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Internship Report


The Recruitment Process of Robi

Axiata Limited

Submitted To:

Md. Fazla Mohiuddin

BRAC Business School, BRAC University

Submitted By:

Nuren Durdana
ID: 11204019
BRAC Business School, BRAC University

Course Title:

Internship (BUS400)

Date of Submission:

17th August, 2016

Letter of Transmittal:

17th August, 2016

Md. Fazla Mohiuddin
BRAC Business School, BRAC University
66, Mohakhali, Dhaka 1212

Subject: Submission of Internship Report on “The Recruitment Process of Robi Axiata


Dear Sir,

I am pleased to inform you about the completion of my internship report on “The

Recruitment Process of Robi Axiata Limited” which was assigned to me as a requirement
for the completion of BUS400 course.

It was a great opportunity for me to work in a multinational organization and gain in-depth
knowledge on the recruitment process and other HR issues of Robi Axiata Limited. I have
tried my level best to prepare a representative and reliable report by conducting a qualitative
research. Throughout this research, I tried to accommodate as much information and relevant
issues as possible and attempted to take after the guidelines you proposed to make this report

I am grateful to you for your direction and kind cooperation at each step of progression. I
hope that this report will meet your expected standard.


Nuren Durdana
ID: 11204019

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This research has been a great learning experience for me as I got an opportunity to learn the
differences and similarities between the practical work and theoretical concepts. It has helped
me to enhance my interpersonal skills and understanding about the working environment in a
multinational corporation.

Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude towards the Almighty for empowering me to
prepare the report successfully.

Secondly, my gratitude goes to Robi Axiata Limited for selecting me as an intern and
providing me with the opportunity to learn from one of the leading Telecommunication
Company in Bangladesh through the skilled and expert managers. The learning has been vital
and incalculably informative.

Thirdly, at Robi Axiata Limited, I had the opportunity to learn from my line manager, Ms.
Rawnak Afroze, Specialist, Resourcing, People and Corporate Division (HR). I must also
express my gratitude towards all the other Managers, General Managers and Vice Presidents
of all the departments under the HR division of Robi. After my direct supervisor they had
been very much supportive and helpful and guided me all throughout.

Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude towards our respected faculty member, Md. Fazla
Mohiuddin, Lecturer, BRAC Business School, BRAC University for providing me the proper
guidance to complete the whole internship report.

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Table of Contents

Letter of Transmittal Page: 2

Acknowledgement Page: 3
Executive Summary Page: 5
Chapter 1: Introduction Page: 6
1.1 Origin of the Report Page: 6
1.2 Objective of the Report Page: 6
1.3 Methodology Page: 7
1.4 Scope Page: 8
1.5 Limitations Page: 8

Chapter 2: Overview of Robi Axiata Limited Page: 9

2.1 The Company Page: 9

2.2 Shareholdings Page: 10
2.3 Principles and Purpose Page: 11 to Page: 12
2.4 Key Achievements Page: 12 to Page: 13
2.5 People and Corporate Division Page: 13 to Page: 15
Chapter 3: Job Responsibilities Page: 16 to Page: 18
Chapter 4: Literature Review Page: 19

4.1 Recruitment Page: 19

4.2 Recruitment Process Page: 19
4.3 Benefits and Importance of Recruitment Page: 19 to Page: 20

4.4 Types of Recruitment Page: 20

Chapter 5: Recruitment Process of Robi Page: 21 to Page: 22

Axiata Limited
Chapter 6: Analysis Page: 23 to Page: 29
Chapter 7: Recommendations Page: 30 to Page: 32
Chapter 8: Conclusion Page: 33
Chapter 9: References Page: 34 to Page: 35

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Executive Summary

This report on “The Recruitment Process of Robi Axiata Limited” begins with an
introduction about how this particular topic came into being followed by the objective of this
report, the methodology that has been followed to collect data and the limitations that are
involved. In the second chapter of this report, an overview on Robi Axiata Limited is
provided which includes the consolidated information about the company. The third chapter
describes about my job responsibilities at Robi in details.

The fourth chapter of this report defines recruitment, the different types and approaches of
recruitment and how important this concept is for any organization. In the fifth chapter, the
recruitment process of Robi Axiata Limited has been discussed in details. Chapter six
contains the analysis of the organization’s recruitment process followed by the
recommendations in chapter seven based on analysis and my personal source of information.

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Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Origin of the Report

This study has been conducted to analyze and gain an in-depth knowledge about the
Recruitment Process of Robi Axiata Limited. At the same time, this report is mandatory for
the completion of internship program that is a requirement for attaining the degree of
Bachelors of Business Administration under the BRAC Business School of BRAC
University. It is a 12 week long program where all the students are placed in different
organizations according to their majors or interest to gain a professional experience which
helps them to prepare for the future after they graduate from the university. The students are
required to carry out different tasks in the workplace related to the departments they have
been placed in the organization and the students are referred to as interns. In this way, the
interns are provided with the learning opportunity by contributing to the organization through
their assigned tasks and responsibilities. Likewise, I was assigned as an intern of the
Resourcing Unit under the People and Corporate Division of Robi Axiata Limited where I
had to assist in the recruitment procedures of the organization, conduct other HR events and
coordinate the internship program of Robi Axiata Limited.

