Hyderabad Metro Rail Project
Hyderabad Metro Rail Project
Hyderabad Metro Rail Project
Sector State and year signed Public and Pvt. Entity Concession Period
6. Shares of
Responsibility Urban Infrastructure -
July 2010 - rebidding
Govt. of Telangana and L&T Metro
(Initially in Jul 2008 which was Rail Hyderabad Ltd.
35 years
Mass Rapid Transport
cancelled in Mar 2009) (Initially GoAP and Maytas Infra.)
7. Current Status
Source: DEA, M. (2010). Public Private Partnership Projects in India-Compendium of Case Studies. 2
1. Introduction Project Timeline
2. Scope of 2007 2018
Project 2013
3. Risks 2010
4. PPP model
and share
5. Financial
2012 2017
6. Shares of
7. Current Status
Source: DEA, M. (2010). Public Private Partnership Projects in India-Compendium of Case Studies. 3
1. Introduction Scope of the project
The outputs of the project are given below as per the works awarded
to each private entity.
2. Scope of
Authority : Hyderabad Metro Rail Limited (GoT)
Concessionaire : L&TMRHL
3. Risks
• Independent Engineer : Louis Berger, USA
• Safety Consultant : Eptisa, Spain The central authority is
HMRL (consisting of
4. PPP model Concessionaire’s Engineer(CE) the Govt. of AP and
and share L&T) and the remaining
Programme Manager
companies are
Lenders’ Engineer
managed directly by
5. Financial L&T (HMRL).
Arrangement Independent Safety and RAM Assessor
Signalling and communication systems for
the metro stations.
Arrangement Telecom
Smart card-based Automatic ticketing & gate
systems for passenger convenience and
Automatic Fare Collection seamless travel – supplied by Samsung,
6. Shares of South Korea.
7. Current Status
Source: Owens, M. G., & Reddy, N. V. S. (2016). Hyderabad metro rail: A renaissance of Urban rail. 5
1. Introduction Risks
The risk allocation framework is given below:
Risk Type Sensitivity Risk Period Primary Risk Bearer
2. Scope of
Pre-operative Risks
Project Risk allocation among entities
Land Acquisition Delays High 0-5 years Government
Financing Risks Medium 0-5 years Private Operator
Planning Medium 0-5 years Private Operator
3. Risks Regulatory & Approval Delays
Construction Phase Risks
Low 0-5 years Private Operator
Design Risk Medium 0-5 years Private Operator
Construction Risk Medium 0-5 years Private Operator
4. PPP model Change in Scope Risk Low 0-5 years Government
and share Financing Risk Medium 0-5 years Private Operator
Operational Phase Risks
Technology Risk Low 0-35 years Pvt. Operator / Govt.
5. Financial
Operations and Maintenance Risk Medium 0-35 years Private Operator 70.6%
Market Risk High 0-30 years Pvt. Operator / Govt.
Arrangement Performance Risk High 0-30 years Private Operator
Handover Risks
Handover Risk Low 35th year Private Operator
6. Shares of Private Operator Event of Default Low 0-35 years Private Operator
Private Operator
GoAP Event of Default Low 0-35 years Government
Responsibility Government
Other Risks
Force Majeure Low Throughout Private Operator Pvt. Operator / Govt.
Hang in Law Risk Low Throughout Private Operator
7. Current Status
Source: DEA, M. (2010). Public Private Partnership Projects in India-Compendium of Case Studies. 6
1. Introduction PPP model and share
The project is being executed in Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode on design, build,
2. Scope of finance, operate and transfer (DBFOT) basis.
Project Additional Rs.1,980 Cr. being spent
Of the total cost of Rs. 14,132 by GoAP for land acquisition, shifting
crore (USD 2.36 bn), Government
of India has sanctioned Rs.
of utilities, R&R, pedestrian facilities,
1,458 crore (USD 0.24 bn) (10%) etc.
3. Risks as one time capital grant on the
basis of competitive bidding.
Concession Period (CP) 35 yrs
(including 5 years for construction),
extendable by another 25 yrs.
4. PPP model
and share 269 acres of land for 3 Depots and
The remaining Rs. 12,674 crore P&C areas at 25 stations.
(USD 2.12 bn) (90%) is being
invested by the Concessionaire M/s
L&T Metro Rail Hyderabad Ltd., a Scope for property development
5. Financial special purpose company of the through use of air space – properties
Arrangement Indian Infrastructure and
cannot be sold.
Manufacturing giant L&T.
7. Current Status
Source: http://railanalysis.in/articles/hyderabad-metro-rail-project-overview/ 7
1. Introduction Financial Arrangement
The concession agreement, income-expenditure of the project are given below
2. Scope of Day from day zero Total money to be spent
1. Define concession agreement
Project Project milestone 1 180 5
2. Upto 20% of performance security Project milestone 2 365 15
Project milestone 3 730 30
to be deducted for delays or Project milestone 4 1100 50
MRT - 2.36 bil USD (INR 14,132 Cr.) + Property Dev. - 0.37 bil USD (INR 2,243 Cr.)
3. Risks
5. Financial
Arrangement Equity INR 2,439 Cr. Equity IRR : 17.50%
7. Current Status
1. Introduction Shares of Responsibility
The roles of the concessionaire (as given by the document) are below
2. Scope of Content of Concession 3. Financial Covenant
Project The concept of independent
agreement 1. Financial close engineer
1. Concession 2. 2.User fare 1. Appointed by govt. for 5
1. Scope of project 3. Concession fare years.
3. Risks
2. Grants and condition 4. Escrow account 2. For audit of construction
3. Obligation of concessionaire 5. Insurance quality and standards.
and government 6. Revenue shortfall 3. Submit timely status of
4. PPP model work for fund dispersal.
2. Development and operations 4. Termination
and share 4. In case of HYD metro, the
1. ROW 5. Other provisions
independent engineer firm
2. Construction of rail system 1. Disputes has been given to
5. Financial 3. Utilities, associated roads 2. Liabilities AECOM.
Arrangement and trees 3. Change in law
4. Monitoring and completion 4. Grievance
5. Commercial usage redressal Concessionaire
6. O&M 6. Schedules L&T Hyd. Metro
6. Shares of
Responsibility 7. Commercial development 1. Description of
Public Entity
8. Safety standards facilities to be used GoAP
9. Performance indicators 2. Material standards
7. Current Status
1. Introduction Current Status
The given below details are the project completion status of the Metro Rail project as of the
2. Scope of date 30 - September - 2018
Corridor Number Corridor Details Completion
Financial Closure for this
3. Risks Corridor I - Miyapur to LB Nagar mega Project was
achieved within a record
Stage 2 Miyapur to SR Nagar 100% period of six months in the
first week of March 2011.
4. PPP model Stage 5 SR Nagar to LB Nagar 100%
and share
Corridor II - JBS to Falaknuma