Fracture Toughness of White Cast Irons: West Germany
Fracture Toughness of White Cast Irons: West Germany
Fracture Toughness of White Cast Irons: West Germany
of White bides.
Cast Irons The experimental approach used a compositional grid that
provided a wide variation in the quantity of M 7C3 carbides
in a matrix of constant composition and of enough harden-
ability to prevent transformation of the austenite to pearlite
either during mold cooling or during air cooling after reheat-
K. H. Zum Gahr ing to various austenitizing temperatures. Twelve heats were
Ruhr-University of Bochum produced to provide a variation in carbide volume from about
West Germany 10% to 50%. One additional heat was made to provide enough
iron of constant carbide volume to determine the effect on
fracture toughness of a range of matrix microstructures ob-
William G. Scholz tained by a wide range of heat treatments.
Climax Molybdenum Company of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan Material Preparation
Thirteen high-Cr/Mo white cast irons, with varying carbon
and chromium contents, were cast from induction-melted
heats. All heats were cast as 50-mm Y-blocks in baked sand
molds. The chemical compositions of the heats are given in
Table I.
SUMMARY Heat Treatment
The volume of the massive (primary and/or eutectic) Specimen blanks were cut from the Y-blocks with a tung-
carbides and the structure of the matrix influenced fracture sten carbide band saw and heat treated in an electric furnace
toughness of high-Cr/ Mo white cast irons. K lc fracture
toughness of structures with more than 30% carbides and
KId fracture toughness over the whole range of carbide vol-
High-chromium white cast irons are extensively used for
mining and milling service because they exhibit exceptional
abrasion resistance if the microstructure is properly con-
trolled. One example l of the use of large castings of high-
chromium white irons is the large autogenous grinding mill
for taconite ore shown in Figure 1. The shell liners and lift-
er bars are cast from high-chromium/ molybdenum white
iron. Wear rates of liners per ton of ore decreased 33% com-
pared to quenched-and-tempered martensitic steel formerly
used in this mill. Other applications include impact crush-
ers for limestone and cement clinker and rod mills for grind-
ing copper ore. Another important and increasing applica-
tion for high-chromium white irons is in rolling-mill rolls,
specifically those used for continuous hot rolling of steel
plate and strip.
It is evident from these applications that alloyed white
irons possess adequate toughness for quite severe service,
although no correlation has yet been established between
various toughness test results and the toughness required
for any service application. It appears that fracture tough-
ness measurements might give the desired correlations, and
attempts have recently been made to determine fracture
toughness of abrasion-resistant irons. 2 - 7 Fracture toughness
values were found to be in the same range as those deter-
mined for tool steels. 8 - 11 The purpose of this study was to Figure 1. Feed end liners In 11-m diameter autogenous mill
determine the influence of both carbide volume and matrix for grinding highly abrasive taconite ore. Hlgh-Cr / Mo Irons are
microstructure on toughness, in terms of both static and used for lifter bars and shell liners.
Element, % Carbide
Heat Volume,
No. C Si Mn Cr Mo Cu Ni P S %
17A 1.41 0.58 1.56 11.6 2.39 1.24 0.020 0.D18 0.030 7.1
17B 1.38 (0.58)* (1.56) 12.8 (2.39) (1.24) (0.020) (0.018) (0.030) 9.8
18A 2.00 0.59 1.54 15.8 2.35 1.14 0.020 NA** NA 14.4
18B 1.89 (0.59) (1.54) 17.8 (2.35) (1.14) (0.020) NA NA 17.4
16A 2.58 0.56 1.50 17.6 2.39 1.03 0.023 0.020 0.030 24.3
16B 2.48 (0.56) (1.50) 18.7 (2.39) (1.03) (0.023) (0.020) (0.030) 22.7
19A 2.87 0.58 1.52 20.0 2.36 0.94 0.020 NA NA 29.1
19B 2.79 (0.58) (1.52) 21.0 (2.36) (0.94) (0.020) NA NA 30.4
63 2.92 0.57 1.55 19.0 2.35 0.94 0.04 0.032 0.025 28.0
20A 3.50 0.61 1.59 23.4 2.47 0.87 0.022 0.020 0.030 37.6
20B 3.41 (0.61) (1.59) 24.1 (2.47) (0.87) (0.022) (0.020) (0.030) 41.1
21A 3.93 0.63 1.57 24.6 2.45 0.76 0.022 NA NA 45.4
21B 3.81 (0.63) (1.57) 25.7 (2.45) (0.76) (0.022) NA NA 38.8
·Values in parentheses were not analyzed but are assumed to be the ssme 88 those obtained on analysis of the "A" ingot of the same heat.
