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LIS2DH12 ApplicationNode

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Application note
LIS2DH12: MEMS digital output motion sensor
ultra-low-power high-performance 3-axis "nano" accelerometer

This document describes the low-voltage 3-axis digital output linear MEMS accelerometer provided in
an LGA package.
The LIS2DH12 is an ultra-low-power high-performance 3-axis linear accelerometer belonging to the
“nano” family, with a digital I2C/SPI serial interface standard output.
The device features ultra-low-power operational modes that allow advanced power saving and smart
sleep-to-wake-up and return-to-sleep functions.
The LIS2DH12 has dynamic user-selectable full scales of ±2g/±4g/±8g/±16g and is capable of
measuring accelerations with output data rates from 1 Hz to 5 kHz.
The device may be configured to generate interrupt signals using an independent inertial wake-up/free-
fall event as well as by the position of the device itself. Thresholds and timing of the interrupt generator
are programmable by the end user on the fly.
Automatic programmable sleep-to-wakeup and return-to-sleep functions are also available for enhanced
power saving.
The LIS2DH12 has an integrated 32-level first-in first-out (FIFO) buffer allowing the user to store data in
order to limit intervention by the host processor.
The LIS2DH12 is available in a small thin plastic land grid array package (LGA) and is guaranteed to
operate over an extended temperature range from -40 °C to +85 °C.
The ultra-small size and weight of the SMD package make it an ideal choice for handheld portable
applications such as smartphones, IoT connected devices, and wearables, or any other application
where reduced package size and weight are required.

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Contents AN5005
1 Pin description ................................................................................ 6
2 Registers .......................................................................................... 7
3 Operating modes ............................................................................. 9
3.1 Power-down mode .......................................................................... 10
3.2 Low-power mode............................................................................. 10
3.3 Normal mode................................................................................... 11
3.4 High-resolution mode ...................................................................... 11
3.5 Switching modes ............................................................................. 12
4 Startup sequence .......................................................................... 13
4.1 Reading acceleration data .............................................................. 13
4.1.1 Using the status register ................................................................... 13
4.1.2 Using the data-ready (DRDY) signal ................................................ 15
4.1.3 Using the block data update (BDU) feature ..................................... 16
4.2 Understanding acceleration data..................................................... 16
4.2.1 Data alignment ................................................................................. 16
4.2.2 Big-little endian selection .................................................................. 16
4.2.3 Example of acceleration data ........................................................... 17
4.3 High-pass filter ................................................................................ 17
4.3.1 Filter configuration ............................................................................ 18

5 Interrupt generation ...................................................................... 20

5.1 Interrupt pin configuration ............................................................... 20
6 Inertial interrupt ............................................................................. 22
6.1 Duration .......................................................................................... 22
6.2 Threshold ........................................................................................ 22
6.3 Free-fall and wake-up interrupts...................................................... 23
6.3.1 Inertial wake-up ................................................................................ 24
6.3.2 HP filter bypassed ............................................................................ 25
6.3.3 Using the HP filter............................................................................. 25
6.4 Free-fall detection ........................................................................... 26
7 6D/4D orientation detection .......................................................... 28
7.1 6D orientation detection .................................................................. 28
7.2 4D orientation direction ................................................................... 30
8 Click and double-click recognition .............................................. 31

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AN5005 Contents

8.1 Single click ...................................................................................... 31

8.2 Double click ..................................................................................... 32
8.3 Register description ........................................................................ 34
8.3.1 CLICK_CFG (38h) ............................................................................ 34
8.3.2 CLICK_SRC (39h) ............................................................................ 35
8.3.3 CLICK_THS (3Ah) ............................................................................ 35
8.3.4 TIME_LIMIT (3Bh) ............................................................................ 36
8.3.5 TIME_LATENCY (3Ch) .................................................................... 36
8.3.6 TIME WINDOW (3Dh) ...................................................................... 36
8.3.7 CTRL_REG3 [Interrupt CTRL register] (22h) ................................... 37
8.4 Examples ........................................................................................ 37
8.4.1 Playing with TIME_LIMIT.................................................................. 38
8.4.2 Playing with TIME_LATENCY .......................................................... 39
8.4.3 Playing with TIME_WINDOW ........................................................... 40

9 First-in first-out (FIFO) buffer ....................................................... 41

9.1 FIFO description.............................................................................. 41
9.2 FIFO registers ................................................................................. 43
9.2.1 CTRL_REG5 (0x24) ......................................................................... 43
9.2.2 FIFO_CTRL_REG (0x2E)................................................................. 44
9.2.3 FIFO_SRC_REG (0x2F)................................................................... 44
9.3 FIFO modes .................................................................................... 46
9.3.1 Bypass mode .................................................................................... 46
9.3.2 FIFO mode ....................................................................................... 46
9.3.3 Stream mode .................................................................................... 47
9.3.4 Stream-to-FIFO mode ...................................................................... 49
9.4 Watermark....................................................................................... 51
9.5 Retrieving data from FIFO ............................................................... 52
10 Activity / Inactivity recognition ..................................................... 53
11 Temperature sensor ...................................................................... 55
12 Accelerometer self-test procedure............................................... 56
13 Revision history ............................................................................ 58

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List of tables AN5005

List of tables
Table 1: Internal pin status ......................................................................................................................... 6
Table 2: Registers ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Table 3: Operating mode selection ............................................................................................................. 9
Table 4: Data rate configuration ................................................................................................................. 9
Table 5: Current consumption of operating modes .................................................................................. 10
Table 6: Turn-on time for operating mode transition ................................................................................ 12
Table 7: STATUS_REG ............................................................................................................................ 14
Table 8: STATUS_REG description ......................................................................................................... 14
Table 9: Output data registers content vs. acceleration (FS = ±2 g, high-resolution mode) .................... 17
Table 10: High-pass filter mode configuration .......................................................................................... 18
Table 11: Low-power mode - high-pass filter cutoff frequency [Hz] ......................................................... 18
Table 12: Reference mode LSB value ...................................................................................................... 19
Table 13: CTRL_REG3 register ................................................................................................................ 20
Table 14: CTRL_REG3 description .......................................................................................................... 20
Table 15: CTRL_REG6 register ................................................................................................................ 21
Table 16: CTRL_REG6 description .......................................................................................................... 21
Table 17: Interrupt mode configuration ..................................................................................................... 22
Table 18: Duration LSB value in normal mode ......................................................................................... 22
Table 19: INT1_SRC register in 6D positions ........................................................................................... 30
Table 20: CLICK_CFG register ................................................................................................................. 34
Table 21: CLICK_CFG description ........................................................................................................... 34
Table 22: Truth table ................................................................................................................................. 34
Table 23: CLICK_SRC register ................................................................................................................. 35
Table 24: CLICK_SRC description ........................................................................................................... 35
Table 25: CLICK_THS register ................................................................................................................. 35
Table 26: CLICK_THS description............................................................................................................ 35
Table 27: TIME_LIMIT register ................................................................................................................. 36
Table 28: TIME_LIMIT register description............................................................................................... 36
Table 29: TIME_LATENCY register .......................................................................................................... 36
Table 30: TIME_LATENCY description .................................................................................................... 36
Table 31: TIME_WINDOW description ..................................................................................................... 36
Table 32: TIME_WINDOW description ..................................................................................................... 36
Table 33: CTRL_REG3 register ................................................................................................................ 37
Table 34: CTRL_REG3 description .......................................................................................................... 37
Table 35: FIFO buffer full representation (32nd sample set stored) ......................................................... 41
Table 36: FIFO overrun representation (33rd sample set stored and 1st sample discarded) .................. 42
Table 37: FIFO enable bit in CTRL_REG5 ............................................................................................... 43
Table 38: FIFO_CTRL_REG .................................................................................................................... 44
Table 39: FIFO_SRC_REG ...................................................................................................................... 44
Table 40: FIFO_SRC_REG behavior assuming FTH[4:0] = 15 ................................................................ 45
Table 41: CTRL_REG3 (0x22) ................................................................................................................. 45
Table 42: Revision history ........................................................................................................................ 58

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AN5005 List of figures

List of figures
Figure 1: Pin connections ........................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 2: DRDY signal synchronization .................................................................................................... 15
Figure 3: Data-ready signal ...................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 4: High-pass filter connections block diagram ............................................................................... 17
Figure 5: Reading REFERENCE .............................................................................................................. 18
Figure 6: Reference mode ........................................................................................................................ 19
Figure 7: Autoreset ................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 8: Free-fall, wake-up interrupt generator ....................................................................................... 23
Figure 9: FF_WU_CFG high and low ....................................................................................................... 24
Figure 10: Inertial wake-up interrupt ......................................................................................................... 24
Figure 11: Free-fall interrupt ..................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 12: ZH, ZL, YH, YL, XH, and XL behavior ..................................................................................... 28
Figure 13: 6D movement vs. 6D position.................................................................................................. 29
Figure 14: 6D recognized positions .......................................................................................................... 29
Figure 15: Single-click event with non-latched interrupt ........................................................................... 31
Figure 16: Single and double-click recognition ......................................................................................... 32
Figure 17: Double-click recognition .......................................................................................................... 33
Figure 18: Short time limit ......................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 19: Long time limit ......................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 20: Short latency ............................................................................................................................ 39
Figure 21: Long latency ............................................................................................................................ 39
Figure 22: Short window ........................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 23: Long window ............................................................................................................................ 40
Figure 24: FIFO_EN connection block diagram ....................................................................................... 43
Figure 25: FIFO mode behavior ................................................................................................................ 47
Figure 26: Stream mode fast reading behavior ........................................................................................ 48
Figure 27: Stream mode slow reading behavior ....................................................................................... 48
Figure 28: Stream mode slow reading zoom ............................................................................................ 49
Figure 29: Stream-to-FIFO mode: interrupt not latched ........................................................................... 50
Figure 30: Stream-to-FIFO mode: interrupt latched ................................................................................. 50
Figure 31: Watermark behavior - FTH[4:0] = 10 ....................................................................................... 51
Figure 32: FIFO reading diagram - FTH[4:0] = 10 .................................................................................... 52
Figure 33: Activity / Inactivity recognition.................................................................................................. 53
Figure 34: Activity / Inactivity duration ...................................................................................................... 54
Figure 35: Self-test procedure .................................................................................................................. 57

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Pin description AN5005

1 Pin description
Figure 1: Pin connections


11 12
Vdd_IO 10 12 14 1 SCL/SPC

Vdd 11 1 CS
8 4
6 5


Table 1: Internal pin status

Pin # Name Function Pin status
SCL I²C serial clock (SCL)
1 Default: input high impedance
SPC SPI serial port clock (SPC)
SPI enable
I²C/SPI mode selection:
2 CS Default: input high impedance
1: SPI idle mode / I²C communication enabled
0: SPI communication mode / I²C disabled
SDO SPI serial data output (SDO)
3 Default: input with internal pull-up(1)
SA0 I²C less significant bit of the device address (SA0)
SDA I²C serial data (SDA)
4 SDI SPI serial data input (SDI) Default: (SDA) input high impedance
SDO 3-wire interface serial data output (SDO)
5 Res Connect to GND
6 GND 0 V supply
7 GND 0 V supply
8 GND 0 V supply
9 Vdd Power supply
10 Vdd_IO Power supply for I/O pins
11 INT2 Interrupt pin 2 Default: push-pull output forced to GND
12 INT1 Interrupt pin 1 Default: push-pull output forced to GND

(1)In order to disable the internal pull-up on the SDO/SA0 pin, write 90h in CTRL_REG0 (1Eh).

