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Laguna State Polytechnic University: Republic of The Philippines Province of Laguna

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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs


Proponent: Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
Reference: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE/Senior Officials Meeting via Zoom on
Preparing for the “New Normal”, 28 April 2020
1. General Instructions
2. Proposed Modified Grading Policy
3. Teaching and Assessment of Materials/Learning Modules
4. Completion of theses/dissertations and other requirements (e.g. Demo Teaching,
Online Defense)
5. On-the-Job-Training (OJT)/Practicum /Internship
6. Plans for Summer Classes
7. Graduation Ceremonies
8. Capacity Building plans for flexible learning and other alternative modes of teaching
and learning
9. Admission Procedures for the 1st Semester of AY 2020-2021
10. Registration and Enrolment Procedures for AY 2020-2021
Other Matters:
11. Procedure on Oral Defense (Thesis Writing 2/Dissertation Writing 2)
for GSAR Graduating Students
12. Results of the Comprehensive Institutional Research on LSPU’s
readiness and acceptability of online teaching and learning as an
alternative delivery mode in response to the need of promoting flexible and
healthy learning environment during the COVID-19 Pandemic, AY 2020-
2021 (OVPAA, LSPU, April 2020)

1. General Instruction
a. The 2nd Semester of AY 2019-2020 will officially end on June 15, 2020 (case in point
as approved by the higher authorities, national govt, and CHED), following the previous
mandate of the CHED to add one month after the lifting of ECQ (if the ECQ shall be lifted
on May 15, 2020).
b. Without face-to-face meeting with students, the months of May-June will be
observed in completing the necessary course requirements both by the teachers and
students, given the condition that they could experience challenges in using flexible
learning as an alternative delivery mode during the ECQ.
c. Flexible learning may be adopted as a design and delivery of programs, courses and
learning interventions that address learners’ unique needs in terms of pace, place,
process and products of learning using digital or non-digital technology. (CHED, 2020).
d. Online classes and activities during (March 17-May 15, 2020) and after (May 18-
June 30, 2020) the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) are not mandatory.
1.d.1 Students who have access to the internet may consult with their teachers
for the accomplishment of all final course requirements.
1.d.2. Students who do not have internet access at home may continue with
their course works or take-home activities during the academic extension
period or during their free time.
e. Students may continue their completion of all academic requirements during the
academic extension period which is from the day of lifting ECQ to July 2020.

LSPU Academic Rules and Policies for New Normal after COVID-19 Enhanced Community Quarantine /1
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs

1.e.1. Students will submit these requirements to their professors either

electronically (email, FB messenger) or submit personally once the lockdown
is lifted.
f. The old mode where the presence or in-class attendance is not allowed during the
academic extension period.
g. Faculty (regular and part time) are required to submit accomplishments including
the improvement of the course syllabus/es and the prepared Teaching Manual or
Learning Module of their teaching assignments, hard copies of which will be submitted
once work/office resumes.
h. Upon resumption to work, faculty (regular and part time) must provide their
complete course of activity (e.g. lessons, learning activity to be completed, assessment
procedures, date of submission for course requirements, etc.) reviewed and approved by
their immediate head/ dean/associate dean before giving them to their students.
i. Proper channeling must be observed at all times. For accountability, any
decisions/concerns/questions shall be communicated first with the
dean/associate dean (if needed, with concerned administrative key officials, too)
before issuance to the students.

2. Proposed Modified Grading Policy

a. The University will continue using the numerical grading system for all students.
b. The final numerical grades between 1.00 and 4.00 will be based on the academic
performance covered before the implementation of the ECQ and the final course
requirements to be submitted given within a specific period (till 30 July 2020) for
c. The bases for computation are the indicators used in the grading system for each
grading period that may include quizzes, recitation/participation, course requirement,
attendance, and others before the ECQ.
d. Students shall be given the academic extension period for the completion of final course
e. Students who will not be able to or did not comply with the final course
requirement will be given a grade of incomplete (INC), subject to the following
2.e.1. If the course is not a prerequisite, the student is given the succeeding
semester to comply with the final course requirement that will serve as
the basis for the final grade.
2.e.2. If the course is a pre-requisite, the student is given only the first week
of the succeeding semester to comply with the final course
requirement. If not complied, the student has to drop any sequential
course enrolled and re-enroll the pre-requisite.
f. Students who complied with the final course requirement but did not pass
nonetheless are given a grade of Remedial (R) and are subject to the following
2.f.1. If the course is not a prerequisite, the student is given the succeeding
semester to comply with the final course requirement that will serve as
the basis for the final grade wherein 1.00 is the highest possible grade. This
is not applicable to students who opted not to submit or were unable to
submit the final course requirement.

