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HOA Past Board Questions

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HOA past board questions (selected from Jan 1990 to Jan 1999)

January 1990

1. In Egyptian architecture, tomb of pharaohs was the: 5. Greek architecture was essentially
a. ziggurat a. arch and vaulted
b. mastaba b. buttressed and domed
c. pyramid c. columnar and trabeated
2. Great pyramid at Gizeh was built in the 4th dynasty by: 6. Imposing entrance to acropolis and erected by Archt. Mnesicles
a. Rameses I a. Propylaea
b. Cheops b. Erechtheion
c. Chepren c. Poseidon
3. Beginner of great hypostyle hall at Karnak and founder of 19 th dynasty was 7. Building in acropolis generally considered as being the most nearly perfect building ever
a. Rameses I erected is
b. Seti I a. Erechtheion
c. Darius b. Parthenon
4. Mineral of greatest importance to Greek Architecture of w/c Greece and her domains had c. Porch of the Maidens
ample supplies 8. With use of concrete made possible by pozzolona, a native natural cement, romans to
a. pozzolana achieve huge interiors used
b. marble a. post and beam
c. clay b. arch & vault
c. pendentive
9. Which of the order was added by romans to the orders used by the Greeks c. flamboyant & decorative
a. Ionic 14. Romanesque Architecture in italy is distinguished from that of the rest of Europe by the
b. Composite use of ___for facing walls?
c. Corinthian a. bricks
10. During Macedonian dynasty, favorite type of church plan is b. marble
a. Greek cross c. mosaic
b. Roman cross 15. Most important distinctive characteristic of mature Spanish Romanesque arch was the
c. Circular a. horseshoe arch
11. From 5th cen. To the present, character of Byzantine arch. is b. lancet arch
a. timber trusses c. parabolic arch
b. ribbed arches 16. Thru Gothic centuries, English lancet arch style is closest to the
c. domical roof construction a. Spanish style
12. Finest and remaining example of Byzantine Architecture is b. French style
b. s. Sophia, Constantinople c. Italian style
a. s. Irene, Constantinople 17. Splendid example of early gothic is
c. s. mark. Venice a. St Paul’s Cathedral
13. Architectural character of Romanesque style is b. Westminster abbey
a. sober & dignified c. Cathedral of Notre Dame
b. grotesque & bizarre
18. Renaissance of 15th Century In italy had its birth in b. Inigo Jones
a. Venice c. John Webb
b. Florence 20. Most important and fruitful expansion of baroque arch was towards
c. Rome a. France
19. Supreme figure of 2nd phase of Stuart Period who came under French influence during b. England
the late British Renaissance is c. Austria
a. Sir Christopher Wren
June 1990
1. In Egyptian Architecture, tomb of nobility was the 8. Temple whose most remarkable feature is use of all 3 Greek orders, Doric outside, Ionic
a. Ziggurat & Corinthian within is
b. Mastaba a. Artemus
c. Pyramid b. Parthenon
2. Monumental Arch of Egypt is essentially a ____ style c. Apollo Epicurius
a. buttress & dome 9. atrium type of house, characteristic of roman times is believed to have originated w/ the
b. arch & vault a. Etruscans
c. columnar & trabeated b. aegeans
c. Corsicans
3. King Zoser’s Archt. who was revered and deified in the 26 th dynasty
a. Imhotep 10. Temple with circular plan supporting a dome of about 140 ft in diameter & described
b. Senad by Thomas Jefferson as model of spherical arch is
c. Seneferm a. St. Peter Basilica
b. S. Sophia
4. In Mesopotamian Architecture, religion called for temples made of sun dried bricks is
c. Pantheon
a. megarons
11. Colosseum, Rome was commenced by Vespacian and completed by
b. thakamus
a. Domitian
c. ziggurats
b. Titus
5. Citizens who lived for the state, its concern, welfare, buildings, and sculpture absorbing c. Trajan
their energies and lives were 12. Character of Early Christian Architecture is determined by the novel development of
a. Egyptians a. stone vaults
b. Greeks b. timber trusses
c. Mesopotamians c. arched vaults
6. Who undertook most remarkable building campaign in history to make Athens the
