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Event Codes

Event Codes
Access Module Listing:
Access 1: Display Control Module (DCM)
Access 3™: Traction Control Module (TCM)


Due to capacitance voltage present in the traction mo-

tor controller, whenever performing maintenance
which may permit contact with the bus bars and asso-
ciated power cables, discharge the capacitors.
1. Move truck to a secure non traffic maintenance area
with a level floor.
2. Lockout/Tagout truck as described in Battery - Lock-
out/Tagout in this section.
3. Place a minimum 100 ohm, 10 watt resistor between
the positive and negative terminals of the controller
for 15 or more seconds.

Fig. 1 (17394-01)

1 Access 1 - Display Control Module (DCM) (Shown) Access

3™ - Traction Control Module (TCM)
2 Battery Discharge Indicator
3 Display Screen
4 Battery Retainer Switch Indicator
5 Enter or Return Key - used to navigate in and out of menus
and accept inputs
6 Navigation Keys - up, down, left and right arrows; used to
scroll through menus
7 Operator Improper Sequence Error Indicator
8 Service Required Indicator
* NOTE: These three indicators are viewable during initial
key-on, self test and indicator functioning.

Crown 2007 PF15787-1 Rev. 8/11 M4.8-6745-001

02 Rev. 12/13
Event Code 110

Event Code 110

Unable to Establish Communication with
Access 3™ at Power Up
Lack of CAN communication between Access 3™ and
Access 1. Check CAN line connections between
Access 1 and Access 3™. Check for a non-responsive
Access 3™.
Step 1: Turn the truck OFF. Disconnect the battery.
Fig. 2 (14988)
Check CAN HI and CAN LO terminals to make
sure they are fully inserted into the connectors
on Access 1 and Access 3™. CAN HI = Event Code 111
Access 3™ CA201-23 & Access 1 CA401-8.
Access 3™ does not enter Setup Mode properly
CAN LO = Access 3™ CA201-15 & Access 1
Step 1: Turn the truck OFF. Turn the truck back ON.
Step 2: Check the resistance between the CAN HI and • If:Event continues.
CAN LO terminals. Disconnect Access 3™ – Then follow troubleshooting steps for Event Code
CA201. Use a DVOM to check the resistance
between pins 15 and 23 on the wire harness
connector. Make sure Access 1 CA401 is still Event Code 162
connected and fully seated. Resistance should
be 60 ± 1 ohm. Load Sense Issue
Access 1 input CA401-13 receives a signal of 0.125 V
• If: Resistance is 60 ± 1 ohm.
or less (25 counts or less in Service Level 2 Analyzer
– Then disconnect Access 1 CA401 and check the Menu A2.11).
resistance between pins 8 and 9 on the wire har-
Step 1: Turn truck OFF. Disconnect Access 1 CA401
ness connector. Resistance, with both CA201
and CA401 disconnected, should be 120 ± & PT1 connector CA615. Visually inspect con-
1 ohm. nectors CA401 and CA615 to verify all con-
• If: Resistance is not 120 ± 1 ohm. tacts are correctly seated.
– Then replace the main wire harness.
• If: Resistance is 120 ± 1 ohm and event continues.
– Then replace Access 1.
Step 3: Connect CA201 and CA401. Connect the bat-
tery. Turn the truck ON. Monitor the event
• If:Event code continues.
– Then use a DVOM to verify Access 3™ has
power. Check for +BV at Access 3™ PC201-1.
• If:Voltage is less than +BV.
– Then find and repair the open circuit.
• If:Voltage is +BV.
– Then replace Access 3™. Configure new
Access 3™ controller in Utilities Menu U2.

M4.8-6745-002 Crown 2007 PF15787-2 Rev. 8/11

01 Rev. 8/11
Event Code 300

– Then replace Access 1.

Correct PT1 Counts

(View in A2.11)

Load on Forks Counts

kg lb ± 50
0 0 150
455 1000 200
910 2000 250
1360 3000 300
1815 4000 350
2270 5000 400
2720 6000 450
3175 7000 500
3630 8000 550
Fig. 3 (14989-01)
• If:Contact is not flush with the front of the connec-
– Then reseat the contact. Event Code 300
Use a DVOM to check for continuity between CA401-5 Internal Access 3™ Issue
and CA615-1 on the wire harness. Check for continuity Access 3™ has an internal issue. The Access 3™
between CA401-14 and CA615-2 on the wire harness. software does not recognize a bit that is set on a 50 Hz
Finally, check for continuity between CA401-13 and loop. This software monitor ensures it will never lock up
CA615-4 the on wire harness. or enter an infinite loop. The likely causes are corrupt
• If:Any measured resistance is more than 3 ohm. software or an internal hardware issue.
– Then replace the wire harness. Step 1: Update Access 3™ with the latest version of
• If:No measured resistance is more than 3 ohm. software. Turn the truck OFF and back ON.
– Then proceed to Step 2. Verify truck operation.
Step 2: Connect Access 1 CA401, but leave CA615 • If:Event continues.
disconnected. Turn the truck ON. Connect a – Then proceed to Step 2.
DVOM to CA615-1 of the wire harness con- Step 2: Replace Access 3™. Configure new
nector and Access 3™ B+ to check the volt- Access 3™ in Utilities Menu U2.
• If:Voltage is 10 V (± 1.0 V).
– Then proceed to Step 3.
Event Code 301
• If:Voltage is 0.0 V (± 0.3 V). Access 1 periodic SDO timeout
– Then replace Access 1. Event Code 301 occurs when Access 3™ and
Step 3: Check voltage at CA615-2 of the PT1 wire har- Access 5 cannot communicate with Access 1.
ness connector and Access 3™ B-. Incorrect wiring in the CAN circuit or a defective
Access 1 causes this code.
• If:Voltage is 10 V (± 1.0 V).
– Then replace PT1. Verify operation.
• If:Voltage is not 10 V (± 1.0 V).

Crown 2007 PF15787-3 Rev. 12/13 M4.8-6745-003

02 Rev. 12/13
Event Code 312

Step 1: Turn the truck OFF. Make sure CAN HI and

CAN LO terminals are fully connected to the
back of Access 1 and Access 3™. CAN HI = Event Code 312
CA201-23 on Access 3™ and CA401-8 on AC over current
Access 1. CAN LO = CA201-15 on
Higher than normal current is sensed at Access 3™
Access 3™ and CA401-9 on Access 1. terminals U, V or W. Possible causes are shorted
Step 2: Measure resistance between CAN HI and power cables or M1 windings or an ENC1 issue.
CAN LO terminals. Disconnect CA201 on
Access 3™ and measure the resistance be- CAUTION
tween pins 15 and 23 on the harness connec- Due to capacitance voltage present in the traction mo-
tor (battery disconnected). Make sure CA401 tor controller, whenever performing maintenance
which may permit contact with the bus bars and asso-
on Access 1 is fully connected. The correct re-
ciated power cables, discharge the capacitors.
sistance is 59–61 Ω. 1. Move truck to a secure non traffic maintenance area
• If:Resistance is not 59–61 Ω. with a level floor.
– Then disconnect the Access 1 harness connec- 2. Lockout/Tagout truck as described in Battery - Lock-
tor (CA401) and measure the resistance between out/Tagout in this section.
pins 8 and 9 on the harness connector (CA401). 3. Place a minimum 100 ohm, 10 watt resistor between
The correct resistance with CA201 and CA401 the positive and negative terminals of the controller for
disconnected is 119–121 Ω. 15 or more seconds.
• If:Resistance is not 119–121 Ω.
– Then replace the main wire harness. Step 1: Turn the truck OFF. Disconnect the battery.
• If:Resistance is 119–121 Ω. Discharge the Access 3™ capacitors. Discon-
– Then replace Access 1. nect each of the three-phase power cables
Step 3: Connect the connectors and the battery. Turn from Access 3™ and M1. One at a time, use a
the truck ON and check if the event continues. DVOM to check the resistance between the
power cable and frame.
• If:Event continues.
• If:Cables are shorted.
– Then make sure Access 3™ has power. Check
for +BV at CA201-1. – Then repair or replace as necessary.
• If:No +BV. • If:Cables are OK.
– Then find the open circuit. – Then proceed to Step 2.
• If:+BV. Step 2: Check the wire harness to ENC1 and the
– Then replace Access 3™. ENC1 connector (CA405) for opens or shorts.
• If:Harness or connector has shorts or breaks.
– Then repair or replace the harness as necessary.
Access 3™ Access 1
CA401 • If:Wire harness and connector are OK.
+BV (AK) 1 3 +BV (AK) – Then proceed to Step 3.
Step 3: Check the encoder (ENC1) operation.
CAN LO 15 005 8 CAN HI
002 9 CAN LO Ohm • If:The ENC1 is not working correctly.
CAN HI 23 006
R1 – Then replace the encoder.
121 • If:ENC1 is ok.
– Then proceed to step 4.
Fig. 4 (21213-03) Step 4: With the power cables disconnected from M1,
check the resistance of each M1 terminal to
truck frame.
• If:Any terminals are shorted (not open).

