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1979 Herb Fitch - Beyond Time Seminar 6 - The End of The World

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1979 Avilla Beach: Beyond Time Seminar – Herb Fitch

Class Six-Part 1: The End of the World

There is a place where the work has to prove itself, as if all that we do comes to that
particular point which is seemingly called the last day, which isn’t any such thing at all, but that's the
terminology given to it, and there seems to be a prevailing part in the mind of man that he is possibly
subject to extinction.

At every turn the thought of extinction seems to be broadcast into his mind by what he hears
and what he sees. His Bible tells him that there will be an extinction of some kind, and he can’t quite
make it out, but he surely can read English, and it says something about the end of the world. And he
hears that repeated and repeated from many rostrums across the globe, he hears preachers drumming
into the mind of man, that unless you stop sinning before the end of the world, you’re going to be
consigned to the hottest place you’ve ever seen.

And then when he reads in the paper that the PLO is doing this, or that Russia has secretly
got a combat brigade over there in Cuba, or that SALT is up in the air one day, and then down the
other day, and they may never get together, or that troops are somewhere else now, fighting in
another country where they don’t belong, and then when he reads about threats to a possible
President of the United States and so on again and again. Everywhere we turn in our own Bible, in
our daily lives, even in our Sunday churches, and then suddenly a nuclear leak, radioactive waste,
pollution of some kind.

We are surrounded by the threat of extinction and very few people are helping us to eliminate
that threat. They’re merely repeating the group hysteria and no matter how we try, it faces us
everywhere we go. Especially if you happen to be one of those living near a nuclear plant, you’re
certainly thinking about it, or you’re living near an airport where there was a big crash or some other
disaster. But most of all, what's on Papa Bear's mind in Russia, what's happening in Africa, what's
happening on the Israeli front, all of this, plus the inability of science apparently to contain nuclear
reactivity to our complete satisfaction, plus the great armament deception of we’re going to cut down
armaments on this and that type of armament, while we secretly build up heavily on other kinds of
armaments. A person would really have to be a fool to think that you can live in this world with
everybody stock piled up to the hilt and to think that it could never happen, you’d have to be foolish,
you’d have to be an ostrich and say that they’ve got it all to kill everybody, but nobody's going to
use it, this would be a downright lack of common sense.

And so we do know that the power to destroy is all around us. We do know that the Master
specifically said, “There will be an end of the world,” when his disciples asked him. And so we want
to look at that, are we threatened with extinction? And who can we ask? Our common sense tells us,
yes, religion tells us, yes, science has given us the weapons, industry has helped science do that.
Everything answers yes, yes, yes, we are threatened with extinction, and everything, almost, says
inevitable extinction, there's nothing you can even do about it. And so we can’t complacently go on
about our business. We can’t build a future in a world threatened with extinction and we can’t live in
it peacefully and pretend it isn’t there. How much better it would be if we could look at it and get the

The disciples came to Jesus Christ and said, “What about the end of the world, when is it
going to happen? What signs should we look for to know that the end of the world is near?” And a
lot of the signs that he gave them, are signs that we see today aren’t they? Nations at war, pestilence,
famine, all kinds of corruption a complete degeneration of the fabric of human life.

But you know, when you look at the end of the world with the Spiritual truth in your
understanding, it's a completely different story than we have heard from possibly our own parents,
possibly our own civilization, assuredly our own churches, and we have failed to perceive what has
been said. So much so, that approximately 95% of the world today is completely in a state of panic
about what's going to happen, and especially in circles that you and I may not be familiar with,
where governments, themselves, having placed their stock piles in certain areas, and are very aware
of the stock piles of their so called enemy. And so, large segments of our governments are living in a
state of silent panic. Will they do it, or won’t they? Should we do it first? And there's much gossip
about this behind closed doors, should we get there first.

It should be the job of religion to clarify this. Religion has at least the printed word, but
religion has not prepared mankind for the end of the world, and this is a great tragedy, because, had
religion prepared mankind with understanding, today there wouldn’t be the panic there is, or the fear,
or the escalation of certain activities which are all in preparation for just such an emergency.

I think I have to look at this lack of awareness, as what we will call a separation from God. It is
in the separation from God that we entertain the superstitions and the ignorance about the meaning
of end of the world. There are three basic mistakes theologically:

1. The first basic mistake is, God created the world. Once you start with that it's hard to
understand the end of the world, because now you’ve got the second mistake:

2. That God, who created the world, is going to end the world. And finally, you’ve
got to have a reason, and so the third mistake is that:

3. God is going to punish his children, and then the world that God created in order to punish
his children who sin. That implies of course, that those children who didn’t sin, must suffer
with those who did sin. But religion has a way out for that.

