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Some Serious Mistakes in Salaah

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Mistakes in


Translated from the Urdu by Suleman Kazi
(From Rauf Publications)

This booklet briefly discusses some serious mistakes frequently committed in

salaat by men and women, boys and girls. It starts by outlining the significance
of the obligatory salaats, with special reference to its origins and wisdom. Some
of the serious mistakes are then highlighted in detail: for instance, why failure
to stand erect in qaumah (the posture of standing in ruku’ before going into
sajdah) or keeping the back upright in jalsah (the sitting posture which
separates one sajdah from the other) can nullify salaat. Clarification is made of
the various stages of qaumah and jalsah, and valuable masnoon duaas are
suggested to enrich one’s salaat. The author concludes by asking the reader to
take stock of his or her salaat.

About the Author: Hadhrat Mufti Abdur Rauf Sakkharwee Sahib is the Deputy
Mufti at the famous Darul Uloom Koranghi, Karachi, and is a Senior Khalifah of
the late Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad Shafee Sahib rahmatullah alayh, who
founded the Darul Uloom. He has written extensively on various fiqh issues and
is a regular contributor to Al-Balaagh, which is a magazine, published monthly by
the Darul Uloom.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Table of Contents

Table of Contents ...................................................................................................... 3

Foreword .................................................................................................................... 5

SOME SERIOUS MISTAKES IN SALAAT ................................................................. 6

Introduction ............................................................................................................... 6

Importance of salaat ................................................................................................. 6

Fajr salaat .................................................................................................................. 7

Zuhr salaat ................................................................................................................. 7

Asr salaat ................................................................................................................... 8

Maghrib salaat ........................................................................................................... 8

Isha’ salaat ................................................................................................................. 9

A person who observes salaat is also likely to observe other injunctions ........ 10

The worst thief ......................................................................................................... 10

Mistakes in qaumah and jalsah .............................................................................. 11

Three stages of qaumah and jalsah....................................................................... 11

The fardh stage of qaumah and jalsah .................................................................. 12

The result of haste in Salaat ................................................................................... 12

The wajib stage of qaumah and jalsah .................................................................. 13

Pausing and calmness necessary in salaat .......................................................... 13

Ruku’, sajdah, qaumah, and jalsah to be equal .................................................... 13

The masnoon stage of qaumah and jalsah ........................................................... 14

The blessings of acting upon the sunnats ............................................................ 14

The consequence of haste in Salaat...................................................................... 15

Emphasis on ease and calmness in salaat ........................................................... 15

Tasbih in ruku’ and sajdah ..................................................................................... 16

Dua for qaumah ....................................................................................................... 16

Angels hurrying ....................................................................................................... 16

Dua for jalsah .......................................................................................................... 17

There are many mistakes in our salaat ................................................................. 18

The salaat of females .............................................................................................. 18

Glossary ................................................................................................................... 20


We glorify Allah and send blessings upon his noble Prophet Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wasallam and all his companions.

Salaat is a very important act of worship. It is necessary to perform it with

calmness and composure. Hastily performing ruku’, sajdah, qaumah, or jalsah can
render the salaat devoid of acceptance. Sometimes there is also the danger
that such a salaat might not even be discharged. For this reason, to the best of
one’s ability, salaat should be performed slowly and calmly. One way of ensuring
calmness in salaat is, by observing that all the faraaidh and wajibaat
appertaining to salaat are discharged according to the sunnat. Practice should
also be made that the dhikr and duaas reported for recital in ruku’, sajdah,
qaumah, and jalsah are satisfactorily observed. In this manner, the salaat should
be performed without haste. Constantly remembering these points will assist in
improving the quality of salaat offered.

This booklet concisely discusses some of the serious mistakes that are
frequently committed in salaat. Careful study of it should be made and one’s
salaat should be fully rectified.

May Almighty Allah grant us all tawfiq (aameen).

