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1/18/2011 Admit Card


17, Jamshedji T ata Road, Church gate, Mumbai - 400020

Date :3rd January 2011

Written T est for the Post of OFFICER TRAINEE - 2011
Application No : 201004091743 Roll No. 1276113281 Category Unreserved(General)


Please affix your recent
passport size photograph and
get it attested as given in
Para 1 below.

Candidate's Signature before



Gyanganga College - EC2

Gyanganga College 23rd Jan '2011 10:00 AM 09:15 A.M

Khajuri Khurd, Raiser Road,,Anand Nagar
Bhopal 462021

Dear candidate,

1. You ar e r equested to appear for the wr itten test at the center on the date and time specified above. Please affix your r ecent
passpor t size photogr aph (which will be matched with the photogr aph submitted by you ear lier with your r egistr ation slip) and sign
in the space pr ovided above and get it attested by a Gazetted officer or Pr incipal of Govt. School/College/Institution last attended
failing which you will not be allowed to appear for the wr itten test.
2. This Admit Car d should be br ought to the examination center and handed over to the Room Invigilator .
3. You should car r y a valid Id Car d to the test center for ver ification. (The following constitute valid Id Car ds – V oter s Id, Passpor t,
Dr iver s License). College or employee Id car ds will not be consider ed as valid Id.
4. You should r each the test center befor e the r epor ting time as mentioned above. Late comer s will not be per mitted to appear in the
5. Candidates who have applied under “other s” (option in online application for m) should ensur e that their Degr ee/ Qualification should
be a major in one of the cor e engineer ing disciplines (Civil, Chemical, Electr ical, Electr onics & Telecommunications, Instr umentation,
and Mechanical) and the name of the degr ee / qualification should specify the same. Candidates who have applied under “other s” ar e
advised to ensur e the compliance as above towar ds appear ing for wr itten test. Candidates not adher ing to above compliance will not
be consider ed eligible for fur ther selection pr ocess.
6. Your candidatur e for this test is Pr ovisional and is subject to your fulfilling the pr escr ibed Age, Educational Qualification and
payment of application fee (not applicable to SC,ST & PWD candidates), Photogr aph matching with the one pasted above with the
photo submitted by you with the r egistr ation slip and other conditions as specified in our adver tisement. This is also subject to a
detailed scr utiny at any stage and if any discr epancy is found, your candidatur e is liable to be cancelled.
7. Request for change of Test Center /Test Date & Addr ess of cor r espondence will not be enter tained under any cir cumstances.
8. Outstation SC/ST/PWD candidates will be r eimbur sed to and fr o single second class r ail far e or or dinar y bus far e for jour ney by the
shor test r oute, pr ovided the distance between mailing addr ess mentioned in the application or place of actual jour ney, whichever is
shor ter , and the near est test center is not less than 30Km. Payments will be made to SC/ST/PWD candidates at the venue subject to
submission of TA (Tr avel allowance) claim for m along with or iginal ticket/ r eceipt or photocopy ther eof or or iginal bus ticket (S) and
copy of caste/ disability cer tificate at the end of the wr itten test. Candidates who have opted for test center s other than the
near est center fr om the mailing addr ess will not be paid TA.
9. Please note down your r oll number and application number for futur e r efer ence or keep a photocopy of the admit car d with you, as
this Admit Car d will be collected fr om you at the test center . In case you have r eceived mor e than one admit car d, you should br ing
all admit car ds and sur r ender them to your invigilator .
10. Please note that Hindustan Petr oleum Cor por ation Limited will not be r esponsible for any delay or non deliver y of this admit car d on…/AdmitCard.aspx?R… 1/3
1/18/2011 Admit Card
account of postal depar tment.
11. Please note that this letter does not constitute an offer of employment.
12. If ther e is any var iation between the English and Hindi ver sion of a question, please tr eat the English ver sion as authentic.

Your's faithfully
Candidature Verified with photograph

Sr. Manager – Recruitment & Manpower

Signature of the Invigilator
Authorized Signatory…/AdmitCard.aspx?R… 2/3
1/18/2011 Admit Card


1. The following ar e some instr uctions r egar ding the wr itten test:
a. Candidates ar e not allowed to car r y any papers, notes, books, calculators, cellular phones, scanning
devices, Pager etc in the examination hall. Any candidate found using or in possession of such unauthor ized mater ial or
indulging in copying or imper sonation or adopting unfair means is liable to be summar ily disqualified and may be subjected
to penal action.

b. Str ictly follow the instr uctions given by center super visor /Room Invigilator and those given on the question booklet.

c. You must br ing Black Ball Point Pen for the wr itten test.

d. After finishing the examination, handover complete booklet and answer sheet to the r oom invigilator . DO NOT car r y the
question booklet or any par t ther eof outside the examination r oom. Doing so is a punishable offence.

2. The dur ation of test is 2 hour s and will be of 170 mar ks. The wr itten test will consist of two par ts

Par t 1 – Objective Type Questions – Aptitude - 120 mar ks

Par t 2 – Objective Type Questions – Technical / Pr ofessional Knowledge – 50 mar ks

3. Each objective question is followed by 4 r esponses ser ialled 1 to 4. Your task is to choose the cor r ect/ best r esponse and mar k your
r esponse with Black Ball Point Pen in the Answer Sheet and not in the Question Booklet.

4. Completely dar ken the CIRCLE so that the number inside the cir cle is not visible.

5. Dar ken ONLY ONE CIRCLE for each answer as shown in the example below. If you dar ken mor e than one cir cle, that answer will not be
Some W rong Methods Correct Method

6. Mar k answer only in the space pr ovided. DO NOT make any str ay mar ks anywher e on the answer sheet. DO NOT fold or wr inkle the
answer sheet. Rough wor k MUST NOT be done on the answer sheet. Use your test booklet for this pur pose.

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