It really is a pyramid of errors and Shakespeare could do justice with a play about it. Maybe he
did; it's not a comedy though, it's a tragedy of errors. To first have a God, creator of the world, and
then a God who will uncreate the world he created, to punish the sinners whom he also created. It
doesn’t add up, it's part of superstition, it's also part of a fear based on ignorance, and when you try
to analyze this and say, “Why do people believe that God will end the world, because he wants to
punish his children, and you analyze that punishment, and you begin to see a great guilt complex. I
know that if I didn’t feel guilty I wouldn’t feel that I ought to be punished, and if I feel I’m going to
be punished, I must have a sense of guilt about it.

Now I know religion throws the guilt out there on the congregation, the congregation is guilty,
and then finally, so that it's homogenized, we are all declared to be sinners. Now this is the end of
the world according to religion and then the out is that there is the sheep and the goats, because the
Master said so. And he's going to look at all the nations of the world and those who belong to the
Father will go to the one side, and those who don’t belong to the Father, will go to the other side.
And I think Grimm's fairy tales are much more entertaining.

If we look at what the Master has taught in the Bible, we find some startling facts to completely
eliminate all that we have been taught about the end of the world, and right out of our own Bible. I
think one of the first clues is when Christ through Jesus declares that My creation is not this world,
and that's the meaning of “My kingdom is not of this world.” Kingdom and creation are identical,
synonymous. My creation is not of this world, and we have learned that this world is in time, and so
my creation is not this world in time.

And then I think another important clue is that passage I asked you to look at the other day,
before you went to sleep, Luke 4, verse 5. That was potentially the, probably the greatest real estate
deal in the world. To be offered all the kingdoms of the world and there was no price put upon it,
other than follow me, follow the world mind. And because all of the kingdoms of the world were in
time and The Kingdom, the creation, is not in time, the rejection of these worlds in time was a
statement that My Kingdom is not in time. These worlds that the world mind offers me to rule and
dominate are in time.

What will I do with the counterfeit, if I already own the original? If the Kingdom of God is
where I live, if I own all the diamonds of the world why do I want the imitation diamonds? If all that
the Father has is mine, why do I want the illusion? And so we’ve been told all of the worlds all of
the kingdoms in time, were illusion; not of the Father, not created by the Father. And so the rejection
of all of the worlds in time was a clue that this world is not the creation of God.

Now there was a very special clue, and that, we want to look at. Over here in the 24th chapter of
Matthew, the disciples come, and they are on the Mount of Olives, and they come to him privately,
and they say, “Tell us, tell us, when shall these things be, what should be the sign of thy coming, and
of the end of the world?” And he tells them something which would startle a normal man. In the 9th
verse he tells them they will die. He says, “All these things that I have told you are only the
beginning of sorrows, the end of the world is not yet, then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted
and shall kill you, and ye shall be hated of all nations, for my names sake.” What a future! They
shall be killed. They’re told this by their Master. But they’re going to be killed before the end of the
world. They don’t even get a chance to wait for the end of the world.

And then in the 26th chapter he tells them something truly marvelous. It's the Last Supper, and in
the 29th verse he says to them, “I will not drink of this wine again, until I am with you, after the end
of the world.” He tells them that the world will end, but after the world has ended, they will be with
him, and he with them. He tells them that they will die, the world will end and then they will be

And I would like to know how men are going to survive death, and the end of the world, and still
be alive? Does that cover those eleven or twelve? If they are to be together again, if they are to
survive the end of the world, who else is to join them and survive? How do you decide? Are some
excluded? What about the seventy whom Jesus sent out? Are they going to survive the end of the
world? What about the thousands that Paul trained, are they going to survive the end of the world?
What about the millions that study the gospel of Jesus the Christ, what was the gospel for, if they
cannot survive the end of the world? Was it to tell them that there’d be an end of the world and it's
all over? Or is it to prepare them to survive the end of the world?

