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Slug Flow

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Gas-Liquid Slug Flow

Chapter · August 2003

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-7091-2538-0_3 · Source: OAI

5 996

1 author:

Jean Fabre
Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse


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Gas-liquid slug flow

When gas and liquid flow together in a pipe the interface between the phases may
take a variety of different patterns, the most complex being probably slug flow. The
primary characteristic of slug flow is its inherent intermittence. An observer looking at a
fixed position along the axis would see the passage of a sequence of slugs of liquid
containing dispersed bubbles, each looking somewhat like a length of bubbly pipe flow,
alternating with sections of separated flow within long bubbles (Figure 1). These two
states follow in a random-like manner, inducing pressure, velocity and phase fraction
fluctuations: the flow is unsteady, even when the flow rates of gas and liquid, QL and QG,
are kept constant at the pipe inlet.

LS x

Figure 1. Gas-liquid slug flow: an each cell of length L is made up of
a liquid slug of length LD and a long bubble of length LS.

The elementary part of slug flow is a cell of length L, made up of a long bubble of length
LS and of a liquid slug of length LD. The slug of liquid containing dispersed bubbles of
Modelling and Control of Two-Phase Flow Phenomena
International Centre for Mechanical Sciences
Udine (Italy), September 9-13 2002

small diameter travels at a velocity V. It overruns a slower moving liquid in the separated
film. During stable slug flow liquid is shed from the back of the slug at the same rate that
liquid is picked up at the front. As a result the slug length stays more or less constant as it
travels along the tube. For horizontal or near horizontal tubes, the liquid shed at the back
decelerates under the influence of wall shear and forms a stratified layer. For vertical or
near vertical tubes the liquid forms a falling annular film and accelerates as it moves
downward. The separated section forms a set of long bubbles that carry most of the gas.
In vertical flow these long bubbles are nearly cylindrical whereas in horizontal flow the
interface between the gas and the liquid is almost flat (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Horizontal (left) and vertical (right) slug flow.




0,01 0,1 1 10 100
j G (m/s)
Figure 3. Occurrence of the slug flow in horizontal pipe of 5 cm diameter:
the coordinates of the map are the gas and liquid fluxes, the phases are air and water.

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE




0,01 0,1 1 10 100
jG (m/s)
Figure 4. Occurrence of the slug flow in vertical pipe of 5 cm diameter:
the coordinates of the map are the gas and liquid fluxes, the phases are air and water.

From a fundamental point of view slug flow belongs to the class of intermittent
flows: the flow is unsteady even if the phase flow rate remains constant with time.
However unsteadiness does not mean necessarily intermittence. Strictly speaking there is
no canonical definition of intermittence. Let say that a signal is intermittent if it
experiences space or/and time variations that are not too frequent and of large amplitude.
With this rather vague definition, slug flow is an intermittent phenomenon. At the outlet
of a pipe where slug flow exists, an observer sees liquid and gas flowing alternately as if it
was impossible for both phases to flow simultaneously out of the pipe. The system seems
to switch from one state to another. A slug–like flow that is familiar to everybody is
obtained by emptying a bottle with its neck directed downward. On the other hand, it is
also possible to recognize in the flow structure a gas fraction wave that propagates along
the pipe. The long bubbles are indeed formed by an expansion wave at their front,
followed by a shock wave (an hydraulic jump) at the rear. The evolution of the flow
structure along the pipe may be understood as wave-wave interaction.
From a practical point of view, slug flow occurs over a wide range of intermediate
flow rates of both phases (see for example Figure 3 for horizontal flow and Figure 4 for
vertical flow). For this reason, it presents a major interest for many industrial processes
• Production of oil and gas in wells and their transport in pipelines.
• Geothermal production of steam.
• Boiling and condensation processes in power generation facilities as well as in
chemical plants and refineries.
• Handling and transport of cryogenic fluids.

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


• Emergency cooling of nuclear reactors.

It covers also a broad range of flow conditions in two-phase flow in micro-systems.
The existence of slug flow can create problems for the designer or operator. Indeed
the liquid is moving in the slugs at the mixture velocity whereas it has a much smaller
velocity in the long bubbles, this velocity depending upon the pipe inclination. The high
momentum of the liquid slugs can create considerable force as they change direction
passing through elbows, tees or other process equipment. Furthermore the low
frequencies of slug flow can be in resonance with the fundamental frequency of large
piping structures and severe damage can take place unless this situation is anticipated in
design. In addition the intermittent nature of the flow makes it necessary to design liquid
separators and their controls to accommodate the largest slug length that can exist in the
In contrast, there are numerous practical benefits that can result from operating in
the slug flow pattern. Because of the very high liquid velocities, it is usually possible to
move larger amounts of liquids in smaller lines than would otherwise be possible in two
phase flow. In addition the high liquid velocities cause very high convective heat and mass
transfer coefficients resulting in very efficient transport operations.

1. The concept of unit cell

Modelling slug flow requires the understanding of various phenomena. A good

exercise to identify these phenomena is to gain knowledge of a simple picture of an
idealized slug flow made of identical cells. This concept that focuses on a unit cell (UC for
short) has proved to be useful for the understanding of the physical phenomena involved
in slug flow and efficient for the flow prediction as well.
Wallis was probably the first to formulate clearly the UC concept suggested by the
results of Nicklin et al. Initially established for upward vertical flow, this concept was
successfully applied to horizontal or slightly inclined flow. In the past twenty years the
model based on this concept was improved by several investigators. It requires the two
following assumptions:
• There exists a frame of a given velocity V in which the flow is steady.
• In this frame the flow in long bubbles and in liquid slugs is fully developed.
The model requires also four different closure laws on which the accuracy of the results
partly relies. A review of the scientific literature reveals an abundance of these laws whose
physical value is unequal (see for example the overviews of Taitel and Barnea, 1990; Fabre
and Liné, 1992; Dukler and Fabre, 1994). The weaknesses of these laws often originates
from the narrow range of flow conditions, fluid properties or pipe dimension that were
used for their calibration. Their critical role has been discussed by Dukler and Fabre (1994).

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


Suppose that we have in hands the specific flow conditions such as:
• The pipe size, i.e. its diameter D or its cross-section area A, the inclination θ,
• The fluid properties, i.e. the density ρk (k=L,G), the kinematic viscosities νk and the
surface tension σ,
• The volumetric flux —or superficial velocity — of each phase, jk=Qk/A.
A complete model of slug flow would produce at least the following information:
• The characteristic lengths, LD, LS, of the liquid slugs and long bubbles and the mean
bubble size in the liquid slug;
• The form of the liquid film (stratified, annular);
• The characteristic velocities, V and the mean velocities of both gas and liquid in
each part of the cell;
• The cross-sectional phase fraction in each part of the cell;
• The mean wall and interfacial shear stresses in each part of the cell;
• The pressure drop.

a. Assumptions of the UC model

The main difficulty in modelling slug flow comes from its chaotic nature. This is
suggested by the observation of the succession of bubbles and slugs whose length
appears randomly distributed with time (Figure 5). For avoiding to account for the flow
randomness, a few assumptions are needed. The initial assumption was to picture the flow
as a sequence of bubbles and slugs periodic with both space and time: the UC concept was
born. However by using two weaker assumptions, one arrives to the same model.




0 1 2 3 4 5
L (m)
Figure 5. Probability density distribution of bubble and slug lengths.
Slug flow in pipe of 5 cm diameter at superficial velocities jG=1.25 m/s and jG=0.97 m/s (Fabre et al., 1993).

