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To Know About Substitution

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Teaching Integration by Substitution

David Gale

The current boom in calculus reform programs has been going on now for more
than six years at a cumulative cost of well over five million dollars. A major theme
of the program has been the need to get away from so-called cook book calculus,
to teach concepts rather than techniques, understanding rather than rote memo-
rization. This is of course a worthy goal but just how one goes about achieving it is
not at all obvious. What I want to do in the paragraphs which follow is to look at
this question in the context of a special case by treating a particular calculus
question which has been bothering me on and off for more than 50 years.
To begin at the beginning, I took freshman calculus in 1940 and in the
intervening years I have taught virtually that same course to others dozens of
times. I found the course back then mildly disappointing in that it seemed to
consist for the most part of working hundreds of drill problems, but I managed to
master enough of the tricks to struggle through with a grade of B. There was one
thing in the course, though, that really bothered me, and that was the matter of
integration by substitution. I didn't have any trouble with integrands like x\ll-x2
and ln(x)/x. I understood that in general one hopes that the integrand will have
the form f(g(x))gl(x), in which case if one happens to know an antiderivative of
f , call it F , then the antiderivative one is looking for is F(g(x)). It was also clear,
as the book explained, that in fact this was nothing but the chain rule in reverse.
But then one day we had to integrate d m without the extra x on the
outside, so the book, "Calculus" by Arnold Dresden, said, well, make the substitu-
tion x = sin(t). Then dr = cos(t) dt etc. etc. Again, I could go through the
mechanics without difficulty but this time it seemed to me the operations were not
justified by anything we had done up to that time. In the earlier cases we made a
substitution of the form u = g(x) but now we were supposed instead to write
x = g(t), which didn't seem to me to be the same thing.
Because of the current interest in calculus instruction I decided now, after more
than half a century it would be interesting to see how textbooks these days are
handling the substitution problem that had thrown me off as a student. To this end
I looked in 10 fairly traditional texts, some of which are among the current best
sellers. The authors are Anton (to be abbreviated A), Edwards and Penny (EP),
~ l l kand Gulick (EG), Lang (L), Larson and Hostetler (LH), Marsden and
Weinstein (MW), Stein (SN), Stewart (ST), Swokowski (SW), Thomas and Finney
(TF). Also I looked at a draft of an as yet unpublished text by the Harvard
Calculus Consortium (H). Here are some of my findings.
All of these books use and prove the "direct" substitution theorem devoting an
entire section to the subject. None of them proves what I will call the inverse
substitution theorem although all of them except L and H use it fairly intensively,
devoting a whole section to Trigonometric Substitution. Only ST explicitly recog-
nizes the fact that inverse substitution is not the same as direct substitution, and I


will return to this in a moment. I then looked at how the direct substitution
theorem was treated, and all of the books did indeed show how it followed from
the chain rule. In six of the books, however, A, FP, L, MW, ST and TF, I found the
following formula. If u = g(x) then

Of course the equation is false. The expression lf(x) dr stands for antiderivative,
as in a table of integrals, and the variable, be it x, t, u or anything else is a
dummy. Clearly the antiderivatives on the left and right above are not equal. What
the books mean, no doubt, is that if you substitute g(x) for u after taking the
antiderivative on the right you get the antiderivative on the left. I expect some
readers will say I am being pedantic or that there is no need to be so rigorous at
the freshman level, but I think this kind of lapse is symptomatic of a rather strange
set of standards and perhaps it sheds light on why none of the books proves the
inverse substitution theorem. It is because none of them formulates it. Once one
does, the proof becomes more or less mechanical and one sees at once that it is
not a mere application of the chain rule but involves other things, as we will see in
a moment. The book ST .is interesting. It uses equation (1) above to describe
substitution while inverse substitution [the book's italics] is described by x = g(t)

where g is required to have an inverse. Notice that (1) and (2) are the same (false)
equation. Only the letters for the (dummy) variables are different (of course these
equations become correct when one considers definite integrals and puts in the
appropriate limits).
Let us now turn to the mathematics which to my surprise turned out to be
rather interesting. There are (at least) two different proofs of the inverse substitu-
tion theorem. The first is direct (brute force), and slightly messy. The second,
suggested to me by Ole Hald, is short and elegant and makes use of some
"theory". For the sake of cleanness I will use the circle notation for composition of
functions. People who prefer the more traditional f(g(x)) notation should have no
trouble translating the argument below, at the cost of having to carry around