What about Buddhist's don’t they survive? What about the various Christian sects, do we say that
a Protestant will survive and a Catholic won’t? Is the Seventh Day Adventist included or excluded?
What about unity students? All of them in, some out? What about Christian Science? What about
new thought? What about every religion in the world? How do you select them? What about people
who don’t believe in religion or in God, are they automatically unable to survive the end of the
Are we beginning to see how ludicrous the idea is, that these twelve disciples will survive while
God punishes everyone else? Why would they survive, we want to know, how? We know that they
will, we know that they did. Now, we’re concerned about us, and we won’t accept one hundred and
forty four thousand as surviving, we will accept that as a symbol of infinity, twelve times twelve.

And so, there is a way to survive the end of the world, and that would indicate that it isn’t the
end of the world that everybody thinks about, because when this world goes, there is going to be no
physical survival, and if we are to survive, there must be a method for us to survive.

Now, we’re talking about a different end of the world than the Bible has meant to most people.
We’re talking about an end of the world which is not the creation of God. We’re talking about the
end of a second creation. Of a false creation. We’re talking about an internal change of
consciousness. We’re talking about an end of the world that is absolutely necessary. The end of the
world is required. The end of the world in time is required, because it is the evidence of man's
separation from God. The end of the world is the end of that separation. It is the end of death; it is
the end of an illusion. It is the end of the world consciousness, which says that God created this

And so we are now finding that end of the world in the Bible, is an individual experience, in
which at a certain level of enlightenment, an individual perceives the illusion of the world, and is
awakened from that illusion, is awakened from deadness to Spirit, deadness to Christ. And that end
of the world happens in the consciousness of the individual who then is lifted into the real creation of
God. There is no world to end. When the Kingdom is all there is, and it is not this world, what world
is going to end? The imitation concept. But it is only going to end for those who are enlightened
enough to awaken from it. Those who remain in the concept of the world, continue in their pleasures
and their pains.

This end is what we are striving for, and because it came in words that men thought of as
physical words, they simply did not see, that the end of the world is the first resurrection. it is the
end of the world which is not the creation. It is the end of the belief in external matter. It is the end
of our cosmic blindness. It is the end of destruction. It is the end of discord, and disease, and

When all that is not the creation of God for you, no longer holds you prisoner, for you, the world
has ended. That is the basic meaning of the end of the world.

What about all these bullets, and guns, and armaments? That's another kind of end of the
world. But look at it now, first from the Spiritual standpoint of what Jesus was teaching. Eternal life
is his subject, if you believe on Me the words that I speak, if you believe on Me the deeds that I do,
though you were dead, yet shall you live. What's the end of the world going to mean to such an
individual? The dead will rise from their grave. Arise from the dead. When we recognize the
deadness is our concept of a creation that is not the creation of God, we are really in a belief in two
creators. And the world has been chained to that belief by the belief that God created this world and
the Kingdom of God, or that God only created the Kingdom and the devil created this world, or
somebody created this world, because God says he didn’t.

And so religion has stumbled into two creations. A world that God didn’t create implies
another creator and this is separation. The end of the world is the end of this separation. When you
have reached your Soul consciousness, you are out of this world. Your death is only the death of
your belief in a second creation. Now we’re all going to die right here to this world. We’re all going
to die to the false sense of creation. And we’re going to look exactly as we look right now, not any
different. Were going to eat in the same restaurants, sleep in the same bed, know the same people,
but we are going to die to the false creation and that is precisely the teaching of the end of the world.
That which is required by God, religion is telling us, is a punishment for sinners, but it isn’t. It's our
goal, to attain that consciousness in which this world is no more.

Now one of the greatest clues that was given, but overlooked, is the 6th verse in the
Revelation of St John. When John hears the ancient of days, the voice of the Invisible Master
speaking, he says to John, that which is really what happens, in the end of the world is, “There
should be time no more.” That's the secret of the end of the world. There should be time no more.
When you have overcome the belief in time, you have overcome the belief in the world that exists in
time, you’ve pulled out the stop, and that's all the end of the world ever meant. When you come to
the knowledge that time is not passing, when you have found that awareness within yourself, for
you, the world has ended, because that's what holds up the illusions of the world. That's the simple
truth behind the end of the world. The end of your belief in passing time. And all these years it has
frightened millions, and millions, and millions, because of fear, superstitions, ignorance, all brought
about by a total separation from God.

Now the interesting thing about the end of the world is that you’ve got to go through it. It's
important, it's your progress, but it's not an end of the world out there, it's an end of the inner concept
of the world. You have to cross the mystical ocean of time within yourself, because that's where the
world is. And only when you cross this ocean, and attain the awareness of the end of the world
within, are you reborn of the Spirit. There's no other way for the New Heaven to appear. We want to
enter the Kingdom, we want to live in it consciously, and so we have to find a way to come past the
belief in the existence of a world which is not the Kingdom. We have to end our concept of the
world. We can’t be in the world, and the Kingdom.

