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Energy Policy 134 (2019) 110949

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Energy Policy 134 (2019) 110949

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Modelling of energy consumption and carbon emission from the building T

construction sector in China, a process-based LCA approach
Yang Zhang, Da Yan∗, Shan Hu∗∗, Siyue Guo


Keywords: A rapid rise in China's construction scale due to urbanization has resulted in a large amount of energy con-
Embodied energy sumption and carbon emission. In order to achieve carbon emission reduction and energy security, it is im-
Carbon emissions portant to assess the energy use of and emissions from the building construction sector. This paper presents a
Building construction China Building Construction Model (CBCM) based on a process-based life cycle assessment (LCA) approach and
Process-based LCA model
discusses the trends in energy consumption of and carbon emission regarding China's building construction
sector from 2000 to 2016. In 2016, the total energy consumption of the building construction sector was 411
million tce, accounting for approximately 9% of the country's total energy consumption. The construction ac-
tivities of urban residential, public, and commercial buildings have replaced rural residential buildings as the
main source of energy consumption and emission. Construction scale, building structure type, and material
production efficiency are the three important driving factors. A decline in China's building construction scale,
promotion of new low carbon building structures, and improvement in production efficiency may reduce future
energy use and carbon emissions related to the building construction sector.

1. Introduction it was proposed to limit the global temperature rise to no more than 2°
(UNFCCC, 2015). Based on this target, China has proposed a peak in
Urbanization in China has advanced rapidly during the past dec- carbon emissions by 2030 (Wei, 2015). China's primary energy con-
ades. From 2000 to 2016, China's urbanization rate increased from 36% sumption reached 4.36 billion tce in 2016 (NBS, 2017a), accounting for
to 58% (NBS, 2017b) and the number of urban households increased 23% of the global energy consumption, while its external dependence
from 147 million to 283 million (BERC, 2018). Since urbanization has on oil and natural gas exceeded 60% and 30%, respectively (Wang,
promoted the construction of buildings (Hu et al., 2017), the completed 2017). The Chinese government and its associated administrative en-
building floor area in China reached 4.22 billion m2 in 2016 (NBS, tities aim to promote savings in building energy consumption through
2017b; NBS, 2017c), which is more than five times as compared to relevant legislations (Yan et al., 2017). Hence, it is important to assess
2000. the current status of energy consumption and carbon emissions of
With this trend, the energy use and carbon emissions in building China's building construction sector at the building construction stage
sector has attracted increasingly attention (Huo et al., 2018). Except for to find a reasonable approach to achieve low carbon development.
operation stage, new building construction consumed a large amount of Life cycle assessment (LCA) is widely used in the study of energy
materials, which is one of the main causes of high energy consumption consumption and carbon emissions of the building construction sector.
and carbon emissions in China. According to a preliminary estimate by There are two main approaches toward LCA, that is process-based LCA
the Building Energy Research Center of Tsinghua University, the energy (bottom-up) and input-output analysis-based LCA (top-down)
consumption of China's building and infrastructure sector was 1.07 (Säynäjoki et al., 2017; Monahan and Powell, 2011). Process-based
billion tce in 2015, accounting for 25% of China's total energy con- LCA, which takes a detailed look into construction information, such as
sumption. Correspondingly, carbon emissions reached 3.57 billion material use and production efficiency, can analyze the influence of
tCO2, exceeding 1/3rd of the total carbon emissions (BERC, 2018). specific technologies on the energy consumed during construction.
Meanwhile, China is facing dual pressures from climate change and However, a majority of current studies have focused only on a single
high energy consumption (Hu et al., 2016). Under the Paris Agreement, building or a specific technology, and very few studies illustrate the