"Not analyzed.
Figure 2. Microstructures of experimental Irons: (a) as-cast Heat 18A (2.0C-15.8Cr-2.4Mo-1.1Cu), 14.4% carbides; (b) as-
cast Heat 19A (2.9C-20.0Cr-2.4Mo-0.9Cu), 29.1% carbides; (c) as-cast Heat 21A (3.9C-24.6Cr-2.4Mo-0.8Cu), 45.4% carbides;
and (d) heat-treated martensltlc Heat 17A (1.4C-11.6Cr-2.4Mo-1.2Cu), 7.1% carbides.
used to calculate KId values using the equation for three- EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
point-bend specimens according to ASTM E399-78. An in- Influence of Carbide Volume
house investigation had previously shown that the difference
in calculated KId values between precracked and EDM- Microstructure. Figure 2 shows examples of microstructures
notched specimens is about 1-2 MPay'ffi. Therefore, we of the white cast irons used in this study. The as-cast irons
believe that EDM notch geometry is sufficient to lead to were predominantly austenitic (Figures 2a-2c) with this vol-
reliable results for the relatively brittle white irons. ume of massive carbides (primarily and/ or eutectic carbides)
All reported K l c and KId fracture toughness values are the varying between 7 and 45%. The carbides, examined by
average of at least two, and in a few cases three or four, test microprobe analysis, were found to be of the type (Cr.Fe3)C3.
values. The fracture toughness testing was carried out in air Their shape changed from eutectic networks between the
at 50% relative humidity and 21°C as average conditions. austenite dendrites (Figure 2a) for Heats 10, 17, and 18 to
The Vickers hardness of each specimen was measured lamellar or radial (Figure 2b) for Heats 19 and 63. The
using a 50 kg load. In addition to mechanical testing, change from one carbide morphology to the other occurred as
fracture surfaces of selected K lc and KId specimens were a slow transition in the carbide shape as the carbon plus
investigated in an AMR-l000 scanning electron microscope. chromium content (i.e. the carbide volume) increased. Pri-
The amount of carbide on fracture surfaces was measured by mary hexagonal carbide rods (Figure 2c) in addition to lamel-
using the linear intercept method on electron micrographs. lar and/ or radial eutectic carbides occurred in Heats 20
and 21.
Heat treatments of the as-cast irons between 900°C and
1035°C resulted in the austenite being depleted of carbon
due to the precipitation of secondary carbides (~0.5-1
• MARTENSITIC ~m, Figure 2d) . Consequently, much of the austenite trans-
• • AUSTENITiC formed to martensite during cooling to room temperature.
The amount of austenite remaining in the structures at room
5: 800
temperature was reduced by refrigerating twice to -78°C.
Heating at 200°C /2 h was designed to reduce internal
stresses of the structures.
c: Hardness and Fracture Toughness. Figure 3 shows how the
.r; 700
increase in carbide volume raised the bulk hardness of pre-
o dominantly austenitic and predominantly martensitic struc-
U tures. The hardness of the martensitic structures was, as
~ expected, substantially greater than that of the austenitic
~ 600
structures. The microhardness of the austenitic matrices
was about 410 HV 25 for all heats, and was independent
~ of carbide volume.
J: AUSTENITIC Figure 4 shows the influence of carbide volume on the K lc
gf 500 and KId fracture toughness- of the different irons in the
c: austenitic and the martensitic conditions. K l c fracture tough-
:u • • ness values were found to be much the same with increasing
J: • 16B
1~ _ _ _ ._-4-- __
• HV25 carbide volume up to about 20% or 30% for the austenitic and
martensitic structures (Figure 4a) . For carbide volumes up
"5 400
•• to 30%, the K l c values were substantially greater for the
• austenitic structures than for the martensitic structures at
the same carbide volume. K l c fracture toughness values were
determined to be about equal in the austenitic and mar-
tensitic structures with carbide volumes greater than 30%.