The first assumption comes from the experimental evidence illustrated in Figure 6.
The probability density distribution of bubble and slug velocities shows that they are
narrowly distributed about their average: in other words they are almost identical. An

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


observer moving at the statistical mean velocity would see the whole structure almost
frozen. Although this property becomes less evident at high gas or liquid flow rate, this
quasi-steady behaviour in a moving frame is the key of the success of the UC model.
Indeed this property leads to a great simplification since it allows transforming an
unsteady problem into a steady one.






2.5 2.6 2.7
V (m/s)
Figure 6. Probability density distribution of bubble and slug velocities.
Slug flow in pipe of 5 cm diameter at superficial velocities jG=1.25 m/s and jG=0.97 m/s (Fabre et al., 1993).

The second assumption consists in assuming that the flow is fully developed in each
part of the cell. As a consequence, the cross-sectional mean fraction and velocity of each
phase do not depend on the longitudinal coordinate in the long bubbles and the liquid
slugs as well. This assumption is probably stronger than the previous one. It will be
revisited further.
It must be pointed out that the original concept implies that each bubble (resp. each
slug) has the same length. However this restriction is unnecessary and it must be allowed
to take into account the stochastic distribution of bubble and slug lengths. We shall
therefore continue to talk about the UC model since the equations are the same.

b. Preliminary remarks

The inlet flow conditions will be considered constant with time t (steady
conditions). They may be specified by the mass flow rates of each phase:

mk = ρ k j k A . (1)

To simplify the discussion the density of both phases will be considered constant so that
the steadiness dmk dt = 0 is equivalent to dj k dt = 0.
For a comprehensive study, it is sufficient to consider physical quantities average
over a pipe cross-section. As the flow is unsteady in a fixed frame, these quantities are
functions of axis-coordinate x and time t. We define the following local quantities:

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


• χ, a Boolean function that denotes the presence of the separated flow (presence of
long bubble).
• Uk, the mean velocity of phase-k.
• Pk, the mean pressure in phase-k.
• Rk, the fraction of phase-k that satisfies the condition

∑R = 1 . k (2)
k = L ,G

c. Balance equations

♦ Mass conservation

Following the first assumption, there exists a frame moving at the velocity V in
which the flow is steady. Thus by using the new coordinate (see Figure 1):

ξ = Vt − x , (3)

the physical quantities does not depend on time. In the new coordinate system all the
quantities remain unchanged except the velocity (Uk→V–Uk).
The conservation of mass is expressed as:

[Rk (V − U k )] = 0, (4)

that leads to

ϕ k = Rk (V − U k ) , (5)

where ϕk is constant. Like jk for the standing frame, ϕk represents the volumetric flux of
phase-k entering the long bubble region, and shed from the liquid slug.

♦ Momentum conservation

The momentum equation for phase-k is:

d  τ S + τ ik Si
ρ k Rk (V − U k ) + Rk Pk  = − wk wk
 + ρ k Rk g sin θ, (6)
dξ   A

where τ is the x-component of the shear stress exerted upon the phase-k by the wall
(subscript w) or the interface (subscript i), S is the wetted perimeter and g the gravity. θ is
the pipe inclination (angle of x-axis with the horizontal). The above equation simplifies in
using Eq. (5):

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


dRk−1 dRk Pk τ S + τ ik Si
ρ k ϕ2k + = − wk wk + ρ k Rk g sin θ , (7)
dξ dξ A

with the jump condition

∑τ ik = 0. (8)
k = L ,G

d. Space average balance equations

♦ Space average

In what follows, space average will be used rather than the local quantities. We note
the space-average over a distance ∆ξ that is large enough compared to the length of the
largest cell.
ξ + ∆ξ

∆ξ ∫ F dξ .

As the flow is steady this average may be also interpreted as the time average that would
be obtained at some given location in the standing frame.

♦ Rate of intermittence

The rate of intermittence is noted β. It is defined as the space average of χ.

β= χ. (10)

It may be viewed also as the ratio of the sums of bubble to cell lengths that are contained
within the interval ∆ξ. For an observer located at a fixed point x, it be viewed as the time
rate during which long bubbles are observed.

♦ Average of phase fraction, velocity… in bubbles, in slugs

We will use also the conditional average over the long bubbles (resp. the liquid
slugs). For a quantity, let say, F, it is defined as:

χF (1 − χ) F
FS = , FD = . (11)
β (1 − β)

It defines an average weighted by the presence of phase. Applied to the phase fraction,
the pressure, the shear stress, the flux, these definitions yields:

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


χR (1 − χ)R
RS = , RD = ,
β (1 − β)
χP (1 − χ) P
PS = , PD = ,
β (1 − β)
χτ (1 − χ) τ
τS = , τD = ,
β (1 − β)
χj (1 − χ) j
jS = , jD = .
β (1 − β)

It must be pointed out that, under the assumption that the flow is fully developed in the
long bubble (resp. the liquid slug), the physical quantities R, dP/dξ… changes with ξ only
when χ changes. In this case RS is equal to the value taken by R in the long bubbles, RD,
the value of R in the liquid slugs, etc. Although they are trivial, these averages will be used
further in a less restrictive assumption framework.
For the velocity, it is more convenient to define it from the flux. By using (12), it
jS jD
US = , UD = . (13)

♦ Average of phase fraction…

With these conditional averages, the averages of a given quantity becomes:

F = χF + (1 − χ) F = βFS + (1 − β) FD . (14)

Using this definition, one may express the mean phase fraction of phase-k and the mean
flux as:

Rk = β RkS + (1 − β)RkD , (15)

j k = β j kS + (1 − β) j kD . (16)

It must be noted that the intermittence factor may be deduced from the definition (15):
β= . (17)

♦ Space average of governing equations

The phase fractions follow the general geometrical rule:

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


∑R kS = 1, ∑R kD = 1, ∑R = 1 . k (18)
k = L ,G k = L ,G k = L ,G

The space average of mass balance equation (Eq. 5) over the separated region and
the dispersed region leads to:

ϕ k = RkS (V − U kS ) = RkD (V − U kD ) . (19)

This equation expresses that the flux of phase k entering the long bubble is equal to the
one entering the liquid slug. Because ϕk may be written as the sum βϕk+(1–β)ϕk, Eqs. (19)
leads to:

ϕ k = RkV − [βRks U kS + (1 − β)RkD U kD ] .

The bracketed term may be expressed using Eq. (16) so that the flux in the moving frame
expresses versus the flux in the standing frame:

ϕ k = RkV − j k . (20)

The averaging of the momentum balance (Eq. 7) requires the second assumption.
As the flow is fully developed in each part of the cell, the space derivatives cancel except
for pressure. Eq. (7) simplifies and may be averaged over the separated and dispersed
region respectively. Coming back to the expression in the standing frame it yields:
dPS τ wkS SwkS + τ ikS SiS
RkS = − ρ k RkS g sin θ , (21)
dx A

dPD τ wkDSwkD + τ ikDSiD

RkD = − ρ k RkD g sin θ . (22)
dx A

Since the flow is fully developed, the pressure gradient is the same in both phases and
must not be distinguished. The mean pressure gradient over the cell results from the
mean pressure gradient over each part of the cell weighted by their rate of occurrence:

dP β( τ wLS SwLS + τ wGS SwGS ) + (1 − β)( τ wLDSwLD )

= − (ρ LR L + ρGRG ) g sin θ . (23)
dx A

The pressure gradient involves two contributions: the weight and the wall friction.

e. Closure problem

It is worth noting that the fully developed flow assumption makes the equation
independent of the cell length. Only the intermittence factor β appears. This point will be
discussed further.

