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San Beda University College of Law Course Syllabus

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College of Law



COURSE TITLE:                               TRANSPORTATION LAW

COURSE CREDIT:                            2 UNITS


FACULTY:                                        VICE DEAN RISEL CASTILLO-TALEON

EMAIL ADDRESS:                 






A detailed evaluation of general concepts, basic rules and laws that apply to all types of transportation
by land, water and air.

COURSE GOALS: Expected College of Law Graduate Attributes (ELGAs)

Know and understand the laws, memorize provisions critical and analytical thinking, effective in written
and oral communication, logical reasoning, and sound judgment, exercise of proper professional and
ethical responsibilities


1. Knowledge/Remembering: define, list, recognize

2. Comprehension/Understanding: describe, explain, identify, recognize

3. Application/Applying: choose, demonstrate, implement, perform

4. Analysis/Analyzing: analyze, categorize, compare, differentiate

5. Evaluation/Evaluating: assess, critique, evaluate, rank, rate

6. Synthesis/Creating: construct, design, formulate, organize, synthesize

Upon completion of the Course Title course, the student is expected to be able to:

Expected College of Law

Graduate Attributes LEARNING OUTCOMES (LOs)

Critical and analytical

thinking LO1. Explain how law is created and enforced by executive, legislative, and
regulatory bodies during class recitation and discussion.
Effective in written and
LO2. Analyze the practical and policy implications of current and proposed
oral communication
statutes, regulations, judicial rulings, legal arguments, and strategies in
Logical reasoning preparing a Legal Case.

LO3. Assess client concerns and translating them into responsive legal
Sound judgment
arguments and strategies.
Exercise of proper LO4. Utilize legal research tools to gather information that aids in the
professional and ethical analysis of legal issues in submitting the Research Paper.


The student will be graded according to the following:

Scope of (Weight is based on
Requirements (Based on the Learning Outcomes)
Work (Individual) the importance of
  the LO)

LO1      Class recitations, Quizzes, Case Digests, Individual  

LO2        and discussion Individual  

LO3   Individual  

LO4  - - Research Paper, Case Study    


Class standing before Midterms Individual 16.67%

Midterm Exams Individual 16.67%

Class Standing after Midterms Individual 33.33%

Final  Exams Individual 33.33%

TOTAL   100


Design or the structure of the course that includes content/topics to be covered; learning resources to be
used; weekly schedule of the topics to be taken up; and the learning methods to be utilized that are most
likely to lead students towards the goals and learning outcomes that were defined.

Week/ methods
RESOURCES (activities
TOPIC/CONTENT (Schedule of designed or
(print and non-
each Topic, deployed by
(arrangement or sequence of the major topics is based on print materials
Assign, the teacher to
a logical order) and online/
Exam for bring about,
the entire or create the
semester) conditions for


Module 1:      


I.        Preliminary Considerations ·  Syllabus [Week 1] Ÿ  Recitation

a.      Governing Laws ·  Textbook Aug. 24-29, Ÿ  Case study

2020 & reporting
                      i.     Civil Code ·  Supreme
Court   Ÿ 
                     ii.     Warsaw Convention
Decisions Discussion/lec
                   iii.     Code of Commerce ture

                   iv.     Carriage of Goods by Sea Act Ÿ  Quiz

                     v.     Salvage Law  

                   vi.     Public Service Act

                 vii.     Article XII, Sec. 11 of the Constitution on

the operation of public utilities

b.     Concept of Public Utility & Public Service (Sec. 13,

Public Service Act)

c.      Constitutional Limitations on operation of Public

Utilities (Art. XII, 1987 Constitution)

d.     Regulatory Agencies

e.      Concept of Franchise and Certificate of Public



1.     National Development Company vs. CA, G.R. No. L-

Week/ methods
RESOURCES (activities
TOPIC/CONTENT (Schedule of designed or
(print and non-
each Topic, deployed by
(arrangement or sequence of the major topics is based on print materials
Assign, the teacher to
a logical order) and online/
Exam for bring about,
the entire or create the
semester) conditions for

49407, August 19, 1998;

2.     Tatad vs. Sec. Garcia, G.R. No. 114222, April 16, 1995;

3.     Radio Communication of the Phils, Inc v. NTC, G.R. No.

L-68729, May 29, 1987;

4.     Luzon Stevedoring v. Public Service Commission, G.R.

No. L-5458, September 16, 1953;

