lady.
Pins and needles rust and bend,
8. “Jack Be Nimble”
Rust and bend, rust and bend.
Jack be nimble,
Pins and needles rust and bend,
Jack be quick;
My fair lady.
Jack jump over
the candlestick. Build it up with silver and gold . . .
Gold and silver I’ve not got . . .
(Additional verses:)
Here’s a prisoner I have got . . .
Jack be nimble, Take the key and lock him (her) up . . .
Jack be late;
Jack jump over 12. “Looby Loo”
the dinner plate. (Chorus:)
Jack be nimble, Here we go Looby-Loo
Jack be soon; Here we go Looby-Light
Jack jump over Here we go Looby-Loo
the silver spoon. All on a Saturday night.
Jack be nimble, You put your right hand in,
Jack be up; You put your right hand out,
Jack jump over You give your hand a shake, shake, shake,
the sippy cup. And turn yourself about.

9. “Little Bo-Peep” (Repeat chorus)

Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep, (Other verses:)
And can’t tell where to find them; You put your left hand in . . .
Leave them alone, and they’ll come home, You put your right foot in . . .
Wagging their tails behind them. You put your left foot in . . .
Little Bo-Peep fell fast asleep, You put your whole self in . . .
And dreamt she heard them bleating;
But when she awoke, she found it a joke,
For they were still a-fleeting.
506 Theme 53
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13. “Miss Polly Had a Dolly” Tweedle dee, tweedle dee,
Miss Polly had a dolly Went the fiddlers three,
Who was sick, sick, sick, Oh, there’s none so rare
So she called for the doctor As can compare,
To be quick, quick, quick. With King Cole and his fiddlers three.
The doctor came
With his bag and his hat,
16. “Open, Shut Them”
Open, shut them.
And he knocked at the door
(hold hands up and open and close
With a rat-a-tat-tat.
He looked at the dolly Open, shut them.
And he shook his head, Give a little clap.
And he said, “Miss Polly, (clap)
Put her straight to bed.” Open, shut them.
(hold hands up and open and close
14. “Mary Had a Little Lamb” fingers)
Mary had a little lamb, Open, shut them.
Little lamb, little lamb, Put them in our lap.
Mary had a little lamb, (place hand in lap)
Its fleece was white as snow. Walk them, walk them,
(walk fingers up chest to chin)
And everywhere that Mary went,
Walk them, walk them.
Mary went, Mary went,
Way up to your chin.
And everywhere that Mary went
Walk them, walk them,
The lamb was sure to go.
(walk fingers around face, but not into
It followed her to school one day, mouth)
School one day, school one day, Walk them, walk them,
It followed her to school one day, But don’t let them walk in.
Which was against the rules.
It made the children laugh and play, 17. “Pat-a-Cake”
Laugh and play, laugh and play, Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man.
It made the children laugh and play, (clap hands together)
To see a lamb at school. Bake me a cake as fast as you can.
Roll it,
“Why does the lamb love Mary so? (roll hands over each other)
Love Mary so? Love Mary so?” And pat it,
“Why does the lamb love Mary so?” (pat hands together)
The eager children cry. And mark it with B,
“Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know. (draw B in the air)
Loves the lamb. Loves the lamb.” And put it in the oven for baby and me.
“Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know.” (point to a child or tickle child’s tummy)
The teacher did reply.
18. “Pop! Goes the Weasel”
15. “Old King Cole” All around the cobbler’s bench
Old King Cole was a merry old soul, The monkey chased the weasel.
And a merry old soul was he. The monkey thought ’twas all in fun . . .
He called for his pipe, Pop! Goes the weasel.
And he called for his bowl, Johnny has the whooping cough,
And he called for his fiddlers three. Mary has the measles.
Ev’ry fiddler had a fiddle, That’s the way the money goes . . .
And a very fine fiddle had he. Pop! Goes the weasel.
Tweedle dee, tweedle dee,
Tweedle dee, tweedle dee,


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A penny for a spool of thread 23. “This Old Man”
A penny for a needle. This old man, he played one.
That’s the way the money goes . . . (hold up one finger)
Pop! Goes the weasel. He played knick-knack on my thumb.
All around the mulberry bush, (pretend to knock on thumb)
The monkey chased the weasel. (Chorus:)
The monkey thought ’twas all in fun . . .
With a knick-knack paddy whack give a dog
Pop! Goes the weasel.
a bone.
(knock on head, clap twice, pretend to
19. “Rock-a-Bye Baby” throw a bone over your shoulder)
Rock-a-bye, baby, This old man came rolling home.
In the tree top, (roll hand over hand)
When the wind blows,
(Second verse:)
The cradle will rock.
When the bough breaks, This old man, he played two.
The cradle will fall, (hold up two fingers)
And down will come baby, He played knick-knack on my shoe.
Cradle and all. (knock on shoe)
(Repeat chorus)
20. “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” This old man, he played three.
Row, row, row your boat (hold up three fingers)
Gently down the stream. He played knick-knack on my knee.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, (knock on knee)
Life is but a dream.

21. “Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear” This old man, he played four.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, (hold up four fingers)
Turn around. He played knick-knack on the door.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, (pretend to knock on the door)
Touch the ground. (Chorus)
Teddy bear, teddy bear,
Touch your shoes. This old man, he played five.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, (hold up five fingers)
Say how-di-do. He played knick-knack on a hive.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, (pretend to knock on a hive)
Go up the stairs. (Chorus)
Teddy bear, teddy bear, (Continue hand motions with additional verses:)
Say your prayers.
six . . . sticks
Turn out the light.
seven . . . heaven
Say good night.
eight . . . gate
nine . . . line
22. “There Was an Old Woman” ten . . . over again!
There was an old woman,
Who lived in a shoe. 24. “Are You Sleeping?”
She had so many children, Are you sleeping?
She didn’t know what to do. Are you sleeping?
She gave them some broth, Brother John, Brother John?
With butter and bread, Morning bells are ringing,
Then kissed them all sweetly, Morning bells are ringing.
And sent them to bed. Ding! Dong! Ding!
Ding! Dong! Ding!

508 Theme 53
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25. “Where Is Thumbkin?” 4. Pumpkin Tasters
Where is Thumbkin? Plan a Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater
(hands behind back) pumpkin-tasting party.
Where is Thumbkin?
Here I am. Here I am. 5. Jack and Jill’s Pail
(bring out right thumb, then left) See what objects will sink or float in Jack
How are you today, sir? and Jill’s pail.
(bend right thumb)
Very well, I thank you.
(bend left thumb)
Run away. Run away.
(put right thumb behind back, then left
thumb behind back)
Water and Pails
(Other verses:) Add water, pails, and scoopers to the
Where is Pointer? sensory table.
Where is Middle One?
Where is Ring Finger?
Where is Pinky?
Where are all of them?

26. “Hey, Diddle Diddle” Social Studies

Hey, diddle diddle, 1. Table Setting
The cat and the fiddle, On a sheet of tagboard, trace the outline of
The cow jumped over the moon. a plate, cup, knife, fork, spoon, and napkin.
The little dog laughed to Laminate. The children can match the
See such a sport, silverware and dishes to the outline on the
And the dish ran away with the spoon. placemat in preparation for a snack or meals.
This activity can be extended by having the
children turn over the placemat and arrange
the place setting without the aid of an outline.

2. Shoe House
Science Create a large boot or shoe out of tagboard.
1. Mary’s Garden Print digital photographs of each child.
A styrofoam cup with the child’s name Invite the children to take turns gluing
printed on it and a scoop of soil should be their picture onto the shoe. (Note: If
provided. Let everyone choose a flower seed. photographs are not available, have each
Be sure to save the seed packages. The child draw his or her picture on the shoe.)
children can plant their seed, water it, and
care for it. When the plant begins to grow,
try to identify the names of the plants by
comparing them to pictures on the seed
The following books can be used to complement
2. Hickory Dickory Dock Clock this theme:
Draw and cut out a large Hickory Dickory Adams, Pam, and Child’s Play. (2000). There
Dock clock from cardboard. Move the hands Was an Old Woman Who Swallowed a Fly.
of the clock and see if the children can Illustrated by Pam Adams. Auburn, ME:
identify the numeral. Child’s Play International.
3. Wool Child, Lauren. (2007) Charlie and Lola’s
Pieces of wool fabric mounted on cardboard Numbers. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick
can be matched with samples. Press.
Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Due to electronic rights, some third party content may be suppressed from the eBook and/or eChapter(s).
Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Chorao, Kay. (2009). Rhymes ’round the World. Miranda, Anne. (1997). To Market, to Market.
New York: Penguin Group. Illustrated by Janet Stevens. Orlando, FL:
Conway, David. (2009). The Great Nursery Harcourt Brace.
Rhyme Disaster. Illustrated by Melanie Opie, Iona Archibald, ed. (1996). My Very First
Williamson. Wilton, CT: Tiger Tales. Mother Goose. Illustrated by Rosemary
Cravath, Lynne Woodcock, and Steven Carpenter. Wells. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.
(2000). My First Action Rhymes. Illustrated Opie, Iona Archibald. (1997). Humpty Dumpty
by Lynne Woodcock Cravath and Steven and Other Rhymes. Cambridge, MA:
Carpenter. New York: HarperFestival. Candlewick Press.
Dillon, Leo, and Diane Dillon. (2007). Mother Opie, Iona Archibald. (1997). Pussycat Pussycat
Goose Numbers on the Loose. Orlando, FL: and Other Rhymes. Cambridge, MA:
Harcourt. Candlewick Press.
Dunn, Opal. (2006). Un, Deux, Trois: First Opie, Iona Archibald. (1997). Wee Willie Winkie
French Rhymes. London: Frances Lincoln. and Other Rhymes. Cambridge, MA:
Engelbreit, Mary. (2005). Mary Engelbreit’s Candlewick Press.
Mother Goose: One Hundred Best-Loved Pearson, Tracey Campbell. (2005). Little Miss
Verses. New York: HarperCollins. Muffet. New York: Farrar, Straus and
Fisher Wright, Blanche. (2000). My First Real Giroux.
Mother Goose Bedtime Book. New York: Ross, Tony. (2009). Three Little Kittens and
Scholastic. Other Favorite Nursery Rhymes. New York:
Galdone, Paul, (2007). Three Little Kittens. New Henry Holt.
York: Clarion Books. Scarry, Richard. (1999). Richard Scarry’s Best
Gill, Shelley. (2002). The Alaska Mother Goose: Mother Goose Ever. New York: Golden
North Country Nursery Rhymes. Seattle, Books.
WA: Sasquatch Books. Weber, Paige. (2006). Classic Nursery Rhymes.
Gustafson, Scott. (2007). Favorite Nursery New York: Gramercy Books.
Rhymes from Mother Goose. Shelton, CT: Wright, Danielle, Mique Moriuchi, and Michael
Greenwich Workshop Press. Rosen. (2010). My Village: Rhymes from
Herman, R.A. (2006). Jack and Jill. Brooklyn, around the World. London: Frances Lincoln.
NY: Handprint Books.
Hines, Anna Grossnickle. (2008). 1, 2, Buckle
My Shoe. Orlando, FL: Harcourt.
Hoberman, Mary Ann. (2005). You Read to
Technology and
Me, I’ll Read to You: Very Short Mother Multimedia
Goose Tales to Read Together. Illustrated by
Michael Emberley. New York: Little, Brown. The following technology and multimedia
products can be used to complement this
Janovitz, Marilyn. (2002). Three Little Kittens.
New York: North-South Books.
“Baa Baa Black Sheep” [CD]. (1976). In
Joyce, William, and Kerry Milliron, eds. (2001).
Singable Songs for the Very Young.
William Joyce’s Mother Goose. New York:
Cambridge, MA: Rounder/UMGD.
Random House.
“I’m a Little Tea Pot” [CD]. (2000). In Early
Keats, Ezra Jack. (1999). Over in the Meadow.
Childhood Classics: Old Favorites with a
New York: Viking.
New Twist. Sherman Oaks, CA: Hap-Pal
Kubler, Annie. (2001). Here We Go round the Music.
Mulberry Bush. Auburn, ME: Child’s Play.
“Itsy Bitsy Spider” [CD]. (2000). In Early
Lansky, Bruce. (2004). Mary Had a Little Jam Childhood Classics: Old Favorites with a
and Other Silly Rhymes. Minnetonka, MN: New Twist. Sherman Oaks, CA: Hap-Pal
Meadowbrook. Music.

510 Theme 53
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Palmer, Hap. (1991). Hap Palmer Sings Classic Singable Nursery Rhymes [CD]. (1986). Long
Nursery Rhymes [cassette]. Freeport, NY: Branch, NJ: Kimbo Educational.
Educational Activities. Singleton-Prather, Anita. [DVD] (2006). Tales
“Pop Goes the Weasel” and “Hickory Dickory from the Land of Gullah for Kids [DVD].
Dock” [CD]. (2001). In Four Baby (2006). Charleston, SC: Matrix Media.
Bumblebees. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” [CD]. (2000). In
Educational. Early Childhood Classics: Old Favorites
Richard Scarry’s Best Sing-Along Mother Goose with a New Twist. Sherman Oaks, CA:
Video Ever [DVD]. (2002). Los Angeles: Sony Hap-Pal Music.
Wonder, Random House Home Video.
“Rock-N-Roll Pat-a-Cake” [CD]. (2008). In
Songs for the Whole Day. Nashville, TN: Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Lamon Records. Theme can be found on the book’s companion
“Simon Says” [CD]. (2001). Dance Party Fun. website. Go to to
Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo Educational. access the site for a variety of useful resources.


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Theme 54

Transportation Production Community Health
taxi driver farmer Helpers doctor
bus driver cook police officer nurse
car salesperson chef firefighter dentist
pilot baker mail carrier hygienist
ambulance driver miner judge paramedic
truck driver factory worker child care
gas station artist

Sports Other Service Communications

announcer homemaker Workers computer operator
umpire seasonal teacher television reporter
coach part-time librarian newspaper reporter
athlete self-employed food server actor
hockey players shift banker, cashier
baseball players cottage custodian Construction
golfers secretary carpenter
tennis players auto mechanic plumber
soccer players butcher, clerk cabinetmaker
sanitation engineer architect

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Occupations of community helpers 6. Construction occupations
2. Sports figure occupations 7. Production occupations
3. Health occupations 8. Service occupations
4. Transportation occupations 9. Community helpers
5. Communications occupations 10. Other types of occupations

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. An occupation is a job a person does to earn money to live.
2. There are many different kinds of occupations.
3. Truck drivers, gas station attendants, and astronauts are in
transportation occupations.
4. Taxi drivers, bus drivers, pilots, and ambulance drivers are in
transportation occupations.
5. Doctors, nurses, hygienists, paramedics, child care workers, and
dentists are in health occupations.
6. A community helper is someone who helps us.
7. Police officers, firefighters, mail carriers, and judges are community
8. Teachers, librarians, and custodians work to help us.
9. Farmers, cooks, chefs, and factory workers make or create things for us.
10. There are many sporting occupations.
11. Hockey players, golfers, tennis players, and soccer players are in sports
12. Announcers, umpires, and coaches are also in sports occupations.
13. Football and baseball players are in sports occupations.
14. Television and newspaper reporters are in communications
15. Builders, carpenters, plumbers, cabinetmakers, and electricians are in
construction occupations. They build things such as houses, schools,
and other buildings.
16. Architects design buildings.

1. job—type of work that someone has to do.
2. occupation—the job a person performs to earn money.
3. service—helping people.

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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to learn about gender. Both men and
women can be doctors, farmers, construction workers, teachers, judges, and
so on. In addition, visual discrimination, hand-eye coordination, and problem-
solving skills are promoted. To prepare the bulletin board, construct a boy and
girl out of tagboard. Design several occupational outfits that may be worn by
either sex. Color and laminate the pieces. Magnet pieces or pushpins and holes
should be provided to affix clothing on the children.

514 Theme 54
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Hello! We will explore a new unit on occupations. Through experiences provided by this theme,
the children will become aware of a great number of occupations and the way these workers help
us today. Transportation, health care, sports, community helpers, communication, production,
construction, and service workers will all be included.

At School
Some learning experiences include:
• Listening to books and recordings about people in our neighborhoods
• Making occupation hats
• Visiting a police station on Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. Join us if you can!
• Observing an ambulance and talking with a paramedic
• Designing a job chart for our classroom

At Home
Page through magazines with your child. Discuss equipment and materials that are used in various
occupations. Questions such as the following can be asked to stimulate thinking skills: Who might use
a computer to perform a job? What occupations involve the use of a cash register? Your child might
be interested in visiting your place of employment!

Enjoy your child!

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4. Our Library
Books on a shelf, a desk for the librarian,
and a stamper and ink pad to check out
Arts and Crafts books should be placed in the dramatic
1. Mail Truck play area. A small table for children to
Cut out mail truck parts including one sit and read their books would also add
rectangle, one square, and two circles. The interest.
children can paste the pieces together and
decorate. This activity is most appropriate 5. Workbench
for older children. A hammer, nails, saws, vises, a carpenter’s
apron, and so forth should be added to the
2. Occupation Vests workbench. Eye goggles for the children’s
Cut a circle out of the bottom of a large safety should also be included.
paper grocery bag. Then, from the circle, Caution: Constant supervision is needed
cut a slit down the center of the bag and for this activity.
turn bag inside out. Cut out armholes.
Provide felt-tip colored markers for the 6. An Airplane
children to decorate the vests. They may Create an airplane out of a large cardboard
elect to be a pilot, police officer, mail carrier, refrigerator box. If desired, the children can
baker, flight attendant, doctor, firefighter, paint the airplane.
and so on.
7. Post Office
3. Mail Pouch A mailbox, letters, envelopes, stamps,
Cut the top half off a large grocery bag. and mail carrier bags can be set up in the
Use the cutaway piece to make a shoulder dramatic play or art area.
strap. Staple it to the bag. The children
can decorate the bag with crayons or 8. Fast-Food Restaurant
markers. Collect bags, containers, and hats to set up
a fast-food restaurant.

9. A Construction Site
Hard hats, nails, a hammer, large blocks,
Dramatic Play and scrap wood can be provided for outdoor
1. Hat Shop play. Cardboard boxes and masking tape
Police officer hats, firefighter hats, should also be made available.
construction worker hats, businessperson
hats, and other occupation-related hats 10. Prop Boxes
should be placed in the dramatic play area. The following prop boxes can be made by
collecting the materials listed.
2. Classroom Cafe
Cover the table in the dramatic play area Police Officer
with a tablecloth. Provide menus, a tablet • Badge • Whistle
for the waitress to write on, a space for a • Hat • Walkie-talkie
cook, and the like. A cash register and • Uniform
play money may also be added to encourage
play. Mail Carrier
3. Hairstylist • Letter bag • Paper
Collect empty shampoo bottles, combs, • Letter • Stamps
barrettes, ribbons, hair spray containers, • Uniform • Rubber stamp
and magazines. Cut the cord off a discarded • Mailbox • Ink pad
hair dryer and curling iron, and place these • Wrapped • Envelopes
in the dramatic play area. • Cardboard boxes • Pencil

516 Theme 54
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Firefighter The second little farmer thought he’d better
• Boots • Gloves plow.
• Helmet • Raincoat (hold up hand, point to index finger)
• Hose • Suspenders The third little farmer cultivated weeds.
• Uniform • Goggles (point to middle finger)
The fourth little farmer planted more seeds.
Doctor (point to fourth finger)
The fifth little farmer drove his tractor
• Stethoscope • Cotton balls round.
• Medicine bottles • Red Cross (point to last finger)
• Adhesive tape armband Five little farmers, the best that can be
• Chart holder found.
(hold up hand)

Traffic Policeman
Field Trips and The traffic policeman holds up his hand.
(hold up hand, palm forward)
Resource People He blows the whistle,
1. Take field trips to the following: (pretend to blow whistle)
• Bank He gives the command.
• Library (hold up hand again)
• Grocery store When the cars are stopped
• Police station (hold up hand again)
• Doctor or dentist office He waves at me.
• Beauty salon or barber Then I may cross the street, you see.
• Television or radio station (wave hand as if indicating for someone
• Courthouse to go)
• Airport
• Farm The Carpenter
• Restaurant This is the way he saws the wood
(right hand saws left palm)
2. Invite the following resource Sawing, sawing, sawing.
people to school: This is the way he nails a nail
• Police officer with squad car (pound right fist on left palm)
• Firefighter with truck Nailing, nailing, nailing.
• Ambulance driver with ambulance This is the way he paints the house
• Truck driver with truck (right hand paints left palm)
• Taxi driver with cab Painting, painting, painting.
• Librarian with books

Group Time
(Games and Language)
1. Brushes as Tools
Fingerplays and Chants Collect all types of brushes, and place in
Farm Chores a bag. The children can reach into the bag
Five little farmers woke up with the sun. and feel one. Before removing it, the child
(hold up hand, palm forward) describes the kind of brush. When using
It was early morning and the chores must with younger children, limit the number of
be done. brushes. Also, before placing the brushes in
The first little farmer went out to milk the the bag, show the children each brush and
cow. discuss its use.
(hold up hand, point to thumb)
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2. Machines as Helpers Chart I keep your body healthy, I keep your body
Machines and tools help people work healthy.
and play. Ask the children to think of all Who am I? Who am I?
of the machines they or their parents (Variations in song:)
use around the house. As they name a
machine, list it on a chart and discuss I keep your pets healthy. (Veterinarian)
how it is used. I deliver letters. (Mail carrier)
I keep your teeth healthy. (Dentist)
3. Mail It I keep your building clean. (Custodian)
Play a variation of “Duck, Duck, Goose.” I put out the fires. (Firefighter)
The children can sit in a circle. One child
holds an envelope and walks around the
circle saying, “Letter,” and taps each child
on the head. When he or she gets to the one
he or she wants to be chased by, have the
child drop the letter and say, “Mail it!” Then
both children run around the circle until The following materials can be added
they return to the letter. The chaser gets to the sensory table:
to “mail” the letter by walking around and • Sponge hair rollers with water
repeating the game. • Wood shavings with scoops and scales
• Sand with toy cars, trucks, and
• Pipes with water

Large Muscle
Cut large cardboard boxes to make
squad cars. Take the boxes and spray
paint them either blue or white.
Social Studies
Emblems can be constructed for the 1. Occupation Pictures
sides. Pin occupation pictures on classroom
bulletin boards and walls.

2. A Job Chart
Make a chart containing classroom jobs.
Include tasks such as feeding the class pet,
watering plants, sweeping the floor, wiping
tables, and so on.
1. “Do You Know the Muffin Man?”
Oh, do you know the muffin man,
The muffin man, the muffin man?
Oh, do you know the muffin man Books
Who lives on Drury Lane?
Oh, yes, I know the muffin man, The following books can be used to complement
The muffin man, the muffin man. this theme:
Oh, yes, I know the muffin man Carter, Don. (2002). Get to Work Trucks!
Who lives on Drury Lane. Brookfield, CT: Roaring Brook Press.
Chapman, Jane. (2003). Let’s Build. Cambridge,
MA: Candlewick Press.
2. “What Is My Job?” Cordsen, Carol Foskett. (2005). The Milkman.
(Sing to the tune of “Are You Sleeping?”)
Illustrated by Douglas B. Jones. New York:
What is my job? What is my job?
Dutton Children’s Books.
Can you guess? Can you guess?
518 Theme 54
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Cousins, Lucy. (2005). Maisy Goes to the Rey, Margaret, and H. A. Rey. (2003). Curious
Library. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press. George Visits the Library. Illustrated in
Crews, Donald. (1995). Sail Away. New York: the style of H. A. Rey by Martha Weston.
Scholastic. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Davis, Kate, and Kate Endle. (2000). What Do Rockwell, Anne. (1997). I Fly. Illustrated by
You Want to Be? Illustrated by Kate Endle. Annette Cable. New York: Crown.
Norwalk, CT: Innovative Kids. Samuels, Barbara. (2010). The Trucker. New
Downs, Mike, and David Gordon. (2005). The York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Noisy Airplane Ride. Berkeley CA: Tricycle Schaefer, Lola M. (2001). Zoo. Who Works Here?
Press. Chicago: Heinemann Library.
Hill, Susanna Leonard. (2009). Airplane Flight. Schubert, Leda. (2010). Feeding the Sheep.
Illustrated by Ana Martin Larranaga. New Illustrated by Andrea U’Ren. New York:
York: Little Simon. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Hoena, B. A. (2004). A Visit to the Doctor’s Schuh, Mari C. (2008). At the Dentist. Mankato,
Office. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. MN: Capstone Press.
Jackson, Thomas Campbell. (1994). Hammers, Schuh, Mari. (2009). Fire Stations in Action.
Nails, Planks, and Paint. Illustrated by Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Randy Chewing. New York: Scholastic. Smith, Marie, and Roland Smith (2005). Z Is for
Lenski, Lois, and Heidi Kilgras, eds. (2001). Zookeeper. Illustrated by Henry Cole. Ann
Policeman Small. New York: Random Arbor, MI: Sleeping Bear Press.
House. Stewart, Sarah. (2007). The Gardener. New
Lewis, Kevin. (2001). Big Machines! Big York: Square Fish.
Buildings! Illustrated by Reg Cartwright. Thomas, Mark. (2001). A Day with a Plumber.
New York: Scholastic. New York: Children’s Press.
Lindeen, Carol K. (2005). Fire Trucks. Mankato, Troupe, Thomas Kingsley. (2010). If I Were a
MN: Capstone Press. Ballerina. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Lindeen, Carol K. (2005). Police Cars. Mankato, Winne, Joanne. (2001). A Day with a Mechanic.
MN: Capstone Press. New York: Children’s Press.
Macken, JoAnn Early. (2008). Construction
Tools. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Macken, JoAnn Early. (2009). Building a House.
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. Technology and
Markes, Julie. (2005). Shhhhhh! Everybody’s
Sleeping. Illustrated by David Parkins. New
York: HarperCollins. The following technology and multimedia
McMullan, Kate, and Jim McMullan. (2002). products can be used to complement this
I Stink! New York: Joanne Cotler Books. theme:
Metzger, Steve. (2008). The Wheels on the Truck. “The Airplane Song” [CD]. (2001). In Whaddaya
Illustrated by Tammie Lyon. New York: Think of That, Laurie Berkner. New York:
Scholastic. Two Tomatoes.
Murphy, Patricia J. (2005). A Visit to the Exploring Communities and Its Workers [DVD].
Dentist’s Office. Mankato, MN: Capstone (2007). Southington, CT: Mazzarella Media.
Press. Reading Rainbow. (2007). In Fox on the Job
Neitzel, Shirley. (1999). I’m Taking a Trip on [DVD]. Lincoln, NE: Distributed by GPN
My Train. Illustrated by Nancy Winslow Educational Media.
Parker. New York: Greenwillow Books. “Riding in an Airplane” [CD]. (1985). In One
Light, One Sun. Cambridge, MA: Rounder/

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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Spend a Day with Firefighters [DVD]. (2003).
Century City, CA: First Look Home Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Entertainment. Theme can be found on the book’s companion
What I Want to Be! [DVD]. (2002). Beverly Hills, website. Go to to
CA: Image Entertainment. access the site for a variety of useful resources.

Special excursions and events in an early childhood program give opportunities for
widening the young child’s horizons by providing exciting direct experiences. The
following places or people are some suggestions:
Train station Offices Hospital Print shop
Dentist office Animal hospital Meat market Artist’s studio
Post office Fire station Library Bowling alley
Grocery store Tree farm Apple orchard Department store
Zoo Car wash Farm windows
Dairy Children’s houses Airport Potter’s studio
Family garden Garage mechanic Riding stable Teacher’s house
Poultry house Television studio Barber shop Street repair site
Construction site Drugstore College dormitory
Beauty shop Bakery Shoe repair shop

520 Theme 54
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Theme 55

Body Covering Movement Care
fur swimming food
feathers walking water
scales flying loving care
shell hopping exercise
running grooming
crawling shelter

Sounds Kinds
meowing house farm
squeaking dogs, cats pig, horse
chirping hamsters, gerbils ponies
hissing turtles, guinea pigs sheep, goat
fish, birds cow
People rabbits, snakes
breeders lizards, spiders
trainers mice, ferrets
groomers chinchillas

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. People who work with pets 4. Body coverings of pets
2. Pet care 5. Sounds of pets
3. Kinds of pets 6. Movements of pets

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. A favorite animal kept for pleasure is called a pet.
2. Dogs, cats, fish, hamsters, gerbils, turtles, guinea pigs, and birds can all
be house pets.
3. Rabbits, snakes, lizards, spiders, mice, ferrets, and chinchillas can also
be house pets.
4. Pigs, ponies, horses, sheep, goats, and cows can be pets on a farm.
5. Pets need food, water, shelter, exercise, and loving care.
6. Some pets need to be groomed.
7. Barking, meowing, squeaking, hissing, and chirping are pet sounds.
8. To move, pets may swim, walk, fly, hop, run, or crawl.
9. The care of a pet depends on the type of animal.
10. Body coverings on pets differ.
11. Body coverings can be fur, feathers, scales, or a shell.
12. A veterinarian is an animal doctor.
13. Breeders and trainers also work with pets.
14. Groomers wash, brush, and care for animals.

1. collar—a band worn around an animal’s neck.
2. feathers—skin covering of birds.
3. fur—hairy coating covering the skin of some animals.
4. leash—a cord that attaches to a collar.
5. pet—a favorite animal that is kept for pleasure. Cats and dogs are pets.
6. scales—skin covering of fish and reptiles.
7. veterinarian—an animal doctor.
8. whiskers—stiff hair growing around the animal’s nose, mouth, and eyes.

522 Theme 55
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to encourage the development of mathematical,
visual discrimination, hand-eye coordination, and problem-solving skills. To prepare
the bulletin board, construct fishbowls out of white tagboard or construction paper.
Write a numeral beginning with 1 on each fishbowl and the corresponding number of
dots. Hang the fishbowls on the bulletin board. Next, construct pieces as illustrated
that will fit on top of the fishbowl to represent water in the bowl. Draw fish to
match the numerals in each bowl. The pieces can be attached to each other to hang
on the bulletin board by using magnet pieces, or pushpins and a paper punch. The
children should count the fish in each water piece and match it to the corresponding
numbered fishbowl.

PETS 523
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Children are naturally curious about animals. To build on their interests, we are starting a curriculum
unit on pets, and I’m sure that we’ll be busy! The children will discover the kinds of animals most
people keep as pets. They will also learn sounds, care, body coverings, and movements of pets. Also,
the children will learn the occupations of people who work with pets.

At School
The following are some of the learning experiences in which your child will participate during our
pet unit:
• Making a special treat for Greta, our classroom gerbil
• Creating a large doghouse out of an appliance box for the dramatic play area
• Interacting with a variety of pets. Dani and Donny will bring their rabbit on Tuesday, and Cindy
will bring her bird on Wednesday. If you are willing to bring your family pet to school to show the
children, we welcome you. Contact me, and we can arrange a time that would be convenient for
you (and your pet).
• Listening to the story Clifford, the Big Red Dog by Norman Birdwell

At Home
Is your family considering adding a pet to your household? If so, there are many variables to
take into consideration because not all households are meant to include pets. Allergies, fears,
and lifestyles are three things that need to be considered. Also, you need to consider your child’s
readiness for a pet.
To develop fine motor skills, provide magazines and newspapers for your child to cut or tear out
pictures of animals. These can be used to create an animal alphabet book or a collage to hang in
your child’s bedroom.

Enjoy your child!

524 Theme 55
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2. Veterinarian Prop Box
Collect materials for a veterinarian prop
box. Include a stethoscope, empty pill
Arts and Crafts bottles, fabric cut as bandages, splints, and
1. Pet Sponge Painting stuffed animals.
Cut sponges into a variety of pet shapes.
Place on the art table with paper and a
shallow pan of tempera paint.

2. Doghouse Field Trips and

Provide an old, large cardboard box for the
children to make a doghouse with adult
Resource People
supervision. They can cut holes in it, paint 1. Pet Show
it, and decorate it. When dry, the doghouse Plan a pet show. Each child who wants to
can be moved into the dramatic play area or show a pet should sign up for a time and
to the outdoor play yard. day. If children can all bring in a pet on
the same day, have a big pet show. Award
3. Cookie Cutters and Play Dough prizes for longest tail, longest ears, biggest,
Pet-shaped cookie cutters and play dough smallest, best groomed, loudest barker, most
can be placed on the art table. obedient, and so on. Children who do not
have a pet or cannot arrange to bring it to
school can bring a stuffed toy.

Cooking 2. Veterinarian
Invite a veterinarian to talk to the children
Animal Cookies about how a veterinarian helps pets and
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
animals. Pet care can also be addressed.
1 cup butter or margarine
1 egg
3. Pet Store
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Visit a pet store to observe types of pets,
2 1/2 cups flour
their toys, and other accessories. Pictures
1 teaspoon baking soda
can be taken on the trip and later placed on
1 teaspoon cream of tartar
the bulletin board of the classroom.
Mix powdered sugar, margarine, egg, and
vanilla extract. Mix in flour, baking soda, 4. Pet Groomer
and cream of tartar. Cover and refrigerate Visit a pet groomer. Observe how pets are
for 2 hours. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. bathed and groomed.
Divide dough into halves. Roll out 1/2-inch
thick on a lightly floured, cloth-covered
board. Cut the dough into animal shapes
with cookie cutters, or let the children cut it.
Place on a lightly greased cookie sheet.
Bake 7 to 10 minutes. Serve for snack.
Fingerplays and Chants
My Puppy
Dramatic Play I like to pet my puppy.
(pet puppy)
1. Pet Store He has such nice soft fur.
The children can all bring in their stuffed (pet puppy)
animals to set up a pet store. A counter, a And if I don’t pull his tail
cash register, and several empty pet food (pull tail)
containers should be provided to stimulate He won’t say “Grr!”
play. (make face)
PETS 525
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If I Were
If I were a dog
I’d have four legs to run and play.
(down on all four hands and feet)
If I were a fish Music
I’d have fins to swim all day. 1. “Rags”
(hands at side fluttering like fins) I have a dog and his name is Rags.
If I were a bird (point to self)
I could spread my wings out wide. He eats so much that his tummy sags.
And fly all over the countryside. (hold tummy)
(arms out from sides fluttering like His ears flip-flop and his tail wig-wags.
wings) (flip hands by ears and wag hands at
But I’m just me. back)
I have two legs, don’t you see? And when he walks he zigs and zags.
And I’m just as happy as can be. (put hands together and zig-zag them)
The Bunny
Once there was a bunny
Zig-zag (Repeat the same actions)
(fist with two fingers tall)
And a green, green cabbage head.
(fist of other hand)
“I think I’ll have some breakfast,” this little
bunny said.
2. “Six Little Pets”
So he nibbled and he cocked his ears to say,
(Sing to the tune of “Six Little Ducks”)
“I think it’s time that I be on my way.”
Six little gerbils I once knew,
Sammy Fat ones, skinny ones, fair ones, too.
Sammy is a super snake. But the one little gerbil was so much fun.
(wave finger on opposite palm) He would play until the day was done.
He sleeps on the shore of a silver lake. Six little dogs that I once knew,
(curl finger to indicate sleep) Fat ones, skinny ones, fair ones, too.
He squirms and squiggles to snatch a snack But the one little dog with the brown curly
(wave finger and pounce) fur,
And snoozes and snores till his hunger is
back. She led the others with a grr, grr, grr.
(curl finger on palm) Six little fish that I once knew,
Fat ones, skinny ones, fair ones, too.
Not Say a Single Word But the one little fish who was the leader of
We’ll hop, hop, hop like a bunny the crowd,
(make hopping motion with hand) He led the others around and around.
And run, run, run like a dog.
(make running motion with fingers) Six little birds that I once knew,
We’ll walk, walk, walk like an elephant Fat ones, skinny ones, fair ones, too.
(make walking motion with arms) But the one little bird with the pretty little
And jump, jump, jump like a frog. beak,
(make jumping motions with arms) She led the others with a tweet, tweet, tweet.
We’ll swim, swim, swim like a goldfish Six little cats that I once knew,
(make swimming motion with hand) Fat ones, skinny ones, fair ones, too.
And fly, fly, fly like a bird. But the one little cat who was as fluffy as a
(make flying motion with arms) ball,
We’ll sit right down and fold our hands He was the prettiest one of all.
(fold hands in lap)
And not say a single word!

526 Theme 55
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3. “Have You Ever Seen a Rabbit?”
(Sing to the tune of “Have You Ever Seen a
Have you ever seen a rabbit, a rabbit, a Social Studies
rabbit? 1. Animal Sounds
Have you ever seen a rabbit go hopping Tape several animal sounds and play them
around? back for the children to identify.
Go hopping, go hopping, go hopping, go
hopping 2. Feeding Chart
Have you ever seen a rabbit go hopping Design and prepare a feeding chart for the
around? classroom pets.

3. Weekend Visitor
Let children take turns bringing class pets
home on weekends. Prepare a card for
Science each animal’s cage outlining feeding and
behavioral expectations.
1. Pet Foods
Cut out pictures of pets and pet foods, and
place on the science table. Include different
foods such as meat, fish, carrots, lettuce,
nuts, and acorns. The children can match
the food to a picture of the animal that
would eat each type of food. The following books can be used to complement
this theme:
2. Bird Feathers Blackaby, Susan. (2006). A Cat for You.
Bird feathers with a magnifying glass Illustrated by Charlene Delage.
can be placed on the science table for the Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window Books.
children to examine.
Blackaby, Susan. (2006). A Dog for You.
Illustrated by Charlene Delage.
Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window Books.
Blackaby, Susan. (2006). Fish for You.
Sensory Illustrated by Charlene Delage.
1. Minnows Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window Books.
Fill the sensory table with cold water. Place Bluemle, Elizabeth. (2008). Dogs on the Bed.
minnows purchased from a bait store into Illustrated by Anne Wilsdorf. Cambridge,
the water. The children will attempt to MA: Candlewick Press.
catch the minnows. Teachers should stress Boelts, Maribeth. (2007). Before You Were Mine.
the importance of being gentle with the fish Illustrated by David Walker. New York: G.P.
and follow through with limits set for the Putnam’s Sons.
activity. After participating in this activity,
Calmenson, Stephanie. (2007). May I Pet Your
the children should wash their hands.
Dog? Illustrated by Jan Ormerod. New
York: Clarion Books
2. Texture Rubbings
Cut out sandpaper “footprints” representing Dahl, Michael. (2005). Pets ABC: An Alphabet
a variety of animals (cat, dog, birds, etc.). Book. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Tape the prints on the table, and have Dodd, Emma. (2003). Dog’s Colorful Day. New
children place a piece of paper over the York: Puffin Books.
print. Rub the side of a crayon over the
Doyle, Malachy. (2008). Horse. Illustrated by
sandpaper to form a print. Have the
Angelo Rinaldi. New York: M.K. McElderry
children guess what kind of pet made each

PETS 527
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Fjelland-Davis, Rebecca. (2007). Counting Pets Stainton, Sue. (2007). I Love Cats. Illustrated
by Twos. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. by Anne Mortimer. New York: Katherine
Florian, Douglas. (2003). Bow Wow Meow Meow. Tegen Books.
San Diego, CA: Harcourt. Wahman, Wendy. (2009). Don’t Lick the Dog:
Graham, Bob. (2007). “The Trouble with Dogs,” Making Friends with Dogs. New York:
Said Dad. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Henry Holt.
Gravett, Emily. (2010). Dogs. New York: Simon &
Schuster Books for Young Readers.
Grover, Jan Zita. (2008). A Home for Dakota.
Technology and
Minneapolis, MN: Gryphon House. Multimedia
Jenkins, Steve. (2007). Dogs and Cats. Boston:
The following technology and multimedia
Houghton Mifflin.
products can be used to complement this
Kasza, Keiko. (2005). The Dog Who Cried Wolf. theme:
New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons.
Dogs Nature Special Presentation [DVD].
Kimble, Warren. (2006). The Cat’s Meow. New (2003). Questar: Chicago, Ill.
York: Walker & Co.
DogTown: New Beginnings [DVD]. (2008).
L’Engle, Madeleine, and Christine Davenier. Washington, DC: National Geographic.
(2001). The Other Dog. Illustrated by
Elmo’s World: Pets [DVD]. (2006). Los Angeles:
Christine Davenier. New York: Seastar.
Sony Music Entertainment.
MacLeod, Elizabeth. (2008). Why Do Cats Have
“Little Black Dog” [CD]. (1996). In Diamonds
Whiskers? New York: Kids Can Press.
and Daydreams. Vancouver, BC: Hug Bug
McDonald, Megan, and Nancy Poydar. (2000). Records.
Beezy and Funnybone. Illustrated by Nancy
“My Little Kitty” [CD] (1998). In Birds,
Poydar. New York: Orchard Books.
Beasts, Bugs and Fishes Little and Big.
Meyers, Susan. (2007). Kittens, Kittens, Kittens! Washington, DC: Smithsonian Folkways.
New York: Abrams Books for Young Readers.
Paws, Claws, Feathers and Fins [DVD]. (2005).
Nelson, Robin. (2003). Pet Fish. Minneapolis Goldhil Video: Los Angeles, CA.
MN: Lerner.
“Snuggle with Your Puppy” [CD]. (2000). In
Peters, Stephanie True. (2009). Rumble Tum. Charlotte Diamond’s World. Vancouver, BC:
Illustrated by Robert Papp. New York: Hug Bug Records.
Dutton Children’s Books.
Schaefer, Lola M. (2008). Family Pets. Mankato,
MN: Capstone Press.
Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Scillian, Deven. (2007). Memoirs of a Goldfish. website. Go to to access
Illustrated by Tim Bowers. Ann Arbor, MI:
the site for a variety of useful resources.
Sleeping Bear Press.
Simon, Seymour. (2009). Cats. New York:
Sovak, Jan. (2001). Learning about Farm
Animals. New York: Dover.

528 Theme 55
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Theme 56

Origin Parts Types of Growth Sites
seed roots Plants rainforest
another plant seeds medicinal garden
stems flowers greenhouse or
leaves shrubs nursery
buds trees, grasses house, field
flowers bushes forest or wood
fruit poisonous pond or lake

Plants We Can Eat Plants That Grow Growth Needs

carrot, radish Food We Can Eat sunshine
celery beanstalk water
asparagus cornstalk soil
rhubarb apple tree
lettuce, cabbage berry bush
spinach grapevine

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Types of plants 4. Plant growth sites
2. Growth needs of plants 5. Edible plants
3. The parts of a plant 6. Origin of plants

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Plants are living things, usually green, that grow in the soil.
2. There are many kinds of plants.
3. Flowers, shrubs, trees, grasses, and bushes are all plants.
4. Some plants grow from seeds.
5. Some plants grow from another plant.
6. Plants need water, sunlight, and soil to grow.
7. People and animals eat some types of plants.
8. The parts of a plant are the stem, roots, buds, leaves, flowers, fruit, and
9. Carrots, radishes, beanstalks, celery, asparagus, and rhubarb are plants.
10. Lettuce, cabbage, spinach, cornstalks, apple trees, berry bushes, and
grapevines are all plants.
11. There are different sizes, colors, and shapes of seeds.
12. Plants grow in homes, gardens, greenhouses, nurseries, fields, forests,
and the woods.
13. Plants can also grow in a pond or lake.

1. flower—a colored plant part that contains seeds.
2. fruit—an edible part of a plant. Fruits usually contain seeds. Oranges,
apples, and strawberries are fruits.
3. garden—ground for growing vegetable and flower plants.
4. leaf—part of a plant or tree that grows on the stem. Most leaves are green.
5. plant—living thing, usually green, that grows in the soil. Bushes,
flowers, grass, and trees are all plants.
6. root—part of the plant that grows below the ground. Plants use roots to
get their food and water.
7. seed—part of a plant that can grow into a new plant. By planting a
pumpkin seed, you get a new pumpkin plant.
8. sprout—first sign of growth on a plant.
9. stem—part of the plant that supports the leaves and grows upward.
Leaves, flowers, and fruit have stems.
10. vegetable—a plant grown for food. Beans, carrots, and corn are vegetables.

530 Theme
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to promote visual discrimination, hand-eye
coordination, problem-solving, and numeral recognition skills. To prepare the
bulletin board, construct flowerpots out of construction paper. Color each pot and
draw dots on it as illustrated. Hang the pots on the bulletin board. Next, construct
the same number of flowers with stems as pots. In the center of each flower, write a
numeral. The children can place each flower in the flowerpot with the corresponding
number of dots.

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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Plants will be the focus of our next theme. Through the unit, the children will become aware of the
origin and parts of a plant. They will also discover where plants can be grown and what plants can
be eaten. They will be exposed to the parts of plants, plant growth sites, as well as foods that are
edible plants.

At School
Some of the learning experiences related to plants will include:
• Listening to the story The Plant Sitter by Gene Zion
• Sprouting alfalfa seeds to add to a salad
• Walking around our play yard to collect plants
• Playing hopscotch in the shape of a flower

At Home
There are many ways to foster the concepts of this unit at home. If you have plants, let your child help
water them. If you are planning to start a garden, section off a small portion for your child to grow plants.
At mealtimes, identify various parts of plants that are eaten. For example, we eat the leaves of
lettuce, the stems of celery, the root of a carrot, and so on.
Plant some flower seeds with your child! Or, perhaps you could root a vegetable. To do this, place a
potato or carrot in a jar, root end down so that one-third is covered by water. A potato can be held
upright by inserting toothpicks or small nails at three points so that the vegetable can be rested on
the rim of the jar. Encourage your child to water the vegetable as needed. Label the plant. Roots
should grow out from the bottom of the vegetable. Likewise, shoots will grow from the top.

Enjoy your child!

532 Theme 56
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to form the bottom side. Add a circle to the
middle. Cut a stem from green paper, and
add the green feet as leaves. This makes
Arts and Crafts a cute Mother’s Day idea. Mount on white
1. Grass Hair paper.
Save half-pint milk cartons. The children
can decorate the outside of the carton like a
face. Place soil in the cartons, and add grass
seeds. After approximately 7 days, the grass Cooking
will start to grow, and it will look like hair. 1. Vegetable-Tasting Party
If the grass becomes too long, have the child Prepare raw vegetables for a tasting party.
give it a haircut. Discuss the color, texture, and flavor of each
2. Flower Collage
Collect flowers and weeds. Press the flowers 2. Sprouts
and weeds between paper and books. Old Provide each interested child with a small
telephone directories can be used. Dry them jar. Fill the bottom with alfalfa seeds. Fill
for 7 to 10 days. The children can use the the jar with warm water, and cover with
pressed foliage to create their own collages cheesecloth and a rubber band. Each day,
on paper plates or construction paper. rinse and fill the jar with fresh warm water.
In three or four days, the seeds will sprout.
3. Nature Tree The sprouts may be used on sandwiches or
Cut a branch off a tree, and place it in salads at lunchtime.
a pail of plaster of Paris. The children
can decorate the tree with a ribbon and 3. Latkes (Potato Pancakes)
different forms of plant life that they have 2 potatoes, peeled and grated
collected or made. Included may be flowers, 1 egg, slightly beaten
plants, fruits, vegetables, and seeds. 1/4 cup flour
1 teaspoon salt
4. Leaf Rubbings Cooking oil
Place a thin piece of paper over a leaf. Rub
gently with the long side of a crayon. Mix the ingredients in a bowl. Drop the
mixture by tablespoons into hot oil in an
5. Easel Ideas electric skillet. Brown on both sides. Drain
Cut easel paper into different shapes, such on paper towels.
as the following: Caution: This activity must be carefully
• Leaves supervised.
• Flowers
• Flowerpots
• Fruits and vegetables
Dramatic Play
6. Egg Carton Flowers
1. Greenhouse
Use egg cartons and chenille stems to make
Provide materials for a greenhouse. Include
flowers. To make the flower stand up, place
a window space, pots, soil, water, watering
a chenille stem into the egg carton as well
cans, seeds, plants, posters, work aprons,
as a Styrofoam block.
garden gloves, a terrarium, and seed
packages to mount on sticks.
7. Hand and Foot Flowers
Create a flower by using the child’s hands
2. Jack and the Beanstalk
and feet. Trace and cut two left and right
Act out the story “Jack and the Beanstalk.”
hands and one set of left and right feet. Put
The children can dramatize a beanstalk
one set of hands together to form the top of
the flower and the other set (facing down)

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3. Vegetable and Fruit Stand Plants
Display plastic fruits and vegetables. Set up Plants need care to help them grow.
a shopping area with carts, cash registers, (make fist with hand)
and play money. Provide a balance scale for Just like boys and girls you know.
children to weigh the produce. Good soil, water, sunshine bright.
Then watch them pop overnight.
4. Garden Planting (extend fingers from fist)
Plant a small garden outdoors. Provide
seeds, watering cans, garden tools, gloves,
and garden hats.
Group Time
(Games and Language)
Feltboard Fun
Field Trips Construct felt pieces representing the
stages of a flower’s growth. Include a
bulb, a seed, cuttings, roots, a stem,
1. Greenhouse
leaves, and a flower. During group time,
Visit a greenhouse or a tree nursery to
review the name and purpose of each
observe the different plants and trees and
part with the children. The children
inquire about their care.
can take turns coming up to the flannel
board and adding the pieces. After
2. Farm
group time, the felt pieces should be
Plan a visit to a farm. While there, observe
left out so that children can reconstruct
the various forms of plant life.
the growth during self-selected activity
3. Florist
Visit a florist. Observe the different colors,
types, and sizes of flowering plants.