LSPU Academic Rules and Policies for New Normal after COVID-19 Enhanced Community Quarantine /2
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs

2.f.2. If the course is a pre-requisite, the student is given only the first week
of the succeeding semester to comply with the final course requirement.
If not complied, the student is credited with a grade of R (Remedial) and
has to drop any sequential course enrolled and re-enroll the pre-requisite.
g. Students who opt to have the authorized withdrawal (AW) of the course shall submit
a formal letter duly signed by the student and a legal guardian to the Dean/Associate
Dean of the College at least a week before the submission of the final course
requirement. The formal letter shall have the following information: the degree, year,
and section of the student; the course code and title; the faculty handling the
course; and reason for opting for AW. The status AW shall be reflected on the
student’s record.
Work Instruction for the Proposed Modified Grading Policy

Did the student submit the

final course requirement?
Student opts for Authorized
Withdrawal (AW)

Yes No

If passing, provide If not passing, Give INC grade

numerical grade. provide “R” grade.

If not pre-requisite, If pre-requisite,

If not pre-requisite, If pre-requisite, student has the next student has the first
student has the next student has the first sem to comply with week of the next
sem to comply with week of the next corresponding sem to comply;
1.00 as highest sem to comply; numerical grade. otherwise,
possible grade. otherwise, sequential subject is
sequential subject is dropped, and pre-
dropped, and pre- requisite is enrolled.
requisite is enrolled.

3. Teaching and learning assessment materials/learning modules

a. The University shall adopt the Flexible Learning or the pandemic pedagogy. It is a self-
paced instruction where students will be given learning materials with a well-
designed learning experience, quality learning contents, and high degree of
learning engagement that will address the learners’ unique needs.
b. Constructive alignment shall be observed in the creation of the learning
materials using a combination of digital or non-digital technology that does not
necessarily require connectivity. Reflecting what the students must be able to do,
the curriculum contents, instruction and assessment must be arranged to make
sure this learning ultimately happens, suitable with the learning resources available.

LSPU Academic Rules and Policies for New Normal after COVID-19 Enhanced Community Quarantine /3
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs

c. The learning materials are to be crafted guided by the results from the institutional
study that analyzed the students’ level of readiness, their acceptability on the use of
online teaching and learning as a delivery mode and the support of the university in the
delivery of quality education.
d. Teachers are encouraged to adopt alternative assessment and remediation as
procedures and techniques within the context of instruction such as performance-
based assessment (e.g., essay responses, journaling, skits or plays, student-produced
presentations); portfolio assessment (e.g., compiled works), and authentic assessment,
especially those previously assigned before the ECQ, to be assessed for fair markings.
e. Following the protocol in the construction of OBE Curriculum and Institutional
Learning Materials, the Deans/Associate Deans shall recommend the utilization and
their release/publication in any Learning Management System (LMS) platform the
university may adopt.
f. The adoption of flexible learning allows each college to adjust the deadline of
requirements for students.
g. The University Curriculum and Instruction Development Units of each campus will
review, assess, and monitor the rules, policies, and guidelines in the adoption of the
flexible learning delivery mode to ensure safety of students, faculty members and
employees from COVID-19.

