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Engineering Procedure

SAEP-347 24 November 2014

Supplying Material from Stockists
Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Table of Contents

1 Scope.............................................................. 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations................................. 2
3 Applicable Documents.................................... 3
4 Definitions and Abbreviations......................... 4
5 Stockists Qualification Requirements............. 4
6 Purchasing Requirements.............................. 6
7 Quality Assurance Requirements................... 8
8 Quality Control Requirements....................... 12

Table 1 - Limitations to procure

from approved Stockists…………..…….. 7

Annex 1 - Stockist QC Inspectors

Qualification Minimum Requirements... 14
Annex 2 - Stockist Approval Process….……...... 15
Annex 3 - Stockist Evaluation Questionnaire...... 16

Previous Issue: 10 September 2011 Next Planned Update: 24 November 2019

Primary contact: Al-Ghamdi, Khalid Salem (ghamks0k) on +966-13-8801775

Copyright©Saudi Aramco 2014. All rights reserved.

Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP-347
Issue Date: 24 November 2014
Next Planned Update: 24 November 2019 Supplying Material from Stockists

1 Scope

1.1 This procedure defines the minimum mandatory requirements and regulations
for both Company direct purchase orders and project contractor purchase orders
of Metallic Pipes, Fittings, Flanges and Valves from approved Stockists.
Commentary Note:

To purchase inspectable materials from approved Stockists other than defined

materials here above, prior approval shall be obtained from applicable
Commodity Standards Committee Chairman of Consulting Service Department.

1.2 This procedure is applicable when either or both of the following exist:

1.2.1 A Request for Quotation (RFQ) yields no bids from manufacturers

owing to the small size of the order quantity.

1.2.2 Project schedule and relevant delivery requirements cannot be met by


1.3 Purchase Order with quantities enough to be purchased from a manufacturer

shall not be broken into smaller orders for the purpose of purchasing from

1.4 This procedure shall be part of Company direct orders or project contractor
purchase orders placed to an approved Stockist in addition to the applicable
materials specifications and inspection requirements.

1.5 Stockists shall ensure and maintain objective evidence that only materials in
compliance with this procedure and applicable Saudi Aramco specifications are
supplied to any Saudi Aramco facility through project contractor purchase orders.

2 Conflicts and Deviations

2.1 Any conflicts between this procedure and other applicable Saudi Aramco
Materials System Specifications (SAMSSs), Engineering Standards (SAESs),
Standard Drawings (SASDs), or industry standards, codes and forms shall be
resolved in writing by the Company or Buyer Representative through Chairman,
Project Quality Standards Committee of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.

2.2 Direct all requests to deviate from this standard in writing to the Company
Representative, who shall forward such requests to Manager, Inspection
Department of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran according to the internal company
procedure SAEP-302.

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Issue Date: 24 November 2014
Next Planned Update: 24 November 2019 Supplying Material from Stockists

3 Applicable Documents

All references mentioned below shall be considered as part of this procedure to the
extent specified herein and shall be of the latest issue (including all revisions, addenda,
and supplements) unless stated otherwise.

3.1 Saudi Aramco References

As per P.O. requirements in addition to:

Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure

SAEP-302 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of a Mandatory
Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement

Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard

SAES-A-206 Positive Material Identification

Saudi Aramco Materials System Specifications

As per P.O. requirements
01-SAMSS-035 API Line Pipe
01-SAMSS-043 Carbon Steel Pipes for On-Plot Piping
01-SAMSS-046 Stainless Steel Pipe
02-SAMSS-005 Butt Welding Pipe Fittings
02-SAMSS-006 Hot Tap and Stopple Fittings
02-SAMSS-011 Forged Steel and Alloy Flanges
04-SAMSS-035 General Requirements for Valves
04-SAMSS-048 Valve Inspection and Testing Requirements
04-SAMSS-XXX As applicable for valves by Saudi Aramco Material
Systems Specification

Saudi Aramco Inspection Requirements

Form 175-030100 Stockist Supplied Materials

3.2 Industry Codes and Standards

As per P.O. requirements

ASME B31.3 ASME Code for Process Piping
ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management Systems - Requirements
(or latest revision)

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Issue Date: 24 November 2014
Next Planned Update: 24 November 2019 Supplying Material from Stockists

4 Definitions and Abbreviations

Approved Manufacturer: Manufacturer of required goods as approved by Saudi Aramco.

