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Rate of Depreciation in Case of WDV (1-nth Root of Residual Value) /cost (Cost-Sv) /life

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Bengal A

Cost 300
Scrap Value 15
Life (yrs) 10
WDV Rate 0.2588656
Rate of Depreciation in case of WDV (1-nth root of residual value)/cost
Straight line Yearly Depreciation 28.5
(cost- sv)/life

(A) Schedule of Dept. as per WDV Method

Year Cost Yearly Dep. Acc. Dep. WDV(BV)

2006-07 300 77.6596653 77.659665 222.34033

2007-08 300 57.5562532 135.2159 164.78408
2008-09 300 42.656922 177.87284 122.12716

(B) Schedule of Dep. As per SL Method

Year Cost Yearly Dep. Acc. Dep. WDV(BV)
2006-07 300 28.5 28.5 271.5
2007-08 300 28.5 57 243
2008-09 300 28.5 85.5 214.5

Amount of dep reduces due to change in method, amount of profit increases

Cost 700000
Life 25 End of 3rd year
RV 100000 Cost 700000
Mthod SL Acc. Dep. 72000
Yearly Dep SLM 24000 WDV(BV) 628000

Revised Yrly Dep., if the life estimates are revised

Cost 628000
Life 30
RV 100000
Revised Yrly Dep. 17600

Net effect of revising 6400

(Future profits will inc by)
Effect of change in Method of Dep on Net Income
(A) If change in method is treated as policy change= Retrospective effect
will have changes in 2 levels:
1. Change in current years profit (diff. in yearly dep. Amount) 14.156922035
(This will not have explicit effect on Fin. Stmt.)
2. Effect on previous years profit 78.215918504
(explicitly seen in PL above the line as addition to profit)


Year Aluminum Adjusted Adjusted
March Profit
31 Sales after
Tax NP RATIO Growth in sales PAT NP RATIO
2006 1215 129 0.1062
2007 1324 138 0.1042 0.09
2008 1589 163 0.1026 0.2
2009 2066 257 0.1244 0.3 192.33901 0.0931
(net profit ratio has actually b
from 10.2 to 9.31)
(B) If change in method is treated as estimate change= Prospective effect

Cost (at the beg. Of 2008-09) 164.784081496

Life 8 Have used asset for 2 years
RV 15 will remain same
Revised Dep as per SLM(applicable 2008-09 18.723010187

mates are revised

t profit ratio has actually been worsened
m 10.2 to 9.31)

et for 2 years

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