4. Completion of theses/dissertations and other requirements such as Demo Teaching

(process of online defense/Demo Teaching)
a. Graduating students, both undergraduate and graduate students, shall complete their
thesis/dissertation and other requirements such as Special Projects, OJT Narratives,
Demo Teaching (through online or alternative means).
b. Thesis manuscripts for undergraduate/graduate students should be monitored by the
advisers and other members of the panel by any means using online.
c. FINAL ORAL DEFENSE could be done through online means provided that there was
approved request/policy from the administration; that the students are well informed
and with agreement to the college policy. If resumption to operation could be
normalized, final oral defense through face-to-face may be allowed with observance to
the social and physical distancing guidelines of the DOH.
d. Colleges that require FINAL ORAL EXAM for undergraduate students shall ask for
submission of soft copy of the thesis, PowerPoint presentation, and the College’s
Evaluation Form for the grading of written manuscript for assessment and grading and
be given to the panel members and adviser before the scheduled online defense.
Preliminary pages shall include the “Endorsement Form” with electronic signature of
the adviser.
e. Graduate Students shall be informed that they will undergo thesis/dissertation defense
through online. (Since most of the graduate students are also teachers from DepEd and
private institutions, they have knowledge and skills in applying e-learning.) Refer to
Guideline #11 for GSAR Procedures for Final Oral Defense.
4.e.1. Although the use of online means was not strictly implemented by the
University during the ECQ, some colleges had the initiatives of informing their
students to make use of this method in submitting manuscripts for consultation
and data matrix for statistical computation and analysis to their panel
f. Studies that are highly experimental in nature and required empirical results are
resolved for modification consistent to maintaining the veracity and the ethics of the

LSPU Academic Rules and Policies for New Normal after COVID-19 Enhanced Community Quarantine /4
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs

research objectives and methodology.

5. On-the-job Training (OJT)/Practicum/Internship
a. No student shall return to their respective field to continue with their
b. The period/time accomplished by the student for OJT/practicum/internship prior the
implementation of ECQ shall be credited; alternative learning opportunities may be
used for implementation and assessment in the completion of the supposed exposure.
c. Where it is applicable, final task regarding OJT/practicum/internship may make use
online and/or live video presentation (e.g., via Zoom) duly arranged by the teacher-in-
charge/adviser for proper management and assessment (e.g., final demonstration for
d. For courses with required number of hours of OJT/practicum/internship such as BS
Nursing, the college may opt for the inter-semester hours to complete the major subject
requirements and adjustments be made for other subjects to be taken in other
e. In recognition of the uniqueness of each college/department, any special cases wherein
the abovementioned procedures for OJT/practicum/internship are not applicable, may
be consulted and deliberated with the Academic Affairs Office.

6. Plans for summer classes

a. Summer/Midyear classes will be implemented for graduating students and for
those degree programs that require summer classes. Summer classes will be
offered after the one-month extension of the second semester. Instead of in-campus
classes, flexible learning and other alternative modes of delivery using available
media shall be used.
b. Midyear classes (June-July 2020) for Graduate Studies and Applied Research
(GSAR) students are cancelled.
6.b.1. Since the University offers a Flexible Graduate Program for graduate
students (e.g. one curricular subject to be taken for 6 consecutive Saturdays
or by Shift), all subjects offered for the 3rd shift affected by the ECQ, will be
rescheduled to be taken by the students during the 1st Semester of AY 2020-
2021. To avoid double entry/enrolment in the records of the students,
SUBJECTS for 3rd shift shall only be retaken. The College Dean and the
Registrar shall provide the official lists of enrolled students.
c. Only graduate students who were enrolled in their 3rd shift and been affected
during the ECQ shall be allowed to retake the extra three (3) units/3rd shift subject
and enroll the regular full load of nine (9) units/sem. Subjects could be scheduled
on Sundays to accommodate the big number of students.
d. The 2nd shift subject for the 2nd semester of AY 2019-2020 shall be continued
through flexible learning or online means once the ECQ is lifted. Refer to above
stated Policy #3 for implementation. Accomplishment report of faculty shall be
required by the GSAR Dean as basis for honorarium payment.
e. For nursing and allied health programs that require internship and clinical duties
and for non-health related programs that required On-the-Job-Training
(OJT)/Internship, LSPU shall adopt guidelines as stated in CHED COVID-19
Advisory No.6, s2020.

LSPU Academic Rules and Policies for New Normal after COVID-19 Enhanced Community Quarantine /5
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs

f. The University Registrar has been constantly monitoring the graduating students’
academic status, with their residency clearly identified. Since overstaying students
have been given consideration already, the natural progression of finishing the
course shall be observed.

7. Graduation Ceremonies
a. Holding of the Graduation Exercises shall not take place as scheduled in observance
to the social and physical distancing guidelines.
b. Furthermore, online graduation is likewise not yet considered.
c. Graduation ceremony may be considered for rescheduling in line with the directives
from the National Government or the Department of Health (DOH).
d. Graduation pictures and issuance of Yearbook 2019 as proof of students’ authentic
records of their graduation will still be considered.
e. In case of a), b) and c) cancellation, the University will inform all campuses.