1.2 Objective of the report

Broad Objective:
To analyze the efficiency and sustainability of the recruitment process of a leading telecom

Specific Objectives:
1. Analyze interviewee short listing process
2. Examine the interview process planning
3. Analyze department managerial involvement in recruitment process
4. Identify the efficient recruitment process
5. Identify recruitment process sustainability

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1.3 Methodology

This research is purely a qualitative research and the following methods have been used to
obtain data for the preparation and analysis of this report. The sources of data are as follows:
1. Primary Source:
• Face-to-face interviews and interviews over telephone
• Observation during work
2. Secondary Source:
• Company website and other relevant websites
• Articles and past reports

In this context of the report, Qualitative research was more appropriate than Quantitative
research because the latter is used to quantify the problem by way of generating numerical
data or data that can be transformed into statistics. This particular method of research
includes measurable data to formulate facts. The data collection methods are more structured
than that of Qualitative research (Wyse, 2011).

On the other hand, Qualitative Research is used to gain an understanding of underlying

reasons, opinions and motivations. It provides insights into problems or helps to develop
ideas or hypotheses for potential quantitative research. The data collection methods are
unstructured or semi-structured techniques. The sample size is typically small compared to
that of Quantitative research (Wyse, 2011).

Since, this report does not include any numerical or statistical data and is purely based on
observation, personal interviews and past articles therefore I chose to conduct a Descriptive
Research. A Descriptive Research can use the elements of both Quantitative Research and
Qualitative Research ( In the context of this
report, it is a Qualitative Research. This research deals with gaining an understanding of the
recruitment process of Robi Axiata Limited, the problems that are involved with it and the
ways to overcome those problems. Moreover, I did not use any structured methods to analyze
the issue. Additionally, the sample size of this report is very small and includes only the
managers and specialists of the Resourcing department and few employees and new recruits
from other departments of the organization.

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1.4 Scope of the report

This report deals with the recruitment process of a leading organization of the country.
Recruitment is a very crucial element of the Human Resource division of any organization. It
is the employees who can either take the organization to a whole new level or disrupt the
work process and distort the image of a company. Therefore, it is very important to recruit the
right people for the right job with the right skills at the right time. Since, this report is about
the importance of recruitment and describes recruitment procedures and practices of a leading
telecommunication organization therefore this report can be utilized to further improve and
design the recruitment process based on the insights and recommendations that have been

1.5 Limitations

The main limitation of this report is the failure to obtain detailed information from the
organization due to their policies and confidentiality issues. The second limitation is the lack
of appointment of significant tasks. I was mostly assisting all the procedures and had limited
access to everything. I did not have much opportunity to witness and observe all the
procedures always therefore I had to rely on whatever information I could gather from the
personal opinions of the current employees of Robi Axiata Limited. Therefore, there is a
significant chance of biasness in this report. Lastly, time constraint is also a major limitation
because during my three months internship period it was very difficult for me to spend time
on the preparation of this report due to work pressure and office hours. Also, I have started
working as a full-time teacher right after the completion of my internship so that made it
more difficult for me to complete this report by the allotted time.

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Chapter 2: Overview of Robi Axiata Limited 1

2.1 The Company – Robi Axiata Limited 2

Robi Axiata Limited is perceived as one of the recognized telecommunication

companies in Bangladesh - a joint endeavor organization concerning Axiata Group
Berhad of Malaysia and NTT DOCOMO Inc. of Japan. In 1997, Robi propelled its
operation as Telekom Malaysia International (Bangladesh) and marked them as "Aktel".
Be that as it may, the organization rebranded themselves to "Robi" in 2010 and Robi
Axiata Limited was conceived. Robi is enabling more than 24 million individuals all
through Bangladesh by its solid method and consistent system network. Termed as 'the
most dynamic and quickly developing telecommunication company in Bangladesh', it is
progressively meeting client needs by building up the quantity of administrations going
from voice quality and rapid Internet administrations to redid information transfers
arrangements, and so forth.

As per their site, Robi assembles the universal capability from Axiata and NTT
DOCOMO Inc. Administrations bolster 2G and 3.5G voice, CAMEL Phase II & III
and 3.5G Data/GPRS/EDGE administration utilizing rapid web network. Its GSM
administration is focused on a solid system structure and propelled innovation. Robi
associates 600 administrators crosswise over more than 200 nations, making the most
stretched out International Roaming scope in Bangladesh. Value Added Services (VAS),
quality client care, computerized system security and adaptable tariffs are a portion of the
client driven arrangements worked by Robi.

Till 2012, Axiata Group and its forerunner Telekom Malaysia together have contributed
around BDT 11,000 crore as value as equity as it began its trip in1996. In expansion to
that, the organization has financed almost BDT 10,000 crore to the Bangladesh
Exchequer at the same time.

1 Corporate. (n.d.). Retrieved June 2016, from

2 Company Profile. (n.d.). Retrieved June 2016, from

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Robi is committed to its clients as far as giving the best data and voice quality, in this
manner keeping on guaranteeing the best experience through cutting edge innovation and
spearheading items and administrations with about 100% populace scope.

2.2 Shareholdings 3

Axiata Group Berhad and NTT DOCOMO INC. separately own 91.59% and 8.41% of the
joint endeavor organization – Robi Axiata Limited.

Axiata is known as a developing Asian telecommunication company pioneer with its

major impact in Malaysia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Cambodia as indicated
by the official site of Robi. Recorded on Malaysia's stock trade (Bursa Malaysia), the
Malaysian developed holding organization has 120 million versatile endorsers in Asia
including its backups and partners with key operations in versatile and non-mobile
telecommunications interests in India, Singapore, Iran, Pakistan and Thailand.

