Pharmacology - Repro (EDITED)
Pharmacology - Repro (EDITED)
Pharmacology - Repro (EDITED)
Gonadal hormones and antagonists (p. 703 & 705)
Anabolic steroids (p. 705): Preparation, basis for use, misuse
Hormonal contraception (p. 710):
Types, mechanism of action, pharmacological action, uses, choice of preparation, adverse effects,
Oxytocics (p. 714) and Tocolytics (p. 716):
Mechanism of action, uses, adverse effects
Medication during pregnancy and lactation (p. 721):
Examples of safe drugs
Drugs causing teratogenicity and its categories (p. 722)
Types of damage to fetus and its prevention
Sexually transmitted diseases (p. 719):
Preparation of choice
Antiviral agents (p. 717):
GONADAL HORMONES AND iv. Testosterone propionate + testosterone phenyl
ANTAGONISTS propionate +testosterone isocaproate- i.m.
Male Gonadal Hormones/ Androgens Uses:
i. Testicular failure
Past Questions:
- Primary (in children)
1. Write the pharmacological basis for the use of:
- Secondary (in later life)
a. Anabolic steroid in renal failure (3) [01 June]
ii. Hypopituitarism
b. Use of Danazol (3) [02 June]
iii. AIDS related muscle washing
c. Anabolic steroids(3) [11 July]
iv. Hereditary angioneurotic edema
d. Use of anabolic steroids in renal failure
v. Ageing
(3) [04 June]
2. Short notes:
i. Carcinoma of prostate
a. Anabolic steroids (3) [06 June]
ii. Carcinoma of male breast
b. Danazol (3) [10 Jan, 04 June, 03 Dec, 03 June]
iii. Liver and kidney disease
c. Anabolic steroids (3) [10 Jan, 03
iv. Pregnancy
June,01 Dec]
v. Congestive cardiac failure, epilepsy and
migraine –used with caution.
1. Natural:
Adverse effects:
a. Testicular androgens: (Potent)
i. Testosterone
VIIhair, voice change and
i. Virilization, excess body
menstrual irregularities in women
ii. Dihydrotestosterone ii. Acne in both sexes
b. Adrenal androgens: (least patent) iii. Oligozoospermia(due to feedback inhibition of
i Dehydroepiandrosterone(DHEA) FSH)
ii. Androstenedione iv. Precocious puberty and short stature due to
c. Metabolite of testosterone: (lesser potent) early closure of epiphyses if given to children
i. Androsterone v. High doses causes edema
2. Synthetic: (given orally) vi. Cholestatic jaundice especially with
a. Methyl testosterone 17- alkyl substituted methyltestosterone & fluoxymesterone and
b. Fluoxymesterone derivatives of testosterone anabolic steroids.
c. Testosterone undecanoate vii. Hepatic carcinoma
d. Mesterolone viii. Gynaecomastia
Preparations of Androgens: ix. Lowering of HDL and rise in LDL levels.
i. Testosterone (free)-i.m. Impeded androgens/antiandrogens:
ii. Testosterone propionate- i.m. Classification:
iii. Testosterone propionate + testosterone i. GnRH agonists- Leuprolide, Nafarelin,
enanthate- i.m. Buserelin, Doserelin
ii. GnRH antagonists- Cetrorelix, Ganirelix
iii. Androgen synthesis inhibitor – Ketoconazole
- It suppresses gonadal function directly as well i. Catabolic states – In cases of acute illness,
as by inhibiting steroidogenic enzymes. severe trauma & major surgery
Uses: ii. Bone marrow stimulation (as they help in
i. Endometriosis erythropoiesis) in case of hypoplastic &
ii. Menorrhagia hemolytic anemia and leukemia
v. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura v. Kidney failure (as they reduce urea production
which is to be filtered out from kidney)
vi. Symptomatic fibroid
vi. To enhance physical ability in athletes.
vii. Precocious puberty
vii. Osteoporosis.
- Hypoestrogenic - decreased size of breast, FEMALE GONADAL HORMONES
decreased libido, atrophic vaginitis, hot flushes,
Past Questions:
1. Enumerate the drugs used in anovulation related
- Androgenic - Acne, weight gain & edema,
female sub-fertility. Write down about the
hirsutism, deepening of voice
mechanism of action and adverse effect of
- Metabolic - Elevation of LDL, total cholesterol,
clomiphene citrate. [2+2+1=5] [13 July]
reduction of HDL
2. Pharmacological basis and use of: (3)
Anabolic steroids/Anabolic androgenic
a. Mifepristone is used to terminate
steroids (AAS): [11,10,04,03,02,01]
early pregnancy.