8. Capacity building plans for flexible learning and other alternative modes of teaching and
a. The academic community of the University is set for capacity building plans in
transitioning from the traditional face-to-face session to the flexible learning or any
alternative mode of delivery.
b. Awareness of the challenges associated with the use of digital technology through
connectivity such as availability of learning tool, stable internet access, and reliable
online resources, and trainings are needed and therefore must be set with institutions
leading in the use of online platforms as a primary learning mode/tool.
c. Both the familiarity with the digital and non-digital technology and the ethics of using
the internet in pedagogy are tantamount for effective and efficient teaching-learning
process in this new kind of learning experience, hence must be explored.
d. The University shall identify the best and practical Learning Management System
(LMS) such as Edmodo and Google Classroom to be used by the students and faculty.
For capacity building, more than their knowledge and expertise of the OBE curriculum,
the following features of the LMS must be understood by the faculty and students:
posting of Lessons/Topics, Grading, Assignments, giving announcements, and the
techniques and mechanics of utilizing digital and non-digital technologies .
e. Training for Faculty and staff shall be announced in most convenient time and everyone
is enjoined to participate.

9. Admission Procedure for AY 2020-2021

a. The opening for AY 2020-2021 is on August 2020/September 2020 (Tentative).
The University is adopting the new school calendar since AY 2017-2018.
b. The process of a fully functional and efficient automated registration and
online payment shall be assured by the University. Payment includes tuition and
other matriculation fees, requests (TOR, certification, etc) of senior high school
students, and graduate students while the undergraduate students shall have
efficient records for UNIFAST.
c. Understanding the essence of the University Admission Test, the admission for 1st
year entrants for AY 2020-2021, may consider the following:

LSPU Academic Rules and Policies for New Normal after COVID-19 Enhanced Community Quarantine /6
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs

i. Admission test will be given through online means where Test

Instruments had been secured for its validity and reliability;
ii. Results of the admission test may be analyzed and shall be
correlated with the right choice of their courses and initial
performance during their midterm in the university to assess the
effect of the unprecedented pandemic to the performance of
students, academically and psychologically.
d. Requirements shall include High school grades, interview, and schedule of
examinations before the implementation of ECQ.
e. Form 138 or any valid proof of evaluative measures as graduate, and copy of
authenticated birth certificate shall be used for admission.

10. Registration and Enrolment Procedure for AY 2020-2021

a. Form 138 or any valid proof of evaluative measures as graduate, and copy of
authenticated birth certificate shall be used for registration.
b. Other registration requirements like medical examination (Drug testing, X-ray
and dental), IDs for new students shall be complied within the 1st semester.
Other Matters
11. Procedure on Oral Defense (Thesis Writing 2/ Dissertation Writing 2 For GSAR
Graduating Students)
a. Only Master’s and Doctoral students who had accomplished their proposal oral
defense shall be qualified for final oral defense.
b. Schedule of oral defense shall be posted by the GSAR Office on its FB site to give the
candidates ample time to prepare. During this time, consultation with the adviser
and panel members had been done.
c. FINAL ORAL DEFENSE could be done through online means provided that there
was approved request/policy from the administration; that the students are well
informed and with an agreement to the college policy. If resumption to operation
could be normalized, final oral defense through face-to-face may be allowed with
observance to the social and physical distancing guidelines of the DOH.
d. Send (a) soft copy of the thesis/dissertation, (b) PowerPoint presentation, and (c)
GSAR Evaluation Form for the grading of written manuscript to Panel Members and
Adviser cc Office of the GSAR email or FB address of each campus at least one week
prior to scheduled defense (case in point, on-line defense). Preliminary pages shall
include the “Endorsement Form (downloaded from the GSAR website)” with
electronic signature of the adviser.
e. Other requirements such as the Language/English editor (needing proof of
Certification of Language/English Critic) and PlagScan/Turnitin will be done before
submission of final revised Hard copy. The allowable index of similarity is 20% for
dissertation (Doctoral) and 25% for thesis (Master’s).
f. The Dean of GSAR will assign the Chair among the panel members and GSAR staff
will send the Form of “Summary of Recommendations” where the corrections/
recommendations given by the panel will be written.
g. On-line defense may be done thru Skype, Zoom, or FB messenger depending on
the common preference of the panel members and adviser. GSAR staff will join

