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Petroleum Reservoirs and Reservoir Engineering: Research

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Petroleum Reservoirs and Reservoir Engineering

Research · May 2015

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3197.7127


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1 author:

Luis Loera
Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo


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Petroleum Reservoirs and Reservoir Engineering
Luis Loera Barona (9504829)
MSc Petroleum Geoscience for Reservoir Development and Production
University of Manchester
Manchester, U.K.

This article aims to provide brief insight into reservoir engineering. The definition of petroleum
reservoirs, with a classification and their characteristics are contained within. Also, the definition,
objectives and main tasks of reservoir engineering is commented. Finally, the main production
stages from petroleum reservoirs are briefly reviewed. An effort has been made on giving a special
focus on the importance of the understanding of the reservoirs to optimize the oil and gas

Hydrocarbons are mixtures of organic
compounds that can exist in different phases,
according to the pressure and temperature
conditions at what they are found. As fluids,
they can exist as liquid and gas. When
hydrocarbons are produced from a reservoir
and transported to the surface, they
experience changes in their pressure and
temperature conditions affecting their flowing
characteristics and their composition.
Figure 1. Initial fluids distribution in an oil
Understanding of this is necessary for reservoir (Tarek, 2000).
predicting how fluids would behave at any
position and conditions of the production The five basic elements necessary to generate
system facilities. and store hydrocarbons are: Source rock,
migration pathway, reservoir rock, trap and
Petroleum reservoirs seal. Listed elements, and the appropriate
A reservoir is defined as is “the portion of a timing for their generation and occurrence are
geological trap which contains oil and/or gas known as petroleum system (Schlumberger,
as a single hydraulically connected system” 2015).
(Craft, 1991). Due to their petrophysical
Some reservoirs are connected to enormous
characteristics, oil and gas accumulation
volumes of water-saturated rocks, known as
occurs mainly in sedimentary rocks as
aquifers (Figure 2). Sometimes, more than
limestone, dolomite, and sandstone, where
one reservoir is connected to the same
fluids are stored and distributed according to
aquifer and pressure decline in one of the
their densities (Figure 1) (Craft, 1991).
reservoirs might affect the rest (Craft, 1991).
Also, when the portion of rock delimited by
the trap is saturated with oil and/or gas, the a reservoir in such a manner as to obtain a
trap and the reservoir are the same (Craft, high economic recovery” (Moore, 1955).
1991), as occurs with shale gas reservoirs.
The main task of reservoir engineering is the
optimization of the oil and gas extraction
process (Essley, 1965). To do this, it is
necessary to analyse/interpret information
generated from useful subsurface
measurements, whose objective is the study
and characterization of the behaviour of the
reservoir. This is accomplished by models,
which generate reliable and useful
information to evaluate and determine the
best exploitation strategy.

Reservoir engineering is also necessary to

Figure 2. Reservoir with artesian water drive prevent useless work and expenses (incorrect
(Clark, 1969) location or number of wells), initiate control
operations, determine whether artificial lift
would be necessary, or if secondary recovery
When pressure and temperature conditions
or EOR will be required and the best time to
within the reservoir are such that
implement, always considering the reservoir
hydrocarbons exist only as liquid, the
characteristics and the economic factors
reservoir is said to be under-saturated and all
(Essley, 1965).
the gas is dissolved in the oil. On the other
side, if a volume of free gas saturates a Technological advancement has driven the
portion of the rock, this is known as a development of reservoir engineering. More
saturated oil reservoir (Craft, 1991). The free powerful tools for the engineer are generated
gas zone is defined as gas cap, whereas the with computers of higher speed and greater
interval with liquid hydrocarbons as the oil capacity. This tools and resources are used by
zone. the reservoir engineer in their task of
optimizing the oil and gas extraction
Other reservoirs have, at initial conditions,
only a gas phase. This gas may still have
components that become liquid when Within the most representative reservoir
pressure and temperature change (Craft, engineer tasks are the determination of the
1991). This is the case of wet gas and gas and STOIIP, the study of the properties of the rock
condensate reservoirs. Dry gas reservoirs exist and its relationship with the fluids it contains,
in only one phase during all the production the study and analysis of the changes in the
process (McCain, 1993). physical properties that fluids in the reservoir
experience with pressure and temperature
Reservoir engineering
changes, the prediction of the behaviour of
Reservoir engineering is defined as “the
reservoirs in primary phases of production,
application of scientific principles to the
determine the pressure variations with time,
drainage problems arising during the
perform EOR studies and collaborate with
development and production of oil and gas
work teams towards common objectives
reservoirs” (Craft, 1991); or “the art of
related to optimization.
developing and producing oil and/or gas from
Production from petroleum primary production phase finalizes, having
reservoirs multiple recovery mechanisms
Primary production is the initial production simultaneously, under reservoir management.
phase of hydrocarbons, driven by the natural This is known as Advanced Recovery (Craft,
energy of the reservoir and defined by its 1991; Tarek, 2000).
initial pressure. Under primary production,
fluids flow to the wells due to the expansion
Reservoir engineering has a major role in the
of the fluids and the rock, displacement by
oil industry. Technological advancements are
water, gravitational segregation and capillary
closely linked to the development of this
expulsion (Craft, 1991). Figure 2 shows an
discipline and its scope influences directly the
example of a reservoir with a combination of
efficiency and optimization of all the reservoir
these drive mechanisms.
development stages and processes, and hence
has a significant impact in the profitability of
any project.

Topics contained in this article have been very

briefly presented and deeper approach is
recommended for all of them.

Craft, B. C. y Hawkins, M. F., 1991,
“Introduction to Reservoir Engineering”,
Applied Reservoir Engineering, p. 2-5.

Schlumberger, “Petroleum system”, Available

rms/p/petroleum_system.aspx; (Accessed:
29th April 2015).
Figure 2. Combination drive reservoir (Clark,
1969). Clark, N. J., 1969, “Elements of Petroleum
The mechanism of displacement by fluids can Reservoirs”, Monograph (SPE of AIME): Henry
be reproduced artificially by strategically L. Doherty series.
injecting water or gas in wells, and this
McCain, W., 1993, “Component of Naturally
method can be combined with natural
Occurring Petroleum Fluids”. The Properties of
mechanisms as gravitational segregation
Petroleum Fluids, p. 1-45.
and/or capillary expulsion, increasing
recovery. This method is known as secondary Moore, T. V., 1955, “Reservoir Engineering
recovery (Craft, 1991). Begins Second 25 Years”, Oil and Gas Journal
54, No. 29, p. 148.
When secondary recovery has low recovery
potential, other processes have been Tarek, A., 2000, “Oil Recovery Mechanisms
developed and are known as Enhanced Oil and the Material Balance Equation”, Reservoir
Recovery (EOR) methods (Craft, 1991). Engineering Handbook, p.725-731

From reservoir engineering it is possible to Essley P. L., 1965, “What is Reservoir

determine if secondary recovery or EOR Engineering?” SPE 920, Journal of Petroleum
operations must be implemented before the Technology.

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