Serving more than 56 million clients, NTT DOCOMO INC has turned into the world's
driving mobile communication organization and is recognized as Japan's biggest mobile
communication organization by dispatching world's initial 3G mobile services in 2001.
The world's most prominent email/Internet services utilized by 48 million individuals
called i-mode is offered by DOCOMO alongside other assortments of cutting edge
multimedia services. In addition, DOCOMO cellular phones containing capacities, for
example, credit- card and e-wallet have turned out to be profoundly ingenious apparatuses
with regards to everyday life use.

3 Shareholders. (n.d.). Retrieved June 2016, from

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2.3 Principles and Purposes 4

An organization should be based on a few qualities or rules that it has confidence in and
is focused on. Robi takes after three directing standards and they are expressed beneath:

Uncompromising Integrity

Customer at the Centre

I Can, I Will
Figure: Guiding Principles of Robi


Uncompromising Integrity
Robi is resolved to be lawfully, morally and ethically right, whilst guaranteeing decency
and trustworthiness in its activities. It supports open exchange through listening and
understanding and is energetic with respect to seeking after its convictions. Treating
others with nobility at the same time, esteeming and profiting by assorted qualities is the
thing that it depends on. It remains responsible for its activities and practices taking after
its representatives, clients, shareholders and the working groups. It is bold through
sharing its work and refining itself from the mistake in its ways while watching and
keeping up its Code of Conduct.

Customer at the Centre

Robi is dedicated to guarantee worth, quality and fulfillment by being a client driven

4Principles & purpose. (n.d.) Retrieved from June 2016, from

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organization. It tenaciously underscores on building idealistic encounters at each wake,
deal and post-deal. It trusts that its basic ways will help clients to learn and give support
at whatever point required while it will keep on pursuing creative arrangements without
getting occupied to give quality to them. Moreover, it surpasses its contenders by
connecting more with its clients to know and nurture their requests.
I Can, I Will
Robi guarantees that its belongings yield sought results by seizing and executing the
privilege opportunities on time. It endeavors towards greatness by going past its extension
and taking the right measures as far as guaranteeing conveyance of results without
holding up to designate obligations. in spite of going an additional mile to bring
achievement, Robi too accentuates on having the valor to say and do what it takes to
guarantee precisely that.

2.4 Key Achievements 5

According to the Robi Axiata Limited's site, in 2014, it was given the 5th Best Employer
of the Year grant at the 22nd HRD Congress.

Additionally, accomplishing grants in the classifications of Talent Management, at the

22ndWorld HRD Congress in 2014, the 5th Best Employer of the Year went to Robi
Axiata Limited. From fabulousness to significance, Robi comes to yet another historic
point in its endeavor as per the "Key Achievements" activity in best HR technique in
accordance with Business and Global HR Strategy which further reinforced its faith in
heading towards the right course. The World HRD Congress consists of HR experts from
over 100 countries around the world. As per the World HRD Congress Advisory Council,
this honor has been named as a standout amongst the most sought-after HRD Congress
occasions and battled for by enterprises far and wide. Fruitful execution of such a large
number of HR activities at Robi Axiata Limited is the thing that inspired the Jury board.
The appraisal method of the reward includes a preparatory screening by the Academic
Council after which a Professional Council surveys the screening further.

5Key Achievements. (n.d.). Retrieved June 2016, from

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Robi’s goal was to set down an 'execution driven society' strengthened by its managing
standards as specified above and its prosperity lay in the all encompassing methodology
of setting down people practices, tending to influenced execution of all empowering
agents regarding association structure, resourcing, execution administration or learning
and advancement. It built up a HR technique tending to all the previously stated units as
well as Integrity and Ethics and Employee Management.
Robi marched along an average of 20% income development since its change in 2010,
recapturing the No. 2 position in terms of revenue growth and has been marked as one of
"the top three employers of choice in the nation". At the 10th Frost & Sullivan Asia
Pacific ICT Awards, it likewise procured "the Emerging Market Service Provider of the
Year Award".

Robi trusts that its prosperity can't be characterized by a simple chance but instead by
carefully crafted strategies, through precisely made techniques to bolster and surpass the
necessities of the moving industry that it has expected, changed and actualized its people
strategy utilizing demanding procedures and practices.

Robi expects to make itself one stride further from excellence to greatness concerning
organization execution and industry parameters and opposes to be restricted to the No. 2
position. It needs to surpass in all execution strictures to pick up the title of the leading
telecom administrator in the nation holding a solid neighborhood legacy. It has put itself
among the Global High Performing Companies for excellent execution and
uncompromising trustworthiness, while staying consistent with its corporate image
esteem – ignite the power within its own people.

2.5 People & Corporate Division of Robi Axiata Limited

Robi comprises of various divisions among which People Corporate are one of the critical
divisions. This division is the Human Resource division of the organization and includes
nine littler divisions or units. Every division or unit is driven by a Vice President
furthermore comprises of a general manager, managers and specialists as the Vice
President's subordinates. Every one of them cooperates by sitting alongside each other on
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an open floor for viable correspondence among themselves and different employees from
different divisions and departments. This specific division, prominently known as P&C
inside the organization is committed to comprehend and guarantee the effectiveness of the
human advantages to run the organization viably. P&C decides the right methodologies
and practices adjusting to the organization's way of life and execution while keeping up
an appropriate and sound relationship among every one of the employees of different
units over the association. The center units under the P&C division are as per the