M4.8-6745-004 Crown 2007 PF15787-4 Rev. 12/13

02 Rev. 12/13
Event Code 313

– Then replace M1. Step 1: Turn the truck OFF. Disconnect the battery.
• If:M1 windings do not show a connection to the Discharge the Access 3™ capacitors. Con-
frame. nect the battery. Turn the truck ON.
– Then the issue could be intermittent or higher re- • If:Event code continues.
sistance than the meter can detect.
– Then proceed to Step 2.
Step 5: Use a DVOM to check Access 3™ terminal re-
Step 2: Clear the events in the Access 1 history. Turn
sistance to the truck frame. Keep the power
the truck OFF, then back ON.
cables disconnected from Access 3™. Check
• If:Event code continues.
the resistance of each phase terminal to the
truck frame. – Then proceed to Step 3.
Step 3: Turn the truck OFF and replace Access 3™.
• If:Any of the terminals are shorted.
Configure new Access 3™ in Utilities Menu
– Then replace Access 3™.
• If:Access 3™ terminals are OK.
• If:Event code continues.
– Then replace M1.
– Then replace Access 1.

Event Code 318

DC Bus High - Hardware Detected (high battery
voltage at Access 3™)
DC voltage to Access 3™ (between + and BNEG
terminals) is 50 V or more.
Step 1: Turn the truck OFF. Disconnect the battery.
Use a DVOM to check the battery voltage at
Fig. 5 (14991)
the battery terminals.
• If:The voltage is more than 28 V.
– Then make sure the battery is in good condition,
Event Code 313 proper voltage for battery (24 V or 12 cells) and
charger is in good working order.
Current Sensor Offset Calibration Issue
• If:The battery is less than 28 V.
Access 3™ has an internal issue. The AC current
measurement is out of the expected range while – Then proceed to Step 2.
Access 3™ is at rest. Step 2: Check if the line contactor (L) has opened dur-
ing a regen brake with the battery at full
CAUTION charge.
Due to capacitance voltage present in the traction mo- • If:Battery has recently come off of the charger.
tor controller, whenever performing maintenance
– Then the battery can temporarily go over the limit
which may permit contact with the bus bars and asso-
with a harsh regen brake.
ciated power cables, discharge the capacitors.
1. Move truck to a secure non traffic maintenance area • If:Battery just came off charger and performed a re-
with a level floor. gen brake.
2. Lockout/Tagout truck as described in Battery - Lock- – Then battery is fully charged to maximum and will
out/Tagout in this section. drop in voltage within a few minutes with normal
3. Place a minimum 100 ohm, 10 watt resistor between use.
the positive and negative terminals of the controller for • If:Battery has not been charged recently.
15 or more seconds.
– Then proceed to Step 3.

Crown 2007 PF15787-5 Rev. 8/11 M4.8-6745-005

01 Rev. 8/11
Event Code 320

Step 3: Determine if the line contactor (L) is in good – Then proceed to Step 8.
working order with good tips and a good return Step 8: Inspect the line contactor terminal threads for
spring. excess wear. Replace the contactor if neces-
• If:The line contactor (L) tips or spring are bad. sary. Install TR1 and the power cables back on
– Then replace or repair the line contactor (L). the line contactor (L). Torque the line contactor
• If:The line contactor (L) is functioning properly. (L) bolts to the specified torque. Do not over
– Then check the wiring going to the line contactor tighten. Turn the truck on and monitor the
(L) coil. event code.
• If:Wire terminals are loose or wire is damaged. • If:Event code continues.
– Then repair or replace the harness as necessary. – Then check the battery condition under load.
• If:Harness is OK. • If:The battery condition is deteriorated.
– Then proceed to Step 4. – Then repair or replace the battery.
Step 4: Check the power connections of the line con- • If:The battery is OK.
tactor (L) and Access 3™. Make sure the ter- – Then replace Access 3™. Configure new
minals are tightened to the proper torque Access 3™ in Utilities Menu U2.
specification and the threads are in good con-
• If:The connections are loose or corroded.
– Then tighten or replace the terminals as neces-
• If:Connections are OK.
– Then proceed to Step 5.
Step 5: Turn the truck ON. Use a DVOM to measure Fig. 6 (14992-01)
the voltage of FU1 in the circuit. Measure from
the +BV side of FU1 to the Access 3™ BNEG
terminal. Then measure from the + side of FU1 Event Code 320
to the Access 3™ BNEG terminal. Access 3™ Low Supply Voltage (15 V)
• If:There is a difference in voltage of 0.5 V or more. The internally regulated voltage in Access 3™ dropped
– Then replace FU1. below a percentage of the regulated supply voltage.
• If:Voltage is +BV on both sides of FU1.
– Then proceed to Step 6. CAUTION
Step 6: Turn the truck OFF. Discharge the Access 3™ Due to capacitance voltage present in the traction mo-
tor controller, whenever performing maintenance
capacitors. Check the Access 3™ battery ter-
which may permit contact with the bus bars and asso-
minal connections. ciated power cables, discharge the capacitors.1. Move
• If:Connections are loose or corroded. truck to a secure non traffic maintenance area with a
– Then tighten or replace the terminals. level floor.
2. Lockout/Tagout truck as described in Battery - Lock-
• If:Connections are tight and in good condition. out/Tagout in this section.
– Then proceed to Step 7. 3. Place a minimum 100 ohm, 10 watt resistor between
Step 7: Remove TR1 from the line contactor (L). Allow the positive and negative terminals of the controller for
TR1 to cool to room temperature. Use a 15 or more seconds.
DVOM to check the resistance of TR1.
Step 1: Turn the truck OFF. Disconnect the battery.
• If:Resistance is not 39.5 ohm.
Discharge the Access 3™ capacitors. Use a
– Then replace TR1.
DVOM to check the battery voltage at the bat-
• If:Resistance is 39.5 ohm.

M4.8-6745-006 Crown 2007 PF15787-6 Rev. 8/11

01 Rev. 8/11
Event Code 321

• If:The the voltage is more than17 V.

– Then proceed to Step 2.
• If:The voltage is less than 17 V.
– Then recharge or replace battery.
• If:Event code continues.
– Then check the condition of the battery or make
adjustments to the Battery Empty setting in Per-
formance Menu P4. Fig. 7 (14992-01)
Step 2: Check the condition of the battery terminals on
each end of the battery connector.
• If:The connections are loose or corroded.
Event Code 321
– Then tighten or replace the terminals. Supply (5 V) Low or High Voltage
• If:The connections are OK. The internally regulated voltage in Access 3™ dropped
– Then proceed to Step 3. below a percentage of the regulated supply voltage.
Step 3: Check the power connections of the line con- Follow troubleshooting steps for Event Code 320.
tactor (L) and Access 3™ (+BV, + and BNEG
terminals). Make sure the terminals are tight-
ened to the proper torque specification and the
threads are in good condition.
• If:The connections are loose or corroded.
– Then tighten or replace the terminals as needed.
• If:Connections are OK.
– Then proceed to Step 4. Fig. 8 (14992-01)
Step 4: Remove FU1. Check the condition of FU1.
• If:FU1 show any damage to the element, viewing
glass or terminals. Event Code 322
– Then replace FU1. Heatsink Temperature High
• If:No damage is visible. The Access 3™ heatsink temperature is above 115 °C
– Then install FU1 and proceed to Step 5. (239 °F).
Step 5: Turn the truck ON. Use a DVOM to measure Step 1: Check the heatsink temperature in Access 1
the voltage of FU1 in the circuit. Measure from Analyzer Menu A2.12.
the +BV side of FU1 to the Access 3™ BNEG • If:Temperature is 115 °C (239 °F) or more.
terminal. Then measure from the + side of FU1 – Then Access 3™ is overheated. Proceed to Step
to the Access 3™ BNEG terminal. 2.
• If:There is a difference in voltage of 0.5 V or more. • If:Temperature is less than 115 °C (239 °F).
– Then replace FU1. – Then skip to Step 6.
• If:Voltage is +BV on both sides of FU1. • If:Access 3™ temperature is less than 115 °C
– Then replace Access 3™. Configure new (239 °F), but was allowed to cool before performing
Access 3™ in Utilities Menu U2. service.
– Then proceed to Step 2.