Large Muscle
1. Leaf Jumping
Cut out eight large leaves from tagboard.
Fingerplays and Chants Arrange the leaves in a pattern on the floor.
My Garden Encourage the children to jump from one
This is my garden. leaf to another. This game could also be
(extend one hand forward, palm up) played outdoors by drawing the leaves on
I’ll rake it with care the sidewalk with chalk.
(make raking motion on palm with other
hand) 2. Flower Hopscotch
And then some flower seeds Design a hopscotch in the form of a flower.
(make planting motion with thumb and Chalk can be used on a sidewalk outdoors,
index fingers) or masking tape can be used indoors to
I’ll plant in there. make the form.
The sun will shine
(make circle above head) 3. Vegetable, Vegetable, Plant
And the rain will fall Play “Vegetable, Vegetable, Plant” as a
(let fingers flutter down to lap) variation of “Duck, Duck, Goose.”
And my garden will blossom
(cup hands together, extend upward 4. Raking and Hoeing
slowly until fingers stand straight) Provide the children with plastic child-sized
And grow straight and tall. hoes and rakes to tend to the play yard.

534 Theme 56
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2+3 =
1. Charting Growth Music
The children can observe the growth of a
1. “The Seed Cycle”
small plant by keeping a chart of its growth.
(Sing to the tune of “The Farmer in the Dell”)
Record the dates of the observation and
(Children can dramatize the parts for each
the height. For convenience, place the chart
near the plant table.
The farmer sows his seeds.
2. Flowerpot Match Game The farmer sows his seeds.
Construct flowerpots. The number Hi-ho the dairy-o
constructed will depend on the The farmer sows his seeds.
developmental appropriateness for
(Other verses:)
the children. Write a numeral on each,
beginning with the numeral 1. Make the The wind begins to blow . . .
same number of flowers, with the petals The rain begins to fall . . .
varying from one to the total number of The sun begins to shine . . .
flowerpots constructed. The children match The seeds begin to grow . . .
the flowerpot to the flower with the same The plants grow big and tall . . .
number of petals. The farmer cuts his corn . . .
He puts it in his barns . . .
3. Counting and Classifying Seeds And now the harvest is in . . .
Place a variety of seeds on a table.
Encourage the children to count and classify 2. “This Is the Way We Rake the
them into groups. To assist in counting and Garden”
classifying, an egg carton with each section (Sing to the tune of “Here We Go Round the
given a number from 1 to 12 may be helpful. Mulberry Bush”)
Encourage the children to observe the This is the way we rake the garden,
numeral and place a corresponding number Rake the garden, rake the garden.
of seeds in each section. This is the way we rake the garden,
So early in the morning.
4. Plant Growth Seriation
Construct pictures of plants through stages (Other verses:)
of growth. Begin with a seed, followed by This is the way we plant the seeds . . .
the seed sprouting. The third picture should This is the way the rain comes down . . .
be the stem erupting from the soil surface. This is the way we hoe the weeds . . .
Next, a stem with leaves can be constructed. This is the way the garden grows . . .
Finally, flowers can be added to the last This is the way we pick the vegetables . . .
picture. This could also be made into a This is the way we eat the vegetables . . .
bulletin board.
3. “The Farmer in the Dell”
5. Seed Match (Traditional)
Collect a variety of seeds such as corn,
pumpkin, orange, apple, lima bean, The farmer in the dell,
watermelon, pea, and peach. Cut several The farmer in the dell,
rectangles out of white tagboard. On the Hi-ho the dairy-o
top half of each rectangle, glue one of the The farmer in the dell.
seed types you have collected. Encourage The farmer takes a wife (husband).
the children to sort the seeds, matching The farmer takes a wife (husband).
them to those seeds glued on the individual Hi-ho the dairy-o
cards. The farmer in the dell.

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(Other verses:) 6. Feely Box
The wife (husband) takes the child In the feely box, place different parts of
The child takes the nurse a plant such as the root, stems, leaves,
The nurse takes the dog flowers, fruit, and buds. The children can
The dog takes the cat feel and verbally identify the part of the
The cat takes the rat plant before looking at it.
The rat takes the cheese.
7. Root a Vegetable
(The final verse:) Place a potato or carrot in a jar, root end
The cheese stands alone. down so that one-third is covered by water.
The cheese stands alone. A potato can be held upright by inserting
Hi-ho the dairy-o toothpicks or nails at three points. This
The cheese stands alone. can be rested on the rim of the jar. The
children can water as needed. Roots should
grow out from the bottom and shoots
from the top. Plant the root in soil for an
attractive plant.
Science 8. Beans
1. Watch Seeds Grow Soak dry navy beans in a jar of water
A pan and paper toweling is needed for this overnight. The next day, compare soaked
activity. Moisten the paper towel and place beans with dry beans. Note the difference
on the pan. On top of the moist toweling, in texture and color. Open some beans that
place various seeds—corn, peas, squash were soaked. A tiny plant should be inside
seeds, beans, and so on. Add 1/2-inch water the bean. These can be placed under a
to the pan. Watch the seeds sprout and microscope for closer observation.
grow. (Make sure to check the water level in
the pan so that the seeds do not dry out.) 9. Budding Branches
Place a branch that has buds ready to
2. Colored Celery bloom in a jar of water on the science table.
In clear containers, place several celery Let the children observe the buds bloom.
stalks with leaves. In each container, add 3 Notice that after all the stored food of the
inches of water and drop a different color of plant is used, the plant will die.
food coloring. The leaves of the celery should
turn colors in a few hours. Try splitting a
celery stalk in half, but do not split the stalk
all the way up to the top. Put one-half of the
stalk in red water, and the other half in blue
water. Watch what happens to the leaves.
Social Studies
3. Sunlight Experiment 1. Plant Walk
Place seeds in two jars with a half-inch Walk around the neighborhood, and try to
of soil. Place one jar in a dark place such as identify as many plants as you can.
a closet or cupboard, and avoid watering it.
Keep the other jar in a sunny area, and 2. Play Yard Plants
water it frequently. Which one grew? Why? Make a map of the play yard. The children
can collect a part of each plant located in
4. Growing Bean Plants the playground. The plant samples can be
Each child can grow a bean plant. mounted on the map.

5. Tasting Plants 3. Planting Trees

Various fruits and vegetables grown from Plant a tree on your playground. Discuss
plants should be provided for the children the care needed for trees.
to taste and smell.

536 Theme 56
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4. Family Tree Mitton, Tony, and Ant Parker. (2009). Rainforest
Make a family tree by mounting a bunch Romp. New York: Kingfisher Books.
of branches in a pail of dirt. Each child can Muldrow, Diane. (2010). We Planted a Tree.
bring in a family picture to be placed on a Illustrated by Bob Staake. New York:
leaf shape and hung on the tree branches. Random House Children’s Books.
Pallotta, Jerry. (2010). Who Will Plant a Tree?
Illustrated by Tom Leonard. Ann Arbor, MI:
Sleeping Bear Press.
Books Ray, Deborah Kogan. (2002). Lily’s Garden.
The following books can be used to complement Brookfield, CT: Roaring Brook Press.
this theme: Richards, Jean, and Anca Hariton. (2002). A
Aston, Diana Hutts. (2007). A Seed Is Sleepy. Fruit Is a Suitcase for Seeds. Minneapolis,
Illustrated by Sylvia Long. San Francisco: MN: Millbrook Press.
Chronicle Books. Rustad, Martha E. H. (2008). Leaves in Fall.
Batten, Mary, and Paul Mirocha. (2000). Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Hungry Plants. Illustrated by Paul Schaefer, Lola M. (2003) Pick, Pull, Snap.
Mirocha. New York: Golden Book Family Illustrated by Lindsay Barrett George. New
Entertainment. York: Greenwillow Books.
Bodach, Vijaya Khisty. (2007). Flowers. Stewart, Sarah. (2007). The Gardener. New
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. York: Square Fish.
Bodach, Vijaya Khisty. (2007). Fruits. Mankato, Wade, Mary Dodson. (2009). Flowers Bloom!
MN: Capstone Press. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Elementary.
Bodach, Vijaya Khisty. (2007). Leaves. Mankato, Wellington, Monica. (2005). Zinnia’s Flower
MN: Capstone Press. Garden. New York: Puffin Books.
Bodach, Vijaya Khisty. (2007). Roots. Mankato, Zion, Gene (1959). The Plant Sitter. New York,
MN: Capstone Press. Harper Collins.
Bodach, Vijaya Khisty. (2007). Seeds. Mankato,
MN: Capstone Press.
Bodach, Vijaya Khisty. (2007). Stems. Mankato,
MN: Capstone Press. Technology and
Cole, Henry. (1997). Jack’s Garden. New York:
Greenwillow Books.
Hall, Zoe. (1996). The Apple Pie Tree. New York: The following technology and multimedia
Scholastic. products can be used to complement this
Krauss, Ruth. (2005). The Carrot Seed (60th
anniversary edition). Illustrated by Crockett Max & Ruby: Max and the Beanstalk [DVD].
Johnson. New York: HarperCollins. (2008). New York: KaBoom! Entertainment.
Levenson, George. (2002). Pumpkin Circle: The Reading Rainbow. (2007). Legend of the Indian
Story of a Garden. Illustrated by Shmuel Paintbrush [DVD]. Lincoln, NE: GPN
Thaler. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press/ Educational Media.
Tricycle. Rock ’N Learn. (2009). Life Science [DVD].
Macken, JoAnn Early. (2008). Flip, Float, Fly: Conroe, TX: Rock ’N Learn.
Seeds on the Move. Illustrated by Pam
Paparone. New York: Holiday House. Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Miranda, Anne. (2001). To Market, to Market. Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Illustrated by Janet Stevens. San Diego, website. Go to to
CA: Harcourt Brace. access the site for a variety of useful resources.

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Theme 57

Purposes Stages Kinds
express feelings tables finger
entertainment bookcases hand
communication cardboard boxes stick
blankets cloth
sheets rod

Movement Types Materials

string animals paper
wire people paper bags
rods pretend creatures novelty sticks
hands cloth, socks
fingers wooden spoons
string, felt
coat hangers
pot holders
mittens, gloves
paper plates

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. The purpose of using puppets
2. Kinds of puppets
3. Types of puppets
4. Materials used to make puppets
5. Ways of moving puppets
6. Types of puppet stages

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. A puppet is a toy that looks like a person, animal, or pretend creature.
2. Puppets can be moved by the hand, the finger, or a string.
3. There are finger, hand, stick, and cloth puppets.
4. Our hands and fingers can be decorated and used as puppets.
5. Rod, shadow, marionette, and dummy are types of puppets.
6. Puppets can be fun; they can be used for communication and
7. We can use puppets to express feelings.
8. People talk for puppets.
9. Puppets can be made from paper bags, socks, felt, wooden spoons,
novelty sticks, cloth, or even wood.
10. Puppets can also be made from coat hangers, pot holders, mittens,
gloves, paper plates, and flyswatters.
11. Some puppets can be moved with strings, wires, or rods.
12. Large cardboard boxes, tables, bookcases, blankets, and sheets can be
used for puppet stages.

1. entertainment—things we enjoy seeing and listening to.
2. imaginary—something that is not real.
3. marionette—a puppet that has its head, body, arms, and legs attached
with strings.
4. puppet—a toy that looks like an animal, person, or pretend creature.
5. puppet show—a show using puppets to tell a story.
6. puppeteer—a person who makes a puppet move and talk.
7. puppet stage—a place for puppets to act.

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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to expose the children to a variety of
puppets. The children’s expressive language skills will be stimulated by
interacting with the puppets. Design the bulletin board by constructing about
five or six simple puppets for the children to take off the bulletin board to play
with. Include a flyswatter puppet, paper bag puppet, hand puppet, sock puppet,
and wooden spoon puppet. Hooks or pushpins can be used to attach the puppets
to the bulletin board.

540 Theme 57
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Our new curriculum theme will focus on puppets. They are magical and motivating to young children.
Sometimes a child will respond or talk to a puppet in a situation when he or she might not talk to
an adult or another child. Through learning experiences involving puppets, the children will become
aware of the different types, kinds, and movements of puppets. They will also learn materials that can
be used to make puppets. Through using puppets in their play, they will learn to express themselves
creatively and imaginatively.

At School
Some of the activities related to puppets include:
• Creating our own puppets with a variety of materials
• Using the puppet stage throughout the week, putting on puppet shows for one and all
• Exploring various types of puppets, including finger, hand, stick, shadow, and marionette puppets

At Home
The children enjoy retelling familiar stories and making up original stories for puppet characters. To
stimulate this type of play, you and your child can make simple puppets at home with objects found
around the house.
Paper Bag Puppets: Using small paper lunch bags, children can use crayons or markers to create a
puppet.The fold in the bag can be used as the mouth. After the child’s hand is in the bag, the puppet can
talk.Yarn scraps can easily be glued on for hair, and construction paper scraps can add a decorative touch.

Enjoy your child!

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Arts and Crafts Dramatic Play
1. Making Puppets 1. Puppet Show
Puppets can be made from almost any A puppet stage should be available
material. Some suggestions are listed here. throughout the entire unit in the dramatic
play area. Change or add the puppets on a
• Cotton covered with cloth attached to a regular basis using as many different kinds
tongue depressor of puppets as possible.
• Paper sacks stuffed with newspaper
• A cork for a head with a hole in it for a 2. Puppet Shop
finger A variety of materials should be provided
• Socks for the children to construct puppets.
• Cardboard colored with crayon attached Include items such as buttons, bows, felt,
to a tongue depressor paper bags, cloth pieces, socks, tongue
• Wooden spoon depressors, and so on.
• Flyswatter
• Oatmeal box attached to a dowel
• Pantyhose stretched over a hanger bent
into an oval shape
• Empty toilet paper and paper towel rolls Field Trips and
2. Puppet Stages
Resource People
Puppet stages can be made from the 1. Puppet Show
following materials: Place puppets by the puppet stage to en-
courage the children to put on puppet shows.
• Box, with tempera paint and markers
for decorating 2. Puppeteer
• Large paper bag Invite a puppeteer to visit the classroom and
• Half-gallon milk carton show the children the many uses of puppets.
• Towel draped over an arm
• Towel draped over the back of a chair
• Blanket covering a card table

Fingerplays and Chants

Cooking Speckled Frogs
(This fingerplay can be told using puppets
1. Puppet Faces
made from felt or tagboard)
Make open-faced sandwiches using jelly or
cream cheese spread onto a slice of bread or Five green-speckled frogs
a bun. Carrot curls can be used to represent Sitting on a speckled log
hair. Raisins and green or purple grape Eating the most delicious bugs,
halves can be used for the eyes, nose, and Yum, yum!
mouth. (rub tummy)
One jumped into the pool
2. Dog Puppet Salad Where it was nice and cool
Place a pear half onto a plate. Two apple Now there are four green-speckled frogs.
slices can be added to resemble a dog’s Repeat until there are no green-speckled frogs.
ears hanging down. Raisins or grape halves
can be used to represent the eyes and nose Chickadees
of a dog. (This fingerplay can be told using puppets
made from felt or tagboard)
542 Theme 57
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Five little chickadees sitting in a door attached to their arms and legs. Say,
(hold up hand) “Someone is pulling up the string that is
One flew away and then there were four. attached to your arm; what would happen
(put down one finger at a time) to your arm?” Allow the children to make
Four little chickadees sitting in a tree that movement. Continue with other
One flew away and then there were three. movements.
Three little chickadees looking at you
One flew away and then there were two. 2. Large Puppets
Two little chickadees sitting in the sun Large puppets such as stick or rod puppets
One flew away and then there was one. can provide the children with a lot of large-
One little chickadee sitting all alone muscle movement.
He flew away and then there were none.
3. Pin the Nose on the Puppet
Two Little Puppets This game is a variation of the traditional
Two little puppets, “Pin the Tail on the Donkey.” (This
(hold up both hands) game would be more appropriate for
One on each hand. five-, six-, seven-, and eight-year-old
(wave hands) children.)
Isn’t she pretty?
(look at right hand, wave fingers)
Isn’t he grand?
(look at left hand, wave fingers) 2+3 =
Her name is Bella. Math
(wave right hand fingers) 1. Examine a Puppet
His name is Beau. With the children, examine a puppet
(wave left hand fingers) and count all of its various parts. Count
Hear her say, “Good morning.” its eyes, its legs, its arms, the stripes on
(bend right hand) its shirt, and so on. Discuss how it was
Hear him say, “Hello!” constructed.
(bend left hand)
2. Puppet Dot-to-Dot
Draw a large puppet on a sheet of tagboard.
Laminate or cover the tagboard sheet
Group Time with clear adhesive paper. A grease pencil
(Games and Language) or felt-tip watercolor marker should be
Puppet Show provided for the children for drawing. Also,
Using your favorite classroom stories, felt scraps should be available to remove
put on a puppet show. The children can grease markings. Otherwise, a damp cloth
volunteer to be the various characters. or paper towel should be available.
Pretape the story so that the children can
listen to it while they practice. This might
be a good activity to invite parents to

“Eensy Weensy Spider”
Large Muscle The eensy weensy spider crawled up the
1. Creative Movement water spout.
Demonstrate how to manipulate a marionette. (walk fingers of one hand up other hand)
Then have the children pretend that they Down came the rain and washed the
are marionettes and that they have strings spider out.

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(lower hands to make rain, wash out
spider by placing hands together in
front and extending out to either side)
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
(form sun with arms in circle over head) The following books can be used to complement
And the eensy weensy spider went up the this theme:
spout again.
Almoznino, Albert. (2002). The Art of Hand
(walk fingers up other arm)
Shadows. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications.
Baric, Maija. (2007). Puppet Theatre. Illustrated
by Kristiina Louhi. Stroud, UK: Hawthorn
Science Bulloch, Ivan. (1997). I Want to Be a Puppeteer.
Illustrated by Diane James. Chicago: World
1. Classify Puppets Book.
During group time, let the children classify
the various puppets into special categories Fowler, Richard. (2006). Lights Out! Shadow
such as animals, people, insects, imaginary Pop-Up and Play. Hauppauge, NY: Barron’s
things, and so on. Educational Series.
Little Red Riding Hood. (1997). Finger Puppet
2. Button Box Theater. Illustrated by Peter Stevenson.
A large box of buttons should be provided. St. Paul, MN: Cartwheel Books.
The children can sort the buttons according Piumini, Roberto. (2010). Pinocchio. Mankato,
to color, size, or shape into a muffin tin or MN: Capstone Press.
egg carton.
Wood, David, and Richard Fowler. (2000). The
Toy Cupboard. London: Pavilion Books.

Sensory Table
During this unit, add to the sensory table Technology and
all of the various materials that puppets are
made of.
• String The following technology and multimedia
• Buttons products can be used to complement this
• Felt theme:
• Toilet paper rolls Jim Henson’s The Song of the Cloud Forest
• Cardboard and Other Earth Stories [DVD]. (2010). Los
• Paper Angeles: Lionsgate.
• Sticks Pinocchio [DVD]. (2009). Los Angeles: Walt
• Wood shavings Disney Studios Home Entertainment.
Rainy Day Art [DVD]. (2003). St. Louis, MO:
Jumby Bay Studios.

Social Studies Additional teaching resources to accompany this

Occupation Puppets Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Introduce various types of occupation website. Go to to
puppets such as police officer, mail carrier, access the site for a variety of useful resources.
fire fighter, doctor, nurse, etc. Ask the
children to describe each.

544 Theme 57
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Theme 58

Flowers Foods
violet grapes
iris eggplant
lilac cabbage

Shades Color Mixing

lavender (pale purple) red 1 blue 5 purple
violet (bluish purple) purple 1 white 5 lavender

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Color mixing to make the color purple
2. Shades of purple
3. Purple flowers
4. Foods that are purple

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Purple is the name of a color.
2. Mixing the color red with the color blue makes purple.
3. Many objects are purple in color.
4. Violets, irises, and lilacs are flowers that are purple in color.
5. Grapes, eggplant, and cabbage are foods that are purple in color.
6. There are light and dark shades of purple.
7. Lavender is a pale purple color.
8. Violet is a bluish purple color.

1. purple—a color created by mixing red and blue.
2. shade—lightness or darkness of color.
3. tint—a variety of a color produced by mixing it with white.

546 Theme 58
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to promote name recognition skills and call
attention to the printed word. Interaction promotes the development of visual
discrimination, problem-solving, and hand-eye coordination skills. This bulletin
board can also be used to check attendance. Trace and cut a crayon for each child in
the class from purple tagboard. Then print each child’s name on a crayon. Laminate
and cut out the crayon pieces. Use a paper punch to cut a hole in the top of each
crayon. Hang pushpins on the bulletin board for the children to hang their crayons.

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Family Letter


Dear Families,
What color is made when blue is mixed with red? The popular color PURPLE! Our next theme will
focus on exploring the royal color purple. The children will learn from what colors purple is made and
learn to identify items that are purple.

At School
A few of this week’s learning experiences include:
• Creating designs and drawings in the art area with purple crayons, paints, markers, yarn, tissue
paper, pompons, and glitter
• Listening to the story Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson. Afterward, we will each
make a page to create a classroom purple crayon book. Look for it in the book area by the end
of the week!
• Looking at various items that are purple. Could you help your child find an object that is purple
and bring it to school on Wednesday? Thank you for your help!

At Home
The theme of purple can be explored at home as well. Feel free to try the following purple activities:
• Preparing purple foods with your child for meals or snacks such as grapes, purple cabbage,
gelatin, grape juice, or jelly
• Making grape popsicles by freezing grape juice or grape-flavored fruit drink
• Creating a purple collage by cutting out purple pictures and letters from magazines. Glue
pictures on a purple sheet of construction paper.

Have a good week!

548 Theme 58
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of the two play dough colors. The children
can squeeze the lumps together to create
purple. Then, small balls of play dough can
Arts and Crafts be rolled to represent grapes. Allow to dry if
1. Marble Painting
For each child, place a 9-inch 3 12-inch
piece of white construction paper in a
dishpan. Squeeze a few teaspoons of purple
liquid tempera paint onto the paper. Place
two or three marbles on the paper. Designs 1. Purple Pops
are created by holding the pan and tilting 1 3-ounce package grape-flavored gelatin
it back and forth, allowing the marbles to 1 cup boiling water
slide through the paint. 1 6-ounce can frozen grape juice concentrate
3 cups water
2. Grape Prints 15 3-ounce paper cups
Wrap a piece of masking tape around three 15 wooden sticks
toilet paper tubes to create a stamp to make
designs of grapes. The children can then In a medium bowl, dissolve gelatin in
dip the end of the stamp into a shallow tray boiling water. Add frozen juice concentrate
of purple paint, and then press it down on and stir until melted. Add water and stir.
white construction paper to print bunches Pour about 1/3 cup of juice mixture into
of grapes. After the paint is dry, crayons or each paper cup. Cover each cup with foil.
markers can be used to add stems or leaves. Insert a stick through the foil into the juice
mixture. Freeze overnight or until firm. To
3. Purple Glitter Dough serve, peel paper cups off pops.
Make purple play dough using your favorite
recipe (or combine 1 cup flour, 1/2 cup salt, 2. Purple Popcorn
1 cup water, 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, 2 10 cups popped popcorn (remove all
teaspoons cream of tartar, and red and blue unpopped kernels)
food coloring). Cook for 3 minutes, stirring 1 cup butter or margarine
frequently until the mixture thickens and 3/4 cup sugar
pulls away from the pan. Cool play dough. 1 3-ounce package grape-flavored gelatin
Give each child a lump of play dough, 3 tablespoons water
and sprinkle a small amount of purple 1 tablespoon light corn syrup
glitter on the tabletop. The children can
work the glitter into the dough. Place the popcorn in a greased 17- 3 12- 3
Caution: Supervision is required with 2-inch baking dish. Keep popcorn warm
glitter activities. in a 300-degree oven while making syrup
mixture. In a heavy 2-quart saucepan,
4. Wacky Watercolors combine butter, sugar, gelatin, water, and
Combine 1 1/2 tablespoons corn syrup and corn syrup. Cook mixture over medium
3 tablespoons cornstarch. Add 3 tablespoons heat until it boils, stirring constantly. Clip
baking soda and 3 tablespoons vinegar. a candy thermometer to the side of the
Mix and watch it foam! Add food coloring pan. Continue cooking over medium heat,
of choice (red and blue to make purple). stirring constantly, until the thermometer
Pour mixture into shallow paint cups, and reaches 255 degrees (hard-ball stage).
allow to dry for two days. Use watercolors to Pour syrup mixture over popcorn, and stir
create designs on paper. gently to coat popcorn. Bake in a 300-degree
oven for 5 minutes. Stir once and bake
5. Purple Play Dough Grapes 5 minutes longer. Place popcorn mixture onto
Make a batch of red play dough and a batch a large piece of foil. Cool completely. Break
of blue play dough using your favorite play popcorn mixture into clusters. Store in an
dough recipe. Give each child a small lump airtight container. Serves 14–16 children.

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3. Purple Pudding
Spoon vanilla pudding into small paper
cups. Add a few drops of red and blue food
coloring to each cup. Children can stir
their pudding with spoons to observe what
happens. Fingerplays and Chants
Purple Lollipop
4. Purple Cow Here is a purple, sweet lollipop.
Pour 1 quart of milk into a blender. Add one (make fist pretending to hold a stick
6-ounce can of frozen grape juice concentrate. of lollipop)
Blend until ingredients are well mixed. Pour I bought it today at a candy shop.
into cups and serve. Serves six. One lick, mmm, it tastes so good.
(pretend to lick)
5. Purple Coleslaw Two licks, oh, I knew it would.
6 cups shredded purple cabbage Three licks, yes, I like the taste.
1 cup sliced purple grapes Four licks, now I will not waste.
1 cup mayonnaise Five licks, keep on and on.
3 tablespoons lemon juice Six licks, oh! It’s nearly gone!
2 tablespoons sugar Seven licks, it’s getting small.
1 teaspoon salt Eight licks and still not all.
Nine licks, my tongue goes fast.
Combine mayonnaise, lemon juice, sugar, Ten licks and that’s the last!
and salt. Stir in cabbage and grapes. Cover
and chill until ready to eat.
One Grape and One Grape
One grape and one grape, that makes two.
(hold up two fingers)
Dramatic Play But you have three friends, now what do
you do?
Flower Shop (shrug shoulders and hold hands up)
Collect artificial flowers, focusing on the color Go to the store and buy a few more.
purple if possible, to create a flower shop in Then you’ll have a whole bunch.
the dramatic play area. Additional props for (hold out arms to create circle shapes)
the area could include vases, flower pots, small They’re great with your lunch!
garden tools, sheets of tissue paper, pictures
and posters of flowers, and a cash register.
Books on flowers and mail-order catalogs of
bulbs and flowers can also be displayed.
Group Time
(Games and Language)
1. “I Spy” Game
Field Trips and Have the children glance around the room.
Begin game by saying, “I spy with my little
Resource People eye something purple.” Have the children try
1. Art or Paint Store to guess what the object is. When a player
Visit an art supply or paint store. Observe guesses correctly, he or she is the next “spy.”
the many shades of purple paints and papers.
2. Purple Color Bag or Box
2. Flower and Garden Shop Use purple fabric to make a drawstring bag
Make arrangements to tour a greenhouse for “Purple Day,” or cover a box and lid with
or flower shop. Take note of the varieties of purple wrapping paper. Fill the bag or box
purple-colored flowers and plant leaves. with small purple items. At circle time, each

550 Theme 58
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child in turn can describe an item from the
bag or box for others to identify. Repeat the
activity throughout the week.

3. Purple Shapes “Hokey Pokey” Music

Cut a set of geometric shapes from purple 1. “A Lilac, a Lilac”
construction paper for each child to use (Sing to the tune of “A Tisket, a Tasket”)
for this game. Game is played in circle
A lilac, a lilac, a pretty purple lilac.
There’s a lilac bush on the way to school.
And on the way I picked some,
“Purple Hokey Pokey”
I picked some, I picked some.
(Sing to the tune of “Hokey Pokey”)
And on the way I picked some.
Put your purple (shape name) in, There’s a lilac bush on the way to school.
Put your purple (shape name) out, And on the way I picked some.
Put your purple (shape name) in,
And shake it all about. 2. “Purple Things”
Do the hokey pokey, (Sing to the tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb”)
And turn yourself around. Many things are colored purple,
That’s what it’s all about. Colored purple, colored purple.
Many things are colored purple,
Can you think of some?

3. “Here’s a Grape”
(Sing to the tune of “Hot Cross Buns”)
Large Muscle Here’s a grape,
Purple Shape March A purple grape.
Using purple construction paper, cut What a yummy little fruit,
large geometric shapes and tape them A purple grape.
to the floor. Play music as the children
walk, march, hop, and so forth across
the shapes.

2+3 = 1. Purple Bubble Prints
Math In a small plastic bowl or cup, mix
1 tablespoon purple liquid tempera paint
1. Purple Chain
with 2 tablespoons liquid dishwashing
Provide 8-inch 3 1 1/2-inch strips of purple,
detergent, and gently stir in a small
lilac, and white construction paper. If
amount of water. One child at a time can
necessary, demonstrate to children how to
put a straw in the paint mixture and blow
create a paper chain using tape or glue to
until bubbles rise above the rim of the
fasten strips. Encourage children to create
bowl or cup. Remove the straw, and lay a
a pattern with the colored strips. Display
piece of white paper on top of the bubbles.
chains in the classroom.
As the bubbles pop, they will leave prints
on the paper.
2. Shades of Purple Sort
Collect purple paint color strips from a Note: Supervise this activity closely.
hardware, paint, or building supply store.
Have children assist in cutting the color 2. Purple Carnation
strips apart. The paint chips can be used for Insert a white carnation into a clear glass
sorting activities (light purple, dark purple, or vase of water. To the water, add drops of
etc.) or for counting activities. red and blue food coloring to create a dark

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purple. In a few days, the children should
be able to observe the petals of the flower
turning purple.
3. Purple Glasses The following books can be used to complement
Help the children view the world through this theme:
purple-tinted eyeglasses. For each child,
Adams, Jean Ekman. (2000). Clarence Goes Out
cut frame shapes out of tagboard. Assist
West and Meets a Purple Horse. Flagstaff,
the children in gluing purple cellophane
AZ: Rising Moon.
squares over the eye holes. Attach chenille
stems to the sides of the frames, and bend Burrowes, Adjoa J. (2000). Grandma’s Purple
them to fit over the children’s ears. Flowers. New York: Lee & Low Books.
German, Donna Rathmell. (2006). Octavia and
4. Making Raisins Her Purple Ink Cloud. Illustrated by Connie
Purchase 1 or 2 pounds of purple grapes. McLennan. Mt. Pleasant, SC: Sylvan Dell
Wash them thoroughly. Spread grapes in Publishing.
a single layer on baking sheets. Dry by
Jenkins, Steve. (2007). Living Color. Boston:
placing in a sunny windowsill for several
Houghton Mifflin.
days or by baking in a slow oven. To bake,
turn the oven to 165 degrees and let fruit Johnson, Crockett. (1965). Harold and the
dry for eight hours. Turn off the oven, and Purple Crayon. New York: Harper and
leave the fruit in it overnight. Brothers.
Kessler, Leonard P. (2000). Mr. Pine’s Purple
House. Keller, TX: Purple House Press.
Low, Alice. (2004). Blueberry Mouse. Illustrated
Sensory by David Friend. New York: Mondo.
Martin, Bill, Jr. (1992). Brown Bear, Brown
1. Purple Water
Bear, What Do You See? Illustrated by Eric
Add red and blue food coloring to 3 inches of
Carle. New York: H. Holt.
water in the sensory table. Add water toys
(look for purple ones!) as tools to explore the Schuette, Sarah L. (2003). Purple: Seeing Purple
properties of water. All around Us. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Shannon, George. (2005). White Is for Blueberry.
2. Purple Shaving Cream Illustrated by Laura Dronzek. New York:
Spray the contents of one or two cans of Greenwillow Press.
shaving cream in a sensory table. Color the Williams, Rozanne Lanczak, and Mary Grandpre.
shaving cream purple by mixing in drops of (2000). The Purple Snerd. Illustrated by Mary
red and blue food coloring. Grandpre. San Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace.
3. Purple Goop
In a sensory table or dishpan, combine
2 cups cornstarch, 2 cups water, and red
and blue food coloring. Technology and
The following technology and multimedia
products can be used to complement this
Social Studies theme:
Occupation: Painter “Color Parade” [CD]. (1993). In Can A Cherry
Invite a local house painter to come to the Pie Wave Goodbye? Sherman Oaks, CA:
classroom and talk about his or her job. Hap-Pal Music.
If possible, perhaps painting tools and “Colors” [CD]. 2010. In Rock and Roll Garden.
supplies could be shown and demonstrated. New York: Bari Koral Family Rock Band.
552 Theme 58
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“De Colores” [CD]. (1996). In One Light, One Reading Rainbow. (2007). Legend of the Indian
Song. Cambridge, MA: Rounder/UMGD. Paintbrush [DVD]. Lincoln, NE: GPN
“De Colores” [CD]. (2010). In Pete Seeger, Educational Media.
Tomorrow’s Children. Westchester, PA:
Appleseed Records. Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Discovering Colors [DVD]. (2006).Long Beach, Theme can be found on the book’s companion
CA: Visual Entertainment. website. Go to to access
the site for a variety of useful resources.
Planting a Rainbow [DVD]. (2005). Norwalk,
CT: Weston Woods Studios/Scholastic.

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Theme 59

Effects Origins Watering Filling
rainbow clouds plants creeks
puddles crops ponds
mud grass lakes
floods rivers


Drinking and Clothing Forms Measurements

Bathing rain hat drizzle gauge
people raincoat shower
animals rain shoes snow, dew, hail

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Uses of rain
2. Effects of rain
3. Clothing worn for protection from the rain
4. Forms of rain
5. Origin of rain
6. The tool used for the measurement of rain

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Rain are the drops of water that fall from the clouds in the sky.
2. Rain can fall in the form of drizzle, dew, hail, snow, or a shower.
3. Rain can be used for watering lawns, plants, crops, and grass.
4. Rain fills ponds, creeks, lakes, rivers, and oceans.
5. A rainbow sometimes appears when it rains while the sun is shining.
6. A rainbow is colorful.
7. An umbrella is used in the rain to keep us dry.
8. Raincoats, hats, and rubber shoes are clothing worn in the rain to keep
us dry.
9. Puddles of water can form during a rainfall.
10. The amount of rain can be measured by a tool called a water gauge.
11. Farmers need rain to water the crops.
12. Rain waters people’s outdoor plants and grass.
13. People and animals can use rainwater for drinking and bathing.
14. Mud is formed when soil is mixed with water.

1. gauge—a tool for measuring rain.
2. puddle—a shallow pool of water often made by rain.
3. rain—drops of water that fall from the clouds in the sky.
4. rainbow—a colorful band of many colors that stretches across the sky.
It is formed when the sun is reflected in raindrops, spray, or mist.
5. snow—frozen drops of water. When it is cold during winter, snow comes
from the clouds.
6. umbrella—a tool held in the hand to protect against rain, sun, or snow.

RAIN 555
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to develop an awareness of sets, as
well as to identify written numerals. Interaction with the board will also
promote visual discrimination, problem-solving, and hand-eye coordination
skills. Construct clouds out of gray tagboard. Write a numeral on each cloud.
Cut out and laminate. Next, trace and cut cloud shadows from construction
paper. Attach the shadows to the bulletin board. A set of raindrops, from
1 to 10, should be attached underneath each cloud shadow. Magnet pieces or
pushpins and holes in the cloud piece can be used for the children to match
each cloud to a corresponding shadow, using the raindrops as a clue.

556 Theme 59
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
“Rain, rain, go away/Come again some other day” is a familiar nursery rhyme. It is one that we may
often hear as our theme on rain begins. Through the experiences provided, the children will become
aware of the origins, effects, uses, and forms of rain as well as how rainbows are created. They will
become aware of the clothing worn in the rain.

At School
The following activities are just a few that have been planned for the rain unit:
• A visit by TV 8’s weatherman: Tom Hector will come at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday to show us a video
made for preschoolers that depicts various weather conditions.
• Finding out about evaporation by setting out a shallow pan of water and marking the water level
each day
• Creating a rainbow on a sunny day outdoors with a garden hose

At Home
To develop language skills, practice this rain poem with your child:
Rain on the green grass
And rain on trees.
Rain on the rooftops,
But not on me!!
Use an empty can or jar to make a rain gauge. Place the container outdoors to measure rainfall.
Several gauges could be placed in various places in your yard.

Enjoy your child!

RAIN 557
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Arts and Crafts Rainbow Fruits
1. Eyedropper Painting Serve a different colored snack each day to
Use eyedroppers filled with colored water as correspond with the colors of the rainbow.
• Strawberries
• Oranges
2. Waxed Paper Rainbows
• Lemon finger gelatin
Cut waxed paper in the shape of large
(see a gelatin box for recipe)
rainbows. Then prepare red, yellow, green,
• Blueberries added to yogurt
and blue crayon shavings. After this, the
• Grape juice
children can sprinkle the crayon shavings
• Grapes or blackberries
on one sheet of waxed paper. Place another
• Lettuce salad
sheet of waxed paper on the top of the
sheet with sprinkled crayon. Finally, the
teacher should place a towel over the top
of the waxed paper sheets. A warm iron
should be applied to melt the two pieces
together. Cool and attach a string. Hang
Dramatic Play
from the window. 1. Rainy Day Clothing
Caution: This activity needs constant adult Umbrellas, raincoats, hats, rain shoes, and
supervision. a tape containing rain sounds should be
added to the dramatic play area.
3. Rainbow Yarn Collage Caution: Be careful when selecting
Using rainbow-shaped paper and rainbow- umbrellas for this activity. Some open
colored yarn, the children can make rainbow quickly and can be dangerous.
yarn collages.
2. Weather Station
4. Thunder Painting A map, a pointer, adult clothing, and a
Tape-record a rain or thunderstorm. pretend microphone should be placed in the
Leave this tape, with a tape recorder dramatic play area. The children can play
and earphones, at the easel. Gray, black, weather person. Pictures depicting different
and white paint can be provided. Let the weather conditions can be included.
children listen to the rainstorm and paint
to it. Ask the children how the music
makes them feel.

5. Rainbow Mobiles
Field Trips and
Precut rainbow arcs. On these, the children Resource People
can paste Styrofoam packing pieces. After 1. Reflection
this, they can paint the pieces. Display the Take a walk after it rains. Enjoy the
mobiles in the room. puddles, overflowing gutters, and swirls
of water caught by sewers. Look in the
6. Crêpe Paper Water puddles. Does anyone see a reflection?
Cut strips of colored crêpe paper. Provide Look up in the sky. Do you see any clouds,
small bowls of water. Encourage the the sun, or a rainbow? What colors are in
children to dip the crêpe paper into the a rainbow?
bowls of water. Observe the change in
color. 2. The Weather Person
Take a field trip to a television station and
see what equipment a weather person uses.

558 Theme 59
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Until the bright sunlight changed them
Into a rainbow gay!
(make a rainbow with hands)
Note: First four fingerplays (above) from
Wilmes, Dick, and Liz Wilmes. Everyday
Fingerplays and Chants Circle Times. (1983). Mt. Rainier, MD:
Little Raindrop Distributed by Gryphon House.
This is the sun, high up in the sky.
(hold hands in circle above head)
A dark cloud suddenly comes sailing by.
(slide hands to side) Group Time
These are the raindrops, (Games and Language)
(make raining motion with fingers) Jump in Puddles
Pitter patter down, This game is played like “Musical Chairs.”
Watering the flowers, The puddles are made from circles on
(pouring motion) the floor with one child in each and one
Growing on the ground. fewer circle than children so one child
(hands pat the ground) is not in a circle. On the signal “Jump in
the puddles,” the children have to switch
Rainy Day Fun puddles. The child who was out has a
Slip on your raincoat. chance to get in a puddle. The child who
(pretend to put coat on) does not get into a puddle waits until the
Pull up your galoshes. next round. This can be played indoors or
(pretend to pull up galoshes) outdoors. Hula hoops could also be used in
Wade in puddles, small groups of four children using three
Make splishes and sploshes. hoops. (This activity is most appropriate
(make stomping motions) for older children.)

Boom, bang, boom, bang!
(clap hands)
Rumpety, lumpety, bump! Large Muscle
(stomp feet) Worm Wiggle
Zoom, zam, zoom, zam! The purpose of this game is to imitate
(swish hands together) worm motions. Show the children how to
Rustles and bustles lie on their stomachs, holding their arms
(pat thighs) in at their sides. The children should try to
And swishes and zings! move forward without using their hands or
(pat thighs) elbows like a worm would wiggle.
What wonderful noises
A thunderstorm brings.

2+3 =
Rain Math
From big black clouds
(hold up arms)
Rainbow Match
Fabrics of all the colors of the rainbow can
The raindrop fell.
be cut into pieces. The children can sort
(pull finger down in air)
these and group them into different colors,
Drip, drip, drip one day,
textures, and sizes.
(hit one finger on palm of hand)

RAIN 559
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5. Ice Cubes Observation
Fill three ice cube trays with water. Place
one in the sun, one in the refrigerator,
and the third in a freezer. Encourage
Music the children to observe. Then ask what
1. “Rainy” happened and why.
(Sing to the tune of “B-I-N-G-O”)
(Repeat each verse, eliminating a letter and
substituting it with a clap until the last
chorus is all claps to the same beat.)
There was a day when we got wet
and rainy was the weather
R-A-I-N-Y, R-A-I-N-Y, R-A-I-N-Y Additions to the Sensory Table
and rainy was the weather. • Water with scoops, cups, and spoons
• Sand and water (Make puddles in the
2. “Rain, Rain, Go Away” sand.)
Rain, rain, go away. • Rainbow-colored sand, rice, and pasta
Come again another day. • Rainwater
Clouds, clouds, go away. • Measuring cups
Little children want to play. • Colanders
Thunder, thunder, go away. • Thermometers
Little children want to play. • Water wheels
Rain, rain, come back soon. • Fishing bobs
Little flowers want to bloom. • Hoses
• Nesting cups
• Scrub brushes
• Toy boats
• Dish detergent

1. Tasting Water
Collect tap water, soda water, mineral water,
and distilled water. Pour the different types Books
of water into paper cups, and let children The following books can be used to complement
taste them. Discuss the differences. this theme:
2. Evaporation Arnosky, Jim. (1997). Rabbits and Raindrops.
The children can pour water into a clear, New York: Putnam.
plastic jar. Mark a line at the water level. Place Base, Graeme. (2001). The Water Hole. New
the jar on a window ledge and check it every York: Harry N. Abrams.
day. The disappearance is called evaporation. Conway, David. (2009). Lila and the Secret of
the Rain. London: Frances Lincoln.
3. Catching Water
If it rains one day during your unit, place a Cotton, Cynthia. (2008). Rain Play. New York:
bucket outside to catch the rain. Return the Henry Holt.
bucket to your science table. Place a bucket Gibbons, Gail. (2009) Hurricanes! New York:
of tap water next to the rainwater, and Holiday House.
compare. Goin, Miriam. (2009). Storms! Washington, DC:
National Geographic.
4. Color Mixing
Using water and food coloring or tempera, Hallowell, Edward M. (2004). A Walk in the
mix the primary colors. Discuss the colors of Rain with a Brain. Illustrated by Bill
the rainbow. Mayer. New York: ReganBooks.

560 Theme 59
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Herman, Charolette. (2010). First Rain. Chicago:
Albert Whitman & Co.
Iwamura, Kazuo. (2010). Hooray for Summer.
Technology and
Fitzgerald, GA: North South. Multimedia
Kurtz, Jane. (2002). Rain Romp. New York: The following technology and multimedia
Greenwillow Books. products can be used to complement this theme:
Lehman, Barbara. (2007). Rainstorm. New York: “After It Rains” [CD]. (2010). In Laurie Berkner:
Houghton Mifflin. Under a Shady Tree. New York: Two Tomatoes.
Macken, JoAnn Early. (2010). Waiting Out the Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain [DVD].
Rain. Illustrated by Susan Gaber. Somerville, (2007). Lincoln, NE: Distributed by GPN.
MA: Candlewick Press.
“Brush Your Teeth” [CD]. (1976). In Singable
Munsch, Robert N. (1982). Mud Puddle. Illustrated Songs for the Very Young. Cambridge, MA:
by Sami Suomalainen. Toronto: Annick Press. Rounder/UMGD.
Ray, Mary Lyn. (2000). Red Rubber Boot Day. Jim Henson’s The Song of the Cloud Forest
Illustrated by Lauren Stringer. Orlando, FL: and Other Earth Stories [DVD]. (2010). Los
Harcourt. Angeles: Lionsgate.
Ray, Mary Lyn. (2001). Mud. Illustrated by “Raining like Magic” [CD]. (2002). In Raffi,
Lauren Stringer. New York: Harcourt. Let’s Play. Cambridge, MA: Rounder/
Rustad, Martha E. H. (2006). Today Is Rainy. UMGD.
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. “Rain Song” [CD]. (1995). In Piggyback
Schaefer, Lola M., and Jane Wattenberg. Songs. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo
(2001). This Is the Rain. Illustrated by Jane Educational.
Wattenberg. New York: Greenwillow. Rainy Day Stories [DVD]. (2005). Norwalk, CT:
Shannon, David. (2000). The Rain Came Down. Weston Woods Studios.
New York: Blue Sky Press. Sid the Science Kid: Weather Kid Sid [DVD].
Stojic, Manya. (2009). Rain. New York: (2009). Dallas, TX: Distributed by NCircle
Dragonfly Books. Entertainment.
Tekavec, Heather. (2002). Storm Is Coming. “Singing in the Rain” [CD]. (1997). In Rock
Illustrated by Margaret Spengler. New ’n’ Roll Songs That Teach. The Learning
York: Dial Books for Young Readers. Station. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo
Wong, Herbert Yee. (2007). Who Likes Rain? Educational.
New York: H. Holt. “Singin’ in the Rain” [CD]. (2000). In Charlotte
Diamond’s World. Vancouver, BC: Hug Bug
“Thunderstorm” [CD]. (2008). In Rocketship
Run. New York: Two Tomatoes.
Totally Tropical Rain Forest [DVD]. (2004).
Washington, DC: National Geographic.
The Umbrella [DVD]. (2008). Holmes, New
York: Spoken Arts.
Water and Weather: Ecosystems and Environment
[DVD]. (2007) Venice, CA: TMW Media Group.

Additional teaching resources to accompany this

Theme can be found on the book’s companion
website. Go to to access
the site for a variety of useful resources.

RAIN 561
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Theme 60

Foods Celebration
rice porridge wear new or finest clothes greet others with
fruit with coconut and shoes a hug and “Eid mubarak,”
cinnamon and dates eat dinner with family and which means “holiday
hummus and vegetables friends after dark blessings”
curry and tandoori dishes receive gifts and gold coins collect food and money
lentil soup from relatives for people in need
celebrate Eid-al-Fitr, give give thanks
Preparation treats to children special prayers
decorate the house with
candles and lights
get ready for the new

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Special foods eaten during Ramadan
2. Preparation for Ramadan
3. Ways to celebrate Ramadan

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Ramadan is a month-long Muslim holiday.
2. Ramadan begins with the cycle of the new moon.
3. Children look forward to wearing new clothes and shoes.
4. People decorate their homes with candles and lights.
5. Adults fast (they don’t eat or drink) between breakfast and dinner
during the month of Ramadan.
6. Special prayers are said during the month of Ramadan.
7. People who observe Ramadan think about those who are less
fortunate, and give money and food to the poor.
8. Ramadan celebrations include having special dinners with family and
9. Some foods eaten during Ramadan include rice porridge; lentil
soup; hummus and vegetables; curry and tandoori; and fruits with
cinnamon, coconut and dates.
10. Ramadan ends with a three-day Eid festival.
11. People say “Eid mubarak,” which means “holiday blessings.”
12. Children eat treats and receive gifts or gold coins from relatives.