1. Talent &Development: This unit manages the preparation and advancement of the
Robi employees. It gives different day long preparing projects and sessions on
distinctive angles, for example, trust and morals, programming and its application at
work environment, presentation aptitudes, changing day by day propensities etc. It
extraordinarily grooms skilled representatives and consider them as organization
2. Resourcing: This unit is in charge of enrolling the most reasonable gifts for the right
occupation. Beginning from assistants to general chiefs, this division manages all
sorts of enlistment. They likewise keep up proficient contact with a few educational
institutions and recruitment agencies to increase and enhance their pool of candidates.
3. Compensation and Rewards: This unit manages the readiness of pay and advantages
structure of the Robi representatives alongside their performance appraisal. This unit
likewise guarantees that every one of the employee’s personal data and private reports
are recorded and documented appropriately.
4. Engagement and Culture: This specific unit amongst the various units under P&C is
the most self-inspired one. It is committed towards representative engagement,
motivational occasions, world renowned consultancies and studies. This unit
guarantees a dynamic and secured working environment for all the Robi
5. HR Business Partnering: This division acts as a bridge between Human Resource
division and different divisions of the organization. It manages the enlistment of those
divisions furthermore takes care of any matter with respect to the concerned division.
This unit comprises of Market Operations, Digital Services, Finance, Technology,
Enterprise Project Management Office, Internal Audit and People and Corporate.

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Other than the previously stated five center units which fall under the “People" of People
and Corporate division, the “Corporate” part consists of four extra units. This part in the
division involves Facilities and Services, Communication and Corporate Responsibility,
Corporate Affairs and Company Secretary and Regulatory Affairs. The Chief Corporate
and People Officer’s office screen the exercises of the particular division.

People and Corporate Division of RobiAxiata Limited

Talent and Compensation

Development and Rewards

Engagement and HR Business Facilities and

Culture Partnering Services

Communication Company
and Coprorate Corporate Affairs Secretary and
Responsibility Regulatory Affairs

Figure: Units under People and Corporate Division of Robi

Source: Fuad, S. (n.d.) Internship Report on Designing a Lean Recruitment

Process at Robi Axiata Limited

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Chapter 3: Job Responsibilities at Robi Axiata Limited

As an intern of People and Corporate Division I had to perform tasks that are mainly related
to Human Resource Management and specifically Recruitment since I was assigned to the
Resourcing department of that division. My job responsibilities at Robi consisted of the

1. Intern Recruitment: This included the short listing of received CVs, calling the short
listed candidates for interview, assisting my line manager or any other resourcing
manager during interview sessions, assisting them to short list the candidates for final
selection, preparing the internship appointment letter to be sent to the selected
candidates’ respective institutions, calling the candidates to let them know and
congratulate them for their final selection on behalf of Robi and lastly escorting the
interns to their respective departments and introducing them to their assigned line
managers on the day of their joining.

2. Joining of interns: Along with accompanying the interns on their first day, the
process of joining also includes handing them overattendance sheets for the entire
period of internship to keep with themselves for maintaining their attendance and
some documents of confidentiality that they require to sign and also has to get the
signature of their respective line managers before returning those to the resourcing

3. Preparing experience letters for the interns: Experience letter or Internship

certificate as popularly known is prepared right after the intern completes his or her
tenure in the organization. This preparation of letter takes place in Robi only after the
intern has submitted his or her internship report to the Resourcing department. The
experience letters state the name of the projects the interns have worked on during
their stay in the organization and also a note of appreciation. I had to prepare that
letter and get it signed by our department’s vice president before giving it out to the

4. Carrying out the responsibility of Head of Interns: It is one of the main duties of
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the Resourcing unit intern to act as an intermediary between the department and all
the interns. It includes solving any intern related issues such as permission of leave,
absence from work, extending their internship period if required, taking care of any
difficulties that they are facing in their respective departments and reporting it to the
HR and keeping track of their attendance.

5. Assisting in preparing and disbursing intern salary: Another important

responsibility of the Resourcing unit intern isthe preparation of interns’ monthly
salary. All the interns are required to submit their attendance sheet to the Resourcing
unit at the end of month. The attendance log contains the total number of working
days in a month plus the days the interns were present. If anyone is absent on any day
that has to be marked in the attendance sheet and the reason has to be mentioned in
the remarks section of the attendance sheet. In case of severe absence issues
application is required to be submitted to the resourcing unit signed by the intern’s
respective supervisor. Salary is calculated according to the number of days the intern
was present at work in the given month. After this a salary sheet is prepared which is
sent to the Finance division along with all the attendance details of interns for
carrying outgeneral procedures and then once all the formalities have been completed
the salary is withdrawn and distributed among the interns.

6. Maintaining and updating intern database: A database is maintained for all the
interns who have worked at Robi. It includes all the details such as full name, contact
number, e-mail address, residence address, educational background, name of projects
assigned to, supervisor details and period of internship. Every time a new intern is
recruited this database has to be updated by including the aforementioned details of
the current intern for keeping record as well as for further reference if and when

7. Preparing database for other shortlisted candidates: Apart from maintaining the
database of interns, I have also prepared the database of shortlisted candidates for
permanent employment positions such as Territory Managers, Regional Managers,
Territory Executives, Specialists, etc. I used to extract and update certain details that
were required to maintain the record after the CVs would have been screened and
shortlisted by the respected managers or specialists of the department.

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8. Informing the candidates: When the short listed candidates made it to the second
phase of the recruitment process which usually required them to sit for a written exam
or online test for the position they have applied for, my duty was to call them and
congratulate them for proceeding to the second phase along with informing them
about the date, time and venue of the exams or online tests.

9. Coordination of interviews and Invigilation of exams: During interview sessions I

had to assist my supervisor to conduct those sessions and also had to assist her for
invigilation during written exams and online tests.