Crown 2007 PF15787-7 Rev. 8/11 M4.8-6745-007

01 Rev. 8/11
Event Code 322

Due to capacitance voltage present in the traction mo-
tor controller, whenever performing maintenance
which may permit contact with the bus bars and asso-
ciated power cables, discharge the capacitors.
1. Move truck to a secure non traffic maintenance area
with a level floor.
2. Lockout/Tagout truck as described in Battery - Lock-
out/Tagout in this section.
3. Place a minimum 100 ohm, 10 watt resistor between
Fig. 9 (14993-01)
the positive and negative terminals of the controller for
15 or more seconds. Step 4: Check the Access 3™ mounting bolts located
in each of the four corners of Access 3™.
Proper torque for the bolts is 24.5 Nm (18 ±
Step 2: Turn the truck OFF. Disconnect the battery.
5.0 ft lb) or reference section on fastener
Discharge the Access 3™ capacitors (with the
torque for an M8 8.8 bolt).
battery disconnected, discharge the capaci-
tors by placing a 100 ohm, two watt resistor • If:The bolts are loose.
across the Access 3™ BNEG and + terminals – Then completely unbolt controller from power
for a minimum of 15 seconds). Check for unit wall. Blow or wipe clean Access 3™ and the
mounting wall surfaces. Mount Access 3™ onto
loose, corroded or damaged terminal connec-
the power unit wall and torque to above specifica-
tions on Access 3™. Check +BV, + and BNEG tions.
terminals. Check U, V and W power cable ter- • If:Mounting is correct.
minals. Also check FU1 terminals.
– Then proceed to Step 5.
• If:Connections are loose. Step 5: Determine if the truck is under a heavy-duty
– Then tighten to a torque of 15 Nm (11 ± 1.5 ft lb). cycle or high ambient temperatures.
• If:Connection terminals are bad. • If:The truck is overheating due to these conditions
– Then replace cables as necessary. and performance is degraded.
• If:Terminals are OK. – Then allow the truck to cool down.
– Then proceed to Step 3. • If:The truck is not overheating due to the above
Step 3: Check the U, V and W M1 power cables for ex- conditions.
cess wear. Check +BV and BNEG power ca- – Then proceed to Step 6.
bles for excess wear. Step 6: Does this fault occur when Access 3™ is at
• If:The any cable(s) shows signs of excess wear. room temperature (after the truck has been
– Then replace the cable(s) as necessary. OFF for some time)?
• If:The power cables are OK. • If:No.
– Then proceed to Step 4. – Then proceed to Step 7.
• If:Yes.
– Then replace Access 3™. Configure new
Access 3™ in Utilities Menu U2.
Step 7: Use Analyzer Menu A3.6 to check for exces-
sive current in M1 due to a mechanical condi-
tion of the drive motor, drive unit or brakes.
Refer to Control of Hazardous Energy in the
Service and Parts Manual to lift and block the
truck frame so the drive tire is off the ground.

M4.8-6745-008 Crown 2007 PF15787-8 Rev. 8/11

01 Rev. 8/11
Event Code 323

Apply full throttle in walkie speed mode (not • If:Voltage < 17 V.

high speed). – Then continue to Step 5.
• If:Analyzer Menu A3.6 motor current is more than • If:Voltage > 17 V.
65 amps. – Then continue to Step 6.
– Then the issue is due to a mechanical condition Step 5: Turn the truck OFF and disconnect the battery.
in the drive motor, drive unit, brakes, etc. Repair Remove FU2 from the fuse holder and check
as necessary.
for continuity.
• If:Analyzer Menu A3.6 motor current is less than 65
amps. • If:FU2 is open.
– Then replace Access 3™. Configure new – Then replace FU2.
Access 3™ in Utilities Menu U2. • If:FU2 is good.
– Then continue to Step 6.
Step 6: Measure for voltage loss of FU1. Connect the
Event Code 323 battery and turn the truck ON. Measure the DC
DC Bus Low - Software Detected (low battery volt- voltage between Access 3™ terminals B+ and
age at Access 3™) B- and record the results. Measure the DC
Event Code 323 occurs when Access 3™ software voltage between Access 3™ terminals + and
finds that the DC Supply voltage at + and B- terminals B- and record the results. Calculate the volt-
is less than12 V. age difference between the 2 measurements.
Step 1: Measure the voltage at the battery terminals
• If:FU1 voltage loss is 0.5 V or more.
with the battery disconnected.
– Then replace FU1.
• If:Voltage < 17 V. • If:FU1 voltage loss is 0.5 V or less.
– Then charge or replace the battery. – Then turn the truck OFF and disconnect the bat-
• If:Voltage > 17 V. tery. Remove and examine FU1 for damage to
– Then continue to Step 2. the fuse element, viewing glass, or terminals.
Step 2: Check the condition of the battery terminals. Make sure FU1 has continuity.
• If:FU1 is open or the fuse element, viewing glass,
• If:Connections are bad.
or terminals are damaged.
– Then repair or replace the terminals as neces-
– Then replace FU1.
• If:FU1 is good.
• If:Connections are good.
– Then replace FU1 with a known good fuse.
– Then continue to Step 3.
• If:FU1 is good.
Step 3: Check the condition of the connections at the
– Then replace FU1 with a known good fuse.
line contactor (L), B+, +, and B- terminals on
Access 3™. Make sure Access 3™ terminals • If:Event continues.
are torqued to 13–17 Nm (9.6–12.5 ft lb) and – Then replace Access 3™ (configure Access 3™
replacement in Utilities menu U2).
the threads are in good condition. Make sure
the control wiring to the line contactor is in
good condition.
• If:A defect is found.
– Then repair or replace as necessary.
• If:Conditions are good.
– Then continue to Step 4.
Step 4: Connect the battery, turn the truck ON, and
measure the voltage at Access 3™ pin

Crown 2007 PF15787-9 Rev. 12/13 M4.8-6745-009

02 Rev. 12/13
Event Code 324

• If:Analyzer Menu A3.6 motor current is more than

65 amps.
– Then the issue is due to a mechanical condition
Access 3™
in the drive motor, drive unit, brakes, etc. Repair
KEY INPUT as necessary.
39.5 Ohm
FU2 TR1 + L CA201-2
• If:Analyzer Menu A3.6 motor current is less than 65
+BV +
– Then proceed to Step 3.

Due to capacitance voltage present in the traction mo-
Fig. 10 (28531) tor controller, whenever performing maintenance
which may permit contact with the bus bars and asso-
ciated power cables, discharge the capacitors.
Event Code 324 1. Move truck to a secure non traffic maintenance area
with a level floor.
DC Bus High - Software Detected (high battery volt- 2. Lockout/Tagout truck as described in Battery - Lock-
age at Access 3™). out/Tagout in this section.
Access 3™ software detects the DC Supply voltage, 3. Place a minimum 100 ohm, 10 watt resistor between
as measured at + and BNEG terminals, is 50 V or the positive and negative terminals of the controller for
more.Follow the trouble shooting steps for Event code 15 or more seconds.

Step 3: Turn the truck OFF. Disconnect the battery.

Event Code 328 Discharge the Access 3™ capacitors. Check
for loose, corroded or damaged terminal con-
Traction Motor (M1) Temperature High nections on Access 3™. Check +BV, + and
M1 temperature is more than 190 °C (374 °F). TS1, BNEG terminals.
embedded in the M1 windings, provides an analog
input to Access 3™. View M1 temperature in Analyzer • If:Connections are loose.
Menu A2.10. – Then tighten to a torque of 15 Nm (11 ± 1.5 ft lb).
Step 1: Check M1 temperature in Access 1 Analyzer • If:Connection terminals are bad.
Menu A2.10. – Then replace cables as necessary.
• If:Temperature is 190 °C (374 °F) or more. • If:Terminals are OK.
– Then M1 is overheated. Proceed to Step 2. – Then proceed to Step 4.
• If:Temperature is less than 190 °C (374 °F). Step 4: Check the U, V and W M1 power cables for ex-
– Then skip to Step 8. cess wear.
• If:Temperature is less than 190 °C (374 °F) but was • If:Any cable shows signs of abrasion or excess
allowed to cool before performing service. wear.
– Then proceed to Step 2. – Then replace the cable as necessary.
Step 2: Use Analyzer Menu A3.6 to check for exces- • If:The power cables are OK.
sive current in M1 due to a mechanical condi- – Then proceed to Step 5.
tion of the drive motor, drive unit or brakes. Step 5: Check for loose connections and broken wires
Refer to Control of Hazardous Energy in the at motor connector CA405-1 and CA405-2.
Service and Parts Manual to lift and block the Check for loose connections and broken wires
truck frame so the drive tire is off the ground. at Access 3™ CA201-4 and CA201-16. Visu-
Apply full throttle in walkie speed mode (not ally inspect CA201 and CA405 to ensure pins
high speed). are fully seated.
• If:A bad connection or broken wires are found.