Corresponding author.Building Energy Research Center, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (Y. Zhang), (D. Yan), (S. Hu), (S. Guo).
Received 13 December 2018; Received in revised form 14 August 2019; Accepted 20 August 2019
Available online 30 August 2019
0301-4215/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Zhang, et al. Energy Policy 134 (2019) 110949

historical trends and current situation of energy consumption and consumption of and emissions from China's building construction sector
emissions on a nationwide scale (Buyle et al., 2013). Additionally, an and establishes the CBCM based on process-based LCA. In this section,
LCA based on a top-down approach mainly uses macroeconomic data some important definitions and scope of this model are explained as
for input-output analysis. Since this approach does not illustrate the follows:
relationship of specific technical variables (such as building type, Energy consumption of building construction sector: Because
structure type, and energy type) with energy use and carbon emissions China is in the process of rapid urbanization, building construction
in a more detailed manner, it cannot provide concrete technical sug- requires large amount of materials and has a great influence on the
gestions (Chang et al., 2013; Peñaloza et al., 2018). manufacturing sector, and the society at large. Therefore, energy con-
Li et al. (2014) developed an assessment framework to analyze the sumption related to material production should be accounted for while
embodied carbon impact on residential buildings. Three types of re- calculating the energy consumption of the building construction sector
sidential buildings in China were assessed for their case study. In an- to comprehensively measure the impact of new building construction
other study, material-based energy use and carbon emissions over the on the energy consumption of the whole society. In this study, energy
life cycle of a bamboo-structure residential building prototype were consumption of the following four stages of building construction are
analyzed, and the embodied energy of a typical brick-concrete building taken into account:
was compared to that of a bamboo-structure building (Yu et al., 2011). A1, raw material extraction and transportation: this stage refers to
Zhang and Wang (2016a) calculated the carbon footprint of a building the raw material extraction, until it enters the factory. The energy
construction based on a case study of three buildings with different consumption of the equipment used to extract the raw material and
heights and applications and found that materials manufacturing ac- transport them to the factory was taken into account in this study.
counted for 80–90% of the total building emissions. Han et al. (2013) A2, building material manufacturing: this stage lasts from the time
used construction engineering of a cluster of landmark commercial the raw material enters the factory until the finished building materials
buildings in E-town, Beijing as a case study and presented a detailed exits the factory. The energy consumption of the direct and indirect
embodied energy consumption evaluation framework for building production systems (auxiliary, affiliated production system) were con-
construction engineering. Su and Zhang (2016) created a model for sidered.
embodied energy consumption and carbon emissions of residential B, building material transportation: this stage begins from the time
buildings and looked at three steel-construction residential buildings in that the building material exits the factory until it arrives at the con-
China. Another study of carbon emissions over a building's life cycle struction site. The energy consumed by the vehicles used to transport
based on Ecotect and building information modeling in developing the building materials was taken into consideration.
areas of Nanjing was conducted by Peng (2016) using the Run Shaw C, on-site construction: the energy consumption of the equipment
Architectural building as case study. Some studies were also based on used on-site for the building construction was taken into account.
the input-output method. Chang et al. (2010) developed a 24-sector Stages A1 and A2 cover the whole process of building material
environmental input-output life-cycle assessment model based on the production, from raw material extraction to the final product, and the
2002 Chinese national economic and environmental data. In that study, energy consumption for material production during these two stages
estimates were based on the level of economic activity related to can also be defined as the embodied energy of building materials
planned future civil works in 2015. Chang et al. (2013) established a (Lawson and Rudder, 1996).
process-based hybrid life-cycle assessment model to quantify the life- Carbon emissions from the building construction sector: In this
cycle energy use for both urban and rural residential buildings in China study, the carbon emissions during stages A1, A2, B, and C were taken
and developed an input-output model, for the pre-use phase, based on into account, like it was done for energy consumption. In addition to
the 2007 Chinese economic data. A more recent study proposed a hy- the carbon emissions related to energy consumption, emissions caused
brid input-output approach by combining domestic statistical data and by chemical reactions, other than combustion, in the production pro-
Input-Output tables (for 1997, 2000, 2002, 2005, 2007, 2010, and cesses were also accounted for in this study. According to the classifi-
2012) and demonstrated the energy consumption at the building con- cation method of IPCC, this is called energy related emissions and in-
struction stage for these seven years (Zhang and Wang, 2016b). Hong dustry process related emissions (IPCC, 2006). During the above stages,
et al. (2016) employed a multi-regional input-output model to the in- industry process related emissions were mainly produced during ce-
vestigate energy use embodied in the consumption and interregional ment production. Based on the related research, during the production
trade of China's construction industry. of cement, approximately 50% of carbon emissions are produced in the
In summary, there is a lack of studies conducted at a nationwide non-combustion process (Lin et al., 2015).
scale, and the input-output analysis based LCA does not provide the
desired level of details, such as the completed building floor area and 2.2. Classification framework
distribution of the building structure (Zhang and Wang, 2016a). Based
on this top-down approach, it is difficult to assess the relationship of The energy consumption of the construction industry can be divided
specific technical measures with energy use and carbon emissions to into energy consumption of infrastructure construction and that of
make policy-level suggestions. building construction. This study focused solely on the building con-
The objective of this research was to study the historical and current struction sector.
situation of energy consumption and carbon emissions of China's Previous researches have indicated that the building construction
building construction sector. Process-based LCA methodology has the sector's energy consumption and emissions are affected by building
advantage of analyzing specific technical impacts. In order to do so, this type, structure type, material type, and energy type (Peñaloza et al.,
study developed the China Building Construction Model (CBCM) based 2018). Therefore, the classification in the model should correspond to
on process-based LCA and analyzed the historical and current situations the actual situation in China. The classification structure of CBCM is
from 2000 to 2016. Additionally, the study also discussed related sug- shown in Fig. 1.
gestions. While material use intensity and embodied energy are largely in-
fluenced by building structure types, the structure distribution varies
2. Methodology among different building types. In China, there is a big difference be-
tween urban and rural areas and three types of civil buildings are
2.1. Definition and scope usually taken into consideration: urban residential buildings, rural re-
sidential buildings, and public and commercial buildings (P&C build-
This paper presents an improved method to estimate energy ings) (BERC, 2016; NBS, 2017b; NBS, 2017c).