masses of parentheses and a lot of, in my view, superfluous x's. (The subject of
notation, which is rather interesting, will be considered in an appendix.) Differenti-
ation will be denoted by a prime, ', and for typographical clarity I will use a dot, .,
for multiplication of functions. Finally I will use a block, , for "proof" as well as
for "Q. E. D.", a notational reform I have been trying to persuade the mathemati-
cal community to adopt for the past 25 years with no success whatsoever. First,
then, we have the chain rule,
I ( f 08)' = ( f ' g ) . g'.
O (Ch)
Now, both the substitution rules described in the preceding paragraphs deal
with the situation where we have three functions h, f and g and
h = ( f o g ) .gr. (*I
In the direct substitution case we know an antiderivative for f and want to find one
for h. The answer is given by,

Direct Substitution Theorem. If F' = f then

( F g)' = h .


. From the chain rule, ( F 0 g y = (F' 0 g ) . g' = (f

In the inverse substitution case we know an antiderivative of h and want to find

0 g ) . g' = h. .
one for f .

Inverse Substitution Theorem. If H' = h and g has an inverse then

Let me suggest at this point that the reader take two minutes to work out the
direct proof of (4) in order to see what is involved.
As one might expect, one needs to use not only the chain rule but also the

formula for the derivative of the inverse of a function which in our notation is
(g-l)' = 1 / ( g t g-')

From (Ch) and ( * ) we have

(H 0 g-')l = (H' 0 g-') . (g-')l = ((( f g ) . g') g-') . (g-')t.

0 0

We must now simplify the term on the right hand side and we need several facts.
The first is the general but not so familiar identity that for any functions a, b
and c
( a . b ) o c = (sac). ( b o c ) . (5)
The right hand side then becomes
((f o 8 ) g-') . (g' g-') . (g-'1,
which by the associative law for composition and the fact that g 0 g-' is the

identity function, simplifies to
f . (8' g-') . (g-I),'

but the product on the right is 1 by application of (Inv).

There is an interesting observation to be made about this proof. It makes no

direct assumptions about the function f, not even continuity, but ends up proving
that f is integrable (meaning antidifferentiable). The second proof, which will now

be given, requires the antidifferentiability of f as a hypothesis. Thus, it assumes
that h has an antiderivative H, and f has an antiderivative F , but it does not need
to make use of (Inv).
Since F' = f we have by (Ch), ( F 0 gY = (f 0 g ) . g' = h, so H and F 0 g
have the same derivative and hence (theory) they differ by a constant, thus,
Fog=H+c. (6)

Now~omposingboth sides of (6) on the right with g-' gives
Fogog-' = F =Hog-' +cog-' =Hogp' + c,

In addition to the standard textbooks above, I looked at some nonstandard

ones, those of De Leeuw, Spivak and Moise (there is also the book by Menger but
it requires essentially learning a new language so I did not consider it). Believe it
or not, the book of Moise actually states and proves the inverse substitution
theorem very much as in the first proof above. I could find no other book that does


this. De Leeuw has an entire short section entitled Integration by Inverse Substitu-
tion but he leaves the theorem itself as an exercise, which I think is a rather good
idea and I will elaborate on this at the end. Spivak's book is supposed to be a
completely rigorous calculus. He presents one example in which he lets x = sin u
and says "this really means that we are using the substitution u = arcsin x"-but
he does not give the details. (Spivak and De Leeuw both point out, by the way, that
equation (1) is not to be taken literally but is merely intended to be "suggestive").
I will return to the inverse substitution theorem in a moment, but first I want to
record some further findings of my quickie textbook survey. The overwhelming
impression one gets is that of uniformity, both "vertical" and "horizontal". Over
the 50 plus years I could detect no general trend toward any kind of change among
the standard texts. As for the current crop, if one looks at their tables of contents
they seem almost identical up to permutation of chapters and sections. Thus
"Trigonometric Substitution" is either Section 5 or 6 of the chapter "Techniques
of Integration" and is invariably preceded by a section on Integrals Involving
Trigonometric Functions. Integration by Substitution is around Section 5 of the
chapter which introduces the integral. Indeed, the whole calculus catechism seems
to have become quite rigidly codified. I wonder if this is a strictly national
phenomenon. Are French, Russian, Chinese calculus texts very much like ours or
are we perhaps teaching "American Calculus"? Maybe one of the 35 NSF grantees
has looked into this question.
I want now finally to relate the foregoing discussion to the question of teaching
concepts instead of techniques. First, I should say that I believe the inverse
substitution theorem is important and should be part of any calculus course, not
just because it enables one to find antiderivatives of square roots of quadratic
polynomials but more importantly because it is an example of the change of
variable technique which is fundamental in much of mathematics. My proposal is
to try to induce understanding this material by giving the students a fairly intensive
workout on composition of functions, a subject which they often seem to find
difficult. The following sequence of problems followed by annotations in brackets
is intended to illustrate how this might be done.