The end of the world is the beginning of our experience in the Kingdom that is our
regeneration. We are generated into the world, our regeneration is out of the world, and as we move
in consciousness, out of the world, this is our regeneration, or we live in a Soul consciousness, not a
mind consciousness of the world. When you take the end of the world and see it for what it is, you
see that it is also the beginning of the New Heaven and the New Earth. You can’t have one without
the other. Just as we cling to form, and do not experience our Mystical Body of Spirit, so if we cling
to the world we do not experience the Kingdom.

Really, the end of the world is the end or the achievement of the fullness of your aeon. When you
reach the fullness of your aeon, in consciousness, for you, you are now the enlightened one, who
walks on the water, above the time world, while the form appears in it. It's an expansion of

Let us look at what happens when the end of the world is attained in your consciousness, but
even before that, think for a moment of the end of the world as your individual goal.

Now if you want to look at it a second time, from a physical viewpoint, let's do that, it's good
to face it. Let us assume that there is a physical end of this world, for a second. Well what about it?
If it is ordained to be that way, if that's a specific prophecy of the Bible, and let's say it is a physical
end of the world that prophesied in the Bible, it won’t help to worry about it, if it's prophesied to be
that, it will be. But whether or not it is or not, whether there is a physical end or not, there's going to
be one for each of us. We know there's going to be a physical end to the world for us. So whether it
comes about through our enlightenment spiritually, or through a physical means, it's going to be
there, but the big difference is that there can be a physical end of the world in which you simply die,
and return to this same consciousness in another type of experience, or there can be an end of the
world in which you enter the New Heaven and the New Earth. You have a choice. There's going to
be an end of the world, it's that simple. For some of us, it's right close by, and for others we
may wait for someone to pull the trigger, but it's just a matter of a few years either way. And so we
have a choice, are you going to let it end at someone else's discretion, or you going to let it end so
that when it ends for you, you walk into the New Heaven and the New Earth, because that is what
John is trying to get across to us.

Now you can end it yourself. You can end it by entering the truth of being, the things we’ve
been doing, the rebirth. And you will find then, something marvelous happens. And it happens while
you’re here, it happens in the 21st chapter of Revelation, to show us what is meant by that which
happens when you have attained the inner enlightenment to step out of the passing shadows called
the world. That is what the New Heaven and the New Earth are. They are the new Soul
consciousness which replaces the mind consciousness and just as the mind had put a heaven in
tomorrow, Soul consciousness reveals Heaven, here, today.

The end of the world is the beginning of walking consciously in Heaven, here and now. John
had passed through this, while walking this earth. He had attained the knowledge of the New
Heaven, he had died to mortality, he had died to all the evils of mortality, to all the illusions of
mortality, he had died to all the pain, and suffering, and destruction of mortality. He now walked in
the Soul consciousness, in which Heaven is no longer in tomorrow, no longer somewhere in the
higher geography of the sky, he actually walked in the Kingdom of God, and he called it the New
Heaven. And his New Earth was not the physical earth, because he had penetrated the appearance of
an earth, he had found the Earth which is the creation, the Spiritual Earth.

John 21, is what happens to you, the revelation, chapter 21, is what happens to you when to
see through the illusion of a physical end of the world, which doesn’t exist, to even end, and you
come to the knowledge of, I am the living Spirit of God, and now I live in my Soul, not my mind.

“And I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth for the first heaven (the mortal sense of heaven)
and the first earth (the mortal sense of earth) were passed away, and there was no more sea.” And
that sea is the ocean of time. There was no more time; he had overcome the sense of time. That's
what gave him the New Heaven, that's what gave him his real Self. He didn’t do it just when he
wrote this, no, he received the Revelation after he had attained all this. He was left here on this earth
for that specific purpose, to show us that we must face that non reality of the world, and come
through it while here, apparently in the flesh.