Approved Stockist: A supplier who owns commercial warehouse facility that

maintains stocks of a specified product, complies with the requirements of Quality
Management System Requirements ISO 9001:2008 and assessed by Saudi Aramco
Vendor Inspection Division of Inspection Department.

Approval Status: Either Approved, On-hold or Un-approved.

Inspectable Materials: Materials, supplied by approved manufacturers, that require

inspection prior to acceptance as per Saudi Aramco purchasing requirements.

Buyer: Saudi Aramco Purchasing Department Representative or Project Contractor

Procurement Representative.

Buyer's Inspection Representative: The person or persons designated by Purchasing

Department or the Project Contractor Management to monitor/enforce the contract.

HIC: Hydrogen Induced Cracking.

P&SPD: Projects & Strategic Purchasing Department.

P.O: Purchase Order.

SR&QU: Supplier Relations & Qualification Unit.

Stockist Evaluation Questionnaire: Report prepared and submitted by Saudi Aramco

Representative(s) on completion of Annex 3, Stockist Evaluation Questionnaire.

5 Stockists Qualification Requirements

5.1 Stockist Warehouse Survey Process

5.1.1 New Stockists intending to acquire Saudi Aramco Approval shall

approach SR&QU, Projects & Strategic Purchasing Department.

5.1.2 Saudi Aramco Vendor Inspection Division of Inspection Department is

the prime entity for permanent approval of Stockists according to
Approval Process outlined in Annex 2.

5.1.3 Stockist Evaluation Questionnaire detailed in Annex 3 is a mandatory

document to submit for new Stockist as part of the approval process.
Stockist shall specify the locations and addresses of warehouses
intended for Saudi Aramco Approval.

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Issue Date: 24 November 2014
Next Planned Update: 24 November 2019 Supplying Material from Stockists

5.1.4 Stockist warehouses locations and operational systems shall be,

consistently and effectively, in compliance with quality system
requirements of ISO 9001:2008.

5.1.5 Requests for temporary approvals aimed to procure and supply

inspectable materials from non-approved Stockists shall be addressed
to Quality Assurance Supervisor, Vendor Inspection Division of
Inspection Department or assigned Project Quality Manager (PQM).

5.2 Maintaining Approval

5.2.1 Stockists shall maintain an effective quality management system in

accordance with ISO 9001:2008 for all approved warehouses facilities.

5.2.2 Stockists shall comply with all the requirements for Quality Assurance,
Quality Control and Purchasing specified in this procedure.

5.2.3 Periodical Assessment of Stockist approved warehouses shall be

performed, by Saudi Aramco inspection representative, at a frequency
not greater than five (5) years from the last survey or assessment date
using the Stockist Evaluation Questionnaire, Annex 3. This assessment
is performed to assure compliance with quality system ISO 9001:2008

5.2.4 Approved Stockists list shall be maintained and updated by Vendor

Inspection Division of Inspection Department.

5.2.5 Approved Stockist shall be given SAP vendor number (1XXXXXXX)

by SR&QU. As a minimum, the following documents shall be
attached to Stockist Vendor Master file:
a) Stockist Evaluation Questionnaire, Annex 3.
b) Audit findings report as issued to the Stockist.
c) Stockist corrective actions report.
d) Company Approval Letter.

5.2.6 Stockists that are found non-compliant to the requirements of this

procedure or quality management system ISO 9001:2008 shall be
placed on-hold until rational corrective actions are effectively
implemented and verified.

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Issue Date: 24 November 2014
Next Planned Update: 24 November 2019 Supplying Material from Stockists

6 Purchasing Requirements

6.1 General

6.1.1 Company direct purchase orders or project contractor purchase orders

shall be only placed with Saudi Aramco approved Stockists.

6.1.2 List of Saudi Aramco approved manufacturer plants and/or regulated

vendors list with valid technical limitations, if any, must be provided to
Stockists along with the purchase requisition (request for quotation) for
each specific inspectable material.

6.1.3 Stockists shall not procure inspectable materials from un-approved or

manufacturer on-hold. Stockists are also required to confirm the
approval status of manufacturers prior to purchasing material.