5.     San Pablo v. Pantranco G.R. No. L-61461, August 21,


6.     Manzanal v. Ausejo, G.R. No. L-31056 August 4, 1988,

7.     Cogeo-Cubao Operator’s and Driver’s Association v.

CA, G.R. No. 100727 March 18, 1992;

8.     KMU Labor Center v. Garcia, G.R. No. 115381

December 23, 1994;

9.     PAL v. CAB, G.R. No. 119528, March 26, 1997.


Module 2:      

    [Weeks 2  
and 3]
II.      General Concepts ·  Syllabus Ÿ  Recitation
Aug. 31-
a.      Contract of Transportation in General ·  Textbook Ÿ  Case study
Sept. 12,
& reporting
b.     Perfection ·  Supreme 2020
Court Ÿ 
Week/ methods
RESOURCES (activities
TOPIC/CONTENT (Schedule of designed or
(print and non-
each Topic, deployed by
(arrangement or sequence of the major topics is based on print materials
Assign, the teacher to
a logical order) and online/
Exam for bring about,
the entire or create the
semester) conditions for

c.      Common Carrier Decisions   Discussion/lec

                      i.     statutory definition (Art. 1732, NCC)  
Ÿ  Quiz
                     ii.     distinguished from private carrier

                   iii.     distinguished from towage, arrastre and


                   iv.     tests to determine common carrier

                     v.     parties to the contract of carriage

d.     Registered Owner Rule and Kabit System


1.     Spouses Dante Cruz and Leonora Cruz vs. Sun

Holidays, Inc., G.R. No. 186312, June 29, 2012;

2.     A.F Sanchez Brokerage, Inc. vs. CA, G.R. No. 147079,
December 21, 2004;

3.     Crisostomo vs. CA, August 25, 2003, G.R. No. 138334;

4.     De Guzman vs. CA, G.R. No. L-47822, December 12,


5.     First Phil. Industrial Corp. vs. CA, G.R. No. 125948,
December 29, 1998;

6.     Erezo vs. Jepte, G.R. No. L-9605, September 30, 1957;

7.     Lim vs. CA, G.R. No. 125817, January 16, 2002;

8.     Lita Enterprises vs. IAC, G.R. No. L-54593, April 27,
Week/ methods
RESOURCES (activities
TOPIC/CONTENT (Schedule of designed or
(print and non-
each Topic, deployed by
(arrangement or sequence of the major topics is based on print materials
Assign, the teacher to
a logical order) and online/
Exam for bring about,
the entire or create the
semester) conditions for

9.     Teja Marketing vs. IAC, G.R. No. L-65510, March 9,


10.  Nostradamus Villanueva vs. Domingo, G.R. No.

144274, September 20, 2004;

11.  Spouses Hernandez et al vs. Spouses Dolor et al, GR

No. 160286, July 30, 2004;

12.  FEB Leasing and Finance Corporation (now BPI Leasing

Corp.) vs. Sps. Sergio P. Baylon and Maritess Villena
Baylon, et al., G.R. No. 181398, June 29, 2011;

13.  Spouses Teodoro and Nanette Perena v. Spouses

Nicolas and Teresita L. Zarate, G.R. No. 157917, August 29,

14.  Baliwag Transit Corporation v. Court of Appeals, G.R.

No. 80447, January 31, 1989;

15.  British Airways Inc. v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No.

92288, February 9, 1993;

16.  Dangwa Transportation Co., Inc. v. Court of Appeals

G.R. No. 95582, October 7, 1991;

17.  Light Rail Transit Authority v. Navidad G.R. No.

145804, February 6, 2003;

18.  Asia Lighterage and Shipping Inc. v. Court of Appeals;

G.R. No. 147246, August 19, 2003;

19.  First Philippine Industrial Corp. v. Court of Appeals,

G.R. No. 125948, December 29, 1998;

20.  Planters Products Inc. v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No.

101503, September 15, 1993;
Week/ methods
RESOURCES (activities
TOPIC/CONTENT (Schedule of designed or
(print and non-
each Topic, deployed by
(arrangement or sequence of the major topics is based on print materials
Assign, the teacher to
a logical order) and online/
Exam for bring about,
the entire or create the
semester) conditions for

21.  Fabre. v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 111127 July 26,


22.  Bascos v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 101089, April 7,


23.  FGU Insurance Corp. v. Sarmiento Trucking Corp., G.R.

No. 141910, August 6, 2002;

