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The New Volvo FMX: Volvo Trucks. Driving Progress

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Volvo Trucks.

Driving Progress

The New volvo fmx

The mining & construction expert
The New Volvo FMX
The best in its class just got better
Driving in mining operations requires skill. Great skill when it comes to efficient and fast transportation of
large loads without getting bogged down, and without compromising the truck.
But does it require muscles, too? No, not really. The new Volvo FMX takes care of it. The Volvo FMX is
robust, it is developed to make driving in tough mining applications easier and safer – from the sturdy bumper,
high ground clearance, comfortable cabin, choice of manual and I-Shift gear and a powerful engine. Let us
show you what a modern mining & construction truck, packed with innovative solutions and ground break-
ing features, looks like.

built for robustness

Designed for rough roads

The new Volvo FMX looks a lot tougher because the truck itself has become a lot tougher. You could say the
design is very honest – it lets you see the truck for what it is: a highly robust and durable piece of equipment.
All the familiar FMX elements are there; and they have been further enhanced and improved. The front towing
member, for instance, is one piece of cast iron and is now strong enough to hold up to 32 tonnes with its tow
hook. The bull bar is tougher and larger, as are the corner bumpers which are made out of three-millimetre thick
high grade steel. With its new box-like construction, the front becomes incredibly sturdy. So it absorbs the energy
of a low speed impact like a giant spring.
There is nothing hanging down underneath the truck except wheels. The new headlights are positioned higher
up where they are less likely to get damaged and best kept. Body panels are split rather than overlapping so that
any cosmetic damage is isolated.
And if you do manage to do any serious damage to the front, you’ll probably be able to replace the part yourself
as the screws are all visible and easily accessible. We’re pretty sure this is going to be popular with customers as
it offers savings and increases uptime.

The sturdy bumper. Push and pull 32 tonnes. Stronger headlamp with
It’s made of 3mm thick high grade steel, it’s The towing member is one piece of cast iron. protective mesh.
in three parts and the attachments are vis- It’s strong enough to hold up to 32 tonnes The attachments of the lights are sturdy
ible and easy to undo. The corner bumpers with its tow hook. And the fact that the tow- enough to safeguard the lamp bulbs from
now have the same exposed fasteners for ing member is exposed means you can use it vibrations and keep the lamp bodies in
easier replacement. Steel bumper is also like a ladder to climb up the front. Wherever place, even if you happen to bump into
covered by a thick polypropylene coat that you step you’ll find it’s solid, nothing is going something. A new headlight protection mesh
largely regains its form if damaged. to break or crack. A handle opens so that the protects the headlight from stone chipping,
towing pin can be accessed when needed. while keeping the illumination unaffected.

Sturdy mirror and brackets. Improved engine mounting. Cab mounting.

Robust rear-view mirrors with sturdier Four point engine mounting optimized to Four point coil suspension with shock
mountings withstand rough treatment, thus reduce road induced vibrations and improve absorbers with Vertical stroke of +/- 50 mm
also giving a steady image in the mirror. road handling. Rear engine mounting with to reduce the risk of bottoming out even in
more rubber increases insulation, improves the worst road conditions.
ride comfort and durability. Front engine
anchorages made of aluminium instead of
cast iron in order to save weight.

Reinforced bogie structure. New front suspension geometry.
Inverted Bogie suspension design provides New front parabolic leaf suspension design
equal load distribution between both rear- ensures that the leaves lie flush with each
forward and rear-rearward axles. Rubber- other only in the middle and at the ends.
journalled V-stays and reaction rods provide This ensures that friction between leaves is
better distribution of torsional load to the very low, thus giving a smooth and comfort-
Chassis. able ride without any bumps.
Rubber springs between the spring leaves The spring leaves are made from special
and axle, and two shock absorbers for the steel and are dimensioned so that the load
front driven axle contribute to less vibration is evenly distributed over each cross-section
of chassis and good comfort under all axle of the leaf. Front shock absorbers contrib-
loads. Rear stabilizer provides torsional rigid- ute to the less vibration of chassis. Front
ity to the chassis under rough terrain. stabilizer ensures better torsional rigidity
Rear bogie suspension is reinforced to during turning of the vehicle at speed.
better withstand high loads under tough
conditions. The bogie components reinforce-
ment includes cross-member, brackets on
both sides of the cross-member, bump stops,
bogie anchorages and V-stays.