6.1.4 Stockist shall make sure that all applicable Saudi Aramco standards,
specifications and inspection requirements, along with the international
requirements, are attached with the PO.

6.1.5 Saudi Aramco inspection representative shall have access to Stockist’s

purchase orders placed for the company. The intent is to verify that
material is bought only from approved manufacturers in compliance
with the company standards and specification.

6.1.6 Company Direct purchase orders and Project Contractor purchase

orders shall stipulate comprehensive material description that defines
all technical parameters, applicable Saudi Aramco and International
standards and specifications. As minimum, purchase orders shall detail
the following points;
a) Applicable 9COM of intended material.
b) Technical Material Description and Service Application.
c) Technical Data Sheets and/or Drawings.
d) Reference to SAEP-347 and applicable Material System
Specifications and Engineering Standards.
e) Inspection Requirements and applicable 175 forms.
f) List of Approved Manufacturers along with valid technical
limitations, if any.

6.2 Procurement Criteria and Material Limitations

The following limitations shall be applied to the purchase of pipes, fittings,

flanges and valves from Stockists.

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Table 1 – Limitations to Procurement from Approved Stockist

Commodity Specific Limitations of Rating, Size and/or Service
Pipes(1)  For Straight Seam Pipes (SAWL), Mill Test Certificates 01-SAMSS-035
of original plates used for pipes manufacturing and
Scope of Supply: intended for sour service shall be verified for HIC 01-SAMSS-043
testing conducted by the steel mill.
Carbon Steel
Seamless and  For Low Temperature pipes, Stockists shall conduct
Straight Seam Charpy Impact Testing (CVN) and shall be witnessed
(SAWL) Pipes. by buyer’s inspection representative.

Pipes(2) No Limitation except as required by specific SAMSS 01-SAMSS-046

attached to PO.
Scope of Supply:

Seamless and
Welded Austenitic
Stainless Steel Pipes.

Fittings No Limitation except as required by specific SAMSS 02-SAMSS-005

attached to PO.

Flanges No Limitation except as required by specific SAMSS 02-SAMSS-011

attached to PO.

Valves(3)  No Service Limitation for valves in sizes below NPS 2. 04-SAMSS-035

Scope of Supply:  For valves NPS 2 and larger, service is Limited to Oily 04-SAMSS-048
Sewer Water application and utility services (non-sour
Forged Steel, Ductile and non-hydrocarbons in accordance with ASME B31.3 and applicable
Iron and all other Category D requirements). 04-SAMSS-XXX-
non-ferrous body specifications

ERW and Spiral welded pipe are not allowed to be purchased from Stockists.
Low alloy steel, nickel alloy and other alloys need special review and approval by Materials Engineering
Standards Committee of Consulting Service Department.
For Valves: Service is to be confirmed prior to placing an order with Stockist. The service application shall
be stated in the PO.
** Non-ferrous body materials (such as Bronze, Brass, Copper, Aluminum, …etc.)

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6.3 Inspection

6.3.1 Stockist shall be responsible to perform the necessary inspection activities

at the approved manufacturer location, in accordance with applicable
PO terms of material specifications and inspection requirements.

6.3.2 Stockist shall assign competent inspectors of proper education

background and technical experience and shall be qualified and
accepted by Saudi Aramco Vendor Inspection Division, Inspection
Department or its delegates.

6.3.3 Stockist shall follow Saudi Aramco Inspection Requirements as per

Form 175 for procured materials. The typical quality characteristics of
inspectable material to be witnessed and documents to be reviewed are
specified in Saudi Aramco Inspection Requirements Form 175 which
shall be a part of the Stockist Purchase Order. Stockist shall secure the
original inspection reports for buyer’s inspection representative review.

6.3.4 Stockist shall verify quality of supplied materials on a sample basis at

the receiving inspection point through nondestructive or destructive
inspection techniques such as UT thickness measurement; hardness
test, roughness verification, PMI tests, Ferrite content measurement
and fracture toughness tests, where applicable. Results of testing
performed on representative samples of materials shall be included in
the shipment package for verification of material properties against
applicable material certificates.