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AN5005 Registers

2 Registers
Table 2: Registers
Register name Address Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0
STATUS_REG_AUX 07h - TOR - - - TDA - -
OUT_TEMP_L 0Ch Temp7 Temp6 Temp5 Temp4 Temp3 Temp2 Temp1 Temp0
OUT_TEMP_H 0Dh Temp15 Temp14 Temp13 Temp12 Temp11 Temp10 Temp9 Temp8
WHO_AM_I 0Fh 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
CTRL_REG0 1Eh 0(1) 0(1) 1(2) 0(1) 0(1) 0(1) 0(1)
TEMP_CFG_REG 1Fh TEMP_EN1 TEMP_EN2 0 0 0 0 0 0
CTRL_REG1 20h ODR3 ODR2 ODR1 ODR0 LPen Zen Yen Xen
CTRL_REG3 22h I1_CLICK I1_IA1 I1_IA2 I1_ZYXDA 0(1) I1_WTM -
OUT_X_L 28h XD7 XD6 XD5 XD4 XD3 XD2 XD1 XD0
OUT_X_H 29h XD15 XD14 XD13 XD12 XD11 XD10 XD9 XD8
OUT_Y_H 2Bh YD15 YD14 YD13 YD12 YD11 YD10 YD9 YD8

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Registers AN5005
Register name Address Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0
OUT_Z_H 2Dh ZD15 ZD14 ZD13 ZD12 ZD11 ZD10 ZD9 ZD8
INT1_DURATION 33h 0 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
INT2_DURATION 37h 0 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
CLICK_THS 3Ah LIR_CLICK Ths6 Ths5 Ths4 Ths3 Ths2 Ths1 Ths0
ACT_THS 3Eh - Acth6 Acth5 Acth4 Acth3 Acth2 Acth1 Acth0
INACT_DUR 3Fh ActD7 ActD6 ActD5 ActD4 ActD3 ActD2 ActD1 ActD0

(1)This bit must be set to 0 for correct operation of the device.
(2)This bit must be set to 1 for correct operation of the device.

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AN5005 Operating modes

3 Operating modes
The LIS2DH12 provides four different operating modes: power-down mode, high-
resolution/normal mode, and low-power mode. While normal mode guarantees higher
resolution, low-power mode further reduces the current consumption.
After the power supply is applied, the LIS2DH12 performs a 5 ms boot procedure to load
the trimming parameter. After the boot is completed, the device is automatically configured
in power-down mode.
Referring to the LIS2DH12 datasheet, the output data rate (ODR) and the low-power
enable (LPen) bits of CTRL_REG1 and the HR bits of CTRL_REG4 are used to select the
operating modes (power-down mode, high-resolution/normal mode and low-power mode)
and output data rate (Table 3: "Operating mode selection" and Table 4: "Data rate
Table 3: Operating mode selection
CTRL_REG1[3] CTRL_REG4[3] BW Turn-on time So @ ±2g
Operating mode
(LPen bit) (HR bit) [Hz] [ms] [mg/digit]
Low-power mode
1 0 ODR/2 1 16
(8-bit data output)
Normal mode
0 0 ODR/2 1.6 4
(10-bit data output)
mode 0 1 ODR/9 7/ODR 1
(12-bit data output)
Not allowed 1 1 -- -- --

Table 4: Data rate configuration

ODR3 ODR2 ODR1 ODR0 Power mode selection
0 0 0 0 Power-down mode
0 0 0 1 HR/Normal /Low-power mode (1 Hz)
0 0 1 0 HR/Normal/Low-power mode (10 Hz)
0 0 1 1 HR/Normal/Low-power mode (25 Hz)
0 1 0 0 HR/Normal/Low-power mode (50 Hz)
0 1 0 1 HR/Normal/Low-power mode (100 Hz)
0 1 1 0 HR/Normal/Low-power mode (200 Hz)
0 1 1 1 HR/Normal/Low-power mode (400 Hz)
1 0 0 0 Low-power mode (1.60 kHz)
1 0 0 1 Normal (1.344 kHz)/Low-power mode (5.376 kHz)

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Operating modes AN5005
Table 5: "Current consumption of operating modes" shows the typical values of the power
consumption for the different operating modes.
Table 5: Current consumption of operating modes
Low-power mode Normal mode High resolution
Operating mode [Hz] (8-bit data output) (10-bit data output) (12-bit data output)
[µA] [µA] [µA]
1 2 2 2
10 3 4 4
25 4 6 6
50 6 11 11
100 10 20 20
200 18 38 38
400 36 73 73
1344 -- 185 185
1620 100 -- --
5376 185 -- --

3.1 Power-down mode

When the device is in power-down mode, almost all internal blocks of the device are
switched off to minimize power consumption. Digital interfaces (I2C and SPI) are still active
to allow communication with the device. The content of the configuration registers is
preserved and output data registers are not updated, therefore keeping the last data
sampled in memory before going into power-down mode.

3.2 Low-power mode

In low-power mode, data are generated at the data rate selected through the ODR bits and
for the axis enabled through the Zen, Yen, and Xen bits of CTRL_REG1. Data generated
for a disabled axis is 00h.
In low-power mode the acceleration data resolution is 8-bit, left-aligned and is stored in the
OUT registers (from 28h to 2D).
In order to enable low-power mode, clear the HR bit in CTRL_REG4 and set the LPen bit in
Data interrupt generation is active and configured through INT1_CFG and INT2_CFG and
can be routed to the INT1 or INT2 pin through the CTRL_REG3 and CTRL_REG6

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AN5005 Operating modes
3.3 Normal mode
In Normal mode, data are generated at the data rate selected through the ODR bits and for
the axis enabled through the Zen, Yen, and Xen bits of CTRL_REG1. Data generated for a
disabled axis is 00h.
In Normal mode the acceleration data resolution is 10-bit, left-aligned and is stored in the
OUT registers (from 28h to 2D).
In order to enable Normal Mode, clear the HR bit in CTRL_REG4 and clear the LPen bit in
Data interrupt generation is active and configured through INT1_CFG and INT2_CFG and
can be routed to the INT1 or INT2 pin through the CTRL_REG3 and CTRL_REG6

3.4 High-resolution mode

In high-resolution mode, data are generated at the data rate selected through the ODR bits
and for the axis enabled through the Zen, Yen, and Xen bits of CTRL_REG1. Data
generated for a disabled axis is 00h.
In high-resolution mode the acceleration data resolution is 12-bit, left-aligned and is stored
in OUT registers (from 28h to 2D).
In order to enable high-resolution mode, set the HR bit in CTRL_REG4 and clear the LPen
bit in CTRL_REG1.
Data interrupt generation is active and configured through INT1_CFG and INT2_CFG and
can be routed to the INT1 or INT2 pin through the CTRL_REG3 and CTRL_REG6
It is recommended to read register REFERENCE (26h) when the device operating mode is
switched from high-resolution configuration (HR) to power-down mode (PD); this operation
resets the filtering block before switching to normal/high-performance mode again:
1. Write 08h into CTRL_REG4 // Set HR
// Clear LPen
2. Write 57h into CTRL_REG2 // Enable all axes
// ODR = 100 Hz
3. Wait the duration of the turn-on time
// Clear LPen
4. Write 07h into CTRL_REG2 // Enable all axes
// Power down
5. Read REFERENCE // Reset filter block
// Clear LPen
6. Write 57h into CTRL_REG2 // Enable all axes
// ODR = 100 Hz
7. Wait the duration of the turn-on time

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Operating modes AN5005
3.5 Switching modes
The turn-on time to transition to another operating mode is given in Table 6: "Turn-on time
for operating mode transition".
Table 6: Turn-on time for operating mode transition
Turn-on time
Operating mode change
12-bit mode to 8-bit mode 1/ODR
12-bit mode to 10-bit mode 1/ODR
10-bit mode to 8-bit mode 1/ODR
10-bit mode to 12-bit mode 7/ODR
8-bit mode to 10-bit mode 1/ODR
8-bit mode to 12-bit mode 7/ODR

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AN5005 Startup sequence

4 Startup sequence
Once the device is powered up, it automatically downloads the calibration coefficients from
the embedded flash to the internal registers. When the boot procedure is completed, i.e.
after approximately 5 milliseconds, the device automatically enters power-down mode. To
turn on the device and gather acceleration data, select the HR bit in CTRL_REG4 and the
LPen bit in CTRL_REG1, enable at least one of the axes and select the preferred ODR.
The following general-purpose sequence can be used to configure the device:
1. Write CTRL_REG1
2. Write CTRL_REG2
3. Write CTRL_REG3
4. Write CTRL_REG4
5. Write CTRL_REG5
6. Write CTRL_REG6
8. Write INTx_THS
9. Write INTx_DUR
10. Write INTx_CFG
11. Write CTRL_REG5

4.1 Reading acceleration data

4.1.1 Using the status register
The LIS2DH12 generates data serially (X first, Y second, Z third). Every time the single-
axis data is generated, the corresponding DA signal (XDA, YDA, ZDA) bit of
STATUS_REG is set to 1. XDA, YDA, ZDA are individually reset to 0 when the respective
higher part of the data is read (ie. XDA goes to 0 as soon as the X-axis higher part of the
data (reg. 29h) is read, and so on).
The ZYXDA signal can be set only after Z data generation and is set if XDA, YDA and ZDA
bits are simultaneously '1', otherwise the ZYXDA bit is reset to '0' when XDA, YDA and
ZDA are simultaneously '0'.
The overrun flags XOR, YOR, ZOR bits are individually set to '1' when the corresponding
data is generated and the corresponding DA bit is already at 1, while they are reset to '0'
(with corresponding DA bit) when the corresponding data is read.
The ZYXOR bit is set to 1 when at least one overrun flag ( XOR, YOR, ZOR) goes to 1,
while the ZYXOR bit is reset to 0 when all the overrun flags are zero.

