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Gender Bias in AI

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Gender bias in artificial intelligence: the need for diversity and gender theory in
machine learning

Conference Paper · May 2018

DOI: 10.1145/3195570.3195580

15 4,624

1 author:

Susan Leavy
University College Dublin


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2018 ACM/IEEE 1st International Workshop on Gender Equality in Software Engineering

Gender Bias in Artificial Intelligence: The Need for Diversity

and Gender Theory in Machine Learning
Susan Leavy
University College Dublin
Dublin, Ireland

ABSTRACT artificial intelligence; “Like all technologies before it, artificial intel-
Artificial intelligence is increasingly influencing the opinions and ligence will reflect the values of its creators” [10]. Societal values
behavior of people in everyday life. However, the over-representation that are biased against women can be deeply embedded in the
of men in the design of these technologies could quietly undo way language is used and preventing machine learning algorithms
decades of advances in gender equality. Over centuries, humans trained on text from perpetuating bias requires an understanding
developed critical theory to inform decisions and avoid basing them of how gender ideology is manifested in language.
solely on personal experience. However, machine intelligence learns Developers of artificial intelligence are overwhelmingly male.
primarily from observing data that it is presented with. While a Those who have recognized and are seeking to address this is-
machine’s ability to process large volumes of data may address sue are overwhelmingly female (Kate Crawford, Fei-Fei Li and Joy
this in part, if that data is laden with stereotypical concepts of Buolamwini to name but a few). It follows that to avoid gender
gender, the resulting application of the technology will perpetuate biased algorithms influencing decisions in our society, diversity
this bias. While some recent studies sought to remove bias from in the area of machine learning is essential. The benefits of diver-
learned algorithms they largely ignore decades of research on how sity in the workplace are well documented and largely stem from
gender ideology is embedded in language. Awareness of this re- the inclusion of a range of critical perspectives. Diversity in the
search and incorporating it into approaches to machine learning development of machine learning technologies could accelerate
from text would help prevent the generation of biased algorithms. solutions to the issue of gender bias by improved assessment of
Leading thinkers in the emerging field addressing bias in artificial training data, incorporation of concepts of fairness in algorithms
intelligence are also primarily female, suggesting that those who [16] and the assessment of the potential impact of gender bias in
are potentially affected by bias are more likely to see, understand the context of the intended use of the technology.
and attempt to resolve it. Gender balance in machine learning is There have been attempts to address gender bias in machine
therefore crucial to prevent algorithms from perpetuating gender learning through the review of learned gender-based associations
ideologies that disadvantage women. and modification of the algorithms to exclude stereotypes [4]. How-
ever, there is little consideration of the decades of research that
KEYWORDS exist on the relationship between gender ideology and language.
Incorporating gender theory, in particular feminist linguistic the-
Gender Bias, Machine Learning, Text Analytics
ory, into the approach to machine learning from textual data may
prevent learning of gender bias and avoid the need to modify the
1 INTRODUCTION algorithms.
There is a growing awareness of the effects of bias in machine
learning. For instance, in a system used by judges to set parole, the 2 GENDER BIAS IN LANGUAGE
evaluation of the likelihood of offending was found to be biased Many of the debates in artificial intelligence on the topic of gender
again black defendants [1]. Facial recognition software embedded bias mirror those related to gender equality in society since the
in most smart phones also works best for those who are white and 1960s. It is important that computer scientists look to such debates
male [5]. Scoring systems, fueled by potentially biased algorithms, so that negative consequences for women due to gender bias are
are increasingly being used to make decisions about people’s lives not repeated. Feminist studies from the 1960s analyzed how women
in relation to finance, jobs and insurance [9]. Kate Crawford aptly were often represented as passive, emotional and irrational in lit-
captured the ultimate cause of the prevalence of gender bias in erature [21] and how the media presented idealized portrayals of
femininity[11]. In the later part of the 20th century feminist the-
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or orists questioned the active role of language in the perpetuation
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation
of gender ideologies in society [6]. These seminal works identified
on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the ways in which gender ideology is embedded in language and how
author(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or this can influence people’s conceptions of women and expectations
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission
and/or a fee. Request permissions from of behavior associated with gender. These gender ideologies are still
GE’18, May 28, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden embedded in text sources and result in machine learning algorithms
© 2018 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to the learning stereotypical concepts of gender [4].
Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5738-8/18/05. . . $15.00 To ascertain the importance of addressing gender bias in ma-
chine learning, a lot can be learned from experiments in the 1970s

