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Reading Questions

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Reading Questions

A. We are all consumers. We all buy and use products and services; that is, we consume. The word comes from
the Latin consumere, which means "to use up, to waste or destroy." The world economy is based on
consumerism. Today, people worldwide have greater access than ever before to a huge variety of products-
and, often, to dozens of brands of the same product. What makes us decide to buy Brand "A" instead of Brand
"B", when the two items are really identical? Why do we buy things that we don't actually need? The answer
lies in marketing- the advertising and selling of products. Successful marketers use their knowledge of
psychology-and, increasingly, of recent studies of the human brain-to persuade us to consume more and
B. A good understanding of human weakness is essential if a company wants to sell a product. One way that
advertisers persuade us to buy a product is by targeting our dissatisfaction with ourselves, our fears. Consider
for a moment a typical fear-fear of being offensive to other people. Advertisers persuade us, for example, that if
we don't buy their mouthwash, (1) _______ Dentists tell us that mouthwash is actually unnecessary; they
explain that we need only simple dental hygiene-regular, correct use of a soft toothbrush. But we continue to
spend money on mouthwash, and breathe freshener. Our fear of offending people outweighs our dentists'

C. In a similar way, advertisers also take advantage of our need for a good self-image, our desire to appear
attractive, successful, and even exciting. Take the example of the Marlboro cowboy. For years, this famous
image has appeared everywhere, in even the smallest rural villages. Many men see it and think that's the kind
of person they would like to be- strong, hand-some, and adventurous- a person with an exciting life. Although
it's irrational-impossible to explain reasonably- they buy the cigarettes (2) ______. It's common knowledge
that the original model for these advertisements was a man addicted to smoking who died of lung cancer.
.However, this brand of cigarette remains very popular

._______ The main idea of this text is about .1

A. Products we use B. Consumers and marketers
C. Consumerism and human brain D. Economy and consumerism
?Which of the following is NOT mentioned in Paragraph A .2
A. Selling B. Targeting C. Marketing D. Advertising
?Which of the following is TRUE in Paragraph B .3
.A. Human fears are targeted in advertising
.B. People consume products and services
.C. Human fears are illogical
.D. Dentists treat our fears
._______ ,According to Paragraph C .4
.A. advertisers don't take advantage of people
.B. there are plenty of desires and needs
.C. looking attractive and successful is a disadvantage
.D. looking good is targeted need in advertising
._______ According to the text, most of us don’t .5
A. realize the power of advertising on us B. believe in advertising
C. consume enough D. care about their desires
.______ According to the text, the word "persuade" in Paragraph A means .6
A. convince B. challenge C. prove D. argue
.______ The word "offending" in Paragraph B means .7
A. killing B. insulting C. dissatisfying D. considering
.______ The word "rural" in Paragraph C means .8
A. everywhere B. far from the city C. real life D. formal
.______ In gap 1 in paragraph B, we should insert sentence .9
.A. our fears don't count. B. the dentists won't be concerned
.C. we might die very soon. D. we'll have bad breath and offend other people
.______ In gap 2 in Paragraph C, we should inset sentence .10
.A. for many reasons. B. because they want to be like the Marlboro man
.C. but they want to be like the Marlboro man. D. they want to be successful
A. Hearing impairment or other auditory function deficit in young children can have a major impact on their
development of speech and communication, resulting in a detrimental effect on their ability to learn at school.
This is likely to have major consequences for the individual and the population as a whole. The New Zealand
Ministry of Health has found from research carried out over two decades that 6-10% of children in that country
.are affected by hearing loss

B. A preliminary study in New Zealand has shown that classroom noise presents a major concern for teachers
and pupils. Modem treading practices, (1)_____ , poor classroom acoustics, and mechanical means of
ventilation such as air-conditioning units all contribute to the number of children unable to comprehend the
teachers voice. Education researchers Nelson and Soli have also suggested that recent trends in learning often
involve collaborative interactions of multiple minds and tools as much as individual possession of information.
This all amounts to heightened activity and noise levels, which have the potential to be particularly serious for
children experiencing auditory function deficit. Noise in classrooms can only intensify their difficulty in
.comprehending and processing verbal communication with other children and instructions from the teacher

C. Children with auditory function deficit are potentially failing to learn to their maximum potential because of
noise levels generated in classrooms. The effects of noise on the ability of children to team effectively in typical
classroom environments are now the subject of increasing concern. The International Institute of Noise Control
Engineering (I-INCE), on the advice of the World Health Organization, has established an international working
.party, which includes New Zealand, to evaluate noise and reverberation control for school rooms

D. While the detrimental effects of noise in classroom situations are not limited to children experiencing
disability, those with a disability that affects their processing of speech and verbal communication could be
extremely vulnerable. The auditory function deficits in question include hearing impairment, autistic spectrum
.)disorders (ASD) and attention deficit disorders MDD/ADHD

E. Autism is considered a neurological and genetic life-long disorder that causes discrepancies in the way and
speech processing. information is processed. This disorder is characterized by interlinking problems with social
imaginations, social communication and social interaction. According to Jenzen, this affects the ability to
understand and relate in typical ways to people, understand events and objects in the environment, and
understand or respond to sensory stimuli. (2)______ as in children who are developing normally.  Autistic
.spectrum disorders often result in major difficulties in comprehending verbal information

