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#Meditation Script #1: For Women To Not To Forget Their Value

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No one can determine your value except you. Stop focusing on self-
limiting beliefs. Embrace your self-worth!"

● Sit in a comfortable position and give yourself permission to relax and

unwind for five to ten minutes.
● Close your eyes
● Turn your attention to your breath and listen to the sound of your everyday
breath flowing softly in and out through your nose
● Direct your awareness to the breath - just breathe in ... and out.
● Breathe fully consciously, count from 1 to 5, focusing your attention on
your breath as you inhale a sense of calm and relaxation through your nose
and exhale completely.
● Allow your thoughts to adapt to the rhythm of your breath. Bring your
awareness to the heart.
● Now repeat three times in thought: I approve myself and love myself deeply
and completely.
● Repeat the affirmation, five to seven times,
● Continue counting your breaths up to ten.
● On your next breath, slowly breathe in and quietly count “one.”
● Breathe out and count “two.”
● Breathe in and count “three.”
● Breathe out and count “four.”
● Continue counting your breaths up to ten.
● When you reach number ten, go back to number one and repeat the
practice for two to ten minutes.
● If your mind wanders during the practice and you lose concentration, that’s
okay. Just return your attention back to your breath and begin counting
from number one.
● Since the beginning of time, there has never been anyone else with my
mind, heart, eyes, ears, hands, hair, or mouth.
● Nobody who got ahead, nobody who lives today and nobody who comes
tomorrow can walk, talk, move, and think like me.
● All people are my siblings, but I am different from everyone. I am a unique
● That is my value. I am also precious and the end product of thousands of
years of evolution.
● That is why I am physically and mentally better equipped than all the
emperors and sages who came before me.
● “Although I (insert your problem here), I always love and accept myself
completely and with all my heart.”
● And when you are ready, slowly open your eyes and notice what has
changed about your mind’s state and the energy of your thoughts

This meditation is part of a Rewrite your love story program

brought to you by Lana Broz. Thanks for listening.
“Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does
enlarge the future.” For rewriting your love story, it is
important to forgive and move on.

● Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Choose an Issue. While
you are sitting in your meditation space, choose an issue that requires
● It is best to select something simple until you become more familiar with
this process. For a majority of people, the issue usually chooses itself the
first time.
● Relax. If you use a standard practice for starting your meditation, it will help
get you in an open and relaxed place that can be used to help get you
● Breathe. Focus on your breathing. Without trying to control your breath,
follow your breathing (in and out). Do it for 5-10 repetitions.
● Now repeat three times in thought , “I am not perfect and make mistakes.
And that’s okay. You must focus on the energy that is associated with the
affirmations while you are breathing
● Focus on the Issue. Focus on your experience that you selected in the
beginning. It’s important to remember that you are entirely in control.
● Start by replaying this experience in your mind. Ensure that you focus on a
very objective and transparent way on those conversation(s) that you had
and what the two of you said as best as you can remember.
● Apology Exercise. Once you have finished replaying your part of the
conversation, you will most likely see places where you were rude or
mistreated the other individual, or went on an utterly relentless attack.
● This is where you will want to offer a sincere apology and ask them to
forgive you. Prepare your apology to them and then imagine putting it
inside of a package that is beautifully wrapped.
● Take the package and, in your mind, put it right in front of the individual.
Bow three times and tell the person I am sorry with each bow.
● Then leave (in your mind). Remember that you aren’t worried about what
they do with the package or what happens to it. Your focus needs to be on
making a no strings attached sincere apology.
● Return to Affirmation and Breathing. Take a couple of minutes and repeat
the affirmation and breathe for 1-2 minutes. This is to recompose and not
lose momentum before going on to the next step.
● Listen. Next, replay their part of the conversation. Be quiet this time. Try to
forget your initial reaction.
● Sometimes it helps seeing yourself as a neutral third party who is taking
notes of the conversation. Be sure that you listen to what the person is
saying. Then replay it once again
● Focus on what point the person was trying to make. Think about what you
would say to convey this point. Once they are finished talking, thank them
as sincerely as you can for sharing.
● Then ask the person if there is anything else, they want to tell you. You will
often gain a lot of insight at this point in your relationship(s). So, listen very
● Review Without Judgment. The next thing to do is imagine the whole
conservation in its entirety. Let the conversation go in whatever energetic
form appears to be appropriate.
● Keep in mind that you aren’t being attacked but only listening without any
judgment as to what they express.
● Be at Peace. As you are searching for the energetic package, start watching
your breathing and then repeat the affirmations.
● Once you are ready, then you need to let this package enter entirely into
your heart. Keep breathing and repeat the affirmations. Soon you will be
experiencing a deep feeling of peace. And when you are ready, slowly open
your eyes and notice what has changed about your mind’s state and the
energy of your thoughts.
This meditation is part of a Rewrite your love story program brought to
you by Lana Broz. Thanks for listening
Before you allow yourself to feel loved by your Ideal
partner and rewrite your love story it is important to love
yourself first.