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


The pressure gradient appears only in Eq. (23). Therefore, once the phase fractions
and the velocities are determined, the wall friction and the weight of the phases may be
calculated. This remarks suggests splitting the solution of the problem into two steps. In a
first step we discuss how to determine the phase fractions, RL, RLS, RLD. These physical
quantities are not coupled with the pressure gradient that will be determined in a second
To figure out the closure problem for the determination of the phase fractions, the
5 independent algebraic equations have been grouped in Table 1. They are nonlinear and
they contain 9 unknown quantities: RL, RLS, RLD, ULS, ULD, UGS, UGD, V, β. This is the role of
the 4 closure equations to restore the missing information. There exist different strategies
to close the set of equations. We shall however limit the discussion to the most classical
method that requires to model:
• The velocity V of the long bubble.
• The gas fraction RGD in the liquid slug that results from a complex mechanism of gas
shedding and re-coalescence at the rear of the long bubbles.
• The drift velocity of the gas in the liquid slug UGS–ULS.
• The liquid hold-up RGD in the long bubbles that requires a model for either stratified
flow or annular flow.

R L = β R LS + (1 − β)R LD

j L = β R LSU LS + (1 − β)R LDU LD

jG = β (1 − R LS )UGS + (1 − β)(1 − R LD )UGD

R LS (V − U LS ) = R LD (V − U LD )

(1 − RLS )(V − UGS ) = (1 − RLD )(V − UGD )

Table 1. Equations for liquid hold-up.

Whereas the phase fractions are not coupled to the pressure gradient, the pressure
gradient does depend on the phase distribution as Eq. (23) shows. Even for horizontal
flow in which the weight vanishes, they still have a great influence on the pressure
gradient through the intermittence factor β. For the pressure gradient to be calculated, it
requires the models for:
• The shear stress at the wall in the separated region τwkS.

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


• The shear stress at the wall in the dispersed region τwkD including the contribution
of the hydraulic jump at the rear of the bubble.
Different models have been published in the scientific literature. Most of them fall
into the type of the UC model, i.e. they have in common the set of equations presented in
the previous section. What makes the difference is the choice of the closure laws.

2. Long bubbles: motion, shape

As most of the gas is conveyed by the large bubbles the accurate prediction of their
motion and their shape is essential. If the models proposed in the literature or used in
computer codes are successful, this is mainly due to the reliability in predicting their
velocity V.
It is indeed possible to get a crude estimate of the gas fraction by assuming that the
gas is conveyed at velocity V in these large bubbles and that the liquid slug does not
contain dispersed bubbles:
RG ≈ . (24)
This relation, obtained by assuming ϕG=0 in Eq. (20) is frequently used as a first guess in
the iterative solution of slug flow equations. It does a fairly good job in some simplified
cases. This shows that the phase fractions are primarily sensitive to the long bubble
Our present knowledge of the motion of long bubbles in tubes comes from both
the theory and the considerable amount of data for various flow conditions, fluid
properties and pipe diameters (see the review of Dukler and Fabre, 1994).
In what follows, we limit our attention to the case of long bubbles. These bubbles
are sometimes called Taylor or Dumitrescu bubbles for cylindrical bubbles in vertical pipe
or Benjamin bubbles for bubbles in horizontal pipe. So how long should be a long bubble?
From a descriptive point of view, one should probably answer: several diameters. From a
modelling point of view, the answer should be: long enough for their motion to be
controlled by the size of the channel or the pipe in which they move. This will be our
favourite definition even if it does fit the intuitive perception.
Figure 7 shows two examples: a bubble rising in a vertical tube and a bubble
pushed by the liquid motion in a horizontal tube. The rising bubble looks short whereas
the horizontal one is long enough for the picture to show only the front part. However in
both case, their motion does not depend on their length. In fact the motion of an isolated
bubble is controlled by the flow close to its tip. It will be seen further that, at a distance of

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


about one diameter from its nose, the liquid flow becomes supercritical so that none of the
perturbations created downstream can influence the flow upstream.

Figure 7. Long bubbles moving in liquid in tube.

a. Motion of long bubbles in still liquid

The motion of a long bubble in a channel or a pipe filled of a liquid is driven by the
motion of the liquid itself and/or by the effects of gravity, i.e. buoyancy and weight. If the
liquid is at rest the only force that move the bubble is the gravity. However other forces
may have some secondary effects: this is the case of viscous and surface tension that slow
down the motion. Neglecting the gas viscosity, the bubble velocity V∞ in still liquid may
be expressed under the general form:

V∞ = f ( g , D , θ, ρ L , ρG , ν L , σ) ,

where g is the acceleration of gravity, D the diameter of the pipe, θ the pipe inclination, ρL
and ρG the densities, νL the kinematic viscosity, σ the surface tension. The foregoing
relation may be written in dimensionless form. A simplification arises from the fact that
the gravity is necessarily associated with the difference ∆ρ=ρL–ρG so that g is replaced by a
modified gravity g*=g∆ρ/ρL. The foregoing relation may be written under the form:

V∞ = C∞ g * D , (25)

to underline the dominant role of gravity in driving the motion of the bubble. A simple
similarity analysis shows that C∞ is a function of 3 independent dimensionless numbers:

C∞ = C∞ (Nf ,Eo, θ) . (26)

These numbers have been chosen so that they do not include the bubble velocity in their
definition (note that the star will be removed for clarity on g):
• Nƒ=D3/2g1/2/νL is the dimensionless inverse viscosity. It is the ratio between the root
of the Froude number and the Reynolds number.

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


• Eo=ρLgD2/σ the Eötvös –or Bond– number. It quantifies the ratio between the
gravity and surface tension forces.

♦ Rise velocity in vertical pipe: the theory of Dumitrescu

For vertical pipes the theory has been very successful, in reducing the problem to
the determination of the inviscid flow in the liquid near the bubble nose. This assumption
applies only when viscosity has a negligible influence: this is the case of the inertia
controlled regime occurring in vertical flow when Nƒ>300 (e.g. Wallis, 1969), i.e. when
D>50(νL2/g*)1/3. Historically the theory was first developed for the case of negligible
surface tension when Eo>100, i.e. when the pipe diameter satisfies the condition
D>10(σ/ρLg*)1/2. For an air bubble rising in water at atmospheric pressure this is realized if
D>2.7 cm.
In inviscid fluid the pressure and velocity at the bubble surface are related through
the Bernoulli equation. If both gas motion and surface tension are ignored, the pressure
inside the bubble is assumed constant. Neat the tip where the bubble radius R is nearly
constant it yields (Figure 8):

− gR(1 − cos α ) = 0 . (27)

Still liquid

ψ= 0

bubble ψ =0

(a) (b)
Figure 8. Bubble rising in a vertical tube: (a) in the standing frame, (b) in the moving frame.

As R is unknown, one must find the solution of the velocity field that fit the
condition (27). As the velocity is uniform at infinity, the flow is irrotational in the whole
domain. The general solution of the Stokes’s stream function for a potential flow in a
cylinder can be put under the form of a series of cylindrical harmonics:

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


ψ = − Vr2 + r
2 ∑ A exp −ka z  J  kar ,

where a is the radius of the cylinder and kn a root of J0=0, J0 and J1 being Bessel functions.
The predicted rise velocity depends upon the number of terms retained in the series and
the method for selecting the correct solution.
Dumitrescu (1943) was the first to give the solution for σ=0 (Eo→∞), by retaining
three terms in the series expansion of the boundary condition near the tip of a prescribed
spherical front, leading to the well-known solution:

C∞ (∞ , ∞ , 90°) = 0.351. (28)

His result agrees closely with the widely accepted value of 0.345 from the experiments of
Harmathy (1960), White & Beardmore (1962), Nicklin et al (1962), and Zukoski (1966), as
well as with the numerical simulations of Mao & Dukler (1990). Davies and Taylor (1950),
published after Dumitrescu a less accurate solution. They retained only the first term of
the series and the lowest root kn=3.832. As the Bernoulli condition cannot be satisfied
everywhere they arbitrarily chose to fix the condition (27) at r/a=1/2 leading to C∞=0.328.
These results must be considered as asymptotic values limited to bubbles that are
long enough: indeed their volume must be greater than (0.4 D)3. The ratio R/a is equal to
0.71 as confirmed by the numerical simulations of Mao & Dukler.