1. appreciate—feel grateful for something or someone.
2. Eid—three-day celebration at the end of Ramadan (full name is Eid-al-fitr).
3. lunar—related to the moon or its movement.
4. lunar calendar—marking time according to changes in the moon.
5. Muslim—a person who follows the religion of Islam.
6. new moon—when the moon is directly between the earth and sun and
you can’t really see it.
7. Ramadan—means “parched thirst” and is a 30-day Muslim holiday
observed in the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar.
8. tandoori dishes—meals cooked in a clay container.

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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to aid in visual and number-matching
skills. Construct and cut a large black circle out of construction paper. Using
white chalk, draw a line down the middle to create two halves. On each half,
draw three crescent-shaped “slices” for a total of six crescents all together.
Number the slices 1–6, laminate the circle, and hang it on the bulletin board.
Repeat the process on a white piece of paper, and once the crescents are
numbered, go ahead and actually cut the six numbered slices apart. Punch a
hole in the top of each numbered piece with a paper punch. Attach a pushpin
several inches above each numbered slice. The children can match the numbered
crescents to the ones on the full moon in the middle of the bulletin board.

564 Theme 60
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Our next theme is Ramadan, the ninth month in the Islamic lunar calendar when Muslims over 12 all
over the world fast daily from dawn to sunset to work toward self-purification and betterment.
Naturally, you may be asking, “Why introduce Ramadan to such young children?” Your children may
not fully understand the history or meaning of Ramadan, but learning about this Muslim holiday can be
part of their ongoing development and knowledge of the world.Through all of our multicultural holiday
themes, children gain a valuable window into how others live, celebrate, tell stories, and spend time

At School
Some planned activities include:
• Doing art and science explorations related to the moon (lunar cycles)
• Making a charity jar to collect for those less fortunate
• Preparing and eating rice pudding and fruit salad with dates
• Counting and marching all the way to 30

Parent Involvement
If you have special knowledge or experience observing Ramadan, we would love to have you share it
with our class. Please contact me so a time can be arranged for your visit.

Kul’am wa entra bi-khair! (May every year find you in good health!)

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On each milk carton, cut coin slots in one
of the slanted sides. Have children cover
the carton with tempera paint mixed
Arts and Crafts with a small amount of dishwashing
1. New Crescent Moon liquid (to help the paint adhere). After
Using a white crayon, draw a thin crescent the paint dries, help children collect
moon on white paper. (The holiday begins at and count pennies as they drop them in
the new moon, but this is a phase we can’t the slots. You can give each child 5–10
actually see.) Press hard with the crayon as pennies, invite them to bring them from
you draw the shape of the moon. Give the home, or use plastic coins.
children some black tempera paint mixed
with a little water. Show them how to paint
over your drawing to reveal a new crescent
moon in the black night sky.
2. Foil Moons 1. Hummus, Pita, and Vegetables
Precut thin crescent moon shapes with Help children dip pita bread triangles and
aluminum foil. Have the children glue the raw vegetables (carrot sticks, celery sticks,
crescent moon shapes onto pieces of black green beans, and snap peas) into store-
construction paper. You can also give them bought hummus.
a few silver star stickers to add to their
pictures. 2. Fruit Salad with Chopped Dates
and Flaked Coconut
3. Crescent Moon Play Dough Cut up some fresh fruit and serve it to
Shapes children with chopped dates and flaked
Roll out play dough circles, and show coconut as toppings.
children how to create crescent moon
shapes. (Slice each circle in half, then slice 3. Rice Pudding with Dates
each half into three pieces to create crescent 2 cups cooked white rice
shapes.) Or use a crescent moon–shaped 2 cups 2% milk
cookie cutter, along with a letter “R” cookie 3 tablespoons white sugar
cutter for Ramadan. 15 dates, pitted and chopped
You can also have children make circular
coins out of gold- or silver-colored play Place the rice in a food processor or blender,
dough. Children often receive coins as gifts and process until coarse but not pureed.
at the end of Ramadan. Transfer to a saucepan. Stir in the milk,
sugar, and dates. Cook over a low heat,
4. New Clothes Group Collage stirring occasionally until the dates are
Look through magazines, store catalogs, tender, about 20 minutes.
and appropriate advertisements for
pictures of children (and adults) wearing 4. Spiced Pears and Pomegranate
new clothes. Cut or have the children cut 3 pears, peeled, cored, and cut into wedges
these pictures out. Invite them to glue the 1 pomegranate, skin and rind removed
pictures onto a large piece of construction 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
paper to make a group collage of clothes 2 tablespoons light brown sugar
that might be fun to wear for an Eid-al- 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Fitr celebration. You can also have the 4 sprigs fresh mint leaves for garnish
children make individual collages of new (optional)
Place the sliced pears and pomegranate
5. Festival Coin Bank seeds into a bowl. Toss with lemon juice
Rinse and dry small milk cartons (one for to coat. Combine the brown sugar and
each child), and staple the tops closed. cinnamon in a small cup or bowl, then

566 Theme 60
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mix into the fruit. Cover and refrigerate
for at least 1 hour before serving to blend
the flavors. Garnish with a sprig of mint.

Fingerplays and Chants

1. Ten Little Stars
Dramatic Play (Sing to the tune of “Ten Little Indians”)

1. Have a Feast for Eid One little, two little, three little stars,
Set up a feast center by putting out plates, (hold up and add one finger at a time as
cups, cutlery, and a tablecloth, along with you count)
a variety of plastic fruits and vegetables. Four little, five little, six little stars.
Invite the children to create and enjoy a (hold up and add one finger at a time as
make-believe feast. you count)
Seven little, eight little, nine little stars,
2. Decorate for Ramadan (hold up and add one finger at a time as
Have children clean up your center and you count)
decorate with streamers, strings of lights, Ten stars in the sky.
crescent moons, and other decorations for (wiggle all ten fingers above your head)
the Eid celebration at the end of Ramadan.
Cover tagboard stars in tin foil, and help
children string them across the room.
Group Time
3. New Clothes (Games and Language)
Bring in dress-up clothes and shoes. 1. Who Stole the Pear? (Or Any Plastic
Invite the children to get dressed up for Food Item)
Ramadan. Play this game by having children sit in a
circle with a plastic food item in the middle.
Ask player number 1 to leave the area for
one minute. Identify one child who will
Field Trips and “steal the pear” and hide it in his or her lap
or under a leg. Invite player number 1 back
Resource People to stand in the middle, look around, and
guess who stole the pear. When he or she
1. Invite a Visitor
guesses correctly, the two players switch
Invite someone who celebrates Ramadan
places. (Or, if player number 1 does not
to come visit your site. Have them talk
guess after three guesses, player number
with the children about how they and their
1 reveals him or herself and the players
family observe and celebrate the holiday.
switch places.) Player number 2 goes out of
Encourage the visitor to bring any artifacts
the room, a new player is chosen to “steal
and pictures they may have.
the pear,” and the game repeats.
2. Helping Others
Remind the children that during Eid (the
2. Costume Fun
Halfway through Ramadan, Muslim kids
last three days of Ramadan), families
often celebrate Girgian (which means
remember the needy by sharing food. Help
“mixture of things”) by dressing up in
the children put together a basket or bags
costumes and go door-to-door collecting
of nonperishable food items such as soups,
candy and money from friends and
pasta, tuna fish, beans, and cereal. Then
neighbors. Get out the dress-up clothes and
take the items to a local food bank or family
have the children play a game of dress-up
shelter. You might want to check ahead of
and door-to-door by pretending to give each
time to find out what kinds of foods are
other candy. You can also have them give
each other pretend gold coins.
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2+3 =
1. Full Moon Science
Cut out circles. Cut each circle in half, then 1. Moon Chart
cut each half into three pieces to create six Invite parents and children to look at the
crescent-shaped moons. Number the pieces moon each night and take time during the
on the back to help children remember day to ask children what they saw. Draw
which piece comes next. Have children put what they describe every day or two on
the moon together by putting the pieces a moon chart. Explain how the Islamic
in order to put the circle back together. calendar is based on phases of the moon. You
Explain to the children that each piece can also do this by having different moon
represents a stage of the moon, and it would phases (crescent, half, and full) on a felt or
take two weeks or 14 days for the moon to Velcro board and help them pick the one
develop into a full moon. that looks most like the current moon phase.
2. Count to Eid
At the beginning of Ramadan, mark the
first day of Ramadan with a colorful
number 1 on a big calendar, and then
mark the beginning of the Eid-al-Fitr, Social Studies
or Eid, festival, which everyone looks 1. Ramadan Greetings
forward to. (Eid-al-Fitr begins on day 27 Teach the children some Arabic greetings
and lasts for three days.) Each day, invite for the Ramadan holiday.
children to gather round while one child
• “Eid Saeed!” means “Happy Eid!” and is
puts a sticker on the calendar to mark the
said during the three-day festival at the
current day. Then you can count or sing
end of Ramadan.
aloud together to see how many days are
• “Kul’am wa entra bi-khair!” means “May
left until Eid.
every year find you in good health!”
Tip: To find out when Ramadan begins,
you might want to search the Internet for
2. Charity Jar
“Ramadan calendar 2012” or whatever year
Ramadan is the time of year to remember
it happens to be.
the poor and needy. Charity is a big part
of the celebration. Bring in a large jar, and
help the children decorate it with stickers,
ribbons, and glitter glue. Have them collect
coins in the jar by bringing some to school.
Music (You will want to send home a note to
1. “Ramadan Is Coming Soon” parents explaining what the coins are being
(Sing to the tune of “Mary Had a Little collected for.) At the end of the month, help
Lamb”) the children count the change and decide
which charity that helps feed or cloth those
Ramadan is coming soon, in need to give it to.
Coming soon, coming soon,
Ramadan is coming soon, 3. Ramadan Calendar Chain
Time to fast all day. Cut six-inch lengths of construction paper.
When we see the thin new moon, Each child will need 30 lengths, one for each
Thin new moon, thin new moon, day until the end of Ramadan. The children
When we see the thin new moon, can use paste, transparent tape, or a stapler
We’ll celebrate and play. to connect the links of the chain.

568 Theme 60
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Kerven, Rosalind. (2011). Ramadan and
Id-Ul-Fitr. Festivals and Faiths. London:
Evans Brothers.
Books Marx, David F. (2002). Ramadan. Rookie
The following books can be used to complement Read-About Holidays. Danbury, CT:
this theme: Children’s Press.
Addasi, Maha. (2008). The White Nights of Mobin-Uddin, Asma. (2007). The Best Eid Ever.
Ramadan. Illustrated by Ned Gannon. Illustrated by Laura Jacobsen. Honesdale,
Honesdale, PA: Boyds Mills Press. PA: Boyds Mills Press.
Dickmann, Heidi. (2010). Ramadan and Id- Mobin-Uddin, Asma, and Laura Jacobsen.
ul-fitr. Acorn: Holidays and Festivals. (2009). A Party in Ramadan. Honesdale,
Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Press. PA: Boyds Mills Press.
Dickmann, Nancy. (2011). Ramandan and id- Na’ima, Robert B. (2009). Ramadan Moon.
ul-Fitr. Chicago: Heinemann Publishers. Illustrated by Shirin Adl. London: Frances
Dougherty, Terri. (2006). Ramadan: Islamic Lincoln Children’s Books.
Holy Month. First Facts: Holidays and Pirotta, Saviour. (2007). Id-Ul-fitr. We Love
Culture. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. Holidays. New York: PowerKids Press.
Gilani-Williams, Fawzia. (2010). Nabid’s New Whitman, Sylvia. (2008). Under the
Pants: An Eid Tale. Illustrated by Proiti Ramadan Moon. Illustrated by Sue
Roy. Tarrytown, NY: Marshall Cavendish Williams. Park Ridge, IL: Albert
Children’s Books. Whitman & Company.
Hall, M. C. (2010). Ramadan. Little World Worsham, Adria F. (2008). Max Celebrates
Holidays and Celebrations. Vero Beach, Ramadan. Read-It! Readers. Illustrated
Florida: Rourke Publishing. by Mernie Gallagher-Cole. Mankato, MN:
Hamed, Melissa. (2007). The Last Night of Picture Window Books.
Ramadan. Illustrated by Mohamed El Wakil. Zucker, Jonny. (2004). Fasting and Dates:
Great Barrington, MA: Bell Pond Books. A Ramadan and Eid-ul-Fitr Story.
Hamid Ghazi, Suhaib. (1996). Ramadan. Festival Time! Illustrated by Jan Barger.
Illustrated by Omar Rayya. New York: Hauppauge, NY: Barron’s Educational
Holiday House. Series.
Heiligman, Deborah. (2009). Holidays around Zucker, Jonny. (2004). Sweet Dates to Eat:
the World: Celebrate Ramadan and Eid-al- A Ramadan and Eid Story. Festival
Fitr. Washington, DC: National Geographic Time! Illustrated by Jan Barger. London:
Children’s Books. Frances Lincoln Publishers.
Jalali, Reza. (2010). Moon Watchers: Shirin’s
Ramadan Miracle. Illustrated by Anne Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Sibley O’Brien. Gardiner, ME: Tilbury Theme can be found on the book’s companion
House Publishers. website. Go to to access
the site for a variety of useful resources.
Katz, Karen. (2007). My First Ramadan.
Illustrated by Laura Jacobsen. New York:
Henry Holt.

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Theme 61

Food Flowers Color Mixing Signs
apples roses red + yellow = stop (danger)
strawberries tulips orange traffic light
raspberries carnations red + blue = fire trucks (some)
cherries purple fire hydrants
tomatoes red + white = pink (some)

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Red can be mixed with other colors to make different colors
2. Some foods are red
3. Some flowers are colored red
4. Red signs

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Red is a primary color.
2. Some foods, such as apples, tomatoes, beets, radishes, raspberries,
cherries, and strawberries, are a red color.
3. Some flowers are colored red.
4. Red can be mixed with other colors to create a new color.
5. Red and yellow mixed together make orange.
6. Red and blue mixed together make purple.
7. Red and white mixed together make pink.
8. Some fire trucks and fire hydrants are red.
9. Red signs warn us of danger.
10. A stop sign is colored red.
11. Some flowers are red.
12. Roses, tulips, and carnations can be a red color.

1. primary colors—red, yellow, and blue are primary colors.
2. red—a primary color. Strawberries are red.

RED 571
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to reinforce the mathematical skills of
matching sets of objects to a written numeral. Green produce baskets or other
small baskets can be hung on the bulletin board for a strawberry-counting
bulletin board. Attach baskets to the bulletin boards using staples or pushpins.
Collect small plastic strawberries, or make strawberries out of tagboard.
On each basket, mark a numeral. The children can place the appropriate
number of strawberries into each basket.

572 Theme 61
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Colors are everywhere, and they make our world beautiful. That’s why we’ll focus on a specific color
during our next curriculum theme: the color red! It’s a popular color with young children, and many
objects in our world are red. The experiences provided will also help the children become aware of
colors that are formed when mixed with red.

At School
A few of the curriculum experiences include:
• Mixing the color red with yellow (to make orange) and blue (to make purple)
• Setting up an art store in the dramatic play area where the children can act out the buying and
selling of art supplies
• Exploring red-colored crayons, markers, pencils, chalk, paint, and paper
• Filling the sensory table with red goop
• Listening to stories related to the color red

At Home
To reinforce the concepts in this unit, try the following activities at home with your child:
• To develop observation skills, look around your house with your child for red items. How many
red objects can you find in each room?
• Prepare meals using red foods such as apples, strawberries, tomatoes, and jam.
• Prepare red ice cubes to cool your drinks. To do this, just add a few drops of red food coloring to
the water before freezing it.

Enjoy making colorful discoveries with your child.

RED 573
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Arts and Crafts Raspberry Slush
1. Red Paint 4 10-ounce packages frozen raspberries
Red and white paint can be provided at the 1 6-ounce can frozen lemonade concentrate,
easels. By mixing these colors, children can thawed
discover shades of red. 2 quarts ginger ale, chilled

2. Red Crayon Rubbings Thaw and cook raspberries for 10 minutes.

Red crayons, red paper, or both can be used Use a wooden spoon to rub the cooked
to do this activity. Place an object such as a raspberries through a strainer. Cool. Add
penny, button, or leaf under paper. Use the lemonade concentrate. Just before serving,
flat edge of a crayon to color over the item. stir in ginger ale. Makes 24 servings, about
An image of the object will appear on the 1/2 cup each.

3. Paint Blots
Fold a piece of paper in half. Open up and
place a spoonful of red paint on the inside
of the paper. Refold paper, and press flat.
Reopen and observe the design. Add two
Dramatic Play
colors such as blue and yellow, and repeat 1. Art Store
the process to show color mixing. Set up an art supply store. Include paints,
crayons, markers, paper, chalk, brushes,
4. Paint over Design money, and a cash register.
Paint over a crayon picture with watery red
paint. Observe how the paint will not cover 2. Fire Station
the crayon marks. Firefighter hats can be added to the
dramatic play area.
5. Glitter Pictures
The children make a design using glue on 3. Colored Hats
a piece of paper. Shake red glitter onto the After reading Caps for Sale by Esphyr
glue. Shake the excess glitter into a pan. Slobodkina, set out colored hats for children
Caution: Carefully supervise this activity. to use to retell the story.

6. Red Fingerpaint
Red fingerpaint and foil should be placed on
an art table. Yellow and blue paint can be Field Trips and
added to explore color mixing.
Resource People
7. Shaving Cream Fingerpainting 1. Art Store
Spray a small amount of fingerpaint Visit an art store. Observe all the red items
in front of each child who wishes to for sale.
participate in the activity. Then provide
each child with a small amount of colored 2. Take a Walk
tempera paint or food coloring. Encourage Take a walk around the neighborhood, and
the child to blend the shaving cream look for red objects.
and food coloring. Then they can use this
medium for fingerpainting. 3. Floral Shop
Visit a floral shop, and specifically observe
red flowers.

574 Theme 61
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4. Fire Station Timmy ate one, and then there was one.
Visit a fire station. Note the color of the (bend down one finger)
engine, hats, sirens, and other red items. One red apple and now we are done.
I ate the last one, and now there are none.
5. Resource People (bend down last finger)
Invite the following resource people to the
classroom: The Red Balloon
• Artist I had a big red balloon.
• Gardener So I blew, and blew, and blew.
• Firefighter (pretend to blow up an imaginary big
Till it became all large and fat
(show the large balloon)
And grew, and grew, and grew.
I tossed it up into the air
(make a tossing motion)
Fingerplays and Chants And never let it drop.
(catch the large balloon)
Tulips But once it bounced on the ground.
Five little tulips—red and bright (make a bouncing motion)
(hold up hand) And suddenly went POP!
Let us water them every day. (jump back)
(make sprinkle motion with other hand)
Watch them open in the bright sunlight.
(cup hand, then open)
Watch them close when it is night.
(close hand again).
Group Time
(Games and Language)
My Apple 1. Colored Jars
Look at my apple, it’s red and round. Collect five large clear jars. Fill three with
(make ball shape with hands) red water, one with yellow water, and one
It fell from a tree down to the ground. with blue water. Show children the three
(make downward motion) red jars. Discuss the color red. Discuss that
Come let me share my apple, please do! it can make other colors too. Show them
(beckoning motion) the yellow jar. Add yellow to red. What
My mother can cut it right in two— happens? Add blue water to the other red
(make slicing motion) jar. What happens? Discuss color mixing.
One half for me and one half for you.
(hold out two hands, sharing halves) 2. Play “Red Light, Green Light”
Pick one child to be your traffic light. Place
Five Red Apples the “traffic light” about 30 feet away from
Five red apples in a grocery store. the other children facing away from children
(hold up five fingers) who have formed a long line. With his or her
Bobby bought one, and then there were four. back to the other children, the traffic light
(bend down one finger) says, “Green light.” Children try to creep
Four red apples on an apple tree. toward the traffic light. Traffic light may
Susie ate one, and then there were three. then say, “Red light,” and turn toward the
(bend down one finger) children. Children must freeze. If the traffic
Three red apples. What did Alice do? light sees a child move, he or she needs to go
Why, she ate one, and then there were two. back to the starting line. The game continues
(bend down one finger) with “Green light.” The first child to reach
Two red apples ripening in the sun. the traffic light becomes the new light.

RED 575
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Provide objects for the children to sort into
each container.

Large Muscle
1. Ribbon Dance
Attach strips of red crêpe paper to short
wooden dowels or unsharpened pencils to Science
make ribbons. The children can use the Mixing Colors
ribbons to move to their favorite songs. Place two or three ice cube trays and cups
filled with red-, yellow-, and blue-colored
2. Red Bird, Red Bird water on the science table. Using an
The children should form a circle by holding eyedropper, the children can experiment
hands. Choose a child to be a bird, and start mixing colors in the ice cube trays. Smocks
the game. Children chant, should be provided to prevent stained
Red bird, red bird through my window clothing.
Red bird, red bird through my window
Red bird, red bird through my window
The bird goes in and out, under the children’s
arms. The bird stops on the word “Oh!” and
bows to the child facing him or her. This child 1. Red Water
becomes the new bird. The color of the bird Fill the sensory table with water and red
can be determined by the color of the clothing food coloring. The children can add coloring
of each child picked to be the bird. and observe the changes.

2. Red Shaving Cream

Shaving cream with red food coloring added
2+3 = can be placed in the sensory table. During
Math self-selected play, the children can explore
the shaving cream.
1. Color Cards
Construct color cards that start with white 3. Red Goop
and gradually become cherry red. The children Mix together red food coloring, 1 cup
can sequence the cards from white to red or cornstarch, and 1 cup water in the sensory
from red to white. Discontinued sample color table.
cards could be obtained from a paint store.
4. Red Funny Putty
2. Bead Stringing Mix together red food coloring, 1 cup liquid
Yarn and a variety of colored beads should starch, and 2 cups white glue. This mixture
be available to the children. After initial usually needs to be stirred continuously for
exploration, the children can make patterns an extended period of time before it jells.
with beads, such as red-yellow-red-yellow-red.

3. Colored Bags
Place three bags labeled red, yellow, and
blue and a variety of blocks on a table. The
children can sort the blocks by placing them Social Studies
in the matching colored bag. 1. Discussion about Colors
During group time, discuss colors and how
4. Color Sort they make us feel. Hold up a color card and
Obtain paint color sample cards and cut ask a child how it makes him or her feel.
apart. Tape each color onto a container.

576 Theme 61
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
2. Color Chart Johnson, Steven. (2009). My Little Red Fire
Construct a “My Favorite Color Is …” chart. Truck. New York: Simon & Schuster Books
Encourage each child to name his or her for Young Readers.
favorite color. After each child’s name, print Lindeen, Carol K. (2005). Fire Trucks. Mankato,
his or her favorite color with a colored MN: Capstone Press.
marker. Display the chart in the classroom.
Lowell, Susan. (2002). Little Red Cowboy Hat.
Illustrated by Randy Cecil. New York:
3. Colored Balloons
Henry Holt.
Each child should be provided with a
balloon. The balloons should be the colors of Martin, Bill, Jr. (1992). Brown Bear, Brown
the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, Bear, What Do You See? Illustrated by Eric
and purple. Arrange the children in the Carle. New York: H. Holt.
formation of a rainbow. Children with red Miller, Virginia. (2002). Ten Red Apples.
balloons should stand together, and so on. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.
Take a picture of the class. Place the picture
Murphy, Stuart. (2000). Beep Beep, Vroom
on the bulletin board. Caution: This
Vroom! Illustrated by Chris L. Demarest.
activity needs to be carefully supervised.
New York: HarperCollins.
Ray, Mary Lyn. (2000). Red Rubber Boot Day.
Illustrated by Lauren Stringer. Orlando, FL:
Schuette, Sarah L. (2008). Red: Seeing Red All
The following books can be used to complement Around Us. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
this theme: Seeger, Laura Vaccaro. (2004). Lemons Are Not
Bailey, Carolyn Sherwin, Jacqueline Rogers, Red. Brookfield, CT: Roaring Brook Press.
and Monique Z. Stephens, eds. (2001). Sidman, Joyce. (2009). Red Sings from Treetops:
The Little Rabbit Who Wanted Red Wings. A Year in Colors. Illustrated by Pamela
Illustrated by Jacqueline Rogers. Los Zagarenski. Boston: Houghton Mifflin
Angeles: Price Stern Sloan. Harcourt.
Bunting, Eve. (2008). My Red Balloon. Slobodkina, Esphyr. (1985). Caps for Sale. New
Honesdale, PA: Boyds Mills Press. York: Harper & Row.
Carle, Eric. (2001). Hello, Red Fox. New York: Thomas, Jane. (2001). The Big Red Sled.
Aladdin Paperbacks. Illustrated by Priscilla Burris. New York:
Dewdney, Anna. (2005). Llama Llama Red Scholastic.
Pajama. New York: Viking Juvenile. Thong, Roseanne. (2008). Red Is a Dragon.
Dunrea, Olivier. (2004). Peedie. New York: Illustrated by Grace Lin. San Francisco:
Houghton Mifflin. Chronicle Books.
Elffers, Joost, and Saxton Freymann. (2005). Walsh, Ellen Stoll. (1989). Mouse Paint.
Food for Thought. New York: Arthur A. Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace.
Levine Books. Wood, Don. (1990). The Little Mouse, the Red
Glass, Eleri. (2008). The Red Shoes. Illustrated Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear.
by Ashley Spires. Vancouver, BC: Simply New York: Child’s Play.
Read Books. Yoo, Taeeun. (2007). The Little Red Fish. New
Horacek, Petr. (2001). Strawberries Are Red. York: Dial Books for Young Readers.
Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press. Ziefert, Harriet. (2009). One Red Apple.
Jay, Alison. (2010). Red, Green, Blue. New York: Illustrated by Karla Gudeon. Maplewood,
Dutton Juvenile. NJ: Blue Apple Books.

RED 577
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
“Mary Wore Her Red Dress” [CD]. (1987). In
Raffi, Everything Grows. Cambridge, MA:
Technology and Rounder/UMGD.
Multimedia Planting a Rainbow [DVD]. (2005). New York:
Weston Woods Studios/Scholastic.
The following technology and multimedia
products can be used to complement this “Put a Little Color on You” [CD]. (1993). In Can
theme: a Cherry Pie Wave Goodbye? Sherman Oaks,
CA: Hap-Pal Music.
“Color Parade” [CD]. (1993). In Can a Cherry
Pie Wave Goodbye? Sherman Oaks, CA: Reading Rainbow. (2007). Legend of the Indian
Hap-Pal Music. Paintbrush [DVD]. Lincoln, NE: GPN
Educational Media.
“Colors” [CD]. (2010). In Rock and Roll Garden.
New York: Bari Koral Family Rock Band.
“De Colores” [CD]. (2010). In Pete Seeger, Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Tomorrow’s Children. Westchester, PA: Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Appleseed Records. website. Go to to
access the site for a variety of useful resources.
Discovering Colors [DVD]. (2006). Los Angles,
CA: Distributed by Visual Entertainment.

578 Theme 61
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Theme 62

Indoors Field Trips Vehicles
walking rules traffic signs
scissors care seat belts
fire drills rules
metal detectors airbags

Outdoors People
rules police officers
animals firefighters
street doctors
bicycles nurses
helmets ambulance drivers

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Indoor safety precautions
2. Outdoor safety
3. People who keep us safe
4. Field trip safety
5. Vehicle safety

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Safety means freedom from danger or harm.
2. We walk indoors.
3. Play yard rules help keep us safe.
4. Rules are the way we are to act.
5. We have special rules for field trips.
6. Fire drills prepare us for emergencies.
7. Scissors need to be handled carefully.
8. Wearing a seat belt is practicing car safety.
9. Wearing a helmet when riding a bicycle is practicing safety.
10. Traffic signs help prevent accidents.
11. Police officers, firefighters, doctors, nurses, and ambulance drivers
help keep us safe.
12. Talk only to people you know; do not talk to strangers.
13. Pet only friendly animals you know.

1. fire drill—practicing leaving the building in case of a fire.
2. rule—the way we are to act. A rule tells what we should do and not do.
3. safety—freedom from danger or harm.
4. seat belt—strap that holds a person in a vehicle.
5. sign—a lettered board that tells you what to do and not do.

580 Theme 62
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to help the children recognize safety signs.
To prepare this bulletin board, construct six safety signs out of tagboard, each a
different shape. Color appropriately and laminate. Trace the outline of these signs
onto black construction paper to create shadow signs as illustrated. Staple the
shadow signs to the bulletin board. Punch holes in the safety signs using a hole
punch. The children can match the shape of the safety signs to the shadow signs
by hanging them on the appropriate pushpins.

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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Safety will be the focus of our next theme. We will be learning about safety at school, at home, and
outdoors. Through this curriculum, the children will also become more aware of traffic signs and their

At School
A few of the activities planned for this unit include:
• Taking a safety walk to practice crossing streets
• Counting the number of traffic signs that are in our school neighborhood
• Visiting the fire station on Tuesday morning. We will be leaving at 9:30 a.m. and should return to
school by 11:00 a.m.

At Home
One of the songs we will learn follows. It will help your child become aware of the purpose and
colors of a traffic light. You may enjoy singing the song at home with your child. The song is sung to
the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.” The words are as follows:
Twinkle, twinkle, traffic light,
Standing on the corner bright.
When it’s green it’s time to go.
When it’s red it’s stop, you know.
Twinkle, twinkle, traffic light,
Standing on the corner bright.

During your daily routines, share safety tips with your child.

582 Theme 62
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Arts and Crafts Dramatic Play
1. Firefighter Hats 1. Fire Engine
Cut firefighter hats out of large sheets of red A large cardboard box can be decorated by
construction paper for the children to wear. the children as a fire engine with yellow or
red tempera paint. When the fire engine
2. Easel Painting is dry, place it in the dramatic play area
On the easel, place cutout shapes of fire with short hoses and firefighter hats. This
hats or boots. prop could also be placed outdoors, weather
3. Traffic Lights
Construct stop-and-go lights out of 2. Prop Boxes
shoeboxes. Tape the lid to the bottom of the Develop prop boxes such as the following:
box. Cover with black construction paper and
have children place green, yellow, and red Firefighter Police Officer
circles in the correct order on the box. The Bell Hat
red circle should be placed on the top, yellow Jacket or uniform Badges
in the middle, and green on the bottom. Boots Handcuffs
Whistle Stop sign (for holding)
4. Officer Hats and Badges Hose
Police officer hats and badges can be Oxygen mask
constructed out of paper and colored with Hat
crayons or felt-tip watercolor markers.
3. Firefighter Jackets
Construct firefighter jackets out of large
Cooking paper bags. Begin by cutting three holes.
One hole is used for the child’s head at the
1. Banana Rounds top of the bag. Then cut two large holes
4 medium bananas for arms. These props may encourage
1/2 tablespoon honey the children to dramatize the roles of the
1/8 teaspoon nutmeg firefighters.
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 cup wheat germ 4. Seat Belts
The children can peel the bananas and then Collect child-sized car seats. Place them
slice them with a plastic knife. Measure the around like chairs, and let the children
spices, wheat germ, and honey. Finally, mix adjust them for themselves or their dolls.
them with the bananas. Chill. Serves 8.

2. Stop Signs
Eight-sided crackers Field Trips and
Cream cheese
Resource People
1. Firefighter
Spread a thin layer of cream cheese or jelly Invite a firefighter to the classroom. Ask
on each cracker. him or her to bring firefighter clothing and
equipment and to discuss each item.
3. Yield Signs
Triangle crackers 2. Police Car
Yellow cheese Invite a police officer to visit the classroom.
Cut yellow cheese into triangles. Put the Ask him or her to bring a police car to show
cheese on the crackers. the children.
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One took a lost boy home, then there were
(hold up three fingers)
Three strong police officers all dressed in
Fingerplays and Chants One stopped a speeding car and then there
Silly Teddy Bear were two.
Silly little teddy bear (hold up two fingers)
Stood up in a rocking chair. Two strong police officers, how fast they can
(make rocking movement) run.
Now he has to stay in bed One caught a bad man and then there was
(lay head on hands) one.
With a bandage round his head. (hold up one finger)
(circular movement of hand around One strong police officer saw some smoke
head) one day.
He called a firefighter who put it out right
Crossing Streets away.
At the curb before I cross
I stop my running feet The Crossing Guard
(point to feet) The crossing guard keeps us safe
And look both ways to left and right As he works from day to day.
(look left and right) He holds the stop sign high in the air.
Before I cross the street. (hold palm of hand up)
Lest autos running quietly For the traffic to obey.
Might come as a surprise. And when the cars have completely stopped
I don’t just listen with my ears And it’s as safe as can be,
(point to ears) He signals us to walk across
But look with both my eyes. (make a beckoning motion)
(point to eyes) The street very carefully.

Red Light
Red light, red light, what do you say?
I say, “Stop and stop right away!” Group Time
(hold palms of both hands up) (Games and Language)
Yellow light, yellow light, what do you say? Toy Safety
I say, “Wait till the light turns green.” Collect a variety of unsafe toys that may
(hold one palm of hand up) have sharp edges, such as a broken wagon
Green light, green light, what do you say? and the like. During group time, discuss
I say “Go, but look each way.” the dangers of each toy. As soon as group
(circle arm in forward motion and turn activity is finished, remove the toys from
head to the right and left) the classroom.
Thank you, thank you, red, yellow, green
Now I know what the traffic light means.

Five Police Officers

Five strong police officers standing by a
store. Large Muscle
(hold up the one hand) 1. Safety Walk
One became a traffic cop, then there were Take a safety walk. Practice observing
four. traffic lights when crossing the street. Point
(hold up four fingers) out special hazards to the children.
Four strong police officers watching over me.

584 Theme 62
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2. Stop, Drop, and Roll 2. “Do You Know the Police Officer?”
Practice “Stop, Drop, and Roll” with the (Sing to the tune of “The Muffin Man”)
children. This will be valuable to them if (This song can be extended. For example, the
they are ever involved in a fire and their song can be continued by substituting “who
clothes happen to catch on fire. Usually a helps me when I’m lost” or “who helps one
firefighter will teach them this technique cross the street.”)
while they are visiting the fire station.
Oh, do you know the police officer,
The police officer, the police officer?
3. Traffic Light
Oh, do you know the police officer
Cut a green circle and red circle from
Who helps me cross the street?
construction paper. Choose one child to be
the officer. Give other children toy vehicles
to “drive” on the floor. The other children
should line up away from the officer. When
the officer shows the green light, the
children “drive” toward him or her. When
the officer shows the red light, the children Science
should stop. 1. Sorting for Safety
Collect and thoroughly wash empty
household product containers. Include
safe and dangerous items such as cleaning
2+3 = supplies, orange juice containers, and
Math so on. Place all the items in one large box.
1. Sequencing Hats The children can separate the containers
Draw pictures of three police hats. Make into “safe” and “dangerous” categories.
each picture identical except design three Younger children may be able to separate
different sizes. The children can sequence the containers into edible and inedible
the objects from largest to smallest or from categories.
smallest to largest. Discuss the sizes and
ask which is largest, smallest, and in the 2. All about Me
middle. On a table, place identification items.
Prepare a separate card for each child.
2. Safety Items Record the following information on the
Walk around the school and observe cards:
the number of safety items. Included • Height
may be exit signs, fire drill posters, fire • Weight
extinguishers, sprinkler systems, fire alarm, • Color hair
drill bells, and so on. • Color eyes
• Fingerprint
• Signature (if child can or a teacher can

1. “Twinkle, Twinkle, Traffic Light”
(Sing to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little
1. Pumps and Hoses
Twinkle, twinkle, traffic light, Water pumps, hoses, and water can be
Standing on the corner bright. placed in the sensory table.
When it’s green it’s time to go.
When it’s red it’s stop, you know. 2. Trucks
Twinkle, twinkle, traffic light, Small toy fire trucks and police cars can be
Standing on the corner bright. placed in the sensory table with sand.
Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Due to electronic rights, some third party content may be suppressed from the eBook and/or eChapter(s).
Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Llewellyn, Claire. (2006). Watch Out! Near
Water. Illustrated by Mike Gorden.
Hauppauge, NY: Barron’s Educational
Social Studies Series.
1. Safety Pictures and Signs Llewellyn, Claire. (2006). Watch Out! On
Post safety pictures and signs around the the Road. Illustrated by Mike Gorden.
room. Hauppauge, NY: Barron’s Educational
2. Stop-and-Go Light Mattern, Joanne. (2007). Staying Safe at
Draw a large stop-and-go light on a piece of School. Milwaukee, WI: Weekly Reader
tagboard. Color with felt-tip markers. Print Early Learning Library.
the following across from the corresponding Mattern, Joanne. (2007). Staying Safe in the
colors: Car. Milwaukee, WI: Weekly Reader Early
Green means go we all know. Learning Library.
Yellow means wait even if you’re late. Mattern, Joanne. (2007). Staying Safe on My
Red means stop! Bike. Milwaukee, WI: Weekly Reader Early
Learning Library.
3. Safety Signs Mattern, Joanne. (2007). Staying Safe on the
Take a walk and watch for safety signs. School Bus. Milwaukee, WI: Weekly Reader
Discuss the colors and letters on each sign. Early Learning Library.
Pendziwo, Jean E. (2005). No Dragons for Tea:
Fire Safety for Kids. Illustrated by Martine
Gourbault. Toronto: Kids Can Press.
Books Pendziwo, Jean E. (2005). Once Upon a Dragon:
The following books can be used to complement Stanger Safety for Kids. Illustrated by
this theme: Martine Gourbault. Toronto: Kids Can
Berenstain, Stan, and Jan Berenstain. (1999). Press.
My Trusty Car Seat: Buckling Up for Safety. Pendziwo, Jean E. (2006). A Treasure at Sea
New York: Random House. for Dragon and Me: Water Safety for Kids.
Calmenson, Stephanie. (2007). May I Pet Your Illustrated by Martine Gourbault. Toronto:
Dog? Illustrated by Jan Ormerod. New Kids Can Press.
York: Clarion Books. Saltz, Gail. (2008). Amazing You! Getting Smart
Cuyler, Margery. (2001). Stop Drop and Roll. About Your Private Parts. Illustrated by
Illustrated by Arthur Howard. New York: Lynne Avril Cravath. New York: Puffin
Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing. Books.
Irma, Joyce. (2000). Never Talk to Strangers. Schuh, Mari. (2009). Fire Safety in Action.
New York, NY: Golden Books. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
King, Kimberly. (2008). I Said No! Illustrated Thomas, Pat, and Leslie Harker. (2003). I Can
by Sue Rama. Weaverville, CA: Boulden Be Safe: A First Look at Safety. Hauppauge,
Publishing. NY: Barron’s Educational Series.
Llewellyn, Claire. (2006). Watch Out! Around Thomas, Pat, and Leslie Harker. (2003). Is
Town. Illustrated by Mike Gorden. It Right to Fight? A First Look at Anger.
Hauppauge, NY: Barron’s Educational Hauppauge, NY: Barron’s Educational
Series. Series.
Llewellyn, Claire. (2006). Watch Out! At Home.
Illustrated by Mike Gorden. Hauppauge,
NY: Barron’s Educational Series.

586 Theme 62
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Safety Smart at Home! [DVD]. (2009).
Los Angeles: Disney Educational
Technology and Productions.
Multimedia “Stop Look and Listen” [CD]. 2010. In Time
for the Bubblepops. Nottingham, UK:
The following technology and multimedia Bubblepop Music.
products can be used to complement this
The Wiggles Go Bananas! [DVD]. (2009). Los
Angeles: Warner Home Video.
Disney’s Wild About Safety. (2009). Safety Smart
About Fire! [DVD]. Los Angeles: Distributed
by Disney Educational Productions. Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Fire Songs and Safety Tips [DVD]. (2008). Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Barrington, IL: Marshall Publishing and website. Go to to
Promotions. access the site for a variety of useful resources.

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Theme 63

Care Construction Types
cleaning plastic left-handed electric
storing metal paper toenail
handling pinking kitchen
sharpening cloth children’s

Materials Parts Purpose Users

to Cut handle cutting tool barber
paper blade trimming tool hairstylist
cardboard tailor or
fabric dressmaker
hair sheep shearer
fingernails cook or chef
toenails animal groomer
yarn or thread adult
pastry child

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Parts of scissors
2. Users of scissors
3. Materials that can be cut with scissors
4. Care of scissors
5. Scissor construction
6. Purposes of scissors
7. Types of scissors

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Scissors are tools for cutting and trimming.
2. Two blades and ring-shaped handles are the parts of scissors.
3. Scissors help us do our work.
4. Scissors can be made from plastic or metal.
5. Scissors cut paper, fingernails, hair, and other materials.
6. Paper, pinking, cloth, cuticle, and shears are names for scissors.
7. Toenail, kitchen, and children’s are also names for scissors.
8. Some people need scissors to do their job.
9. Barbers, hairstylists, tailors, dressmakers, cooks, chefs, and animal
groomers use scissors.
10. Adults and children use scissors.
11. Hand motions make scissors cut.
12. Scissors need to be handled carefully.
13. Scissors need care; they need to be cleaned and sharpened.
14. Scissors can cut many materials.
15. Paper, cardboard, fabric, and hair can be cut with scissors.
16. Fingernails, toenails, yarn, thread, and pastry can be cut with scissors.

1. blade—cutting edge of scissors.
2. pinking shears—sewing scissors.
3. scissors—a tool for cutting or trimming.
4. shears—large scissors.

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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to have the children match the colored
scissors to the corresponding colored skein of yarn. To prepare the bulletin
board, construct six scissors out of tagboard. With felt-tip markers, color each
scissor a different color and laminate. Fasten the scissors to the top of the
bulletin board. Next, construct six skeins of yarn out of tagboard. Color each
skein a different color to correspond with the scissors. Attach the skeins to the
bottom part of the bulletin board. Fasten a string to each of the scissors and a
pushpin to each of the skeins of yarn.

590 Theme 63
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Snip, snip, snip! This sound will be heard frequently in the classroom as we start a curriculum theme
focusing on scissors. Through the experiences provided, the children will be introduced to various
kinds and uses of scissors. They will also learn the proper care and safety precautions to consider
when handling and using scissors.

At School
Some activities related to scissors will include:
• Discussing safety and the proper uses of scissors
• Experimenting cutting with different kinds of scissors
• Cutting a variety of materials such as yarn, fabric, paper, wallpaper, and aluminum foil
• Visiting Tom’s Barber Shop on Wednesday morning. We will leave at 10:00 a.m. and expect
to watch a haircut demonstration. Also, we will observe the tools and equipment used by a
• Listening to the story “Michael’s New Hair Cut”

At Home
Children need many experiences working with scissors before they are able to master cutting skills.
Each child will learn this skill at his or her own rate. To assist your child, save scraps of paper and
junk mail. Allow your child to practice cutting the paper using child-sized scissors. Once the cutting
skills have been mastered, your child may enjoy cutting coupons out of newspaper sections or

Have fun with your child!

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2. Tailor and Dressmaking Shop
Materials that are easy to cut should be
provided. Likewise, a variety of scissors
Arts and Crafts should be placed next to the material. Older
1. Scissor Snip children may want to make doll clothes.
Strips of paper with scissors can be
provided for snipping. 3. Bake Shop
Play dough, scissors, and other cooking tools
2. Cutting can be placed on a table. If desired, make
For experimentation, a wide variety of paper baker hats and a sign.
materials and types of scissors can be added
to the art area for the children. 4. Dog Groomer
A dog-grooming area can be set up in the
dramatic play corner with stuffed animals,
brushes, and combs. If available, cut off the
cord of an electric dog shaver and provide it
Cooking for the children.
1 1/2 cups warm water
1 envelope yeast
4 cups flour Field Trips and
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon sugar
Resource People
Coarse salt 1. Hairstylist
Egg Visit a hairstylist. While there, observe a
person’s hair being cut. Notice the different
Mix the warm water, yeast, and sugar scissors that are used and how they are
together. Set this mixture aside for used.
5 minutes. Pour salt and flour into a bowl.
Add the yeast mixture to make dough. Roll 2. Pet Groomer
the dough into a long snake form. Cut the Invite a pet groomer to class. If possible,
dough into smaller sections using scissors. arrange for a dog to be groomed.
The children can then form individual
shapes with dough. Brush egg on the shapes
with a pastry brush, and sprinkle with salt.
Preheat the oven and bake the pretzels at
425 degrees for 12 minutes.
Fingerplays and Chants
Open, Shut Them
Open, shut them, open, shut them.
(use index and middle finger to make
Dramatic Play scissors motion)
1. Beauty Shop Give a little snip, snip, snip.
Set up a beauty shop in the dramatic play (three quick snips with fingers)
area. Include items such as curling irons, Open, shut them, open, shut them.
hair dryers, combs, and wigs. Also include (repeat scissors motion)
a chair, a plastic covering, and a “Beauty Make another clip.
Shop” sign. A cash register and money can (make another scissors motion)
be added to encourage play. Caution: For
safety purposes, cut the cords off the hair
dryer and curling irons.

592 Theme 63
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Group Time
(Games and Language) Books
Scissors Safety The following books can be used to complement
Discuss safety while using scissors. The this theme:
children can help make a list titled “How
Battle-Lavert, Gwendolyn. (2004). The Barber’s
We Use Our Scissors Safely.” Display chart
Cutting Edge. San Francisco: Children’s
in room.
Book Press.
Frandsen, Karen. (1986). Michael’s New Hair
Cut. Chicago, ILL: Children’s Press.
2+3 = Glatzer, Jenna. (2005). Hattie, Get A Haircut!
Math Illustrated by Monica Kendall. Warwick,
Shape Sort NY: Moo Press
Cut out different-colored shapes. Place the Klinting, Lars. (1996). Bruno the Tailor. New
shapes on a table for the children to sort by York: Holt.
color, shape, and size.
Moore, Eva. (1997). The Day of the Bad Haircut.
Illustrated by Meredith Johnson. St. Paul,
MN: Cartwheel Books.
Ruediger, Beth. (1997). The Barber of Bingo.
Illustrated by John McPherson. Kansas
Science City, MO: Andrews McMeel.
1. Scissor Show Tarpley, Natasha. (2002). Bippity Bop
Place a variety of scissors on an overhead Barbershop. Illustrated by E. B. Lewis.
projector. Encourage the children to Boston: Little, Brown.
describe each by naming it and explaining
Strickland, Michael R., and Keaf Holliday. (1998).
its use.
Haircuts at Sleepy Sam’s. Illustrated by Keaf
Holliday. Honesdale, PA: Boyds Mills.
2. Shadow Profiles
Tape a piece of paper on a wall or bulletin Woram, Catherine. (2010). Paper Scissors Glue.
board. Stand a child in front of the paper. New York: Ryland Peters & Small.
Shine a light source to create a shadow of Ziefert, Harriet. (2006). There Was a Little Girl,
the head. Trace the outline of each child’s She Had a Little Curl. Illustrated by Elliot
shadow. Provide scissors for the children to Kreloff. Maplewood, NJ: Blue Apple Books.
use to cut out their own shadows.

3. Weighing Scissors
On the science table, place a variety of Technology and
scissors and a scale. The children should be
encouraged to note the differences in weight.
The following technology and multimedia
products can be used to complement this theme:
Reading Rainbow. (2007). Uncle Jed’s Barbershop
[DVD]. Lincoln, NE: Distributed by GPN
Sensory Educational Media.
Play Dough
Scissors can be placed next to the play
dough in the sensory area. Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Theme can be found on the book’s companion
website. Go to to
access the site for a variety of useful resources.

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Paste is a staple in early childhood classrooms and children can participate in making it.
It can be colored, if desired, for special occasion. For example, green food coloring can
be added for St. Patrick ’s Day or red for Valentine’s day. When not being used, paste
should always be stored in a covered, airtight container.
Bookmaker’s Paste 1 pint flour and enough water to make a
1 teaspoon oil of cloves smooth heavy paste. Keep in
1 teaspoon flour
Oil of wintergreen (optional) an airtight container.
2 teaspoons cornstarch
1/4 teaspoon powdered alum To 1 cup boiling water, add
Crêpe Paper Paste
3 ounces water powdered alum. Fold flour
into cold water until smooth; Cut or tear 2 tablespoons
Mix dry ingredients. Add crêpe paper of a single color.
pour mixture gradually into
water slowly, stirring out all The finer the paper is cut,
boiling alum water. Cook
lumps. Cook over slow fire the smoother the paste will
until it has a bluish cast,
(preferably in a double boiler), be. Add 1/2 tablespoon flour,
stirring all the time. Remove
stirring constantly. Remove 1/2 tablespoon salt, and
from fire, add oil of cloves,
when paste begins to thicken. enough water to make a
and stir well. Keep in airtight
It will thicken more as it cools. paste. Stir and squash the
jars. Thin when necessary
Keep in covered unbreakable mixture until it is as smooth
by adding water. A drop or
container. Thin with water if as possible. Store in an
two of oil of wintergreen may
necessary. airtight container.
be added to give the paste a
Cooked Flour Paste pleasing aroma.