10. Personnel Filing: When the candidate has been finally selected after all the
recruitment procedures, the person is required to submit certain documents to
Resourcing unit such as academic certificates, personal details information,
photocopy of national ID or passport, release letters from previous employers, etc.The
selected candidate is also required to sign different documents of confidentiality and
also has to undergo pre-employment medical examination. All these paper works are
prepared, recorded and labeled according to each of the new joiners in their personal
files. This is known as personnel filing.

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Chapter 4: Literature Review

4.1 Recruitment
Recruitment is the process of finding and hiring the best-qualified candidate from within
or outside of an organization for a job opening in a timely and cost effective manner
( It is a linkage activity
bringing together those with jobs and those who are seeking jobs. According to Edwin B.
Flippo, “It is a process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and
encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organization” (Chand, 2012).

4.2 Recruitment Process

The Recruitment Process includes analyzing the requirements of a job, attracting
employees to that job, screening and selecting applicants, hiring and integrating the new
employee to the organization. The scientific recruitment process leads to higher
productivity, better wages, high morale, reduction in labor turnover and enhanced
reputation. Hence, it is a positive process
( However, according to,
Edwin B. Flippo, it is both a positive and a negative process. He says, “It is often termed
positive in that it stimulates people to apply for the jobs, to increase the hiring ratio, i.e.
the number of applicants for a job. Selection, on the other hand, tends to be negative
because it rejects a good number of those who apply, leaving only the best to be hired”
(Chand, 2012).

4.3 Benefits and Importance of Recruitment:

I. Recruitment helps to create a pool of talented and potential candidates to add
value to the organization.
II. Recruitment helps to increase the pool of job seeking candidates at minimum
III. Recruitment increases the success rate of selection process by decreasing
number of visits of under qualified or over qualified candidates.
IV. Recruitment helps to identify and prepare the potential candidates who will be

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appropriate for the applied job position.
V. Recruitment helps to find employees who fit the organization’s culture.

4.4 Types of Recruitment 6:

Recruitment is mainly of two types:
i. Internal Recruitment: It takes place within the organization. It saves time,
money and effort because the recruitment process occurs among the existing
employees of the organization. This might be in the form of transfer, promotion or
re-employment of ex-employees. Other sources of internal recruitment include
assigning temporary employees to contractual period or making the employment
permanent and also providing the retired employees for freelancer position.

ii. External Recruitment: It takes place outside the organization. Though it requires
lot of time, money and effort but it creates an opening for innovative ideas and
improvement and also potential candidates with unique abilities that eventually
help an organization to grow and achieve success. Sources of external recruitment
include advertisement in job portals, social media recruitment, newspaper
advertisements, campus recruitment, walk-in-interviews, recruitment agencies or
head hunters and employee referrals.

6 Retrieved July 2016, from

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Chapter 5: Recruitment process of Robi Axiata Limited

Steps followed by Robi in their process of recruitment are discussed in details below:

The department HR Business

New employee Job
prepares Partner and Vice
required or Advertisements
"Requisition President of
intern assistance are given to
Proposal" for the Resourcing unit
by a specific attract
new employee or signs the
departement candidates
intern requisition

Interview the
pool of
Make the final Choose suitable
Onboarding candidates and
selection candidates
arrange for
written exams

Step 1: New employment or intern assistance required by a specific department.

The process of recruitment initiates only when there is demand for new employees or intern
assistance in a particular department. The demand may create due to shortage of employees
or due to the need for people with innovative ideas that would add value to the organization.

Step 2: The particular department prepares “Requisition Proposal” for the new
employee or intern.

Once it is decided that a given department is in need of new employees or interns, a

requisition proposal is prepared to be sent to the HR Business Partner for that particular
division. The proposal contains signature of the concerned manager and vice-president of the

Step 3: Requisition proposal requires the signature of the HR Business Partner and the
Vice President of Resourcing unit.

Once the requisition proposal is sent to the HR Business Partner, the person goes through the
proposal, signs the paper and sends it to the Vice President of Resourcing unit for final check.

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The Vice President provides the final signature before transferring it to the recruitment
managers in order to carry out the further procedures.

Step 4: Give Job Advertisements to attract candidates.

The recruitment managers post advertisements in their own portal or third-party job portals to
get more applicants. At the same time, they go through their old database of the applicants to
check whether any of them match the job criteria.

Step 5: Choose suitable candidates.

After receiving all the resumes of applicants, the managers screen those and short-list
candidates for written exams or interviews or both.

Step 6: Interview the pool of candidates and arrange for written exams.

Once the candidates have been shortlisted, they sit for written exams which are mainly
aptitude test and contain questions from English, Mathematics and Analytical Ability. When
a candidate passes the exam, he or she is called for an interview. The recruitment managers
conduct those interview sessions and mark the candidates based on the pre-determined
criteria by the Resourcing unit.

Step 7: Make the final selection of candidates.