Power for performance

Pure power and

generous torque
The Volvo D13A440 is a 440 hp, 12.8 litre in-line 6-cylinder engine with an overhead camshaft, 4 valves per
cylinder and unit injectors. The engine meets Euro 3 exhaust emission regulations. It is designed to ensure
excellent driving characteristics, high reliability and excellent fuel efficiency. The timing gear is located at the rear
of the engine, which reduces vibration. With a cylinder block and cylinder head made of cast iron, a strong base is
created for a dependable engine.
The Volvo D13A440 engine offers steady flow of power uphill and massive braking power down-hill and evens
out the gradients. The engine’s power is available virtually from idling speed, which ensures excellent starting
traction. This power stays with you throughout and maximum torque is available high up the rev range (2200Nm
at 1050-1400 rpm). A wide economic speed range of 1050-1600 r/min helps to get the maximum fuel efficiency.

The Volvo torque curve. Fuel efficiency built-in. VEB

You’ll feel it in the pedal. The optimised combustion chamber geom- Volvo’s famous engine brakes.
Excellent torque at low revs. An extremely etry. The fast and precise EMS-controlled Minimise wear on the brake pedal. Volvo’s
wide max torque range. Peak torque meets injection. The high gas-fill ratio. We could patented engine brakes produces impres-
peak power. Volvo’s leadership in diesel- go on listing what makes Volvo engines sive braking forces. Integrated with I-Shift
engine technology is clearly visible once hard to beat when it comes to fuel economy. and the cruise control, it makes a descent
you start comparing engine curves. You’ll Your bottom line will reap the benefits. So into the gravel pit or mine comfortable, with-
experience fast acceleration, excellent will the environment. out compromising safety or fuel economy.
pulling power, comfortable low-speed
handling and, not least, a fuel-efficient
and pleasurable ride at cruising speed.

Accurate engine manage- Gear driven camshaft Low exhaust and noise
ment through Volvo EMS Gear driven camshaft ensures emission
Volvo EMS provides precise and precise control over the unit injec- The D13A440 more than meets
efficient engine control. The tors and valve timing. The unit the demand for high performance
engine control module takes injectors are positioned vertically in conjunction with low exhaust
in data from several sensors, and centrally which provides ex- (Euro 3) and noise emissions. The
compares current readings with tremely fast, well controlled injec- crankshaft and camshaft have
stored parameters and adjusts tion and symmetrical distribution hydraulic vibration dampers which
fuel quantity and injection timing of the fuel in the combustion minimize noise and vibration – a
accordingly. chamber. particularly low noise is evident at
idling speed.

Dependable construction
and design
A strong engine foundation is formed
by a cylinder block and cylinder head
made of cast iron. The lower part of
the cylinder block has a steel rein-
forced ladder frame – this minimizes
vibration and increases rigidity. The
timing gear is located at the rear
of the engine which reduces the
number of components.

i-shift for mining

Shift to I-Shift
The new Volvo FMX comes fitted with I-Shift transmission AT2612D, which is a 12-speed electronically controlled
splitter and range-change transmission, installed with advanced software optimized for Mining operations. It
is characterized by a fast gear changing system featuring minimum interruption in torque delivery during gear
changing. Because the gearbox has such a large ratio span, it has capacity for both high starting traction and high
average speed.
Having the right ratio for the right speed at the right time is what the I-Shift transmission technology is all
about. By continuously monitoring the road gradient, vehicle speed, acceleration, torque demanded by the
particular road, weight, rolling and air resistance; the I-Shift can instantly predict and select the most appropriate
ratio for efficient utilization of the engine without driver intervention. In short, it knows when and where a shift
would be beneficial.
The smooth gear shifting on the other hand reduces the stress on the driveline and tires and hence increases
the life span of the drive units and reduces the maintenance cost.
And you always have the option of using the manual mode – perhaps if you want to be absolutely sure of
staying in the same gear through a patch of slippery terrain. It’s the best of both worlds for the driver – and the

Fast gear changing system with Driving program for optimum Strong and dependable
short torque interruption. efficiency. components.
I-Shift is a very flexible gear changing In Automatic mode, the driver can choose All the shafts, bearings and gears are sturdily
system. In Auto mode, gears change between the “Performance” and “Economy” dimensioned for high operating reliability
automatically even with the cruise control programmes. Gears are changed via a but- and long service life. A flange-mounted
engaged. In sensitive driving conditions, ton on the gear selector. This function offers CVU (Clutch Valve Unit) and integrated CCA
the driver can switch to the Manual mode different gear change strategies depending (Concentric Clutch Actuator) including posi-
that locks the current gear. In M, the driver on the road conditions. Economy mode pro- tion sensor replace the externally mounted
changes gear manually using a button vides good fuel economy. The “Performance” clutch cylinder.
integrated into the gear lever. Since clutch mode provides more aggressive gear chang-
operation is regulated by the gear chang- ing, and is used when extra engine power is
ing system, there is no clutch pedal. needed.