1 cup boiling water Colored Salt Paste

1 tablespoon powdered alum
Mix 2 parts salt to 1 part
1 pint cold water
flour. Add powdered paint

594 Theme 63
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Theme 64

Names Types
circle open
triangle closed
rectangle tall
square short
oval big or large
lines small or little
four sides
three sides

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. The names of basic shapes
2. Lines used in shapes
3. Objects have shapes

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. The shape is the way something looks.
2. There are many shapes of different sizes and colors in our world.
3. Some shapes have names.
4. Circles, triangles, rectangles, squares, and ovals are all shapes.
5. A circle is round.
6. Triangles have three sides.
7. A rectangle is a shape with four sides.
8. An oval is shaped like an egg.
9. A square has four sides all the same size.
10. All objects contain one or more shapes.
11. We can draw lines to make shapes.

1. circle—a shape that is round.
2. line—a mark made with a marking tool such as a pencil, crayon, or
felt-tip marker to make a shape.
3. oval—a shape that looks like an egg.
4. rectangle—a shape with four sides. Two sides are longer. A wagon is a
5. shape—the way something looks. A shape is the outside form of an
6. square—a shape with four sides of equal length.
7. triangle—a shape with three sides.

596 Theme 64
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to develop visual discrimination, hand-eye
coordination, and problem-solving skills by making a shape train. To prepare
the bulletin board, use the model shown to construct a train using basic shapes.
Color the shapes, cut them out, and laminate. Trace laminated shapes onto black
construction paper to construct shadow shapes. Cut out the shadow shapes. Staple
the shadow shapes onto the board in a train pattern. The children can affix the
colored shape pieces to the shadows by using magnets.

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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Hello again! Shapes are the focus of our new curriculum theme. Our world consists of shapes. The
children will become aware of this on an introductory walk around the block. They also will become
familiar with the names of shapes and will classify objects according to their shapes. Consequently,
the children will be more aware of all the shapes in our world. In addition, the children who are
developmentally ready will practice drawing some of the basic shapes.

At School
Some of the fun-filled learning activities scheduled for this unit include:
• Playing a game called “Shape Basket Upset”
• Listening to the story Shapes and Things by Tana Hoban
• Feeling and identifying objects by shape in a feely box
• Making and baking cookies of various shapes

At Home
You can reinforce the activities included in this curriculum unit at home by observing shaped objects
in your house. Each day at school, we will have a special shape theme. Your child can bring in an
object from home to fit the shape of the day. I will send home the shape the night before so you and
your child will have time to look for an object.

Enjoy your child!

598 Theme 64
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Encourage the children to form designs or
pictures by combining and overlapping their
Arts and Crafts
1. Sponge Painting
Cut sponges into the four basic shapes.
The children can hold the sponges with
a clothespin. The sponge can be dipped
in paint and printed on the paper. Make 1. Shaped Bread
several designs and shapes. The children can cut bread with different-
shaped cookie cutters. Spread soft cheese,
2. Shape Mobiles cream cheese, or other toppings on the bread.
Trace shapes of various sizes on colored
construction paper. If appropriate, 2. Fruit Cutouts
encourage the children to cut the shapes 1/2 cup sugar
from the paper and punch a hole at the top 4 envelopes unflavored gelatin
of each shape. Next, put a piece of string 2 1/2 cups pineapple juice, apple juice,
through the hole and tie onto a hanger. The orange juice, grape juice, or fruit drink
mobiles can be hung in the classroom for In a mixing bowl, stir the sugar and gelatin
decoration. with a rubber scraper until well mixed.
Pour fruit juice into a 1-quart saucepan.
3. Easel Ideas Put the pan on the burner. Turn the burner
Feature a different shape of easel paper to high heat. Cook until the juice boils.
each day at the easel. Turn burner off. Pour the boiling fruit juice
over the sugar mixture. Stir with a rubber
4. Shape Collage scraper until all the gelatin is dissolved.
Provide different-colored paper shapes and Pour into a 13-inch × 9-inch × 2-inch pan.
glue for the children to create collages from Place in the refrigerator and chill until firm.
shapes. Cookie cutters can be used to make shapes.
Enjoy! Caution: This activity requires close
5. My Shape Book supervision.
Stickers, catalogs, and magazines should
be placed on the art table. Also, prepare 3. Shape Snacks
booklets cut into the basic shapes. Spread cheese onto variously shaped
Encourage the children to find, cut, and crackers and serve.
glue the objects in each shape book.
Serve cheese cut into circles, triangles,
6. Shape Stamps squares, and rectangles.
Collect jar lids and pieces of thick Serve vegetable circles—cucumbers, carrots,
cardboard. Cut the cardboard into shapes, and zucchini.
and glue them to jar lids. The children can
dip them in paint and stamp them onto Cut fruit snacks into circles—bananas,
paper. grapefruit wedges, apple slices, and
grapes—and serve.
7. Shape Stencil Painting
Cut the basic shapes out of cardboard using
a safety razor blade. Provide paints and 4. Nachos
paper with the stencils. 4 flour tortillas
3/4 cup grated cheese
8. Gadget Painting 1/3 cup chopped green pepper (optional)
Collect items that have a basic shape such With clean kitchen scissors, cut each
as cookie cutters, plastic berry boxes, fly tortilla into 4 or 6 triangle wedges. Place
swatters, or plastic lids to use as painting
tools. Provide paper, paint, and the gadgets.
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on a cookie sheet, and sprinkle the tortilla
wedges with the cheese. Garnish with green
pepper if desired. Bake in a 350-degree oven
for 4 to 6 minutes or until the cheese melts.
Makes 16 to 20 nachos. Field Trips
Shape Walk
5. Swedish Pancakes Walk around the school neighborhood.
3 eggs During the walk, observe the shapes of the
1 cup milk traffic signs and houses. After returning to
1 1/2 cups flour the school, record the shapes observed on a
1 tablespoon sugar chart.
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons butter
1 cup heavy cream
2 tablespoons confectioners’ sugar or a
12-ounce jar of fruit jelly

Using a fork or whisk, beat the eggs lightly Fingerplays and Chants
in a large mixing bowl. Add half the milk. Right Circle, Left Square
Fold in the flour, sugar, and salt. Melt Close my eyes, shut them tight.
the butter and add it, the cream, and the (close eyes)
remaining milk to the mixture. Stir well. Make a circle with my one hand.
Lightly grease a frying pan or griddle, (make circle with one hand)
and place it over medium-high heat on a Keep them shut; make it fair.
hot plate or stove. Carefully pour small (keep eyes shut)
amounts of the mixture onto the frying With my other hand, make a square.
pan or griddle. Cook until the pancakes (make square with other hand)
are golden around the edges and bubbly
on top. Turn the pancakes over with a Lines
spatula and cook until the other sides One straight finger makes a line.
are golden around the edges. Remove to a (hold up one index finger)
covered plate. Repeat until all the mixture Two straight lines make one “t” sign.
is used. Sprinkle pancakes lightly with (cross index fingers)
confectioners’ sugar, or spread jelly over Three lines make a triangle there
them. Makes 3 dozen pancakes. (form triangle with index fingers
touching and thumbs touching)
And one more line will make a square.
(form square with hands)
Dramatic Play
1. Baker Draw a Square
Provide play dough, cake pans, and cookie Draw a square, draw a square
cutters. Shaped like a tile floor.
Draw a square, draw a square
2. Puppets All with corners four.
A puppet prop box should be placed in the
dramatic play area. A puppet stage should A Circle
be added if available. Otherwise, a puppet Around in a circle we will go.
stage can be made from cardboard. (walk in a circle as a group)
Little tiny baby steps make us go very slow.
(walk in a circle with little steps)
And then we’ll take some great giant steps,
(walk in a circle with big steps)

600 Theme 64
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as big as they can be. that is the same shape as the shape
Then in a circle we’ll stand quietly. of the day.
(stand in a circle)

Draw a Triangle
Draw a triangle, draw a triangle
With corners three.
Draw a triangle, draw a triangle Large Muscle
Draw it just for me.
1. Walk and Balance
Using masking tape, outline the four basic
Draw a Circle
shapes on the floor. The children can walk
Draw a circle, draw a circle
and balance on the shapes. Older children
Made very round.
may walk forward, backward, and sideways.
Draw a circle, draw a circle
No corners can be found.
2. Hopscotch
Draw a hopscotch board with chalk on the
What Am I Making?
sidewalk outdoors. Masking tape can be
This is a circle.
used to form the grid on the floor indoors.
(draw circle in the air)
This is a square.
3. Spinning Hula Hoops
(draw square in the air)
Provide hula hoops for each child. First,
Who can tell me
practice using positional words. Encourage
What I’m making there?
the children to stand inside the hoop, in
(draw another shape in the air)
front of the hoop, behind the hoop, and
beside the hoop. Then demonstrate how
to spin the hoops around your waist and
encourage the children to try.
Group Time
(Games and Language)
1. Shape Hunt 2+3 =
Throughout the classroom, hide colorful Math
shapes. Each of the children can find a 1. Wallpaper Shape Match
shape. From scraps of old wallpaper, cut out two
sets of basic shapes. Mix all of the pieces.
2. Twister The children can match the sets by pattern
On a large old bedsheet, secure many and shape.
shapes of different colors, or draw the
shapes on with magic markers. Make a 2. Shape Completion
spinner with these different shapes or On several pieces of white tagboard,
colors on it. Have children place parts of draw a shape. Leave one side, or part of a
their bodies on the different shapes. circle, unfinished or dotted. Laminate the
tagboard. The children can complete the
3. Shape Day shape by drawing with watercolor markers
Each day, highlight a different shape. or grease pencils. Erase with a damp cloth.
Collect related items that resemble the
shape of the day, and display throughout
the classroom. During group time, have
each child find an object in the classroom

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Music Sensory
“Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” Add the following items to the sensory
Twinkle, twinkle, little star, table:
How I wonder what you are. 1. Marbles and water
Up above the world so high, 2. Different-shaped sponges and water
Like a diamond in the sky. 3. Colored water
Twinkle, twinkle, little star. 4. Scented water
How I wonder what you are. 5. Soapy water
When the blazing sun is set,
And the grass with dew is wet,
Then you show your little light,
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night. Books
The following books can be used to complement
this theme:
Aboff, Marcie. (2009). If You Were a Polygon.
Illustrated by Francesca Carabelli.
Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window Books.
Aboff, Marcie. (2009). If You Were a Triangle.
1. Feely Box Illustrated by Sarah Dillard. Minneapolis,
Cut many shapes out of different materials MN: Picture Window Books.
such as felt, cardboard, wallpaper, carpet,
and so on. Place the shapes into a feely box. Aigner-Clark, Julie, and Nadeem Zaidi. (2001).
The children can be encouraged to reach in See and Spy Shapes. Baby Einstein Books.
and identify the shape by feeling it before Illustrated by Nadeem Zaidi. New York:
removing it from the box. Hyperion Press.
Blackstone, Stella. (2006). Bear in a Square.
2. Evaporation Illustrated by Debbie Harter. Cambridge,
Pour equal amounts of water into a large MA: Barefoot Books.
round and a small square cake pan. Mark Blaisdell, Molly. (2009). If You Were a Triangle.
the water level with a grease pencil. Allow Illustrated by Francesca Carabelli.
the water to stand for a week. Observe the Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window Books.
amount of evaporation.
Burns, Marilyn. (2008). The Greedy Triangle.
3. Classifying Objects New York: Scholastic.
Collect four small boxes. Mark a different Carter, David A. (2007). 600 Black Dots. New
shape on each box. Include a circle, triangle, York: Little Simon.
square, and rectangle. Cut shapes out of Carter, David A. (2007). Whoo? Whoo? New
magazines. The children can sort the objects York: Little Simon.
by placing them in the corresponding boxes.
Carter, David A. (2008). Yellow Square. New
York: Little Simon.
4. What Shape Is It?
Place objects with distinct shapes, such as Casmar, Tom. (2005). Henry and Pawl and the
marbles, dice, a pyramid, a deck of cards, a Round Yellow Ball. New York: Dial Books
book, a ball, a button, and so on, in the feely for Young Readers.
box. Encourage the children to reach in and Ehlert, Lois. (1989). Color Zoo. New York:
identify the shape of the object they are Lippincott.
feeling before they pull it out.
Ehlert, Lois. (1990). Color Farm. New York:

602 Theme 64
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Ehlert, Lois. (2010). Lots of Spots. New York, by Grace Lin. San Francisco: Chronicle
Beach Lane Books. Books.
Elffers, Joost, and Saxton Freymann. (2005). Touch and Feel Shapes. (2000). New York:
Food for Thought. New York: Arthur A. Dorling Kindersley.
Levine Books.
Greene, Rhonda Gowler. (2001). When a Line
Bends … a Shape Begins. Illustrated by
James Kaczman. New York: Houghton
Mifflin. Technology and
Hoban, Tana. (1986). Shapes and Things.
New York: Greenwillow Books.
Hoban, Tana. (1998). So Many Circles, So Many The following technology and multimedia
Squares. New York: Greenwillow Books. products can be used to complement this
Metropolitan Museum of Art. (2005). Museum theme:
Shapes. New York: Little, Brown. “Circle” [CD]. (2010). In What Are the Odds?
Scarry, Richard. (2008). Richard Scarry’s New York: Monkey Monkey Music.
Shapes and Opposites. New York: Sterling “Circles (All My Life’s a Circle)” [CD]. (2000). In
Publishing Company. Charlotte Diamond’s World. Vancouver, BC:
Schuette, Sarah L. (2003). Circles: Seeing Hug Bug Records.
Circles All around Us. Mankato, MN: “Circle Songs” [CD]. (2000). In Early Childhood
Capstone Press. Classics: Old Favorites with a New Twist.
Schuette, Sarah L. (2003). Ovals: Seeing Ovals Sherman Oaks, CA: Hap-Pal Music.
All around Us. Mankato, MN: Capstone “Everything Has a Shape” [CD] (2001). In
Press. Sally the Swinging Snake. Sherman Oaks,
Schuette, Sarah L. (2003). Rectangles: Seeing CA: Hap-Pal Music.
Rectangles All around Us. Mankato, MN: Guess That Shape and Color [DVD]. (2006).
Capstone Press. Los Angeles: Sony Wonder.
Schuette, Sarah L. (2003). Squares: Seeing “I Am a Bubble” [CD]. (2000). In Charlotte
Squares All around Us. Mankato, MN: Diamond’s World. Vancouver, BC: Hug Bug
Capstone Press. Records.
Schuette, Sarah L. (2003). Stars: Seeing Stars Meet the Shapes [DVD]. (2005). Danville, CA:
All around Us. Mankato, MN: Capstone Preschool Prep.
Press. Shapes [DVD]. (2009). Beverly Hills, CA: Echo
Schuette, Sarah L. (2003). Triangles: Seeing Bridge Home Entertainment.
Triangles All around Us. Mankato, MN:
Capstone Press.
Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Shaw, Charles Green. (1947). It Looked Like Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Spilt Milk. New York: Harper. website. Go to to
Stoll, Ellen Walsh. (2007). Mouse Shapes. San access the site for a variety of useful resources.
Diego, CA: Harcourt Children’s Books.
Thong, Roseanne, and Grace Lin. (2000). Round
Is a Mooncake: A Book of Shapes. Illustrated

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To Teach Math Concepts
Before a child can learn the more abstract concepts of arithmetic, he or she must
be visually, physically, and kinesthetically aware of basic quantitative concepts.
Form discrimination of shapes must be included such as circle, square, triangle and
rectangle. The following vocabulary should also be introduced:

big top all more

little bottom none less
small long some through
smaller short first around
large tall last fast
larger high middle slow
heavy low near up
light thick far down
in thin above most
out front below least
over back many patterns
under behind few

604 Theme 64
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Theme 65

Participants Clothing Types
spectators uniforms baseball, basketball
players swimsuits football, soccer
coaches shorts, jerseys rugby, swimming
umpires sweatshirts tennis, volleyball
scorekeepers sweatpants skiing, biking
announcers hats hiking, bowling
ski clothing skating
jacket track and running
gloves fishing
pants golf
goggles hockey

Equipment Places Indoors

balls, bats and Outdoors
shoulder pads yards, fields
rackets, bikes swimming pools
skis, boots tennis courts
poles, gloves roads, gyms
special shoes golf courses
helmets bowling alleys
golf clubs ski slopes
skates lakes

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Places used for sports participation
2. Types of sports people play
3. Equipment used for sports
4. Kinds of clothing worn for sports participation
5. The many people who participate in sports

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Sports are activities played for fun and exercise.
2. Exercise means to move our body to improve health.
3. Swimming pools, playing fields, tennis courts, roads, gyms, golf courses,
backyards, bowling alleys, lakes, and ski slopes are all places that are
used for sports.
4. Spectators, players, and coaches are all sports participants.
5. Umpires, scorekeepers, and announcers work at sporting activities.
6. Baseball, biking, hiking, hockey, football, and golf are all types of sports.
7. Soccer, rugby, swimming, and volleyball are sports.
8. Skiing, skating, bowling, fishing, running, and hockey are also sports.
9. Balls, bikes, and golf clubs are sports equipment.
10. Uniforms are special clothes worn when playing some sports.
Uniforms can identify the sport being played.
11. Football and basketball players wear uniforms and helmets.
12. Some sports are played indoors, and others are played outdoors.
13. Skating, track and running, and fishing are also sports.
14. Different sports require different equipment.
15. Baseball players have bats, baseballs, and gloves for equipment.
16. Skiers have skis, boots, gloves, poles, hats, ski suits, and sometimes goggles.
17. Golfers have golf clubs, gloves, golf balls, and special shoes.
18. Swimsuits, shorts, jerseys, sweatshirts, and sweatpants are clothing
worn in some sports.

1. ball—equipment used for sports. Most balls are round.
2. sport—an activity played for fun that gives exercise.
3. exercise—moving your body. Exercise improves our health.
4. team—a group of people who play together.
5. uniform—special clothing worn for some sports.

606 Theme 65
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to encourage visual discrimination skills.
The children are to hang each ball with a numeral on the glove that has the
corresponding number of dots. To prepare the bulletin board, construct baseball
mitts out of brown tagboard. Cut out the mitts, and attach dots starting with one on
each of the gloves. The number of gloves prepared (and the corresponding number of
dots) will depend on the developmental maturity of the children. Hang the gloves on
the bulletin board. Next construct white baseballs. Write a numeral, starting with 1,
on each of the balls.

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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Sports are the focus of our next theme. Through the experiences provided, the children will become
familiar with types of sports equipment and clothing, and people who participate in sports. They will
also recognize sports as a form of exercise.

At School
Activities planned to foster sports concepts include:
• Exploring balls used in different sports and classifying them into groups by size, color, and ability
to bounce and roll
• Trying on a variety of clothing used in different sports, including a swim cap; goggles; shoulder,
leg, and knee pads; helmets; gloves; and uniforms
• Skating in the room by wrapping squares of waxed paper around our feet and attaching them
with rubber bands around our ankles. Our feet will then easily glide over the carpet!

At Home
You can incorporate sports concepts at home by:
• Looking through sports magazines with your child and pointing out the equipment that is used
or the clothing that is worn. This will develop your child’s observation skills.
• Observing a sporting event with your child, such as basketball, baseball, or football. Likewise,
let your child watch you participate in a sport!
• Participating in a sport together. Your child will enjoy spending special time with you!

Enjoy your child!

608 Theme 65
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Blend all of the ingredients together. Shape
the mixture into small balls.

Arts and Crafts

1. Easel Ideas
Cut easel paper in various sports shapes. Dramatic Play
• Baseball glove 1. Baseball
• Baseball diamond Baseball caps, plastic balls, uniforms,
• Tennis racket catcher’s masks, and gloves can be placed in
• Bike the dramatic play area.
• Tennis shoe
• Football 2. Football
• Baseball cap Balls, shoulder pads, uniforms, and helmets
• Football helmet can be provided for the children to use
• Different sizes of balls outdoors.

2. Team Pennants 3. Tennis

Prepare triangular pennants using a Tennis rackets, balls, visors, sunglasses,
variety of colors of construction paper and shorts for the children can be placed
or fun foam. Allow the children to use outdoors. A variation would be to use
sequins, pompons, and so on to decorate the balloons for balls and hangers with
pennants. pantyhose pulled around them for rackets.

3. Ball Collages 4. Skiing

Balls used in various sports come in all Ski boots and skis can be provided for the
different sizes. Using construction paper children to try on.
or wallpaper, cut the paper in various
round shapes, as well as football shapes. 5. Skating
Encourage the children to paste them on Waxed paper squares for children to
a large piece of construction paper and wrap around their feet and ankles can be
decorate. provided. The children can attach the waxed
paper with rubber bands around their
4. Golf Ball Painting ankles. Encourage the children to slide
Place a piece of paper in a shallow tray or across the carpeting.
pie tin. Spoon 2 or 3 teaspoons of thin paint
onto the paper. Next, put a golf ball or ping-
pong ball in the tray and tilt the pan in
several directions, allowing the ball to make
designs in the paint.
Field Trips
Suggested trips include:
1. A football field
Cooking 2. A baseball field
Cheese Balls 3. Tennis court
8 ounces cream cheese, softened 4. Health (fitness) club
1 stick of butter, softened 5. Stadium
2 cups grated cheddar cheese 6. A swimming pool
1/2 package of onion soup mix 7. The sports facilities of a local high
school or college

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close their eyes and place their heads in
their laps. Remove one item from the tray
and see if the children can guess what
is missing. This activity will be more
successful if the numbers are related to the
Fingerplays and Chants age of the child. For example, with two-year-
Here Is a Ball old children, use only two items. Three-year-
Here’s a ball olds may be successful with an additional
(make a circle with your thumb and item. If not, remove one.
pointer finger)
And here’s a ball
(make a bigger circle with two thumbs
and pointers)
And a great big ball I see.
(make a large circle with arms)
Large Muscle
Now let’s count the balls we’ve made, 1. Going Fishing
One, two, three. Use a large wooden rocking boat or a large
(repeat) box that two to three children can sit in.
Make fish out of construction paper or
tagboard, and attach paper clips to the
Football Players top. Tie a magnet to a string and pole. The
Five big football players standing in the magnet will attract the fish.
locker room door.
One had a sore knee 2. Kickball
And then there were four. Many sports involve kicking a ball. Discuss
these sports with the children. Then provide
Four big football players down on their the children with a variety of balls to kick.
knees. Let the children discover which balls go the
One made a touchdown farthest and which are the easiest to kick.
And then there were three.
Three big football players looking up at you. 3. Sports Charades
One made a tackle Dramatize various sports, including
And then there were two. swimming, golfing, tennis, and bike riding.
Two big football players running in the sun.
4. Golfing
One was offsides
Using a child-sized putter and regular golf
And then there was one.
balls, the children hit golf balls. Note: This
One big football player standing all alone. is an outdoor activity that requires a lot of
He decided to go home teacher supervision.
And then there were none.
5. Beach Volleyball
Use a large beach ball and a rope or net in
a central spot outdoors. Let the children
Group Time volley the beach ball to one another.
(Games and Language)
“What’s Missing?”
Provide a large group of children with a
tray of sports equipment such as a ball, 2+3 =
a baseball glove, a golf ball, sunglasses,
goggles, and so on. Let the children examine 1. Ball Sort
the tray of items. Then have the children Sort various balls by size, texture, and color.

610 Theme 65
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2. Hat Sorting 30 seconds and again listen to their
Sort hats such as a baseball cap, a football heartbeats. What did they notice?
helmet, a biking helmet, a visor, and others Note: Be certain the stethoscope earplugs
by color, size, texture, and shape. are cleaned after each use.
3. Soccer Ball Pattern
Cut large balls from white construction
paper. Cut out small octagons from black
construction paper. Encourage the children Sensory
to glue the black octagons on the white
ball to create a pattern. Help the children
1. Swimming
Add water to the sensory table with dolls or
identify a black-white-black-white pattern
small people figures.
to create a soccer ball.
2. Weighing Balls
Fill the sensory table with small balls, such
as golf balls, foam balls, Wiffle balls, or
tennis balls. Add a balance scale so that the
Science children can weigh the balls.
1. Feely Box
Place a softball, baseball, golf ball, and 3. Measuring Mud and Sand
tennis ball in a feely box. The children can Add a mud and sand mixture to the sensory
reach into the box, feel, and try to guess the table with scoops and spoons.
type of ball.
4. Feeling Turf
2. Ball Bounces Line the bottom of the sensory table with
Observe the way different balls move. artificial turf.
Check to see if footballs, basketballs, and
soccer balls can be bounced. Observe to see
if some go higher than others. Also repeat
using smaller balls such as tennis balls, Books
baseballs, and golf balls.
The following books can be used to complement
3. Wheels this theme:
Observe the wheels on a bicycle. If Adamson, Heather. (2006). Let’s Play Soccer.
possible, bring a bike to the classroom Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
and demonstrate how peddling makes the Bouchard, David. (2004). That’s Hockey.
wheels move. Illustrated by Dean Griffiths. Custer, WA:
Orca Book Publishers.
4. Examining Balls
Observe the composition of different balls. Christopher, Matt, and Daniel Vasconcellos.
Ask the children to identify each. Then (2000). Hat Trick. Illustrated by Daniel
place the balls in water. Observe to see Vasconcellos. Boston: Little, Brown.
which ones float and which ones sink. Davis, Lambert. (2004). Swimming with
Dolphins. New York: Blue Sky Press.
5. Types of Grass DeGezelle, Terri. (2006). Let’s Play Baseball!
Place real grass and artificial turf on the Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
science table. The children can feel both types
Diehl, Davis. (2007). Sports A to Z. New York:
of grass and describe differences in texture.
Lark Books.
6. Stethoscopes Falk, Laine. (2008). Let’s Talk Baseball. New
Place stethoscopes on the science shelf. York: Children’s Press.
Show children how to listen to their Falk, Laine. (2008). Let’s Talk Soccer. New York:
heart rate. Have children run in place for Children’s Press.
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Falk, Laine. (2008). Let’s Talk Tae Kwon Do. Prelutsky, Jack. (2007). Good Sports. Illustrated
New York: Children’s Press. by Chris Raschka. New York: Knopf.
Jones, Melanie Davis. (2003). I Can Ski. Prosek, James. (2004). A Good Day’s Fishing.
Illustrated by Terry Boles. New York: New York: Simon & Schuster Children’s
Children’s Press. Publishing.
Lature, Denize. (2000). Running the Road to ABC. Pulver, Robin. (1997). Alicia’s Tutu. Illustrated
Illustrated by Reynold Ruffins. New York: by Mark Graham. New York: Dial Books.
Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing. Rex, Michael. (2005). Dunk Skunk. New York:
Lewis, Maggie, and Michael Chesworth. (1999). G.P. Putnam’s Sons.
Morgy Makes His Move. Illustrated by Rice, Eve. (1996). Swim! Illustrated by
Michael Chesworth. Boston: Houghton Marisabina Russo. New York: Greenwillow.
Sampson, Michael. (1996). The Football That
Lindeen, Carol K. (2006). Let’s Ice Skate! Won … Illustrated by Ted Rand. New York:
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. Holt.
Lindeen, Carol K. (2006). Let’s Play Basketball! Wells, Eva. (2006). Wishing I Was Fishing.
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. Illustrated by Chandra Dale. Edina, MN:
Lindeen, Carol K. (2006). Let’s Swim! Mankato, Beaver’s Pond Press.
MN: Capstone Press.
London, Jonathan. (1994). Let’s Go Froggy!
Illustrated by Frank Remkiewicz. New
York: Viking.
Technology and
London, Jonathan. (1995). Froggy Learns to Multimedia
Swim. Illustrated by Frank Remkiewicz. The following technology and multimedia products
New York: Viking. can be used to complement this theme:
Mader, Jan. (2007). Let’s Play Football! The Magic School Bus: Super Sports Fun [DVD].
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. (2004). Los Angeles: Warner Home Video.
Martin, Bill, and Michael Sampson. (1997). Olivia Takes Ballet [DVD]. (2010). Los Angeles:
Swish. Illustrated by Michael Chesworth. Paramount Home Entertainment.
New York: Holt.
“Perseverance” [CD]. (2005). In Red Grammer
McG, Shane. (2007). Tennis Anyone? Be Bop Your Best. Brewerton, NY: Red Note
Minneapolis, MN: Carolrhoda Books. Records.
McKissack, Patricia C. (1996). A Million Fish … Reading Rainbow. (2007). Sports Pages [DVD].
More or Less. Illustrated by Dena Schutzer. Lincoln, NE: GPN Educational Media.
New York: Random House.
“Take Me Out to the Ballgame” [CD]. (1996).
Miller, Amanda. (2008). Let’s Talk Basketball. In One Light, One Song. Cambridge, MA:
New York: Children’s Press. Rounder/UMGD.
Miller, Amanda. (2008). Let’s Talk Swimming. “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” [CD]. (1997). In
New York: Children’s Press. Six Little Ducks. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo
Napier, Matt. (2002). Z Is for Zamboni. Educational.
Illustrated by Melanie Rose. Chicago: Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! Go for Gold! [DVD].
Sleeping Bear Press. (2010). Beverly Hills, CA: Anchor Bay
Norworth, Jack, and Alec Gillman. (1999). Take Entertainment.
Me out to the Ballgame. Illustrated by Alec
Gillman. New York: Scholastic Trade.
Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Parish, Peggy. (1996). Play Ball, Amelia
Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Bedelia. Illustrated by Wallace Tripp. New
York: HarperCollins.
website. Go to to
access the site for a variety of useful resources.

612 Theme 65
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Theme 66

Plants Activities Colors Weather
flowers flying kites green rain
dandelions gardening white wind
grass fishing yellow warm
tree buds baseball pastels thunderstorms

Animals Holidays Insects

chicks St. Patrick’s Day caterpillars
lambs Mother’s Day butterflies
birds Arbor Day spiders
calves May Day ants
robins Memorial Day

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Spring colors
2. Spring weather
3. Plants that grow in the spring
4. Insects seen during the spring
5. Springtime holidays
6. Spring animals
7. Spring activities

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Spring is a season that comes after winter and before summer.
2. It rains in the spring, and there can be thunderstorms and wind.
3. Spring is usually warmer than winter.
4. Light colors are seen during the spring.
5. Green, white, yellow, and pastels are spring colors.
6. Caterpillars, butterflies, spiders, and ants are insects seen in the
7. Some holidays are celebrated in the spring: Mother’s Day, Passover,
Easter, St. Patrick’s Day, May Day, Arbor Day, and Memorial Day.
8. Chicks, lambs, calves, and robins are springtime animals.
9. Some people go on picnics, to baseball games, fishing, and golfing in the
10. Picnics, camping, walking, bicycling, and flying kites are spring
11. Many gardens are planted in the spring.
12. Flowers, dandelions, and grass are spring plants.
13. Gardens are often planted in the spring.

1. garden—a place where flowers, fruits, and vegetables are grown.
2. rain—water that comes from the clouds.
3. spring—one of the four seasons. Spring is the season that comes after
winter and before summer.

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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to promote the development of mathematical
skills. Have the children place the proper number of ribbons on each kite tail. To do
this, they need to count the number of dots on the kite. Construct kites, and print the
numerals beginning with 1 and the corresponding number of dots on each. Construct
ribbons for the tails of the kites as illustrated. Color the kites and tails, and
laminate. Staple the kites to the bulletin board. Affix magnetic strips to each kite as
the string. Affix a magnetic piece in the middle of each ribbon.

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Family Letter


Dear Families,
The temperature is slowly rising, and the grass on the playground is getting greener. In other words,
spring is here! And spring is the theme we will explore at school. Throughout the week, the children
will become more aware of the many changes that take place during this season, as well as common
spring activities. They will be exposed to spring holidays, weather, colors, plants, animals, insects, and
activities. We will also talk about spring activities.

At School
Some of the learning experiences for this curriculum unit include:
• Finding a suitable place on the playground to plant flowers
• Taking a walk around the neighborhood to observe signs of spring
• Planting grass seed in eggshells at the science table
• Creating pictures and designs with pastel watercolor markers in the art area

At Home
To foster concepts of spring at home, save seeds from fruits such as oranges and apples. Assist
your child in planting the seeds. Your child can also sort the seeds by color, size, or type to develop
classification skills. The seeds could also be used for counting. Happy seed collecting!

Enjoy your child as you explore concepts related to spring.

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This makes one serving. Adjust the recipe to
accommodate your class size.

Arts and Crafts 2. Watermelon Popsicles

1. Butterfly Wings Remove the seeds and rind from a
Fold a sheet of light-colored paper in half. watermelon. Puree the melon in a blender
Show the children how to paint on only or food processor. Pour into small paper
one side of the paper. The paper can be cups. Freeze partially, then insert popsicle
folded again and pressed. The result will sticks and freeze completely. These fruit
be a symmetrical painting. Antennae can popsicles can be served at snack time.
be added by using crayons and markers to
make butterflies.

2. Pussy Willow Fingerprints Dramatic Play

Trace around a tongue depressor with a 1. Fishing
colored marker. Then, using ink pads or Using short dowels, prepare fishing poles
fingerpaint, the children can press a finger with a string taped to one end. Attach a
on the ink pad and transfer the fingerprint magnet piece to the loose end of the string.
to the paper. This will produce pussy willow Construct fish from tagboard, and attach
buds. a paper clip to each fish. The magnet will
attract the paper clip, allowing the children
3. Caterpillars to catch the fish. Add a tackle box, canteen,
Cut egg cartons in half lengthwise. Place hats, and life jackets for interest.
the long rows on the art table with short
pieces of chenille stems, markers, and 2. Garden
crayons. From these materials, the children A small plastic hoe, rake, and garden
can make caterpillars. shovel can be placed outdoors to encourage
gardening. A watering can, flower pots, seed
4. Kites packages, and sun hats will also stimulate
Provide diamond-shaped construction paper, interest.
string, a hole punch, crêpe paper, glue,
glitter, and markers. For older children, 3. Flower Shop
provide the paper with a diamond already Collect plastic flowers, vases, wrapping
traced. This provides them an opportunity paper, seed packages, and catalogs, and
to practice finger motor skills by cutting place in the dramatic play area. A cash
out the shapes. Using the triangle shapes, register and play money can be added.
the children can create kites and use them
outdoors. 4. Spring Cleaning
Small mops, brooms, feather dusters, and
empty pails can be placed in the dramatic
play area. A spray bottle filled with
Cooking blue water, which can be used to wash
1. Lemonade designated windows, can also be provided.
1 lemon
2 to 3 tablespoons sugar
1 1/4 cups water
2 ice cubes

Squeeze lemon juice out of lemon. Add the Field Trips

sugar and water. Stir to dissolve the sugar. 1. Nature Walk
Walk around your neighborhood, looking for
signs of spring. Robins and other birds are

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often early signs of spring and can usually Raindrops
be observed in most areas of the country. Rain is falling down.
Rain is falling down.
2. Farm (raise arm, flutter fingers to ground,
Arrange a field trip to a farm. It is an tapping the floor)
interesting place to visit during the spring. Pitter-patter
Ask the farmer to show you the farm Pitter-patter
equipment, buildings, crops, and animals. Rain is falling down.

Creepy Crawly Caterpillar

A creepy crawly caterpillar that I see
(shade eyes)
Makes a chrysalis in the big oak tree.
(make body into a ball)
Fingerplays and Chants He stays there and I know why
See, See, See (slowly stand up)
See, see, see Because soon he will be a butterfly.
(shade eyes with hands) (flap arms)
Three birds are in a tree.
(hold up three fingers) My Garden
One can chirp This is my garden.
(point to thumb) (extend one hand forward, palm up)
And one can sing. I’ll rake it with care
(point to index finger) (make raking motion on palm with three
One is just a tiny thing. other fingers)
(point to middle finger, then rock baby And then some flower seeds
bird in arms) I’ll plant there.
See, see, see (planting motion)
Three birds are in a tree The sun will shine
(hold up three fingers) (make circle with hands)
And the rain will fall.
Look, look, look (let fingers flutter down to lap)
(shade eyes) And my garden will blossom
Three ducks are in a brook. And grow straight and tall.
(hold up three fingers) (cup hands together, extend upward
One is white, and one is brown. slowly)
One is swimming upside down.
(point to a finger each time) Caterpillar
Look, look, look The caterpillar crawled from a plant, you
Three ducks are in a brook. see.
(hold up three fingers) (left hand crawls up and down right
This Little Calf “I think I’ll take a nap,” said he.
(Extend fingers, and push each down in So over the ground he began to creep
succession) (right hand crawls over left arm)
This little calf eats grass. To spin a chrysalis, and he fell asleep.
This little calf eats hay. (cover right fist with left hand)
This little calf drinks water. All winter he slept in his bed
This little calf runs away. Till spring came along and he said,
This little calf does nothing “Wake up, it’s time to get out of bed!”
But just lies down all day. (shake fist and pointer finger)
(rest last finger in palm of hand)

618 Theme 66
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So he opened his eyes that sunny spring
day. 2+3 =
(spread fingers and look into hand) Math
“Look I’m a butterfly!” … and he flew away.
1. Seed Counting
(interlock thumbs and fly hands away)
On an index card, mark a numeral. The
number of cards prepared will depend on
the developmental appropriateness for
Group Time the children. The children are to glue the
appropriate number of seeds onto the card.
(Games and Language)
1. What’s Inside? 2. Insect Seriation
Inside a large box, place many spring items. Construct flannel board pieces representing
Include a kite, an umbrella, a hat, a fishing a ladybug, an ant, a caterpillar, a butterfly,
pole, and the like. Select an item without and so on. The children can arrange them
showing the children. Describe the object on the flannel board from smallest to
and give clues about how the item can be largest.
used. The children should try to identify the

2. Insect Movement
During transition time, ask the children
to move like the following insects:
worm, grasshopper, caterpillar, butterfly, 1. “Catch One if You Can”
bumblebee, and others. (Sing to the tune of “Skip to My Lou”)
Butterflies are flying. Won’t you try and
catch one?
Butterflies are flying. Won’t you try and
catch one?
Large Muscle Butterflies are flying. Won’t you try and
catch one?
1. Windmills Catch one if you can.
The children can stand up, swing their
arms from side to side, and pretend to Raindrops are falling. Won’t you try and
be windmills. A fan can be added to the catch one?
classroom for added interest. Sing the song Raindrops are falling. Won’t you try and
“Let’s Be Windmills,” which is listed in the catch one?
“Music” section. Raindrops are falling. Won’t you try and
catch one?
2. Puddles Catch one if you can.
Construct puddles out of tagboard, and
cover with aluminum foil. Place the puddles 2. “Signs of Spring”
on the floor. The children can jump from (Sing to the tune of “Muffin Man”)
puddle to puddle. A variation would be to Do you see a sign of spring,
do this activity outside, using chalk to mark A sign of spring, a sign of spring?
puddles on the ground. Do you see a sign of spring?
Tell us what you see.
3. Caterpillar Crawl
During a transition time, the children can 3. “Let’s Be Windmills”
imitate caterpillar movements. (Sing to the tune of “If I Were a Lassie”)
Oh I wish I were a windmill, a windmill, a

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Oh I wish I were a windmill. I know what sand and soil, and add ants. Punch a few air
I’d do. holes in the cover of the jar, and secure the
I’d swing this way and that way, and this cover to the top of the jar. The children can
way and that way. watch the ants build tunnels.
Oh I wish I were a windmill, when the wind

Science The following items can be added to
the sensory table:
1. Alfalfa Sprouts • String, hay, sticks, and yarn to make
Each child who wishes to participate should
birds’ nests
be provided with a small paper cup, soil,
• Tadpoles and water
and a few alfalfa seeds. The seeds and soil
• Dirt with worms
can be placed in the cup and watered. Place
• Seeds
the cups in the sun, and watch the sprouts
• Water and boats
grow. The sprouts can be eaten for snack. A
• Ice cubes to watch them melt
variation is to plant the sprouts in eggshells
as an Easter activity.

2. Weather Chart
A weather chart can be constructed that
depicts weather conditions such as sunny, Social Studies
rainy, warm, cold, windy, and so on. Attach at 1. Animal Babies
least two arrows to the center of the chart so Collect pictures of animals and their young.
that the children can point the arrow at the Place the adult animal pictures in one
appropriate weather conditions. basket and the pictures of the baby animals
in another basket. The children can match
3. Thermometers adult animals to their offspring.
On the science table, place a variety
of outdoor thermometers. Also, post a 2. Dressing for Spring
thermometer outside a window, at a low Flannel board figures with clothing items
position, so the children can read it. should be provided. The children can dress
the figures for different kinds of spring
4. Sprouting Carrots weather.
Cut the large end off a fresh carrot, and
place it in a small cup of water. In a few 3. Spring Clothing
days, a green top will begin to sprout. Collect several pieces of spring clothing
such as a jacket, a hat, galoshes, and short-
5. Nesting Materials sleeved shirts. Add these to the dramatic
Place string, cotton, yarn, and other small play area.
items outside on the ground. Birds will collect
these items to use in their nest building.

6. Grass Growing
Grass seeds can be sprinkled on a wet Books
sponge. Within a few days, the seeds will The following books can be used to complement
begin to sprout. this theme:

7. Ant Farm Alarcon, Francisco X. (2005). Laughing

An ant farm can by made by using a large Tomatoes: And Other Spring Poems.
jar with a cover. Fill the jar 2/3 full with Illustrated by Maya Christina Gonzalez.
San Francisco: Children’s Book Press.
620 Theme 66
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Albee, Sarah, and Carol Niklaus. (2001). Spring Rustad, Martha E. H. (2006). Today Is Rainy.
Fever. Illustrated by Carol Niklaus. New Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
York: Random House. Schuette, Sarah L. (2007). Let’s Look at Spring.
Bernard, Robin. (2001). Tree for All Seasons. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Washington, DC: National Geographic Thayer, Tanya. (2001). Spring. Minneapolis,
Children’s Books. MN: First Avenue Editions.
Bodach, Vijaya Khisty. (2007). Flowers. Thompson, Lauren. (2005). Mouse’s First Spring.
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. Illustrated by Buket Erdogan. New York:
Esbaum, Jill. (2010). Everything Spring. Simon and Schuster Books for Young Readers.
Washington, DC: National Geographic. Walters, Catherine. (1998). When Will It Be
Fleming, Denise. (1993). In the Small, Small, Spring? New York: Dutton.
Pond. New York: H. Holt. Wong, Herbert Yee. (2007). Who Likes Rain?
Glaser, Linda. (2002) It’s Spring. Illustrated by New York: H. Holt.
Susan Swan. Minneapolis, MN: Millbrook Yolleck, Joan. (2010). Paris in the Spring with
Press. Picasso. New York: Schwartz & Wade.
Hopkins, Lee Bennett. (2010) Sharing the
Seasons: A Book of Poems. Illustrated
by David Diaz. New York: Margaret K.
McElderry Books.
Technology and
Howard, Fran. (2005). Butterflies. Mankato,
MN: Capstone Press. Multimedia
Iwamura, Kazuo. (2009). Hooray for Spring. The following technology and multimedia
Fitzgerald, GA: North South. products can be used to complement this
Jackson, Ellen B. (2003). The Spring Equinox. theme:
Illustrated by Jan Davey Ellis. Brookfield, “My Umbrella” [CD]. (2008). In Songs for the
CT: Millbrook Press. Whole Day. Nashville, TN: Lamon Records.
Lindeen, Carol K. (2004). Life in a Pond. Peep and the Big Wide World [DVD]. (2005).
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. Boston: WGBH Boston Video.
Na, Il Sung. (2011). Snow Rabbit, Spring Sesame Street: Elmo’s Rainbow and Other
Rabbit. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. Springtime Stories [DVD]. (2010). New
Ouellet, Debbie. (2009). How Robin Saved York: Sesame Street Workshop.
Spring. Illustrated by Nicoletta Ceccoli. “Singin’ in the Rain” [CD]. (2000). In Charlotte
New York: Henry Holt. Diamond’s World. Vancouver, BC: Hug Bug
Raczka, Bob. (2007). Spring Things. Illustrated Records.
by Judy Stead. Morton Grove, IL: Albert Spring Science [DVD]. (2005). New York:
Whitman and Company. Scholastic.
Ray, Mary Lyn. (1996). Mud. Illustrated by “Thunderstorm” [CD]. (2008). In Rocketship
Lauren Stringer. Orlando, FL: Harcourt Run. New York: Two Tomatoes.
Roca, Nuria. (2004). Spring. Four Season Series.
Hauppauge, NY: Barron’s Educational Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Series. Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Rockwell, Anne F. (1996). My Spring Robin. website. Go to to
Madison, WI: Demco Media. access the site for a variety of useful resources.

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Science Activities
Try these 25 other interesting science activities:
1. Observe food forms 8. Enjoy a nature walk. with coffee filters, paper
such as potatoes in Provide each child towels, newspaper,
the raw, shredded, or with a grocery bag and sponges, dishcloths,
sliced form. Fruits can instructions to collect waxed paper, aluminum
be juiced, sliced, or leaves, rocks, soil, and foil, and plastic wrap.
sectioned. so on.
16. Explore magnets.
2. Prepare tomatoes in 9. Provide the children Provide magnets of
several ways, such as with bubbles. To make assorted sizes, shapes,
sliced, juiced, stewed, the solution, mix 2 and strengths. With
baked, and pureed. quarts water, 3/4 cup the magnets, place
liquid soap, and 1/4 paper clips, nuts, bolts,
3. Show corn in all forms, cup glycerin (available aluminum foil, copper
including on the cob, from a local druggist). pennies, metal spoons,
popcorn, freshly cooked, Dip plastic berry jar lids, feathers, and
and canned. baskets and plastic so on.
six-pack holders into
4. Sort picture cards the solution. Wave to 17. Plan a seed party.
into piles of living and produce bubbles. Provide the children
nonliving things. with dried beans,
10. Show the children how sunflower seeds, flower
5. Record voices. to feel their heartbeat seeds, and coconuts.
Encourage the children after a vigorous activity. Observe the different
to recognize each others’ sizes, shapes, textures,
voices. 11. Observe popcorn and flavors.
6. Record familiar 18. Make a desk garden.
sounds from their 12. Record body weights Cut carrots, turnips, and
environment. Include a and heights. a pineapple 1 1/2 inches
ticking clock, telephone from the stem. Place the
ringing, doorbell, toilet 13. Prepare hair and eye stem in a shallow pan of
flushing, horn beeping, color charts. This water.
and so on. information can be
made into bar graphs. 19. Create a worm farm.
7. Take the children Place gravel and soil in
on a sensory walk. 14. If climate permits, a clear, large-mouth jar.
Fill dishpan-sized freeze water Add worms, and keep
containers with outdoors. Return it to soil moist. Place lettuce,
different items. Foam, the class, and observe corn, or cereal on top
sand, leaves, pebbles, the effects of heat. of the soil. Tape black
mud, cold and warm construction paper
water, and grains can be 15. Introduce water around the outside of
used. Have the children absorption by the jar. Remove the
remove their shoes and providing containers paper temporarily and
socks to walk through with water. Allow the see the tunnels the
the items. children to experiment worms have built.

622 Theme 66
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20. Place a celery stalk water, acting as a prism, 24. Install a bird feeder
with leaves in a clear separates the colors. outside the classroom
container of water. window.
Add blue or red food 22. Make shadows. In a
coloring. Observe the darkened room, use a 25. During large group, play
plant’s absorption of the flashlight. Place a hand the What’s Missing?
colored water. A similar or object in front of the game. Provide children
experiment can be light source, making a with a variety of small
introduced with a white shadow. familiar items. Tell
carnation. them to cover their
23. Produce static eyes or put their heads
21. Make a rainbow with a electricity by rubbing down. Remove one item.
garden hose on a sunny wool fabric over inflated Then tell the children to
day. Spray water across balloons. uncover. Ask them what
the sun rays. The rays Note: Supervise the use is missing. As children
of the sun contain all of balloons. gain skill, remove a
of the colors, but the second and a third item.