M4.8-6745-010 Crown 2007 PF15787-10 Rev. 8/11

01 Rev. 8/11
Event Code 332

– Then replace the wire harness. Step 1: Turn the truck OFF. Remove wire 5904 from
• If:No bad connections or broken wires are found. the line contactor coil. Turn the truck ON. Use
– Then proceed to Step 6. Access 1 to clear all events. Press the brake
Step 6: Disconnect CA201. Use a DVOM to check the pedal.
resistance of TS1 between Access 3™ • If:Event Code 332 logs again.
CA201-4 and CA201-16 on the wire harness. – Then turn the truck OFF. Reconnect wire 5904.
• If:Resistance is more than 330 ohm. Proceed to Step 2.
– Then proceed to Step 7. • If:Event code 332 does not log again.
• If:Resistance is less than 330 ohm. – Then turn the truck OFF. Replace the line contac-
tor (L). Connect wire 5904 to the new line contac-
– Then skip to Step 8.
Step 2: Use the lower switch (LOS1) to lower the forks
to a maximum height of 76 mm (3 in). Turn the
truck OFF. Remove wire 5901 from the raise
solenoid (P). Turn the truck ON. Use Access 1
to clear all events. Press the raise switch.
• If:Event Code 332 logs again.
– Then turn the truck OFF. Reconnect wire 5901.
Proceed to Step 3.
• If:Event Code 332 does not log again.
– Then replace the raise solenoid (P). Connect
Fig. 11 (14994-01) wire 5901 to the new raise solenoid.
Step 7: Determine if the truck is under a heavy-duty Step 3: Turn the truck OFF. Disconnect CA404 Elec-
cycle or high ambient temperatures. tric Brake connector. Turn the truck ON. Use
• If:The truck is overheating due to these conditions Access 1 to clear all events. Turn the truck
and performance is degraded. ON. Cycle BRS and DMS.
– Then allow the truck to cool down. • If:Event Code 332 logs again.
• If:The truck is not overheating due to the above – Then turn the truck OFF. Reconnect CA404. Pro-
conditions. ceed to Step 4.
– Then proceed to Step 8. • If:Event Code does not log again.
Step 8: Replace the M1. Monitor the event. – Then replace BRK1. Connect CA404.
• If:Event code continues and performance is de- Step 4: Turn the truck OFF. Remove wire 5902 from
graded. the steer solenoid (S). Turn the truck ON. Use
– Then replace Access 3™. Configure new Access 1 to clear all events. Cycle BRS and
Access 3™ in Utilities Menu U2. DMS.
• If:Event Code 332 logs again.
Event Code 332 – Then turn the truck OFF. Reconnect wire 5902.
Proceed to Step 5.
Open Output Circuit - Current High
• If:Event Code 332 does not log again.
One of the following Access 3™ outputs exceeded 1.5
– Then replace the steer solenoid (S). Connect
amps continuous or three amps peak: BRK (CA201-2),
wire 5902 to the new steer solenoid.
Pump Contactor (P) solenoid (CA201-18), Line
Contactor (L) coil (CA201-21) or Steer Solenoid Step 5: Turn the truck OFF. Inspect the wire harness
(CA201-22). Access 3™ disables all truck functions. connectors for a short circuit across the termi-
Likely causes are a defective contactor coil or a short nals of the connectors. Remove any debris
to +BV. The short could be internal or external to that may have accumulated on the connec-
Access 3™.

Crown 2007 PF15787-11 Rev. 8/11 M4.8-6745-011

01 Rev. 8/11
Event Code 333

tors. Turn the truck ON. Use Access 1 to clear • If:Voltage is less than 21 V.
all events. – Then check the wire harness for a shorted wire to
• If:Event Code 332 logs again. BNEG or a short of wire 5904 to the truck frame.
– Then proceed to Step 6. • If:The a wire is shorted.
Step 6: Turn the truck OFF. Replace the main wire – Then replace or repair as necessary.
harness. Turn the truck ON. Use Access 1 to • If:Wires are OK.
clear all events. – Then proceed to Step 3.
• If:Event Code 332 logs again or becomes intermit-
– Then replace Access 3™. Configure new Due to capacitance voltage present in the traction mo-
Access 3™ in Utilities Menu U2. Use Access 1 to tor controller, whenever performing maintenance
clear all events and verify the event code does which may permit contact with the bus bars and asso-
not reappear. ciated power cables, discharge the capacitors.
1. Move truck to a secure non traffic maintenance area
with a level floor.
2. Lockout/Tagout truck as described in Battery - Lock-
out/Tagout in this section.
3. Place a minimum 100 ohm, 10 watt resistor between
the positive and negative terminals of the controller for
15 or more seconds.

Step 3: Turn the truck OFF. Disconnect the battery.

Discharge the Access 3™ capacitors. Use a
DVOM to check the resistance across the line
contactor terminals (cable lugs) to make sure
it is not stuck shut.
• If:Resistance is infinite (open).
Fig. 12 (17421-01) – Then replace Access 3™ (configure new
Access 3™ in Analyzer Menu U2).
• If:There is measurable resistance, but it is not infi-
Event Code 333 nite (open).
– Then repair or replace the line contactor (L).
Line Contactor (L) Tips Welded or Driver is Shorted
The line contactor (L) is not opening, either due to a
bad Access 3™ driver or welded contactor tips.
Step 1: Turn the truck OFF. Check the line contactor
(L) tip condition.
• If:Tips are welded.
– Then replace the tips or the line contactor (L).
• If:Tips are not welded.
– Then proceed to Step 2.
Fig. 13 (15006-01)
Step 2: Turn the truck ON. With the BRK Foot Pedal
up (BRS open), use a DVOM to check the line
contactor coil voltage. Test with the positive Event Code 334
DVOM probe at the line contactor coil terminal
connected to wire 5904 and the negative Access 3™ Brake Driver Open Circuit Detected
probe at Access 3™ B-. An Access 3™ diagnostic tool prevents driving with the
parking brake (BRK1) engaged. Access 3™ monitors

M4.8-6745-012 Crown 2007 PF15787-12 Rev. 8/11

01 Rev. 8/11
Event Code 336

CA201-2 for an open load. Upon release of BRK1, 24 V

is applied to the BRK1 coil for 1 second, and then
reduced to 12 V. If Access 3™ does not detect the Event Code 336
proper current during this time, Event Code 334 logs
and traction is inhibited. Likely causes are open wiring Throttle Voltage Outside Limits.
between Access 3™, KYS and BRK1, an open BRK1 Throttle voltage from ACCEL POT1 is more than 4.0 V
coil or shorted wiring between the BRK1 coil and when either FS or RS is activated. Event Code 336 is
BNEG. also logged if the ACCEL POT1 output is more than
Step 1: Turn the truck OFF. Disconnect CA404. Use a 11.0 V. Corrective action includes verifying the issue,
DVOM to check BRK1 coil resistance. Deter- centering ACCEL POT1 or readjusting RS and FS.
mine the part number printed on BRK1. If the Step 1: Turn the truck ON. Use Access 1 A5.9 to view
part number is 5678-05, then the coil resis- the ACCEL POT1 voltage at rest.
tance should be approximately 17.1 ohms. If • If:Voltage is more than 0.5 V and less than 11.0 V.
the part number is 5678-31, then the coil resis- – Then center ACCEL POT1 using the adjustment
tance should be approximately 8.3 ohms. procedure in the Control Pod section of the Ser-
vice and Parts Manual.
• If:The BRK1 coil resistance is not as specified.
• If:Voltage is 11.0 V or more.
– Then replace BRK1.
– Then skip to Step 5.
• If:The BRK1 coil resistance is OK.
• If:Voltage is less than 0.5 V.
– Then proceed to Step 2.
– Then proceed to Step 2.
Step 2: Check the continuity of wire 2912 between
CA404-1 and KYS. Step 2: Check the operation of FS and RS. Inspect the
switches for mechanical sticking or incorrect
• If:Wire 2912 is open.
– Then repair or replace the wire as necessary.
• If:The switches are sticking.
• If:Wire 2912 is OK.
– Then replace the switch and linkage as neces-
– Then proceed to Step 3.
Step 3: Check for a short between CA404-2 and
• If:Thread locking adhesive on switch arms is dis-
BNEG. turbed or the switch linkage has been adjusted pre-
• If:A short exists. viously.
– Then repair or replace the wire as necessary. – Then readjust switch actuation so that the switch
• If:No short exists and the event continues. actuates (goes to zero ohm or audible click) be-
fore the ACCEL POT1 reaches 4.0 V (or with the
– Then replace Access 3™. Configure new battery disconnected, before it reaches 1.5 k ohm
Access 3™ in Utilities Menu U2. between the brown and blue wires of ACCEL
Step 3: Turn the truck OFF. Use a DVOM to measure
the resistance of the FS and RS switch termi-
• If:Switch resistance does not reach less than 5 ohm
while twisting the handle.
– Then replace switch.
Step 4: Use a DVOM to check the wiring from FS and
RS to Access 3™ for cuts or shorts to the
• If:Shorts or cuts are found.
– Then repair or replace the wires as necessary.