7 Quality Assurance Requirements

7.1 Procurement of Materials

7.1.1 Stockists shall only supply materials from Saudi Aramco approved
manufacturers for the Company direct purchases and the contractually
approved manufacturers for project purchases.

7.1.2 Non-HIC resistant or pseudo-HIC resistant steel in the form of plate or

seam welded pipe, must not be supplied for sour service applications.
For this service, HIC-resistant steel shall be procured from approved
steel mills and pipe manufacturers.

7.1.3 Stockists are prohibited to procure left-over or used materials from

Saudi Aramco after the completion of projects.

7.1.4 Materials supplied to Saudi Aramco shall be procured directly from

approved manufacturers only, and not from other Stockists.

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Next Planned Update: 24 November 2019 Supplying Material from Stockists

7.2 Purchase Requisition Review (Request for Quotation)

7.2.1 The Stockist shall review purchase requisition requirements related to

the material prior to order acceptance. The review shall ensure as a
minimum that: The required quantity is available at the Stockist facility and

can be provided within the required delivery date. All applicable material specifications and inspection

requirements are clearly defined and understood. Stockist has the ability to meet purchase requisition requirements.

7.2.2 The Stockist shall disclose any deviation from the purchase requisition
in writing to the buyer’s inspection representative. Saudi Aramco
approval of any deviation shall be obtained prior to such acceptance of
the purchase order.

7.3 Stockist Acknowledgment and Confirmation

Prior to PO placement, Stockists shall submit an acknowledgment in writing that

specifies the requirements outlined in 7.3.1 and 7.3.2:

7.3.1 The name and location of Saudi Aramco approved manufacturer where
Stockist proposes to procure materials or had obtained materials from.

7.3.2 Signed letter from the manufacturer to the Stockist confirming its
capability to comply with all applicable Saudi Aramco Materials
System Specifications and Inspection Requirements Form A-175
referenced in the Purchase Order.

7.4 Stockist Personnel Competence and Qualification

7.4.1 Personnel performing work affecting material quality shall be competent

on the basis of appropriate education, training, skills and experience.
The Stockist shall determine and provide the necessary resources to
ensure that material complies with the purchase order requirements.

7.4.2 Inspection activities of materials at Stockists approved warehouses

shall be performed by qualified QC personnel as specified in Annex 1
of this procedure.

7.4.3 Stockists shall utilize competent sales and purchasing personnel who
are familiar with International industry codes and Saudi Aramco

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requirements, including HIC-resistant steel requirements detailed in

01-SAMSS-035 and other applicable specifications.

7.5 Material Identification and Traceability

7.5.1 Where appropriate, the Stockist shall identify and track materials as per
its latest quality manual, procedures and shall define the inspection
status against P.O. inspection requirements (SA-175 Forms).

7.5.2 Stockist supplied materials shall have the original manufacturer's

marking (readable and durable) that comply with both Saudi Aramco
and international standards and specifications.

7.5.3 All inspection, testing and technical documents, including material test
certificates, shall be written in English or has an authorized legal
English translation.

7.5.4 Focused traceability assessments may be periodically conducted by

Saudi Aramco vendor’s inspection representative to ensure full
compliance with this procedure. Such assessments may be performed
at any stage over the processes of receiving, storage, testing and

7.5.5 The Stockist is responsible to make sure that material traceability is

objectively effective throughout the work processes and storing period.

7.5.6 As minimum, Stockist shall ensure the following are carried out by
Saudi Aramco approved manufacturer for inspectable materials: All materials shall have the correct Heat Number, hard
stamped or stenciled and legible. Hard stamping may be
excluded if specified in purchase order or applicable Saudi
Aramco Material Systems Specification (SAMSS). For pipes, the Heat Number shall be low stress die
stamped/stenciled or hard stamped at one end. For fittings, the Heat Number shall be hard stamped at one
location except for stainless steel which shall not be hard
stamped. Stainless Steel (SS) fittings shall have the Heat Number low
stress die stamped or stenciled. For small bore fittings, the Heat Number shall be hard
stamped or stenciled on the fitting.

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Next Planned Update: 24 November 2019 Supplying Material from Stockists

7.5.7 Unless otherwise requested by Saudi Aramco, Stockist shall not

perform any modification or fabrication processes such as machining,
coating and markings.