LSPU Academic Rules and Policies for New Normal after COVID-19 Enhanced Community Quarantine /7
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs

during the on-line defense to monitor and facilitate the final oral defense grade. In
case of a MAJOR problem, GSAR Dean will decide.
h. Masters will be allowed for maximum 20 min (or less) presentation while Doctoral
will be maximum 30 min. Q&A will follow after the presentation and will be
moderated by the assigned Chair. Panel members will deliberate (without the
student and adviser) for the oral defense grade. Subsequently, the Chair will
announce the oral defense grade.
i. The students are required to wear at least a “decent attire” or preferably business
attire during their on-line defense.
j. Payment for oral defense could be paid by installment and shall be completed
before the submission of final hard copy.
k. Submission of final Hard copy with complete requirements as well as payment for
Oral defense fee is possible (if it is not yet being paid to an official account of the
college/GSAR) when work/office resume. Distribution of honorarium to panel
members and adviser may also be done when work/office/classes resume.
l. Doctoral students (although Masters’ are encouraged to publish also) MUST have
at least one publication to non-predatory Journal/Publisher prior to graduation.

12. Results of the LSPU Institutional Research on the Level of Readiness and Accessibility
on Online Teaching and Learning as an Alternative Delivery Mode during the COVID-
19 Pandemic (OVPAA, LSPU, April 2020)
Summary of Significant Findings
a. 24.50 % of (7205 students, 348 faculty, out of almost 31000 LSPU population)
had responded, mostly from Sta Cruz main campus, female, belonging to 16-20
years age group for students, and 36-40 years age group for teachers
b. Majority owns Smart phones and owns Internet connection via Mobile Data
c. Accessed and used device for schoolwork is about 1 to 2 hours
d. Do not have household internet and visit internet Café/shop in accessing
e. Do not have household computer
f. Almost every time using Instant Messenger; Occasional Word Processing; and
Occasional Text Messaging
g. Much familiar/much capable in using Videos from You Tube; E-mail (e.g. Gmail,
yahoo, MSN, etc); Social Media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc); and
Instant Messaging (e.g. Text Messaging, Viber, Messenger, Line, WeChat,
WhatsApp, etc)
h. Learners cannot use mobile phones to access information because they are not
covered by mobile networks
i. No preparation in terms of attendance to trainings and subscription to online
j. Quite ready on the use of online teaching particularly on statement: Having
computers and stable internet access intended for online classes (Mn=1.77,
lowest mean perception), and overall mean=5.19 where 10 is the highest.

LSPU Academic Rules and Policies for New Normal after COVID-19 Enhanced Community Quarantine /8
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs

Since LSPU doesn’t have the resources and capacity to deliver high-quality remote
education/online education, the following may be considered:
1. Provide technical support to the needy students in terms of gadget / laptop/
cellphone/ and pocket WIFI to have an easy access to the internet connection.
2. A sound policy and protocols on the use of the flexible learning mode using the
internet must be thoroughly discussed because delivery could also be done through
digital or non-digital technology and without connection.
3. The university may hasten the computerization system to facilitate the online
delivery of service.
4. The University and in a wider scope, the CHED may conduct series of trainings for
teachers as a capacity building to equip them knowledge and competencies on the
Use of flexible learning or any alternative mode of delivery like internet or blended
learning on the following:
a. Guidelines on the use of online or offline system of teaching and learning;
b. Constructive alignment of all the elements in an Obedized education in terms
of curriculum contents, learning activities, and assessment procedures;
c. Principles in the execution of online teaching or video conferencing or
creation of a virtual classroom;
d. Preparation of online learning materials that would cater to the needs of the
learners in terms of pace, place, process, and products of learning;
e. Monitoring of the teachers performing the job, students attending the classes,
and the assurance that the learning objectives are carried out.
f. Policy guidelines on the evaluation and feedback mechanism on the efficiency
and effectiveness of the online system for teaching and learning
5. School leaders and teachers need to be flexible and very creative in establishing
policies and practices to be effective.
6. Include a diverse range of ideas in decision making to foster partnership.
7. Learn from the experience brought by this pandemic.

For information and guidance.


Vice President for academic affairs



University President

LSPU Academic Rules and Policies for New Normal after COVID-19 Enhanced Community Quarantine /9

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