13. Emperor of Byzantine Empire who codified Roman Laws and responsible for
cultural & artistic leader of Greece
rebuilding of S. Sophia was
a. Perseus
a. Diocletian
b. Lysicartes
b. Theodosius
c. Pericles
c. Justinian
7. Architect of Temple of Apollo Epicurius
14. One of world’s supreme masterpieces of Romanesque Architecture w/c was the 1 st
a. Ictinus
building in Europe to have ribbed vaults
b. Callicrates
a. Winchester cathedral
c. Callimachus
b. Norwich cathedral
c. Durham cathedral
15. Greatest patron of Romanesque Architecture is 18. Thru Gothic Centuries the English style that is closest to French style is
a. Christian church a. flamboyant
b. private business b. decorated
c. Civil Government c. lancet
16. Romanesque was the great age of the monasteries in 19. “Hall” churches are a special characteristic of
a. Italy a. German gothic
b. Spain b. Spanish gothic
c. England c. Italian gothic
17. Oldest French Gothic Cathedrals which was begun by Bishop Maurice de Sully, plan of 20. Largest Medieval Cathedral in Europe, with exception of S. Peter's Rome. The largest
w/c is on a bent axial line church in the world is
a. Notre Dame a. Westminster abbey
b. Charters Cathedral b. Seville cathedral
c. Reims Cathedral c. Notre Dame
January 1994
1. Area reserved for entertaining guests in Bahay Kubo is the a. Trachelion
a. Dulang b. Hypotrachelion
d. Bulwagan c. Abacus
b. Caida d. Echinus
c. Sala 7. Roman rectangular temples stood on a
2. Decorative clerestory found above the windows of a Bahay Na Bato is a. Crepidoma
a. Colado b. Stylobate
b. Ventanilla c. Podium
c. Gilir d. Pedestal
d. Rakuh 8. The plan for the Colosseum, Rome, is shaped in the form of a
3. Traditional Maranaw house for the ordinary members of the community is the a. Circle
a. Walay b. Half-circle
b. Lamin c. Ellipse
c. Torogan d. Trapezoid
d. Dama 9. Church plan of Early Christian churches is a
4. The Ifugao House (southern strain) is known as a. Basilica
a. Fayu b. Latin Cross
b. Bale c. Greek Cross
c. Chalanan d. Calvary Cross
d. Batalag 10. Upper portion of a pinnacle, bench-end, or other architectural feature is
5. Egyptian architecture was principally designed for a. Crocket
a. external adoration b. Finial
b. light and color c. Turret
c. internal effect d. Spire
d. shade & shadow 1. Moorish influence of Muslim features such as horseshoe ach, pierced stone tracery and
6. The shaft of the Greek Order terminates in the excessive ornament in Spanish gothic was due to
a. Climate d. Steven Vennecool
b. Geography 2. 3rd President of the U.S.A. who designed state capitol in Richmond, Virginia, which
c. Building materials may be regarded as the 1st truly neo-classical monument in the U.S.A. was
d. Religion a. George Washington
12. Important feature of palaces in Venice during the early renaissance period is the b. Thomas Jefferson
a. open court c. John Adams
b. balcony d. James Madison
c. azotea 17. Architect/City Planner who authored the “ekistics” - the science of human settlements
d. facade a. Gropius
b. Doxiadis
13. An ornate architectural style which developed during the latter part of the renaissance
c. Niemeyer
period is called
d. Chambers
a. Baroque
18. Architect who advocated the “organic arch.” and envisioned the “broadacre city” for
b. Byzantine
the future was
c. Romanesque
a. Eero saarinen
d. Gothic
b. Wallace Harrison
14. Development of dome to cover polygonal & square plans for churches, tombs and c. Richard Neutra
baptisteries is the character of arch of d. Frank Lloyd Wright
a. Gothic 19. Architect who designed and advocated the geodesic dome for cities of tomorrow was
a. Mies Van Der Rohe
b. Early Christian b. Le corbusier
c. Byzantine c. Buckminster Fuller
d. Romanesque d. Louis Kahn
1. During the late British Renaissance, the dominating personality who became an ardent 20. “Form Follows Function” is the dictum generally accredited to
disciple of the Italian Renaissance Style was a. Marcel Breuer
a. Sir Christopher Wren b. Mies Van der Rohe
b. John Webb c. Frank Lloyd Wright
c. Iñigo Jones d. Louis Sullivan

