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2003 140 Uncertainty - Quantification

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Uncertainty Quantification and Risk Analysis for Petroleum

Exploration and Exploitation Projects

Silviu Potlog ( )
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
University of Alberta

It is widely recognized that predictions of hydrocarbon recovery are uncertain. Despite this,
engineers must answer several problems in this context: describe prior uncertainties, identify the
ones that actually influence the oil production process, make safe production forecasts and optimize
the reservoir production scheme. Since it is extremely difficult, if not impossible in most cases, to
simulate reservoir performance in the laboratory, the oil production industry has been at the
forefront of developing mathematical models of various recovery processes. As the model becomes
more sophisticated, the computer runtime per case - and hence the cost of simulation – increases
Thus, a statistical treatment that recognizes both the lack of knowledge and the uncertainty in the
parameters involved in the forecasting of reservoir performance is desirable. Current stochastic-
modeling approaches, such as Monte Carlo simulation and geostatistics, require extensive
computational effort for realistic problems. There are numerous reasons for this, but the one that
seems to present the largest impact is that reservoir prediction requires a large number of input
parameters. A method that can identify the key parameters governing uncertainty in production and
economic forecasting in the early phases of the study will significantly ameliorate the data
acquisition program.
This paper presents the early stages of a research project, which focuses on investigating the
application of an experimental design technique to the problem of uncertainty quantification and
risk analysis for petroleum exploration and exploitation projects. The emphasis here is on the
establishment of a workflow, preparation and description of the focal database representative of the
real field scenario.

Reservoir engineering requires to manage sources of uncertainty that can be classified in two
categories: A) uncontrolled uncertainties on the physical reservoir description parameters; due to
three major causes: 1) the model, because it is an imperfect representation of reality; 2) geologic
parameters, because of a limited sampling in space and/or time, and 3) measurement errors in the
experiments performed to determine inputs; and B) controlled uncertainties on the reservoir
development scheme parameters (wells type: vertical or horizontal, well locations, surface
separation capacity).
Historically, most reported post-analyses of field developments have revealed lower production
rates and smaller reserves than pre-production forecast indicated. Pre-production uncertainties about
reservoir characteristics, inadequate representation and lack of realistic geology in numerical
models and unforeseen operational difficulties and constraints may have been the main causes of
erroneous (optimistic or pessimistic) forecasts.

With rapid changes in political and economic conditions, it seems that smaller fields, geological
more complex fields, smaller economic margins and less robust projects (EOR, infill drilling,
thermal recovery) are typical petroleum engineering issues in many hydrocarbon producing regions
of the world. For this reason, oil companies need a systematic method for quantifying the composite
technical uncertainty (in production rates and reserves) and the compounded economic risk (NPV
and other economic indicators) associated with field developments and incremental projects.
In the evaluation and planning of a reservoir development, the common approach is first to build the
expected geological model, using the most representative set of dynamic parameters and then the
best set of well locations given the geological model. The platform, in the case of an offshore
environment, and production facilities are optimized (with respect to NPV) for this model. This
combination of geological model, dynamic parameters and technical design constitutes the base (or
reference) case. A reservoir simulation is then performed, giving the base case production profile
and recovery factor. This production profile is finally combined with a fixed scenario for the future
oil and/or gas prices and investment interests to obtain the economic indicators (NPV, PI, IRR) for
the project.
One thing is certain: the final results from the base case are, not true. To study the influence of the
various parameters that enter the process on the final results, a sensitivity study is usually
performed. The most common approach was, and still is, to vary one parameter at the time, keeping
all the other parameters at the base case value. For most parameters, two runs are required, with an
optimistic and a pessimistic setting, respectively. The number of runs required for a full sensitivity
study quickly becomes prohibitive. If there are:
ƒ 5 gas sales scenarios,
ƒ 5 handling capacities,
ƒ 5 different number of wells,
ƒ 2 different horizontal wells length,
ƒ 2 vertical start positions, and
ƒ 15 geological parameters with uncertainty
it will take 15 x 2 x 2 x 5 x 5 x 5 = 7,500 runs to perform such a sensitivity analysis. In addition, the
joint effect of several parameters varying simultaneously cannot be investigated by varying one
parameter at a time technique.
Recent research and applied projects focus on the study and application of experimental design
techniques [1,2,3] for the quantification of uncertainty present in oil and gas production prediction.
Basically, experimental design is a smart sampling technique that is used to extract the maximum
information about a process with minimum cost. This will cause several parameters to be varied
simultaneously according to a predefined pattern. The technique gives the possibility of obtaining
the same information as the one parameter at a time method with significantly fewer simulation
runs, and to obtain some understanding of possible interactions between the parameters.
An experimental design is simply a recipe describing the different settings of each of a number of
input parameters in a series of simulation runs. The theory of experimental design describes how to
construct these settings so that maximum information can be obtained from a minimum number of
simulation runs.
The most popular experimental design is the Fractional Factorial Design (FFD)[4]. FFD can be used
to simplify and improve studies from the planning to the analysis phase. A subcategory of FFD is
the screening design. This is primarily used to identify the n key parameters (n<<N) that most
influence the response very early in the study. For example the economics of oil production from an

