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Medication Plan and Discharge Summary

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The document outlines the various sections and information that should be included in a patient's hospital discharge summary, such as medical details, medications, psychosocial situation, and follow up care plans.

A hospital discharge summary includes medical details, information on medications, a patient's psychosocial situation and supports, and details regarding follow up care and appointments.

A patient's medications are recorded in the discharge summary, including drug names and strengths, dosages, purposes, and any special instructions. It also documents whether the patient consented to sharing information with their regular community pharmacy.

Affix Patient information label HERE

Hospital Discharge Summary (HODS)

Psychiatrist’s - Discharge Summary (PYDS)
Completion Checklist

Tick box if completed

Patient Discharge follow up Consent – signed

Medical-HODS (page 1 of 3) - CMO/ Registrar/ VMO
Medications- HODS (page 2 of 3) - CMO/Registrar/ Pharmacist
Psychosocial- HODS (page 3 of 3) - Nursing/ Allied Health Carer
Psychiatrist’s Discharge Summary- VMO/ Registrar
(send only if completed and signed)

Patient given a PHOTOCOPY of

□ Medications- HODS
□ Psychosocial - HODS
Fax cover sheet details completed

Attach additional reports as requested

Report written in patient progress notes if

‘not faxed’
e.g. ► No consent ► Fax unsuccessful ► No/ incorrect referrer details

FAX STAMP with date HERE

(when documents confirmed sent)

Revised Add Date. File in Medical Record as part of Discharge Documentation package

Form MR
Organisation logo here


URGENT MEDICAL INFORMATION - Please ensure a doctor reads this fax

within 48 hours of receiving
Send to: From:
Attention: Phone Number:
Fax Number: Number of Pages, Including Cover:

SUBJECT - Patient’s Hospital Discharge Summary & Reports

Reports and Results (þ Tick box & including number of pages for each item):

Medical -Hospital Discharge Summary – (1)

Medications - Hospital Discharge Summary – (1)
Psychosocial - Hospital Discharge Summary – (1)
Psychiatrist’s Discharge Summary (1)

Pathology Results [Circle included items: Biochemistry / Haemotology / Drug levels] No. Pages ___
Other or Comment: ______________________________________________________________________
Radiology Reports [Circle included items – X-Ray / CT Scan / Ultrasound] No. Pages ____

Other or Comment: _____________________________________________________________________

Other (specify): No. Pages ____

Other (specify): No. Pages ____

"Important: This transmission is intended only for the use of the addressee and may contain
confidential or legally privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified
that any use or dissemination of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you receive this
transmission in error please notify the author immediately and delete all copies of this

Revised Add date. File in Medical Record as part of Discharge Documentation package Form MR
UP Affix Patient Information Label HERE


Authority for Discharge Nurse to contact my Health Care Professionals

I hereby authorise the Discharge Nurse of (Organisation's name) to contact my Health Care
Professional (GP, Psychiatrist, and/or Case Manager) to provide health information related to my


discharge. No information will be disclosed unless it has been previously discussed with me.
Please note, in life threatening situations we are obliged to provide necessary information to health
care providers without your consent.

General Practitioner Name: __________________________ Phone No.: ___________________

Fax No: _____________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________

Other Health Professionals (e.g. Psychiatrist, Nurse, Social Worker, Psychologist)


Name: ___________________________________________ Phone No.:___________________

Fax No: _____________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________

Authority for the Hospital Pharmacist to contact my regular community pharmacist.

Pharmacy Name: ________________________________ Phone No.: ____________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________

I consent to the Discharge Nurse contacting me after I am discharged.

Home Phone: __________________________ Mobile Number: ___________________________

Email: _________________________________________________________________________

Can the Discharge Nurse leave a discrete message Yes No

Patient Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: _____/_____/_____

Witnessed by: ___________________________________________________ Date: _____/_____/_____

If you do not consent to any of the statements, cross out that statement.

This consent form is valid for a period of 12 months from the date of this form being signed.

HIM Revised Add date . File in Medical Record as part of Discharge Documentation package MRN
SUMMARY Affix patient information label here

*Note: A typed copy of the Psychiatrist’s final discharge letter

will be forwarded via regular mail.

Date of admission:______/______/________ Date discharge: ______/______/________

Diagnosis (DSM-IV)
Axis 1: ______________________________________________________________________


Axis 2: ______________________________________________________________________
Axis 3: ________________________________________________________________

History - Presenting Problem(s) and Mental state


In Hospital Progress and Treatment

Medications ceased this admission

Summaries to: (tick box if faxed at discharge)

Signature: _______________________________________________

Date: ______/______/____________

MRM Revised Add date: Copy faxed to patient’s referring community practitioner (GP or other) File in Medical Record Form MR
DISCHARGE Affix Patient Information Label HERE

Instructions - Medical Officer to complete pages 1 and 2 (Medications); Pharmacy page 2 (sign/date);
Nursing staff to complete page 2 Community pharmacy and Webster pack details, and page 3 - com-
plete all sections prior to faxing within 12hrs to 48hrs of patient discharge.