♦ Drift motion in horizontal pipe: the theory of Benjamin

For a horizontal pipe the motion of long bubbles has been less studied theoretically
for the obvious reason that the symmetry with respect to the axis is lost. It has for a long
time been a matter of controversy [as pointed out by Weber (1981), some investigators
believed that the bubbles should be stationary while others did not]. This problem has
been discussed theoretically by Benjamin for the inertia-controlled regime in a nice paper
published in 1968. He considered the case of a horizontal cavity filled with liquid and open
at one end. As the tube is emptying, a bubble front propagates towards the closed end.
a x

H c

h U

b d

Figure 9. Front of a long bubble moving in horizontal channel.

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


Let us consider the control volume of Figure 9. The conservation of mass and x-
momentum reads:

VH = U h , (29)

 1   1 
ρVH (U − V ) = H pa − ρgH  − h pc − ρgh , (30)
 2   2 

where the surface tension is ignored and the zero reference of pressure is taken in the gas.
Applying the Bernoulli relation between a and O and between O and c leads to:
pa + ρV 2 = 0 , (31)

pc + ρU 2 − ρg ( H − h) = 0 . (32)

The non trivial solution is:

h= and V = 0.5 gH . (33)

The form of the solution is similar to that of vertical motion. For the case of a tube, the
solution may be obtained with the same method. It gives V = 0.54 gH :

C∞ (∞ , ∞ , 90°) = 0.54 (34)

The value is in agreement with the experimental values of Zukoski (1966) corresponding
to the highest Eötvös numbers. A drift velocity greater in horizontal than in vertical
situations is not, intuitively, what one would expect.

♦ Effect of surface tension

The physical influence of surface tension may be understood as follows. If we add

the pressure jump due to surface tension into the Bernoulli equation, one obtains:
du dz 2σ dR
u = −g − 2 , (35)
ds ds ρR ds

where s is the curvilinear coordinate taken at the bubble surface. The forces appear in the
r.h.s. Whatever the case —vertical or horizontal— the gravity effect is positive since at the
surface z decreases when s increases: this is a driving force. However the mean radius of
curvature increases with s: for cylindrical bubble it goes roughly from D/4 at the tip to
D/2 far from it and for horizontal flow it goes from a finite positive value at the

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


stagnation point to infinity far from it. Thus the second term of the r.h.s. is negative
indicating that the contribution of surface tension is to resist to the motion. It may even
cancel the gravity effect when surface tension is large enough. Indeed, in very small tubes,
one can observe that long bubbles don’t move even when the tube is vertical. The
explanation was given by Bretherton (1961): he demonstrated that if the Eötvös number is
less than some critical value (Eo<3.37), a bubble takes a form that prevents its motion.
In vertical flow, the analysis of Dumitrescu has been extended to the case where
surface tension is not negligible (not too large Eötvös number). The influence has been
analysed theoretically by Bendiksen (1985) who found that surface tension monotonically
reduces the rise velocity

1 − 0.9 e−0.0165 Eo 20  6.8 

C∞ (∞ ,Eo, 90°) = 0.344 1+ 1 − . (36)
(1 − 0.52 e )
−0.0165 Eo 3 /2 Eo  Eo 

Figure 10 compares the above theories to experimental results and to the correlation of
Wallis (1969):

C∞ (∞ ,Eo, 90°) = 0.369 1 − . (37)

The theory has some unexplainable behaviour at large Eötvös number. It seems also to be
less accurate than the correlation that is preferable for practical purpose.
Tung & Parlange
0,3 Bendiksen



0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6
Figure 10. Influence of surface tension on the dimensionless rise velocity of long bubbles.

In horizontal situation, the drift velocity decreases with surface tension more
strongly than in vertical one: the tendency is shown in Figure 11. The experimental results
are well predicted by the correlation mentioned by Weber (1981):

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


C∞ (∞ ,Eo, 0°) = 0.54 − 1.76 Eo−0.56 . (38)

The conclusion is that one must reach very high Eötvös number for the drift to be
independent of surface tension, in contrast to the case of vertical flow.




0,2 Zukoski, 1966

Spedding & Nguyen, 1978
Weber, 1981
0,1 Weber et al, 1986

10 100 1000 10000

Figure 11. Effect of surface tension on bubble drift in horizontal pipe.

♦ Effect of viscosity

The effect of viscosity can be seen on the map proposed by White and Beardmore
(1962) from their experiments (Figure 12).

Figure 12. Rise velocity of long bubble in vertical tube (after White and Beardmore, 1962).

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


There exists a purely viscous regime when Nƒ is less than 2 (Wallis 1969). In this
regime, the inertia has no effect. For the condition to be fulfilled the pipe diameter must
be less than 1.6(νL2/g*)1/3, which may arise only with highly viscous liquids. The
dimensional analysis leads to C∞ being expressed as:

C∞ (Nf < 2 , ∞ , 90°) = 0.01 Nf , (39)

where the coefficient was determined experimentally by White & Beardmore (1962).
For the mixed regime Wallis (1969) proposed a general correlation that fits their
experimental data reasonably well:

( )
C∞ (Nf , ∞ , 90°) = 0.345 1 − e−0.01 N f . (40)

♦ Influence of pipe inclination

The influence of pipe inclination has been investigated experimentally by Zukoski

(1966), Spedding & Nguyen (1978), and Weber et al (1986) for pipe inclinations ranging
from 0 to 90°. The effect of inclination (Figure 13) is complex because of the change in
bubble geometry. Below 30° the tube is wetted by the gas, the contact angle of the bubble
at the wall being acute; beyond 40° this angle is obtuse. At high Eötvös numbers the
velocity is a maximum for an inclination in the range 35–45°, roughly corresponding to
contact at right angles with the wall.


0,6 4000


0,4 Eo=60

Zukoski, 1966: Eo=4000
0,2 Zukoski, 1966: Eo=400
Zukoski, 1966: Eo=60
Bendiksen, 1984
0,1 '' '' '' ''
'' '' '' ''
0 30 60 90
Figure 13. Rise velocity of long bubble for different pipe inclinations.

A general theory for an inclined pipe is lacking at present. The empirical correlation
of Bendiksen (1984)

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


C∞ (θ) = C (0°)cos θ + C (90°)sin θ . (41)

may be used for inertia-controlled regime.

b. Motion of a bubble with the liquid moving ahead of it

We discuss now the influence of the motion of the liquid that modifies the bubble
behaviour in pushing it in the tube. This motion may contribute to increase the effect of
gravity (up-flow) or to decrease it (down-flow).

♦ Vertical motion: flow regime transition

Let us focus at first upon the case of vertical flow that has been early on
investigated by Nicklin et al (1962) for up-flow and down-flow of liquid. Their study was a
major contribution because they proposed a law that makes the slug flow models robust
and predictive:

V = C0 j L + C∞ gD . (42)

The main assumption contained in this law is to postulate that the gravity effect and the
liquid motion are uncoupled. From their experimental results they found that over a large
range of liquid flux the bubble velocity is linear with respect to jL.



