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Quick Start Guide - Vega - Europa - 11

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FXS interfaces are the ports into which you plug telephones.

If this is a new installation, ensure that the ‘New Install ?’ option is e) BRI (applicable to 2 BRI and 4 BRI variants)
FXO interfaces are the ports that connect to the Public Telephone ticked.
Vega 50 Europa Network (PSTN) or a PBX extension interface.
BRI interfaces can be configured to connect to the Public Telephone
Select the country and then choose which emergency numbers are
appropriate for the location of the Vega.
Start by configuring the Port Setting section. As these values relate to
the physical interface connectivity, once you have set these values
Quick Start Guide Network (ISDN), to a PBX or to Basic Rate ISDN handsets.
Now select the LAN settings and then the codecs to use for VoIP
you should never have to return to reconfigure them.
Line type should be set to be the same as the line type setting on the
The Earth point on your Vega must be connected calls.
Congratulations on your purchase of a Vega 50 Europa Voice Over IP device(s) that the Vega interface is connected to.
to a suitable earth. It serves a dual role as a safety
gateway. This Quick Start Guide will assist you through the process
Earth and it also stops noise on telephone lines in b) VoIP Select NT (Network) on each Vega interface that is connected to a
of configuring your new gateway. PBX interface which is configured as TE (Terminal Equipment).
WARNING! electrically noisy conditions. Choose whether the Vega is going to route calls to a VoIP service
provider or Proxy, or alternatively whether the Vega is going to route Ensure NT is not ticked if the interface is connected to the ISDN
If you would like further details about the parameters you are
calls to up to 8 specified VoIP devices. network (which is NT) or is connected to an NT interface on the PBX.
configuring or you want to know more about the capabilities of your LAN interfaces 1 and 2 may be connected to any 10, 100 or 10/100
Vega 50 Europa please visit and start by Mbps hub, switch, router or ADSL modem. If the VoIP service provider / proxy option is chosen then specify the If power to the line is required, select Phantom power. Note that
looking at the Quick SIP Config reference guide available in the Vega proxy and registrar details. These will be provided by your VoIP Phantom power is only supplied on lines configured as NT.
By Default Vega Europas have their LAN interfaces configured in
50 Europa > Configuration section. service provider / proxy administrator.
bridging mode. LAN 1 is designed to be connected to an ADSL Now configure the ‘Telephone Connections’ details
modem and LAN 2 to a hub, switch or router to which the rest of
1. Before you start the data network is connected.
Depending on your preferred configuration, if registration is required, it
f) Saving your configuration
may be configured as one registration per gateway, or as one
We advise that before connecting and using your Vega 50 Europa for registration per FXS port. Press Submit to save, apply and activate the changes you have made
the first time, you visit the website and read the 3. Getting an IP address using Quick Config. Pressing Submit will bring up a confirmation
For Specified VoIP device mode, specify the IP address of the device
‘Safety and Compliance Information’ document which contains The Vega 50 Europa uses DHCP to pick up an IP address. If it fails to and the list of phone numbers it supports. request. Select OK to continue and activate the changes or Cancel to
important details that you should be aware of. get an IP address from the DHCP server, for example, because there take you back to the Quick Config pages.
is no DHCP server on the LAN, then the Vega will default to an IP All IP address entries may be provided as dotted decimal values
2. Connecting your Vega 50 Europa address of 169.254.x.y where x and y are the decimal versions of the (a.b.c.d) or as DNS names (e.g.
Connect your Vega 50 Europa using its telephony, Earth point, power last two bytes of the LAN 1 MAC address. The LAN 1 MAC address The list of telephone numbers is a comma or space separated list of
and LAN connections. can be found underneath the barcode on the rear of the Vega 50 telephone numbers to be routed to that destination. The telephone
Europa gateway. numbers may include regular expression characters to make them
A calculator that will calculate the 169.254.x.y address from the MAC address telephone number ranges rather than just single telephone numbers.
is available in the Vega Tools section of