VMO:_______________________________________________ Psychiatrist’s Discharge Summary to follow (within 2 weeks)


Admission Date: _______/_______/__________ Discharge Date: _______/_______/__________

Reason for Admission: __________________________________________________________________________________

□ GP □ Psychiatrist □ Transfer from another hospital □Allied Health Clinician

Referral by ( relevant item)
□Community Mental Health Team □ Self-presentation □ Other (specify) ___________________________________
Mode of Discharge: ( relevant item) □ Planned □ Unplanned discharge due to breach of contract
□ Early Discharge VMO Approval □ Transfer to another hospital □ Self-discharged against medical advice

Diagnosis (Axis) (for this episode of care): 1. __________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

New Physical findings and Test results (Reports attached Tick box if relevant)





Medical follow-up required (For example: Urgency of GP follow-up, repeat tests, Non-psych Specialist management required, etc.)




Alerts ( □No Alerts □Suicide - history □Self-Harm □Substance abuse □Falls risk
all relevant items)

□Harm to Others □Cognitive impairment □Medical Allergy □Aggression □Other _______________________

Comment: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Next treatment phase ( all relevant items)
□General Practitioner follow-up □Psychiatrist follow-up □ Day Program □Discharged at own risk
□Community Mental Health Care follow-up □Webster medications pack □Other (specify) ____________________
□Transfer to another hospital (reason) : ______________________________________________________________________________
Medical Officer’s Signature: _______________________________________________ Designation VMO / Registrar / CMO
(circle relevant response)
Print Name: ________________________________________________ Date: _____________________

MR Revised Add date Copy faxed to patient’s referring community practitioner (GP or other) File in Medical Record Page 1 of 3 Form MR

Allergies & Adverse Reaction: □ Nil Known □ Unknown □ See below

(Please relevant box or list)

Affix Patient Information Label HERE

Name of medication Strength Morning Midday Evening Bedtime Purpose Script given/ Special instructions

PRN - (Take only when needed medications) PRN


Medical Officer’s
signature : _____________________________________________Date:______________________Print name: ___________________________________________VMO or Registrar or CMO
Patient has consented to community pharmacy contact? Yes / No / Not documented Patient had a Webster pack on admission or Webster pack requested for discharge
(circle response) (circle response)

Community Pharmacy contact details Name Phone: Fax: Date contacted :

Pharmacist’s signature (when form completed) Date signed: .

Revised Nov. 2008 Copy given to patient; Copy faxed to patient’s referring community practitioner (GP ± other); File in Medical Record page 2 of 3
Preferred language:
Interpreter ( relevant item) □ Required □ Not Required

Assessments on Admission & Discharge ( all relevant items—complete details if required)

Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS) total score on: Admission _______ Discharge: _______ N/A
Edinburgh PND scale: On Admission: _________ On Discharge: ________ N/A

Summary of care given: ( all relevant items—complete details if required)

Nursing care □ Living skills / Rehab □ ECT


□ Group CBT □ Diversional □ Pharmacotherapy
□ Group DBT □ Detoxification □1:1 Counselling
□ Group Psychoeducation □ Psychotherapy other (specify):______________________________________________
□ Other (specify) ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Summary Social Issues ( all relevant items—complete details if required) □ No Social Issues identified
□ ACAT Assessment - date: / / □ Centrelink □Pastoral Care Support
□ Dept. of Housing □ Other (specify) ________________________________

Comment(s) _______________________________________________________________________________________

Accommodation on discharge ( relevant item)

□Own House/ Flat □Relative’s House /Flat □Rented □Residential Care □Nursing Home □Hospital □Crisis
accommodation □ Other (e.g. Hostel) (specify) _________________________________ or □Unknown
Accommodation contact phone number: ________________________________

Discharge Goals (Refer to patients discharge planning book and write one Short term and Long term goal)

Follow-up appointments confirmed (Psychiatrist, GP, ECT, Counselling or Therapy Programme, Psychologist, D/C nurse, etc.)

With:_____________________________ Location:___________________________Date:______________ Time:____________

With:_____________________________ Location:___________________________Date:______________ Time:____________

With:_____________________________ Location:___________________________Date:______________ Time____________

I have read and understood this discharge summary and I have received my Future plan (i.e. information pack ).
Patient’s signature:____________________________________ or Carer signature:________________________________
Caregiver’s Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________________
Caregiver print first name: ________________________________________Designation: ____________________(e.g. Nurse)

This section to be completed by the person responsible for ensuring the completed Hospital Interim Discharge Summary (HIDS)
is sent to the patient’s Referring practitioner
Copies also sent to the patient’s: □GP □Psychologist □CMHT □Psychiatrist
□Other (specify):_______________________________________________________________________________

Revised Add date: Copy given to patient; Fax to Patient’s Referring Community Practitioner (GP, Other) on Discharge. File in Medical Record Page 3 of 3

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