Y. Zhang, et al. Energy Policy 134 (2019) 110949

Fig. 1. Model framework.

Fig. 2. Material use intensity for different building structures.

Five types of building structures were considered for this model: the industry process related emissions were emitted in the cement
brick wood structure, brick-concrete structure, frame-shear structure, production process (NDRC, 2004).
shear-wall structure, and steel structure. Brick wood and brick concrete
structures were mainly used in rural residential buildings, accounting
2.3. Data collection and calculation flow
for over 85% of the rural residential construction volume (Gu, 2009).
On the other hand, brick concrete, frame-shear, shear-wall, and steel
2.3.1. . Calculation of material consumption
structure were used in urban residential and P&C buildings and ac-
Material consumption intensity differs a lot with respect to the
counted for over 90% of the construction volume (Yi and Xiaosai, 2015;
building type and structure type. Therefore, material consumption can
Gu, 2009). Therefore, these five types of structures are representative of
be calculated by the following equation:
the total construction volume in China. There is a big difference in
material use intensity among these structures, as shown in Fig. 2 (Gu, 3
Mtx = ∑i = 1 Mtxi
2009; He, 2012; Yi and Xiaosai, 2015). 5
Among the urban residential buildings, brick concrete structures, Mtxi = Sti × ∑s = 1 (Dtis × Itxis )
which have a relatively low material use intensity, were widely used
where M is building material consumption, S is the completed building
before the 21st century. Frame-shear and shear-wall structures, with a
floor area, D is the distribution and I is the material use intensity. t
relatively high material use, gradually replaced the brick concrete
represents different year from 2000–2016, x represents the different
structures in recent years. Steel structure is a new type of structure used
types of building materials, including steel, cement, brick, building
in urban residential buildings in China, which is suitable for high-rise
ceramics, aluminum, and glass. i represents the various types of
apartments (MOHURD, 2013). Compared with frame-shear and shear-
buildings where 1–3 stands for urban residential building, P&C
wall structures, steel structure uses a significantly lesser amount of
building, and rural residential building, separately. s denotes the dif-
cement. Brick wood structure was mainly used in rural residential
ferent structure type where 1–5 means brick wood structure, brick
buildings, wherein the load-bearing bodies, such as beams and columns
concrete structure, frame-shear structure, shear wall structure and steel
are mainly made of wood, and the bricks are mainly used to build walls
structure, separately.
and internal partitions. Therefore, this type of structure does not con-
For the completed building floor area each year (S), Nation Bureau
sume steel and only consumes a small amount of traditional building
of Statistics did the official survey and released two sets of data an-
materials, such as cement.
nually. One set is the statistics based on the fixed asset investments
For material types, except for steel and cement, brick, building
(fixed asset investments over 5 million yuan were taken into account)
ceramics, aluminum, and flat glass were also taken into consideration
(NBS, 2017b), the other set is based on the construction enterprises
as these are the most commonly used building materials in China's
(number of qualified construction enterprises) (NBS, 2017c). With the
building construction sector (Yi and Xiaosai, 2015). In this model,
development of society, construction activities were gradually stan-
different energy sources, such as coal, oil, gas, and electricity were
dardized and undertaken by qualified construction enterprises. From
considered to estimate the energy related carbon emissions. Cement
2011, the total floor area under the construction company caliber
was considered for industry process related carbon emissions as most of
started to exceed that of the fixed assets investment caliber, as shown in