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Startup sequence AN5005

Table 8: STATUS_REG description

X, Y and Z-axis data overrun. Default value: 0
(0: no overrun has occurred;
1: a new set of data has overwritten the previous set)
Z-axis data overrun. Default value: 0
ZOR (0: no overrun has occurred;
1: a new data for the Z-axis has overwritten the previous data)
Y-axis data overrun. Default value: 0
YOR (0: no overrun has occurred;
1: new data for the Y-axis has overwritten the previous data)
X-axis data overrun. Default value: 0
XOR (0: no overrun has occurred;
1: new data for the X-axis has overwritten the previous data)
X, Y and Z-axis new data available. Default value: 0
(0: a new set of data is not yet available; 1: a new set of data is available)
Z-axis new data available. Default value: 0
ZDA (0: new data for the Z-axis is not yet available;
1: new data for the Z-axis is available)
Y-axis new data available. Default value: 0
YDA (0: new data for the Y-axis is not yet available;
1: new data for the Y-axis is available)

The device is provided with a STATUS_REG which should be polled to check when a new
set of data is available. The reading procedure should be the following:
2. If STATUS_REG(3) = 0, then go to 1
3. If STATUS_REG(7) = 1, then some data have been overwritten
4. Read OUTX_L
5. Read OUTX_H
6. Read OUTY_L
7. Read OUTY_H
8. Read OUTZ_L
9. Read OUTZ_H
10. Data processing
11. Go to 1
The check performed at step 3 allows understanding whether the reading rate is adequate
compared to the data production rate. If one or more acceleration samples have been
overwritten by new data, because of an insufficient reading rate, the ZYXOR bit of
STATUS_REG is set to 1.
The overrun bits are automatically cleared when all the data present inside the device have
been read and new data have not been produced in the meantime.

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AN5005 Startup sequence
4.1.2 Using the data-ready (DRDY) signal
ZYXDA can be driven to the INT1 pin when the I1_ ZYXDA bit of CTRL_REG3 (22h) is set
to '1'.
This signal is called DRDY. DRDY signal behavior is the same as that of the ZYXDA bit
(Figure 2: "DRDY signal synchronization").
Figure 2: DRDY signal synchronization

In order to be sure to have the first DRDY rising edge synchronous with the selected ODR
(avoid condition in Figure 2: "DRDY signal synchronization") set the I1_ ZYXDA bit to ‘1’
before enabling the ODR.
The DRDY signal can change its polarity set to active-low or active-high through
INT_POLARITY of CTRL_REG6. The data-ready signal rises to '1' when a new set of
acceleration data has been generated and is available to be read. DRDY is reset when the
higher part of the data of all the enabled channels has been read (29h, 2Bh, 2Dh).
Note: The LIR_INT1 bits of CTRL_REG5 do not act on the DRDY signal.
Figure 3: Data-ready signal

ACCEL DATA Accel. Sample #(N) Accel. Sample #(N+1)



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Startup sequence AN5005
4.1.3 Using the block data update (BDU) feature
If the reading of the acceleration data is particularly slow and cannot be synchronized (or it
is not required) with either the XYZDA bit present inside the STATUS_REG or with the
DRDY signal, it is strongly recommended to set the BDU (block data update) bit in
CTRL_REG4 to 1.
This feature avoids the reading of values (most significant and least significant parts of the
acceleration data) related to different samples. In particular, when the BDU is activated, the
data registers related to each channel always contain the most recent acceleration data
produced by the device, but, in case the read of a given pair (i.e. OUT_X_H and OUT_X_L,
OUT_Y_H and OUT-Y_L, OUT_Z_H and OUT_Z_L) is initiated, the refresh for that pair is
blocked until both MSB and LSB parts of the data are read.
Note: BDU only guarantees that OUT_X(Y, Z)_L and OUT_X(X,Z)_H have been sampled
at the same moment. For example, if the reading speed is too low, it may read X and Y
sampled at T1 and Z sampled at T2.

4.2 Understanding acceleration data

The measured acceleration data are sent to the OUTX_H, OUTX_L, OUTY_H, OUTY_L,
OUTZ_H, and OUTZ_L registers. These registers contain, respectively, the most significant
part and the least significant part of the acceleration signals acting on the X, Y, and Z axes.
The complete acceleration data for the X (Y, Z) channel is given by the concatenation
OUTX_H & OUTX_L (OUTY_H & OUTY_L, OUTZ_H & OUTZ_L) and is expressed as a
2’s complement number.

4.2.1 Data alignment

Acceleration data are represented as 16-bit numbers and are left-justified. The resolution is
dependent on the power mode selected.

4.2.2 Big-little endian selection

The LIS2DH12 allows swapping the content of the lower and the upper part of the
acceleration registers (i.e. OUT_X_L with OUT_X_H), to be compliant with both little-
endian and big-endian data representations.
“Little Endian” means that the low-order byte of the number is stored in memory at the
lowest address, and the high-order byte at the highest address. (The little end comes first).
This mode corresponds to bit BLE in CTRL_REG4 reset to 0 (default configuration).
On the contrary, “Big Endian” means that the high-order byte of the number is stored in
memory at the lowest address, and the low-order byte at the highest address.
The BLE function can be activated only in high-resolution mode.

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AN5005 Startup sequence
4.2.3 Example of acceleration data
Table 9: "Output data registers content vs. acceleration (FS = ±2 g, high-resolution mode)"
provides a few basic examples of the data that is read in the data registers when the device
is subject to a given acceleration. The values listed in the table are given under the
hypothesis of perfect device calibration (i.e. no offset, no gain error,....) and practically
show the effect of the BLE bit.
Table 9: Output data registers content vs. acceleration (FS = ±2 g, high-resolution mode)
BLE = 0 BLE = 1
Acceleration values Register address
28h 29h 28h 29h
0g 00h 00h 00h 00h
350 mg E0h 15h 15h E0h
1g 00h 40h 40h 00h
-350 mg 20h EAh EAh 20h
-1 g 00h C0h C0h 00h

4.3 High-pass filter

The LIS2DH12 provides an embedded high-pass filtering capability to easily delete the DC
component of the measured acceleration. As shown in Figure 4: "High-pass filter
connections block diagram", through the FDS, HP_IA1, and HP_IA2 bits of CTRL_REG2
configuration, it is possible to independently apply the filter on the output data and/or on the
interrupt data. This means that it is possible to get filtered data while the interrupt
generation works on unfiltered data.
Figure 4: High-pass filter connections block diagram

HP Filter

Source SRC reg 1

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Startup sequence AN5005
4.3.1 Filter configuration
Referring to Table 10: "High-pass filter mode configuration", two operating modes are
possible for the high-pass filter:
Table 10: High-pass filter mode configuration
HPM1 HPM0 High-pass filter mode
0 0 Normal mode (reset by reading REFERENCE (26h))
0 1 Reference signal for filtering
1 0 Normal mode
1 1 Autoreset on interrupt event

The bandwidth of the high-pass filter depends on the selected ODR and on the settings of
the HPCFx bits of CTRL_REG2. The high-pass filter cutoff frequencies (ft) are shown in
Table 11: "Low-power mode - high-pass filter cutoff frequency [Hz]".
Table 11: Low-power mode - high-pass filter cutoff frequency [Hz]
ft [Hz] ft [Hz] ft [Hz] ft [Hz] ft [Hz] ft [Hz] ft [Hz] ft [Hz] ft [Hz]
@1 Hz @10 Hz @25 Hz @50 Hz @100 Hz @200 Hz @400 Hz @1.6 kHz @5 kHz
00 0.02 0.2 0.5 1 2 4 8 32 100
01 0.008 0.08 0.2 0.5 1 2 4 16 50
10 0.004 0.04 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 8 25
11 0.002 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 4 12 Normal mode

In this configuration the high-pass filter can be reset by reading REFERENCE (26h),
instantly deleting the DC component of the acceleration.
Figure 5: Reading REFERENCE
Input Acceleration
Filtered Data


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AN5005 Startup sequence Reference mode
In this configuration the output data is calculated as the difference between the input
acceleration and the content of REFERENCE (26h). This register is in 2’s complement
representation and the value of 1 LSB of these 7-bit registers depends on the selected full
scale (Table 12: "Reference mode LSB value").
Table 12: Reference mode LSB value
Full scale Reference mode LSB value (mg)
±2 g ~16
±4 g ~31
±8 g ~63
±16 g ~127

Figure 6: Reference mode

Input Acceleration
Filtered Data


REFERENCE enable Autoreset
In this configuration the filter is automatically reset when the configured interrupt event
occurs. REFERENCE (26h) is, however, used to set the filter instantaneously.
Note: The XYZ dataset used to reset the filter is the one after the interrupt.
Figure 7: Autoreset

Input Acceleration
Filtered Data


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Interrupt generation AN5005

5 Interrupt generation
The LIS2DH12 interrupts signals can behave as free-fall, wake-up, 6D and 4D orientation
detection, and click detection. These signals can be driven to the two interrupt pins (INT1
and INT2).