As you dwell with this, the fear of the end of the world should just roll away, but not only the
end of the world, all the things it conjures up in your imagination. And when you hear about wars,
and rumors of wars, you must see through it, as these are all part of the one illusion. This is all part
of the belief in a second creator. In spite of all the religions in our world, in spite of our eager hearts
to know God, when we accept that there is a world that can end, and even God can be the cause of it,
we are actually in a state of Global atheism, Global separation from the Father. And that's what
you’re reading in the headlines. You’re reading this global separation, and it comes forth as another
war, another argument between nations, another five billion dollars for armaments over here, while
we decrease armaments over there. Every time, you’re seeing double talk among nations, and
corruption among men, you’re seeing separation from God. It must manifest as all the terrible things
that we have in our non created world. That's all we’re looking at is separation, that end of
separation, is the first heaven, because there is no more sea.
The illusion of time has been broken, and when you break the illusion of time, the world
mind must fold its tent and fade away. What can it do? It uses time as its greatest disguise. In time,
the world mind causes all of these things we have accepted. It lures us, it decoys us, it makes us
reach out and cherish the mirage. But when you see through time, the game is over for the world
mind, you break the umbilical cord of the world mind, you’re in the New Heaven. And it might seem
strange, but the world mind was there for just that purpose, to make you come above it. It was an
illusion all the time, but unless you come above it, it swallows you.

In the end of the world you have crossed the mystic ocean of time, as John has, and behold, I
see a New Heaven. And this is the realization of the presence of the Kingdom of God, here and now.
Here! Now! is the Kingdom of God. It has always been here, this New Heaven has always been here,
but it took someone swimming through the illusion of time to enter eternity, in order to live in that
which was always present.

And by accepting the presence of the Kingdom, the presence of Heaven, as a fact, here, not
in the hereafter, here, not above, but everywhere, this is how you are able to be sustained as you
walk blindfolded up the ladder. You know what's there, you’re walking up a dark stairway, but you
know what's on the other end, a door, and inside it, is your home, and if you’ve done it a lot, and if
you’ve done it 20 days in a row, on the 21 st, you feel more comfortable, even in the dark you can
find your way up that staircase. You can call it faith, but it's faith that at the other end, there's
something. And familiarity makes that faith deeper. Your Heaven is here, some of you have been
walking in it, knowingly, others unknowing.

John is simply uncovering what has always been present and telling you, your Heaven is
right where you are. It isn’t in tomorrow, you don’t have to be saved, there's no world going to end
that will enable you to get into Heaven, that's not the way it's going to be. You’re going to have to
end the world within your mind, and then enter the Heaven within your Soul. The important thing is
that we know these facts, the rest is relatively easy, because we are no longer distracted by all of the
false decoys that would lure us away from our chosen path of walking consciously here and now in
the first Heaven, instead of in the heaven prescribed after we so called go through death, as a
physical human being.

Now these distinctions are all that this message is about. There are a number of movements
that have approached the truth, there are many that prefer the old fashioned theology, and there are
few in these movements who have attained the awareness that they are truly, now, pure Spiritual
being, and they are working to eliminate all things in the world of time which would distract from
their pure Spirituality.

John wants you to know that you’re going in the right direction, it leads to what he's saying
here. One day the sea is no more, you’re no longer rowing on that sea, wondering why the waves are
high and the storm is rocking the boat. And the inner Christ of you is now walking on the water
saying, “Be still,” to the waves, preparing the way for the rainbow of truth. All of this, now, is the
inner experience that you go through when you are determined that for you, you are not going to live
in a world which must end, one way or another.

I’m just sitting here trying to feel the Substance of your being, and pushing with you, over
the fence, so that you feel the substance of your being too. So you can say to yourself, “I am not
living in this world now,” not, I’m going to get out of it; I’m not even in it. I am not of this world,
because it's going to take all of that, for you to become fully conscious of your Real Heaven. And I,
John, saw the Holy City, New Jerusalem.
Now you must understand this to be a New Consciousness. That's why he's seeing this New
Heaven, he's in a New Consciousness, but he's really describing that inner event which takes place in
all of us. When you see the New Heaven, the New City, the New Jerusalem, you are in Soul
Consciousness, and if you’ve already got your foot in the door, you know what Soul Consciousness
does to the old concepts of the world.

I wasn’t exactly besieged with letters the other night, but there were some and they were a
joy to know that there are those who have experienced the death of the mortal sense of self. Then
there were those who have experienced it, who didn’t bother to write, they probably just said to
themselves, “Well he knows all about my release from incarnation I don’t have to tell him.” Well I
don’t know about all, but I do know about some. I still want those letters, but only when they are
true, no fabrication, no hope, no wish, no I will, I have done it, is what I want to hear.