Y. Zhang, et al. Energy Policy 134 (2019) 110949

Figure 3. Competed building floor area annually under different caliber from National Bureau of Statistics.

Fig. 3. Considering that the statistics of the total floor area in recent finished building materials exit the factory. Few data focus on the raw
years are more comprehensive under construction company caliber, material extraction and transportation stage. China Building Materials
data under construction company caliber were used for this study. Academy researched common building materials such as steel, cement,
Despite a lack of official data in China for structure distribution (D) glasses, and ceramics, and found the energy use intensity of common
and material use intensity (I), a few studies have been conducted in this building material during this stage. Its findings indicated that the en-
study area. For material use intensity, China Architecture Design and ergy consumption of raw material extraction and transportation ac-
Research Group did a nationwide survey in different seismic intensity counts for a considerable proportion of building material production,
zones with 226 urban building samples. Based on a few typical rural which should be fully considered. Other researchers have also studied
residential samples, Gu (2009) estimated the material use intensity of the embodied energy of different building materials (Gu et al., 2007;
rural residential buildings. For building structure distribution, China Gong and Zhang, 2004; Wang and Gong, 2016; Yan, 2011). Further-
Architecture Design and Research Group and China National En- more, IA1 was estimated in this study based on the literature review.
gineering Research Center carried out a nationwide survey on urban Building material manufacturing: the energy consumption of this
building structure information during 2003–2005 and obtained 743 stage can be calculated by the following equation:
samples (Lou, 2011). Rural residential structures were obtained from a
nationwide survey data released by National Bureau of Statistics. Gu EA2t = ∑ IA2tx × Mtx
(2009) and He (2012) further collated the above data, and from their x=1
research, D and I were obtained for this study.
where IA2tx is energy use intensity of different building material during
2.3.2. . calculation of energy consumption this stage each year. National Bureau of Statistics collects data from
Based on the scope definition, the total energy consumption of a various industry associations and releases the industry average com-
new building construction for each year can be divided into four parts. prehensive energy consumption of production of different building
Therefore, the total energy consumption can be calculated as follows: materials annually, from the time the raw material enter the factory
until the finished building material exits the factory (NBS, 2017a). In
Et = EA1t + EA2t + EBt + ECt addition, relevant authoritative experts have also carried out research
where EA1t is the energy consumed during the raw material extraction in this field (Wang, 2017). In this study, the energy use intensity of
and transportation stage each year, EA2t is the energy consumed during building material production was obtained from the above data source.
the building material manufacturing stage each year, EBt is the energy Building material transportation: the energy consumed during
consumed during building material transportation stage each year, and this stage can be calculated by the following equation:
ECt is the energy consumed during the on-site construction stage each 6
year. EA2t = ∑ IA2tx × Mtx
The calculation flow and data input of each part are as follows: x=1