VOLUME PERCENT CARBIDE Beyond a carbide volume of 30%, there was a marked de-
Figure 3. Relationship between hardness and carbide volume crease in the K l c values with increasing carbide volume (Fig-
for austenitic structures (as-cast + 200°C 1 2h) and martensitic ure 4a) .
structures (900°C / 5h, cooled by forced air, refrigerated twice KId values decreased with increasing carbide volume over
to -78°C, and stress relieved 200° C / 2h). the range of carbide volumes investigated (Figure 4b) . At
30 A---
16B. ~9iA19B
lII:: 25
A 16A. A 9A
~ 20 .!.!
!:::I ~
1$ ......
c: 24 900
22 800
0 10 20 30 40 50 1$
Carbide Volume, % I!
LI. 20 700 ~
(a) Static Fracture Toughness
L --'"
600 ~
HV50 ~
-- --4.,. 'y...._.6-~- "
16 '6..._ ..
30 14
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 100
::E Tempering Temperature, °C
(a) As-Cast Austenitic Structures
~ 34
! 20
o 10 20 30 50
Carbide Volume, %
(b) Dynamic Fracture Toughness
Figure 4. Static. (a) and dynamic (b) fracture toughness of .!.!
austenitic and martensltlc matrix irons as a function of volume ~
of massive carbide. Austenitic Irons were as-cast, stress-
relieved 200°C/2h; martensltlc Irons were heat treated i
24 900
900° C/5h, refrigerated twice at -78°C, and stress relieved
200° C/2h. 1
~ 22 800
Influence of the Matrix Structure 600 '"
Microstructures. The matrix structure of Heat 63, obtained
by the heat treatments listed in Table n, can be categorized 500
as predominantly austenitic or predominantly martensitic.
The volume of massive carbides, about 28%, was constant for
all derived matrix microstructures. Hereafter, heating as-cast 400
300 400 500 600 100
or quenched specimens to 200° will be referred to as stress reo
lieving, and heating specimens above this temperature but Tempering Temperature, °C
below the eutectoid temperature will arbitrarily be referred
to as tempering. However, heating the austenitic as·cast (b) Martensitic Structures (4 Hours at lOOO°C)
structure up to about 400°C for 2 h resulted mainly in stress
relieving and mild tempering of the martensite present Figure 5. Fracture toughness and hardness resulting from tem-
(about 24% of the matrix) in the structure. The amount of pering .Heat 63 for 2 11: (a) as-cast austenitic structures,
austenite in the matrix decreased slightly from 76% to 20-700°C, (b) martensitlc structures, 1000°C.
the matrix from about 76% to 86%. Secondary carbides '#.
were precipitated from the austenite during reaustenitizing <Ill 70
in the range of 900-1035°C; because the austenite was de- 't:
pleted of carbon, a large portion of the austenite transformed 60
to martensite during quenching to room temperature. At
room temperature, after austenitizing lOOO°C/4 h, the pre- 1>
dominantly martensitic matrix contained about 35% aus- "'- 50
tenite, which was reduced to (a) <5% by refrigerating twice 0
<Ill 40
to -78°C, or (b) by heating above 330°C, e.g. to about 25% !
by heating at 550°C/2 h. oct
Hardness and Fracture Toughness. Figure 5 shows the in-
fluence of tempering temperature on K lc and Kid fracture i<Ill
curred by tempering in the range of 250-400°C (Figure 5a). Volume of Carbides in Metallographic Samples, %
The highest K lc value for a tempered austenitic structure
was obtained by heating at 550°C for 2 h. Heating at tempera· Figure 7. Area of carbides on fracture surface vs. carbide
tures beyond 550°C drastically reduced the K lc values. volume of dynamic fracture toughriess specimens with (a) aus-
Stress relieving the as-cast austenitic specimens 200°C/2 h tenitic structures, as-cast + 200°C/2h and (b) martensltlc struc-
resulted in a large increase in the KId value (Figure 5a). The tures, 900°C/5h, cooled with forced air, refrigerated twice to
highest Kid value was obtained by tempering 330°C/2 h. -78°C, and stress relieved 200°C/2h.
Heating the as-cast austenitic specimens beyond 330°C up
to 700°C produced a significant decrease in KId values.
~ 24
increased the K 1c fracture toughness of iron austenitized
at lOOO°C. Kid fracture toughness values, however, showed
a marked dependence on the austenitizing temperature.