5.1 Interrupt pin configuration

The device is provided with two pins which can be activated to generate either the data-
ready or the interrupt signals. The functionality of the pins is selected through CTRL_REG3
(22h) and CTRL_REG6 (25h).
Table 13: CTRL_REG3 register

(1)This bit must be set to '0' for correct operation of the device.

Table 14: CTRL_REG3 description

Click interrupt on INT1. Default value: 0
(0: disable; 1: enable)
IA1 interrupt on INT1. Default value: 0
(0: disable; 1: enable)
IA2 interrupt on INT1. Default value: 0
(0: disable; 1: enable)
ZYXDA interrupt on INT1. Default value: 0
(0: disable; 1: enable)
FIFO watermark interrupt on INT1. Default value: 0
(0: disable; 1: enable)
FIFO overrun interrupt on INT1. Default value: 0
(0: disable; 1: enable)

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AN5005 Interrupt generation
Table 15: CTRL_REG6 register

Table 16: CTRL_REG6 description

Click interrupt on INT2 pin. Default value: 0
(0: disabled; 1: enabled)
Enable interrupt 1 function on INT2 pin. Default value: 0
(0: function disabled; 1: function enabled)
Enable interrupt 2 function on INT2 pin. Default value: 0
(0: function disabled; 1: function enabled)
Enable boot on INT2 pin. Default value: 0
(0: disabled; 1:enabled)
Enable activity interrupt on INT2 pin. Default value: 0
(0: disabled; 1:enabled)
INT1 and INT2 pin polarity. Default value: 0
(0: active-high; 1: active-low)

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Inertial interrupt AN5005

6 Inertial interrupt
The LIS2DH12 can provide two inertial interrupt signals and offers several possibilities to
personalize these signals. The registers involved in the interrupt generation behavior are
Table 17: Interrupt mode configuration
AOI 6D Interrupt mode
0 0 OR combination of interrupt events
0 1 6-direction movement recognition
1 0 AND combination of interrupt events
1 1 6-direction position recognition

Whenever an interrupt condition is verified, the interrupt signal is generated and by reading
the INTx_SRC register, it is possible to understand which condition happened.

6.1 Duration
The content of the duration registers sets the minimum duration of the interrupt event to be
recognized. Duration steps and maximum values depend on the ODR chosen.
Duration time is measured in N/ODR, where N is the content of the duration register.
Table 18: Duration LSB value in normal mode
ODR (Hz) Duration LSB value (ms)
1 1000
10 100
25 40
50 20
100 10
200 5
400 2.5
1600 0.6
1344 0.744
5376 0.186

6.2 Threshold
Threshold registers define the reference accelerations used by the interrupt generation
circuitry. The value of 1 LSB of these 7-bit registers depends on the selected full scale and
power mode (refer to “Table 4: Mechanical characteristics” of the LIS2DH12 datasheet).

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AN5005 Inertial interrupt
6.3 Free-fall and wake-up interrupts
The LIS2DH12 interrupt signals can behave as free-fall and wake-up. Whenever an
interrupt condition is verified, the interrupt signal is generated and by reading the
INTx_SRC register, it is possible to understand which condition happened.
The free-fall signal (FF) and wake-up signal (WU) interrupt generation block is represented
in Figure 8: "Free-fall, wake-up interrupt generator".
The FF or WU interrupt generation is selected through the AOI bit in the INTx_CFG
register. If the AOI bit is ‘0’, signals coming from comparators for the axis enabled through
the INTx_CFG register are put in logical OR. In this case, an interrupt is generated when at
least one of the enabled axes exceeds the threshold written in the module in the INTx_THS
registers. Otherwise, if the AOI bit is ‘1’, signals coming from comparators enter a “NAND”
port. In this case an interrupt signal is generated only if all the enabled axes are passing
the threshold written in the INTx_THS register.
The LIR_INTx bits of CTRL_REG5 allow deciding if the interrupt request must be latched or
not. If the LIR_INTx bit is ‘0’ (default value), the interrupt signal goes high when the
interrupt condition is satisfied and returns to low immediately if the interrupt condition is no
longer verified. Otherwise, if the LIR_INTx bit is ‘1’, whenever an interrupt condition is
applied the interrupt signal remains high even if the condition returns to a non-interrupt
status until a read of the INTx_SRC register is performed.
The ZHIE, ZLIE, YHIE, YLIE, XHIE, and XLIE bits of the INTx_CFG register allow deciding
on which axis the interrupt decision must be performed and on which direction the
threshold must be passed to generate the interrupt request.
Figure 8: Free-fall, wake-up interrupt generator

THS reg



|b|<a? 1


|b|>a? FF

|b|<a? INTx_CFG(AOI)

The threshold module which is used by the system to detect any free-fall or inertial wake-
up event is defined by the INTx_THS register. The threshold value is expressed over 7 bits
as an unsigned number and is symmetrical around the zero-g level. XH (YH, ZH) is true
when the unsigned acceleration value of the X (Y, Z) channel is higher than INTx_THS.
Similarly, XL (YL, ZL) low is true when the unsigned acceleration value of the X (Y, Z)

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Inertial interrupt AN5005
channel is lower than INTx_THS. Refer to Figure 9: "FF_WU_CFG high and low" for more
Figure 9: FF_WU_CFG high and low

+ Full Scale
X (Y, Z) high Positive
Threshold module

X (Y, Z) low 0 g level

Threshold module Negative

X (Y, Z) high acceleration
- Full Scale

6.3.1 Inertial wake-up

Wake-up interrupt refers to a specific configuration of the INTx_CTRL register that allows
interrupt generation when the acceleration on the configured axis exceeds a defined
threshold (Figure 10: "Inertial wake-up interrupt").
Figure 10: Inertial wake-up interrupt


WKP Interrupt

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AN5005 Inertial interrupt
6.3.2 HP filter bypassed
This paragraph provides a basic algorithm which shows the practical use of the inertial
wake-up feature. In particular, with the code below, the device is configured to recognize
when the absolute acceleration along either the X or Y-axis exceeds a preset threshold
(250 mg used in the example). The event which triggers the interrupt is latched inside the
device and its occurrence is signaled through the use of the INT1 pin.
// Turn on the sensor and enable X, Y,
1. Write 57h into CTRL_REG1 and Z
// ODR = 100 Hz
2. Write 00h into CTRL_REG2 // High-pass filter disabled
3. Write 40h into CTRL_REG3 // Interrupt activity 1 driven to INT1 pad
4. Write 00h into CTRL_REG4 // FS = ±2 g
5. Write 08h into CTRL_REG5 // Interrupt 1 pin latched
6. Write 10h into INT1_THS // Threshold = 250 mg
7. Write 00h into INT1_DURATION // Duration = 0
8. Write 0Ah into INT1_CFG // Enable XH and YH interrupt generation
// Poll DRDY/INT1 pin waiting for the
9. Poll INT1 pad; if INT1=0 then go to 8
// wake-up event
// Return the event that has triggered the
10. Read INT1_SRC
// interrupt
(Wake-up event has occurred; insert your code
11. // Event handling
12. Go to 8

6.3.3 Using the HP filter

The code provided below gives a basic routine which shows the practical use of the inertial
wake-up feature performed on high-pass filtered data. In particular the device is configured
to recognize when the high-frequency component of the acceleration applied along either
the X, Y, or Z-axis exceeds a preset threshold (250 mg used in the example).
The event which triggers the interrupt is latched inside the device and its occurrence is
signaled through the use of the INT1 pin.
// Turn on the sensor, enable X, Y, and Z
1. Write 57h into CTRL_REG1
// ODR = 100 Hz
2. Write 09h into CTRL_REG2 // High-pass filter enabled on interrupt activity 1
3. Write 40h into CTRL_REG3 // Interrupt activity 1 driven to INT1 pad
4. Write 00h into CTRL_REG4 // FS = ±2 g
5. Write 08h into CTRL_REG5 // Interrupt 1 pin latched
6. Write10h into INT1_THS // Threshold = 250 mg
7. Write 00h into INT1_DURATION // Duration = 0
// Dummy read to force the HP filter to
8. Read REFERENCE // current acceleration value
// (i.e. set reference acceleration/tilt value)
9. Write 2Ah into INT1_CFG // Configure desired wake-up event

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Inertial interrupt AN5005
// Poll INT1 pin waiting for the
10. Poll INT1 pad; if INT1 = 0 then go to 9
// wake-up event
(Wake-up event has occurred; insert your
11. // Event handling
code here)
// Return the event that has triggered the
12. Read INT1_SRC
// interrupt and clear interrupt
13. (Insert your code here) // Event handling
14. Go to 9

At step 8, a dummy read of the REFERENCE register is performed to set the

current/reference acceleration/tilt state against which the device performed the threshold
This read may be performed any time it is required to set the orientation/tilt of the device as
a reference state without waiting for the filter to settle.

6.4 Free-fall detection

Free-fall detection refers to a specific configuration of the INTx_CTRL registers that allows
recognizing when the device is free falling: the acceleration measured along all the axes
goes to zero. In a real case a “free-fall zone” is defined around the zero-g level where all
the accelerations are small enough to generate the interrupt (Figure 11: "Free-fall
Figure 11: Free-fall interrupt


FF Interrupt

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AN5005 Inertial interrupt
This paragraph provides the basics for the use of the free-fall detection feature. In
particular, the SW routine that configures the device to detect free-fall events and to signal
them is the following:
// Turn on the sensor, enable X, Y, and Z
1. Write 57h into CTRL_REG1
// ODR = 100 Hz
2. Write 00h into CTRL_REG2 // High-pass filter disabled
3. Write 40h into CTRL_REG3 // Interrupt activity 1 driven to INT1 pad
4. Write 00h into CTRL_REG4 // FS = ±2 g
5. Write 08h into CTRL_REG5 // Interrupt 1 pin latched
6. Write 16h into INT1_THS // Set free-fall threshold = 350 mg
7. Write 03h into INT1_DURATION // Set minimum event duration
8. Write 95h into INT1_CFG // Configure free-fall recognition
9. Poll INT1 pad; if INT1 = 0 then go to 10 // Poll INT1 pin waiting for the free-fall event
(Free-fall event has occurred; insert your code
10. // Event handling
11. Read INT1_SRC register // Clear interrupt request
12. Go to 9

The code sample exploits a threshold set at 350 mg for free-fall recognition and the event
is notified by the hardware signal INT1. At step 7, the INT1_DURATION register is
configured like this to ignore events that are shorter than 3/DR = 3/100 ~= 30 msec in order
to avoid false detections.
Once the free-fall event has occurred, a read of the INT1_SRC register clears the request
and the device is ready to recognize other events.