- They are the synthetic androgens with higher
(3) [11July, 07 June, 04 June, 02
anabolic and lower androgenic activity i.e.
Dec(2)] VII
anabolic to androgenic ratio is greater than 1.
b. Clomiphene citrate is used in
Drugs are:
disorder of ovulation in patients wishing to be
Nandrolone pregnant.
Oxymetholone (2) [02 Dec]
Stanazolol c.Using clomiphene for sterility
Methandienone [10 July, 04 June, 02June]
- Anabolic activity is observed by the following d. Estrogen in hormone replacement
physiological action: therapy (HRT) [04Dec]
a. Rapid bone growth, both in length and girth e. Tamoxifen in cancer breast (4)
b. Muscle building [09 Jan]
c. Positive nitrogen balance 3. Write short Note on: (3)
d. Retention of water and minerals (Na, K, Ca, a. Adverse effects of oestrogens [03 Dec]
P, S) - increase body weight b. Contraindication of oestrogen [05 Dec]
e. Improving appetite. c. Clomiphene citrate [05 June]
ADRs: d. Tamoxifen [01 Dec]
- Both anabolic and androgenic effects are Estrogens:
mediated through the same receptors, thus
adverse effects are similar to testosterone.
1. Natural:
- Yuzpe method Two tablets are taken within - Non contraceptive benefits are reduction of
72 hours of intercourse and after 12 hours, two risk of iron-deficiency anemia, endometriosis
more tablets are repeated. and salpingitis.
- Mifepristone 600mg is taken single dose within Centchroman:
72 hours of intercourse. - Non steroidal anti-estrogenic compound used
ADRs: as once-a-week contraceptive pill.
- In ‘Yuzpe’ method, nausea & vomiting. So, - It acts by preventing implantation of fertilised
prophylactically, 1 hour before the
administration of pills, antiemetic Advantages:
(metoclopramide) is taken. - No usual side effects of hormonal
- No any adverse effects in other regimes.
- Menstrual cycle not disturbed.
Injectable contraceptives: [08]
Past Questions:
a. Depot medroxy progesterone acetate (DMPA)
150mg at 3 month intervals given i.m. Oxytocics:
b. Norethindrone (Norethisterone) enanthate 1. Compare and contrast the effect of ergometrine
(NET-EN) 200 mg at 2 months interval given and oxytocin of uterus (6, 3) [03 Dec, 01
i.m. June]
c. Medroxy progesterone acetate (MPA) + 2. Name the drug of choice in the following
estradiol cypionate i.m. inj. every month.
condition giving reason: (32=6) [04 Dec]
Mechanism of action:
a. Postpartum Haemorrhage (PPH)
i. Inhibits ovulation by suppressing the mid cycle
LH peak. b. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB)
ii. Cervical mucus becomes thick and viscid, 3. The danger of misused oxytoxin (3) [02 June]
thereby preventing sperm penetration. 4. Short notes: (3)
iii. Endometrium is atrophic preventing blastocyst a. Oxytocin [08 July, 04 June]
implantation. b. Contraindications of oxytocin [06 June]
Disadvantages on use:
c. Ergometrine [10 July, 05 June]
i. Breast cancer risk is slightly increased in
d. Indications of ergometrine [05 Dec]
women <35years.
ii. Menstrual irregularities, excessive bleeding or 5. Pharmacologicalbasis and use of: (3)
amenorrhea are very common. a. Oxytocin is used for induction of labour
iii. Return of fertility after discontinuation is [10 Jan, 08 Jan, 05 Dec, 05 June, 04 Dec, 04 June,
usually delayed for several months (4- 01 Dec]
8months). b. Oxytocin in therapy [08 Jan, 05 June]
iv. Loss of bone mineral density & hot flushes (due
c. Ergometrine in post-partum haemorrhage
to low estrogen caused by Gn suppression by
negative feedback of progestin) [07 June]
v. Over weight Tocolytics: (3)
vi. Headache 1. Pharmacological basis and use of:
Advantages: a. Use of Tocolytics [02 June]
- Similar to ‘POP’ and b. Tocolytics in therapy [08 Jan, 01 Dec]
These are the drugs which increase uterine Low concentration allows normal relaxation
motility, especially at term. in between contractions, thus fetal
Classification: oxygenation does not suffer.
1. Posterior pituitary hormone Lower segment is spared i.e., not
contracted thus fetal descent is not
– Oxytocin, Desamino oxytocin
2. Amine Ergot alkaloids
Also uterine contraction are consistently
– Ergometrine, Methylergometrine
increased so therapy won’t fail.