10 Safar 1417 Abdur Rauf Sakkharwee

27 June 1996


All praise is due to Allah. We praise Him, seek His assistance and His
forgiveness. We believe in Him and place our trust in Him. We seek refuge in
Allah from the mischief of our souls and our bad actions. He whom Allah guides
no one can mislead him, and he whom Allah misleads no one can guide him. We
bear testimony that there is no god except Allah. He is alone and has no partner
and we bear testimony that our leader Muhammad is His servant and messenger.
O Allah, shower your peace and blessings on him and on his descendants and the

I seek refuge in Allah from the Shaitaan accursed.

In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

“Who has created death and life, that He may test you which of you is best in
deed” (i.e. who amongst you do the good deeds in the most perfect manner, that
means to do them (deeds) totally for Allah’s sake and in accordance to the legal
ways of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam) (The Qur’an, Al-Mulk


The mistakes I wish to highlight here are ones frequently committed in salaat
by men and women, boys and girls. Because they are serious mistakes, it is
imperative that rectification is made urgently. I will start by first of all
explaining the virtues and significance of the five obligatory salaats.

Importance of salaat

Salaat is a supreme form of worship. In particular, the five daily salaats are
very special. Initially, Almighty made the performance of fifty daily salaats
obligatory on this Ummah but due to the intercession of Rasoolullah sallallahu
alayhi wasallam this command was changed to five. Further, Almighty Allah said
that if a person prays five times a day he or she shall be conferred the reward
of having prayed fifty times a day. This is the virtue of the five daily salaats.
May Almighty Allah instil its significance into our hearts (aameen).

I will now turn to some fascinating reports regarding the origins and wisdom of
the five obligatory salaats.

Fajr salaat

The first person to offer the two rak’ats of Fajr salaat was Hadhrat Adam
alayhis salaam. He was taken out of Paradise, which was illuminated, and sent
into the world. When he arrived here it was night-time. This made him deeply
anxious and distressed. Slowly it began to light up and subha sadiq appeared.
Hadhrat Adam alayhis salaam felt revivified. Before sunrise he offered two
rak’ats of salaat by way of thanksgiving. The first rak’at was for the dispelling
of darkness and the second in gratefulness of the daylight. Almighty Allah liked
this prayer so much that He made the two rak’ats of Fajr salaat obligatory on
the Ummat of Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam (E’nayah).

Zuhr salaat

The first person to offer the four rak’ats of Zuhr salaat was Hadhrat Ibrahim
alayhis salaam. The salaat was performed after successfully fulfilling the
command of Almighty Allah and offering his son Hadhrat Ismail alayhis salaam
for sacrifice. The first rak’at was performed to thank Almighty Allah for
helping him overcome this difficult test; the second for substituting a ram
(from Paradise) for Hadhrat Ismail alayhis salam; the third for the direct
address he received from Almighty Allah, saying:

“And We called out to him: “O Ibrahim! You have fulfilled the dream (vision)!”
Verily! Thus We do reward the Muhsinun” (i.e. good-doers, who perform good
deeds totally for Allah’s sake only, without any show off or to gain praise or
fame etc. And do them in accordance to Allah’s Orders) (The Qur’an, As-
Saffat 37:104-5).

The fourth rak’at was performed to thank Almighty Allah for granting him such
a patient child. Had Hadhrat Ismail alayhis salaam flinched, it would have been
difficult for Hadhrat Ibrahim alayhis salaam to fulfil the command of Almighty
Allah. Accordingly, after seeing the dream Hadhrat Ibrahim alayhis salaam
consulted with his son: “O my son! I have seen in a dream that I must sacrifice
you. So what do you think?” The son replied: “O my father! Do that which you
are commanded, Insha’Allah, you will find me amongst the patient.” Almighty

Allah liked this prayer of Hadhrat Ibrahim alayhis salaam so much that He made
the four rak’ats of Zuhr salaat obligatory on the Ummat of Rasoolullah sallallahu
alayhi wasallam (E’nayah).