Fig. 14 (17421-01)

Crown 2007 PF15787-13 Rev. 8/11 M4.8-6745-013

01 Rev. 8/11
Event Code 343

Step 5: Use a DVOM to check the wiring from ACCEL

POT1 to ACCES 3 for cuts or shorts to the
frame. Check wires 102, 303 and 512 from Event Code 343
Access 3™ to CA402. Check each wire for FS and RS switches detected simultaneously
shorts to the frame and shorts to each of the
Access 3™ sees both FS and RS simultaneously.
other wires. Likely causes are incorrect adjustment of FS or RS or
• If:Shorts or cuts found. a wiring short circuit.
– Then repair or replace the harness as necessary. Step 1: Determine if FS and RS are incorrectly adjust-
Step 6: Check the Access 3™ terminal connections ed so both are closed simultaneously.
and all connections to FS and RS. • If:Switches are incorrectly adjusted.
• If:Loose or unseated connections are found. – Then readjust the switch. Refer to the Control
– Then repair or replace as necessary. Pod section in the Service and Parts Manual for
direction switch adjustment.
Step 7: Make sure ACCEL POT1 is secured tightly to
• If:Switches are not incorrectly adjusted.
the mounting bracket and the potentiometer
– Then make sure the switches are in good working
body does not rotate with normal operation.
• If:The ACCEL POT1 body is incorrectly adjusted. • If:Switches are worn or damaged.
– Then properly adjust ACCEL POT1. – Then replace the switches.
• If:The ACCEL POT1 body is loose. • If:Switches are OK.
– Then tighten the mounting screw using blue – Then proceed to Step 2.
thread locking adhesive to secure.
Step 2: Turn the truck OFF. Determine if the FS or RS
Step 8: Monitor the event.
wires are shorted. Use a DVOM to check the
• If:The event code continues. resistance between wires 2916 and 2917.
– Then replace Access 3™. Configure new
• If:Resistance is measurable, but not infinite (open).
Access 3™ in Utilities Menu U2.
– Then the wires are shorted to one switch. Repair
or replace the harness as necessary.
• If:Resistance is infinite (open).
– Then proceed to Step 3.
Step 3: Turn the truck ON. Use a DVOM to determine
if the FS or RS wires are shorted to +BV. Con-
nect the negative meter lead to the Access 3™
BNEG terminal as a negative reference.
Check the voltages at wires 2916 and 2917,
one at a time, with the positive meter lead.
• If:Voltage is more than 1.0 V.
– Then the switch wiring is shorted to a positive
voltage source (typically another wire). Repair or
replace the harness as necessary.

Fig. 15 (17422)

M4.8-6745-014 Crown 2007 PF15787-14 Rev. 8/11

01 Rev. 8/11
Event Code 346

• If:Wires are OK.

– Then proceed to Step 7.
• If:Voltage is more than 20 V and M2 continues to
– Then look for a short to frame or incorrect wiring.
Repair as necessary.
• If:Wires are OK.
– Then proceed to Step 3.
Step 3: Turn the truck OFF. Disconnect the battery.
Use a DVOM to check the battery voltage at
the battery terminals.
Fig. 16 (17423) • If:The voltage is less than 23 V.
– Then recharge or replace battery.
Event Code 346 • If:The the voltage is more than23 V.
– Then proceed to Step 4.
DC Bus Charging Timeout
Step 4: Check the condition of the terminals on each
Occurs during start-up when Access 3™ detects the end of the battery connector.
DC Supply voltage (as measured at the + and BNEG
terminals) is too low to ensure reliable operation. Event • If:The connections are loose or corroded.
Code 346 logs if the voltage is less than 23 V. DC Bus – Then tighten or replace the terminals.
is normally pre-charged through the KYS input • If:The connections OK.
(CA201-1). After turning truck ON, DC Bus must be
– Then proceed to Step 5.
pre-charged to full voltage within three seconds. TR1
across the line contactor contacts helps to pre-charge Step 5: Check the power connections of the line con-
the DC Bus. tactor (L), FU1 and Access 3™ (+BV, + and
Step 1: Turn the truck OFF. Disconnect the battery. BNEG terminals). Make sure the terminals are
Use a DVOM to measure continuity across the tightened to the proper torque specification
pump contactor (P) power terminals. and the threads are in good condition.
• If:Resistance measured is less than 10 ohm. • If:The connections are loose or corroded.
– Then replace the pump contactor (P). – Then tighten or replace the terminals as needed.
• If:Resistance measured is more than 10 ohm. • If:Connections OK.
– Then proceed to Step 2. – Then proceed to Step 6.
Step 2: Connect the battery. Turn the truck ON. Use a Step 6: Check the voltage loss of FU1. Connect the
DVOM to check the pump contactor coil driver battery. Turn the truck ON. Measure the DC
voltage. Connect the positive DVOM lead to voltage between the Access 3™ +BV and
Access 3™ CA201-18 and the negative lead BNEG terminals. Record the measurement.
to Access 3™ BNEG. Measure the DC voltage between the
Access 3™ + and BNEG terminals. Record
• If:Voltage is less than 5 V without a raise (RAS)
command input on CA201-10. the measurement. Calculate the voltage differ-
– Then check for pinched or shorted wires. Repair ence between the two measurements.
as necessary. • If:FU1 voltage loss is 0.5 V or more.
• If:Wires are OK. – Then replace FU1.
– Then proceed to Step 7. Step 7: Use a DVOM to measure voltage between the
• If:Voltage is more than 5 V but less than 20 V. Access 3™ BNEG and + terminals.
– Then check wires for a short to the truck frame. • If:The voltage is more than 23 V.
Repair as necessary.

Crown 2007 PF15787-15 Rev. 8/11 M4.8-6745-015

01 Rev. 8/11
Event Code 362

– Then replace Access 3™. Configure new

Access 3™ in Utilities Menu U2.
• If:The voltage is less than 23 V. Event Code 362
– Then proceed to Step 8. AC Current - Current Short
Step 8: Remove TR1 from the line contactor (L). Allow Short circuit in M1 or Access 3™ power stage or wiring.
TR1 to cool to room temperature. Use a
DVOM to check the resistance of TR1.
• If:Resistance is not 39.5 ohm. Due to capacitance voltage present in the traction mo-
– Then replace TR1. tor controller, whenever performing maintenance
• If:Resistance is 39.5 ohm. which may permit contact with the bus bars and asso-
ciated power cables, discharge the capacitors.
– Then proceed to Step 9. 1. Move truck to a secure non traffic maintenance area
Step 9: Inspect the line contactor terminal threads for with a level floor.
excess wear. Replace the contactor if neces- 2. Lockout/Tagout truck as described in Battery - Lock-
sary. Install TR1 and the power cables back on out/Tagout in this section.
the line contactor (L). Torque the line contactor 3. Place a minimum 100 ohm, 10 watt resistor between
the positive and negative terminals of the controller for
(L) bolts to the specified torque. Do not over
15 or more seconds.
tighten. Turn the truck on and monitor the
event code.
Step 1: Turn truck OFF. Disconnect the battery. Dis-
• If:Event code continues. charge the Access 3™ capacitors as de-
– Then replace Access 3™. Configure new scribed in the beginning of this section.
Access 3™ in Utilities Menu U2.
Step 2: Check the U, V and W M1 power cables for
loose connections or incorrect wiring at M1
and Access 3™.
• If:There are any loose or incorrectly wired connec-
– Then tighten or make corrections as necessary.
Step 3: Check the U, V and W M1 power cables for
shorts, abrasion or excess wear.
• If:Any of the above conditions are found.
– Then replace the cable(s) as necessary.
• If:The power cables are OK.
– Then proceed to Step 4.
Step 4: Disconnect the U, V and W power cables from
M1. Use a DVOM to check the resistance be-
Fig. 17 (17424) tween each M1 terminal and the M1 frame.
• If:Resistance is infinite (open).
– Then replace Access 3™. Configure new
Access 3™ in Utilities Menu U2.
• If:Resistance is measurable, but not infinite (open).
– Then replace M1.