4. Logging into the Vega Regular expressions

Enter the IP address of your Vega 50 Europa into the address line of Selecting Ok to the above question will activate most Quick Config
. Any single digit
your web browser and press enter or select ‘Go’. settings. Some parameters, like the IP address of the Vega, will
[abc] Range of digits ‘a’, ‘b’ and ‘c’
however require the Vega to be re-booted. If a reboot is required the
The Vega will present you with a login screen: [a-d] Range of digits ‘a’ thru ‘d’ Vega will ask whether this should occur immediately or whether you
[^abc] Range of digits excluding ‘a’, ‘b’ and ‘c’ wish to do it manually later. If later is selected, the reboot button on
* Previous character or regular expression repeated the left hand side menu will be left RED to indicate that a reboot is still
The model of Vega 50 Europa that you have purchased determines 0 or more times required to activate certain new parameters.
the interfaces that you will see on the rear of your gateway. + Previous character or regular expression repeated
The telephone interface layouts and their corresponding IDs are: 1 or more times
? Previous character or regular expression repeated
Vega 50 Europa 8 FXS + 2 FXO: 0 or 1 times
FXS 8 FXS 7 FXS 6 FXS 5 \ Turn off the regular expression meaning of the
IF:0108 IF:0107 IF:0106 IF:0105 following character, e.g. \* = DTMF *
IF:0101 IF:0102 IF:0103 IF:0104 IF: 0201 IF: 0202
Enter the username and password. c) FXS (applicable to 4 FXS and 8 FXS variants)
If you decide that you want to abandon the changes just made in
Vega 50 Europa 4 FXS + 2 FXO: By default these are set to: Enable and disable the interfaces as required and set up the
Quick Config then select Exit. A confirmation request will be
telephone number(s) to route to each interface. If you have
FXS 1 FXS 2 FXS 3 FXS 4 FXO 1 FXO 2 Username = admin displayed, select OK to exit or cancel to return to the Quick Config
telephones attached, typically you will have a single number
IF:0101 IF:0102 IF:0103 IF:0104 IF: 0201 IF: 0202 Password = admin pages.
associated with each interface. If the interfaces are connected to the
analogue trunk interfaces of a PBX then typically each interface will
Vega 50 Europa 8 FXO: 5. Configuring your Vega have a number range that needs to be routed to each interface.
FXO 8 FXO 7 FXO 6 FXO 5 Select Quick Config. If a warning message appears informing you
IF:0208 IF:0207 IF:0206 IF:0205 that that there is already configuration applied, you can remove the d) FXO (applicable to 4 FXS, 8 FXS, 4 FXO and 8 FXO variants)
FXO 1 FXO 2 FXO 3 FXO 4 Not Not existing settings and start from the beginning by selecting ‘Continue’ Set up the telephone numbers to route to each FXO interface, using
IF:0201 IF:0202 IF:0203 IF:0204 used used then ticking the ‘New Install ?’ option. This will ensure that any old, comma or space separated lists of telephone numbers and regular
unwanted configuration is removed as you submit your new settings. expressions if ranges are required.
Vega 50 Europa 4 FXO: Do not tick this option if you are simply amending existing
configuration. When a call arrives on an FXO interface the Vega gets alerted to the
FXO 1 FXO 2 FXO 3 FXO 4 Not Not fact by receiving a ringing voltage on its interface; the incoming call
IF:0201 IF:0202 IF:0203 IF:0204 used used
To exit Quick Config ALWAYS use either the does not supply any dialled number information to the Vega. The 6. Archive the configuration
Submit or Exit buttons adjacent to the Quick Vega therefore needs to be configured with a telephone number to Save the configuration in an archive, off the Vega, by selecting Expert
Vega 50 Europa 4 BRI: forward these incoming telephony calls to. In the ‘Incoming Forward’ Config > System, then in the Configuration section select the
Config tabs. DO NOT use the navigation entries
BRI 1 BRI 2 BRI 3 BRI 4 on the left hand menu, as using these may cause field enter the telephone number that calls received on this telephone Download button and save the file config.txt.
IF:0301 IF:0302 IF:0303 IF:0304 WARNING! interface should be forwarded to.
you to lose settings that you want to keep.
If the Vega is powered down or is being upgraded, on FXS + 2 FXO Help!
Vega 50 Europa 2 BRI: gateways, the first two FXS interfaces fallback to a hardwired If you encounter problems, please refer to or
BRI 1 BRI 2 a) Basic Config connection through to the two FXO interfaces. This allows calls to be contact your Vega 50 Europa reseller directly.
IF:0301 IF:0302 Start by selecting the basic config tab. made through the first two FXS interfaces (to these two FXO
interfaces) even when the Vega is unable to actively process calls. Version 1.1 26 November 2007

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