7.5.8 The packing shipment slip shall represent a true manifest of the
contents being shipped. All materials leaving on a particular shipment
shall have the correct Heat Number, hard stamped/ stenciled and
legible, as detailed in 7.5.6, on the component itself. A hard copy of
relevant Material Test Certificates shall be provided along with
packing shipment slip.

7.6 Control of Measuring and Testing Devices

7.6.1 Where measuring devices are used, They shall be calibrated and verified at specified intervals as

per manufacturer recommendations but not greater than three
(3) months. The measurement standard used in the calibration /

verification shall be traceable to international or national
measurement standards.

7.6.2 Records of calibration and verification shall be maintained.

7.6.3 When a Stockist’s measuring device is found to be out of calibration, the

Stockist shall be issued a rejection notice. Remedial and corrective
actions shall address both calibration system and any affected materials.

7.7 Testing Capabilities

7.7.1 Stockist shall have a system for Positive Material Identification (PMI)
or utilize approved 3rd party compliant with SAES-A-206.

7.7.2 Stockist shall perform PMI including alloy verification as per SAEP-347
(Forms 175-030100 and 175-320300) to ensure that supplied material
meets the intended service requirements and to verify technical
parameters in the material certificates provided by the approved

7.7.3 Stockist shall have some testing tools such as tensile testing machine,
Charpy, spectrometer and hardness testing machines or have a current
access agreement with a qualified third party acceptable to Saudi
Aramco to perform the testing mentioned here.

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7.7.4 Stockist shall have some basic nondestructive testing (NDT) capabilities
such as liquid penetrant examination (LPE). Advanced type of NDT can
be outsourced to qualified third party acceptable to Saudi Aramco.

7.7.5 Stockist should have capacity for or current agreement with third parties
for measuring equipment calibration according to ISO 9001:2008

8 Quality Control Requirements

8.1 Inspectable materials purchased and inspected as mandated by 6.3 are subject to
the requirements of Inspection Form 175-030100 in addition to the applicable
inspection requirements mentioned in the purchase order.

8.2 Inspection requirements referenced in 175-030100 are meant for activities

performed at Stockists approved warehouses.

8.3 Materials of different specifications, ratings, grades and sizes shall be

segregated. Each group shall be clearly tagged with the proper material group

8.4 Stockist qualified QC personnel shall proactively perform required in- house
inspection, review and accept all related documents prior to notifying the
buyer’s inspection representative to perform his inspection. Stockist needs to
demonstrate how they control these inspections.

8.5 Inspection records and evidence of materials compliance shall be documented

and presented to Buyer inspector.

8.6 Stockist shall provide the manufacturer's original materials certificates and tests
reports for Buyer inspector(s) review. Stockist shall attain manufacturer’s stamp
on all copies made from original materials certificates and tests reports as
“Certified true copy of original”. This shall be verified and endorsed by the
Buyer inspector(s).

8.7 All “inspectable” stock materials shall be visually inspected by the buyer’s
inspection representative. No partial or sample inspection is allowed.

8.8 For metallic valves, in addition to the above requirements, hydro-testing shall be
done as per the sampling criteria of 04-SAMSS-048 at the presence of the
Stockist and buyer’s inspection representatives.

8.8.1 Hydro-testing shall be carried out by the valve manufacturer or a valve

testing facility acceptable to Saudi Aramco.

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Next Planned Update: 24 November 2019 Supplying Material from Stockists

8.8.2 If a Saudi Aramco representative visit the stockist for a quality

evaluation, the hydrostatic testing device must be verified against the
applicable SAMSS and standards.

8.8.3 If a hydrostatic testing device is not available and hydrostatic testing is

outsourced, the Stockist has to submit all required data and arrange for
in-place verification of the sub-contractor equipment.

Revision Summary
24 November 2014 Major revision as per the Value Engineering conducted.