-0,5 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5
JL (m/s)
Figure 14. Coefficient C0 replotted from the experiments of Nicklin et al. (1964).

However, if one has the curiosity to replot their results in a different way, it shows
that the coefficient C0 is still a function of jL (Figure 14): it increases from 0.9 for negative
values of liquid velocity to a maximum of 1.8 near jL=0 and then decreases towards an
asymptotic value of 1.2, which is reached when jL is greater than 0.5. From this figure it is

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


clear that there exists some kind of transition in the bubble motion near jL =0 that will be
discussed further.
As the value of C0 at high Reynolds number is close to the ratio of the maximum to
the mean velocity, they said “the bubble velocity is very nearly the sum of the velocity on
the centre-line above the bubble plus the characteristic velocity in still liquid”. While crude,
this explanation predicts the rise velocity with sufficient accuracy for most purposes. In
particular, any physical mechanism having an effect on the velocity distribution of the
liquid upstream the nose is expected to affect the rise velocity. This is what happens if the
flow is laminar ahead of the bubble: one recovers a coefficient that is close to 2, very near
from the maximum value measured by Nicklin et al.
A theoretical analysis of this problem has been carried out by Collins et al (1978)
and has been extended by Bendiksen (1985) in order to take into account surface tension
effects under the restrictive assumption of an inviscid fluid. The results are valid only for
the inertia-controlled regime. As previously mentioned, since the velocity distribution must
have an important effect on the bubble motion the rise velocity is expected to depend on
whether the flow is laminar or turbulent upstream the nose. The law must take the form
C0=f(Re) where Re is the Reynolds number characterizing the flow regime within the tube.
It might seem surprising to discuss this effect of liquid viscosity in the framework of
inviscid theory as Collins et al. and Bendiksen did. However, viscosity acts essentially to
develop the liquid velocity profile far ahead of the bubble —but it has no influence near
the bubble front if inertia still dominates: this condition is satisfied provided Nf>300. For
inviscid axis-symmetric rotational flow, Stokes’s stream function satisfies a Poisson
equation that is solved by applying the boundary conditions at the bubble surface. Collins
et al. (1978) used this approach to obtain an approximate solution for both laminar and
turbulent flow with prescribed upstream vorticity. Using two different methods for flow
approximation, they found two different solutions for laminar flow of the form
 
 um 
V = um + Φ gD , (43)
 gD 
 

where um is the velocity at the tube axis. An asymptotic behaviour of the equations is
given for the small values of the argument of Φ leading to:

V = 2.27 j L + 0.361 gD , or V = 2.16 j L + 0.347 gD . (44)

Collins et al extended their method to the case of turbulent flows. However, in

contrast to laminar flow, the function that defines the vorticity distribution is not constant,
so that an approximate solution of the Poisson equation must be found. Restricting their
analysis to the case of smooth wall and using the velocity profile of Reichard (1951) to

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


describe the vorticity far ahead the bubble nose, they arrived at the conclusion that the
coefficient C0 must be given in function of the Reynolds number.
We summarize below the theoretical laws for the inertia-controlled regime in
laminar and turbulent flow, by giving the solution extended by Bendiksen to the case
where surface tension has some effect:
 20 
C0 = 2.29 1 −
 Eo
( )
1 − e−0.0125 Eo 

laminar flow (45)

log Re+ 0.309  

C0 = 1 −
log Re− 0.743  Eo
( )
3 − e−0.025 Eo log Re

turbulent flow (46)

The result is plotted in Figure 15. From the theory we know little about the transition
between the two regimes. It is interesting to note that both C0 and C∞ decrease when
surface tension increases whereas C0 increases and C∞ decreases when viscosity increases.
They have not the same behaviour and it is not very intuitive that the bubble velocity of
the bubble can increases when the viscosity increases.



1 turbulent


1000 10000 100000 1000000
Figure 15. Evolution of C0 with the Reynolds number for Eo=100, 1000, 10000
(the coefficient increases with Eo).

♦ Transition between up-flow and down-flow

We know little about the existence of a transition between up-flow and down-flow.
Griffith & Wallis (1961) were probably the first to report the unstable motion of cylindrical
bubbles in downward liquid flow, eccentrically located towards the pipe wall.
By looking at the flow seen by the bubble ahead of it (Figure 16), we note that there
is a major change between the situations of up- and down-flow. A qualitative explanation
of the difference of behaviour could be as follows. The bubble tip that controls the motion

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


tends to move up under the gravity force. In such motion, it follows the path where there
is the smallest resistance to its displacement, i.e. in the region where the momentum of the
liquid phase is the smallest. For up-flow, it is not surprising that the tip of the bubble be
located on the axis where the liquid velocity is the smallest. For down-flow it is expected
that the tip tends to migrate near the wall. However the surface tension prevents the
radius of curvature of the bubble to be too small: it may be possible only if the tip is not
too close to the wall. For large tubes, the effect must be more pronounced than for small

(a) (b)
Figure 16. Scheme of the bubble shape in up-flow (a) and down-flow (b).

Martin (1976) carried out specific experiments of downward flow in pipes of

different diameters (Figure 17). For the smallest diameter pipe (Eo≈100), the results do not
display any difference with the Nicklin et al correlation. For the largest diameter pipes
(Eo≈1400 and 2700), they do: C0=0.90 (resp. 0.86) for D=10 cm (resp. 14 cm).




D=2.6 cm
D=10 cm
-1,5 D=14 cm
Nicklin et al

-1,6 -1,2 -0,8 -0,4 0
Figure 17. Bubble velocity in down-flow from Martin (1976): V+=V/(gD)1/2 , jL+=jL/(gD)1/2.

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


♦ Horizontal and inclined motion: shape transition and bubble turning transition

The motion of bubbles in horizontal and inclined pipe was investigated by

Bendiksen (1984). He carried out experiments in pipe for inclinations ranging from –30° to
90°. They show that the law (42) of Nicklin et al proposed for vertical motion still applies
for horizontal and inclined motion.
However the experimental data put in evidence two transitions. The first one
concerns the change of shape that the bubble experiences when the inertia becomes
greater than the stratifying effect of gravity. The other one is the so-called “bubble
turning” transition that happens in downward motion.

Figure 18. Evolution of bubble shape in horizontal flow

when the liquid velocity increases (from top to bottom).

The shape transition was first identified in slug flow. In horizontal or slightly
inclined flow, the shape of the bubble at the nose changes when the liquid velocity
increases (Figure 18). At low velocity, the bubble has the characteristic shape of the bubble
described by Benjamin (1968): the tip is located close to the upper wall. At increasing
velocity the tip of the bubble moves away from the wall. At very large velocity the bubble
is nearly centred in the tube. The gravity force that stratifies the liquid in the film is in
competition with the liquid inertia that tends to centre the bubble. This competition is
quantified by the Froude number Fr=j/(gD)1/2. From his experiments in small diameter
pipe Bendiksen (1984) suggested that the transition might occur at Frc = 3.5. At this critical
value the location of the bubble tip with respect to the axis was observed to change from
0.75 D for the lowest velocity to 0 for the highest. This shape modification leads to a
change in the values of the coefficients of the Nicklin’s correlation. In particular the
coefficient C0 changes from 1 to values close to the one it takes in vertical flow when the
bubble is centred (Figure 19). In addition, C∞ also changes. When the bubble becomes
more centred there is no more the driving effect of gravity and C∞ cancels. We summarize
the behaviour as follows:
• For Fr<Frc C0≈1 and C∞≈ value for jL=0
• For Fr>Frc C0≈1.2 in turbulent flow and C∞≈0.