GE’18, May 28, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden S. Leavy

showing its damaging effects [3, 19]. These studies prompted the sexual contexts . This demonstrates how techniques to analyze not
development of guidelines to avoid the use of gender biased or only the frequency of mentions but the broader context of the use
sexist language [8, 20]. For example, the publisher McGraw-Hill of terms for men and women in texts could detect gender bias in
adopted editorial guidelines to avoid sexist language [25]. It would training data for machine learning.
be unfortunate to have to wait until gender biased machine learning Honorific titles such as ‘Miss’ and ‘Mrs’ reflect the marital status
algorithms repeat the injustices of the past before action preventing of women but the male equivalent does not, demonstrating how
gender bias is taken. women are portrayed in terms of their relationships to others [20,
22]. In the 1970s ‘Ms’ was introduced as an equivalent for ‘Mr’ to
3 LEARNING BIAS FROM TEXT address this asymmetry. However, there is evidence that ‘Ms’ is
being used to replace ‘Mrs’ but not ‘Miss’ [15].
Work within the field of stylistics on gender and language has iden-
tified recurring linguistic features of language that are attributable
to gender bias [22]. This work lends itself to a computational ap- 3.2 Ordering
proach to identifying gender bias and could be used to remove it Gender bias in language is evident in the ordering of items in lists.
from training data for a machine learning algorithm. The following In English, it is convention when naming pairs of each gender, to
demonstrates how an abstract concepts such a gender bias can be name the male first (eg. son and daughter, husband and wife, Mr
operationalized into measurable features of text that can be com- and Mrs) [22]. This practice demonstrates a bias which presents a
putationally identified. This connection of theoretical and critical gender-based social order [22–24, 30]. This practice of naming the
perspectives on language to the feature extraction stage of machine most powerful of a pair first is evidenced by the following common
learning is the key to addressing bias in artificial intelligence. pairs : ‘master/servant’ , ‘teacher/pupil’ and ‘doctor/nurse’ [23].
A comprehensive study of the ordering of personal binomials
3.1 Naming in the British National Corpus uncovered examples of word pairs
studied included ‘man/woman’, ‘girl/boy’, nobility titles such as
Gender bias can be recognized in terms used to describe groupings
‘lady/gentleman’, ‘princess/prince’, kingship terms such as ‘wife/husband’,
of men and women. For instance a father is often described as a
occupations such as ‘actress/actor’ and pronouns such as ‘he/she’
‘family man’ with no commonly used equivalent such as ‘family
[24]. While there were variances in the order of naming the pairs,
woman’ [27]. Terms such as ‘single mum’, ‘working mother’, ‘career
gender was the most important influencing factor regarding which
woman’ and ‘mother’ commonly used in the media also reveals
of the pair of terms was named first.
social preconceptions of women [22]. Occupational terms used
in relation to women were found to be often pre-modified by a
3.3 Biased Descriptions
gender specification such as ‘female lawyer’ and ‘woman judge’,
identifying their existence as counter to societal expectations [28]. In an analysis of adjectives used to describe men and women in
Another manifestation of gender bias that is in decline is the British newspapers, [7] found that men were more frequently de-
use of androcentric terms such as ‘he’, ‘him’, ‘man’ and ‘mankind’ scribed in terms of their behavior while women were described
to refer to both men and women [2, 15]. However, in referring in terms of their appearance and sexuality. In an analysis of the
to groups, where there is an expectation that the individuals in context of the use of the term ‘girl’, research has shown that girls
question are more likely be of a particular gender, that gender and boys are represented differently with girls being more objecti-
will be used to refer to both men and women in the group [18]. fied [29] and portrayed in more negative contexts [2]. Extraction of
For example in reference to a group of fire-fighters individuals adjectives used to describe women in training data could therefore
are more likely to be referred to in male terms. In the context of be incorporated as part of gender proofing the textual data that is
machine learning, while certain linguistic features may be used less used to training machine learning algorithms.
in current textual sources, machine learning algorithms that are How word embedding learns stereotypes has been the focus
trained on older corpora may reflect outdated ways of referring to of recent research on gender bias and artificial intelligence [4].
men and women. Evaluating what constitutes a stereotypical association has largely
Women are described as girls more often than men are described been a result of researcher interpretation. However [26] analyzed
as boys [27]. In an analysis of the use of the terms girl(s) and the British national Corpus and extracted collocates of men and
boy(s) in a corpus of text of British, American and New Zealand women and identifying those that were just used for each gender,
English, [28] found that the term ‘girl’ is 3 times more likely than revealing striking gender stereotypes (Table 1). Other kinds of
the term ‘boy’ to refer to an adult and that women were described stereotypes have been identified in relation to sexuality, beauty
as girls in in order to characterize them as immature, innocent, [12] and levels of agency [22].
of youthful appearance, subordinate status, emotionally weak or
financially dependent. Using ‘girl’ in conjunction with occupations 3.4 Metaphor
also reduced the status of the jobs. In [2] it was found that the Metaphor is difficult to identify automatically but is a powerful tool
terms ‘boy’ and ‘girl’ occurred with equal frequency in an analysis in the construction of gender in society [14, 17, 22]. In an endeavor
of examples of British English texts including literature and media to systematize the identification of metaphors in text [19] outlined
content from 2006. However, 52 percent of uses of the term‘girl’ five steps that could be applied to linguistic features of a text to
referenced women while 28 percent of the uses of ‘boy’ pertained identify whether their use was metaphorical or not. Research on the
to men. The term ‘girl’ was also used in more disparaging and kind of metaphors used to portray men and women has identified a

Gender Bias in Artificial Intelligence: The Need for Diversity and Gender Theory GE’18, May 28, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden

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