I saw this New Jerusalem, this Holy City. Now this Holy City is your Consciousness of your
own Identity. It's what we were going to contemplate in the days when we sit down and try to
regulate our centering to such a way that we’re Soul centered, that we turn the thermostat on to Soul,
and we hold it there. When we’re Soul centered in contemplation, resting in the knowledge of Self,
the everywhereness of Self, the perfection of the Self that is everywhere, the perfection of the Self
that is here, because it is everywhere. When we are so Soul centered and then permanently Soul
centered, we are the Holy City. We are the priests of God. Through whom the word is given, through
whom the word is received. And it's not the old Jerusalem because in the old Jerusalem there were
men. Men with human minds, and the human beliefs in the flesh, beliefs in the identity of the form,
beliefs in the identity of a material world, which is not the creation.

So the New Jerusalem is that inner City. The City within, where you perceive creation as it
is, and where you identify creation as your very Being. Where you are the anointed. To be conscious
of your Immortal Self, is your new Holy City. To be the Son of God, is to be your new Holy City.
And so, your New Jerusalem is your internal awareness of your infinite Identity as the Spirit of God.
There's no world there, there's just your Father's Kingdom, and then you’re about your Father's

Somebody said, can you explain a little more about those multi-bodies. I’m just going
through the experience, and I find it hard to even begin to touch the subject. They are strange, that's
all, and as I was trying to explain briefly to someone, it's like, as if you wanted a fruit, and so you
simply became a tree, and that was your body. But you do it in the Spiritual world, without taking
thought, and you become the body of everything that is necessary unto you. There are many
simultaneous bodies, all yours, all formed out of light, and then they sort of coalesce, they go
together in strange ways, and form new bodies, and they do it instantly, with a speed that makes an
electron seem slow. And you find that everything you need becomes a different kind of a body, so
you’re in a million different places it seems, and yet, it's all within one body.

And I would like to say more, but it's simply on the periphery of my consciousness, and I
can’t quite formulate words to explain, it changes too fast. There are some words in the English
language that probably cover it, but I haven’t had time to check them out. Maybe you’ll have the
experience, or have already, of your multi-bodies and you see how strange and beautiful it is, to
come out of this limited concept body. You can become a fence, you can become anything that
exists in the invisible Spiritual universe, and it would even take form, and disappear just as quickly,
when it has served its purpose. But that's only the beginning of infinity of treasures, beyond
The New Jerusalem, the immortal sense of Self, is only the first Heaven. It's the beginning of
your awareness that your Soul is yourself, and all things that have been you in this world, and your
relationships, now have a totally different perspective. This Soul is going to move further, and in the
second Heaven, it's going to conceive, and in the third Heaven, it will bear a child, actually toward
the end of the second Heaven, it will be in labor, but it will project that child, delivered into the third
Heaven, who will literally born into the second Heaven and live in the third Heaven. And that child
will be your full Consciousness, your full realization. The marriage of your Soul in the second
Heaven with your Spirit will be where conception takes place, your Soul reunited with Spirit.

And all of this is beginning to come through John, in such a way that he can see this New
City, he can feel his Immortality. It isn’t yet the seventh day, it's only the fifth day, he's talking
about, but in this fifth day, your New Heaven is going to be realized, and you’ll know that it is
leading you to your sixth day, your conception in Spirit. And leading you to your seventh day, your
birth as the Christ of God realized, when you finally know who you have always been.

I think we can feel this Spiritual evolution within us, and possibly feel the rightness of it to
the degree that we are Spiritually compelled to walk that path and in all this, time stands still, all this
takes place outside time in Eternity.

End of Side One

Class Six-Part 2

And your Soul is becoming more conscious to your mind now. So that the mind can finally
say yes, yes I can surrender to my Soul. The mind can even say, I’ve only been a shadow to my
Soul; I’m going to now relax and let the real thing take over. The thinking mind begins to depart; it
doesn’t have anymore grandiose ideas about what it's going to do in this mortal world. It begins to
see the light of the Soul, to surrender to the Soul, and finally, to say to the Soul, “You are my new
Master”, while the Soul is saying to the Spirit above, “You are my Master,” and while the Spirit is
saying to the Christ above, “You are my Master.” The chain of command from the seventh day,
down to this the fourth, becomes integrated when you walk up this ladder.

You see why the end of the fourth day must come in consciousness? How else can you walk
to the fifth, the sixth, and the seventh, and yet when you’re in the fifth, all that had gone before is
included. When you’re in the sixth, all that had gone before is included, and when you’re in the
seventh, all Genesis has been returned to itself, and you are the Self, and all of your Self is a
simultaneous activity.