Fully sychronised manual transmission

Volvo FMX440 tipper is also offered with fully synchronized 14-speed splitter-range gearbox with cable controlled
shifting matched perfectly to the engine characteristics. Close and well balanced ratios make it easy for the truck
to climb steep gradients and facilitate smooth acceleration. Extreme low crawler ratio 16.41:1 improves startability
when hauling heavy loads in difficult driving conditions.

How it works.

It may seem strange. Beneath the

surface of I-Shift, the archetype
of modern transmissions hides an
old-school unsynchronised man-
ual gearbox. (Hence the compact
design and low internal losses.) But
of course there’s more to I-Shift than
that. The secret lies in the intelligent
electronic control unit. It’s responsible
for controlling the pneumatic system
that handles the clutch and shifts.
By constantly receiving informa-
tion about vehicle speed, accel-
eration, weight, road grade, torque
demand and more, it can carry out
every shift with extreme precision. It
also communicates closely with the
engine, which in turn adjusts revs
and engine-brake effect for fast and
comfortable shifting.

Eases your mind and Let I-Shift save you fuel. More productivity.
your left foot. The money will roll right in.
I-shift for Mining is installed with some
Driving I-Shift is a real pleasure. Without I-Shift is designed to save fuel. First of all, groundbreaking features which ensure
the clutch pedal, you can safely sit back the internal losses are low – actually lower high vehicle availability even in deep gradi-
and concentrate on the other two. I-Shift than on manual gearboxes. But it’s the ent or slushy road conditions. The features
uses its built-in intelligence to quickly and electronics that really make the difference. like Enhanced Performance (P+) mode,
automatically choose the right gear at all When driving in Economy mode, every gear Heavy Duty (HD) mode, Queue driving,
times. And the software provides shifting change is timed precisely, to let the engine Power launch etc. provides high torque to
skills that are impossible for even the best work at its most efficient rpm range. And the vehicle when required, thereby improv-
of drivers to match. Still, if you want to get then there’s I-Roll. It’s a unique feature ing productivity.
more involved, you can. The buttons on the used when driving downhill, automatically
shift selector allow you to step in and shift disengaging the engine to make use of
gear manually. the truck’s momentum instead of fuel. The
result? Up to 2% lower fuel consumption.

more load carrying capacity

Stronger for
more load
The new Volvo FMX offers increased load carrying capacity with a new 33
tonne rear tandem axle with 4 planetary gears on the hub. The front axle
design has been improved with 10 tonne hub bearing. Rear bogie & front
suspension is reinforced and redesigned to better withstand high loads
under tough conditions. With the improved axles and suspension, the new
Volvo FMX 440 8x4 is rated at 51 tonnes of Gross Vehicle Weight.

New 33 tonne rear axle. Strengthened front axles.

RTH3312 is tandem axle with hub reduc- Front axles of the New Volvo FMX have
tion approved for maximum axle loading of been strengthened at Hub. New 10 tonne
33 tonnes. Tandem drive offers excellent hub bearing is fitted on both the front
traction and superb pulling power. The axles, which enhances reliability of the
result is excellent get-you-there ability product under heavy load condition. Twin
and low tire wear. The reduction at hubs front axles combination of Volvo FMX 8x4
takes places at 4 planetary gears, giving is technically approved for 18 tonnes load.
more uniform and steady load distribution,
resulting in higher truck vehicle availability.

Stronger chassis. Mining tyres.

The chassis frame is made from high- 12-24 cross-ply mining tyres ensure
strength steel. Its front section is bent better footprint of the vehicle in rough
outwards to accommodate the cab and mining roads, while carrying heavy load. It
engine, and has the same material thick- also helps in improving the ground clear-
ness (8mm) in the web and the flanges. ance of the vehicle, to ensure unhindered
Frame is reinforced with 5mm thick inner operation in off-road applications.
liner, made from high-strength steel, which
runs from front of frame to end of frame.

increased productivity

Bigger body for

more capacity
With improved load carrying capacity and high horsepower engine, the volumetric capacity of the tipper body is
also improved to bring high productivity advantage to the customer.
The new Volvo FMX 440 8x4 tipper comes factory-fitted with 19.5 cu.m tipper body for overburden and
mineral application. The body comes in two variants – Rock Body (RB) and Exhaust Heated Body (EHB) for
materials with different moisture content. The higher capacity body enables the customer to get high productivity
without much brunt on the fuel efficiency. Ruggedness in-built in design and constructions ensures enhanced
life of the body under tough operating condition.