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6D/4D orientation detection AN5005

7 6D/4D orientation detection

The LIS2DH12 provides advanced capability to detect the orientation of the device in
space, enabling easy implementation of an energy-saving procedure and automatic image
rotation for handheld devices.

7.1 6D orientation detection

The 6D orientation direction function can be enabled through the AOI and 6D bits of the
INTx_CFG register. When configured for 6D function, the ZH, ZL, YH, YL, XH, and XL bits
of INTx_SRC give information about the value of the acceleration generating the interrupt
when it is greater than the threshold, and about its sign. In more detail:
• ZH (YH, XH) is 1 when the sensed acceleration is bigger than the threshold in the
positive direction
• ZL (YL, XL) is 1 when the sensed acceleration is bigger than the threshold in the
negative direction.
Figure 12: ZH, ZL, YH, YL, XH, and XL behavior

+ Full Scale
XH (YH, ZH) = 1 Positive
XH (YH, ZH) = 0
0 g level
XL (YL, ZL) = 0
-Threshold Negative
XL (YL, ZL) = 1 acceleration
- Full Scale

There are two possible configurations for the 6D direction function:

• 6D movement recognition: In this configuration the interrupt is generated when the
device moves from a direction (known or unknown) to a different known direction. The
interrupt is active only for 1/ODR.
• 6D position recognition: In this configuration the interrupt is generated when the
device is stable in a known direction. The interrupt is active as long as position is
maintained (Figure 13: "6D movement vs. 6D position", (a) and (b)).
Referring to Figure 13: "6D movement vs. 6D position", the 6D movement line shows the
behavior of the interrupt when the device is configured for 6D movement recognition on the
X and Y-axis (INTx_CFG = 0x4Ah), while the 6D position line shows the behavior of the
interrupt when the device is configured for 6D position recognition on the X and Y-axis
(INT1_CFG = 0xCAh). INT1_THS is set to 0x21.
Referring to Figure 14: "6D recognized positions", the device has been configured for 6D
position function on the X, Y, and Z axes. Table 19: "INT1_SRC register in 6D positions"
shows the content of the INT1_SRC register for each position.

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AN5005 6D/4D orientation detection
Figure 13: 6D movement vs. 6D position

Figure 14: 6D recognized positions



( a) ( b)



Y (c) (d)


Top Bottom


( e) (f)

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6D/4D orientation detection AN5005
Table 19: INT1_SRC register in 6D positions
(a) 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
(b) 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
(c) 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
(d) 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
(e) 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
(f) 1 0 1 0 0 0 0

7.2 4D orientation direction

4D detection is a subset of the 6D function especially defined to be implemented in
handheld devices for portrait and landscape computation. It can be enabled by setting the
D4D_INTx bits of CTRL_REG5 to 1 when the 6D bit on INTx_CFG is set to 1. In this
configuration, the Z-axis position detection is disabled, therefore reducing position
recognition to cases (a), (b), (c), and (d) of Table 19: "INT1_SRC register in 6D positions".

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AN5005 Click and double-click recognition

8 Click and double-click recognition

The single-click and double-click recognition functions featured in the LIS2DH12 help to
create a man-machine interface with little software loading. The device can be configured
to output an interrupt signal on a dedicated pin when tapped in any direction.
If the sensor is exposed to a single input stimulus, it generates an interrupt request on
inertial interrupt pin INT1 and/or INT2. A more advanced feature allows the generation of
an interrupt request when a double input stimulus with programmable time between the two
events is recognized, enabling a mouse button-like function.
This function can be fully programmed by the user in terms of expected amplitude and
timing of the stimuli by means of the dedicated set of registers described in Section 8.3:
"Register description".
The recommended accelerometer ODR for single and double-click recognition is 400 Hz or

8.1 Single click

If the device is configured for single-click event detection, an interrupt is generated when
the input acceleration on the selected channel exceeds the programmed threshold, and
returns below it within a time window defined by the TIME_LIMIT register.
If the LIR_Click bit of the CLICK_THS register is not set, the interrupt is kept high for the
duration of the latency window. If the LIR_Click bit is set, the interrupt is kept high until the
CLICK_SRC register is read.
Figure 15: Single-click event with non-latched interrupt

In Figure 15: "Single-click event with non-latched interrupt"(a) the click has been
recognized, while in Figure 15: "Single-click event with non-latched interrupt"(b) the click
has not been recognized because the acceleration goes under the threshold after the
TIME_LIMIT has expired.

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Click and double-click recognition AN5005
8.2 Double click
If the device is configured for double-click event detection, an interrupt is generated when,
after a first click, a second click is recognized. The recognition of the second click occurs
only if the event satisfies the rules defined by the latency and windows registers.
In particular, after the first click has been recognized, the second-click detection procedure
is delayed for an interval defined by the latency register. This means that after the first click
has been recognized, the second click detection procedure starts only if the input
acceleration exceeds the threshold after the latency window but before the window has
expired (Figure 16: "Single and double-click recognition" (a)), or if the acceleration is still
above the threshold after the latency has expired (Figure 17: "Double-click recognition"
Once the second-click detection procedure is initiated, the second click is recognized with
the same rule as the first: the acceleration must return below the threshold before the
TIME_LIMIT has expired.
It is important to appropriately define the latency window setting, TIME_LATENCY register,
to avoid unwanted clicks due to spurious bouncing of the input signal.
Figure 16: Single and double-click recognition

Figure 16: "Single and double-click recognition" illustrates a single-click event (a) and a
double-click event (b). The device is able to distinguish between (a) and (b) by changing
the settings of the CLICK_CFG register from single to double-click recognition.

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AN5005 Click and double-click recognition
Figure 17: Double-click recognition

In Figure 17: "Double-click recognition"(a) the double-click event has been correctly
recognized, while in Figure 17: "Double-click recognition"(b) the interrupt has not been
generated because the input acceleration exceeds the threshold after the window interval
has expired.

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Click and double-click recognition AN5005
8.3 Register description
8.3.1 CLICK_CFG (38h)
Table 20: CLICK_CFG register

Table 21: CLICK_CFG description

Enable interrupt double tap on Z-axis. Default value: 0
ZD (0: disable interrupt request;
1: enable interrupt request on measured accel. value higher than preset threshold)
Enable interrupt single tap on Z-axis. Default value: 0
ZS (0: disable interrupt request;
1: enable interrupt request on measured accel. value higher than preset threshold)
Enable interrupt double tap on Y-axis. Default value: 0
YD (0: disable interrupt request;
1: enable interrupt request on measured accel. value higher than preset threshold)
Enable interrupt single tap on Y-axis. Default value: 0
YS (0: disable interrupt request;
1: enable interrupt request on measured accel. value higher than preset threshold)
Enable interrupt double tap on X-axis. Default value: 0
XD (0: disable interrupt request;
1: enable interrupt request on measured accel. value higher than preset threshold)
Enable interrupt single tap on X-axis. Default value: 0
XS (0: disable interrupt request;
1: enable interrupt request on measured accel. value higher than preset threshold)

Table 22: Truth table

DZ / DY / DX SZ / Y / X Click output
0 0 0
0 1 Single
1 0 Double
1 1 Double

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AN5005 Click and double-click recognition
8.3.2 CLICK_SRC (39h)
Table 23: CLICK_SRC register

Table 24: CLICK_SRC description

Interrupt active. Default value: 0
(0: no interrupt has been generated; 1: one or more interrupts have been generated)
Double-click enable. Default value: 0
(0: double-click detection disabled, 1: double-click detection enabled)
Single-click enable. Default value: 0
(0: single-click detection disabled, 1: single-click detection enabled)
Click sign.
(0: positive detection, 1: negative detection)
Z click detection. Default value: 0
(0: no interrupt, 1: Z high event has occurred)
Y click detection. Default value: 0
(0: no interrupt, 1: Y high event has occurred)
X click detection. Default value: 0
(0: no interrupt, 1: X high event has occurred)

8.3.3 CLICK_THS (3Ah)

Table 25: CLICK_THS register
LIR_Click Ths6 Ths5 Ths4 Ths3 Ths2 Ths1 Ths0

Table 26: CLICK_THS description

If the LIR_Click bit is not set, the interrupt is kept high for the duration of the latency
LIR_Click window.
If the LIR_Click bit is set, the interrupt is kept high until CLICK_SRC (39h) is read.
Ths[6:0] Click threshold. Default value: 000 0000

1 LSB = full scale/128.

Ths6 through Ths0 define the threshold which is used by the system to start the click-
detection procedure. The threshold value is expressed over 6 bits as an unsigned number.

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Click and double-click recognition AN5005
8.3.4 TIME_LIMIT (3Bh)
Table 27: TIME_LIMIT register

Table 28: TIME_LIMIT register description

TLI7-TLI0 Click time limit. Default value: 000 0000

1 LSB = 1/ODR.
TLI7 through TLI0 define the maximum time interval that can elapse between the start of
the click-detection procedure (the acceleration on the selected channel exceeds the
programmed threshold) and when the acceleration falls back below the threshold.

8.3.5 TIME_LATENCY (3Ch)

Table 29: TIME_LATENCY register

Table 30: TIME_LATENCY description

TLA7-TLA0 Click time latency. Default value: 000 0000

1 LSB = 1/ODR.
TLA7 through TLA0 define the time interval that starts after the first click detection where
the click-detection procedure is disabled, in cases where the device is configured for
double-click detection.

8.3.6 TIME WINDOW (3Dh)

Table 31: TIME_WINDOW description

Table 32: TIME_WINDOW description

TW7-TW0 Click time window

1 LSB = 1/ODR.
TW7 throughTW0 define the maximum interval of time that can elapse after the end of the
latency interval in which the click-detection procedure can start, in cases where the device
is configured for double-click detection.