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


Figure 19. Experimental data on C0 after Bendiksen (1984).

The bubble turning phenomenon happens for negative slopes (Figure 20). For
velocity below some critical value depending upon the slope the bubble tip points against
the liquid flow as it does in counter-current flow. Nevertheless, the bubble does not
necessarily move up, it may be pushed downward. At increased velocity, the bubble tip
points in the same direction than the liquid flow: towards the bottom. The bubble moves
as in co-current flow.


Figure 20. Bubble turning for liquid down-flow.

The consequences can be seen in Figure 20: the bubble moves faster when it
behaves as in co-current flow. The results can be summarized as follows:
• When the liquid velocity is smaller than a critical value, C0<1 and V∞<0
• When it is greater C0>1 and V∞>0: for the highest liquid velocity C0→1.19 and
V∞→0 similarly to horizontal flow.

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


♦ Motion in viscous regime

Now let us examine the case when gravity is negligible, i.e. for Eo<<1. Then the
pipe inclination is no longer a relevant parameter and we expect to find roughly the same
results for vertical and horizontal flows. Although this case corresponds to very extreme
conditions it may be of interest for two-phase flow in very small tubes and for 0-gravity
flow. We refer here to the experimental investigations of Fairbrother and Stubbs (1935)
and Taylor (1961) and to the theoretical work of Bretherton (1961). Taylor and Bretherton
introduces a dimensionless drift coefficient m defined by:
V − jL
m= . (47)

If we report this definition in a Nicklin-like relation by ignoring the term due to gravity, it
may be found that:
m = 1− . (48)

In the absence of driving force (g=0) m must be a function of the dimensionless

µV µj
Ca = (or Ca = ) (49)
σ σ

that is a capillary number.

The conclusions of Taylor, Fairbrother and Stubbs, and Bretherton are summarized
as follows:
• When the capillary number is small enough, the velocity is obtained by retaining
the viscous force and the surface tension in the momentum equation Bretherton
(1961). Then m is shown theoretically to vary as:

m = 1.29 ( 3 Ca )
2 /3
for Ca < 0.003. (50)

• For higher values of Ca the experimental results (Fairbrother and Stubbs, 1935) are
well fitted by:

m = 1.0 Ca for Ca < 0.09. (51)

• When the capillary number is high enough we do not expect any influence from
surface tension. In other words m must tend asymptotically towards a constant. It
happens at a rather low value of Ca of 1.7:

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


m = 0.56 for Ca > 1.7. (52)

Eq. (52) may be written using C0 rather m. In this case it happens that C 0 = 2.27, in total
agreement with the first solution of Collins et al (1979) for laminar flow when the gravity
term is discarded (Eq. 44).
An interesting point about the solution at low capillary number was suggested by
Taylor. The velocity profile in the moving frame far upstream the bubble is:
 2
u − V   2r  
= 2 −   − C0 .
V  D 
 

When C0< 2, i.e. for m < 0.5, the velocity is positive on the axis while negative at the wall.
This gives the probable picture of Figure 21 for the streamlines, with one stagnation point
on the axis and a stagnation circumference. This solution was visualized by Cox (1964).


Figure 21. Picture of the flow upstream a moving bubble in viscous regime for m<0.5.

c. Bubble shape

Bubbles rising in vertical tubes have the shape of a prolate spheroid independent of
their length. The nose appears smooth except for high liquid velocity for which it
fluctuates, probably under the effect of large turbulent eddies that could modify the shape
equilibrium. It has been also pointed out that in counter-current flow, the nose is displaced
towards the tube wall where it has not a stable position: it turns or oscillates in search of a
stable position. The shape at the rear depends on whether or not the viscous force is
negligible. When negligible, the bubble has a flat back indicating that flow separation and
vortex shedding occur (see for example the picture of (Figure 7). When it is not, the rear of
the bubble may take the form depicted in Figure 21.
The shape of the bubble depends upon the pipe inclination. Indeed the experiments
of Zukoski in still liquid (1966) show clearly that the eccentricity increases when the pipe is
deviated from the vertical position. As a consequence, when the inclination decreases
from 90° to the horizontal, the cross-sectional area of the film far from the nose departs
from a centred annulus to an eccentric annulus, then to a segment of the circle indicating
that stratified flow is reached in the liquid film at some distance behind the nose which

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


varies with inclination angle. According to Spedding and Nguyen (1978) this change in
shape occurs between 30° and 40°.
In horizontal flow, we have already mentioned the characteristic of the bubble nose
as well as the shape transition that occurs for certain critical Froude number. Fangundes et
al (1999) carried out experiments in which they released isolated bubbles in a horizontal
pipe. From these experiments it can be seen (picture of Figure 18 and recording of Figure
22) that:
• The shape of the bubble is independent of its length.
• Like the nose, the rear of the bubble experiences a shape evolution when the liquid
velocity that pushes the bubble increases. At low velocity, the bubble presents at
the rear a smooth evolution whereas at high velocity the rear looks like a hydraulic


0 20 40 60 80 100

0 20 40 60 80 100
Figure 22. Influence of the bubble volume: jL= 0.6 m/s (a) 1.2 m/s (b),
the x-coordinate is the non dimensionless distance to the bubble nose,
the y-coordinate is the local liquid hold-up.

The bubble is in fact composed of four different parts (Figure 24): a nose controlled
by inertia and gravity whose length is about 1 D, a body controlled by friction and gravity
that may extend over several diameters, a hydraulic jump controlled by inertia and
gravity with about 1 D length and finally a tail of a few diameters.

Nose Hydraulic

Figure 23. The various regions of a long bubble.

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


The body controls the length of the bubble and the height of the film upstream the
jump. Its shape may be predicted using a shallow water approximation. Knowing the
shape and the bubble volume it is possible to determine the flow conditions at the end of
the liquid film, just before the jump. Then the intensity (i.e. the jump of height) across the
jump may be calculated. The presence of the tail depends on the jump intensity:
• If the jump intensity is small enough so that the height downstream does not equal
D, the tail exists and we are in the so-called plug flow domain. This happens if the
momentum Aϕ2/RLS of the liquid film that enters into the jump is small enough, i.e.
at low bubble velocity V and large enough film thickness, i.e. long enough bubble.
• If these conditions are not fulfilled, the interface after the jump reaches the upper
part of the pipe, the tail disappears and we are now in the slug flow domain. To
satisfy the conservation of momentum across the hydraulic jump, bubble shedding
must occurs at the rear part of the long bubbles.
Figure 24 shows the result of the model of Fagundes et al. It is seen that for long
bubbles one reaches the transition at a smaller Froude number than for short ones.

Figure 24. Map of plug to slug transition after Fagundes et al. (1999).

d. Developing length of a bubble

The practical models used for predicting slug flow usually contain the assumption
that the flow is full developed in the long bubbles. To see how good is this assumption it is
possible to determine the evolution of the liquid hold-up along the film. To illustrate this
question we discuss the example of horizontal motion that was treated by Fagundes et al.
(1999). It may be easily extended to vertical motion.
In the shallow water approximation (1D two fluids model), the momentum
equation in the moving frame reads:

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


SwL  R L − R L∞ 
dR L R3L dh L
−g 2 = −2 f L   , (53)
dξ ϕ L dξ πD2  R L∞ 

where RL is the local liquid hold-up, hL(RL) the height of the liquid film, RL∞ the liquid hold-
up for a bubble of infinite length, fL the friction factor at the wall and ϕL=V–jL the liquid flux
(Eq. 19). RL∞ can be determined for horizontal flow by the following approximate
expression given by Fagundes et al. (1999):
 1/7 
ϕL   ϕ L  νG ρ4G  
R L∞ = 1 + 1.70.5 +   , (54)
V   V  ν L ρ4L  
 

provided its value falls between 0.1 and 0.5.