offshore reservoir depend on a large number of parameters (N>10) ranging from geological
characterization, to fluid and flow properties, to well locations and completions and to surface
facilities. Usually, screening design is a 2-level (high and low) design, which allows efficient
estimation of main (linear) effects of all the factors being explored, ignoring the factor interactions.
If significant interactions and/or curvature are expected in the response, a screening design may not
be sufficient for a thorough analysis. In these situations the screening design may then be used only
to rank the n significant parameters in order of their influence on the response. Subsequently a 3
level design is prepared using the n significant parameters identified by the screening design. The 3
level design evaluates every parameter at a low, median and high value in an attempt to model the
curvature in the response.
More recently, a work performed by Leuangthong and Deutsch [5] describes a methodology to
determine a design matrix for sensitivity analysis for any generic case.
This paper presents the early stage of an on-going research project. The primary objective consists
of the application of an experimental design technique for the determination of a design matrix for
sensitivity analysis. The secondary goal is to use this knowledge to improve the quantification of
uncertainty and risk analysis processes associated with petroleum exploration and exploitation
Next section describes the construction of the focal dataset that mimics a real field scenario.
Characterization of the main uncertain variables associated with the geological, geophysical and
engineering data is illustrated and preliminary results are presented. This is followed by a
discussion on some future considerations and research directions.

Case Study – Problem Description

The main effort in this on-going project is to investigate the advantages and limitations of an
experimental design technique when applied to the quantification of uncertainty in a performance
production forecast for a real reservoir. To achieve this goal, a synthetic model that mimics a real
reservoir complexity was built. The proposed scenario considers an offshore exploration block in
which a pioneer well discovered a heavy oil accumulation. In this virtual scenario, although the
fluid properties of the discovery are not favorable, the magnitude of the standard oil in place
justifies a closer look at the accumulation. The main geological/geophysical and engineering
characteristics and uncertainties of this synthetic case are described below.

Geological and Geophysical Data

The reservoir considered here resembles an offshore anticline. The depth of the main portion of the
reservoir lies between –2800 m and –3100 m, with an oil-water contact well defined at –3000m.
The total thickness of the reservoir varies from 20 m to 180 m.
It was assumed to consist of very clean unconsolidated turbiditic sandstone with average porosity
around 27%. Based on this average value and assuming uncertainty on porosity values
determination, it was decided to consider three scenarios for porosity in the simulations: 24%
(pessimistic), 27 % (most probable), and 32% (optimistic).
Three sets of absolute permeability values were considered: 1500 mD horizontal/750 mD vertical in
the optimistic case, 500 mD horizontal/250 mD vertical in the pessimistic case and 1000 mD
horizontal/500 mD vertical in the most probable case.
A very weak correlation between porosity and permeability was assumed. Therefore, they were
considered independent, and no special care was taken during the construction of the cases to be