24.  Cargolift Shipping, Inc. v. L. Acuario Marketing Corp.

G.R. No. 146426;

25.  Santos v. Sibug, G.R. No. L-26815, May 26, 1981

26.  PCI Leasing and Finance Inc. v. Court of Appeals, G.R.

No. 162267, July 4, 2008; and

27.  Lim v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 125817, January 16,



Module 3:      


III.    Obligations of the Common Carrier in a Contract of ·  Syllabus [Weeks 4 Ÿ  Recitation

Carriage of Goods and 5]
·  Textbook Ÿ  Case study
a.      Degree of care over the goods Sept. 14-26, & reporting
·  Supreme
                      i.     Duty to exercise extraordinary Court Ÿ 
diligence (Arts. 1733, cf 363, 364 & 365) Decisions   Discussion/lec
Week/ methods
RESOURCES (activities
TOPIC/CONTENT (Schedule of designed or
(print and non-
each Topic, deployed by
(arrangement or sequence of the major topics is based on print materials
Assign, the teacher to
a logical order) and online/
Exam for bring about,
the entire or create the
semester) conditions for

                     ii.     Presumption of Negligence (Art. 1735)   Ÿ  Quiz

                   iii.     Duration of liability (Art. 1736)  

                   iv.     Defenses available to common  

carriers (Arts. 1734, 1739, 1740, 1742 & 1743)
·     Fortuitous event (Art. 1739)

·     Public enemy (Art. 1739)

·     Improper packing (Art.1742)

·     Order by public authority (Art. 1743)

                     v.     Contributory negligence of the

shipper (Art.1741)

                   vi.     Stipulations limiting the liability of a

carrier (Arts.1744, 1748, 1749 & 1750)

·     Requisites for validity (Arts.1744 & 1751)

·     Invalid stipulations (Art.1745)

·     Effect of Delay (Art.1747)

·     Rule on the presumption of negligence despite

stipulation (Art.1752)

b.     Other obligations

c.      Duty to accept the goods

                      i.     Grounds for a valid refusal to accept goods

d.     Duty to deliver the goods   

Week/ methods
RESOURCES (activities
TOPIC/CONTENT (Schedule of designed or
(print and non-
each Topic, deployed by
(arrangement or sequence of the major topics is based on print materials
Assign, the teacher to
a logical order) and online/
Exam for bring about,
the entire or create the
semester) conditions for

                      i.     Time of Delivery

                     ii.     Consequences of delay (Arts.1740 & 1747)

                   iii.     Place of Delivery

                   iv.     To whom delivery shall be made (Arts.

1240, et seq.)


1.     Ganzon v. Court of Appeals G.R. No. L-48757, May 30,


2.     Fisher v. Yango Steamship Co. G.R. No. 8095, March

31, 1915;

3.     Benedicto v. Intermediate Appellate Court G.R. No.

70876, July 19, 1990;

4.     Eastern Shipping Lines, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, G.R.

No. 94151, 30 April 1991;

5.     Sarkies Tours Philippines, Inc. v. Court of Appeals G.R.

No. 108897, October 2, 1997;

6.     Valenzuela Hardwood & Industrial Supply, Inc. v. CA,

G.R. No. 102316, June 30, 1997;

7.     Yobido v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 113003, October

17, 1997;

8.     Ganzon v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-48757, May 30,


9.     Saludo, Jr. v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 95536, March

Week/ methods
RESOURCES (activities
TOPIC/CONTENT (Schedule of designed or
(print and non-
each Topic, deployed by
(arrangement or sequence of the major topics is based on print materials
Assign, the teacher to
a logical order) and online/
Exam for bring about,
the entire or create the
semester) conditions for

23, 1992;

10.  Macam v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 125524, August

25, 1999;

11.  SeaLand Services, Inc. v. Intermediate Appellate Court,

G.R. No. 75118, August 31, 1987.

12.  Citadel Lines, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 88092,

April 25, 1990;

13.  Everette Steamship Corp. v. Court of Appeals; G.R. No.

122494, October 8, 1998;

14.  British Airways v. Court of Appeals G.R. No. 121824,

January 29, 1998;

15.  Sweet Lines v. Teves, G.R. No. L-37750, May 19, 1978;

16.  Belgian Overseas Chartering vs. Phil. First Insurance

Co., G.R. No. 143133; June 5, 2002;

17.  Delsan Transport Lines, Inc. vs. American Home

Insurance, G.R. No. 149019, August 15, 2006;

18.  Servando vs. Phil. Steam Navigation, October 23, 1982;

19.  Philamgen vs. MCG Marine Services, March 8, 2002;


20.  Calvo vs. UCPB General Insurance, G.R. No. 148896,

March 19, 2002.