1. Let f ( x ) = 2 x + 1, g ( x ) = x - 2.
(a) Calculate f 0 g and g 0 f .

[Routine but illustrates noncommutativity of composition.]

(b) Find functions h and k such that f 0 h = g and k of = g.

[Not so routine but students will learn something by figuring these out.]

2. (a) Show that the linear function f ( x ) = ar + b has a linear inverse,

, provided a # 0, that is, there is a linear function which we denote by f-'
such that (f-' 0 f Xx) = x. Write out the function f-'.
[This is intended to reinforce the idea that arithmetic calculations are often
made with letters rather than numbers.]
(b) From (a) calculate (f 0 f - 'Xx).
[In contrast to 1 (b), the inverse of a function does commute with the function.]
(c) If g ( x ) = cx + d use (a) and (b) to find h and k such that f 0 h = g
and k 0 f = g. (Hint. Try h = f-' 0 g.)
[Again to illustrate the difference between right and left composition.]


3. Let f be any function. Use the chain rule to find the equation obtained by
differentiating both sides of the equations

[This will be needed in the last problem.]

4. Let f ( x ) = 2x 1 and g(x) = x 2 - 1.
(a) Calculate f 0 g and g 0 f.

[Routine but a little more complicated.]

(b) Find h and k such that f o h = g and k 0 f = g.

[Corresponding to l(b) at the next level.]

(c) Is there any polynomial h such that g 0 h = f ? Explain.

[One should demand a clearly expressed argument here.]

5. Let f ( x ) = 2 x 2 + 1, g ( x ) = x 2 - 2.
(a) Find k such that k 0 f = g.

[Somewhat more interesting computation.]

(b) Show that there is no polynomial h such that f 0 h = g.

[Again the students should be required to write out the argument in a precise,
grammatical manner. If there are TA sections it would be a good idea to ask
students to write down their answers on the board.]
5. Let f ( x ) = 2x + 1, g ( x ) = x - 2, h(x) = 5.

Calculate f o(g . h), (f 0 g ) . h, f . ( g 0 h), (f . g)o h.

[The answers are lox - 19, lox - 15, 6x + 3, 33. This is to illustrate the
importance of where you put the parentheses.]
6. Let f , g and h be any functions. Answer True or False and give reasons,
(a)(f . g ) o h = ( f o h ) . ( g O h ) ,
[It is perhaps too much to ask for a precise written argument here but the
instructor could give the details in class.]
(b) (f ~ g )h . = ( f . h ) o ( g . h).
[A counter example is needed. Some of the better students will perhaps find
one. Again a good problem for classroom discussion.]
7. Prove the Inverse Substitution Theorem: If h = (f 0 g ) . g' and g has an
inverse and H is an antiderivative of h then H 0 g-' is an antiderivative of
f. You will need to use Problem 3 and Problem 6 (a).

L t me end by summarizing. I have tried (A), to make a case for including a

proof of the inverse substitution theorem in calculus courses and, (B), to suggest
how this might be done in a way that will lead students to a better understanding
of what the result means. My approach is based on the proposition that what
students learn in a course is not what they read in a text or hear in a lecture but
what they do on their own. Routine questions and drill problems definitely have
their place, but if we want the students to understand why these routines work
then we must also design problems whose solution will require this understanding.
The exposition presented here was an attempt in this direction.