Steel welded High tensile wear Solid rock breakers.
construction. resistant steel. 6 nos. solid breakers reduces
All-steel welded construction Floor, sideboard and headboard impact load of material directly
low CG Body design provides made of high tensile wear passing onto the body floor.
necessary rigidity to the body for resistant steel provide longer
carrying heavy load. life to the body under the weary
operations of mines.

Designed for driver comfort

Spacious room for

stress free work
Despite being a tougher truck, everything inside the cab feels more inviting. Sitting in comfortable new driver’s
seat, the first thing that strikes you is the clean design – the new dash, steering wheel and instrument cluster. The
new, gently curved dash not only looks appealing; it’s designed for an ergonomic and comfortable driving position
with all buttons, instruments and storage within easy reach.
The instrument cluster puts vital information where the driver can see it at a glance, while less frequently used
controls are further away. A quick glance at the centre of the speedometer is enough to get key information about
gear, I-Shift mode, cruise control, auxiliary brakes and tachometer.
Raven is the colour of the dashboard. It is especially developed for the mining and construction environment,
because this colour is less sensitive to dirt.

New, modern and ergonomic New easy-glance instrument cluster. All at your thumb tips.
dashboard. The new instrument cluster has a contem- Keypads provided on steering for cruise
The new, gently curved dash not only looks porary design with easily read and under- control and navigation in information dis-
appealing. It’s designed for an ergonomic stood distinct graphics for a convenient play, allow you to keep a tight grip on the
and comfortable driving position, with all overview. Driver-related information has wheel - always. Stalk switches provided
controls, instruments and storage within a high and central position in the driver’s on steering for direction indicators, main
easy reach. view. All warnings and vital information are beam, windscreen wiping & washing,
shown in the Driver Information Display exhaust brake operation.
(DID) at the right of the instrument.

More knee space. A great position to be in. Electrical manually controlled

Steering column has been made sleeker The driver seat has a well-shaped seat climate unit.
in design to enhance the knee space for cushion and backrest. Thanks to its New electrical switches for climate control
driver, bringing more comfort to the driver. advanced ergonomic design, the driver gets allow the system to remember the settings
The mechanical mechanism of steering perfect support and seating comfort. Air- made in the climate control system when
lock has been replaced with electrical suspended seat variant provides even better the truck is switched off. When the truck
steering lock system, which is moved along comfort by offering automatic adjustment to starts next time it will have the same set-
with vehicle ignition switch to dashboard. the weight of the drive and wide variety of tings.
fore-aft adjustments.

Plenty of room for storage. Electronic control and ergonomic Electric parking brake.
There are plenty of places in interior and consideration. The parking brake activation is through an
exterior of the cab for keeping personal The gear shift control for I-Shift is through easy access electrical switch on the dash-
belonging like dash panel center section selector and lever integrated in the driver’s board. Automatically engaged at key-off,
storage, panel top tray etc. Extra storage seat for comfortable and safe operation. and automatically released when taking
space is also provided on cab exterior on When the vehicle is at a standstill, the gear off.
both driver and passenger side. lever can be folded forward to aid move-
ment inside the cab.


New lights
side turn

for the clear

Now you can really see the light in the tunnel. The main beam
powerful head-lights are improved and give a strong,
wide, smooth light with an extremely long range
making assignments more relaxed and much safer.

dipped beam

turn indicator
300 m

Leading main beam.

While driving in the dark, the Volvo FMX is a particularly good friend.
The headlights produce a powerful beam, providing you with an
early view on what is happening down the road. And, just as impor-
tant, other road users will see you.

Unique daytime
running light
LED strips, forming a unique
V-shape, shows that a Volvo
is approaching.


Safe as Volvo
Safety in Trucks means prevention of hazardous
incidents and reduction of any damage and trauma
that may occur. This means taking into account
the protection of the driver, passenger, cargo and
all road users in traffic. Safety is as always a Volvo
hallmark, Volvo is safer than other trucks. Yet more
safety features have been added.

Toughest tests in the world.