:III: 400
Austenitizing at lOOO°C resulted in the lowest Kid value in
- 22
the as-quenched structures; but when the specimens quench-
CD ed from 950°C to 1120°C were stress relieved at 200°C, the
!' 20
KId values were increased to about the same value. In Figure
0 6, the retained austenite values show that the lower aus-
!::0 tenitizing temperatures, 9OO-1000°C, resulted in predomi-
1> 18 nantly martensitic structures; 1120°C, however, resulted in a
I! predominantly austenitic structure.
16 Fractography
100 '#. Microscopic examination showed that, in both the austeni-
tic and martensitic structures, the amount of carbide on
fracture surfaces was substantially larger than the volume of
eutectic and primary carbides measured on metallographic
12 40 ~
specimens. The amount of carbide on the fracture surfaces
20 ·Ii of Kid specimens is shown in Figure 7. At a given carbide
oa: volume as determined on polished metallographic specimens,
900 1000 1100 the amount of carbides was greater on fracture surfaces of
Austenitizing Temperature, °C specimens with an austenitic matrix. Figure 8 illustrates
Figure 6. Fracture toughness, hardness, and retained austenite the main features produced by cracks propagating in high-
of Heat 63 (2.9C-19.0Cr-2.4Mo-0.9Cu). Specimens were re- Cr / Mo white irons. Cracks propagated through the matrix
austenltlzed at temperatures Indicated and tested as-quenched (Figure 8a)·, along interdendritic carbide networks of irons
or stress relieved 200° C/2h. with a relatively small amount of carbides (Figure 8b), and on
42 JOURNAL OF METALS • October, 1980
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 8. Fracture surface and fracture toughness specimens: (a) Heat 17A (1.4C-11.6Cr-2.4Mo-1.2Cu) mar1ensltlc struc-
ture containing 7.1% carbides, (b) same heat with an austenitic structure, (c) Heat 20B (3.4C-24.1Cr-2.5Mo-0.9Cu) mar1ensltlc
structure containing 41.1 % carbides.
cleavage planes of carbides or at the carbide/ matrix inter-
face in irons with a relatively large amount of carbides 32
(Figure 8c).
IE 30
Experimental results show how both the volume of mas- ...
~ 28
sive carbides and the structure of the matrix influenced -.::
K lc and Kid fracture toughness values of high-Cr / Mo white u
Helpful Uterature
(continued from page 37) ~ 98 Gas Scrubber Corrosion: 20-page illus- and sponge iron-based steelmaking, compares
trated brochure offers help in solving corro- increases of EF steelmaking in the u.s. and
sion problems that occur in gas scrubber sys- Japan, and contains a complete listing by com-
~ 93 Vacuum Sintering Furnaces: Brochures tems used to remove 50 2 , pany, plant, location, and capacity of the 47
details the complete line of vacuum sintering AMAX Nickel ferrous scrap and sponge-based steelmaking
furnaces used in such processes as carbide companies in the u.s. Price is $20.00.
sintering and tool steel sintering. Institute for Iron & Steel Studies
GCA/ Vacuum Industries
Hazardous Wastes Regulations: Hazard- ~ 100 NOT Laboratory: Full-service NOT lab-
~ 94 Lubricant Testing Service: Leaflet de- ous Wastes/ RCRA Handbook, a guide to oratory offers a wide range of nondestructive
scribes a lubricant testing service which offers cost-effective compliance with the Re- testing techniques including x-ray and gamma
an economical way of evaluating metalwork- source Conservation . and Recovery Act radiography , magnetic particle, dye and
ing lubricants. (deadline November 19, 1980), provides a fluorescent penetrant, eddy current, ultra-
BNF Metals Technology Centre detailed analysis of the applicable regu- sonic, and visual inspection for the south-
lations, the regulations themselves, sample western u.s.
forms for compliance, and the complete Peabody Testing Services
~ 96 Methanol Carburizing Atmosphere Pro- text of the RCRA statute_ Price is $65 .00.
cess: Effective carburizing atmosphere process Order from Government Institutes, P.O.
that uses high purity nitrogen and methanol to ~ 101 Induction Melting: Bulletin describes
Box 5918, Washington, D.C. 20014; tele-
replace the atmosphere produced by natural induction melting systems that combine flexi-
phone (301) 656-1090.
gas-based endothermic generators is described bility with excellent power density for melt-
in this brochure. ing iron, steel. copper, or aluminum alloys.
Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. Inductotherm Corp.