Raw material extraction and transportation: the energy con-

where IBtx is the transportation energy consumption per unit of building
sumed during this stage can be calculated by the following equation:
material. Many researchers have estimated the energy consumption of
6 this stage on a case level or regional level (Yan, 2011; Gu et al., 2007; Yi
EA1t = ∑ IA1tx × Mtx and Xiaosai, 2015; Yang, 2009). Among these, Yan (2011) demon-
strated the transportation energy use intensity by material type and this
where t represents different year, x represents the different types of was used to obtain the value of IB in this study.
building materials, 1–6 stands for steel, cement, brick, building cera- On-site construction stage: For the energy consumption during
mics, aluminum, and glass separately, which is same in the following this stage, there is less related research at a nationwide level. Due to
context. I A1tx is the energy use intensity of different building material this part of energy consumption accounts for a small proportion in pre-
during this stage each year. At present, most of the official data (sta- occupancy stage, some researchers did the estimate based on the energy
tistical yearbook and standard for energy consumption quota) of pro- balance (Yi and Xiaosai, 2015; Gu, 2009; Dai et al., 2017). The on-site
duction energy consumption of building material is focused on the A2 construction activity was mainly conducted by construction enterprises,
stage, that is, from the time raw material enters the factory until the the energy balance (NBS, 2017a) release the energy consumption of

Y. Zhang, et al. Energy Policy 134 (2019) 110949

construction industry annually, this represents the energy consumed by material manufacturing consumed the most energy and accounted for
construction enterprises include building operation, transportation and over 80% of energy use during the pre-occupancy stage. Moreover, at
on-site construction, in this study, except 98% gasoline, 30% diesel and this stage, cement and steel consumed the most energy. In 2016, ap-
all of the coal and heat, the remaining energy is used for on-site con- proximately 837 million tons of cement and 192 million tons of steel
struction, which is based on the research of Energy Research Institute were consumed during civil building construction, and their total pro-
(ERI) (Dai et al., 2017). duction energy consumption accounted for 33% and 51% of all the
building materials, respectively, as shown in Fig. 5(a).
2.3.3. Calculation of carbon emissions The corresponding carbon emission from the building construction
Carbon emissions can be calculated based on the energy consump- sector was 1.4 billion tons in 2016, accounting for approximately 15%
tion using the emission factors and energy structure. For energy emis- of China's total carbon emission. Of this, energy related emissions ac-
sion factors, data was obtained from the Energy Data (Wang, 2017) and counted for 71%, whereas the remaining 29% emissions came from
the Annual Review of Low-carbon Development in China (Zhang and industrial processes. The carbon emission caused by the production of
Qi, 2017). The emission factors of coal, gas, and oil were treated as cement, which is one of the most carbon intensive materials, was 0.7
constant variables in the model. The emission factor of electricity has billion tons in total (0.4 billion tons for industrial process and 0.3 tons
been significantly reduced in recent years due to the improvement of for energy use), which accounted for 56% of the carbon emissions from
power generation efficiency. For industry process emission factors, ce- the building material manufacturing stage, as shown in Fig. 5(b).
ment was the only factor considered and its emission factor was ob-
tained from the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas 3.2. Urban residential buildings
Inventories (IPCC, 2006). For energy structure splitting, oil was con-
sidered for the raw material extraction and transportation stage, and With rapid urbanization, the construction scale of urban residential
building material transportation stage. For building material manu- buildings has increased in the past 20 years. The annual completed
facturing stage, Zhou et al. (2003) gave the energy use structure of building floor area of urban residential buildings reached 1.3 billion m2
different building materials, for on-site construction, from which en- in 2016, which is over five times the value as compared to 2000.
ergy balance can be obtained (NBS, 2017a). Therefore, the energy consumed during the construction of urban re-
sidential buildings grew rapidly. In 2016, China's urbanization rate was
3. Result 58%, which will keep increasing until 2035, based on the government's
future plan (Jinping, 2017). Hence, construction of urban residential
3.1. Total energy consumption and carbon emissions buildings is expected to continue and there is a need to focus on energy
conservation and emissions reduction targets with respect to the con-
Fig. 4 shows the energy consumption and carbon emissions caused struction sector.
by China's building construction sector annually. The total energy The embodied energy intensity of urban residential buildings was
consumption in 2016 was 410 million tce, accounting for 9% of energy 3737 MJ/m2 in 2016 and has remained stable since the 2000s.
use of whole society in China, which included 170 million tce by urban Embodied energy intensity is influenced by the change in building
residential buildings, 58 million tce by rural residential buildings, and structure and improvement of production efficiency of building mate-
181 million tce by P&C buildings, accounting for 42%, 14%, and 44%. rials.
From the perspective of historical development, the energy used by The building structure share of urban residential buildings has
China's building construction sector increased four times from 2000 to changed in the past decade. In 2000, brick concrete structure was the
2016, rising quickly at first, and then stabilizing in recent years. This main structure type used in new buildings, which consumes relatively
trend is quite similar to the development trend of China's completed less material. With the development of building technologies, brick
building floor area, which implies that the construction scale is one of concrete structure was gradually replaced by frame-shear and shear-
the most important factors affecting the construction energy use. From wall structures, and the proportion of brick concrete structure de-
2008 to 2013, “The Plan of 4 Trillion Government Investment” en- creased from over 60%–10%, as shown in Fig. 6. Therefore, urban re-
visaged rapid development of the building and infrastructure con- sidential buildings have become more material intensive as the new
struction sector, which directly led to an increase in energy use by the structures consume more cement and steel. For example, in 2000, the
building construction sector. After 2013, the growth rate of construc- average steel use in urban residential buildings was 4.26 t/100 m2, but
tion scale slowed down due to economic adjustments and urbanization. in 2016 this number rose to 6.24 t/100 m2.
This also led to the slowdown in the energy consumption growth rate. However, the production efficiency of building materials has im-
With respect to the four stages discussed in this study, building proved in these years, as shown in Fig. 7. The comprehensive energy