M4.8-6745-016 Crown 2007 PF15787-16 Rev. 8/11

01 Rev. 8/11
Event Code 372

Step 3: Check the resistance between CAN HI and

CAN LO terminals. Connect CA401 to
Access 1. Disconnect Access 3™ CA201.
Check the resistance between CA201-15 and
CA201-23 on the harness plug. Make sure
Access 1 CA401 is still connected and fully
seated. Resistance should be 60 ± 1 ohm.
• If:Resistance is not 60 ± 1 ohm.
– Then disconnect Access 1 CA401 and check the
resistance between CA401-8 and CA401-9 on
Fig. 18 (14993-01)
the harness connector. Resistance at this point
(with both CA201 and CA401 disconnected)
should be 120 ± 1 ohm.
Event Code 372
• If:Resistance is not 120 ±1 ohm.
CAN Timeout – Then replace the main wire harness.
Access 3™ did not receive an expected CAN message • If:Resistance is 120 ± 1 ohm.
from Access 1 within the allotted time.
– Then replace Access 1.
Step 1: Check the Access 3™ status LED.
Step 4: Connect CA201 and CA401. Connect the bat-
• If:The light is flashing. tery. Turn the truck ON. Monitor the event
– Then proceed to Step 2. code.
• If:The light is solid. • If:Event Code continues.
– Then skip to Step 5. – Then replace Access 3™. Configure new
Access 3™ in Utilities Menu U2.
Due to capacitance voltage present in the traction mo-
tor controller, whenever performing maintenance
which may permit contact with the bus bars and asso-
ciated power cables, discharge the capacitors.
1. Move truck to a secure non traffic maintenance area
with a level floor.
2. Lockout/Tagout truck as described in Battery - Lock-
out/Tagout in this section.
3. Place a minimum 100 ohm, 10 watt resistor between
the positive and negative terminals of the controller for
15 or more seconds. Fig. 19 (14988)

Step 2: Turn the truck OFF. Disconnect the battery.

Discharge the Access 3™ capacitors as de- Event Code 399
scribed in the beginning of the Event Codes Access 3™ Internal Issue
section. Disconnect Access 1 CA401 and
Step 1: Use Access 1 Utilities Menu U2 to reconfigure
Access 3™ CA201. Visually inspect the CAN
Access 3™. Turn the truck OFF, then back
HI and CAN LO terminals to ensure they are
ON. Monitor the event code.
fully inserted in harness connectors. CAN HI =
• If:Event code continues.
Access 3™ CA201-23 & Access 1 CA401-8.
CAN LO = Access 3™ CA201-15 & Access 1 – Then replace Access 3™. Configure new
Access 3™ in Utilities Menu U2.

Crown 2007 PF15787-17 Rev. 8/11 M4.8-6745-017

01 Rev. 8/11
Event Code No Indication

• If:LED is still continuously on and not flashing with

no truck functions.
Event Code No Indication – Then proceed to Step 2.
Forks will not raise or truck will not travel • If:Status LED is blinking rapidly.
(Access 1 displays Left Pedal SRO) – Then check the Access 1 Event Log and proceed
Step 1: Open the power unit door and check the status to that Event Code diagnostic in this Quick Refer-
ence Guide. If Access 1 is not ON, then count the
LED on Access 3™.
LED flash sequence to determine the Event
• If:A green LED is flashing. Code number and use that Event Code to trou-
– Then proceed to Step 2. bleshoot the issue.
• If:LED is solid green (not flashing). • If:No event code is present, either on Access 1 or
by counting the flash sequence.
– Then proceed to Step 3.
– Then update Access 1 and Access 3™ with the
Step 2: Stand on the floorboard with both feet posi-
latest revision software.
tioned properly on the DMS and BRS pedals.
• If:Issue still exists.
Use the control pod to command a travel direc-
– Then replace Access 3™. Configure new
Access 3™ in Utilities Menu U2.
• If:Access 1 displays “LEFT PEDAL” and there is an Step 2: Use a DVOM to check the voltage from the
audible sound.
Access 3™ + terminal and the Access 3™ B-
– Then check line contactor (L) for welded tips. Re-
pair or replace the line contactor as necessary.
• If:Access 1 displays “LEFT PEDAL” and there is no • If:Voltage is more than 17 V.
audible sound. – Then proceed to Step 3.
– Then check the pump contactor (P) for welded • If:Voltage is less than 17 V.
tips. Repair or replace the pump contactor as – Then check the battery condition and connector,
necessary. power cables and line contactor (L).
Step 3: Issue is not related to the line or pump contac- Step 3: Check condition of the KYS terminals and wir-
tors. Check other No Event Codes in this ing.
Quick Reference Guide for “Lift does not en- • If:Wiring or terminal crimps show corrosion or loose
gage,” or “Truck will not travel”. connection.
– Then replace/repair as necessary.
• If:The terminals and wiring are OK.
Event Code No Indication
– Then proceed to Step 4.
Truck does not function Step 4: Check KYS for a high resistance connection.
Step 1: Open the power unit door and check the status With the truck ON, check voltages. Connect
LED on Access 3™. the positive DVOM lead to the supply terminal
• If:Status LED is not on. of KYS (red wire 201) and the negative DVOM
– Then check FU2. Turn the truck OFF. Remove lead to Access 3™ BNEG. Then check the
FU2. Use a DVOM to check FU2 continuity. voltage with the positive DVOM lead connect-
• If:FU2 is open. ed to the wire 2925 terminal of KYS and the
– Then replace FU2. Turn the truck ON. negative DVOM lead to Access 3™ BNEG.
• If:FU2 blows again. • If:Voltage on FU2 side of KYS is less than 17 V.
– Then check harness for shorts or pinched wires. – Then check FU2 and the FU2 wiring for shorts or
• If:FU2 is OK. pinched wiring.
– Then proceed to Step 2. • If:Voltage on FU2 side of KYS is more than 17 V
and the 2925 terminal is less than 17 V.
• If:Status LED is continuously on and not flashing.
– Then replace KYS.
– Then turn the truck OFF, then back ON.

M4.8-6745-018 Crown 2007 PF15787-18 Rev. 8/11

01 Rev. 8/11
Event Code No Indication

• If:Voltage is more than 17 V on both sides of KYS.

– Then proceed to Step 5.
Step 5: Make sure that BRS is properly adjusted and Event Code No Indication
being activated by the brake pedal. Turn the 0% BDI on Access 1
truck OFF. Disconnect CA601. Use a DVOM Caused by lack of CAN communication between
to measure resistance between JC601-1 and Access 3™ and Access 1. Follow troubleshooting
JC601-2. Press the brake pedal. Resistance steps for Event Code 110.
should go from near-zero ohm (less than 5
ohm) with the pedal depressed to an open cir-
cuit with the pedal not depressed.
Event Code No Indication
• If:BRS resistance is not as expected at JC601 Lift engages without RAS1 activation
when the brake pedal is pressed. Step 1: Turn the truck ON. Use the Access 1 Analyzer
– Then check BRS wiring from CA601 to BRS. Re- Menu A2.6 to determine if the RAS1 switch is
pair or replace wires as necessary. stuck. LMS must be closed for RAS1 to toggle
• If:Wires are OK. the A2.6 input.
– Then adjust or replace BRS as necessary. • If:A2.6 status is “0” and toggles to “1” when the
• If:BRS resistance is as expected at JC601 when RAS1 switch is activated.
the brake pedal is pressed. – Then proceed to Step 2.
– Then proceed to Step 6. • If:A2.6 status is “1” without activating RAS1.
Step 6: Turn the truck OFF. Use a DVOM to check the – Then check RAS1 to make the switch is mechan-
continuity of the BRS wiring from PC601 to ically stuck.
KYS (wire 2926) and to Access 3™ (wire • If:RAS1 is stuck.
2909) on the main harness. Check the con- – Then replace or readjust RAS1.
nections at Access 3™ CA201 to make sure • If:RAS1 is OK.
all terminals are fully seated and wiring is free
– Then check RAS1 wiring for shorted or pinched
of cuts or abrasion. wires to CA403 then to CA401.
• If:Shorts or open connections are found. Step 2: Turn the truck OFF. Disconnect the battery.
– Then repair or replace the harness as necessary. Measure continuity across the pump contactor
• If:Wires and connections are OK. (P) power terminals.
– Then replace Access 3™. Configure new • If:Resistance is less than 10 ohm.
Access 3™ in Utilities Menu U2. – Then replace the pump contactor (P).
• If:Resistance is more than 10 ohm.
– Then proceed to Step 3.
Step 3: Connect the battery. Turn the truck ON. Use
the Access 1 Analyzer Menu A3.3 to check the
pump contactor (P) coil driver. Do not request
• If:A3.3 indicates the pump contactor (P) coil driver
is ON.
– Then proceed to Step 4.
Fig. 20 (15029-01) • If:A3.3 indicates the pump contactor (P) coil driver
is OFF.
– Then proceed to Step 5.
Step 4: Check pump contactor (P) wiring for pinched
or shorted wires.

Crown 2007 PF15787-19 Rev. 8/11 M4.8-6745-019

01 Rev. 8/11
Event Code No Indication

• If:Wires are pinched or shorted. • If:Horn does not operate.