Module 4:      

Week/ methods
RESOURCES (activities
TOPIC/CONTENT (Schedule of designed or
(print and non-
each Topic, deployed by
(arrangement or sequence of the major topics is based on print materials
Assign, the teacher to
a logical order) and online/
Exam for bring about,
the entire or create the
semester) conditions for

IV.    Obligations of the common carrier in a contract of ·  Syllabus [Weeks 6 Ÿ  Recitation

carriage for the carriage of passengers and 7]
·  Textbook Ÿ  Case study
a.      Safety of Passengers Sept. 28- & reporting
·  Supreme
Oct. 10,
                      i.     Duty to observe utmost diligence (Art. Court Ÿ 
1755) Decisions Discussion/lec
                     ii.     Duration of Liability
Ÿ  Quiz
                   iii.     Presumption of negligence (Art. 1756)

                   iv.     Liability for acts of its employees (Art.


                     v.     Liability for acts of strangers and/or third

parties (Art. 1763)

                   vi.     Effect of stipulations regarding

liability (Arts. 1757, 1758 & 1760)

b.     Baggage (Arts. 1754, 7998, 2000 to 2003)

c.      Relevant provisions of the Warsaw Convention

                      i.     Binding effect of the Warsaw Convention

                     ii.     Categories of International Air


                   iii.     Liability under the Warsaw Convention


Week/ methods
RESOURCES (activities
TOPIC/CONTENT (Schedule of designed or
(print and non-
each Topic, deployed by
(arrangement or sequence of the major topics is based on print materials
Assign, the teacher to
a logical order) and online/
Exam for bring about,
the entire or create the
semester) conditions for

1.     Nocum v. Laguna Tayabas Bus Co., G.R. No. L-23733,

October 31, 1969.

2.     Negros Navigation Co., Inc. v. Court of Appeals G.R.

No. 110398, November 7, 1997;

3.     Korean Airlines Co. Ltd. V. Court of Appeals; G.R. No.

114061, August 3, 1994;

4.     Dangwa Transportation Co., Inc. v. Court of Appeals,

G.R. No. 95582, October 7, 1991;

5.     Fortune Express, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No.

119756, November 18, 1999;

6.     Phil. Rabbit Bus Lines v. Intermediate Appellate Court,

G.R. No. L-66102-4, August 30, 1990;

7.     Lara v. Valencia, G.R. No. L-9907, June 30, 1958;

8.     Necessito v. Paras, G.R. No. L-10605, June 30, 1958;

9.     Japan Airlines v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 118664,

August 7, 1998

10.  Yobido v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 113003, October

17, 1997;

11.  La Mallorca De Jesus v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-

21486, May 14, 1966;

12.  Aboitiz Shipping Corp. v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No.

84458, November 6, 1989;

13.  Calalas v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 122039, May 31,


14.  Gillaco v. Manila Railroad Company, G.R. No. L-8034,

Week/ methods
RESOURCES (activities
TOPIC/CONTENT (Schedule of designed or
(print and non-
each Topic, deployed by
(arrangement or sequence of the major topics is based on print materials
Assign, the teacher to
a logical order) and online/
Exam for bring about,
the entire or create the
semester) conditions for

November 18, 1955;

15.  Maranan v. Perez, G.R. No. L-22272, June 26, 1967;

16.  Philippine National Railways v. Court of Appeals, G.R.

No. L-55347, October 4, 1985;

17.  Del Prado v. Manila Electric Co., G.R. No. L-29462,

March 7, 1929;

18.  Isaac v. A.L. Ammen Transport Co., Inc., G.R. No. L-

9671, August 23, 1957;

19.  PNR v. Brunty, G.R. No.169891, November 2, 2006;

20.  Pilapil v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 52159, December

22, 1989;

21.  Gacal v. PAL, G.R. No. L-55300 March 15, 1990;

22.  Kapalaran Bus Line v. Coronado, G.R. No. 85331,

August 25, 1989;

