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Univ 2marks Questions

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APRIL 2012

PART A — (10 2 = 20 marks)

Answer any TEN questions, each not exceeding
30 words.
All questions carry equal marks.

1. Define entrepreneurship.
2. Distinguish between invention and innovation.
3. What is meant by motivation?
4. State the functions of SISI.
5. Name the institutions that assist small industries.
6. What is marketing mix?
7. Point out the categories of trade mark.
8. Classify projects.
9. List out the advantages of PERT.
10. What are the salient features of CPM?
11. Expand LCS, PCS.
12. State any two objectives of entrepreneurial
development programme.

APRIL 2013

1. Define entrepreneurship.
2. Who is a entrepreneur?
3. What is a DIC?
4. What do you understand by NSIC?
5. State any two objectives of KVIC.
6. What is meant by Business opportunity?
7. What is feasibility study?
8. What do you mean by project identification?
9. Expand SISI, IDBI.
10. Mention the three phases of EDP.
11. What do you understand by Franchising?
12. Who is an women entrepreneur?

APRIL 2014

1.Classify entrepreneurs.
2. What is innovation?
3. What is meant by risk taking?
4. State the functions of DIC.
5. Name the assistance given by SISI.
6. What are the internal factors that motivate an
7. State the aspects of project appraisal.
8. Point out the sources of ideas for new project.
9. What are the types of patents?
10. List out the limitations of CPM.
11. Expand: SIDO, SIDBI.
12. Mention the types of trade mark.
APRIL 2015

1.Who is an entrepreneur?
2. State the aim of classical entrepreneur.
3. What is the main objective of industrial financial
corporation of India?
4. Give any two sources of funds for IDBI.
5. State any two development activities of industrial
credit and investment corporation of India.
6. What is the main responsibility of district
industries centre?
7. Explain the term market survey.
8. What do you mean by project report?
9. Explain the meaning of entrepreneurial
development programme.
10. State the need for entrepreneurial development
11. What is the need for entrepreneurial growth?
12. State the meaning of women entrepreneurship.

APRIL 2016

PART A — (10 × 2 = 20 marks)

Answer any TEN questions.
1. Define entrepreneurship.
2. State the term drone entrepreneur.
3. Give the meaning of small industries service
4. What is ICICI?
5. What do you mean by project?
6. Define the term feasibility study.
7. State the meaning of entrepreneurial development
8. Write any two roles of EDP.
9. State any two needs of EDP.
10. Define the term networking.
11. Define franchising.
12. Give the meaning of women entrepreneurship.


1. Define an Entrepreneur.
2. State any two objectives of Lead Bank Schemes.
3. Expand SIDO, NSIC.
4. Give the meaning of generation of Idea.
5. What is environmental scanning?
6. What is meant by EDP?
7. What is IIE?
8. Define franchising.
9. What is a project?
10. Who is an Women Entrepreneur?
11. What is PERT?
12. What is Network analysis?
1. Who is an Entrepreneur?
2. What is business opportunity?
3. Give the meaning of DIC.
4. What is SISI?
5. What is a project?
6. Who is Fabian Entrepreneur?
7. What do you understand by feasibility study?
8. Expand IFCI, ICICI.
9. What do you understand by IIE?
10. Mention the three phases of EDP?
11. What is Franchising?
12. Define Women Entrepreneurship.


1.Who is an Entrepreneur?
2. Give the meaning of Technologist Entrepreneur.
3. State the main purpose of ICICI.
4. What is the reason for starting industrial
development bank of India?
5. State the objectives of district industries centre.
6. What do you mean by project?
7. State the meaning of feasibility study.
8. Explain the term project report.
9. Give the meaning of entrepreneurial development
10. Name any two entrepreneurial development
11. What are the economic factors promoting
entrepreneurial growth?
12. Give the concept of women Entrepreneur.


1.Define “Entrepreneurship”.
2. Who is an Entrepreneur?
3. Give the meaning of Intrapreneur.
4. Explain the term NSIC.
5. What is SISI?
6. Give the meaning of project.
7. Explain the term feasibility report.
8. What is EDP?
9. Write any two objectives of EDP.
10. Give the meaning of entrepreneurial growth.
11. Explain the term “franchising”.
12. Who is women entrepreneur?

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