The areal extent of the reservoir was determined from the combined analysis of open-hole logs and
seismic. Based on the fact that the validity of estimating the area process is mostly dependent on the
seismic data quality, resolution and the ability to distinguish lithofacies as calibrated by the open
hole log data, most probable, optimistic and pessimistic value were chosen due to imperfect seismic
resolution. For example, based on different cut-off values of seismic amplitudes the most probable,
medium and small maps of the reservoir could have been obtained.
Figure 1 shows a 3-D view of the reservoir for the greatest reservoir area. Figures 2a and 2b show
structural and thickness maps for the greatest reservoir area. Figures 3a and 3b show structural and
thickness maps for the most probable reservoir area and Figures 4a and 4b show structural and
thickness maps for the smallest reservoir area. As can be seen from these maps, the differences
between the three cases are important. The number of active blocks decreases from 8100 in the
optimistic case, to 6120 in the most probable case and to only 4516 in the pessimistic case.

Engineering Data
In the reservoir environment created here, one of the main concerns is the quality of the oil. It is
assumed that only a sample of dead oil was recovered during a production test and analysis of this
sample revealed very heavy oil, with API 13o. Given the oil and gas properties, the PVT behavior
was estimated using Standing correlations for bubble point pressure, oil volume factor and gas-oil
ratio, Vasquez-Beggs correlations for oil compressibility and Vasquez-Robinson for dead and live
oil viscosity. Table I shows the complete estimate of the PVT (P – pressure, Rs – solution ratio, Bo –
oil volume factor, Bg – gas volume factor, µo and µg – oil and gas viscosity, respectively).

Table I – Estimated PVT table for oil with API 13o

P Rs Bo Bg µο µg
3 3
kPa m /m rb/stb rcf/scf cp cp
101.3 0.24 1.0834 1.3215 38.8388 0.014180
567.9 0.80 1.0845 0.2349 37.2821 0.014211
1,034.5 1.44 1.0858 0.1284 35.6225 0.014252
1,501.1 2.13 1.0871 0.0882 33.9606 0.014301
1,967.6 2.87 1.0886 0.0670 32.3392 0.014355
2,434.2 3.63 1.0901 0.0540 30.7801 0.014414
2,900.8 4.43 1.0917 0.0451 29.2938 0.014476
3,367.4 5.25 1.0933 0.0387 27.8852 0.014543
3,834.0 6.10 1.0950 0.0339 26.5550 0.014612
4,300.5 6.96 1.0968 0.0301 25.3022 0.014685
4,767.1 7.85 1.0985 0.0271 24.1242 0.014761
5,233.7 8.75 1.1003 0.0246 23.0176 0.014840
5,700.3 9.66 1.1022 0.0225 21.9788 0.014921
6,166.8 10.59 1.1041 0.0208 21.0037 0.015005
6,633.4 11.54 1.1060 0.0192 20.0885 0.015092
7,100.0 12.50 1.1079 0.0179 19.2292 0.015181
11,830.0 22.85 1.1293 0.0106 12.9246 0.016218
16,560.0 34.10 1.1530 0.0075 9.3380 0.017488
21,290.0 46.03 1.1788 0.0059 7.1281 0.018998
26,020.0 58.51 1.2063 0.0050 5.6716 0.020766
30,750.0 71.46 1.2355 0.0043 4.6585 0.022821

It was estimated that the saturation pressure of the oil is 7100 kPa, and the values of Rs, Bo, µo, and
oil compressibility at saturation pressure were the following: 12.5 m3/m3, 1.1079 m3/m3, 19.23 cp
and 6.2x10-5 (kgf/cm2)-1.

Other engineering data that always have a lot of uncertainty are the relative permeability and
capillary pressure curves. The capillary pressure curve was modeled by a constant value of zero,
that is, the water-oil contact is sharp. The uncertainty in the initial water saturation of the reservoir
was taken into account by assigning the following values to it: 11% and 18%.