After consolidating the outcomes of both the exam and interview, the candidates are finally

Step 8: On-boarding

Once the candidates are selected, they are given a joining date. On that date, the new joiners
are welcomed and an orientation takes place where they are formally introduced to the
organizations. They are provided with personal laptops, new Robi phone connection and
official passwords. Few confidentiality papers are signed by them and salary accounts are
created in Standard Chartered Bank. After all the formalities have been completed, the new
joiners are taken to their respective workstations to meet their line managers and other

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Chapter 6: Analysis
This chapter provides a comparative analysis of the recruitment process among Robi and two
other leading telecom operators of the country which are Grameenphone Ltd. and Banglalink.
Apart from this comparison, few aspects of Robi’s recruitment practices have also been
compared with that of Microsoft and Vodafone UK. The aforementioned comparative
analysis along with personal observation throughout the internship period will help to provide
insights on the weaknesses and strengths of Robi’s Recruitment Process. The previous
chapter has already talked about the steps followed in the recruitment process of Robi Axiata
Limited. The recruitment processes of Grameenphone Ltd. and Banglalink have been
provided below:

6.1 The Recruitment Process of Grameenphone Ltd. 7:

The following steps are carried out in the recruitment process:

Step1: Identify the need to recruit

Step2: Recruitment Budget
Step3: Advertisements-Online and Newsprint
Step4: Initial Screening
Step5: Written Test
Step6: Interview
Step7: Reference Check
Step8: Medical Examination
Step9: Appointment and Orientation

6.2 The Recruitment Process of Banglalink 8:

The following steps are carried out in the recruitment process:

Step1: Requisition
Step2: Collection of hiring information after checking the budget
Step3: Planning of how to announce openings, to collect CVs and conduct different tests and

7 Houque, N. P. (2013). Internship Report on Employee’s Perception about HR functions in Grameenphone

8 Chowdhury, N.H. (2015). Internship Report on Recruitment Process of Banglalink

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Step4: Job Advertisement
Step5: Resume Compilation
Step6: Call for tests and interviews
Step7: Initial Interview
Step8: Final Interview with the Head of Department
Step9: Medical and Physical Examination
Step10: Permanent Job Offer

By comparing the recruitment process of Robi with its top two rivals in the country, it can be
seen that there are not much differences among the recruitment process of these three telecom
companies of the country. However, there are some subtle differences among the recruitment
processes of these three organizations. If Robi and Grameenphone Ltd. are compared it can
be deduced that they are following exactly the same steps during their recruitment process.
Though, Recruitment Budget Planning and Medical Examination have not been mentioned
specifically in the previous chapter which talks about the recruitment process of Robi.
Therefore, it should be mentioned that, the budget planning of Robi is done in Step3 after the
HR Business Partner receives the requisition proposal from a certain department and before it
is been finally signed by the VP of Resourcing Unit for further processing. On the other hand
the Medical Examination or “Pre-employment medical examination” as called in Robi is
carried out between Step7 and Step8 i.e. between the final selection and on boarding of
employees. When compared with the recruitment process of Banglalink, few differences have
been identified. The first one is that there is no planning on how to conduct different tests or
interviews for different job positions in Robi. The written tests and the interviews are same
for all the candidates irrespective of the positions or departments they have applied for.
However, Banglalink has a different step in which they plan what kind of tests should be
conducted for what kind of candidates. There is a variation in their assessment process which
Robi lacks in. The other difference between Banglalink and Robi is that Banglalink ensures
to conduct two interviews and the final one is conducted in the presence of the departmental
head. This is one of the biggest drawbacks of Robi. Robi usually conducts only one interview
and most of the times there is no presence of the head of department which causes a lot of
disruptions in various aspects which have been discussed in details in the weaknesses section
of the Recruitment Process of Robi. Apart from these two differences, all the other steps are
exactly similar in the case of these three top competitor companies in the Bangladesh
Telecom Industry.
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From the above discussion, it can be understood that Robi follows a recruitment process just
like most other organizations in the country. Though, the process is a conventional one but it
still is effective for the organization or else Robi would not have been awarded in the World
HRD Congress as the “5th Best Employer”. However, there are certain drawbacks in every
organization and Robi has those too.

6.3 Weaknesses of the Recruitment Process of Robi Axiata Limited:

To start with, when the recruitment managers are required to recruit new employees, they
concentrate more on attracting fresh candidates which is great in its own way because it
shows that Robi is willing to embrace new talents since it adds value to the organization.
However, Robi also maintains a database with all the details of candidates who have applied
to Robi at least once but for some reason did not join the organization. This record of past
candidates can also provide a pool of potential candidates if their qualifications match the
criteria of the job position for which Robi is recruiting. If the managers check this database
before going for fresh applicants then they will be able to save both time and money.

Secondly, when the recruitment managers seek for internal employee referrals, they stick to
only the division’s employees for which they will be recruiting. This somehow slows down
the process. Instead of this, they can opt for companywide employee referrals to make the
process faster and more effective.

Thirdly, the written exams that are conducted during the recruitment process are very generic.
Anyone with a good basic knowledge of English and Mathematics can ace the exams. The
difficulty level of these exams is not up to the mark and is same for all the candidates
irrespective of the job positions they have applied for. Someone, who has applied for a
marketing position has to attempt the same questions as those of the person who is an
engineer and has applied for a position in the Technology division of Robi.

Fourthly, during interviews, the candidates do not face many questions regarding the
knowledge they have in their own field of study or the position that they have applied for.
Usually, the interviews are more like formal conversations which start with candidates’
educational and family background, why they have chose to study in a particular field, what
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they know about Robi, why they want to work for Robi and such. The same questions are
also asked to an intern. This is to some extent alright because not much is expected from an
intern but when it comes to recruiting employees the interviews should be designed in a
better way since there is a lack of situational-based questions.

Another important point that should be mentioned over here is the absence of departmental
heads or line managers during interview sessions. Most of the time, it has been noticed that
the recruitment managers are the only people conducting the interviews. No other managers
from other departments are present. For example, if Finance division is in need of new
employees and for that division the recruitment managers have shortlisted the candidates then
someone from that division should be present during the interview. A recruitment manager
might not always be familiar to the technical terms or way of work in the Finance division.
However, if a line manager from that department or division is present then there are narrow
chances of communication gap between the interviewee and the interviewer. Both the parties
will have a good understanding of each other’s expectation and potential which is very
important while working together in the long run.