23.  Mapa vs. CA, G.R. No. 122308, July 8, 1997;

24.  Singapore Airlines vs. Andion Fernandez, G.R. No.

142305, December 10, 2003;

25.  Cathay Pacific Airways vs. CA, G.R. No. L-60501, March
5, 1993

26.  Bachelor Express vs. CA, G.R. No. 85691, July 31, 1990.


Mid-Term Examinations   [Week 8]

Week/ methods
RESOURCES (activities
TOPIC/CONTENT (Schedule of designed or
(print and non-
each Topic, deployed by
(arrangement or sequence of the major topics is based on print materials
Assign, the teacher to
a logical order) and online/
Exam for bring about,
the entire or create the
semester) conditions for

  Oct. 12-17,

Module 5:

V.      Obligations of the shipper, consignee and passenger  


a.      Effect of negligence on the part of the shipper or    

passenger (Arts. 1741 & 1761-1762)  
[Week 9]  
b.     Payment of freight  
Oct. 19-24, Ÿ  Recitation
c.      Liability for demurrage ·  Syllabus 2020 Ÿ  Case study
  ·  Textbook   & reporting

Cases: ·  Supreme   Ÿ 
Court Discussion/lec
Decisions ture
1.     Isaac vs. A.L. Ammen Transportation, G.R. No. L-9671,   Ÿ  Quiz
August 23, 1957;
2.     Compania Maritima vs. CA, G.R. No. 31379, August 29,

3.     PNR vs. CA, G.R. No. L-55347, Oct. 4, 1985


Module 6:      
Week/ methods
RESOURCES (activities
TOPIC/CONTENT (Schedule of designed or
(print and non-
each Topic, deployed by
(arrangement or sequence of the major topics is based on print materials
Assign, the teacher to
a logical order) and online/
Exam for bring about,
the entire or create the
semester) conditions for


VI.    Extra Ordinary Diligence ·  Syllabus [Week 10] Ÿ  Recitation

a.      Underlying Reason ·  Textbook Oct. 26-31, Ÿ  Case study

2020 & reporting
b.     Effect of Stipulation (Arts. 1744, 1757-1758 & 1760) ·  Supreme
Court Ÿ 
c.      Extraordinary diligence in carriage by sea
Decisions Discussion/lec
                      i.     Seaworthiness of the vessel (Secs. 3[1] & ture
[2], Carriage of Goods by Sea Act [COGSA]; Secs.116 & 119,
Ÿ  Quiz
Insurance Code)

                     ii.     Overloading

                   iii.     Proper Storage

                   iv.     Obligation of captain and crew

                     v.     Rule on deviation and transshipment

d.     Extraordinary diligence in carriage by land

                      i.     Vehicle’s condition

                     ii.     Traffic Rules (Relevant provisions of Rep.

Act 4136)

                   iii.     Obligation to inspect

                   iv.     Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Law (Rep.

Act 10586)

e.      Extraordinary diligence in carriage by air

Week/ methods
RESOURCES (activities
TOPIC/CONTENT (Schedule of designed or
(print and non-
each Topic, deployed by
(arrangement or sequence of the major topics is based on print materials
Assign, the teacher to
a logical order) and online/
Exam for bring about,
the entire or create the
semester) conditions for

1.     Standard Vacuum Oil vs. Luzon Stevedoring, G.R. No.

L-5203, April 18, 1956;

2.     Planters Products, Inc. vs. CA, G.R. No. 101503,

September 15, 1993;

3.     Mecenas, et al. vs. CA, G.R. No. 88052, December 14,

4.     Brinas vs. People of the Phils., G.R. No. L-30309,

November 25, 1983;

5.     Batangas Laguna Tayabas Bus Company, Inc. vs. IAC,

G.R. No. 74387-90, November 14, 1988;

6.     Batangas Transportation Company vs. Caguimbal, et

al, G.R. No. L-22985, January 24, 1968;

7.     Mallari vs. CA, G.R. No. 128607, January 31, 2000;

8.     Nocum vs. Laguna Tayabas Bus Company, G.R. No. L-

23733, October 31, 1969;

9.     PAL vs. CA, G.R. No. L-82619, September 15, 1993;

10.  Vda. De Abeto vs. PAL, G.R. No. L-28692, July 30, 1982;

11.  Japan Airlines vs. Michael Asuncion et al, G.R. No.

161730, January 28, 2005

Week/ methods
RESOURCES (activities
TOPIC/CONTENT (Schedule of designed or
(print and non-
each Topic, deployed by
(arrangement or sequence of the major topics is based on print materials
Assign, the teacher to
a logical order) and online/
Exam for bring about,
the entire or create the
semester) conditions for