The order of magnitude of the bubble length LS can be found by putting Eq. (53) in
dimensionless form. It follows that:

LS  gD 
= ϑ . (55)
D  f L (V − j L )2 

The calculations have been carried out and plotted in Figure 25. They show that the length
of a long bubble such as RL=0.95 RL∞ is greater than 100 D. Thus, for bubbles shorter than
LS the assumption of fully developed flow in the film is questionable.

Figure 25. Developing length of a bubble in horizontal pipe after Fagundes et al. (1999).

e. Motion of train of bubbles in slug flow

Measured bubble velocities are shown in Figure 26 for vertical flow, and in Figure
27 for horizontal flow. They are plotted in dimensionless scale versus the mixture velocity
defined as:

j = j L + jG . (56)

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


It must be noted that at high velocity the data are scattered. These figures illustrate some
general trends that will be briefly discussed. For a more extensive analysis, see the review
of Fabre and Liné (1992) or Dukler and Fabre (1994).
The V(j) relation is linear over certain ranges of mixture velocity j thus supporting
the assumption of Nicklin et al. for single bubble motion. The velocity is thus given by:

V = C0 j + C∞ gD . (57)

where the law is similar to Eq. (42) except that jL is replaced by j. C0 and C∞ remains
constant for some range of mixture velocity and fluid properties.

V/(gD) 0.5

Nicklin et al, 1962
2 Fréchou, 1986, Ø50
Martin, 1976, Ø140
1 Martin, 1976, Ø100
Martin, 1976, Ø26

-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


Figure 26. Velocity of long bubbles vs. mixture velocity, θ=90°




Co=1.2 ∞ =0
Linga, 1989
2 Ferschneider, 1982
Co=1 C∞ ∞ =0.54

0 2 4 6 8 10

Figure 27. Velocity of long bubbles vs. mixture velocity, θ=0°

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


The flow regime transition put in evidence in vertical flow suggests that the
bubble move faster when the liquid flow is laminar upstream the bubble nose than when
it is turbulent. Fréchou carried out experiments in slug flow (1986) with fluids of different
viscosity to vary the Reynolds number of the mixture, Re=jD/νL, over a wide range. The
transition was found near a critical Reynolds number ReC=1000, the data being reasonably
fitted by:
2.27 1.2
C0 = + (58)
1 + (Re / Rec ) 2
1 + (Rec/Re)2




100 1000 10000 100000 1000000

Figure 28. Influence of the flow regime on bubble motion

: Fréchou; : Mao & Dukler; : Eq. (58).

The up-flow/down-flow transition in vertical flow is clearly visible in the vicinity

of j=0 in Figure 26. However much has to be done for down-flow condition to understand
the mechanism that controls the bubble motion.
The shape transition in horizontal flow has for a long time been a matter of
controversy. It is shown in Figure 27 less clearly than the previous one. In the various
experiments (Ferré, 1979; Théron, 1989; Ferschneider, 1982; Linga, 1989) the authors do
not agree on the value of the critical Froude number at which the transition occurs.
However these experiments were carried out with different pipe diameters and different
fluids leading to different values of the Eötvös number. As surface tension is expected to
have some influence, the critical Froude number should be a function of the Eötvös
number: FrC=f(Eo). It may be suggested that this function be chosen so as to the two laws
shown in Figure 27 intersect at Fr=FrC to ensure the continuity of the bubble velocity, i.e.:

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


V + C∞ gD = 1.2 V ,

that gives, by using Eq. (38) for expressing C∞:

Frc = 2.7 − 8.8 Eo−0.56 (59)

The bubble-turning transition is also observed in slug flow. The question

regarding the direction of the bubble and thus its motion can be solved from the
following consideration. Slugging occurs when stratified flow is unstable. Lets us now
consider the two stratified flow patterns that can be observed in descending flow (see
chapter on stratified flow).
• If the gravity force is high enough compared to the pressure force due to gas
friction, the liquid is moved independently from the gas: it controls the hold-up and
the cross-section offered to the gas flow. If the gas velocity is so small that the
velocity difference UG–UL can induce a K-H instability, then slug flow will form with
bubble pointing upward (Figure 29 a).
• If the pressure force due to gas friction is greater than the gravity force in the
liquid, the gas velocity is greater than that of liquid. If the condition required for a
K-H instability is fulfilled, slug flow will form with bubble pointing downward
(Figure 29 b).


(a) (b)
Figure 29. Upper pictures: stratified flow; lower pictures: resulting slug flow.

Note that in both cases, the bubble moves downward.

f. Liquid hold-up in long bubbles

The general method generally used to determine the hold-up in large bubble starts
from the assumption that the separated flow region between the nose and the tail is fully
developed. The liquid hold-up may be known by eliminating the pressure gradient
between Eqs. (21) for k=L,G:

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


τ wGS SwGS τ iGS SiS τ wLS SwLS

+ − + A ∆ρ g sin θ = 0. (60)

This is the hold-up equation already put in evidence in stratified flow. In the foregoing
equation the shear stresses at both wall and interface are expressed as follows:
U kS U kS
τ wkS = − f kSρ k , (61)

τ iGS = − f iSρG
(UGS − U LS ) UGS − U LS , (62)

in which the friction factors f have to be closed following the method indicated in the
chapter “Stratified flow”. Solving Eq. (60) addresses two important issues:
• The pattern of the interface within the bubble must be known. For vertical flow the
interface forms an annulus, whereas it is flat in horizontal flow. A transition thus
occurs which must be modelled. As already said, very little is known on this
• The assumption of fully developed flow is rather strong. It has to be revisited by
considering the evolution of the thickness of the liquid film as a function of the
length of the bubble.

3. Liquid slugs

One of the most specific feature of slug flow is the entrainment of small bubbles at
the rear of the gas slugs, generating a bubbly mixture that flows from the rear of a long
bubble to the front of the next one.

Figure 30. Pictures of the entrainment of small bubbles at the rear of the long ones.

This phenomenon, pictured in Figure 30 for both horizontal and vertical motions,
addresses several issues:
• The generation of small bubbles from the gas slugs.

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


• Their motion in the liquid slugs.

• The development of the bubbly mixture in the liquid slugs.

a. Entrainment of small bubbles

In the recent decade, some experimental data of gas fraction in the liquid slugs have
been published. Some of these results obtained with similar flow conditions but different
pipe inclinations are illustrated in Figure 31 —the data are replotted here versus
dimensionless mixture. This presentation shows that the evolution of the gas fraction with
the mixture velocity has the same trend in horizontal and in vertical pipe. This suggests
that the same physical process take place and that the same modelling can be used for
both cases.





0 5 10 15 20 25

Figure 31. Gas fraction in liquid slugs:
Vertical flow: Barnea & Shemer, Mao & Dukler. Horizontal flow: Andreussi & Bendiksen;
—— horizontal flow; - - - vertical flow.

The mechanism of entrainment may be explained as indicated in Figure 32. The

liquid shed from the rear of a liquid slug, flows around the nose of the long bubble to
form a stratified or annular film flowing downward. This film enters at a relatively high
velocity into the front of the next slug at high relative velocity. As the liquid film enters
the slug it entrains some gas. In the mixing zone at the front of the next slug there is a
local region of high void fraction that is clearly observable. In this region of high
turbulence level, the mixing process carries some of the bubbles to the front of the slug
where they coalesce back into the long bubble.
Material balance considerations require that:

ϕG = ϕGe − ϕGb (63)

where ϕG, ϕGe, ϕGb, are the net flux, the flux entrained from the tail and the flux back to the
long bubble respectively.