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Next Planned Update: 24 November 2019 Supplying Material from Stockists

Annex 1 – Stockist QC Inspectors Qualification Minimum Requirements

Quality control personnel employed by Stockist shall meet, as a minimum, the following
qualification and experience requirements. Saudi Aramco shall be the final authority for the
determination of equivalency and adequacy for all qualifications, certifications and experience.
Quality Assurance Manager/Quality Management Representative:
 Shall have demonstrated knowledge and training in the ISO 9000 Series international
standards, or equivalent.
 Shall be able to exercise judgment on the criteria and requirements of the standards.
 Shall have a university degree or equivalent with a minimum of five (5) years of direct
experience in Quality Assurance system activities of which two (2) years must be in
managing quality system.
 Shall have demonstrated knowledge of Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC) resistant
steel materials and requirements.
Quality Control (QC) Inspector: as a minimum,
 Shall be able to read, write and speak English.
 Shall have five (5) years overall inspection experience, including two (2) years of this
inspection experience in the specific commodity and processes to be inspected.
 QC inspectors shall be fully conversant with applicable industry standards, procedures,
and fabrication methods and shall perform a variety of inspection functions with minimal
supervision as required to verify supplier compliance with the purchase order
 Shall be able to read engineering drawings.
 Shall have knowledge and understanding of ISO 9001 quality system requirements and
implementation. He shall demonstrate working knowledge of codes as required by the
purchase order, such as ASME, ANSI, NACE, and API, and testing equipment
including Positive Material Identification test equipment required for the inspection of
mechanical commodities such as pipes, piping, fittings, flanges, valves, and fasteners.
 Shall have demonstrated knowledge of Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC) resistant
steel materials and requirements.
 Where Nondestructive Testing (NDT) forms are part of the QC activities, and inspector is
required to review or ensure NDT programs and results, he shall have been previously
qualified and certified to a minimum ASNT Level II in the relevant method (s).
 When performing, reviewing or ensuring Nondestructive Testing in VT, MT, PT, RT or
UT, he shall be certified in the specific method.

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Annex 2 – Stockists Approval Process

P&SPD Identify the Stockist to be approved and issue

1 application to SR&QU.

SR&QU Stockist applies and submits registration & quality

documents, Stockist Evaluation Questionnaire and
2 a Confirmation of Compliance to SAEP-347.

SR&QU Receive request from Stockist / Supplier


Inspection Screening Review

• Review Stockist compliance with SAEP-347 and
relevant standards of stock items.
• Review Stockist compliance to procurement
requirement sin SAEP-347 for material listed in
SAEP-347 Table-1.
• Review Stockist Evaluation Questionnaire.

Proceed with
Send the Quality
Stockist document back to
Request SR&QU with QA


Inspection Evaluate and notify Stockist for assessment

5 schedule (QMS Survey + Compliance to SAEP-347)

Inspection Complete survey report and notify SR&QU with the

6 evaluation result and findings

Issue Approval/ Disapproval letter to Stockist

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Annex 3 – Stockist Evaluation Questionnaire


Vendor Name: Street address:

Postal code and city: P.O Box:

Country: Telephone:

Fax : Company General E-mail:

Sales Contact person: E-mail:

QA/QC Contact person: E-mail:

Company Web site address: Vendor’s Representatives to participate in survey:


2 2
Covered Area (M ) Un-Covered Area (M )


3.1 Stockist Material and Procurement Information

Pipes: Carbon steel seamless and straight seam Yes No

Pipes: Alloy steels and non-ferrous Yes No
Fittings Yes No
Flanges Yes No
Valves Yes No

3.2 Is your company familiar and in full compliance with SAEP-347?

□ Yes □ No

3.3 Saudi Aramco Approved Manufacturers: Is your company able to procure materials
from Saudi Aramco Approved Manufacturers?

□ Yes □ No

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3.4 How many personnel are in your Procurement Department?

3.5 Who is your Customer?

# Name of customer Country Product Manufacturer



4.1 Can your company communicate in written and spoken English (e.g., e-mail, phone, fax…etc.)?

□ Yes □ No
4.2 Does your company have the resources to manage Stockist Material as per SAEP-347?

□ Yes □ No
Number of Procurement personnel: Number of Sales personnel:
Number of QA/QC personnel: Number of QC Inspectors:
Number of Trained Quality Auditors: Number of Welding Inspectors:
Total Number of qualified NDE personnel: Total Number of Employees:
Name & Job Title of Management Representative:
Name & Job Title of Quality Head:



Quality system elements currently implemented by the vendor and reflected in the vendor’s quality
1 Quality management system
2 Management responsibility
3 Resource management
4 Product realization
5 Measurement, analysis and improvement

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5.2 Does your company possess a valid and current (not expired) ISO 9001 certification from an
accredited ISO certification body?