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Theme 67

Weather Activities
warm vacationing
sunny swimming
rainy biking
humid boating
water sports

Holidays Clothing
Bastille Day shorts
Memorial Day swimsuits
Labor Day sunglasses
Fourth of July sundresses
Father’s Day lightweight fabrics
Grandparents’ Day

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Summer holidays 3. Summer clothing needs
2. Types of weather 4. Summer activities

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Summer is one of the four seasons.
2. Summer comes after spring and before fall.
3. Summer is usually the warmest season.
4. Summer months are usually warm and sunny.
5. It can rain and become humid in the summer.
6. Lightweight clothing is worn in the summer.
7. Shorts, swimsuits, and sundresses are summer clothing.
8. Shade trees protect us from the sun during the summer.
9. Memorial Day, Father’s Day, Grandparents’ Day, the Fourth of July,
Bastille Day, and Labor Day are all summer holidays.
10. There are many summer activities.
11. Swimming, biking, boating, water sports, and camping are all summer
12. Baseball, golfing, and picnicking are also summer activities.
13. Many people take vacations during the summer.

1. beach—a sandy place used for sunbathing and playing.
2. hot—a warmer temperature experienced during summer months.
3. shade—out of direct sunlight. Sitting under a large tree provides shade.
4. shorts—short pants worn in warm weather. Shorts are between the
upper thigh and the knee.
5. summer—one of the four seasons. Summer comes after spring and
before fall.
6. swimming—a water sport involving moving through the water with legs
and arms. It can be for fun or exercise.

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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to promote the identification of written
numerals as well as matching sets of objects to a written numeral. Pairs of pails
are constructed out of various scraps of tagboard. Using a black marker, print a
different numeral on each pail. The number of pairs made and numerals used
should depend on the developmental level of the children. Cut seashells out of
tagboard, and decorate as desired. Laminate all pieces. Attach pails to the bulletin
board by stapling them along the side and bottom edges, leaving the tops of the
pails open. The children should place the corresponding sets of shells in each pail.

626 Theme 67
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Summer is the favorite season of most children. As summer approaches, we will start a unit on
the season. Through this unit, the children will become more aware of summer weather, activities,
holidays, and clothing.

At School
Learning experiences planned to highlight summer concepts include:
• Exploring the outside and inside of a watermelon, and then eating it!
• Trying on shorts, sunglasses, and sandals in the dramatic play area
• Preparing fruit juice popsicles
• Eating a picnic lunch on Wednesday. We will walk to Wilson Park at 11:45 a.m. Please feel free
to pack a lunch and meet us there!

At Home
To reinforce summer concepts at home, try the following:
• Plan a family picnic and allow your child to help plan what food and items will be needed.
• Take part in or observe any summer activity such as boating, fishing, camping, or taking a bike

Have a good summer!

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When the juice begins to freeze, insert a
craft stick in the middle of each cup. When
frozen, peel away the cup and serve.
Arts and Crafts
1. Outdoor Painting 2. Watermelon Popsicles
An easel can be placed outside. The children Remove the seeds and rind from a
can choose to use the easel during outdoor watermelon. Puree the melon in a blender.
playtime. If the sun is shining, encourage Follow the recipe for popsicles.
the children to observe how quickly the
paint dries. 3. Zippy Drink
2 ripe bananas
2. Chalk Drawings 2 cups orange juice
Large pieces of chalk should be provided 2 cups orange sherbet
for the children to draw on the sidewalks Ice cubes
outdoors. Small plastic berry baskets make Orange slices
handy chalk containers.
Peel the bananas, place in a bowl, and mash
3. Foot Painting with a fork. Add orange juice and sherbet,
This may be used as an outdoor activity. The and beat with a rotary beater or whisk until
children can dip their feet in a thick tempera smooth. Pour into pitcher. Add ice cubes and
paint mixture and make prints by stepping orange slices.
on large sheets of paper. Sponges and pans of
soapy water should be available for cleanup. 4. Indian Yogurt Dessert
8 ounces plain yogurt
4. Shake Painting 1 can sweetened condensed milk
Tape a large piece of butcher paper on a 1 can evaporated milk
fence or wall outdoors. Let the children dip 4 cardamom seeds, crushed, or 1 teaspoon
their brushes in paint and stand 2 feet ground cardamom
from the paper. Then show them how to 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
shake the brush, allowing the paint to fly Pinch cinnamon
onto the paper. 1/2 cup raisins

5. Sailboats Blend the first six ingredients, and pour

Color Styrofoam meat trays with markers. into a baking dish. Bake at 275 degrees for
Stick a chenille stem in the center of the 1 hour. After the first 1/2 hour, add raisins
tray, and secure it by bending the end by sprinkling over the top. Continue to bake
underneath the carton. Prepare a sail, and for another 30 minutes. This recipe serves
glue to the chenille stem. six children and will need to be adjusted to
group size if served for a snack.

5. Sand Dollar Cookies

1 cup butter
Cooking 1 cup oil
1. Popsicles 1 cup sugar
Pineapple juice 2 eggs
Grape juice 1 teaspoon vanilla
Cranapple juice 4 1/4 cups flour
Craft sticks 1 teaspoon salt
Small paper cups 1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon cream of tartar
Dried fruit bits or sunflower seeds
If frozen juice is used, mix according to the
directions on the can. Fill the paper cups 3/4
full of juice. Place the cups in the freezer. Place the butter and sugar in a large bowl
and mix until light and fluffy. Add the eggs
628 Theme 67
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and beat. Combine the salt and flour and
gradually add to the cream mixture. Mix
well. Cover with plastic food wrap and Field Trips and
refrigerate for an hour and a half or until
easy to handle. Provide each child with a Resource People
spoonful of dough. Demonstrate how to roll 1. Picnic at the Park
the dough into a ball and press into cookies. A picnic lunch can be prepared and eaten at
Place 5 sunflower seeds or pieces of dried a park or in the play yard.
fruit in the middle of the cookie to resemble
a sand dollar. Bake 8–10 minutes in a 2. Resource People
350-degree oven. The following resource people may be
invited to the classroom:
• A lifeguard can talk about water safety.
• A camp counselor can talk to the
children about camping and sing some
Dramatic Play camp songs with the children.
1. Juice Stand
Set up a lemonade or orange juice stand. Use
real oranges and lemons. Let the children
squeeze the fruit and make the drinks. The
juice or lemonade can be served at snack time.

2. Ice Cream Stand

Trace and cut ice cream cones from brown Fingerplays and Chants
construction paper. Cotton balls or small Here Is the Beehive
yarn pompons can be used to represent ice Here is the beehive. Where are the bees?
cream. The addition of ice cream buckets (make a fist)
and ice cream scoopers can make this They’re hiding away so nobody sees.
activity more inviting during self-selected Soon they’re coming creeping out of their
play periods. hive,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Buzz-z-z-z-z-z.
3. Indoor or Outdoor Picnic (draw fingers out of fist on each count)
A blanket, a picnic basket, plastic foods,
a small cooler, paper plates, plastic Green Leaf
silverware, napkins, and so on can be placed Here’s a green leaf
in the classroom to stimulate play. (show hand)
And here’s a green leaf.
4. The Beach (show other hand)
In the dramatic play area, place beach That, you see, makes two.
blankets, lawn chairs, buckets, sunglasses,
Here’s a bud
beach balls, magazines, and books. If the
(cup hands together)
activity is used outdoors, a sun umbrella
That makes a flower.
can be added to stimulate interest in play.
Watch it bloom for you!
(open cupped hands gradually)
5. Camping Fun
A small freestanding tent can be set up
indoors, if room permits, or outdoors. A Roly-Poly Caterpillar
Sleeping bags can also be provided. Blocks Roly-poly caterpillar
or logs could represent a campfire. Into a corner crept.
Spun around himself a blanket
6. Traveling by Air (spin around)
Place a telephone, tickets, travel brochures, Then for a long time slept.
and suitcases in the dramatic play area. (place head on folded hands)

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Roly-poly caterpillar children count and wave the parachute in
Wakened by and by. the air that number of times.
Found himself with beautiful wings 5. Balloon Racket Ball
Changed into a butterfly. Bend coat hangers into diamond shapes.
(flutter arms like wings) Bend the handles closed, and tape them
for safety. Pull nylon stockings over the
diamond shapes to form swatters. The
children can use the swatters to keep the
Group Time balloons up in the air by hitting them.
(Games and Language) Caution: If a balloon breaks, all its pieces
must be discarded immediately.
1. Exploring a Watermelon
Serve watermelon for snack. Talk about
the color of the outside, which is called the
rind. Next, cut the watermelon into pieces.
2+3 =
Give each child a piece to examine carefully.
“What color is the inside? Are there seeds?
Do we eat the seeds? What can we do with 1. Sand Numbers and Shapes
them?” The children can remove all the During outdoor play, informally make
seeds from their piece of watermelon. They shapes and numbers in the sand, and let
also may eat the watermelon. Collect all children identify the shape or number.
the seeds. After circle time, wash the seeds.
When dry, they can be used for a collage. 2. Kites
Make a kite out of construction paper. Write
2. Puppet Show a numeral on the kite. Children can glue the
Weather permitting, bring puppets and a appropriate number of ties onto the string.
puppet stage outdoors and have an outdoor
puppet show.

1. “Summer Clothing”
Large Muscle (Sing to the tune of “The Farmer in the Dell”)
(In additional verses, include sandals,
1. Barefoot Walk
tennis shoes, flowers, a sundress, blue jeans,
Check the playground to ensure that it is
belt, barrettes, and so on. This song can be
free of debris. Sprinkle part of the grass and
used during transition times to point out
sandbox with water. Go on a barefoot walk.
children’s summer clothing.)
2. Balls Oh, if you are wearing shorts,
In the outdoor play yard, place a variety of If you are wearing shorts,
large balls. You may walk right to the door,
If you are wearing shorts.
3. Catching Balloons
Balloons can be used indoors and outdoors. 2. “Summer Activities”
Close supervision is required. (Sing to the tune of “Skip to My Lou”)
Caution: If a balloon breaks, all its pieces (In additional verses, include jump, hop,
must be immediately discarded. skip, run, walk, and so on. Use this song as a
transition song to introduce summer activities.)
4. Parachute Play Swim, swim, swim in a circle.
Use a real parachute or a sheet to represent Swim, swim, swim in a circle.
one. The children should hold onto the Swim, swim, swim in a circle.
edges. Say a number, and then have the Swim in a circle now.
630 Theme 67
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3. “Oh, the Sun Is Shining Brightly” separates the water into colors, creating a
(Sing to the tune of “She’ll Be Coming rainbow.
around the Mountain”)
Oh, the sun is shining brightly in the sky!
Oh, the sun is shining brightly in the sky!
Oh, the sun is far away,
but shines down all through the day.
Oh, the sun is shining brightly in the sky! 1. Sensory Table
The following items can be added to the
sensory table:
• Sand with toys
• Colored sand
• Sand and water
Science • Water with toy boats
• Shells
1. Science Table
• Small rocks and pebbles
Add the following items to the science table: • Grass and hay
• All kinds of sunglasses with different-
colored shades 2. Kool-Aid Smell
• Grass seeds planted in small cups of dirt Purchase several different kinds of Kool-Aid
for the children to water daily or powdered drink mix. Pour each packet
• Dirt and grass with magnifying glasses into a container. Give children a spray
• Sand with scales and magnifying bottle to spray water over the powdered
glasses Kool-Aid. Ask them to smell each kind and
• Pinwheels (children blow on them to try to identify the flavor.
make them move)
• Bubbles to blow outdoors

2. Water and Air Make Bubbles

Bubble solution: Social Studies
3/4 cup liquid soap 1. Making Floats
1/4 cup glycerin (obtain at a drugstore) To celebrate the Fourth of July, decorate
2 quarts water tricycles, wagons, and scooters with crêpe
paper, streamers, balloons, and so on.
Mix ingredients of solution, place in a Parade around the school or neighborhood.
shallow pan, and let the children place
the bubble makers in the solution. Bubble 2. Summer at School
makers can be successfully made from the Take pictures or slides of community
following: summer activities. Construction workers,
• A plastic six-pack drink holder parades, children playing, sports activities,
• Straws people swimming, library hours, picnics,
• Bent wire with no sharp edges band concerts, and people driving are
• Funnels examples. Show the slides and discuss them
during group time.
3. Flying Kites
On a windy day, make and fly kites. 3. Summer Fun Book
Magazines should be provided for the
4. Making Rainbows children to find pictures of summer
If you have a hose available, the children activities. The pictures can be pasted on a
can spray the hose into the sun. The rays sheet of paper. Bind the pages by stapling
of the sun contain all the colors mixed them together to make a book.
together. The water acts as a prism and
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Raczka, Bob. (2009). Summer Wonders.
Illustrated by Judy Stead. Morton Grove,
IL: Albert Whitman.
Books Roca, Nuria. (2004). Summer. Hauppauge, NY:
The following books can be used to complement Barron’s Educational Series.
this theme: Roosa, Karen. (2001). Beach Day. Illustrated by
Asch, Frank. (2008). The Sun Is My Favorite Maggie Smith. New York: Clarion Books.
Star. Orlando, FL: Harcourt Books. Schuette, Sarah L. (2007). Let’s Look at
Cousins, Lucy. (2001). Maisy at the Beach. Summer. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press. Seeger, Laura Vaccaro. (2010). What If? New
Fleming, Denise. (1991). In the Tall, Tall Grass. York: Roaring Brook Press.
New York: H. Holt. Thompson, Lauren. (2004). Mouse’s First
Franco, Betsy. (2007). Summer Beat. Illustrated Summer. Illustrated by Buket Erdogan.
by Charlotte Middleton. New York: New York: Simon and Schuster Books for
Margaret McElderry Books. Young Readers.
George, Lindsay Barrett. (1996). Around Williams, Karen Lynn. (2010). A Beach Tail.
the Pond: Who’s Been Here? New York: Illustrated by Floyd Cooper. Honesdale, PA:
Greenwillow. Boyds Mills Press.
Glaser, Linda. (2003). It’s Summer. Illustrated Wing, Natasha. (2002). The Night before
by Susan Swan. Minneapolis, MN: Summer Vacation. Illustrated by Julie
Millbrook Press. Durrell. New York: Grosset & Dunlap.
Hopkins, Lee Bennett. (2010). Sharing the
Seasons: A Book of Poems. Illustrated
by David Diaz. New York: Margaret K.
McElderry Books.
Iwamura, Kazuo. (2010). Hooray for Summer. Technology and
Fitzgerald, GA: North South.
Jackson, Ellen B. (2003). The Summer Solstice.
Illustrated by Jan Davey Ellis. Brookfield, The following technology and multimedia
CT: Millbrook Press. products can be used to complement this
Lindeen, Carol K. (2006). Let’s Swim! Mankato, theme:
MN: Capstone Press. Arthur’s Great Summer [DVD]. (2002). New
London, Jonathan. (2001). Sun Dance Water York: Random House Home Video.
Dance. New York: Viking. “A Day at the Beach” [CD]. (2007). In Bari
Low, Alice, and Roy McKie. (2001). Summer. Koral Rock Band. New York: Bari Koral
Illustrated by Roy McKie. New York: Rock Band.
Beginner Books. Elmo’s World: Summer Vacation [DVD]. (2008).
McClure, Nikki. (2010). Mama, Is It Summer Studio City, CA: JH Genius Entertainment.
Yet? New York: Abrams Books for Young “Just Like the Sun” [CD]. (1987). In Raffi,
Readers. Everything Grows. Cambridge, MA:
Munoz Ryan, Pam. (2001). Hello Ocean. Rounder/UMGD.
Illustrated by Mark Astrella and translated “Just Like the Sun” [CD]. (2010). In Laurie
by Yanitzia Canetti. Watertown, MA: Berkner: Under a Shady Tree. New York:
Charlesbridge Publishing. Two Tomatoes.
Pfeffer, Wendy. (2010). The Longest Day: “Mr. Sun” [CD]. (1976). In Singable Songs for
Celebrating the Summer Solstice. the Very Young. Cambridge, MA: Rounder/
Illustrated by Linda Bleck. New York: UMGD.
Dutton Juvenile.

632 Theme 67
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
“Seasons” [CD]. (2004). In Circle Time
Activities. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Educational. Theme can be found on the book’s companion
“Summertime, Summertime” [CD]. (2000). In website. Go to to
Bean Bag Rock and Roll. Long Branch, NJ: access the site for a variety of useful resources.
Kimbo Educational.
“Sunscreen” [CD]. (2001). In Seasonal Songs
in Motion. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo

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Theme 68

Symbols Traditions Foods Giving Thanks
Native Americans family celebrations turkey our health
harvest giving thanks dressing our friends
turkey potatoes and gravy our families
cornucopia corn
fruits squash
vegetables cornbread
Pilgrims cranberries
pumpkin pie

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. The purpose of Thanksgiving
2. Thanksgiving traditions
3. Thanksgiving foods
4. Thanksgiving symbols

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Thanksgiving is a holiday.
2. Holidays are special days to celebrate something that has happened.
3. Thanksgiving is a time for giving thanks.
4. Families and friends celebrate together on Thanksgiving.
5. People give thanks for their family, friends, and health on
6. Turkey, dressing, potatoes, gravy, corn, squash, cranberries, and
pumpkin pie are eaten on Thanksgiving by many families.
7. A turkey, cornucopia, Pilgrims, and Native Americans are
Thanksgiving symbols.

1. holiday—a special day to celebrate something.
2. cornucopia—a horn-shaped container with fruits, vegetables, and
3. Native Americans—natives who lived in America when the Pilgrims first
4. Pilgrims—early settlers who sailed to America.
5. thankful—expressing thanks.
6. Thanksgiving—a holiday in November to give thanks.
7. turkey—a large white or brown bird with a long neck. Turkey is the
meat cooked and served at Thanksgiving.

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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to have the children hang the color-coded
card with the printed word onto the corresponding colored feather. Construct
a large turkey out of tagboard. Color each feather a different color. Hang the
turkey on the bulletin board. Next, hang a pushpin in each feather. On small
index cards, make a circle of each color and write the color name above it as
illustrated. Use a hole punch to make a hole in each card

636 Theme 68
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
During the month of November each year, we celebrate Thanksgiving. To coincide with this holiday
at school, we will focus our curriculum on a Thanksgiving theme. Through the activities provided, the
children will develop an understanding of Thanksgiving symbols and foods. They will also become
more aware of the many people and things for which we are thankful.

At School
Planned learning experiences related to Thanksgiving include:
• Popping corn
• Creating hand turkeys
• Visiting a turkey farm
• Exploring various types of corn with scales and magnifying glasses

At Home
There are many ways for you to incorporate Thanksgiving concepts at home. Talk with your child
about the special ways your family celebrates Thanksgiving. Involve your child in the preparation of a
traditional Thanksgiving dish. Also, emphasize things and people for which you are thankful.

There will be no school on Thursday, November , and Friday, November . For those of you who
are traveling during the Thanksgiving weekend, drive safely!

Happy Thanksgiving from the staff!

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Combine all of the ingredients. Over
medium heat, cook and stir until all
lumps disappear. Knead the dough on a
Arts and Crafts floured surface, and add additional flour
1. Thanksgiving Collage if necessary, until it is smooth. Store in an
Place magazines on the art table so the airtight container.
children can cut out things for which they
are thankful. After the pictures are cut, they
can be pasted on paper to form a collage.

2. Cornmeal Play Dough

Make cornmeal play dough. Mix 2 1/2 cups 1. Fu Fu from West Africa
flour with 1 cup cornmeal. Add 1 tablespoon 3 or 4 yams
oil and 1 cup water. Additional water can be Water
added to make the desired texture. The dough 1/2 teaspoon salt
should have a grainy texture. Cookie cutters 3 tablespoons honey or sugar (optional)
and rolling pins can extend this activity.
Wash and peel yams, and cut into 1/2-inch
3. Popcorn Collage slices. Place slices in a large saucepan,
Place popped popcorn and dried tempera and add water to cover them. Bring to
paint into small sealable bags. Have a boil over a hot plate or stove. Reduce
children shake the bags to color the heat, cover saucepan, and simmer for 20
popcorn. Have them create designs and to 25 minutes until yams are soft enough
pictures by gluing the popcorn onto the to mash. Remove saucepan from stove,
paper. You can also use unpopped colored and drain off liquid into a small bowl. Let
popcorn. Caution: Make sure the children yams cool for 15 minutes. Place yam slices
do not eat any of the popcorn after it has in a medium-sized mixing bowl, mash
been mixed with paint. with a fork, add salt, and mash again
until smooth. Roll mixture into small,
4. Hand Turkey walnut-sized balls. If the mixture is too
Paper, crayons, or pencils are needed. dry, moisten it with a tablespoon of the
Begin by instructing the children to place reserved yam liquid. For sweeter Fu Fu,
a hand on a piece of paper. Next, tell them roll yam balls in a dish of honey or sugar.
to spread their fingers. If possible, have the Makes 24 balls.
children trace their own fingers. Otherwise,
you need to trace them. The hand can be 2. Muffins
decorated to create a turkey. Eyes, a beak, 1 egg
and a wattle can be added to the outline 3/4 cup milk
of the thumb. The fingers can be colored to 1/2 cup vegetable oil
represent the turkey’s feathers. Legs can be 2 cups all-purpose flour
added below the outline of the palm. 1/3 cup sugar
3 tablespoons baking powder
5. Pumpkin Pie Play Dough 1 teaspoon salt
This smells great, so remind small children
that it is not for eating.
Heat oven to 400 degrees. Grease bottoms
6 1/2 cups flour
only of 12 medium muffin cups. Beat egg.
2 cups salt
Stir in milk and oil. Stir in remaining
9 teaspoons cream of tarter
ingredients all at once, just until flour is
3/4 cup vegetable oil
moistened. Batter will be lumpy. Fill muffin
1 (1 1/2 ounce) container pumpkin pie spice
cups about 3/4 full. Bake until golden
Orange food coloring (4 drops yellow and
brown, about 20 minutes.
2 drops red)
4 1/2 cups water

638 Theme 68
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For pumpkin muffins: stir in 1/2 cup There’s room for father, mother, sister,
canned pumpkin and 1/2 cup raisins with brother, and me—that’s all.
the milk, and 2 teaspoons pumpkin pie (point to each finger)
spice with the flour. But when it’s Thanksgiving Day and the
For cranberry-orange muffins: stir in company comes,
1 cup cranberry halves and 1 tablespoon You’d scarcely believe your eyes.
grated orange peel with milk. (rub eyes)
For that very same reason, the table
3. Cranberry Freeze stretches until it is just this size!
1 16-ounce can (2 cups) whole cranberry (stretch arms wide)
1 8-ounce can (1 cup) crushed pineapple, Gobble, Gobble
drained The turkey is a funny bird,
1 cup sour cream or yogurt His head goes wobble wobble.
(place hands together and go back and
In a medium bowl, combine all the forth)
ingredients and mix well. Pour the mixture And all he knows is just one word,
into an 8-inch square pan or an ice cube tray. Gobble, gobble, gobble.
Freeze 2 hours or until firm. To serve, cut into
squares or pop out of the ice cube tray. The Big Turkey
The big turkey on the farm is so very proud.
(form fist)
He spreads his tail like a fan
(spread fingers of other hand behind fist)
Dramatic Play And struts through the animal crowd.
(move two fingers of fist as walking)
Shopping If you talk to him as he wobbles along
Set up a grocery store in the dramatic play He’ll answer back with a gobbling song:
area. To stimulate play, provide a cash “Gobble, gobble, gobble.”
register, shopping bags, and empty food (open and close hand)
containers such as boxes, packages, and
plastic bottles. Little Turkey
I saw a little turkey
(use hands to show the little)
Standing by a tree.
Field Trips and It gobbled and wobbled.
Resource People (use hands to show gobbling and wobbling)
Then it ran away from me.
Turkey Farm
Visit a turkey farm. The children can Oh, turkey, turkey, turkey.
observe the behavior of the turkeys as well Please come back out and play!
as the food they eat. (use hands to motion come)
I promise I will not eat you.
On Thanksgiving Day.

Fingerplays and Chants Group Time

Thanksgiving Dinner (Games and Language)
Every day we eat our dinner. 1. Turkey Chase
Our table is very small. Have the children sit in a circle formation.
(palms of hands close together) The game requires two balls of different

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colors. Vary the size, depending on the age 5. Turkey Waddle
of the children. Generally, the younger Provide the children with verbal and visual
the child, the larger the ball size. Begin clues to waddle like turkeys. The following
by explaining that the first ball passed is terms may be used:
the “turkey.” The second ball is the “turkey • Big turkey • Happy turkey
farmer.” The first ball should be passed from • Little turkey • Proud turkey
child to child around the circle. Shortly after, • Fast turkey • Sad turkey
pass the second ball in the same direction. • Slow turkey • Hungry turkey
The game ends when the turkey farmer, the • Tired turkey • Full turkey
second ball, catches up to the turkey, the first
ball. This game is played like “Hot Potato.”

2. Feast
Place several kinds of food on a plate in
the middle of the circle. Tell the children Large Muscle
to cover their eyes. Choose one child to
take something from the plate to eat. The Popping Corn
child hides one item, and the others open Pretend to be popping corn. Begin by
their eyes and try to guess which food demonstrating how to curl down on the
item the child has eaten! The number of floor, explaining that everyone is a kernel of
items included in this activity should be corn. Then plug in the popcorn popper and
determined by the children’s developmental listen to the sounds. Upon hearing popping
age. It may be advisable to begin with only sounds, jump up and down to the sounds.
two food items.

3. Turkey Keeper
To play this game, you need a turkey cut 2+3 =
from cardboard or a small plastic replica. Math
Instruct one child to cover his or her eyes. 1. Turkey Shapes
Quietly hide the turkey in the classroom. Give children several geometric shapes to
Next, instruct the child to open his or her create their own turkeys with circles, squares,
eyes and look for the turkey. When the and triangles. Have children identify the
child begins walking in the direction of shapes and colors as they create their turkeys.
the turkey, the rest of the children provide
a clue by saying quietly, “Gobble gobble.” 2. Colored Popcorn
As the child approaches the turkey, the Provide the children with colored popcorn
children’s voices serve as a clue by becoming seeds. Place corresponding colored circles
louder. Once the turkey is located, another in the bottom of muffin tins or egg cartons.
child becomes the turkey keeper. Encourage the children to sort the seeds by
4. Drop the Wishbone
Tell the children to sit in a circle formation.
Choose one child to walk around the
outside of the circle and drop a wishbone
behind another child. (If a real wishbone
is unavailable, a wishbone can be cut from Music
cardboard.) The child who had the wishbone 1. “Popcorn Song”
dropped behind him or her must pick it up (Sing to the tune of “I’m a Little Teapot”)
and chase the first child. If the first child
I’m a little popcorn in a pot.
is tagged before he or she runs around the
Heat me up and watch me pop.
circle and sits in the second child’s place,
When I get all fat and white, then I’m done.
he or she is “it” again. If not, the second
Popping corn is lots of fun.
child is “it.” This is a variation of “Drop the

640 Theme 68
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2. “If You’re Thankful” Atwell, Debby. (2006). The Thanksgiving Door.
(Sing to the tune of “If You’re Happy”) New York: Houghton Mifflin.
(Additional verses could include “stamp your Bateman, Teresa. (2004). A Plump and Perky
feet,” “tap your head,” “turn around,” “shout Turkey. Illustrated by Jeff Shelly. New York:
hooray,” and so on) Scholastic.
If you’re thankful and you know it, clap Boelts, Maribeth. (2004). The Firefighter’s
your hands. Thanksgiving. Illustrated by Terry Widener.
If you’re thankful and you know it, clap New York: Putnam’s Sons.
your hands. Cowley, Joy. (1996). Gracias, the Thanksgiving
If you’re thankful and you know it, then Turkey. Illustrated by Joe Cepeda. New
your face will surely show it, York: Scholastic.
If you’re thankful and you know it, clap
your hands. Crane, Carol. (2007). P Is for Pilgram: A
Thanksgiving Alphabet. Chelsea, MI:
Sleeping Bear Press.
Frienman, Laurie B., and Teresa Murfin.
Thanksgiving Rules. Minneapolis, MN:
Carolrhoda Books.
Science Gibbons, Gail. (2005). Thanksgiving Is … New
1. Corn York: Holiday House.
Display several types of corn on the science
Gibbons, Gail. (2009). Corn. New York: Holiday
table. Include field corn, popcorn, and
popped popcorn.
Glaser, Linda. (2001). It’s Fall. Illustrated by
2. Wishbone Susan Swan. Minneapolis, MN: Millbrook
Bring in a wishbone from a turkey and Press.
place it in a bottle. Pour some vinegar in Jackson, Alison, et al. (1997). I Know an Old
the bottle to cover the wishbone. Leave the Lady Who Swallowed a Pie. Illustrated by
wishbone in the bottle for 24 hours. Remove Byron Schachner. New York: Dutton.
it and feel it. It will feel and bend like Johnston, Tony. (2004). 10 Fat Turkeys.
rubber. Illustrated by Rich Deas. New York:
Jules, Jacqueline. (2009). Duck for Turkey Day.
Illustrated by Kathryn Mitter. Morton
Grove, IL: Albert Whitman.
Sensory Kamma, Anne. (2001). If You Were at the First
The following items can be placed in the Thanksgiving. Illustrated by Bert Dodson.
sensory area for the children to discover: New York: Scholastic.
• Unpopped or popped popcorn Markes, Julie. (2008). Thanks for Thanksgiving.
• Pinecones New York: HarperCollins.
• Cornmeal and measuring cups
Melmed, Laura Krauss. (2003). The First
Thanksgiving Day: A Counting Story. New
York: HarperCollins.
Pilkey, Dav. (2004). Twas the Night before
Books Thanksgiving. New York: Scholastic.
Roberts, Bethany. (2005). Thanksgiving Mice!
The following books can be used to complement Illustrated by Doug Cushman. New York:
this theme: Clarion Books.
Arnosky, Jim. (1998). All about Turkeys. New Silvano, Wendi. (2009) Turkey Trouble.
York: Scholastic. Tarrytown, NY: Marshall Cavendish.

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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Spinelli, Eileen. (2007). The Perfect
Thanksgiving. Illustrated by JoAnn
Adinolfi. New York: Square Fish.
Technology and
Stewart, Pat. (2001). Learning about Multimedia
Thanksgiving. New York: Dover. The following technology and multimedia products
Sutherland, Margaret. (2000). Thanksgiving can be used to complement this theme:
Is for Giving Thanks. Illustrated by Sonja Holiday Facts and Fun: Thanksgiving [DVD].
Lamut. New York: Grosset & Dunlap. (2004). Chicago, ILL:SVE & Churchill Media.
Wing, Natasha, and Tammie Lyon. (2001). “I’m Gonna Eat” [CD]. (2001). In Whaddaya
The Night before Thanksgiving. Illustrated Think of That, Laurie Berkner. New York:
by Tammie Lyon. New York: Grosset & Two Tomatoes.
Squanto and the First Thanksgiving [DVD].
Ziefert, Harriet. (2004). This Is Thanksgiving. (2005). Norwalk, CT: Rabbit Ears
Illustrated by Deborah Zemke. Maplewood, Entertainment, Clearvue & SVE.
NJ: Blue Apple Books.
Stories for Thanksgiving [DVD]. (2003).
Norwalk, CT: Weston Woods.
“Thanks Alot” [CD]. (1980). In Baby Beluga.
Cambridge, MA: Rounder/UMGD.

Additional teaching resources to accompany this

Theme can be found on the book’s companion
website. Go to to
access the site for a variety of useful resources.

642 Theme 68
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Theme 69

Fruit Kinds Parts
apple hardwoods buds
banana softwoods leaves
pear evergreens branches
tangerine deciduous bark
lemon sap
grapefruit trunk
apricot roots

Purpose Care Animal Homes

shade soil owls
wood water squirrels
wood products sunlight birds
clean air chipmunks
create oxygen for
animal homes

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Parts of a tree 4. The purpose of trees
2. Kinds of trees 5. Types of fruit trees
3. Care of trees 6. Animal homes in trees

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. A tree is a large plant.
2. There are many kinds of trees, including hardwoods and softwoods.
3. A tree has many parts: buds, leaves, branches, bark, trunk, and roots.
4. The leaves of some trees are like needles.
5. The trunk is the stem of the tree and is covered with bark.
6. The roots of a tree are underground.
7. Roots help the tree stand; they also get water and nutrients from the soil.
8. Sap is a liquid that supplies food to the tree.
9. Trees need soil, water, and sunlight to grow.
10. Trees provide us with wood.
11. Many items are made from wood, such as houses, chairs, tables, some
toys, doors, fences, paper, and paper products.
12. Some trees provide us with food.
13. Some fruits grow on trees.
14. Apples, bananas, pears, lemons, tangerines, apricots, and grapefruits
grow on trees.
15. Trees provide homes for many animals.
16. Owls, squirrels, birds, and chipmunks live in trees.
17. Trees provide us with shade to keep us cool and protect us from the sun.
18. Trees help provide oxygen for us to breathe.

1. bark—the tough, outer covering of a tree.
2. root—the underground part of a plant.
3. sap—the fluid part of a tree.
4. tree—a large plant.
5. trunk—the main stem and largest part of a tree.

644 Theme 69
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to provide numeral identification as well as
matching sets of objects to numerals. To prepare the bulletin board, construct tree
trunks out of brown tagboard. Print a numeral on each trunk. Next, construct treetops
out of green tagboard. Draw leaves on each treetop. Trace and cut out treetop shadows
from black construction paper. Using the illustration as a guide, attach the shadows
and tree trunks to the bulletin board. Adhesive magnet pieces or map tacks can be
used by the children to match each tree trunk to the corresponding treetop.

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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Did you ever stop to think about what our world would be like without trees? Trees serve many purposes;
consequently, we will explore a theme on trees beginning this week.Through the experiences provided in
this curriculum unit, the children will become aware of the parts, kinds, care, and importance of trees.
At School
We will use wood to build houses, schools, chairs, tables, and several other objects. We will make
paper. We will talk about foods that grow on trees. The foods served at snack time will be foods that
grow on trees. Some of the week’s activities will include:
• Creating leaf and bark rubbings in the art area
• Going on a “tree walk” and recording the number and kinds of trees we see
• Cooking with foods we get from trees
• Creating our own books in the writing center
• Planting citrus fruit seeds and an avocado seed
• Listening to stories related to trees
At Home
Walk around your home and find all the things that are made from wood. Which room contains the
most wood items?
Polish your furniture with your child. Show him or her how to care for fine wood products.
Try preparing the following recipe with your child:

Enjoy your child!

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colored tempera paints, glitter, glue, yarn,
sequins, and strips of paper for the children
to decorate the pinecones.

5. Sawdust Play Dough

Combine 2 cups of sawdust, 3 cups of flour,
and 1 cup of salt. Add water as needed to
make a pliable dough. (Sawdust can be
obtained, usually at no cost, from a local
lumber company.)

6. Textured Paint
Add sawdust to prepared paints for use at
the art table or easel.

7. Make a Tree
Collect paper towel and toilet paper rolls.
The children can paint or cover them with
construction paper to resemble tree trunks.
Branches and leaves can be fabricated from
chenille stems and construction paper. The
branches and leaves can then be attached to
There are many kinds of trees, with many kinds of the trunk.

1. Guacamole Dip
Arts and Crafts 1 medium avocado
1. Tree Rubbing 2 tablespoons chopped onion
Use crayons or chalk to create rubbings 1/4 teaspoon chili powder
of various tree parts. Place leaves under a 1/4 teaspoon garlic salt
single sheet of newsprint. Rub the crayon 2 tablespoons mayonnaise or salad dressing
over the top of the paper until the imprint
of the leaf appears. Try making additional Peel and cut the avocado into pieces and
rubbings using bark and maple seeds. process at medium speed in a blender. Add
remaining ingredients and blend. Serve the
2. Twig Painting dip with tortilla or corn chips.
Twigs from trees can be used as painting
tools. Provide the children with trays of 2. Orange Raisin Cookies
tempera paint of a thick consistency and 1 cup sugar
construction paper to create designs. The 3/4 cup softened butter or margarine
children may also enjoy experimenting with 1/4 cup milk
the twig as a writing tool. 1 teaspoon vanilla
1 egg
3. Pine Needle Brushes 2 cups flour
Cut branches from a pine needle tree. Place 1/2 cup raisins
the branches at the easel so that the children 2 tablespoons grated orange peel
can use them as brushes to apply paint. 1 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon salt
4. Decorating Pinecones
Collect pinecones of different sizes. Place Combine sugar, butter, milk, vanilla,
them on the art table with trays of thick, and egg in a large mixing bowl. Add

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remaining ingredients and blend well.
Drop by rounded teaspoonfuls onto
ungreased cookie sheets. Bake for 9–12 Field Trips and
minutes or until lightly browned in a
370-degree oven. Remove cookies from
Resource People
sheet and cool. Nature Walk
Take the children on a nature walk.
3. Prepare recipes that include the Bring magnifying glasses to observe
following items that come from interesting specimens and bags to
trees: collect specimens. Observe leaves, tree
Apples Limes stumps, tree bark, twigs, and flowers.
Apricots Maple syrup The following sources can be contacted
Avocados Nectarines for more information:
Cherries Nutmeg • Area forest industries such as paper
Cinnamon Olives mills and logging companies
Cloves Oranges • Department of Natural Resources
Dates Peaches • University or county extension offices
Figs Pears • National, state, and local parks
Grapefruit Prunes • Nature centers
Lemons • University departments of biology,
Caution: Beware of the potential of botany, construction, forestry, and
children choking on fruit seeds. Remove horticulture
seeds such as avocado, cherry, apricot,
peach, and olive pits when using in recipes
for young children. Also, check for children’s
allergies before food experiences.

4. Broccoli Trees Fingerplays and Chants

Use broccoli florets to resemble trees and
eat as a healthy snack.
The Apple Tree
Way up high in the apple tree
(raise arms over head)
Two little apples smiled at me.
(make fists or circles with hands)
I shook that tree as hard as I could
Dramatic Play (move hands as if shaking something)
1. Construction Site Down came the apples
Design a construction site in the dramatic (falling motion with fists)
play area. Provide props such as hard Mmmmmmmmm—were they good!
hats, blueprints, floor plans, rulers, tape (rub tummy)
measures, lumber scraps, wooden blocks,
and cardboard boxes. Orange Tree
This is the orange tree with leaves so green
2. Birds (raise arms over head, making a circle)
Trace and cut bird masks and wings from Here are the oranges that hang in between.
tagboard for the children to wear. Display (make fists)
pictures of trees and birds. Play a tape of When the wind blows the oranges will fall.
bird songs. A variation would be to decorate Here is the basket to gather them all.
a climber with green crêpe paper to (make circle with arms in front of body)
resemble a tree.

648 Theme 69
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I Am a Tall Tree Little red leaves are glad today,
I am a tall tree. For the wind is blowing them off and away,
I reach toward the sky They are flying here, they are flying there.
(reach upward with both hands) Oh, little red leaves, you are everywhere.
Where the bright stars twinkle Repeat the rhyme and insert additional
And white clouds float by. color words.
(sway arms above head)
My branches toss high
As the wild winds blow.
(wave arms rapidly)
Now they bend forward
Loaded with snow. Large Muscle
(arms out front swaying) 1. Wooden Climber
I like it best If available, set up a wooden climber on
When I rock birds to sleep in their nest. the playground or in the classroom so the
(place hands at the side of head and children can practice their climbing skills.
close eyes)
2. Wooden Balance Beam
If available, set up a wooden balance
The Wind
beam in an open area of the classroom.
Who has seen the wind?
Suggest ways for the children to cross
Neither I nor you;
the beam: walking heel to toe, walking
But when the leaves hang trembling,
sideways, crawling, and walking holding an
(hold hands downward and wiggle
object. Older children may be able to walk
The wind is passing through.
Who has seen the wind?
Neither you nor I;
But when the trees bow down their heads, 2+3 =
(move head downward) Math
The wind is passing by.
1. Tree Walk
Record the number of trees observed on a
walk. If appropriate, the trees might also be
classified as “broadleaf ” or “evergreen” or
Group Time by the type of tree, such as maple, oak, pine,
and so on.
(Games and Language)
1. Tree Chart 2. Sorting and Counting Activities
On a large piece of tagboard, print the title The following items can be collected and
“Things Made from Trees.” During group used for various sorting and counting
time, present the chart and record the activities:
children’s responses. Display the completed • Acorns
chart and refer to it throughout the theme. • Small pinecones
• Apple seeds
2. Movement Activity: “Happy Leaves” • Citrus fruit seeds
Cut leaves out of various colors of
construction paper. During group time, give 3. Items Made from Trees
each child one leaf. When the children hear Collect items from the classroom for
the color of their leaf in the following rhyme, children to sort and then classify those
they may stand up and move like leaves: made from trees as “wooden items” and

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others as “nonwooden items.” Label and 2. Planting Seeds
provide boxes or similar containers for the Collect and plant seeds from fruits that
children to place the items. If appropriate, grow on trees such as apples and citrus
the children can count the number of fruits. Make and record predictions about
items in each category and record the when the plants will sprout.
3. Grow an Avocado Tree
Remove a seed from an avocado. Peel the
brown outer covering of the seed. Poke
three toothpicks into the avocado seed at
Music equal distances from one another. Place the
seed in a glass of lukewarm water with the
1. “Little Leaves” largest end submerged. Replace the water
(Sing to the tune of “Ten Little Indians”) once a week. Sprouts will appear in about
One little, two little, three little leaves. three weeks. When the stem and roots are
Four little, five little, six little leaves. several inches long, transplant the avocado
Seven little, eight little, nine little leaves. into a pot that is about 1 inch wider than
Ten little leaves fall down. the avocado.

2. “Foods That Grow on Trees” 4. Leaf Book

(Sing to the tune of “The Farmer in the Dell”) Collect leaves from various trees. Mount
each leaf on a piece of construction paper or
Foods that grow on trees. tagboard. Then print the name of the tree
Foods that grow on trees. the leaf represents. Gather the pages and
Let’s sing a song about bind with loose-leaf rings. Place the book in
Foods that grow on trees. the science area for the children to review.
Apples grow on trees.
Apples grow on trees. 5. Shade versus Sun
Pick them, red and sweet. Place an outdoor thermometer in direct
Apples grow on trees. sunlight and another beneath the shade of a
tree. Compare results. A chart could also be
Bananas grow on trees. made for this activity, and results could be
Bananas grow on trees. compared for several days.
Pick them, yellow and long.
Bananas grow on trees. 6. Pinecone Bird Feeders
Oranges grow on trees. Collect pinecones. Attach a piece of yarn
Oranges grow on trees. or string to the stem. Use a plastic knife
Pick them, sweet and juicy. to spread shortening, lard, or soft butter
Oranges grow on trees. over the pinecone and then roll in birdseed.
Hang the feeder outside.
Walnuts grow on trees.
Walnuts grow on trees.
7. Make Paper
Pick them, brown and crunchy.
Cut a piece of screen 7 inches × 11 inches
Walnuts grow on trees.
and frame with wood. Tear construction
paper or tissues into 1-inch pieces. Place
the shredded paper pieces in a blender. Add
enough water to cover and blend the paper
into pulp. Pour the pulp into a 9-inch 3
13-inch tray. Use the framed screen to pan
Science the pulp, moving it to get an even layer
of pulp. Lift the screen out of the pan in
1. Weighing Items from Trees
a straight, upward direction. Place the
Provide a balance scale and acorns,
screen on a stack of newspapers. Roll with a
pinecones, or seed pods at the science table.
rolling pin to squeeze out water. Lift off the
650 Theme 69
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
newspaper, and gently peel the homemade Chin, Jason. (2009). Redwoods. New York:
paper from the screen; allow it to dry on Roaring Brook Press.
paper towels or newspaper. Ehlert, Lois. (1991). Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf.
Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace.
Formento, Alison. (2010). This Tree Counts!
Illustrated by Sarah Snow. Chicago: Albert
Sensory Whitman.
Hall, Zoe. (1996). The Apple Tree. Illustrated by
1. Wood Shavings
Shari Halpern. New York: Scholastic.
Obtain wood shavings from a local lumber
company. Place them in the sensory table Iwamura, Kazuo. (2009). Hooray for Fall.
along with scoops and pails. Fitzgerald, GA: North South.
Iwamura, Kazuo. (2009). Hooray for Spring.
2. Pinecones Fitzgerald, GA: North South.
Collect pinecones of various sizes, and place
Iwamura, Kazuo. (2010). Hooray for Summer.
them in the sensory table. Small boxes,
Fitzgerald, GA: North South.
pails, and scoops can be added.
Martin, Bill, Jr., and Michael Archambault.
3. Acorns (1989). Chicka, Chicka Boom Boom.
Collect acorns and allow them to dry Illustrated by Lois Ehlert. New York: Simon
thoroughly before placing in the sensory & Schuster Books for Young Readers.
table. Add accessories to encourage Muldrow, Diane. (2010). We Planted a Tree.
participation such as pails, small paper Illustrated by Bob Staake. New York:
bags, scoops, and spoons. Random House Children’s Books.
Pallotta, Jerry. (2010). Who Will Plant a Tree?
Illustrated by Tom Leonard. Ann Arbor, MI:
Sleeping Bear Press.
Parr, Todd. (2010). The EARTH Book. New
Social Studies York: Hachette Book Group.
Family Tree Pfeffer, Wendy. (2007). A Log’s Life. Illustrated
Cut a tree trunk out of brown tagboard. Cut by Robin Brickman. New York: Simon &
a treetop out of green tagboard. Attach the Schuster Books for Young Children.
trunk and treetop to a bulletin board, and
Ray, Jane. (2008). The Apple-Pip Princess.
display on a wall. Ask the children to bring
Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.
family photographs that can be displayed
on the tree. Salas, Laura Purdie. (2009). From Seed to
Maple Tree. Illustrated by Jeff Yesh.
Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window Books.
Sis, Peter. (2003). The Tree of Life: A Book
Books Depicting the Life of Charles Darwin,
Naturalist, Geologist and Thinker. New
The following books can be used to complement York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
this theme: Slade, Suzanne. (2009). From Seed to Pine Tree.
Aston, Dianna Hutts. (2007). A Seed Is Sleepy. Illustrated by Jeff Yesh. Minneapolis, MN:
Illustrated by Sylvia Long. San Francisco: Picture Window Books.
Chronicle Books. Tagliaferro, Linda. (2007). The Life Cycle of an
Berger, Carin. (2008). The Little Yellow Leaf. Apple Tree. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
New York: Greenwillow Books. Tagliaferro, Linda. (2007). The Life Cycle of an
Bosca, Francesca. (2001). The Apple King. Oak Tree. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Illustrated by Giuliano Ferri. New York: Tagliaferro, Linda. (2007). The Life Cycle of a
North-South Books. Pine Tree. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.

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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Ward, Helen, and Wayne Anderson. (2001). The Really Wild Animals: Totally Tropical Rain
Tin Forest. New York: Dutton. Forest [DVD]. (2005). Washington, DC:
Zweibel, Alan. (2005). Our Tree Named Steve. National Geographic.
New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons. The Song of the Cloud Forest [DVD]. (2010). Los
Angeles: Lionsgate.
The Umbrella [DVD]. (2008). Holmes NY:
Spoken Arts.
Technology and “Under a Shady Tree” [CD]. 2010. In The Best
of Laurie Berkner. New York: Two Tomatoes
Multimedia Records.
The following technology and multimedia “Willow Tree in the Wind” [CD]. (2010). In What
products can be used to complement this Are the Odds? New York: Monkey Monkey
theme: Music.
The Legend of Johnny Appleseed and Pecos
Bill [DVD]. (2004). Los Angeles: Disney Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Educational Productions. Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Reading Rainbow. (2007). Once There Was a website. Go to to
Tree [DVD]. Lincoln, NE: GPN Educational access the site for a variety of useful resources.

652 Theme 69
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Theme 70

Purpose Colors
share feelings red
show love pink

Activities Symbols
parties hearts
card giving Cupid
flowers cards
gifts candy

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Valentine’s Day colors
2. Valentine’s Day activities
3. Symbols of Valentine’s Day
4. Purpose of Valentine’s Day

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. On Valentine’s Day, we share our love with others.
2. Red, pink, and white are Valentine’s Day colors.
3. Hearts, Cupids, candy, arrows, and flowers are symbols
of Valentine’s Day.
4. People send cards on Valentine’s Day.
5. Valentine cards share our feelings and show our love.
6. Some people attend or give parties on Valentine’s Day.
7. Flowers and gifts are given to special people on Valentine’s Day.