● Sit up nice and tall, keep your shoulders relaxed, close your eyes and
breathe. Lay your palms softly on your thighs…
● Smile slowly.  Imagine a beam of light pouring into your head from above.
● Once you find your moment take a deep breath in through your nose and
exhale out from your mouth.
● Take a moment to appreciate and acknowledge being present.
Let’s work our way to love.
● Focus on your breath to create a regular tooth and intimate environment to
cultivate a new, improved mindful and open mindset.
● Release your sense of discomfort, of loneliness, of insecurity. Experience
the present moment... because it’s time to heal... heal your emotional
wounds, feeling grateful for yourself once again…
● Inhale and smile quietly to yourself... practice kindness... be your friend…
● exhale out with a sigh.
● You just have to do this with love… with loving caring gestures... a little bit
● day... baby steps... explore your body… your mind… your emotions... how
you feel.
●  Allow these affirmations for self-esteem to be true for you, repeating them
silently in your mind if you want to, or simply taking them in.
● Today, I choose me.
● I am worthy of infinite compassion.
● I feel profound empathy and love for others and their own unique paths.
●   I choose to stop apologizing for being me.
● I am at peace with all that has happened in my life.
● My life is filled with joy and abundance.
● Happiness flows from me
● See the light waiting for you on the other side... this is the warm wave of
love that
you deserve for what you are… your inner magic, you often try to hide. It’s
ready to spread all over your life.
● Connect to that magical light and enjoy every single ray you see, feel it all
over your face, your heart, your spirit.
● Take another deep breath with a sigh… rub your hands together and
generate a little
● the heat between them.. once they are warm, put them on your eyes.
● Take these last precious moments to acknowledge your commitment to
this practice,
● to bring that light, that magic with you in your daily life.
● When you are ready, put your hands down and gently open your eyes.

This meditation is part of a Rewrite your love story program

brought to you by Lana Broz. Thanks for listening.
Knowing what you want means respecting, your thoughts
and feelings, your likes and dislikes, your tolerances and
limitations which would help you rewrite your love story in
a better way.
● Make yourself completely comfortable now and make sure that you will not
be disturbed.
● Spread your collar bones wide, opening up the space that holds your heart.
If it’s comfortable for you, you can bring one hand to your heart and the
other on top or belly. Bring your awareness to the space that surrounds
your heart. Notice this space rise and fall with your breath.
● As you inhale, feel your belly expand and fill your lungs with fresh air. As
you exhale, feel your belly contract, emptying, creating space for new
● Only by opening our hearts can we allow love to come in. If you have felt
pain, perhaps a broken heart, you’ve opened yourself up enough to expose
yourself to vulnerability. This is a courageous move. By doing so, you can
extend light onto those who need love.
● Let your breath go in and out, and as it does, ask your heart what it needs
to say. Don’t phrase this as an order; just have the faint intention that you
want your heart to express itself.
● For the next 5 or 10 minutes, sit and listen. Your heart will begin to release
emotions, memories, wishes, fears, and dreams long stored inside. As it
does, you will find yourself paying attention.
● You may have a flash of strong emotion—positive or negative—or a
forgotten memory. Your breathing may change. You may gasp, sigh, or feel
tears come into your eyes. Let the experience be what it is. If you daydream
or drift off into sleep, don’t worry. Just bring your attention back to your
heart center
● Now call to mind yourself — picture yourself here in this room. Bring your
face very clearly into your mind’s eye.
● Using all of this love, compassion, and openness cultivated here in this
space, begin to wrap yourself up in love. Sending it out from this space that
holds your heart.
● When you are ready, gently bring your awareness back to the room. You
can open your eyes and give your fingers and toes a wiggle.