All of this is true now, and we are climbing the ladder of awareness about what already is. If
you can accept all that is, you’ll get there faster. If you want to prove it like Thomas, it’ll take a little
while longer, but if you can believe on the Christ of yourself as the ultimate reality of yourself, your
own Selfhood will lead the way, and draw your consciousness higher and higher unto Itself, into

Of course all of this, John had been through, in order to report he is here. This is what you
and I are moving into every minute that we work on Self identity. He saw the New Consciousness,
the New City, the New Jerusalem, adorned as a bride for her husband. He is explaining that the Soul
Consciousness is preparing to marry its own Spirit. Your Soul is the female, your Spirit is the male, I
mean on a Spiritual level, the Spirit is considered the male and the Soul the female, and it is their
marriage, in the sixth day, which leads to your conception as the Christ.

When we say he doesn’t have enough of the female side or male side, this is all human talk.
What we’re talking about truly is there's not enough Spiritual awareness, there's not enough Soul
awareness, because when they’re equalized, and mated, there's neither male nor female. There's only
one Self, finally emerging as the androgynous Christ. Neither male nor female, but pure Spirit.
These are all terms we use in the mortal sense, but in Spirit, there are no such terms. God is one, God
is all and being Christed is the realization of being the One that is all.

“I heard a great voice out of Heaven saying, 'behold the tabernacle of God is with men.'”

Now that's different, than we have been taught by religion. The tabernacle of God is not with
men in religion. The tabernacle of God is after you passed through the portals and God waits for you
and then says, “Now what are you, a sheep or a goat?” But the tabernacle of God is the Identity
within you, and in this realization of God Consciousness, you know it. You know that God with you
is the secret of your life, Emmanuel. He's taking away the falsity of a hereafter God, a far away God,
an absent God. God dwells with men, but this is the truth now! And so in order to stabilize our
awareness that this is the truth now, he gives us this insight, not that we have to take his word for it,
and let it pass at that, but to give us the courage by accepting, and the acceptance is what leads us to
the discovery of the truth, of what we have accepted.

I mean, without a theory, how would you go to try to prove the theory. And here you’re
given the fact, and now you have to go to try to prove it, if the fact registers with you as what you
want to know and do. God is with you, as your Self, if you accept it, God is not separated from your
Self. How is the world going to end for God, it never began. The Self of you, which is one with God,
is not in the world. There is a oneing, what we have recently been calling our fusion with eternity,
our fusion with infinity, until there's no two to be fused, there's only the One that I am.

And the importance of this, by John, and similar inner recordings, is to give you the faith that
what you’re going through is real. That you’re not on a treadmill, and your stumblings within, are
not in vain. That this is the end of the rainbow, and it is there and it is within you. So if there's a
responsive cord within you, that this is what you want, please know from John and the Christ
speaking through John, that it's there, the fullness of God dwells with man, not 1% of the fullness,
you're reversing all of your mortal sense and you’re finding your Immortality now.

“And they shall be His people, and Himself shall be with them, and be their God.”

As you climb this ladder of realization, the God you come face to face with, is your being.
Now in order to expedite this inner journey, we want to know the nature of that God which we
discovered to be our being, because if it is our being now, then its nature must be our nature now,
and therefore, even though we do not have the realization of it within ourselves, the fact of it is there,
and we can reject the non fact that presents itself, while we are climbing the inner ladder to the
fullness of our realization. We can reject all that is not true, if we know what the truth is.

And so “God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, there shall be no more death.”
But everything he's saying is true now, and he's saying, when you realize it you will know
there is no more death. What's to stop you from knowing it at least now, so that you can practice the
knowledge of it? There shall be no more tears and there shall be no more death. There can’t be
anymore death, because there is no death is the point, there won’t be any more tears, because there's
nothing to have tears about now. Rejoice, arise from the dead, live in the reality now. Life does not
have an opposite called death. Joy does not have an opposite called sorrow or tears. We’re talking
about Divine joy and Divine life, there are no opposites, and don’t you see that if you cannot accept
that, you’re rejecting your Immortal Self, which embraces all this? And so, it's important for John to
add, these are the facts of your Immortal Self that I am telling you.

The Immortal Self has no tears, no death. Well then, who's accepting tears and death now?
Your mortal self, you’re divided, we don’t want the division, and so when I reject the tears, when I
reject the death, I am to that degree, rejecting my mortal sense of self, and that is how I attain my
conscious awareness of my Immortal Self. When I reject the world, I attain my conscious awareness
of the Kingdom. You are going through a real birth, returning to your Identity, and if you are not,
then you’re not aware of the New City as an existent reality.