It has also been seen at times that due to this absence of departmental managers, a
recruitment process had to be repeated. The reason behind this is the candidate whom the
resourcing unit has selected was not fit for the working environment of that particular
department. Hence, the resourcing unit’s previous recruitment process resulted in a waste of
time, money and effort and also disruption in the work process.

Lastly, the interviews are usually one-to-one sessions i.e. it consists of one interviewer and
one interviewee. There is no such thing as Group Discussions through which the recruitment
managers can observe a candidate’s leadership abilities or interpersonal skills.

6.4 Strengths of the Recruitment Process of Robi Axiata Limited:

Firstly, Robi follows mixed methods of recruitment. It does not only stick to one method in
order to recruit employees. Rather, Robi resorts to its corporate website, its own job portal,
newspapers, third party portals and social networking sites, head hunting agencies, career
fairs and employee referrals which help the company to attract a better pool of talented
candidates for all the job positions. According to Microsoft’s “Mixed Model” Recruitment,
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the best recruitment results are achieved through flexible and combining various approaches,
to broaden the reach to diverse groups of potential applicants. Microsoft believes that the
recruitment methods used need to be tailored to each job vacancy and that one size certainly
does not fit all. Microsoft advertises their vacancies on their corporate website but also use a
range of additional recruitment methods including recruitment agencies, job boards, technical
journals, searching internet resources and occasionally newspaper advertising (Public
Appointments Service, 2006). In the same way, Robi believes that only one method of
recruitment will not yield best results and will not help the organization to attract a large
number of potential candidates.

Secondly, Robi religiously follows e-Recruitment practice to recruit eligible candidates for
the organization. In this digital era, e-Recruitment plays a very crucial role and is currently a
top choice of recruitment method for any organization around the globe. According to the
Cap Gemini Survey that has been conducted in UK back in 2004, it was found that nearly all
respondents (91%) stated that they were either using or planning to use the internet for some
aspect of the recruitment process. Four in ten (39%) indicated that online recruitment is a
“very important” part of their overall recruitment strategy. 26% indicated that it was “quite
important” while 33% indicated that it was of “emerging importance”. Only one respondent
considered online recruitment of “no importance” and it was found that private sectors were
engaging more in e-Recruitment than the public sectors (Public Appointments Services,
2006). E-Recruitment, also called as Online Recruitment, is the process of hiring the potential
candidates for the vacant job positions, using the electronic resources, particularly the internet
( Robi consistently updates any job opening in
their company website, job portal and linked in profile to attract as many potential applicants
as possible. Since, today’s world is highly depended on the internet especially social
networking sites, it helps Robi to gather 70% of its applicant through this particular
recruitment method. Apart from getting more suitable applicants, the main drivers of e-
Recruitment are cost effectiveness, speed and efficiency, employer branding and improved
quality of candidates (Public Appointments Service, 2006). By following this recruitment
method Robi is being able to save time and money while receiving potential resumes.

Thirdly, Robi focuses on people who fit organization’s culture and values. According to the
Resourcing Specialist and my line manager Ms. Rawnak Afroze, “Robi does not look for the
Best Resource. Robi looks for the Best Fit”. This statement shows that Robi prefers
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candidates who can adjust with the organizational principles and purposes, who can blend in
with their supervisors, peers and subordinates and align their personal goals with the
organizational goals. According to the Resourcing unit, people who fit the organization’s
culture add more value to the organization because they feel more connected to the
organization since they share the same values and principles as that of the organization which
motivates them to go extra mile and achieve the company goals. Such people help an
organization to grow rather than people who are the best in the field but unfortunately have
conflicts with the organizational culture, principles and purposes.

Fourthly, Robi resorts to SHL online tests for the recruitment of their management trainees or
graduate trainees. It is one of the strengths of Robi specially when it comes to recruiting the
company’s graduate trainees. SHL online tests are actually talent measurement tests. SHL
Group Limited which is an UK based company provides talent measurement solutions. It
offers science-based assessments, benchmark data, technologies and consultancy services that
help organizations to assess, select and develop right people for the right roles. The company
provides tools for talent acquisition in the areas of volume recruitment, graduate recruitment
and managerial and professional hires. SHL Talent Analytics provides data to drive talent
decisions that improve business performance. In addition, it offers online assessments in the
areas of aptitude, personality/behavior, knowledge and detailed description
( One such assessment test by
SHL is called the DSI or the Dependability and Safety Instrument. This particular test is
conducted as the first phase of graduate trainee recruitment at Robi. This test helps to
understand how dependable and reliable the candidates are and also whether they are
customer centric and able to work in a team. This DSI test was also used by Vodafone UK for
the recruitment of their call centre executives since there was a large pool of applicants to
choose from. Business Psychologist-Human Resources, Carole Driver of Vodafone UK
focused on raising the quality of the recruitment process in key areas including: updating
selection and assessment methods, innovation in practice and improving the candidate
experience. Hence, as a solution Vodafone UK chose the DSI (SHL Case Study, 2008). In the
context of Robi, DSI test scores help to screen and short list a huge number of applicants fast
and effectively for the second phase while giving an initial idea about few of their personality
traits which are very crucial for any employee in any workplace.