Fig. 4. Energy consumption and carbon emissions of China's building construction sector annually from 2000 to 2016.

Y. Zhang, et al. Energy Policy 134 (2019) 110949

Fig. 5. Share of production energy consumption and emissions by material type (2016).

consumption of cement and steel production declined significantly, load. Consequently, P&C buildings have a greater embodied energy
reducing by 21% and 39%, respectively, which is of great significance intensity, which is usually more than 4500 MJ/m2.
in reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions in the building As shown in Fig. 8, the embodied energy intensity of P&C buildings
construction sector. decreased significantly during past 10 years, from over 6500 MJ/m2 to
Although urban residential buildings consume more building ma- approximately 4500 MJ/m2. The structural distribution did not change
terials, an improvement in production efficiency of building materials significantly, and the frame-shear structure was used as the main
has reduced the energy consumption and emissions of each unit of structure type. Therefore, the consumption intensity of the building
building materials, and ultimately enabled the embodied energy in- materials in P&C buildings was stable, and the embodied energy in-
tensity of urban residential buildings to remain stable. Hence, the scale tensity continued to decline with an improvement in production effi-
of future urban residential construction, promotion of new structures, ciency.
and improvement in production efficiency are important factors af-
fecting the energy consumption with respect to urban residential con-
struction. 3.4. Rural residential buildings

Unlike urban residential and P&C buildings, the proportion of

3.3. Public and commercial buildings construction energy use of rural residential building has decreased
continuously in the past ten years, due to the movement of people from
Similar to the urban residential buildings, the construction scale of P rural areas to cities. In 2000, rural residential buildings accounted for
&C buildings increased rapidly with the urbanization process and is 27% of construction energy use from civil buildings, however, in 2016,
expected to maintain a certain construction scale in the future. In 2016, it was only 14%. During the same time, the embodied energy intensity
the completed building floor area of P&C buildings was 1.2 billion m2 of rural residential buildings reduced from 2300 MJ/m2 to 1700 MJ/
(as opposed to 1.3 billion m2 for urban residential buildings), but the m2.
corresponding construction energy consumption was 181 million tce As urbanization process continues, rural population will continue to
(compared to 170 million tce for urban residential buildings). Due to shift to urban areas (Peng et al., 2015), and there will be a lack of
the large spatial span, P&C buildings use more frame-shear structures, demand for new residences in rural area. Hence, the energy consump-
shear-wall structures, and steel structures, as they can afford greater tion from rural residential construction may remain at a lower level and

Fig. 6. Structure share and embodied energy intensity of urban residential buildings.