For relative permeability curves, 16 Corey models were used based on four types of rock wettability
(strong oil-wet, weak oil-wet, strong water-wet and weak water-wet) and four types of rock
consolidation (fractured reservoir, well sorted consolidated sandstone, poorly sorted unconsolidated
sandstone, cemented sandstone or oolitic limestone) [3]. The end-point saturations and relative
permeability for each case are listed in Table II. The equations used to build the relative
permeability curves are listed below:

Table II - Relative permeability model







1 Strong Oil-wet Fractured Reservoir 0.50 0.60 0.60 0.10 0.10 0.55 0.55 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
2 Well sorted - consolid 0.50 0.60 0.60 0.10 0.10 0.55 0.55 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
3 Poor sort - unconsolid 0.50 0.60 0.60 0.10 0.10 0.55 0.55 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5
4 Cemented sandstone 0.50 0.60 0.60 0.10 0.10 0.55 0.55 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
5 Weak Oil-wet Fractured Reservoir 0.60 0.50 0.50 0.15 0.15 0.45 0.45 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
6 Well sorted - consolid 0.60 0.50 0.50 0.15 0.15 0.45 0.45 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
7 Poor sort - unconsolid 0.60 0.50 0.50 0.15 0.15 0.45 0.45 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5
8 Cemented sandstone 0.60 0.50 0.50 0.15 0.15 0.45 0.45 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
9 Strong Water-wet Fractured Reservoir 0.10 0.90 0.90 0.20 0.20 0.30 0.30 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
10 Well sorted - consolid 0.10 0.90 0.90 0.20 0.20 0.30 0.30 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
11 Poor sort - unconsolid 0.10 0.90 0.90 0.20 0.20 0.30 0.30 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5
12 Cemented sandstone 0.10 0.90 0.90 0.20 0.20 0.30 0.30 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
13 Weak Water-wet Fractured Reservoir 0.20 0.80 0.80 0.30 0.30 0.20 0.20 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
14 Well sorted - consolid 0.20 0.80 0.80 0.30 0.30 0.20 0.20 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
15 Poor sort - unconsolid 0.20 0.80 0.80 0.30 0.30 0.20 0.20 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5
16 Cemented sandstone 0.20 0.80 0.80 0.30 0.30 0.20 0.20 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0

For Sw < Swcr , krw = 0; (1a)

 S w − S wcr 
For Sw ≥ Swcr , k rw = k rwro   ; (1b)
 1 − S oirw − S wcr 
For Sw > 1-Sorw , krow = 0; (2a)
N ow
 S w − S wcon 
For Sw ≤ 1-Sorw , k row = k rocw 1 −  ; (2b)
 1 − S wcon − S orw 
For Sg < Sgcr , krg = 0; (3a)

 S g − S gcr 
For Sg ≥ Sgcr , k rg = k rgro   ; (3b)
1− S − S − S 
 gcr oirg wcon 

For Sg > 1-Sorg -Swcon, krog = 0; (4a)

N og
 S g − S gcon 
For Sg ≤ 1-Sorg -Swcon, k rog = k rocg 1 −  ; (4b)
 1− S − S 
 org wcon − S gcon 


krwro - Relative permeability to water at residual oil saturation

krocw - Relative permeability to oil at connate water saturation
krgro - Relative permeability to gas at residual oil saturation (constant = 0.08)
krocg - Relative permeability to oil at connate gas saturation
Swcon - Connate water saturation
Sgcon - Connate gas saturation (constant = 0.04)
Swcr - Critical water saturation
Sgcr - Critical gas saturation (constant = 0.04)
Sorw - Residual oil saturation during a water flood
Sorg - Residual oil saturation during a gas flood (constant = 0.3)
Soirw - Irreducible oil saturation
Soirg - Irreducible gas saturation (constant = 0.3)
Nw - Water relative permeability exponent
Now - Oil relative permeability exponent in the water – oil curves
Ng - Gas relative permeability exponent
Nog - Oil relative permeability exponent in the gas – oil curves

Water properties were estimated based on correlations. Water viscosity at reservoir conditions is
0.42 cp, water compressibility is equal to 4.13x10-5 (kgf/cm2)-1, and water density was set to 1057
kg/m3. Rock compressibility was set to 9.8x10-5 (kgf/cm2)-1. The initial pressure at the water – oil
contact was recorded as 313.6 kgf/cm2.

