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Lac NL - Sept. 2020

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Lebanon American Club News – September 2020 Page 1

22 West Street, Danbury, CT 06810

Phone: 203-743-5828 / Email:
President’s Corner
Dear Members,
We never thought that the year 2020 would bring about a whole new way of conducting business and how we live on
Club Officers daily basis over the past 5 months. Personally, I have not been in My News-Times Office in Danbury or Norwalk and
there are no plans on going back in the foreseeable future .
Mike Caravakis
President We offer our prayers to all those who have been impacted with this pandemic.

Ghassan Najm Our board has been meeting virtually and over the past several weeks we have been meeting at the club and practicing
Vice President social distancing and taking the right precautions. We have also started virtual membership meetings.

Lou Najamy I want to thank Jimmy Glynn, David Glynn, and Vinny DiGilio for their hard work and dedication on the board. They
Secretary each have decided not to continue on the board, although they will continue to assist with future activities depending
on what practices are allowed for any future social events and fundraisers. VP and I were truly fortunate to have had
William Asmar them on the board especially for all the activities they helped us with and serving during these challenging times. At
Treasurer the same time, we would like to welcome John Hanna and John Jowdy to the Board. We thank them for their
willingness to serve and Lou Najamy for taking on the Club Secretary’s role.
Mark Chory
Asst. Treasurer The Scholarship Awards went very well in July and I want to thank the committee for pulling off a wonderful event
hosted at The Amber Room on a Rainy Friday Evening. We had a nice gathering of guests who did a drive by while
Directors purchasing a wonderful meal prepared by The Amber Room. Congratulations to all 5 of our recipients, who
demonstrated such enthusiasm and appreciation for the event and our club. Great young adults usually are a product of
Ray Antous
their family. Wonderful families who know their children are off to a great start of becoming our future role models.
John Ashkar
Several weeks ago, we got certified to allow limited activities at the club, without serving of food. Please
Past President
See Protocols on page 2 for more details.
Eddie Essa The Golf Tournament is scheduled for Monday October 19th. The Person of the Year and Monday Night Football
have been cancelled, however, we plan on having the 50/50 Raffle, to be drawn on Sat. Dec. 12th.
Nidal El Khoury
Last, but not least, we would like to offer our gratitude for the generosity of our members, Ladies Auxiliary, families,
John Hanna and friends that contributed to the COVID-19 Relief Fund and in support of our Scholarship Program. Your
John Jowdy contributions helped most in need, offered thanks to First Responders, and recognized five HS Graduates achievement,
Joseph Raya
If you have any questions on anything, please try to attend our next meeting remotely or I can be reached at
203-512-7251. Or email me at
Ladies Auxiliary
Officers My Best to you,
Nada Zarrini Mike Caravakis Happy Labor Day on Sept. 7th