This meditation is part of a Rewrite your love story program

brought to you by Lana Broz. Thanks for listening.

A positive mind attracts positive vibes, your thoughts and

emotions are the keys to making a profound long-term
change. Don’t look for partner who is eye candy. Look for
a partner who is soul food.

● Close your eyes.

● Direct your awareness to the breath - just breathe in ... and out.
● Breathe fully consciously, don’t manipulate it - just follow the natural
rhythm of inhaling and exhaling.
● Allow your thoughts to adapt to the rhythm of your breath. Bring your
awareness to the heart. Now repeat three times in thought: To feel positive
about attracting a romantic partner and the right partner for myself firstly I
need to experience the feeling of self-love.
● See your whole body shrouded in a white layer of light, on all sides, like a
giant blanket of protection.
● Invite the colour pink into this blanket-like light.
● Notice the pink light entering your heart.
● This pink light is filling your heart with compassion for yourself.
● See this pink light penetrate your heart area filling you with self-
● Invite in forgiveness into your heart for yourself. See that forgiveness enter
your heart in the way that feels right for you. It may be as a light or a
feeling in your chest. Thinking about forgiving yourself.
● Think of the first thing that comes into your mind.
● What do you need to forgive yourself for?
● What does your soul need to settle about itself in order to move forward?
● Think of the first thing that comes to mind.
● This is the thing that your subconscious mind carries as the greatest burden
about itself.
● What is the thing that you need to forgive yourself for?
● Repeat after me: I completely forgive myself for my actions.
I completely forgive myself for my actions.
I forgive myself for my shortcomings.
I forgive myself for my shortcomings.

● Continue to see the pink light of compassion entering your heart.

● Know that you are divinely perfect.
● Repeat after me.
I am perfect, whole and complete.
I am perfect, whole and complete.

● Next, continuing to invite the pink light into your heart and repeat after me
I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
● And finally repeat
I am worthy of my own love.
I am worthy of my own love.

● Next we are going to move on to your relationship with love for yourself
and others.
● Know that all love is unique and there are many different forms of love.
● Whilst focussing on the white blanket of protection around your body see a
deep blue blanket appear outside of this, enveloping you even more.This is
a blanket represents the Law of Magnetism.
● By surrounding yourself in this deep blue blanket you are able to attract the
● romantic partner for you in your highest and best interest, knowing that
you are protected and safe.
● Repeat after me: I know how to have balance with love..I know how to have
balance with love.
● Whilst focussing on the pink light entering your heart and feeling both the
white blanket and deep blue blanket say It is safe to love someone else and
to beloved.
It is safe to love someone and to be loved.
It is safe to be loved by another person.
It is safe to be loved by another person.
I can receive love from another person.
I can receive love from another person.
● Next repeat after me: I can attract the right romantic partner for
me. I can attract the right romantic partner for me.
● As we all give part of ourselves away in any romantic relationship it is
important that we retrieve our soul fragments from previous relationships
before we embark on attracting a new one.
● See any soul fragments that you gave to a former partner floating in the air
above you.
● These may look like pieces of metal or paper with jagged edges or even a
fine dust.
● These soul fragments are now entering your aura and have re-entered your
● Repeat after me: All soul fragments that I gave away in previous
relationships have been released, cleansed and returned to me.
All soul fragments that I gave away in previous relationships have been
released, cleansed and returned to me.

● Next it is essential that we energetically divorce from any previous romantic

partners to break the unwanted ties between us and allow us to invest
completely in a new relationship.
● This is the case with all forms of romantic relationships, of any duration.
● See a rope or a series of ropes representing the number of previous
romantic relationships you have where energetic ties may still be in place.
● This rope or ropes are wrapped around your waist and reaching to the
relevant former partner and wrapping around their waist.
● Imagine chopping the rope or ropes off one by one from around your waist
● and chopping them off from around the waist of your former partner or
● See those ropes travel up into the sky and enter the brightest white light
high up in the sky; the source of all creation.
● Be sure to follow the ropes all the way and make sure they have entered
the light.