Asr salaat

The first person to perform the four rak’ats of Asr salaat was Hadhrat Yunus
alayhis salaam. Almighty Allah has reported his plea while inside the belly of
the fish as follows:

“But he cried through the darkness (saying): La ilaha illa Anta [none has the
right to be worshipped but You (O, Allah), Glorified (and Exalted) be You above
all that (evil) they associate with You]. Truly, I have been of the wrongdoers.”
So We answered his call, and delivered him from the distress. And thus We do
deliver the believers” (i.e. who believe in the oneness of Allah, abstain from evil
and work righteousness)” (The Qur’an, Al-Ambiyya 21:87-88).

After being taken out of the fish's belly, he offered thanksgiving prayer of
four rak’ats for being freed from four states of darkness. Firstly, the darkness
of the fish’s stomach; secondly, the darkness of the water; thirdly, the
darkness of the clouds; and fourthly, the darkness of the night. Almighty Allah
liked this prayer of Hadhrat Yunus Alayhis salaam so much that He made the
four rak’ats of Asr salaat obligatory on the Ummat of Rasoolullah Sallallahu
Alayhi Wasallam (E’nayah).

Maghrib salaat

The first person to perform the three rak’ats of Maghrib salaat was Hadhrat
Dawood Alayhis salaam. Prophets Alayhis salaatu wassalam are innocent and do
not commit sins. However, if they make any mistakes or errors, albeit slightly,
they are duly admonished. Hadhrat Dawood alayhis salaam once happened to err.
Subsequently, Almighty Allah pardoned him: “So We forgave him” (The Qur’an,
Saad 38:25). By way of thanksgiving, Hadhrat Dawood alayhis salaam
commenced four rak’ats of salaat. He had performed the first three rak’ats
when contrition so overtook him, he was unable to proceed with the fourth
rak’at. Accordingly, he terminated the salaat after the first three rak’ats
(Bazlul Majhood). Almighty Allah liked this prayer of Hadhrat Dawood alayhis
salaam so much that He made the three rak’ats of Maghrib salaat obligatory on
the Ummat of Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

Isha’ salaat

There are two reports regarding the wisdom of the four rak’ats of Isha’ salaat.
The first says that Hadhrat Musa alayhis salaam was the first person to
perform this salaat. He had stayed with Hadhrat Shuayb alayhis salaam for ten
years and was returning with his family to Misr (Egypt). While travelling he was
besieged with four anxieties: first, his honourable wife was expecting; secondly,
the journey was particularly lengthy; thirdly, he was concerned about the
welfare of his brother Hadhrat Harun alayhis salaam; and fourthly, he was
worried about his mortal enemy Fir’awn. With these four worries he was
travelling and then they got lost which added to the distress. He walked in a
perplexed state until they approached Mount Toor, standing on the right side
facing the west. It was a dark and cold night. The honourable wife’s labour had
begun, and the flint stone did not produce a spark. In this agonising and
distressing situation, he saw a fire from Mount Toor. He told his family
members to remain behind while he went to Mount Toor to collect some flames.
When he reached Mount Toor he was favoured with the special privilege of
conversing with Almighty Allah, Who said:

“And when he came to it (the fire), he was called by name: “O Musa! Verily! I
am your Lord! So take off your shoes, you are in the sacred valley, Tuwa. And I
have chosen you. So listen to that which is inspired to you” (The Qur’an, Ta-Ha

This honour of talking to Almighty Allah removed from Hadhrat Musa alayhis
salaam all four anxieties he had faced. Someone has aptly remarked:

‘If I find you there is no illness,

If I don’t, there is no cure. ‘

It was Isha’ time when Hadhrat Musa alayhis salaam performed the four
rak’ats of thanksgiving for the removal of all four anxieties. Almighty Allah
liked this prayer so much that He made the four rak’ats of Isha’ obligatory on
the Ummat of Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam (E’nayah).

According to the second report, the first perform to perform the four-rak’ats
of Isha’ salaat was Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam (Bazlul Majhood). This
is another reason why this salaat is particularly important.