Jennifer George Beirut Crisis Relief Drive

Vice President
We all have seen the images of the worst non-nuclear explosion in the port of Beirut on August 4th. This
Mary Hajj devastated the city, killing 200 people, 5000 injured, and 300 thousand displaced. Lebanon American Club
Secretary has decided on running the Beirut Crisis Relief Drive.
We hope to provide emergency relief to those directly impacted, by raising funds with the Goal of reaching
Toni Glynn
$10K, to support several Non-Governmental Organizations providing humanitarian services on the
ground. Examples of NGOs that will be considered, the Lebanese Red Cross, The Blessing Projects, Caritas
Lebanon and Doctors Without Borders. This could not have come at a worst time, given the political,
Newsletter economic, financial, and Covid-19 challenges facing Lebanon and the Lebanese people. Your help is
Editor urgently needed as we know we can count on you.
Ghassan Najm
To donate, please send in your checks made to LAC, noting Beirut Crisis Relief Drive and Mail to Lebanon
Contributors American Club address at 22 West Street, Danbury CT 06810.
Louis Najamy Please pass this along to family and friends to help us reach our goal, with gratitude.
Mike Caravakis
Nada Zarrini Planned Club Events in the Fall
Betty Najm Golf Outing: Mon. October 19, 2020 and Club 300 50/50 Raffle: Sat. December 12, 2020.
Details will be shared, in emails and on our Website and FB pages in the coming weeks.
Lebanon American Club News – September 2020 Page 2
22 West Street, Danbury, CT 06810
Phone: 203-743-5828 / Email:
News Staff Corner:
It seems like years since we made a newsletter for our members due to the pandemic COVID 19. With that being said I hope
this edition finds you all healthy and safe and for those who have been affected by this awful virus please know your fellow
members are keeping you and your family in their prayers and thoughts. May God protect us and carry us through this trying
time. With limited funds due to the closure of our Club there will be a limited number of printed newsletters over the next
few months, so please watch for emails to stay current on the state of our Club. This edition will update you on happenings
and criteria and protocols for the re-opening your Club on a limited basis.
Thoughts to Live By:
“Nothing is really real unless it happens on television.” David J. Boorstin, educator and Liberian of Congress (1914-2004).
“May your neighbors respect you; trouble neglect you; the angels protect you, and the heavens accept you.” Irish saying.
A Little Humor:
“The only thing wrong with immortality is that it tends to go on forever.” Herb Caen, American newspaper columnist
“I’ve noticed that the people who are late are often so much jollier than the people who have to wait for them.”E.V. Lucas,
English writer and publisher (1868-1938).
Member News
Your Board of Directors has been meeting regularly over video conferencing, as well as telephone conferencing throughout
this pandemic period, except for the past few meetings. Your Club has been sanitized and cleaned regularly and has all the
required sanitizers, thermometer, sanitary wipes, as well as all the protocols for a partial opening as a recreational facility.
Your Club has been certified by the State of Connecticut to allow members access to the Club on a limited basis. Primary
Protocols are stated below. As of now NO GUESTS are allowed to visit or enter the Club, only members are permitted. With
limited access to the club please use discretion when visiting. Most importantly no food will be served at the Club until
further notice. The protocols and rules for food service at the club cannot be met at this time therefore; any food consumed in
the Club must be brought in and consumed by an individual using disposable plates and utensils, buffet style is prohibited.
Covid-19 limited Reopening Primary Protocols:
• Ea. Member has to sign a waiver form once, and it will remain in effect thru the pandemic. You can request a copy
to be emailed to you or hard copy is available as you enter the club.
• As you enter the facility, you have to sign in and out. This is in order to conduct Contact Tracing in the event of a
case at the club.
• A facial mask must be worn when not seated or cannot maintain social distancing.
• Use of hand sanitizers and/or wash hands as frequently as needed while at the club.
• Please follow the posted signs and instructions.
Starting on 8/18, we have begun remote membership meetings at 8pm, every other Tuesday, during regular scheduled dates.
Please check your email on dates and for details on how to join.
Congratulations and Best Wishes to:
• Billy and Hiam Asmar on the marriage of their daughter Hannah Lauren to Eric Jackling on June 24th!!
• Dan and Mary Reisert on the marriage of their daughter Ali to Liam Fay on July 26th.
• Scott and Mary Beth Gruda, on the marriage of their daughter Shannon to Soly Zarrini, Son of Ms. Nada Zarrini,
President of the Ladies Auxiliary, on August 15th.
• Mike and Marlene Caravakis, and Jesse and Rosetta Critelli on the birth of their grandson Jayce Raffaele to Alyssa
and Josh Critelli.
St. Jude’s Annual Run and Walk Local Event- Sept 12
As it has been done in the past 2 years, members of the Club and the Ladies Auxiliary will again participate in this annual
event. But due to Covid-19, teams will participate locally in lieu of gathering in Stamford. If anyone interested in signing up
and doing a local run/walk together, please contact Lisa Antous-Binette by either calling or texting her at 203-482-6841. For
more details:
Health and Welfare:
Please keep in your prayers our ill members and/or their family members and wishing them speedy recovery, especially
Marco Cefaloni and Dan Mulvihill. Notify Pres. Mike Caravakis, whenever a member falls seriously ill
We also offer our condolences to the families and friends of our fellow members, who passed away in the past several
months: Elie Karam (Former Pres. of the Club), Ken Saloom and Richard (Richie) Dubray. May they rest in eternal peace!
Lebanon American Club News – September 2020 Page 3
22 West Street, Danbury, CT 06810
Phone: 203-743-5828 / Email:
Special Edition - Recognizing Our 2020 Scholarship Recipients