In order to maximize recovery, two reservoir development schemes were considered: vertical or
horizontal producers and injectors. Flow simulation estimated the productivity of vertical wells
around 4 m3/day/kgf/cm2. In the case of horizontal wells, the productivity was imposed to the flow
simulator in values of 8, 20 and 50 m3/day/kgf/cm2 depending on the scenario. This is considered
because the productivity of horizontal wells is severely affected by the effective length and the
damage ratio, and these situations are difficult to simulate in simple flow models as the one that was

In summary, there are 6 parameters with a high level of uncertainty:

1. area of accumulation (3 possible values)
2. porosity (3 possible values)
3. absolute permeability (3 possible values)

4. rock wettability and rock consolidation with the resultant uncertainty in relative
permeability curves (16 possible values)
5. oil PVT behavior (2 possible values)
6. well type (1 vertical + 3 productivity index for horizontal wells = 4 possible values)

The combination of these parameters will give a total of 3,456 cases to be simulated. The assembly
of the simulation models and the results of these simulation runs are described in the next sections.

Flow Simulation
IMEX [6] black-oil simulator will be used in the flow simulations. A corner-point grid was used
with blocks having 200 x 200 m in size for x and y directions, and variable size for the z direction.
The grid dimensions were 70 x 35 x 4, with a total number of grid blocks of 9,800. It was decided to
keep fixed the grid dimensions having a variable number of active grid blocks according to the
scenario being studied (pessimistic, most probable and optimistic). In the pessimistic case there
4,516 active blocks, in the most probable case there are 6,120 active blocks, and in the optimistic
case there are 8,100 active blocks. The considered reservoir model for the optimistic case is shown
in fig. 4. The average execution time for a single simulation was about four minutes on a computer
with a Pentium IV 2.5 GHz processor and 1024 MB RAM.
Two well configurations were used to develop the field. In one configuration, the field was
developed only with vertical wells, and in the other, the field was developed mainly with horizontal
wells. For all the maps the well configuration was kept fixed. The wells were located in the main
portion of the field that corresponds basically to the central area of the pessimistic map. There is no
doubt that the well configuration could be optimized to provide better results, but this would be
beyond the scope of this study. In both well configurations, the field was developed through two
fixed platforms (TLP’s), the production wells were produced with a minimum bottom hole pressure
(BHP) of 125 kgf/cm2 and maximum flow rate at the surface of 1,500 m3/day, the injection wells
were also controlled by a maximum BHP of 360 kgf/cm and maximum flow rate of 2,000
In the optimistic case, the vertical well configuration consists of 42 wells, 18 being injectors and 24
producers, distributed in a 5-spot pattern (Figure 5). For the other two cases, the numbers of wells
are 21 producers, 16 injectors for the most probable case and 16 producers, 13 injectors for the
pessimistic case. The wells are located in the best portion of the reservoir, and the water injection is
started at the same time as production in order to maintain reservoir pressure. Keeping the pressure
as close as possible to initial pressure will have the effect to maintain the gas in solution, which will
result in relatively small viscosity for the oil. The drainage radius of each producer is approximately
1000 m.
Although two platforms are still required to develop the field with the horizontal well configuration,
fewer wells are required because of the increased productivity of the horizontal wells. All wells are
designed to have 600 meters of effective length. The boundary conditions at the wells are the same
as for the vertical well configuration. All horizontal wells are located at the top of the structure. The
well disposition was chosen in such a way that the predicted lateral displacement from the predicted
drilling location to the end of the horizontal section was not greater than 3,000 meters.
In this synthetic case, the use of wet Christmas-trees (sub-sea tree valve) was not predicted because
a more careful study about flowing of this oil in low-level sea temperatures is necessary to decide
what are the best options for this case. All wells produce directly to the platform to avoid this kind
of problem.