□ Yes, first obtained in: Expiry date:

□ No

5.3 Does your company have a Quality Assurance Manager?

□ Yes □ No
Qualification Minimum Requirements for QA Manager
Has knowledge and training in the ISO 9000 Series international
standards, or equivalent. □ Yes □ No
Able to exercise judgment against the criteria of the standards □ Yes □ No
Knowledge in HIC-resistant steel requirements □ Yes □ No
Have a university degree or equivalent with a minimum of five (5)
years of direct experience in Quality Assurance system activities
of which two (2) years must be in managing quality system.
□ Yes □ No


6.1 Does your company have Quality Control Inspectors?

□ Yes □ No
Qualification Minimum Requirements for QC Inspectors
High School graduate, or equivalent. He shall be able to read,
write and speak the English Language. □ Yes □ No
Have five (5) years inspection experience in manufacturing
activities, including two (2) years of this inspection experience in
the specific commodity and processes to be inspected.
□ Yes □ No
Fully conversant with applicable industry standards, procedures,
and fabrication methods and shall perform a variety of inspection
functions with minimal supervision as required to verify supplier □ Yes □ No
compliance with the purchase order requirements.

Able to read engineering drawings. □ Yes □ No

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Qualification Minimum Requirements for QC Inspectors

Have knowledge and understanding of ISO 9001 quality system
requirements and implementation. He shall demonstrate working
knowledge of codes as required by the purchase order, such as
ASME, ANSI, NACE, and API, and testing equipment including
□ Yes □ No
PMI equipment.
Have demonstrated knowledge in HIC-resistant steel
requirements. □ Yes □ No
Qualified and certified to a minimum ASNT Level II in the relevant
method (s). (If NDT is part of the QC activities). □ Yes □ No
6.2 Does your company have hydrotesting capabilities for valves? (This is in addition to testing
performed at Manufacturers facilities).

□ Yes □ No

6.3 Does your company have NDT Capabilities?

□ Yes □ No

6.4 Does your company have PMI Equipments?

□ Yes □ No

6.5 List of Sub-Contractors, [Approved Hydro testing Shops, NDT Service Providers…etc.]

List the major Sub-Contractors / Sub-Supplier

Valve Test Shop/ NDT Service Provider Sub-Contracted Work/Service

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Next Planned Update: 24 November 2019 Supplying Material from Stockists

6.6 Can your company facilitate in-process and final inspection visits by Buyer Representative / end
user at your manufacturing facility?

□ Yes, company has experience with such request in the past.

□ Yes, but company has never experienced such request
□ No

6.7 Does your company have Measuring and Testing Devices to perform the QC Work?

□ Yes □ No

6.8 Is your company familiar with the international standards used for the manufacturing of these
materials (i.e., API 5L, API 598, ASTM, etc.).

□ Yes □ No


7.1 Does your company have a Storehouse and a Yard house to store and protect the materials?

□ Yes □ No

7.2 Does your company have an inspection area to inspect the material?

□ Yes □ No

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Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP-347
Issue Date: 24 November 2014
Next Planned Update: 24 November 2019 Supplying Material from Stockists


This survey questionnaire is part of the Saudi Aramco vendor evaluation process.
Please complete this questionnaire, attach copy of the following documents (in the English
Language) with your request and send it to Saudi Aramco. The following documents are
required to be submitted:


2. Copies of ISO certificates and/or any other quality certificate(s) awarded to you

3. Uncontrolled copy of your Quality Assurance Manual

4. List detailing the major users of your supplied materials with order completion dates,
address, and contact name and telephone number. The list must be relevant to the
products you aim to supply to Saudi Aramco.

Your submittal will be reviewed by Saudi Aramco for adequacy. It might be followed by plant
visit to assess implementation and effectiveness of your quality system in accordance with the
identified ISO 9000 standard, and to evaluate the capability of your facility to supply materials
that meet Saudi Aramco applicable specifications.
All information provided is considered confidential.

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