Thus in the hereafter, the first question to be asked after beliefs will be about
salaat. This is why salaat is so important. In one hadith it says that if a person’s
salaat is found satisfactory, then the rest of his deeds will also come out

similarly. But if his salaat is found unsatisfactory, the remaining deeds are sure
to be found wanting (Tabraani). Therefore, it is necessary to perform salaat
correctly and rectify any mistakes.

A person who observes salaat is also likely to observe other


Hadhrat Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafee rahmatullah alayh would often relate
the proclamation issued by Hadhrat Umar Farooq radhiyallahu anhu during his
caliphate to all officers under him, saying: “From all your duties and
responsibilities, in my estimation the most important is salaat. A person who
observes salaat is likely to observe other injunctions of Islaam as well; but if he
discards salaat, he is more likely to discard other injunctions and be deficient in

In reality, salaat is the touchstone of a true believer. A person who is punctual

with his or her salaat is likely to observe the fasts of Ramadhan, perform the
Hajj, pay the Zakaat and execute other commands; but if a person does not
pray his or her salaat, how will he or she observe the fasts? How is he or she
likely to pay attention to the rights of others or do any good deeds? This is why
it is necessary that we are punctual in our salaat and we rectify any mistakes
that are found.

The worst thief

There is a well-known saying of Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam about

salaat. “The worst thief is one who steals from his salaat.” The companions
inquired, “How can one steal from his salaat? O Prophet of Allah!” He replied,
“When one does not do his ruku’ and sajdah properly” (At-Targheeb).
Therefore if salaat is not performed in the manner taught by the sunnat, then
this is stealing. I will now discuss in detail two serious mistakes that are
frequently committed in salaat. You will be able to evaluate to what extent
these mistakes spoil salaat. Unfortunately, people do not pay attention to them.

Mistakes in qaumah and jalsah

In salaat, we are prone to committing serious mistakes in four places:

Firstly, while in ruku’ (the posture of bowing lowly);

secondly, while in sajdah (the posture of prostration or placing the forehead on

the ground);

thirdly, while in qaumah (the posture of standing erect after the ruku’ before
going into sajdah); and
fourthly, while in jalsah (the sitting posture which separates one sajdah from
the other).

Ruku’ and sajdah are generally performed very carelessly and often little
attention is paid whether it might be contrary to the sunnat. Likewise, very
serious mistakes are committed in qaumah and jalsah. Both ruku’ and sajdah are
fardh, and qaumah and jalsah are wajib.

The requirement of qaumah is that after ruku’, one should stand up completely
erect before going into sajdah. As for jalsah, the requirement is that after
making the first sajdah, one should fully straighten up the back and sit calmly in
the sitting posture before going into the second sajdah. As a result of haste,
some people do not allow their backs to straighten up at both these places.
After ruku’, they raise their head slightly and, when the back is half-straight,
immediately go into sajdah. Similarly after the first sajdah, they will not sit
properly so that the back is upright but will immediately go into the second
sajdah. Such hastiness spoils both the qaumah and jalsah.

Remember! In qaumah, if the back is only partially straight and the neck only
slightly raised and a mere action of standing is done before proceeding into
sajdah, the salaat will be void. It will have to be repeated, and this is why a
determined effort should be made to abstain from such practices.

I will now explain the details in relation to qaumah and jalsah.

Three stages of qaumah and jalsah

There are three stages of qaumah and jalsah. One stage is fardh; one stage is
wajib; and one stage is sunnat (Ma’arifus Sunnan).

If the fardh is neglected then the salaat will become void. For example, ruku’ or
sajdah is fardh and leaving this out will render the salaat void. Moreover sajda-
e-sahw does not compensate for this defect. Therefore, the salaat will have to
be performed again.

The requirement of wajib is that if it is omitted by mistake then sajda-e-sahw

will correct the salaat. If, however, the wajib is left out deliberately then the
salaat will be void and will have to be repeated.
As regards the sunnat, if it is observed then it will be the basis of good
reward. Also, by imitating the way of Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, the
action will become dearer to Almighty Allah. If the sunnat is not observed, only
the fardh and wajib are, then the salaat will simply be discharged.