Volvo is the only truck manufacturer in the world to
conduct the extremely tough cab tests that we do
at our collision centre. All cabs meet the Swedish
cab strength standards - the toughest in the world.
In real life, the test is comparable to a crash at 80
km/h with a stationary truck, and suggests that the
driver too would survive the crash.

Best-in-class visibility. Anti-slip front footsteps. Electric parking brake.

The cab’s low position offers superior Fixed footstep with improved anti-slip The parking brake activation is through
close-up visibility. This is further enhanced function secures the best possible grip an easy-access switch on the dash. Also
by the new dashboard and the slim rear- in all weather conditions, for cleaning the the parking brake activates automatically
view mirrors. The redesigned head lamps windshield. An extra foldable footstep when the engine is turned off to ensure
offer enhanced light performance and further improves the climbing access on high degree of safety even if the driver
even better visibility. trucks. misses it.

DGMS Package
Out of the twenty requirements prescribed through DGMS Circular No. 05 dated 13th October 2010, fifteen are provided
as standard features in Volvo FMX. Following features can be offered as optional package based on customer requirement.

• Fire Suppression System • Proximity warning device • Rear Vision System • Load indicator & recorder
• Auto-dipping system (under development)

Volvo services

Support all the way

A world class truck needs to be backed up by world class services which will maximize operational efficiency. We
at Volvo Trucks continue to focus on ensuring that your Volvo Truck performs like a Volvo Truck with best-in-class
Vehicle Uptime, Fuel Efficiency & Driver Productivity. We believe in not merely protecting your investment but in
enhancing your operational profitability. Least to say, our services are as sophisticated as our truck’s cabin.

Country-wide Service Network Genuine Volvo Parts

Volvo has a comprehensive nation-wide network When you buy a new Volvo truck, you don’t just get a
of service and parts centres in India, comprising of big truck. You get a promise from Volvo – a promise
own (VPSC) as well as private dealerships (PSD). that encompasses Productivity, Uptime and Driver
The entire country is divided into 4 regions and each Safety. For the same reasons, you choose a Volvo truck,
region has one Hub Dealer which is fully equipped you should also choose Genuine Volvo Parts for service
with infrastructure tools, equipment and manpower. and repair. They are the best choice, simply because
There are dealerships apart from the Hub Dealer to they are the parts your Volvo truck is made of. And as
ensure service in close proximity to the customers. Site you trust Volvo to build the best trucks, you can always
support is provided at the remotest locations and is trust Genuine Volvo Parts. Each Genuine Volvo Part
managed by site support dealerships. Sub dealers are is manufactured according to the exact specifications,
the extension of the the private service dealers located material, dimensions and tolerances as the part it is
at distant places within their area of operation. replacing. Therefore the new part must also work in
Container workshops are deployed at select sites to parallel with the surrounding components, minimizing
offer comprehensive service at the door step of the the risk for operational disturbances.
customer. Volvo genuine parts are the key cornerstone for
delivering higher uptime as it clearly provides following
– Better Quality
– Higher Reliability
– Better Availability
– Flexibility of inventory and logistics management
– Promised Warranty
– Higher life and performance.



PSD 10








Genuine Volvo Lubricants Key Advantages:
Genuine Volvo Lubricants are a guarantee for maintaining – More hours available for truck operations
your truck’s performance and better uptime. They are – Customized service offerings best suited to your
specially tested for Volvo Trucks and meet the stringent business needs
requirements for safety and quality. Volvo has its own – Protection from the unexpected cost
quality norm - Volvo Drain Specification (VDS), to – Know your cost today and in the future
ensure optimum engine performance and protection.
It also ensures longer service intervals which reduce Our prevailing agreements are further enhanced
maintenance costs of the vehicle. It enhances the life of with new offerings spanning from dedicated Uptime
aggregates, thereby preventing frequent stops and ensure support, customized Service Value Packs to managing
better uptime. Volvo Genuine Lubricant barrels ensure right an entire fleet through Fleet Management services.
quality and quantity manufactured for exact specification.
Fleet Management:
Service Agreements With the launch of new trucks, we have scrupulously
With Volvo service contracts, you are ensuring the designed the latest Offerings that would gallop the
best care for your Trucks, which will keep your truck service experiences felt so far to an all new level. Our
to continue perform like a world-class truck. All our endeavour to constantly raise the horizon of Service
services are done by certified technicians to ensure support has resulted in factory-fitted Dynafleet solutions,
quality and all work is done when it suits you, to cause hassle-free insurance, collision restorative services and
minimal disruption to your operations. Apart from driver advisories.
adding value to your business, service contracts have
a positive effect on costs. You get better control and Uptime Support:
save time and money on administration. A properly The mining industry is moving high volumes at optimal
serviced truck runs more fuel-efficiently. All this lowers costs. With increasing customer demand on trucks to
the total cost of ownership and reduces your burden – endure in dusty environment, tougher terrains, higher
so you can focus on growing your business. payloads, faster turnaround time along with improved
driver comfort & safety, we at Volvo have integrated
uptime in the core of our service offerings.