1. card—a decorative paper with a written message. Valentine cards show
2. Cupid—a symbol of Valentine’s Day, usually a baby boy with a bow and
3. heart—the shape of a heart is a symbol of love.
4. Valentine—a card designed for someone special.
5. Valentine’s Day—a special day when we share our love with others.
Cards, flowers, and presents may be given to people we love on
Valentine’s Day.

654 Theme 70
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to promote numeral recognition, visual
discrimination, hand-eye coordination, and problem-solving skills by having the
children place the correct number of hearts into the corresponding numbered box.
Using decorated boxes as illustrated, a Valentine’s Day bulletin board can be created.
The bottom of each box should be cut, so it can be taped shut while putting hearts
in and easily opened to release the hearts. Mark each box with a numeral and a
corresponding number of hearts, as illustrated. The number of numerals will depend
on developmental appropriateness. Attach the boxes to the bulletin board using
pushpins or staples. Next, construct many small hearts.


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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Valentine’s Day is a special day, and it will be the focus of our next theme. It is a day when we
share our positive feelings about special people. This day also provides an opportunity to talk about
the importance of sharing, giving, loving, and friendship. The children will also learn the purpose,
symbols, colors, and activities related to Valentine’s Day.
Perhaps not all children and families celebrate this holiday, but we feel it is very important for children to
learn about and respect others’ beliefs. A general understanding of other cultures is also interesting and
fun. However, if you wish that your child not participate in this theme, please let us know.

At School
Some of the activities related to Valentine’s Day will include:
• Having a post office in the dramatic play area to mail valentines to friends
• Constructing valentine mobiles to decorate our room
• Constructing a “What a Friend Is …” chart to hang in our room
• Sending and receiving valentines
• Watching the video Valentine’s Day
• Inviting special people at school, including the custodian and secretary, to a party
• Listening to valentine stories and poems

At Home
Try to set aside time to have a heart-to-heart chat with your child. To develop self-esteem, talk
to your child about feelings and why you are proud of him or her. Also, help your child make a
valentine for a grandparent, aunt, uncle, or other person. A special note could be dictated by your
child and written by you.

Have a Happy Valentine’s Day!

656 Theme 70
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Arts and Crafts
1. Easel Painting
Mix red, white, and pink paint, and place at
the easel.

2. Chalk Drawings
White chalk and red and pink construction
paper can be used to make chalk drawings.

3. Classroom Valentine
Cut out one large paper heart. Encourage
all children to decorate and sign it. The
valentine can be hung in the classroom
or be given to a classroom friend. The
classroom friend may be the cook,
custodian, center director, or principal.

4. Heart Prints
On the art table, place white paper and
various heart-shaped cookie cutters. Mix
pink and red tempera paint, and pour into
shallow pans. The children can print hearts Individual bags can be made to hold valentines.
on white construction paper using the cookie
cutters as a tool and then paint them.
dough. Use heart-shaped cookie cutters.
5. Heart Materials Bake at 375 degrees for 12 minutes. Frost.
The children can cut hearts out of The children can make two cookies, one for
construction paper and decorate them themselves and one to give to a friend.
with lace scraps, yarn, and glitter to make
original Valentine’s Day cards. Precut hearts 2. Heart-Shaped Sandwiches
should be available for children who have 1 loaf bread
not mastered the skill. For other children Heart-shaped cookie cutters
who have cutting skills, a heart shape can Strawberry jam or jelly
be traced on paper for them to cut.
Give each child one or two pieces of bread
(depending on the size of the cutter). Cut out
two heart shapes from bread. Spread on jam
Cooking or jelly to make a sandwich. Eat at snack time.
1. Valentine Cookies
2/3 cup shortening 3. Valentine Mints
1 egg 2 8-ounce packages cream cheese at room
3/4 cup sugar temperature
1 teaspoon vanilla 2 teaspoons peppermint extract
1 1/2 cups flour 10 drops red food coloring
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 8–9 cups powdered sugar
4 teaspoons milk
1/4 teaspoon salt Combine the first three ingredients in a
mixing bowl. Gradually add the powdered
Mix all of the ingredients together. If time sugar, mixing at a low speed until well
permits, refrigerate the dough. Roll out blended. Next, place the dough on a pastry


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cloth; keep kneading and adding additional 2. Visit a Floral Shop
powdered sugar until the dough is very Visit a flower store. Observe the different
stiff. Roll out the dough. Use a heart-shaped valentine arrangements. Call attention
cookie cutter to make the candy hearts. to the beautiful color of the flowers,
Chill overnight to harden. arrangements, and containers.

Dramatic Play
1. Mailboxes
Construct an individual mailbox for each
Fingerplays and Chants
child using shoeboxes, empty milk cartons, Five Little Valentines
paper bags, or partitioned boxes. Print each Five little valentines were having a race.
child’s name on the box, or encourage the The first little valentine was frilly with lace.
child to do so. The children can sort mail, (hold up one finger)
letters, and small packages into the boxes. The second little valentine had a funny face.
(hold up two fingers)
2. Florist The third little valentine said, “I love you.”
Plastic flowers, vases, Styrofoam pieces, (hold up three fingers)
tissue paper, ribbons, candy boxes, a cash The fourth little valentine said, “I do too.”
register, and play money can be used to (hold up four fingers)
make a flower shop. The fifth little valentine was sly as a fox.
He ran the fastest to the valentine box.
3. Card Shop (make five fingers run behind back)
Stencils, paper, markers, scraps, stickers,
and so forth can be provided to make a
card-making shop.
Group Time
4. Make a Valentine (Games and Language)
Across the top of a large piece of cardboard, Valentine March
print “Make a Valentine.” Then print the Place large fabric or paper hearts with
following slogans on large strips of paper: numerals on them on the floor. Include one
I want you for my valentine. valentine per child. Play a marching song,
Happy Valentine’s Day. and encourage children to march from heart
Be my valentine, to heart. When the music stops, so do the
Be mine. children. Each child then tells the numeral
on which he or she is standing. To make
Paste the strips on the piece of tagboard. the activity developmentally appropriate
Post the chart and provide crayons, felt-tip for young children, use symbols. Examples
markers, and paper for the children to make might include a ball, car, truck, glass, cup,
valentines by copying the phrases. door, and so on.

Large Muscle
Field Trips 1. Hug Tag
One child is “it” and tries to tag another
1. Visit a Post Office child. Once tagged, the child is “frozen” until
Visit the local post office. Valentine’s Day another child gently hugs him or her to
cards made in the classroom can be mailed. “unfreeze” him or her.

658 Theme 70
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2. Balloon Ball 3. “Two Little Cupids”
Blow up two or three red, pink, or white (Sing to the tune of “Two Little Blackbirds”)
balloons. The children can hit the balloons (For each _______, insert a child’s name)
to each other. The object is to try to keep the
Two little cupids sitting on a heart.
balloon off the floor or ground. This activity
(hold hands behind back)
needs to be carefully supervised. Caution:
One named _______. One named _______.
If a balloon breaks, all its pieces must be
(bring out one pointer for each name)
discarded immediately.
Fly away, _______. Fly away, _______.
(place one pointer behind back for each
2+3 = Come back, _______. Come back, _______.
Math (bring out pointers one at a time again)
1. Broken Hearts Two little cupids sitting on a heart.
Cut heart shapes out of red and pink tagboard. (hold up two fingers)
Print a numeral on one side and a number set One named _______. One named _______.
of heart stickers or drawings on the other side. (wiggle each pointer separately)
Cut the hearts in half as a puzzle. The children
can match the puzzle pieces. 4. “Will You Be My Valentine?”
(Children will try to guess who you are
2. Heart Seriation thinking of. The child who guesses correctly
Cut various-sized hearts from pink, red, and gets to choose the next person for others to
white construction paper. The children can guess.)
sequence the heart shapes from small to big
Will you be my V-A-L-E-N-T-I-N-E?
or vice versa.
If you will, you know how very happy I will be.
3. Sorting Hearts
Cut out red, white, and pink hearts of
varying sizes (small, medium, and large).
Provide containers for the children to sort
the hearts according to their size or color.
1. Valentine’s Day Flowers
In the science area, place various flowers
and magnifying glasses. The children can
observe and explore the various parts of the
Music flowers.
1. “My Valentine”
(Sing to the tune of “The Muffin Man”) 2. Valentine’s Day Colors
Mixing red and white tempera paint, the
Oh, do you know my valentine, children can make various shades of red or
My valentine, my valentine? pink.
Oh, do you know my valentine?
His name is _______.
(Chosen valentine then picks another child)

2. “Ten Little Valentines”

(Sing to the tune of “Ten Little Indians”) Sensory
One little, two little, three little valentines.
Mix dish soap, water, and red food coloring
Four little, five little, six little valentines.
in the sensory table. Provide eggbeaters for
Seven little, eight little, nine little
the children to make bubbles.
Ten little valentines here!


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Illustrated by Alison Winfield. New York:
Little Simon.
Katz, Karen. (2001). Counting Kisses. New
Social Studies York: Margaret McElderry.
1. Sorting Feelings Kroll, Steven. (2006). The Biggest Valentine
Cut pictures of happy and sad people out Ever. Illustrated by Jeni Bassett. New York:
of magazines. On the outside of two boxes, Cartwheel Books.
draw a smiling face on one and a sad face
on the other. The children can sort the Mayer, Mercer. (2005). Little Critter: Happy
pictures into the corresponding boxes. Valentine’s Day Little Critter! New York:
2. Sign Language O’Connor, Jane. (2009). Fancy Nancy: Heart to
Show the children how to say, “I love you,” Heart. Illustrated by Robin Preiss Glasser.
in sign language. They can practice with New York: HarperCollins Children’s Books.
each other. When the parents arrive, the Parish, Herman. (2009). Amelia Bedelia’s First
children can share with them. Valentine. Illustrated by Lynne Avril. New
I (point to self) York: HarperCollins Children’s Books.
love (cross arms over chest)
you (point outward) Parr, Todd. (2009). The I Love You Book. New
York: Little Brown.
Roberts, Bethany. (2001). Valentine Mice.
Illustrated by Doug Cushman. New York:
Houghton Mifflin.
Books Samuels, Barbara. (2008). Happy Valentine’s
Day, Dolores. New York: Square Fish.
The following books can be used to complement
Scotton, Rob. (2008). Love, Splat. New York:
this theme:
Bond, Felicia. (2006). The Day It Rained Hearts.
Sutherland, Margaret. (2007). Valentines Are
New York: HarperCollins.
for Saying I Love You. Illustrated by Amy
Capucilli, Alyssa Satin, and Pat Schories. Wummer. New York: Grosset & Dunlap.
(2001). Biscuit’s Valentine’s Day. Illustrated
Van Lieshout, Maria. (2007). Boom! A Little
by Pat Schories. New York: HarperFestival.
Book about Finding Love. New York: Feiwel
Crites, Susan E. (2007). I Love You More Than & Friends.
Rainbows. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson.
Wing, Natasha. (2000). The Night before
Davies, Simon, Serena Feneziani, and Valentine’s Day. Illustrated by Heidi Petach.
A. J. Wood. (2000). Pucker Up, Buttercup! New York: Grosset & Dunlap.
Illustrated by Serena Feneziani. Brookfield,
CT: Millbrook Press.
Douglas, Lloyd G. (2003). Let’s Get Ready for
Valentine’s Day. New York: Children’s Press. Technology and
Erlbach, Arlene. (2004). Valentine’s Day Crafts.
Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Publishers. Multimedia
Friedman, Laurie B. (2006). Love, Ruby The following technology and multimedia
Valentine. Minneapolis, MN: Carolrhoda products can be used to complement this
Books. theme:
Gibbons, Gail. (2006). Valentine’s Day Is. New “Blow a Kiss” [CD]. (2002). In Laurie Berkner:
York: Holiday House. Under a Shady Tree. New York: Two
Inches, Alison, and Alison Winfield. (2001). Be Tomatoes.
My Valentine (Raggedy Ann and Andy).

660 Theme 70
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
“Caring and Compassion” [CD]. (2005). In Red We Love Our Friends [DVD]. (2010). Los
Grammer Be Bop Your Best. Brewerton, NY: Angeles: Paramount Home Entertainment.
Red Note Records.
Franklin. (2009). Franklin’s Valentines Additional teaching resources to accompany this
[DVD]. North Hollywood, CA: KaBOOM! Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Entertainment, distributed by Phase 4 Films.
website. Go to to
“Open Your Heart” [CD]. (2010). In The Best of access the site for a variety of useful resources.
Laurie Berkner. New York: Two Tomatoes

Materials to Collect for the Art Center

Aluminum foil Fabrics Paper doilies Sweaters
Ball bearings Felt Paper napkins Tacks
Barrel hoops Felt hats Paper tissue Tape
Beads Flannel Paper towels Thread
Belts Floor covering Paper tubes Tiles
Bottles Glass Paper wrapping Tin cans
Bracelets Gourds Phonograph Tin foil
Braiding Hat boxes records Tongue
Brass Hooks Photographs depressors
Buckles Inner tubes Picture frames Towels
Burlap Jars Pinecones Tubes
Buttons Jugs Pins Twine
Candles Lacing Plastic board Wallpaper
Canvas Lampshades Plastic paint Wax
Cartons Leather remnants Pocket books Window shades
Cellophane Linoleum Reeds Wire
Chains Marbles Ribbon Wire eyelets
Chalk Masonite Rings Wire hairpins
Chamois Metal foil Rope Wire hooks
Chenille stems Mirrors Rubber bands Wire mesh
Clay Muslin Rug yarn Wire paper clips
Cloth Nails Safety pins Wire screen
Colored pictures Necklaces Sand Wire staples
Confetti Neckties Sandpaper Wooden beads
Containers Newspaper Seashells Wooden blocks
Copper foil Oilcloth Seeds Wooden
Cord Ornaments Sheepskin clothespins
Cornhusks Pans Shoelaces Wooden sticks
Cornstalks Paper (cardboard) Shoe polish Wool
Costume jewelry Paper Snaps Yarn
Crayon pieces (corrugated) Soap Zippers
Crystals Paper bags Sponges
Emery cloth Paper boxes Spools
Eyelets Paper dishes Stockings


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Theme 71

Places Purposes Forms Uses
ponds drinking liquid soak
lakes cleaning solid dilute
rivers energy vapor spray
oceans recreation sprinkle

Sports Reaction Conserving

swimming mix brushing teeth
fishing absorb washing hands
skiing bathing
boating flushing toilets

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Uses of water 5. Reactions of water
2. Forms of water 6. Places water is found
3. Water sports 7. Conservation of water
4. Purposes of water

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Water is a clear, colorless liquid with no taste or smell.
2. Water can be found in ponds, lakes, rivers, and oceans.
3. All living things need water.
4. Water takes three forms: liquid, vapor, and solid.
5. Ice is a solid form of water and steam is a vapor form of water.
6. Some things mix with water and other things absorb water.
7. Some things float when placed on water.
8. Some animals and plants live in bodies of water.
9. Animals, people, and plants need water.
10. Water can be used to soak, dilute, spray, sprinkle, flood, and moisten.
11. Swimming, fishing, skiing, and boating are water sports.
12. Care must be taken not to waste water while brushing our teeth,
washing our hands, bathing, and flushing the toilet.

1. cloud—water droplets formed high in the sky. Clouds can be gray or white.
2. float—to move on top of a liquid.
3. freeze—to become hard and cold.
4. ice—water that has frozen.
5. lake—a large body of water surrounded by land.
6. liquid—a substance that can be poured. Milk and water are liquids.
7. melt—to change from a solid to a liquid. Ice cream and popsicles melt.
8. ocean—a large body of saltwater. Sometimes the word “sea” is used for
9. rain—drops of water that fall from clouds.
10. sink—to drop or go down to the bottom of a liquid.
11. snow—drops of water that freeze and fall from the sky.
12. swimming—moving yourself through water with arm and leg
13. water—a clear, colorless, odorless, tasteless liquid.

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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to develop visual discrimination, problem-
solving, and matching skills. Construct and color four or five pictures of
swimming- and water-related items from tagboard. Laminate. Trace these
pictures on black construction paper to make shadows. Staple the shadows on
the bulletin board. Encourage the children to hang the colored picture over the
correct shadow.

664 Theme 71
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Did you know all living things have something in common? They all need water to survive. Water
will be the theme that we explore with our next curriculum unit. The children will become familiar
with the purpose, forms, uses, and reactions of water, as well as sports that require water.

At School
Some of the learning experiences planned to include water concepts are:
• Placing celery stalks in colored water to observe plants’ use of water
• Experimenting with objects that sink or float when placed in water
• Washing doll clothes in the sensory table
• Observing ice with magnifying glasses and watching it change from a solid to a liquid
• Looking at books about water

At Home
There are many ways that you can reinforce water concepts at home. Try any of the following with
your child:
• Allow your child to assist in washing dishes after a meal. This will give your child a sense of
responsibility and will develop self-esteem.
• Provide water and large paintbrushes for your child to paint sidewalks and fences outdoors.
• Bubbles made with an eggbeater in a container of soapy water are fun for children of all ages!

Enjoy your child!

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Arts and Crafts Dramatic Play
1. Liquid Painting 1. Firefighter
Paper, straws, thin tempera, and spoons can Place hoses, hats, coats, and boots in the
be placed on the art table. Spoon a small dramatic play area.
amount of paint onto paper. Using a straw,
blow paint on the paper to make a design. 2. Doll Baths
Fill the dramatic play sink with water.
2. Bubble Prints Children can wash dishes or give dolls
Collect the following materials: 1/2 cup baths.
water, 1/2 cup liquid soap, food coloring,
straws, and light-colored construction paper. 3. The Beach
Mix together the water, soap, and food Provide towels, sunglasses, umbrellas, pails,
coloring in a container. Place a straw in the shovels, and beach toys for the children to
solution and blow until the bubbles reach use indoors or outdoors.
about 1 inch to 2 inches over the top of the
container. Remove the straw and place a 4. Canoeing
piece of paper over the jar. The bubbles will Bring a canoe into the classroom or onto the
pop as they touch the paper, leaving a print. play yard. Provide paddles and life vests for
the children to wear.
3. Wet Chalk Drawings
Chalk, paper, and water in a shallow pan
are needed for this activity. The children
can dip chalk into water and then draw
on paper. Encourage children to note the
difference between wet and dry chalk.
Fingerplays and Chants
Five Little Ducks
Five little ducks
Cooking (hold up five fingers)
1. Fruit Ice Swimming in the lake.
Mix a 1/2 can partially thawed juice (make swimming motions)
concentrate with 2 cups of crushed ice in The first duck said,
the blender. Liquefy until the contents (hold up one finger)
become snowy. Serve immediately. “Watch the waves I make.”
(make waves motions)
2. Filipino Floating Cake The second duck said,
2 cups sweet rice flour (hold up two fingers)
1 cup water “Swimming is such fun.”
1/2 to 3/4 cup sugar (smile)
1/2 cup toasted sesame seeds, hulled The third duck said,
1 cup grated coconut (hold up three fingers)
“I’d rather sit in the sun.”
Mix rice flour and water. Form into 10 to 20 (turn face to sun)
small balls. Flatten each ball into a round The fourth duck said,
or elongated shape, and drop into 8 to 10 (hold up four fingers)
cups boiling water. As each cake floats to the “Let’s swim away.”
surface, remove from water with a slotted (swimming motions)
spoon. Roll in grated coconut, and coat with The fifth duck said,
sugar and sesame seeds. Adult supervision (hold up five fingers)
is required. Makes four servings. “Oh, let’s stay.”

666 Theme 71
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Then along came a motorboat.
With a Pop! Pop! Pop!
(clap three times)
Group Time
And five little ducks (Games and Language)
Swam away from the spot. Water Fun
(put five fingers behind back) Discuss the various recreational uses
of water. Included may be swimming,
Swimming boating, ice fishing, ice skating, fishing, and
I can dive. canoeing. Also discuss water safety issues,
(make diving motion with hands) such as wearing a life vest. Encourage
I can swim. the children to name their favorite water
(swimming motion) activities. Prepare a chart using each child’s
I can float. name and favorite water activity, along with
(hands outstretched with head back) a small picture of that activity. Display in
I can fetch. the room.
But dog paddle
(paddle like dog)
Is the stroke I do best.

Five Little Fishes

Five little fishes swimming in a pond.
Large Muscle
(wiggle five fingers) Catch Me
The first one said, “I’m tired,” as he yawned. Children form a circle with one child in
(yawn) the middle. While walking in a circle, they
The second one said, “Well, let’s take a nap.” chant,
(put hands together on side of face) (Insert child’s name:)
The third one said, “Put on your sleeping cap.” _______ over the water.
(pretend to pull on hat) _______ over the sea.
The fourth one said, “Wake up! Don’t sleep.” _______ caught a tuna fish.
(shake finger) But he can’t catch me!
The fifth one said, “Let’s swim where
it’s deep.” On “me,” all the children stoop quickly. If
(point down and say with a low voice) the child in the middle touches another
So, the five little fishes swam away. child before he or she stoops, that child is it
(wiggle fingers and put behind back) and now goes into the middle. This game is
But they came back the very next day. for older children.
(wiggle fingers out front again)

The Rain 2+3 =

I sit before the window now Math
(sit down)
And look out at the rain.
1. Measuring
Assorted measuring cups in a variety of
(shade eyes and look around)
sizes can be added to the sensory table or
It means no play outside today,
(shake head)
So inside I remain.
(rest chin on fist; look sad)
2. Clipping Raindrops
Cut raindrops in a variety of sizes from
I watch the water dribble down construction paper. Tie a small string to
(look up and down) the bottom of two chair legs, and have
As it turns the brown grass green. the children use clothespins to clip the
And after a while I start to smile raindrops in order from smallest to largest.
At Nature’s washing machine. Note: The children will need to sit on the
(smile and lean back) floor for this activity.

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3. Drops of Water various paintbrushes and buckets of water.
Using an eyedropper, count the number of Call attention to the water evaporation.
drops of water you can put into a marker cap
before it overflows. Be sure to cover the table 2. Measuring Rainfall
with a towel. Invite the children to guess how During spring, place a bucket outside with
many drops it will hold before it overflows. a plastic ruler set vertically by securing it
to the bottom. Check the height of the water
4. Sliding Drops after each rainfall. With older children,
Cover a piece of cardboard with aluminum make a chart to record rainfall.
foil and prop up one end. Color water and
begin to drop water on the top of the board 3. Testing Volume
with an eyedropper. Count how many drops Containers that hold the same amounts of
it takes before the water begins to “slide” liquid are needed. Try to include containers
down the ramp. that are tall, skinny, short, and flat. Ask the
children, “Do they hold the same amount?”
5. Counting Raindrops Encourage them to experiment by pouring
Place large, blue beads into a bucket. liquids from one container to another.
Provide a sand shovel for the children to
scoop out the “raindrops” and count how 4. Freezing Water
many they have. Type or write a rain poem Freeze a container of water. Periodically
(like “Rain, Rain, Go Away”), and glue it to observe the changes. In colder climates, the
the bucket so the children can say it as they water can be frozen outdoors. The addition
scoop out the raindrops. of food coloring may add interest.

5. Musical Scale
Make unique musical tone jars by pouring
various levels of water into glass bottles
or jars. Color each bottle of water
Music differently. Provide the children with
1. “Raindrops” spoons, encouraging them to experiment
(Sing to the tune of “London Bridge”) with sounds by tapping each bottle.
Raindrops falling from the sky, Caution: Supervise this activity carefully.
From the sky, from the sky.
Raindrops falling from the sky 6. Plants Use Water
On my umbrella. Place celery stalks in colored water. Observe
how water is absorbed in their veins.
2. “Raindrops Falling”
(Sing to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle”) 7. Chase the Pepper
Collect the following materials: water,
I see raindrops falling down. pepper, a shallow pan, a piece of soap, and
Falling down upon the ground. sugar. Fill the pan with water, and shake
See them falling in the air. the pepper on the water. Take a piece of
See them falling everywhere. wet soap and dip it into the water. What
I see raindrops falling down. happens? (The pepper moves away from the
Falling down upon the ground. soapy water to the clear water.) The surface
of water pulls, and on soapy water the pull is
weak. On clear water, it is strong and pulls
the pepper. Now take some sugar and shake
it into the soapy water. What happens?
Sugar gives the surface a stronger pull.
1. Painting Sidewalks 8. Warm Water and Cold Water
On a sunny day, allow children to paint Collect the following materials: a small
sidewalks with water. To do this, provide aquarium, a small bottle, food coloring,
668 Theme 71
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and water. First, fill the aquarium with A chart may be prepared listing items that
very warm water. Fill the small bottle sink and float.
with colored cold water. Put your thumb
on the mouth of the bottle. Hold the bottle 3. Boating
sideways and lower it into the warm water. Fill the water table. Let the children add
Take away your thumb. What happens? blue food coloring. Provide a variety of boats
(The cold water sinks to the bottom of the for them to play with.
tank. The cold water is heavier than the 4. Moving Water
warm water.) Now fill the tank with cold Provide the children with a variety of
water and fill the small bottle with colored materials that move water. Include the
warm water. What do you predict will following:
happen when you repeat the procedure?
• Sponges • Funnels
9. Wave Machine • Basters • Pitchers
Collect the following materials: mineral • Eye droppers • Plastic tubing
oil, water, food coloring, and a transparent • Squeeze bottles • Measuring cups
jar. Fill the jar 1/2 to 2/3 full with water. • Empty and cleaned
Add a few drops of food coloring. Add yogurt containers
mineral oil to completely fill the jar. Secure 5. Making Rain
the lid on the jar. Tilt the jar slowly from Punch or cut out holes (vary the size and
side to side to make waves. Notice that the number) in the bottoms of containers
oil and water have separate layers and do (nondairy whipped topping, yogurt, etc.).
not stay mixed after the jar is shaken. Place in the sensory table with water, and
encourage children to scoop water into them
10. Water and Vinegar Fun and compare the amount of “rain” coming
Collect the following materials: two small from each container.
plastic jars with lids, water, and white
vinegar. Pour water into one jar and an equal
amount of vinegar into the other jar. Replace
the caps. Let the children explore the jars of
liquids and discuss the similarities, and then Books
let the children smell each jar. The following books can be used to complement
this theme:
11. Color Mixing
Mix water and food coloring to make a Arnosky, Jim. (2010). Slow Down for Manatees.
variety of colors. Place a different color of New York. G. P. Putnam’s Sons.
water in a separate place on a muffin tin. Base, Graeme. (2001). The Water Hole. New
Give children an eyedropper and an empty York: Harry N. Abrams.
muffin tin to experiment with mixing the Cousins, Lucy. (2001). Maisy at the Beach.
colors of water to make a new color. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.
Cowley, Joy, and Fuller, Elizabeth. (2005). Mrs.
Wishy-Washy’s Splishy-Sploshy. New York:
Sensory Davis, Lambert. (2004). Swimming with
1. Colored Ice Dolphins. New York: Blue Sky Press.
Fill the sensory table with colored ice cubes Falwell, Cathryn. (2001). Turtle Splash!
for the children to explore. Countdown at the Pond. New York:
Greenwillow Books.
2. Sink and Float Fleming, Denise. (1993). In the Small, Small
Fill the sensory table with water. Provide Pond. New York: Holt.
the children with a variety of items that
will sink and float. Let them experiment. Franco, Betsy. (2009). Pond Circle. New York:
Margaret K. McElderry Books.
Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Due to electronic rights, some third party content may be suppressed from the eBook and/or eChapter(s).
Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Jarnow, Jill, ed., and Elizabeth Hathon. “Down by the River” [CD]. (2010). In Pete
(2000). Splish! Splash! All Aboard Books. Seeger, Tomorrow’s Children. Westchester,
Illustrated by Elizabeth Hathon. New York: PA: Appleseed Records.
Grosset & Dunlap. “Hey Ducky” [CD]. 2010. In Rock and Roll
Kerley, Barbara. (2002). A Cool Drink of Water. Garden. New York: Bari Koral Family Rock
Washington, DC: National Geographic. Band.
Knox, Barbara. (2003). Under the Sea: Counting Jim Henson’s The Song of the Cloud Forest
Ocean Life. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. and Other Earth Stories [DVD]. (2010). Los
Lindeen, Carol K. (2004). Life in an Ocean. Angeles: Lionsgate.
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. “My Blue Sailboat” [CD]. (2008). In Rocketship
Lindeen, Carol K. (2004). Life in a Pond. Run. New York: Two Tomatoes.
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. Really Wild Animals: Deep Sea Dive
Lindeen, Carol K. (2004). Life in a Stream. [DVD]. (2005). Washington, DC: National
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. Geographic.
London, Jonathan. (2001). Sun Dance Water “River” [CD]. (2010). In Pete Seeger, Tomorrow’s
Dance. New York: Viking. Children. Westchester, PA: Appleseed
Munoz Ryan, Pam. (2001). Hello Ocean.
Illustrated by Mark Astrella and translated “There’ll Come a Day” [CD]. (2010). In Pete
by Yanitzia Canetti. Watertown, MA: Seeger, Tomorrow’s Children. Westchester,
Charlesbridge Publishing. PA: Appleseed Records.
Schafer, Lola, M. (2006). An Island Grows. “Walk along the River” [CD]. (2006). We Are the
Illustrated by Cathie Felstead. New York: Laurie Berkner Band. New York: Razor &
Greenwillow Books. Tie.
Schuh, Mari C. (2006). Drinking Water. Water and Weather: Ecosystems and
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. Environment [DVD]. (2007). Conshohocken,
PA: TMW Media Group.
Seeger, Laura Vaccaro. (2010). What If? New
York: Roaring Brook Press. “Water Dance” [CD]. (1980). In Baby Beluga.
Cambridge, MA: Rounder/UMGD.
Sidman, Joyce. (2005). Song of the Water.
Illustrated by Beckie Prange. Boston: “We Need Water” [CD]. (2000). In Charlotte
Houghton Mifflin. Diamond’s World. Vancouver, BC: Hug Bug
Williams, Karen Lynn. (2010). A Beach Tail.
Illustrated by Floyd Cooper. Honesdale, PA: “When the Tide Goes Out” [CD]. (2000). In
Boyds Mills Press. Charlotte Diamond’s World. Vancouver, BC:
Hug Bug Records.
Winter, Jeanette. (2006). Mama. New York:
Harcourt Books. Who Lives in the Sea? [DVD]. (2007). Seattle,
Washington: All Images and Media.
Wong, Herbert Yee. (2007). Who Likes Rain?
New York: H. Holt.
Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Theme can be found on the book’s companion
website. Go to to
Technology and access the site for a variety of useful resources.
The following technology and multimedia
products can be used to complement this
“Baby Beluga” [CD]. (1980). In Baby Beluga.
Cambridge, MA: Rounder/UMGD.

670 Theme 71
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Water Play and Sensory Experiences
Sensory experiences are another dimension. Lemon or dishpan or similar container.
especially appealing to young pine oil and peppermint, anise, Sprinkle a few drops of food
children. They delight in and orange extracts all provide coloring on the cornstarch.
feeling, listening, smelling, variety for the child. On the Measure 1/c cup water and
tasting, and seeing. They also other hand, ice cubes allow the dd small amounts at a time
love to manipulate objects child to experience an extreme and mix with a spoon or with
by pulling, placing, pouring, touch. fingers. (This is a unique
tipping, shoving, as well as sensory experience which
dipping. As they interact, Tools and Utensils the children will enjoy!) The
they learn new concepts and A wide variety of household mixture feels hard when you
solutions to old problems. tools can be used in the water touch it on the surface, yet
When accompanied by other play table. Measuring cups, melts in your hands when you
children, these experiences small pitchers, small pots pick some up! (This will keep
lead to cooperative, social and pans, and clean yogurt for up to 1 week if kept covered
interactions. As a result, containers can all be used when not in use. You will
the child’s egocentricity is for pouring. Scoops, spoons, probably need to add water the
reduced, allowing him or her turkey basters, small squeeze next time you use it.)
to become less self-centered. bottles, and funnels can be Silly putty is just as
used for transferring the easy to prepare as goop.
Containers liquid from one container to This mixture is prepared
Begin planning sensory another. Pipes, rubber hoses, by combining 1 part liquid
experiences by choosing sponges, wire whisks, and starch, 2 parts white glue,
an appropriate container. eggbeaters all can be used for and dry tempera paint for
Remember that it should be observing water in motion. color. Begin by measuring
large enough so that several Plastic toys, corks, spools, the liquid starch first, as it
children may participate at strainers, boots, and so forth will prevent the glue from
any given time. If you select also encourage exploration. sticking to the measuring
a dishpan, due to its size, cup. Mix with a spoon,
you may want to use several. Other Sensory Experiences
There are wide varieties of adding single tablespoons
Other containers that may be of liquid starch to get the
used include a commercially other materials that can be
used in the sensory table. right consistency. Next,
made sensory or water table, knead with hands. Store in
baby bathtub, wash tub, pail, Natural materials such as
sand, gravel, rocks, grain, mud, an airtight container (such
wading pool, sink, or bathtub. as a zipper-sealed bag) in
wood chips, clay, corn, and
Things to Add to Water birdseed can be used. Children the refrigerator. You will be
A variety of substances can also enjoy having minnows thrilled to find that it will
be added to water to make it and worms in the table. They keep for several weeks.
more inviting. Food coloring delight in visually tracking the Enjoy yourself with the
is one example. Start by minnow and worm movement. children, but always change
individually choosing and As they attempt to pick them the sensory experiences on
adding one primary color. up, eye-hand coordination skills a daily basis. In doing so,
Later soaps can be added. are practiced. Styrofoam pieces you stimulate the child’s
These may be in liquid or flake and shavings are attractive curiosity as well as provide a
form. Baking soda, cornstarch, materials that can lend variety. meaningful curriculum.
and salt will affect the feel of A strange mixture called For health purposes,
the water. Baby and vegetable goop is a fun material to play children should be
oil may leave a residue on the with. To prepare goop, empty encouraged to wash their
child’s hand. Extracts add 1 box of cornstarch into a hands after sensory play.

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Theme 72

Purpose Materials
movement rubber
transportation plastic

Sizes Uses
small bicycles, motorcycles
medium tricycles, scooters, cars, trucks, buses
large planes, unicycles, wagons
wheelbarrows, carts, chairs
trailers, roller skates, in-line skates
pulleys, gears, trains
wheelchairs, pizza cutters

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Sizes of wheels
2. Purposes of wheels
3. Materials used to make wheels
4. Uses of wheels

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Wheels are round.
2. Wheels come in different sizes.
3. Wheels can help us do our work.
4. Wheels help move people and things.
5. Cars, trains, trucks, buses, planes, motorcycles, tricycles, and bicycles
have wheels.
6. Wagons, wheelbarrows, carts, and trailers have wheels.
7. Some chairs have wheels.
8. Wheelchairs have wheels.
9. In-line skates and roller skates have wheels.
10. Pulleys and gears have wheels.
11. Wheels can be different sizes.
12. A unicycle is a one-wheeled cycle.
13. A pizza cutter is a wheel.
14. Wheels can be made of rubber, plastic, metal, or wood.

1. bicycle—a two-wheeled vehicle.
2. pulley—a wheel that can be connected to a rope to move things.
3. unicycle—a vehicle with one wheel.
4. wheel—a form in the shape of a circle. Wheels help things move and
5. wheelbarrow—a vehicle that is pushed and used for moving small loads.
6. wheelchair—a chair on wheels used to move people.

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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to promote the development of
mathematical concepts. To prepare the bulletin board, draw pictures of a
unicycle, bicycle, and tricycle on tagboard. Color, cut out, and post on the
bulletin board. Next, construct the numerals 1, 2, and 3 out of tagboard. Hang
the numerals on the top of the bulletin board. A corresponding set of dots can
be placed below the numeral to assist children in counting. A string can be
attached to each numeral by using a stapler. Have the children wind the string
around a pushpin connected to the vehicle with the corresponding number of

674 Theme 72
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Wheels! Wheelchairs, wheelbarrows, tricycle wheels, bicycle wheels, and car wheels! Children see
wheels almost every day of their lives. We are studying wheels. Through participating in the activities
planned for this unit, the children will discover the purpose, uses, and sizes of wheels. They will also
learn what materials are used to make wheels.

At School
We have many learning experiences planned for this unit, including:
• Examining tire rubber at the science table
• Painting with toy cars at the art table
• Singing a song called “The Wheels on the Bus”

At Home
There are many ways that you can incorporate this unit in your home. Try any of these activities with
your child:
• Walk around the neighborhood with your child. To develop observation skills, look for different
• Count the wheels on the different types of transportation. Semi-trucks have several, whereas a
unicycle has only one.

Enjoy your child!

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2. Floats
Paper, tape, crêpe paper, and balloons can
be provided to decorate the wheels on
Arts and Crafts tricycles, wagons, and scooters.
1. Car Painting
Provide small plastic cars, tempera paint,
and paper. Place the tempera paint in a
shallow pan. Car tracks can be created by
dipping the car wheels in the tempera paint
Field Trips and
and rolling them across paper. Resource People
2. Wheel Collage 1. Cycle Shop
Provide magazines for the children to cut Visit a cycle shop. Observe the different
out pictures of wheels. The pictures can be sizes of wheels that are in the shop. Talk
pasted or glued onto sheets of paper. about the different materials that wheels
can be made of.
3. Tracing Wheels
Provide sewing tracing wheels, pizza 2. Machine Shop
cutters, pastry wheels, carbon paper, and Visit a machine parts shop. Look at the
construction paper. The children can place different gears, pulleys, and wheels. Discuss
the carbon paper on the construction paper their sizes, shapes, and possible uses.
and run one of the wheels over the carbon
paper, making a design on the construction 3. Resource People
paper. • Cycle specialist
• Mechanic
• Machinist
• Person who uses a wheelchair
1. Cheese Wheels
Using a cookie cutter, cut cheese slices into
circle shapes to represent wheels. Top the
pieces with raisins, or serve with crackers.

2. Pizza Rounds
Fingerplays and Chants
Provide each child with half of an English My Bicycle
muffin. Demonstrate how to spread pizza One wheel, two wheels on the ground.
sauce on a muffin. Next, lay a few skinny (revolve hand in forward circle to form
strips of cheese across the top, making the each wheel)
cheese look like wheel spokes. Now let the My feet make the pedals go round and
children prepare their own. Bake in an round.
oven at 350 degrees for 5 to 7 minutes or (move feet in pedaling motion)
until the cheese melts. Cool slightly before Handlebars help me steer so straight
serving. (pretend to steer bicycle)
Down the sidewalk, through the gate.

Dramatic Play Wheels big.
1. Car Mechanic (form big circles with fingers)
Outdoors, place various wheels, tires, tools, Wheels small.
overalls, and broken tricycles. The children (form little circles with fingers)
can experiment using tools. Count them one by one

676 Theme 72
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Turning as they’re pedaled from magazines and catalogs. Mount the
(make pedaling motion with hands) pictures on tagboard. Laminate. Sort the
In the springtime sun. pictures according to the number of wheels.
(count fingers)

Group Time Music

(Games and Language) “The Wheels on the Bus”
Who Took the Wheel? The wheels on the bus go round and round,
(Variation of “Who Took the Cookie from the Round and round, round and round.
Cookie Jar?”) The wheels on the bus go round and round
(After the first verse, the chant continues All through the town.
as the chosen child picks another child. (Other verses:)
Continue repeating the chant using the
children’s names.) The wipers on the bus go swish, swish,
Who took the wheel off the car today? The doors on the bus go open and shut.
_______ took the wheel off the car today. The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep.
(fill _______ with a child’s name) The driver on the bus says, “Move on back.”
(Chosen child says:) “Who me?” The people on the bus go up and down.
(Class responds:) “Yes, you!”
(Chosen child says:) “Couldn’t be!”
(Class responds:) “Well then, who?”

1. Tire Rubber
Large Muscle Cut off several pieces of rubber from
1. Wheelbarrow old bicycle tires. Provide magnifying
Place child-safe wheelbarrows in the play glasses. Encourage the children to observe
yard. Provide materials of varying weights similarities and differences.
for the children to move.
2. Pulley
2. Wagons Set up a pulley. Provide the children with
Place child-safe wagons in the playground. blocks so they may lift a heavy load with
Provide objects for the children to move. the help of a wheel. Supervision may be
necessary for this activity.

3. Gears
Collect gears and place on the science table.
2+3 =
Math The children can experiment, observing how
the gears move. When appropriate, discuss
1. Wheel Sequence their similar and different characteristics.
Cut out various-sized circles from tagboard
to represent wheels. The children can 4. Wheels and Axles
sequence the wheels from largest to smallest. Set out a few wheels and axles. Discuss how
they work as a lever to help lift heavy loads.
2. How Many Wheels? Encourage the children to think about
Pictures of a unicycle, bicycle, tricycle, cars, where they might find wheels and axles.
scooters, and trucks of all sizes can be cut

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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Lyon, George Ella, and Craig Frazier. (2007).
Trucks Roll! New York: Atheneum/Richard
Jackson Books.
Sensory Marzollo, Jean, and Walter Wick. (1998). I Spy
Sensory Table Little Wheels. I Spy. Photography by Walter
Add the following items to the sensory table: Wick. New York: Scholastic.
• Sand with wheel molds Michalak, Jamie. (2009). Joe and Sparky Get New
• Rubber from tires Wheels. Somerville, MA: Candlewick Press.
• Gravel and small toy cars and trucks Murphy, Stuart. (2000). Beep Beep, Vroom
Vroom! Illustrated by Chris L. Demarest.
New York: HarperCollins.
Pienkowski, Jan. (1997). Trucks and Other
Working Wheels. New York: Dutton
Social Studies Children’s Books.
Wheelchair Prince Jones, April. (2006). What Do Wheels
Borrow a wheelchair (child sized if possible) Do All Day? Illustrated by Giles Laroche.
from a local hospital or pharmacy. During Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
group time, discuss how wheelchairs Raffi. (1998). Wheels on the Bus. New York:
help some people to move. Children Crown Books.
can experience moving and pushing a
wheelchair. Rockwell, Anne. (2006). Big Wheels. New York:
Walker & Co.
Samuels, Barbara. (2010). The Trucker. New
York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Books Shannon, David. (2002). Duck on a Bike. New
York: Scholastic.
The following books can be used to complement
Shirley, Debra. (2008). Best Friend on Wheels.
this theme:
Morton Grove, IL: A. Whitman and Co.
Barton, Byron. (1997). Machines at Work. New
Todd, Mark. (2003). Monster Trucks. Boston:
York: HarperFestival.
Houghton Mifflin.
Carter, Don. (2002). Trucks! Get to Work.
Walton, Rick. (2002). Cars at Play. New York:
Brookfield, CT: Roaring Brook Press.
G.P. Putnam’s Sons.
Cousins, Lucy. (2010). Maisy’s Book of Things
Willems, Mo. (2005). The Pigeon Loves Things
That Go. Somerville, MA: Candlewick Press.
That Go! New York: Scholastic.
Dahl, Michael. (2002). Tires, Spokes, and
Zane, Alex. (2005). Wheels on the Race Car. New
Sprockets: A Book about Wheels and Axles.
York: Orchard Books.
Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window Books.
Day, Nancy Raines. (2003). Double Those
Wheels. New York: Dutton Children’s Books
Graham, Ian. (2008). Monster Trucks. Laguna Technology and
Hills, CA: QEB Publishing.
Johnson, Stephen T. (2006). My Little Yellow
Taxi. San Diego, CA: Red Wagon Books/ The following technology and multimedia
Harcourt. product can be used to complement this theme:
Kubler, Annie. (2001). The Wheels on the Bus. The Best of Mighty Machines [DVD]. (2007).
Bridgemead, UK: Child’s Play. Coral Springs, FL: NCircle Entertainment.
Lillegard, Dee. (2006). Go! Poetry in Motion. “Drive My Car” [CD]. (2002). In Laurie Berkner:
Illustrated by Valeri Gorbachev. New York: Under a Shady Tree. New York: Two
Knopf. Tomatoes.

678 Theme 72
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“Let’s Go Riding in the Car” [CD]. (2008) In Pete “The Wheels on the Bus” [CD]. (2000). In Early
Seeger’s Children’s Concert At Town Hall. Childhood Classics: Old Favorites with a
Mighty Machines: Chomp! Crunch! Tear! New Twist. Sherman Oaks, CA: Hap-Pal
[DVD]. (2010). Coral Springs, FL: NCircle Music.
Mighty Machines: MakingTracks [DVD]. (2007).
Additional teaching resources to accompany this
NCircle Entertainment. Theme can be found on the book’s companion
website. Go to to
“Wheels” [CD]. (2010). In What Are the Odds?
access the site for a variety of useful resources.
New York: Monkey Monkey Music.

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Theme 73

Weather Outdoor Clothing Animals That
Characteristics hats, jackets Hibernate
colder coats chipmunks
may be icy mittens and gloves bears
may be snowy boots, scarves snakes
may be sleety earmuffs, snowpants turtles
may be shivery snowsuits frogs and toads

Cold Weather Impact Holidays

Sports trees shed leaves Christmas
ice skating, sledding lakes and ponds may Hanukkah
snowmobiling freeze Kwanzaa
ice fishing, hockey New Year’s Day
skiing, tobogganing Months Valentine’s Day
January, February

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Winter holidays 4. Winter outdoor clothing
2. Characteristics of winter weather 5. Hibernating animals
3. Winter sports

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Winter is one of the four seasons.
2. Winter is usually the coldest season.
3. Winter comes after fall and before spring.
4. Ice, snow, and sleet are found during the winter in some places.
5. People wear warmer clothes in the winter.
6. Hats, jackets, coats, mittens, gloves, boots, scarves, snowpants,
earmuffs, and snowsuits are worn during the winter.
7. Some animals hibernate in the winter.
8. Chipmunks, bears, snakes, turtles, frogs, and toads hibernate for the
9. Trees may lose their leaves in the winter.
10. Lakes, ponds, and water may freeze in the winter.
11. Sledding, skiing, tobogganing, snowmobiling, ice fishing, hockey, and
ice skating are winter sports in colder areas.
12. To remove snow, people shovel and plow.
13. December, January, and February are winter months.
14. Christmas, Kwanzaa, New Year’s Day, Hanukkah, and Valentine’s Day
are winter holidays.

1. boots—clothing worn on feet to keep them dry and warm.
2. cold—not warm. Winter weather is often cold.
3. frost—very small ice pieces.
4. hibernate—to sleep during the winter.
5. ice—frozen water.
6. icicle—a hanging piece of frozen ice.
7. shiver—to shake from cold or fear.
8. ski—a runner that moves over snow and ice.
9. sled—transportation for moving over snow and ice.
10. sleet—mixture of rain and snow.
11. snow—frozen particles of water that fall to the ground.
12. snowperson—snow shaped in the form of a person.
13. temperature—indicates how hot or cold something is.
14. winter—one of four seasons. Winter comes after fall and before spring.

TER 681
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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to provide the children with an opportunity to
develop their visual discrimination skills by matching patterns. Construct several
pairs of mittens out of tagboard, each with a different pattern, as illustrated.
Laminate the pieces. On the bulletin board, string one of each pair of the mittens
through a rope or clothesline (one or two rows). Tie enough clothespins in place
by putting the line through the wire spring of the clothespins so children can
attach the matching mittens. (Tie a clothespin beside each mitten.) Children can
match the mittens by hanging the second next to the first with a clothespin. This
is mainly a small motor exercise for older children, unless you make the mittens
with patterns or colors that are similar. More detailed patterns will increase the
difficulty of the task.

682 Theme 73
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
We are beginning a curriculum theme on winter. The children will learn about the coldest season by
taking a look at winter clothing, weather characteristics that occur during this season, and winter
sports. Throughout the unit, the children will develop an awareness of winter activities. The children
will also learn to identify the winter holidays and the animals that hibernate during the winter.

At School
Some of our learning experiences related to winter include:
• Creating cottonball snowpeople
• Sorting mittens by size, shape, and color
• Enjoying stories about winter
• Setting up an ice-skating rink in the dramatic play area
• Experiencing snow and ice in the sensory table

At Home (Teachers: delete this paragraph if snow is unavailable)

To experience winter at home, try this activity—snow in the bathtub! Bring in some snow from
outside, and place it in your bathtub. Also place some measuring cups, spoons, and scoops in the
bathtub and let your child use mittens to play in the snow. In addition, a spray bottle filled with
colored water (made with food coloring) will allow your child to make colorful sculptures. This is sure
to keep your children busy and will develop an awareness of the senses.

Happy Winter from all of us!