Please read carefully the following details about the three stages of qaumah
and jalsah.

The fardh stage of qaumah and jalsah

The fardh stage of qaumah is satisfied when, after ruku’, the back is raised to
its natural upright position. Similarly in Qaumah, the fardh stage is satisfied
when, after the first sajdah, the back is fully straightened before going into
the second sajdah. Therefore if a person does not allow the back to be
completely erect and immediately goes into sajdah after ruku, or does not
straighten the back after the first sajdah and goes immediately into the second
sajdah, in both these instances, since the fardh requirement of qaumah and
jalsah have not been satisfied, the salaat will become void.

The result of haste in Salaat

On reflection, it becomes evident that we are in the habit of offering salaat

very hurriedly. Generally this is so because men want to return to their business
or employment and women due to their domestic commitments. Hence worldly
reasons make us hasten our salaat so that it becomes reduced to nothing more
that acts of standing and sitting. On such occasions, neither qaumah nor jalsah
are correct. On rising from ruku’, the back is not straightened, and after the
first sajdah, one hardly sits straight that the second sajdah is performed. Due
to this carelessness, the fardh stage of both qaumah and jalsah are not

satisfied. Thus the salaat becomes void. There is, therefore, a special need to
satisfy the fardh stage of qaumah and jalsah.

The wajib stage of qaumah and jalsah

The wajib stage of qaumah requires that after rising from ruku’, one should
stand for that length of time in which “Allahu-Akbar” or “Sub-haa-nal-lah” can
be recited once. Similarly in Jalsah, after performing the first sajdah, one
should sit for that length of time in which “Sub-haa-nal-lah” can be recited
once. If someone is negligent about this and fails to stand in qaumah or sit in
jalsah for even the duration of one tasbih, the wajib stage will not have been
satisfied. And when the wajib is neglected, whether deliberately or out of
ignorance, the salaat is invalid and has to be repeated. If the duration of one
tasbih in qaumah and jalsah is not observed owing to error, then sajda-e-sahw
will amend the salaat. But if the latter is not performed, the salaat will remain
invalid and will have to be repeated.

Pausing and calmness necessary in salaat

Worldly tasks of no real significance assume such importance in our lives that it
compels us to hasten in salaat with the result that the wajib stage of qaumah
and jalsah is ignored. Sometimes, neglect of the fardh stage does not even
cause concern. For this reason, it is necessary to ensure that when offering
salaat individually, as opposed to offering it in congregation behind the imam
when one is compelled to pray calmly, there is greater pausing and each
requisite is discharged calmly.

Ruku’, sajdah, qaumah, and jalsah to be equal

In one hadith it says that Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam would perform
ruku’, sajdah, qaumah, and jalsah so that he would spend approximately the
same time in each act. But the qiyaam and qai’dah would be lengthier, since
qiyaam consists of recitation and in qai’dah the Tashah-hud needs to be
recited. As a result the last two acts would take longer, but the other four acts,
that is, ruku’, sajdah, qaumah, and jalsah, would nearly all be of the same
duration. However, Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam would occasionally

spend such a long time in one act, causing onlookers to think that he had
forgotten or his soul had departed.

The masnoon stage of qaumah and jalsah

In the light of ahadith, we learn that the sunnat stage of qaumah and jalsah
require that in both acts one should delay for the period in which “Sub-haa-nal-
lah” can be recited three times.

In summary, the fardh stage of qaumah and jalsah require that after rising
from ruku’, and after the first sajdah, the musalli should completely straighten
up his or her back by raising it to its natural upright position. This is when the
fardh stage will be satisfied. To then remain in that state for the period of one
tasbih is wajib; and to further remain in that state for the period of three
tasbihaat is sunnat.

The blessings of acting upon the sunnats

In acting upon the sunnat there is the knowledge that the fardh and wajib
requisites are also satisfactorily observed, and there is ease and convenience.