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


What is the basic difference between horizontal and vertical flow? In experiments
of Figure 31 the fluid properties and the pipe diameter were the same and it appears that
the gas content in the liquid slugs is higher in vertical flow than in horizontal flow. This
does not tell us however whether the gas flux is different between both cases. This flux is
given versus the gas fraction by:

ϕG = RGD (V − UGD ) . (64)

Even if the gas fraction is higher in vertical than in horizontal flow, the net gas flux
entrained could be the same provided that the relative bubble velocity is smaller. Since the
bubble drift is higher in vertical than in horizontal flow, this could be true. However
V>>UGD and we can firmly state that the gas flux is higher in vertical than in horizontal


ϕGe ϕG

Figure 32. Entrainment at the rear of a long bubble

The gas entrainment raises another question. Figure 31 shows that below some
mixture velocity there is no bubble in the slugs. There exists some critical velocity
difference above which gas is entrained: this is the onset of bubble entrainment. In vertical
flow the velocity difference is always sufficient to generate small bubbles at the tail of the
long ones.
There are a few models in the literature that were developed for predicting the gas
fraction in the liquid slugs. We shall not make room for those that are less than
satisfactory. These models were developed on purpose either for horizontal flow or
vertical flow and the result is quite disappointing when one try to apply each to the other
case. Keeping in mind that the mechanism of entrainment is basically the same whatever
the pipe slope, a reliable model should do a good job in both cases.
Andreussi and Bendiksen (1989) proposed a model that applies satisfactorily to
horizontal or slightly inclined flows. They postulated that the flux of gas entrained at the
tail of the long bubble is proportional to the flux of liquid entering the front of the slug
once this film velocity exceeds a critical threshold value. Part of this gas is returned to the
long bubble at a rate proportional to the void fraction in the liquid slugs. Using a

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


simplified expression of the long bubble velocity, it may be demonstrated that the gas
fraction is expressed as:
j− jf
RGD = . (65)
( j + j0 )

In this equation, the critical mixture velocity jf and the velocity scale j0 are expressed by:
  d0 2 

j f = 2.6 1 − 2   gD ,
 (66)
  D  

 sin θ  −3 /4
j0 = 2400 1 − Eo gD , (67)
 3 

with d0=25 mm and n an exponent depending on the density ratio of both phases. The
values of the numerical coefficients are chosen for the best fit with experimental data.
According to Eq. (66) the onset of entrainment must not be sensitive to the pipe diameter
provided it is large enough leading to a critical mixture velocity of about 2.6 (gD)1/2. This is
probably not fortuitous that this critical mixture velocity is close to the velocity at the
shape transition predicted by Eq. (59). Indeed, as previously mentioned, we believe that
the entrainment takes place to balance the momentum condition across the hydraulic

b. Gas drift in liquid slugs

For vertical or inclined flow it is generally assumed that buoyancy causes the
bubbles in the slug to move upward relative to the liquid at a velocity identical to that in
bubbly flow. This is consistent with the idea that the liquid slug is equivalent to a section of
a pipe which carries distributed bubbly flow. Because the Harmathy equation modified for
the presence of a swarm of bubbles has been successfully used for this drift velocity in
bubbly flow it has been assumed that it would describe the process equally well in slug

UGD − U LD = 1.54(1 − RGD ) (σ g)

0.5 0.25
. (68)

We recommend however to use this law with care since it is not expected to work
properly when the viscosity of the liquid is too high.
Another choice is to use a drift flux model for the bubbly region. This model has
been proposed from theoretical grounds by Kowe et al. It leads to the following
expression for the gas velocity:

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


UGD = C1 j + (1 − C mRGD )(1 − RGD )VB , (69)

in which C1 accounts for the velocity and gas fraction distribution, Cn is the entrained mass
coefficient whose value is 0.5 for spherical bubbles, and VB is the rise velocity of bubble in
still liquid. This velocity may be calculated for vertical flow by using the set of relations
given by Wallis. For inclined pipe the question has not yet been resolved.
As the bubble diameter is needed it may be postulated that their size results mainly
from turbulence breakup. In this case the model of Hinze is well accepted: it suppose that
at the critical diameter the pressure fluctuations that tend to break the bubble is balanced
by the interfacial force. It turns out that the bubble diameter may be expressed as a
function of the wall shear stress in the slugs:

 R 2 σ3 1/5 τ S U −2 /5
dB = 1.15  LD  LwD LwD LD
. (70)
 ρL  A

Because of the lack of experimental data on the gas drift, it is hard to conclude.

c. Development of the flow structure in the liquid slug

As the flow in the long bubbles evolves with the distance to its front, the flow in the
liquid slugs does the same. The few measurements that are available show that the region
just behind the rear of the long bubble is highly aerated by numerous small bubbles.
These bubbles are entrapped in the bubble wake from where they escape to flow towards
the next bubble. Figure 33 gives an example of such evolution: one can see that at a
distance equal to the mean slug length, the flow is not yet fully developed. The
assumption that is usually taken in the slug flow models is still more questionable for the
slug region than for the bubble region.

Figure 33. Evolution of the gas fraction along the liquid slug.
The arrow indicates the mean slug length.

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


4. Slug structure

It has been shown in previous sections that neither the characteristic length scale L
of the cells not their frequency f are needed to calculate void fraction and pressure

a. Mean length and frequency

However there is a practical need for knowing the time or length scales of slug
flow. For example in hydrocarbon two-phase transportation the maximum slug size is
important for the design of slug catchers.
From the times of passage TDi, TSi and the velocities VDi, VSi, of each slug and bubble
the mean lengths LD, LS may be determined from the statistical average of the products
TDiVDi, TSiVSi. However since the probability distribution of the velocities are narrowly
distributed about their average, the assumption VDi= VSi = V leads to:

LD = VT D and LS = VT S (71)

where T D, T S are the mean times of residence of slugs and long bubbles. The mean slug
length LD is one of the characteristic length scale. A characteristic time scale is the mean
time of passage of the cell T = T D + T S : to this scale one substitutes n = 1 T , generally
referred to as the slug frequency. Note that n is the number of cells per unit time seen by
a fixed observer with no implication as to periodicity. It can be shown that the mean slug
length and the slug frequency are related by:
LD = (1 − β) . (72)

Let us discuss the case of horizontal flow. When the superficial gas velocity
increases the mean length of the liquid slugs increases and then reaches an asymptotic
value lying between 30 to 40D. Concerning the slug frequency, the experiments show that
when the mixture velocity increases, it goes through a minimum. Gregory & Scott
proposed a correlation based on their data and those of Hubbard:

 j V2 

n = 0.0157 L  m
+ V  (where n is in s–1) (73)
 gD  V 

where Vm is the slug velocity at the minimum frequency. Unfortunately this relation
suffers from two weaknesses: it is not dimensionless and it requires the velocity Vm to fit
the data.

Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE


A theoretical method has been proposed by Tronconi. He assumed that the

number of slugs formed by unit time is inversely proportional to the period of the finite
amplitude wave prior to the pipe bridging:
n = 0.61 (74)
ρ L hG

where hG and UG are the thickness and the velocity of the gas layer prior to slugging. The
method requires however to determine the equivalent stratified flow.

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Modelling of slug flow / Jean FABRE

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