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7. Easel Ideas
Feature white paint at the easel for snow
pictures on colored paper. Or, cut easel
Arts and Crafts paper into winter shapes: snowmen, hats,
1. Whipped Soap Painting mittens, scarves, snowflakes, and so on.
Mix 1 cup Ivory Snow flakes with 1/2 cup
warm water in bowl. The children can 8. Snow Drawings
beat with a hand eggbeater until the White chalk and dark construction paper
mixture is fluffy. Apply the mixture to can be placed in the art area.
dark construction paper with various tools
(toothbrushes, rollers, tongue depressors, 9. Snow Painting
brushes, etc.). To create variety, food Using old spray bottles filled with colored
coloring can be added to the paint water, let the children make pictures in the
mixture. snow outside. Note: This activity is limited
to areas where snow is available.
2. Cotton Ball Snowperson
Cut a snowperson figure from dark
construction paper. Provide the children
with cotton balls and glue. They can
decorate the snowperson by gluing on
cotton balls. 1. Banana Snowpeople
2 cups raisins
3. Snowflakes 2 bananas
Cut different-sized squares out of white Shredded coconut
construction paper. Fold the squares in Chop the bananas and raisins in a
half, and then in half again. Demonstrate blender. Place them in a mixing bowl.
and encourage the children to cut and Refrigerate until the mixture is cool
open their own designs. The snowflakes enough to be handled. Roll the mixture
can be hung in the entry or classroom for into balls and into shredded coconut.
decoration. Stack three balls, and fasten with
toothpicks. Caution: Close supervision
4. Ice Cube Art is needed when using toothpicks with
Place a craft stick in each ice compartment young children.
of a tray and fill with water. Freeze.
Sprinkle dry tempera paint on paper. To 2. Hot Chocolate
make their own design, the children can Add warm water or milk to instant hot
move an ice cube on the paper. chocolate, and mix. Heat as needed.
5. Frosted Pictures 3. Snow Cones
Mix 1 part Epsom salts with 1 part boiling Crush ice, and spoon into small paper cups.
water. Let the mixture cool. Encourage Pour a fruit juice over the ice. Serve.
the children to make a crayon design on
paper. The mixture can be brushed over the
picture. Observe how the crystals form as
the mixture dries.
Dramatic Play
6. Winter Shape Printing
1. Ice-Skating Palace
Cut sponges into various winter shapes
Make a masking tape border on a carpeted
such as boots, snowmen, mittens,
floor. Give each child two pieces of waxed
snowflakes, fir trees, and stars. The children
paper. Show children how to fasten waxed
can use the sponges as a tool to print on
paper to their ankles with rubber bands.
different pieces of colored construction
Play instrumental music and encourage the
children to skate around on the carpeted floor.

684 Theme 73
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2. Dress Up Making a Snowperson
If available, put outdoor winter clothing Roll it, roll it, get a pile of snow.
such as coats, boots, hats, mittens, scarves, (make rolling motions with hands)
and earmuffs in the dramatic play area Rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling here
of the classroom with a large mirror. The we go.
children may enjoy trying on a variety of Pat it, pat it, face it to the south.
clothing items. (patting motion)
Now my little snowperson’s done, eyes and
nose and mouth.
(point to eyes, nose, and mouth)
Field Trips and
Resource People Zippers
Three little zippers on my snowsuit,
1. Visit an ice-skating rink. Observe the ice
(hold up three fingers)
and watch how it is cleaned.
Fasten up as snug as snug can be
2. Visit a sledding hill. Bring sleds and go
It’s a very easy thing as you can see
Just zip, zip, zip!
3. Invite a snowplow operator to school to
(do three zipping motions)
talk to the children. After a snowfall, the
I work the zippers on my snowsuit.
children can observe the plowing.
Zippers really do save time for me
4. Take the children to a grocery store and
I can fasten them myself with one, two,
view the freezer area. Also, observe a
refrigerated delivery truck.
Just zip, zip, zip!
(do three zipping motions)

The Snowperson and the Bunny

A chubby little snowperson
(make a fist)
Fingerplays and Chants Had a carrot nose.
Five Little Snowpeople (poke thumb out)
Five little snowpeople standing in the door. Along came a bunny
This one melted and then there were four. And what do you suppose?
(hold up all five fingers, put down thumb) (other hand, make rabbit ears)
Four little snowpeople underneath a tree. That hungry little bunny
This one melted and then there were three. Looking for his lunch
(put down pointer finger) (bunny hops around)
Three little snowpeople with hats and Ate that snowperson’s carrot nose.
mittens too. (bunny nibbles at thumb)
This one melted and then there were two. Crunch, crunch, crunch.
(put down middle finger)
Two little snowpeople outside in the sun.
Build a Snowperson
This one melted and then there was one.
First you make a snowball,
(put down ring finger)
(rolling motion)
One little snowperson trying hard to run.
Big and fat and round.
He melted too, and then there were none.
(extend arms in large circle)
(put down pinky)
Then you roll the snowball,
Variations: (rolling motion)
All along the ground.
• Make five little snowpeople finger Then you build the snowperson
puppets, and remove them one by one. One-two-three!
• Make five stick puppets for children (place three pretend balls on top of each
to hold and sit down one by one at other)
appropriate times during fingerplay.
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Then you have a snowperson, 4. Snowball Target
Don’t you see? Because children love throwing snowballs,
(point to eyes) set up a target outside for children to throw
Then the sun shines all around and snowballs.
Melts the snowperson to the ground.
(drop to the ground in a melting motion) 5. Shovel
Provide child-sized shovels for the children
to help shovel a walk.
Group Time 6. Balance
(Games and Language)
Make various tracks in the snow, such as
1. Who Has the Mitten? a straight line, zig-zag line, circle, square,
Ask the children to sit in a circle. One child triangle, and rectangle.
should sit in the middle. Make a very small
mitten out of felt or construction paper. Tell
the children to pass the mitten around the
2+3 =
circle. All the children should imitate the
passing actions, even if they do not have the
mitten in hand. When the verse starts, the 1. Shape Sequence
child in the middle tries to guess who has Cut three different-sized white circles
the mitten. Chant the following verse while from construction paper for each child to
passing a mitten. make a snowperson. Which is the largest?
Smallest? How many do you have? What
I pass the mitten from me to you to you, shape? Have children sequence the circles
I pass the mitten and that is what I do. from largest to smallest and from smallest
to largest.
2. Hat Chart
Prepare a hat chart by listing all the types 2. Winter Dominoes
and colors of hats worn by the children in Trace and cut 30 squares out of white
the classroom. tagboard. Section each square into four
spaces diagonally. In each of the four spaces,
draw different winter objects or stick on
winter stickers. The children can match the
pictures by playing dominoes.
Large Muscle
1. Freeze 3. Dot to Dot
Play music, and have the children walk Make a dot-to-dot snowperson. The children
around in a circle. When the music stops, connect the dots in numerical order. You
the children freeze by standing still in can also make dot-to-dot patterns of other
a stooped position. Vary the activity by winter objects such as hats, snowflakes,
substituting other actions such as hopping, mittens, and so on. This activity requires
skipping, galloping, sliding, and the like. numeral recognition and order, so it is
restricted to the school-aged child.
2. Snowperson
During outdoor play, make a snowperson. 4. Puzzles
Decorate with radish eyes, a carrot nose, a Mount winter pictures or posters on
scarf, and a hat, and have the snowperson tagboard sheets. Cut into pieces. The
hold a stick. Other novel accessories can be number of pieces cut will depend on the
substituted by using the children’s ideas. children’s developmental age. Place in the
small manipulative area of the classroom
3. Snowpeople for use during self-selected activity
After a snowfall, have the children lie down periods.
in the snow and move their arms and legs
to make shapes.

686 Theme 73
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3. Make Bird Feeders
Roll pinecones in a mixture of cornmeal
with shortening, lard, or softened butter,
and then roll in bird seed. Attach a string
Music to the pinecones, and hang them outside.
1. “Snowperson” Encourage the children to check the bird
(Sing to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little feeders frequently.
Star”) A bird feeder can also be prepared
from suet. To do this, wrap suet in netting.
Snowperson, snowperson, where did you go?
Gather up the edges, and tie together with
I built you yesterday out of snow.
a long string. Another method is to place
I built you high and I built you fat.
suet in a net citrus fruit bag.
I put on eyes and a nose and a hat.
Now you’re gone all melted away
4. Snow
But it’s sunny outside so I’ll go and play.
Bring a large container of snow into the
classroom. After it is melted, add colored
2. “Winter Clothes”
water and place the container outdoors.
(Sing to the tune of “Did You Ever See a
When frozen, bring a colored block of ice
back into the classroom and watch it melt.
(In additional verses, replace “coats” with
hats, boots, mittens, etc.)
5. Examine Snowflakes
Children put your coats on, your coats on, Examine snowflakes with a magnifying
your coats on. glass. Each is unique. For classrooms
Children put your coats on, one, two, and located in warmer climates, make a snow-
three. like substance by crushing ice.

3. “Mitten Song” 6. Catching Snowflakes

Thumbs in the thumb place, fingers all Cover a piece of cardboard with dark felt.
together. Place the cardboard piece in the freezer.
This is the song we sing in mitten weather. Place the board outside, and let snowflakes
land on the board. Snowflakes will last
longer for examination.

7. Coloring Snow
Provide children with spray bottles
Science containing colored water, preferably red,
yellow, and blue. Allow them to spray the
1. Weather Doll snow and mix colors.
Make a felt weather doll. Encourage the
children to dress and undress the doll 8. Thermometers
according to the weather. Experiment with a thermometer. Begin
introducing the concept by observing
2. Make Frost and discussing what happens when
Changes in temperature cause dew. When the thermometer is placed in a bowl of
dew freezes, it is called frost. Materials warm water and a bowl of cold water.
needed are a tin can with no lid, rock salt, Demonstrate to the children, and encourage
and crushed ice. Measure and pour 2 cups them to experiment under supervision
of crushed ice and 1/2 cup rock salt in a during the self-selected activity period.
can. Stir rapidly. Let the mixture sit for
30 minutes. After 30 minutes, the outside 9. Signs and Sounds of Winter
of the can will have dew on it. Wait longer, On a winter walk in colder climates, have
and the dew will change to frost. To hasten the children watch and listen for signs and
the process, place in a freezer. sounds of winter. The signs of winter are

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(1) weather: cold, ice, daylight is shorter, 4. Winter Clothing Match
and darkness is earlier; (2) plants: all but Draw large paper figures of a boy and of
evergreen trees are bare; and (3) people: we a girl. Design and cut winter clothing to
wear warmer clothes, we play inside more, fit each figure. The children can dress the
we shovel snow, and we play in the snow. figures for outdoor play.
Some of the sounds of winter are boots
crunching, rain splashing, wind howling,
and so on. Note: Adapt this activity to the
signs of winter in your climate. Books
The following books can be used to complement
this theme:
Allue, Joseph M., M. E. Sole, N. C. Canals, and
Sensory M. P. Pons. (2001). 100 Games for Winter.
The following items can be placed in the sensory Illustrated by Joseph M. Allue, M. E. Sole, and
table: M. P. Pons. Hauppage, NY: Barron Juveniles.

• Snow and ice (plain or colored with Barclay, Jane. (2000). How Cold Was It?
drops of food coloring) Montreal: Lobster Press.
• Cottonballs with measuring and Brett, Jan. (2007). The Three Snow Bears. New
balancing scale York: Putnam Juvenile.
• Pinecones Brett, Jan. (2009). The Mitten (20th anniversary
• Ice cubes (colored or plain) edition). New York: Putnam Juvenile.
• Snow and magnifying glasses
Brunelle, Nicholas. (2005). Snowman. New
York: Viking.
Gay, Marie-Louise. (2000). Stella, Queen of
Snow. Toronto: Douglas & McIntyre.
Social Studies Glaser, Linda. (2002). It’s Winter! Minneapolis,
MN: Millbrook Press.
1. Travel
Discuss ways people travel in winter, Hest, Amy. (2003). You Can Do It Sam.
such as by sled, toboggan, snowmobile, Illustrated by Anita Jeram. Cambridge, MA:
snowshoes, skis, and the like. Candlewick Press.
Hopkins, Lee Bennett. (2010). Sharing the
2. Winter Happenings Seasons: A Book of Poems. Illustrated
Display pictures of different winter by David Diaz. New York: Margaret K.
happenings—for example, sports, clothing, McElderry Books.
snow, and so forth—around the room at the Iwamura, Kazuo. (2008). Hooray for Snow.
children’s eye level. Fitzgerald, GA: North South.
Kohara, Kazuno. (2009). Here Comes Jack
3. Winter Book
Frost. New York: Roaring Brook Press.
Encourage the children to make a book
about winter. Do one page a day. The Laminack, Lester L. (2007). Snow Day!
following titles could be used: Illustrated by Adam Gustavson. Atlanta,
GA: Peachtree.
• What I Wear in Winter
• What I Like to Do Outside in Winter Lenski, Lois. (2000). I Like Winter. New York:
• What I Like to Do Inside in Winter Random House.
• My Favorite Food during Winter Lindeen, Carol K. (2006). Let’s Ice Skate!
• My Favorite Thing about Winter Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Note: This activity may be more London, Jonathan. (1992). Froggy Gets Dressed.
appropriate for the school-aged child. Illustrated by Frank Remkiewicz. New
York: Viking.

688 Theme 73
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Maass, Robert. (1993). When Winter Comes.
New York: H. Holt. Technology and
Quattlebaum, Mary. (2005). Winter Friends.
Illustrated by Hiroe Nakata. New York: Multimedia
Doubleday Books for Young Readers.
The following technology and multimedia
Rustad, Martha E. H. (2009). Animals in products can be used to complement this
Winter. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. theme:
Rustad, Martha E. H. (2009). Christmas. Bear Snores On [DVD]. (2005). New York:
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. Scholastic.
Rustad, Martha E. H. (2009). People in Winter. Caillou: Caillou’s Winter Wonders [DVD].
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. (2008). Los Angeles: Paramount Home
Rustad, Martha E. H. (2009). Snowflakes. Entertainment.
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. Curious George Plays in the Snow [DVD].
Rylant, Cynthia. (2007). Snow. Illustrated by (2007). Burbank, CA: Universal Studios
Lauren Stringer. Orlando, FL: Harcourt. Home Entertainment.
Schoenherr, Ian. (2007). Pip and Squeak. New “I’m a Little Snowflake” [CD]. (2001). In
York: Greenwillow Books. Whaddaya Think of That, Laurie Berkner.
New York: Two Tomatoes.
Schuette, Sarah L. (2007). Let’s Look at Winter.
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. Kipper [DVD]. (2003). London, England: Hit
Stoick, Jean, and Carl R. Sams II. (2000).
Stranger in the Woods. Auburn Hills, MI: The Snowy Day and Other Caldecott Classics
EDCO Publishing. [DVD]. (2003). New York: Scholastic.
Tafuri, Nancy. (2001). Where Did Bunny Go? “Winter Lullaby” [CD]. (2008). In The Laurie
New York: Scholastic Press. Berkner Band, Rocketship Run. New York:
Razor & Tie.
Thomas, Jane. (2001). The Big Red Sled.
Illustrated by Priscilla Burris. New York:
Scholastic. Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Van Laan, Nancy, and Susan Gaber. (2000).
When Winter Comes. New York: Atheneum / website. Go to to
Anne Schwartz Books. access the site for a variety of useful resources.

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Theme 74

Earthworm Purpose Places Foods Sizes
Enemies fishing bait soil or dirt small
birds tunnels in soil underground rotting leaves medium
lizards oceans plants large
frogs ponds

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Places worms live
2. Sizes of worms
3. Earthworm enemies
4. Foods worms eat
5. Purpose of earthworms

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Worms are thin animals that have long, soft bodies.
2. Worms can be different sizes and lengths.
3. Earthworms live underground.
4. An earthworm moves by stretching itself thin and then pulling its body
5. Earthworms make tunnels in the soil.
6. Earthworms help keep soil healthy for plant growth.
7. Earthworms breathe through their skin.
8. Many insects at the caterpillar stage of growth are worms, such as
apple worms, inchworms, and tomato worms.
9. Earthworms are food for many animals, including birds, lizards, frogs,
toads, turtles, moles, and shrews.
10. Earthworms are sometimes used as fishing bait.
11. Earthworms eat dirt, rotting leaves, and plants.

1. burrow—a tunnel in the earth made by a worm.
2. soil—top layer of the earth in which plants grow.
3. worm—an animal that has a soft, slender body and no backbone or legs.

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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to identify written numerals, as well as
match sets of objects to a written numeral. Construct bucket shapes out of tag
board. Print a different numeral on each bucket. (Numerals used should depend
on the developmental level of the children.) Cut worms out of tag board and
decorate as desired. Laminate all pieces. Attach the buckets to the bulletin
board by stapling them along the side and bottom edges, leaving the tops of the
buckets open. The children are to place the corresponding number of worms in
each bucket.

692 Theme 74
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Did you know that there are thousands of kinds of worms? Worms are fascinating. They are any
of several kinds of animals that have a soft, slender body, with no backbone or legs. The smallest
worms cannot be seen without a microscope, and the largest can be many feet long. At school this
week, we will focus on the common earthworm, which is a member of the segmented worm group.
Through the experiences provided by this theme, the children will learn the places worms live and
the foods they eat.
At School
Some of this week’s learning experiences include:
• Creating a worm farm to place on the science table and observe worms
• Sorting gummi worm candies by colors
• Making pretzels in the shape of worms!
• Playing with plastic worms and sand in the sensory table
At Home
After a rainfall, look for worms and worm holes with your child to reinforce concepts of this unit at
home. Also, we will learn the following song. You may want to try it with your child.

“I’m a Little Worm”

(Sing to the tune of “I’m a Little Teapot”)
I’m a little worm in the soft, cool ground.
I like to wiggle and squirm around.
When a bird comes near,
I scoot away.
Back into the ground is where I’ll stay!

Have a good week!

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preparation of the mix. Stir in the extract,
shredded coconut, and chocolate chips.
Divide the batter into a regular-size
Arts and Crafts cupcake tin and bake according to the
1. Worm Painting directions on the brownie mix. Recipe
Plastic fishing worms on string, paint, and should make 12 cupcakes. Depending on the
paper are needed for this activity. Children size of the class, you may want to use more
dip a worm or string into paint and apply to than one mix.
the paper, moving it around the paper.
4. Dirty Worm Snack
2. Package Worm Collages Prepare desired amount of chocolate pudding.
Save Styrofoam package “worms” and place Place in cups and add gummy worms.
on the art table with paper, markers, and
glue. The children can use materials to
create designs of their choice.
Dramatic Play
Bait Shop
Cooking In the dramatic play area, place tackle
boxes, plastic worms (in small containers),
1. Mud Cake fishing lures (with the hooks removed),
1 1/2 cups flour bobbers, nets, fishing poles, cash register,
1 cup sugar and play money. The children can pretend
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder to be customers and bait shop workers.
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 tablespoon vinegar
1 teaspoon vanilla Field Trips
1 cup water
Gummi worm candies (for decoration) 1. Bait Store
Plan a trip to an area bait store. Ask to see
Place dry ingredients in an 8-inch 3 8-inch 3 the variety of worms that are sold. Also,
2-inch baking pan. Mix well. Using a fork, look closely at worm bedding.
make a hole shape in the middle of the flour
mixture. Pour liquid ingredients into the 2. Go Fishin’
hole. Stir together all ingredients with a fork. If appropriate and with plenty of adult
Bake for 40 to 45 minutes in a 350-degree supervision, arrange a fishing trip to a
oven. Cool in pan. Decorate cake by gently pond, lake, or fish farm. Bring along a picnic
pushing worm candies into each piece. lunch and enjoy the day!

2. Worm Pretzels
Use frozen bread dough to make worm-
shaped pretzels. Follow directions on the
package for thawing and baking.

3. Worm and Dirt Cupcakes Fingerplays and Chants

1 package fudge brownie mix A Robin
1/2 cup shredded sweetened coconut When a robin cocks his head
1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chips (tilt head to side)
2 teaspoons coconut extract Sideways in a flower bed,
He can hear the tiny sound
Preheat oven to the directions provided Of a worm beneath the ground.
on the mix. Follow the directions for (make crawling motion with fingers)
694 Theme 74
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Little Worm
The little tiny wiggly worm 2+3 =
(move index finger) Math
Went crawling through the ground.
1. Gummi Worm Candy Sort
Down came the rain
As a group, sort a package of gummi
(wiggle all fingers downward)
worm candies by color. Count the number
It was muddy all around.
of each color. Count all gummi worms. If
Rain filled the tunnels appropriate, record information on a graph.
(make slow fist)
And out came the little worm. 2. Set of Worms
(push index finger of one hand through Using plastic fishing worms and number
fist of other) cards, encourage children to count sets of
So the puddles on the ground worms to match written numbers.
Were the only place to squirm.
(move index finger) 3. How Many Worms?
Create “inchworms” by drawing a worm (or
pasting a clip art worm) in a strip of paper
one inch long. Make one full sheet and
Group Time photocopy for desired amount. Cut apart
and give some to each child. Give children
(Games and Language)
a variety of objects to “measure” by placing
1. Hide the Worm inchworms end to end. Variation: You
Ask several children to close or cover could also make inchworm measuring cubes
their eyes. Then hide a plastic worm in by taping inchworms to cubes that are
an observable place in the room. Children approximately one inch long.
uncover their eyes and try to find the worm.
The first child to find the worm hides it
again, and the game continues until all
have had a chance to look for the worm.

2. Drop the Worm (A Variation of Drop

the Handkerchief)
To play this game, children stand in a circle 1. “I’m a Little Worm”
formation. One child is chosen to hold a (Sing to the tune of “I’m a Little Teapot”)
plastic worm and walk around the outside I’m a little worm in the soft, cool ground.
of the circle, dropping the worm behind I like to wiggle and squirm around.
another child. The child who has the worm When a bird comes near,
dropped behind him or her must pick it up I scoot away.
and chase the child who dropped it. The Back into the ground is where I’ll stay!
first child tries to return to the vacated
space by running before he or she is tagged.
2. “Did You Ever See a Wiggly Worm?”
(Sing to the tune of “Did You Ever See a
Did you ever see a wiggly worm,
Large Muscle A wiggly worm, a wiggly worm?
Wiggle Worms Did you ever see a wiggly worm,
Encourage children to move like worms by Move on the ground?
wiggling on the floor. A “freeze” game could It stretches and scrunches,
be played. Children wiggle while music And stretches and scrunches.
plays and stop or “freeze” when the music Did you ever see a wiggly worm,
stops. Move on the ground?

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3. “Here’s a Little Worm”
(Sing to the tune of “Where Is Thumbkin?”)
Here’s a little worm, here’s a little worm,
Crawling around, in the ground. Sensory
Making little tunnels, making little tunnels, 1. Plastic Worms
Crawling around, in the ground. Place plastic fishing worms in the sensory
table with sand, potting soil, or water.
Add small nets, scoops, and bowls to add
4. “Just a Little Worm” interest.
(Sing to the tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb”)
2. Package “Worms”
I am just a little worm,
Collect Styrofoam packing “worms” and
Little worm, little worm.
place in the sensory table with scoops and
I am just a little worm,
In the nice cool ground.
Wiggling is what I do,
What I do, what I do.
Wiggling is what I do,
When I want to move around. Books
The following books can be used to complement
5. “Wiggle, Wiggle, Little Worm” this theme:
(Sing to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle”) Bailey, Jill. (2001). Worm. Oxford: Heinemann
Wiggle, wiggle, little worm. Library.
Wiggle, wiggle, jiggle, squirm. Bosca, Francesca. (2001). The Apple King.
If a robin you should see, Illustrated by Giuliano Ferri. New York:
hide as quick as quick can be. North-South Books.
Wiggle, wiggle, little worm. Brendler, Carol. (2009). Winnie Finn, Worm
Wiggle, wiggle, jiggle, squirm. Farmer. Illustrated by Ard Hoyt. New York:
Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Caple, Kathy. (2001). Wow, It’s Worm. London:
Cronin, Doreen. (2003). Diary of a Worm.
Illustrated by Harry Bliss. New York:
Science J. Cotter Books.
1. Worm Farm French, Vivian. (2010). Yucky Worms.
Fill a large, clear jar with earthworm
Illustrated by Jessica Ahlberg. Somerville,
bedding or soil. Add a few worms to the jar.
MA: Candlewick Press.
Poke holes in the cover and attach to the jar.
Because worms prefer dark areas, cover the Himmelman, John. (2000). An Earthworm’s
glass with black construction paper pieces. Life. New York: Children’s Press.
Remove periodically to observe the worms Kalman, Bobbie. (2004). The Lifecycle of an
and their trails. Sprinkle cornmeal in the Earthworm. New York: Crabtree Press.
jar a few times a week. Koontx, Robin. (2007). Composting: Nature’s
Recyclers. Illustrated by Matthew Harrad.
2. Worm Hunt Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window Books.
After a rainfall, join the children in a worm
hunt! Collect worms in buckets or similar Loewen, Nancy. (2006). Garden Wigglers:
containers. Use magnifying glasses to get a Earthworms in Your Backyard. Illustrated
closer look at the worms. Return the worms by Rick Peterson. Minneapolis, MN: Picture
to the soil (or a garden) on completion of the Window Books.
696 Theme 74
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Pfeffer, Wendy. (2004). Wiggling Worms at Work.
Illustrated by Steve Jensen. New York:
HarperCollins. Technology and
Pinczes, Elinor J., and Randall Enos. (2000). Multimedia
Inchworm and a Half. Boston: Houghton
Mifflin. The following technology and multimedia
products can be used to complement this
Raschka, Christopher. (2000). Wormy Worm. theme:
New York: Hyperion Books for Children.
Diary of a Worm [DVD]. (2006). Norwalk, CT:
Rosinsky, Natalie M. (2003). Dirt: The Scoop Weston Woods.
on Soil. Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window
Books. Slither & Slime and Other Yucky Things [DVD].
(2004). Port Washington, NY: Koch Vision.
Rustad, Martha. (2009). Mealworms. Watch It
Grow. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Silverstein, Alvin, and Virginia Silverstein. Additional teaching resources to accompany this
(2000). Life in a Bucket of Soil. Illustrated Theme can be found on the book’s companion
by Elsie Wrigley. Mineola, NY: Dover. website. Go to to
Williams, Rozanne. (2008). Watch Out for access the site for a variety of useful resources.
Worms! Huntington Beach, CA: Creative
Teaching Press.

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Theme 75

Animals Color Mixing Traffic Signs
chicks yellow 1 blue 5 green traffic light
canaries yellow 1 red 5 orange yield signs

Flowers Objects Foods

daisy sun pineapple
dandelion paint banana
rose cars lemon
daffodil toys corn
bikes grapefruit
clothes cheese
egg yolk

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Yellow-colored flowers
2. Yellow traffic signs
3. Yellow animals
4. Many objects that are colored yellow
5. Yellow objects
6. Colors formed by adding yellow

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. Yellow is a primary color.
2. Yellow mixed with blue makes green.
3. Yellow mixed with red makes orange.
4. Some objects are colored yellow.
5. The sun is yellow.
6. Bikes, clothing, cars, toys, and paint can be a yellow color.
7. The middle color on a traffic light is yellow.
8. Yield traffic signs are colored yellow.
9. Some flowers can be a yellow color.
10. Daisies, dandelions, and daffodils are yellow flowers.
11. Some roses are a yellow color.
12. Canaries, chicks, and some cats are a yellow color.
13. Toys, paints, cars, bikes, and clothing can be yellow.
14. Some foods are a yellow color.
15. Pineapples, bananas, and corn are yellow foods.
16. Lemons, corn, and egg yolks are yellow.
17. Some grapefruit and cheeses are yellow.

1. primary colors—red, blue, and yellow.
2. yellow—a primary color.

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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to have the children match the shapes,
providing practice in visual discrimination and hand-eye coordination skills.
To prepare the bulletin board, collect yellow tagboard, a black felt-tip marker,
scissors, yellow string, and pushpins. Using yellow tagboard, draw sets of
different-shaped balloons as illustrated. Outline with a black felt-tip marker,
and cut out. Take one balloon from each set, and attach to the top of the bulletin
board as illustrated. Staple a yellow string to hang from each balloon. Next,
attach the remaining balloons on the bottom of the bulletin board. A pushpin
can be fastened next to each balloon, and the children can match the balloons
by shape.

700 Theme 75
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
Colors are such a big part of our world. Consequently, our new theme focuses on the color yellow.
Throughout this week, the children will become aware of the color in their environment. It should
be a bright time discovering the color yellow! They will learn to identify the signs, flowers, animals,
foods, and objects that are colored yellow.
At School
Some learning experiences planned for the unit include:
• Making scrambled eggs
• Visiting a paint store
• Learning the fingerplay “Six Yellow Chickadees”
• Making yellow soap crayons
• Playing with corn kernels in the sensory table
At Home
At school, we will make yellow play dough. The children enjoy helping prepare the play dough
and, of course, playing with it! It would be great fun for them to make it at home, and they will be
exposed to the mathematical concepts of amounts, fractions, and measurements. Here is the recipe:
2 cups flour
1 cup salt
1 cup water
2 tablespoons cooking oil
Food coloring
Let your child assist in gathering and measuring the ingredients. Next, mix all the ingredients
together. To encourage play, provide some tools for your child to use: rolling pins, cookie cutters,
spatulas, or potato mashers. Have fun!
Enjoy your child!

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2. Caribbean Banana Salad
3 green (unripe) bananas, peeled
2 cups water
Arts and Crafts 1 teaspoon salt
1. Yellow Paint 2 medium carrots, shredded
Provide yellow fingerpaint and yellow 1 small cucumber, sliced
tempera paint in the art area. 1 medium tomato, chopped
1 avocado, cubed
1 stalk celery, sliced
2. Corncob Painting Vinaigrette dressing
Cover the bottom of a shallow pan with
thick yellow tempera paint. Using a corncob Heat bananas, water, and salt to boiling;
as an applicator, apply paint to paper. reduce heat. Cover and simmer until
bananas are tender, about 5 minutes.
3. Popsicle Stick Prints Drain and cool. Cut bananas crosswise into
Cover the bottom of a shallow pan with 1/2-inch slices. Toss bananas and remaining
thick yellow tempera paint. Apply the paint ingredients with vinaigrette dressing.
to paper using a popsicle stick or craft stick Note: From Betty Crocker’s International
as an applicator. Cookbook, 1980, New York: Random House.
Reprinted with permission.
4. Yellow Play Dough
Combine 2 cups flour, 1 cup salt, 1 cup 3. Corn Bread
water, and 2 tablespoons cooking oil. Add 1 cup flour
yellow food coloring. Mix well. If prepared 1 cup yellow cornmeal
dough becomes sticky, add more flour. 2 tablespoons sugar
4 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
5. Baker’s Clay 1 cup milk
Combine 4 cups flour, 1 cup salt, and 1/4 cup cooking oil or melted shortening
1 1/2 cups water. Mix the ingredients. The 1 egg, slightly beaten
children can shape forms. Place the forms
on a cookie sheet, and bake at 350 degrees
Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Grease (do not
for about 1 hour. The next day, the children
oil) an 8- or 9-inch square pan. In a medium
can paint the objects yellow.
mixing bowl, combine the dry ingredients.
Stir in the remaining ingredients, beating
6. Yellow Collage by hand until just smooth. Pour the batter
Provide different yellow items such as crêpe into the prepared pan. Bake for 20 to 25
paper, colored paper, magazine pictures, and minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the
yellow glitter for the children to construct a center comes out clean.

Cooking Dramatic Play

1. Banana Bobs Paint Store
Cut bananas into chunks and dip into Set up a paint store by including paint caps,
honey. Next, roll the bananas in wheat germ paintbrushes, pans, rollers, drop cloths,
and use large toothpicks for serving. paint clothes, a cash register, and play
Caution: Close supervision is needed when money.
using toothpicks with young children.

702 Theme 75
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Group Time
(Games and Language)
Field Trips
Guessing Game: What’s Missing?
1. Paint Store Use any yellow familiar objects or
Visit a paint store and observe the different toys that can be easily handled. The
shades of yellow. Collect samples of paint number will depend upon developmental
for use in the art area. If possible, also appropriateness. For two-year-olds, choose
observe the manager mixing yellow paint. only two objects. On the other hand,
several objects can be used for five-year-
2. Yellow in Our World olds. Spread them out on the floor, and ask
Take a walk and look for yellow objects. children to name each item. Then ask the
Prepare a language experience chart when group to close their eyes. Remove one item.
you return to the classroom. When the group opens their eyes, ask them
to tell you which item is missing.
3. Greenhouse
Visit a greenhouse and observe the different
kinds of yellow flowers. 2+3 =
1. Sorting Shapes
Cut circles, triangles, and rectangles out of
yellow tagboard. Place on the math table.
The children can sort the yellow shapes into
groups. For younger children, the objects
Fingerplays and Chants can be cut from different colors. Then the
Six Yellow Chickadees objects can be sorted by color.
(Suit the actions to the words)
Six yellow chickadees sitting by a hive. 2. Block Patterning
One flew away and then there were five. Place a bucket of yellow and white cubes on
Five yellow chickadees sitting by the door. the table. Encourage the children to make
One flew away and then there were four. yellow-white-yellow-white patterns with
Four yellow chickadees sitting in a tree. the blocks. This activity can be extended
One flew away and then there were three. by making pattern cards for the children to
Three yellow chickadees sitting by my shoe. copy the pattern with the blocks.
One flew away and then there were two.
Two yellow chickadees sitting by my thumb.
One flew away and then there was one.
One yellow chickadee flying around the sun.
She flew away and then there were none. Science
1. Paper Towel Dip
Ten Fluffy Chickens Fold a paper towel in half several times.
Five eggs and five eggs Dip the towel into red water, and then into
(hold up two hands) yellow water. Open the towel carefully, and
That makes ten. allow it to dry. Orange designs will appear
Sitting on top is the mother hen. on the paper towel.
(fold one hand over the other)
Crackle, crackle, crackle 2. Carnation Coloring
(clap hands three times) Put a white carnation into a glass of
What do I see? water that has been dyed yellow with food
Ten fluffy chickens coloring. Soon the carnation will show
(hold up ten fingers) yellow streaks. During the summer, other
As yellow as can be! white garden flowers can be substituted.
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3. Yellow Soap Crayons The concepts of color, texture, and taste can
Measure 1 cup of mild powdered laundry all be discussed.
soap. Add 1 tablespoon of food coloring. Add
water by the teaspoonful until the soap is in
liquid form. Stir well. Pour the soap into ice
cube trays. Set in a sunny, dry place until
hard. Soap crayons are great for writing in
the sink, tub, or sensory table. The following books can be used to complement
this theme:
4. Yellow Paint Mixing Adler, David A. (2008). Bones and the Big
Place 2 tablespoons of yellow tempera Yellow Mystery. Illustrated by Barbara
paint on one side of a zipper closure plastic Johansen Newman. New York: Puffin Books.
storage bag. Then place 2 tablespoons of
red tempera paint on the other side. Ensure Barry, Frances. (2008). Big Yellow Sunflower.
that the zipper closure is secure before Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.
giving it to the children. Then encourage the Berger, Carin. (2008). The Little Yellow Leaf.
children to gently mix the colors. Ask, “What New York: Greenwillow Books.
happened?” Then repeat using yellow and Bogdanowicz, Basia. (1999). Yellow Hat, Red
blue and green and yellow tempera paints. Hat. Brookfield, CT: Millbrook Press.
Brown, Margaret Wise. (2003). The Fierce
Yellow Pumpkin. New York: HarperCollins.
Carle, Eric. (1998). Let’s Paint a Rainbow. New
Sensory York: Scholastic.
Carter, David A. (2008). Yellow Square. New
1. Shaving Cream Fun
York: Little Simon.
Spray the contents of one can of shaving
cream in the sensory table. Color the Casmar, Tom. (2005). Henry and Pawl and the
shaving cream by adding yellow food Round Yellow Ball. New York: Dial Books
coloring. for Young Readers.
Catalanotto, Peter. (2005). Kitten Red, Yellow,
2. Corn Kernels Blue. New York: Atheneum Books for Young
Place corn kernels in the sensory table. Readers.
Dematons, Charlotte. (2003). The Yellow Balloon.
3. Yellow Goop Asheville, NC: Front Street / Lemniscaat.
In the sensory table, mix 1 cup cornstarch,
1 cup water, and yellow food coloring. Mix Dunbar, Joyce. (2006). Where’s My Sock?
together well. Illustrated by Sanja Rescek. New York:
Chicken House.
4. Water Toys Elffers, Joost, and Saxton Freymann. (2005).
Add yellow food coloring to 3 inches of water Food for Thought. New York: Arthur A.
in the sensory table. Provide water toys as Levine Books.
accessories to encourage play during self- Gardner, Charlie. (2004). Yellow Submarine /
selected play activities. The Beatles. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick
Jenkins, Steve. (2007). Living Color. Boston:
Houghton Mifflin.
Johnson, Stephen. (2006). My Little Yellow
Social Studies Taxi. San Diego, CA: Red Wagon Books /
Tasting Party Harcourt.
Cut a banana, a pineapple, a lemon, and a Larios, Julie Hofstrand. (2006). Yellow
piece of yellow cheese into small pieces. Let Elephant: A Bright Bestiary. Paintings by
the children sample each during snack time. Julie Paschkis. Orlando, FL: Harcourt.
704 Theme 75
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Lionni, Leo. (1994). Little Blue and Little
Yellow. New York: William Morrow.
Martin, Bill, Jr. (1992). Brown Bear, Brown
Technology and
Bear, What Do You See? Illustrated by Eric Multimedia
Carle. New York: H. Holt.
The following technology and multimedia
Munsch, Robert. (1992). Purple, Green, and
products can be used to complement this theme:
Yellow. Illustrated by Helene Desputeaux.
Willowdale, ON: Annick Press. “Color Parade” [CD]. (1993). In Can a Cherry
Pie Wave Goodbye? Sherman Oaks, CA:
Murphy, Stuart. (2000). Beep Beep, Vroom
Hap-Pal Music.
Vroom! Illustrated by Chris L. Demarest.
New York: HarperCollins. “De Colores” [CD]. (2010). In Pete Seeger,
Tomorrow’s Children. Westchester, PA:
Porter, Pamela Paige. (2008). Yellow Moon
Appleseed Records.
Apple Moon. Toronto: Groundwood Books /
House of Anansi Press. Discovering Colors [DVD]. (2006). Long Beach,
CA: Distributed by Visual Entertainment.
Schuette, Sarah L. (2003). Yellow: Seeing Yellow
All Around Us. Mankato, MN: Capstone Planting a Rainbow [DVD]. (2005). New York:
Press. Weston Woods Studios/Scholastic.
Stewart, Melissa. (2009). Why Are Animals “Put a Little Color on You” (1993). [CD]. In
Yellow? Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Can A Cherry Pie Wave Goodbye? Sherman
Elementary Publishers. Oaks, CA: Hap-Pal Music.
Tufuri, Nancy. (2006) Five Little Chicks. New Reading Rainbow. (2007). Legend of the Indian
York: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Paintbrush [DVD]. Lincoln, NE: GPN
Readers. Educational Media.
Walsh, Ellen Stoll. (1989). Mouse Paint. “Yellow Submarine” [CD]. (2002). In Raffi, Let’s
Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace. Play. Cambridge, MA: Rounder/UMGD.

Additional teaching resources to accompany this

Theme can be found on the book’s companion
website. Go to to
access the site for a variety of useful resources.

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Theme 76

Homes Kinds
cages elephants, giraffes
fences tigers, parrots
water monkeys, snakes
trees lions, bears
zebras, camels

Needs Caretakers
food zookeeper
water veterinarian

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Theme Goals
Through participating in the experiences provided by this theme, the
children may learn:
1. Kinds of zoo animals
2. Needs of zoo animals
3. Types of animal homes
4. The caretakers of zoo animals

Concepts for the Children to Learn

1. A zoo is a place where animals are kept.
2. People enjoy going to the zoo to look at animals.
3. Zoo animals are housed in cages, fences, water, or trees.
4. Elephants, giraffes, monkeys, snakes, lions, zebras, camels, parrots,
tigers, and bears are zoo animals.
5. A zookeeper gives food and water to the animals.
6. Zoo animals need food, water, shelter, and air.
7. Veterinarians are doctors who care for animals.

1. cage—a home for animals.
2. veterinarian—a doctor who cares for animals.
3. zoo—a place where animals are kept. People go to the zoo to look at
4. zookeeper—a person who feeds the zoo animals.


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Bulletin Board
The purpose of this bulletin board is to encourage the children to place the
correct number of balls above each seal corresponding to the numeral written
on the drum. To prepare the bulletin board, construct seals sitting on a drum
as illustrated. Place a numeral on each drum with the corresponding number
of dots. Construct colored balls from tagboard. Laminate and cut out the pieces.
Staple the seal figures and drums to the bulletin board. Place a magnetic strip
above each seal. Also adhere a magnetic strip to the back of each ball.

708 Theme 76
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Family Letter


Dear Families,
This week’s curriculum unit will focus on a favorite topic of children: zoo animals.
This is an appropriate theme to introduce to the children because they are fascinated by the zoo
and the animals that live there. Through our study of zoo animals, the children will become familiar
with the names, needs, and homes of many zoo animals. They will also be introduced to new
occupations: the zookeeper and the veterinarian.

At School
Some of the experiences planned for the zoo animal unit include
• Looking at peek-a-boo pictures of zoo animals
• Using zoo animal–shaped cookie cutters with play dough at the art table
• Pretending to be caged zoo animals using boxes as cages in the dramatic play area

Field Trip
Our class is taking a field trip to the Dunn County Reserve Park on Friday. There we can see some
unusual animals. Please let me know by Wednesday if you are interested in accompanying the
group. We will leave the center at 9:30 a.m. and return by 11:30 a.m.

At Home
To develop observation skills, you can show your child pictures of zoo animals from books or
magazines. Plan a family trip to a zoo. Many opportunities for learning present themselves at the zoo.
Children can actually see different kinds of animals and many times, such as at petting zoos, are able
to touch and feed them. What a great way to develop an appreciation and respect for animal life!

Enjoy your child!


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Arts and Crafts Field Trips
1. Paper Plate Lions
Collect paper plates, sandwich bags, and 1. Zoo
yellow cotton. Color the cotton balls by Visit a local zoo if available. Observe the
pouring powdered tempera paint into the animals that are of particular interest to
sandwich bag and shaking. The children can the children such as the elephants, giraffes,
trim the cut side of the paper plate with the bears, and monkeys.
yellow cotton to represent a mane. Facial
features can also be added. 2. Reserve Park
Note: This activity is for older children. If your community has a reserve park, or
an area where wild animals are secured in
a natural environment, take the children to
2. Cookie Cutters visit. Plan a picnic snack to take along.
Play dough and zoo animal–shaped cookie
cutters can be placed on a table in the art

Fingerplays and Chants

Cooking I knew a little lion who went roar, roar, roar.
Animals on Grass (make sounds)
Take a graham cracker and spread green- Who walked around on all fours.
tinted cream cheese on the top. Stand an (walk on both hands and feet)
animal cracker on the top of the graham He had a tail we could see behind the bars
cracker. (point to tail)
And when we visit we should stand back far.
(move backward)

The alligator likes to swim.
Dramatic Play (two hands flat on top of the other)
Sometimes his mouth opens wide.
1. The Zoo (hands open and shut)
Collect large appliance boxes. Cut slits to But when he sees me on the shore,
resemble cages. Old fur coats or blankets can Down under the water he’ll hide.
be added. The children may use the fur pieces
while pretending to be animals in the zoo.
The Monkey
2. Pet Store The monkey claps, claps, claps his hands.
Cages and many small stuffed animals can (clap hands)
be added to the dramatic play area. The monkey claps, claps, claps his hands.
(clap hands)
Monkey see, monkey do.
3. Block Play
The monkey does the same as you.
Set out many blocks and rubber, plastic, or
(use pointer finger)
wooden models of zoo animals.
(change actions)

710 Theme 76
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Zoo Animals Let’s go up it.
This is the way the elephant goes. (climb and look)
(clasp hands together, extend arms, I see a swamp.
move back and forth) Can’t go over it.
With a curly trunk instead of a nose. Can’t go under it.
The buffalo, all shaggy and fat. Let’s go through it.
Has two sharp horns in place of a hat. (pull hands up and down slowly to
(point to forehead) imitate pushing branches away.)
The hippo with his mouth so wide— I see two eyes. I see two ears.
Let’s see what’s inside. I see a nose. A see a mouth.
(hands together and open wide and close It’s a BEAR!!!
them) (Do all in reverse very fast)
The wiggly snake upon the ground
Crawls along without a sound.
(weave hands back and forth)
But monkey see and monkey do is the
funniest animal in the zoo.
Group Time
(place thumbs in ears and wiggle fingers)
(Games and Language)
What Am I?
The Zoo Give the children verbal clues to describe an
The zoo holds many animals inside animal. Have the children guess which zoo
(make a circle with your hands and peer animal you are describing. An example is “I
inside) am very large, gray colored, and have a long
So unlatch the doors and open them wide. nose that looks like a hose. What zoo animal
(open your hands wide) am I?”
Elephants, tigers, zebras, and bears
(hold up one finger for each animal)
Are some of the animals you’ll find there.

Bear Hunt
This is a rhythmic chant that may be Large Muscle
easily varied. Start by chanting each line, 1. Walk Like the Animals
encouraging the children to repeat the “Walk Like the Animals” is played like
line. Say, “Let’s go on a bear hunt,” while “Simon Says.” Say, “The zookeeper says to
slapping your knees alternately. Then walk like a giraffe.” The children can walk
have the children repeat while slapping as they believe that particular zoo animal
their knees alternately. Continue with the would walk. Repeat using different animals
following: such as monkeys, elephants, lions, tigers,
I see a wheat field. bears, and so on. This activity can also be
Can’t go over it. used for transition.
Can’t go under it.
Let’s go through it. 2. Zookeeper, May I?
(arms straight ahead like you’re parting Designate one child to be the zookeeper.
wheat) This child should stand about 6 feet in front
I see a bridge. of the remaining children. The zookeeper
Can’t go over it. provides directions for the other children.
Can’t go under it. To illustrate, they may say, “Take three
Let’s swim. elephant steps,” “Take one kangaroo hop,”
(arms in swimming motions) “Take two alligator glides,” and the like.
I see a tree. Once the children reach the zookeeper, the
Can’t go over it. zookeeper chooses a child to be his or her
Can’t go under it. successor.


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2+3 =
1. Animal Sort Music
Collect pictures of elephants, lions,
giraffes, monkeys, and other zoo animals 1. “Zoo Animals”
from magazines, calendars, or coloring (Sing to the tune of “Muffin Man”)
books. Encourage the children to sort the (Adapt this song and use other zoo animals
pictures into labeled baskets. For example, such as the monkey, elephant, giraffe, lion,
one basket may be for large animals and turtle, bear, snake, etc.)
another for small animals. Do you know the kangaroo
The kangaroo, the kangaroo?
2. Which Is Bigger? Oh, do you know the kangaroo
Collect many toy models of zoo animals in That lives in the zoo?
various sizes. Encourage the children to
order from smallest to biggest, from biggest 2. “One Elephant”
to smallest, and so on. (Makes a nice flannel board story, or choose
one child to be an “elephant.” Add another
“elephant” with each verse.)
3. Animal Sets
Cut and mount pictures of zoo animals. The One elephant went out to play
children can classify the pictures by sorting. On a spiderweb one day.
Examples might include birds, four-legged He had such enormous fun
animals, furry animals, and so on. That he called for another elephant to come.