Further, the greatest achievement would be to say:

‘I came imitating Your beloved,

Consider genuine this show of mine. ‘

Outwardly at least the appearance of our salaat should conform to the salaat of
our beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Therefore in
qaumah and jalsah, one should delay for the period in which “Sub-haa-nal-lah”
can be recited three times. Similarly in ruku’ “Sub-haa-na Rab-biyal-Azeem”, and
in sajdah“Subhana Rab-biyal A’laa”, should be recited at least three times
respectively. Hence the length of time spent in all four acts of ruku’, sajdah,
qaumah, and jalsah will nearly be the same. This is in accordance with the hadith
mentioned earlier, which says that Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam would
spend approximately the same duration in all four acts.

The consequence of haste in Salaat

In reality, we have developed a habit of deliberately failing to observe the

wajibaat. Thus after the congregational prayers one notices that the sunnats
and nawaafil are prayed in great haste. At such times we should remember the
following hadith of Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam:

“If a person is not punctual with his salaat nor does he perform wudhu, ruku’ and
sajdah properly, then salaat in an ugly and dark shape curses the person saying,
“May Allah ruin you as you have ruined me!” Then it is wrapped in an old black
rag and flung back at the face of the person” (At-Targheeb).

Therefore, a person who hastens in salaat and pecks like a crow, the salaat is
wrapped in a black bag and flung at the face of the person. The salaat is neither
a cause of spiritual illumination nor a means of salvation. On the other hand, if
salaat is performed with calmness and dignity then it departs from a person in a
bright and beautiful form and becomes a cause of salvation for him or her.

Emphasis on ease and calmness in salaat

Once a person entered Masjid-e-Nabawi and quickly performed salaat. After

the salaat he went to Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and made salaam.
He replied to the salaam and said:

“Go back and repeat your salaat, for you have not prayed.”

The person went back and again repeated the salaat in haste. After that he
went to Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and greeted him with salaam. He
replied to the salaam and said:

“Go back and repeat your salaat, for you have not prayed.”
The person went back and yet again repeated the salaat in haste. He went to
Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and made salaam. He replied to the salaam
and said:

“Go back and repeat your salaat. You have not prayed.”

This time the person asked, “O Rasoolullah! This is the only way I know how to
perform salaat. You teach me how to perform it.” Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi
wasallam said, “When you stand up for salaat, make complete ablution, then face
the Ka’ba, recite takbir and read what is easy for you from the Qur’an.

Afterwards do ruku’ till you are at ease with the ruku’; then rise up till you
stand erect in qaumah; then do sajdah till you are at ease with the sajdah; then
rise up till you are at ease with the jalsah” (Mishkat-al-Masabih). In this
manner the whole of salaat should be completed with ease. This is the teaching
Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam gave to the person.

In the foregoing hadith Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam has made special
mention of ruku’, sajdah, qaumah, and jalsah so that these four acts are
performed with complete ease and calmness. Yet increasingly haste is observed
in these four acts.

Tasbih in ruku’ and sajdah

In ruku’ and sajdah the tasbih should be recited at least three times. It can be
recited more times than this: five, seven, nine, eleven or more, and the more
times it is recited the better. But Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam
advocated moderation and said:

“The stage of moderation is best.”

Hence when performing salaat individually, one should recite the tasbih (at
least) five times in ruku’ and sajdah respectively.

Dua for qaumah

There are certain duaas that Almighty Allah inspired Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi
wasallam to recite while in qaumah. These duaas are authentic and are accepted
by Almighty Allah. Similarly, if any ummati recites them Almighty Allah will also
favour him or her. For qaumah there is one very simple Dua, and its background
is indeed marvellous.