On July 10th, the club in partnership with the Ladies Auxiliary, was able to award a total of $15650 to 5 graduating seniors, at
a “Honk, Clap and Cheer” drive-by & take-out Dinner Celebration held outdoors at the Amber Room. This could not have been
possible without the tremendous generosity of many members, their families and friends through special memorial scholarships,
and donations, including those from various establishments. We greatly appreciate all those who participated in the ceremony, as
well as those who gave of their time to perform, Bill Lewis and Patrick McGuire of the Celtic Cross Pipes and Drums, and to
capture the memories, John and Alyssa Kritzman Photographer and Videographer respectively. Special thanks to the staff of the
Amber Room who did an outstanding job despite the inclement weather.
A special thanks to the selection committee, lead by Chairman David Cappiello, that conducted the interviews and evaluated
the candidates remotely. This was a first in the 47 years of the program and was very well received. The rest of the Selection
Committee members were Ruth Ashkar, David Glynn, Farid and Leila Khouri, Betty Najm, and Nada Zarrini, Pres. of LAX.

As in every year, we are blessed with outstanding students with tremendous achievements. This year is no different. Our Top
Scholar for the 2020 Awards is Kamil (Maron) Salame, of Brunswick School:
Maron is ranked the top of his graduating class. He is described as a "kind and humble student". He is an exceptional student
with a "strong character". He is an Eagle Scout and co-President of the MYO at his church. He is the youngest regular columnist
to the leading antique bottle publication in the world. He is also the President and Founder of "Aequora Chester Addison
Program" which helps children improve literacy through Latin. He has studied Greek, and Latin Classics and explored the Syriac
language. Maron is a consultant for the Greenwich Historical Society. Another teacher said, "to put it simply, Maron embraces
myriad opportunities to explore, to research, and to delve deeper into his studies. He is enamored by the evolution of languages,
history and culture." Maron plans on attending Dartmouth College to get a Double Major in Economics and Near Eastern
Studies with a concentration on Arabic and Syriac languages.
Maron has received the LAC Top Scholar Award, the LAC Ladies Auxiliary scholarship, the Kamil and Laurice Saffi
Memorial award, the Joseph Tahan Memorial Award and the Raymond Beylouni Memorial award.
Lebanon American Club News – September 2020 Page 4
22 West Street, Danbury, CT 06810
Phone: 203-743-5828 / Email:
The rest of the Scholarship Recipients are listed in alphabetic order.

Our next recipient is Nicholas Dimyan of New Fairfield HS:

Nick is described as a "bright, enthusiastic and a positive student to have in class". He is "articulate and collaborative" with a
"great character". He is deemed a "deep thinker' and has a "kind character" of a "gentleman". He plays football, basketball and is
a member of DECA. He was recognized as a First All-Conference team in Football. He volunteered at the Boys and Girls club
and worked at Portofino Restaurant. In his essay, he expressed how important his heritage is to him “It has instilled in me the
true value and importance of family, hard work and the powerfulness of faith … has given me a sense of community”
Nick plans on attending SUNY Cortland State College to become a Physical Ed teacher.
Nick has received in addition to the LAC and the Ladies Auxiliary Scholarships, the George Dimyan Memorial Award, the
Edmund Nahom Memorial Award, the Anis Nassif Memorial Award, the Joseph Yamin Memorial Award and the Lou Basher
Memorial Award.