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AN5005 Click and double-click recognition
8.3.7 CTRL_REG3 [Interrupt CTRL register] (22h)
Table 33: CTRL_REG3 register

(1)This bit must be set to ‘0’ for correct operation of the device.

Table 34: CTRL_REG3 description

Click interrupt on INT1. Default value: 0
(0: disable; 1: enable)
IA1 interrupt on INT1. Default value: 0
(0: disable; 1: enable)
IA2 interrupt on INT1. Default value: 0
(0: disable; 1: enable)
ZYXDA interrupt on INT1. Default value: 0
(0: disable; 1: enable)
FIFO watermark interrupt on INT1. Default value: 0
(0: disable; 1: enable)
FIFO overrun interrupt on INT1. Default value: 0
(0: disable; 1: enable)

8.4 Examples
The following figures show the click interrupt generation in different conditions. The
screenshots have been captured on a PC running the demonstration kit GUI interface with
ODR set to 400 Hz and full scale to 4 g. The content of the LIS2DH12 registers have been
modified via the dedicated panel of the software interface that allows the user to evaluate
all the different settings and features of the click embedded function. In the following
examples, only the X-axis has been enabled for the click interrupt generation.

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Click and double-click recognition AN5005
8.4.1 Playing with TIME_LIMIT
Figure 18: "Short time limit" shows an acquisition carried out with TIME_LIMIT = 01h (2.5
ms). With this setting, the single-click recognition window is short and often the
acceleration does not return below the threshold in time.
In Figure 19: "Long time limit" an acquisition done with TIME_LIMIT = 33h (127 ms) is
shown. With this setting the single-click recognition window is longer, and it is easier for the
event to be recognized.
Figure 18: Short time limit

Figure 19: Long time limit

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AN5005 Click and double-click recognition
8.4.2 Playing with TIME_LATENCY
Figure 20: "Short latency" illustrates an acquisition done with TIME_LATENCY =15h (52
ms). With this setting the device recognizes nearly every acceleration peak as a click.
In Figure 21: "Long latency" an acquisition carried out with TIME_LATENCY = FFh (637
ms) is displayed. With this setting the device recognizes one peak in every two as a click.
Figure 20: Short latency

Figure 21: Long latency

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Click and double-click recognition AN5005
8.4.3 Playing with TIME_WINDOW
In cases of double-click recognition, the TIME_LATENCY + TIME_WINDOW defines the
maximum distance between two consecutive clicks to be recognized as a double-click
event. By fixing the latency to avoid spurious bouncing of the signal, it is possible to play
with the TIME_WINDOW as with the “double-click speed” settings of the mouse properties
on the PC.
Figure 22: "Short window" shows an acquisition done with TIME_WINDOW = 42h (165
ms). With this setting the two consecutive peaks of acceleration are too far apart and the
second one occurs outside of the window.
In Figure 23: "Long window" an acquisition carried out with TIME_WINDOW = FFh (637
ms) is shown. With this setting the device correctly generates the double-click interrupt
after the second acceleration peak.
Figure 22: Short window

Figure 23: Long window

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AN5005 First-in first-out (FIFO) buffer

9 First-in first-out (FIFO) buffer

In order to limit intervention by the host processor and facilitate post processing data for
recognition of events, the LIS2DH12 embeds a first-in first-out buffer (FIFO) for each of the
three output channels, X, Y, and Z.
FIFO use allows consistent power saving for the system, it can wake up only when needed
and burst the significant data out from the FIFO.
The FIFO buffer can work according to four different modes that guarantee a high level of
flexibility during application development: Bypass mode, FIFO mode, Stream mode, and
Stream-to-FIFO mode.
The programmable watermark level and FIFO overrun event can be enabled to generate
dedicated interrupts on the INT1 pin.

9.1 FIFO description

The FIFO buffer is able to store up to 32 acceleration samples for each channel; data are
stored in the 16-bit 2’s complement left-justified representation. The resolution is
dependent on the power mode selected.
The data sample sets consist of 6 bytes (X_low, X_high, Y_low, Y_high, Z_low and Z_high)
and they are released to the FIFO at the selected output data rate (ODR).
The new sample set is placed in the first empty FIFO slot until the buffer is full, therefore,
the oldest value is overwritten.
Table 35: FIFO buffer full representation (32nd sample set stored)
0x28h 0x29h 0x2Ah 0x2Bh 0x2Ch 0x2Dh
Output registers
X_low(0) X_high(0) Y_low(0) Y_high(0) Z_low(0) Z_high(0)
FIFO index FIFO sample set
FIFO(0) X_low(0) X_high(0) Y_low(0) Y_high(0) Z_low(0) Z_high(0)
FIFO(1) X_low(1) X_high(1) Y_low(1) Y_high(1) Z_low(1) Z_high(1)
FIFO(2) X_low(2) X_high(2) Y_low(2) Y_high(2) Z_low(2) Z_high(2)
FIFO(3) X_low(3) X_high(3) Y_low(3) Y_high(3) Z_low(3) Z_high(3)
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
FIFO(30) X_low(30) X_high(30) Y_low(30) Y_high(30) Z_low(30) Z_high(30)
FIFO(31) X_low(31) X_high(31) Y_low(31) Y_high(31) Z_low(31) Z_high(31)

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Table 36: FIFO overrun representation (33rd sample set stored and 1st sample discarded)
0x28h 0x29h 0x2Ah 0x2Bh 0x2Ch 0x2Dh
Output registers
X_low(1) X_high(1) Y_low(1) Y_high(1) Z_low(1) Z_high(1)
FIFO index FIFO sample set
FIFO(0) X_low(1) X_high(1) Y_low(1) Y_high(1) Z_low(1) Z_high(1)
FIFO(1) X_low(2) X_high(2) Y_low(2) Y_high(2) Z_low(2) Z_high(2)
FIFO(2) X_low(3) X_high(3) Y_low(3) Y_high(3) Z_low(3) Z_high(3)
FIFO(3) X_low(4) X_high(4) Y_low(4) Y_high(4) Z_low(4) Z_high(4)
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
FIFO(30) X_low(31) X_high(31) Y_low(31) Y_high(31) Z_low(31) Z_high(31)
FIFO(31) X_low(32) X_high(32) Y_low(32) Y_high(32) Z_low(32) Z_high(32)

Table 35: "FIFO buffer full representation (32nd sample set stored)" represents the FIFO
full status when 32 samples are stored in the buffer while Table 36: "FIFO overrun
representation (33rd sample set stored and 1st sample discarded)" represents the next
step when the 33rd sample is inserted into FIFO and the 1st sample is overwritten. The new
oldest sample set is made available in the output registers.
When FIFO is enabled and the mode is different from Bypass, the LIS2DH12 output
registers (28h to 2Dh) always contain the oldest FIFO sample set.

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AN5005 First-in first-out (FIFO) buffer
9.2 FIFO registers
The FIFO buffer is managed by three different accelerometer registers, two of these allow
enabling and configuring the FIFO behavior, the third provides information about the buffer

9.2.1 CTRL_REG5 (0x24)

The FIFO_EN bit in CTRL_REG5 must be set to 1 in order to enable the internal first-in
first-out buffer; when this bit is set, the accelerometer output registers (28h to 2Dh) don’t
contain the current acceleration value but they always contain the oldest value stored in
Table 37: FIFO enable bit in CTRL_REG5
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Figure 24: FIFO_EN connection block diagram

Output Registers



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9.2.2 FIFO_CTRL_REG (0x2E)
This register is dedicated to FIFO mode selection and watermark configuration.
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

The FM[1:0] bits define the selection of the behavior of the FIFO buffer:
1. FM[1:0] = (0,0): Bypass mode
2. FM[1:0] = (0,1): FIFO mode
3. FM[1:0] = (1,0): Stream mode
4. FM[1:0] = (1,1): Stream-to-FIFO mode
The trigger used to activate Stream-to-FIFO mode is related to the IA bit value of the
selected INT1_SRC register and does not depend on the interrupt pin value and polarity.
The trigger is generated also if the selected interrupt is not driven to an interrupt pin.
FTH[4:0] bits define the watermark level; when FIFO content exceeds this value the WTM
bit is set to “1” in the FIFO source register.

9.2.3 FIFO_SRC_REG (0x2F)

This register is updated at every ODR and provides information about the FIFO buffer
Table 39: FIFO_SRC_REG
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

• WTM bit is set high when FIFO content exceeds watermark level.
• OVRN_FIFO bit is set high when the FIFO buffer is full, which means that the FIFO
buffer contains 32 unread samples. At the following ODR a new sample set replaces
the oldest FIFO value. The OVRN_FIFO bit is reset when the first sample set has
been read.
• EMPTY flag is set high when all FIFO samples have been read and the FIFO is
• FSS[4:0] field always contains the current number of unread samples stored in the
FIFO buffer. When FIFO is enabled, this value increases at ODR frequency until the
buffer is full, whereas it decreases every time that one sample set is retrieved from

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AN5005 First-in first-out (FIFO) buffer
Register content is updated synchronous to the FIFO write and read operation.
Table 40: FIFO_SRC_REG behavior assuming FTH[4:0] = 15
Unread FIFO
0 0 1 00000 0 t0
0 0 0 00001 1 t0 + 1/ODR
0 0 0 00010 2 t0 + 2/ODR
... ... ... ... ... ...
0 0 0 01111 15 t0 + 15/ODR
1 0 0 10000 16 t0 + 16/ODR
... ... ... ... ... ...
1 0 0 11110 30 t0 + 30/ODR
1 0 0 11111 31 t0 + 31/ODR
1 1 0 11111 32 t0 + 32/ODR

The watermark flag and FIFO overrun event can be enabled to generate a dedicated
interrupt on the INT1 pin by configuring CTRL_REG3.
Table 41: CTRL_REG3 (0x22)
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

• I1_WTM bit drives watermark flag (WTM) on the INT1 pin.