Angels hurrying

Once Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam was leading the Sahabah radhiallahu
anhum in congregational prayer. While in qaumah he said “Sami-Allahu Liman
Hamidah”, and one Sahabi after saying “Rab-Banna La-kal Hamd” also added the
words, “Hamdan Katheer-an Tayyiiban Mubarakan Fih." After the salaat,

Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam inquired who had recited those words?
One Sahabi said, “It was I.” Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam remarked, “At
the time when you recited those words I saw thirty Angels hurrying to collect
them so that they could be the first one to record its thawab.” (Bukhaari)

This incident, which is related by Bukhaari, illustrates that the words are
approved by Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and are blessed. By reciting
them the pause of reciting “Sub-haa-nal-lah” three times is also achieved.
Further, they are easy to learn and should be learnt and recited in qaumah:

Transliteration: “Rab-Banna La-kal Hamd - Hamdan Katheer-an Tayyiiban

Mubarakan Fih.”

Translation: O our Creator! All praise belongs unto you - praises that are
abundant, excellent and full of blessings.

Recitation of the above Dua in qaumah also satisfies the fardh, wajib and
sunnat stages. There are other duaas that are also reported but the one
mentioned is very simple to learn and recite.

Dua for jalsah

There are various other duaas that can be recited while sitting in Jalsah. Again,
one very simple Dua which Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi is reported to have
recited thrice while in Jalsah reads:

Transliteration: “Allahummaghh-Fir-Li-
Allahummaghh-Fir-Li - Allahum-maghh-Fir-Li.”

Translation: O Allah! Forgive me; O Allah! Forgive me; O Allah! Forgive me. (Ibn

Recitation of this Dua satisfies the fardh, wajib and sunnat stages of jalsah. If
possible, also recite the other Dua of Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam as
related by Abu-Dawood:

Transliteration: “Allahummaghh-Fir-Li War-Hamnee Wa-Aafinee Wah-Dinee


Translation: O Allah! Forgive me; O Allah! Have mercy on me; O Allah! Grant me
welfare; guidance and sustenance i.e. give me physical sustenance as well

The words of these duaas are so beautiful yet so simple. They encompass all the
goodness of this world and the hereafter. Therefore everyone should endeavour
to recite these duaas when praying salaat individually. If both duaas cannot be
remembered then at least the first one is easy to recollect.

Although recital of the duaas in qaumah and Jalsah are sunnat-e-ghair muak-
kadah, we should still observe them in following the practice of Rasoolullah
sallallahu alayhi wasallam. In congregational payer the imam is bound to lead a
moderate salaat, taking into consideration the varying circumstances of those
praying salaat behind him - the weak, the aged or others with pressing
necessities. Hence if the duaas were recited by the imam the salaat might be
prolonged and, therefore, he is not obliged to recite them. However, when
performing salaat individually, whether it be the fardh, wajib, sunnat or nafil
salaat, the duaas should be recited.

There are many mistakes in our salaat

The mistakes discussed here are those that are frequently committed in salaat
by men and women, boys and girls. Therefore, we should all pay attention to
rectifying these mistakes so that our salaat is correct and it accords with the
sunnat. Hadhrat Maulana Muhammad Taqi Uthmaani daamat barakaatuhum has
written a valuable booklet entitled, “Perform Your Salaats According to the
Sunnat.” That booklet is worth reading and is a must for all homes. We should
develop a habit of performing our salaat according to the teachings prescribed
therein. All works require effort. If effort is made then, Insha’Allah, the
mistakes in our salaat will be rectified.

The salaat of females

The booklet by Hadhrat Maulana Muhammad Taqi Uthmaani madda zillahu

largely deals with the method of prayer for males but towards the end also
includes a section on the method of salaat for females. I have similarly written
a separate booklet dealing exclusively and comprehensively with the female
method of prayer from Takbir-e-Oola to Salaam. It discusses for females the
correct manner of discharging all the requisites of salaat. The booklet is titled,

“The Method of Salaat for Females.” You should try to obtain a copy. After all,
it is our responsibility to ensure that our salaat and the salaat of those who are
our responsibility, namely, mother, sister, daughter, daughter-in-law, children, is
correct and proper. They should be urged and instructed to ensure that their
salaat corresponds to the teachings provided in the mentioned booklets.