● Repeat after me: All unwanted energetic attachments between myself and
my former romantic partner or partners have been removed and sent to
the light..
● All unwanted energetic attachments between myself and my former
romantic partner or partners have been removed and sent to the light...
● I am ready to move on...I am ready to move on...

● Next we are going to call in the most compatible romantic partner for you
in your highest and best interest with grace and ease.
● Sitting quietly, think about the four most important traits or attributes that
you would wish for in a romantic partner.
● What are these traits or attributes?
● Imagine your whole body, surrounded in the white and deep blue blankets
sitting in a giant pyramid-shaped object.
● Next, we are going to ask that the energy of the request you are about to
make be magnified by the pyramid and sent into the Universe.
● Say after me: In every way... In every way...I am allowing the Universe to
bring me my most compatible romantic partner. I am allowing the Universe
to bring me my compatible romantic partner.
● Say: My most compatible romantic partner…My most compatible romantic
partner... will come into my life with the right timing and in the right way
for me... will come into my life with the right timing and in the right way for
me... in my highest and best interest with grace and ease... in my highest
and best interest with grace and ease.
● Thank you.
 Keep in mind that you aren’t being attacked but only listening without any
judgment as to what they express.

 Be at Peace. As you are searching for the energetic package, start watching
your breathing and then repeat the affirmations.

Once you are ready, then you need to let this package enter entirely into your
heart. Keep breathing and repeat the affirmations. Soon you will be experiencing
a deep feeling of peace.

This meditation is part of a Rewrite your love story program

brought to you by Lana Broz. Thanks for listening.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in

terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
― Nikola Tesla

● To begin, find a safe, quiet place where you know you will not be disturbed.
● We will keep track of time for you, and ring a gentle chime when 10
minutes have elapsed [start timer].
● Sit upright in a comfortable, stable position where you feel fully supported,
and your back, neck, and head are straight. Or lie down on your back in a
comfortable place, with some support under your knees. Make sure you’ll
be warm enough. You might want to get a sweater or blanket if the room is
cold. Loosen any restrictive clothing that would prevent you from breathing
● Allow your eyes to gently close or maintain a soft-focus, gazing 6-12 feet in
front of you.
● Take a slow, deep breath to bring yourself to the present moment and
begin the process of feeling more peaceful and centered. Breathe into the
belly, expand as you breathe in, and get smaller as you breathe out.
● Now, take a minute or two to mentally scan your body for any areas where
there is tightness, tension, or soreness and breathe your warm, oxygen-
filled breath into that area; as you breathe out, let the tension release,
breathing it out.
● Now, notice any worries, fear, anger, irritation, jealousy, or judgment. Just
breathe into those emotions, noting them and flow out as you breathe out.
Another breath into any uncomfortable emotions, and breathing out,
releasing them [5 seconds].
● Now any thoughts of memories, plans, associations, anything other than
being here, breathing, just breathe into those thoughts, and as you breathe
out, allow the thoughts to flow out with the breath [5 seconds].
● Now that our bodies, emotions, and thoughts are a little clearer, a bit more
spacious and open, we can begin to focus on the events, experiences,
people, pets, or possessions we feel grateful [5 seconds].
● Now, consider the people and pets you know who enrich your life, those
who smile at you and cheer you on, those family, friends, acquaintances,
colleagues, and peers, those ancestors who worked so you could live well,
those friends who support you when you need a shoulder or a hand [5
● Now, take a moment to reflect on your reasons for feeling grateful in this
moment [15 seconds].
● There is so much to feel grateful for at this moment now [10 seconds].
Gratitude fills our hearts and minds, uplifting our spirit [10 seconds].
● And when you are ready, slowly open your eyes and notice what has
changed about your mind’s state and the energy of your thoughts

This meditation is part of a Rewrite your love story program

brought to you by Lana Broz. Thanks for listening.

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