3. “Animals at the Zoo”

4. Zoo Sort Hula Hoops (Sing to the tune of “Frère Jacques”)
Collect pictures of zoo animals that live
on land or live on water. Place two hula See the animals, see the animals
hoops on the floor, and place a picture of At the zoo, at the zoo.
land inside one hoop and a picture of water Elephants and tigers, lions and seals
inside the other hoop. Have children sort Monkeys too, monkeys too.
animals into the appropriate hoop.
4. “The Bear Went over the Mountain”
(Sing to the tune of “For He’s a Jolly Good
5. Giraffe Math Fellow”)
Make a giraffe cutout. Place a numeral on
the giraffe, and have the children place a The bear went over the mountain,
corresponding number of black stickers on The bear went over the mountain,
the giraffe. The bear went over the mountain
To see what he could see.
6. Zebra Stripes To see what he could see,
Make a zebra cutout and strips of black To see what he could see.
paper. Encourage children to glue the black The bear went over the mountain
strips of paper on the zebra to make a To see what he could see.
black-white-black-white pattern.
5. “Five Little Monkeys (Jumping on
the Bed)”
(Repeat this verse, subtracting a monkey
each time. Sing the rhyme while using
fingers or acting it out.)
Five little monkeys jumping on the bed.
One fell off and bumped her head.
Mamma called the doctor, and the doctor said,
“No more monkeys jumping on the bed!”
712 Theme 76
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Science The following books can be used to complement
1. Animal Skins this theme:
Place a piece of snakeskin, a patch of
animal hide, and animal fur out on the Aliki. (1997). My Visit to the Zoo. New York:
science table. The children can see and feel HarperCollins.
the differences. These skins can usually be Doudna, Kelly. (2009). It’s a Baby Giraffe!
borrowed from the Department of Natural Edina, MN: ABDO Publishing.
Resources. Doudna, Kelly. (2009). It’s a Baby Zebra! Edina,
MN: ABDO Publishing.
2. Habitat
Fjelland-Davis, Rebecca. (2007). Zoo Animals
On the science table, place a bowl of water,
123. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
a tray of dirt, and a pile of hay or grass.
Also, include many small toy zoo animals. Guiberson, Brenda Z. (2010). Moon Bear.
The children can place the animals in their Illustrated by Ed Young. New York: Holt.
correct habitat. Hall, Michael. (2010). My Heart Is Like a Zoo.
New York: Greenwillow Books.
Halls, Kelly Milner, and William Sumner.
(2009). Saving the Baghdad Zoo. New York:
Greenwillow Books.
Sensory Hatkoff, Isabella, Craig Hatkoff, and Dr. Paula
Additions to the Sensory Table Kahumbu. (2006). Owen and Mzee: The
• Zoo animal models True Story of a Remarkable Friendship.
• Sand Photography by Peter Greste. New York:
• Seeds and measuring scoops Scholastic.
• Corn and scales Hillenbrand, Will. (1999). Down by the Station.
• Hay San Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace.
• Water Hoena, B. A. (2004). A Visit to the Zoo. Mankato,
MN: Capstone Press.
Hort, Lenny. (2000). The Seals on the Bus.
Illustrated by G. Brian Karas. New York:
Henry Holt.
Social Studies Ipcizade, Catherine. (2008). Giraffes. Mankato,
Helpful Zoo Animals MN: Capstone Press.
During large group, discuss how some
Ipcizade, Catherine. (2008). Lions. Mankato,
animals can be useful. Show the children
MN: Capstone Press.
pictures of various helping animals, and
discuss their uses. Examples include: Ipcizade, Catherine. (2008). Zebras. Mankato,
MN: Capstone Press.
• Camel (transportation in some
countries) Jay, Alison. (2008). Welcome to the Zoo. New
• Elephant (often used to pull things) York: Dial Books for Young Readers.
• Dogs (Seeing Eye dogs and sled dogs) Jenkins, Steve, and Robin Page. (2010). How to
• Goats (used for milk) Clean a Hippopotamus. Boston: Houghton
Mifflin Harcourt.


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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Larios, Julie Hofstrand. (2006). Yellow
Elephant: A Bright Bestiary. Paintings by
Julie Paschkis. Orlando, FL: Harcourt. Technology and
Lillegard, Dee. (2009). Sitting in My Box. Multimedia
Illustrated by Jon Agee. New York: Marshall
Cavendish. The following technology and multimedia
products can be used to complement this
Lima, Carolyn W., and Rebecca L. Thomas. theme:
(2010). A to Zoo. Santa Barbara, CA:
Libraries Unlimited. Choo Choo to the Zoo [CD]. (2006). Long
Branch, NJ: Kimbo Records.
Lluch, Alex. (2005). Zoo Clues Animal Alphabet.
Illustrated by David Defenbaugh. San A Day with the Animals [DVD]. (2002). Image
Diego, CA: Wedding Solutions. Entertainment. Chatsworth, CA.
Martin, Bill. (1991). Polar Bear, Polar Bear, “The Elephant” [CD]. (2000). In Early
What Do You Hear? Illustrated by Eric Childhood Classics: Old Favorites with A
Carle. New York: H. Holt. New Twist. Sherman Oaks, CA: Hap-Pal
Marzollo, Jean. (2010). Pierre Penguin.
Illustrated by Laura Regan. Ann Arbor, MI: “Going to the Zoo” [CD]. (1976). In Singable
Sleeping Bear Press. Songs for the Very Young. Cambridge, MA:
McClatchy, Lisa. (2009). Eloise Visits the Zoo.
Illustrated by Tammie Lyon. New York: Good Night, Gorilla [DVD]. (2002). Norwalk,
Aladdin. CT: La Crosse, WI: Weston Woods Studios.
Meltzer-Kleinhenz, Sydnie. (2008). Elephants. The Impossible Elephant [DVD]. (2008). Echo
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. Bridge Home Entertainment. La Crosse, WI.
Munari, Bruno. (2005). Bruno Munari’s Zoo. “Joshua Giraffe” [CD]. (1980). In Baby Beluga.
San Francisco: Chronicle Books. Cambridge, MA: Rounder/UMGD.
Rathmann, Peggy. (1994). Good Night, Gorilla. Mama Mirabelle’s Home Movies: It’s Movie
New York: G. P. Putnam. Time [DVD]. (2008). Washington, DC:
National Geographic.
Ryder, Joanne. (2001). Little Panda: The World
Welcomes Hua Mei at the San Diego Zoo. Really Wild Animals [DVD]. (2005).
New York: Simon & Schuster. Washington, DC: National Geographic.
Rylant, Cynthia. (2007). Alligator Boy.
Illustrated by Diane Goode. Orlando, FL: Additional teaching resources to accompany this
Harcourt. Theme can be found on the book’s companion
Sierra, Judy, and Barney Saltzberg. (2000). website. Go to to
There’s a Zoo in Room 22. Illustrated by access the site for a variety of useful resources.
Barney Saltzberg. San Diego, CA: Harcourt
Smith, Danna. (2009). Two at the Zoo. New
York: Clarion Books.
Weeks, Sarah. (2004). If I Were a Lion.
Illustrated by Heather M. Solomon. New
York: Aladdin Paperbacks.
Wolff, Ashley. (2004). Me Baby, You Baby. New
York: Dutton Children’s Books.

714 Theme 76
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Appendix A
Overview of the NAEYC Early
Childhood Program Standards
children with experiences that foster growth
1. Relationships across a broad range of developmental and con-
Program Standard: The program promotes positive tent areas. A curriculum also helps ensure that
relationships among all children and adults the teacher is intentional in planning a daily
to encourage each child’s sense of individual schedule that (a) maximizes children’s learning
worth and belonging as part of a community through effective use of time, materials used
and to foster each child’s ability to contribute for play, self-initiated learning, and creative ex-
as a responsible community member. pression as well as (b) offers opportunities for
Rationale: Positive relationships are essential children to learn individually and in groups
for the development of personal responsibility, according to their developmental needs and
capacity for self-regulation, for constructive interests.
interactions with others, and for fostering aca-
demic functioning and mastery. Warm, sensi-
tive, and responsive interactions help children
develop a secure, positive sense of self and en- 3. Teaching
courage them to respect and cooperate with Program Standard: The program uses developmen-
others. Positive relationships also help children tally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate
gain the benefits of instructional experiences and effective teaching approaches that enhance
and resources. Children who see themselves each child’s learning and development in the
as highly valued are more likely to feel secure, context of the program’s curriculum goals.
thrive physically, get along with others, learn
well, and feel part of a community. Rationale: Teaching staff who purposefully use
multiple instructional approaches optimize
children’s opportunities for learning. These ap-
proaches include strategies that range from
2. Curriculum structured to unstructured and from adult
directed to child directed. Children bring to
Program Standard: The program implements a learning environments different backgrounds,
curriculum that is consistent with its goals interests, experiences, learning styles, needs,
for children and promotes learning and devel- and capacities. Teachers’ consideration of these
opment in each of the following areas: social, differences when selecting and implementing
emotional, physical, language, and cognitive. instructional approaches helps all children
Rationale: A curriculum that draws on research succeed. Instructional approaches also differ
assists teachers in identifying important con- in their effectiveness for teaching different el-
cepts and skills as well as effective methods ements of curriculum and learning. For a pro-
for fostering children’s learning and develop- gram to address the complexity inherent in
ment. When informed by teachers’ knowledge any teaching-learning situation, it must use a
of individual children, a well-articulated cur- variety of effective instructional approaches.
riculum guides teachers so they can provide In classrooms and groups that include teacher

© 2008. National Association for the Education of Young Children. This document may be reproduced for use by
programs seeking or maintaining NAEYC Accreditation. All other rights reserved. For more information, visit

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assistants or teacher aides and specialized for them and to teach them to make healthy
teaching and support staff, the expectation choices for themselves. Although some degree
is that these teaching staff work as a team. of risk taking is desirable for learning, a qual-
Whether one teacher works alone or whether ity program prevents hazardous practices and
a team works together, the instructional ap- environments that are likely to result in ad-
proach creates a teaching environment that verse consequences for children, staff, families,
supports children’s positive learning and devel- or communities.
opment across all areas.

6. Teachers
4. Assessment of Child Program Standard: The program employs and sup-
Progress ports a teaching staff that has the educational
qualifications, knowledge, and professional
Program Standard: The program is informed by commitment necessary to promote children’s
ongoing systematic, formal, and informal as- learning and development and to support fami-
sessment approaches to provide information on lies’ diverse needs and interests.
children’s learning and development. These as-
sessments occur within the context of reciprocal Rationale: Children benefit most when their
communications with families and with sensi- teachers have high levels of formal education
tivity to the cultural contexts in which children and specialized early childhood professional
develop. Assessment results are used to benefit preparation. Teachers who have specific prepa-
children by informing sound decisions about ration, knowledge, and skills in child develop-
children, teaching, and program improvement. ment and early childhood education are more
likely to engage in warm, positive interactions
Rationale: Teachers’ knowledge of each child with children, offer richer language experi-
helps them to plan appropriately challenging ences, and create more high-quality learning
curricula and to tailor instruction that responds environments. Opportunities for teaching staff
to each child’s strengths and needs. Further, to receive supportive supervision and to partic-
systematic assessment is essential for identi- ipate in ongoing professional development en-
fying children who may benefit from more in- sure that their knowledge and skills reflect the
tensive instruction or intervention or who may profession’s ever-changing knowledge base.
need additional developmental evaluation. This
information ensures that the program meets its
goals for children’s learning and developmental
progress and also informs program improve-
ment efforts.
7. Families
Program Standard: The program establishes and
maintains collaborative relationships with each
child’s family to foster children’s development
5. Health in all settings. These relationships are sensitive
to family composition, language, and culture.
Program Standard: The program promotes the nu-
trition and health of children and protects chil- Rationale: Young children’s learning and devel-
dren and staff from illness and injury. opment are integrally connected to their fami-
lies. Consequently, to support and promote
Rationale: To benefit from education and children’s optimal learning and development,
maintain quality of life, children need to be programs need to recognize the primacy of chil-
as healthy as possible. Health is a state of dren’s families, establish relationships with
complete physical, oral, mental, and social families based on mutual trust and respect,
well-being and not merely the absence of dis- support and involve families in their children’s
ease or infirmity (World Health Organization educational growth, and invite families to fully
1948). Children depend on adults (who also are participate in the program.
as healthy as possible) to make healthy choices

716 Appendix A
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those who use the program. Program quality is
8. Community Relationships enhanced by also creating a welcoming and ac-
Program Standard: The program establishes re- cessible setting for children, families, and staff.
lationships with and uses the resources of the
children’s communities to support the achieve-
ment of program goals.
Rationale: As part of the fabric of children’s com- 10. Leadership and
munities, an effective program establishes and
maintains reciprocal relationships with agen-
cies and institutions that can support it in Program Standard: The program effectively imple-
achieving its goals for the curriculum, health ments policies, procedures, and systems that
promotion, children’s transitions, inclusion, support stable staff and strong personnel, fiscal,
and diversity. By helping to connect families and program management so all children, fami-
with needed resources, the program furthers lies, and staff have high quality experiences.
children’s healthy development and learning. Rationale: Excellent programming requires ef-
fective governance structures, competent and
knowledgeable leadership, as well as compre-
hensive and well functioning administrative
9. Physical Environment policies, procedures, and systems. Effective
Program Standard: The program has a safe and leadership and management create the envi-
healthful environment that provides appro- ronment for high-quality care and education by:
priate and well-maintained indoor and out- • Ensuring compliance with relevant
door physical environments. The environment regulations and guidelines;
includes facilities, equipment, and materi- • Promoting fiscal soundness, program
als to facilitate child and staff learning and accountability, effective communication,
development. helpful consultative services, positive
Rationale: The program’s design and mainte- community relations, and comfortable and
nance of its physical environment support supportive workplaces;
high-quality program activities and services • Maintaining stable staff; and
as well as allow for optimal use and operation. • Instituting ongoing program planning
Well organized, equipped, and maintained en- and career development opportunities
vironments support program quality by foster- for staff as well as continuous program
ing the learning, comfort, health, and safety of improvement.


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Appendix B
Multicultural Materials for the Early
Childhood Classroom
Teaching children about diversity is an impor-
tant role of an early childhood professional.
Multicultural Musical
Supporting diversity needs to be an ongoing Instruments
and continuous process. Early childhood teach-
Using musical instruments is an
ers must help young children feel good about
excellent opportunity to expose
themselves, their families, and their commu-
children to a variety of cultures.
nities. Young children need to develop respect
Following is a list of instruments you
and tolerance toward all who are different. As a
might want to add to your music shelf
result, multiculturalism must permeate the en-
for the children to experiment with:
vironment. It is important that preschool and kin-
dergarten children are exposed to differences, • Agogo bells
including experiences and things that are dif- • Chilean rainstick
ferent than those in their immediate surround- • Ankle bells
ings. To do this, they need to interact and play • Steel drum
with a variety of diverse materials. • Maracitos
Teachers must carefully plan and examine • Samba whistles
all classroom materials so that they can posi- • Casaba
tively and realistically introduce children to a • Vibra slap
variety of cultural backgrounds. The center ma- • Tambourine
terials, room décor, and books you select for the • Castanets
classroom can influence children’s judgments, • Claves
social attitudes, and behaviors. Each center • Maracas
needs to include cultural artifacts. The music • Bongos
center should include different musical instru- • Guiro tone block
ments. The dramatic play center should include • Conga drum
dress-up clothes representing different cultural • Tom tom drum
groups. The block center should include people
and families of other cultures. Likewise, wooden
or plastic animals from other parts of the world
can be introduced in this area. Multicultural Dramatic
Bulletin boards containing people need
to include a variety of different cultures and Play Center
should be included in the center. Travel bro- • Dolls from all racial groups
chures and pictures from travel magazines can • Multicultural puppets and props
be posted. Inexpensive art prints can also add • Clothing from different countries
to the class environment. • Chopsticks
The contents of this Appendix will help you • Plastic multicultural foods
choose books, music, and dramatic play props • Empty cans or boxes of foods printed with
that can be added to the environment to reflect a foreign language
a variety of cultures. • Empty spice cans of cinnamon, cardamom,
and curry

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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Bloom, Suzanne. (2001). The Bus for Us.
Multicultural Books Honesdale, PA: Boyds Mills Press.
There are many wonderful multicultural folktales, Brett, Jan. (2005). Honey . . . Honey . . . Lion! A
fairy tales, and fables from all over the world that Story from Africa. New York: G.P. Putnam’s
can be introduced in our programs. These books Sons.
can delight children and dispel misconceptions. Brown, Margaret Wise. (1996). El gran granero
Regardless of the theme, multicultural books rojo (The Big Red Barn). Illus. by Felicia
should always be available on bookshelves in the Bond. New York: Harper Arco Iris.
classroom. Children need to learn that all people Brown, Margaret Wise. (1998). Buenas noches,
everywhere have the same needs. Luna/Good Night Moon. Illus. by
Aardema, Verna. (1995). How the Ostrich Got T. Mlawer. New York: Harper Festival.
Its Long Neck: A Tale from the Akamba of Brown, Monica. (2010). Chavela and the Magic
Kenya. Illus. by Marcia Brown. New York: Bubble. Illus. by Magaly Morales Boston:
Scholastic. Clarion Books.
Ada, Alma Flor (selected by). (2003). Pio Carle, Eric. (1994). La oruga muy hambrienta
Peep! Illus. by Vivi Escriva. New York: (The Very Hungry Caterpillar). New York:
HarperCollins. Philomel Books.
Ada, Alma Flor. (2010). Let Me Help! Illus. Carryl, Charles E. (2004). The Camel’s Lament.
by Angela Dominguez. New York: Illus. by Charles Santore. New York:
HarperCollins. Random House.
Adamson, Heather. (2008). Homes in Many Chamberlin, Mary and Rich. (2005). Mama
Cultures. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. Panya’s Pancakes: Village Tale From
Adoff, Arnold. (2004). Black Is Brown Is Tan. Kenya. Illus. by Julia Cairns. Bath, ME:
New York: Amistad/HarperCollins. Barefoot Books.
Agassi, Martine. (2002). Hands Are Not Cheng, Andrea. (2000). Grandfather Counts.
for Hitting. Illus. by Marieka Heinlen. Illus. by Ange Zhang. New York: Lee and
Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit Pub. Low Books.
Ajmera, Maya, and John D. Ivanko. (2002). Cheng, Andrea. (2003). Goldfish and
Animal Friends: A Global Celebration of Chrysanthemums. Illus. by Michelle Cheng.
Children and Animals. Watertown, MA: New York: Lee & Low Books
Charlesbridge. Chorao, Kay. (2009). Rhymes ’round the World.
Ajmera, Maya, and John D. Ivanko. (2004). Be New York: Penguin Group
My Neighbor. With words of wisdom from Christelow, Eileen. (2005). Cinco monitos
Fred Rogers. Washington, DC: Shakti for brincando en la cama (Five little monkeys
Children; Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge. jumping on the bed). New York: Clarion
Ajmera, Maya, and John D. Ivanko. (2004). To Books.
Be a Kid. Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge; Crews, Donald. (1985). Freight Train. New
Washington, DC: Shakti for Children. York: Puffin Books.
Ajmera, Maya. (2004). To Be An Artist. Cumpiano, Ina. (2005). Quinito’s
Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge. Neighborhood/El Vecindario de Quinito.
Argueta, Jorge. (2005). Moony Luna (Luna, Illus. Jose Ramirez. San Francisco:
Lunita Lunera). Illus. by Elizabeth Gomez. Children’s Book Press.
San Francisco: Children’s Book Press. Cumpiano, Ina. (2008). Quinto, Day and
Bae, Hyun-Joo. (2007). New Clothes for New Night/Quinito, dia y noche. Illus. by José
Year’s Day. La Jolla, CA: Kane/Miller. Ramirez. San Francisco: Children’s Book
Bang, Molly. (1985). Ten, Nine, Eight. New Press.
York: Puffin Books. Demarest, Chris L. (2000). Firefighters A to Z.
Bannerman, Helen. (1996). The Story of Little New York: Margaret K. McElderry Books.
Babaji. Illus. by Fred Marcellino. New Demi. (1990). The Empty Pot. New York: H.
York: HarperCollins Publishers. Holt.
Barnwell, Ysaye M. (1998). No Mirrors in My Demi. (2000). Liang and the Magic
Nana’s House. Painting by Synthia Saint Paintbrush/ Liang Hab Tug Cwg Mem
James. San Diego: Harcourt Brace. Pleev Kws muaj Yeeg Siv. Saint Paul:

720 Appendix B
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Minnesota Humanities Commission, Fleming, Denise. (1991). In the Tall, Tall Grass.
Motheread/Fatheread. New York: Henry Holt.
Doering, Amanda. (2005). Homes around the Forman, Ruth (2007). Young Cornrows Callin
World ABC: An Alphabet Book. Mankato, Out the Moon. Illus. by Cbabi Bayoc. San
MN: Capstone Press. Francisco: Children’s Book Press.
Douglas, Lloyd. (2003). Let’s Get ready for Freeman, Don. (1968). Corduroy. New York,
Martin Luther King Jr. Day. New York: Viking Press.
Children’s Press/Scholastic. Frost, Helen. (1999). Going to the Dentist.
Dunn, Opal. (2006). Un, Deux, Trois: First Mankato, MN: Pebble Books.
French Rhymes. London: Frances Lincoln. Gershator, David, and Phillis Gershator. (1995).
Dwight, Laura. (2005). Brothers and Sisters. Bread Is for Eating. Illus. by Emma Shaw-
New York: Star Bright Books. Smith. New York: Holt.
Edwards, Michelle. (2004). Papa’s Latkes. Gill, Shelley. (2002). The Alaska Mother Goose:
Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press. North Country Nursery Rhymes. Seattle
Ehlert, Lois. (1996). A sembrar sopa de WA: Sasquatch Books.
verdures (Growing Vegetable Soup). San Global Fund for Children. (2007). Global
Diego, CA: Libros Viajeros. Babies. Watertown, MA : Charlesbridge.
Ehrhardt, Karen. (2006). This Jazz Man. Illus. Gomi, Taro. (2006). My Friends = Mis Amigos.
by R.G. Roth. New York: Harcourt. San Francisco: Chronicle Books.
Elya, Susan Middleton. (2005). Cowboy José. Gonzalez, Maya C. (2007). My Colors, My
Illus. by Tim Raglin. New York: G. P. World/ Mis colores, mi mundo. San
Putnam’s Sons. Francisco: Children’s Book Press.
Elya, Susan. (2006). F Is for Fiesta. New York: Gonzalez, Maya C. (2009). I Know the River
Putnam. Loves Me. San Francisco: Children’s Book
Emberley, Rebecca. (2002). My animals = Mis Press
animales. Boston: Little, Brown. Gonzalez, Maya C. (2011). My Colors, My World/
Emberley, Rebecca. (2005). My city = Mi Mis colores, mi mundo (Board Book. San
ciudad. New York: Little, Brown. Francisco: Children’s Book Press.
Emberley, Rebecca. (2002). My clothes/ Mi Gordon, Sharon. (2007). What’s izznside
ropa. Boston: Little, Brown. a Hospital?/ Que Hay Dentro De Un
Emberley, Rebecca. (2000). My colors = Mis Hospital? Tarrytown, NY: Marshall
colores. Boston: Little, Brown. Cavendish Benchmark.
Emberley, Rebecca. (2002). My food = Mi Greenberg, Polly. (1968). Oh Lord, I Wish I Was a
comida. Boston: Little, Brown. Buzzard. Illus. by Aliki. New York: Macmillan.
Emberley, Rebecca. (2005). My garden = Mi Greenfield, Eloise. (2003). Honey, I Love.
jardin. New York: Little, Brown. Illus. by Jan Spivey Gilchrist. New York:
Emberley, Rebecca. (2005). My room = Mi HarperCollins.
cuarto. New York: Little, Brown. Gresco, M.S. (2000). A Ticket to Israel.
Emberley, Rebecca. (2005). My school = Mi Minneapolis, MN: Carolrhoda Books.
escuela. New York: Little, Brown. Guy, Ginger Foglesong. (1996). Fiesta!
Fine, Edith Hope, and Judith Pinkerton Pictures by Rene King Moreno. New York:
Josephson. (2007). Armando and the Blue Greenwillow Books.
Tarp School. Illus. by Hernan Sosa. New Guy, Ginger Foglesong. (2005). Siesta.
York: Lee & Low Books. Pictures by Rene King Moreno. New York:
Flack, Marjorie, and Kurt Wiese. (2000). The Greenwillow Books.
Story about Ping. New York: Grosset & Hall, Margaret. (2007). Hormigas / Ants.
Dunlap. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Fleming, Denise. (2000). The Everything Book. Hamanaka, S. (1999). All the Colors of the
New York: Henry Holt. Earth. New York: Harper Trophy.
Fleming, Denise. (2005). The First Day of Heelan, Jamee Riggio. (2000). Rolling Along:
Winter. New York: Henry Holt. The Story of Taylor and His Wheelchair.
Fleming, Denise. (1993). In the Small, Small Illus. by Nicola Simmonds. Atlanta, GA:
Pond. New York: Henry Holt. Peachtree.


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Hester, Denia Lewis. (2005). Grandma Lena’s Lin, Grace. (2004). Fortune Cookie Fortunes.
Big Ol’ Turnip. Illus. by Jackie Urbanovic. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Morton Grove, IL: Albert Whitman. Lindman, Maj. (1995). Snipp, Snapp, Snurr
Hindley, Judy. (1999). Eyes, Nose, Fingers, and and the Buttered Bread. Morton Grove, IL:
Toes: A First Book All about You. Illus. Albert Whitman.
by Brita Granstrom. Cambridge, MA: Lindsay, Jeanne Warren. (1991). Do I Have
Candlewick Press. a Daddy? A Story about a Single Parent
Holiday, Billie, and Arthur Herzog Jr. (2004). Child. Illus. by Cheryl Boeller. Buena Park,
God Bless the Child. Illus. by Jerry CA: Morning Glory Press.
Pinkney. New York: HarperCollins/ Lionni, Leo. (2006). A Color of His Own. New
Amistad. York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Holub, Joan. (2003). Apples and Honey. Illus. Lo, Ginnie. (2005). Mahjong All Day Long.
by Cary Pillo-Lassen. New York: Puffin Illus. by Beth Lo. New York: Walker & Co.
Books. Lunge-Larsen, Lise, and Margi Preus. (1999).
Hooks, Bell. (2001). Happy to be Nappy. Illus. by The Legend of the Lady Slipper: An Ojibwe
Chris Raschka. New York: Jump at the Sun. Tale. Illus. by Andrea Arroyo. Boston:
Howell, Theresa. (2003). A Is for Airplane. Houghton Mifflin.
A es para Avion. Illus. by David Brooks. Manders, John. (2003). Señor Don Gato: A
Flagstaff, AZ: Rising Moon. Traditional Song. Illus. by John Manders.
Hubbell, Will. (2002). Apples Here! Illus. by Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.
Will Hubbell. Morton Grove, IL: Albert Manning, Jane K. (2001). My First Baby
Whitman. Games. New York: HarperFestival.
Isadora, Rachel. (2002). Peekaboo Morning. Markes, Julie. (2005). Shhhhh! Everybody’s
New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons. Sleeping. Illus. by David Parkins. New
Jadoul, Emile. (2004). Todo El Mundo Va! York: HarperCollins.
Zaragoza, Spain: Edelvives. Martin, Bill. (1998). Oso pardo, oso pardo, que
Jarkins, Sheila. (2008). Marco Flamingo / ves ahi? (Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What
Marco Flemenco. McHenry, IL: Raven Tree. Do You See?) Illus. by Eric Carle. New
Jocelyn, Marthe and Tom Slaughter. (2005). York: Holt.
ABC 3 3. Plattsburgh, NY: Tundra Books. Martin, Bill, and John Archambault. (1998).
Jonas, A. (1984). The Quilt. New York: Puffin. Here Are My Hands. Illus. by Ted Rand.
Jones, Bill T., and Susan Kuklin. (1998). Dance. New York: H. Holt.
Photographed by Susan Kuklin. New York: Medearis, Angela Shelf. (2004). Snug in
Hyperion Books for Children. Mama’s Arms. Illus. by John Sandford.
Joosse, Barbara M. (2000). Mama, Do You Columbus, Ohio: Gingham Dog Press.
Love Me? Illus. by Barbara Lavallee. San Miller, J. Philip, and Sheppard M. Greene. (2001).
Francisco: Chronicle Books. We All Sing with the Same Voice. Illus. by
Katz, K. (2002). The Colors of Us. New York: Paul Meisel. New York: HarperCollins.
Henry Holt. Morales, Yuyi. (2003). Just a Minute: A
Keats, Ezra Jack. (1967). The Snowy Day. Trickster Tale and Counting Book. San
London: Bodley Head. Francisco: Chronicle Books.
Keeler, Patricia. (2006). Drumbeat in Our Feet. Morris, Ann. (1993). Bread Bread Bread.
New York: Lee & Low Books. Photographs by Ken Heyman. New York:
Khan, Rukhsana. (2005). Silly Chicken. Mulberry Books.
Pictures by Yunmee Kyong. New York: Morris, Ann. (2000). Families. New York:
Viking. HaperCollins.
Kroll, Virginia. (2005). Forgiving a Friend. Morris, Ann. (1993). Hats Hats Hats.
Illus. by Paige Billin-Frye. Morton Grove, Photographs by Ken Heyman. New York:
IL: Albert Whitman. Mulberry Books.
Lee, Huy Voun. (2005). In the Leaves. New Morris, Ann. (1992). Houses and Homes.
York: Holt. Photographs by Ken Heyman. New York:
Lewis, E.B. (2005). This Little Light of Mine. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books.
New York: Simon & Schuster Books for Morris, Ann. (1995). Weddings. New York:
Young Readers. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books.

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Mosel, Arlene. (1989). Tikki Tikki Tembo. Illus. Pinkney, Sandra L. (2000). Shades of Black: A
by Blair Lent. New York: Henry Holt. Celebration of Our Children. Photographs
Munoz, Isabel. (2005). Es Mio / It’s Mine. Illus. by Myles Pinkney. New York: Scholastic.
by Gustavo Mazali. New York: Scholastic. Raschka, Christopher. (1992). Charlie Parker
Nelson, Kadir. (2005). He’s Got the Whole World Played Be Bop. New York: Orchard Books.
in His Hands. New York: Dial Books for Reiser, Lynn. (1998). Tortillas and Lullabies.
Young Readers. Pictures by Corazones Valientes.
Newman, Leslea. (2002). Runaway Dreidel! Coordinated and translated by Rebecca
New York: Henry Holt. Hart. New York: Greenwillow Books.
Nishizuka, Koko. (2009). The Beckoning Cat: Rosa-Mendoza, Gladys. (2000). My family and
Based on a Japanese Folktale. Illus. by I = Mi familia y yo. Illus. by Jackie Snider
Rosanne Litzinger. New York: Holiday House edited by Carolina Cifuentes. Wheaton, IL:
Orozco, José-Luis (selected, arranged, and Me+mi Pub.
translated). (1994). De Colores and Other Rosenthal, Betsy R. (2006). It’s Not Worth
Latin-America Folk Songs for Children. Making a Tzimmes Over! Illus. by
Illus. by Elisa Kleven. New York: Dutton Ruth Rivers. Morton Grove, IL: Albert
Children’s Books. Whitman.
Orozco, José-Luis (selected, arranged, and Roth, Susan. (2004). Hanukkah Oh Hanukkah.
translated). (1997). Diez Deditos/Ten Little New York: Dial Books for Young Readers.
Fingers and Other Play Rhymes. Illus. by Rylant, Cynthia. (2005). The Stars Will Still
Elisa Kleven. New York: Dutton Children’s Shine. Illus. by Tiphanie Beeke. New York:
Books. HarperCollins.
Orozco, José-Luis, and David Diaz. (2005). Rin, Rylant, Cynthia. (1982). When I Was Young in
Rin, Rin, Do, Re, Mi. New York: Orchard the Mountains. Illus. by Diane Goode. New
Books. York: Dutton.
Owen, Ann. (2004). Keeping You Healthy: A Saenz, Benjamin Alire. (2009). The Dog
Book about Doctors. Illus. by Eric Thomas. Who Loved Tortillas / La Perrita Que
Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window Books. Le Encantaban Las Tortillas. Illus. by
Oxenbury, Helen. (1987). All Fall Down. New Geronimo Garcia. El Paso, TX: Cinco
York: Aladdin Books. Puntos Press.
Oxenbury, Helen. (1987). Clap Hands. New Sakai, Kimiko. (1990). Sachiko Means
York: Aladdin Books. Happiness. Illus. by Tomie Arai. San
Oxenbury, Helen. (1987). Tickle, Tickle. New Francisco: Children’s Book Press.
York: Aladdin Books. Sanger, Amy Wilson. (2001). First Book of
Park, Linda Sue. (2005). Bee-Bim Bop! Illus. by Sushi. Berkeley, CA: Tricycle Press.
Ho Baek Lee. New York: Clarion Books. Sanger, Amy Wilson. (2002). Hola! Jalapeno.
Parr, Todd. (1998). Somewhere Today: A Book of Berkeley, CA: Tricycle Press.
Peace. Photographs by Eric Futran. Morton Sanger, Amy Wilson. (2002). Let’s Nosh!
Grove, IL: Albert Whitman. Berkeley, CA: Tricycle Press.
Pedersen, Janet. (2005). Pino and the Signora’s Sanger, Amy Wilson. (2004). A Little Bit of Soul
Pasta. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press. Food. Berkeley, CA: Tricycle Press.
Picayo, Mario. (2008). A Very Smart Cat / Una Sanger, Amy Wilson. (2005). Mangia! Mangia!
Gata Muy Inteligente. Illus. by Yolanda V. Berkeley, CA: Tricycle Press.
Fundora. New York: Editorial Campanita Sanger, Amy Wilson. (2003). Yum Yum Dim
Books. Sum. Berkeley, CA: Tricycle Press.
Pilobous. (2005). The Human Alphabet. Sata, Wakiko. (2004). Grandma Baba’s
Photographs by John Kane. Brookfield, CT: Birthday Party. Boston: Tuttle.
Roaring Brook Press. Schiller, P., R. Lara-Alecio and B.J. Irby. (2004).
Pinkney, Andrea Davis, and Brian Pinkney. Bilingual Book of Rhymes, Songs, Stories,
(1997). I Smell Honey. San Diego, CA: and Fingerplays. Beltsville, MD: Gryphon
Harcourt Brace. House.
Pinkney, Andrea Davis, and Brian Pinkney. Schuh, Mari C. (2007). Mantenerse active /
(1997). Pretty Brown Face. San Diego, CA: Being Active. Mankato, MN: Capstone
Harcourt Brace. Press.


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Schuh, Mari C. (2007). Meriendas saludables / Verdick, Elizabeth. (2004). Words Are Not
Healthy Snacks. Mankato, MN: Capstone for Hurting. Illus. by Marieka Heinlen.
Press. Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit Pub.
Scott, Ann Herbert. (1992). On Mother’s Lap. Weinstein, Ellen. (2008). Everywhere the Cow
Illus. by Glo Coalson. New York: Clarion Says “Moo!” Illus. by Kenneth Anderson.
Books. Honesdale, PA: Boyds Mills Press.
Seeger, Pete. (2005). ABIYOYO. Illus. by Williams, Sue. (2006). Sali de paseo (I Went
Michael Hays. New York: Aladdin Walking). Illus. by Julie Vivas. Orlando:
Paperbacks. Harcourt.
Senisi, Ellen B. (2002). All Kinds of Friends, Williams, Vera B. (1982). A Chair for My
Even Green! Photographed by Ellen B. Mother. New York: Greenwillow Books.
Senisi. Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House. Williams, Vera B. (1990). More More More, Said
Shaham, S. (2004). Spicy Hot Colors: Colores the Baby. New York: Greenwillow Books.
Picantes. Little Rock, AR: August House. Willis, Jeanne, and Tony Ross. (2004). Shhh!
Simon, Norma. (2003). All Families Are New York: Hyperion Books for Children.
Special. Illus. by Teresa Flavin. Morton Winter, Jeanette. (2004). The Librarian of
Grove, IL: Albert Whitman. Basra. Orlando: Harcourt, Inc.
So, Meilo. (2004). Gobble, Gobble, Slip, Slop. Winthrop, Elizabeth. (2005). Squashed in the
New York: Alfred A. Knopf. Middle. Illus. by Pat Cummings. New York:
Sockabasin, Allen. (2005). Thanks to the Henry Holt.
Animals. Illus. by Rebekah Raye. Gardiner, Wolff, Ashley. (2003). The Baby Chicks Are
ME: Tilbury House. Singing = Los Pollitos Dicen. Boston: Little,
Spinelli, Eileen. (2005). City Angel. Illus. by Brown.
Kyrsten Brooker. New York: Dial Books for Wolff, Ashley. (2003). Oh, the Colors = De
Young Readers. colores. Boston: Little, Brown.
Spinellie, Eileen. (2000). Night Shift Daddy. Woodson, Jacqueline. (2001). The Other
Illus. by Melissa Iwai. New York: Hyperion Side. Illus. by Earl B. Lewis. New York:
Books for Children. Putnam’s.
Sturges, Philemon. (2004). I Love School! Woodson, Jacqueline. (2002). Our Gracie Aunt.
Illus. by Shari Halpern. New York: Illus. by Jon J. Muth. New York: Hyperion
HarperCollins. Books for Children/Jump at the Sun.
Taback, Simms. (1999). Joseph Had a Little Woodson, Jacqueline. (2002). Visiting Day.
Overcoat. New York: Viking. Illus. by James Ransome. New York:
Tarpley, Natasha Anastasia. (1998). I Love My Scholastic Press.
Hair! Illus. by E.B. Lewis. New York: Little, Wright, Danielle, Mique Moriuchi, and Michael
Brown. Rosen. (2010). My Villiage: Rhymes from
Truong, Tran. (2003). Going Home, Coming around the World. London: Frances
Home. Illus. by Ann Phong. San Francisco: Lincoln.
Children’s Book Press. Yashima, Taro. (1958). Umbrella. New York:
Verdick, Elizabeth. (2004). Feet Are Not Viking Press.
for Kicking. Illus. by Marieka Heinlen. Yolleck, Joan. (2010). Paris in the Spring with
Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit Pub. Picasso. New York: Schwartz & Wade.
Verdick, Elizabeth. (2005). Tails Are Not Young, Ed. (1995). Night Visitors. New York:
for Pulling. Illus. by Marieka Heinlen. Philomel Books.
Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit Pub. Young, Ed. (2004). I, Doko: The Tale of a Basket.
Verdick, Elizabeth. (2003). Teeth Are Not New York: Philomel Books.
for Biting. Illus. by Marieka Heinlen.
Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit Pub.

724 Appendix B
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Department Store: Include a variety of
Multicultural Dramatic clothing, hats, scarves, jewelry, or home décor
Play Ideas that represents many cultures. Some ideas for
multicultural materials to include in this area
Multicultural props should be included in the
could be:
dramatic play area. These props can be authentic
or teacher made. Following is a list of ideas for • Kimonos
props that can be used in the dramatic play area. • Turbans
• Stone/shell necklaces
Grocery Store: Use containers and boxes
• African beads
that include a variety of products that appeal
• Headband/headdress
to many cultures and both genders. Create eth-
• Various shades of nylons and tights
nically diverse foods from clip art or play dough
• Ceramics/pottery
to display in the store. Some ideas for multicul-
• Woven baskets
tural materials to include in this area could be:
• Taco or rice boxes
• Variety of spice containers
• Variety of plastic fruits and vegetables Multicultural Music
• Play money (from other countries)
Kimbo Educational. (1993). Joining Hands
Restaurants: A variety of restaurants that re-
with Other Lands. Long Branch, NJ:
flect ethnically diverse foods can be set up in the
Kimbo Educational.
dramatic play area. Include the cooking utensils,
Skiera-Zucek, Lois. (1994). Songs about Native
special dishes, and menus for the type of res-
Americans. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo
taurant you choose (Mexican, Indian, Chinese,
Korean, Italian, etc.). If the materials are not
Stewart, Georgiana Liccione. (1991). Children
available from a restaurant in your area, make
of the World Multicultural Rhythmic
them using clip art. Some ideas for multicultural
Activities. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo
materials to include in this area could be:
• Karahi or wok Stewart, Georgiana Liccione. (1998) Children’s
• Chopsticks Folk Dances. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo
• Floor mats (instead of chairs) Educational.
• Take-out containers Stewart, Georgiana Liccione. (1992).
• Rice pot Multicultural Rhythm Stick Fun. Long
• Wooden spoons Branch, NJ: Kimbo Educational.
• Escobeta (Mexican cooking brush)
• Flan pan
• Bean masher


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Appendix C
International Holidays and
When planning the curriculum, it is important Versakha Piya (Theravada Sect): the most sacred of
to note international holidays and celebrations. the Buddhist days. It celebrates the birth,
The exact date of the holiday may vary from death, and enlightenment of Buddha.
year to year. Consequently, it is important to Maharram: marks the beginning of Buddhist
check with parents or use a computer search Lent; it is the anniversary of Buddha’s
engine. International holidays for Buddhist, sermon to the first five disciples.
Chinese, Christian, Eastern Orthodox, Hindu,
Jewish, and Muslim faiths are as follows. Vassana (Theravada Sect): the beginning of the
three-month period when monks stay in
their temple to study and meditate.
Bon (Mahayana Sect): an occasion for rejoicing in
African-American the enlightenment offered by the Buddha;
Kwanzaa: a celebration lasting from December often referred to as a “Gathering of Joy.”
26 to January 1 that celebrates “good Buddha had saved the life of the mother
harvest, life, and prosperity.” Moggallana. The day is in remembrance of
all those who have passed away.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: a holiday celebrating
Martin Luther King, Jr. and his Pavarana (Theravada Sect): celebrates Buddha’s
contributions to the civil rights movement. return to earth after spending one Lent
season preaching in heaven.
Juneteenth: celebrates the day on which slaves
were set free. Bodhi Day (Mahayana Sect): celebrates the
enlightenment of Buddha.
Black History Month: a month-long celebration
in February stemming from the pride
associated with African heritage.
Chinese New Year: the most important
Buddhist traditional Chinese holiday; it celebrates
the beginning of the Chinese Lunar New
Nirvana Day (Mahayana Sect): observes the passing Year. In China, it is known as the Spring
of Sakyamuni into Nirvana. He obtained Festival.
enlightenment and became a Buddha.
Qingming Festival: a day set aside to offer
Magna Puja (Theravada Sect): one of the holiest sacrifices to their ancestors.
Buddhist holidays; it marks the occasion
when 1250 of Buddha’s disciples gathered Dragon Boat Festival: a festival characterized by
spontaneously to hear him speak. boat racing and eating zongziong, which is
a pyramid-shaped dumpling.
Buddha Day (Mahayana Sect): this service
commemorates the birth of Gautama in Mid-Autumn Day: family members gather to
Lumbini Garden. Amida, the Buddha admire the bright moon.
of Infinite Wisdom and Compassion, National Day: celebrated every year on October 1
manifested himself among men in the with portraits of revered leaders displayed,
person Gautama. fireworks, and concerts.
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Ram Navami: birthday of the God Rama.
Hanuman Jayanti: birthday of Monkey God
Ash Wednesday: the first day of Lent.
Palm Sunday: the Sunday before Easter;
Meenakshi Kalyanam: the annual commemoration
commemorates the triumphant entry of
of the marriage of Meenakshi to Lord
Jesus into Jerusalem.
Holy Thursday: also known as Maundy Thursday;
Teej: celebrates the arrival of the monsoon;
it is the Thursday of Holy Week.
Parvati is the presiding deity.
Good Friday: commemorates the crucifixion of
Easter: celebrates the resurrection of Jesus.
Christmas Day: commemorates the birth of Jesus.
Yom Kippur: the most holy day of the Jewish
year, it is marked by fasting and prayer as
Jews seek forgiveness from God and man.
Eastern Orthodox Sukkot: commemorates the 40-year wandering
Christmas: commemorates the birth of Jesus. of Israelites in the desert on the way to the
Promised Land; expresses thanksgiving for
First Day of Lent: begins a period of fasting and the fall harvest.
penitence in preparation for Easter.
Simchat Torah: celebrates the conclusion of
Easter Sunday: celebrates the resurrection of the public reading of the Pentateuch and
Jesus. its beginning anew, thus affirming that
Ascension Day: the fortieth day after Easter; the study of God’s word is an unending
commemorates the ascension of Jesus to process. Concludes the Sukkot Festival.
heaven. Hanukkah: the eight-day festival that celebrates
Pentecost: commemorates the descent of the the rededication of the Temple to the
Holy Spirit upon the Apostles, 50 days service of God. Commemorates the ancient
after Easter Sunday. Marks the beginning Maccabean victory over Antiochus, who
of the Christian Church. sought to suppress freedom of worship.
Purim: marks the salvation of the Jews of
ancient Persia, through the intervention
of Queen Esther, from Haman’s plot to
Hindu exterminate them.
Diwali: celebrated to show respect to Hindu Passover: an eight-day festival marking
gods and goddesses. ancient Israel’s deliverance from Egyptian
Pongal Sankrandi: a three-day harvest festival. bondage.
Vasanta Pachami: celebrated in honor of Yom Hashoah: day of remembrance for victims of
Saraswati, the charming and sophisticated the Nazi Holocaust during World War II.
goddess of scholars. Shavuot: celebrates the covenant established
Shivarari: a solemn festival devoted to the at Sinai between God and Israel and the
worship of Shiva, the most powerful of revelation of the Ten Commandments.
deities of the Hindu pantheon. Rosh Hashanah: the Jewish New Year and the
Holi: celebrates the advent of spring. first of the High Holy Days; it marks the
beginning of a ten-day period of penitence
Ganguar: celebrated in honor of Parvati, the
and spiritual renewal.
consort of Lord Shiva.

728 Appendix C
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Hajj: the first day of pilgrimage to Mecca.
Day of Amfat: gathering of the pilgrims.
Isra and Miraj: commemorates the anniversary
of the night journey of the Prophet and his Id al-adha: commemorates the Feast of the
ascension to heaven. Sacrifice.
Ramadan: the beginning of the month of fasting Muharram: the Muslim New Year; marks the
from sunrise to sunset. beginning of the Hejira Year 1412.
Id al-Fitr: end of the month of fasting from Id al-Mawlid: commemorates the nativity and
sunrise to sunset; the first day of death of Prophet Muhammad and his
pilgrimage to Mecca. flight from Mecca to Medina.


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Developmental Benchmarks* for Young Children
Ages Emotional and Social Skills Intellectual Skills

Two-Year-Olds Takes toys away from others Talks mostly to himself or herself
Plays near other children, but not Uses “me” instead of proper name
cooperatively Enjoys showing and naming objects
Unable to share toys Uses a 200- to 300- word vocabulary
Acts negatively at times Speaks in phrases or three-word sentences
Seeks teacher’s attention Answers yes/no questions
Expresses fear of the dark Follows two-step commands
Observes others to see how they do things Constructs negative sentences (“no truck,
no truck”)
Uses modifiers such as some, all, one
Understands concepts of big and little
Uses such adjectives as red, old, and pretty

Three-Year-Olds Plays in groups of two or three children Asks “how,” “what,” “when,” and “why” questions
Begins to take turns Uses verb such as “could,” “needs,” “might,” and
Sharing becomes evident with friends “help”
Enjoys independence by doing things Uses adverbs such as “how about” and “maybe”
for themselves, e.g., “Let me do it” or “I Understands the pronouns “you” and “they”
can do it” Understands “smaller” and “larger”
Yells “stop it” at times as opposed to striking Answers “how” questions appropriately
another child Loves words such as “secret,” “surprise,” and
Uses words to define space such as “back,” “up,”
“outside,” “in front of,” “in back of,” “over,” and
“next to”

Four-Year-Olds Loves other children and having a “friend” Experiences trouble telling the difference
Bases friendships on shared activities between reality and fantasy
Seeks approval of friends Exaggerates in practicing new words
Plays with small groups of children Loves silly language and to repeat new silly
Delights in humorous stories words
Shows more interest in other children than Vocabulary of 1200 to 1500 words
adults Begins to identify letters in his or her name
Excludes children that he or she does not Begins to appreciate bugs, trees, flowers, and
like birds
Loves to whisper and tell secrets Learns simple card games and dominoes
Develops an awareness of “bad” and “good”

Five-Year-Olds Prefers playing in small groups Names the day of the week
Prefers friends of same sex and age Writes numbers from 1 to 10
Protects younger children Retells main details of stories
Plays well with older siblings Recognizes the cause and effect of actions
Washes hands before meals Uses a vocabulary of 2000 or more words
Respects other people’s property Tells original stories
Becomes competitive Follows three-step commands
Develops sense of fairness Recognizes square and rectangle shape
Verbally expresses anger Recognizes numerals 1-5

Six-Year-Olds Prefers friends of the same sex Identifies penny, nickel, and dime
Engages in cooperative play involving role Counts 10 objects
assignments Completes a 15-piece puzzle
Enjoys being praised and complimented Acts out stories
Enjoys “show and tell” time Plays Chinese checkers and dominoes
May be argumentative Recognizes letters and words in books
Competitive and wants to win Identifies right from left hand
Prints numbers from 1-20
Repeats an 8-10-word sentence
Counts numbers to 30
*Developmental changes occur in a sequence which is more important than the exact age behavior occurs. Some children will progress through these
sequences faster, others will be slower.
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