Finally, be particular not to rush in salaat. Sometimes owing to haste the fardh
and wajib constituents of salaat are discarded. In such cases, the salaat is void
but some people still remain under the illusion that they have discharged their
salaat. May Almighty Allah grant us all concern for our full reformation

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Universe.


The original names and terms which are understood all over the Muslim World
have been retained untranslated. These are explained in the following Glossary.

The symbol (’) stands for the prolonged ‘a’ as in “Qur’an” or represents the
Arabic ‘ain’ as in “Qai’dah.”

Aameen: May Allah accept it.

A.H.: After Hijrah.
Aalayhis salaam (pl. Alayhis salaatu wassalaam): Peace be upon him.
Ambiyya: The Prophets.
Asr: The late afternoon prayer.

Daamat Barakaatuhum: May his blessings never end.

Dua: prayer/ supplication

Fajr: Prayer performed between true dawn and sunrise.

Fardh: Obligatory, duty.
Fiqh: A knowledge or science expounding Islamic law and Shariat.

Hadhrat: Respected elder.

Hadith (pl. Ahadith): report of the Prophet’s words, or of his deeds, approvals
and disapprovals.
Hajj: Pilgrimage to Holy Makkah.
Isha’: Prayer performed when night has closed in.
Insha’Allah: If Allah wills.
Imam: Person leading the congregational prayer.

Jalsah: The sitting posture which separates one sajdah from the other.

Ka’ba: The Holy Mosque of Makkah.

Madda Zillahu: May he have a long life.

Maghrib: The sunset prayer.
Masjid-e-Nabawi: The Holy Prophet’s Mosque in Madeenah Munawarrah.
Masnoon: Sunnat.
Misr: The country now known as Egypt.
Mufti: One who gives fataawaa.
Musalli: One who is performing salaat whether individually or in congrgation.

Qai’dah: The sitting posture after completing two rak’ats of salaat.

Qaumah: The posture of standing erect after the ruku’ before going into

Qiraat: Recitation of the Holy Qur’an.
Qiyaam: The standing posture in salaat.
Qur’an: The sacred book of Islaam which Almighty Allah revealed to Prophet
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

Radhiyallahu anhu (pl. Radhiyallahu anhum): May Allah be pleased with him.
Rak’at (pl. Rak’ats): A unit of prayer, involving qiyaam, one ruku’ and two
Rasoolullah: The Messenger of Allah.
Ruku’: The posture of bowing lowly.

Sahabi (pl. Sahaba): A companion of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi

Sajdah: The posture of prostration or placing the forehead on the ground.
Sajda-e-Sahw: Performance of two additional sajdahs after turning salaam to
the right side after Tashah-hud in order to compensate for a defect in the
performance of salaat.
Salaam: Invoking the Peace of Allah while turning the head right and then left
while concluding salaat.
Salaat (pl. Salaats): A devotional exercise/prayer.
Sallallahu alayhi wasallam: Peace and blessings be upon him from Allah.
Subha sadiq: True dawn.
Sunnat (Sunnats): An action of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
Sunnat-e-ghair muak-kadah: Not a regular practise of the Prophet.

Takbir-e-Oola: Reciting the opening praise at the beginning of salaat.

Tasbih (pl. Tasbihaat): Glorifying Allah.
Tashah-hud: A prayer recited while sitting in qai’dah after every two raka’ts of
Tawfiq: Ability and strength.
Thawab: Reward.
Toor: Name of the Mountain on which Hadhrat Musa alayhis salaam was
conferred Prophethood.
Ummati (pl. Ummat): Follower of a Prophet.

Wajib: An obligatory injunction but of a lower category.

Wudhu: Ablution.

Zakaat: Obligatory almsgiving.

Zuhr: The afternoon prayer.

A note of explanation

The translations of the verses of the Qur’an have been taken from
“Interpretation of the Meanings of The Noble Qur’an” by Dr. M.T. Al-Hillali and
Dr. M. M. Khan, published by Maktaba Dar-us-Salam, Saudi Arabia, 1993.


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