Appendix. Some Thoughts on Notation. The reader may have noticed that in
Exercises 2 and 3 above I shamelessly abandoned my principles and wrote
(f 0 f-lXx) despite the earlier somewhat derogatory remarks about using unneces-
sary parentheses and x's. Also, in the first proof of the Inverse Substitution
Theorem I said that something followed because "g 0 g-' is the identity function".
How many calculus texts have you seen that talk about the identity function?
These difficulties go right to the root of our pedagogical problem, I believe.
Namely, I trust everyone agrees that the most important concept in calculus, and
probably in all of mathematics, is that of function. Further, it is surely a statistical
fact that the most used letter in mathematical discourse is x, yet this letter is
consistently used for two entirely different objects, first, variables as in, for
example "Let x be the distance ...." and second the identity function, as in "the
derivative of x is 1". Then there's c, the "constant" which is both a number, as in
the "constant of integration", and a function as in "the derivative of a constant is
0". This last fact which in some of the books is listed as the first rule of
differentiation is often written
dc/dw = 0
which is especially troublirig. What has x got to do with c?
I realize, of course, that these observations have been made many times, and I
expect some will say that, yes, there is some ambiguity here but we all know from
the context what is intended, and fussing about such matters is pedantry. I agree,
we know what is intended from a lifetime of experience but, remember, our
students are seeing these things for the first time. If our mission is, as we claim, to
induce understanding then it's hard to see how a deliberately ambiguous notation
will help. Furthermore, the remedy is simple. We should give functions their own
type face, just as we already do for vectors. Thus, we have the number c and the
constant function c or the number 5 and the function 5. The first rule of
differentiation is then either
c ' = 0 or D(c) = 0
depending on one's choice of notation,-but please, no x's.
I suppose one could denote the identity function by x but I personally have a
strong preference for i. Then in Exercise 3 above the expression fof-' = i looks
just fine, and the "second rule of differentiation" is

and then it's on to

D(in) = nin-',
and so on.
But now there are some debatable points. Consistency requires that we write
polypomials as, e.g. 3i2 - 2i + 5, which does seem a bit radical. I do feel, though,
that choice of notation may have a definite influence on how we teach and hence
what the students learn.
Perhaps the real reason we can't switch to a sensible notation is that all the
current books do things in the traditional way, that we were brought up that way
ourselves by our predecessors and therefore this is how we are condemned to pass
things on to our successors. But are we really locked in forever to this way of
operating? Now that mathematicians have gotten these things sorted out explicitly,
(a comparatively recent achievement), one would hope that we could at some point
pass along this enlightenment to our students.


There are, I admit, some complications of a practical nature in all of this. In the
age of word processing there is no problem in getting all the type faces we need to
distinguish numbers, functions, vectors or anything else. The trouble is, though,
that as long as lectures are still given the old fashioned way, with chalk at a
blackboard, one does not have so many choices. This may explain traditional usage
where we assign different parts of the Latin alphabet to different concepts. Thus,
a , b, c are constants whereas x , y , z are variables. There are probably psychologi-
cal reasons for this. The more rarely used, "distant" letters suggest uncertainty or
"variability". Next, f , g, h are functions, which makes sense since f is for function,
but why are i and j almost invariably the letters of choice for subscripts? Is it
perhaps because i is for index? Of course, m and n are also used for subscripts,
but note that they are also the run away favorites for exponents, whereas i and j
are rarely used for this purpose, and if someone were to write about Euclidean
j-space we probably wouldn't know what was intended.
Returning finally to my mini textbook survey, I noted a curious phenomenon.
Almost all of the books at some point would use two different notations for the
same object in a single formula. Here for example is the way the chain rule
appears in H.
d / h i f ( ( g ( x ) ) ) = f t ( g ( x ) ). s ' ( x )
with d / h on the left and primes on the right. In A one has a slightly different
d/h[f(u)l =f1(u)du/h7
and in E P
~ [ f ( s ( x )=lf l ( g ( x ) ) . g t ( x ) .
In general the practice seems to be to use d / h or D or D, on the left and primes
on the right. An even more peculiar practice was to use two different notations for
composition. In EG, L, MW and T F one reads
( f o s > ' ( x )= f t ( g ( x ) ) g ( x )
thus, circle on the left, parentheses on the right. No book that I have seen writes
the chain rule consistently in circle notation as I have done above.
Continuing to backtrack, I found that the practice of using primes on the right
and other notations on the left occurs not only for the chain rule but for the other
differentiation formulas as well, in A, EP, LH and H. For instance, in H the sum
rule is given by

but the product rule is simply

( f g ) ' = fg' + f ' g .
Why does this happen? One certainly would not do such things in writing a
resekch paper. Is it because of some sort of pedagogical theory or is it just
carelessness? Maybe this could be a "subject for future research".

Department of Mathematics
University of California
Berkeley, C A 94720


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