Service Value Packs:

Our tailor-made service pack is made to suit variety of
customer requirements across industry. We are privileged
to enable our customers to choose the right service for
their business need; whether it’s preventive maintenance,
driveline coverage, cashless insurance, door step parts
availability or offering the ease of fleet monitoring

Competence development

Making good drivers

Driver Training & Competence Development
Providing state-of-the-art trucks is only a part of the transport solution. Customers must get the best output from
the vehicles and higher return on the investment. Volvo Driver Training center offers various training programs
to help customer improve profitability. The center helps understand the importance of the link between high
performance trucks and the drivers, mechanics and fleet managers. It also helps better understanding of vehicles,
maintenance practices and efficient operation, which goes a long way in improving safety, uptime and higher
productivity throughout the life-cycle of the vehicle. Training helps in fuel saving, safety and higher profitability.
Volvo training programs give special importance to driving practices and routine maintenance that helps in
achieving higher fuel efficiency in the most demanding off-road applications. Our new Value Program on fuel
economy helps to create awareness among the drivers on the importance of saving fuel, features available in
the trucks to improve fuel efficiency and appropriate driving practices. It also offers operational consulting to
customers through regular feedback on site conditions & operating practices that influence fuel economy.

Telematics solution

Dynafleet Online
Dynafleet is Volvo Trucks online Transport Information System for improved profitability. Customer can see in real
time their vehicles’ performance data that are critical to have control on their fleet. In addition, Dynafleet shows
the areas of improvement to support profitability in the long run. By providing clear and accurate information, the
system makes it easier to make the right decisions. And customer can access this information anywhere, also
outside the office, from any standard PC and device with an internet connection
The new Volvo FMX comes enabled for Dynafleet Online service of ‘Fuel & Environment’. The Fuel &
Environment service saves customers time and effort in analyzing vehicle data – and helps find ways to cut fuel
cost. Customer simply has to sign-up for the service and stay connected by paying monthly/annual subscription

Fuel & Environment
The Fuel & Environment service provides you all the critical information related to
vehicles’ performance. It also saves you time and effort analyzing vehicle data - and
helps you find ways to cut both fuel costs. Through the various reports, both potential
savings and progress over time can be made visible in just seconds.

BR-New FMX 440 8X4R-19.5RB_1444

Lakeview Building, 2nd Floor, 66/1, Bagmane Techpark, Bangalore 560 093. Ph: 080 6691 4500, Fax: 080 6691 4800

For more information contact

Follows us on:

New Delhi: 401, 4th Floor, Salcon Aurum, Plot No. 4, Jasola District Centre, Jasola, New Delhi 110 025. Telephone: 011 4065 6700 - 03, Fax: 011 4065 6707
Raipur: # 505 - 506, Mangeto Offizo, Labhandi, GE Road, Raipur - 492 010, Chhattisgarh, Telephone: 0771 404 5449, Fax: 0771 404 5449
Bangalore: Lakeview Building, Block A, No. 66/1, 2nd Floor, Bagmane Tech park, CV Raman Nagar, Bangalore 560 093 Telephone: 080 66914500, Fax: 080 41867020
Mumbai: 205 - 208, B- Wing, Floral Deck Plaza, MIDC Central Road, Andheri (E), Mumbai 400 093. Telephone: 022 28345020, 28344293 / 28344266, Fax: 022 28344263
Ahmedabad: D-706, Ganesh Meridian, Opp Gujrat High Court, S.G.Highway, Ahmedabad - 380061. Telephone +919099081669
Kolkatta: 7A/1A, Middleton Street, Gooptu Court – 2nd Floor, Kolkata – 700071 Telephone: 033 22810794 / 95 / 22808241, Fax 033 22831767
Hyderabad: 404, Prajay Corporate House, Chikoti Gardens, Begumpet, Hyderabad – 500 016 Telephone: 040 40200929, Fax: 040 66482674

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