._____ According to the text, the main idea is .1

.A. The increasing number of children affected by hearing impairment
.B. The negative effects of hearing loss on the children's development of speech and thus on their learning
.C. The development of speech and communication among children
.D. Ways of increasing ability to learn at school
.______ According to the text, the main idea of paragraph B is .2
.A. Types of classroom noise
.B. Normal children are the mainly affected students by their classroom noise
.C. Problems faced by children with hearing deficits within noisy classrooms
.D. The major role of classroom noise in determining the behavior of teachers
.___ According to the text, the main idea of paragraph E is .3
.A. How Jenzen defines autism
.B. The general differences among normal and autistic children
.C. The comprehensive and communicative problems of autistic children
.D. How autistic children understand or respond to sensory stimuli
:_____ Hearing loss in schoolchildren has been studied in New Zealand for .4
A. 5 years B. 10 years C. 20 years D. 40 years
._____ All of the following are causes of information incomprehension in the classroom EXCEPT .5
A. machinery noise B. collaborative interactions
C. modem treading practices D. poor classroom acoustics
:_____ The word "their" in paragraph C refers to .6
A. children in general B. children with physical disabilities
C. children with hearing loss D. children with autism
._____ The word "impairment" in paragraph A means .7
A. competence B. presence
C. deficiency D. existence
._____ The word "disorders" in paragraph D means .8
A. illnesses B. confusions
C. misperceptions D. mistakes
?Which of the following sentences should go in space (1) in paragraph B .9
A. the clothing of the teacher of the classroom
B. the organization of desks in the classroom
C. the age of the principle in the school
D. the length of the session of the lesson
?Which of the following sentences should go in space (2) in paragraph E .10
A. Autism allows learning and thinking in the same ways
B. Autism is related to the lack of comprehending verbal information C. Autism is not related to the lack of
comprehending verbal information
D. Autism does not allow learning or thinking in the same ways

A. Over time, new diseases develop that cannot be cured with the medicines we have. Also, many medicines
that once cured common diseases sometimes lose their power to cure. For these reasons, modern drug
companies are constantly looking for new medicines to help doctors cure both new and common disease. One
place that drug companies are looking is in the rainforests of the world. Scientists believe that new plants from
.the rainforests or simple medicines from rainforest people might be sources for future miracle drug

B. Four hundred years ago, just a miracle drug was found to cure malaria. In 1633, a fortunate event occurred.
A man from Spain went to Peru to teach the native people. While he was teaching, he learned something. The
village healer- (1) __________- was making a powder from the bark of the cinchona tree. The healer used this
powder to cure malaria was serious disease at the time. Europeans began using the bark to cure malaria. Soon
Europeans implemented overseas search for sources of the tree bark. After many years, scientists identified
the ingredient in the tree bark that cured malaria. It was quinine. By 1827, quinine was commercially produced
and became the primary medical treatment for malaria throughout the world. By the 1961, however, quinine's
.ability to kill the malaria parasite had declined because the parasite was becoming resistant to it

C. About this time, another fortunate event occurred. Scientists in China were digging up ancient cities. One city
was a place where people had resided 2,000 years earlier. The scientists discovered that the ancient people
had used a plant, called wormwood, to cure fevers. Scientists collected living samples of the plant to test. They
found that wormwood contained artemisinin. (2)___________. Today, artemisinin is used in various mixtures
.with other drugs to treat people who have malaria

D. Aspirin is another ancient medicine. Its history dates back over 2,000 years, when ancient physicians made a
tea from willow bark as a home remedy for centuries. Modern scientists identified salicylic acid as the special
ingredient in the bark that eased pain and fever. Soon, drug companies were making aspirin tables containing
salacity acid. Today, aspirin in one of the most widely used drugs in the world. Around 100 billion aspirin tablets
.are produced each year

?What is the main idea of the text .1

.A. Medicines used to cure diseases in the past
.B. The need for new medicines to cure the new and common diseases
.C. Medicine companies are looking for new drugs in the rainforests
.D. Rainforests are the only place to discover new drugs
?What is the main idea of paragraph C .2
.A. The wormwood plant was used by ancient Chinese to cure fever
B. The discovered ancient city goes back in time to around 2000 years ago. C. Using artemisinin to kill
.malaria at the present
.D. The accidental discovery of malaria cure
?What is the main idea of paragraph D .3
.A. Using tea made of a willow bark as a sufficient pain reliever in the past
.B. The annual amount of producing aspirin tables
.C. Aspirin was first used by ancient physicians as a home remedy
.D. Salicylic acid was discovered as a special ingredient in the bark that eased pain and fever
?The need to find a new effective treatment for malaria appeared around .4
A. 400 years ago B. 1633 C. 1827 D. 1961
?Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage .5
.A. Rainforests are considered as main sources for future miracle drugs
B. The tree bark isn't grown up in Europe
.C. Salacity acid is used in making aspirin tablets
.D. The artemisinin was used in combination with other materials to cure malaria
?Why did scientists start to look for a new treatment of malaria .6
.A. Because the quinine's ability to kill the malaria parasite had deteriorated
.B. Because the quinine's was becoming resistant to parasite
.C. Because they wanted a new resource of wealth
.D. Because there were no more wormwood plants
?What does the word "implemented" in paragraph B mean .7
A. misapplied B. hushed C. stifled D. instigated
?What does the word "resided" in paragraph C mean .8
A. moved from B. existed in C. continued with D. vested with
?Which of the following sentences should go in space (1) in paragraph A .9
A. People had ever known this only medical practitioner
B. The only medical practitioner the people had ever known
C. The only medical practitioner
D. The only people known
?Which of the following sentences should go in space (2) in paragraph C .10
A. That killed malaria parasites
B. Which produces malaria parasites
C. This chemical killed malaria parasites
D. However, it treats fever and other malaria symptoms

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