Y. Zhang, et al. Energy Policy 134 (2019) 110949

Fig. 7. Comprehensive energy consumption of cement and steel production.

Fig. 8. Structure share and embodied energy intensity of public and commercial buildings.

will have a limited impact. process continues, rural population will continue to shift to urban areas,
and there will be a lack of demand for new residences in rural areas.
4. Discussion Hence, energy consumption from rural residential construction may
remain at a low level and have a limited impact.
The objective of this research was to study the historical and current The growth rate of China's construction and completion area has
situation of energy consumption and carbon emissions with respect to continued to decline since 2011, with negative growth seen in 2015 and
China's building construction sector (excluding the infrastructure a near zero growth in 2016. According to the data released by the
sector) and provide suggestions. Since process-based LCA method has National Bureau of Statistics, the per capita residential floor area in
the advantage of analyzing specific technical impacts, this study de- China reached 40.8 m2 in 2016 (NBS, 2017d), which is similar to the
veloped the CBCM based on the process-based LCA approach and value obtained for OECD countries, such as the United Kingdom,
analyzed the historical and current situations from 2000 to 2016. France, and Japan, at approximately 40 m2 (BERC, 2018). This shows
Furthermore, energy conservation and emission reduction possibilities that China has already caught up with and even surpassed some of the
as well as limitations of this research were discussed. developed countries with respect to resident housing standards, and
there is little room for growth in the future. In addition, the housing
4.1. Building construction scale vacancy rate in China is considerable and has reached approximately
20% (BERC, 2019). Therefore, if unnecessary construction are avoided,
Construction scale is one of the most important driving factors of the energy consumption of building construction sector in China is not
energy consumption of and emission from the building construction expected to rise much in the future.
sector. From 2000 to 2016, the trend of energy consumption was si-
milar to the completed building floor area. In the process of urbaniza- 4.2. Building structure revolution
tion, the construction scale of urban residential and P&C buildings has
continued to grow and has replaced rural residential buildings as the Changes in the structure type can significantly affect the material
main energy consumption and emission source of the building con- use intensity of a building. In the past ten years, for example, the re-
struction sector. This should be kept in mind to understand future en- placement of brick concrete structure with frame-shear and shear-wall
ergy conservation and emission reduction strategies. As urbanization structures has increased the material use intensity of urban residential

Y. Zhang, et al. Energy Policy 134 (2019) 110949

buildings. Therefore, the development of new structures that have use intensity and on-site construction energy use. In this study, this part
sufficient strength, but low material consumption is an effective way to of energy consumption was estimated by referring to existing research.
reduce construction energy use and emissions. More attention should also be focused on in this area.
Steel structure is a relatively new type of building structure as (2) This study mainly discusses the impact of three main factors:
compared to the brick concrete structure, frame-shear structure, and building construction scale, structure type and material production ef-
shear-wall structure. It is suitable for high-rise and long-span buildings ficiency. Previous researches have studied the energy consumption and
and it consumes less cement Meanwhile, the development of steel emissions of building construction or operation activity by using the
structure has received some support from the Chinese government, and Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (LMDI) method with the characteristics
its use in residential buildings and P&C buildings is being encouraged in of full decomposition, lack of residuals, ease of use and consistent re-
China's building technology policy (MOHURD, 2013). This will help in sults (Ma et al., 2017, 2018; Lu et al., 2016). In addition to the major
reducing China's building construction energy use and emissions and impact factors, more work could be done to fully understand the in-
will promote new low carbon building structures, such as the steel fluence of the construction sector on energy consumption and emis-
structure. sions, quantitatively.