• I1_OVERRUN bit drives the overrun event (OVRN) on the INT1 pin.
If both bits are set to “1”, the INT1 pin status is the logical OR combination of the two

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First-in first-out (FIFO) buffer AN5005
9.3 FIFO modes
The LIS2DH12 FIFO buffer can be configured to operate in four different modes selectable
by the FM[1:0] field in FIFO_CTRL_REG. Available configurations ensure a high level of
flexibility and extend the number of functions usable in application development.
Bypass, FIFO, Stream, and Stream-to-FIFO modes are described in the following

9.3.1 Bypass mode

When Bypass mode is enabled, FIFO is not operational: buffer content is cleared, output
registers (0x28 to 0x2D) are frozen at the last value loaded, and the FIFO buffer remains
empty until another mode is selected.
Follow these steps for Bypass mode configuration:
1. Turn on FIFO by setting the FIFO_EN bit to “1” in CTRL_REG5 (0x24). After this
operation the FIFO buffer is enabled but isn’t collecting data, output registers are
frozen to the last samples set loaded.
2. Activate Bypass mode by setting the FM[1:0] field to “00” in FIFO_CTRL_REG (0x2E).
If this mode is enabled, FIFO_SRC_REG (0x2F) is forced equal to 0x20.
Bypass mode must be used in order to stop and reset the FIFO buffer when a different
mode is operating. Note that placing the FIFO buffer into Bypass mode clears the whole
buffer content.

9.3.2 FIFO mode

In FIFO mode, the buffer continues filling until full (32 sample sets stored,) then it stops
collecting data and the FIFO content remains unchanged until a different mode is selected.
Follow these steps for FIFO mode configuration:
1. Turn on FIFO by setting the FIFO_EN bit to “1” in CTRL_REG5 (0x24). After this
operation the FIFO buffer is enabled but isn’t collecting data, output registers are
frozen to the last samples set loaded.
2. Activate FIFO mode by setting the FM[1:0] field to “01” in the FIFO_CTRL_REG
By selecting this mode, FIFO starts data collection and FIFO_SRC_REG (0x2F) changes
according to the number of samples stored. At the end of the procedure, FIFO_SRC_REG
is set to 0xDF and the OVRN flag generates an interrupt if the I1_OVERRUN bit is selected
in CTRL_REG5. Data can be retrieved when OVRN_FIFO is set to”1”, performing a 32
sample set reading from the output registers, data can be retrieved also on the WTM flag
instead of OVRN_FIFO if the application requires a lower number of samples.
Communication speed is not so important in FIFO mode because data collection is stopped
and there is no risk of overwriting acquired data. Before restarting FIFO mode, at the end of
the reading procedure it is necessary to exit Bypass mode.
A FIFO mode recommendation is as follows:
1. Set FIFO_EN = 1: enable FIFO
2. Set FM[1:0] = (0,1): enable FIFO mode
3. Wait for OVRN_FIFO or WTM interrupt
4. Read data from accelerometer output registers
5. Set FM[1:0] = (0,0): enable Bypass mode
6. Repeat from step 2

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AN5005 First-in first-out (FIFO) buffer
Figure 25: FIFO mode behavior

F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 … …F31 … F0 F0 F0 F1 …
0 1 2 3 4 5 … … 31 … 32 33 …

FIFO Reading


enable s
stop Reading Bypass enable

If FIFO mode is enabled, the buffer starts to collect data and fill all the 32 slots (from F0 to
F31) at the selected output data rate. When the buffer is full, the OVRN_FIFO bit goes high
and data collection is permanently stopped; the user can decide to read FIFO content at
any time because it is maintained unchanged until Bypass mode is selected. The reading
procedure is composed of a set of 32 samples of 6 bytes for a total of 192 bytes and
retrieves data starting from the oldest sample stored in FIFO (F0). The OVRN_FIFO bit is
reset when the first sample set has been read. Setting to Bypass mode resets FIFO and
allows the user to enable FIFO mode again.

9.3.3 Stream mode

In Stream mode FIFO continues filling, when the buffer is full, the FIFO index restarts from
the beginning and older data is replaced by the current. The oldest values continue to be
overwritten until a read operation frees FIFO slots. The reading speed of the host
processor is essential in order to free slots faster than new data is made available. FM[1:0]
Bypass configuration is used to stop this mode.
Follow these steps for FIFO mode configuration:
1. Turn on FIFO by setting the FIFO_EN bit to “1” in CTRL_REG5 (0x24). After this
operation the FIFO buffer is enabled but isn’t collecting data, output registers are
frozen to the last samples set loaded.
2. Activate Stream mode by setting the FM[1:0] field to “10” in FIFO_CTRL_REG (0x2E).
As described, for FIFO mode, data can be retrieved when OVRN_FIFO is set to “1”
performing a 32 sample set reading from the output registers. Data can be retrieved also
on the WTM flag if the application requires a smaller number of samples.

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Figure 26: Stream mode fast reading behavior

F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 … …F31 F0 F1 …F31 F0 F1 … …
0 1 2 3 4 5 … … 31 32 33 … 63 64 65 … …

FIFO Reading


Stream Start FIFO Start FIFO
enable Reading Reading

In Stream mode, the FIFO buffer is continuously filling (from F0 to F31) at the selected
output data rate. When the buffer is full, the OVRN_FIFO flag goes high and the
recommended solution is to read all FIFO samples (192 bytes) faster then 1*ODR, in order
to free FIFO slots for the new acceleration samples. This allows avoiding loss of data and
limiting intervention by the host processor in order to increase efficiency of the system. If
the reading procedure is not fast enough, three different cases can be observed:
1. FIFO sample set (6 bytes) reading faster than 1*ODR: data are correctly retrieved
because a free slot is made available before new data is generated.
2. FIFO sample set (6 bytes) reading synchronous to 1*ODR: data are correctly retrieved
because a free slot is made available before new data is generated but FIFO benefits
are not exploited. This case is equivalent to reading data on data-ready interrupt and
does not limit intervention of the host processor compared to the standard
accelerometer reading.
3. FIFO sample set (6 bytes) reading slower than 1*ODR: in this case some data is lost
because data recovery is not fast enough to free slots for new acceleration data
Figure 27: "Stream mode slow reading behavior". The number of correctly recovered
samples is related to the difference between the current ODR and the FIFO sample
set reading rate.
Figure 27: Stream mode slow reading behavior

F0 F1 F2 F3 … …F31 F0 . F? F?+1 . F31 F0 F1 … F? F?+1 …

0 1 2 3 … … 31 32 . jj →xx kk →yy . 63 64 65 … xx yy …

FIFO Reading


Stream Start FIFO Start FIFO Samples
enable Reading Reading overwritten

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AN5005 First-in first-out (FIFO) buffer
In Figure 27: "Stream mode slow reading behavior", due to slow reading, data from “jj” are
not retrieved because they are replaced by the new accelerometer samples generated by
the system.
Figure 28: Stream mode slow reading zoom

F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 … F31 F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 … …
0 1 2 3 4 … 31 32 33 34 35 36 … …

t0+dt t0+31dt

FIFO Reading
R0:0 R1:1 R2:2 R3:35 R4:36

Stream Start FIFO Samples
enable Reading overwritten

After enabling Stream mode, FIFO slots are filled at the end of each ODR time frame. The
reading procedure must start as soon as the OVRN flag is set to “1”, data are retrieved
from FIFO at the beginning of the read. When a read command is sent to the device, the
content of the output registers is moved to the SPI/I2C register and the current oldest FIFO
value is shifted into the output registers in order to allow the next read. In the case of a
read slower than 1*ODR, some data can be retrieved from FIFO after that new sample is
inserted into the addressed location. In Figure 28: "Stream mode slow reading zoom" the
fourth read command starts after the refresh of the F3 index and this generates a
disconnect in the reading data. The OVRN flag advises the user that this event has taken
place. In this example, three correct samples have been read, the number of correctly
recovered samples is dependent on the difference between the current ODR and the FIFO
sample set reading timeframe.

9.3.4 Stream-to-FIFO mode

This mode is a combination of the Stream and FIFO modes described above. In Stream-to-
FIFO mode, the FIFO buffer starts operating in Stream mode and switches to FIFO mode
when the selected interrupt occurs.
Follow these steps for Stream-to-FIFO mode configuration:
1. Configure the desired interrupt generator using register INT1_CFG (0x30).
2. Set the TR bit in FIFO_CTRL_REG (0x2E) according to the configured interrupt
generator: TR = “0” in order to select interrupt 1, TR = “1” in order to select interrupt 2.
3. Turn on FIFO by setting the FIFO_EN bit to “1” in CTRL_REG5 (0x24). After this
operation the FIFO buffer is enabled but isn’t collecting data, output registers are
frozen to the last samples set loaded.
4. Activate Stream-to-FIFO mode by setting the FM[1:0] field to “11” in
The interrupt trigger is related to the IA bit in the INT1_SRC register and it is generated
even if the interrupt signal is not driven to an interrupt pad. A mode switch is performed if
both IA and OVRN_FIFO bits are set high. Stream-to-FIFO mode is sensitive to the trigger
level and not to the trigger edge, this means that if Stream-to-FIFO is in FIFO mode and
the interrupt condition disappears, the FIFO buffer returns to Stream mode because the IA
bit becomes zero. It is recommended to latch the interrupt signal used as the FIFO trigger
in order to avoid losing interrupt events. If the selected interrupt is latched, register

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INT1_SRC must be read in order to clear the IA bit; after reading, the IA bit takes 2*ODR to
go low.
In Stream mode the FIFO buffer continues filling, when the buffer is full, the OVRN_FIFO
bit is set high and the next samples overwrite the oldest. When a trigger occurs, two
different cases can be observed:
1. If the FIFO buffer is already full (OVRN_FIFO = “1”), it stops collecting data at the first
sample after the trigger. FIFO content is composed of #30 samples collected before
the trigger event, the sample that has generated the interrupt event and one sample
after the trigger.
2. If FIFO isn’t yet full (initial transient), it continues filling until it is full (OVRN_FIFO =
“1”) and then, if the trigger is still present, it stops collecting data.
Figure 29: Stream-to-FIFO mode: interrupt not latched

F0 F1 F32
0 1 2 3 4 5 … … 31 32 33 34 35

FIFO Reading


Trigger (IA bit) ODR

Stream to FIFO Interrupt lost FIFO Start FIFO
enable stop Reading

Figure 30: Stream-to-FIFO mode: interrupt latched

F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F31 F0 F0 F0
0 1 2 3 4 5 … … 31 32

FIFO Reading


Trigger (IA bit)

Stream-to-FIFO FIFO Start FIFO Read FIFO Stream-to-FIFO
enable stop Reading INT SRC Bypass enable

Stream-to-FIFO can be used in order to analyze the sample history that generated an
interrupt; the standard operation is to read FIFO content when FIFO mode is triggered and
the FIFO buffer is full and stopped.

