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TALLER N 1 (2020-2)
Procedure and result carry 40% and 60% of the total mark respectively.
You will be penalized for every error in units with -0.2 points.

1) Within a laboratory practice conducted for a confined known gas in a pipe, it was observed that a
gas (air) at 20 ℃ is rarefied as it containes less than 1012 molecules per mm3. The Avogadro’s
number is 6.023*1023 molecules per mole. You are asked to find the pressure of air if its mass is
determined by takin into account the total molecular weight of this gas. The molecular height of
air is 28.97 kg⁄kmol and its individual gas constant is R = 287 m2⁄s 2 k.

2) You are required to calculate the specific weight, density and specific gravity of a liquid which
volume is 1L and weights 7 N.

3) A reservoir of a hydrocarbon has a volume of 0.315 m3 , and its mass is 500Kg. You are asked to
find the weight of this substance, specific weight mass density and specific gravity.

4) You are given a 90-cm height vertical glass cylinder which contains 900 mL of water at 10 ℃. The
water is now heated at 80 ℃. Then, assuming the evaporation of the liquid, find the height of the
water if the coefficient of thermal expansion for the glass is ∝= 3.6x10−6 ℃−1. Assume:
(𝜌𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 )10℃ = 999kg⁄m3and (𝜌𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 )80℃ = 971kg⁄m3. Consider mass conservation. The
∆L ∆r
equation for thermal expansion is L = α ∗ ∆T or 𝑟 = α ∗ ∆T , where r is the radius, L the length
0 0
and T in defined in ℃. For the radius and volume, take a least seven (7) decimals after the decimal

point. h = A.
5) If the modulus of elasticity for water is K = 22 MPas, what is the pressure needed to reduce a
volume by 0.6 percent?

6) Consider carbon dioxide at 10 atm and 400℃. Calculate density and cp (specific heat at pressure
constant) at this state, and then estimate the new pressure when the gas is cooled isentropically
P γ T
to 100 ℃. Remember to use the pressure-temperature isentropic relationship (P2 ) = (T2 ) and
1 1
consider an ideal gas. Cp = γ−1. Assume the individual gas constant for carbon dioxide as
2⁄ 2
R = 189 m s k and its specific heat ratio as γ = 1.30.

7) Helium is confined in a 0.9 m3 volume tank at 200 KPas and 20 ℃. Estimate the total mass of the
gas in Kg a) in the earth, b) in the moon, c) how much heat transfer (expecify it in MJ) is needed
to expand the helium at constant temperature to a new volume of 1.5 m3?. The individual gas
constant for helium is R = 2077 J⁄Kg ∗ k. Remember from the first law of thermodynamics that:
(dq = dw) or (dq = P ∗ d∀) for an isothermal process (temperature remains constant).

8) A tank made of steel is partially filled with a compressed liquid at 15 atm. The liquid occupies a
volume of 1.23200 L. At a pressure of 30 atm, the volume reduces to 1.23100 L. You are required
to find the average bulk modulus of elasticity of the liquid over the given range of pressure if the
temperature after the compression can return to its initial value. What is the coefficient of
9) Consider that the pressure of the ocean at 7 Km is 71.6 Mpas. By assuming the specific weigh at
the surface of 10.05 KN⁄m3 and an average of bulk modulus of elasticity of 2.34 Gpas for this
range of pressure. Find a) The change in specific volume between the surface and 7 km. b) the
specific volume at 7 Km, and finally c) the specific weight at 7 km.

10) A cylinder of 0.40-ft radius is rotating concentrically inside a 0.42 ft radius fixed cylinder. Both
cylinders are 1 ft long. Determine the viscosity (μ) of the liquid that fills the space between the
cylinders if a torque of 0.650 lb*ft is required to maintain an angular velocity of 60 rpm. Remember
that: Τ = FR, τ = μ dy and ω = 2πn, where n is defined as rpm.

11) A lower fixed plate is separated by the upper plate by 0.025mm which moves at 60cm/s and
requires a force of 2N/m2 (i.e force per unit of area) to maintain its speed. Determine the fluid
viscocity between the plates. Show your result in N ∗ s⁄m2 and poise. Remember that: τ = μ . dy

12) An oil has been used for lubricating a squared plate of area 0.8m X 0.8m and an inclined plate with
an angle of inclination of 30∘ . The squared plate’s weight is 300 N and is sliding at a uniform
velocity of 0.3 m/s. The thickness of the oil film is 1.5mm. Calculate the dynamic viscosity of the

13) A 0.6 dynamic viscosity oil is used for lubricating a shaft and sleeve as it’s shown in the below
figure. The diameter of the shaft is 0.4 m and rotates at 190 rpm. Calculate the power lost in the
bearing for a 90mm length sleeve. The thickness of the oil filmed is 1.5mm.

14) The density of seawater at a free surface where the pressure is 98 kPa is approximately 1030
kg/m3. Taking the bulk modulus of elasticity of seawater to be 2.34 ∗ 109 N/m2 and expressing
variation of pressure with depth z as dP=ρgdz, determine the density and pressure at a depth of
2500 m. Disregard the effect of temperature.

15) A 50-cm " 30-cm " 20-cm block weighing 150 N is to be moved at a constant velocity of 0.8 m/s on
an inclined surface with a friction coefficient of 0.27. (a) Determine the force F that needs to be
applied in the horizontal direction. (b) If a 0.4-mm-thick oil film with a dynamic viscosity of 0.012
Pa*s is applied between the block and inclined surface, determine the percent reduction in the
required force.
16) A thin 20-cm x 20-cm flat plate is pulled at 1 m/s horizontally through a 3.6-mm-thick oil layer
sandwiched between two plates, one stationary and the other moving at a constant velocity of
0.3 m/s. The dynamic viscosity of oil is 0.027 Pa*s. Assuming the velocity in each oil layer to vary
linearly, (a) plot the velocity profile and find the location where the oil velocity is zero and (b)
determine the force that needs to be applied on the plate to maintain this motion.

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