3. Prostaglandins
- Labour is mainly induced in
– Misoprostol, PGE2, PGF2 Post maturity
4. Miscellaneous
Prematurely in case of toxemia of
– Ethacridine, Quinine. pregnancy, ruptured membranes or diabetic
Oxytocin: [10, 08, 05, 04, 02, 01] mother
Mechanism of action:
In Uterus: ii. Uterine inertia:
- Oxytocin combines with specific G-protein - When uterine contractions are feeble and
coupled oxytocin receptors which mediate the labour is not progressing satisfactorily -
response mainly by depolarization of muscle oxytocin is infused to augment contraction
fibres and influx of Ca2+ ions as well as through because of above mentioned reasons.
phospho-inositide hydrolysis and IP3 mediated iii. Breast engorgement:
intracellular release of Ca2+ ions, and causes - This may occur due to inefficient milk ejection
uterine contraction. reflex; oxytocin effectively contracts
- Also, oxytocin increases PG synthesis and myoepithelial cells of alveoli of lactiferous
release by the endometrium which may ducts to eject milk. VII
contribute to contractile response. iv. Post-partum hemorrhage:
In breast: - Especially in women in whom ergometrine is
contraindicated, oxytocin immediately injected
- Oxytocin contracts myoepithelial cells of
will check post-partum hemorrhage by helping
mammary alveoli and forces milk into bigger
in uterine contraction as contraction of uterine
milk sinusoids & thus ejects milk as a result of
muscles compresses blood vessels and arrests
suckling reflex from infant. hemorrhage.
Uses: B. Diagnostic:
A. Therapeutic: - Oxytocin challenge test
i. Induction of labour: - Contraction stress test.
Dangers: [07]
[10, 08, 05, 04, 02, 01]
A. Maternal:
- Slow i.v. infusion of oxytocin can be given for i. Uterine hyperstimulation: Excessive duration of
induction of labour because: uterine contraction or increased frequency of
It has short half-life and its slow i.v. infusion contraction causing reduced placental blood
can control intensity of action and action flow.
can be quickly terminated. ii. Uterine rupture
Oxytocin increases force and frequency of iii. Water intoxication due to its antidiuretic action
uterine contractions iv. Hypotension
v. Soft tissue injury due to overt contraction of - Due to the following reasons oxytocin is preferred
uterus. over the ergometrine for induction of labour:
B. Fetal: Oxytocin Ergometirne
- Fetal distress
- Uterus is contracted - Uterus is contracted
- Fetal hypoxia for shorter duration for longer duration
- Fetal death of time due to its due to its longer half
Amine- ergot alkaloids: [10,05,04] shorter half-life. life.
Mechanism of action: - There occurs normal - No normal relaxation
- They increase force, frequency and duration of relaxation between between
uterine contraction. contractions. contractions.
They act directly on the myometrium
stimulating uterine contraction which comes
- Lower segment is - Whole of uterus is
so frequently one after another with increasing
intensity that uterus passes into a state of not contracted contracted.
spasm without any relaxation in between. - Force and frequency - Force and frequency
Uses: of contraction is of contraction is
i. Post-partum hemorrhage: [04, 07] less. more.
- Ergometrine produces sustained tonic Tocolytics [10,08,05,02,01]
uterine contraction causing compression of These are drugs which decrease uterine motility.
perforating uterine arteries and then arrest Classification:
of hemorrhage. i. Adrenergic agonists:
- It also contracts lower uterine segment, Ritodrine
thus bleeding from that segment is too
controlled. VII
ii. After Caesarean section/instrumental delivery
to prevent uterine atony ii. Calcium channel blockers
iii. To ensure normal involution of uterus in post- Nifedipine
partum period Niscadipine
Contraindications: [05] Verapamil
i. Patients with vascular disease, hypertension iii. Prostaglandin synthesis inhibitor
and toxemia Indomethacin.
ii. Presence of sepsis – as it may cause gangrene iv. Magnesium sulphate
iii. Liver and kidney diseases v. Nitric oxide (NO) donors: GTN
iv. Before 3 stage of labour and during vi. Oxytocin antagonists
pregnancy vii. Progesterone
ADRs: Mechanism of action of Tocolytics:
- Nausea & vomiting - Relaxation of uterine muscle by:
- Rise in BP i. Decreasing intracellular Ca2+ concentration
- Decreased milk secretion as inhibit prolactin CCBs & MgSO4
Effect of oxytocin and ergometrine on ii. Reducing effect of Ca2+ on muscle: MgSO4
uterus: [03, 01]
iii. Indirectly by inhibiting:
3. Chlamydia trachomatis
- Nonspecificurethritis - Azithromycin 1g oral single - Erythromycin 500mg QID
dose OR oral7days
Doxycycline 100mg BD oral
- Lymphogranuloma - Azithromycin 1.0mg oral - Erythromycin 500mg QID oral
The placenta does not strictly constitute a barrier iii. Growth and development-(56 days onwards)-
and any drug can cross it to a greater or lesser developmental and functional abnormalities
extent. can occur e.g.-Hypoplasia of organs, especially
The embryo is one of the most dynamic biological lungs & kidneys, premature closure of ductus
systems and in contrast to adults, drug effects are arteriosus.