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AN5005 First-in first-out (FIFO) buffer
9.4 Watermark
The watermark is a configurable flag that can be used to generate a specific interrupt in
order to know when the FIFO buffer contains the minimum number of samples defined as
the watermark level. The user can select the desired level in a range from 0 to 31 using the
FTH[4:0] field in FIFO_CTRL_REG while FIFO_SRC_REG FSS[4:0] always contains the
number of samples stored in FIFO.
If FSS[4:0] is greater than FTH[4:0], the WTM bit is set high in FIFO_SRC_REG, on the
contrary, WTM is driven low when the FSS[4:0] field becomes lower than FTH[4:0].
FSS[4:0] increases by one step at the ODR frequency and decreases by one step every
time that a sample set reading is performed by the user.
Figure 31: Watermark behavior - FTH[4:0] = 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 … … 11 12 .. … 31 OVRN 1
F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 … … F10 F11 … …F30 F31 F0
0 1 2 3 4 5 … … 10 11 … … 30 31 32

FIFO Reading



enable Reading

In Figure 31: "Watermark behavior - FTH[4:0] = 10", the first row indicates the FSS[4:0]
value, the second row indicates the relative FIFO slot and last row shows the incremental
FIFO data. Assuming FTH[4:0] = 10, the WTM flag changes from “0” to “1” when the
eleventh FIFO slot is filled (F10). Figure 32: "FIFO reading diagram - FTH[4:0] = 10" shows
that the WTM flag goes low when the FIFO content is less than FTH[4:0], it means that
nine unread sample sets remain in FIFO.
The watermark flag (WTM) can be enabled to generate a dedicated interrupt on the INT1
pin by setting the I1_WTM bit high in CTRL_REG3.

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9.5 Retrieving data from FIFO
When FIFO is enabled and the mode is different from Bypass, reading output registers
(28h to 2Dh) returns the oldest FIFO sample set.
Whenever output registers are read, their content is moved to the SPI/I2C output buffer.
FIFO slots are ideally shifted up one level in order to release room for a new sample
reception and output registers load the current oldest value stored in the FIFO buffer.
The whole FIFO content is retrieved by performing thirty-two reads from the accelerometer
output registers, every other read returns the same last value until a new sample set is
available in the FIFO buffer.
Data can be retrieved from FIFO using every reading byte combination in order to increase
the application flexibility (ex: 196 single byte reads, 32 reads of 6 bytes, 1 multiple read of
196 bytes, etc.).
It is recommended to read all FIFO slots in a multiple byte read of 196 bytes (6 output
registers by 32 slots) faster than 1*ODR. In order to minimize communication between the
master and slave the read address is automatically updated by the device; it rolls back to
0x28 when register 0x2D is reached.
In order to avoid losing data, the right ODR must be selected according to the serial
communication rate available. In the case of standard I2C mode being used (max rate 100
kHz), a single sample set reading takes 830 µs while total FIFO download is about 17.57
ms. I2C speed is lower than SPI and it needs about 29 clock pulses to start communication
(Start, Slave Address, Device Address+Write, Restart, Device Address+Read) plus an
additional 9 clock pulses for every byte to read. If this recommendation were followed, the
complete FIFO reading would be performed faster than 1*ODR, which means that using a
standard I2C, the selectable ODR must be lower than 57 Hz. If a fast I2C mode is used
(max rate 400 kHz), the selectable ODR must be lower than 228 Hz.

Figure 32: FIFO reading diagram - FTH[4:0] = 10

31+ 0+
1 … 11 … OVRN 30 29 … … 8 … 1 0 0+
EMPTY 1 2 3 …
F0 … F10 … F31 F0 * F1 F2 …
0 … 10 … 31 32 33 34 …

FIFO Reading R0 R1 … … R22 … R29 R30 R31 R0


enable Reading

In Figure 32: "FIFO reading diagram - FTH[4:0] = 10" “Rx” indicates a 6-byte read and “F0*”
represents a single ODR slot expanded for better visibility.
Note: In order to set the EMPTY bit to '1', an additional sample (oldest one repeated) must
be read and discarded.

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AN5005 Activity / Inactivity recognition

10 Activity / Inactivity recognition

The Activity/Inactivity recognition function allows reducing system power consumption and
developing new smart applications.
When the Activity/Inactivity recognition function is activated, the device is able to
automatically decrease the accelerometer sampling rate to 10 Hz low power, increasing the
accelerometer ODR and bandwidth as soon as the wake-up interrupt event has been
With this feature the system may be efficiently switched from low-power consumption to full
performance and vice-versa depending on user-selectable acceleration events, thus
ensuring power saving and flexibility.
The Activity/Inactivity recognition function is enabled by writing a wake-up threshold value
different from zero in register ACT_THS. The return-to-sleep time is also customizable,
acting on register ACT_DUR.
Figure 33: Activity / Inactivity recognition

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Activity / Inactivity recognition AN5005
Figure 34: Activity / Inactivity duration

The user can also route the status (activity/inactivity) of the system to the INT2 pin by
setting to 1 bit I2_ACT in CTRL_REG6. With this feature INT2 is high when the system is in
inactivity ( ODR at 10 Hz ) and goes low when the system is in Activity (user ODR). The
INT_POLARITY bit controls the polarity of the Activity / Inactivity signal.

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AN5005 Temperature sensor

11 Temperature sensor
In order to enable the internal temperature sensor, bits TEMP_EN[1:0] in register
TEMP_CFG_REG (1Fh) and the BDU bit in CTRL_REG4 (23h) have to be set.
The temperature is available in OUT_TEMP_L (0Ch), OUT_TEMP_H (0Dh) stored as two’s
complement data, left-justified.
The temperature data format can be 10 bits if LPen (bit 3) in CTRL_REG1 (20h) is cleared
(high-resolution / normal mode), otherwise, in low-power mode, the ADC resolution is 8-bit.
Refer to the LIS2DH12 datasheet for the conversion factor.

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Accelerometer self-test procedure AN5005

12 Accelerometer self-test procedure

The self-test allows the user to check the sensor functionality without moving it. When the
self-test is enabled, an actuation force is applied to the sensor, simulating a definite input
acceleration. In this case the sensor outputs will exhibit a change in their DC levels which
are related to the selected full scale through the device sensitivity. When the self-test is
activated, the device output level is given by the algebraic sum of the signals produced by
the acceleration acting on the sensor and by the electrostatic test-force. If the output
signals change within the given range (the min and max values are provided in the
datasheet), then the sensor is working properly and the parameters of the interface chip
are within the defined specifications. The self-test procedure is described in Figure 35:
"Self-test procedure".

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AN5005 Accelerometer self-test procedure
Figure 35: Self-test procedure

Write 00h to CTRL_REG2 (21h)

Write 00h to CTRL_REG3 (22h) Check ZYXDA in STATUS_REG (27h) – Data Ready Bit
Write 80h to CTRL_REG4 (23h)
Write 47h to CTRL_REG1 (20h) Reading OUTX/OUTY/OUTZ clears ZYXDA, Wait for the first sample
Read OUT_X_L(28h), OUT_X_H(29h), OUT_Y_L(2Ah),
 Initialize Sensor, turn on sensor, enable X/Y/Z axes. OUT_Y_H(2Bh), OUT_Z_L(2Ch), OUT_Z_H(2Dh)  Discard data
 Set BDU=1, FS=2G, Normal Mode, ODR = 50Hz

Read the output registers after checking ZYXDA bit * 5 times

Power up, wait for 90ms for stable outpu t
Read OUT_X_L (28h), OUT_X_H (29h): Store data in OUTX_ST
Check ZYXDA in STATUS_REG (27h) – Data Ready Bit
Read OUT_Y_L (2Ah), OUT_Y_H (2Bh): Store data in OUTY_ST
Reading OUTX/OUTY/OUTZ clears ZYXDA, Wait for the first sample
Read OUT_Z_L (2Ch), OUT_Z_H (2Dh): Store data in OUTZ_ST
Read OUT_X_L(28h), OUT_X_H(29h), OUT_Y_L(2Ah), OUT_Y_H(2Bh),
OUT_Z_L(2Ch), OUT_Z_H(2Dh)  Discard data The 10 bit left-justified data is expressed in two’s complement.
Average the stored data on each axis

Read the output registers after checking ZYXDA bit *5 times

Read OUT_X_L (28h), OUT_X_H (29h): Store data in OUTX_NOST |Min(ST_X)| <=|OUTX_ST-OUTX_NOST| <= |Max(ST_X)|

Read OUT_Y_L (2Ah), OUT_Y_H (2Bh): Store data in OUTY_NOST AND

Read OUT_Z_L (2Ch), OUT_Z_H (2Dh): Store data in OUTZ_NOST |Min(ST_Y)<=|OUTY_ST-OUTY_NOST| <= |Max(ST_Y)|

The 10 bit left-justified data is expressed in two’s complement. AND

Average the stored data on each axis. |Min(ST_Z)| <=|OUTZ_ST-OUTZ_NOST| <=|MAX(ST_Z)|


Write 82h to CTRL_REG4(23h)
Enable Self Test
Wait for 90ms for stable outpu t Write 00h to CTRL_REG1 (20h): Disable sensor
Write 00h to CTRL_REG4 (23h): Disable self test

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Revision history AN5005

13 Revision history
Table 42: Revision history
Date Version Changes
10-Feb-2017 1 Initial release
Updated Section 3.4: "High-resolution mode" and Section 8: "Click
and double-click recognition"
08-Jun-2017 2 Updated Table 9: "Output data registers content vs. acceleration
(FS = ±2 g, high-resolution mode)" and Table 22: "Truth table"
Added Section 12: "Accelerometer self-test procedure"

58/59 DocID030302 Rev 2



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