– Then repair or replace wires. – Then check the wires from RAS1 back to FU2.
• If:Wires are OK. Check FU2 for an open fuse.
– Then replace Access 3™. Configure new Step 4: Listen for the pump contactor (P) to close con-
Access 3™ in Utilities Menu U2. tacts when RAS1 is activated.
Step 5: Check wires for shorts to frame. • If:Contactor does not close.
• If:Wires are shorted to frame. – Then proceed to Step 5.
– Then repair or replace harness. • If:Contactor closes.
• If:Wires are not shorted to frame. – Then measure the voltage across pump contac-
– Then replace Access 3™. Configure new tor (P) power terminals with battery connected
Access 3™ in Utilities Menu U2. and RAS1 engaged.
• If:Voltage is more than 1 V.
– Then replace P.
Event Code No Indication • If:Voltage is less than 1 V.
Lift does not engage – Then check pump motor (M2) for proper voltage
across motor terminals.
Step 1: Turn the truck ON. Use Access 1 Analyzer
Menu A2.14 to check the BDI Reading. • If:Voltage at M2 is +BV.
– Then repair or replace M2.
• If:BDI is less than 20% state of charge.
• If:Voltage at M2 is not +BV.
– Then recharge or replace battery.
– Then check FU1 and M2 power cables for good
• If:BDI is greater than 20% state of charge.
connections. Repair or replace as necessary.
– Then proceed to Step 2.
Step 5: Use Access 1 Analyzer Menu A3.3 to check
Step 2: Use Access 1 Analyzer Menu A2.6 to deter- the lift contactor (P) coil driver. Activate RAS1
mine if RAS1 or LMS is stuck open. to request raise.
• If:A2.6 status is “0” and toggles to “1” when the • If:A3.3 status is OFF.
RAS1 switch is activated.
– Then check wire 5901 for open and good connec-
– Then proceed to Step 4. tions. Repair or replace wire as necessary.
• If:A2.6 status does not change when RAS1 is acti- • If:Wires are OK.
– Then replace the pump contactor (P).
– Then proceed to Step 3.
• If:A3.3 status is ON.
Step 3: Make sure RAS1 and LMS are being mechan-
– Then replace Access 3™. Configure new
ically activated as expected. RAS1 is activated
Access 3™ in Utilities Menu U2.
by pushing the switch on the control pod. LMS
is held closed and opens when the forks reach
the lift limit. LMS should be in the closed posi-
tion to complete the circuit and allow RAS1 to
toggle the A2.6.
• If:Switches are not being activated.
– Then adjust, repair or replace switches as neces-
• If:Switches are being activated.
– Then check to see if horn operates (horn uses the
same positive feed as the raise switches).
• If:Horn operates.
– Then check the wires from RAS1 to Access 3™
including LMS.

M4.8-6745-020 Crown 2007 PF15787-20 Rev. 8/11

01 Rev. 8/11
Event Code No Indication

• If:Voltage is greater than 24.7 V and all Perfor-

mance Menu settings are correct.
– Then proceed to Step 3.
Step 3: Check voltage loss of FU1. Connect the bat-
tery. Turn the truck ON. Measure the DC volt-
age between the Access 3™ +BV and BNEG
terminals. Record the measurement. Measure
the DC voltage between the Access 3™ + and
BNEG terminals. Record the measurement.
Calculate the voltage difference between the
two measurements.
• If:FU1 voltage loss is 0.5 V or more.
– Then replace FU1.
• If:FU1 voltage loss is 0.5 V or less.
– Then try a different fully charged battery. Turn the
truck OFF, then back ON.
• If:BDI then resets.
– Then check condition of the original battery.
• If:BDI does not reset.
– Then replace Access 3™. Configure new
Access 3™ in Utilities Menu U2.
Fig. 21 (17425)

Event Code No Indication

BDI does not reset
Step 1: Check the control parameters in the Perfor-
mance Menu. Set P4 - Battery Empty to 9. Set
P5 -Battery Full to 2. Set P6 -Battery Reset to
80%. Fig. 22 (14992-01)

Step 2: Turn the truck OFF. Disconnect the battery.

Check the battery voltage at the battery termi-
Event Code No Indication
• If:Voltage is less than 24.7 V. Truck will not travel

– Then the battery is not fully charged. Place bat- Step 1: Check that Battery Restraint (BRES) switches
tery back onto charger and set for a full charge. It (where equipped) are adjusted properly and
is also recommended to perform an equalize battery gates are fully seated. If the truck is not
charge whenever possible. equipped with BRES proceed to Step 2. View
• If:Battery does not read full voltage after being on BRES in Analyzer Menu A2.4 (F7 must be EN-
charger. ABLED).
– Then check condition of battery and charger. • If:BRES switches are not adjusted or operating
• If:Battery condition is poor. properly.
– Then lower the battery reset value as low as 60% – Then adjust or repair as necessary.
in Performance Menu P6. The deteriorated bat- • If:BRES switches are OK.
tery will not allow a long battery cycle.
– Then proceed to Step 2.

Crown 2007 PF15787-21 Rev. 8/11 M4.8-6745-021

01 Rev. 8/11
Event Code No Indication

Step 2: Check connection CA204 for connectivity. If • If:LED is still continuously on and not flashing with
BRES option is present, PC204 and JC204 no truck functions.
fast-tabs should be connected to the battery – Then proceed to Step 6.
restraint cable. If BRES option is not present, • If:Status LED is blinking rapidly.
PC204 and JC204 should be connected to – Then check the Access 1 Event Log and proceed
each other (near the CA204 connection). En- to that Event Code diagnostic in this Quick Refer-
sure these connections are secure and wiring ence Guide. If Access 1 is not ON, then count the
is not damaged in this area. LED flash sequence to determine the Event
Code number and use that Event Code to trou-
• If:Fast-on tabs are disconnected or damaged. bleshoot the issue.
– Then replace or repair as necessary. • If:No event code is present, either on Access 1 or
• If:CA204 connection is OK. by counting the flash sequence.
– Then proceed to Step 3. – Then update Access 1 and Access 3™ with the
Step 3: Use Access 1 Analyzer Menu A2.1 to check latest revision software. Turn the truck OFF, then
back ON.
BRS. Cycle BRS.
• If:Issue still exists.
• If:A2.1 changes state as expected.
– Then replace Access 3™. Configure new
– Then proceed to Step 5. Access 3™ in Utilities Menu U2.
• If:A2.1 does not change state. • If:Status LED is blinking slowly.
– Then check the wiring to BRS. – Then update Access 3™ with the latest revision
• If:BRS and wires are OK. software. Turn the truck OFF, then back ON.
– Then proceed to Step 4. Step 6: Use a DVOM to measure the voltage from
Step 4: Turn the truck OFF. Lift and block the truck so Access 3™ + to Access 3™ BNEG.
that the drive tire is off the ground. Refer to • If:Voltage is more than 17 V.
Control of Hazardous Energy in the Service – Then proceed to Step 7.
and Parts Manual. Check BRS adjustment for
• If:Voltage is less than 17 V.
proper range of motion.
– Then check the battery, power cables and line
• If:Switch contacting arm does not activate BRS. contactor (L) for a high resistance connection.
– Then adjust to contact BRS during typical operat- Step 7: Turn the truck ON. Check KYS for a voltage
ing range. drop. Connect the positive DVOM lead to the
• If:Switch contacting arm activates BRS as ex- supply terminal of KYS (red wire 201) and the
pected. negative DVOM lead to Access 3™ BNEG.
– Then proceed to Step 5. Then check the voltage with the positive
Step 5: Open the power unit door and check the status DVOM lead connected to the wire 2925 termi-
LED on Access 3™. nal of KYS and the negative DVOM lead to
• If:Status LED is not on. Access 3™ BNEG.
– Then check FU2. Turn the truck OFF. Remove • If:Voltage on FU2 side of KYS is less than 17 V.
FU2. Use a DVOM to check FU2 continuity. – Then check FU2 and the FU2 wiring for shorts or
• If:FU2 is open. pinched wiring.
– Then replace FU2. Turn the truck ON. • If:Voltage on FU2 side of KYS is more than 17 V
• If:FU2 blows again. and the 2925 terminal is less than 17 V.
– Then check harness for shorts or pinched wires. – Then replace KYS.
• If:FU2 is OK. Step 8: Check condition of KYS wiring and terminals.
– Then proceed to Step 6. • If:Wiring or terminal crimps show corrosion or loose
• If:Status LED is continuously on and not flashing. connection.
– Then turn the truck OFF, then back ON. – Then repair or replace as necessary.