June 1995
1. What study of Architecture do we learn the possible origins of arch ,its diff forms, and a. camber
structures w/c are unique to each civilization? b. canopy
a. Theory of Architecture c. cable
b. Architectural Design d. buttress
c. Structural Design 4. Who is the Architect of the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo who played a decisive role in the
d. History of Architecture renewal of Japanese Architecture?
2. Written record of man’s efforts to build beautifully is _________? a. Walter Gropius
a. Pre-Historic Architecture b. Kenzo Tange
b. Elements of Architecture c. Frank Lloyd Wright
c. History of Architecture d. Le Corbusier
d. Style of Architecture 5. American Architect who introduced Modern Architecture to the Philippines.
3._____ is a mass of masonry wall built against a wall to resist pressure of an arch or vault? a. William Parsons
b. Le Corbusier a. Renzo Piano
c. Oscar Niemeyer b. Michael Graves
d. Daniel Burnham c. Louis Kahn
6. Which of the following buildings/ structures is NOT of Italian Romanesque d. Alvar Aalto
Architecture? 9. “Let The Facade Be A Free Composition” - famous axiom by
a. Pisa Cathedral a. Pier Luigi Nervi
b. St Michele, Pavia b. Philip Johnson
c. Winchester Cathedral c. Kenzo Tange
d. Louis Kahn
d. Monreale Cathedral
10. Who invented a system of well-high universal applications based on hyperboloids and
7. Who created the Dymaxion House, the first “machine for living”? paraboloids in buildings?
a. Buckminster Fuller a. Robert Venturi
b. Eero Saarinen b. Victor Gruen
c. Louis Kahn c. Philip Johnson
d. Frank Lloyd Wright d. Antoni Gaudi
8. “Design As If You Were A Child” - famous axiom by
June 1996
1. Between pyramid and ziggurat, which is TRUE? 5. Who is the Architect of the Asian Institute of Technology in Bangkok?
a. pyramids are square, ziggurat are hexagonal in plan a. Juan Arellano
b. pyramids have sloping faces, ziggurat have diminishing faces b. Graciano Mariano
c. four faces of ziggurats point to cardinal points c. Leandro Locsin
d. both used stone as building material d. Federico Ilustre
2. According to Rodrigo Perez III, due to certain characteristics implying richness, 6. “Form Is What, Design Is How” - famous axiom by
profusion of ornament and structure, delightfully grotesque, theatreticality, extravagance, & a. Louis Kahn
passion, Filipino Architecture in the past may be summed up in one style. What is this? b. Michael Graves
a. Baroque c. Paul Rudolph
b. Moorish d. Philip Johnson
c. Neo-Hispanic 7. What invention brought about modern high rise buildings?
d. Greco-Roman a. elevator
3. In Greek Architecture, the wrestling school interchangeably used as gymnasium or b. curtain wall
various kinds of physical exercises? c. steel beam
a. Propylae d. thin shell construction
b. Agora 8. Who invented a system of well-high universal application based on hyperboloids and
c. Palastra paraboloids in buildings?
d. Bouleterion a. Adolf Loos
4. What important event changed Architecture to what is termed as ‘modern’ b. Peter Behrens
a. Renaissance c. Philip Johnson
b. Discovery of Concrete d. Antoni Gaudi
c. Metallurgy 9. Architect of Istana Nurul Iman (palace of Sultan of Brunei)?
d. Industrial Revolution a. Pier Luigi Nervi
b. Felipe Mendoza d. Peter Behrens
c. Leandro Locsin 12. Architect of the US Pavilion in the 1967 Montreal Exposition
d. Louis Kahn a. Minoru Yamasaki
10. To whom is the famous palladian motif attributed as a contribution to architecture? b. I.M. Pei
a. Pietro Lombardo c. Buckminster Fuller
b. Jacopo Palladus d. Edward Durell Stone
c. Raphael Palladio 13. “Ornament is a crime and all ornamentation must be rejected” - famous philosophy by
d. Andrea Palladio a. Philip Johnson
11. Who is the Architect who introduced “ferro-cement” construction b. Le Corbusier
a. Pier Luigi Nervi c. Adolf Loos
b. Norman Foster d. Antoni Gaudi
c. Louis Kahn