4.3. Material industry production efficiency 5. Conclusion

With respect to the industrial sector, the production efficiency of 5.1. Key findings
building materials has improved as a result of technological progress,
which has greatly reduced energy consumption and emissions in the Based on the results and discussions above, the key findings of this
building construction sector. However, there exists a gap between study are presented as follows.
China's production efficiency and the international level of production
efficiency. Aiming towards energy conservation in the building mate- ● The energy consumption of China's building construction
rials production industry, the government has introduced a series of sector is growing rapidly. The total related energy use by civil
policies in recent years. In 2015, the State Council issued “Made in building construction of China in 2016 was 410 million tce, ac-
China (2025)” and proposed to improve the resource utilization effi- counting for approximately 9% of the whole society and has quad-
ciency of manufacturing and accelerate the transition from traditional rupled between 2000 and 2016.1.4 billion tons of CO2 was released
manufacturing to green manufacturing (Statecouncil, 2015). In 2016, during civil building construction in 2016. Of this, 71% emissions
the “13th Five-Year” Comprehensive work scheme for energy saving were related to energy and 29% emissions were related to industrial
and emission reduction (Statecouncil, 2016) and Industrial Green De- processes.
velopment Plan (MIIT, 2016) proposed that the industrial energy uti- ● The construction scale of urban residential and P&C buildings
lization efficiency and cleanliness level should be significantly im- continues to grow and has replaced rural residential buildings
proved by 2020, and the energy utilization efficiency of key energy- as the main energy consumption and emission source of the
consuming industries should reach or approach global levels. Hence, building construction sector. Urban residential, rural residential,
the energy consumption of building material production is likely to and P&C buildings accounted for 42%, 14%, and 44% of civil
maintain a downward trend in the near future. building construction energy use in 2016, respectively, and the
Moreover, with the changes at an urban stage in China, the re- proportion of rural residential buildings decreased continuously
lationship between building construction and demolition will change. from 27% to 14% during 2000–2016.
On the one hand, as new complete buildings will reduce, the proportion ● Building material manufacturing consumes the most of energy
of demolition area to new complete area will increase. On the other among the four stages, and cement and steel are the most en-
hand, the proportion of buildings with high material use intensity ergy-consuming building materials. Building material manu-
among the demolished buildings will increase, which will increase the facturing accounts for over 80% of energy use of building con-
amount of steel recovered. Therefore, scrap ratio may increase sig- struction. During the material manufacturing stage, the total
nificantly in China's steel production and reduce the comprehensive production energy consumption of cement and steel accounted for
energy consumption per unit of product. This will also have an im- 33% and 51% of all the building materials, respectively.
portant impact on the energy use and emissions of the building con-
struction sector. 5.2. Policy recommendations

4.4. Limitations of this research In view of the results, the following recommendations are pre-
sented: construction scale is one of the most important driving factors of
This work has some limitations which need to be solved. energy consumption and emission from the building construction
(1) In this study, the input data can be divided into three types: the sector. Therefore, excessive construction and repeated construction will
first type is the data that have great influence on the result and use greatly increase the energy consumption and emissions. With a rapid
official data source, such as completed building floor area and energy increase in the total building floor area, the problem of housing vacancy
consumption intensity of building material manufacturing. The data in China has begun to be noticed. Based on related research, the va-
were collected by Nation Bureau of Statistics from official statistical cancy rate of urban residential buildings has reached approximately
channels and large-scale systematic surveys, which is the most reliable 20% (BERC, 2019). Hence, we suggest that energy saving and emission
data at present and can support this research well. The second type is reduction work in in the future, with respect to building construction
also an important input but without official data source, such as ma- sector, should focus on the reduction of unnecessary construction ac-
terial use intensity of different types of buildings. For this type, we did tivities, and improve the usage rate and service life of buildings.
extensive literature research and obtained the data from surveys con- From a technical perspective, improvement in production efficiency
ducted by many researchers. But it is undeniable that there is still a lack of building materials has greatly reduced the energy consumption and
of large-scale survey data on building construction in China, especially emissions in the building construction sector. Changes in structure type
for informal building types and sparsely populated areas. More work on can significantly affect the material use intensity of a building.
this part should be carried out by government or related researchers in Therefore, China should continue to promote the formulation and im-
the future. The third type is data, which has a limited impact on the plementation of relevant policies, improve the energy efficiency of
results and had fewer data sources, was related to transportation energy building materials production, and reduce the gap with advanced

Y. Zhang, et al. Energy Policy 134 (2019) 110949

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