Module 7:      


VII.  Bill of lading and other formalities ·  Syllabus [Week 11] Ÿ  Recitation

  ·  Textbook Nov. 2-7, Ÿ  Case study

2020 & reporting
a.      Definition of Bill of Lading ·  Supreme
Court Ÿ 
b.     Classes of Bill of Lading
Decisions Discussion/lec
c.      Nature of a Bill of Lading (Secs.3[4] and [5], COGSA) ture

                      i.     As a contract Ÿ  Quiz

·     Basic stipulations in a bill of lading (Sec. 4[5], COGSA)

·     Prohibited stipulations (Art. 1745)

                     ii.     As a document of title (Arts. 1508-1510,

1513 & 1515)

                   iii.     As a receipt

d.     Relevant provisions of the Warsaw Convention (Arts.

17-19 & 22, Warsaw Convention)


1.     HE Heacock Company vs. Macondray, G.R. No. L-

16598, October 3, 1921;

2.     Ong Yiu vs. CA, G.R. No. L-40597, June 29, 1979;

3.     Sea-Land Service vs. IAC, G.R. No. 75118, Aug. 31,
Week/ methods
RESOURCES (activities
TOPIC/CONTENT (Schedule of designed or
(print and non-
each Topic, deployed by
(arrangement or sequence of the major topics is based on print materials
Assign, the teacher to
a logical order) and online/
Exam for bring about,
the entire or create the
semester) conditions for


4.     Citadel Lines vs. CA, G.R. No. 88092, April. 25, 1990;

5.     Everett Steamship Corporation vs. CA, G.R. No.

122494, October 8, 1998;

6.     Saludo, Jr. vs. CA, G.R. No. 95536, March 23, 1992.

7.     Northwest Airlines vs. Cuenca, G.R. No. L-22425,

August 31, 1965;

8.     Alitalia vs. IAC, G.R. No. 71929, December 4, 1990;

9.     Pan American World Airways vs. IAC, G.R. No. 70462,
August 11, 1988;

10.  China Airlines vs. Daniel Chiok, G.R. No. 152122, July
30, 2003;

11.  Santos III vs. Northwest Airlines, G.R. No. 101538, June
23, 1992; and

12.  United Airlines vs. Willie Uy, G.R. No. 127768,

November 19, 1999.


Module 8:      
Week/ methods
RESOURCES (activities
TOPIC/CONTENT (Schedule of designed or
(print and non-
each Topic, deployed by
(arrangement or sequence of the major topics is based on print materials
Assign, the teacher to
a logical order) and online/
Exam for bring about,
the entire or create the
semester) conditions for


VIII.       Actions in case of breach of contract of carriage ·  Syllabus [Week 12] Ÿ  Recitation

  ·  Textbook Nov. 9-14, Ÿ  Case study

2020 & reporting
a.      Causes of action and nature/extent of liability (culpa ·  Supreme
contractual, culpa aquiliana and culpa delictual) (Arts. Court   Ÿ 
1759, 2180; Art. 100, Revised Penal Code) Decisions Discussion/lec
Ÿ  Quiz
b.     Prescriptive period and conditions precedent
                      i.     Overland transportation of goods and
coastwise shipping

                     ii.     International carriage of goods by

sea (Sec. 3[6], COGSA)

c.      Recoverable damages

1.     Fabre vs. CA, G.R. No. 111127, July 26, 1996;

2.     PhilAmGen Insurance vs. Sweetlines, G.R. No. 87434,

August 5, 1992;

3.     Ang vs. American Steamship Agencies, G.R. No. L-

22491,           January 27, 1967;

4.     Mitsui vs. CA, G.R. No. 119571, March 11, 1998;

5.     Fil Merchants vs. Alejandro, G.R. No. L-54140 October

14, 1986;

6.     Mayer Steel Pipe Corp. vs. CA, G.R. No. 124050 June
Week/ methods
RESOURCES (activities
TOPIC/CONTENT (Schedule of designed or
(print and non-
each Topic, deployed by
(arrangement or sequence of the major topics is based on print materials
Assign, the teacher to
a logical order) and online/
Exam for bring about,
the entire or create the
semester) conditions for

19, 1997;

7.     Dole Phils. vs. Maritime Company of the Phils. G.R.

No. L-61352, February 27, 1987;

8.     Insurance Company of North America v. Asian

Terminals, Inc., G.R. No. 180784, February 15, 2012; and

9.     Benjamin Cua v. Wallen Philippines Shipping, Inc., G.R.

No. 171337, July 11, 2012.