Our next recipient is Dana El Khoury of Danbury HS:

Dana is the Chief Editor of the 2019-2020 Yearbook, and is an active member of the Key club and the Math Honor Society. She
is also fluent in Spanish, Arabic and French. She's ranked in the top 6% of her class. Dana is described as “driven, conscientious,
leader in her class, cheerful and funny”. She is continually active in her church and is the President of the youth group, "SOYO".
In her essay, Dana wrote that her family, heritage, and her rich Lebanese-Venezuelan culture are especially important to her.
Dana will be attending UCONN's School of Pharmacy/Nuclear Pharmacy.
Dana has received in addition to LAC and Ladies Auxiliary Scholarships, the Edward and Joan Jowdy Memorial
Award, the Jacqueline Jowdy Fellowship Award in Memory of James Jowdy Sr, the Anton and Evelyn Chory's Memorial
Award, the Morganti Award and the newly established award in Memory of Mayor Donald Boughton.
Lebanon American Club News – September 2020 Page 5
22 West Street, Danbury, CT 06810
Phone: 203-743-5828 / Email:

Our next recipient is Leiya Istanbouli of Danbury HS:

Leiya is described as a bright, inquisitive student "full of grit" - in other words she sets goals and achieves them. A "born leader"
and "mature" are other words used to describe her character. Leiya is a member of the National Honor Society (NHS) for French
and Mathematics. She is also fluent in Arabic. She ranks in the top 2% of her class. Leiya is a swim coach at the YMCA and is
the YMCA National Championships qualifier/team scorer. She is also a Lebanese Swimming National Champion, and is the
Lebanese Swimming Record Holder in 100 Freestyle, 100 Breaststroke, and in the 400 Freestyle Relay. She was scheduled to be
in this year’s Olympics for Lebanon, but due to COVID-19 it was postponed. She has also volunteered at Kevin’s Community
Center. In her essay, she described the Lebanon-American Club and the Lebanese community “ being an extension from Lebanon
- a home away from home - and a place/community which has always made me feel grateful to be a part of ”. Leiya will be
attending Seton Hall in NJ to study Bio-Chemistry/Pre-Medicine.
Leiya has received in addition to LAC and Ladies Auxiliary Scholarships, the Taffy and Lorraine Jowdy Memorial Award, the
Norman Asmar Memorial Award, the Charlie and Elaine Nejame Memorial award, the Morganti Award, the Joe Buzaid
Memorial Award, and the special Ladies Auxiliary Loraine Jowdy Memorial award.

Our next recipient is Mary (Molly) Mead of Danbury HS:

Molly is described as, "she has developed into a strong and confident woman. She is enthusiastic, fun, sensitive and driven."
Molly loves the theater. She works as a Stage Crew during the Danbury High School plays. She also works part-time as a
Technology Tech for all the Danbury schools. She enjoys being an active member in the Diversity club. She plays Lacrosse and
works at Pippa's Sports Cafe'. Although not being of Lebanese Heritage, she described The Lebanon-American Club, “has shown
love to everyone who comes by with warm greetings and happy sendoffs”. Molly will be attending SUNY Purchase to study
Theater and Performing Arts.
Molly has received in addition to LAC and the Ladies Auxiliary Scholarships, the special Donation by the Union Savings Bank
Award, the Charles Shadeed Memorial Award, The new special donation by the Savings Bank of Danbury Award, the newly
established award in Memory of Mayor Donald Boughton.
Lebanon American Club News – September 2020 Page 6
22 West Street, Danbury, CT 06810
Phone: 203-743-5828 / Email:

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Send an email with ad info to Available only to members or
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Include Business WebSite Address. meetings or special catered events.
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For $125/Yr/This Size Ad email to House Committee Chair
Tel: 860.350.1306 Fax: 860.350.1307 To the attention of Louis Najamy John Ashkar,
By Appointment Only Lebanon American Club at or
to the Club email address.
Email: 22 West Street
Danbury, CT 06810
Lebanon American Club News – September 2020 Page 7
22 West Street, Danbury, CT 06810
Phone: 203-743-5828 / Email:
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September 2020
Celebrating 2020 Scholarship Receipients

Kamil (Maron) Salame of Brunswick School

Leiya Istambouli, Dana El Khoury and Mary (Molly) Mead of Danbury High
Nicholas Dimyan of New Fairfield High.

Lebanon American Club

22 West Street
Danbury, CT 06810

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