And so we’re told, reject everything that appears to bring tears, and you could multiply these
a thousand fold. Everything that brings fear, everything that brings doubt, everything that brings
anything that is imperfect. The rejection of it is the rejection of your own false mortality.

“No more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the
former things are passed away.”

He's getting behind the unrealities for us.

“And he that sat upon the throne said, 'Behold, I make all things new'.”

As you come closer and closer to the realization of “I”, my Immortal Self, all things become
new. Reality is revealed, even in failing to reach total awareness, you have a glorious journey, and to
the degree that you make that journey, you will not have to make that part of it ever again. You will
always be at the level that you attain, and never sink below it. You can never go below your attained
consciousness, only if you turn around and abuse it, consciously, volitionally.

“And He said unto me, 'it is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega'.”

The beginning and the end have come together, there was no longer a beginning no longer an
end, all was One. He had discovered the indivisibility of Life in its Infinite nature. All that exists is
realized to be the One Invisible Infinite Life that you are. The Alpha and the Omega, nothing exists
outside, and all that is in between, is the One Self.

“I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of Life freely.”

At this point you are an instrument for God. Now this birth of Consciousness is something
that will appear to take time, but it will be done not in time, it will be done outside of time, and as
you dwell there, as John speaks the Word of the Father, as we believe he does, this is your inner
journey, previewed for you so you know that others have walked this glorious path. You can
justifiably turn to every form of evil in the world, and know that it exists only in non creation. That it
is only placed there by the world sense of another world than the creation of God, and you, in not
being separate from God, in accepting oneness as your reality, can learn what few have learned in
our present civilization: That everything in time, is an illusion, and reality is outside time, here, now,
awaiting your awareness of your Identity, and this you honor, your so called creator, who is your

Now let us take New Jerusalem into Consciousness, not the old Jerusalem, not the old you,
not the old city in which you lived. Our old Jerusalem was in a visible world; our New Jerusalem is
outside time, adorned as a bride for her husband. In our New City, we have no evil, we have no
material beings, we have no floods and no fires, and we have nothing opposite to our New City. We
have the Spiritual universe, we have Divine law, and we have no opposite to Divine law. We do not
have human law and Divine law.

We are not in a mythical city of our imagination, we are leaving that one, we are leaving the
mythical city of man's imagination, called the world, we are in reality and we are learning to
recognize the false city, by recognizing the real City, the City of perfection. If you live in that City,
all you can experience is what is in that City, and here, because you are a priest of God, because you
are seeking only the Father, only the Truth, only the Spirit, you are given only the Truth, and you
learn what no mortal ears can hear, what no mortal eyes can see, you learn the Secret of man and the
universe. You sit in the inner circle behind the mysteries.

You learn that all on earth never die. All that die on earth is time, and those who are thinking
that they are part of time, die with time, that dies. There is only the death of time on earth, nothing
else. And all that it contains seems to die with it. You feel this, you know the Secret of Eternity that
it never dies, because it is not changing, vanishing, coming and going. You feel that all that is in
time dies only because time itself dies, and then you see the illusion of time, the great illusion of the
world mind. Somehow, when you know that, from within the illusion, the world mind itself loses its
impact. Everything it puts out is now unmasked.

You can see through the world mind, and you can see that it is the greatest illusion of all. On
that illusion, all subsidiary illusions are founded, there never was a world mind. It was simply the
absence of your Consciousness, of your Divine Selfhood, and that gap created what is called the
world mind, and then the next individual, and the next, and the sum of all these gaps, the sum of
these separations, became a seeming living world mind, a living world consciousness, which
multiplied error, upon error, upon error, all in time, that wasn’t there.

All masking life, masking you from your Self, masking you from the Divine image and
likeness of God, which you are. Masking the three Heavens, so that we only saw our concept of
heaven in our mind, as an abstraction, and only saw a physical earth made of little spinning
electrons, held together by nothing. All of the infinite separations of the atomic world, all seem to be
the myth of the world mind. There is no separation, there is no empty space. Your Self fills all that is
space and time. Your New City is I Am That I Am.

No tears, no death, no sorrows, no unreality. Out of this is born Christ realized, as the Son of
God. Your manger is your consciousness where you work until this birth comes.

Again, thank you for the Consciousness you bring, I’ll see you tomorrow .....

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