Module 9:      


IX.    Maritime Law (Art. 573-869, Code of Commerce) ·  Syllabus [Weeks 13 Ÿ  Recitation

and 14]
  ·  Textbook Ÿ  Case study
Nov. 16-28, & reporting
a.      Concept of Maritime Law ·  Supreme
Court Ÿ  Discussion/
Decisions   lecture
b.     Limited liability rule (Arts. 587, 590, 643 & 837, Ibid.)
  Ÿ  Quiz
                      i.     Concept
                     ii.     Exceptions
                   iii.     Abandonment

c.      Vessels

                      i.     Acquisition

Week/ methods
RESOURCES (activities
TOPIC/CONTENT (Schedule of designed or
(print and non-
each Topic, deployed by
(arrangement or sequence of the major topics is based on print materials
Assign, the teacher to
a logical order) and online/
Exam for bring about,
the entire or create the
semester) conditions for

·       By prescription (Arts. 573 & 575)

·       By sale (Arts. 576-578)

·       Registration

·       Ship’s manifest (Secs. 1203 and 1204, CMTA)

                     ii.     Mortgage of vessels (Pres. Dec. No. 1521)

d.     Persons who take part in Maritime Commerce

                    i.        Shipowners and ship agents (Arts. 586-


·       Rules in case of part-owners (Arts. 589-594)

·       Rules in case of shipagents (Arts.595-602)

                  ii.        Captains and masters of vessels

·       Qualifications (Art. 609)

·       Powers and functions (Arts. 610-612)

·       Discretionary Powers

                iii.        Pilot

·       Concept

·       Relationship to master and shipowner

                 iv.        Officers and crew of the vessel

e.      Charter Parties

Week/ methods
RESOURCES (activities
TOPIC/CONTENT (Schedule of designed or
(print and non-
each Topic, deployed by
(arrangement or sequence of the major topics is based on print materials
Assign, the teacher to
a logical order) and online/
Exam for bring about,
the entire or create the
semester) conditions for

                      i.     Concept

                     ii.     Kinds: bareboat and contract of


                   iii.     Persons qualified to charter

                   iv.     Requisites for a valid charter (Art. 652)

                     v.     Concept of and liability for demurrage

                   vi.     Rights and obligations of charter parties

f.      Loans on Bottomry and Respondentia

                      i.     Definition (Art. 719)

                     ii.     Distinctions against ordinary loans

                   iii.     Parties

                   iv.     Formalities required (Art. 720)

                     v.     Effect of loss (Art. 731)

                   vi.     Cases where loan is regarded as simple

loan (Arts. 726-729)

g.     Averages

                      i.     Concept (Art. 806)

                     ii.     Classes of average and the persons liable

·       i.          simple average (Arts. 809-810)

·       ii.             General average (Arts. 811-813, 816-818,

Week/ methods
RESOURCES (activities
TOPIC/CONTENT (Schedule of designed or
(print and non-
each Topic, deployed by
(arrangement or sequence of the major topics is based on print materials
Assign, the teacher to
a logical order) and online/
Exam for bring about,
the entire or create the
semester) conditions for

732 & 859-861)

h.     Collisions

                i.     Definition

              ii.     Zones in collisions (doctrine of error in


             iii.     Rules on liability (Arts. 826 to 832; doctrine of

inscrutable fault)

             iv.     Limited liability rule (Art. 837)

i.       Arrival under stress

                i.     Concept (Art. 819)

              ii.     When improper (Art. 820)

             iii.     Expenses (Arts. 821 to 822)

             iv.     Custody of cargo (Arts. 823 to 824)

               v.     Captain’s liability (Art. 825)

             vi.     Shipwreck (Arts. 840 to 845)

j.       Salvage

                i.     Definition

              ii.     Rights and obligations of salvors and owners

(Salvage Law)
Week/ methods
RESOURCES (activities
TOPIC/CONTENT (Schedule of designed or
(print and non-
each Topic, deployed by
(arrangement or sequence of the major topics is based on print materials
Assign, the teacher to
a logical order) and online/
Exam for bring about,
the entire or create the
semester) conditions for

k.     Carriage of goods by Sea Act


1.     Litonjua Shipping Co. v. NSB, G.R. No. L-51910 August

10, 1989.