often irreversible. Type of malformation depends
on drugs as well as the stage of exposure.
Teratogenic drugs can affect the fetus at 3 stages:
i. Fertilization & implantation (conception to
17days) failure of pregnancy which often
goes unnoticed.
ii. Organogenesis (18-55days of gestation)
most vulnerable period, deformities are
The US-FDA has graded the documentation of risk for causing birth defects into five categories as follows:
Category Examples
A - Adequate studies in pregnant women have - Inj. Mag. Sulfate, thyroxine
No risk failed to demonstrate a risk to the foetus
B - Adequate human studies are lacking, but - Penicillin V, amoxicillin, cofactor,
No evidence of animal studies have failed to demonstrate a erythromycin, paracetamol,
risk in human
risk to the foetus. OR lidocaine
- Adequate studies in pregnant women have
failed to demonstrate a risk to the foetus,
but animal studies have shown an adverse
effect on the foetus.
C - No adequate studies in pregnant women and - Morphine, codeine, atropine,
Risk cannot be animal studies are lacking or have shown an corticosteroids, adrenaline,
ruled out adverse effect on foetus, but potential thiopentone, bupivacaine
benefit may warrant use of the drug in
pregnant women despite potential risk.
D Benefit may - There is evidence of human foetal risk, but - Aspirin, phenytoin, carbamazepine,
outweigh the potential benefits from use of the drug valproate, lorazepam,
potential risk may be acceptable despite the potential risk. methotrexate
X - Studies in animals or humans have - Estrogens, isotretinoin,
Contraindicated demonstrated fetal abnormalities, and ergometrine, thalidomide
potential risk clearly outweighs possible
Examples of Teratogenicity effects caused due to various drugs
Drugs Abnormality
- Thalidomide Phocomelia and other multiple defects
s (valproate &
- Phenytoin Left lip/palate, microcephaly and hypoplastic phalanges
- Tetracyclines Discolored and deformed teeth, retarded bone growth
- Anti-cancer Cleft palate, hydrocephalus, multiple defects and fetal death
- Androgens Virilization, limb, esophageal and cardiac effects
- Progestin Virilization of female fetus
- Stilboestrol Vaginal carcinoma in teenage female offsprings
- Corticosteroids Intrauterine growth retardation, fetal adrenal suppression
- Narcotics Depression of CNS-apnea, bradycardia & hypothermia.
Prevention of teratogenic effects of drugs in - Domperidone - Promethazine,
pregnancy: dicyclomine
- Where possible using non drug therapy - Lansoprazole - Metoclopramide
- Prescribing drugs only when definitely needed - Morphine - Ranitdine
- Choosing the drug having the best safety - Fluroquinolones - Lactulose
record over time - Tetracycline - Paracetamol
- Avoiding newer drugs, unless safety is clearly - Chloramphenicol - Chlorpheniramine
- Streptomycin - Penicillins &
- Avoiding medication in the initial 10 weeks of
gestation as far as possible cephalosporins
- Using lowest effective dose - Tinidazole - Erythromycin
- Using drugs for shortest period necessary - Quinine - Isoniazid &Rifampicin
- Using drugs intermittently, if possible. - Albendazole - Chloroquine
Drugs related to pregnancy - Diethyl - Diloxanide furoate
Drugs Drugs safe to use during carbamazine
contraindicated pregnancy - Ketoconazole - Piperazine
during pregnancy - Amphotericin B - Zidovudine, Lamivudine
11. Lamivudine is deoxycytidine analogue and inhibits both HIV reverse transcriptase as well as
hepatitis B virus DNA polymerase.
12. Frequency of spontaneous as well as drug induced malformations, especially neural tube defects,
may be reduced by folate therapy during pregnancy.
13. Fetal alcohol syndrome is characterized by triad of CNS defects, facial defects and growth
14. The side effects of testosterone and its analogue are oligozoospermia (due to feedback inhibition)
and gynaecomastia.
15. Ketoconazole is androgen synthesis inhibitor.