Future Work
The total combination of these parameters will give a total of 3,456 cases to be simulated. With an
average CPU time per run of 4 minutes, that means 230 hours. As the total time for each flow
simulation is not excessive, the idea is to run all possible cases. The results will be ranked by the
accumulated oil production corrected by an annual discount rate. This will allow the visualization
of the STOOIP overall variation as well as, the identification of the most influential parameters in
the variation of the STOOIP. The planned simulation production time for each run is 30 years.
In order to make the process more automatic for the user, the current task in this project is to
develop a computer program using Pascal compiler to automatically change the simulator input file.
The computer program will consist mainly of a series of loops, in which the uncertain parameters
will be assigned values corresponding to the optimistic, most probable and pessimistic case
scenarios. For each combination of the uncertain parameters in the input file, the program will call
the simulator and run the realization. From the output file the program will select the result of
interest, i.e. the cumulative oil production – surface condition - after 30 years corrected by an
annual discount, and write it in a new file together with the uncertain input parameters
corresponding to that particular realization.
The next step in this work would be to run a Monte Carlo simulation with these results to determine
what is the probability associated with each outcome of the simulation and the Bootstrap technique
to assess the uncertainty in the mean of this probability distribution.
The project will continue with the implementation of an experimental design approach in order to
select relevant models, record factor settings for models, create data files, control execution, gather
summary data and create the response model. The purpose of Response surface methodology (RSM)
is to approximate a process over a region of interest, often called operating region. The goal is to
define a performance measure of the process called response (i.e. cumulative production over 30
years of production) and some input variables X1, X2, X3,…, Xn called factors, that are assumed to
influence the response (areal extent of the reservoir, porosity, permeability,..). RSM provides tools
for identifying the factors that are influential on the response, and for building a regression model
linking the response to the influential factors, such as illustrated below:

Re sponse = a 0 + a1 X 1 + a 2 X 2 + K + a n X n + a12 X 1 X 2 + K + a n −1, n X n −1 X n + a11 X 12 +

a 22 X 22 + K + a nn X n2 (5)

where a0, a1, …, ann are constant coefficients obtained by fitting a set of numerical simulations. The
main advantage of the RSM model is its negligible cost to estimate new values of the response
compared to CPU time-consuming reservoir simulations. This regression model can then be used to
make safe predictions of the process over the uncertain domain and to generate probabilistic
distribution of the response using Monte-Carlo sampling technique. A sufficient number of
response values corresponding to different sets of factor values is required in order to fit this model.
Depending on the objective of the study: screening or modeling (risk analysis) a simple first-order
or a more complete second-order models are used.
The experimental design technique coupled with the response surface methodology (RSM) looks
like an efficient and rigorous methodology to accurately quantify the impact of reservoir
uncertainties on production forecast.

1- W. Cochran and G. Cox. Experimental Designs. John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, second
edition, 1960.
2- E. Manceau, M. Mezghani, I. Zabalza-Mezghani and F. Roggero. Combination of
Experimental Design and Joint Modeling Methods for Quantifying the Risk Associated with
Deterministic and Stochastic Uncertainties – An Integrated Test Study. SPE 71620, 2001 SPE
Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana.
3- J.-P. Dejean and G. Blanc. Managing Uncertainties on Production Predictions Using
Integrated Statistical Methods. SPE 56696, 1999 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Exhibition, Huston, Texas.
4- Umesh Saxena, Vjekoslav Pavelic. Factorial designs as an effective tool in mining and
petroleum engineering. SPE 3333.
5- O. Leuangthong and C. Deutsch. Experimental Design Matrix of Realizations for Optimal
Sensitivity Analysis. Technical report, Centre of Computational Geostatistics, University of
Alberta, Edmonton, AB, September 2003.
6- Computer Modeling Group. IMEX. User Manual. 2001.

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