January 1997 b. Stoa

1. Toranas or gateways are characteristic of _____ Architecture? c. Pestle
a. Japanese d. Agora
b. Indian 7. medieval arch., w/c is characterized by the pointed style, was prevalent in west Europe
c. Filipino from 13th Century.
d. Chinese a. Romanesque
2. From what style of architecture were Chinese pagodas derived? b. Arabesque
a. muslim c. Doric
b. Indian d. Gothic
c. Japanese 8. Buddhist Architecture shown in rock-cut temples w/ lavishly carved interiors is a
d. European characteristic feature of ______style?
3. What do you call the enclosed space at the top of a ziggurat in Mesopotamia a. Japanese
a. god's house b. Filipino
b. observatory c. Indian
c. priest's house d. Chinese
d. altar 9. Egyptian pyramid and Babylonian Ziggurat have some architectural similarities and
4. what is the difference between chinese and japanese pagodas? differences. Which is TRUE?
a. chinese pagodas are polygonal, japanese square a. four angles of pyramid face cardinal points
b. chinese pagodas are mostly 5 storeyed, japanese 3 to 15 b. Four sides of ziggurat face cardinal points
c. japanese pagoda plans are polygonal, chinese square c. both are square in plan
d. japanese pagodas are mostly 4 storeyed, chinese are 3 to 7 d. Ziggurats used stone, pyramid used sundried bricks
5. which historic style of architecture first introduced the clerestory? 10. Who is considered the “traditional modernist” architect?
a. Egyptian a. Philip Johnson
b. Greek b. Louis Sullivan
c. roman c. Le Corbusier
d. West Asiatic d. Marcel Breuer
6. ______is the colonnaded bldg used around public places and as shelters at religious 11. Who is the architect of Central Bank of the Philippines in Harrison?
shrines in Greek Architecture? a. Ruperto Gaite
a. Propylae b. Gabriel Formoso
c. Crecenciano de Castro
d. Felipe Mendoza
12. Who is the architect of the College of Engineering and College of Liberal Arts at the
University of the Philippines?
a. Victor Tiotuyco
b. Gabriel Formoso
c. Aurelio Juguilon
d. Cesar H. Concio
13. What is the first project of Michael Graves designed in the Philippines?
a. World Health Organization bldg
b. Philippine Trade Center
c. World trade organization bldg
d. World Trade Exchange bldg
14. “let the facade be a free composition” - famous axiom by
a. Louis Kahn
b. Pier Luigi Nervi
c. Kenzo Tange
d. Walter Gropius
15. What is the first planned park in the U.S.?
a. Golden Gate Park, SF
b. Central Park, NYC
c. Yosemite Park, CA
d. Washington Park, CHI

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