2.     Yangco v. Laserna, G.R. No. L-47447-47449, 

October 29, 1941;

3.     Chua Yek Hong v. IAC, G.R. No. 74811, September 30,

4.     Heirs of Amparo de los Santos v. CA, G.R. No. L-51165

June 21, 1990;

5.     Philippine Refining Corporation v. Jarque, G.R. No. L-

41506,            March 25, 1935;

6.     Chua Yek Hong v. IAC, G.R. No. 74811,  December 14,

7.     Philippine American General Insurance Co. v. CA, G.R.

No. 116940, June 11, 1997;

8.     Sweet Lines v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-46340,

April 28, 1983;

9.     Fireman’s Fund Insurance Co. v. Metro Port Services,

G.R. No. 83613, February 21, 1990;

10.  International Container Terminal Services, Inc. v.

Prudential, G.R. No. 134514, December 8, 1999.

11.  Far Eastern Shipping v. Court of Appeals G.R. No.

Week/ methods
RESOURCES (activities
TOPIC/CONTENT (Schedule of designed or
(print and non-
each Topic, deployed by
(arrangement or sequence of the major topics is based on print materials
Assign, the teacher to
a logical order) and online/
Exam for bring about,
the entire or create the
semester) conditions for

130150, October 1998;

12.  Planters Products v. CA, G.R. No. 101503, September

15, 1993;

13.  Caltex v. Sulpicio Lines G.R. No. 131166,  September

30, 1999;

14.  Williams v. Yatco, G.R. No. 8325 March 10, 1914;

15.  Smith and Bell Co. v. CA, G.R. No. L-56294             May
20, 1991;

16.  National Development Corporation v. CA, G.R. No. L-

49407 August 19, 1988;

17.  Mecenas v. CA, G.R. No. 88052, December 14, 1989;

18.  Aboitiz Shipping v. General Accident Fire and Life

Insurance Corporation, G.R. No. 100446, January 21, 1993;

19.  Philippine American General Insurance Co. v. CA, G.R.

No. 116940, June 11, 1997;

20.  Erlanger v. Swedish East Asiatic, Erlanger v. Swedish

East Asiatic, G.R. No. L-10051,            March 9, 1916;

21.  Barrios v. Go Thong, G.R. No. L-17192,             March

30, 1963;

22.  Elser Inc. v. CA, G.R. No. L-6517,            November 29,


23.  Ang v. Compania Maritima, G.R. No. L-30805,

December 26, 1984;

24.  Dole Philippines v. Maritime Co. of the Phil., G.R. No.

L-61352, February 27, 1987;
Week/ methods
RESOURCES (activities
TOPIC/CONTENT (Schedule of designed or
(print and non-
each Topic, deployed by
(arrangement or sequence of the major topics is based on print materials
Assign, the teacher to
a logical order) and online/
Exam for bring about,
the entire or create the
semester) conditions for

25.  Sea-Land Service Inc. v. IAC, G.R. No. 75118, August

31, 1987;  

26.  Maritime Agencies v. CA187, G.R. No. 77638 July 12,

1990; and

27.  Mayer Steel Pipe v. CA, G.R. No. 124050; June 19,

Module 10:
·  Syllabus
[Week 15]
X.      Aviation Law  
·  Textbook
Nov. 30-
a.      The aircraft and civil aviation.
·  Supreme Dec. 5
b.     Obligations of Carrier in air transportation. Court
c.      Warsaw Convention.

  [Week 16]  
Final Examinations Dec. 12-17,  


1. Essentials of Transportation and Public Utilities by Timoteo B. Aquino and Justice Ramon Paul


Policies and values that the teacher might want to communicate through the syllabus  concerning
attendance, participation, academic integrity (e.g. plagiarism, cheating, fabrication), missing
assignments, missed exams, recording classroom activities, online behavior during synchronous sessions,

1. Attendance will be checked every meeting.

2. Students who are called to recite but absent shall get a grade of 60.

3. Students who missed a quiz will get a grade of 60.

4. Students are prohibited from recording the online class as this is a violation of the Copyright of
the Professor.

Prepared by:


Vice Dean Risel Castillo-Taleon

Faculty, College of Law

Approved by:

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