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The next strength of Robi’s recruitment process is the focus on candidates with the “can-do”
attitude. There are some candidates who might not have the highest standard of skills but with
proper training they can be improved because they have the zeal in them to take up
challenges and be committed towards their work. Such people will work hard to accomplish
given tasks and will not give up in the midway. This kind of people add more value to the
organization rather than people who are highly skilled but not willing to get out of their
comfort zones.

Lastly, Robi focuses on the spirit of teamwork in a candidate and also focus on the “soft
skills” of a candidate along with the “hard skills”. During interview, the resourcing managers
casually talk about the candidates’ previous colleagues and what is their take on teamwork
and through their answers the recruitment managers can understand whether the candidate is
able to work as part of a team or prefer working alone. Team spirit is a crucial matter and
people who lack in that have a hard time working in groups. The “soft skills” of a candidate
like communication skills, interpersonal skills, leadership skills, emotional empathy and such
are brought under consideration along with the candidate’s “hard skills”. Striking a proper
balance between these two types of skills is essential in the workplace and Robi always
maintains that balance while choosing candidates for the organization.

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Chapter 7: Recommendations
Below are some recommendations that have been proposed in order to improve the current
recruitment practices of Robi Axiata Limited to make it more effective and gain a
competitive edge over other telecom companies in the country:

i. Robi can conduct more situational-based interviews. If they put the candidate in a
particular situation, it will help them to gain a better understanding of that
person’s approach to certain problems. Through such interviews, a candidate’s
decision-making skills and problem-solving skills can be observed.

ii. Robi can arrange Group Discussions where a group of candidates will be given a
particular topic to discuss about. Through this the recruitment managers can
observe which of the candidates are more outspoken and extrovert and who the
shy ones are. This kind of discussion will aid in gaining an understanding of
candidates’ leadership abilities. At the same time, the candidates’ interpersonal
skills can be observed based on how they react to opinions of other people.

iii. Robi can consider past candidates during recruitment in order to save time and
money. If the recruitment managers go through the records of candidates who
have previously applied to Robi, then they can easily extract their qualifications
and match with the criteria of the given job position. In this way, they might end
up getting a pool of potential candidates in a faster and cheaper way.

iv. Departmental heads should be actively present throughout the entire recruitment
process for effective selection of employees. Otherwise, at times the entire
recruitment process has to be repeated because after the final selection, the
departmental manager realizes that the employee is not right for the job. This
results in a waste of time, money and effort.

v. Robi can follow a lean recruitment process. The Lean Just-in-Time Recruiting
strategy is the process of identifying an organization’s talent needs and

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indentifying, acquiring and retaining talent for those needs only. This will help to
combat “over processing” and “over production”. Over processing occurs when
more work is done than required. At times it is seen that the recruitment managers
engage themselves too much in the screening, short listing and maintaining
relationships with candidates but ultimately some of these candidates are not even
considered for interview. This is a complete waste of time and does not benefit the
organization in any way. On the other hand, over production occurs when the
supply of candidates is greater than the demand for new employees. When the
recruitment managers attract, and engage more candidates than required it actually
leads to a waste of time and effort. Moreover, it gets quite difficult to handle so
many candidates at the same time and also to respond to everyone’s queries

vi. Robi can drive referrals as a companywide initiative. For example, when
Marketing division is searching for new employees, internal employee referrals
are considered from within that particular division only. So, at times the search
based on these referrals is not fruitful. Therefore, if the employee referrals are
driven as a companywide initiative then there are better and faster chances of
finding suitable candidates.

vii. Robi can use Dependability and Safety Instrument (DSI) in the recruitment of all
the job positions along with that of the Graduate Trainee. This test will help Robi
to identify candidates who are dependable and reliable and also who are customer
centric and a team player. These personality traits play vital roles during the
recruitment of people for the organization. Moreover, the test is usually conducted
in the first phase of recruitment which helps to speed up the process of screening
for the second phase and also makes the assessment more effective.

viii. Robi can carry out Recruitment Process Auditing at regular time intervals through
which they can determine (
• Whether the job descriptions are up to date.
• Whether the salary framework is equitable and at market rate.

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• Whether the jobs and work environment have been described accurately.
• Whether the candidate search strategies are effective.
• Whether the proper screening techniques are being used.
• Whether the interview standard is up to the mark.
• Whether the steps involved in the interview process is adequate enough.
• Whether the right tools are being used to assess the candidates.
• Whether the employment agreement is up to date and is clear to both

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Chapter 8: Conclusion

Robi Axiata Limited is one of the leading telecommunication companies in Bangladesh. The
company tries their best to give the paramount service to their customers. It is improving and
growing at a faster rate than any of its competitor companies day by day. This is the first
company that introduced 3G network in Bangladesh. Other than that, they provide innovative
products and services to their end users. Through their 24 hour services they have won the
hearts of millions of customers. The employees put their best effort to provide excellent
service to the Robi users to gain their customers’ complete faith. The biggest
acknowledgement lies in the 22nd World HRD Congress 2014’s 5th Best Employer of the
Year Award. This implies that Robi Axiata Limited is following the right path towards

Robi usually follows strict rules and regulations and carefully crafted strategies to chose and
select the right candidate for the right job at the right time. This is highly essential for the
company’s success. The Robi HR makes sure that teamwork is fostered in every department
of the organization for a better future. The key to have an efficient organization is to conduct
an effective recruitment process by improving and updating the procedures continuously.

To conclude, Robi should keep up the way it strives to provide the best opportunities for its
customers and at the same time should also concentrate on their recruitment practices in order
to select the best and most suitable talents for the organization’s successful escalation.

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Chapter 9: Reference

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