M4.8-6745-022 Crown 2007 PF15787-22 Rev. 8/11

01 Rev. 8/11
Event Code No Indication

Step 9: Turn the truck OFF. Disconnect the battery. – Then check the wire between CA401-4 and the
Disconnect CA201. Connect the battery. Turn Access 3™ BNEG terminal. Repair or replace
the truck ON. Connect the positive DVOM lead the harness as necessary.
to CA201-1 and the negative lead to • If:Resistance is less than 5 ohm.
Access 3™ BNEG. – Then proceed to Step 3.
• If:Voltage is less than 17 V. Step 3: With CA401 still disconnected, turn the truck
– Then check the wiring between CA201-1, raise ON. Connect the positive DVOM lead to
solenoid + connection and the KYS B+ connec- CA401-3 on the wire harness and the negative
tion. lead on the Access 3™ BNEG terminal. Mea-
• If:There is a loose connection or damaged wire. sure the voltage.
– Then repair or replace the harness. • If:Voltage is less than 24 V.
• If:Voltage is more than 17 V. – Then proceed to Step 4.
– Then replace Access 3™. Configure new • If:Voltage is greater than 24 V.
Access 3™ in Utilities Menu U2. – Then reprogram Access 1.
• If:Issue continues.
– Then replace Access 1.
Step 4: Check the voltage drops for each component
in the +BV supply line. Connect the negative
lead of the DVOM to the Access 3™ BNEG
terminal. One at a time, connect the positive
DVOM lead to check voltages at the line con-
tactor (L) terminal, each side of FU2 and each
side of KYS.
• If:The voltage drop from the line contactor (L) to
FU2 is more than 0.3 V.
– Then repair or replace wire 202 of the wire har-
ness. Make sure the FU2 terminals are secure.
Fig. 23 (17426) • If:The voltage drop from FU2 (+BV side) to FU2 (+
side) is more than 0.3 V.
– Then replace FU2. Make sure the FU2 terminals
Event Code No Indication are secure.
Access 1 is not lit • If:The voltage drop from FU2 to KYS is more than
Step 1: Turn the truck OFF. Disconnect CA401 con- 0.3 V.
nector on the back of Access 1. Make sure – Then repair or replace wire 201 of the wire har-
that all pins are fully seated in the connector. ness. Make sure the FU2 terminals are secure.
Connect CA401 back onto Access 1. Turn the • If:The voltage drop between the KYS terminals
(with KYS turned on) is more than 0.3 V.
truck ON.
– Then repair or replace KYS. Make sure the wire
• If:Connector is secure and Access 1 still does not terminals are secure.
• If:The voltage drop from KYS to CA401-3 (with KYS
– Then proceed to Step 2. turned on) is more than 0.3 V.
Step 2: Turn truck OFF. Disconnect CA401. Use a – Then repair or replace wire 2913 of the wire har-
DVOM to check the resistance between the ness. Make sure the wire terminals are secure.
Access 3™ BNEG terminal and CA401-4. Step 5: Use the DVOM to check the voltages at
• If:Resistance is more than 5 ohm. Access 3™ CA401-3 (+BV) and CA401-4

Crown 2007 PF15787-23 Rev. 8/11 M4.8-6745-023

01 Rev. 8/11
Event Code No Indication

• If:Access 1 power loss is intermittent. the acceleration). Reference the front of Info-
– Then replace the wire harness. Point Quick Reference Guide or
• If:All voltages are normal and fault is not intermit- Access 1 2 3® in the Service and Parts Manu-
tent. al for menu structures.
– Then replace Access 1. • If:Increased acceleration parameters do not im-
prove acceleration rate.
– Then proceed to Step 3.
Step 3: Check PT1 for proper operation. Lower the
forks completely to the ground. Use Access 1
Analyzer Menu A2.11 to check the value of the
load sensor counts.

Correct PT1 Counts

(View in A2.11)

Load on Forks Counts

kg lb ± 50
0 0 150
Fig. 24 (17427)
455 1000 200
910 2000 250
Event Code No Indication
1360 3000 300
Slow acceleration rate
1815 4000 350
Check the load sensor (PT1), Access 1 and
Performance Menu settings (P1, P2, P3). 2270 5000 400
Step 1: Determine if acceleration rate changes with re- 2720 6000 450
spect to load.
3175 7000 500
• If:Slow acceleration is noticed with a load on the
forks, but acceleration is increased when forks are 3630 8000 550
• If:PT1 counts are 50-75.
– Then proceed to Step 2.
– Then the PT1 offset is correct. Proceed to Step 4.
• If:Acceleration rate does not change, regardless of
weight on forks. • If:PT1 counts are less than 50 or greater than 250.
– Then skip to Step 3. – Then proceed to Step 5.
Step 2: Use Access 1 to check the performance set- • If:PT1 counts are between 75 and 250.
tings. Enter into Service Level 2 or 3. If Fea- – Then the hydraulic pressure is incorrect. Lower
tures Menu F4- User Performance is forks completely to ground. Read value at Ana-
lyzer Menu A2.11.
ENABLED, select and verify the Performance
Menu P1, P2, and P3 settings. If F4 - User Per- • If:Hydraulic pressure remains the same.
formance is DISABLED, the truck will operate – Then perform hydraulic and mechanical trouble-
shooting as outlined in the Service and Parts
in P1 mode. In the Features Menu, make sure
Manual. There is hydraulic pressure residing in
that F3 - Productivity is ENABLED. Enter the the system.
Performance Menu P1, P2, and P3 setups. In-
Step 4: With no load on the forks, raise the forks 50-
crease acceleration rates by incrementing the
76 mm (2-3 in) above the ground. Check the
1-9 counter (the higher the number, the faster
PT1 value in Analyzer Menu A2.11.

M4.8-6745-024 Crown 2007 PF15787-24 Rev. 8/11

01 Rev. 8/11
Event Code No Indication

• If:PT1 counts are between 130 and 220.

– Then the hydraulic pressure is correct. Repro-
gram Access 1 and Access 3™. If issue contin-
ues, replace Access 1.
• If:PT1 counts are less than 130 or more than 220.
– Then the hydraulic pressure is incorrect. Perform
hydraulic and mechanical troubleshooting as out-
lined in Service and Parts Manual. There is hy-
draulic pressure or mechanical friction residing in
the system.
Fig. 25 (15152)
Step 5: Turn the truck OFF. Disconnect CA615. Turn
the truck ON. Use a DVOM to measure volt-
age between CA615-1 and CA615-2 on the Event Code No Indication
harness side of connector.
Power steering pump does not run
• If:Voltage is 10 ± 0.5 V.
Step 1: Check that Battery Restraint (BRES) switches
– Then proceed to Step 6.
(where equipped) are adjusted properly and
• If:Voltage is outside of that range.
battery gates are fully seated. If the truck is not
– Then check the harness for shorted or open wir-
equipped with BRES proceed to Step 2. View
ing. Repair or replace the harness as necessary.
BRES in Analyzer Menu A2.4 (F7 must be EN-
Step 6: Turn the truck OFF. Disconnect the battery.
Disconnect Access 1 CA401 and PT1 CA615.
Check the connection of PT1 wire 103. Use a • If:BRES switches are not adjusted or operating
DVOM to measure the resistance between
CA401-13 and CA615-4. – Then adjust or repair as necessary.
• If:BRES switches are OK.
• If:Resistance is less than 1 ohm.
– Then proceed to Step 2.
– Then replace Access 1.
Step 2: Check connection CA204 for connectivity. If
Step 7: Check the M1 connections to verify M1 opera-
BRES option is present, PC204 and JC204
tion. Disconnect the M1 U, V, and W terminals.
fast-tabs should be connected to the battery
Move the cables out of the way to test M1. Use
restraint cable. If BRES option is not present,
a DVOM to check the resistance between
PC204 and JC204 should be connected to
each terminal and the truck frame (best truck
each other (near the CA204 connection). En-
frame connection is often motor endhead).
sure these connections are secure and wiring
• If:Any nominal resistance (anything other than a is not damaged in this area.
complete “open”) is read between a motor terminal
and the truck frame. • If:Fast-on tabs are disconnected or damaged.
– Then M1 has a short to frame and is causing the – Then replace or repair as necessary.
loss of acceleration. Replace or repair M1. • If:CA204 connection is OK.
– Then proceed to Step 3.
Step 3: Use Analyzer Menu A2.2 to check DMS oper-
• If:DMS input does not toggle as expected with DMS
– Then check input and wiring from DMS to
Access 3™. Repair or replace DMS and wiring as

Crown 2007 PF15787-25 Rev. 8/11 M4.8-6745-025

01 Rev. 8/11
Event Code No Indication

• If:DMS input is OK.

– Then proceed to Step 4.
Step 4: Check Analyzer Menu A3.4 to check the
Access 3™ steer contactor driver.
• If:A3.4 output is as expected.
– Then use a DVOM to check +BV to the solenoid.
• If:+BV is not present.
– Then check the wires from CA201-22 to the steer
pump contactor (S).
• If:A3.4 output is not as expected, but inputs are OK.
– Then replace Access 3™.

M4.8-6745-026 Crown 2007 PF15787-26 Rev. 8/11

01 Rev. 8/11

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